Forms of work on the patriotic education of younger schoolchildren. Methods and techniques used in educational work to form the patriotic consciousness of younger students

The upbringing of the younger generation is a multifaceted process. Physical and moral health of children is considered as priority directions in upbringing; intellectual development; the formation of a culture of personality and spiritual values; civil and patriotic education; aesthetic and labor education; formation of life plans of schoolchildren, preparation for family life, etc.

To implement pedagogical tasks, various forms of extracurricular educational work are used:

Patriotic education in extracurricular activities includes various forms:

Class hour

Parent-teacher meeting



Round table discussion

Competition, quiz, KVN

Meeting interesting people, etc.

The organization of extracurricular activities for children, including leisure activities, in any school has always been and remains a very important area of ​​activity for teachers. Classes with children in addition to lessons, communication with them in a more or less free environment are essential, and often decisive, for their development and upbringing. They are also important for the teacher himself, since they help to get closer to children, get to know them better and establish good relationships, open unexpected and attractive aspects of the teacher's personality for students, finally, allow them to experience happy moments of unity, shared experiences, human closeness, which often does teachers and students are lifelong friends. This gives the teacher a sense of the need for his work, its social significance, and demand.

The form of extracurricular educational work with children can be defined as a specific way of organizing their relatively free activity in school, their independence under the pedagogically expedient guidance of adults. In educational practice, there is a wide variety of forms of work, they are difficult to classify. Let us try, however, to streamline the forms of educational work by highlighting the predominant, main component of educational work. We can say that our typification is based on the main means of educational influence, of which we have identified five: word, experience, activity, play, psychological exercises.

To educate the foundations of patriotism in younger schoolchildren, teachers use variety different shapes and methods of education.

But no less important educational form is the game. The games of younger students are aimed at a simple imitation of social forms of behavior. On the one hand, the biological essence of the child is manifested in play, and on the other hand, the readiness for social adaptation. The game trains the norms of behavior from adult life, develops values ​​for oneself. According to D.B. Elkonin, in play, the child enters the developed world of higher forms of human activity, the rules of human relationships, and play becomes a source of morality.

Upbringing methods can be defined as "a set of the most common ways of solving educational problems and implementing educational interactions" or "socially conditioned ways of pedagogically expedient interaction between adults and children, contributing to the organization of children's life, activities, relationships, communication, stimulating their activity and regulating behavior" ...

Among the individual forms of patriotic education of the child, there are self-study(homework). For example, to answer the teacher's questions by reading the works of children's writers about heroism, valor, and glory of soldiers in the history of the Fatherland.

Emotional experiences are included in any mental process and can become the basis for their unification, act as a systemic factor of internal mental life and a factor in the formation of the most functional psychological system of activity, its integration. On the basis of emotional assessments, fixed by specific actions, empathy can be formed as a personal quality of the child.

Individual forms of patriotic upbringing of a child are carried out mainly in the family. It is the family that plays a decisive role in this or that age stage... Therefore, the teacher must establish close interaction with the families of students, involve parents in the process of patriotic education of children.

Thus, the success of patriotic work in an educational institution depends on the moral and psychological character of teachers, their psychological, pedagogical and professional training, attitude to their duties, as well as on the ability to fruitfully cooperate with the parents of students.

Russian President V.V. Putin said in one of his speeches: “The upbringing of the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and enduring spiritual and moral values ​​is the basis for the moral well-being of society and the confident development of the country. Today in Russia these most important problems are given the closest attention of the state. Legislation is being improved. And yet, there is still much to be done. First of all, in this large-scale, demanded work, it is necessary to fully use the powerful potential of public, volunteer, volunteer organizations, and the media. Only by relying on such active, active support, we will be able to achieve tangible results. "

Patriotism- this is love for the Motherland, devotion to one's Fatherland, the desire to serve its interests and readiness, up to self-sacrifice, to protect it.

The purpose of patriotic education- the development in Russian society of high social activity, civic responsibility, spirituality, strengthening the state, ensuring its interests and development.

The goal is achieved through the development of the following tasks:

  • Education of citizens in the spirit of respect for the Constitution Russian Federation, legality, norms of social and collective life; in creating conditions for ensuring the implementation of constitutional human rights and his duties; in the development of civic duty.
  • Formation of a sense of pride, deep respect and reverence for the symbols of the Russian Federation - the coat of arms, flag, anthem and historical relics of the Fatherland.

The principles of patriotic education are:

  • The principle of the system-organizational approach, which assumes the purposeful work of all state and public structures for the patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • The principle of a targeted approach in the formation of patriotism, taking into account the age group.
  • The principle of activity and offensiveness, which provides for the formation of a worldview, value attitudes of citizens, focused on the national interests of Russia.
  • The principle of universality of the main directions of patriotic education, which presupposes a holistic and integrated approach, the need to use the socially valuable experience of past generations, cultivating a sense of pride in their ancestors, traditions in everyday life and family relationships, study and approaches to work, creative endeavors.
  • The principle of taking into account regional conditions in the propaganda of patriotic ideas and values ​​not only of all-Russian patriotism, but also of local patriotism, characterized by affection, love for the native land, city, street, school, etc.

These principles are interconnected and implemented in unity.

But the implementation of civil-patriotic education only with the help of a knowledge-based approach is impossible. The content, forms and methods of civil-patriotic education that are adequate to modern socio-pedagogical realities are essential. There is a need for an active component of civil-patriotic education. This approach to learning allows you to form and develop all types of universal learning activities:

1. Cognitive UUD:
- search and selection of the necessary information;
- manifestation of cognitive initiative;
- sign-symbolic actions, with the help of which the essential characteristics of the object are highlighted;
- structuring knowledge;
- comprehension of speech utterance in oral and written form;
- analysis of objects in order to identify features (significant, insignificant);
- establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, etc.

2. Regulatory UUD:
- control and correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its result; making changes to the result of their activities, based on the assessment of this result by the student, teacher, comrades
- assessment (mutual, self-esteem) - highlighting and understanding by students of what has already been mastered and what else needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation; performance evaluation;
- self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy for volitional effort and overcoming obstacles.

3. Communicative UUD:
- planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers;
- proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information;
- partner behavior management - control, correction, assessment of his actions;
- the ability to express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy, possession of monologue and dialogical forms of speech;
- application of knowledge in a specific learning situation.

4. Personal UUD:
- personal, professional, life self-determination;
- the establishment by students of the connection between the goal of educational activity and its motive;
- moral and ethical orientation;
- assessment of the content of the studied material, based on social and personal values;
-the ability to formulate their own position.

The future life and development of the state largely depend on the level of the formed civic position of the younger generation.
The priority direction in the formation of a civic position among the younger generation is the formation of spiritual and moral qualities, respect for the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia.

The formation of civil-patriotic education of junior schoolchildren is currently very relevant, so we pay great attention to this in school and after school hours.

The forms and methods of patriotic education are aimed at fostering an active civic position, feelings of love for the Motherland, Russia and their small homeland. Such forms of civic-patriotic education include the introduction of younger schoolchildren into local history and search and research activities; participation in activities: for the care and protection of monuments, memorials; holding thematic days, competitions, exhibitions on patriotic topics; organization of meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, blockademen; participants in the international conflict in Afghanistan and local military events in Chechen Republic; visiting the city museum of local lore and attracting students to work in the school museum "Homeland is important!"

The history of Russia is rich in significant events. In all centuries, heroism, courage of the soldiers of Russia, the power and glory of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state. In addition to military victories, there are events worthy of being immortalized in the people's memory.

Students primary grades get acquainted with the days of military glory of Russia and memorable dates of Russia. [Annex 1]
The study of the heraldic symbols of our state, Russia, the Kemerovo region and the city of Berezovsky is of great importance in the development of patriotic education of primary schoolchildren.
Forms of implementation of the concept for civil-patriotic education of primary schoolchildren:

  • Class hours dedicated to important historical dates, conquerors of space, dates of the city, region, Motherland [Appendix 2, 5]
  • Conversation: "Where does the Motherland begin?"
  • Contests, quizzes on knowledge of the state symbols of Russia, small homeland.
  • Meetings with writers, workers of culture and art, teachers, workers of enterprises.
  • Operations RVS (Joy to yourself and the people) - assistance to the elderly, WWII veterans and home front workers, "Green Patrol".
  • The action "Hello, soldier!" - correspondence, meeting with school graduates who serve (whether) in the Army; creation of the photo album "Guarding the Motherland"
  • Excursions to the school museum "Homeland is important!" [Appendix 3-4]
  • Feasible help in the work of the school museum "Homeland is important!"
  • Issues of sheets of the calendar, wall newspapers - dedicated memorable events and dates.
  • Holding exhibitions, contests, song and formation reviews on patriotic themes.

The new needs of Russian society, largely due to the global challenges of mankind, urgently require the development of effective methods for organizing and conducting educational work in the education system to form the spiritual world of the younger generation, a significant component of which should be the values ​​of patriotism and citizenship.

The independent acquisition of knowledge by students is of great importance in the upbringing and development of the feelings and beliefs of children. Reading additional literature, looking through children's magazines, talking with family members, acquaintances, children independently collect materials for messages in the lesson, class hours, creative assignments, and research work. V research work"The contribution of my family to the development of the city" ", performed by students in grades 1-4, describes the past and present of our city on the example of a family. Research papers, various drawings, messages are used by children in educational and extracurricular activities.

Purposeful systematic work has shown that for the education of civil-patriotic feelings, students, it is of decisive importance to get acquainted with the history of their city, region, country with the achievements that have been achieved during last years... The knowledge gained by students in the classroom, excursions, on extracurricular activities convince children that they need to know the history of their region of the country, to preserve and protect nature, so that the people of our city, region, and the whole country live better.

We see that in order to foster patriotism and a clear civic position among junior schoolchildren, it is necessary to work together - parents, teachers, school, and the state. This process is complex, for its implementation it is better to use the system-activity approach, rather than the knowledge approach, in which the student acts as a subject of educational activity. It helps to form and develop all types of universal educational actions: cognitive, regulatory, communicative, personal.


  1. Medvedev V.A. Seven generations in Kuzbass. Novosibirsk: Siberian time, p. 452.2007.
  2. Materials of the school museum "Homeland is important!"
  3. Development of the activities of the authors of the article.
Internet resources.
  1. The city of Berezovsky, Kemerovo region. Access mode:
  2. Symbols of the Kemerovo region. Access mode: "Excursion to heraldry" [Electronic resource] Access mode:

Knowledge will contribute to the formation of moral concepts and feelings of a younger student in the event that special conditions are created for their receipt, certain forms and methods of education are used. The task of the teacher is to select from the mass of impressions that the child can receive, those that will be most accessible to him, and teach them in suitable form.

According to the number of those participating in the activity, the following forms of patriotic education are distinguished in primary school:




Consider the individual forms of patriotic education in elementary school: individual forms imply the individual activities of the child, and, of course, accounting individual characteristics students. The organization of patriotic education in an individual form helps to strengthen the moral values ​​learned by the child as personality traits. He comprehends norms and rules, as a result of which they gradually become his own views and beliefs. In the future, the child's behavior, as a result, is deeply comprehended and has nothing to do with mechanical submission, forced only by external circumstances and requirements.

In addition, individualized forms include close interaction with students' families. It is the family that plays a decisive role at a particular age stage. Therefore, the teacher must involve parents in the process of patriotic education of children.

A significant form of patriotic education (which can be both individual and group) is play. Games for younger students are aimed at imitating the behavior of adults. On the one hand, the biological essence of the child is manifested in play, and on the other hand, the readiness for social adaptation. In the game, the norms of behavior from adult life are trained, the values ​​of the child are developed. According to D.B. Elkonin, in play, the child enters the developed world of higher forms of human activity, the rules of human relationships, and play becomes a source of morality. That is why in elementary school games are not only not prohibited, but are actively used both in education and in teaching.

Let us consider the group forms of patriotic education of younger students: group forms of education imply the activities of students in groups of 5-7 to 25 people.

Group forms of patriotic education include meetings with war and labor veterans, conversations, quizzes, collective creative affairs, exhibitions, excursions, tourist trips to study the historical past of their native land.

An interesting group form of work is the work of a museum or a museum room in a school. One of the conditions for the successful organization and operation of a school museum is the continuity in the work of its activists. It is ensured by the fact that it includes students of various age groups... Students together, jointly participate in the implementation of various tasks for the search and collection of museum materials, their accounting and storage, the design of exhibitions, expositions, preparation and conduct of excursions. History teachers, employees of the city museum can take part in conducting classes. In the classroom, students' messages on the performance of search tasks are heard, and opinions are exchanged. The organization of such classes will allow students to acquire local history knowledge about their small homeland.

Consider local history work. as a group form of patriotic education.

Many methodologists believe that the basis of the patriotic education of students is their knowledge and awareness of their "small" Motherland. In elementary school, the process of studying the "small" Motherland, its nature, culture and everyday life is called local history work.

In Ushakov's explanatory dictionary, local history is defined as "the study of some region, the study of individual localities, regions from the side of their nature, economy, everyday life, etc., carried out mainly by local forces."

One of the main features of local history work is that it includes elements of research. Therefore, its obligatory part is the direct participation of schoolchildren in research work. The forms of local history work are lesson, optional and extracurricular.

In lessons with elements of local history, the material is used in the form of individual questions or facts, episodes, its consideration can be at any stage of the lesson. Local history material can be presented by both the teacher and the students who make the messages.

The main feature of optional classes is in-depth theoretical study of the material. The basis is the voluntariness and deep interest of students, their independent activity. Optional courses in local history successfully combine different forms and methods of lesson and extracurricular work in general.

Extracurricular work of local lore - excursions, expeditions, evenings, olympiads, quizzes, conferences. This also includes meetings with participants and witnesses. historical events, local history games. An effective remedy revitalizing independent activity students is their participation in the release of local history wall newspapers, magazines, compilation of quizzes, discussion of books read, making photomontages.

Let us consider the mass forms of patriotic education of junior schoolchildren: mass forms of education imply work with a large number of students. Mass forms of patriotic education include cool watch, circles and sections, clubs and camps, memory watches, search activity, meetings with veterans, festivals and holidays, rallies and gatherings, games. It is believed that with an increase in the number of pupils, the quality of education decreases, since the individual impact on the student decreases. However, the organization of upbringing in such forms contributes to the formation in children of an awareness of personal responsibility for a common cause, the development of communication skills with people, the ability to listen to another person, respect for a different opinion that plays important role in patriotic education.

The process of patriotic education can be called two-sided. On the one hand, there is a purposeful influence on the part of the teacher, on the other hand, the organized activity of students, which must certainly have a goal set by them. Education is carried out using a variety of methods. The methods of upbringing in pedagogy mean ways to achieve the set goal of upbringing, the influence of teachers on students, on the organization of their activities. The use of the method contributes to greater success in upbringing in the event that it correlates with the leading type of activity of children. Also, teachers believe that the educational impact is enhanced with various combinations of methods.

The classification of methods is a system built on a specific basis. It helps to highlight general and specific features in the methods, thereby contributing to the teacher's conscious choice, the most effective application. There are many classifications of parenting methods. Let's take a look at some of them.

N.I. Boldyrev and N.K. Goncharov divide upbringing methods according to their orientation into the following groups:

1) methods of persuasion

2) Exercise (training) methods

3) Promotion methods

4) Method of punishment

Let's take a closer look at these methods.

Consider the methods of reasoning:

A story is a presentation of events and facts that have a vivid emotional impact on the consciousness and feelings of children. When using this method, it is necessary to generate a positive feedback, while avoiding moralizing.

Conversation is a dialogue between teacher and students, based on the sensory experience of children and their knowledge. You can enhance the activation of perception with the help of visualization.

An example is the choice of a role model based on likes, affections, inclinations.

Suggestion is an uncritical proposal to students of some desires, ideas, attitudes. The effect of suggestions depends on the authority of the teacher.

Requirements - direct motivation of the child to act or action. Requirements should outpace the development of the student's personality, as well as pass into the child's requirements for himself.

According to the form, two types of requirements are distinguished:

Direct (order, instruction, prescription);

Indirect (request, advice, hint).

Also, the requirements are divided according to the emotional and psychological orientation:

a) a requirement with a positive attitude towards the child (request, approval, expression of confidence);

b) a demand with a negative attitude (condemnation, threat, order);

c) a requirement with a neutral attitude (advice, hint, requirement in game design).

Consider the methods of exercise (training).

Exercise - repeated repetition of actions with awareness of the goal and results. The teacher needs to show various ways of solving problems, to explain the essence and significance of the quality being brought up.

Learning is the organization of regular performance by students of actions that become habitual forms of behavior. This method consists of showing and reinforcing with repetition.

The teacher can organize the exercise and teaching in the form of problem situations in play activities. Students change roles, better understand what is happening, and in addition, their motivation increases. As a result, children develop self-esteem, introspection, and methods of conscious discipline.

Consider creating nurturing situations. A given situation can be staged, after which students freely choose any option to resolve it.

Supervision is the observation of a child's activities in order to induce him to abide by the rules. Controls: day-to-day observation, one-to-one conversations.

Switching is a distraction of the student's attention in order to distract him from harmful activities.

Consider the methods of encouragement: encouragement is an expression of a positive assessment of the student's deed, which makes him satisfied with his activities.

Competition - This method increases the motivation and activity of students. They are offered in advance various ways to achieve the goal and criteria for evaluating the results.

Consider the methods of punishment:

Punishment is an expression of a negative assessment of the student's behavior. The types of punishment are censure, remarks, disapproval, reprimand, condemnation. Suggestion and direct demand as methods of education in our time are considered inappropriate. Some educators consider them to be contrary to the principle of humanism and individualization of teaching.

Most often in education, the classification of methods compiled by G.I. Shchukina. The teacher identifies the following groups of educational methods:

1) Methods of forming consciousness (story, explanation, conversation, situation analysis, example);

2) Methods of organizing activities and shaping behavior (assignment, exercise, training);

3) Methods of stimulating activity and behavior (demand, competition, encouragement, punishment);

Some of these methods were defined above, so we will consider the features of their application.

Explanation is considered one of the most accessible methods of moral and ethical education. It is necessary to find out what children know about the rules of relations with other children, what specific content they put into the concepts of "kindness", "honesty", "justice". With the help of this method, students are explained the norms of behavior at school, at home, on the street, in society.

Storytelling is one of the main methods of moral and ethical education and involves the accumulation of students' stock of ideas and concepts about those norms of behavior that are accepted in society. Moreover, this method is based on the experiences of schoolchildren, through them, students begin to distinguish between good and bad, fair and unfair. It is possible to implement methods of storytelling and explanation when studying works of fiction.

The formation of the foundations of patriotism among students is greatly influenced by such a method of education as the creation and analysis of situations.

In pedagogical practice, the following types of educational situations are used:

Problematic - the formation of ideas about how to solve the problem;

Constructive - design of behavior in the given conditions;

Prognostic - the development of the skills to foresee the consequences of an act (one's own or someone else's);

Assessment - the formation and development of assessment skills;

Analytical - analysis of the right and wrong actions of the participants;

Reproductive - verbal or practical demonstration of an already existing experience of behavior.

In the process of playing various situations, the child's imagination is activated. This is of great importance for positive changes in himself due to the appearance in him of a "self-image" acting according to moral laws.

In our opinion, the most effective method of patriotic education in literary reading lessons is conversation. She helps students understand complex concepts, to form a firm moral position in them, to realize their personal experience of behavior.

During the conversation, it is necessary that the students actively participate in the discussion and formulate their own conclusions. This method is based on the analysis and discussion of specific facts and events from Everyday life, examples from fiction.

The peculiarity of the conversation lies in the fact that the students themselves develop correct assessments and judgments about concepts and actions. They can also include dramatization, reading excerpts from works of art. During primary education information-reproductive methods are reduced to a minimum. They are used only in cases where students do not have a base for organizing constructive thinking activity, or because of the complexity of the material.

The role of conversations was highly appreciated by A.S. Makarenko. " Whole line conversations, a whole cycle of such conversations, simply produced a great philosophical improvement in my team. " Conversation, according to L.R. Bolotina, requires a great spiritual closeness to the students from the teacher. During the conversation, he should show respect for inner peace child. The result of the conversation is a conclusion on the issue under discussion,.

An example implies a purposeful and systematic impact on the consciousness and behavior of schoolchildren by organizing patterns of behavior. It is considered one of the most effective methods of education.

Undoubtedly, a variety of methods of patriotic education should be used throughout the entire education of children in primary school. Their choice is carried out depending on the characteristics of the students and the subjects studied.

Thus, the process of patriotic education has its own specific characteristics. They consist not only in the selection of the most effective forms and methods, but also in the fact that only the foundations of patriotism are formed in elementary school.

Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

Autonomous institution of vocational education of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

Khanty-Mansi Technological and Pedagogical College

MDK "Theoretical and methodological foundations of the class teacher's activities"

Specialty 44.02.02 Teaching in primary grades

Course work

Organization of patriotic education of junior schoolchildren

Artist: Koh Alena

Head: Motoshina E.A.

Khanty-Mansiysk 2017


Theoretical basis organization of patriotic education of junior schoolchildren

1 Features in the education of younger students

2 Patriotism and patriotic education, as part of the process of educating younger students

3 Characteristics of forms, methods, means of patriotic education of younger students




In modern conditions, when profound changes are taking place in the life of society, patriotic education is becoming one of the central areas of work with the younger generation. This is due to the need of Russian society in the formation, development and rooting of ideas that contribute to its unification. Patriotic education today is the task of the state, society and educational institutions.

The national doctrine of education in the Russian Federation says that the education system is designed to ensure "the upbringing of patriots of Russia ... respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, possessing high morality and showing national and religious tolerance, respect for the languages, traditions and culture of other peoples."

Value-semantic attitudes today are one of the personal results of education already in elementary school. They reflect the personal qualities of schoolchildren and their individual and personal positions. It is at the elementary school age that an active process of accumulating knowledge about the life of society, relationships between people, about the freedom to choose one way or another of behavior is carried out. This is the time when feelings prevail over all aspects of a child's life, determine actions, act as motives of behavior, and express an attitude towards the world around them. So junior school age is favorable for the formation of the foundations of patriotism, and in adolescence, young people will be able to build for themselves a certain system of moral values, outlook on life.

Object of research: educational process focused on civil-patriotic education of younger students.

Subject of research: forms of patriotic education of younger schoolchildren.

Purpose of the research: identifying the directions and forms of civil-patriotic education of younger students in the educational process.

Research objectives:

.to study the scientific foundations of the patriotic education of junior schoolchildren;

Determine the directions of patriotic education;

Describe the system of work of patriotic education in primary school;

Describe the various forms of patriotic education of junior schoolchildren.

Research methods:

analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem;

generalization and systematization of theoretical material.

The theoretical significance is determined by the obtained scientific research results, which can supplement the theory and methodology of patriotic education of younger students.

Course work consists of an introduction, three paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of used literature.

At the heart of this work are the pedagogical views of authors such as

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the organization of patriotic education of junior schoolchildren

.1 Features in the education of primary schoolchildren

Currently, the question of the upbringing of the younger generation is associated with the creation of a system of values ​​in society. It is the society that sets the selection criteria, introduces a unified value system. The personality, however, must clearly learn what is the most valuable thing in life, what one must strive for, ultimately, and in what way to achieve this. Values ​​are entirely dependent on circumstances and objective conditions. They become effective only when they are fully comprehended and consciously used by people.

Younger school age is a very crucial period of school childhood, on the full-fledged living of which the level of intelligence and personality, desire and ability to study, and self-confidence depend.

The change in the social situation of development consists in the child's leaving the family, in expanding the circle of significant persons. Of particular importance is the identification of a special type of relationship with an adult, mediated by a task (child - adult - task). A teacher is an adult with an assessment of the quality of educational work. The school teacher acts as a representative of the community; carrier of social images. Gradually, during primary school age, the child discovers and masters the situation of universal equality before the laws of sciences - mathematics, spelling, orthoepy.

Younger school age is the period of absorption, accumulation of knowledge, the period of assimilation par excellence. Successful performance of this vital function is favored by characteristics children of this age: gullible submission to authority, increased sensitivity, impressionability, naive playful attitude to many of what they encounter. In younger schoolchildren, each of the noted features is mainly its positive side, and this is the unique originality of this age.

Modern scientific ideas about upbringing as a process of purposeful formation and development of a personality have developed as a result of a long confrontation between a number of pedagogical ideas.

Already in the Middle Ages, the theory of authoritarian education was formed, which continues to exist in various forms at the present time. One of the brightest representatives of this theory was the German teacher I.F. Herbart, who reduced parenting to managing children. The purpose of this control is to suppress the child's wild playfulness, "which throws him from side to side," controlling the child determines his behavior at the moment, maintains external order. Herbart considered the supervision of children, orders to be methods of management.

As an expression of protest against authoritarian upbringing, the theory of free upbringing, put forward by J.J. Russo. He and his followers called for respect in the child of a growing person, not to restrain, but in every way to stimulate the natural development of the child in the course of upbringing.

Soviet teachers, proceeding from the requirements of the socialist school, tried to reveal the concept of "upbringing process" in a new way, but did not immediately overcome the old views on its essence. So, P.P. Blonsky believed that upbringing is a deliberate, organized, long-term impact on the development of a given organism, that the object of such an impact can be any living being - a person, an animal, a plant. A.P. Pinkevich interpreted upbringing as a deliberate systematic influence of one person on another in order to develop biologically or socially useful natural personality traits. The social essence of upbringing was not revealed on a truly scientific basis in this definition.

Describing education only as an impact, P.P. Blonsky and A.P. Pinkevich have not yet considered it as a two-way process in which educators and children are actively interacting, as the organization of the life and activities of pupils, their accumulation of social experience. In their conceptions, the child acted primarily as an object of upbringing.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "education is a multifaceted process of constant spiritual enrichment and renewal - both those who are being brought up and those who are raising." Here, the idea of ​​mutual enrichment, the interaction of the subject and the object of education, stands out more clearly.

Modern pedagogy proceeds from the fact that the concept of the upbringing process reflects not a direct impact, but the social interaction of the teacher and the educated person, their developing relations. The goals that the teacher sets for himself act as some product of the student's activity; the process of achieving these goals is also realized through the organization of the student's activities; the assessment of the success of the teacher's actions is again made on the basis of what are the qualitative shifts in the consciousness and behavior of the student.

Any process is a set of regular and consistent actions aimed at achieving a certain result. Main result educational process- the formation of a harmoniously developed, socially active personality.

Education is a two-way process, involving both organization and leadership, and the individual's own activity. However, the leading role in this process belongs to the teacher. It would be appropriate to recall one remarkable incident from Blonsky's life. When he was fifty years old, the press approached him with a request for an interview. One of them asked the scientist what problems he was most worried about in pedagogy. Pavel Petrovich thought for a moment and said that the question of what is upbringing does not cease to interest him. Indeed, a thorough understanding of this issue is a very difficult matter, because the process that this concept designates is extremely complex and multifaceted.

First of all, it should be noted that the concept of "education" is used in the most different meanings: preparing the younger generation for life, organized educational activities, etc. It is clear that in different cases the concept of "education" will have a different meaning. This distinction is especially clear when they say: it is the social environment, the everyday environment, and the school that educates. When they say that "the environment educates" or "educates the everyday environment", they do not mean specially organized educational activities, but the everyday influence that socio-economic and living conditions have on the development and formation of the personality.

The expression “the school brings up” has a different meaning. It clearly indicates a specially organized and consciously carried out educational activity. Even K.D. Ushinsky wrote that, in contrast to the influences of the environment and everyday influences, which are most often spontaneous and unintentional, education in pedagogy is considered as a deliberate and specially organized pedagogical process. This does not mean at all that school education is fenced off from the influences of the environment and everyday influences. On the contrary, it should take these influences into account as much as possible, relying on their positive points and neutralizing the negative. The crux of the matter, however, is that education as a pedagogical category, as a specially organized pedagogical activity, cannot be confused with various spontaneous influences and influences that a person experiences in the process of his development.

Let us consider the essence of education as a specially organized and consciously carried out pedagogical activity:

When it comes to specially organized educational activities, then usually this activity is associated with a certain impact, influence on the formed personality. That is why, in some pedagogical textbooks, upbringing is traditionally defined as a specially organized pedagogical influence on a developing personality in order to form social properties and qualities determined by society. In other works, however, the word "impact" as dissonant and allegedly associated with the word "compulsion" is omitted, and upbringing is interpreted as a leadership or management of personality development.

However, both the first and the second definitions reflect only the external aspect of the educational process, only the activities of the educator, teacher. Meanwhile, the external educational influence in itself does not always lead to the desired result: it can cause both positive and negative reactions in the educated person or be neutral. It is quite understandable that only if the upbringing effect causes an internal positive reaction (attitude) in the personality and excites her own activity in working on herself, it has an effective developmental and formative influence on her. But just about this in the above definitions of the essence of upbringing is silent. It also does not clarify the question of what this pedagogical influence in itself should be, what character it should have, which often allows it to be reduced to different forms external compulsion. Various elaborations and moralizing.

These shortcomings in disclosing the essence of upbringing were pointed out by N.K. Krupskaya and attributed them to the influence of the old, authoritarian pedagogy. “The old pedagogy,” she wrote, “asserted that the whole point is in the influence of the educator on the educated person ... The old pedagogy called this influence the pedagogical process and spoke about the rationalization of this pedagogical process. It was assumed that this influence is the nail of education ”. She considered such an approach to pedagogical work not only incorrect, but also contradicting the deep essence of upbringing, to introduce younger students to moral universal values.

1.2 Patriotism and patriotic education, as part of the process of educating younger students

FSE NOE establishes requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program primary general education: subject, metasubject and personal. The personal results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education should reflect: the formation of the foundations civic identity, awareness of their ethnic and national identity; shaping the values ​​of the multinational Russian society; feelings of pride in their homeland, the Russian people and the history of Russia; the formation of a socially oriented, holistic view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of peoples, religions, cultures and nature.

Thus, the problem of the formation of a sense of patriotism in children of primary school age is especially relevant today.

Patriotism is the basis of all civic personality traits. The essence of the concept of "patriotism" (from the Greek patris - homeland) is love for the Motherland, the land where he was born and raised, pride in the historical deeds of his people. Patriotism is inextricably linked with internationalism, which implies a sense of universal human solidarity with the peoples of different countries.

Love for the Motherland is a complex complex of feelings, including feelings of pride and respect, duty, and national identity, humanism, tolerance and the formation of the foundations of civic identity. A sense of duty implies a person's free acceptance of social and personal responsibilities, adherence to socially necessary requirements. A sense of duty can only be talked about if social requirements coincide with the inner desires of a person. Humanism is an understanding of a person as the highest value, recognition of the rights, freedom, honor and dignity of other people. National identity is a person's awareness of his belonging to a particular nation. Civil identity, on the other hand, is an individual's awareness of his belonging to the citizens of a certain state.

Love for the Motherland implies pride in one's country and people, in cultural and social achievements; respect for the historical past and cultural characteristics of the country, the people who live in it, and the native nature. This feeling is based on ideas about the multinational society of Russia, about its natural features, on knowledge and respect for the main historical events and cultural traditions of the country, knowledge of state symbols, on environmental consciousness (attitude to nature),.

The feeling of love for the Motherland, in turn, is one of the components of such a moral feeling as patriotism.

Patriotism refers to moral feelings, the formation of which is part of the content of moral and ethical education. Patriotic education is of great importance in the spiritual and social development of the personality of students. Indeed, it is in the process of the formation of patriotic feelings that love for one's homeland is strengthened, a sense of responsibility for its honor and independence, for the preservation of material and spiritual social values ​​appears.

The Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary defines patriotism as “love for the fatherland, for the native land, for one's cultural environment. With these natural foundations of patriotism as a natural feeling, its moral significance as a duty and a virtue is combined. "

The Big Encyclopedic Dictionary interprets patriotism as "love for the Motherland, attachment to the native land, language, culture, traditions."

The pedagogical dictionary under patriotism means "a socio-political and moral principle that expresses a feeling of love for the Motherland, care for its interests and readiness to defend it from enemies."

Patriotism is defined as a social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland, the willingness to subordinate his private interests to his interests. Patriotism also presupposes pride in the achievements and culture of one's Motherland, the desire to defend the interests of the Motherland and one's people, and, in addition, to preserve cultural and historical peculiarities.

In turn, the Motherland means: "the country in which a person was born and a citizen of which he is" or "the place, country where the person was born." The child's idea of ​​the Motherland begins with the family, the inner circle. Thus, under the Motherland, a junior schoolchild can understand a family, a place where he was born, a city, a country in which he lives.

The patriotic education of the younger generation has always been one of the most important tasks of the school. This is a complex pedagogical process, which is based on the formation of patriotism as a personal quality.

At the present stage of development of our society, patriotic education is carried out through the solution of the following tasks:

assertion in society, in the consciousness and feelings of citizens of socially significant patriotic values, views and beliefs, respect for the cultural and historical past of Russia, for traditions;

creating and ensuring the implementation of opportunities for more active involvement of citizens in solving socio-economic, cultural, legal, environmental and other problems;

educating citizens in the spirit of respect for the Constitution of the Russian Federation, legality, norms of social and collective life, creating conditions for ensuring the implementation of constitutional human rights and his duties, civic duty;

instilling in citizens a sense of pride, deep respect and reverence for the symbols of the Russian Federation - the Emblem, Flag, Anthem, other Russian symbols and historical relics of the Fatherland;

creating conditions for strengthening the patriotic orientation of television, radio and other mass media when covering events and phenomena of public life, actively countering the distortion and falsification of the history of the Fatherland;

the formation of racial, national, religious tolerance, the development of friendly relations between peoples.

The most important component of moral education is the formation of patriotism and the culture of interethnic relations, which are of great importance in the social, civic and spiritual development of a person. Love for the Motherland is strengthened only on the basis of uplifting feelings of patriotism and national shrines, a feeling of responsibility for its power, honor and independence, the preservation of the material and spiritual values ​​of society, develops the nobility and dignity of the individual.

Many thinkers and teachers of the past, revealing the role of patriotism and the culture of interethnic relations in the process of a person's personal formation, pointed to their multifaceted formative influence.

Russian critic-democrat V.G. Belinsky pointed out that patriotism contains universal human spiritual values ​​and ideals and makes a person a member of a social community. "To love your homeland," he noted, "means ardently wanting to see in it the fulfillment of the ideal of humanity and, to the best of your ability, to advance this":

K. D. Ushinsky believed that patriotism is not only an important task of upbringing, but also its powerful pedagogical means: "As there is no man without pride, so there is no man without love for the fatherland, and this love gives upbringing the right key to a man's heart and a powerful support for the fight against his bad natural, personal, family and ancestral inclinations. "

True patriotism is essentially humanistic and includes respect for other peoples and countries, for their national customs and traditions, and is inextricably linked with the culture of interethnic relations. In this sense, patriotism and the culture of interethnic relations are closely related to each other, appear in organic unity and determine the moral significance of the individual.

In philosophy, the essence of patriotism is interpreted as "a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the fatherland, devotion to it, pride in its past and present, the desire to defend the interests of the motherland."

The pedagogical interpretation of this quality is not limited to moral feelings. It includes the corresponding need-motivational sphere of the individual, her patriotic consciousness and behavior, which, being fixed, in their totality characterize patriotism as a moral quality. From this point of view, patriotism is defined in pedagogy as such a moral quality that includes the need to faithfully serve one's homeland, the manifestation of love and loyalty to it, the awareness and experience of its greatness and glory, its spiritual connection with it, the desire to preserve its honor and dignity. , by practical deeds to strengthen power and independence.

For patriotic education, there must be interaction between a child and an adult - communication and cooperative activity, which will be aimed at familiarizing with the national and regional culture, to the nature of the native land; on the disclosure and formation in the child of the moral qualities of the personality, moral norms and principles, which become the internal motives of behavior.

Patriotism by no means means hatred and disrespect for other peoples. Therefore, the upbringing of love for one's Fatherland, pride in one's Motherland should be combined with the formation of a benevolent attitude towards the culture of other peoples, towards each person individually. A humane attitude towards people of different nationalities is brought up in a child primarily under the influence of parents, teachers - adults who are next to him. Every child should know: historically, our country is inhabited by people of different nationalities; each nation has its own language, customs and traditions, and they must be treated with respect.

Patriotic education in primary school is understood as the gradual and steady formation of students' love for their homeland. Younger schoolchildren should develop a sense of pride for their homeland and their people, respect for their native culture, the great achievements of the people.

A child's feeling of love for the Motherland begins with his relationship to his family, to the closest people - to mother and father, grandparents, brothers and sisters; to everything that connects him with his home and immediate environment; from what the child sees and hears, which evokes a response in his soul. Many impressions may not yet be deeply comprehended by a child, but they still play a huge role in the formation of the personality of a patriot.

The essence of patriotic education in elementary school lies in the fact that patriotism is not imposed "blindly", simply because it is necessary to love the Motherland, in the fact that children will learn what it is like our Motherland, what they can do for it, for what can appreciate, respect and love her.

A feature of patriotic education in primary school is that only the foundations of patriotism are formed in younger students. Based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the personal results of education and based on the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of the Personality of a Citizen of Russia, it can be concluded that the results of patriotic education should reflect:

Consequently, speaking about patriotism, it is necessary to say about such a component as its basis - knowledge: an idea of ​​the concept of "Motherland", knowledge of state symbols and some cultural traditions of Russia, an idea of ​​the natural features of the country, information about the peoples inhabiting the territory of Russia, about some peculiarities of their culture.

In our opinion, it is this knowledge that will contribute to the formation of the foundations of patriotism in primary schoolchildren.

patriotic moral education schoolboy

1.3 Characteristics of forms, methods, means of patriotic education of primary schoolchildren

Knowledge will contribute to the formation of moral concepts and feelings of a younger student in the event that special conditions are created for their receipt, certain forms and methods of education are used. The task of the teacher is to select from the mass of impressions that the child can receive, those that will be most accessible to him, and teach them in a suitable form.

According to the number of those participating in the activity, the following forms of patriotic education in primary school are distinguished:




Consider the individual forms of patriotic education in elementary school: individual forms imply the individual activities of the child, and, of course, taking into account the individual characteristics of students. The organization of patriotic education in an individual form helps to strengthen the moral values ​​learned by the child as personality traits. He comprehends norms and rules, as a result of which they gradually become his own views and beliefs. In the future, the child's behavior, as a result, is deeply comprehended and has nothing to do with mechanical submission, forced only by external circumstances and requirements.

In addition, individualized forms include close interaction with students' families. It is the family that plays a decisive role at a particular age stage. Therefore, the teacher must involve parents in the process of patriotic education of children.

A significant form of patriotic education (which can be both individual and group) is play. Games for younger students are aimed at imitating the behavior of adults. On the one hand, the biological essence of the child is manifested in play, and on the other hand, the readiness for social adaptation. In the game, the norms of behavior from adult life are trained, the values ​​of the child are developed. According to D.B. Elkonin, in play, the child enters the developed world of higher forms of human activity, the rules of human relationships, and play becomes a source of morality. That is why in elementary school games are not only not prohibited, but are actively used both in education and in teaching.

Let us consider the group forms of patriotic education of younger students: group forms of education imply the activities of students in groups of 5-7 to 25 people.

Group forms of patriotic education include meetings with war and labor veterans, conversations, quizzes, collective creative affairs, exhibitions, excursions, tourist trips to study the historical past of their native land.

An interesting group form of work is the work of a museum or a museum room in a school. One of the conditions for the successful organization and operation of a school museum is the continuity in the work of its activists. It is ensured by the fact that it includes students of different age groups. Students together, jointly participate in the implementation of various tasks for the search and collection of museum materials, their accounting and storage, the design of exhibitions, expositions, preparation and conduct of excursions. History teachers, employees of the city museum can take part in conducting classes. In the classroom, students' messages on the performance of search tasks are heard, and opinions are exchanged. The organization of such classes will allow students to acquire local history knowledge about their small homeland.

Consider local history work. as a group form of patriotic education.

Many methodologists believe that the basis of the patriotic education of students is their knowledge and awareness of their "small" Motherland. In elementary school, the process of studying the "small" Motherland, its nature, culture and everyday life is called local history work.

In Ushakov's explanatory dictionary, local history is defined as "the study of some region, the study of individual localities, regions from the side of their nature, economy, everyday life, etc., carried out mainly by local forces."

One of the main features of local history work is that it includes elements of research. Therefore, its obligatory part is the direct participation of schoolchildren in research work. The forms of local history work are lesson, optional and extracurricular.

In lessons with elements of local history, the material is used in the form of individual questions or facts, episodes, its consideration can be at any stage of the lesson. Local history material can be presented by both the teacher and the students who make the messages.

The main feature of optional classes is in-depth theoretical study of the material. The basis is the voluntariness and deep interest of students, their independent activity. Optional courses in local history successfully combine different forms and methods of lesson and extracurricular work in general.

Extracurricular work of local lore - excursions, expeditions, evenings, olympiads, quizzes, conferences. This also includes meetings with participants and witnesses of historical events, local history games. An effective means of enhancing the independent activity of students is their participation in the release of local history wall newspapers, magazines, compilation of quizzes, discussion of books read, making photomontages.

Let us consider the mass forms of patriotic education of junior schoolchildren: mass forms of education imply work with a large number of students. Mass forms of patriotic education include class hours, circles and sections, clubs and camps, memory watches, search activities, meetings with veterans, festivals and holidays, rallies and gatherings, games. It is believed that with an increase in the number of pupils, the quality of education decreases, since the individual impact on the student decreases. However, the organization of upbringing in such forms contributes to the formation in children of an awareness of personal responsibility for a common cause, the development of communication skills with people, the ability to listen to another person, respect for another opinion, which plays an important role in patriotic upbringing.

The process of patriotic education can be called two-sided. On the one hand, there is a purposeful influence on the part of the teacher, on the other hand, the organized activity of students, which must certainly have a goal set by them. Education is carried out using a variety of methods. The methods of upbringing in pedagogy mean ways to achieve the set goal of upbringing, the influence of teachers on students, on the organization of their activities. The use of the method contributes to greater success in upbringing in the event that it correlates with the leading type of activity of children. Also, teachers believe that the educational impact is enhanced with various combinations of methods.

The classification of methods is a system built on a specific basis. It helps to highlight general and specific features in the methods, thereby contributing to the teacher's conscious choice, the most effective application. There are many classifications of parenting methods. Let's take a look at some of them.

N.I. Boldyrev and N.K. Goncharov divide upbringing methods according to their orientation into the following groups:

) Methods of persuasion

) Exercise (teaching) methods

) Promotion methods

) Method of punishment

Let's take a closer look at these methods.

Consider the methods of reasoning:

A story is a presentation of events and facts that have a vivid emotional impact on the consciousness and feelings of children. When using this method, it is necessary to generate a positive feedback, while avoiding moralizing.

Conversation is a dialogue between teacher and students, based on the sensory experience of children and their knowledge. You can enhance the activation of perception with the help of visualization.

An example is the choice of a role model based on likes, affections, inclinations.

Suggestion is an uncritical proposal to students of some desires, ideas, attitudes. The effect of suggestions depends on the authority of the teacher.

Requirements - direct motivation of the child to act or action. Requirements should outpace the development of the student's personality, as well as pass into the child's requirements for himself.

According to the form, two types of requirements are distinguished:

direct (order, instruction, prescription);

indirect (request, advice, hint).

Also, the requirements are divided according to the emotional and psychological orientation:

a) a requirement with a positive attitude towards the child (request, approval, expression of confidence);

c) a requirement with a neutral attitude (advice, hint, requirement in game design).

Consider the methods of exercise (training).

Exercise - repeated repetition of actions with awareness of the goal and results. The teacher needs to show various ways of solving problems, to explain the essence and significance of the quality being brought up.

Learning is the organization of regular performance by students of actions that become habitual forms of behavior. This method consists of showing and reinforcing with repetition.

The teacher can organize the exercise and teaching in the form of problem situations in play activities. Students change roles, better understand what is happening, and in addition, their motivation increases. As a result, children develop self-esteem, introspection, and methods of conscious discipline.

Consider creating nurturing situations. A given situation can be staged, after which students freely choose any option to resolve it.

Supervision is the observation of a child's activities in order to induce him to abide by the rules. Controls: day-to-day observation, one-to-one conversations.

Switching is a distraction of the student's attention in order to distract him from harmful activities.

Consider the methods of encouragement: encouragement is an expression of a positive assessment of the student's deed, which makes him satisfied with his activities.

Competition - This method increases the motivation and activity of students. They are offered in advance various ways to achieve the goal and criteria for evaluating the results.

Consider the methods of punishment:

Punishment is an expression of a negative assessment of the student's behavior. The types of punishment are censure, remarks, disapproval, reprimand, condemnation. Suggestion and direct demand as methods of education in our time are considered inappropriate. Some educators consider them to be contrary to the principle of humanism and individualization of teaching.

Most often in education, the classification of methods compiled by G.I. Shchukina. The teacher identifies the following groups of educational methods:

) Methods of forming consciousness (story, explanation, conversation, situation analysis, example);

) Methods of organizing activities and shaping behavior (assignment, exercise, training);

) Methods of stimulating activity and behavior (demand, competition, encouragement, punishment);

Some of these methods were defined above, so we will consider the features of their application.

Explanation is considered one of the most accessible methods of moral and ethical education. It is necessary to find out what children know about the rules of relations with other children, what specific content they put into the concepts of "kindness", "honesty", "justice". With the help of this method, students are explained the norms of behavior at school, at home, on the street, in society.

Storytelling is one of the main methods of moral and ethical education and involves the accumulation of students' stock of ideas and concepts about those norms of behavior that are accepted in society. Moreover, this method is based on the experiences of schoolchildren, through them, students begin to distinguish between good and bad, fair and unfair. It is possible to implement methods of storytelling and explanation when studying works of fiction.

The formation of the foundations of patriotism among students is greatly influenced by such a method of education as the creation and analysis of situations.

In pedagogical practice, the following types of educational situations are used:

problematic - the formation of ideas about how to solve the problem;

constructive - design of behavior in given conditions;

prognostic - the development of skills to foresee the consequences of an act (one's own or someone else's);

assessment - the formation and development of assessment skills;

analytical - analysis of the right and wrong actions of the participants;

reproductive - verbal or practical demonstration of the already existing experience of behavior.

In the process of playing various situations, the child's imagination is activated. This is of great importance for positive changes in himself due to the appearance in him of a "self-image" acting according to moral laws.

In our opinion, the most effective method of patriotic education in literary reading lessons is conversation. They help students understand complex concepts, form a firm moral position in them, and realize their personal experience of behavior.

During the conversation, it is necessary that the students actively participate in the discussion and formulate their own conclusions. This method is based on the analysis and discussion of specific facts and events from everyday life, examples from fiction.

The peculiarity of the conversation lies in the fact that the students themselves develop correct assessments and judgments about concepts and actions. They can also include dramatization, reading excerpts from works of art. In the process of primary education, information-reproductive methods are reduced to a minimum. They are used only in cases where students do not have a base for organizing constructive thinking activity, or because of the complexity of the material.

The role of conversations was highly appreciated by A.S. Makarenko. "A whole series of conversations, a whole cycle of such conversations, simply produced a great philosophical improvement in my team." Conversation, according to L.R. Bolotina, requires a great spiritual closeness to the students from the teacher. During the conversation, he should show respect for the inner world of the child. The result of the conversation is a conclusion on the issue under discussion,.

An example implies a purposeful and systematic impact on the consciousness and behavior of schoolchildren by organizing patterns of behavior. It is considered one of the most effective methods of education.

Undoubtedly, a variety of methods of patriotic education should be used throughout the entire education of children in primary school. Their choice is carried out depending on the characteristics of the students and the subjects studied.

Thus, the process of patriotic education has its own specific characteristics. They consist not only in the selection of the most effective forms and methods, but also in the fact that only the foundations of patriotism are formed in elementary school.


Patriotic education today is one of the urgent tasks of the school. Younger school age is sensitive for patriotic education, since at this age children actively receive and accumulate knowledge about the life of society, about relationships between people, about various ways of behavior. Also at this time, an adult is an authority and example for them, which contributes to successful educational work. That is why at the moment such moral sense how patriotism is one of the personal outcomes of primary education.

Patriotism means love for one's Motherland, devotion to it, concern for the welfare of one's Fatherland, knowledge and preservation of its cultural characteristics. In turn, by Homeland, a junior schoolchild can understand a family, a place where he was born, a city, a country in which he lives.

The peculiarity of patriotic education in primary school is that only the foundations of patriotism are formed in junior schoolchildren, which are based on the knowledge they have gained about their country and "small" homeland. Based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the personal results of education and based on the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of the Personality of a Citizen of Russia, it can be concluded that the results of patriotic education should reflect:

) formation of the foundations of civic identity; students' awareness of the concept of "Motherland";

) respect for the cultural and historical past of Russia;

) value attitude towards the older generation;

) respect for nature;

) knowledge and respect for the state symbols of the Russian Federation;

) respectful attitude to the history and culture of other peoples,.

For the best educational effect, the teacher needs to organize the work of students in a suitable form. The most effective methods of patriotic education in the classroom are such methods as conversation, storytelling, creation and analysis of situations. They allow students to form an idea of ​​the peculiarities of our country and the culture of the peoples inhabiting it, to develop correct assessments and judgments about concepts and actions.

Thus, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the patriotic education of primary schoolchildren is one of the main tasks of primary school. According to its psychological characteristics, the period of primary school age is the most favorable for the upbringing of patriotism, since children at this age respond to the trust of an adult, they are characterized by emotional responsiveness, imitation, and sincerity of feelings. Patriotic education of children of primary school age is a purposeful, specially organized process of fostering patriotic feelings, enriching the child with knowledge about the Motherland, developing the need for activities for the general benefit, the formation of skills and abilities moral behavior... Patriotic education at school should be carried out both in the classroom and in the extracurricular activities of younger students. This presupposes the widespread use of the possibilities of academic disciplines and the inclusion of children in various types of socially significant activities, through which a feeling of love for the Motherland, interest in its history, and a desire to take care of it is formed.


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Faculty of Education

Department of ND and SO

Completed by a student

1 course of correspondence department Nach Dosh

Demina Nadezhda Vladimirovna

Patriotic education of junior schoolchildren

Test work on pedagogy

DPN teacher, professor

Vyalikova Galina Sergeevna





    Tasks and principles of patriotic education.

    Methods and techniques of patriotic education of junior schoolchildren.

    Effective forms of patriotic education in primary school.


"Patriotism is when you think that this country is better than everyone else because you were born here."

Bernard Show


Relevance of this topic especially on hearing since last year, when the so-called Ukrainian "patriots" replaced the true concept of patriotism, historical events, the influence of people on the history of their country and the role of other countries. And the younger generation was brought up by such "patriots" whom it would be more correct to call fascists, because their love for the Motherland consists only in chanting chants and killing all those who disagree with them and people of other nationalities, in particular Russians. And the result of all was a civil war in the country for a year already - this is the murder of civilians, dead children, disfigured survivors, destruction of houses, infrastructure and structures. Therefore, right now and educational institutions, and families should give the most important attention to the patriotic education of the younger generation. And it depends only on ourselves who we will grow up to replace ourselves: the valiant and truly patriotic generation that won the Great Patriotic War, or pseudo-patriots who bring horror, destruction and death to all living things.

Research object is patriotic education in primary school.

Subject of study - processes of patriotic education of younger students.

purpose of work - to identify the methods and techniques that are used in the process of educational work, to form the patriotic consciousness of younger students.


Define the tasks and principles of patriotic education;

Reveal the methods and techniques of patriotic education of junior schoolchildren;

Show effective forms of upbringing a patriot in primary school.

Methods of scientific and pedagogical research : study and analysis of literature on the problem of research, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification.

Test structure: introduction, 3 paragraphs, conclusion, bibliography and Internet sources.

1. Tasks and principles of patriotic education of junior schoolchildren.

Upbringing in a social sense is a purposeful and organized process of personality formation.

Education in the pedagogical sense is a process and result of educational work aimed at solving specific educational problems.

Patriotic education is the formation of a feeling of love and responsibility for their Motherland, the formation of readiness to come to the defense of the Motherland and their people.

In one of his speeches, the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin said: “Patriotism is the main thing. Without this, Russia would have to forget about national dignity, and even about national sovereignty. "

Unfortunately, in society, the national question is periodically significantly aggravated. And, as a result, patriotism degenerates into nationalism, the true meaning and understanding of internationalism is lost, and the concepts of patriotism are replaced.

Patriotism (Greek πατριώτης - compatriot, πατρίς - fatherland) is a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland and the willingness to subordinate its private interests to its interests (Solzhenitsyn 1996).

Patriotism is love for the Motherland, devotion to one's Fatherland, striving to serve its interests and readiness, up to self-sacrifice, to defend it (Malgin 2006).

Patriotism presupposes pride in the achievements and culture of one's homeland, the desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics and self-identification with other members of the nation, the willingness to subordinate one's interests to the interests of the country, the desire to protect the interests of the homeland and one's people.

Instilling love for the Motherland, a sense of pride and patriotism is a necessary and indispensable element of raising a child.

Tasks patriotic education junior schoolchildren are:

1. Formation of a system of knowledge among children about their homeland:

    natural history and geographical information (geographical features of the native land, climate, nature of the country),

    information about the life of their people (features of everyday life, work, culture, traditions),

    social information (knowledge of the sights of the hometown, capital, country, knowledge of the name of the country, its capital, other cities, state symbols),

    some historical information (about the life of the people in different historical periods, about the exploits of people during the Great Patriotic War, knowledge of the historical monuments of the city, streets).

2. Fostering interest in the outside world in younger schoolchildren, emotional responsiveness to events in public life:

    revitalization emotional sphere personality,

    fostering feelings such as love for family and friends, hometown, respect for the history of the people, admiration for the works folk art, love for nature, hatred for enemies.

3. Inclusion of children in practical activities for the application of the knowledge gained:

    the formation of certain skills and abilities in junior schoolchildren: the ability to reflect the accumulated knowledge in play, artistic and work activities, the ability to take part in socially oriented work, the ability to take good care of nature, the results of the work of others, the ability to reflect knowledge in speech, communication with adults and peers ...

When solving the problems of patriotic education, the following should also be taken into account.principles :

    "Positive centrism" - the selection of knowledge that is most relevant for a child of a given age,

    continuity and continuity of the pedagogical process,

    a differentiated approach to each child, taking into account him as much as possible psychological characteristics, opportunities and interests,

    rational combination different types activity, an age-appropriate balance of intellectual, emotional and motor loads,

    activity approach,

    developing nature of learning based on children's activity.

2. Methods and techniques of education.

The method of education is one of the tools not only for influencing a person, but also for interaction.Each method consists of certain techniques of the teacher and the educated. Reception of education has a narrower focus in contrast to the method, that is, it is an element of the method, a one-time action in the implementation of the method. A set of techniques and form a method.

The methods of education should be understood as the ways of professional interaction between a teacher and students in order to solve educational and educational problems. Reflecting the dual nature of the pedagogical process, the methods are one of those mechanisms that ensure the interaction of the teacher and pupils. This interaction is not built on a parity basis, but under the sign of the leading and guiding role of the teacher, who acts as the leader and organizer of the pedagogically expedient life and activities of students.
The upbringing method breaks down into its constituent elements (parts, details), which are called methodological techniques. In relation to the method, the techniques are of a private, subordinate nature. They do not have an independent pedagogical task, but obey the task pursued by this method. The same methodological techniques can be used in different methods... Conversely, the same method for different teachers may include different techniques.
The methods of education and methodological techniques are closely related to each other, they can make mutual transitions, replace each other in specific pedagogical situations. In some circumstances, the method acts as an independent way of solving a pedagogical problem, in others - as a technique that has a particular purpose. Conversation, for example, is one of the main methods of forming consciousness, attitudes and beliefs. At the same time, it can become one of the main methodological techniques used at various stages of the implementation of the training method.
Thus, the method includes a number of techniques, but it itself is not a simple sum of them. Techniques at the same time determine the originality of the teacher's methods of work, give individuality to the manner of his pedagogical activity. In addition, using a variety of techniques, you can bypass or smooth out the complexities of a dynamic teaching and educational process.

Methods of upbringing show their content through:

    the direct influence of the educator on the pupil (through persuasion, morality, demand, order, threat, punishment, personal example, authority, requests, advice);

    the creation of special conditions, situations and circumstances that force the pupil to change his position, to carry out an act, to show character;

    public opinion of the reference group, personally significant for the pupil, as well as thanks to a person who is authoritative for him and the media;

    joint activities of the educator with the pupil, communication, play;

    immersion in the world folk traditions, folklore, reading fiction and other socio-cultural values.

The teacher chooses and uses a system of methods in accordance with the goals set. Since they are "tools for touching the personality" (AS Makarenko), when choosing them, it is necessary to take into account all the subtleties and characteristics of the pupil's personality. There is no good or bad method.

Accustoming as a method of upbringing, it presupposes the cultivation of the pupil's ability to organize actions and reasonable behavior as a condition for the formation of the foundations of morality and stable forms of behavior. Learning is achieved through a system of exercises. The possibilities of the method are as follows: it helps to learn important skills and actions as stable bases of human behavior. This method contributes to the self-organization of the educated.

Example as a method of education is enclosed in a convincing role model. An example is associated with a visual representation and concretization of the ideal of a person. It represents a distant perspective of the student's aspirations to be similar (positive option) to the ideal image or to overcome those negative features in himself that are somewhat related to the negative image (negative option). In the process of education, the power of both positive and negative examples is equally effective.

Examples of are used as a means of forming a certain way of behavior of the pupil, in order to orient him towards a positive ideal and to develop emotional aversion to asocial actions and deeds.

Encouragement as a method of upbringing, it is aimed at the emotional confirmation of successfully performed actions and moral deeds of a person and stimulation to new ones.

Punishment as a method of upbringing, it is focused on the content of negative actions of a person and "constraining" (inhibiting) influence in such situations.

Types of incentives can be very diverse: approval, praise, gratitude, reward, kiss of a loved one, responsible assignment, moral support in a difficult situation, show of trust and admiration, care and attention, forgiveness for an act.

Types of incentives : remark, reprimand, public censure, removal from an important matter, moral exclusion from public everyday life, an angry look from a teacher, condemnation, indignation, reproach or hint, an ironic joke.

For patriotic education, the following are usedmethods andreceptions :

    excursions around the native land,

    excursions to interesting places in the region associated with the names of figures of literature and art,

    tourist trips to historical places,

    visiting performances, exhibitions, exhibition pavilions and museums,

    creation and expansion of the base of school ethnographic museums,

    release of wall newspapers dedicated to the native land,

    student theater,

    contests of amateur performances, reciters, theater studios, circles,

    meetings with people of art and culture, local poets, artists,

    themed educational hours, evenings,

    writing essays,

    viewing and discussion of thematic films.

3. Effective forms of patriotic education in primary school.

The form of education is the options for organizing a specific educational act.

The organizational form of upbringing is the way of organizing and carrying out any events, affairs, taking into account a clear regime of time, and, in part, place.

There are traditional (class hour, matinee, hike, excursion, etc.) and non-traditional ("The tree planted by you", "Open microphone", "Magic chair".) Forms of education

TOeffective forms patriotic education in elementary school, include the following:

    1. Conversation - persuasion method

Its tasks: the formation of civil-patriotic ideas of children; explanation of norms and rules of behavior in society, nature, rules of communication; discussion and analysis of the actions of students in the class, the life of the team.
The material for conversations can be facts from the life of the class, works of fiction, publications in children's newspapers and magazines, moral categories (good, evil, justice, duty, patriotism, responsibility, discipline, etc.); events taking place (in the classroom, school, country); questions and problems of concern to children.

    2. Class hour - one of the main forms of educational work. This is the leading form of activity that contributes to the formation of a system of attitudes towards the world around schoolchildren.
    There are three classroom functions:

    The educational function is to expand students' knowledge about events taking place in the city, country, world, expand knowledge in the field of human relations, etc. The topic of discussion can be what is relevant for a given age and for understanding the world. Any phenomenon of life can become the object of consideration.

    The orienting function consists in the formation of certain attitudes among students towards the surrounding reality, in the development of a certain hierarchy of material and spiritual values. If the educational function helps to get acquainted with the world, then the orienting function helps to evaluate the world. And this function, according to N. Ye. Shchurkova, is the main one. It is inextricably linked with enlightenment: it is impossible for a student to convey an attitude to an object of the world with which he is unfamiliar; it is impossible to instill love for the Motherland in someone who does not know its beauty; it will not be possible to develop a respectful attitude towards folk art without acquaintance with it; attempts to cultivate love for their roots, for their people without studying the history of their family, their country, their people will be fruitless.

    The guiding function of the classroom hour helps to translate the conversation about life into the realm of students' real practice, guiding their activities. This function acts as a real impact on the practical side of the pupils, on their behavior, on the choice of a life path, on the setting of life goals.
    Most often, the class hour simultaneously has all three of these functions: it enlightens, and orients, and directs.

    Thus, the class hour is the highest form of educational work, its core, since it helps to comprehend all the affairs in which children participate, teaches them to see the attitude towards society and people behind their actions and deeds. It helps to realize the social orientation of all cases, transferring them from the position of substantive concreteness (“collect waste paper”, “plant trees”, “wash desks and walls”) to a social position (“help nature (the country)”, “decorate the earth”, “ take care of the school ").

    3. Information hour - one of the most effective forms of civic and patriotic education.
    The main purpose of the information hour is to familiarize junior schoolchildren with events and significant phenomena in the social and political life of the country, city, district, village. In addition, the information clock is designed to: expand children's knowledge about the world around them; teach to work with periodicals; foster interest in the events taking place in the country; form the habit of reading children's press.

    The information hour solves the problems of education (students get acquainted with events in the world, the country, learn about life and the affairs of their peers, broadens their horizons), education (citizen, patriot, socially active personality), development (thinking, communication skills, speech, ability to work with text).

    4. Oral journal is a collective business, which is a series of short speeches (pages) of students on various topics of the surrounding life and the life of the children's collective.
    Its purpose is to teach children to speak in front of a group; to form public opinion; teach to work in a micro group; expand horizons; teach how to work with press materials. First, the students agree on what topic they will "release" the magazine and what pages it will contain. The case council distributes the pages based on the wishes of the microgroups.

    5.Excursion how is the form of educational work usedin educational and extracurricular activities.
    The teacher chooses this form when it is necessary to acquaint students with real life, with objects of the real world in their natural surroundings. In it, both cognition and active interaction of children with objects, objects, phenomena of the natural, social, cultural environment take place, which, naturally, has a greater impact on children than acquaintance with books. Excursions play a special role in civil-patriotic education. Thanks to them, children learn more about the history of their country, the culture of their people, their customs and traditions. The excursions broaden the horizons of children, visually demonstrate the achievements of technology, construction, help schoolchildren to feel like a part of the natural, cultural, social space.

    In the mainstream of civil-patriotic education, excursions to museums, exhibitions, production facilities, nature, around the city, etc. are conducted.

    6. Travel is a kind of excursion.
    It differs in that it can be real and imaginary, as well as the absence of a guide. All participants play this role in the journey. They find themselves required material, think over the form of its presentation, develop a route, etc. Travel, as a rule, is distinguished by an interesting plot that unfolds in front of the children and the heroes of which they become.

    With younger students, it is advisable to spend not just trips, but travel games. Travel games are the study of an object, phenomenon, area of ​​knowledge, built as the "movement" of children in time and space, acquaintance with different sides (manifestations) of this object.

    7. Celebration - a special form of educational work.
    A holiday is a collective creative work of a bright, emotional nature. His distinctive features are that:

    - firstly, it is based on joy, positive emotions,

    - secondly, it is distinguished by the variety of activities of children, the unity of various areas of educational work.

    - thirdly, the holiday, as a rule, requires careful preparation, since it involves the organized actions of its participants according to a certain, pre-developed scenario.

    In terms of content, the following types of holidays can be distinguished: public, school, folk calendar, school and family, arts, environmental.

    Public holidays unfold in front of children a multicolored palette of people's social life, form value attitudes towards their immediate environment, their country, its people, history, fundamental ideas of society, and involve them in participation in public life.

    Folk calendars are celebrated at school, helping children to feel like a part of their people, to learn about their traditions, morals, customs, fostering a careful, reverent attitude towards the nature of their native land, the history and culture of their people, their native language.

    School and family holidays strengthen the connection between family and school, form an attitude towards one's family, family, and immediate environment.

    Art festivals decorate the life of children and adults, bring into it the idea of ​​harmony of different types of arts, introduce folk art.

    Ecological holidays form in children a value attitude towards the nature of their native land, a desire to protect all living things.

    8. Game - the most important sphere of the child's life and
    effective method of education.

    It is impossible to imagine the patriotic upbringing of junior schoolchildren without game design, game elements. Therefore, it is necessary to use play more widely, instilling in children a value relationship to their country, its history and culture, its people, its traditions, customs, art, etc. There is a wide variety of games that can be used in the process of patriotic education.

    Cognitive games will help to make the knowledge of the life of the country, its history more attractive. They facilitate the spiritual effort required for the cognitive process. These include -

    outdoor games. In every nation there are games that accompanied the child from cradle to adulthood. In addition, games are associated with folk holidays, traditional ritual actions. It is impossible to imagine the life of the Russian people without games. They reflected the history of the people, their customs, labor activities, martial arts, historical events.

    Russian folk games (more than 400 of them are known) synthesize elements of folklore, folk theater, labor and military art.

    Board games introduce children to the geographical location of the country, its sights, ethnographic features, and literary heroes.

    Social and educational games. In them game situation intertwined with the real care of children for those who need help and protection: babies, veterans, natural objects.

    Military-patriotic games are imbued with patriotic pathos, therefore, they affect, first of all, the feelings and emotions of children.

    Socio-psychological games. The purpose of these games is to create a warm, emotionally supportive atmosphere in the classroom; to form friendly, comradely relations in the team; help children in solving problems that arise in front of them in everyday life.

    9. Collective creative work
    In the process of CTD, children acquire their own experience in organizing collective activities.

    In patriotic education, it is possible to organize such KTDs: "Bureau of Questions and Answers", "Meeting of Generations", "Drawing (Posters) Contest", "Come on, Boys!" Tales of Forgotten Heroes "," Wartime Boys and Girls "," Friendship Festival ", etc.

    Taking into account the psychological and age characteristics of our pupils, teachers use the following forms and methods:

    - excursions and hikes around the native land (to the museum of local lore, along the streets of the city, to memorable historical places, to Orthodox churches);

    - collective creative affairs ("Russian Matryoshka Holiday", etc.);

    - holidays dedicated to memorable dates (Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day);

    - oral journals ("Historical Pages of Our City", "Names on Street Plates", "Walk of Fame");

    - exhibitions of drawings and handicrafts (“Look how good the land you live in”, “City of the past, present and future”, “Professions of our parents”, “Children of our yard”);

    - quizzes and contests ("Do you know your city?", "History of the native land", "Professions of the people of our city");

    - project contests ("The green outfit of my yard", "How to make the city clean?", "Family chronicle");
    - shares ("Mercy", "Care");

    - competitive game programs("If the army is strong, the country is invincible!"

    - a round table (“What does it mean to be a Citizen?”, “Our rights and responsibilities”, “A man is glorious for his work!”), etc.

    These forms of work help children to comprehend their role and place in the life of society in terms of manifestation of activity, personal responsibility for the results of their work, to form love for the Motherland, responsibility to loved ones, peacefulness, and care for the environment.


Summarizing the above, we can conclude thatpatriotic education is a purposeful process of forming a social and value attitude towards the Motherland, its people, its culture, language, traditions, nature. This attitude is manifested in the desire and desire to know the history of their country, its national and cultural wealth, to actively participate in public life, to work conscientiously and creatively for the good of the Motherland.

It is important to know thatjunior school age is the most suitable for fostering interest in social phenomena and joint affairs. And therefore, it is necessary not to miss this moment and involve everyone in the rich life of the team, which has socially significant content.
The teacher must help children to realize their place in the history of their people, to include younger students in socially active activities in which they will grow up as citizens and patriots.

Patriotic education sets tasks:

    Formation of a system of knowledge among children about their homeland;

    Fostering interest in the surrounding world in younger schoolchildren, emotional responsiveness to events in public life;

    Inclusion of children in practical activities for the application of the acquired knowledge.

Tasks are performed in the presence of principles, namely: accessibility to age, continuity and continuity, a differentiated approach, a combination of activities, activity and consciousness.

Attention should be paid to the choice of techniques and methods of education. It should be built on the basis of taking into account the structure of the personality: methods of forming consciousness, behavior, feelings are used.

The form of patriotic education, as a variant of organizing a specific educational act, is just as important and has the effectiveness of the result of choosing techniques and methods. There are traditional and unconventional forms education. These include a conversation, class and information hours, an oral journal, excursions, travel, holidays, games, collective - creative affairs, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to note that, first of all, a teacher needs to cultivate a sense of deep patriotism, and only then pass it on to his students, solving all problems, keeping pace with positive emotions.

List of used literature and Internet sources

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2. Agapova I., Davydova M... Patriotic education at school. - M .: Airis - press, 2002 .-- 224 p.

3. Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Shiyanov E.N. Pedagogy. -M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2013. - 496s.

4. Kodzhaspirova G.M., Kodzhaspirov A.Yu.Pedagogical Dictionary : For stud. higher. and Wednesday. ped. study. institutions. - M .: Academy, 2000. -176 p.