Conversations with adolescents - the path to the development of benevolent relationships in the family. Conversation with adolescents about a good attitude to each other topics conversations with adolescents about family relations

Dear Colleagues!
I want to introduce you to your methodology for holding spiritual and moral conversations for high school students.
Teenage age is the most difficult in the perception of spiritual and moral truths. This is a transitional stage between childhood with its full dependence on the elders and the inability to exist without them and adult age with its ability to independently life, to the creation of the family, the birth and raising children. A teenager has a need to change lifestyle. He seeks as if reoverfall, in his own way to put priorities in his life, check "for truth" everything that he was previously told.
The tasks of the proposed cycle of educational conversations are:
- to introduce adolescents with the values \u200b\u200bof Orthodoxy;
- Help a teenager look at your problems (friendship, love, family, meaning of life, attitude to homeland, etc.) from the point of view of Orthodoxy;
- show a teenager that the life of an Orthodox Christian is interesting, multifaceted and filled with meaning;
- Motivate adolescents to spiritual and moral improvement and insertion.
The program offers the use of the following methods of the educational process:
- verbal: conversations, stories, poems, disputes, explanations;
- visual: demonstration of video and audio products, use of reproductions;
- Practical: drawings, tests and practical tasks;
Methodical support of educational conversations consists of detailed abstracts of classes with a complete set of necessary materials (reproductions, audio and video materials).
Required technical training: multimedia projector.
The program contains 10 combined lessons.
The stated methodological development was tested in some general education and Sunday schools of Sumy and Zaporizhia region and received positive feedback. Also, this work was awarded 1 place in the first all-Ukrainian competition program, scenarios, projects of Sunday schools of Ukraine (nomination - an annual program educational).

Educational hour "On the most beautiful music of the soul" introduces us to the atmosphere of the proposed lessons. "Make the world a little kinder - this opportunity is in the hands of each of us," such a conclusion should make teenagers from the first lesson.
The first step towards changing yourself is to forgive everyone, so the second educational hour reveals the need to upbringing such virtue as the ability to forgive.
In the third educational hour, "where happiness is hiding" the teacher brings a teenager to understand the true value of life, which consists in ministry of the neighbor. However, it can sometimes be expressed in unusual forms and manifest itself, for example, in refusal of themselves for the sake of near. Moreover, it is in this person who can find true happiness. This is dedicated to the educational hour "Human happiness".
The educational hour "Desertion of life" enshrines an understanding of the true values \u200b\u200bof true values \u200b\u200bin life, the ability to see in life unburses only temporary difficulties and forms a desire to overcome them.
The next block of educational clock is devoted to family education. "Parents also people" teaches a teenager to honor their parents and leads the child to the idea that he is part of his family, in his power to make the family stronger and "Sunny".
Educational clock "Search the most closest", "female happiness" and "who in the house of the owner" is aimed at raising adolescents as future family mans.
Educational hour "Search the most closest" teaches to see in the chief of the future husband or wife, father or mother of their children, attoring attention, first of all, on the beauty of the soul, and not the body.
Educational hour "Women's Happiness" is advisable to spend separately for girls. In this case, a frank conversation is possible about chastity, loyalty, femininity, the ability to compare and empathize as the necessary features of the nature of the future wife and mother.
An educational hour "Who in the house of the owner" introduces a teenager family to the inner world of the future family, teaches to understand and protect the future (s) of the spouse (y), forms the desire to give way and keep the world in the family.
The educational hour of "We from the Future" is aimed at education in adolescents feelings of patriotism and respect for the history of their country.

Educational hour "On the most beautiful music of the soul"

- Education in kindness teenagers;
- reveal the impact of the performed actions on human spiritual health.

- paper for answers to tests and drawings, markers;
- Music center, Svetlana Kopylovy "Proveri-2. Tassel in God's hands ", Reproduction of the fresco of Leonardo da Vinci" Last Supper ".

Structure occupation
Before you start a conversation, I suggest you to answer the test questions.
1. You have money. Could (La) would you spend everything you have, for gifts to friends?
2. The buddy tells you about his problems, but it worries little. Will you give him to understand what it is not interesting for you?
3. Your partner for any game is playing bad. Will you give to him to deliver a pleasant?
4. Do you often tell people good words?
5. Do you like evil jokes, draws?
6. How long do you remember the resentment?
7. Do you always not miss the opportunity to do any kind thing?
8. Do you think that any business will you do better than others?
9. Did you throw the game when you start to lose?
10. If you are sure that you are right (a), do you listen to the objections of the interlocutors?
11. Do you want to execute requests?
12. Are you mocking over someone to cheer the company?

Teacher's word with interview elements
We will talk about the results of the test later, and now we will try to determine the topic of conversation. Romain Rollan once said: (It is better to write in advance on the board) "... is the most beautiful music of the soul. No matter how wonderful if she sounded in each of us. " What did Romen Rolland mean? Insert the missed word into this statement, and you will learn the topic of today's lesson. (Children's responses)
Kindness is the subject of classes. Let's try to determine the meaning of this word. What person can be called good?
On the board (write in advance) written words characterizing a person and starting with the words "good". What is their meaning?
Virtuous: high-level, manifesting virtue, full of virtue;
Good-natured: kind and soft in character, kindly;
Friendly: Wishing good, ready to promote the well-being of others, benevolent;
Dangerous: characterized by good behavior, good temper;
Compact: decent, decent approval, decent;
Dorry: having a kind heart, gentle, dubbed;
conscientious: honestly fulfilling its obligations, duties.
What do you think, what qualities of the listed has a truly kind person? (Children's responses)
That's right, all. Have you met such people? Do you remember what kind of good deeds did you do today, last day, week?

Summing up test
Let's see the results of your tests.
Yes - 1-4, 7, 11 - 1 point
No - 2, 5-6, 8-10, 12 - 1 point.
8 or more points: you are kind, benevolent, able to handle people; Only one wish - be sincere;
4-8 points: Your kindness has a selective nature: you can be kind to one people and deal with others;
0-4 points: Communication with you is not easy; You lack goodwill to people, heart openness.

Teacher's story with interview elements
Specialists argue that good deeds have a very large positive effect on our psychophysiological health. The condition in which a person is embraced by the gusts of kindness is, the body perceives as a positive stress and produces a huge number of protective substances, so truly good people are more often sick. In addition, in the state of the "attack of kindness", hormones are produced, activating mental activity and creative potential.
What happens to a man who makes evil actions? (Children's responses)
The famous English writer Oscar Wilde in the novel "Portrait of Dorian Gray" described the story of an unusually beautiful young man with clear blue eyes and golden curls, whose portrait was captured by one artist.
In the life path, he is found to Lord Henry, who inspires the young man that the only true values \u200b\u200bin the world is a pleasure from the fulfillment of their all possible desires. Taking this, Dorian expresses a crazy thought: let the print of vices and passions lie wrong on his face, but on the portrait, let the image of the canvas age, he always remains young and beautiful. For the performance of his desire, Dorian sells the soul to the devil, after which the mysterious connection of the young man with a portrait. After the brutal actions, hearing on the canvas arise the features of cruelty until traces of blood after the murder. As the passion for the enjoyment devastates and desets the soul, the portrait is crumbling, and Dorian's face still remains young and beautiful.
Follow years. Friends and acquaintances are aging, and Dorian, as before, remains young and beautiful. Only with the portrait, which he thoroughly hides from everyone, looking at him by the dying soul - the personification of passions and vices. Dorian falls all the lower and lower, fascinating his friends, infecting their thirst for pleasure. A close friend calls him to repentance, but Dorian answers: "I'll pray late. For me, these are empty words. "
He completely loses the ability to love and compassion. Portrait with a terrible, disgusting, ugly face oppress him. And once, without preparing the spectacle of their soul, Dorian Gray strikes the portrait of a knife. There is a terrible cry. During the servants, the portrait of a beautiful young man with gold hair, and on the floor - a dead disgusting old man with a knife in the chest.

Viewing the frescoes of Leonardo da Vinci
"Last Supper" with a discussion
And now look at this fragment. What can you say about the man shown on it? What do you think who is it? What is he? (Children's responses)
This is a fragment of the fresco of Leonardo da Vinci "Last Supper". The fresco itself is located in Italy, in Milan, in the former Dominican monastery.
Brush Leonardo da Vinci captured Jesus Christ with his apostles during the last dinner, before his betrayal and execution. The artist's fresco captured the moment when Jesus Christ announces his disciples that one of them betrayed him.

Listening to Svetlana Kopylova "Leonardo da Vinci"
With subsequent discussion
I want to offer you a version of the history of writing this fresco, outlined by the author-performer Svetlana Kopylova. The song is called "Leonardo da Vinci."
Listening to the song "Leonardo da Vinci" Svetlana Kopylova.
(A song can be heard)
Do you think this is possible to write from one person and the image of Christ, and the image of Judas? Can the face of one person be beautiful, and ugly? In which case is it possible? (If we make good deeds, the features of our face are referred to, and if evils are disfigured. You can easily like clay, and a man - sculptor. Everything is in our hands.)
In confirmation of his thoughts that everything is in our hands, I want to offer you another song Svetlana Kopylovoy "Butterfly".

Listening to Svetlana Svetlana Kopyl "Butterfly".
(Song can listen)
The final word of the teacher
I would like to never forget that the condition of your soul depends only on you.
You will love your neighbors
And the joy of kindness to know
Do not wish others
What you won't wish for yourself.
These are the quatrains in the gospel language, it sounds like this: "Love the neighbor as yourself" (MF 22,39; MK 12.23), i.e. Do those who do just want to get from them. In this rule, the moral laws of all time are constructed. Some nations disappear, others appear, and the commandment "Love the Middle Middle like yourself" remains relevant, especially in our such a meager love of each other. I wish your souls only with love and kindness.

Practical task
Now try to depict kindness on paper. Whatever it was if it was material.

Borkhovich Svetlana Nikolaevna, head. Methodical Center of the Zaporizhzhya Diocese of the UOC

To be continued...

Municipal Budgetary Institution Basic General Education School №24

x.severocaucasian Novokubansky District

conversations for moral education


Mathematics teacher and physics

luste Natalya Vladimirovna

2014 YEAR

Conversation #1- "What does" educated man "mean?"

Pupil is the assimilation of good habits.


- How do you answer this question?

The dictionary says that "brought up - it knows how to behave well."

- Who do we consider to be brought up? Maybe the one who got a higher education?

Life shows that it is impossible for every educated person to consider pupil. The education itself does not predetermine the pupil, although it creates favorable conditions for this.

A brought up man has a sufficient cloth, he can behave in society, has good manners. A pupil person is not difficult to recognize at first glance. The appearance says himself for himself: he is not lost in an unfamiliar society, knows how to sit at the table, beautiful and neatly there. But the pupil is not only good manners. This is something deep and significant in man. This "something" is internal culture and intelligence, the basis of which are the guilty and respect for another person.

Example (Memories of the People's Artist of the USSR):

"It seems to me the standard of such qualities Actor of the Art Theater Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov. On the street he walked - and they pour out. And modest, and festively ... He certainly remembered all the names and patronymic of the people with whom he met. He organically respected people and was always interested in them. With it, every woman felt an attractive, creature gentle, worthy of care. The man felt smart and very much (Kachalov) at the moment. Vasily Ivanovich, as it were, "absorbed" other people's lives, faces, characters and was among people as a holiday, like human beauty and nobility. "

In this regard, I want to remember the personality as charm. A charming person has an attractive force, he is always friendly, prudent, his smile light and natural, meeting and conversation with him give pleasure. And being brought up - it means to be attentive to another, delicate, tactful, not petty.


In a letter to his brother, Nikolay Anton Pavlovich Chekhov writes what conditions, in his opinion, raised people must satisfy. It seems that it is useful for us to listen to him: "They respect the human person, and therefore they are always indulgent, soft, polite, compliant ... they do not rebellious due to the hammer or missing gum; Living with someone, they do not make it from this favor, but leaving, do not say: "You can not live with you!" They forgive the noise, and cold, and the rewritable meat, and sharpness, and the presence in their accommodation in their housing ...

They are comprehensive and fear lies like fire. They are not lying even in trifles. The lie is offensive for the listener and shifts in his eyes speaking. They are not drawn, keep themselves on the street as well as at home, do not let dust in the eyes of a smaller brethren. They are not talking and do not climb with frankness when they do not ask them ...

They do not humiliate themselves with the goal to cause sympathy in each other. They do not play on the strings of someone else's soul, so that they sighed in response and nounted with them. They do not say: "I don't understand me!", - Because all this beats on a cheap effect, went, old, fake ...

They are not skid. They do not occupy such fake diamonds, as familiarity with celebrities ... doing business on the penny, they do not worry with their stick for a hundred rubles and do not boast that they were allowed there where others were not allowed ... "

In s in about: Genuine pupil and culture can not be combined with the Bar city.

Completely incompatible with the concept of an educated person cynicism - brazen, shameless behavior imbued with contempt for people. Cynicism is a deep manifestation of uncompatory, the lack of genuine inner culture, disrespect for people and society.

"Cynicism is dangerous, first of all, because he builds anger in virtue" (Andre Morua, FR. Writer).

People with cynical behavior are capable not to create, but to destroy, not respect, but humiliate people around; And most importantly - they do not feel their own liability.

- What kind of main quality is distinguished by a pupil person from the unprecedented?

Attitude towards people, attention to them, respect for their individuality.

Everyone feels his own way and perceives the world around him, he has his own features of memory, thinking, his attention, he has a kind of imagination, his interests, needs, sympathy, attachment, mood features, a large or smaller power of emotional experiences, strong or weak will, "Easy" or "difficult" character, he has his own life experience, his observations, his disappointment, sadness and joy, habits, finally, their fate. What a wealth is the inner world of man!

There are no people not interested in the world.

Their fate - as the stories of the planets:

Everything is all special, its

And there is no planets similar to it.

E Evtushenko

It is important to understand and constantly remember that such a complex inner world I have not only me, but each of the people around me. And if a person who is next to me is different from me, then this does not mean that he is worse. He is just another, and it is necessary to respect this other person with his individual characteristics, with his strong and weak parties. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that another person is an independent person who determines its behavior. Therefore, dulling, rudeness, wretched, ordered tone, etc. incompatible with the concept of a "educated person."

A brought up man not only knows how to understand itself, in his desires, opportunities, actions, but also knows how to understand the people around people, take into account and respect their interests, wishes, tastes, habits, moods, sincerely respond to their feelings and experiences.


"It happens and so," writer S. Shurtakov writes, - Whether on the road, in the far village they will meet a new person, unfamiliar; You are glanced with a person: and on the sight of a pretty, and it is interesting to talk to him, and a smart, and in general, as you used to say in the old days, all the land in it. However, you talked with your new acquaintances, I learned him closer, I shook my hand to goodbye and "Goodbye" said, but only you feel, you understand: if there is no this dating, you will not really upset, do not load. In my eyes, you had a man, but in my heart - no, I didn't touch him anything, nothing of all interesting conversations in it responded. "

Indeed, as you want to meet every one of us in the interlocutor, the consonance of thoughts, feelings, sentiment. We are grateful to those people who are suspended to listen to us, trying to understand what occupies us and worries. We often do not need specific advice, and you need to "speak" in the presence of a person, the goodwill of whom we feel in yourself. And feedback?

But after all, others are waiting for the same! They hope for understanding and interest in them on our part. And it's not so easy to understand the features of a person. We often explain the actions, moods and the relationship of others, based on their own ideas about their causes. It must be said that a good person in the actions and relationships of people usually sees good motivations. And bad - bad.

A good man is usually trusting. In his relationship with people, he proceeds from the idea that everyone is kind, coherent, and is very surprised and is upset when they do not discover these qualities. A bad person is suspicious, he sees a cake, a careerist, any luck of another person, he explains the cunning of that, flattery, deception; And it is very difficult to convince him of the decency of this person.

In general, the ability to understand the most essential features of another person, to determine the true meaning of his actions, sentiment, discrepancies in the assessments and ideas arising from people, indicates a sufficiently high cultural development of man.

A cultural, educated person, first of all, cares about not to humiliate the dignity of another person.

I would like to pay attention to one quality, about which we are shy about to speak out loud, which many, unfortunately, consider old-fashioned. This is a nobility.

True nobility - coming to help to man, whatever adverse circumstances and the consequences of this neither accompany. With this quality, the ability of a person to compare, empathize, sympathize, to promote - a sign of spiritual maturity of the person.

Nobility - High human morality, connected to dedication and honesty.

We sometimes fall out happy moments of meeting with a noble person, but these moments are very rare. Why? Probably because really very little in the life of noble and truly cultural people.

Well, do we ourselves? For some reason, dare to demand nobility and generosity, sympathy and understanding, forgiveness and help from other people in relation to us. And yourself? Let's ask themselves a few questions and try to answer them.

What is the main thing for us - "be" or "seem"? Are people interesting to us by themselves, beyond their position, place of work and material opportunities? Did we respect others around or just do the view? Do you love anyone other than yourself? In other words, what are our internal, most intimate needs, desires and values?

No matter how you answer these questions, our words, actions, actions and relationships give us.

Great I. Guete wrote that "behavior is a mirror in which each shows its true appearance."

Conversation number 2- "Man's behavior as a lifestyle"

Free oneself from compliance with decency

it means to look for funds for free manifestations

your shortcomings.

Sh. Montesquie

Courtesy breeding and causes politeness.

E. Rotterdamsky

No reason is sorry for ignorance.

T. Shevchenko

We and other people. How much about this is already written, however, life shows that the relationship between people continue to worry so many, as they are the main in human life, because the "man is unthinkable without society."

We are constantly among people: very close, relatives, in a circle of friends, good friends or unfamiliar - at work, while studying, visiting clubs, circles, theater, cinema, museum, shop, in the dining room, restaurant, train, plane , on the beach - everywhere and always.

We are all created for interaction, like legs, hands, eyes. Mark Azeri: "If you even wanted this, you could not separate our lives from humanity. You live in it, they and for him. "

But are we ready, whether we want to behave with all our different people around us so that we and they felt mutual satisfaction with communication, as a long-lasting, sometimes almost all life and fleeting, random?

The behavior of a person ... We seem to know everything about him or, in any case, a lot. Together we are indigray and repeat that in our society - the deficit of mercy, goodwill, selflessness in relations between people, a very low culture of behavior. People are inattentive and indifferent to each other, often rude, nontactive, nondelny; Many scratchy and tastelessly dressed, do not know how to speak properly and beautiful ...

And we ourselves? Do you think about how we behave with different people in different situations? Can we respect, sympathize or compassion, tactfully help? Do you understand and invalid our behavior?

A. Morua has quite thinly noticed: that everyone is convinced that others are mistaken when they judge him, and he himself is not mistaken when he judges others.

Is it really important to think about your behavior when there are so many interesting and difficult problems in the modern world? We behave like everything - and okay. And how okay?

Man's behavior is the image of his life and action. It is in behavior that the essence of a person's personality appears, the features of its character, temperament, its needs, views, tastes, desires, preferences. Only in actions we judge the inner motivations, thoughts and feelings. And the behavior of the entire system of human relations is determined, first of all, his attitude towards others.

The total culture of behavior is manifested in all areas of human relations: public, service, family, personal.

Any violations of the rules of culture of the behavior or the absence of this culture as such are obvious and lead to violations of relations between people. Everyone knows from his experience, as it happens and how does the mood deteriorate when someone will push, even if you are inappropriate, and do not apologize, or says a rough word, or will not understand your condition and will joke when you don't even do jokes (or Even worse, to answer rudeness, shank - get up one step). This someone is a small and uncomfortable person. About such people D. Lokk wrote: "In a badly educated person, courage takes the kind of rudeness (rudeness); The scholarship becomes pedanticism; wit's wit; Easy - inoperability; Good nature - flattery.

It is human-lithuania - the main value in the behavior of each of us. It usually happens that in a one or another period of time, one person lives easier, the other is more difficult; One will fall out more joy, another less; One in the soul is calm, another is alarming. It is important to be able to see and understand who you should sympathize, compassion, help, and from whom and when the right to expect support and help himself. This is the basis of the finest human relationship, which determines the essence of our actions from the most minor in everyday life (gave way to the road, missed the elevator, did not notice the annoyed tone of a frustrated person, praised the purchase of a friend, congratulated with good luck) to a very responsible for life, fate, the future Another person is the one who is next to you.

To live in society and be free from society - it is impossible. There is only one way to become a good interlocutor - to be able to listen.

Conversation number 3- "Spirituality - the norm of human life"

Troublery man:

All that for a person is expensive, vital, which determines its attitude to reality, is customary to be called values. They were formed together with the development of humanity, his culture.

- What are values?

1. Material (promote life):

Simplest (food, clothing, accommodation, household and public consumption items);

Higher order (tools of labor and material means of production).

2. Spiritual - the values \u200b\u200bnecessary for the formation and development of the inner world of people, their spiritual enrichment.

And material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bare the result of human activity. Spiritual values \u200b\u200bare special.

- What is it and what impact do they provide?

Books, paintings, sculptures - not just things. They are designed to cause high feelings in humans. But also possess the significance of practical - they affect their content on the life of a separate person and society as a whole.

Science, art, universal moral and moral norms - without mastering them there can be no spiritual person. And hence, without this, there can be no material, technical, intellectual breakthrough into the future, there can be no proper human communication in the high sense of the word.

So, the most important condition for the formation of a person, full, moral, is the absorption of spiritual values. But the moral person is not just a learning of spiritual values, but, most likely, this is the quality of our achievements, relations, which is the figure of our inner maturity. And, of course, every person independently selects, forms its values, he takes them from society not automatically, but consciously, as it would accumulate what personally seems to him.

- So think: what are your life values? What is the incredit value for you?

And then you will understand what extent your values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to public, which will become, in turn, a strong impulse for your self-education. Because it cannot be respected by anyone else nor himself, living on the side of life, in his own surprise, "man in a case".

And, probably, it's annoying and insulting to live life, without happiness of human appreciation. But the surrounding will not respect us, admit, reckon with us if we do not respect yourself and are not sure of our forces and relationships.

- What person do we call moral?

Such who the requirements of society to a person made the requirements for himself and lives, learns, communicates with those surrounding according to these internal laws of morality.

His consciousness and behavior are one, and they are based (on what?) On universal values \u200b\u200band norms. To fully shape its morality, the person can only be a man can only as a result of self-education. Who, how not a person himself can develop the consciousness that his behavior should be coordinated with the interests of other people, society?

Moral self-education - This is the upbringing of all the above feelings and qualities, and they can be formed by each person, provided (as?), That the person himself is interested in this and seeks to this.

Moral self-education opens the only right path in life - the approval of good, sincerity, mutual care and responsibility, of this (civil) attitude to their work; gives a person to the will and the ability to never turn out of this way.

"The whole morality of a person is in his intentions" (J.-zh. Rousseau).

"Good and moral - this is the same" (L. Feyerbach).

"Morality is the science of agreements invented by people in order to jointly live the happiest way. The true purpose of this science is the happiness of the greatest number of people. " (K. Gelving).

Consequently, nothing in thoughts, nor in acts, nor in the acts of a person should not be in harm to the other. So?

"Enjoy and giving pleasure, without causing an evil either, nor the other - in this the essence of morality" (Chamfer).

- What determines the norm of human life?

The values \u200b\u200bfor which are focused and served by a person.

- What should be decisive in human life - material or spiritual? Why?

If the material is dominated, it first nourishes and pleases the body. The soul is secondary here. From here there is a danger that in the name of material value you can parathy human interests and man himself, his freedom, will, dignity, even life. In the commercial rivalry and the struggle for the material benefits, the principle of "All permissive!" Arises. Neither barriers or bans - chaos.

If spiritual values \u200b\u200bdominate, the soul is riches with a sense of involvement with others, a sense of joy of life. Then the whole person who performed cannot harm to another person. The moral law is triggered here. He guards everyone and makes people a safe life. Therefore, the commandments arose in the life of a person who guard his soul from evil. Hence the spiritual values \u200b\u200bthat protect life, guarding it and man as a higher value.

J.-H. Rousseau about his own contradictions: "I always considered and now I think that I am, in general, the best of people, and at the same time I am sure that no matter how a pure is a human soul, some disgusting flaw in it will certainly lose."

Two worlds have a person:

One - which worked us

Another - which we are from the century

We create as our forces.

N. Zabolotsky

Harmony of man in relations with others - harmony with himself. Try to strive for this harmony.

Conversation number 4 - "On the laws of morality"

Good people become more

from exercises than from nature.


Daily communication at home, school, in transport, on the street, with your own, with strangers - this is the reality that we rarely think about. This is our life in which there is no time to "stop a moment". We want it or not we want, but we all sometimes experience the same feelings, we are all wound and vulnerable, we all are equally suffering from evil, resentment, pain, indifference.

- Is it indifferent to any person as those who are surrounding? (Not.)

- Do you care about the attitude of the surrounding people?

Yes, we are not indifferent to us, as we treat us, and most often we want us to love to be surrounding it well with us.

Someone values \u200b\u200bwith love and respect only of their friends and acquaintances, someone is more expensive than just good relations in the family, and less frequently we value the relationship between all others - and acquaintances, and strangers.

- Why? Maybe this is not necessary?

There are a lot of reasons, but one of them is perhaps the main one (what ? Give an example.) - This is an egoism, desire, and rather, the reluctance to infringe on something and limit himself, a loved one, inability to put himself in place of another person and try to do everything to him (another) was good and calmly. And also? (Example.) Cowardice. Yes, yes, elementary cowardice, because rudeness towards at all not familiar most often remains unpunished.

- Are there any universal rules used by people of various social groups, different ages, different countries and peoples?

Such uniform, universal rules probably no, although there is a general principle on which they are built. This principle is the so-called "golden rule of morality", which to one degree or another is the criterion of the moral behavior of all civilized peoples. There is this rule throughout the history of mankind. People and civilizations changed, but the "golden rule" remained.


1. In the ancient Indian epic V c. BC e. There are such lines: "those actions of others who do not want a person for themselves that they are not nice, let him not make other people."

2. Biblical sayings are known: "What hates you yourself, do not do anyone"; "As you want, you do with you, so and you do with them."

3. Rows from the XV century: "What is the best life? When we do not do what we condemn in others. "

- summarize everything said. What kind of idea is preserved in all these statements?

What people wish people, then you will receive.

Do not make another of what you yourself do not want.

- What actions can be called moral?

Moral actions have good consequences for both of us and people around us. How it is important to always remember that any act has consequences and result!

- What does a person justify his immoral behavior?

Circumstances. Say, they (circumstances) forced him to do so. But it is incorrect. In the same circumstances, people behave differently.

- What does it depend on?

From moral position. So, for example, the Austrian psychologist Viktor Franklin, who passed during the Second World War through all the horrors of the Hitler's concentration camp, writes: "In a concentration camp, for example ... We witnessed the fact that some of our comrades behaved like pigs, Time as others were holy. A person has both of these opportunities in himself, and that of them will be implemented depends on its decision, and not from the conditions. "

- So, let's imagine in more detail what the concept of "morality" includes. What qualities should the moral person?

Let's go back to the beginning of our conversation. For each person, and we have already found it, it is always very important, as they treat him that they think about him, how to evaluate his actions and all its activities.

- What is the name of social approval inherent in each of us? (Honor.)

On the blackboard, the "skeleton" of the pyramids are drawn, where they are written gradually, as they are discussing, all moral qualities.

In the end, n and d about with to

Honor - This is a kind of glory about a person, about his affairs. And "not to drop" this glory is the highest moral debt of a person. And from the fact that people carry the actions of a person - good or evil, "he depends, he drops this feeling or preserves it clean. Yes, it is an honor.

- What does it mean for you? What concepts do you invest in this word?

In folk wisdom there is such an instruction: "Do not exchange honor for a lental chowder." How to understand it?

A person with honor does not exchange it on any temptation, material benefits, a tempting offer.

A Russian proverb was entrusted to the public consciousness: "Take care of honor. Why? What for?

So that this desire has become a conscious, an integral part of life. What does the presence of this desire depends on? From the environment, from people with whom we communicate from education. And most importantly (from what?) - Yes, from the person himself, from how he seeks to embody in himself and in his lifestyle principles of honor.

- What actions determine the honor of a person?

The honor is determined by the attitude to the duties, to work, to other people, to the woman, to children.

The next component of morality is inextricably linked with the honor of man.

Think that, as well as the honor, it is important to save? Dignity.

In other words, dignity is the significance of a person. Each of us shows its dignity every day and hourly - at work, in school, at home. This feeling is detected in the resistance of every self-respecting person (what?) Every attempts to humiliate, offend, slander him, introduce others to delusion about your personality. This feeling elevates a person, gives his activities, all his aspirations a certain nobility.

People who can insult, humiliate you, but impossible to take away the right to self-esteem.

Here is a mysterious tool

It is constructed by centuries,

And loses at the moment.

Under the bombing of Lee, under the harmonic,

Under the beautiful chatter

Drains, collapsed,

Crushes to the root.

Self-esteem -

Here is a mysterious path,

On which to crash - easily

But with which it is impossible to collapse.

Because without delay,

Inspirational, clean, alive,

Dissolve, in dust will turn

Human image is yours.

B. Okudzhava

- What is the witness to our actions, what feeling determines that we do - good or evil?

This is ours conscience.

- What is the conscience and why is it needed?

Conscience - This is our inner judge. Conscience is often manifested as an unconscious instinct, impulse, no time to reflect on personal gain.

Conscience helps us to carry out self-control, carry out self-esteem of the actions performed. It manifests itself in non-violence to their own disadvantages, in self-criticism, in a desire to comply with moral requirements.

- What feeling is the main manifestation of conscience? The feeling of shame.

The people have long been, as you know, conscience are divided into ... (What?) clean and unclean.

- What conscience is to live easier, freer? Why?

Pure conscience elevates, unclean forces to suffer, hide, hide his thoughts and actions.

"The pity is the person, in whom the conscience of the Unclean" (A. Pushkin).

- Why?


If most people in society

unlesslesse is society ... (philistine, restless, intolerable, dangerous, criminal, gangster, conflict);

conscientious - This is a society ... (calm, peaceful, civil, safe, tolerant).

The words "you have to", "you owe" everyone hears from early childhood. Oh other young people tend to think that they should not have anyone, but on the contrary, everyone should present all the benefits on the "Silence with a Blue Kater", they must provide a "normal life".

- What feeling are we talking about?

This feeling appears when a person has consciousness formed. it debt . Yes, so our life is arranged that he lives freely and happily the one who finds the joy in the performance of their debt.

Debt is a moral requirement for a person who acts as a social need for life in society.

- What do you see at this stage the execution of your debt? And in the future?

So, the sense of debt is the criterion of human civil maturity.

Continue and explain the meaning of the next statement:

"Take your duty, and you will know what you are ... (stand).

- What are the actions of a person depend on?

From desire and, of course, solutions to act.

- And the incarnation of a human decision depends on what?

From the accompanying effort, that is, from human will forces.

- How do you determine the concept of willpower?

This is a conscious man's effort, aimed at achieving a goal, to solve the task. In other words, this is my belief embodied in solution and action.

- What person can be called volve?

Which is engaged in self-education, self-employment, self-improvement, daily producing so necessary quality. The volitional man seeks to become better, accumulating positive qualities.

All said - the basis of the beautiful, moral soul of man.

- What, in your opinion, is expressed, the ability and ability of a person find, to see and perceive the beautiful in the surrounding world: in life, in people, in nature, in things. In spirituality.

- What do you invest in the concept of "spirituality"?

- Why is she man?

By how a person judges a beautiful (if at all this ability is present in it), it can be judged about its attitude towards people. Comment on the following poem:

"... here is a man what you say you about him?"

Answered each other shaking shoulders:

What about him good I know? "

"Here is a man, what will you say about him?" -

I asked the friend of another.

"I'm not familiar with this person,

What can I say bad about him? "

R. Gamzatov

- What person's position can be called moral? Why? What position from these two is close to you? How to develop in yourself the desire for the beautiful?

Spirituality develops in the desire of a person to kind, truthful, beautiful and beautiful, which is a support for the human soul. Without such a support, the person turns into a man in the man in the midst, for which the most important thing is to be full.

Everyone decides and determines for itself (return to the epigraph): how important is it practicing in self-education to become a good person?

At the beginning of the conversation, you should not ask direct questions about the mental state of the teenager; The child is better tasted in communicating with a psychologist, answering at first the questions relating to his day regime (what time do you get up? What time does it take for breakfast? Who is preparing breakfast? Does anyone from family members escape to school? What time you usually come home After graduation at school? Do you dine after arrival from school? Do you hear dinner yourself? When do you walk? How much time do you spend on a walk? Who are you walking with? When are you preparing lessons? If you spend your homework? If you have time? If you have Any task does not work, do you ask for help? What time do your parents come from work? How do you spend time? When is the whole family going together? How much time do you watch TV (VCR)? What time do you dine and Go to bed?).

Such questions and answers to them make it possible to draw a picture of the child's life, his relationship with family members and other people around him. For example, having this information, a psychologist adequately interprets the test results "Family Figure" test.

This is followed by a block of questions relating to the family of a child. They can be asked to be a mistake, especially if the child is alarming and disturbing a large number of questions about. Family. You should ask who parents work, what is the area of \u200b\u200btheir interests, what is the work of their work, how to spend your free time, how much time spend on communication with children (walks, shopping in stores, reading, watching TV programs, leisure, etc.) who of family members is her chapter; How was the relationship with a teenager with his brothers and sisters, grandparents and grandmothers; As a teenager usually spends the summer and winter holidays.

After establishing contact, there are questions regarding the identity of the child. It should be noted that issues relating to the worldview is appropriate to ask high school students, as most adolescents are not yet ready for discussion.

  • Are you fond of anything? What do you like to do most? What kind of experience is your favorite? Do you have a hobby?
  • What do you think about sport? Did you do any kind of sport? If I quit to do, then why? Are you going to resume classes?
  • Do you like to watch movies and videos? What films do you like most? Who is your favorite hero? Do you watch television series? (If a teenager watching a television series, which is on television at the time of the examination, then it should be asked about his favorite heroes, about interesting episodes, who sympathizes who hates how and to whom he would like to help).
  • Do you like to read? What books are you most interesting to you? What book do you read now? What book did you just read? What is she talking about? Who is your favorite author? Who is your favorite hero? To whom from the book heroes would you like to imitate? (A large number of questions are given due to the fact that children sometimes say that they love to read, just to produce a good impression.)
  • Do you do in some mug? (If not, then, in which mug I would like to study - technical creativity, dramatic, choreographic, visual art, etc.)

Next you need to ask if a teenager has a dream. If the teenager makes it difficult to answer this question, then he should ask what he would have done if he had the opportunity to turn to the Golden Fish and he could guess three of any desires that would certainly be fulfilled.

A teenager should also find out what and whom he hates most.

Of interest is the attitude of a teenager to the creation of a family in the future:

  • Will you create a family when you grow up? How much would you like to have children? Would you like parents to live with you or separately?
  • Will you calculate that you will have an apartment, cottage, house, car, etc. How fast? How are you going to achieve material well-being - yourself, with the help of parents, etc.?

Younger teenagers sometimes have difficulty answering these questions. In a senior school age, these difficulties often arise from those adolescents who have conflict relationships with parents, lack of life plans, low self-esteem.

Currently, a religious worldview is of great importance in the human life.

To deal with the degree of religiousness of a teenager and the nature of her influence on his personality, it is necessary to ask not only those who believe that the teenager believes in God, but also to establish how deeply he believes how his faith is experiencing. This can be done with the following questions:

- Do you believe in God? Do you go to church? How often do you attend the church? What does love God mean? How do parents treat your religiosity? Do you know the Divine Commandments and Prayers? Do religious holidays celebrate? What religious holidays do you know? What religious holiday recently passed? How did you notice him? What religious holiday are you preparing for? What do you do for this?

The conversation is also used to study the characteristics of the erudition and intelligence of adolescents. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to their speech: whether they express their thoughts alone or in the unfolded form; It is easy to understand the essence of the questions asked; Does adequately react to jokes; Li prone to joke; Do you respond quickly to the words and remarks of the psychologist. Many people talk, smile, gesticulation of children, etc.

It is notable to ask how the schoolboy himself appreciates its capabilities: whether he considers that it has some outstanding abilities or possessed them before.

During the conversation, you can get information about the volitional regulation of a teenager, which is specified at meetings with parents and teachers, and also replenished during their own observations of the psychologist.

  • Do you have any difficulties in life? How do you overcome them?
  • How do you behave when you don't work anything, for example, the task in mathematics, drawing, bicycle assembly, sewing dresses? (Naturally, the content of the question depends on the floor, interests and age of the teenager.)
  • Do you always bring the started thing to the end or often throw it halfway?
  • Do you think yourself with an organized person? Do you adhere to a certain routine of the day?
  • If your attention is raised before performing the planned case, but less important occupation, what do you prefer? For example, a class teacher asked you to come to a certain hour to school to help arrange a new stand, but before going out of the house you find that on television show a new interesting film with your favorite heroes, which I have long wanted to see. What solution to happen - go to school or stay at home watch a movie?
  • Do you consider yourself a lazy person? Do you consider you a lazy teacher, parents, friends?
  • I would like to become a more bold man than you are now?

In the process of the conversation, more attention should be paid to the discussion of the specific facts of the manifestation of will (or beveling) in adolescents.

At the end of the conversation, when trusting relationships are established, it should be proceeded to study the emotional sphere of the child. As a result, it is possible to obtain preliminary information about the ways of responding to a teenager on a stressful situation, about the causes of its emotional experiences, the depth and strength of experiences.

You can ask the following questions:

- What mood usually happens to you? Is it easy to get upset, get upset? What is most often sad for you?

Does your mood quickly normally, or are you going to experience what happened? How do you react to what upsets you, - you are annoyed, cry, do it seems that nothing happened, feel bitterness in my soul, offense?

Do you experience the feeling of longing, fear, anxiety, loneliness, depressed? Do you have a feeling of guilt for anything?

If a teenager gives a positive answer, then he should ask:

- How often do these feelings appear with you? What do you feel when they arise? When do they appear with you? What time is the day they are the most and least strong? Are you trying to overcome them (if so, how) or are you waiting for them when they go? If they pass by themselves, when that usually comes?

In addition to the protracted reduction in the mood, in children suffering from depression and neurosis, there is a deterioration in appetite, sleep disorder, the emergence of somatic disorders (of course, a psychologist should understand the peculiarities of pathology and these phenomena). In this regard, it is necessary to find out in a teenager, what is his appetite. If he says that his appetite has worsened, then you should ask, from what moment it began, what life events were preceded by this.

- Are you not experiencing common breakdown, do not appear incomprehensible pain in different parts of the body? When do they occur? Describe your feelings.

- How do you fall asleep? Quickly register with my side on my side? What is your sleep - superficial or deep? (If a teenager does not understand the question, then he needs to explain that a superficial dream is a dream, when a person seems to be sleeping, but with the slightest rustle, you wake up, etc.) Do you see dreams? What dreams do you see - colored or black and white? How many hours are sleeping, pour it out or not? Does you often sleep badly or at some specific days when certain events occur in your life? How do you get up - hard or easy? What are the feeling after sleeping - cheerfulness, lethargy, a breaking or feeling that did not sleep at all?

During a conversation with a teenager, issues relating to its character are also discussed.

- Are you satisfied with your character? What traits do you like? What do not like? How are others familiar to the shortcomings of your character? How do you react to it? Are you trying to correct the negative features of your character? What do you do for this? Is the character of loved ones, teachers, classmates? What features of the character do you like most in people, and which most do not like?

Answers to these questions, in particular, are the basis for studying the self-assessment of adolescents. Interesting data can be obtained using the "Self-esteem test" technique.

An important indicator of the internal state of the child is his attitude towards animals.

- Is there pets in the house? Who cares for them? Do you like your cat (dog)? Do you like to squeeze the animal? Do you sometimes have a desire to hurt him? If the answer is positive, then when it occurs most often: no reason, when you are punished when you prohibit something to do when you quarrel with someone from family members when parents beat you (if these facts have already been discussed during the conversation ).

If there is no pet family, then you should find out whether they have been before, why there are currently there are no parents from the content of animals, because their teenager tormented. Naturally, in a direct form, the last question can be asked not always. Sometimes it is preferable to discuss it with parents.

Various teams play a big role in the life of any schoolchild. Therefore, during a conversation with adolescents, you need to ask such questions, what is his relationship with peers in the classroom, in the courtyard, in the sports section, etc. It is necessary to find out what place the teenager takes in these teams, especially as classmates belong to him, which place he would like to occupy in their environment. Teenagers can experience due to the fact that with a rather high ranking they cannot become leaders in the classroom. At the same time, they can remain indifferent to the low rating among their classmates, since the school team is not for them such a reference group, as, say, the team of the sports section in which they are engaged.

It is necessary in a delicate form to ask the adolescent relations with peers of the opposite sex, with what experiences it is connected.

The psychologist is important to know the attitude of a teenager with teachers, as evaluating their moral and professional qualities. As in the course of communication with them, he expresses his attitude to them - in what form.

It is also necessary to find out the state of the child's health at the moment and does he have chronic diseases, in what physical condition he came to the examination if he is not hungry.

During the conversation, the attention is paid to early childhood memories of the child, the story of the specific episodes from his life, the impressions of people and reality, which were formed on the basis of personal experience and under the influence of other people.

In conclusion, you need to thank the teenager for a meaningful conversation, for conscientiously answered questions. You can celebrate the most interesting moments in his statements, original comments made by a teenager. After that, the child should offer to undergo testing, explaining what tests are, for what purpose they are used.

Actually, the psychodiagnostic examination of the teenager is planned according to the results of the primary conversation with him and his parents or teachers. As a rule, the consultant combines test and clinical methods in its work. In the course of the work, the child's behavior is monitored, as well as in the natural situation (in class, etc.).

After analyzing the results of the survey, the consultant is a psychological conclusion according to the following scheme.

  1. The main passport details of the child (FIO, age, address, family composition, brief information about parents visited by the institution).
  2. The reason for the survey (by whose initiative was conducted, a summary of the content of complaints and the main request).
  3. A summary of the content of the examination (which was done during the survey).
    • all techniques, survey techniques - indicate (but not to describe), sources when collecting anamnesis;
    • brief psychological history (the most essential moments, the main risk factors).
  4. Diagnostic conclusion. Diagnosis of the psychologist - diagnosis of child development, and not a diagnosis of disease.
    • it is necessary to qualify the development of the child in terms of compliance with the age norm;
    • individual features of the development of the child (starting from the nature of contact, emotion, motivational component) - the use of a child monitoring scheme;
    • qualification of the nature and degree of child's difficulties (allocating the strengths and weaknesses of the child).

If there is no sufficient data, fix only what can firmly argue! With insufficient data, psychological conclusion is not written.

Society has long changed its appearance, foundations. All changes and only spiritual and moral principles remain unchanged. Believe me, absolutely no matter what a century in the courtyard. It is important that the human society has the right benchmarks and always remained human. Young people, especially in adolescence, tend to be mistaken in their values \u200b\u200band principles. Therefore, the Company's task is precisely to help the young generation to arrange the right priorities. Must begin to spend approximately grade 7 when the transition from children to adolescents and personality formation.

Before starting any conversation about this, you need to find out, and that for young people means the concept of morality. No need to require accurate definitions, it will be much more significant if the guys will call their associations, having heard the word morality.

Many will probably surprise that adolescents are on a row with such associations as honor, decency, tolerance, will call:

  • limitation,
  • dogmas
  • outdated rules.

After all, there is an opinion that being good boring. In fact, the word morality itself appeared in the XVIII century and it went from the word of temper. In those times, moral, morality, ethics were synonyms. Today, these concepts have several different entities. Just should make clarity in this difficult dilemma. If we say simplified language, then under morality understand the ability to share their words and actions for good and bad. Of course, this is a simplified interpretation, because morality includes many factors:

  • The ability to find a common language in any situation,
  • mutual
  • kindness,
  • mercy,
  • honesty,
  • a responsibility.

The moral person not only knows about morality in the theory, and also skillfully uses all these qualities in life. Yes, it's not easy to achieve the title of moral man. To do this, you need to work long and hard.

In a strong healthy society of moral principles, absolutely every person is trying to stick. It should not be completely naked only for school learning. Only with general efforts can be achieved a good result.

The younger generation like a sponge absorbs information from the surrounding world. If a child sees around himself only cynicism, hypocrisy, malice, then in most cases in the future, and it will have such qualities. That is why it is necessary to take care of the surroundings of adolescents. Adults are simply obliged to start with themselves and then have a personal example of charging young people. Alone conversations and lectures will be extremely not enough.

  • It is necessary to change the environment.
  • Right, instructive films and cartoons,
  • motivating literature
  • collective campaigns.

The moral education of the younger generation is an extremely difficult and responsible task and to fulfill it every conscious citizen of the planet.

Often, teenagers can behave simply unbearable. To instruct them on the path true, it is necessary to regularly carry out prophylactic conversations with adolescents that will allow reveal the reasons for disobedience and will help solve many problems. At this age, hormonal changes occur in the body of the teenager, which become the cause of frequent mood change. The child becomes hard to control his emotions, he begins to communicate with peers and adults. It often happens that the behavior changes so much that parents simply cannot recognize their children - once modest and obedient children begin to rude, excellent students stroll. Adults remain only to gain patience and carefully examine the recommendations of psychologists who will prompt how to behave in difficult situations. The most important thing is not to lose contact with the young rebellion and not to let everything in samonek. In this article we will look at the main difficulties and topics of conversations with adolescents.

Teen will not sleep at home

If your child does not spend the night at home, and it happens not for the first time, first, it is necessary to figure out why this happens. Most likely, your child is trying to defend its right to be considered adult and independent, violates the rules. What to do in this case? The complexity of the conversation with adolescents is that parents will have to forget about the order tone and phrase: "You owe ...". Try to put pressure on pity, slightly sick. Please ensure that you worry about the child and you can not sleep. A teenager must feel at adults responsible for his actions, and in this case act in the role of a small child who threw. During such a conversation with adolescents, it is important to agree that you will sometimes let go of the children to sleep with friends, but only if they warn in advance.

Systematically strolls school

If your child periodically strips his studies, promises to be corrected, but does not make it, much lags behind many subjects, does not understand what the teacher says him, and misses the lessons, it is necessary to take action urgently. But not punish, but to conduct conversations with adolescents. It is necessary to try to find out the cause of the skills. Perhaps a teenager does not find a common language with classmates or does not understand the material. In this case, you can hire a good tutor or find a way to help the child deal with offenders.

Requires money

There are situations where the teenager requires major amounts of money from parents and is very angry if he refuses him. In this case, during a conversation with teenagers, it is necessary to explain the price of money, to paint the family budget, to offer a child to find part-time. Work for adolescents for the summer will allow you to teach children to appreciate the money and help them to independently count their budget.

Hamit adults

If your children begin to rude to adults, swear, raise your voice to you and teachers, you need to take action and conduct serious conversations with adolescents. Why does a child behave like that? He is not confident or tries to copy the behavior of not too balanced adults. First of all, pay attention to yourself, stop screaming. In response to rudeness, do not shout, but show how much you are hurt by his words. When conversing, before criticism, you must need to praise the child: "I love you, but I will have to punish you in school." A close communication with a teenager will help solve many problems and survive transitional age without unnecessary scandals.