Psychology of preschool age summary. Psychology at preschool age

Summary: Psychology of the child. Ages four to six. Child independence. indicators of child development. Night sleep, how to lay a child. The development of the child's psyche, the formation of individuality. Psychological foundations of education of a preschooler.

The age from four to six is ​​a period of relative calm. One way or another, the child got out of the crisis, became calmer, more obedient, more accommodating. He develops, as doctors say, a primary affective attachment to loved ones, a need for friends appears, an interest in the world around him and people's relationships increases sharply.

Acquires a baby and a certain independence.

Ideally, he can already eat on his own, walks and runs well, speaks easily, has been trained in hygiene and tidiness, sleep is stabilizing, behavior is being streamlined, he no longer needs constant and inseparable guardianship. But this, of course, does not mean that all problems have been solved. With the wrong tactics, it is easy, for example, to disturb appetite or sleep patterns.

We note immediately, as in the previous age stages, measure proper nutrition are indicators of the physical development of the child. So, in the third year, the baby grows by about 10 cm, and adds about 3 kg in weight. In the future, this rate slows down somewhat: up to 5-7 cm and up to 2 kg every year. If the child maintains this pace, there should not be much concern.

Night sleep during this period, as before, should be at least 10 hours. And almost to the school itself, daytime sleep is also recommended - an hour and a half.

There are known difficulties with falling asleep in the evening. Therefore, going to bed must be arranged with a special ritual: hygiene measures, dressing in night clothes, affectionate and tactful conversation, increased attention to the words and behavior of the child, interesting tale or a cautionary tale told calmly, soothingly, dimmed light, relative silence.

The whole procedure of laying should be leisurely and pleasant for the child. This is especially true for children with a weak type of higher nervous activity.

Neatness habits are usually already well mastered by the child, but he continues for some time; sometimes wake up "wet". And in this case there is no place for excessive haste and nervousness. It makes no sense to wake the child at night so that he goes to the potty. Let everything go naturally.

To instill hygiene skills, use the child's craving for self-assertion and a tendency to imitate. If adults themselves constantly comply with hygiene requirements, then the baby will eventually feel the need to wash his hands before eating: and how, he is quite “big”.

Already the youngest preschooler begins to realize his individuality, personal isolation, his "self", he begins to form the first concepts of good and evil. Of course, it is still impossible to say that a preschooler has at least to some extent formed moral principles and moral assessments, nevertheless, he already knows very well "what is good and what is bad", he can already understand that it is necessary to obey and respect elders, that it is indecent to commit certain acts, he is able to experience feelings such as pride and shame.

The main incentive for activity is the assessment of his behavior by adults; he most often does good deeds in order to earn praise.

He is already capable to some extent of both empathy and sympathy. He can force himself (at least for a while) not to make noise if he is told; that my mother is ill, that my mother is in pain. He can already - resigned and serious - approach her to console, to help her with his sympathy and love, his kiss and strong hug.

At the same time, the first sprouts of kindness and generosity appear in the child. And it is required not to drown out these sprouts in the bud. For example, a baby shares a favorite treat with you or with someone else. And it is hardly necessary to immediately give the candy or pear back to him. On the contrary, you must let him taste the joy of your generosity and even self-sacrifice, if you like. This joy will further develop the grace-filled properties of his soul.

Already at preschool age, it is necessary to educate the child's ability to take into account the needs and needs of others, especially yourself. He may already understand that you are busy, that you have no time now, that you have urgent business, important work.

It is also necessary to teach him how to get along with other children in the family, at a party, on the playground, to teach him to wait his turn in games, to yield if necessary, to share toys. All this is not achieved immediately, but it is quite accessible to every child. These skills of self-restraint and collectivism will help the baby to painlessly adapt to kindergarten conditions, and later to school.

An important factor in the education of preschool children is their tendency to imitate their parents. Here is what A. S. Makarenko wrote about this: “Do not think that you raise a child only when you talk to him or teach him, or order him. You bring him up at every moment of your life, even when you are not How you dress, how you talk to and about other people, how you feel happy or sad, how you treat your friends and enemies, how you laugh, how you read the newspaper - all this is of great importance for a child.

The child sees or feels the slightest changes in tone, all turns of your thought reach him in invisible ways, you do not notice them. And if at home you are rude or boastful, or drunk, or worse, if you insult your mother, you are already causing harm. huge harm your children, you are already raising them badly ... "Perhaps you can’t say it better.

Most children under normal conditions are characterized by an optimistic perception of life. The world seems to them the most arranged in the best way. You must always remember this, spare and protect the easily vulnerable psyche of the child. It is dangerous to find out your relationship in the presence of children, arrange scenes and scandals.

It makes no sense to tell the children various horror stories, talk about serious illnesses and death, because for another child such information can become a super-strong irritant, a kind of springboard for a nervous breakdown. It is necessary to gradually, extremely carefully and at an older age introduce a small person into a complex and contradictory adult world.

Preschool age is a period of rich and rich emotional life, a violent flowering of creative imagination, a period of discovery of the world in its pristine beauty and purity. Here's how he wrote about the child early age F. G. Lorca: "... what a wonderful artist he is! A creator with a first-class poetic feeling. One has only to watch his first games, until he is spoiled by rationality, to see what stellar beauty spiritualizes them, what ideal simplicity and what mysterious relations are revealed in this case between simple things.

From a button, a spool of thread, and the five fingers of his hand, a child builds a difficult world, crossed by unprecedented resonances that sing and thrillingly collide amid a bright joy that defies analysis. The child knows much more than we think ... In his innocence he is wise and understands better than we do the unspeakable secret of the poetic essence.

The curiosity of a child at preschool age knows no bounds. He is interested in literally everything, he asks adults thousands of questions and each one requires an immediate, understandable answer for him. When explaining, the child loves and asks for repetitions - they help him remember and better understand the explanation, so you can’t get angry and cut off the baby when he asks the same question for the second, third and fourth time. Scientists called this age period the “question stage”. It is very important to give children truthful answers to questions that they can understand.

L. N. Tolstoy once wrote that one should write for children in the same way as for adults, that the most valuable and significant are those works of art for children that are equally interesting to adults. Such works contain deep life and artistic truth, but it is presented in such a way that everyone perceives it depending on life experience.

Such, for example, are "Winnie the Pooh", "The Scarlet Flower", Tolstoy's children's stories, Andersen's fairy tales and folk tales. In our answers to children, we must adhere to the same principle, especially when it comes to answering the most difficult questions.

Incorrect explanations, deliberately false versions, attempts to dismiss the child's questions can lead to sad results. As a rule, if a child discovers this untruth, he stops turning to his parents with his feelings and doubts. This, in turn, alienates parents and children, leading to disruption of contact between them. And without contact, trust, the normal development of the child is impossible.

For the normal development of the child's personality and all its components - intelligence, creativity, emotional and social sphere - it is necessary that from the very beginning early childhood experienced a sense of security, perceived the care of adults about themselves.

At the age of 5-6 years, children experience the "peak of fears" known in psychology, when the number of children's fears, fears and their intensity increase. By the age of 6, there is an awareness of the finiteness of a separate life and the formation of a "fear of death".

These, in general, are the main features of the psychology of preschool children.

We recommend to parents and specialists the best site in Runet with free educational games and exercises for children - Regularly studying with a preschooler according to the methods proposed here, you can easily prepare your child for school. On this site you will find games and exercises for the development of thinking, speech, memory, attention, learning to read and count. Be sure to visit the special section of the site "Preparing for school games". Here are some examples of tasks for reference:

1. Leading activity at preschool age becomes the game. However, throughout the entire age period, gaming activity undergoes significant changes.
Younger preschoolers (3-4 years old) mostly play alone.

The duration of the games is usually limited to 15-20 minutes, and the plot is to reproduce the actions of those adults whom they observe in everyday life.

Average preschoolers (4-5 years old) prefer already joint games, in which the main thing is to imitate relationships between people.

Children clearly follow the rules in the performance of roles. Themed games with a large number of roles are widespread.

For the first time, leadership and organizational skills begin to appear.

In the middle preschool age, drawing actively develops. A schematic, x-ray drawing is characteristic, when something that is not visible externally is drawn, for example, when depicted in profile, both eyes are drawn.

Games-competitions begin to arouse an active interest, which contribute to the formation of motives for achieving success in children.

An older preschooler (5–7 years old) is able to play for a long time, even for several days.

In games, more attention is paid to the reproduction of moral and ethical standards.
Construction is actively developing, during which the child learns the simplest labor skills, gets acquainted with the properties of objects, develops practical thinking, learns to use tools and household items.
The drawing of the child becomes voluminous, plot.

Thus, throughout preschool childhood, games with objects are consistently developed and improved. role-playing game, designing, drawing, housework.

2. Active at preschool age develops sensory sphere . The child improves in the accuracy of perception of color, size, shape, weight, etc. He is able to notice the difference between sounds of different pitch, sounds similar in pronunciation, learn a rhythmic pattern, determine the position of objects in space, intervals of time.

The perception of a preschool child will be more accurate if it is caused by bright stimuli and is accompanied by positive emotions.

By the older preschool age, the meaningfulness of perception increases sharply, i.e., ideas about the environment expand and deepen.

The thinking of a preschooler is represented by three types: visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical. At the beginning of the preschool period, the child solves most of the problems with the help of practical actions.

By the senior preschool age, the leading value is visual-figurative thinking. Against the background of its rapid development, the foundation of logical thinking begins to be laid, which will be so necessary during the period of schooling.

The attention of the child throughout the entire preschool age continues to be involuntary, although it acquires greater stability and concentration.

True, most often a child is concentrated if he is engaged in an interesting, exciting activity.

By the end of the preschool period, the child is able to maintain steady attention when performing intellectual activities: solving puzzles, guessing puzzles, charades, riddles, etc.

Memory preschooler has the following features:

  1. the most developed figurative memory, including such a variety of it as eidetic;
  2. memorization happens better if it is organized in the course of gaming activity, involuntary memorization is characteristic;
  3. when setting a mnemonic task, memorization occurs mechanically, that is, by repetition;
  4. a preschooler listens with pleasure to what he has already heard before, thus training his memory;
  5. emotional memory is well developed, the great impressionability of the child leads to the fact that we retain a large number of vivid images childhood.

Consider the features imagination preschooler:

  1. imaginative images arise easily.
  2. The “products” of fantasy are distinguished by contradictions: on the one hand, the child is a “terrible” realist (“It doesn’t happen like that”), on the other, a great dreamer;
  3. the images of the preschooler's imagination are distinguished by their brightness, emotionality, originality of ideas, although most often these ideas are repelled from the previously known (recreating imagination);
  4. often the child's fantasies are directed to the future, although in these images he is very fickle.

At preschool age, the child's speech continues to improve actively. This is facilitated by play activities, during which children agree on the rules, distribute roles, etc.

There is a mastery of grammar rules, declensions and conjugations, complex sentences, rules for the use of connecting unions, suffixes and prefixes.
As facilities communication, the child uses the following types of speech:

  1. situational;
  2. contextual;
  3. explanatory.

Situational speech is often understandable only to the interlocutor, it remains inaccessible to outsiders, it contains many verbal patterns, adverbs, there are no proper names, the subject drops out.

As the child masters more complex activities, speech becomes expanded, including explanations of the situation.

Such speech is called contextual. At the senior preschool age, the child develops an explanatory speech, when the sequence of presentation is preserved, the main thing is highlighted.

At preschool age, egocentric speech is also quite common.

This is an intermediate form between external and internal speech and is expressed in commenting on one's actions aloud, without addressing anyone in particular.

So, at preschool age, the arbitrariness of the actions and mental processes of the child increases, knowledge about the world around them deepens and expands.

3. personal development preschool includes:

  1. understanding of the surrounding world and one's place in this world;
  2. development of the emotional and volitional sphere.

The attitude of an adult to a child largely determines the formation of his personality.

At the same time, observance of the norms of public morality becomes important. A preschooler can learn these norms in the following ways:

  1. imitating loved ones;
  2. observing the work of adults;
  3. listening to reading stories, fairy tales, poems;
  4. imitating peers who enjoy attention from adults;
  5. through the media, especially television.

Younger preschoolers learn cultural and hygienic skills, daily routine, rules for handling toys, books; middle and older preschoolers - rules for relationships with other children.

At preschool age, the self-awareness of the child begins to actively form, which is manifested in self-esteem.

On the initial stage the child learns to evaluate the characters of fairy tales, stories, then transfers these assessments to real people, and only by the senior preschool age does the ability to correctly evaluate oneself begin to take shape.

Throughout preschool age, feelings accompany the behavior of the child.
The kid is not yet able to fully control his emotional experiences, his mood can quickly change to the opposite, but with age, feelings acquire greater depth and stability.

The "reasonableness" of feelings increases, which is explained by the acceleration of mental development.
Increasingly, one can observe the manifestation of such feelings as a sense of joy and pride in a completed task, or the opposite - feelings of chagrin and shame if the task is not completed, a sense of the comic (children come up with verbal shifters), a sense of beauty.

By the end of preschool age, the child in some cases manages to restrain violent manifestations of feelings.
He gradually masters the understanding of the non-verbal language of emotions.
Thus, the personal development of a child in preschool age occurs as a result of active interaction with adults.

4. Let's dwell on the consideration psychological readiness for schooling, which is understood as "the necessary and sufficient level mental development child for school curriculum in the conditions of training in a group of peers” (I. V. Dubrovina, 1997).

In other words, the child, being in a peer group, should be able to learn school material.

There are different opinions on the subject of highlighting the parameters of the mental development of the child.

L. I. Bozhovich singled out:

  • the level of motivational development, including cognitive and social (the desire to take a certain position in a peer group) motives for learning;
  • a sufficient level of development of arbitrariness and a certain level of development of the intellectual sphere, while priority was given to motivational development.

Readiness for schooling implies the formation of the "internal position of the student", which means the child's ability to consciously set and fulfill certain intentions and goals.

Most researchers assign one of the main places to arbitrariness. D. B. Elkonin singled out as the main skills such as the conscious subordination of one’s actions to the rule, orientation to a given system of requirements, attentive listening to the speaker and the exact fulfillment of the task offered orally.

These parameters are the elements of developed arbitrariness.

For successful schooling, it is also important to have the ability to communicate with adults and peers, readiness to accept a new social position: “the position of a student”.

Intellectual readiness to school education, first of all, it does not consist of the amount of acquired knowledge, but of the level of development cognitive processes, i.e., the child’s ability to reason, analyze, compare, draw conclusions, etc. At the same time, a good level of speech development is extremely important.

Summarizing the above approaches, we can distinguish three aspects of school readiness: intellectual, emotional, social.

Intelligent Component It is expressed in the level of outlook, a certain vocabulary, the level of development of cognitive processes (perception, memory, attention, thinking and imagination, speech) and the ability to single out a learning task.

Emotional readiness- this is the ability of a child to perform an unattractive task for a long time without being distracted, a decrease in impulsive reactions, the ability to set a goal and achieve it, despite the difficulties.

Social component manifests itself in the ability and desire to communicate with peers, to obey the laws of the children's group, in the willingness to accept the status of a student.

Some researchers focus on motivational readiness, which manifests itself in a pronounced need to achieve success in learning and communication, the presence of adequate (corresponding to the true position) self-esteem, moderate high level aspirations (the desire to achieve something). So, a child who is psychologically ready for schooling should have all the components listed above.

Hello dear visitors of our blog! The topic of our next article: "Peculiarities of the psychology of preschool children." Let's talk about the features of the development of the child from the age of three. How does their perception of the surrounding reality change. Find out what parents of a growing baby should pay attention to. Read the full article for details!

Features of the psychology of preschool children

Preschool age is determined by psychologists from three years to seven. At the age of three, the child experiences the first age crisis. Seven years is also a period of crisis. That is preschool age- this is the period of a child's life from the first to the second crisis of life.

A three-year-old baby already feels like a person. For the first time, he begins to understand that he is a person, a full-fledged member of the family. He is learning to do family responsibilities help adults. Tries to make decisions on his own. This is the age of the greatest perception of the surrounding reality. The development of the child is very fast. During these five years of preschool age, he needs to have time to change from playing activities to learning.

The help of parents is to give the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

The main activity in preschool age is play. At the age of three or four, a child masters a role-playing game, but so far at the level of imitation. He takes toys and plays situations that he saw in life or in cartoons. If this does not happen at this age, the task of the parent is to teach how to play.

Psychology of a child of senior preschool age

At the age of five or six, role-playing is no longer imitative. The kid himself comes up with the plot of the game, the names of the characters. These can be both life stories (shopping in a store, a train ride) and fantastic ones. In the game, the child learns to interact with people, socialization takes place. The child tries himself in the role of an adult, learns to make decisions at the level of the game. Therefore, it is very important not to miss this period.

If at a younger preschool age a little man most often plays by himself, then at the age of five or six years, the baby chooses peers with whom he would like to interact. Children gather in small groups of two or three people and play.

At this age, the child begins to be interested in drawing, modeling, listening to fairy tales. He is not interested in studying, although elements of educational activity in the form of a game can be introduced from the age of four. It is important to support the child in all his endeavors. Try all kinds of activities: appliqué, modeling, drawing, and designing. The kid is interested in trying everything. And it's important to support it. This is the future interest in learning, which is the key to success in school.

How the psychology of children of primary preschool age is changing

Thinking at this age is visual-figurative. This is important for parents to know. The kid cannot remember from words, it is important for him to see the picture, to explore the object by touch. Mental representation and fantasy are limited by the knowledge of the child. He cannot imagine what he has never seen. Therefore, it is important to give new sensations, new emotions. What can parents do for the full development of preschoolers?
  • Trips to other cities (countries)
  • Visiting museums, exhibitions
  • Going to the theater
  • It is important not just to watch the performance, but to discuss with the child what he learned new, what he was interested in.

At this age, memory develops intensively. The kid remembers everything: from advertising on TV to random phrases spoken by parents.

The development of memory in preschool age plays a huge role. Some tips for improving memory game form.

1. In the evening before going to bed, the parent reads a fairy tale. In the morning he discusses with the child who the main character was, where he went, what he did. You can ask leading questions, but it is important that he remembers.

2. Arrange three or four toys on the table. For half a minute, let the baby remember the location of the toys. Then cover them with a scarf and swap two toys in places. Open the handkerchief and ask the child to name what has changed.

3. Discuss after watching any cartoon. What happened in it. What were the names of the main characters.

4. In the evening, remember together with the baby what happened during the day sequentially (provided that the parent was present and knows how the day went).

We examined the issues of the peculiarities of the psychology of preschool children. We also recommend reading the article "Peculiarities of the psychology of preschool children." We will tell you how to deal with the problem of helplessness and develop in a child the ability to make decisions independently. Details in the article!

The psychological characteristics of preschool children depend on the emergence of needs, among which are: communication, emotions, impressions, physical activity. By improving communication, physical activity, the child gradually masters new skills, abilities. As a result, the process of socialization takes place not in a passive way, but through initiative cognition.

The driving forces of the formation of the psyche of the baby

Getting new emotions, impressions stimulates the development of mental activity. Acquaintance with the outside world not only contributes to obtaining positive emotions, but arouses interest.

In children aged 5–6 years, the desire for development is great, which leads to an increased interest in acquiring new skills. In 1–2 years, the lack of knowledge will be filled at school.

Features of the psychological development of the child

As a rule, children aged 4-7 years are classified as preschoolers. Until that moment, the child will have to face a crisis three years of age. This is a difficult time for the baby and his parents, because the baby behaves badly, is naughty, and shows stubbornness. The period is characterized by the separation of the child as an independent personality, in which character, opinion, views are formed. In order for the crisis to pass as successfully and calmly as possible, adults should show respect, restraint, without belittling their beloved baby. He must feel that he is being listened to, understood.

At the end of the crisis, the preschooler becomes one step higher in relationships with adults. He feels like a separate cell of society. He needs to be brought up to date with his duties, the rules established in the family. Most children from 3-4 years old go to kindergarten where they interact with peers and caregivers.

The kid wants to appear more mature than he is. Therefore, he tries to repeat after adults (words, movements, intonation). Some parents manage to observe themselves in this way and understand what the child is learning from them. The behavior of adults should be indicative. This applies not only to the behavior of family members. Children often bring to life what they see on TV. It is worth being attentive to what cartoons, films the baby watches.

Role playing and neoplasms

The psychology of a preschooler is at an early stage. He begins to show interest in the world around him, asks a lot of questions. Development affects memory, mind, neuro-psychic side, hidden talents. If the parents were able to know the features of the mental development of the crumbs, then they will be able to establish harmony in the family, raise the baby correctly.

The kid in the form of a game learns social norms of behavior, establishes contact with others. He wants to distance himself from adults, creates a situation in his head in which he acts as the master of what is happening. However, in real life he is unable to take full part in adult life, which is explained by insufficient mental, mental, physical development. To feel its importance, the child resorts to role play, in which he builds a certain plot, conditions:

  • repeats after adults;
  • imagines a situation in which toys act as real things;
  • reality is symbolic;
  • The game involves the observance of established rules, prohibitions.

This state of affairs contributes to psychological health, emotional and intellectual development.

It is possible to identify several psychological characteristics that are characteristic of preschool children:

  • the ability to imaginative problem solving;
  • intentional application of mental processes, the ability to manage, control the reaction to the environment, the ability to evaluate, predict it;
  • the formation of self-esteem;
  • active formation of the speech apparatus;
  • conscious perception of established behavioral and social norms;
  • readiness for learning process at school on a psychological level.

By the age of 7, to a greater or lesser extent, the presence of certain neoplasms can be noticed.

Problems arising from the mental development of a preschooler

Despite the desire to explore the world, excessive activity, curiosity, difficulties may arise on the path of mental development:

  • poorly developed thinking (lack of attentiveness, problems with the perception of educational material);
  • personal-emotional difficulties (stress, anxiety, fear, passivity);
  • behavioral problems (aggression, secrecy, hostility, anger);
  • communication problems (excessive emotionality, a sense of superiority, isolation);
  • neurological difficulties (insomnia, constant weakness, laziness).

Possible problems require immediate consideration and search for ways to deal with them.

Despite the fact that this may seem serious and negatively affect the child, the psyche of children is able to independently adapt and cope with possible difficulties and omissions in the educational process.


Crumbs at the age of 3-4 years begin to assert themselves. You can often hear from them “I will do it myself”, “I know”, “I can”. Often this leads to the fact that children begin to brag, praise themselves and what they do.

At this age, the child has developed right hemisphere brain, which makes auditory and visual perception heavier, which, in turn, helps to form a picture of what is happening into a single whole.

Fine and gross motor skills are actively developing. Running, warming up hands and fingers, jumping, coordination exercises will benefit.

Memory is still involuntary: bright, rich moments attract his attention. At 3 years old younger preschoolers the active formation of the speech apparatus stops, and about 1000 words have already been deposited in the child’s memory, the meaning and meaning of which he understands.

older preschoolers

At the age of 5–6, the behavior and thinking of children differ significantly from younger preschoolers. Understanding, harmony is established between parents and the child, it becomes easier to communicate, understand each other. It is at this age that children especially need love, care, they begin to feel affection, love for other people.

It is easier to establish communication with peers, to feel the leadership qualities of other children, to accept established orders, rules in games. In the eyes of a child, an adult looks like an assistant, a teacher who is ready to help and solve problems at a difficult moment.

Creativity is starting to emerge. He understands what kind of music he likes and dislikes, begins to dance, sing, play any instrument, go in for sports. Memory is no longer involuntary, actions manifest their own desire.

The thinking of an older preschooler has the following features:

  1. Egocentrism. The kid can analyze what is happening subjectively, without studying the situation from the outside.
  2. Animism. The child transfers his "I" to the surrounding objects, as a result of which, the mobile is perceived as animated.
  3. Syncretism. The baby is able to see the whole in separate elements, but cannot perceive individual details as a whole.

At 5–6 years old, a preschooler can take part in the dialogue of others, delve into the meaning of what is being discussed, and express a reasonable opinion. At this age, the vocabulary expands to 3-4 thousand words.

Children of older preschool age begin to feel guilty towards others and responsible for their actions, show interest, initiative. Sometimes six-year-olds consciously express their desire to go to school in order to learn.

Emotionally, the baby shows more firmness and stability. If we talk about mental activity, then there is the ability to concentrate on certain things, to perceive what is said by ear, to navigate the terrain.

Impulsivity fades into the background, the preschooler tries to think before doing something, to say, understands what the consequences may be. How older child, the more he sees the comedy in what is happening. Fun and laughter can be caused by non-standard colors or shapes of things. Adult preschoolers are more attracted to games in a comic form.

By the age of 6, an individual character is actively formed, manners are manifested. The kid can hide a bad mood or condition, gets upset if he is praised just like that or, even worse, for what he did badly or not well enough. Thus, he begins to soberly assess what is happening.

The formation of the personality of a preschooler

At the age of 4-6 years, the actual development of the personality begins. Self-esteem is formed, experiences are manifested, anxiety for what is happening, for how it looks in the eyes of others. The child begins to set small goals for himself, to motivate himself to achieve them.

The emotional side of personality

Children from the age of 5 become more balanced, calm, do not show emotions and irascibility for no reason. It remains in infancy. The child adequately responds to problems, difficulties, stops dramatizing, falling into a panic fear of the unknown.

The preschooler begins to feel and perceive situations more deeply as his range of emotions expands. Despite a very young age, the baby is able to show sympathy, can be sad with the rest, understand that a person is bad.

The motivational side of personality

At preschool age, one of the main levers of personality is formed - the subordination of motives. There are changes in the motivational sphere, which are gradually developing in the future.

The motives of children have different strength and significance. Formed motives associated with the achievement of successful results, and motives aimed at the knowledge of morality, ethical standards. At this time, the formation of its own system of motivation takes place.

Self-awareness of a preschooler

By the age of 6, self-consciousness is formed, which is achieved through mental activity, character. Self-awareness is considered the main neoplasm of the crumbs. At first, a preschooler analyzes the actions of others, compares, evaluates actions, moral behavior, skills.

The child fully understands gender. Along with this, there are changes in habitual behavior.

The preschooler begins to realize himself in different times. Remember moments from the past and dream about something in the future.

Equally important is self-esteem. Self-knowledge is based on the relationship of parents to the baby. The main thing is that mom and dad should show support in any endeavors, be true friends to the children. It is worth talking more often with children on a friendly note, asking for their opinion, asking for advice. The kid will learn to express his opinion openly and will not be afraid of it.

You should never forget that the psychology of children, their perception of others is significantly different from adult perception. Understand why the child acts this way and not otherwise, help him, if necessary, correct his behavior in better side, to reach out to his consciousness and get the desired results from education will help the materials collected in this thematic section. All publications are systematized according to relevant topics. Like psychological preparation and adaptation to school, hyperactivity, typical children's psychological crises and conflicts, fears and aggressions. Much attention is paid to various methods of psycho-gymnastics and relieving nervous tension: isotherapy, fairy tale therapy, relaxation, sand therapy, questions of competent encouragement and (where without it!) Punishment.

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Psychology of preschoolers. Consultations and recommendations for psychologists
  • Hyperactivity. Hyperactivity disorder in children, attention deficit
  • Psychogymnastics and relaxation. Removal of emotional stress
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Abstract of the event within the framework of the week of psychology "Friendship of Peoples" Summary of activities within the week psychology on the topic : "Friendship of the people" Prepared and conducted educator: Osipkina K.A. Relevance b: preschool education is the first step in the education system and it is in childhood man, like a sponge absorbs ...

Presentation on psychology "Development of sustained attention in preschool children" 1 slide Topic: Development of sustained attention in children preschool age 2 slide The relevance of the project is due to the fact that attention is mental condition human, on the characteristics of which the success of educational activity depends preschooler. According to L.S. Vygotsky, ...

Psychology of preschoolers - Psychological diagnostics "Study of the level of temporal competence and loyalty among teachers"

Publication "Psychological diagnostics" Study of the level of time ... " PSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS / PSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS Study of the level of temporal competence and loyalty among teachers To study the loyalty and temporal competence of teachers, diagnostic tools are used. The most efficient...

Purpose: to develop associative thinking, reproductive imagination, logical thinking, memory and self-regulation; cultivate independence, accuracy. Equipment: pictures with a specific plot, cards with subject images, geometric figures. Lesson progress...

Lesson of a psychologist in the middle group with elements of fairy tale therapy: "The mood of my day" Purpose: - creation of a positive psychological climate among preschoolers; - learning to understand one's own mood; - the development of a sense of collectivism. - establish friendly trusting emotional contacts between adults and children. - to form the ability to freely ...

"Organization of a zone of psychological unloading and a zone for relieving aggression" Privacy corner in kindergarten Adaptation to kindergarten may not be as painful as psychologists and some parents describe. Fortunately, there are many tools designed to facilitate the process of getting used to the child's new team, walls, daily routine. One of these...

Psychology of preschoolers - Essay "Why do I work as a psychologist?"

ESSAY "Why I work as a psychologist" "We all come from childhood," said Antoine de Saint-Exupery in his "The Little Prince." And I agree with him, because all my childhood aspirations were embodied in that adult person whom I see every day in the mirror. I wanted to heal people...