Thinking: Methods of brain training. Development of visual-shaped thinking development of memory in a dream

At the beginning of our activity, we used only four methods for the development of memory: "revival", "regression", "consistent associations", "dynamic compliance". Since then, a great experience has been accumulated, which allows you to say that the "School of Eidetics" owns not only methods known for centuries, but also new born of our intense labor.

Usually the authors of famous books on this topic describe their experience in the training of memory or quote others. We went to another expensive: Perennial experiments, on the one hand, allowed to find completely unexpected techniques of mnemonics, on the other hand, to identify ineffective techniques that walkers from the book in the book throughout the world. For example, in German and English editions, along with a universal reception, called in honor of the ancient Roman speaker, the "Digital Circus" method, which is not able to master any, even the most meticulous, student on our memory.

Currently, in the "Eidetic School" there are 27 methods and numerous exercises to them. Experiments, competitions, reports of talented students and instructors allowed us to either open re-well-known techniques to improve memory improvements, or come up with new ones (for example, "modified modality", "graphical improvisation"). Sometimes methods rejected by other authors as not very effective, in fact proved very useful (as a "redundancy" method).

These are these methods


    Logical patterns.

    Consecutive associations.

    Related Associations.

    Phonetic associations.

    Autobiographical Associations.

    Digital-letter code.

    Rational repetition.





    Fashion hooks.

    Creative thinking.


    Graphic improvisation.




    Cicero method.


    Changed modalities.

    Dynamic matching.


    Combined methods.


    Photographic memory.

    Development of memory in a dream.

Before the appearance of the book Luria A.R. "Little Book of Greater Memory" All Memory Strengtheys were called "mnemotechnics". Luria first introduced division into mnemonics (methods based on verbal-logical thinking) and Eidotechnic (from the word "Eidos", with Greek.- image; Methods based on specifically-shaped thinking). In this book, it gives an example of a phenomenal eidetic memory.

Numerous experiments have shown that human memory reserves are associated with the development of Eidetic memory. Hence the name of our center - "School of Eidetics".

In many foreign schools, they are taught as correct; remember. Our experience convinces that we know how to memorize, you need to learn not to memorize, but to reproduce. Here is one example, which we repeated hundreds of times on our lessons. Pupils of 9-15 years old at the first lesson were given to remember the large table of characters. Time for this was enough, from 3 to 5 minutes. When answering, they

played table by 40-60%. This is the average result. What do in the usual school teacher? Show the table until the students reproduce it completely. What do we do? I put it aside - and we hold our course. At the last lesson, ask students: "Please remember that the first table." And they remember it by 80-95%. What does it say about? The fact that the table was in the head, but they could not remember it. Developing imagination, making the work of his brain more plastic, students learned to be easily recumbent. And if the information is remembered immediately, so where does the repetition? The focus of the methodology should not be done on the ability to memorize, but on the ability to reproduce. In the many books it is learned to memorize. So, the experiment showed where to direct our research.

And how to learn to play? It is necessary to see how this gifted people do, as the super-supporting in hypnosis (hypermnesia) occurs, as this phenomenon is manifested during stress (there are cases of super-permium during the war). About the gifted mnemonic is well described in the book of Luria. The hero of his book for 30 years of observation did not have any memory boundaries.

And in hypnosis, a person can remember long forgotten names, events read books. We give some interesting cases confirming this. A lawyer who lost a contract turned to us for help. It contains the money amount that he had to pay. During the hypnosis session, he saw a contract in front of him and remembered the necessary amount. However, paid a contract with some doubts. After a few months, the contract was found. To his surprise, the amount coincided. Similarly, there were missing keys hidden by jewels, remembered the signs of criminals.

Canadian neurophysiologist Penfield was implanted during operations in the brain of patients electrodes. During the electrical stimulation, they unusually brightly remembered their childhood. Visions were so realistic that the patients seemed to not remember, and again were there. And they did not want to go back.

Both examples of gifted people, and hypnosis, and operations, and stress, and illness talk about one thing: superciprons are always accompanied by bright images. It follows from this that the reserves of our memory are associated with the activation of the right hemisphere responsible for the specifically-shaped thinking.

Among the six prizes of international competitions between memory development centers (Moscow, 1988; Riga, 1989) there was not a single one who would use the methods of logical memorization. All were Eidetics.

Many methods were born at competitions. When examining the champions of the competition, it turned out that they remember not as we were taught. They changed the methods depending on the situation. So, for example, the method of "modified modalities" was born.

Many methods are easier to use than to explain. Using the example of geometric shapes and other material, we will show how students change the storage tactics, unprepared from one mnemotechnical reception to another - the separation of methods is conditionally and often used to combine methods. But for greater clarity, their artificial separation and opposition are justified.

Vite-shaped thinking is the process of solving problems, during which a person works with objects, only representing their visually, but, without interacting with them in reality. In other words, using a visual-shaped thought process, a person can move the image of a specific subject (for example, a TV) to any place (for example, to another part of the apartment during the rearrangement of furniture), and imagine how it will look there, while not moving it into reality.

Vite-shaped thinking: what it is

A distinctive feature of this type of thinking is to establish extraordinary links between properties and objects. It is necessary when a person wants to get something as a result of his activity, but at the same time he simply represents the situation, no matter how he did it and what happens in the end. For such a type of thinking, the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible.

According to the psychologist J. Piaget, the following steps can be distinguished in the development of a children's mental process:

  1. Practical (sensorny). A child from birth and to 2 years old knows the world with the help of manipulations with objects.
  2. Preoperative. Start at about 2 years old and continue up to 7 years. At this time, it develops, as well as the ability to see the image of the subject, performing various manipulations with it.

It occurs in 4-5 years, when kids are gradually moving when solving problems from a contact method with objects to work with their images in the mind.

IMPORTANT! A clear-shaped thought process becomes basic at the age of 5-6 years. At this time, to solve a specific task, the child no longer needs to be interacting with the subject, it can produce all its actions in the mind, on the mental level.

Development of visual figurative thinking

At the beginning of the preschool period, kids are able to solve problems associated with movement, the use of the object only with direct contact with it. Over time, they do not have the ability during the search for an answer not to affect the subject tactile, but emphasizes it in the mind.

The development of visual-shaped thinking is possible if kids can combine different parts of the items, move them, allocate the main signs in the mind. Already from 4 years, the kids fully formed the basic functions of the psyche, which creates a base for the intensive development of this type of thought process. It is at this time that it is important to train a child, and for this, special exercises are developed, which are divided into 2 groups:


The main goal is to allow the child on the basis of a set of certain images to create something new. The source code can be the most different, from mathematical signs, alphabetic and digital characters, to complex geometric shapes.

Tasks are put differently. You can ask the child to create a man's figurine from digital and mathematical signs. Or provide complete freedom of action and see what it will happen. Such tasks include tasks for finding and restoring the missing element.

A good exercise is the game "Chessboard", in which it is offered from various particles to create a field, alternating them. You can organize the speed contests and gradually increase the field size.


The purpose of such exercises for the development of visual-shaped thinking is to change the original, complete image, so that something new is as a result. Exercises with matches are most often used. The child is given an image made of matches or chopsticks. It is proposed to remove a few matches or shifting them so that a new figure is. For example, the source is a house, from which you need to check box, shifting sticks (matches).

Help speeds help. Participants are distributed by sheets with the "sh" letters drawn in the amount of 20 pieces. As a task, it is proposed to trust every letter so that a new subject appears. All 20 images must be recognizable and different. After completing the time settled on the task, it is a discussion on the recognition and originality of the created images.

As an exercise use group drawing. In this case, before drawing to put the task - create a nontrivial image. You can slightly narrow the theme and suggest to draw a non-existent monster or phone of the future.

For kids, you can offer the following exercises:

  • draw the letter "sh" and try to turn it so that it turns out another letter of the alphabet. Must happen "E";
  • describe a drop of dew, dawn, rainbow, toothbrush.

Thus, the ability to represent objects in the mind, move them, perform various manipulations, provides an opportunity for the preschooler to absorb the general principles of the existence of things and phenomena in reality. The level of development of visual-shaped thinking, which is achieved under the age of 7, is a basic contribution to the general process of forming the psyche.

  • Diploma - Basic Methods of Development of Music Memory in Musical Pedagogy (Thesis)
  • Course work - didactic game as a means of developing imagination from senior preschoolers (term)
  • Examination - methods of stimulation of creative thinking (laboratory work)
  • Shragin L.I. Methodology for the development of creative imagination: these three words - be sure! (Document)
  • n1.DOC.

    I. Matyugin I. Rybnikova


    Development of memory




    Publishing house



    UDC 88.351.2.

    Matyugin I.Yu., Rybnikova I.K.,

    Memory development methods

    Figurative thinking


    Moscow, "Eidos", 1996

    The book contains a description of 27 memory development methods from ancient Greece to the present day. The use of methods when memorizing various information is shown. It is addressed to practical psychologists, teachers, parents, children.

    Editor: Sazhina T.F. Artist: V. V. Ivanov. Cover: E. Antist

    Printed from the finished original layout in the printing house

    JSC "Young Guard". Format 84x108 1/32. Print offset. Volume 2 pl.

    Circulation 10.000 copies. Order 57582 Address of JSC: 103030, Moscow, Sushevskaya, 21.

    © Matyugin I.Yu., Rybnikova I.K., 1995 ISBN 5-87921-018-9

    "School of Eidetika" thanks LLP "Remos" for sponsorship in the publishing book.

    Methods for the development of memory, figurative thinking, imagination

    At the beginning of its activities (March 1988) we used only four methods for the development of memory: "revival", "regression", "consistent associations", "dynamic compliance". Since then, a great experience has been accumulated, which allows you to say that the "School of Eidetics" owns not only methods known for centuries, but also new born of our intense labor.

    Usually the authors of famous books on this topic describe their experience in the training of memory or quote others. We went to another expensive: Perennial experiments, on the one hand, allowed to find completely unexpected techniques of mnemonics, on the other hand, to identify ineffective techniques that walkers from the book in the book throughout the world. For example, in German and English editions, along with a universal reception, called in honor of the ancient Roman speaker, the "Digital Circus" method, which is not able to master any, even the most meticulous, student on our memory.

    Currently, in the "Eidetic School" there are 27 methods and numerous exercises to them. Experiments, competitions, reports of talented students and instructors allowed us to either open re-well-known techniques to improve memory improvements, or come up with new ones (for example, "modified modality", "graphical improvisation"). Sometimes methods rejected by other authors as not very effective, in fact proved very useful (as a "redundancy" method).

    These are these methods


    1. Logical patterns.

    2. Consecutive associations.

    3. Related Associations.

    4. Phonetic associations.

    5. Autobiographical Associations.

    6. Digital-letter code.

    7. Possing.

    8. Rational repetition.eidotechnika

    9. Revitalization.

    10. Entrance.

    11. Transformation.

    12. Fashion hooks.

    13. Fashionable thinking.

    14. Sobs.

    15. Graphic improvisation.

    16. Remaining.

    17. Regression.

    18. redundancy.

    19. Cicero method.

    20. Recalling.

    21. Changed modality.

    22. Dynamic matching.

    23. Imprinting.

    24. Combined methods.

    25. Forgetting.

    26. Photographic memory.

    27. Development of memory in a dream.

    Before the appearance of the book Luria A.R. "Little Book of Greater Memory" All Memory Strengtheys were called "mnemotechnics". Luria first introduced division into mnemonics (methods based on verbal-logical thinking) and Eidotechnic (from the word "Eidos", with Greek.- image; Methods based on specifically-shaped thinking). In this book, it gives an example of a phenomenal eidetic memory.

    Numerous experiments have shown that human memory reserves are associated with the development of Eidetic memory. Hence the name of our center - "School of Eidetics".

    In many foreign schools, they are taught as correct; remember. Our experience convinces that we know how to memorize, you need to learn not to memorize, but to reproduce. Here is one example, which we repeated hundreds of times on our lessons. Pupils of 9-15 years old at the first lesson were given to remember the large table of characters. Time for this was enough, from 3 to 5 minutes. When answering, they

    Played table by 40-60%. This is the average result. What do in the usual school teacher? Show the table until the students reproduce it completely. What do we do? We postpone her to the side - and we carry out our course. At the last lesson, ask students: "Please remember that the first table." And they remember it by 80-95%. What does it say about? The fact that the table was in the head, but they could not remember it. Developing imagination, making the work of his brain more plastic, students learned to be easily recumbent. And if the information is remembered immediately, so where does the repetition? The focus of the methodology should not be done on the ability to memorize, but on the ability to reproduce. In the many books it is learned to memorize. So, the experiment showed where to direct our research.

    And how to learn to play? It is necessary to see how this gifted people do, as the super-supporting in hypnosis (hypermnesia) occurs, as this phenomenon is manifested during stress (there are cases of super-permium during the war). About the gifted mnemonic is well described in the book of Luria. The hero of his book for 30 years of observation did not have any memory boundaries.

    And in hypnosis, a person can remember long forgotten names, events read books. We give some interesting cases confirming this. A lawyer who lost a contract turned to us for help. It contains the money amount that he had to pay. During the hypnosis session, he saw a contract in front of him and remembered the necessary amount. However, paid a contract with some doubts. After a few months, the contract was found. To his surprise, the amount coincided. Similarly, there were missing keys hidden by jewels, remembered the signs of criminals.

    Canadian neurophysiologist Penfield was implanted during operations in the brain of patients electrodes. During the electrical stimulation, they unusually brightly remembered their childhood. Visions were so realistic that the patients seemed to not remember, and again were there. And they did not want to go back.

    And examples of gifted people, and hypnosis, and operations, and

    Stresses and diseases talk about one thing: ultra-permissions are always accompanied by bright images. It follows from this that the reserves of our memory are associated with the activation of the right hemisphere responsible for the specifically-shaped thinking.

    Among the six prizes of international competitions between memory development centers (Moscow, 1988; Riga, 1989) there was not a single one who would use the methods of logical memorization. All were Eidetics.

    Many methods were born at competitions. When examining the champions of the competition, it turned out that they remember not as we were taught. They changed the methods depending on the situation. So, for example, the method of "modified modalities" was born.

    Many methods are easier to use than to explain. Using the example of geometric shapes and other material, we will show how students change the storage tactics, unprepared from one mnemotechnical reception to another - the separation of methods is conditionally and often used to combine methods. But for greater clarity, their artificial separation and opposition are justified.

    1. Logical patterns.

    When memorizing the sequence of geometric shapes - circle, Rectangle, Square, Triangleetc. - the disciples argue about this: the movement in a circle is a symbol of eternity, perfection; The rectangle resembles a gate and may be a heat symbol of a homemade spotlight; Square - a symbol of stability, reliability; The triangle is a symbol of gesturing, will, progress. Such associations help then recall the source figures.

    When memorizing the phone 236-44-10 reflections can be such: 2 Multiply to 3 - it turns out 6. Four is the fourth digit among the number. Ten is obtained by adding two fours to the first digit. This method is very suitable for mental type, with a weakly developed imagination.

    The lack of a method is in a large mental voltage and the ability to escape parts that do not fit into logical structures.

    2. Consecutive associations.

    On the example of the list of words, you can see how easy it is to remember not only the words themselves, but also their order. The essence of the method is that the words themselves are not remembered, and the associations that are invented to them. And the memorization itself, as it were, no - there is creativity. Pupils come up with a story, which in itself can be interesting. This is an involuntary memorization, along the way.

    For example, you need to remember the following words:

    Komar, Saber, Cat, Straw, Pants, Blossom, Bear,

    Cherry, Palace, Piano. This is how one of our students memorizes:

    I see how a mosquito flies with a saber on the side. The saber handle is made in the form of a feline head. Cat mustache as straw. From straw can weave trousers on which blots. This blots look like a bear. He probably loves a cherry and made a palace from his bones. Inside the palace I see piano.

    3. Related Associations.

    At the same time, the methods are used by words that were remembered earlier. It gives savings time and strength. For example, you need to remember the words: ball,table, bonfire, etc. I use words that I remembered earlier: Mosquito, saber, cat ... With these words I associate new ones, and it turns out: the mosser is sitting on the ball, a saber is stuck in the table, and the cat is emasculated by Sazhai. To use this method, you should always have ready-made words-associations in stock. The lack of a method - he limits the improvisation to creative parts, because in advance the planned associations associate our fantasy by hand and legs.

    4. Phonetic associations.

    This method is well used when memorizing foreign words and phones. The essence of the method is in the successful selection of consonant associations to a foreign word. For example, Latin word

    musculus.(Musclus) - Mouse. The consonant Russian word muscles. You can imagine a picture from the consonant word Muskup and the translation of a mouse.

    Carota (Karota) - Carrot. Inappropriate to him the word coach. Plot in the picture.

    You can come up with one thing, but several consonant words. For example: Caseus (Casyus) - cheese, consonant words with killing pretty. Plot in the picture.

    In this way, you can memorize the words of any language, any complexity. Of course, it is not for all the words you can find the ideal consonance. But, despite this disadvantage, students who mastered the method remember to 100 foreign words per day without cramp. The description of this method appeared in the scientific literature in the 70s, however, today philologists do not know about it.

    The biggest disadvantage of this method is possible errors in pronunciation. But with a certain practice and with a good teacher, these disadvantages disappear.

    This method has established itself well when memorizing foreign surnames, which are often difficult to be perceived by rumor. When you assimilate the method, you will be pleasantly surprised by your friends, Jac as you can easily remember everyone who came to visit or participates in the presentation, or came to a business meeting.

    The method of phonetic associations can also be used when memorizing phones. But for trim efficiency, we learn to combine methods - everything is always mixed in life. Here is an example of memorizing the phone using the methods of phonetic and consecutive associations. Consecutive associations in this example help to associate such consonants to numbers into a single plot.

    For example, you need to remember the phone 976-45-21. Each digit can choose a word similar to sound.

    9 (nine) - Girl 7 (seven) - Family 6 (six) -

    4 (four) -Charepach

    5 (five) - Put 2 (two) -dvor

    1 (one) - Lonely

    Now from consonant words you have to come up with a story. An example of our student:

    The girl was from a good family. She loved to walk in a woolen sweater, with a turtle, who was fivefolded in the yard and felt lonely.

    5. Autobiographical Associations.Unlike associations born by our fantasy, this method uses associations with actually experienced events. For example, you need to remember the English word puddle(Padl) - a puddle. The consonant word fell. I remember how in childhood during the game the ball fell several times in the puddle.

    When memorizing the phone 396-27-50 i use the Association: 39 - the beginning of the Second World War; 62 - year of my birth; 750 - I remember how at the age of 7 also got under the rain; Then I ran a barefoot on the puddles, presenting that I am a car - 5; From under the legs, the splashes were flying - if the historical associations were flying, the dates of interesting events of the life of friends and relatives, they are quite enough to successfully apply this method. 6. Digital-letter code.This is the most common and most inefficient method. It is described in all solid memory development books. Its essence is as follows: It is necessary to recode the numbers in the letters, the letters in words, words in the sentences, suggestions in the story. For example, 1 is "a"; 2 is "e"; 3 - "and". Now from these letters invent the words in which they are primary: Watermelon, Yozh, game. Now, to remember the phone number starting with numbers 231 ..., it is enough to present a picture like a hedgehog plays watermelon ...

    The complexity of transcoding, holding words to all numbers (units, dozens, hundreds) in the head already needs good memory, perfection, will. There are many modifications of this method. If one or two lessons takes place for the assimilation, for example, the transformation method is required, then this requires at least ten. Children from the threshold reject such methods. Only a few adults choose this method and master it. 7. Possing.

    The point method is called on the initial spell of words: orientation, reading, review, main thing. Foreign psychologists, conducting an experiment, offered to students to remember the text using the point method using the following sequence: initial

    orientation in the text, with the aim of understanding the main thought; Then careful repeated reading, with the release of repeated parts; then overview text, with in-depth understanding (whether the text is properly divided into main and secondary thoughts); And finally, mental retelling of the text, with highlighting the main thing Thoughts.

    We, in turn, were convinced of the ineffectiveness of this method on the example of the process of memorizing record holders of our center. Nika Kasumova remembers 200 pages on the first reading, without repetition; Such students like

    It does not use the point of the point. To clarify the effective techniques for the work of human intelligence, it is necessary to take people on the verge of human capabilities, and simulate stressful situations that contribute to the implementation of our reserves. In the experiments conducted by our Center, it turned out that the "revitalization", "redundancy", "entry", "remoteness", "entry", "disgrace" are effective methods of memorizing text. The point is not even approaching effectiveness to them, and use it, it's like learning a sprinter to quickly run on the basis of research Biomechanics running a turtle. 8. Repetition.

    It is considered an axiom that "repetition is the mother of teachings." We have already described the experiment in which this provision was not confirmed. So it can be said that "the repetition is not a mother, but a stepmother of teachings." We are from nature and must remember without cramp. And to put a repetition as the main memory method nonpustimately. He leads us to a dead end. There are even pseudo-scientific studies in which beautiful graphics drawn, proving that the longer periods need to be remembered, the more you need to repeat. As if there are no examples that refute this postulate. Research Eidutikov has shown that people with well-developed visualization abilities and have passed special training, can recall the literally any day of their lives. So, Marina Skuratova (17 years old), Galina Logvinova (24 years old) in 1992, during the experiment, recalled 10 years of his life, describing her year after year, month after month, day after day. There was no limit to the surprise of their parents. At the same time, they did not specify the goal (many years ago) remember all these days. Under certain conditions (stress, pharmacology, hypnosis, illness, electric brain stimulation, stubborn training), this can do not only Eidetics or Somnambula (people easily immersed in deep hypnosis), but also people who do not have such abilities. Repeat can be used as a twig for a sinking, as the last argument, when nothing helps, but not the main methodological technique, which keeps the entire memory training system. Does the artist demonstrating his memory on stage, time

    To repeat those words, numbers or other information dictated from the hall? We first we take routine training methods in children in kindergartens and schools what nature gave them, then we investigate what happened or left, and then I betray it for the scientific truth and impose a society as a norm. At the same time, we prefer not to notice how extraordinary children and teachers resist this. 9. Revitalization.This method is well developing fantasy and figurative thinking. Experiments are shown: the brighter representation, the easier the delayed remember. So, Nika Kasumova remembered a list of 300 words in three years. Moreover, it was able to reproduce it in direct and reverse order. Over the years, she did not have to repeat the words never. For convenience, we introduced a scale of images, similar to the one that suggested the German psychologist E.yensh in the 1930s. Yensh, as is known, is the founder of the teachings about Eidetism, arguing that Eidetism is the regular stage of child development and that the peak of the development of imagination falls for 11-16 years. On the example of geometric figures, you can see how memorizing tactics change when using this method. It tells the student of 11 years: "When I look at the circle, he turns into a boy's head. The boy looks somewhere and pulled the neck - this is a rectangle. Further I see my shoulders - this is a square. Smile is a triangle. Frozen figures with revival turns In a smiling boy.

    In the book "Memorizing Persons and Names" we applied this method to memorize a large number of names. The presentation of pictures drawn by the artist makes memorizing involuntary and does not require multiple repetition.

    Rodion - Bogatyr Timur - Keeper

    I need to remember the time of the reign of Ivan Grozny (1533-1582). I imagine what items are similar. 1- You can lower, since I will not confuse the millennium. One of the achievements of the king is the creation of the first typography in Moscow, so I present 5 typographic press, 33 - pages of a book under the press press.

    Other events of this terrible time are mass repressions. Therefore, I have 8 - executioner, 2 - man on his knees. Remembering the picture, I easily then remember the dates.

    Imagine several pictures illustrating historical dates, and you will not need to painfully remember these dates. And if these pictures do not draw an artist, but the imagination of students, the effect will be double. This method will well serve you in school lessons.

    10. Entrance.

    The very name of the method suggests the action - enter inside the image represented, the story, the film. For example, when memorizing an English word tear(TIER) -Clese: You imagine yourself in a dash, hear shots, keep a gun; At the same time, you did not notice how the room was disappeared in which you were sitting, the table, this book, picture.

    In this example, the method of "entry" is well completed by the method of "phonetic associations". This method allows you to fight with scattering, distraction for extraneous stimuli. "Entry is easily absorbed by children with developed imagination. Adults have to master this method through meditation, autotraining.

    On the example of geometric figures, you can see how the tactics of the presentation of students are distinguished when "revitalizing" and the method of "entry".

    An example of our student:

    Press the elevator button. Doors open - and I

    I am surprised at the large mirror in it. Glass elevator

    Skinny slides down. In the first case, the picture just comes to life before the eyes, and in the second, in the "entry" method, the student feels a member of the event, it is more complicated, but the effect will be stronger. After all, we know what happens to us is not forgotten. Psychologists today, one in the opinion that the long-term memory is eternal, every day has been stored in us, and if it is not always possible to remember the desired, it only proves how firmly all this is protected by our inner guard.

    11. Transformation.

    This method is used in the case when it is necessary to transform the image you represent: black and white to turn into color, flat - in bulk, small - in Big I.T. The method helps well when memorizing hieroglyphs. Pupils who mastered this method will no longer discharge foreign words on the cards, carry them into the subway and constantly repeat. It is enough once in your imagination to transform the hieroglyph so that he is remembered for life. An example of our student:

    Mountain - I present a picture: Three vertices of the mountain appear. I feel pleasant freshness.

    2 Zack. 57582.

    On the example of geometric shapes, the strategy of representation is changing.

    Can be seen like a bike wheel

    Turns and breaks, driving onto a stone.

    The transformation method can be used to memorize individuals. Here is an example taken from our book "Memorizing Persons and Names". An example of our student:

    In front of me a photo of a person with big ears. I imagine them outstanding even more. It turns out ridiculous and well remembered. Artists are called to make a cartoon, caricature, that is, to beat the features of the person, the character of a person, to exaggerate something that. That is to be understood.

    Fantasy students do not know borders. This is how they use this method when memorizing numbers. In this case, the figure of an athlete is transformed.

    12. Fashion hooks.

    This method can be applied when memorizing numbers. Figures can be similar to various items. For example, Troika resembles a sea wave, curved onions, mustache. The top five is similar to the ship, snake, Kangaroo. So on each digit are created for several pictures. And when you need to recall the numbers, you are remembered, in fact, pictures. Pictures perform the role of hooks on the hanger of our memory. We just have to hang, and then remove the information you need.

    Below are pictures-hooks to numbers. In the picture may be not alone, but a few numbers. For example, 651 you can remember using a hook clip art where 6 -

    Bag, 5 - number of bags, 1 - farmer. The following are examples of figurative hooks to three-digit numbers.

    We used this method when preparing for the competition for memorizing a deck of cards. With the help of it, Vika Rybnikova (15 years old) remembers two decks of cards in 20 minutes.

    13. Fashionable thinking.

    Sometimes students see a whole plot. Memorable icons, words or numbers are transformed into active heroes on the screen. And this can occur instantly. It is important to note that with the method of the image is primed, and the logical understanding is secondary. Usually, they advise on the contrary: to come up with an association to memorized information and then visualize it, i.e. Imagine as much as possible - for better fixation in memory. When teaching this method, it is necessary to do this: to put the task and wait, when its decision comes not by consistent reasoning, but instantly; The decision will break through, noted the usual logic customs in our head, breaks in the form of a finished picture. And understanding the picture, perhaps, will confirm how

    Interestingly and unexpectedly solving the problem - and that we are talented.

    This method is closest to creative thinking. It can work in the day and night when decisions come in a dream.

    Here's how geometric shapes on Efane are seen: Dolphin juggles the ball, splashes from the pool; Dolphin is awarded by fish.

    When memorizing the numbers by this method, the student immediately sees the finished picture. For example, the number 781. The child first represents the plot, and only then spreads it. Seven - is broken BRANCH.Eight - Elderly FEMALE,and unit - ROPE.

    It is always fundamental to the fact that the visual image is born immediately, and only then realizes that it contains. Here is an example of the application of the method when remembering the phones: 155-09-22 - Phone Reference Aeroflot.

    1 is a plane that is suitable for landing;

    55 is a chassis,

    Who produces an aircraft;

    0 - a circle that makes a plane while entering for landing; 9 - The plane suddenly swears up and makes a dead loop, because on the runway two goose.

    Today they talk a lot about the ecology of nature and the ecology of the Spirit. The method of thinking by images will probably be the most environmentally friendly in all systems of development of intelligence. Because the method is closer to creative thinking than to artificial mnemotechnical construction.

    14. Sobs.

    Method of complaints allows you to strengthen your views. It is known that the musicians have "color hearing", they see the color of music. Scriabin composers, Churlenis have such abilities. There are consumers and in a dream. For example, you have a dream of raining, and you hear how the drops are knocking on the glass, feel the smell of a dust of dust on the road and how wet clothes stick to the body. You can even feel the tension of the muscles. All this is called complications. They may be complete if they appear simultaneously, or incomplete, as in the case of "color hearing". Often, students ask: "How to develop the power of images?" From our experience it follows that the best way to do with the development of complisions. The ability to call and eliminate them at your request gives power over the world of images.

    An example of the journalist Sherchezhevsky, easily stating the words of any unfamiliar language to him. He turned his words in complimentary and felt roughness, taste, color, smell, the sound of the image represented. Issonenko Tanya at the age of 16 with this method remembered 70 digits. She dictated the numbers, and she sat with her eyes closed and represented them with cut on the glass. When she answered, he mentally spent his fingers over the glass and recalled the numbers. This method is present in all our books, but most of all in the "tactile memory" and "olfactory memory".

    15. Graphic improvisation.

    Children, starting to draw, often do not know which drawing will be as a result. This is improvisation. It is unpredictable every time and therefore is always interesting. The use of the method can be seen on the example of memorizing the phone of the joint-stock bank "Business Russia" - 299-02-43. This is how the improvises our student: "I represent a solid, smart banker and start drawing his face. It is more convenient for me to take the phone numbers from the end.

    3 is forehead, ear, 4 - nose, 2 - smile, 0 - Pensne, it gives solidity,

    99 - This is, of course, eyes, 2 -this chin. Banker is ready, his face is his phone number. "

    In the book "School of Eidetika" (Volume 2) there is an exercise, where you need to remember a variety of stools. The exercise was based on experiments with memorization of abstract symbols. During their holding, they best coped with the task of the students who could draw these characters to recognizable items. Moreover, some students painted right in the air, in front of them, using an imaginary, not a real pencil. Here are the resources of our memory and imagination.

    An example of our student:

    I take a pencil and trying the symbol so that it turns into a recognizable item. For example, the incomprehensible "zaguninka" turns into a nose or cat, or in a fishing hook. From the second "Zagunki" I made a key, the mouth of fantastic monsters, jumping.

    16. Remaining.

    Remaining, the ability to see yourself from the side is often present in children in games, in communication. In adults, this ability is less pronounced and manifests itself, except in stressful situations. For example, a child goes to sleds from the mountain, falls, crying. Human resentment, pain overwhelms him, and he begins to see himself from the side, as it stands on a mountain, adults calm him and wipe the tears with a frozen handkerchief. He calms down. As shown by experiments and watching children at school, with this

    The phenomenon associated not only reserves of attention, memory, but also mental health. The ability to see himself from the side during the changed state of consciousness is present in all psychotechnics (ancient and modern) in many nations.

    Oddly enough, the retaining sometimes increases the concentration of attention. We give a student to make several things at the same time. For example, he draws a circle one hand, another triangle, and at the same time it is dictated to memorize 10-15 words. After a few attempts, it begins to correctly perform the task, and the circles and triangles begin to be paid better (with simultaneous drawing with two hands, as a rule, the circle is similar to a triangle, and the triangle has round corners). What should interfere with suddenly begins to help. But this paradox occurs only when the student dismisses the task. Exercises for this method are given in the book "How to develop attention and memory of your child."

    It is difficult to describe this phenomenon, it is easier to recall your own examples of removal when yourself, your own problems, you watched the whole world from the side. We came to the conclusion that some students you can not prohibit in the lesson to chat with my legs, draw the boats, talk about ourselves and it will not affect their academic performance, even on the contrary. Their appearance will show that attention is scattered, look wanders or does not express anything that their consciousness is not present in the lesson. However ask them, and they will repeat not only the topic

    The lesson, but also what happened at the next desk, which happened outside the window and that did not have time to say the teacher. The attention of such students volumes. Find them in your class and use our exercises. But, in no case, do not force them to sit comfortably, keep your hands on the desk, both in handcuffs, and look right in the mother of the teacher. This disciples from nature given another type of attention. Use it, not reap them. Moreover, the reserves of the work of our intelligence are connected with this phenomenon and many systems of psychocorrection are built on it.

    17. Regression.

    Regression method (from lat. regressus. - the inverse movement) differs from the method of autobiographical memory. With autobiographical memory, we use the events well known to us who happened to us, with friends, with the state. We only touch these events without going into details without experiencing them emotionally. As if we turn the calendar. They should be meaningful to us or for history. Otherwise, we would not fix them in memory. With regression, we need new, previously not recalled events. We are looking for treasure, not knowing what they say. With regression, we can recall the inheritance trifle, but it can become an island on which we want to stay and survive a new time with lost time. These meetings are always emotionally painted. We do not broaden the calendar of our life, but we go on the planet of our childhood and we meet face to face with life, suspiciously familiar to us. Regression status can be so deep that an adult feels like a child and demonstrates forms of children's thinking. When he feels a three-year-old, and he is asked: "What is your mother?" He answers: "Mom!" "Say, clouds are alive, trees are alive?" He answers: "Living clouds, they move, trees - not alive!" An adult man on the first question always calls the name of the mother, the second question is responsible exactly opposite. So, with this method, we do not just remember childhood, and again we are experiencing it, as in reality, and sometimes brighter. If I ask a person who does not own this method that he did 5 years ago, on this day, in three

    In the day? He probably will not answer. A student who owns regression will describe this day for an hour per hour. Although I never remembered him before. This ability to reproduce age earlier than 3-4 years has been little studied. But it is the key to the rays of memory secrets. Why, some people possess bright images and easily fall into regression and can even remember the head of the mother's mother, when she was still in the womb, while others - the thought type, can not see how to appear, and they are pleased with the memories of photographs, according to grandmothers, on pushing associations. And only stress, meditation, hypnosis open to you the lost world, who once had such power over you. Who guards the door to the lost world, and do we need there?

    When mastering this method, it is advisable to use calm music, and the ability to carry out relaxation. As soon as the disciple can remember himself at 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and even in one or two years, while recalling new events, and not previously known, he mastered the regression, and with it, and their memory reserves. We have already spoke at first, it is harder to learn to remember, not remember. 18. redundancy.

    The use of the redundancy method means to attract and use more information than in the source material. For example, you need to remember the following text: "Loading, they descended to the river, and once the one walked in front, stumbled in the midst of a stone placer ... shoulders they pulled heavy bales, pulled by belts. Each rift. The second traveler slipped on Smooth boulder and almost fell ... "(J. London). Pupils are usually reproduced like this: "Two came to the river. They had backpacks and guns. One almost fell." When you need to remember literally, this retelling is not suitable. And here helps the redundancy method. You need to imagine more than there is in the above passage. Try to impose a plot in more detail, making an emphasis on secondary details, bring the action that may not be. To remember "descended," it is necessary to present this descent, delay attention on it, see it and in front, and from above, maybe even somehow unusual, for example, descend sideways, going through fast legs. And the bale almost unleashed me, and I tighten on

    The move is his belt, and the gun bothers me, I will force him to keep it under the arm. Before slipping, I see transparent water, slippery stones covered with moss, I hear the water splash. I see and feel the same, and maybe a little more than what the writer wanted. The introduced images help me more precisely remember the details literally, and not in your own words, retell the text. Interestingly, in the future, with the assimilation of this method, they cease to use, the skill collapses, the text seems to be remembered by itself.

    Earlier, we have already said that some studies deny the usefulness of the redundancy method. So, when memorizing a list of words - a horse, fence, desert, a drop, heaven, etc. - students represent concise, banal associations. In a group of 10-20 people, about 2/3, the story will look like: they imagine that the horse stands before the fence in the desert and waits for the rain from the sky. Is it worth out of this to conclude that people prefer to apply stereotypical to memorize, lighted from frequent

    Eating images? If in kindergarten and at school they would be taught differently, they would remember the same way? Judge us, again, example of gifted people. At competitions (Riga, 1989), we were polled all who achieved a good result, as they remembered words. The task was quite complicated. It was necessary to remember 70 words that dictated at the pace "one word per second". For an unprepared person, even with a good memory, this is an impossible task. The most interesting thing is that no one has a story again! Despite the shortage of time, they managed to improvise, use fancy images, unusual turns of the plot. LAKONISM and rationality there was no and in risen! Everyone managed to imagine a bright, detailed plot, sometimes part of the plot, but always at an unexpected angle of view, with unusual details. So, one girl saw a horse drawn on the fence in the desert; The drop fell from the sky and washed away the image ... Another student saw a walking horse, on the back of which was swaying a fence. The horse walked around the desert and dreamed that at least one drop would fall from the sky (on the fear of the fence), and then, finally, he would fall from her back.

    Expand the borders of fantasy, improve the results, to get away from the usual ideas imposed by the mass culture, be able to see, feel more than it actually is - all this allows you to use redundancy method. It can only interfere with the logical memorization. With a figurative, it makes our idea only more detailed, and we have a space for creativity and inspiration. This is a method of future "ecological" pedagogy. 19. Cicero method.

    This method came to us from ancient Greece. The poet Simonide trained his memory like this: what had to be remembered, he could have a room in a well-known room. Then it was enough to remember the room to pop up the desired information. In some books, this method is attributed to the Roman policies and the speaker Cicero, who became famous for the fact that during his speeches

    The Senate easily reproduced the names, historical dates, quotes. When preparing for a performance, he packed at his house and mentally signed part of his speech at various angles of the room. Cicero adopted this method at Simonide. And it would be fair to call it the "Simonid method". An example of our student: - I was dictated by the phone "School of Eidetic" - 494-22-90.

    I decided to remember it by Simonida. I presented that 4 - Chair, 9 - Teacher, 4 - Chair, 22 - two two, 90 - after these lessons, they have a good memory in 90 years.

    20. Recalling.

    Practice shows that you need to train accuracy and playback speed. Specialists have an opinion that the problem is remembered that it was badly perceived. From here it follows that it is necessary to learn to perceive information correctly, it is critical to comprehend it, it is rational to repeat. And then, recalling the main idea, all content can be restored. However, these tips are good only for intellectual information. And what to do, when you can't remember the name of a person or remember the name, but you can not remember the phone, the street, the house (although I knew well before that moment)? Every suddenly flies out of memory and you can't focus. In these cases, it is advised to "strain the attention", "look for encouraging signs", "look for a similar area of \u200b\u200bknowledge." But whether these advice will help the lawyer who lost a contract, the hostess who has hiddening unknown to where money, the victim, who is not overfeeding the commemoration of the criminal, a student on the exam, who forgotten the cheat sheet at home?

    We were able to help a lawyer, "he saw a contract before his eyes and remembered the amount he had to pay, the hostess would remember the place where the money was entitled to remember the signs, a student to see the textbook before his eyes and pass the exam. But in all these cases they did the opposite of the advice of psychologists, about which we just mentioned. They did not strain the memory and associative thinking, but on the contrary, they tried to fully relax, to forget about their problems, immerse yourself in a slight dormant and wait for spontaneous images when the threshold of perception decreases when consciousness ceases to strictly control the work of our intelligence. Then, from under consciousness, the first hints will emerge, glimpses of the information we need. Imagine such a picture: In the office of the investigator, the victim says: "Try to remember the signs of criminals, tense, remember the details. Well! This is very important!" He wants, but it does not work. And the stronger wants the worse the result. Prevents the effect of intent! And we do the opposite: - turn on a pleasant, calm music, we offer conveniently relaxing in the chair and forget about

    Everyone in the world for a few minutes. Our consciousness, like the surface of the lake, calms down and on its surface it is easy to distinguish even a smile reflections forgotten. If the hostess, hiding at home, tried to feverishly remember where she could hide them, tried to restore his thoughts, then at our approach, it should abandon the logical calculation of possible options and simply go into calm, to serenely swaying on the surface of the lake and dismissed That ill-fated day, like a film on the screen, minute a minute, frame behind the scenes.

    So, effective remember is the right choice of strategy: to strain or relax, speculatively sort out various options or surrender to contemplation and wait for the desired information from the depths of our subconscious. Experience speaks for the last. One of the ways of remembering with burning in the flame of candles pictures and forgetting what needs to be remembered, you will find below in the description of the forgetting method.

    21. Changed modality.

    The essence of the method is that the information coming over one channel of perception is realized and fixed differently. The following examples will explain this definition. At the competition, they gave to memorize words at the pace "One word per second". In some participants in the competition, this phenomenon was observed: they no longer heard the words that dictated during the task, but at the same time they continued to see words images on the inner screen. They dictated the word Christmas tree, boots, paint ..., but they did not hear them as a sound, but saw a picture in front of them: the boot was hanging on the Christmas tree, the paint was hanging ... that is, as a hearing stimulus, the information was not realized. She recoded in visual modality, and has already been realized and remembered as a video order. We paid attention to this phenomenon and complicated the execution. The words began to dictate even faster - 0.2-0.5 seconds between the words (almost complete fusion of words pronunciation) was achieved). Disciples did not hear words or heard uncookedly like an uneven sound background, but they were seen

    Changing plot. We still complicated the task - began to dictate 2 words at the same time. This happened: on the team, two experiments simultaneously pronounce according to the word - this is usually simple noun types of street, board, glasses, fur coats ... After that, students asked to reproduce the words in the same order. When answering, they were not called words, but images: on the dirty street walk on the boards; The glasses hung on the fur coat ... The effect was the same. Words like sound are indistinguishable, and the visual image made it possible to remember 5-7 pairs of words, keeping their sequence. The unusual task is that students who did not master the modalized modalities could not remember the words in this experiment. Trying to hear one word, they were confused and shot down in the following. And when dictation, the second pair of words, they, as a rule, refused to further memorize.

    The same thing happens when the teachers remember the plank with different roughness (tactile memory).

    In January 1989, preparing for competitions in Moscow, Kirillova Anya (14 years old) remembered 10 militants in 6.4 seconds. The plank was with different roughness (from sandpaper to wax). She remembered their fingers, serving, blindfolded. If you usually leave a minute and more, then a minute and more, then this time her hands were moving rapidly,

    At the same time from both sides to the center, rushing on the skulls "in one breath." It seemed that it was impossible to feel and recognize them at such a speed. After the plank was moved into a bunch and stirred, Anya laid them out in the same order. Her "Professionalism" revealed something new to us: at the time of remembrance, she did not record attention on the feelings in the fingers, did not "know" that they touched them. His hands flew on the tables, the visual images arose instantly, flashering from the touch, the consciousness "was bought in the images", forgetting the rest. Later, experiments with hypnosis confirmed that this phenomenon was observed not only in gifted students or in trained professionals, but can be modeled in hypnosis and from an ordinary, not trained person (if only he was immersed in hypnosis).

    As you can see, this method was born in practice, at competitions. This phenomenon is almost impossible

    Consider at the usual lesson or standard experiment - poll. Therefore, he does not occur in the literature on psychology and pedagogy of memory. But, as we see, it is directly related to the reserves of memory and perception, and not to use it anyway, which is not to refuse a mechanical high-speed running track when training at athletes.

    Here is one of the exercises to this method. During the deep relaxation, the instructor includes music and inspires to the disciples that they descend into the abyss: the music is barely coming to them, then completely disappears, but at the same time they continue to see the color of music. At the first attempts, as a rule, there is a "floating effect." Music is heard, it disappears. The desire does not hear can cause the opposite effect, a simple effort of will do nothing here, only the relaxation depth, the altered state of consciousness is your real assistant. Well, of course, the best exercise is a competition in a lesson, with a decrease in the time of presentation of information. Almost everyone who did not have to hear "not hear", the brightness of the images in the visual modality was noted.

    22. Dynamic matching.

    This method came from the sport of higher achievements. The author of these lines was working for a professional coach for five years and had the opportunity to make effectiveness and the widespread applicability of this method. The method of the method suggests that the exercises used to train individual physical qualities of an athlete must correspond to the dynamics of this sport or exceed its complexity. For example, spear throws in training speakers, and then facilitate. The effect of extraordinary speed appears - and the spear flies on. The runner on a special running track includes a speed exceeding the world record. It makes overcome the high-speed barrier. Creating artificially complex conditions, achieve a sports supernect. But the running technique should be maintained, and the perfect flight of a spear. That is, we must remain at a certain framework in order not to destroy that valuable, which is accumulated by many-life training. Therefore, training loads for strength, speed, speed must match or exceed the competitive traffic dynamics. All promising simulators are built on this. It is necessary to strive for this in the development of memory. And it may turn out that in the class, in ideal conditions, the memory is improved, but in the life where there are stress, interference, where at the same time they say and listen, worry and swear, make several things at the same time, where it can not enough time or not enough character And courage, you will not be able to show your skills. There are a lot of examples.

    We apply in lessons exercise of increased complexity. For example, when you remember 10 postcards laid out in a row on the table, we begin to shift them at the same time from two sides when memorizing. The look begins to run there and here, and the student can not cope with the task, although before that, under normal conditions (when the postcards did not shift), he remembered a much larger amount - 50-60 postcards. In the lessons we perform two or three cases at the same time. For example, the student remembers the words - and at the same time should still make a figurine from the wire. Or he dictates words in a very fast pace,

    Or the student remembers the numbers and at the same time recalls and answers the words that dictated earlier. At the end of the course, always arrange competitions in which we simulate the corresponding situations or more complex than in life. For example, memorizing the objects falling from the tablecloth.

    23. Imprinting.

    All specialists, without exception, talk about the importance of perception at memorization. But how to strengthen perception? Some advise: "more emotions!" - Others advise to apply sexy associations, third-helps the room before memorization, make more interruptions, or the most important information to be perceived in the morning, on a fresh head. These tips are as good as helpless. And, as a rule, nobody follows them. Interesting information, "beating around the nerves", is remembered itself. And with an uninteresting, as do not deactivate, the effect is small - internal resistance to overcome difficult. If so, it means that it is necessary to look for a solution to the problem not outside, but from the inside.

    In March 1987, such experiments were conducted in the center of Eidos. During the hypnosis session, students were given the following installation: "Imagine that you have just born. Now you will open your eyes and

    Look at the table. What lies on the table, you will see for the first time. These items will be unfamiliar to you ... "At the same time, the most trivial items spread the most trivial items on the table: pencils, notebooks, bubbles, books, tables for memorization, photos of classmates, etc. The experiment participated 15 people aged 14 to 16 years . Here's the report of Tanya, which was characteristic of everyone: -Open eye, I saw stranger items lying on the table. Felt at the same time, just born to the light and perceiving everything into the wonder. This effect of unrecognition lasted 20-30 seconds . Then these sensations disappeared, only surprise left. I especially want to note the extraordinary brightness of unrecognized items. I watched and could not understand, formulate that in front of me. When the items acquired a familiar shape, this supervision, the glow of objects disappeared. It is amazing how in

    one blue denim thread can be seen so many shades.

    It should be noted that this effect was present only in people who are well-part in the hypnotic state. Subsequently, he was repeated many times, but already without hypnosis, with the help of autotraining, relaxation, various forms of meditations. The effect of super-sufficiency is only a few tens of seconds, but this is quite enough to use it to increase the efficiency of our intelligence. If we come on to some reception, giving at least a few percent of the increase in efficiency in school, is already a find. It must be saved, you need to talk about it. This technique is well used when tired when the learning material is boring when a little time, and you already need to go to the school board when you get tired of the usual setting and want to look at everything in a new way.

    It should be noted that the "look in a new one" manages the artistic type of people - those who have a good, bright imagination from nature, or those who have mastered the techniques of autotraining or meditation well. In the mental type of people, this effect is harder and this method is not recommended.

    The lesson passes as follows. Prepared objects on the table. Pupils occupy comfortable poses in the chair. Pleasant, calm music is included, the teacher gives the formulas relaxation and on this background makes suspicion of superpatch. Children love more when they are allowed to install that they are aliens or scouts. In the end, it is emphasized that they will be able to use this technique themselves, without a teacher. Two or three classes are enough for the effect to manifest itself and his apprentices believed in his effectiveness.

    24. Combined methods.

    In life, almost always we use combined memorization methods. A little bit of one method, a little more. Yes, and the division itself to the methods conditionally. When the child is asked: "What is the most delicious candy?" - He recalls what kind of candy a eat yesterday and answers: "Chocolate!" Can we divide where he thought, where he represented, and where

    Remembered? These are different sides of the same process. From a methodological point of view, the artificial separation on numerous methods is justified. All world pedagogy is built on this. But when training, these methods must be connected again, combine. And the more successful students will learn how to do it, the better the result will be. A variety of combinations can be infinite. This makes our classes in interesting. Teachers and disciples have where to show their creative abilities. Here is an example of a lesson on the use of combining methods when memorizing a number of numbers.


    I break the number on the top three and invent the plot of the film to them.

    132 To fruits came from the forest: Hedgehog - 1, crow - 3, protein - 2. But people were hung with fruit.

    197 Sleepy shofer -1, a pilot with a lush chapeluro -9 and a bornemaker in a cap - 7 began to collect crumbling drawers with fruit.

    041 weather spoils, it rains - 0. I feel like

    Wet clothing sticks to the body. Everyone is hiding under

    Wooden car body - 4. The mechanic clinched behind the nail -1 and the jacket shook.

    750 I remember how at the age of 7 also got under the rain. Then I ran a barefoot on the puddles, presenting that I was a car - 5. From under the feet flew splashes - 0 ...

    I see this film as on the screen, and some episotes feel like in reality. If the plot turned out interesting and unexpected, it is then easily remembered. "

    25. Forgetting.

    Is it possible to forget the unpleasant events of your life for a minute, for an hour or for life? After all, when unpleasant experiences are accompanied by a long time accompanied by us, without vacationing during the day, when an excess of information over the exam overloads our active memory, making "porridge" from it, the work of our intelligence is violated. And in the end, we begin to complain about memory. No forgetfulness came when they were waiting, and when she wanted she herself, and not to get rid of her. And we are well forgotten, only no longer in your will. After a strong, such as automotive, accident man can forget a whole piece of life. In hypnosis, a person can be inspired for a few minutes that he does not remember his name, his relatives. And indeed, when the student wakes up, he does not recognize himself or his loved ones. After a session of deep hypnosis, spontaneous forgetting is also observed. A man with difficulty recalls what was during a session.

    But children are not like adults. When surveying schoolchildren 10-15 years old, it turned out that they sometimes successfully forget as by their wishes, as in "buying in order, in my opinion." Here is an example of Alice (13 years old): "Once I remembered the quarrel of parents of three years ago, and tears felt on the eyes." To forget this, she presented that she holds a sand skull in her hands. This situation is drawn on the sand. She shook a plank, sand stirred - and the image disappeared. The quarrel was forgotten, the mood improved.

    These and other examples of selective forgetting suggest that nature gave us the mechanisms for effective disposal of unwanted information, and the whole secret is just how to master them. Psychologists have long come to the conclusion that the bad news is forgotten not over time and not just like that. But how to train these abilities - I will find any answer. Our exercises to this method take into account experiments with hypnosis, for many years of experiments with talented students and numerous polls of children. Below is one of the councils how to forget, taken from the book "School of Eidetic. Volume 3."

    To work, you will need a candle, paper, saucer with water to put out the burning paper. Tear away the pieces of paper, place the candle flames and watch the burning, paper flammifies, folds, turns into ashes, crumbles. For some time, the burning paper stands before the eyes and then disappears. Do it in order to make it easier to present this process before your eyes during relaxation.

    Prepare a picture that I would like to forget. It can be written the name, date, event or just a neutral pattern. Sit comfortably, turn on pleasant music, make relaxation. When everything is disappeared around - random thoughts, a room, your body, when the extraordinary lightness and bright images will appear - tell me:

    I forget this picture, forget for a few minutes (or hours, or forever). She burns in a candle flame. I hear the crackling of the flame, I hear the smell, I see how the picture turns into the tube, it turns into ashes. I want to see

    i can not see the picture - and I can not see ash. I want to remember her - and I can not. I remember any other other than this. I forget everything stronger and stronger.

    All these words should be pronounced entirely. Otherwise later you will have a thought: "Maybe I deceive myself, I did not try to remember." The more accurate the forgetting period is set, the better the result. If you know how to carry out relaxation, if you have bright images and you see a candle, a flame, a burning picture, hear sounds and smells, then after a few classes you will master this method.

    See what are the options for the answers of students:

    1. Failed failed. Candle and picture could not be introduced.

    2. Presented a candle and picture - she caught fire. But when I tried to remember, the picture appeared again and even became more brighter. I saw new details.

    3. Everything was well represented , but when I tried to remember, another appeared instead of this picture. And while she stood before his eyes, she was not remembered.

    4. When trying to remember the picture appeared again. I burned it several times. In the end, a bun remained before his eyes. Half the picture did not want to burn.

    5. Everything burned out. If you wish, remember nothing.

    If you have turned out, as in paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5, we congratulate, forgetting you will be effective. Moreover, note that in the second case, the forgetting can be used for ultra-permium. Since the picture appears again and becomes more brighter, and prohibits new details, it means that we came across another way of remembering - burn and forget to remember better. If you have a result, as in paragraph 1, then you need to be exercised in visualization. Autotraining, meditations will help you with this.

    In the specified book you will find a lot of exercises to the forgetting method.

    26. Photographic memory.

    This is one of those methods and ways to memorize all people dream of. Looked - I.

    "Photographed." This method is well obtained by the Eiders who have bright images from nature. Eidik does not remember when responding, which was in the picture, and how would continue to see. If a student without bright images ask: "How many windows were there in the house or how many items lay on the table?" "He will answer:" I did not have time to count. " And Eidik will say: "I'll look now. So ... three windows, two spoons." He seems to continue to see the picture, as in the photo, in front of him. Of course, this photo is not always a clear. To do this, we enter the image scales. So that the student knew what to strive for. For example, a cat is shown on the slide.

    That is, some students represented the picture can come to life, leave the plane, they can feel the sounds, smells. In this case, we say that a smooth transition to other methods is happening -

    Revival, transformation, compliment.

    An interesting feature is shown by children with the ability to such a type of memory. If the slides show them one by one, then when you remember, they can see them immediately together, on one screen. But not more than 7-10 slides. At this ability, we built an exercise with the imposition of two pictures. Two pictures are shown. The student in his imagination must combine them. Moreover, the task is solved only if two pictures are really superimposed on the inner screen.

    You see how an athlete jumps through the bar. Answer the question: will the sportsman take height?

    Ideally, apparently, it is necessary to strive for such a result that Ira tells (15 years old): "On the exam, I pulled out a ticket for which I did not know the answer, since this topic did not have time to repeat. I already wanted to get up and leave, receiving a two . But suddenly, in front of me, "the abstract. I" looked "at him and rewritten the formula and suggestions. He saw so clearly that there was no difference between visible and real. I was always afraid of, no matter how it did not disappear before I I will rewrite everything. I put an excellent appraisal. Later I told my friends about it, but they did not believe, "they decided that I just came down geometry. Each schoolboy dreams of such a memory, but few people really own it - hence the disbelief." It is only necessary to add that you can not wait for stress to show the ability to this type of memory. You can use it purposefully through day a day, how to train your abilities musicians, athletes, artists.

    27. Development of memory in a dream.

    Night impressions occupy a great place in the life of the child and often overshadow his life, because they are brighter and unusual reality. Most of the heart's mental life takes place in dreams, fantasies, dreams. They often constitute the main content of children's memories.

    For the use of this method, which gave us nature and past the teachers and educators each day, followed by traditional approaches, pushed us, again, talented students. We conducted classes in a chess school. Petrosyan, and one student said that he has its own method of developing memory:

    I develop memory in a dream. For example, I need to remember the paragraph from the history textbook. I read it carefully once and then put under the pillow. If in a dream he will dream and I can run through the eyes of the page of the paragraph, then I am sure that tomorrow everything will answer everything correctly. "I asked the student:" And if the book does not dream? "-" This does not happen! "He answered.

    In subsequent experiments, it turned out that this seemed to be a lightweight advice, there are unexpected difficulties. And the most important of them: how to learn to wake up, continuing to sleep and read the pages we need. It turned out that as soon as you begin to see a dream, then you wake up, because too much "peering" in sleep. After all, you start analyzing the text, ask yourself questions. Or do too persistent effort to change or continue sleep. In any case, the volitional effort spoils everything. So, we found out that it is not necessary to do. What do you need? There is one small secret in managing dreams. This secret is dormant. This is the state of our brain that happens at the time of falling asleep or awakening. You don't seem to be sleeping yet, but already do not awake. Thoughts flow sluggishly, confused. You are gradually

    Immerse yourself in sleep. And in this corridor between reality and darkness it is necessary to stay, to stay in it longer. How to do it? How not to be immediately in the power of sleep? The first thing is to pretend that you forgot something in this corridor and are about to find. These something can be your desire to see your favorite cartoon or present the desire that has failed to fulfill the day. Cooking mentally for the desired, you are unnoticed in the kingdom of dreams and you begin to see what ordered before falling asleep. Exactly the same tactic should be at the time of awakening. There are instrumental memorization techniques in a dream. For example, you write down the text in a foreign language to the tape recorder and scroll it several times at night. This method we do not apply.

    Eidos - Greek "form",and Eidetism is a variation of shaped memory.

    A person who has Eidetic memory can memorize whole pages of the text, remember any day of their life and forget unnecessary, quickly study foreign languages.

    A visual, photographic, olfactory, tactile (tactile) memory develops. At the same time, 27 methods accumulated by humanity over the centuries are used, and new original methods for developing memory, figurative thinking, imagination.

    6 as a result of training, your memory will be at least half better, classes will help everyone to discover such abilities, the existence of which did not suspect.

    Work at the Eidetic School is carried out in the following areas:

    □ memory development for adults and children □ absentee training

    □ Preparation of teachers with the right to work on school methods □ Book edition

    And also the "School of Eidetic" conducts seminars:

    Ocan of psychoanalysis

    Ocan of children's psychology

    Oscare Catthane-Imaginal Psychotherapy

    Ocan of playing therapy

    Address: 123481, Moscow, ul. Fomicheva, 12, Cor.1, A / me 31 tel. 494-22-90 495-05-01Fax:494-03-90

    School Eidetica

    Preparation of teachers

    First course


    D History of Eidetism

    D Psychology and memory pathology

    D Mnemotechnics

    D Eidotechnika

    PPSihophysiology of memory and other higher

    Mental functions

    D Human memory reserves

    D Meditation

    D Psychocorrection

    D Internship

    D exam

    Classes at school begins with the 15th day of each month. Duration of classes 2 weeks (105 hours). Graduated school receive a diploma.

    School Eidetica

    Preparation of teachers

    Second course


    D New methods and exercises

    D Psychology

    D care care

    D Psychotraining in the pedagogical process

    D Exchange of experience

    ? "Imagination is more important than knowledge."Albert Einstein

    Teachers and specialists in the development of children's abilities are now recognizing that the processes of training and education should rely on the development of imagination at an early age. A child who feels or imagines the presence of unconditional love for himself and other grows actually invulnerable to the negative manifestations of external forces and, in the end, overcomes the tragic circle of cruelty, neglect, prejudice and ignorance, destroying the social structure of the nation.

    Thousands of children learned what millions should learn: there are no restrictions for people ... In addition to those that we choose, and the only goal that they cannot achieve, the one they cannot imagine.

    Michael Labros

    I met the program for the development of memory, figurative thinking, imagination in children developed by the Eidetic School. My own psychotherapeutic works are developing in detail the problems of Imagi nations and visual images. I am convinced that the use of eidetism in learning has a great future.

    Hanskarl Lein.

    "School of Eidetic" has existed from August 11, 1993 (from 1988 to 1993 as "Center Eidos"). Since 1995, a second course of training teachers for the development of memory, figurative thinking, imagination has been opened. Classes begin with 1 day of each month. Duration -1 week (50 hours).


    New methods and exercises

    New methods and exercises in the "Eidetic School", not included in the methodological manuals.

    Topic 2.


    General ideas about attention. Types of scattering and their characteristics. Criteria availability. Attention and consciousness. Education. Definitions and types of attention.


    Caring for memory

    Work with elderly people. Brain training in gerontology. Concentration of attention, removal of concern, visualization, combination.

    Topic 4.

    Psychotraining in pedagogical


    Slave drawing.

    Games and exercises of gestaltherapy in pedagogy. Individual consultations.

    Topic 5.


    Round table. Address:

    Moska, 123481.

    Ul. Fomicheva, 12,

    Building 1,

    "School of Eidetics"

    494-22-90 495-05-01 Fax: 494-03-90

    Training - practical

    Seminar by

    Catchy experience

    Images (KPO)

    (Introduction to the fundamentals of Catimnotic-Imaginal Psychotherapy) ? Catthane experience of images (emotionally determined experiencing images) - method of psychotherapy with the help of the experience of bright images of lanchafts, animals, items. The method is systemically developed by a German psychologist - psychotherapist Hanskarl Leiner. The theoretical basis of the method is the concept of psychoanalysis. Many common KPO has and with the teachings of K. G. Jung on the unconscious and developed method of "active imagination".

    The seminar introduces the history of the creation of the method. The structure of the psychotherapeutic CPO session is considered in detail. During the practical part, participants are divided into groups of 3 people, where everyone consistently acts as a psychotherapist, a patient and an observer, after which each time it follows the discussion of the results and a detailed analysis in the general group. During this seminar, the following standard CPO motifs are being worked out: meadow, stream, mountain, house, forest edge.The interpretation of the symbols of numbers and color is given.

    Seminar program D. History of KPO and method descriptionD. Theoretical foundations of KPOD. Psychoanalytic Personality Theory

    Oteria K. G. Jung on archetypes and collective unconscious

    D. Symbols of color and numbersD. Technique of experiencing imagesD. Symbolic meaning of images

    Basics of psychoanalysis

    Obukhov Yakov Leonidovich

    psychologist, psychotherapist, member of the Russian

    Psychoanalytic society

    The course is designed for 20 academic hours. Listeners get acquainted with the main ideas and concepts of classical psychoanalysis, receive an idea of \u200b\u200bmodern trends in psychoanalysis. Practical recommendations for teachers and parents are given.


    □ doctrine of the unconscious

    □ Nature and the structure of the unconscious

    □ Mechanisms unconscious

    Psychoanalytic theories of development and personality

    □ Instinct theory

    □ libido and aggressiveness

    □ "I", "it" and "super-i"

    □ Theory of structural and object relations

    □ Narcissism theory

    □ Teaching about the phases of children's development

    Oral phase

    Anal sadistic phase

    Phallic-edipal phase

    Latent phase

    Preoperative phase

    Phase Phase Genital Phase

    P complexes and fears

    Oedipus complex

    Fear and personality

    P Theory of transfer and counterperos

    □ dream theories and psychoanalytic symbolism

    N general neurosis theory and psychoanalytic disease doctrine

    Neurotic conflict


    Symptom formation

    Neurotic violations of character

    Neurosis of the transfer


    Psychosomatic diseases

    Disturbance "I"


    Pathological narcissism

    Mania and depression


    □ Psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic techniques

    Technique of classic psychoanalysis

    Interpretation of dreams

    Psychoanalytic primary survey and history

    □ Theoretical Basics of Child Psychoanalysis

    Value of dreams, fantasies and fairy tales in working with children and adolescents


    Scenic action

    Do not lose. Subscribe and get a link to the article on your mail.

    Wonder-logical (abstract) thinking and exercises for its development

    The verbal-logical thinking is characterized by the fact that a person who observing a certain picture is entirely extinguished from it only the most significant qualities, not paying attention to insignificant details, just complementing this picture. Typically, three forms of this thinking are distinguished:

    • Concept - when items are grouped on features;
    • Judgment - when any phenomenon or communication between objects are approved or denied;
    • Review - when concrete conclusions are made on the basis of several judgments.

    To develop verbal and logical thinking should be all, but it is especially useful to form it from an early age in children, because this is a great training of memory and attention, as well as fantasy. Here are what exercises you can use for yourself or your child:

    • Candle on the timer of 3 minutes, write during this time the maximum number of words beginning with the letters "w", "sh", "h" and "I".
    • Take a few simple phrases, for example, "what for breakfast?", "Went to the movies", "come to visit" and "Tomorrow is a new exam", and read them on the contrary.
    • There are several groups of words: "sad, cheerful, slow, cautious", "dog, cat, parrot, penguin", "Sergey, Anton, Kolya, Tsarev, Olga" and "Triangle, Square, Board, Oval". From each group, select those words that are not suitable in meaning.
    • Determine the differences between the ship and the plane, grass and flower, story and verse, elephant and rhino, still life and portrait.
    • A few more groups of words: "House - walls, foundation, windows, roof, wallpaper," War - weapons, soldiers, bullets, attack, map "," youth - growth, joy, choice, love, children "," road - Machines, pedestrians, movement, asphalt, pillars. " Choose one or two words from each group, without which the concept ("house", "war", etc.) could exist as such.

    These exercises, again, can be easily upgraded enough and modified, simplifying or complicating at its discretion. It is thanks to this that each of them can become an excellent way to train abstract thinking, both in adults and in children. By the way, any similar exercises, among other things, are well developed intelligence.

    Vite-effective thinking and exercises for its development

    Visibility-effective thinking can be described as a process of solving mental problems by converting the situation in real life. It is rightfully considered to be the first method of processing received information, and is very actively developing in children up to 7 years, when they begin to combine all sorts of objects to one whole, to conduct their analysis and operate them. And in adults, this type of thinking is expressed in identifying practical benefits among objects of the surrounding world, being the so-called manual intelligence. For the development of visual-effective thinking, the brain is responsible.

    An excellent way of learning and training here can be called the usual game of chess, compiling puzzles and, modeling all kinds of plasticine figures, but there are several effective exercises:

    • Take your pillow and try to determine its weight. Then also "weigh" your clothes. After that, try to install the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, kitchen, bathroom and other rooms of your apartment.
    • Draw on landscape sheets triangle, rhombus and a trapezium. Then take the scissors and turn all these figures into the square, cut once in a straight line.
    • Put in front of you on the table 5 matches and make 2 equal triangles of them. After that, take 7 matches and make up 2 triangles and 2 squares.
    • Buy a constructor in the store and make up different figures from it - not only those indicated in the instructions. It is recommended that the details are as much as possible - at least 40-50.

    As an effective addition to these exercises, chess and other you can use our excellent.

    Logical thinking and exercises for its development

    Logical thinking is the basis of human ability to think and reason consistently and without contradictions. It is necessary in most life situations: from ordinary dialogues and shopping to solve various tasks and development of intelligence. This type of thinking contributes to a successful search for substantiations of any phenomena, meaningful assessment of the surrounding world and judgments. The main task in this case is to obtain true knowledge about the subject of reflection with the basis for the analysis of its different aspects.

    Among the recommendations for the development of logical thinking, a solution of logical tasks can be distinguished (and this is also an excellent workout of memory and attention in children and in adults), passing tests for the intellect ratio, logical games, self-education, reading books (especially - detectives), and intuition training .

    As for concrete exercises, we advise you to take note of the following:

    • Of several sets of words, for example: "Chair, table, sofa, stool", "Circle, oval, ball,", "Fork, towel, spoon, knife", etc. You need to choose a word that is not suitable. Despite the simplicity, this is a very effective technology for the development of logical thinking, and such sets and exercises can be found in a huge amount on the Internet.
    • Collective exercise: Gather with friends or your whole family and share two teams. Let each team offer the opposite to unravel the semantic riddle, where the content of some text is transmitted. The essence is to determine. Here is a small example: "The church beloved in the farm an animal. He experienced strong warm feelings to him, however, despite this, a violent effect was over him, which caused his death. It happened for the reason that the animal made a non-disabilities - ate part of the food, for him not intended. " Reflecting logically, you can remember the children's song starting with the words: "Pop was a dog, he loved her ..."
    • Another group game: a member of one team makes any action, and the participant of the other must find its cause, and then the cause of the cause, and so until all the motives of the first participant have been clarified.

    Repeat that these exercises (in particular - the last two) are excellent ways to develop logical thinking and intelligence suitable to people of all ages.

    Creative thinking and exercises for its development

    Creative thinking is called such a kind of thinking that allows you to uniquely systematize and analyze the usual information. In addition to the fact that it contributes to an extraordinary solution of typical tasks, questions and problems, it also increases the effectiveness of the assimilation by the person of new knowledge. Applying creative thinking, people can view objects and phenomena from different sides, awaken the desire to create something new - what was not before (this is the understanding of creativity in his classical sense), develop the ability to other tasks to others and find a lot Interesting options for performing work and exits from life situations.

    Methods for the development of creative thinking are based on the idea that a person in his life implements only a small percentage of its potential, and its task is to find opportunities to enhance unsupened resources. The technology of creativity development is based primarily on several recommendations:

    • It is necessary to improvise and always look for new ways to resolve everyday tasks;
    • No need to focus on the established framework and rules;
    • It is necessary to expand the horizons and constantly recognize something new;
    • You need to travel as much as possible, opening new places and get acquainted with new people;
    • It is necessary to make learning new skills and skills with their habit;
    • You need to try to do anything better than others.

    But, of course, there are certain exercises for the development of creative thinking (by the way, we advise you to familiarize yourself with our courses on the development of creative thinking and thinking at all - you will find them and).

    And now let's talk about the exercises:

    • Take a few concepts, for example, "youth", "man", "coffee", "kettle", "morning" and "candle", and choose each of them the maximum possible number of nouns that determine their essence.
    • Take several pairs of different concepts, for example, "Piano - Machine", "Cloud - locomotive", "Tree - painting", "Water - Well" and "Airplane - Capsule" and pick up for them the maximum number of similar signs.
    • Imagine several situations and think what can happen in each of them. Examples of situations: "In the city there are aliens", "no water runs from the crane in your apartment, and Limonad," "All pets learned to speak by the human language," "in your city in the middle of the summer it is snowing."
    • Inspect the room where you are now, and stop the look at any object that interest you, for example, on the cabinet. Record on a piece of adjectives suitable to it, and then - 5 adjectives, completely opposite.
    • Remember your work, a hobby, a favorite singer or an actor, a better friend or a second half, and describe it (it / it) with at least 100 words.
    • Remember some saying or, and write, based on it, a small essay, verse or essay.
    • Write a list of 10 purchases that you would commit before the end of the world.
    • Write a plan for every day for your cat or dog.
    • Imagine that by returning home, you saw that the doors of all apartments are open. Write 15 reasons why it could happen.
    • Make a list of 100 of your life goals.
    • Write a letter to your future - when you are 10 years older.

    Also to activate your creative potential and intelligence, you can use two excellent methods in everyday life - and. These methods of developing creativity will help you destroy all stereotypes, expand the comfort zone and work out the original and not a similar type of thinking.

    In conclusion, let's say that if you have a desire to organize or continue your training and develop thinking more efficiently, you will certainly have to taste one of our courses, you can familiarize yourself with whom you can.

    Otherwise, we wish you all success and comprehensively developed thinking!

    Psychologists continue to argue about what kind of cognitive mechanisms are based on human thinking. When we pronounce or hear the words "Elephant", "Street" or "Face of a friend", then images pop up in our consciousness thanks to the auditorium. And what helps us design images of such concepts as "speed", "contact," kindness "? After all, these words do not have a specific picture. But if we try to "draw" the meaning of this word, then, although everyone has their own drawings, however, with such a task you can cope.

    Fashionable thinking helps us:

    • expand our associative row
    • "See" the problem or the task as a picture,
    • complete its missing elements
    • convert a picture according to changed conditions or our ideas.

    In a word, figurative thinking is a tool that gives us additional opportunities for solving problems and tasks.

    Such live mental images

    Is there any differences in the images that we build in your brain and real objects that these species spent? The question that is interested not only by scientists, but also, let's say, investigators who ask witnesses of the incident. Remembering, we add something to our images, too much, and something, on the contrary, we miss. If you try to specifically revive the image in your mind, you can understand how strong your figurative thinking is.

    Trying this simple exercise: consistently imagine the following figures and evaluate their brightness over a 10-point scale (1 - very weak image, 2 - weak image, 3 - bright image. 4 - very bright image):

    1. Car standing at supermarket parking.
    2. The same car moving along the mountain serpentine.
    3. The same car moving away.
    4. The same car, but turned over the wheels.
    5. The same car returned to normal.
    6. The same car overtaking another car.
    7. He is on the seashore.
    8. This car, removing and gradually disappearing from the view.
    9. He also racing at high speed.
    10. He, as gently traveling in the dark with the included headlights.

    If all the images were bright, then in the amount you should get 40 points. If you have got less than 20 points, it is worth thinking about how to develop a figurative thinking.

    What is the reason for your "champagne"?

    In children, the figurative thinking develops very actively, thanks to plot players and child fantasies. Is it possible to develop figurative thinking in adults? Is it too late to talk about brain training for persons from 20 years and older? The answer is positive, because during this period and up to 50-60 years in adults develop, the so-called fluid intelligence that allows the brain to be flexibly rebuilt under new structures and images.

    Here is one of the useful exercises. For this exercise, you must imagine yourself ... in different professional roles. Any phenomenon of professionals explore depending on their professional interest. So, try to explore from different points of view, for example, "champagne":

    • You are a sommelier, and you are interested, first of all, the taste and aromatic qualities of this drink. Imagine the tastes of different varieties of "champagne" that you have experienced. Remember their flavors. Compare, find the difference.
    • You are engaged in advertising and promotion of "champagne". Imagine how his bottles look, labels on them, description on these stickers. Compare, find the difference.
    • You are an artist who wants to draw champagne, splashing and an assignant in a beautiful glass. What will this picture look like on the New Year's table? And in the cellar of the manufacturers of champagne? And on tasting, at the wine market?
    • And finally, the most, perhaps, complex task. You create champagne from different terms, mixing several different varieties of wine. Imagine how you draw from different sources and mix these ingredients, and how the blend is born in your eyes - a modist of the future drink.

    Such exercises can be done with different objects, both simple (sprouts made through the Earth) and more complicated (ship). Each time, changing the position, you are differently constructing an image. The subject remains the same, but its images born in your brain, different. Useful brain training!

    Experiments in the field of cognitive psychology, showed that it is best to reproduce (and, it means, it is longer stored in memory and easier recall) interrelated images. That is why the advice of mnemonics, like "Want to remember that you need to omit the letter by passing by the mailbox? Connect in memory box and letter, imagine a bright picture, as you lower the letter in the box. And your brain will finish on all the work: when you see the box, your brain will remind you about the letter. "

    Therefore, using pictures, developing figurative thinking, adults train not only the ability to design images, but also a shaped memory.

    Exercises for the development of associative figurative series were used, for example, in psychoanalysis. Psychoanalyst offered a client to read any word in the book and then passively following his unconscious, describe pop-up images.

    Try and you run from time to time a free associative series. Stripping from, anyway, what image (the face of the passerby, the word in the book, the floral aroma or the sounds of music), let your brain generate visual images and structures at its discretion. Passively follow this next, making pleasant images brighter, and unpleasant - muffled.

    Gradually, interfere in the process and manipulate images at your discretion -

    • increase and decrease,
    • close and move away
    • color and change the shape ...

    Such an exercise with fantasies will serve for the brain with a useful training.

    In the service of creative thoughts

    Fashionable thinking is a tool that allows us to mentally construct a non-existent reality or, otherwise, being creative, creative personalities. Therefore, the answer to the question is how to develop a figurative thinking in adults, this is also the answer to the question of the development of creative abilities. Our brain willingly produce stereotypes - so much easier for him to perceive the world. As a result, we surround themselves with stereotypes. And from childhood. Look, for example, how children draw a house or a New Year tree. Even they use stamps instead of living images. And adults and are preferred to operate as templates. How to develop and maintain in these conditions creative abilities and their foundation - figurative thinking?

    One of the techniques of creativity is receiving agglutination - mental connection together with parts borrowed from different images. This is how the serpent of Gorynych (snake's body + bird wings) appeared (the body of the bird) and the hut on the chicken legs. This principle today has emerged beyond fiction and is used, in particular in Bionics - science, creating technical devices based on the principles borrowed from nature (so, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe submarine "prompted" dolphins).

    One of the projective tests can be used to develop agglutination skills. Here is his task: "Draw a picture of a non-existent animal." Try this task. After some time, return to it and make an absolutely different picture. Try to increase the number of animal images every time. Who you are "borrowed" certain parts: Eagle wings, frog paws, ears and trunk elephant, scales of fish ...

    If, of course, you are interested in developing and train your creative thinking.