Games for the development of graphomotor skills. Guidelines and didactic games for the development of motor skills, graphomotor skills in preschool children with mental retardation

Larisa Kamerer
Master Class. Formation of graphomotor skills in older preschoolers

Formation of graphomotor skills in older preschoolers.

From work experience. Master Class.

The problem of readiness preschoolers to the upcoming schooling has always been in the center of attention of teachers and psychologists. Its solution changes depending on new trends in the education system itself, which in turn reflect the changes taking place in the public consciousness.

It should be noted that in domestic pedagogy and psychology senior preschool age is considered transition period from one leading activity to before school age- gaming, to another leading activity in primary school age - educational and cognitive. Therefore, one of the main goals of educational work preschool institutions is to ensure the smoothness of this transition. This is facilitated by education older preschoolers cognitive readiness for learning.

Speech therapy practice shows that the number of children with speech pathology is growing every year. Among pupils with problems in speech development, there is a high percentage of those who have problems with the development of general and fine motor skills. When training the fingers, speech develops more intensively and becomes more perfect. The urgency of the problem lies in the fact that a full-fledged motor and speech development (correct speech- one of the indicators of a child's readiness to study at school) is the key to the successful development of literacy and reading: written language formed on the basis of oral and children suffering speech disorders and motor impairment are potential children with writing and reading disabilities. Therefore, the purpose of my work was to improve the fine motor skills of the fingers and the coordination of hand movements through finger games, work with a pencil when performing graphic tasks.

Project stages:

1. Organizational and preparatory (June August).

analysis of upcoming activities June teachers

selection of methodological literature,

choice of means, methods and techniques,

development perspective plan. June July

Orientation of children in space,

the development of major movements. July-August Educators, music.

leader, parents

2. Main (September-April).

Orientation of children in space

and on a piece of paper, clarifying prepositions


Development of large movements (rhythmoplasty,

physical education, logo recitation) September-May Teachers, parents

Muses. Supervisor,

educators, speech therapist

correctional and developmental classes

(frontal sessions with a speech therapist,

classes on the development of speech and

literacy) Educators, teacher-speech therapist

Development of fine motor skills

(artistic and aesthetic classes,

finger gymnastics, massage and

self-massage of hands) Educators, parents,

teacher speech therapist

Work with the with a simple pencil in a notebook

"Prepare your hand for writing" Gavrina S. E.

from the School for preschool teacher speech therapist, caregivers

Work in a notebook in a box (typing letters,

graphic dictation by ear) Teacher speech therapist. parents

3. Final (May).

Analysis of the achievements of the set goal and the results obtained.

Letter holiday. Speech therapist, music director

Working on this problem, I solved the following tasks: To introduce children to the observance of elementary hygiene rules when letter: correct fit when working with a notebook, the position of the sheet, hand, writing instrument;

Teach continuous smooth tracing of an object along the contour and hatch it using various types of hatching (horizontal, vertical, diagonal, etc.)

Develop graphic skills children in writing straight, oblique, rounded lines, ovals, correlating them with a line.

Formation and improvement of fine motor skills of fingers, motor skills and skills in the manipulation of various objects (hard and soft, elastic, smooth and rough);

To teach children to navigate in space and on a plane;

To develop the ability to listen, understand and fulfill the verbal instructions of the teacher; the ability to act, repeating the shown pattern and rule. (Graphic dictations )

Presentation of methods and techniques

slide 9 In my work tried to use new, including informational- communication and health-saving technologies. The work used methods such as didactic games and exercises graphic exercises and dictations, finger gymnastics which is accompanied by verses. Research assignments were also formation spatial orientations (for example, orientation in the sides of one’s own body and the body sitting opposite, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, the development of the kinesthetic basis of movements (lower the hands down, clench the hands of both hands into a fist, etc.), hand-eye coordination of movements (performing movements according to verbal instructions). CHAIN ​​GAME We sort out the fingers and collect the chain, TURTLES

Slide 10 For children with speech pathology some violations of general motor skills, spatial orientation, difficulties in differentiating spatial concepts, impaired visual-motor coordination are characteristic. Particular difficulties are associated with insufficient formed the ability to switch from one movement to another. The motor skills of children are characterized by general awkwardness, lack of coordination. Children lag behind their peers in dexterity and accuracy of movements. preschoolers with impaired fine motor skills of the hands have difficulty mastering writing skills. Most children perform tasks at a slow, strenuous pace, with tense fingers, not in full. She used health-saving technology techniques, such as Su-Jok therapy. The children were asked to take turns wearing massage rings on each finger, pronouncing poems finger gymnastics, hold the rings between the palms, while reciting a poem to automate the sound, work according to the instructions of an adult. She also offered to massage with pencils, self-massage (fingers rolling). BIRD GAME WITH ADULTS

Slide 11 Children love to play with sticks. From sticks it is fashionable to add not only letters, but also figures. These exercises develop fine motor skills of the fingers, and also help to increase the physical and mental performance of children, create a functional basis for a relatively quick transition to more high level motor activity of the muscles.


slide 12 Threadography- a means of developing hand-eye coordination is drawing with the help of ropes, which implements following: improves visual perception, develops hand-eye coordination, shapes smoothness and accuracy of movements, prepares the hand for writing, fixes drawing skills, develops fine motor skills and imagination, and also develops coherent speech.


Slide 13 Very often we see that the child holds the pencil incorrectly. So that the child’s hand does not get tired when writing, it is important to teach him to hold writing materials correctly. Here are some ways to teach your child to hold a pen correctly. (with the help of a string and paper and a fish corrector)

slide 14, 15 (Notebook demonstration) Working on the development of fine motor skills and graphomotor skills children were given a variety of tasks, graphic dictations, exercises were given in tracing stencils, drawing lines, figures by cells.

Slide 16 Prevention dysgraphia offered children letters from sandpaper, traced a letter on paper, played a game "Find the right letter", repair the letter.

Slide 17 For development spelling vigilance, voluntary attention, spatial imagination, development of fine motor skills spent with children graphic dictations.

Positive results in development graphomotor skills helped to achieve cooperative activity with the tutors of the group and the musical director. Conducting your own educational activities, they paid considerable attention to the development of fine motor skills. It is impossible to achieve any positive results without the support of parents. Parents were given consultations, interviews were held.

Most of the children experienced positive qualitative changes with formation kinesthetic basis of movements and visual-motor coordination of movements, namely in the development of the kinesthetic basis of hand movements, optical-kinesthetic organization of movements, in formation spatial perception, visual-motor coordination of movements. preschoolers after training, they became much more concentrated, more diligent, stopped excessively straining their hands while performing tasks, began to verbally describe their actions, stopped “rotating” notebooks. Before the start of classes graphomotor skills children were at medium and low levels. After the training, the state graphomotor skills began to improve, moved to a higher level, the number of children with an average level increased, the number of children with a low level decreased. While continuing to work on the formation of graphomotor skills, children will undoubtedly give a positive trend.

In my work I use verbal, visual and practical teaching methods. Due to the specifics of the skills being formed, these are mostly visual and practical methods.

I work on the development of graphomotor skills systematically for 2-5 minutes daily.

In the beginning, children have difficulty doing many exercises. Therefore, we work out the exercises gradually and at first they are performed passively, with the help of adults at a slow pace. I gradually increase the pace and the number of repetitions.

I organize my work in the following sections:

· Development of the small muscles of the fingers

I consider this section one of the main ones in the work on the formation of graphomotor skills.

Exercises to develop the strength of the fingers and the speed of their movements.

Purpose: development of finger strength, speed and rhythm of their movements.

Contrasting fingers.

Flexion and extension of the hand into a fist alternately and simultaneously.

Circular movements with brushes with freely bent fingers.

Abduction - adduction of fingers.

Squeezing the eraser with different fingers.

Free tapping of the fingers on the desk, simultaneously and alternately.

Transferring balls of different diameters.

Pressing the pads of the fingers of the hand on the fingers of the other.

Rolling in the fingers of a pencil.

Finger passing a tennis ball.

An approximate complex of finger gymnastics and individual exercises is given below. (see Appendix 3.4)

Lessons on hatching along the contour, stroke.

Purpose: development of hand-eye coordination.

The development of fine motor skills is facilitated by exercises carried out in special notebooks - ornamental drawing. During the first half of the year I include this type of work in almost every lesson. These tasks contribute not only to the development of fine motor skills, but also to the formation of general educational skills and abilities, in particular, such an important one as the ability to listen and hear instructions and follow them accurately.

  • § Drawing borders consisting of segments of straight and broken lines (practical, visual methods). (See Annex 13)
  • § Copying and modeling figures from details. (see Appendix 8.9)
  • § Tasks for training the ability to lead a hand along a given trajectory, copying elements of letters, writing letters and words according to templates.

I will give an example of completing the task "Paths - paths".

Purpose: developing the ability to lead a hand along a given trajectory (Fragment of the lesson).

Let's go to the dwellings of animals along the paths-paths.

Turn the sheets over to the right.

Draw a straight line on a narrow path, a dotted line on a winding path, a wavy line on a wide road.

While you work, there will be music.

Examination. The best work is celebrated.

§ Graphic dictations (verbal, practical methods).

I use it to work out spatial orientation, to develop the ability to draw lines in a given direction and a certain length. Learn to submit a form geometric figure. I'll give you a snippet.

Open notebooks, draw a square, triangle, circle, oval, rectangle.

Put a plus in the circle, a dot in the triangle, a tick in the square, a stick in the rectangle, and a snowflake in the oval.

Where is the tick? ( IN SQUARE)

Where is the dot? ( IN TRIANGLE)

Where is the plus? ( IN CIRCLE)

Where is the snowflake? ( IN OVAL)

Where is the wand? ( IN RECTANGLE)

What word will help?

What does it mean?

Output: Preposition " IN" means that one item is inside another.

Such a technique helps children visually learn the meaning of the preposition "B", consolidate the ability to accurately convey the shape of a geometric figure, and place an object on a notebook sheet.

Work on the formation of a graphic image of letters (graphemes).

I want to make a special point work on differentiating letters that have kinesthetic similarities.

I suggest the following sequence of operations:

extracting a sound from a word;

determination of a signal sign of the articulation position when pronouncing a sound (articules);

correlation of sound with a letter (grapheme);

control of the correctness of the choice;

writing a letter.

I begin my work with the refinement of experimental-spatial differentiations on actions with pictures, geometric figures, and mosaics.

For exercises in the construction and reconstruction of the letters of the alphabet, I use counting sticks, cardboard elements, thread patterns (see Appendix 10).

Children practice:

  • § in the analysis of the composition and structure of the graphic sign;
  • § in its synthesis from elements;
  • § in the comparative analysis of letters (from coarser differentiations to finer ones).

First, I carry out the reconstruction of letters in a visual-effective plan, and then - abstractly, i.e. by presentation.

Turning to the handwritten font, I exercise the children in writing alternating elements of letters, mixed by kinetic similarity: according to the model, the original instructions, under the command with a gradual increase in tempo.

I think that when differentiating such letters, the main task is to teach children to identify "supporting", signal signs that distinguish mixed letters (and, accordingly, the sounds they designate).

In these exercises, the main goal is to consolidate the connection between the phoneme - the article - the grapheme - the kinema (the program of hand movement when writing a letter). To control the correct execution, I turn on all analyzers.

I also use oral dictation of syllables, words - when children write out a letter in the air in response, or with a finger on the surface of the table. An interesting technique for children was writing out letters on a tray with cereals. You can use large flat plates instead of trays.

Actions with a needle, crochet hook.

Purpose: development of dexterity, coordination of fine movements of the fingers.

Poetic exercises

Poetic texts are the basis of exercises that I use to develop hand movements and relieve muscle tension in the hand. In addition, these exercises develop a sense of rhythm, short-term auditory memory. (See Annex 5)

I use short verses to reinforce the concept of "word". During the reading of the poem, for each word, the fingers "hello", i.e. connected in series with the thumb in a ring. Here I use two options: fingers can be connected in the forward and reverse order, you can alternate. The kids love doing these things. According to my observations, the daily performance of such an exercise develops the memory of children, teaches them to distinguish a preposition by ear. When pronouncing words of a complex structure, I make sure that the fingers are connected only once, since we mark the word with the connection, and not the number of syllables in the word.

Shadow games.

Another activity for the development of fine motor skills of the hands is a shadow game. The room in which it is held must be darkened.

The light source illuminates the screen, being at a distance of 3 - 4 m from it. Between the screen and the light source (in the middle), hand movements are made, from which a shadow falls on the illuminated screen.

Hands must be placed in front of the light source, given its strength and direction. The shadow game is accompanied by short dialogues and skits.

Performers should be positioned so that the shadow of the hands falling on the screen reflects only the position of the hand and forearm.

A greater effect in the shadow game is achieved by changing the distance from the hand to the light source. This makes it possible to increase or decrease the size of the shadow shapes. (See Annex 6)

Unfortunately speech therapy classes are limited in time and this type of work, in my opinion, is best used in extended day groups, in circle work.

Self-massage of hands and fingers

Purpose: development of finger movements, relieving muscle tension, preparing the small muscles of the hand for writing.

I recommend this type of task for children who have increased muscle tone of small muscles. Such children are usually distinguished by strong pressure when writing, and, as a result, rapid muscle fatigue, low writing speed. (See Annex 7)

Making figures from counting sticks or matches

Purpose: development of fine motor skills, spatial orientation, correlation of the shape of an object, development of graphic symbolization skills.

I ask you to lay out on the table, first according to the model, then from memory and, finally, on your own, according to the idea, the following figures: a square, a triangle, a cube, a vase, a boat, a skirt, glasses, a ladder, a windmill, a fish, a pyramid, a flag, a star, ice cream , butterfly, aquarium, beetle, window, bag, carrot, truck, smiley, trousers, pie, bridge, swing, watering can, tank, shovel, box of pencils, rocket, steamboat, fungus, slide, wheelbarrow, gazebo, snowflake, sailboat, tower, sandbox, plane, bed, TV, dog, cow, clock, sledge, flashlight. (See Annex 8)

thread patterns

Purpose: development of fine coordinated finger movements, hand-eye coordination, visual memory, self-control skills, development of voluntary attention, the ability to work with concentration and accuracy.

For work, I take thick heavy threads or thin ropes. Using sample cards, children complete tasks for laying out patterns, loops, tying knots and tying ropes (see Appendix 10).

· Development of higher mental functions

Exercises aimed at developing attention and its properties.

In this area of ​​work, I single out a priority area for the development of attention and its properties.

I believe that one of the indispensable conditions for successful schooling is the development of voluntary attention. The result of attention is the improvement of any activity with which it accompanies.

At present, they have become topical issues development of attention, therefore, while working on the formation of graphomotor skills, I conduct parallel psycho-correctional work with children with attention disorders. To do this, I include the following exercises.

· Exclusion of superfluous.

Purpose: development of thinking and volume of attention.

The child is looking for one object in the picture that is different from the rest. At the beginning it is 4-5 items, then I increase the number of items.

· Find differences.

Purpose: development of voluntary attention, switching and distribution of attention.

On a card with the image of two objects that differ from each other in details, you need to find all the differences.

This type of exercise is very popular with children, they are happy to perform it at speed.

· Laying out a mosaic pattern.

Purpose: development of concentration and volume of attention, fine motor skills of the hand, the formation of the ability to work according to the model.

Children lay out a pattern according to the model.

· Drawing by cells.

Purpose: development of concentration and volume of attention, the formation of the ability to follow the pattern, the development of fine motor skills of the hand.

Children draw a figure according to the model with a simple pencil.

· Schulte tables.

Purpose: development of concentration, distribution, volume of attention, expansion of the field of reading.

Children collect numbers first in black in direct order, then red in reverse order, then in turn the number of black and the number of red, while the black numbers are called in direct order, and red in reverse order.

If children cope with the first two tasks quite successfully, the third task causes difficulties for children with impaired attention. In the process of training, the third task is performed more successfully. The basic properties of attention are improved.

Task 1. "Fly"

Task 2. "Trace the dotted pattern"

Task 3. "Fairytale house"

Task 4. "Butterfly"

Task 5. "Bear

Task 6. "Molars"

Task 7.

Task 8. "An obedient pencil"

Task 9. "Labyrinth"

Task 10. Draw a reflection of the house and the Christmas tree

Task 11. Draw a butterfly

Test samples to determine the formation of graphomotor skills left-handed preschoolers according to the criteria proposed

N.V. Nizhegorodtseva and revised by M.M. Bezrukikh test method M. Frosig.

Exercise 1.

Instruction: "Take a pencil with your thumb, forefinger and middle fingers, and twist it, but first look at how I do it."

Evaluation of results:

It turns out that the pencil does not fall (2 points);

It turns out, but very slowly with difficulty (1 point);

It doesn't work - the pencil falls (0 points) (see Appendix 4).

Task 2.

The child is given a sheet of paper with a circle drawn in advance with a diameter

Instruction: "Take a pencil in your hand and put your hand on your elbow,

get ready and at the expense of "three" ("one-two-three"), without lifting your elbow from the table, put three dots in the center of the circle.

Evaluation of results:

Movements are performed clearly, accurately (2);

Movements are performed indistinctly, with errors (1);

Movements are practically not performed according to the instruction (0).

Task 3.

The child is given a piece of unlined paper with drawn dots and crosses at different distances from each other.

Instruction: "Try to draw straight lines (from the dot to the cross) without taking your hands off."

Evaluation of results:

The lines are straight, even, not broken, without corrections (2);

The lines are not very smooth, with breaks, but without deviations from a straight line, there is a tremor (1);

The movements are very slow, the lines are uneven, broken, severe tremor (0).

Task 4.

The child is given a piece of paper on which a maze is drawn.

Instructions: "Make your way through the maze from point to point, without touching the lines and without taking your hands off."

Evaluation of results:

The line is straight, without breaks, a small amount of touches of restrictive lines (2);

The line is uneven, with breaks, a large number of touches, tremor (trembling) (1);

Very slow movement, line uneven, broken, strong tremor (0).

Task 5.

The child is given a sheet of paper on which the figures and the beginning of hatching are drawn, and the child needs to continue hatching.

Instruction: "Shade the shapes." Evaluation of results:

The strokes are even, parallel, do not go beyond the boundaries of the figure (2);

The strokes are uneven, parallelism is broken, small violations of the limiting lines (1);

The strokes are uneven, the lines are broken, there is no parallelism, the lines go beyond the boundaries of the figure by more than 5 mm (0).

The results obtained are summarized:

8-10 points - graphomotor skills are formed (high level);

6 - 7 points - insufficiently formed ( average level); 0 - 4 points - low skill level.

Abstract of a lesson with left-handed preschoolers on the topic: “Spatial orientation, development small movements. Correlation of parts of the body with the right and left hand.

Target: develop the skills of spatial orientation and small movements.

- teach skills of spatial orientation;

Strengthen the ability to determine the right and left hand, correlate parts of the body with the right and left hand;

Learn to trace dotted lines;

Activate and enrich the vocabulary of children;

Improve the ability to listen to the addressed speech;

Develop attention, fine motor skills of hands;

Coordinate your actions and movements with the actions and movements of other children.

Vocabulary work: right, left, the name of the fish: pike, bream, crucian carp, pike perch, ruff, catfish.

Equipment: laptop, subject images: tent, fishing rod, nets, pencils, school bag, bucket, crucian carp, pike, bream, pike perch, catfish, ruff, Methodical techniques:

3. Techniques for organizing practical activities: drawing along the contours. 4. Methods of assessment and self-assessment: praise.

Lesson progress

Organizing time.

Hello children! I'm glad to meet you. Tell me, why did we meet today? (Answers of children). And today we will do exercises that will help us make friends and improve our mood.


Everyone stand in a wide circle! Left friend and right friend

Reach out your hand and hug it tight!

Now listen to the poem and repeat the movements after me.

“You and I are one family. You, me, he, she.

You stroke the neighbor on the right, You stroke the neighbor on the left, You and I are friends,

You and I are one family. Smile to the neighbor on the left, Smile to the neighbor on the right, We are friends,

You and I are one family, I, you, he, she.

Hug the neighbor on the left Hug the neighbor on the right We are friends

You and I are one family."

The game "Right-Left".

What body parts does a person have? Name the parts of the body that a person has two?

Instruction. Show your right eye (ear, cheek, leg) with your right hand. Show your left ear (eye, leg, cheek) with your left hand.

Wink with your right eye. Stomp with your left foot.

Show your right eyebrow and left elbow. Left eye and right leg. Show me your right knee and your left ear. Left cheek and right shoulder.

Rub your right elbow with your left hand. Scratch your left knee with your right heel. Tickle the left sole with your right index finger. Tap your right elbow on your right side. Bite yourself on the middle finger of your left hand.

Fizminutka. Dance Boogie Woogie.

"Hand right vered, and then her back

And again, forward it, and shake it a little.

We dance "boogie - woogie" turning in a circle, We dance "boogie - woogie", one, two, three!

Boogie woogie okay! Boogie woogie okay!

Everyone dance with us together for more fun! (Also with the right leg, ear, and then with the left parts of the body).

Game "Fishermen"

Guys, where do you think I'm going? (to go fishing) How did you guess? (you have a fishing rod, a bucket in your hands, you put on jeans. A T-shirt and a cap, boots on your feet)

Do you want me to take you with me? (children chorus:Yes)

Do you know what to take? (children name the items needed for fishing) Now let's determine who can go fishing with me.

I have one friend of a fisherman (a speech therapist puts a picture of a fisherman on the board, he also said that he knows what to take with him when going fishing, and this is what came of it:

“A fisherman began to gather outside the city. I took a fishing rod to catch fish. I took a raincoat to cover myself with. I took a samovar to boil tea.

He took the bed to sleep on the bed. He took a carpet to sunbathe on it.

He took firewood so that he would not look for them. I took a suitcase, why not take it?

Why are you laughing?

Go to the table and take one card with the image of the item we need for fishing.

Good! I'm taking you all with me. Let's hit the road. (The song sounds “Sitting on the lake in the morning ...”

Think and name what kind of fish can be found in our pond? (children call speech therapist put pictures on the board)

The development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Pick up the leaves that the fisherman left for you and circle the dotted pattern. You need to lead smoothly, do not take your hand off. What did you get? Reflection.

Guys, did you like today's lesson? What did you like more?

Which task was easy and which was harder?

Why do you think we coped with all the tasks with you?

I thank you for Active participation. And now each of you will praise himself and say: “I am well done!” (Pet your head with your left hand.)

And for you even small prizes-goldfish.

Summary of classes with left-handed preschoolers

on the topic: "Development of graphomotor skills, spatial and figurative thinking."

Target: the formation of graphomotor skills in left-handed preschoolers, the development of spatial and figurative thinking.

Teach the skills of spatial and figurative thinking;

Develop motor skills of the hands;

Develop graphomotor skills;

To consolidate the ability to guess riddles based on visually perceived information.

Develop creative imagination;

Activate children's speech, cognitive interest;

Cultivate attention, memory, logical thinking.

Equipment: laptop, puzzles, pictures of a house, a chum, a yurt, a hut, a drawing of a house with a Christmas tree, a drawing of a butterfly, colored pencils.

Vocabulary work: left, right, hut, chum, yurt. Methodical methods:

1. Techniques for setting goals and motivating children's activities.

2. Techniques for activating children's activities in the process of GCD: problem situations.

3. Techniques for organizing practical activities: drawing up puzzles. 4. Receptions that support the interest of children: riddles, tracing the contours of objects.

5. Techniques for assessment and self-assessment: praise.

Lesson progress

Organizing time.

Good afternoon! Children:

Let's start in a circle

How much joy around! We will all join hands and smile at each other.

We are ready to play, We can start the meeting!

Guys, I wish you to spend this day together and have fun, see a lot of interesting things and enjoy the sun, good weather and the beauty that surrounds us.

I want to ask you to sit down at the tables.

Raise your right hand, and now your left hand.

Touch your left hand to your right knee, your right hand to your right ear. Left hand to left eye.

Puzzle making exercise.

- Now take the puzzle boxes and assemble the picture.

What did you get? (House). My family lives in it

I can't live a day without her.

I aspire to it always and everywhere, I will not forget the way to it.

Without him I breathe with difficulty, My shelter, dear, warm. (House).

What can a house be built from? (Children answer from concrete, brick, wood).

Guys, there are places where trees do not grow, it is very cold there, the summer is short and moss grows there, which is loved by deer. Therefore, the people who live there breed deer. They also have a house - chum. And it was built from deer skins.

A yurt is also a house made from sheep's wool.

Guys, what do you need to have at home? (Roof, window, door).

Exercise drawing the reflection of the Christmas tree and the house.

Pick up a drawing of a house and a Christmas tree, see that the house has a window, a roof. Now draw the same house yourself, as if it is reflected in the water.

Children draw on the cells. The speech pathologist helps.


On the mountain we see a house (with palms made up we imitate the roof of a house) A lot of greenery around (we spread our arms to the sides, showing how much greenery)

Here are the trees, here are the bushes (clenched fingers - trees, spaced - bushes) Here are fragrant flowers (fold our hands in the form of a bowl)

The fence surrounds everything (we draw a zigzag line with our finger in the air) Behind the fence is a clean yard (we stroke the air with our hands)

We open the gate (we connect our palms with our sides and push them apart) We quickly run up to the house (with two fingers we show a run) We knock on the door: (knock on the air or on the table with our fist)


Is someone coming to knock on us? (listen with palm to ear) We came to visit a friend (shake hands)

And the gifts were brought (we stretch our hands forward, as if we are passing something)

Exercise "Draw a butterfly."

The sun warmed up. To our house, guess who flew in. On a large colored carpet

Sela squadron -

That will open, then close Painted wings.

She is bright, beautiful, Graceful, light-winged, She looks like a flower herself.

And he likes to drink flower juice.

Who is this? (Butterfly). You need to finish drawing. Do not take your hand off, the movements are smooth, try to make the lines even.

Continue, what a butterfly: motley, airy ... .. Butterfly: winds, spins ...


What new did you learn in class?

What did you like the most that caused difficulties?

I thank you for your active participation, and the butterfly brought you gifts for your work - small multi-colored butterflies.

Irina Perunova
Formation of graphomotor skills in preschoolers

Graphomotor skills are an integral part of human motor abilities. Their development is based on formation and improvement of finely coordinated hand movements, development of visual-spatial orientation, visual-motor coordination.

Many studies have shown that children preschool age have great difficulty in mastering graphic skills, and this greatly complicates First stage their education at school. In programs preschool institutions for the upbringing and education of children preschool age, little attention is paid to the work of mastering children graphic skills. In this regard, there is a need to adapt the preschool educational program, systematize exercises aimed at developing graphomotor skills taking into account the sequence, complexity of tasks and taking into account the category of children preschool age. The complexity of the writing mechanism and significance preschool period to prepare children for schooling, as well as the lack of a methodology for working on the formation of graphomotor skills give every reason to consider the research topic relevant in the field preschool pedagogy.

Long-term practice has shown that for the development of fine motor skills it is very useful to hatch, paint over, draw with pencils.

Based on the analysis of methodological literature on this topic, we tested a set of exercises in accordance with the selected sequence.

I. Formation finely coordinated hand movements;

II. Formation visual-spatial orientation;

III. Formation hand-eye coordination.

Such exercises were introduced by us into the daily work of groups of children of all ages.

Every direction formation of grapho-motor skills included exercises and tasks of three levels difficulties: from simple to complex. Having mastered the exercises and tasks of the 1st level of complexity, the child "passed over" to level 2, then to level 3. Introducing children to a new exercise, they relied on previously learned skills and skills, age and individual characteristics child.

Formation of graph-motor skills within the framework of our work, it was carried out both frontally and individually in various types of children's activities.

Assistance and corrections during the exercises were minimal, more often in form of encouragement, and gradually vanished. Thus, we sought to teach the child to independently evaluate the quality of performance and control their actions.

For the effectiveness of training on the formation of grapho-motor skills, the following terms:

1. Start working with exercises from the first level of difficulty, which will be obtained and enjoyable.

2. Exercise should be regular.

3. Joint conduct of classes. This is determined by the need for precise execution of movements, otherwise the result will not be achieved.

4. The time for doing the exercises cannot be long, as the attention and interest of the child is quickly excised.

5. Compliance with the pace of the exercise, appropriate for the child.

6. Adult participation and approval is very important.

7. Accompanying exercises with instructions. You can not replace it with a drawing or a manual sample of execution. Instructions should be simple, short and precise.

8. Formation finely coordinated movements.

9. Formation visual-spatial orientation.

We offer some types exercises:

For younger children preschool age.

To normalize the tone of small muscles, games with cold and hot water, an ice cube, walnut, with a small massage ball.

Tearing paper into small pieces. The sheet is torn in half, the scraps are placed one on top of the other, and the procedure is repeated. You don't have to add up the pieces ad infinitum. Enough to build up to six layers. After that, the main task is to make the scraps as small as possible.

Drawing vertical, slanted lines, embodied in the form "tracks", "ribbons", "strings", "wires" etc. The combination of these lines with each other in direction, color, thickness. Rounding lines, closing them in form circle brings children gradually to drawing "donuts", "bagel", "hoop", « hot air balloon» , pencils and paints.

In order to maintain children's interest in the content of drawing classes, it is necessary to give them a variety of material, change the color, size of objects, gradually complicating the task. This contributes to the improvement of technique, which means it improves the quality of drawings, the expressiveness of their images. It is important to choose the right material, its color, to provide for the possibility bright combinations background and paints, pencils or felt-tip pens. So, "strings", "rings", "balls" expressively obtained when drawing with pencils or felt-tip pens, as they are thin, long, multi-colored, etc. A "ribbons", "columns", "bagels", "balls of snow" should be wide, thick, and this can be conveyed in drawing with paints, varying in each case their color, quantity, size, location on a sheet of paper

Coloring, from simple forms from thick outlines to more complex ones.

Exercises for the development of small motility:

"Running competition"- the middle and index fingers of the right, then the left, then both hands represent the legs of the runners (on the table).

"Squeezing and unclenching the hands"- alternately performing movements with both hands at the same time, then with both hands, but at different times (one hand is clenched, the other is straightened, and vice versa).

"Drummer"- one child drums with all fingers of both hands on the table, tapping out the rhythm, the other repeats.

Drawing up the contours of objects from sticks, first of larger sizes, and then of smaller ones (table, house, triangle, car).

Stringing buttons, large beads on a lace.

Fastening and unfastening buttons, zippers, buttons, hooks.

Screwing and unscrewing washers, vial lids, jars.

Removing beads with a spoon from a glass.

Folding small parts (buttons, beads) into a narrow cylinder.

Putting on and taking off the ring (finger massage).

Crumple a handkerchief (take a handkerchief by the corner with one hand and absorb it into the palm with the fingers of only one hand);

Attaching clothespins to a horizontally stretched rope;

Sorting out the rosary or beads simultaneously with both hands towards and back;

Finding hidden objects in "dry pool" filled with peas and beans, in plastic buckets or basins;

Squeezing and unclenching the expander;

Hedgehog ball rolling (with spikes).

Shaping movements(work with plasticine)- rolling sausages, rolling at an angle, rolling rounded forms, pinching, indentation, smoothing.

Exercises for Seniors preschoolers.

Various types of hatching. For hatching, you can use simple and colored pencils, felt-tip pens and colored pens. You can hatch coloring books.

Complicated coloring pages

Exercises with a soft pencil, an image of an action (swinging, winding, waving, breaking, certain phenomena (pipes smoke, the sea is worried) or imitate writing letters

Ornamental and patterned activities, in which children practically learn the methods of arranging elements on a plane (top, bottom, right, left, between, above, below, in the middle, on the edge, etc., learn to correctly determine the direction of lines and hand movements (above down, from left to right, straight, obliquely, in the middle, get acquainted with the lengths (length, width, height, master the ability to determine by eye (large, small, identical, equal, half, etc.)

"border for a handkerchief", "picture frame", "mirror", "window", "checkbox". The resulting space inside the rectangle, children can fill with some images. By the end of the school year, children learn to depict more complex objects using combinations of rounded, rectangular forms, lines of different directions( "cart", "wagon", "birdhouse", "roly-poly", "matryoshka", "flower", "bug" and etc.).

"Letters"- draw with your hands the letters O, L, M, P, T, etc.

"Castle"- connect the fingers of both hands in the lock, into words "chik-chik" (key turn) disconnect.

"Fingers say hello"- at the expense of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the fingertips of both hands are connected - large with large, etc.

"Count"- clench your hand into a fist, count your fingers, unbending them (first on the right hand, then on the left).

Making a chain of 6-10 or more paper clips different color in order of colors

Cutting out a figure from paper with the right and left hand

Threading with a needle - small beads, beads

Dropping from a pipette into the narrow neck of a bottle

Lacing-flexic "Wonder Button"- sewing on buttons and stitching materials various types seams

Hatching in different directions with different pressing force and amplitude of hand movement

Coloring a sheet in different directions with and without limitation of the surface to be painted

Trace a pattern, copy

Drawing by anchor points

Painting images

Drawing on cells and on other limited surfaces


graphic dictation.

We advise you to perform these types of exercises with a ballpoint or gel pen, a colored or simple pencil of different hardness, a felt-tip pen, a special charcoal rod, wax chalk, pastel, hard materials, a squirrel or kolinsky brush when working with gouache, watercolor or ink, which allows you to correct work with muscle the tone of the hand, when it is required to transfer long-term static loads on the hand while maintaining the clarity of movements.