The position of the fetus at the 26th week of pregnancy. Photos of the fetus, photo of belly, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

26 weeks of pregnancy approached, and the formation of internal systems and the kid organs was almost over. Karapuz continues to grow and takes more and more places in the uterus. From this term, the woman's body begins to actively prepare for the upcoming birth.

Dimensions of pregnancy kid on week 26
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The child becomes active, he is already sleeping less, so often awards mommy kicks. These are the magical sensations that deliver many pleasant moments, despite possible discomfort. The baby seeks to communicate with Mom, it is important for him to hear her voice.

Changes continue in the organism of mommies. She can feel bad, anxious, but it will pass soon. Most importantly, carefully monitor your health and in a timely manner to go to the gynecologist, if there is a need.

What happens to the woman's body

So, you have 26 weeks of pregnancy. It is easy to calculate, what a month it is and how much is left before delivery. Therefore, mommy is now especially often thinking that he will soon meet with his child. If you are working, now it's time to start collecting a package of documents to leave the decret in order not to delay with it.

At this time, some girls begin depression because of its appearance. You do not need to worry, because during pregnancy you only become more beautiful. Try to avoid strong stress, physical exertion. Communicate with close people, correctly fit and pour.

Here is such a tummy on 26 weeks

When pregnancy comes to 26 weeks, it becomes hard to wear shoes yourself, so do not hesitate to ask for help. Be careful, especially in winter during the ice. The fall is very dangerous for the kid. There are several major changes.

  1. The uterus increases, so nausea and heartburn arises.
  2. The volume of accumulating waters is already about 700 ml, and the weight of the placenta approximately 300 g. The thickness of the wall of the uterus reached its maximum limit and is 500 g.
  3. As a result of training, the uterus comes into the tone, which entails pulling abdominal pain, a uncomfortable feeling in the lower back. Wear a bandage to get rid of these sensations.
  4. If you follow a balanced menu, then by the 26 week of one-bed pregnancy, the total weight gain is about 8 kg.
  5. Pressure increases and approximated to the indicators that were before conception.
  6. During the 26 week of pregnancy, a meteorism enhances.
  7. If the woman's body has pigment stains in the form of freckles or moles, they become more noticeable, brighter.
  8. In addition to the edema of the legs and stop, the fingers of the hands often swell, face. This is due to the fact that the liquid accumulates, but is not displayed in time.
  9. Due to blood circulation disorders, tingling, leg numbers, hands may appear.
  10. On this time, the appearance of varicose veins of the foot and nodes in the rear pass is possible.
  11. The uterus is stretched, increases, so presses on the internal organs. This complicates their work. As a result, the load on the heart increases, a full breathing is broken, a bloating, constipation, problems with digestion appears.
  12. The uterine bonds are stretched, therefore pains in the back and the pelvic region can be enhanced.

On 26 week, the uterus size is very large. The photo confirms this. In the width of the organ about 16 cm, and in a height of approximately 24 cm. It is approximately 6 cm above the level of the navel. From each week, the uterus will rise higher, because the body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth.

A thick mucous plug begins to appear in the cervix, which will go out only before childbirth. It is the discharge of a traffic jam and is the main forerunner of the beginning of childbirth. Training fights begin, which also help to prepare the uterus for the birth of a child. Do not be afraid of these bumps. Usually they do not bring discomfort and do not constantly last. If the fights are painful, you need to turn to the gynecologist.

Throughout the trimester, many mammies constantly experience cramps, pain in the back and lower back. The pushes of the child deliver the mother painful sensations at the 26th week of pregnancy. Look at the photo of the baby on this period. It is already quite large, so in the uterus it is becoming more and less space. Accordingly, it involuntarily kicks when turns over. Due to the pressure of the increasing uterus, pains often occur at the bottom of the abdomen and in the region of ribs. Try to lie on the side to reduce discomfort.

Pregnancy during this period

How the fruit is developing

On the 26th week of pregnancy, any mom want to know what is happening with her fruit. It is growing actively and develops. The weight of the baby near a kilogram, and the growth of about 33-34 cm. You can select several points in the development.

  1. On the 26th week, the kid is very active, and his movements deliver mom discomfort.
  2. The fruit is gaining weight due to sediments of fat and muscle development. He has a thin, but still a shoe, cheeks begin to recover.
  3. The taste of spindlewater waters depends on food that mother eats. If the food does not like the baby, he can frown.
  4. If on the 26th week of pregnancy to do ultrasound, the photo will be clear how the fruit is located. Usually it lies the head down, but before childbirth, he can change his position several times.
  5. The child can already see and hear. The vision is still formed, so he sees only blurry spots.
  6. Karapuz feels the mother's heartbeat and gets used to him so much that after childbirth quickly calms down, if you attach it to the chest.
  7. By 26 weeks of pregnancy, the fruit hears sounds. His development has reached the stage when he can remember the voice of Mom. Therefore, you need to sing to him melodic songs so that after birth it was easier to relax.
  8. The boys have testicles in the scrotum.
  9. The marigolds have not yet grown to normal sizes, and the cartridges of the ears and nose are soft.
  10. Cardiac rhythm kid 120-160 shots per minute.
  11. On 26 week, the ears of the smaller child are slightly hung, and the eyes can already be closed completely.
  12. Bookmark of constant teeth begins. They will be maintained in soft jaw tissues until the time comes to change dairy. This will happen in about 5-6 years.
  13. A hormonal background is formed, the connection between the adrenal cortex and the brain is established.

Light crumbs are already the right form. They are in the form of a triangle vertex up and are located between the diaphragm, liver and heart. The child learns to breathe, but the pulmonary fabric is not yet cracking. At that moment, the kid swallows the oily water. Do not worry, because there is nothing terrible. That's just the baby may have a hook, which will pass in a couple of minutes.

What symptoms are dangerous

At the 26th week of pregnancy, the baby is actively developing, so you need to do everything possible to upset it from possible dangers. These include Mom's diseases that can affect Karapuz.

Quite often, moms, during the nipping of the child, suffer from a gallway disease, which is particularly often affected by amateur fatty foods. Also, the appearance of stones in the bustling bubble or stagnation of bile, as evidenced by the growing sense of gravity in the field of right hypochondrium is also evidenced by.

At the 26th week of pregnancy, the appearance of Eastic-cervical insufficiency strongly affects the fruit. The disease is a premature disclosure of the cervical cervix, as a result of which the fetal shells can infect. It often becomes the cause of premature births, and infection can cause kid to hit.

For 26 weeks, the appearance of edema on the abdomen, arms and legs. Photos on the Internet will clearly squeeze this picture. Overweight and increased blood pressure may also appear. This is all the symptoms of late toxicosis, which often threatens the health of the girl and the state of the baby. The problem does not bring a uncomfortable feeling, so mommies often do not pay attention to the symptoms, not even suspecting how they can be dangerous.

You also need to pay attention to the selection at the 26th week of pregnancy. They may indicate the presence of infection if they have a curly, mucous-purulent or mucousness. It is necessary to refer to the female consultation specialists to make the smear and pass tests for the microflora research. The defeat of the fruit shell can cause the fetus infection that threatens the development delay. In the worst case, the death of the child is possible.

This is the baby at this stage of development.

When bloody sections appear on the 26th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to urgently cause ambulance, because there is a risk of detachment or pre-placenta. Do not go to the hospital yourself. Extra movements can cause strong bleeding. Pay attention to the number of secretions. If they are so much that underwear is impregnated with moisture, it may have begun an influence of spindlewater waters. It is very dangerous, so you need to urgently call in ambulance.

Of course, it is impossible to protect yourself from all diseases. But strict adherence to the recommendations of the doctor will allow themselves to protect themselves and the child from possible problems.

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Clear correctlyA pregnant woman should provide his crumbus enough vitamins, so it is necessary to eat fully and balanced. Restricted the use of products that can cause allergies: fruits of red, orange, chocolate, honey. You should not use fast food, carbonated water, smoked, fried, salted products. Despite the pregnancy, it is not necessary to eat for two. While 26 weeks of pregnancy goes, your daily diet should be no more than 2.8 thousand kcal. Turn on the products in the menu with phosphorus, iron, complex carbohydrates, proteins. Drink small portions, but 5-6 times per day.
GentleIf the doctor does not prohibit sex life, you can continue to have sex. 26 weeks of pregnancy - this is not such a long time, so sex is even useful for the baby, because the positive emotions of a woman affect it. Here is just a pose you need to choose extremely gently. The belly is already large enough, so it is impossible to put pressure on it.
Well, we grow? Yes, now the weight of the child is already more than 800 grams, and the body length is almost 33 cm. Such results managed to achieve largely due to the growth hormone, which is produced in its body. Volumetrics increase: the head diameter is now 65.1 mm, tumors and breasts - 67.4 mm and 65.8 mm.

Interestingly, the child distinguishes not only tastes, but also smells. And his hearing reacts to different sounds. Moreover, it turns out that he reacts better to low sounds, faster. Loud and sharp sounds make it shrink. And only the calm pacifying state of the mother returns it to a serene state.

This week, in essence, is laid the foundation for the most teeth that will grow after the dairy. The bone and muscle system of the child is quite developed, so sometimes its movements are quite tangible. You still need to count their quantity to know for sure that its condition is normal.

Even those of us who consider themselves an incorrigible workaholic, by the 26th week they are morally ready to postpone their affairs in order to focus on the most important thing. Understanding this, colleagues try to spare you. You are more often focused on your condition and upcoming motherhood.

Understand your condition and family members. You have the usual homework already with difficulty, it is more often necessary for breaks. The tummy increases every day, and sometimes you feel terrible clumsy and lazy. I want to relax. Although it is not better to lie. Anyway, the kid gives anxiety. Movement and during pregnancy is life. The time flies more quickly.

The bottom of the uterus has already risen to 26 cm. The drawing sensations have already become familiar, although sometimes the activity of the kid responds with pressure and spasms in the field of liver. At this time, stars of bile may arise, so it is worth avoiding fried, salty and smoked, so as not to aggravate the situation. When a child shows an activity, you can feel the pressure at the bottom of the uterus. If the watery allocations and the cervical cervix appear, which your gynecologist will tell you about what you will be treated. Because it may be the reason for entering the uterus and in the fruit shell of infections. In critical situations, presture pregnancy succeeds in operational way - applying a seam.

Some women are very hard to endure the second half of pregnancy. They complain of swelling, high pressure and other signs of late toxicosis. Such symptoms often occur in excess weight. To avoid complications, they are offered to spend this period under medical supervision. And often it turns out to be not superfluous.

26th week of pregnancy: selection from sex tract

On this period, the appearance of white requires attentive examination. They can be purulent or mucous membranes and suggest that infection is present in the vagina. That is why when inspection, the doctor necessarily takes an analysis of the microflora and offers a treatment that will help to avoid further infection of the fetus. After all, such infections can lead to intrauterine diseases of the child.

Blood in the discharge always reason to apply for urgent help. On this time, this may be a symptom of the threat of premature labor. If you have noticed the leakage of the accumulating waters, but in general you feel fine, do not postpone the visit to the doctor.

26th week of pregnancy: food of pregnant

Probably, over the past few months, you, with all our consciousness, you simply simply do not carry conversations about proper nutrition. So you want to relax and eat what you love. Whether it is a cake, a cake or a glass of dry wine. Of course, it is not worth looking for vitamins in confectionery, but if your mood improves from a piece of cake, do not deny yourself the pleasure. Chocolate, especially black, in this sense is even useful - it contains magnesium. The main thing is that these products be only a pleasant addition to your useful diet.

26th week of pregnancy: preparation for childbirth

Yes, sometimes it is useful to arrange at least a short break. Even if you are accustomed to treat any case responsibly. Then you have forces for a new jerk. Some parents at this time are fond of studying various methods of childbirth, including partnerships. Read books about the early development of children. In short, trying to prepare for the birth of the baby with all his might.
If you trust the father's dad, let him watch your baby together with you, perhaps go to courses together.

The most ironic fathers will not be able to resist you to be supporting you during pregnancy. Again, now even the fashion on the indicative fathers. Now no one is surprised when he sees a young father with a carriage or before that, together with his wife in the classroom of the school of future parents. It will scratch waiting and strengthen your relationship. And this is as important not only for you, but also for the future member of your family.

By the way, the most fashionable and popular courses for future parents better sign up in advance. Because to visit such classes is preferably up to seven months.

Perhaps one of the women believes that when you are pregnant, thinking about beauty is inappropriate. And in vain. Beautiful well-groomed mommy and herself feels much better, and her husband looking at her, will avoid shared family events. Therefore, as well as you care about yourself for a child, just take care of yourself for yourself and your husband. After all, pregnancy is not a disease, no need to look worse. Good mood does not hurt anyone.

Now in the picture you can consider the baby's face. It turns out that by this time the baby is already trying to open his eyes. Their color has already decided. There are cilia and eyebrows. The weight of his body reaches 970 grams, and the growth is almost 40 cm. With each ultrasound examination, the doctor measures the volume of the fetus head, examines its brain. All of its departments, vessels, cerebellum are already visible.

26 weeks - the last week of the second trimester. A woman comes out on the "finish line" and is actively preparing for the emergence of a child.

Now, if you have not done this before, it is advisable to sign up for pregnant courses. Here, future mothers will not only help gain confidence in their own power, but also will be told about the upcoming births, the most important medical procedures, will show the safest exercise complexes necessary in order to facilitate the flow of labor, which are no longer outside the corner.

Full size

At the 26th week of pregnancy, the child's length is about 32 cm. In size, it can be compared with a small melon.

The weight of crumbs

The weight of the child on this period is about 800 gr.

Fetal development at the 26th week of pregnancy

The baby is actively preparing for the first sigh, intensely swallowing the surrounding spindle fluid. Child bones are stronger, eyes become more sensitive to light. The boys of testicles are lowered in the scrotum, the girls are completed in the girls' formation of the vagina. All the senses are well developed quite well developed. Progres for the cognitive activity of the brain - Kroch can already express their own emotions (crying or laughing). The relationship between the brain and the adrenal cortex is being established, which contributes to the establishment of a stable hormonal background. The baby is actively moving in the womb - now his shocks feel not only a woman, but anyone who puts his hand to her belly. If the child does not move, then he sleeps. As a rule, Kroch begins to pushed hard in the evening.


Cardiac abbreviations should be rhythmic, their frequency on week 26 - still 140-160 shots per minute. In case of deviation from the norm, the doctor can offer mom to make a cardiotocogram (CTG). This is an absolutely safe procedure, if necessary, it can be done daily. CTG during pregnancy is two curves combined in time: one of them displays the frequency of heart abbreviations of the fetus, the other is the uterine activity.

What does the fetus look like on the 26th week of pregnancy

As the reserves of subcutaneous fat increases, the skin of the baby smoothes and brightens. Child's eyes are open and carefully examine everything around. Now all the kids are blue-eyed - the real color of the eyes laid by nature will manifest only a few months after birth. The crumbs ears are no longer "glued" to the head, as before, but slightly out.

Changes in body and new women's feelings

Neem hands during pregnancy, and in the wrists you feel pain, tingling and burning? Similar unpleasant sensations are familiar with many future mothers at the 26th week of pregnancy. Most likely, the reason lies in the imbalance of the amount of magnesium, calcium and potassium in the body. In this case, a woman should review its diet and increase the consumption of fermented milk products, as well as vegetables, legumes and dried fruits. If, together with numbness in the arms, swelling appear, there is a so-called tunnel syndrome in pregnant women. The cause of its occurrence is as follows: Excess liquid accumulates in tissues and causes swelling, which then compresses the nerve. To facilitate unpleasant symptoms, doctors advise mothers not to leave hands in the same position for a long time, more often to make a warm compress and be sure to tell about their ailments to the attending physician.

Poster in weight

By the end of 26 weeks, the total weight gain is slightly more than 8 kg. The difference from the previous week is about 300 gr.

Mom belly

The size of the abdomen on the 26th week of pregnancy depends on the size of the fetus and the number of accumulating waters. Too big belly (more than 80-85 cm in diameter) indicates multi-way, obesity, improper prediction or large fruit. Very small - talks about the delay in the development of the baby or is a sign of lowland. To dispel all doubts about the size of the tummy, be sure to advise with your doctor.

Analyzes and ultrasound

26 weeks no different from the previous one. As always, the doctor will measure the future mother's blood pressure, the size of her belly, the height of the bottom of the uterus, will ask the woman to get up on the scales, he will listen to the heart of the fetus, and will also evaluate the results of urine tests and blood. Urine analysis is informative for identifying late toxicosis (gestosis) and kidney disease, and a clinical blood test makes it possible to eliminate the likelihood of diabetes development and determine the level of hemoglobin in the body. As for the ultrasound, then with normal pregnancy flow, ultrasound is usually not prescribed for 26 weeks.

Power on the 26th week of pregnancy

The fruit on this period is growing very active, and mothers, according to experts estimate, requires a minimum of 2000-2500 kokaloria per day. It is a lot of enough for a woman, so the food during pregnancy needs to be crushed into small portions and is at least 5-6 times a day. The most useful products for pregnant women are still dietary meat, marine fish, cottage cheese, yogurts, vegetables, berries and fruits. On the period of 26 weeks of some moms begin to torment swelling: so that they are not so apparent, learn to keep the volume of fluid consumed under control. Is it possible to pregnant non-alcoholic beer and kvass? Doctors believe that it is possible, but in very small quantities. However, to use these drinks to women who have problems with the kidneys, it is impossible.


With tunnel syndrome, the symptoms of which are described above, the future mother can help the reception of vitamin B6. This vitamin contributes to the formation of blood cells, antibodies and chemicals that transmit nerve cell pulses. In addition, he plays a crucial role in the development of the brain of the fetus and its nervous system. However, before buying a vitamin on 26 weeks, it is necessary to advise with the doctor.

Sex at the 26th week of pregnancy

Prolonged abstinence from sex adversely affects the emotional background of any weak floor representative. If the partner tests the fear of the mother's tummy and can not overcome this feeling, one of the ways to get rid of the accumulated energy is the masturbation of a woman during pregnancy. All this is normal and absolutely natural. But masturbation is now (and in the third trimester and suppressed!) It is better not to be carried away - the clitoral orgasm is considered stronger compared to vaginal. In some cases, it provokes early exhausting of spindle water and the beginning of the generic activity.


Until the third trimester did not come in mothers. In the absence of medical contraindications, it is allowed to not sleep in the bath (the question is whether it is possible to take a bath with many women). But the temperature of the water should not exceed 37-37.5 ° C, and the reception time must be limited to 10-15 minutes. When leaving the bath, you should not do sharp movements, it is also desirable that at that time someone from loved ones are ready in the apartment, ready to help her.

Beauty and accessories

Do you already wear bandage? If not, you need to urgently purchase it. Now without this accessory, it is no longer able to do - the bandage during pregnancy will support the child, performing the function of abdominal muscles. In addition, it will help properly redistribute the load on the spine of women. It's not necessary to tighten the bandage too tightly, but it should not hang out too. Be sure to ask the doctor to show you how to wear it right and wear this element of a female wardrobe during a "interesting situation".

26 week of pregnancy

As 26 weeks of pregnancy affects the well-being of a woman (photo of the tummy)

The second half of pregnancy is characterized Raising the uterus for 1 centimeter every week. At the moment, it rises 6 centimeters over the nontimeter and on 26 centimeters above the pubic symphysia. At the 26th week of pregnancy In the photo ultrasound can be seen That knobs, the legs of the baby became more plump.

26 week of pregnancy can be characterized by headaches, cramps in the legs, pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis and in the back. The movements of the kid can already feel the rest of the household. Baby starts more actively pushed , the shocks become sharp and pains under the ribs appear. To make it easier for pain, it is recommended to lie on the side.
Today exist
special mattresses and pillows designed for pregnant women . They differ in multifunction and have already proven themselves well. The kidneys are experiencing a special burden during pregnancy. The slags are outlined through them, as well asfuture life products and mother. A rapid urination may be observed, because a large uterus presses on the bladder.

If the urination is painful, pains appeared in the lower back, the body temperature rose, then immediately consult a doctor. Subject to rational balanced nutritionpreasurement in the weight of a pregnant woman It may vary from 7.2 to 9.9 kilograms. It is advisable to start regular gymnastics classes - this will help the body to prepare for childbirth.

26 week of pregnancy is accompanied by an ultrasound examination and the appointment of some analyzes of the future mother. Clinical blood test and urine analysis is required. The urine analysis makes it possible to estimate how urinary organs with the increased load are coped and there is no hidden inflammatory process.

The blood test determines the level of glucose and eliminates or confirms the probability of developing diabetes pregnant women . The sugar level can be corrected using a special diet that is an endocrinologist. 26 week of pregnancy in the photo The belly of future mothers is characterized by an increase in size and a noticeable rounding.

The question arises: 26 weeks - how many months? This is the middle of the seventhmonth of pregnancy . The obstetric month is equal to four weeks, so 26 weeks of pregnancy are already 6 obstetric months and 2 weeks. Then another question arises if 26 weeks of pregnancy goes, how many months baby in the maternal womb? At this time, the child is already 24 weeks and it makes about 10 movements every hour.

Fruit at the 26th week of pregnancy: the general development of the baby and noticeable movements in the womb

The fetal parameters at the 26th week of pregnancy are as follows: its weight is approximately 750 grams, and the growth is approximately 35.5 centimeters. The kid sleeps a lot at this time - 16-20 hours. Characterize 26 weeks of pregnancy movement and the movement of the child during the time of wakefulness. Since there is no place for the tummy in the tummy, then his activity becomes noticeable.

The fetus at the 26th week of pregnancy has individual features. . In the future, they will be inherent only to him alone. The bars and cilia kids have already thrown, the ears have been formed and slightly shuffled from his head. The structures of the inner ear almost ended to form, so the baby has a sensitive hearing and listens not only to the heartbeat of the mother, but also to external sounds. He also gradually open eyes. Therefore, at week 26, it is strongly recommended to avoid loud sounds and bright lights.

The child can already be squeezed with climbers, put classical music for him, read fairy tales. On this time, he is already able to distinguish between father and mother's voice. Communication with the kid has a positive effect on its development in the future . 26 weeks of pregnancy accompany the movements of the fetus, especially when he hears his parents.

During this period, its bone tissue is strengthened. The root of indigenous and milk teeth are already formed. The root of his constant teeth gradually bone. The krochi respiratory system finishes improving: Lights take the final form, take their place. The fetus at the age of 26 pregnancy is already ready to breathe immediately, as the mother's tummy leaves.

The skin of the kid smoothes and gradually changes the color. On this time, it is still a little wrinkled, as it stays in the water sphere. She will smooth before childbirth, in a few weeks. The legs and knobs of the crumbs are rounded, folding folds on the elbows.

A very important task for this time already performs the brain of the child: the relationship between it and the adrenal cortex is debugged. As a result, the pituitary is starting to produce its own growth hormone. The development of other important hormones begins.

At the 26th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound is appointed . His main goal is to assess the degree of development of the fetus. It is necessary to eliminate the vices of the heart, skeleton, urinary tract, genital organs, the development of damage to the nervous system. With his help You can explore the state of the placenta , place of its attachment, as well as evaluate the quality and number of accumulating waters.

How to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

Stretching during any period of pregnancy appear in connection with the increase in the abdomen together with increasing the uterus. On 26 weeks it is already markedly rounded , discourages forward and rises. If you do not care for the skin properly, then due to stretching on it after delivery, stretch marks during pregnancy, also called strolies.

Avoid unwanted stretch marks during pregnancy Hellets from Striy and moisturizing cream will help. If aduring pregnancy, stretch marks appeared It will help and ordinary heated vegetable oil - olive or almond. It, like a gel or cream, must be rubbed regularly into the skin on the stomach, chest and hollow after taking a shower 1 or 2 times a day.

Stretching during pregnancy appear due to some factors:

· The growth rate of the abdomen;

· Individual skin characteristics;

· Fetal size;

· Rapid gain of body weight;

· Multi-way.

However, the preferential factor is the condition of elastin and collagen fibers.

Prevent stretch marks during pregnancy in the third trimester Assist the means that improve the condition of the skin. They are cosmetics designed specifically for pregnant women, which includes vitamins A and E and other elements that help blood circulation.

Avoid stretch marks during pregnancy you can, if you spend a fairly simple massage. It is necessary to pinch the skin of the abdomen along the periphery, stroke it with circular movements. In the threat of miscarriages, this should not be done, because the tone of the uterus can increase.

The swelling of the mammary glands also put the stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy. Chest increases, becomes lush and quite attractive. But there is a drawback in this - the skin is very suffering. It is strongly stretched and its connecting tissues are broken. As a result, stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy.

Avoid stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy, you can, if you choose the bra right. It should be made of breathable natural fabrics, cups must be comfortable, and the presence of inner seams and bones is undesirable. Straps It must be wide and adjustable.

With cosmetics for pregnant women you can also prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy. It is recommended to use after water procedures, on purified and preheated skin. If stretch marks appeared during pregnancy on the chest, lightweight massage, air baths, contrasting shower and proper nutrition will also help.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy

Powered during pregnancy is very important. It should be based on several principles. First, products consumed by pregnant , Must be as fresh and useful as possible. This applies to everything: to meat, fish, vegetables, dairy products, fruits.

Secondly, it is impossible to have some particular product in large quantities, because it is considered useful, and not because this requires an organism. The child will definitely receive all nutrients from any useful meal, especially when pregnant . This is a feature of our body. The main thing is that the most pregnant is also something left. From this will depend on its postpartum state. Therefore, the proper nutrition of a woman during pregnancy should be determined by the needs of the body as a whole.

Thirdly, food during pregnancy should include the necessary food components. Pregnant women usually set a task: there are many vitamins. But you should know that the body needs during pregnancy more in fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

For proper nutrition during pregnancy, the menu should include fatty fish and meat, broths, fat, vegetable and butter, chill, dairy products, nuts. It is also important to know daily rate of trace elements and vitamins for a pregnant woman:

· The daily rate of vitamin A is 800 μg;

· D - 10 μg;

· K - 65 μg;

· B1 - 1.5 mg;

· B2 - 1.6 mg;

· B6 - 2.2 mg;

· B12 - 2.2 μg;

· PP - 17 mg;

· Folic acid - 400 μg;

· Calcium - 1200 mg;

· Phosphorus - 1200 mg;

· Magnesium - 320 mg;

· Iron - 30 mg;

· Zinc - 15 mg;

· Iodine - 175 μg;

· Selena - 65 μg.

Proper nutrition during the second half of pregnancy is to comply with the daily diet, which should be equal to 2800 - 3000 kcal. It includes the following substances:

Proteins - 120 grams.

Fat - 85 grams. Power during pregnancy 40% should consist of vegetable fats.

Carbohydrates - 400 grams.

For proper nutrition during pregnancy in the menu At first breakfast should include, for example, bread with cheese and butter, dairy porridge, sweet tea, on the second breakfast - bun, milk, sausage and green peas. At lunch, you can eat vegetable soup with sour cream on meat broth, vegetable stew with boiled tongue, fruit juice, and for afternoon - cottage cheese casserole with sour cream and fruit juice. You can dine with vinaigrette, boiled fish and tea with baking, and the second dinner may consist of omelet, bread with butter and horse rhoran. And before bedtime it is useful to drink a glass of kefir.
Next article:

Every day the intrauterine life of the baby is unique. This article will tell about the peculiarities of the child's development by 26 week.

Specify the first day of the last menstruation

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Anatomical features of the fruit

To determine how the kid is growing well, doctors use a special ultrasound method of examination. In the course of this study, a specialist can get the main dimensions of a small man.

The intensive development of the child contributes to the fact that the normal values \u200b\u200bof the determined indicators at each month of pregnancy differ.

The table below shows the norms of the main clinical criteria for the parameters of the body of the fetus, which are determined when conducting an ultrasound.

In addition to the definition of the basic parameters of the body, through the ultrasound examination, you can see how the kid looks like. High-precision devices used by experts are currently allowing the image of a fairly high resolution fetus.

The baby's face for the 26th week is already quite formed. Ear shells have a small size and acquire a more convex configuration. Eyes outside cover eyelids. Above the child's pools, flush hairs growing, which will later become eyebrows. The child even has small eyelashes.

With each subsequent day of pregnancy, the kid is becoming more and more cute. His skin acquires a smoother and even look, and the number of wrinkles covering it earlier decreases. This is largely due to the fact that under the skin, the baby begins to actively increase the amount of brown fatty fiber.

The increase in subcutaneous fat contributes to the fact that the kid no longer looks like so small and exhausted. On the body, the child begins to appear dairs and first folds. Gradually become chubby cheeks.

What does the kid feel?

The intrauterine development of the fetus on this period of pregnancy is still ongoing, but the basic internal organs and systems are already formed, and some of them are even starting to function. However, the internal organs will be able to work in full force only after the birth of the baby, while their work can be called "training".

By the 25-26 week of pregnancy, the child has a pretty good nervous system. The toddler's brain weighs about 110-115 grams.

The number of furrows and schulas that give the core specific allocated continues to increase every day. Such a special structure of the cerebral cortex makes noticeably complicates the behavior of the baby. Every day the child increases the number of reflexes that are necessary for him for further life.

Without the normal development of the nervous system, the functioning of the senses is impossible. By this period, the kid can already feel quite a lot - light, sound, taste and much more. This response to the effects of the external environment largely contributes to the intensive development of the peripheral nervous system.

The ability to hear

The most striking feeling that the baby is experiencing on this period is the ability to distinguish sounds. The baby pretty easily distinguishes parents. Scientifically proven that the voice of the mother has a relaxing effect on the fruit.

Interestingly, every day the number of sounds perceived by the child increases. So, he can perceive the sounds of the environment, makebinding through the walls of the abdomen. For example, the baby hears the noise of the vacuum cleaner or water, which flows from the water tap.

Sounds of too much intensity can scare the baby. The fruit will show their discontent with the strengthening of motor activity. Too loud sounds also contribute to the fact that the child will begin to actively kick.

The best sounds for the development of the nervous system are musical works. Experts found that on this period of intrauterine development it is already possible to form the first musical preferences. Listening to classical music can be an excellent pastime option for the future mother and her baby.

No less useful for the development of the child and the natural sounds of nature. So, the murmur of the stream or the noise of the sea surf has a soothing effect on the fruit. Regular outdoor walks are able to call positive sensations from a child.

Ability to see

Note that a truly visual analyzer will begin to work only after his birth. On the period of 26 weeks the fruit can already close or open eyes. The structure of the eyeball causes the ability to distinguish light.

Scientists conducted a number of interesting experiments, during which it was proved that when the stream of bright light was influenced on the face of the fetus located in the maternal womb, he tries to turn away from him or even change his position.

With excessive insolation, the motor activity of the fetus can significantly increase. The kid, as a rule, responds to too bright light by changing its location or simply amplifying motor activity.

Ability to feel taste

Despite the fact that before birth, the fruit is already able to distinguish the taste. Perhaps this when he is swallowed by communal waters.

During the day, the kid can swallow about 450-600 ml of an oily fluid. It enters the inner medium of the children's body, where the part of the nutrient components dissolved in it is absorbed into the bloodstream, and other substances are simply removed through the kidneys. The main substance that is actively absorbed into the blood is glucose. It is necessary for the children's body for the full development of the brain and the nervous system. Some vitamins can also be absorbed.

During the swallowing of the arrogant fluid, the fruit feels her taste. In the language of the child, microscopic grows are already present - nipples. They are peculiar receptors that help a person feel different taste options. So, quite easily the fruit can distinguish bitter, salty and sweet tastes.

The swallowing of the oily fluid can contribute to the fact that the baby will start to ick. This reaction is quite normal and serves as a peculiar stage of the development of digestion at the kid.

Ability to move

The motor activity of the fetus at this stage is perhaps a rather characteristic feature of 26 weeks. The child is already rather big, his weight passed for half a kilogram. This causes the active movements of his child begins to sense his mother.

Every day the number of movements performed by the fetus increases. This is due to the good development of musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The bones of the fetus are already quite dense, muscles are movable and elastic. All these anatomical features significantly affect the amount of possible acting movements.

Until that time, the baby was very interested to study his own body. He played with his umbilical umbilical, concerned the face, begged and blended his fingers on the handles and legs. By 26 week, in connection with the good development of the brain, the fetus appears interest in the study of the "Water World", in which he is.

So, with its legs, he begins to repel from the walls of the uterus. It also often happens that the baby begins to "bother" with his hands on the internal organs of his mother, which is pretty near the uterus in which it is located.

It is important to note that by 26 week the intensity of motor activity in the fetus, as a rule, increases. A woman feels his baby who is in her womb, much stronger than before.

Some specialists note that the baby can be active every 10 minutes. To assess the intrauterine state of the fetus, gynecological obstetricists advise future mothers to consider the number of the movements that they feel.

It is important to note that not all the time the child is active. The kid on this date of its intrauterine life is already able to sleep. Sleep at the fetus is usually from 17 to 20 hours during the day. At this time, the baby sleeps and actively does not make active movements.

Motor activity of the fetus is an important clinical criterion for assessing its condition. So, if the baby is very often kicking, it may be a manifestation of what he is experiencing a certain discomfort.

Doctors note that the most common causes may result in the enhancement of motor activity in the fetus.

  • Psycho-emotional impacts. The stress, transferred by the mother, has a very unfavorable effect on the state of the children's body. Under the influence of stress in the female organism, a number of hormones are formed, which cause spasm of blood vessels. The lack of nutrients and oxygen contributes to the emergence of a response from the fetus.
  • Hypoxia - fabric starvation of internal organs. This condition occurs when reducing the flow of oxygen into the body. Hypoxia can develop in a wide variety of reasons. According to statistics, women living in large megalopolis suffer from hypoxia much more often.
  • Mother's disease. Some of the pathology of the heart and blood vessels occurring with the development of heart failure can lead to insufficient flow of nutrients necessary for the growth of the fetus.
  • Smoking.It has been proven that regular smoking has a damaging effect on blood vessels, thereby provoking the decrease in oxygen flow into the children's body. Such a situation will also contribute to strengthening the motor activity of the fetus, as it causes it pronounced discomfort.

If the future mother believes that for some reason, her baby began to show too violent activities, then it must necessarily discuss it with his obstetrician-gynecologist. Only a doctor watching pregnancy can determine whether this state is an individual feature or still manifestation of pathology.

How is it located in the maternal womb?

The location of the fetus in the uterus is a very important clinical sign. From how the kid is located in the womb, the choice of technique of objects will depend on. So, if a child is in the head prepay, and a woman has no heavy pathologies, then in this case there is a natural independent childbirth, a cesarean section is usually carried out with a pelvic preview. The fact is that the likelihood of the development of dangerous traumatic damage in the last version of the kid in the uterus is very high.

It is important to note that what the baby lies in the maternal womb, it can still change before childbirth. This is usually happening with very active little fidget babies, which "love" to spin and twist. Before the occurrence of childbirth, there is still quite a long time, which means that the doctors will determine the location of the baby in the uterus several times. It often happens that directly a few weeks before the childbirth, the baby changes its position.

About how the fetus develops at the 26th week of pregnancy, see the next video.

  • What's happening
  • Future development
  • Dangerous weeks