The program of the psychological circle "the world of emotions" methodological development on the topic. Program for the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. Circle in kindergarten on emotions


preschoolers and junior schoolchildren

The emotional sphere is an important component in the development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren, since no communication, interaction will be effective if its participants are not able, firstly, to “read” the emotional state of another, and secondly, to control their emotions. Understanding your emotions and feelings is also an important point in the formation of the personality of a growing person.
For all its apparent simplicity, recognition and transmission of emotions is a rather complex process that requires a certain knowledge from a child, a certain level of development.
Research by psychologists has shown that older children preschool age in general, they are able to correctly perceive the emotional state of a person (95% of the surveyed children aged 5–7 years generally correctly identify the emotions of other people). At the same time, children quite easily distinguish joy, admiration, fun and find it difficult to recognize sadness (this emotion was correctly named by half of the preschoolers surveyed), fear (only 7% of children gave correct answers), surprise (only 6%).
Children first of all pay attention to facial expressions, not attaching importance to pantomime (posture, gestures). Thus, even older preschoolers have insufficient ideas about the emotional, internal states of a person and their manifestations, what can we say about younger children!
The experience of working with preschoolers shows that it is possible to start acquainting children with emotions from the age of four (in middle group or in younger group after the end of the adaptation period): children learn the necessary concepts, their vocabulary is replenished with words denoting emotions, although the word “emotion” itself is not introduced, it is replaced by the concept “mood”, which is more accessible to a child of this age. And of course, they perform practical tasks with great pleasure and play.

candidate of psychological sciences,
head of psychological service
Center for Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical
rehabilitation of children and adolescents,


Development of the emotional sphere of children 4–9 years old.


To acquaint children with basic emotions: interest, joy, surprise, sadness, anger, fear, shame, disgust, contempt.
Contribute to the enrichment of the emotional sphere of the child.
Teach children to recognize the emotional manifestations of other people according to various signs (facial expressions, pantomime, intonation, etc.).
To give children an understanding of the separation of emotions into positive and negative.
To teach to recognize the difference between feelings and actions (there are no bad feelings, there are bad actions).
Promote the open expression of emotions and feelings in a variety of socially acceptable ways (verbal, physical, creative, etc.).
Help the child respond to the existing negative emotions (fear, anger, etc.) that impede his full personal development.
Enrich the children's vocabulary by using words denoting various emotions, feelings, moods.


Classes are held with a group of 6-10 people, 1-2 times a week. The duration of one lesson is from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the age of the children.
To conduct classes, you need a spacious room with a carpet (soft) covering.
After completing the program, you can put on a play with the children. In preparation for it, children can use the knowledge and skills they have acquired, demonstrate their achievements to the audience (and to themselves!). It must be remembered that the performance must be emotional.


The most important condition for the effectiveness of such activities is the voluntary participation of children in them.
Do not evaluate children, do not seek the only correct answer, in your opinion.
Kids are easily infected with other people's emotions, therefore, in order to interest them in activities, you need to get carried away yourself. If you are happy to prepare for these activities, are happy to conduct them, then the children will definitely notice it!
Classes should not be tiring, so if the children are tired, finish the session.
Each lesson should end with something joyful, cheerful, positive (especially if the lesson was, for example, about fear or greed).
Between classes, it is necessary to draw the attention of children to their actions, their emotions and those of those around them, thereby consolidating the material passed through.


Conversations aimed at getting acquainted with various emotions, feelings.
Verbal, board-printed and outdoor games.
Drawing emotions.
Playing sketches.


This program is presented in a series of sequential steps. Each step is one or several activities, united by one topic. The number of lessons in each step is determined by an adult (psychologist, teacher), focusing on the age of the children, the speed and depth of their mastering of new material. The steps or their parts marked with "*" can be omitted if the presenter wishes, without prejudice to the general logic of the lesson, if they are conducted with children under 6-7 years old or if a short course is conducted with younger students (see table).


The content of the sketches is not readable to children, the situation is emotionally retold. This is just the basis for creating many variations on a given topic. You can, for example, replay a situation that happened in a group (class) or a plot drawn from a fairy tale read.
The heroes (boy, girl) are indicated in the sketches conditionally: depending on who is playing the exercise, you can change the hero, even giving him the name of the playing child.
Do not strive for one, "correct" image of this or that mood (emotion). Give children the opportunity to express themselves, their individuality. Let everyone create their own version, discuss with them who has the most vividly conveyed mood, why, by what means. Express yourself with your children!

New doll

(study for the expression of joy)

The girl was given new doll... She is happy, jumps merrily, whirls, plays with a doll.

Baba Yaga

(study for the expression of anger)

Baba Yaga caught Alyonushka, told her to light the stove so that she could eat the girl later, and she fell asleep. I woke up, but Alyonushka did not - she ran away. Baba Yaga got angry that she was left without supper. Runs around the hut, stamping his feet, swinging his fists.


(study for the expression of surprise)

The boy was very surprised: he saw how the magician put a cat in an empty suitcase and closed it, and when he opened the suitcase, the cat was not there. A dog jumped out of the suitcase.


(study for the expression of sadness)

Cinderella is returning from the ball. She is very sad: the girl will never see the prince again, and besides, she has lost her shoe ...

Alone at home

(study for the expression of fear)

The raccoon mom went to get food, the raccoon baby was left alone in the hole. It is dark all around, you can hear different rustles. The little raccoon is scared: what if someone attacks him, and his mother does not have time to come to the rescue?

Chanterelle overhears

(study for expression of interest)

The chanterelle stands at the window of the hut in which the cat and the cock live, and overhears what they are talking about.

Vaska the cat

(study for the expression of shame)

The hostess baked a sour cream cake for the holiday and went to dress up. Vaska the cat crept into the kitchen and ate the pie. The hostess ran to the noise and began to scold Vaska. Vaska felt ashamed.

Salty tea

(study for the expression of disgust)

The boy watched TV while eating. He poured tea into a cup and without looking, by mistake, instead of sugar, poured two tablespoons of salt. He interfered and took the first sip. What a disgusting taste!

New girl

(study for the expression of contempt)

I came to the group new girl... She was in an elegant dress, holding a beautiful doll in her hands, and a large bow was tied on her head. She considered herself the most beautiful, and the rest of the children were unworthy of her attention. She looked down on everyone, pursing her lips contemptuously ...

Further, the sketches may become more complicated. First, you can play sketches with children in which emotions replace each other: surprise - fear, pain - joy, contempt - shame, etc. Secondly, to play sketches in which several participants interact, experiencing various emotions: one is angry - the other is frightened.

Below are examples of such sketches.

About Tanya

(sorrow is joy)

Our Tanya is crying loudly:
Dropped a ball into the river (grief).
"Hush, Tanechka, don't cry -
The ball will not sink in the river! "


In the woods

(attention - fear - joy)

Friends went for a walk in the forest. One boy lagged behind, looked around - there was no one. He began to listen to see if voices were heard (attention). It seems that he hears some kind of rustling, crackling of branches - what if it's a wolf or a bear (fear)? But then the branches parted, and he saw his friends - they were also looking for him. The boy was delighted: now you can return home (joy)!

ugly duck

(contempt and sorrow)

A duck with ducklings appeared in the poultry yard. All the ducklings were ordinary, and one duckling was somehow clumsy, with a long neck. All the birds disliked the ugly duckling, they arrogantly said: "How ugly he is!" (contempt). Even his mother duck often repeated: "The eyes would not be looking at you!" Ducks nibbled him, chickens pecked, and the girl who gave food to the birds pushed him with her foot. And the duckling was very worried about such an unfair attitude towards himself, he was very sad that he had no friends (sadness).

Duremar and Tortilla

(contempt and anger)

Duremar came to the pond and met the tortoise Tortilla there. He wanted to catch her, and the turtle asks: "Let me go!" Duremar and replies: “Oh, you, floating suitcase, stupid aunt Tortilla, how can you buy me off? Unless with your bone cover, where you hide your paws and head. I would sell it for scallops. ”(Contempt). The turtle got angry at such rude words and says: “I swear - neither you nor anyone else will get the magic key! It will be received only by the one who makes the entire population of the pond ask me about it! " (anger).

Thumbelina and the May beetle

(disgust and anger)

May beetle transferred Thumbelina from a leaf of a water lily to a tree branch. He really liked her, and he decided to marry her. But Thumbelina did not like the groom at all: he was so fat, shiny and very unpleasant (dislike, disgust). She didn't want to be his wife at all! The beetle got angry with her for this, stamped with all six paws and, having flown down from the tree, lowered her onto the daisy (anger).

Who ate the jam?

(surprise and shame)

Mom went to work, and the boy and the cat stayed at home. The boy really wanted to try cherry jam. He didn’t notice how he ate the entire can. When mom returned, she asked: "Who ate the jam?", To which the boy replied: "Cat." Mom was very surprised: "Do cats eat jam?" (astonishment). The boy became ashamed of his deception (shame).



The schematic images of emotions are laid out face down on the table. The children take turns taking any card without showing it to the others. The task of the child is to recognize the emotion and portray it with the help of facial expressions, pantomime, and voice intonations.
At first, an adult can help a child.
The rest of the child spectators must guess what emotion the child is depicting, what is happening in his mini-scene.


To carry out this game, you need sets of pictures that depict animals with different facial expressions (for example, one set: funny fish, sad fish, angry fish, etc., the next set: funny squirrel, sad squirrel, angry squirrel, etc.) .). The number of sets corresponds to the number of children or the number of micro-groups.
The facilitator shows the children a schematic representation of a particular emotion (or depicts himself, describes in words, describes the situation, etc.). The task of the children: in their set, find an animal with the same emotion.

The goal of this game is to activate vocabulary by using words for various emotions. The facilitator names the main emotion (or shows a schematic representation of it, or acts it out himself), and the children recall the words that denote this emotion (see appendix). You can divide the children into two teams. Representatives of each team in turn call synonyms. The team that last named the word wins.


All participants in the game, except one, close their eyes, "sleep". The presenter silently shows the "not sleeping" participant any emotion with the help of facial expressions and gestures. This participant, "waking up" the second player, conveys the seen emotion, as he understood it, also without words. Further, the second participant "wakes up" the third and gives him his version of what he saw. And so on until everyone "wakes up."
After that, the presenter asks the participants in the game, starting with the last and ending with the first, about what emotion, in their opinion, they were shown. So you can find the link where the information was distorted, or make sure that the "TV" was completely functional.
Possible questions for discussion:

On what grounds did you define this particular emotion?
What do you think prevented you from understanding it correctly?
Was it difficult for you to understand the other participant?
How did you feel when you portrayed emotion?


A Scriptwriter and a Director are selected from among the children. They are looking for a leading actor. All applicants are given a task: the screenwriter names some fairy-tale hero, and the Director names any mood (emotion). The actor must pronounce the phrase on behalf of this character with a given intonation.


An adult shows children a plot picture, the hero (s) of which does not have (s) face (s). Children are asked to name which emotion they think is appropriate for this case and why. After that, the adult invites the children to change the emotion on the hero's face. What if he became cheerful (sad, angry, etc.)?
You can divide the children into microgroups according to the number of emotions and offer each group to act out the situation (that is, one group thinks over and plays out the situation if the hero of the picture is angry, the other if he is having fun, etc.).


Children can be offered the following options for assignments.

1. Complete a drawing on the topic: "My mood now" (you can start each lesson with this task).
2. The child draws the emotion he wants. After completing the assignment, the children discuss what mood the author was trying to convey.
3. Each child "draws" a card with one or another emotion, which he must portray.
4. Children draw the emotion that they met in this lesson (for example, fear, surprise, etc.). During the discussion, the drawings are chosen that most clearly reflect this emotion.

Drawings can be either plot ("Draw Barmaley, from whom all the toys escaped", "Draw a case from your life when you were very surprised"), and abstract, that is, when the mood is conveyed through color, the nature of the lines (smooth or angular, sweeping or small, wide or thin), a composition of various elements.
Abstract drawings are more conducive to responding to negative emotions (fear, tension), the development of imagination, self-expression of the individual. Here, the restrictions imposed by the level of formation of the child's artistic skills and the acquired drawing stereotypes are removed (girls draw the same type of "princesses", and boys - the same cars).
When discussing drawings, one should avoid evaluations of the author's "technical skill" (including "beautifully - ugly"), but pay attention to techniques (color, character of lines, etc.) that allow to convey mood and feelings. With the correct organization of the discussion of children's drawings, the children themselves usually come to an understanding of the advantages of free (abstract) drawing.


Cognitive and emotional development... Clarify the knowledge of children about the emotions of joy, anger, fear.

Learn to recognize them and convey them using gestures, facial expressions. Provide an idea of ​​how and when these emotions are manifested. Develop imagination.

Speech development. To teach to understand the lexical meaning of the word "rainbow", to speak poetic texts with the transfer of emotional mood, expressive movements, and the like.

Artistic and aesthetic development. To convey with the help of gestures the character of the depicted hero (bear, fox).

Creative development. In theatrical activities, be able to play out the plot in accordance with the content of the fairy tale, convey the character of the hero, depending on the situation and his own vision. In the drawing, convey an emotional mood using facial expressions.

Social and moral development. Give the notion that external features and words do not always correspond to the intentions of a particular person and be careful when dealing with strangers.

Physical development. Encourage children to actively express their thoughts in various exercises and sketches. Develop fine motor skills hands while drawing with fingers.

Material: screen, in accordance with the height of the children; dolls on spoons; toy bear; contour images of animal faces (Wolf, Fox, Squirrel, Bunny, Cockerel), gouache paints, wet wipes.

The course of the lesson in the 2nd junior group of kindergarten

Educator. - Children, look out the window, what is it looking at us? (Sun)

Children, and what is the sun? (warm, affectionate, tender, yellow, dazzling, bright, shiny, pleasant, hot ...)

Are we happy with the sun?

And when else do we rejoice, to whom or what are we glad?

(gifts, flowers, good friends, warm wind, mom, dad, etc. various pleasant surprises, miracles)

Now I will read you a poem about various miracles, which is called "Joy" (by K. Chukovsky)

(when reading a poem, the teacher puts illustrations on the flannelegraph)

Glad, glad, glad

White birches.

And on them with joy

Braids grow.

Glad, glad, glad

Dark aspens.

And on them with joy

Oranges are growing.

It doesn't rain from the cloud

And not hail

So fell from the cloud


So come with me quickly

To green meadows

There's a rainbow across the river

Connected the shores.

We'll climb the rainbow

And let's play in the clouds.

Let's go down the rainbow

We are skiing and sleighing!

Why are kids happy? (they have fun because miracles happen and they ride on the rainbow)

Do you think the word "rainbow" is funny or sad?

Children, the rainbow in the sky is colorful, beautiful, when we see it, we rejoice, we have fun. Apparently that is why it is called RAINBOW, because everyone from her is fun, joyful.

Oh, and who is sitting here and growling? (bear)

Emotional Exercise

Pissed off so Bear, (angry look)

Started to roar loudly: (furrowed brows)

My bed is broken (lower lip protrudes)

And the book is torn for me, (shakes her head)

What should I do? (shakes her hands)

Do not cry, do not be angry, bear, (we "stroke" the bear)

Glue your book together (facial muscles relaxed)

We will repair your bed. (kind look, gentle smile)

Don't jump on the bed

Calmly leaf through the book.

Now guess, Little Bear, who is this coming to us?

Psychological study on the expressiveness of movements

Chanterelle was walking along the path,

And she carried mushrooms in a basket:

5 honey agarics, 5 chanterelles,

For chanterelles, for sisters. Huh!

(slow gait, the body is tilted to the right - towards the "heavy" basket, the right hand "squeezes" the basket. last words"Put" the basket on the floor, wipe the forehead reverse side palms).

Children, in what fairy tales is the Fox found? ("Kolobok", "Teremok", "Koza-Dereza", "Straw Goby", "Kitty and Cockerel", etc.)

Educator. - Children, do you like to play theater?

Let's see a fairy tale with the participation of Chanterelle.

Theatrical performance with children(puppeteers - children)

Presenter (educator): The audience gathers, the tale begins. Listen and watch the fairy tale "About the Cockerel, the Hen and the Sly Fox"

Host: Once upon a time there was a Cockerel and a Hen. They got tired of sitting at home, and they went to travel the world.

Here they are walking in a green grove, around the breeze shakes the bushes, and fresh leaves turn green on the bushes, and berries between them

Here Chicken says:

Child-Hen: - Cockerel, break a twig for me,

Where the leaves are thicker, where there are more berries!

Host: Only the Cockerel wanted to break it, but from under the bush the Bunny from his house:

Child-Bunny: - Who walks here in my grove, who breaks my bushes?

Host: Frightened Cockerel:

Child-Hen: -Cock, break a twig for me, where the leaves are thicker, where there are more nuts!

Host: Only Cockerel wanted to break it, but from under a bush a Squirrel from his house:

Squirrel Child: - Who walks here in my grove, who breaks my bushes?

Host: Frightened Cockerel:

Child-Hen: - Cockerel, break a twig for me, where the leaves are thicker, where there are more apples!

Host: Cockerel dared, began to break, and here is the Chanterelle from his house:

Child-Chanterelle: - Come, dear, to visit me. Here, rest in my hut - I have gifts for you!

Host: Rooster and Hen were very happy:

Chicken and Cockerel (together): - Oh, what good and cute animals here!

Host: And the cunning fox thinks to herself: "This will be a good dinner for me!"

And she ran rather to the Wolf e-neighbor e to invite him to dinner.

And the Cockerel and the Hen ate well and rested and so cheered up b that Cockerel even began to sing.

It was here that the Bunny ran past the house. And the Bunny was actually very good, and says:

Child-Bunny: - Run faster from this house, the Fox wants to eat you all!

Host: But Cockerel and Chicken don't believe him.

Chicken and Cockerel (together): - There are such good animals here!

Host: Then Squirrel saw them through the window:

Squirrel Child: - Run faster from this house, the Fox wants to eat you all!

Host: Here Rooster looked out into the yard, and in the yard - chicken feathers.

Baby-Cockerel: - Oh, oh, we really need to run fast!

Host: And already the Fox goes into the house, and the Wolf follows her, terrible and predatory, and rejoices that they will have dinner.

As soon as they stood on the threshold, the Hen and the cockerel jumped through the window. And go home soon! But we barely had time!

And the Wolf and the Fox ran and ran - and did not find a trace under the bushes. And they were left without dinner!


Educator. - Did you like the fairy tale?

Whom did the Cockerel and the Hen meet first? (Bunny)

And who will be the last? (To the fox)

Name all the characters who participated in the play.

Which one do you think was good?

And who was cunning and predatory / evil?

And what were the Cockerel and the Hen? (shy)

Show how afraid the Cockerel and the Hen were?

Visual activity of children

Educator. - Let us draw different faces: kind, evil and frightened, who wants what. (children stand at the tables)

Finger gymnastics.

Let's do exercises for fingers: (imitation of movements according to the text)

Cockerel and Chicken walked

They carried a handful of grains,

They took the grains into the beak,

Then they nibbled a little.

The rest were carried to the mill,

Then the pies were baked.

All the children were treated

Bird crumbs ate.

Finger drawing: (children are given the outlines of animal faces, and they must depict their characters - cheerful, angry, scared)

Bottom line. Reflection.

What was the name of the show we saw?

Is it possible to go to strangers in the house?

Thank you kids, you did a good job today.

Acquaintance with emotions. Joy-2

Lesson scenario for children 3-4 years old


Continuing acquaintance with a sense of joy;

Development of the ability to understand and express the emotional state of another.


Pictogram "joy";

Game "ABC of Moods";

A scarf or scarf.

Pictogram "joy"

Course of the lesson:

Good morning, guys!

Let's imagine that we have forgotten how to speak, and can only sing. Now each of us will sing his name, and we will all repeat after it.

(The goal is to create a positive emotional background.)

Let's remember what feeling we talked about in previous lessons. Yes, we talked about joy.

Fine! We also talked about the fact that everyone can be happy: children and adults - mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers and sisters, do you think animals can be happy? ..

Maybe some of you have a pet? .. When you come from the kindergarten, does it meet you? Do you think it is happy with you? .. I have a dog. When I come home from work, she runs out to meet me and wags her tail. I think this is how she expresses her joy. My dog ​​is happy when everyone comes home from work and when she goes for a walk. Tell us how your pets are happy.

"Play with a handkerchief"

(The goal is to remove emotional stress, give children the opportunity to creatively express themselves, develop the ability to switch attention from one image to another.)

Imagine that we are in the theater. The theater has a stage, actors and spectators. We will also choose a place for the stage in our group. In order to find out which of you will be an actor and who will be a spectator, we will conduct a small artistic warm-up.

I have a handkerchief in my hands. Try using a scarf, as well as various movements and facial expressions (facial expressions) to portray:



The wizard,



A person with a toothache

Sea wave

After showing each new character, we ask the children the following questions: "Who can show a butterfly (princess, ...) differently? Who else wants to try?"

You did great. Who liked to play the roles? .. Who liked to watch? .. Maybe someone decided to portray something else now? ..

Look at the cards I brought you today.

(We show the children the cards from the game "ABC of Moods".)

They depict mom, dad, a cat, a mouse, a parrot and a fish. They are all joyful in these pictures. Let each of you think and decide what role he can play.

(The purpose of the exercise is to develop the ability to understand andexpress the emotional state of the other with the help of movements and speech.)

Those guys who take any card will have to go on stage and introduce themselves on behalf of the selected character. For example: "I am a cat. I live in a house. I like to drink milk. I am glad when I catch a mouse." Remember to walk like cats do. You can stretch, show how they wash.

Well done! Who wants to show anyone else?

Now let's stand in a circle and play "Kind Animal": (The goal of the game is to develop a sense of unity.)

Let's join hands and imagine that we are one animal. Let's listen to his breathing. All together we will inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale and again inhale-exhale. Very good. Let's hear how his heart beats. Knock - we take a step forward, knock - a step back. And again, thump is a step forward, thump is a step back.

This concludes our lesson. See you!

See also:

Department of Social Policy of Kurgan
MBDOU "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 118" Mishutka "

Working programm Cup
"The world of emotions"
(senior group)


Explanatory note

Classes of the circle are held from October to May with children senior group 1 time per week for 25 minutes.

This cycle of classes is a complex development aimed primarily at the development of the emotional and communicative sphere of the older preschooler. It uses many different techniques, games, exercises. Children learn to overcome barriers in communication, to feel each other subtly, to find an adequate bodily expression for various emotions, feelings, states. The set of goals and objectives is presented in the table.

Goals, objectives:

This program implements correctional, developmental and psychoprophylactic tasks and is relevant in working with children who have problems with emotional stability, and with ordinary children. The effectiveness of the work is monitored through observation and projective drawing tests, and is recorded in a specially developed development map.

Calendar-thematic planning


Lesson topic


1. "I am the only one on the planet"

2. "I am growing, I am changing"

3. "Country of Cats"


4. "Map of the magical land of the senses"

5. "I am the master of my feelings" 1

6. "I am the master of my feelings" 2

7. "I am learning not to be offended"


8. "Anger, anger"

9. "We are not afraid, or adventures of daredevils"

10. "An ordinary miracle"

11 "Trees of characters"


12. “Let's live together. Me and my friends"

13. "The Boy Who Couldn't Play"

14. " New Year's carnival masks "


15. "We quarrel, we make up."

16. "What qualities help friendship"


17. "Etiquette"

18. "Etiquette" 2

19. "My family"

20 "Baby elephant with balls"


21. "Mom's helpers"

22. "Land of Imagination"

23. "Kaleidoscope of emotions"


24. "Spring Joys"

25. "Space travel"

26. "Play town"

27. "Visiting a fairy tale"

28. Diagnostics 1.