Adaptation period in kindergarten. Adaptation period in kindergarten adaptation period in kindergarten

Parents often complain that after the first weeks of a kindergarten visit, their kids are very changing, made aggressive and unmanaged. How to help your child adapt to kindergarten, a new stage in his life?

If the child is difficult to cope in the evening after the kindergarten, then the main reason for this behavior is fatigue. Previously, the environment of the kid was limited by family members and friends in the sandbox, and now he has to spend a whole day in a big and noisy company. Deadness from Mom and the presence around large number Other people are basic voltage sources for crumbs. In addition, at home, he lives in one rules, and in the kindergarten they are more or less different from home. And every day he has to switch to your style of communication, then on the style of communication of educators. Of course, thoughtful parents You need to soften the traumatic situation that the child is experiencing, and help him adapt, remove the tension after staying in children's garden.

Emotional aspect

Adaptation is the adaptation of the body to a new environment, and for a child kindergarten It is undoubtedly a new, still unknown space, with a new environment and new relationships. Adaptation includes a wide range of individual reactions, the character of which depends on the psycho-physiological and personal characteristics of the child, from the prevailing family relationships, from the conditions of stay in the preschool institution. Those., As you already understood, every child gets used to in its own way. However, some patterns that would like to tell parents can be noted.

First, it is necessary to remember that up to 2-3 years old, the child does not experience the needs of communicating with peers, it has not yet formed. At this age, the adult acts for a child as a game partner, a sample to follow and satisfies the child's need for friendly attention and cooperation. The peers cannot be given, because they themselves need the same.

Therefore, a normal child cannot quickly adapt to the nursery, because it is strongly tied to the mother (we have already spoken more about the attachment earlier), and its disappearance causes a rapid protest of the child, especially if it is impressionable and emotionally sensitive.

Children 2-3 years experience fears to unfamiliar people and new communication situations, which is just manifested in the total in the nursery. These fears are one of the reasons for the difficult adaptation of the child to the nursery. Often, the fear of new people and situations in the nursery leads to the fact that the child becomes more excited, wounded, happily, by flexible, it is more often sick, since stress depletes the protective forces of the body.

By the way, the boys are 3-5 years old are more vulnerable in terms of adaptation than girls, because during this period they are more attached to the mother and more painfully react to separation from it.

For emotionally undeveloped children, adaptation on the contrary happens easily - they have no formed attachment to the mother. Psychologists point to the next paradox: the earlier the child will be given to the pre-school institution (for example, up to 1 year), the more he will be a collectivist configure in the future. Primary emotional contact Such a child will install not with her mother, but with peers that not the best way will affect the development of it emotional sphere - In the future, such a child may not experience a deep sense of love, attachment, compassion.

Thus, the more developed emotional connection with the mother, the harder will be adaptation. Unfortunately, the problems of adaptation can overcome not all children, which can lead to neurosis development in a child.

If adaptation to the nursery or kindergarten did not occur within 1 year or more, then this is a signal to parents, that with the child is not all right and you need to contact a specialist. According to psychologists' observations, the average period of adaptation in the norm is: in the nursery - 7-10 days, in kindergarten in 3 years - 2-3 weeks, in the senior preschool age - 1 month. Of course, each child reacts in different ways to a new situation, however, there are general features.

Always are not easy to get used to the kindergarten or nursery in the family, the only children in the family, especially excessively taped dependent on the mother, accustomed to exceptional attention, unsure of themselves.

Worse than others feel children with phlegmatic temperament in preschool institutions. They do not have time for the tempo of the life of a kindergarten: they can not get enough sleep quickly, get together for a walk, eat. And if the educator does not understand the problems of such a child, it begins to reveal it even more, while the emotional stress acts in such a way that the child will slow down even more, it becomes even more sluggish, indifferent.

If you notice that your child has problems with adaptation, then try to talk to the educator. Your child needs constant attention and support from its part, since other children are inclined to tease and offend more weak and dependent. At the same time, of course, excessive demanding and the principalness of the caregiver will be a serious brake.

Complicating factor in adaptation will be conflicts in the family, the unworthy of parents. Children involuntarily assimilate the negative features of parents' behavior, which complicates their relationship with peers. They behave insecure and indecisively, worries a lot, doubt, so they cannot be accepted in the group. What can be recommended here?

If the child suffers from a nervous violation, then he needs to give it to kindergarten, not earlier than 3 years old - a girl and 3,5 years old - a boy.

Adaptation to kindergarten: mode

Often, the difficulty of adapting to kindergarten is caused by the fact that the child cannot get used to the new regime. The mode in the life of the child is extremely important, and a sharp change of it is, of course, additional stress. Learn the mode of your kindergarten and start gradually entering it at home, adapt a child to him. Well, if you did it for a month and a half before the baby will first be in the garden for the first time. The child will be only better from it, because all kindergartens function in one mode recommended by pediatricians and children's neurologists.

Child adaptation to kindergarten: it's time to sleep

Take care that the child huses well at night. Long inappropriate is often the cause of neurotic states characterized by the federation, weakening of attention, memory. In these cases, children become excited or, on the contrary, sluggish. Neurotic conditions may be accompanied by a decrease in appetite and organism resistance to diseases. For the baby, it is extremely important to sleep at least 10 hours at night and 2-2.5 hours - during the day. At the same time, the maximum duration of continuous wake should not exceed 6 hours.

Adaptation of the child to the kindergarten: Good morning, kid!

Morning awakening from sleep is also an important moment. Of course, the very best is an independent awakening, but this is not always at 7.30 am. If the child is, especially in the phase of deep sleep, then the baby wakes up not immediately, it's hard, it cannot be engaged in daylight, capricious, it is sluggish and passive. Wake up the baby for 10 minutes early, let him go a little in bed to the full awakening.

Dress up

Wear only that clothes in the garden in which the child can feel relaxed and freely, which will be able to remove on its own easily and wear. It should not be new and expensive. Neither the child nor the tutor should be concerned that the thing will face or get dirty - it creates additional emotional tension. The time held by the child in the group in the first weeks should be increased very gradually, perhaps first to top it should be left only before lunch. Increase the time you can only with a good emotional state of the child.

Adaptation of the child to kindergarten: you're already big!

Try to wash your baby, dressed, fell asleep and gently ate behind a common table, using a fork and a spoon, drank from a cup. Travelers, how much time he leaves to eat lunch, - usually 30 minutes away in the garden. It is also important that the child can do without assistance In the toilet and report adults about such a need.

The better these skills are developed in a child, the smaller emotional and physical discomfort he is experiencing, being away from Mom in an unfamiliar team.

Maximum attention

No matter how nor the baby is prepared for the kindergarten, at first it will be difficult for him. During this period, it is necessary to take the most carefully to the kid. Pay special attention to the organization of a full-fledged child's rest. Do not led him to visit, it's late to return home, to take friends. The kid during this period is overloaded with the impressions, you should spare his nervous system.

Upon returning home from the kindergarten, it often happens that the child falls asleep before usual, but it does not wake up early. So, he needs to rest more to restore forces. If you just follow this situation, try the next day to pick up the baby early and bring it home, immediately wash it out and feed. Perhaps it is still difficult for him to sleep in the kindergarten, in a new room, with other children. If the child fails to sleep in a quiet hour, then it is normal that it fills the lack of sleep in the evening. Ask the teacher, whether your child sleeps in kindergarten and how much.

Child adaptation to kindergarten: no extra load

Set aside all innovations. Now is not the right moment to change the nanny, make repair in the apartment or arrange a crumb into a new circle. In kindergarten, the child consumes a lot of energy as emotional and physical. He has enough new impressions. It is usually overloaded with new information and tired in the evening. The task of parents is to create a relaxed atmosphere at home. After returning home, the baby dines and is engaged in quiet games: he needs to calm down, and perhaps even to be alone with himself.

The child does not see parents all day. When he comes home, he needs from mom with dad what he does not get in kindergarten: participation, positive attention of adults and the opportunity to speak. Therefore, bringing a crumb to home, do not strive to immediately do homework. Stay with him together, play or read together. Children are different. For one, there will be enough music and fairy tales in the kindergarten, and he prefer to run around the yard before bedtime. Another, on the contrary, clogged in the day and gladly listens to an interesting story.

Do not hurry home after the kindergarten, stop the path on the playground or just catch, accompanying a walk of a cheerful conversation. This will help rebuild from a children's garden at home. Discuss the past day with the baby, listened patiently, answer all questions and be sure to support if the slightest trouble happened.

Do not frighten the garden

If the crumb is excited and unmanaged, do not try to admire it with phrases of the type: "If you do not calm down, you will donate you back to the kindergarten!" Do not form an image of a kindergarten as a place to be punished.

Preparedness of parents

The most important thing is a positive attitude to kindergarten if you believe that kindergarten is the best place on earth for your child, your child will also be considered, let the internal sensation level. If you don't think so, do it in autotraining - take the leaves and write in response to the question "Why do I need kindergarten?" All positive what you know about this (for example, "my child will expand the circle of communication, and this is very useful for its development" - yes, even a negative experience is useful, since the child develops only overcoming obstacles, as, however, And any person, or "I can quietly go to the store, without giving way to a teaching baby from bright boxes", etc.

More often, walk with the child on the playground, do not hurt to interfere in any conflict, give the child the opportunity to learn from finding a way out of the situation, and the opportunity to stead the child "That's what a well done, as deftly took his toy, then it can stand for his property."

At least once a week, change the place for walking with the child - it may be a neighbor courtyard (and how many around them?), Park, Zoo, city center, just drive 2 bus stop, and back to return on foot or vice versa, etc.

Go with a child to visit and invite guests to yourself, preferably with children of different ages - Teach a child to communicate, play together, give to play your toys, ask for others, etc. - Show how to do it.

Play with a child at home in kindergarten, ranging from domestic processes (feeding, dressing, sleep), to games and classes. The role of the child can be performed by the child or some toy. "This is how Sasha neatly eats, like guys in kindergarten", "All the guys went to sleep in their cribs and the Tanya will also sleep in her bed."

If you are determined with the choice preschool institution, start to master its territory, come to the morning and evening walks (which will also help you and baby get used to the kindergarten regime), get acquainted with the educators, play with the children, remember their names to then remind them of the child. Visit the Children's Garden Psychologist, consult with medical sister or doctor, i.e. You will receive as much as possible information about the place where your child will spend most of the time. The most important thing is your trust and faith that everything will be fine.

Your child came to kindergarten

Be sure to follow the adaptation schedule, i.e. The shortest stay of the child in kindergarten, starting from 2 hours. With the schedule you will introduce medical worker or psychologist kindergarten. Give the child to gradually get used to new conditions, to new people, to the new rules, to the absence of mom.

You can give a child with you toy or book, the word "piece" at home.

Communicate with the educator daily, but not in order to question, who pushed, and who took over the toy, and in order to figure out how to adjust their relationship with the child at home so that it is easier and faster to get used to new living conditions. Let the tutor become your assistant in the education of the child.

Support the child during the adaptation period, pay less attention to his whims, give him his warmth and love. Try not to change anything in the life of a child during this period (do not stand out from the nipple, the chest is better to do in advance, do not go to visit for a long time, do not invite people's unfamiliar to themselves, etc.). Take care of the child's nervous system! But the most important condition for successful adaptation is not so much a child, how much the whole family is the willingness of the parents to the fact that the child will go In kindergarten (state or private), or somehow change the conditions for his life, for example, a nanny will sit with it, or for a long time the child will move towards her grandmother, etc.

Be patient, show understanding and insight. And very soon a kindergarten will turn into a kid in a cozy, well-known and familiar world!

After the parents gathered a child in a kindergarten (made the necessary vaccinations, issued a medical card and bought slippers for the group), the most difficult moment comes. The adaptation of the child to the kindergarten can pass almost imperceptibly, and it can become a difficult and exhausting period for the baby and his mom with dad. How to make the child easily joined the team and become happy to attend an institution? There are several ways to help parents smooth the period of addiction to the baby to the garden, teach it to enjoy visiting the children's team.

The question of psychological adaptation of the child in the kindergarten is even more important than shopping and cooking

Physical and psychological components

A child who is just begins to attend a children's team, is experiencing stress. He needs to get used to the sharply changed external circumstances. This is a team of children, a new room, mode and rules. In addition, he needs to rise early and part with his mother every day. Baby need some time to get used to new circumstances and adapt to them nervous and other organism systems.

Conditionally addictive child to the children's team is divided into two components - physical and psychological. Physical includes addictive to:

  • new day regime;
  • other food;
  • constant contact with peers;
  • walking in a new place.

The psychological component includes the need to obey the educator, parting with mom, new requirements. In addition, the child gets less attention from adults, it appears minimal independence - some decisions have to be taken to himself.

How easy the baby adapt to the kindergarten and how much time will take a period of addiction? It depends on many factors, to a greater extent - on the nature and mental maturity of crumbs. There are three types of adaptation - light, medium and heavy.

If the child is open and cheerful, it is easy to contact with others - its adaptation will be easy enough

Easy adaptation

It is characteristic of healthy children with high psychological stability. They feel in "their plate" in a month, or even before. The whole period of adaptation is the health of the kid in order, it does not demonstrate changes in behavior. You can select several signs characteristic of easy addiction:

  • the baby remains in the garden without tears and quietly says goodbye to the mother until the evening;
  • without fears entering the group;
  • in the evening talks about the events of his day;
  • easily communicates with the educator, not afraid of him;
  • communicates with children;
  • playing toys that are in the group;
  • does not demonstrate mood drops.

Average adaptation

For children who get used to the kindergarten, in this period are characteristic frequent diseases. In this case, emotionally they are relatively stable. From the side it seems that the baby does not feel difficulties in communication, but he is sick regularly. Such a trouble is due to the fact that viruses and bacteria from other children constantly fall into the body's body. For permanent members of the team, these bacteria are not hazardous, because the kids have already developed immunity to them. According to pediatricians, the adaptation of medium gravity has a length of one or two months. Its characteristic signs of crumbs:

  • it is not easy to say goodbye to her mother, crying for a while after her care;
  • quickly switches on an interesting toy, especially if the educator tries to distract the baby;
  • great plays with peers after a short outrage;
  • does not always want to communicate with the educator;
  • tries to follow the regime and quietly refers to comments;
  • it can sometimes become a violator of the rules, but to a greater extent it comes to a compromise.

If the baby is difficult to part with mom, you can talk about middle degree Adaptation

Heavy type of adaptation

These children are hardly getting used to the kindergarten, they are most difficult for them to feel "their" in any children's team. As a rule, such kids not only often sick the entire period of adaptation, but also are in the depressed emotional state. Without adults, these children may not adapt at all to new conditions. Often they need consultations of children's psychologist and neurologist. Signs of severe adaptation:

  • the baby does not want to communicate with peers at all, does not respond to the educator;
  • refuses to enter the group, crying and not distracted by interesting games or classes;
  • all day, he is waiting for her mother, talking about her, constantly runs away into the locker room, because it is afraid to miss the parents;
  • does not want to play, does not take toys, closed and aggressive;
  • if the teacher makes a remark or praise the child, he is frightened, hiding, crying.

Adaptation through Diseases: Medical Aspect

Pediatricians note that those children for whom a light type of adaptation is characterized can demonstrate a slight decrease in appetite. At the same time, they will eat their usual portion for the tenth day of the garden visits. Emotional background, activity, sociability and speech apparatus come back to normal within 2-3 weeks of visiting the institution. Usually such children are almost not ill during the adaptation period.

Children who are more complicated to adapt to new conditions are slower to normal. Sleep and appetite in a child, which falls into the category of children of medium-and-agery adaptation, is restored only after the month. Experts note a decrease in the activity of the baby, the deterioration of speech, which are particularly noticeable at the beginning of the disease.

Stress associated with entering the kindergarten may cause bad appetite

A severe type of addiction is a change in physiological indicators, which precedes frequent diseases. Dr. Komarovsky advises immediately prepare for the fact that the kid first will hurt regularly. After recovery, such a child can get sick again, the cycle will be repeated for six months and year. Then the baby will become stronger, its immunity will adapt to complex conditions and the disease will stop overcome the preschooler. In addition, there is a change in the behavior of crumbs and its emotional attitude.

Age is important

The child's age in which he begins to attend kindergarten matters. The smallest kids from two to three years are more difficult to contact peers, they are more aimed at communicating with the educator. At this age it is very desirable that in the group good teacherwho can arrange a baby to himself. To facilitate addiction to a new surrounding, it is necessary to:

  • the child knew how to use a spoon, drink from the cup;
  • ask for a pot (we recommend reading :) (let with "accidents" - they are inevitable);
  • he had a desire to go to the garden.

If the baby goes to a children's institution aged 4-5 years, it is worth remembering that in this age gap it is more important to communicate with peers. Successful adaptation depends on the abilities of the preschooler:

  • organize games with peers;
  • listen to adults, react to comments correctly;
  • avoid conflicts, ideally, to compromise.

The recommendations of specialists are unambiguous: you need to try to prepare a baby in advance to a new status, explain to him that kindergarten is a milestone on the way of his mature. At this time, you need to talk more often with my daughter or son, remind him that his houses love. It is also important not to avoid physical contact - hugging the baby, read it before bedtime. In the evening, try to talk daily with Croha daily, asking about how the day was that an interesting or unusual happened to him.

3 stages of addiction to the garden

The child's addiction to the kindergarten psychologists were conditionally divided into three periods: acute, moderately acute and compensated. All these levels are inevitable, to jump over the "Stage" will not work.

The sharp phase is the very first, it is most noticeable. The duration of this phase is 2-3 weeks, but can reach 2 months. It is characterized by the maximum degree of voltage - all systems and organs work in full strengthThe nervous system of a small person is in constant excitation. Usually, the baby in this period of time is placing, nervous, often capricious.

There is a decrease in appetite, troubled sleep, manifestation of aggression in communicating with relatives. If during the sharp stage medical examination Child, other changes will be noticeable. The heart rate may increase or decrease, the blood pressure testimony will be changed, respiratory rate, blood formula. Many new microorganisms will be discovered on the mucous child.

Next, the sharp stage smoothly flows into moderately acute. Does the physicians also call the phase of an unstable device. That is, the baby is already beginning to gradually adapt to new conditions, but there is still early stability about stability. All its systems calm down and begin to work well. The first thing that homemade can notice is to improve the appetite, which comes to normal within two weeks. A little later will be calmerly sleep, the anxious state will go, the emotional background is normalized. If the child during the sharp stage began to say worse, skip letters, swallow words, in this phase it returns to his comfortable condition and after a couple of months he restores the spoken skill.

When the medium-old phase passes, the following is compensated, it is final. In the compensated period, the child is completely returning to its original state. All physiological and mental reactions of its body are restored, the baby becomes calm, balanced and acquires new skills.

While the baby becomes accustomed to the kindergarten, mom and dad must fully support their child. The addictive lasts at least one or two months, during this time it is important not to aggravate the child's condition, and make it easier to facilitate stress. For the baby, parents are the main support, they must support it, to do everything that in their power so that the child fastened himself comfortably in the team. How to adapt a child to kindergarten, what can parents do for this?

Prepare in advance

  • Cooking your son or daughter to visit the children's institution should be in advance. First you need to talk to him / with her, tell what kind of kindergarten is what you can do how to play. Be sure to warn the baby that you need to adhere to the regime.
  • Sometimes leave a child with a grandmother, nanny or someone from relatives. Let him get used to the fact that mom and dad can leave, this situation is quite ordinary.
  • Create houses Conditions close to the regime of the children's institution. Let the kid rises from the bed at such a time in which he will have to wake up in the future. You can learn the routine of the day in the garden and try to adapt to its mode. Commitable breakfast, day sleep and walk. It is important that the kroch fit into bed no later than 21.00 - so it will be easier for him to wake up early. This can significantly reduce the levels of physical and emotional loads of the most acute adaptation period, even reduce its two times.

Day sleep on the weekend is a prerequisite for successful adaptation. Gradually, the child returns to a normal state, begins to eat well and calmly fall asleep
  • A great way to customize the baby on the right wave is to acquaint him with the educator. If you manage to talk in advance with the teacher, the child will perceive the teacher as an adult already familiar. Then the new situation will become a bit more comfortable.

In the process of visiting the garden

  • Try to develop the skills of communication and joint play with peers. To do this, it is more common to bring the baby to the playground, inviting home neighboring children.
  • Exercise performed simple rules - Teach to keep a spoon, drink from the cup, dress yourself. It is also important that the kid can use the pot, otherwise in the group it will regularly walk in wet underwear. Educators do not always have time to change the child in time.
  • Teach son or daughter positive thinking, Share that kindergarten likes many children. You can play at home by taking on the role of the educator. Let the youngest family member participate in the game - so he will learn to follow the rules.
  • You can resolve the baby to take a toy with him. This method has a double meaning: a familiar thing will remind of home, and will also help to establish relationships with peers, which will certainly want to play with a new typewriter or doll.
  • Try to instill son or daughter calm and confidence with your own behavior. Psychologists have long proved that the baby adapts the mood of the mother, feeling the slightest emotional oscillations. Let Kroch feel that parents know: the kindergarten is a good place for him, here it will certainly like it.

Favorite toy in the garden soothes the baby, makes him more confident

First day in the children's team

The first day is extremely important. It is he who will be the first step in the difficult way to adapt to the garden. It is very important to build their actions correctly and raise the level of positive attitude for the entire period of visits to the kindergarten:

  • It should be understood that the first 4-5 days the baby is better not to leave in the group until the evening. It is enough will be half a day. During this time, the child will look at, get the first impressions and get acquainted with other children. Pick up his home better in front of day sleep. Some experts advise to bring the baby only for a walk in order to maximize the impact on the negative factors. And only a few days later try to leave it in the group.
  • It is advisable to talk with the educator, ask him to be tactical with a newcomer, tell about what kind of baby likes, and what is not. It also makes sense to prompt the teacher, what words it is better to encourage a child how to pacify it in case of too active games.
  • It is important that the baby is completely healthy. The first day is saturated with impressions, and poor well-being will be laid with an additional cargo on the nervous system.
  • It is worth supporting the baby in his first "working" day - to distract, spend time with him for a conversation or a calm game. You can watch video: good cartoons or feature film. To reduce the load on the nervous system, you should refuse trips to visit, circus or other place where the child will get a lot of impressions.
  • A good incentive to visit the kindergarten will be a new toy. You can buy a doll or a soft bear, whom he will choose himself. Then explain to him that this toy will go to the garden with him so that he was more fun there. In the evening you can ask the child, as his toy friend, what he did, there was no sad.

The first five days in kindergarten

The first day is very important for the child, but the first week is most accurate and complex. During this period, the child can be particularly excited - to arrange hysterics for any occasion, caprious, not obey. Sometimes the parents are lowered hands and a desire appears to strictly punish the baby. Immediately let's say - it is better not to punish the child, but to talk to him and try to survive a difficult time together.

In the first week, the child is in the acute phase of getting used to the garden. In addition, sometimes the baby in the new team restrains itself, keeps emotions under the lock. But at home, in the habitual setting, splashes all the accumulated during the time spent in the garden. During this period of time, it is necessary to increase the level of benevolence.

Scolding the baby in the first days of stay in the kindergarten is not necessary - it is better to frankly talk to him

How to help?

  • If Mom has a suspicion that crumbling is uncomfortable in the group, you can try to find out the reason. Psychologists recommend playing with her son or daughter in the game called "Kindergarten". Let his favorite toy go to the garden, and Mom will become an educator. In the process of dialogue, you can find out what the baby is disturbing. Maybe someone from the children offends him? Or the teacher punishes without a reason? Using such a distribution of roles, you can adjust the behavior of a child, to invest in it ways to solve problems.
  • In the morning, reducing the baby to the group, you need to try to make it so that he himself let go of Mom. At the same time, the moment of separation should not be tightened so as not to cause extra emotions. The main thing is to give the baby with clear information about when it is taken home, then fulfill the promise strictly. The next time he will be sure that his mother will come early, if he asks her about it.
  • Weekends should be as close as possible to repeat the mode of the day in kindergarten.
  • It is important to wear a child correctly. If the group is not cold, it is enough to wear sports pants and a T-shirt. If this is a period of offseason, and heating does not work, you can wear something with a long sleeve, as well as add a vest.
  • It happens that the Son is so tied to the mother, that with difficulty letters it from herself. In this case, you can go to a small trick - let the son take to the group or grandmother in the group.
  • Do not take a break in the garden visits without a good reason. So it is possible to minimize all the efforts of the child and parents, as well as show the baby that it is possible to go to the garden.
  • If Chado cry, does not want to let go of mom, you need to cheer it up, promise to play with him at home. You can not scold for tears, although the whims should not be encouraged.

On the weekend it is better to make a day of the day so that it coincides with the Sadikovsky gesture

Memo for parents: 5 Errors to avoid

We told how to behave properly with the baby so that his addiction to the kindergarten was going smoothly and painlessly. However, some parents are still inclined to make mistakes - this memo for them. In it we will dwell on the most common misconceptions and give advice, how to avoid them:

  1. It is impossible to compare the child with his friends or classmates, leading to the example of their behavior or action. This rule is always valid, but at the time of adaptation it is especially important. It is better to remind the baby from time to time that he is good that they love him at home.
  2. Do not deceive the crumb, hoping that he will forget the promise. He will remember that Mom promised to return to him in half an hour, and took him home dad only in the evening. The kid will feel that he was betrayed and will especially experience deception.
  3. In no case can not punish the baby, threatening him with a garden. This path is deadlock, he will teach the child even no longer to love the garden.
  4. Sometimes parents promise that they will buy a toy or candy for a visit to the garden. It is also wrong, as the child will serve the period, thinking only about the hotel. In addition, over time, it will turn into the system, mother with dad will have to pamper the baby daily.
  5. All mothers know that you should not get into the garden of the sick child. Sometimes a small runny nose does not interfere with the baby well feel in the company of peers, especially if mom cannot take sick leave. However, during the adaptation of such a situation, it is better to avoid physical indisposition to avoid the emotional depression of crumbs.

Survive the period of adaptation to kindergarten is not easy, but quite possible. Parents should not give up hands, and act weigly and judiciously. The main task is to inspire the child that my mother and dad love him and always support. Do not forget to resemble the baby about it, then he will grow by a self-sufficient person, will always be easy to find friends and can easily build his own family.

Does your baby go to the kindergarten? If so, you will probably want the child as calmly as calmly changed in his life, laid with educators and other children and went to the garden with joy and without whims.
But often parents behave not entirely and unwittingly interfere with the baby adapt to the kindergarten. As it happens and how to avoid the most common mistakes, Children's and Family Psychologist Ekaterina Kes.

For many years of my psychological practice, each autumn is addressed to me by parents whose children are hard. In this article, I want to tell you about the most common mistakes that parents allow, giving a child to a kindergarten. Because of these mistakes, the baby, as a rule, is formed a negative attitude towards the kindergarten, fears and anxiety, and adaptation is delayed for long months. It is important to know about these errors to not make and not harm your baby.

Error number 1 - "Mom's disappearance"

When mom comes with a child in kindergarten for the first time, the baby is often relaxed and interested in what he sees. The fact is that he has not yet had the experience of staying in the garden without mom. That is why children often remain the first day in the kindergarten pretty cheerful, and on the second and third day they already go with resistance. As we know, the attention of a small child is easily attracted by something new and interesting. Therefore, the baby boldly moves away from Mom and is fond of new toys and children in the group. Most likely, he was already heard from Mom more than once that his mother would leave him in the group, but in his view, while Mom is waiting for him in the corridor. Or maybe he forgot that mom is going to leave.

And here is the following. Mom is very glad that the child was carried away by the game, and Tikhonechko, to "not scare", runs away, without saying goodbye to the child and without informing him that he had. Now imagine what feels small child, whose mom suddenly disappeared incomprehensible where, not saying goodbye, and it is not known when she comes and will come at all. It's like gaining a huge supermarket for a child. And even if the 10 of the most kind of good people will calm the baby and offer him sweets and toys, he will be terribly frightened, covered by fear and anxiety. Even if you told the child many times that in the kindergarten he will be alone, without mom, never leave imperceptibly.

The child has a feeling that now Mom can suddenly disappear at any time of his life, without warning and not saying goodbye to him, that is, he can be a mother simply lose. And he literally "flies" to her and psychologically and physically for many months, afraid to miss her out of sight. In many cases, the garden simply have to postpone at least six months, because the child falls into hysterics at the slightest mention of the kindergarten, not to mention that there is there to go there.

Error number 2 - "Long stay"

Some parents believe that the child is better to immediately leave for half a day or a whole day so that he is increasingly gained to children and the educator. This is a mistake. Visiting the kindergarten needs to begin gradually. There are different ways to visit, which psychologists are recommended. The overall idea is: first coming and walking on the same playground, on which the group walks, then bring the child to the group for 30 minutes - 1 hour during free game activity and wait for a child in the corridor and then pick up. Gradually, the child gets used to children, and to the educator, and to the surrounding setting. Then you can leave it one for 1-2 hours, then in the morning and before lunch, then with dinner, then pick up after the walk. After some time, leave for lunch and pick up, then - leave on day dream and pick up. Then leave for a whole day. No clear recommendations, how much time each stage should last. It is necessary to watch the child's well-being and its mother intuition.

Error number 3 - "Wrong Day Mode"

Many parents do not think about how much the day of the child's day today corresponds to the time of the day, which will need to be adhere to when the kindergarten becomes. The child who got used to go to bed after 22.00, extremely difficult to wake up at 7 am. And in the kindergarten, as a rule, you need to get up very early. Remember how your baby feels when he did not sleep? He rubs his eyes, capricious, he does not understand what he wants, becomes fading. Children, whom parents did not translate in advance to the kindergarten of the day, immediately visible in the group in the morning in the first days. They are clutching sleepy eyes, they are crying and irritable, painfully perceive everything that happens around.

The way the child feels in the first days in kindergarten, imposes a print on all his subsequent attitude towards this place. Remember the statement: you will never have a second chance to make the first impression. " This fully applies to the kindergarten. That the first child's experience in kindergarten was painted positive paints, do not be lazy to translate your baby in advance right mode. Then he can wake up easily and go to the group in a good mood!

Error number 4 - "Fast fees"

This error is partly echoing with the previous one. Since parents are a pity to wake the baby and want him to sleep as long as possible, it will be practically "backward" by the time when it is already necessary to go to the garden. As a result, the fees are nervous, hasty, Mom has no time to give the baby attention and tenderness that he needed, especially when he is still in bed. The child only hears: "Let's rather", "let's faster", "late in the kindergarten", "then let's talk", etc. Often, the baby in the morning can not well think well and mom annoys, increases voice and all morning it turns out to be messed and conflict. The mood is spoiled by everyone, and the child goes to the kindergarten in upset feelings, like a mother, who has no moral forces to say some kind of good words.

Therefore, wake up yourself and wake the baby in advance so that you have enough time to leisurely fees so that you can pay attention to the baby while it is in bed - make a massage, stroke the legs and head, sing a song, rinse, kiss and other gentle words and actions. All this is so important for good mood You have both! Go to the kindergarten, too, in advance, with a big time of time, so that you are not nervous on the road yourself and could set up your child to a positive way.

What is a "farewell ritual"?

Well, we disassembled with you 4 common mistakes that you now do not accurately! I'm sure you will be able to gradually translate your baby to a new day of the day, you will wake up in the garden and go out in advance, you will leave the child in the group gradually and always report to him that you go and say goodbye.

About other common mistakes of parents and how to avoid them, you will learn from mine

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Adaptation to the kindergarten - a difficult time for each child. This is not only a process of addictive to a new environment, to a new day regime, to new relationships, but also the development of new skills and skills. Children behave during this period in different ways: Some are crying, others refuse to communicate with the children and the educator, the third responds quite calmly.

Mix three phases of adaptation:

1. Acute phase, or period of deadaption - At this time, the child may have frequent diseases, sleep disturbance, appetite, reluctance to go to kindergarten. Behavior changes: stubbornness, rudeness and even regress in speech development may appear.

2. Actually adaptation - During this period, the child gradually gets used to new conditions, behavior is normalized.

3. Phase compensation- Children begin to behave calmly, with pleasure go to the garden. The pace of development of psychological processes is accelerated.

The adaptation period can last from one two weeks to three to four months and depends on many reasons: from age, health status, from the peculiarities of the nervous system, etc.

It should be remembered that after long breaks (for example, after summer vacation) the child passes the process of adaptation . To make this period less painful, it is important to pay special attention to the child at this time and prepare it for visiting the kindergarten in advance.

The initial period of visits to the kindergarten is very complicated for children. To facilitate the process of adaptation, it is important to pay a child during this period special attention and prepare it for visiting the kindergarten in advance.

Prepare a child to communicate with other children and adults. Visit children's playgrounds with him, holidays, birthdays, teach to players with peers.
It is advisable to train the child before the start of a kindergarten visits to the elementary self-service skills: use the pot, independently eat, etc.
Teach the child to kindergarten gradually. Give it to the group in order for him to meet the educators, walked along with the children. At first, leave a child in the garden for only a few hours, take away while walking, before lunch. Gradually increase this interval, coming after Him after dinner, quiet hour, afternoon snack. If there is no complications, after 1-2 weeks you can go to normal mode. However, do not tighten the process of adaptation, otherwise the child will get used to his special position.
Never frighten the child with a kindergarten or educator. It is important to create a positive image of kindergarten. At the same time, sending a child to the kindergarten, do not promise to him a paradise, be honest with the baby, but do focus on everything that can contribute to a positive confusion: tell me that he may be wondering what he can learn.
Take care to collect the child everything that may be needed in the group (spare clothes, replaceable shoes, sports form, etc.).
Give a child with you in the garden his favorite toy causing him warm feelings and associated with the house. Let the toy "goes to the garden" with him daily and gets acquainted there with others. Distribute that the toy happened in kindergarten, who was friends with her, who offended if she had something sad.
Communicate with educators, ask about the state and well-being of your child, how he behaves among the peers. Do not forget to warn if he has some habits or intolerance of individual products, allergic. Show friendly interest in his training activities and successes.
One of the most common problems is the morning crying of a child when parting with parents. It is important not to succumb to the provocations from the baby and give it to understand that there would be no matter how it is, and he will have to go to the garden. Be consistent and confident in what you are doing. Tell the baby firmly that you only leave it for a few hours that you need so that you love it and be sure to come for him at a certain hour. Reduce the "farewell scene". As a rule, after a few minutes after the disappearance of the parent, the child calms down. Create a "farewell ritual": Agree in advance with the child, for example, that you will help him in the window and send an air kiss, so it will be easier for him to let you go. And of course, do not forget to praise it in those days when your separation will be calm.
The period of adaptation to the kindergarten is not only children, but also parents, so family members are important to track their feelings, to realize their nature. Prerequisite The successful flow of this period is a refusal of a sense of guilt. If you have at least the slightest oscillations, the child "cares", and it will be even harder to part with you. When you leave the kindergarten under the screaming of the child, do not consider yourself a monster.
On the way home, try to talk to the child, find out what was the day good, and what was not really possible than the children did, with whom the child played to recognize the new one. Having giving a child in kindergarten, you have spent less time to spend together with him, but it's not about the number of hours, but as your relationship. They can become warmer if you have something to tell each other.
Keep in mind that the problems of adapting the child in kindergarten can resume after the holidays, vacation, as well as with a serious change in external circumstances. In this case, it is necessary to show flexibility, in particularly difficult situations it is possible to re-reduce the time of the child's stay in kindergarten or for some time by agreement with the educator to arrange a break in the middle of the week.

In any family, it is sooner or late the time to give a child to a children's institution. Causes are very different. Most often, mom is just time to go to work, as it comes to an end to the end of the childcare leave. The temperament and the habit of home all kids are different, so they carry a new environment for themselves as different ways: someone easily gets used and goes to contact with educators and other children, and for others this process is painfully.

This article will be devoted to how to adapt the child to the kindergarten.

Why parents give young children in kindergarten

In some families, the child is given to the children's kindergarten before the three-year-old age. This can be done for several reasons:

  • the child himself sniffs into the garden, which literally makes his parents there to divert;
  • mom is easier to cope with the adaptation period and help in this child, because for several months they will not have to go to the service, and therefore she will be able to take her crumb to early;
  • the family is constrained in the means, and the food in kindergarten is much more diverse and the caloriest home, and much more.

Whatever reason to give your child to this public institution in each particular case, parents must take into account the features of the child's adaptation to the kindergarten, to the new for the kid. In some children it turns out better, others are worse, but ultimately 99% of kids successfully undergo adaptation to changes in life.

How is a kindergarten for kids

Until the moment school ageParents are actually the only authority for the child. But it is important to remember that with a three-year-old child must begin to communicate with peers, develop sociability and communicability. Kindergarten copes with this task, providing a lot of opportunities. The main problem is the question of how to better adapt the child to the kindergarten.

Pluses of the children's community:

  1. In the team of peers, the kid is much easier to master and understand self-service skills: to learn how to wear clothes on their own, make it possible to clean the cleaning of things and toys, master the observance of personal hygiene rules.
  2. For staying in kindergarten, children are formed in children, kids are being treated with common interests and work in collaboration with other children. Successful adaptation of the child in kindergarten is especially important for the development of these skills in children, the only one in the family.
  3. Installation from infancy "I - mine" goes into understanding "Our - General." Children begin to willingly help others, share toys.
  4. Children receive various information and experience, which contributes fast development speech logical thinking, musical abilities and artistic inclinations.

Each mother who intends to immediately take his child to the kindergarten, should think over the process of helping the child in the adaptation period. There are several tips of psychologists and teachers on this occasion:

  1. Do not arrange from visiting kindergarten. You need to try to explain the baby in advance where he goes, why, what he will do there and so on.
  2. It is advisable to learn approximate program Development of children accepted in the garden, and begin to acquaint the child with its key moments. It is important to solve the problem of how to facilitate the adaptation of the child to the kindergarten.
  3. All explanations should be as simple as possible, with a positive attitude to be interested in the child in the garden.
  4. If accommodation is located next to the kindergarten, you need to walk more often on its territory.
  5. It is not bad to get acquainted with the educators who recruit the group, and introduce crumbus with them. And what better child He recognizes the teacher before he remains with him without mom, the one will be easier for him later.

Regarding the health of the baby before the start of the garden visit, pay attention to such tips on the child's adaptation to the kindergarten:

  1. First of all, you should prepare the immune system of the child to an emergency meeting with new viruses. Most likely, the crumb will still be sick for a while.
  2. When the family goes to relax in the summer, it is better to give preference to the climatic zone that is available on the territory of permanent residence in order not to worry acclimatization. If a trip to the sea is planned, the vacation must be designed in such a way that the child is on the coast for a whole month (and not seven days, as most often happens). It is important to know how to adapt the child to the kindergarten for health, as the immune system of the crumbs operates at full capacity, adapting to changes, and instead of the improvement in the first five days the state is deteriorating. Therefore, if on financial or any other reasons there is no possibility to provide the child to the thirty days of staying at sea, it is better to abandon his visit at all (at least that year when the baby starts attending a kindergarten).

How to facilitate the task of educators

No need to think that only for parents is a big problem to adapt children to the kindergarten. For educators it is also a complex process, and parents can help them and their children. Need to remember next:

  1. Do not think that educators are obliged to teach the child to all the necessary skills themselves. This is the child of his parents, and the more independent skills they will be vaccinated at home, the easier and faster will pass to the new environment.
  2. It should be started to observe the houses of the day of the day, adopted in kindergarten, at least two months before the start of his visit so that the baby could get used to a certain streamlined system of actions, as well as in what order these actions should be performed. It will easily help solve the problem of how to adapt the child to the kindergarten.
  3. You need to try as early as possible to start developing your child in a social plan: to give him the skills to speak correctly, be able to ask questions and respond to them. To do this, useful to visit clubs. early Development Children.

The duration of the adaptation period

Many parents are interested in the question of how much the child's adaptation to the kindergarten lasts. There is no unambiguous answer to it, since much depends not only from adults, but also on the nature of the baby, as well as his environment and preparation period for the first day of the campaign to the children's institution. So, for example, there are special adaptation clubs, where you can give the baby before you go to kindergarten.

It may so be that the Club of Early Development Children, located closest to the house, visits only one child of similar age. To begin with, it is suitable, but after the month, the institution will have to change.

The group with the average attendance of 5-7 children of the child's age is ideal, where parents are allowed only for the first 1-3 classes, and then they are engaged in children on their own. It will be nice if video surveillance is underway, and parents, being in the expectation room, control the process of learning their children. This will lead the child to obey new adults, communicate with peers and gently will prepare immunity to a meeting with a new microflora.

IN best case Adaptation of children early age The kindergarten is happening for a month, sometimes the term reaches three to four months, and some children there are already a couple of weeks.

Changes in behavior

For each mother, her baby is the best, most beloved and most obedient. He does not shout and does not capricious houses, performs all requests and helps mom, goes to bed on time and plays it alone. But the child went to the kindergarten, and everything changed to unrecognizable: the baby began to shout, or, on the contrary, sat down at all, stopped helping, to dress or undressed, forgot the skill of using the pot, perhaps he even began to beat mom, bite and beat the dishes ...

The list of possible changes can be continued to infinity. This is all a sign of what is happening the adaptation of the child to the new environment. It is not necessary to beat the alarm, all this is natural and predictable.

What to do if the behavior has changed

Regardless of how much the garden lasts, the parents soon begin to notice changes in the behavior of the baby. And here the following tips can be useful:

  1. The first thing psychologists advise is to gain patience. First time (from two weeks to three months old) Children cry, change the behavior, become aggressive. They are protesting against a smoke of the usual comfortable safe habitat.
  2. Do not leave the child in kindergarten one suddenly. The little man is easy to captivate with something new, and he willingly go to a group without tears and screams, interested new toy. But if mom on joys from such behavior will leave, not saying goodbye, the baby can, the next day, roll the hysteria at one mention of the kindergarten. He does not understand where the mother disappeared into the previous day, the problem of the child's adaptation to the kindergarten in this case can be aggravated.
  3. Perhaps the crocha sticks to their parents and morally, and physically, and it will be only with Ryav. This is a normal reaction to too sharp change life. Do not immediately leave the child for the whole day. It is better to first - for an hour or two, then before lunch. From the second week you can already leave it for the whole day.

Preparatory Games

IN three-year-old Most often, children still do not understand explanations, notations and okrykov. They have all learning through the game, and this feature can be used for good and think about how to quickly adapt the child to the kindergarten.

With a certain regularity with the child it is worth conducting role-playing game "Mouse-baby visits kindergarten" (instead of a mouse there can be taken any toy that Kroch loves the most). The purpose of this game is to cause the baby a sense of security, comfort and interest in the garden. The most important thing is if there is no time to play, it is better not to start it today, because each a new game The baby mouse must end with the arrival of mom, hug, kiss and care home. It is important to remember and understand how to properly adapt the child to the kindergarten.

It is better to miss some kind (wash your hands, walk) than to stop the game until the evening coming Mom. You can suggest your child yourself to tell the baby's mouse as well in the kindergarten, why he goes there. Let the kid will be for a mouse with elder brother / sister and will defend him. Parents at this time need to listen very carefully that the child will say. Most often, persuading a toy, children describe their problems and experiences, and realizing their child, you can better help him to experience the difficulties of adaptation.

How easier to adapt the child to the kindergarten

To help the problem of adaptation can be as follows:

  1. Allow the child to take a home toy with me the next day (if it is not prohibited in the garden), he will show her his locker, bed, high chair. Let the pet puts next to him in class, because in this case It is not just a toy, but a particle of the house, a mum substitute.
  2. A visit to the children's preschool institution is a huge stress for crumbs, even if it does not show it outwardly. He can't relax in caregivers, it is afraid to do something wrong. For this reason, coming home, the child can be capricious - he "throws" the stress accumulated in the day. Can cope with this with the help of increasing physical activity Baby, games.
  3. Going picking a child, you can take with you soccer ball Or ask friends who have a dog, go along with you. The baby will be just happy to play mobile games with parents or run a dog in the fresh air. Thus, he will reset stress, gets tired and easy to sleep.

Why do you need a dream

To answer the question of how to adapt the child to the kindergarten, you should know about the importance of sufficient time to sleep. The more child sleeps, the better. At first, he can wake up among the night, cry, shut up, throw to his mother in fear that she will not take it next time. In the first two weeks, children often dream, especially if contact not found with educators. Patience should be patient - it will pass.

During sleep, the body rests and restores emotional and physical forces, so this time is very important.

Parent behavior

Since facilitating the adaptation of the child to the kindergarten must first of all, the parents themselves, then a lot of behavior depends on this difficult period. Often they themselves are to blame in the tightened adaptation of the child.

If they scold a kindergarten or tutor with a baby, scare him with a garden, if bad behavior is discussed with all relatives, and good does not show anyone, then the child will be doubly hard. He needs support, and not in the censure, and considers such behavior of Mom by treason.

It is better to forget about tears at all and just not to pay attention to them, distracting the game. In the presence of crumbs it is necessary to praise the kindergarten, educators, other workers. Make an emphasis on how well kid adapts, what (let small) successes he has to date, which can achieve in a month, week, by the end of the year. This will help solve the problem how to quickly adapt the child to the kindergarten.

You need to come up with a special ritual of farewell and meeting with the baby, discuss the details with him and teach them to observe. Then the child will make a habit of saying goodbye without tears, to go to bed on their own, to ask for an educator when they came.


The key to the successful adaptation of the child is the calm and confidence of parents in the positive end result. The child "reads" the information and it becomes calmer. Therefore, if a mother cannot look at children's tears, moreover, all the time they are subconsciously expecting, let the first month or two children take dad or another, a more calm family member.