The power of positive thinking. Developing positive thinking

I am often told that I see the world through rose-colored glasses. No, I just live in a reality where you don't need to wear them! I began to learn to think positively after watching the movie "The Secret". This is one of the best self-help films. Highly recommend! It says that our thoughts shape the reality around us. Of course, it’s hard to believe right away. It's scary to realize that a life with just a bunch of problems was created by you. But when you move from the herd of “victims” to the clan of “creators” and take responsibility for all the events in your life, then there is nothing surprising in this hypothesis. In fact, the entire further development of our race in the Age of Aquarius will be based on the ability to learn to control thought and, with the help of positive thinking, create unimaginable things.

What is the power of positive thinking?

Positive thinking is the beginning of beginnings. This is the road to your spiritual and personal growth, to happiness, success, wealth, to inner freedom and harmony in life. Scientists have long proven that our thoughts shape our reality. Each person actually has their own. There are so many people and realities. Understand that you are a real creator and that every second you are creating your future in the present moment. Your future is just a mental image. Therefore, the practice of positive thinking is your tool for shaping reality, which can change your life for the better.

So why do you need to think more positively?

And in order to raise your vibrations at three levels: energetic, emotional and mental.
Positive thinking evokes positive feelings and emotions: joy, happiness, self-satisfaction, peace of mind. This increases your vibrational frequency. Negative thinking mainly causes only negative emotions: anger, fear, jealousy, disappointment, despondency. This all lowers your vibrations. To create your reality with the help of thought, you need to have very high vibrations. Unfortunately, few people understand this. Most people have no energy. And therefore, their life does not change. Positive thoughts will give you +33.3 Energy.

The positive is very contagious. By increasing your energy, you will begin to attract the same positive and the right people, with whom you will walk the road of happiness, success and wealth. You may have to change your environment over time. More precisely, all low-vibration people will begin to fall off by themselves. And at some point you will realize that there are no old friends left in your environment. But it cannot be otherwise. Everything flows, everything changes. Therefore, being positive every day will pump your relationship skill by another 33.3 points.

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7 techniques to develop positive thinking every day

Thinking negatively is just another habit that can be changed by doing various techniques. Their a large number of... I will tell you about those that I use myself, as they give very good results in a short time. But you still need to work hard! You need to practice for at least a month, and for better results, three is better. Imagine, you have 10,000 thoughts a day. And you need to make sure that the share of positive thoughts first becomes more than 50%, and then all 80%. A positive mindset is 100% impossible. Nobody canceled duality yet.

There will be 7 techniques for changing your way of thinking. Practice one every day first. 7 practices do not work for you for a week. When the essence is already clear and you start to get a kick out of it, then start practicing all 7 in 1 day. This takes no more than 30 minutes a day. Using your half hour a day to change your life is a great investment in your future reality, in which everything is "bench". Important! The techniques may seem simple, and because of this, you may not believe in their power. But they work and how! So let's go ...


This is perhaps one of the most powerful techniques for building a positive mindset. Gratitude has tremendous power. Thank you for everything that you have in life, even for all sorts of difficulties and disappointments, because they make you stronger and increase your life experience. This technique allows you to look at your life from the point of view that you already have everything. And you can only be grateful. Personally, I wrote out the gratitude of the Universe in all 7 spheres and pronounce these nice words every morning right after I wake up. This helps to keep the focus always on the positive side of what is happening. You can learn more about the power of gratitude and positive thinking in Rhonda Byrne's book Magic.

My perfect day

This technique, which was suggested by Martin Seligan, American psychologist, founder of positive psychology. Most often, this technique is used when setting goals and also helps to keep the focus of attention on the positive. Take some time for yourself and describe in detail your ideal day. Pay special attention to your life values ​​and preferences. What is important for you personally in life? What will you get only positive from every day? Outline a plan for this day and try to bring it to life. Do the analysis at the end of the day. Which of what was planned did not work out. What events caused positive emotions in you, and what negative ones. Do this technique until you get your “perfect day”!

The world cares about me

I took this technique from "Reality Transurfing" by Vadim Zeland. Take this attitude: "My world takes care of me." When you meet with any, even the most insignificant circumstances, repeat this phrase to yourself - in any case, no matter what happens - good or bad. Met with failure - remember to confirm that the world really cares about you. State this confirmation in every little thing. Understand, the world knows better what you need at this particular moment. The fact is that the world is just a mirror of your thoughts. As you look in the mirror, it will be so.

Exercise "5+"

The essence is very simple. We will audit all negative events that occupy your mind. Understand that there is all love in life. Negative and positive are two medals of one side - love. So for each negative event, you need to find 5 positive sides. For example, you got fired from your job. Benefits in this situation:
- there was an opportunity to relax;
- the work did not bring satisfaction, so it will be possible to find something more interesting;
- a great chance to try doing business;
- Lack of income is a great reason to learn how to manage your personal budget more rationally.

Particle "NOT"

Note that in the conversation of people with negative thinking, the part "not" is often encountered. This is a denial of a positive outcome of a particular situation. “I can’t,” “I don’t want to,” and “I don’t do it,” these phrases are like beer bottle caps frozen in the concrete of thinking. I cannot make a million because I have no connections. And I want to be a life coach, I can build a center for personality development "7 spheres" and make the coolest community for self-development. Do you understand what the difference is ?! It doesn't matter to me who I am now, what I have already done and what I have from the resources. I just build my new Universe with positive thoughts.


Where is all the negative? In the past. Not in the present, not in the future. It is in the past. We've spent too much in the past. Digging there, sorting out all the situations. And if yes, as it were ... This is a favorite of many. In the meantime, the negative state is only accumulating. It is not in vain that the level of happiness and positiveness increases thanks to the technique of meditation. This has long been proven by scientists. Because we are in meditation in the present moment. The thought process ends. And with it all the negativity goes away. Therefore, the transition from negative to positive thinking should be the current moment “here and now”. Meditate more!


Childhood, childhood, where are you running? Yes, we are no longer children. All already serious men, wise women. And only in adults can you notice problems with positive thoughts. And as a child, you could tell yourself that everything is bad. Yes, everything was bench. In my childhood, for sure. There were more colors. The world was painted with all colors. And not just black or white. Do you remember how you smiled when you saw a rainbow after the rain? Your smile could have ripped your child's mouth. So draw yourself a rainbow, on a sheet, with a lomaster. And hang it over your desk. It will be such an anchor for you. Once negative thoughts, look at your childish canvas with a rainbow and smile. Everything in life is bullshit, absolutely everything !!!

Positive thinking is one of the main secrets of happy and successful people that helps to cope with life's difficulties and has a positive effect on the psychological and the physical state person. The art of living - that's what positive thinking is also called. Ability to live with a smile, love and confidence in the soul.

After all, it is much more pleasant to communicate with a person who has positive thinking. Such people are much more attractive to those around them, they are open to new opportunities and knowledge. However, learning to think positively takes a tremendous amount of effort every day.

The main 10 rules of positive thinking for every day

These rules will make your life more positive and harmonious. Start applying them today!

1. Right today I'm gonna be happy.

Remember, the source of your happiness lies within you and does not depend on the outside world.

2. Right today I will try to adapt to what I already have.

I will accept my job, my luck, my family as they are. I will not compare myself to others.

3. Right today I will start to improve my health.

I will monitor my diet, eat less junk food, drink more water, exercise, or walk more. I will try to devote more time to rest. Since it's hard to be in good mood and think positively if your energy reserves are low and you are in an irritated state.

4. Right today I will try to develop my mind.

I will do something useful or learn something useful. I will also start reading positive books, stories, watching more comedies, communicating more with positive people.

5. Right now I will become more benevolent.

I will look after myself, dress and look as good as I can. I will not criticize people. I will not try to correct someone's mistakes and shortcomings. I will praise others more often and my behavior will be dignified.

6. Right today I will try to live in the compartment of today.

I will not try to solve all my problems in one go.

For a sage, every day is new life!

7. Right today I will start following my own program.

I will write down what I will do every hour of the day. Maybe me I will not be able to fulfill it in all details, but I will write it down so that I have it. Thus, I will root out two of my enemies: indecision and haste.

8. Right today half an hour a day I will do meditation.

Or the second option, I will spend this half hour a day alone with myself to relax, give rest to my brain, stop thoughts, think about my life, about God.

9. Right today I will move away from thinking about conflict and unpleasant events, thereby not letting negative thoughts overwhelm me.

I will stop “savoring” in my mind what happened. I'll just draw the right conclusions, and I will no longer return to these troubles.

10. Right now I will not be afraid.

Especially, I will not be afraid to become a happy person.

Positive thinking does not mean that you should ignore any troubles and repeat like a parrot that you are doing well. You must learn to look at your problems in a positive way, focus on what they teach you and how you can benefit from it.

Learn to focus your attention on best options the outcome of any problem. The worst case should be kept in mind, but don't be afraid of it.

Positive thinking is, first of all, working on yourself, on your thoughts.

By the way, working on yourself is very difficult, and a long way if you try to understand yourself on your own.

Who knows how your inner shackles are veiled, which do not give you the opportunity to live happily and breathe deeply ...

It can take a lot of time to find them on your own.

And sometimes, our mind so carefully hides our inner shackles, which do not give us the opportunity to free ourselves absolutely, and become an absolutely happy person ...

That alone it is completely impossible to overcome this stage in your life.

It is in such cases that people who understand how our mind works from the inside come to the rescue.

For example, Mikhail Gavrilov is one of those people.

And it is after this that you will begin to find real happiness.

Indeed, most people often have a constant stream of vague thoughts in their heads - a "word mixer", which, in general, is not controlled and very often it is negative.

Therefore, it is very important to learn how to control your thoughts, create a positive attitude. As soon as your thoughts become more optimistic, you will immediately notice that there are new opportunities in your life and there are fewer troubles.

Also, positive thinking has a huge impact on your health.:

  • Life expectancy increases
  • Depression does not develop
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Immunity increases, especially for colds
  • Improves psychological and physical condition
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Remember, stress and constant worries only harm your body. They are the root cause of all disease. Therefore, positive thinking is a kind of prevention for most diseases.

Positive thinking is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.

But, in order to develop positive thinking in yourself, you first need to learn to recognize the negative in yourself.

The main signs of negative thinking:

You focus your attention all the time on the negative aspects of any situation. For example, you had a great day at work, you managed to complete all the tasks and you were even praised for it. But, you forgot to complete some minor assignment and throughout the evening, after work, you fixate on what you did not do, instead of relaxing and thinking about something good.

The habit of blaming yourself for everything. I myself am of the opinion that we are responsible for everything that happens in our lives. But you need to understand the difference and not take any troubles to your personal account.

Catastrophic thinking or the habit of exaggerating everything and expecting only the worst. For example, if in the morning you could not find a normal place in the parking lot, it means that the whole day at work will be terrible, or if your husband is angry with you and raised his voice a little, then all this means a divorce and that he no longer loves you, etc. ...

The habit of dividing everything into black and white. That is, to see only good or bad in everything. For example, your attitude towards yourself: you can be either perfect, or a complete failure or a failure. You don't see any other options for yourself, everything should be perfect.

Here I have given, the main signs of negative thinking, but you can yourself observe your thoughts during the day and even write down some of them, and then analyze them.

And more, friends, in the development of positive thinking the main role is played by the ability not to get hung up on trifles.

A person is built in such a way that he courageously meets difficult life trials, but at the same time he cannot resist trifles, in general, that do not deserve his attention.

In our time, more than half of the crimes occur precisely because of minor reasons. Harsh words, domestic quarrels, sarcastic remarks, window dressing - these are the little things that lead to murders and attacks.

Few people have experienced truly serious hardships and grievances in life. And it is these little things that hit our vanity and self-esteem that are the cause of half of the world's heart disease.

Therefore, do not let these "bugs" defeat you. Try not to waste your time thinking about these trifles. We worry too much and grieve that in the years to come it will be forgotten not only by us, but also by other people.

It is better to use this time to place the right accents in life, to form new positive thinking. Dedicate your life to worthy dreams and deeds.

Remember that we get annoyed with many little things, just because we overestimate their importance!

I am sure that everyone can change their thinking. The main thing is to want to do this, applying the rules that I described at the beginning of this article.

Positive thinking- conscious control over your thoughts, which will help make your life more successful, harmonious and happy.

Friends, let's create the foundations of positive thinking together. Please write in the comments what helps you maintain positive thinking, what rules you have.

Today, the expression of positive thinking means not just an easy attitude to life, but a whole concept and system. There are other definitions: mental positivism, right thinking, power thinking, new thinking. This concept includes special techniques and techniques for positive thinking. They are taught in popular trainings on how to achieve success. Generally speaking, the system is built on the belief that our thoughts are capable of materializing. What we think about is bound to happen. If you are positive, thinking about success, health, happiness, then these categories will definitely come into your life. The psychology of positive thinking originated a long time ago, and its heyday fell on the 20th century (in the USA and Europe) and the 21st century (in Russia).

History of mental positivism

It is believed that the foundations of the theory of positive thinking were laid by the American writer Norman Peel. He outlined his views in The Power of Positive Thinking. It is important that he developed his theory in collaboration with experienced psychoanalysts. The Peel method is based on the idea that a person should construct and visualize desires and dreams in order to achieve a higher quality of life and greater satisfaction with life.

The author tried with the help of his work to help the person create a positive way of thinking. Over 5 million copies of The Power of Positive Thinking have been sold. Although the work has received significant criticism. The author was accused of hypnosis and a large number of unconfirmed quotes.

The birth of mental positivism

Despite the fact that Norman Peel, who lived in the 20th century, is considered the founding father of the techniques of positive thinking, they first started talking about these techniques back in the 19th century. The American philosopher and writer Ralph Emerson in his works spoke about the need to trust your inner strength and listen to yourself. The main works in which these ideas are set out are On Nature and Confidence in Oneself. Emerson had many followers in the United States: Quimby, R.W. Trine, P. Melford. In Europe, three directions of thinking of power were most famous: the French method of Couet, German mesmerism and the institution of "mental positivism" by Schellbach.

Psychologist and pharmacist Emile Couet has developed a method based on the daily, which should bring what you want, for example, the phrase - I look better every day. This method is based on self-hypnosis, on the change of unconscious thoughts, as Coue himself said. The advantage of theory is that it is based on practical observation. Working as a pharmacist, the scientist observed how self-hypnosis affects a person's recovery. What Couet noticed would later be called the placebo effect.

Physician Friedrich Mesmer founded a technique named after him mesmerism, or animal magnetism. It is based on irrational beliefs. According to Mesmer, people are free to emit special energy and use it to communicate with each other. He conducted group sessions in which he healed people by immersing them in a trance state.

All of these scientists have laid the foundations for positive thinking. Today many of these principles are used by modern specialists in their work.

Positive psychology

The science of right thinking relies heavily on such a section as positive psychology. It is generally accepted that the thinking of force is its applied continuation. There are also opponents of this opinion, who argue that positive psychology appeared much later.

This direction of psychology studies only the positive aspects of the human psyche, in contrast to the classical one, focused on pathologies and problems. The main themes of the positive direction are: optimism, forgiveness, trust, flow, solidarity, i.e. those categories that bring joy, peace, satisfaction into our life. The purpose of this section is to try to reveal the potential of a person, to make his life brighter and.

Founder Martin Seligman highlighted the main areas of research: positive emotions (pleasure, optimism, energy, vitality), positive character traits (love, wisdom, kindness, courage, honesty), social institutions that contribute to the development of people (a strong family, democracy, free media, a comfortable work environment).

Researchers working in this area have proven the influence of positive emotions on a person's worldview. Research results have shown that positive thinking makes a person more open, effective, and courageous. He is able to think more effectively and find the best ways to solve problems.

Specialists in mental positivism

The formation of positive thinking has received the greatest development in our century. Today, millions of books are published on and. The leader in this area is the United States. First of all, the practice of positive thinking is used in the work of development consultants, business trainers, speakers. During their speeches, they teach people how to be a positive person, tune in to positive thinking and change their lives. Here are the most popular positive thinking techniques today.

  1. Stephen Covey. American consultant and teacher. The main field of activity is consulting on organizational management and life management. Best known for his bestselling books: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Eighth Skill: From Efficiency to Greatness, The 4 Rules of a Successful Leader, Super Job. Super career. "
  2. Robin Sharma. One of the most famous American business coaches. Writes books, gives lectures and seminars. The basis of his philosophy is the unification of two traditions: Western and Eastern. Purposefulness and efficiency are characteristic of the West. For the East - wisdom, spiritual calmness, striving for the harmonious development of body and soul.
  3. Anthony Robbins. Motivator, writer, trainer. The main topics are life coaching and self-development. Known for his audio-based motivation programs. He released several books that became bestsellers: "Awaken the giant in yourself", "The book about power over yourself", "Money. Master of the game. Seven Steps to Financial Freedom ". To become a student of Anthony Robbins, you must enroll 2 years in advance. His services cost $ 1 million a year.
  4. Jim Rohn. The peak of Jim Rohn's career came in the second half of the 20th century, and his entire oratory experience was about 40 years. During such a long period, he has lectured around the world, consulted and published a large number of books. The most famous works: “Treasury of wisdom. Success, career, family "," Seven strategies for achieving wealth and happiness "," Vitamins for the mind. "
  5. Robert Kiyosaki. This famous coach is already 70 years old, and he still gives motivating lectures, during which he tells how to start thinking positively and how to set yourself up for success. World fame for Robert Kiyosaki was brought by the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”. Other bestsellers include Rich Dad's Guide to Investing and The Cash Flow Quadrant.
  6. Lee Iacocca. Lido Anthony Iacocca worked as a top manager at Ford and Chrysler, but became famous throughout the world for his autobiographical books. The most popular of them in Russia is “Manager's Career”. In them, he shares the secrets of his success, including talking about the importance of such an action as positive thinking every day.

Napoleon Hill

Talking about the science of mental positivism, one cannot but mention Napoleon Hill. He stood at the origins of modern life coaching, trainings for career and personal growth. He is often spoken of as a great writer of success and is called the founding father of the theory of new thought "and the genre of self-help. His book Think and Grow Rich is on the world's best-selling book. Hill's philosophy lies in the phrase: "A person can achieve what his mind can imagine."

In his books, he offered specific exercises on how to set yourself up for success. This technique is based on a huge amount of practical work: Hill interviewed the most successful and famous personalities of his time. Subsequently, he analyzed these success stories and came up with his own formula.

Principles of Positive Thinking

What are the basic principles of positive thinking? They include specific attitudes, exercises, and techniques that help build positive personality traits and a positive mindset. In order to eliminate negative thinking and start thinking positively, you must adhere to these principles every day and sincerely believe in their effectiveness. Here are the main ones.

  1. Our thoughts materialize. The world around us treats us the way we treat it. Be kind, caring, help others and see - the world will reciprocate you.
  2. ... She always accompanies us. Love is at the heart of how to learn to think positively and attract the good. Accompany all your actions with caring, respectful attitude, do not show indifference. A positive person treats everyone with love and kindness.
  3. The world around us is not limited, the resources in it are limitless. It sounds strange, but try repeating this phrase to yourself every day. And you will see: if you really want something, you will definitely get it.
  4. Each of us is the author of our own destiny. There is a lot of research confirming that self-belief is one of the keys to success. Don't look for the reasons for your failure in other people. Believe that everything in your life depends only on you.
  5. Love yourself. Tell yourself every day that you are smart, beautiful, happy. Praise yourself for even small victories.
  6. The world around you is fair: if something happened to you, then you deserve it. Therefore, do good deeds and the world will reciprocate you. This principle is similar to the method of causal positive thinking widely used in psychology.
  7. Our world is unique and admirable. Don't take everything you have for granted. Thank fate every day for any nice little things. A positive person always concentrates on the good, finds pleasure in everyday little things.


Consider exercises to help you develop positive thinking. Unlike principles, these are specific actions that need to be performed every day. It is believed that they need to be done daily for 3 weeks. After this time, exercise will become a habit.

"My perfect day"

This is a popular exercise that psychologists use in their practice. Most often used by personal and career development consultants. Exercise helps to set goals and implement them, focus on positive attitudes and ultimately teaches you how to be positive. The technique is as follows: write your ideal day on a piece of paper. Pay attention to detail, highlight the most important and pleasant for you personally: time with loved ones, playing sports, walking in the fresh air, interesting projects, effective meeting with colleagues, etc. Then try to spend the next day as you described it. Think how happy and satisfied you were. If something doesn't work out, try again.

Power thinking techniques

Positive psychology has developed certain techniques that have proven to be effective. Applying them in your life, you will learn to better understand yourself and your desires, to make your dreams come true. The most popular techniques are visualization, meditation, affirmations, the method of causal positive thinking. As you apply them, remember that they work with negative thinking too. Therefore, exclude all sad thoughts, think only of the good.


Visualization is about presenting what you want. The technique is based on self-hypnosis. Some scientists believe that our brain does not distinguish between real images and fictional ones. Therefore, it reads what we represent as a real object. Thus, the desired is realized. The proof of this theory is given by our sensations in a dream. They are the same as in reality. If we are scared in a dream, we feel fear as if in reality. Of course, visualization can only be seen as an addition to the achievement of goals. For example, if you want to lose weight, imagine in detail what your body will be like, what clothes you can wear. But visualization won't work if you don't exercise and eat right.

In addition to presenting your desires, use special boards. Stick on them everything related to your dreams. The board can be replaced with an album, a notebook, etc. It is important to represent everything in detail: for example, how you step on the scales and see the long-awaited weight that you have been striving for for a long time. It is important to maintain peace of mind, calmness and peace.


Meditation is similar to the previous method in that imagination is also actively used here. But meditation is more focused on working with energy, not consciousness. During this process, you relax, tune in to the desired psychological state. There are different types of positive thinking meditation: success, love, wealth. But the first step is to learn how to relax and listen to yourself. Having successfully mastered this technique, you can both change your thinking to a positive one and achieve your goals. People who practice meditation talk about the indescribable sensations experienced during this practice.

The main principle of meditation is regularity. The most optimal time of day is considered to be early morning or twilight. You need to position yourself so that your face looks north or east. For successful meditation, only half an hour a day is enough.


Affirmations are the foundation for learning to think positively. They are phrases that a person repeats for himself daily for a long time. The effect of this technique is based on self-hypnosis and the belief that thoughts can materialize. Despite the seeming simplicity and even primitiveness, mastering this method is rather difficult. It is necessary to adjust your consciousness so as to sincerely believe in the materialization of your thoughts.

Affirmations help shape positive thinking and make dreams come true. At the first stage, use expressions aimed at harmonizing the inner world, acquiring peace of mind. After successfully mastering such affirmations, try other types: love, success, etc.

Method of causal positive thinking

This method aims to find the root cause of an event. Having found it, in the future we can solve all other problems caused by this cause. The method of causally positive thinking makes a person more confident, as it offers to control his life, to be its creator. We are usually stressed because one event can have several consequences. This method suggests moving from a reason. As a result, a person learns how to think positively.

Books on positive thinking

Just a few decades ago, people in our country started talking about what positive thinking is as a concept of life. Therefore, on the book shelves you can find mainly the work of American specialists. Here are the most popular books on how to start thinking positively, achieve success, etc.

There is also harm to positive thinking. This happens when a person breaks away from reality and plunges exclusively into his positive thoughts. Therefore, the techniques of correct thinking can only be viewed as an additional tool to real deeds.

Positive thinking is this kind mental activity, in which in solving absolutely all life questions and tasks, the individual sees mainly dignity, success, luck, life experience, opportunities, own desires and the resources for their implementation, not shortcomings, failures, failure, obstacles, needs, etc.

This is a positive (positive) attitude of the individual towards himself, life in general, specific circumstances occurring in particular, which will have to happen. These are good thoughts of an individual, images that are the source of personal growth and success in life. However, not every individual is capable of positive anticipation, and not everyone accepts the principles of positive thinking.

The Power of Positive Thinking N. Peel

Peel Norman Vincent and his work on the power of positive thinking among similar works takes not the last place. The author of this work was not only a successful writer, but also a clergyman. His practice of positive thinking is based on a close intertwining of psychology, psychotherapy and religion. The book "The Power of Positive Thinking" Saw is the basis for other practices about the power of thoughts.

Saw's philosophy is to believe in yourself and your thoughts, in your own abilities, given by God. He believed that self-confidence always leads to success. He also believed that the great importance of prayer lies in the ability to generate creative thoughts and ideas. All the sources of strength that are necessary for the development of a successful life are asleep in the human spirit.

Throughout life, people are defeated day after day in the struggle with life's circumstances. All their lives they strive upward, while constantly complaining, always with a feeling of persistent discontent, invariably complaining about everyone and everything. Of course, in a sense, in life there is such a thing as bad luck, but along with this there is morale and strength that a person can control and anticipate such bad luck. And people, in general, simply retreat before life's circumstances and difficulties, having no reason for this. Of course, this does not mean that there are no hard trials and even tragedies in life. Just don't let them get the best of you.

Individuals have two paths in life. One - is to allow control of your own mind, obstacles and difficulties, until such time as they do not become the prevailing factors of individual thinking. However, having learned to get rid of negativity from his thoughts, having refused at the level of reason, to promote it and letting the strength of the spirit through all thoughts, a person is able to overcome obstacles that usually force him to retreat.

The effective methods and principles described in the book, as Peel said, were not his invention. They are given the greatest teacher of humanity - by God. Peel's book teaches you how to put Christian doctrine into practice.

The first and the most main principle positive thinking, described in the work of N. Peel, is based on faith in yourself and your talents. Without a conscious belief in their abilities, a person cannot become a successful person. Feelings of inadequacy and self-inferiority interfere with the realization of plans, desires and hopes. And the feeling of self-confidence and self-confidence, on the contrary, leads to personal growth, self-realization and successful achievement of goals.

It is necessary to develop in oneself a creative self-confidence and faith in oneself, which must be based on a solid foundation. In order to change your thinking towards faith, you need to change your inner position.

Peel recommends in his book the use of mind-clearing technology at least twice a day. It is necessary to clear your mind of the accumulated fears, hopelessness, failures, regrets, hatred, resentments, feelings of guilt. The very fact of making a conscious effort to clear the mind already gives positive results and some relief.

However, cleansing the mind alone is not enough. As soon as it is cleansed of something, it will immediately be filled with something else. It cannot remain empty for a long time. A person cannot live with an empty mind. Therefore, it should be filled with something, otherwise the thoughts that the person got rid of will come back. Therefore, you need to fill your mind with healthy, positive and constructive thoughts.

Throughout the day, one should, as Peel recommended in his writings, practice carefully selected soothing thoughts. You can recall the pictures of the past creative and positive attitude, for example, the shine of the sea in the moonlight. Such soothing pictures and thoughts will act on the personality as a healing balm. You can complement peaceful thoughts with articulation. After all, the word has a significant power of suggestion. Each word can contain both healing and, conversely, illness. You can use the word "calm". It should be repeated several times. This word is one of the most melodic and beautiful. Therefore, pronouncing it aloud, a person can induce a state of inner peace.

Also, it is important to read prayers or passages from the Holy Scriptures. Bible words have extraordinary healing powers. They are one of the most effective methods for gaining peace of mind.

It is necessary to control your inner state so as not to lose vital energy. A person begins to lose energy in those cases when the mind begins to get bored, i.e. gets tired of doing nothing. A person should not get tired. To do this, you should get carried away with something, some kind of activity, immerse yourself in it entirely. A person who constantly does something does not feel tired.

If there are no pleasant events in life, then the individual collapses and degenerates. The more the subject is immersed in any kind of significant activity for him, the more energy there will be. There just won't be time to get bogged down in emotional turmoil. In order for an individual's life to be filled with energy, emotional mistakes must be corrected. Constant exposure to feelings of guilt, fear, resentment "eat up" energy.

Exists simple formula overcoming difficulties and solving problems through prayer, which consists of prayers (reading prayers), positive representations (painting) and realization.

The first part of the formula is to recite constructive prayers every day. The second component is painting. An individual who expects success is already determined to achieve success. Conversely, an individual who presumes to fail is more likely to fail. Therefore, one should mentally depict success in any undertaking, and then success will always accompany.

The third component is implementation. To guarantee the realization of something significant, you must first pray to God about it. Then imagine the picture as an already occurring event, trying to clearly keep this image in consciousness. It is necessary, as it were, to transfer the solution of such a task into God's hands.

Peel also believed that many people create their own misfortunes. And the habit of being happy is developed through the training of individual thinking. You should make a list of joyful thoughts in your mind, then every day you need to pass them through your mind a number of times. Any wandering negative thought should be immediately stopped and deliberately deleted, replacing it with another, joyful one.

Positive mindset

The modern life of an individual is filled with stressful situations, anxiety and depression. Emotional loads are so high that not everyone is able to cope with them. In such situations, almost the only way to resolve it is a positive way of thinking. This kind of thinking is the best way to maintain inner peace and harmony.

The first thing to do in order to master positive thinking is to understand one important thing - each person creates his own happiness. Nobody can help until the person himself starts to act. Each subject himself forms an individual way of thinking and chooses a path in life.

The first principle of a positive mindset is to listen to your inner voice. You should deal with all the problems that gnaw in order to think positively.

The next principle is to set goals and prioritize. The goal must be clearly presented in order for the future to seem simple and clear. And then you need to mentally model the future in great detail. Visualization is the ideal vehicle to help you achieve your goals.

The third principle is smiling. After all, it is not for nothing that it has long been known that it is laughter that prolongs life.

The fourth principle is to love the difficulties encountered along the path of life. Difficulties were, are and will always be. In spite of everything, one must learn to enjoy life, to enjoy it.

The fifth principle is the ability to live in the here and now. You need to appreciate every fraction of a second of life and enjoy just the moment. After all, the same moment as now will never happen again.

The sixth principle is to learn to be optimistic. An optimist is not a person who sees only good things. An optimist is a person who is confident in himself and his strengths.

Today there are a huge variety of techniques, recommendations for achieving positive thinking. However, the most effective is the training of positive thinking, which allows in practice to learn self-control, a better understanding of others. Positive thinking training helps to acquire such a significant personality quality as cordiality, helps to learn to look at life more positively.

The psychology of positive thinking

Every day all people experience different emotions and feelings, think about something. Each thought does not pass without leaving a trace, it affects the body.

Scientists have proven that the intensity of thoughts of various emotional colors, changes in the mood of individuals can change chemical composition blood, affect the speed and other signs of organ function.

In the course of numerous studies, it was recorded that negative thoughts reduce the performance of the human body.

Aggressive emotions, feelings that cause irritability and discontent have a detrimental effect on the body. Very often people mistakenly think that in order to be happy they just need to solve everything. pressing problems... And they try to solve them, being under the influence of negative emotions or even in depressive conditions... And, of course, problems are almost never solved.

As practice shows, in reality everything happens the other way around. To effectively solve problems, you must first achieve a stable positive emotional state and attitude, and then overcome obstacles and solve problems.

When a person is under the influence negative emotions, her consciousness resides in the brain area responsible for the negative experience experienced by the individual and the negative experience experienced by all his ancestors. There simply cannot be answers to questions and solutions to problems in this zone. There is only hopelessness, despair and a dead end. And the longer a person's consciousness is in this zone, the more the individual thinks about the bad, the deeper he gets bogged down in a quagmire of negativism. The result will be a hopeless situation, a problem that cannot be solved, a dead end.

For a positive resolution of problems, it is necessary to transfer consciousness to the zone that is responsible for the positive experienced individual experience and the experience of ancestors. It is called the zone of joy.

One of the ways to transfer consciousness to the zone of joy is positive affirmations, i.e. affirmations such as: I am happy, everything is going well, etc. And you can come up with a statement that will fit the individual preferences of the individual.

If from day to day you try to stay constantly in a positive mood, then after a while the body will rebuild itself for recovery, find ways to solve problems.

Intense and constant positive emotions in the human body include programs aimed at self-healing, healing, the correct functioning of all organs and systems, a healthy and happy life.

One of the methods to train yourself to think positively is to keep a journal in which you should write down all the positive events that have occurred during the day.

You can also use the practice of N. Pravdina in the formation of positive thinking, based on the power of words. Pravdina views positive thinking as a source of success, prosperity, love, happiness. In her book, The ABC of Positive Thinking, she tells how you can permanently free yourself from the fears lurking in your mind.

Pravdin's positive thinking is such an individual's attitude to himself, in which he does not force himself to be a victim, does not reprimand himself for mistakes, does not rub constantly past failures or traumatic situations, communicates with others without conflict. This attitude leads the individual to a healthy and happy life... And the book "The ABC of Positive Thinking" helps subjects to realize all the greatness and beauty of life without negativity, to fill life with inspiration and joy. After all, the way of thinking determines the quality of life. Pravdina proposes in her writings to take responsibility for your life to yourself. Such a transformation should begin with the words that people say.

The main thing is to understand that good relations to oneself and love generates similar vibrations in the Universe. Those. if an individual thinks of himself scornfully, then his whole life will be like that.

The art of positive thinking

Positive thinking is a kind of art that can give each individual a mentally harmonious and healthy state, as well as peace of mind. The power of thought is the greatest power on the planet. A person becomes what he thinks about. By giving direction to the thought process in the direction of the positive, the individual is able to evolve to crazy heights. The opposite tendency will be seen if the thinking of the individual is directed in the negative direction, i.e. such a person can go not along the path of progress, but along the path of degradation. Positive thinking is when the mind is immune to the influence of anger, the influence of hatred, greed and greed, or other negative thoughts.

The art of positive thinking in Tibet is based on people's perception of themselves as material, as creatures of blood and flesh, but in fact they are the consciousness used by the human body to express itself, to satisfy mental and physiological needs. Each subject reacts completely differently to the environment and circumstances. It is this reaction that is the basis of the future. That is, it depends only on each individual what awaits him - problems or happiness, joy or tears, health or illness.

There are several basic concepts in the Tibetan art of positive thinking. Tibetan positive thinking is based on three basic concepts such as energy metabolism, mental pollution, and the relationship between body and mind.

The concept of energy exchange implies that absolutely every emotion leaves a mark in the subtle body of the individual, which subsequently affects the further direction of human thoughts. Therefore, emotions are divided into those that give energy and those that take it away. In order to minimize the emotional impact and gain harmony, you should immerse yourself in the state of meditation and invite your mind to transform them into positive ones. So, for example, make mercy out of anger, and gratitude out of sorrow.

It is impossible to completely eliminate all negative thoughts, but it is really possible to transform them into positive ones. Tibetans believed that negative emotions polluted the brain. These include greed, envy, anger, arrogance, jealousy, lust, selfishness and imprudent actions, thoughts. It is from them that you should get rid of in the first place. Since all pollution affects a person in terms of mental, physical, spiritual health. All human experiences affect the individual in particular and the world generally. Therefore, it should be taken as an axiom that the human body and the brain are quite closely interconnected. In this connection, a completely new reality is born.

In the art of Tibetan positive thinking, there is a twenty-eight-day practice of increasing the power of thoughts. 28 days is enough to develop the inner potential to bring about the desired change. The author of this technique recommends starting the practice on Thursday. This is due to the fact that, in accordance with the teachings of Bon, this day is considered a day of prosperity. And the practice should be finished on Wednesday, since Wednesday is considered the day of the beginning of action.

The essence of the practice is immersion in a meditative state. To do this, you need to diligently relax in a sitting position on a chair or floor, then focus on your problem situation and imagine its destruction. Those. the individual who practices presents his problem and imagines how he destroys it. During meditation, the problem can be burned, torn, broken. This should be presented as clearly and vividly as possible. After the individual destroys the problem, a lot of negative emotions will emerge in his brain that are associated with it, but they should not be paid attention to. The main thing is to eliminate the problem.

In everyday life, we often hear statements related to filling our thoughts: “what's inside is outside,” “thought is material,” “negative thoughts attract similar events,” etc. It seems that there is an inner world and an outer one, each exists by itself and is independent of each other. However, it is not.

Negative thinking contributes to the "attraction" of negative events, due to the fact that we simply do not notice the positive, but focus on the negative. Our life follows the scenario that was formed by consciousness. Psychology teaches that our thinking acts on the principle of a sieve, that is, a sieve is the principle of thinking, and it preserves what is closer to it. High level negativity provokes the inability to find a way out of a difficult situation, the creation complicated relationship with others and even many diseases.

The answer to the question of how to learn to think positively will give you the opportunity to change your life. Psychology notes that people who think positively are more successful, happier and healthier. They are less likely to get into trouble and are less stressed.

Our inner world is a reflection of the external, taking into account upbringing, temperament, nationality, attitudes, etc., while the external world is so multifaceted that it gives us events and experiences similar to our content.

Specific traits

Positive thinking does not mean completely ignoring failures, negative events or experiences - after all, this is our experience that will allow us not to make mistakes in the future.

Thinking positively means seeing problems in terms of opportunities, not obstacles.

If trouble happens to a negatively-minded person, he can give up, perceive the event as a pattern - “it’s always like this with me,” “I’m a loser,” etc. and to abandon further struggle and search for a way out, he believes that success is an accident in his life. A person who thinks positively will also be upset, but will quickly come to his senses, perceive the event as an experience and move on. He knows that success doesn't come without failure. Such people are most often distinguished by friendliness, smiling, easygoingness and curiosity.

Positive thinking excludes life in black and white. The basis of peace of mind is in the understanding that today may be bad, but tomorrow everything will change in better side... Living in a "catastrophic" mode is fraught with disease and shortened life span. Thinking positively means understanding that you should not take responsibility for all the events around you. It is important to force yourself to let go of the situation if its solution is not within your capabilities.

10 main rules

How to come to positive thinking and change your vision of the situation, if initially you tend to see a lot of negative things? Don't give up on yourself... Our consciousness is able to form a new picture of life over time, if you are guided by several rules:

  1. Conscious attitude towards positive

Always set yourself up for positive emotions and thinking, do not allow negative thoughts stay in your consciousness for a long time, if they arise - take time for an internal dialogue, try to translate a minus into a plus. If you have something to praise yourself for, be sure to do it. Remember, negative thinking is about attracting such events.

  1. Forbid disappointment

If you encounter obstacles and failures on your way, take them as life experiences, an opportunity to develop your weaknesses and think from the position of looking for workarounds.

Your task is to achieve balance, to form a positive picture of the world, whatever the cost, and disappointments will pull you back and prevent you from living happily.

  1. Chat with positive people

People like you will help you answer the question “how to learn to think positively”. Try to surround yourself with those who try to see the pros in everything, do not "stick" to failures. People who hold grudges, are vindictive, or do not like life at all - take a lot of energy and mental strength from you.

  1. Believe in your personality

Under any circumstances, keep faith in yourself and your capabilities.

Psychology recommends every day to let something new into your life - for example, to get to work by a different route, or to dine in a new place, etc. Study more the lives of those people who know what success is, its price, who went to the goal, despite the obstacles, and learn from them.

  1. Be single-minded

Success comes to those who clearly see their goals and are ready to move towards achieving them. Always make plans to achieve your goals and stick to them. Consider even minor achievements - your mind will remember positive experiences, which ultimately contribute to your confidence and positivity.

  1. Remember thought is material

Developing the habit of thinking positively will help your understanding of the materiality of thoughts. Negativity can poison your existence and contribute to bad events in your life. Each day, think about what else you can do in order to come to a way of thinking positively.

  1. Seeing positive in negative
  1. Rejoice in the simple

You should not tie your feeling of happiness and contentment with life to global things: for example, I will be happy only if I am rich, or become a star. Learn to enjoy something simple: good weather, a pleasant conversation partner, a good movie, etc. It is not difficult to develop this habit - remember how many people are deprived of what you have in abundance.

  1. Develop constantly

Self-improvement brings a lot of positive... Every day you will notice that you have become smarter, more successful, and therefore happier. Investing funds and efforts in your development is a guarantor of your self-confidence, which will allow you to fight negative and change your life for the better.

  1. Strive to live life to the fullest.

This means finding the time, effort and money for the maximum of life areas - family, personal life, friends, work, leisure, hobbies, travel - all this should be present in your life.

Make these rules the principles by which you will live from now on. Thanks to them, you will be able to change and live in harmony.

Creating a supportive environment for positive thoughts

When looking for an answer to the question of how to start thinking positively - psychology recommends regularly using several techniques, which are aimed at creating a "favorable ground" for positive thinking:

  • keep a diary in which you will note your achievements;
  • meditate;
  • visualize the desired results;
  • monitor your health;
  • track your bodily reactions: posture, facial expressions, gestures;
  • smile more often.

How will your thinking change?

Summing up, we summarize - positive thinking focuses the attention of the individual:

  • Not on problems, but on tasks and goals;
  • Not on what is missing, but on what you want;
  • Not on obstacles, but on opportunities;
  • Not on the minuses, but on the pluses;
  • Not failures, but successes.

This kind of thinking will allow you to make your life bright and happy, success - affordable, yourself - healthier, and relationships with loved ones - full of love. Even if you are just thinking about how to learn to think positively, then you are already halfway to success.