Charging for pregnant women for 19 20 weeks. Gymnastics for pregnant women

Trying new developed muscles and nerves, your child may begin to sneak when he wakes up, although he will wake up with still closed eyes.

Now it is about 3 kg weighing and about 20 cm long. His ears and eyes are now fully formed. If you see a baby on the monitor during an ultrasound study, then maybe you will say that he has a grandfather chin or grandmother's nose. You can also find out the boy is or a girl. While your baby learns to control his movements, his body is engaged in the synthesis of myelin, a fat substance enveloping nerves throughout the body so that the electrical impulses can come from the brain to the toes and back. Now the child has as many nerve cells as an adult. Fat shell on the body of the kid becomes thicker. Its sebaceous glands synthesize the raw lubricant, white substance covering the gentle skin of the baby and protecting it from amniotic fluid. The lubricant will almost completely disappear by birth, but if the kid will be born ahead of time, it will look as if he was buried in yogurt.

Your body at the 19th week of pregnancy


Daily vaginal dysfunctions are a bad idea itself, but this is an even worst idea during pregnancy. The vagina exists a balance between useful and harmful bacteria. Washing with water or other liquids can irritate the mucous membrane. Worse, it can disrupt the natural balance between bacteria and lead to urinary infection.


No, you are not inventing it. When you quickly go from the position lying or sitting in the standing position, you can feel a light dizziness. Although it scares - the need to immediately sit down after a sharp rise due to a feeling of dizziness - do not be afraid. It is quite natural for pregnant women, especially for high, with hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. Dizziness has a number of reasons: dehydration, hunger and low blood sugar. Drink more water and eat every few hours not to feel a feeling of hunger and maintain a stable level of glucose. Avoid sharp movements; Before getting out of bed, lower your feet on the floor.

Boy or girl?

If you do an ultrasound at this time, the doctor will be able to see if a boy or a girl is waiting. Ultrasound is able to effectively determine the floor of the future child. Compared to amniocentsis, this, of course, is not quite reliable diagnosis. For a doctor, it is obvious that the boy has not yet been born, if his penis and scrotum are clearly visible. But sometimes penis and scrotum are invisible due to a certain position of the child, and then the boy can be confused with the girl. And sometimes the umbilical cord, located between the legs, looks like a penis, making a girl like a boy. So, despite the reliability of ultrasound research, do not rush to paint the nursery in pink or blue color until you get the results of the amniocente.

Of course, only because modern technologies have means to determine whether you are carrying a boy or a girl, you do not have to find out the floor of the child. There is nothing wrong with the fact that a woman knows about it only after childbirth.

Some future parents want to know the gender of their baby, but then keep this information with you. If your position is as follows, you can store your secret. You do not have to inform the world all you know.

Your maternal wardrobe for 19 weeks of pregnancy

Do you need small shopping therapy? Then immediately go to the store for clothes for future mothers, if not yet purchased. Fashion for pregnant women underwent significant changes over the past few years, and you will pleasantly surprise the rich abundance of tops, dresses and jeans. Some women love this update of their wardrobe and buy things saying: "Look at me! I'll be my mom soon! " Others do not like such updates. Both are normal.

Underwear. If you buy or clothe new clothes, think what to wear under it. Probably, you have already "grew up" from your old bras. Look for a couple of new bras that will be well sitting on the increasing breast. Choose conventional larger bras or special bras for nursing mothers, which will provide comfort and good support now and in breastfeeding period. Try multiple models before deciding what is sitting better. Brains for nursing mothers are usually expensive, and you do not want to come home, it is not suitable for the size of the lingerie.

If you wear tights, then probably noticed that they began to "grow" from them. Many women find tights for pregnant women's very successful find, because they support growing stomach and do not hise in the waist. Others simply go to things more. Try both options and repeat those better for you.

Footwear. You and shoes will probably be milled soon. Although this happens and not with all, many women notice that the feet increased by half-sized or on the size during pregnancy and if you find that shoes, perfectly sitting on your feet a few weeks ago, are now humbered, buy new shoes. Corn and blisters from wearing close shoes is the last thing you need during pregnancy.

The appropriate size is especially important when choosing a footwear for sports. Selecting shoes for walking or yoga, look at a good store with experienced sellers. Choose shoes for walking, if you walk, and run sneakers, if you run. Running shoes and walks are different, and walking in running sneakers (like running in pleasure boots) can be tedious for the legs. Do not save on sports shoes you need a model with a good shock-absorbing sole, because now the legs withstand the weight to which they were not adapted.

Diet and exercise for 19 weeks of pregnancy

Food right on the road

Sandwiches, candy, chocolate milk cocktail - it is difficult to eat right when you are on the road, and Fastfud restaurants and chocolates with chocolates behind each turn. Is it possible to adhere to a healthy diet in such a life mode? The answer is yes. This will require some effort, but you can find nutritive snacks while on the road. Under the influence of universal stir, Fastfud restaurants and other cafes added more nutritious dishes to their normal menu. Most now offer salads with chicken and low-fat sauces.

Look for the following dishes:

Salads fired by low-fat sauce. Forget about the croutons and know the measure with grated cheese. Flawed chicken pieces, these salads are able to become a good dinner.

Sandwiches with chicken, lettuce and tomatoes leaves. Be prepared to order a sandwich without sauce, because the sauce carries more fats and calories than the rest of the dish. For greater sharpness, you can ask for such or salsa or barbecue sauce.

Prefer chicken on fillet, it is better than the "crispy" chicken, which is collapsed in breadcrumbs and is too pinched.

Baked potatoes. Forget about oil and season the dish of chili or salsa. If you do not like the taste of potatoes without oil, use it in small quantities. It is still better than froth potatoes.

Orange juice. Most Fastfud restaurants have 100 percent fresh orange juice in the menu. Order a small or child portion. Large portions may contain more calories than you need. French fries. If you are forced to order it, then take a small portion. In some restaurants, even it is too big, so take potatoes from children's lunch. If only large portions are available, throw out extra potatoes before you begin. Large portions may contain up to 520 kcal and 25 g of fat.

Skimmed milk. Most Fastfud restaurants now offer milk, and most often this defatted milk.

Ready breakfasts. Preferse the English Muffin biscuit cake or croissant. Know the measure when ordering cheese and prefer hot dog or bacon ham (ham contains less fat).

24-hour shops. Most such shops offer buyers breakfasts from cereals, orange juice and milk, so you can buy a box of muesli and a plastic spoon. Another right choice is tomato juice, cheese and crackers, yogurt, raisins and peanut butter and rye bread (white bread in round-the-clock shops can end quickly). Prefer hot food: it may be possible to buy vegetarian drit or soup, which can be heated in the microwave.

And you can also take food from the house on the road to always have healthy food at hand. And do not forget to drink more water while traveling; This is a good way to prevent constipation.

Allow yourself small relaxation

Now that a lecture on healthy food is read, it's time to talk about possible reliefs in the diet. Pregnancy should not pass as 9 months a tough diet. Of course, you can sometimes afford to enjoy ice cream, a piece of cake, chocolate, potato chips and corn chips! Just remember that it is important to know the measure. If you are sitting in front of the TV opposite the package with chips, then soon do not notice how to destroy all the packaging. But if you cook yourself a predetermined portion, turn off the TV and slowly releasing every salty piece, you will get much more pleasure than eating a pack of salvo.

Make such cross-partings something special - it will bring more joy. If you want to eat a small piece of chocolate, seize this event accordingly. Go to a good store and buy Truffle. If cheese wanted, bring your favorite Cheddar or Monterey Jack home. It is better than scraping the remains of cold cheese from a two-day dinner plate.

Frequently asked questions for 19 weeks of pregnancy

Why is some kind of liquid in the nipples?

Your chest will soon become a factory for the production of milk. The number of milky ducts is growing, the glands are prepared for secretion, and the nipples become more convex, so that the baby is more comfortable to suck. During pregnancy, many women notice a watery yellowish liquid, descended from the nipples. This is a colostrum, the first liquid that a child from the mother breast will receive after birth. The colostrum contains nutrients and antibodies necessary to protect the baby's health, and is synthesized in the first two days after delivery, then milk will be produced.

It may appear during pregnancy, and may not appear - both options are absolutely normal. It says nothing about condition
your breast and the further possibility of making milk.

Can I still raise your two-year-old child during pregnancy?

Lifting weights up to 16 kg will not hurt you, even if it is a screaming child. In order not to overload the back, follow a specific technique. Buck in the knees, but not in the lower back to go down below. Strain your leg muscles to raise an object (or child) and use the muscles of the hands to keep it as close as possible to the body. Hold your back straight all the time. Carry your cargo to the left, then right, so as not to overload some one side of the back.

Alarming signals during pregnancy

Each woman is worried about her child, even if the pregnancy proceeds normally. If you continue to worry about your baby, there is a high chance that everything will be fine.

This means that it is important to know the alarming symptoms meaning that something goes wrong.

Browse the following:

  • Bleeding from vagina. A small speck of blood after sexual intercourse, especially at the 18th week, should not worry a woman. More severe bleeding can talk about miscarriage (in the first trimester), problems with the placenta (in the second trimester) or premature birth.
  • The outflow of fluid from the vagina. This is usually a dangerous symptom, so contact the doctor immediately. The expiration of the fluid from the vagina may mean the failure of the fetal shells or the weakness of the cervix.
  • Regular contractions that appeared in early pregnancy. Casual contractions - braces-chicks, regular contractions can mean premature genera, especially if you feel more than six cuts per hour.
  • Colics or severe abdominal pain. If you feel permanent painful colic, call your doctor. You could have a childbirth.
  • Strong nausea or vomiting. It is necessary or not to worry because of nausea and vomiting, depends on what causes these symptoms. If you picked up an intestinal infection, like the rest of the family, in other words, if you know, therefore there is nausea and vomiting, then the child is safe, not a panic. (If the nausea is so strong that the woman does not hold any fluid in itself and it threatens dehydration, it must contact the doctor.) If you do not know why such symptoms arose, call your doctor.
  • Strong headache, obscure vision or dizziness. With the appearance of these symptoms, it is worthwhile to call the attending physician immediately, because they can be associated with pregnancy complications or with any other disease.

19 Oncestrome Pregnancy Week - This is the end of the fifth month. The serious part of the path is already behind, but there are still many discoveries ahead of the future motley.

At the 19th week, many for the first time Feel the movements of the kid And recognize his gender. From this point on, the mum and child's connection becomes especially strong, and pregnancy every day brings more and more joy.

The size and development of the fetus at the 19th week of pregnancy

At the beginning of the nineteenth week of pregnancy approximate Power weight increases to 200 grams, and its the size It is 14-15 centimeters. Ensure emotional communication of the mother and child. Baby continues to actively develop.

It is this week that the child's body acquires the proportions laid down while conceived. There is an increase in adipose tissue. Now the fetus is less shone to the vessels, and the shade of the skin from the red turns into a pink. Child fingers acquire an individual drawing.

Location of fruit At the 19th week of pregnancy can be any: head, pelvic preview, transverse and oblique. The child has a lot of place and it can change the position at any time, therefore, any position is considered the norm.

To this moment the heart is already fully formed. The strengthening of the immune system, the development of the brain and the nervous system continues. The child is already reacts to light and loud sounds. The length of the limbs allows him to handle hands above his head. Gradually, the kid learns to consciously control the handles and legs, so it is at this week of pregnancy Many feel the first shocks of their child.

If you Pregnant twinsThe growing belly at the 19th week already begins to give you serious discomfort. The urinary urinary is rapidly, occasionally there are painful sensations in the uterus. From this week, the mammies wearing twins, it is recommended to use the bandage and pay special attention to the health of the back.

What happens to mom for 19 weeks

The tummy women becomes good noticeable. Photos of the mothers of mothers at the 19 week of pregnancy you can look above. On average, at this time a woman dials from 3 to 5 kilograms. Interestingly, from this amount, the weight of the baby is only 200-250 grams. The rest of the mass falls on the oily water and the placenta. Also buttocks and breasts of women.

The future mother notes that her skin becomes more sensitive, and the hair is dense and shiny. From the nipples maybe highlight colosure. In this case, it is important to use special boosters for the chest or wipe the nipple area with a soft cloth. It is impossible to try to start a colostrum - it can cause a tone of the uterus and as a result,. More about colosure ...

The uterus dropped by 1-2 centimeters below the navel and began to put pressure on the internal organs, provoking frequent heartburn And unpleasant drilling in the stomach. Light painful sensations may arise in the navel area. They are caused by the growth of the child and quickly pass.

Many repeated mammies notice The first chapels of the kid. From the primary movement of the child will be noticeable a little later, so if you do not have a sense of the kid's movements at the 19th week of pregnancy - you should not worry.

Most women have a slight decrease in blood pressure and the total weakness of the body.

If you have noticed strengthening vaginal discharge At the 19th week of pregnancy, it is not worth worrying. This is a natural physiological process caused by the restructuring of the body. It is important to monitor the characteristics of the selection: if they have a sharp smell, brownish or green shade - you need to see the doctor as soon as possible. Read more ...

This week of pregnancy is usually accompanied by Good well-being and raised woman's mood. This is caused by the active development of estrogen. It remained behind, the future mother is filled with energy. It is recommended to spend on the arrangement of life and the purchase of essential items for the kid. Psychologists also recommend spending more time with the second half.

Analyzes, surveys and ultrasound at the 19th week of pregnancy

During this period of pregnancy, doctors offer a woman to get to identify chromosomal diseases. It includes biochemical blood test and ultrasoundwhere you can already see, make sure that the development of the fetus passes normally. Above you can consider photos of the ultrasound of the fetus at the 19th week of pregnancy

It will be worth it. Their list should be agreed with the doctor.

This week you need to start carefully To care for the skin. Regular use of pull-up and moisturizing creams, oil and lotions for the body will help to avoid stretch marks. It's time to look after a special support bra and bandage.

Pregnancy is not a reason to give up. Instead of power loads and intense cardiovascular, which can increase the tone of the uterus, stop on softer sports. pay attention to yoga for pregnant women and ackea aerobics courses For future mothers. Dosage physical exertion will help to stay in shape and prepare for childbirth.

Increasing loads on legs can become . Try to abandon the heels and buy compression tights. If you have a sitting job, be sure to make an easy workout every half hour.

Sexual relations for 19 weeks

High generation of estrogen leads to strengthening libido in a woman. An increased sexual desire can pleasantly surprise the partner. The body of pregnant acquires seductive forms - the buttocks are rounded, and the chest increases. Therefore, the passion that broke will be mutual.

Many men are afraid to harm the baby During sexual intercourse. In this case, a joint visit to the doctor helps, who will assure the future dad, that at such a date they do not imagine any danger to the child.

Do not miss the opportunity to stay together - Ahead of the last weeks, when you can enjoy each other with a partner. Regular sex in the first two trimesters of pregnancy strengthens the emotional connection of future parents and has a positive effect on the psychological state of a woman.

It is time to slow down the usual rhythm of life, abandon the abrasions and delays at work. Rest and try not to be nervous. Make the course of pregnancy easy and pleasant will help adherence the following recommendations:

  • Take care of strong sleep. Doctors recommend sleeping on the left side. A special cushion for pregnant women also contributes to a full-fledged holiday. During the baby tooling, it guarantees a comfortable sleep, and in the future it is useful when feeding a child.
  • Lighten the technology of respiratory gymnastics. It will help to cope with the shortness of breath, saturate the cells of the body with oxygen and prepare for childbirth.
  • Read good literature and listen to classic music. Calm and good mood of mom favors the healthy development of the child.
  • Try to breathe fresh air more often. At the 19th week, the brain and the nervous system of the kid are actively formed. To avoid, it is necessary to be in the fresh air at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Don't miss the opportunity examine literature on childbirth and care for the newborn. It's time to make a list of things that you need in the hospital, as well as start collecting dowry to the baby.

Video about 19 weeks of pregnancy

The whole pregnancy is surrounded by a lot of prohibitions and prejudices. It is said that during the tooling the baby can not knit, hang underwear and sit on the threshold. And the recommendation is not buying a child's clothes until it is born, greatly complicates the life of the future mother. Looking at this video, you not only learn that a woman feels at the 19th week of pregnancy, but also be able to decide whether to trust common signs.

Pregnancy - magical time in the life of every woman. Future mom overflow emotions, which you want to tell all the world. Let's discuss these wonderful months together! Tell us how your pregnancy passed or passes, Share your experiences and your experiences with other readers.

Sports classes are able to work wonders - to raise the mood, fight depression, make the body to elastic and beautiful. Think, because all this will come to you during pregnancy not as an end in itself, but as a pleasant addition to the functional classes with special gymnastics that doctors recommend doctors to make the body of the future mother to prepare for childbirth, easily transfer them and quickly after them to recover. Even if you have no time or strength in the "DEVERY" state, now you should now find such an opportunity. It is good if the physical exercise becomes not only a duty, but also pleasure.

Why is it needed?

So, what effect, in addition to well-known to all increase the tone, is able to give gymnastics for pregnant women?

Regular exercises during pregnancy make it possible to achieve a number of results useful for future mom:

  • Strengthen and train the muscles involved in the process of childbirth.
  • They contribute to the elimination of pain in the back, constipation and edema that are associated with the deterioration of blood outflow and lymphs on the veins of the legs, the pelvis.
  • Charge energy and improve mood.
  • Reduce discomfort associated with pregnancy.
  • Improve sleep and reduce fatigue.

Why and how does it happen? The fact is that during pregnancy, the training of three muscular groups - muscles of the back, pelvis and abdomen becomes very important.

First, the strengthening of the abdominal muscles contributes to the fulfillment of their function to maintain the growing fetus and increasing the uterus. In addition, it contributes to more efficient sweeps - arbitrary contractions of the abdominal muscles and muscles of the pelvic bottom, thanks to which the baby is born. Speakers are necessary at the end of childbirth and largely depend on the physical abdominal muscles.

Secondly, the strengthening of the muscles of the pelvis and the perineum will avoid problems associated with, which is sometimes developing after delivery.

Thirdly, the strengthening of the back muscles improves posture and reduces the stress in the lower back, contributes to the prevention of pain in the lower back.

Fourth, exercises, training and developing diaphragmal respiration, allow you to properly breathe during the bouts, thanks to which the mother and the kid most favorably transfer this period of birth.

Agree, for such achievements it is worth paying a simple gymnastics.

What is the difference between gymnastics for pregnant women from just gymnastics?

To achieve the effect described above, a technique of gymnastics for pregnant women was specifically developed. In the selection of exercise, attention is paid to the preparation of a group of muscles, as well as on, because in each of the trimesters, the goal of gymnastic exercises differ, and physiological changes dictate their rules of conduct. The medical professionals and specialists in therapeutic physical education were composed of exercise complexes for women with various periods of pregnancy: as well as during periods of the second-third, fourth-fifth and sixth seventh weeks after childbirth.

What should be the regularity and intensity of classes?

Perhaps it is in this matter "pregnant" gymnastics as close as possible with "non-empty".

First, classes must be regular - at least 3 times a week for 15-20 minutes. By the way, one thing - two classes can be replaced with aquaeerobics or swimming in the pool.

Secondly, to achieve the maximum effect of the exercise, it is necessary to perform for a long time, best throughout the pregnancy, changing the program on trimesters.

Thirdly, each exercise should be repeated 4 - 8 times; Exercises performed standing, you must finish walking and deep breathing. Any exercise complex consists of three parts:

  • The introductory part is breathing exercises that prepare the muscles to the load and the increasing pulse.
  • The main part is the exercises that strengthen large muscle groups of the body, the muscles of the pelvic bottom, which increase the mobility of the joints.
  • Final part - breathing exercises, relaxation.

Fourthly, the load should be increased gradually. At first, the distribution in time should be about it: 10 minutes - for warming up, 5 minutes the main part (power and static exercises) and 5 minutes of relaxation exercises. After a couple of days, you can extend the intense period of exercises to 15 minutes.

Fifth, during the fulfillment of the exercise complex, it is necessary to constantly monitor its well-being, it should not deteriorate, you should not have discomfort, not to mention the pain. Exercises should not cause a sense of fatigue, shortness of breath, heartbeat. If the specified symptoms appear, the classes should stop and consult with the doctor.

Sixth, from the exercise complex should be excluded, significant tension and sharp movements, as all this can lead to the threat of abortion.

It should be limited to the load and with special attention to refer to the choice of exercises if:

  • you suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • you have an increased or reduced blood pressure;
  • you have very low weight or obesity;
  • you suffer from muscle and / or joint diseases;
  • previously had a place;
  • you expect twins (triples, etc.);
  • you had (eat) Eastic-cervical insufficiency (the situation, when the cervix, during pregnancy, the cervix begins to reveal, which leads to the threat of abortion);
  • the position of the placenta does not correspond to the norm (low, prediction, etc.) or there are other factors that cause a threat to pregnancy.

Need to immediately stop doing exercises if:

  • you got sick or sick head;
  • the surrounding items suddenly became unclearly visible;
  • a shortness of breath appeared;
  • the uterus has begun;
  • you feel a strong heartbeat (usually the pulse frequency in a pregnant woman in rest is up to 100 ° C. / min, during exercise in the norm of the pulse, up to 140 wt / min).

When and what to do?

  • You need to do exercises in the morning hours before meals or 1-2 hours after breakfast. It is not recommended to make exercises on an empty stomach - it is better to eat something light no later than 15 minutes before the start of heating.
  • Sportswear should be sewn from a breathable air, material. In addition, it is necessary that it be comfortable, broad and gave the opportunity to make free movements. Comfortable sports shoes will protect the foot and joints.
  • The floor should not be slippery, otherwise the risk of injury is significantly increasing. You can use special rubber mats.

If, yielding to a sporty bearer, you decide that you can do anything and pregnancy in this no interference, remember the existence of strict prohibitions. Here they are.

Rules for conducting gymnastics

The following complexes of exercises for pregnant women are supposed to be carried out at home, without monitoring the methodologist on therapeutic physical education. Therefore, be very careful when performing exercises:
- Compensate the rules of common security (during the execution of gymnastics, the room should be spacious, without furniture items in the middle, without sharp corners, without small rugs that can "go" under your feet, for a distance of 2-3 steps around you nothing should interfere
- Follow the instructions for performing exercises (accept the correct starting position, exercise with the specified amplitude, do all movements smoothly, carefully and without jerks, repeat each exercise as many times as indicated and no more)
- Clothing for classes should not disturb you, it should be spacious enough to not to shoot your movements, and at the same time do not get around the body. Please note that during physical activity you will be warm or hot, so do not wear too much. Putting sports shoes so that the legs do not slide on the floor.
- The room must be worn, avoid drafts.
- the complex can be performed 2 hours after meals, or no less than 1 hour before meals; Do not exercise in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Gymnastics are conducted only with good health if you are not very tired. It is impossible to engage in gymnastics in the following cases: an increase in body temperature, an increase in blood pressure, aggravation of chronic diseases, sharp common feverish and infectious diseases, purulent processes in any organs and tissues, sharply pronounced early and late toxicosis of pregnant women, alone, contraindications of the doctor, the threat of miscarriage, Strong fatigue and poor well-being, disorders coordination of movements. Before proceeding with independent classes, be sure to get the permission of your attending physician! And best of all, attend special gymnastics classes for pregnant women, where your actions will be guided by an experienced teacher. If you live in St. Petersburg, you can come to such classes to us, to the center of reproductive health of teenagers "Juven" (naturally we work not only with adolescents, but also with adults).
- nothing should distract you (turn off the phone, remove all the cooked dishes from the stove, turn off the TV, etc.)
- For the consequences of incorrect exercises, the author of responsibility is not
Classes with special gymnastics It is advisable to start shortly after the establishment of a normally flowing pregnancy or with later pregnancy terms, but no later than 32-33 weeks. Classes should be made daily or every other day for 30-45 minutes.

If you agree with what is indicated in the rules and will be observed, you can familiarize yourself with the exercise complexes for pregnant women developed by the Methodist of therapeutic physical education of the St. Petersburg Consultative Diagnostic Center for the Reproductive Health of Teenagers "Juven", Anokhina Tamara.

General information about the benefits of gym for pregnant women

The biological features of the female organism, characterized by a relatively smaller development of the general muscles of the body, a smaller amount of heart cavities, less the vital capacity of the lungs, greater excitability of the nervous system, periodic changes due to menstrual cycles, a childbody function, create a special need for physical training. The woman should have a well-developed, strong muscular-bond apparatus of the pelvic region and the crotch. The insufficient elasticity and strength of the pelvic bottom muscles often lead to the omitting of the internal genital organs after delivery.
During pregnancy and childbirth, intraperous pressure increases sharply, and to restrain it, we need strong, elastic muscles of the abdominal press and pelvic bottom. In many women, due to the weakness of the abdominal muscles, the belly becomes a flabby and divert, it can lead to the omitting of the internal organs. The draining of the muscular apparatus is closely related to a decrease in the total life tone, and in this background, various kinds of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs develop, spikes, changing the position of the uterus, impairment of the menstrual cycle, disorders of the nervous system.
In women engaged in physical education, during pregnancy, veins are significantly less often expanding, less often appear edema on the ankles and the so-called abatherence scars (stretch marks) on the skin of the abdomen and hips. In pregnant women engaged in gymnastics, the duration of childbirth is shorter than 5-6 hours and less complications (bleeding, weakness of generic activity, etc.).
The following forms of exercise are used in obstetrics:
- Special gymnastics (Morning - houses and classes in the Cabinets of therapeutic physical education under the guidance of methodors-methodists);
- Sport exercises: swimming, skis, rowing, etc. (if women engaged in these sports earlier);
- Walking.
It is very important to combine physical exercises with air and sunbathing, with water procedures. Before starting classes to select the form of physical exercise and the amount of load, admissible for health, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.
Physical culture in each phase of pregnancy solves certain tasks and has its own characteristics.

Gymnastics in the first phase of pregnancy (up to 16 weeks).

Tasks in this period:

Ensure the normal reaction of the body on its restructuring due to pregnancy
- improve the work of cardiovascular and respiratory systems
- Prepare abdominal muscles and backs to the upcoming long-term static efforts.
In this period, it is necessary to master the ability to strain and relax the muscles of the abdominal press with a calm and deep breathing in various initial positions and it is possible to achieve greater mobility in the joints. You should not perform exercises associated with tightening the body, a sharp rise of the hands up, sharp outset, shaking, it is necessary to avoid sudden jokes and especially drops.


- Hands on the side of inhale, hands down the exhalation. 15-30 seconds.

- With a high knee raising. 30-45 sec.
- With sunbathing tights back, to the buttock. 15-30 seconds.
- Walking with long attacks, for one felling hands make a circle forward (4 steps), then a circle back (4 shang). 1-2 min. - Strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis and the pelvic bottom.
- Source position (later - I.P.) The legs are wider than shoulders, knees are semi-bent, the hands behind the back are bent and keep each other for the elbows. Walking in this position - the legs are always wider than the shoulders and semi-bent 1-2 minutes. - Strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis and the pelvic bottom.

The movement of hands in this exercise can be any, except for lifting them up, for example:
I.P. hands bent in elbows in front of breasts hands on belt hand down
On "1" right hand forward right in the direction of the right hand in front of the breast, bent
On "2" left forward left aside left hand before breasts, bent
On "3" right to the chest in I.P. both hands ahead both hands on the sides
On "4" left to the chest in I.P. Hands on the belt hand down, in I.P.

Walking with Hand Movements: Step Right - Right Hand Up, Left Down
Left Step - Lady, Left On Belt
Step right - both hands to shoulders
Step left - right on the belt, left behind the head
Step right - right down, left up
And everything is repeated in reverse order
This exercise contributes to the development of coordination of movements, which is noticeably deteriorating during pregnancy. Follow until you achieve the right execution of several times in a row, but not more than 5 minutes. You can also perform when walking still.

The main part of the lesson:

Exercises standing still.

Tilt your head and relax hands - exhale; Raise your head and take your hands back - inhale. Tilt the head to the right (left), sliding hands on the thighs - exhale. Back to its original position - inhale. (5-10 p).
- One hand raised upstairs, the other on the belt, legs on the width of the shoulders. The slopes of the body aside 4 times in each direction. 4-8 times.

Legs on the width of the shoulders. Tilt down - hand get the floor. 6-10 times.

Raise your hands forward and squeeze the brushes in the fist - breath, relax your hands, shook 6-8 times - exhale. 4-6 times.
- lift the right hand a little up, left aside; Left to stay back and raise. The same is the other foot, changing the position of the hands. 4-6 times.
- I.P. Leg stand on the width of the shoulders. Sit down, hands down back - exhale; Stand in a breath. 8-12 times.
- I.P. Rack legs on the width of the shoulders, hand brushes are connected from behind. Pulling your hands down, rushed into the thoracic portion of the spine, at the same time pulling the rear pass, is inhale. Return to its original position - exhale. 10-20 times. The muscles of the pelvic bottom are strengthened.

I.P. Rack legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt. Climb on socks, hands on the parties - inhale. Hand semi-man forward - exhale. 5-10 times.
- I.P. Legs on the width of the shoulders, hands behind the head. Left forward, hands forward. Sleep your shoulder belt, bend your back, hangs freely hide down. Return to its original position. 4-6 times.

Exercises from the initial position stop sitting.

Hands on the belt, legs are widely placed. Touch the right hand to the left leg sock - exhale, return to I.P. - inhale. Repeat the other hand. 6-10 times.
- One hand lies on the chest, the other on the stomach, the legs of the Turkish. Deep breast breathing - the stomach remains motionless, and the chest cell on the breath rises. 6-10 times.

Designed to strengthen the abdominal press muscles. You can only perform with normally proceeding pregnancy, without complications. In the first phase of pregnancy, it is necessary to avoid a significant tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall. If you decide to do the exercises for the abdominal muscles, then you need to do them slowly, in a small amplitude, each exercise is performed on exhalation. In the threats in the early periods of pregnancy, such exercises should be excluded from the classes, and proceed to them after 16 weeks, with the condition of normalization of pregnancy.
- The legs are bent in the knees and apart. Hands behind your head. Rimming the shoulders, elbows are sealed, the loin lies on the floor, rising from the floor only the blades. 2-8 times, start only from 2 times, adding each occupation one time. More than 8 times not recommended. Exercise is performed on exhalation, returning to its original position - inhale. The pace of execution is slow. After this exercise, it is impossible to immediately perform the next to strengthen the abdominal muscles - do some exercise for breathing or stretching the muscles of the inner surface of the thigh.
- The legs bent in the knees, a little apart, hands behind the head. At the same time, lift the shoulders and bent legs - elbows touch the knees. Return to its original position and inhale. Exercise is performed on exhalation. 2-8 times - at the first lesson 2 times, further add one time. After exercise, perform breathing exercises or flexibility.
- The right foot bent in the knee, the stop stands on the floor, the left bent foot lies on the right (the heel on the thigh of the right leg). Hands behind your head. On the exhalation right elbow get the left knee, the left elbow remains on the floor. Run 2-8 times with one hand, then swap foots and make the same time with the other hand. The oblique muscles of the abdomen are strengthened. Respiratory exercises or flexibility.
- Hands behind your head. Feet scratched upstairs. On the exhalation, lift the shoulders and straightening your hands to get the fingers of the legs. Return to its original position and inhale. 2-8 times.
Exercises for flexibility and respiratory.
- Lying on the back legs straight, hands on the floor slide up - inhale, the hands of the floor glide down to the legs - exhale

- Sitting "Chinese" - feet together, knees to the sides. Smoothly omitted knees to the floor, helping your hands.

Final part of the classes.

Standing on his knees, hands down. Circular movements shoulder forward and back. 4-8 times in each direction.
- standing on his knees, one hand raised up, the other on the belt. Slopes aside 4 times. 2-6 times.
- Slow walking in place or in a circle in combination with deep uniform breathing. 2-4 minutes.

Gymnastics in the second phase of pregnancy (from 17 to 24 week)

The task is to provide a full blood supply to the fetus and prevent the expansion of the veins on the legs. Attention should be paid to deep rhythmic breathing, develop flexibility and ability to relax.
To unload the calf muscles and long muscles of the back, the initial positions are sitting, lying on the back, lying on the side, standing on his knees or fours. Exercises lying on the stomach need to be excluded.
In the exercise of gymnastics during pregnancy from 17 to 24 weeks, additionally exercises for the body and muscles of the abdominal press are included.

Introductory part of the class

Walking in place or in a circle (if the place allows)

- Hands on the belt, walking rolls from the heel on the sock. 15-30 seconds.
- Hands on the belt, 4 steps on the socks, 4 steps on the heels, 4 steps on the outside of the foot of the foot, 4 steps to press fingers (if you are in socks). up to 1 min. - Prevention of flatfoot, which often develops in pregnant women from weight gain.
- With sunbathing back, to the buttock, hands freely wax back and forth. 15-30 seconds.
- Legs are wider than shoulders, knees semi-bent, the hands behind the back are bent and keep each other over the elbows. Walking in this position - the legs are always wider than the shoulders and semi-bent 1-2 minutes. - Strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis and the pelvic bottom.
Option of a step in place: I.P. - standing legs together
"1" - a step with right foot forward-to the right, on a complete foot
"2" - step with left foot forward and left, on a complete foot
After the account "2" you should be in the position of the semi-man, the legs are wider than shoulders, the feet stand on the same line
"3" - a step right back in I.P.
"4" - step left back in I.P.
After the account "4" you should be in I.P. Rack legs together
Hands in this exercise can be any, except for lifting them up (see the phase I)
- For coordination: bent hands in front of the breast, elbows are directed to the floor, fists next to each other.
"1" - step right, left hand straightened forward
"2" - step left, left hand back to its original position (to the chest)
"3" - a step right, straighten your right hand forward
"4" - step left, right hand return to its original position
"5" - a step right, two hands straighten forward
"6" - step left, both hands return to its original position
"7" - a step right, two hands straighten on the parties
"8" - step left, both hands return to its original position
Perform within 2-4 minutes.

The main part of the lesson:

Exercises standing still.

Complete consistent relaxation (head, shoulders, all torso). 4-5 times.

Legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt. Turning the body back, the hand of the same name straightening back, look after the back. The hand moves parallel to the floor. Observe equilibrium. One time one hand, the second time is another. 4-8 times with each hand.
- Feet on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt. Tilt slopes to the side, the hand of the same name slides down the shin. Perform smoothly and slowly, with a small amplitude. One slope one way, the second to another. 4-8 times in each direction.
- Feet on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt. Two small tilt back, one big (if possible, get the floor with your hands) a tilt forward. When tilting back the chin is pressed to the chest. 4-8 times.
- Legs on the width of the shoulders, tilt forward, back parallel to the floor, hands on the sides. Mahi hands from side to the side at the same time and alternately (descend downstairs and climb upstairs, connecting above the back). 30-60 seconds.
- Legs on the width of the shoulders, tilt forward, back parallel to the floor, hands on the sides. With the turn of the body, the left hand pulls the right toe of the leg and vice versa. Perform smoothly, hand and torso not "throw" down inertia. 10-20 seconds.
- Feet a little wider shoulders, hands on the belt. Semi-head, hands forward and return to I.P. Knees are directed to the sides. 4-12 times.
- Hands on the parties, I breathe, hands down - exhale. 4-8 times.

Exercises in the initial position lying on the back.

Designed to strengthen the abdominal press muscles. In the second phase, you can perform in more quantities than in the first phase of pregnancy. But in the following phases, the exercises for strengthening the muscles of the abdominal press are completely excluded.
- The legs are bent in the knees, a bit diluted, the feet stand on the floor, hands behind the head. Raise shoulders above the floor, hands straighten forward between the knees, stretch forward by the hands - exhale. Return to I.P. And do inhale. 6-12 times.
- Hands behind your head, one leg is straight on the floor, the other bent in the knee, the stop stands on the floor. Raise shoulders above the floor, the straight leg bends in the knee and moves in the direction of the chest. Return to I.P. 4-12 times each foot.
- Repeat the previous exercise, but the foot rises from the floor line.4-12 times each foot.
- Feet bent, slightly to the sides, feet stand on the floor, hands behind head. Raise the left blade over the floor, the left hand straightening leaves because of the head and moves to the right along with the torso. Return to I.P. And repeat the other way. 4-12 times.

Lying, hands along the body breath. The slope to the right (without raising the body from the floor), the right hand slides on the hip to the knee, left behind the head - exhale. Return to I.P. - inhale. The same else. The pace is slow. 4-6 times.

Exercises in other source positions.

I.P. Lying on the right side, right hand straight stretched forward, in front of you. Left hand on the belt. Based on the right shoulder and legs to lift the pelvis on the breath. Return to I.P. - Exhale. Roll over to the left side, left hand ahead and repeat the exercise. 2-8 times on each side.

I.P. Standing on all fours. Get back down, untap your back up ("Fat Spin"). 4-8 times. Perform smoothly, without jerks, at maximum amplitude.

I.P. standing on his knees. Sit on the heels, the hands rest in the floor behind the heels - exhale. Relieving his hands into the floor to raise the pelvis in the direction of the forward - the top is inhale. Again to sit on the heels - exhale. Return to I.P. - inhale. The pace is slow. 4-8 times.

I.P. Standing on her knees, legs are a bit divorced. Hands to the side - inhale. Turning the torso to the right, touch the right hand of the right heel - exhale. The same else. 4-8 times.

I.P. Standing face to the table, legs are widely placed, the left brush is lying on the table. With turn to the right to take the position of the pioneer forward. Make 4-8 times and repeat the other side, the right brush lies on the table, turns to the left.

Exercises on flexibility and respiratory.

Lying on the back legs straight, hands on the floor slide up - inhale, the hands of the floor glide down to the legs - exhale
- Lying on the back, legs straight. One hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. Break and stomach breathing alternation - 3 times with inhale should be raised by a hand lying on the stomach; And 3 times lying on the chest.
- Lying on the back legs bent in her knees, the feet stand on the floor. Hands forward (fingers are directed to the ceiling). Make a deep breath and on the exhale of knees put on the floor in one direction, and the hands in the opposite.
- Lying on the back straight legs raised and divorced on the sides, hands lie on the hips. Spring foot movements down, to the floor. Hands help feet down. The muscles of the inner surface of the thigh stretch.
- Sitting "Chinese" - feet together, knees on the parties. Smoothly omitted knees to the floor, helping your hands.

Final part of the classes.

Standing legs on the width of the shoulders, hands down. Circular movements of shoulders back and forth, at the same time alternately. 1-2 minutes.
- Walking on site at a slow pace, with any hand movements (except lifting up).

Gymnastics in the third phase of pregnancy (from 25 to 32 weeks)

The tasks of gymnastics are reduced to stimulation of breathing and blood circulation, to combat stagnant in legs and with constipation. From this point on, exercises are introduced for the muscles of the pelvic bottom. Useful exercises for breeding and laying legs with resistance.


Walking in place or in a circle (if the place allows)

Walking with deep breathing. For 2-3 steps inhale, hands on the sides. For 2-3 steps exhale, hands down. 1-2 minutes.
- Hands on the belt, 4 steps on the socks, 4 steps on the heels, 4 steps on the outside of the foot of the foot, 4 steps to press fingers (if you are in socks). up to 1 min. - Prevention of flatfoot, which often develops in pregnant women from weight gain.
- With a high knee lifting, the knee rises to the side - upstairs, so as not to touch the stomach. 30-45 sec.
- Hands on the belt, walking socks apart (like Ch. Chaplin), knees are a little bent and divorced to the sides. 30-60 seconds.
- Hands behind his back hold each other over the elbows, legs are wider than shoulders, knees semi-bent. Walking in the semi-traced, having turned off his legs on the leg, slowly. The option of a step in place, as in the I and II phases, it is better not to do (due to the growing belly, the center of gravity moves back, and when step back there is a risk of losing an equilibrium). The muscles of the pelvic bottom are strengthened. 1-3 min.
- Walking, hands on the parties - inhale, hands down - exhale.15-30 seconds.

The main part of the lesson:

Exercises standing still.

Hands to the sides, one leg back on the sock - inhale, put the leg, the hands down - exhale. Repeat with the other foot. 2-6 times.
- Feet on the width of the shoulders, hands down - relaxed. Circular movements shoulders back and forth. The shoulders work at the same time, the hands are completely relaxed. 4-12 Forward and the same back.
- Feet on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt. Circular movements of the torso in a small amplitude (low not bended any back, nor ahead). 4 times in one direction, 4 to another. 1-2 times.

Exercises performed from other source positions.

I.P. Lying on the back, hands along the body, legs bent in the knees and a bit diluted, feet on the floor. Raise torso and pelvis with the simultaneous pulling of the rear passage - inhale. Slow back to I.P. - Exhale. 4-6 times. - I.P. Lying on the back, hands along the body, bent legs lie on the chair (only heels on a chair), the corners between the belly and hips, hips and the legs - 90 degrees. Right leg slowly omit to the right towards the floor, without flaming in the knee and return to the chair. Repeat left foot. 4-8 times each foot.
- I.P. Lying on the back, hands along the body, the heels of straight legs lie on the chair, a little diluted, the fingers of the legs are directed into the ceiling. Breeding socks to outward, try to get the outer arch of the foot to the stool. Return the feet in I.P. 8-16 times.

I.P. Sitting, legs straight, hands rest in the back. Bend legs in the knees - exhale. Dilute your knees, connecting the soles, - inhale. Connect the knees - exhale. Return to I.P. - inhale. 4-8 times.

I.P. standing on his knees, hands on the belt. Stay ahead - exhale. Translate her to side - inhale, return to I.P. - Exhale. After the inhalation - the same with the other foot. 2-6 times each foot.

Focus standing on his knees, bend hands in the elbows - chest to the floor, one straight leg raise up. Return to I.P. And do inhale. On the exhalation, repeat with the lifting of another leg. 4-8 times.
- Focus standing on the knees. Flexing and extension of hands in the elbow joints, the body weight is transferred to the hands, the pelvis, not falling down, moves towards the hands. 4-8 times the fingers are directed forward, 4-8 times the fingers are directed to each other, 4-8 times the fingers are directed in different directions and the hands wider shoulders. When performing the exercise, the press does not strain, the breath does not delay.
- Sitting in Turkish, the hands behind the back rest in the floor. Raise the pelvis in the direction of ahead - the top, the knees are lowered to the floor! 3-6 times. Straighten and take to the side of one leg, lift the pelvis forward - the top. 3-6 times. Change your legs and repeat another 3-6 times.

Final part of the class

I.P. Standing on his knees, hands on the sides - inhale, hands down - exhale. 20-40 sec.
- I.P. Standing legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the sides - inhale, hands down - exhale. 20-40 sec.

Exercises in the fourth phase of pregnancy (from 32 to 36 week)

Gymnastics solves the same tasks as in the third phase. It is necessary to continue to work on an increase in mobility between the bones of the pelvis, a pelvis and a sacrum, in the hip joints, in the spine. Most of the exercises should be performed lying on all fours. The slopes of the body forward should be excluded and reduce the load on the legs. Avoid sitting when performing exercises.

Introductory part of the class

Walking, hands on the parties - inhale, hands down - exhale. 1-2 min.
- Walking, hands on a belt, 4 steps on socks, 4 steps on heels, 4 steps on an external footpoint, 4 steps Pursing your fingers (if you are in socks). up to 1 min. - Prevention of flatfoot, which often develops in pregnant women from weight gain.
- Walking with lunges. Four a step of the hand simultaneously make circles ahead, 4 steps - circles back. 30-60 seconds. It is impossible to perform in walking on the spot, only when moving forward.
- Stand, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt. Turns of the body along with the movement of the same hand. For example: turn right, right hand parallel to the floor back, look at the fingers of the right hand. 3-6 times in each direction.
- Stand, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt. Hands to the sides, one leg back on the sock - inhale, return to I.P. - Exhale. 4-8 times.
- Rack legs on the width of the shoulders, hands down. Circular movements shoulders forward and backward (hands relaxed, shoulders work at the same time). 8-16 times in each direction. You can also try to perform a more complex exercise option: one shoulder works forward, and another back.

Basic part of the class

The stop sitting, the legs are straightened forward and slightly to the sides, the fingers of the legs are directed into the ceiling. Heels remain on the spot, the external arch of the foot tried to put on the floor. And make a similar exercise, but the internal arch of the foot is lowered to the floor. 8-16 times in each direction. (foots are lowered at the same time).
- Sitting feet "Chinese" - feet together, knees to the sides. Lowering knees to the floor, you can help your hands. 1-2 world.
- Sitting in Turkish, hands behind his back rest in the floor. Raise the pelvis in the direction of ahead - the top, the knees are lowered to the floor! 3-6 times. Straighten and take to the side of one leg, lift the pelvis forward - the top. 3-6 times. Change your legs and repeat another 3-6 times.

- Focus standing on the knees. "1" - one leg straightened back; "2" - lift the leg to the level of parallelism with the floor; "3" - the foot moves to the side slowly dropping to the floor; "4" - Return the leg in I.P. Repeat another foot. When performing the exercise, the hands do not bend, should not move the shoulders, the body is not tilted in the opposite side. 3-6 times each foot.
- Lying on the right side, right hand supports the head, the legs are a bit bent. The direct right foot makes circular motions on the maximum amplitude, clockwise 8 times and counterclockwise 8 times. Relax 15-30 seconds and roll over to another side, perform circles with left foot.
- Lying on the back, hands along the body, straight legs lie with heels on a chair. To straighten one leg and smoothly lower to the floor to the side, return the foot to the starting position. Perform another foot. 4-8 times each foot.

Final part of the class

Standing on his knees, hands down and relaxed. Circular movements shoulders at the maximum amplitude forward, back. 8-16 times in each direction.
- Exercise on the development of coordination of movements: standing legs on the width of the shoulders, right forward, left aside. The right hand performs circular movements in front of him along a large amplitude, the left hand moves up and down the small amplitude and much faster than the right. 1-3 min

Exercises during pregnancy. From 36 weeks before delivery

During this period, it is necessary to secure skills in deep and rhythmic breathing when performing exercises, relax in the ability to relax after performing a more difficult part of the exercise and competent efforts when performing physical exercises. It is necessary to improve the exercises that correspond to the provisions taken by the woman in labor during childbirth (lifts of the pelvis with a support for the blades and feet, flexions of the legs, turns on the side).

Introductory part of the class

Walking in place, hands on the parties - inhale, hands down - exhale. 15-30 seconds.
- Walking on the spot with a high knee lift, the knee rises to the side so as not to touch the stomach. 1-2 min.
- Standing legs a little wider shoulders, socks on the sides, hands on the belt. Semi-traces, hands forward, knees are directed to the sides. 4-8 times.
- Standing legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt. One foot back on the sock, hands on the sides - inhale, return to its original position - exhale. 4-8 times.
- Feet on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt. Rotate shoulders to the right, right hand parallel to the floor back - look at the fingers of the right hand. Return to I.P. And do in the other way. 2-6 times.

The main part of the lesson:

I.P. Lying on the back, legs bent, the feet rest in the floor. Raising the pelvis, dilute the knees and relax the muscles of the crotch. 4-6 times.

Lying on the back, hands along the body. Make a breath, spread legs to the sides (legs slide on the floor) - exhale. 6-8 times.

Lying on the back, hands along the body. Make a breath, bend legs in the knees and hip joints, keeping hands, breed knees to the sides. Return legs in I.P. 4-8 times.

Lying on his back hands on the sides. Bend your hands in the elbows with the maximum tension of the muscles of the hands, fingers in the fist. To keep in a tense position for 10-20 seconds and completely relax, lowering on the floor. Feel the difference in muscle sensation at stress and relaxation. 4-6 times. Then strain the muscles of the legs - socks of the feet pull on yourself and strongly strain all the muscles of the legs (only legs, not the abdomen). Hold the leg in the tense state of 10-20 seconds and completely relax. 4-6 times. Perform the simultaneous tension of the muscles of the legs and hand to 5-10 seconds. 2-4 times. At the voltage, only arms and legs work, and all other muscles (neck, belly, spin) are completely relaxed.
- Lying on the right side, right hand supports the head, the legs are a bit bent. A straight right leg makes circular motions at the maximum amplitude, clockwise 12 times and counterclockwise 12 times. Relax 15-30 seconds and roll over to another side, perform circles with left foot.
- Focus standing on the knees. Bake the bottom of the bottom and bring up the top. Perform movement at maximum amplitude. 4-12 times.
- Stop standing on his knees, bend hands in the elbows - chest to the floor, one straight leg raise up. Return to I.P. And do inhale. On the exhalation, repeat with the lifting of another leg. 4-8 times.

Final part of the lesson:

Standing on his knees, hands on the sides - inhale, hands down - exhale. 4-6 times.
- Standing legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the sides - inhale, hands down - exhale. 4-6 times.

The fifth month of your pregnancy continues. Four and a half already behind, and now you are entering the third week of the fifth month - nineteenth. How is your baby?


The fruit at the 19th week of pregnancy makes a big jump in its development. It is now actively growing and developing its brain, millions of neurons occupy their places, by selling communication with each other. Now the "actions" of the baby will be more meaningful if so can be expressed. That is, coordination of movements will occur, they are not so chaotic, as before.

Do not slow down the revolutions and other children's organs. Light, bronchioles and bronchi form a respiratory system that will be improved up to the birth. At 19 week, bronchial tree begins to take.

Songs are actively working hard glands: they produce a white-gray substance, which covers the crook, accumulating in the skin folds. This primary lubricant will continue until birth: it will protect the fetus from the effects of accumulating waters and pathogenic microorganisms, since it has a bactericidal property.

Also continues to be covered by the lano's leather small. These hairs are visible even on the face of the baby, which is sometimes preserved at the birth. Do not worry, they will then disappear, so the baby will not be all the time shaggy.

At the 19th week of pregnancy, the child already confidently raises the head and can tweer it on the sides. The neck is already sufficiently strengthened and turns 180 degrees. The dimensions of the crumbs continue to increase: it weighs an average of 250 g, the cocchico-dark size is more than 15 cm.


The uterus does not lag behind the fetus and continues to grow. At 19 week, it weighs 320 g, continues to increase in size and rise above. You can forgive the uterus at 1.3 cm below the navel.

The growth of the uterus leads not only to the increase in the tummy, but also to the appearance of various pain. However, these sensations are not dangerous.

Pain for 19 weeks of pregnancy

We are talking about pain in the abdomen associated with the tension of the muscles holding the uterus. These muscles are constantly becoming thicker and durable, but with sharp movements, a woman can feel their tension. In addition, by the end of 19 weeks and then you will begin to sense the pressure of the uterus on the navel - from the inside. This is a very unpleasant and even annoying feeling, but when the uterus will overcome this segment of the path, it will disappear, to be patient.

The growing weight and dimensions of the uterus are putting pressure on the pelvis area and the loin, where painful sensations may also occur. In addition, bones are very slowly starting to disperse, expanding the generic path to which the child will advance. These processes are also associated with pain in the bones (in particular in the hips).

Pain in the legs and back is the result of a long stay on the legs or seats in an uncomfortable posture. If you have a sitting job, then try to shoot at least 1-2 times within an hour. Also, do not sit on the chairs and couches without a back, do not throw the leg to the leg, do not wear high heels.


Abdominal pain can indicate the likelihood of abortion. If they are pronounced, they wear a damn character if the abdominal has a truly hurt and pulls hard, and also if these pains are accompanied by bloody discharges, then you need to say a doctor about it.

The stomach should have grown noticeably. Most likely, you can no longer sleep on your stomach, and it is not necessary: \u200b\u200bin this position, the uterus is squeezed, and it is undesirable and unpleasant. It is also not recommended to sleep on the back so that the uterus will not pinch a venue with its weight, overlapping blood and oxygen access to the fetus.

Feelings (movements) at the 19th week of pregnancy

The female organism begins to gradually prepare for the upcoming birth and breastfeeding. Milk glands can sometimes be positive. Nothing special should not be taken, just wipe the nipple with a clean soft napkin.

At the 19th week of pregnancy, the level of hemoglobin in the blood may be lowered due to the increase in its volumes. In this regard, the woman feels weakness, quick fatigue, dizziness. Meanwhile, the pulse can be freckred, difficulties with breathing appear: deep breaths and exhalations are sometimes difficult. At such moments, try to breathe superficially, doggy.

In the second trimester, the sweating and urination is increasing - all this physiological processes that do not require treatment. But the appearance of stretch marks, though it is quite natural, but very undesirable. We certainly carry out the prevention of Striy.

Listen to your tummy. If by 19 weeks you have not yet felt the movements of the fetus, then perhaps feel the first movements now. If you have already met your baby closer, then wait for new jolts anyway. Over time, they will be increasingly frequent and active.


For this period, an increase in vaginal discharge is also characterized. They become liquid and abundant, but do not change their color and smell. Any other discharges are considered as pathological and require treatment to the gynecologist. These include yellow, green, gray, red, brown, curls, inhomogeneous, foaming, sharp smelling selections. They are a sign of infectious diseases requiring special treatment. During pregnancy, the thrush is most often inflamed, which must certainly be cured before childbirth.


The second trimester is time for yourself. If you planned a trip, travel or visits to your loved ones, then this is the best time for their commit. Only poor well-being and threats of pregnancy interruption can prevent, under which such activity is contraindicated. Otherwise, continue to walk a lot and move, visit the fitness for pregnant women, have sex with your loved husband. Intimate intimate will benefit the whole family! Do not refuse yourself in this pleasure, especially now, on one of the most relaxed weeks for the entire period of pregnancy.

Measuring pregnancy

And, nevertheless, listen all the time to your body. Do not disregard the slightest disabilities, suspicious symptoms and changes. Unfortunately, it happens that in some women the fruit freezes intrauterine. Most often, this happens in the first trimester and ends with a spontaneous abortion. However, the miscarriage does not always come, and a woman can walk with a dead fruit for several weeks - it is very dangerous.

To identify undeveloped pregnancy can a doctor on the next inspection or during the passage of the ultrasound: the dimensions of the uterus do not correspond to the estimated period, the heartbeat and the movement of the child are absent. However, a frozen pregnancy happens infrequently for 19 weeks. However, neglect scheduled visits to the doctor is not worth it.

Analyzes at the 19th week of pregnancy

In order to control the state of the fetus and the course of pregnancy, the doctor regularly appoints a number of analyzes to its ward and sends to surveys. At the 19th week of pregnancy, it is worth checking the level of hemoglobin in the blood, the blood sugar content, urine on the protein.

In the event of the need for need, a woman can also offer to hand out for hormones, in particular to progesterone, the level of which during pregnancy increases for its preservation and prosperous development.

If by this time you have not yet passed the screening of the second trimester (but you plan to do this), then you need to hurry - it is most informative to 20 weeks of pregnancy.

The second screening, or a triple test, is a biochemical blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), AFP (Alfaphhetoprotein) and free (non-conjugated) estriol. This test allows you to determine the level of certain markers in the blood of a pregnant woman, and on the basis of these studies, as well as additional data (weight and age of the future mother, the amount of fruits and other) to classify it to a group of high or reduced risk of chromosomal anomalies in the fetus (in particular , Down syndrome, Edwards Syndrome and a nervous tube defect). All indicators can and should be evaluated only in the complex! Separately they do not have a diagnostic value.


In addition to biochemical blood tests, the second screening also includes an ultrasound, on which the thickness of the fetus collar zone and the nasal bone will necessarily look. The ultrasound should evaluate the heartbeat of the child, its motor activity, diagnose the absence of pathologies incompatible with the life, inspect the uterine myometrium, the size of the uterus and the fetus, the condition of the uterine water. At the request of parents (and, of course, the child himself) can be determined by the gender. You may be lucky and you will set up a cub for the games: by this time, no matter how surprisingly, the fetal has already developed a regime similar to the newborn regime (it sleeps 18 hours a day, and the rest is awake).


So that the baby develops as much as possible, you must eat right and fully. The diet should be balanced with the predominance of protein food. Eat low-fat boiled beef, nuts, legumes (if there are no problems with gases).

The dishes are preparing better by ways that exclude frying and using a large amount of fat. Also, exclude or at least limit the sharp, smoked, artificial food, keep salty, sweet and flour under control.

We will certainly turn on the products rich in iron and calcium in your diet: Kuragu, fig, persimmon, blueberries, tomato juice, buckwheat and oatmeal, beef and rabbit, tongue, eggs, cheese, green vegetables and fruits, leaf greens.

Fit fractionally, small portions, do not starve. However, it is also very important and not to overeat: it will prevent the development of many possible problems.

Weight for 19 weeks of pregnancy

At least once a week approximately at the same time in the same clothes (or without without it), it is recommended to be weighed to control their weight gains. In the second trimester, a weekly increase in the norm should be 250-300 g. From the beginning of pregnancy, you were supposed to dial from 3.6 kg to 6.3 kg. However, in the normal data, these data may differ individually. Much depends on the weight of a woman before pregnancy, its age, the configuration of the state of health, the flow of pregnancy and other factors. Alternatively, only a pregnancy gynecologist can correctly evaluate your increment.