Wenger L.A. Development of cognitive abilities in the pre-school education process - file N1.doc

The book is designed for parents of three-year, four-year-old, five-year-old children.

It contains assignments aimed at mental education of the child: on the development of his perception, thinking, imagination. Tasks are given in gaming form, attractive for children of this age. For children with whom the parents were not previously engaged, introductory tasks are given.

Home School Thinking (for five-year children)

This is the third book of the "Home School of Thinking" series. Her addressee is the parents of five-year-old children.

Five years - the beginning of the older to school age. At this age, the child is already capable of conscious reasoning, he can allocate in phenomena the main thing, conducting a generalization of essential features (of course, on the simplest material). At the same time, the ability to analyze, allocate the diverse unique features of a separate object or phenomenon.

The task of this book is to help parents in creating conditions that contribute to the intensive development of cognitive opportunities for five-year-old children, primarily generalized, but at the same time differentiated perception and understanding of reality.

What are you complaining about?

What are you complaining about? Detection and correction of adverse options for the development of the identity of children and adolescents.

At the disposal of a psychologist leading practical work with children and adolescents (diagnostic, advisory, psychotherapeutic), there are many diverse techniques. However, sometimes it is very difficult to decide which one will be useful in a particular case. Only the experience and intuition of a specialist helps to pass the way from finding a problem before eliminating, from a client's complaint to the recommendations of the psychologist.

This book will serve as a guide, which, of course, cannot completely replace the intuition, but at least tells useful guidelines.

Psychological assistance to children and teenagers after the Beslan tragedy

"In this book we describe our experience in providing psychological assistance victim.

We hope that it will be useful specialists who work with children and adolescents who have experienced various psychological trauma - not necessarily so heavy as the Beslan hostages.

The book characterizes the condition of children and adolescents to us, describes the used psychotherapeutic techniques and approaches, organizational forms of work. We focused on the practical aspects of psychological assistance to victims. Theoretical issues related to stressful and post-stress states and their correction are covered only to the extent that it is necessary to understand the practical material. This explains the minimization of literary references given in the book. "

Psychological painting tests

According to the drawings of a person, you can determine the warehouse of his personality, understand its attitude towards different sides of reality. Pictures make it possible to evaluate the psychological condition and level mental DevelopmentDiagnose mental illness. Worldwide, painted tests have become the main tool of practical psychologists.

Psychological counseling and diagnosis. Part 1

Specific recommendations for the diagnostic examination of the child, the interpretation of the results and advising parents and teachers. The first part is mainly devoted to the problems of diagnosis. Numerous illustrations that help interpret survey results.

Psychological counseling and diagnosis. Part 2

The second part describes the most common types of complaints and typical causes leading to behavioral difficulties, school failure and emotional violations. The direction of counseling in accordance with the complaints of the Client and psychological features Child.

Psychological examination of junior schoolchildren

In a practical allowance for psychological surveys of younger schoolchildren and analyzing received data, special attention is paid to recommendations that may be given to teachers and parents based on survey results.

The book is designed for school psychologists, employees of psychological and pedagogical consultation, as well as teachers working with younger schoolchildren.

Development of training independence

What kind of pedagogical assistance is needed to learn to learn independently, be initiative in setting and solving new tasks, independent in control and evaluation of its academic achievements?

Based on data from a ten-year Longitudinal study, it was proved that the source of schoolchild's learning independence is to jointly search for the methods of solving new tasks. It is shown how the teacher can manage child search. Describes the characteristics of the ability to learn from different steps of school learning and individual trajectories of the formation of the training independence of younger students and adolescents.

The book is addressed to all those who are interested in the problems of communication and the development of children's independence, who are engaged in the assessment and diagnosis of educational effects of education, who design and build education, developing ability to learn independently.

Scheme of an individual examination of children of younger school age

The published scheme of an individual psychological consultation was developed by Alexander Leonidovich Wenger in the course of many years of practical work and is set out in his lectures for beginners of psychologists-consultants.

This brochure was prepared in the Laboratory for the Development of the Personality of Schoolchildren in the school "School" based on tape records of lectures A.L. Hanger and a number of his written materials.

Perception and training (preschool age)

How does a child perceive the world around him? What does completeness depend on the accuracy of his perception? How does it change with age?

These questions have long been worried about psychologists and teachers. The study of the development of perception in children is the key to understanding the mechanisms of adult perception.

The book discusses the patterns of development of perception in children of early and preschool age, it is given a psychological assessment of various methods of education of perceptions that have previously applied and currently used in preschool pedagogy.

Leonid Abramovich Wenger (May 26, 1925, Kharkov - June 17, 1992, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian psychologist, one of the leading researchers of the psychic development of preschoolers. Doctor of Psychological Sciences (1968), Professor (1973).


Born in Kharkov, later the family moved to Kiev. Father - Abram Aleksandrovich Wenger - in 1938 he was arrested as an "enemy of the people" and shot; Rehabilitated in 1956.

L. A. Wenger has been participating in the Great Patriotic War from 17 years. It was wounded, awarded medals. After the war, he graduated from the psychological department of the Philosophical Faculty of Moscow State University (1951). The distribution is sent to the city of Leninabad Tajik SSR (now Khujand, Republic of Tajikistan). He taught psychology, logic and literature at school, then worked in the teacher's institute. He headed the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Leninabad Pedagogical Institute (1957-1960). All this time L.A. Wenger supported close contacts with its university teachers: A. R. Luria, A. N. Leontiev and, above all, A. V. Zaporozhzh, under the guidance of which he defended his thesis (1955).

In 1960 he moved to Moscow and worked until the end of his life pre-school education APN of the USSR, created by A. V. Zaporozhtshev. From 1968 he headed the laboratory of psychology of preschool children in which he collected his students and like-minded people. All its subsequent studies were conducted with their support and active participation. Since 1972 - Professor MGPI. V. I. Lenin, read a lecture course at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University.

A family

Sister - A. A. Katava-Wenger, Doctor of Psychological Sciences Katava-Wenger, Alexander Abramovna

Wife - N. B. Wenger (Bomestein), Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Son - A. L. Wenger, Doctor of Psychological Sciences

Daughter - E. L. Agaeva (Wenger), Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Scientific activity

Early studies L.A. Hungarian based on the ideas of his teacher A.V. Zaporozhets are devoted to the study of perception, starting with its development in infancy to adult age ,. These studies formed the basis of the doctoral dissertation "Development of perception and sensory education in preschool age" (1968).

The following direction of research L.A. Hungarian and the laboratory headed by them became the creation of the first domestic test system for preschoolers, carefully standardized on a representative sample. Its specificity is determined by the support for the concept of HP. Vygotsky, in accordance with which the rate of mastering cultural and historically developed psychological means is considered as an indicator of mental development.

A significant scientific achievement L. A. Hungarian became the theory of formation of cognitive abilities (sensory and intellectual). According to it, the basis of cognitive abilities is the operating of generalized images (sensory standards and visual models), reflecting the relationship and relationships between objects. It is formed due to a "modeling" species specific for pre-school age: game, design, drawing, modeling, appliqués.

Under the leadership of L.A. Hungarian has created the mental education programs "Development" and "Gifted child", used in the kindergartens of many cities of Russia. The specifics of these programs consists in training preschoolers using and independently constructing a variety of schemes, drawings, plans, etc. Due to this, children are formed by the corresponding figurative views that they can operate in the mind. Thus, a targeted leadership of the development of cognitive abilities is carried out. Many tasks from these programs are adapted to use in preschool institutions of other countries (USA, England, Spain) ,,.

In the direction of the Scientific School of L. A. Hungarian, several doctoral dissertations were fulfilled, 48 candidate dissertations were protected under his direct leadership. It is widely known abroad, his work is translated into German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech and Japanese. L. A. Wenger made a great contribution to the development of Cuban psychology (during the year he lived and worked in Cuba, and later continued the scientific management of the works of Cuban psychologists).

L. A. Wenger was developed the theory of development of the child's perception ("perception and training", 1969), which served as the basis for the research cycle sensory abilities ("Genesis of sensory abilities", 1976) and developing a holistic system of sensory education of children (" Didactic games and exercises on sensory education of preschool children ", 1973; "Education of the sensory culture of the child", 1988) (three last-ed. L. A. Hungarian).

In the late 60s. Under the leadership of L. A. Hungarian, the study of the diagnosis of mental development of children began. The results of this work, presented in the collection "Diagnostics of mental development of preschoolers" (1978), were a fundamentally new word in the study of this problem. These studies have given an opportunity already in the 80s. Jump to the creation of theory and practice of developing the cognitive abilities of the child. L. A. Wenger relied on the position of L. S. Vygotsky on the indirect nature of higher mental functions. They were nominated and confirmed in Longitudinal experiments the original hypothesis of visual modeling as the main form of mediation mental activity Children's Children The results of this work reflected in the Sat. "The development of cognitive abilities in the pre-school education process" (1986), made it possible to create holistic programs for the mental development of children, educational games and classes ("Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children", 1989).

The theory of development of abilities has become a natural basis for studying the problem of mental giftedness in preschool childhood, which L. A. Wenger was engaged in last years Life.

Leonid Abramovich was not only a scientist researcher, but also the creator of a whole scientific school. In line with his ideas, a number of doctoral dissertations were performed under his leadership about 50 candidates were protected.

L. A. Wenger constantly represented the achievements of our science abroad, was the organizer and participant of many international psychological conferences.

Possessing the rare talent of the speaker and lecturer, L. A. Wenger was brilliantly with lectures in our country and abroad. For many years he was listened to the students of the IPSU. V. I. Lenin, where he raised not one generation of preschool workers

Alexander Vladimirovich Zaporozhets remained for L.A. Hungarian teacher for life. He largely determined the approach L.A. Hungarian to understanding the development of the child. This approach was the development of the cultural and historical theory of L.S. Vygotsky. L.A. Wenger believed that child development was due to the development of a system of media, which humanity produces in the process of its formation. Cognitive abilities began to act as a prominently established operating system with mental means. Unconditional merit L.A. The Hungarian is that he theoretically developed, described in detail and experimentally investigated the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers.

The main feature of research activities L.A. The Hungarian consisted that he did not allow anything to say something. All positions of his theory were based on numerous experimental checks. This quality he was vaccinated and his employees. All meetings of the laboratory were conducted by L.A. Wenger with a big emotional lift. He cannot indifferently refers to any result obtained during the study - clock discussed interpretations and possible directions of further experiments.

Created by L.A. Woger Lab worked as a single mechanism. All researchers participated in mass surveys, in writing collective monographs, in conferences and scientific discussions. It was a real scientific school. The results of its activities are reflected in a number of publications (perception and training. - M., 1969; genesis of sensory abilities. - M., 1976; Development of cognitive abilities in the process of preschool age. - M., 1986, etc.). However, the laboratory for L.A. Hungarian was not only a community of colleagues on work, but also to the association of people close to the spirit, connected not only by the general content of research activities, but also with general views, interests and culture. In fact, L.A. Hungarian did not think of his life without these people. That is why there were many informal things in the laboratory: the birthday of any employee was a reason to prepare together gifts, writing poetry and express a positive attitude towards each other. Such holidays like New YearMarch 8, May 9 was marked either directly at the institute where the laboratory was located or from someone from employees. There is nothing surprising in the fact that various psychologists came to the laboratory, philosophers, artists and poets - after all, the laboratory staff were aware cultural life Not only in Moscow or in the Union, but also beyond. The laboratory performed by a collective instrument of spiritual enrichment of its members.

One of the most wonderful ideas L.A. Hungarian is connected with the search for the key to the mental development of preschool children. He managed not only to describe this tool, but also to develop a holistic program for the development of preschoolers. As such a means, visual models were made, and the main line cognitive development It was associated with the formation of ability to visual modeling. This idea allowed to solve whole line serious practical procedures are to understand the specifics individual features cognitive development of preschool children (including the specifics of children's best practices); Create a meaningful system for diagnosing child development, which allows you to determine concrete ways. correctional work; Lower a training system of a practical psychologist for children preschool institutions.

According to this theory, the perception of the child is a complex, culturally mediated process of solving perceptual tasks. Wenger suggests that the specifics of the perceptual task decisions consist in separating the perceptual feature from other properties of objects. The approach of L.A.venger to the development of children's perception is fundamentally different from the naturalistic understanding of this process, in which perception turns out to be equivalent to irritation of the perceptual system with external influence.

This approach made it possible not only to allocate means of perception and perceptual actions, such as identification, assignment to the standard, perceptual modeling, but also to develop a whole system of sensory education, which has been successfully applied and continues to be applied in the process of educational and educational work with children of preschool age as in our country and abroad.

The principal consequence of this approach to the development of children's perception is the situation for domestic preschool workers, according to which the child cannot himself without an adult to achieve a high level of development of perception (master the system of perceptual action and means). This circumstance not only emphasizes the leading role of an adult in child development, but also is the rationale for the need for a special educational work with the children of this age.

The results of the executed L.A. Wenger studies were reflected in his publications, including in the monographs "Perception and Training" (1969), "Didactic Games and Exercises for Sensory Education of Preschoolers" (1973) and others, it should be noted that the book "Perception and Training" can serve as A sample of scientific research in children's psychology, made from the position of cultural and historical theory and theory of activity.

Benching path of consciousness

During the analysis of the development of perception, the Wenger was determined by the program and the basic principles of studying the problem of the development of cognitive abilities. First of all, Wenger began to understand the development of children's perception as the process of becoming sensory abilities. This principal a New Look was reflected in the collective monograph L.A. Hungarian and his employees "Genesis of sensory abilities" (1976).

The next stage of his research was devoted to the study of the development of ability to visual modeling. In the studies performed under his leadership, it was brilliantly confirmed that these abilities are the most important in the mental development of preschoolers. As it turned out, the development of these abilities leads to essential shifts in the mental development of preschool children. They developed not only speech, but also the arbitrariness of the behavior as a whole.

L.A. Wenger very carefully approached the understanding of child development. He feared to impose a finely becoming a children's psyche alien properties and quality. Based on the provisions of A.V. Zaporozhets on the amplification of child development, Wenger showed that the ability to visual modeling is not brought by adults from the outside. It reflects the legitarious path of developing children's consciousness, so the role of an adult consists in maximizing the enrichment of this process.

The studies were summarized in the monograph "Development of cognitive abilities in the pre-school education process."

Wenger was developed the concept of diagnosis of mental development of preschoolers, which made it possible to determine which components of cognitive abilities are developed in children to a greater extent, and which are not enough. In this regard, the fundamentally new opportunities for the organization of educational work in childhood, as well as the organization of correctional assistance.

The theory of development of cognitive abilities was based on the preparation of practical psychologists for children's preschool institutions. As a result of perennial research, a program was developed aimed at the development of cognitive abilities, which was called "development". Children who studied on this program achieved high level cognitive development. They became successful in various types of childhood activities in preschool age and later showed high results on academic academic studies at school.

The latest works of Hungarian on the development of cognitive abilities were devoted to the study of the mental development of gifted children. Wenger was the first in our country to organize a special training of a group of mentally gifted preschoolers. In the course of experimental work it was convincingly shown that the theory of Hungarian on the development of cognitive abilities is confirmed by practice. Preschoolers who have mastered the educational program "Gifted child" developed by scientists and its employees, throughout the school at school, not only was among the most successful disciples, but also showed high results after its end.

"Step forward and two back"

L.A. Wenger led the laboratory and participated in experimental research himself. He was not only an outstanding scientist, but also a good organizer. He spent a number of conferences on child Development. We know Hanger as a bright person, emotional, welcoming man. He participated in the Great Patriotic War, was injured.

Wenger gathered around himself talented employees who worked with great interest. He created a special atmosphere of cooperation, which literally captured everyone who communicated with him. The laboratory came prominent scientists, philosophers, artists, poets, writers. The spirit of the laboratory was characterized by interest not only to science, but also to various sides of the culture. Typically, the laboratory meetings have never ended in the time allotted. Employees remained discussing problems and after the end of the working day.

Leonid Abramovich was a wonderful storyteller. Like A.V. Fakery, he wanted to become an artist, he had a well-supplied voice. He not only brilliantly lectured, but also superbly declared poems. His favorite poets were A. Block, O. Madelshtam, M.TSvetaev and others. Especially often he read the poem of N.Gumileva "Giraffe". Yes, he himself wrote poems.

Wenger possessed a great sense of humor, loved to participate in the "cabbage". In 1969, after the protection of his doctoral dissertation, he wrote a laboratory anthem to the motive of the famous Odessa song:

This School Wenger Leonid,
Wenger Leonid, tell you!
In this school we do for the type
Step forward and two back! ..

In addition to work, Hungarian had two hobbies. He was an avid mushroom and fisherman. In addition, he was a passionate driver. One day, such a case happened in winter. He had a bad car on his frost. And just at this time, Alan Chumak on television began to "charge" water and photographs, and someone from the staff brought him a carved photo of the Chumeca carved from the newspaper. The next day was a strong frost. Mondering the difficulties of the start, Wenger took a photo with him and put it in the car on the instrument panel. The car started instantly, but, passing 20 meters, stalled. As it turned out later, the knee shaft collected. After that, Wenger stopped using magic to solve household problems.

Line of research proposed by L.A. Wenger, turned out to be very productive. She continues to attract attention to both domestic and foreign specialists and is implemented in the work of the laboratory of abilities and creativity of the Institute of Development preschool education and organized by Wenger "Development", in the future named after him.

© ohhl Publishing House "Karapuz", 2010.

© A.L. Wenger - compilation, introductory article, 2010.

Leonid Abramovich Wenger

In the sixties - eighties, psychology in Russia (the then Soviet Union) experienced a heyday period. For the previous three decades, it was almost completely eliminated by the decisions of the party and the government, the resolutions of the Pavlovsk session and the entire ideological atmosphere, in which the word "psyche" itself was perceived with suspicion: whether it is not a pseudonym of the soul, which, as you know, there is no Soviet person and should not be? From schools, kindergartens, from production, from hospitals Psychology was displaced in tiny scientific laboratories, in which it was born in a hundred years before.

Leonid Abramovich Wenger is one of those who returned children's psychology in her place in real life. He began as a cabinet scientist who studied the child away from school classes and childcare groups (otherwise it was impossible then). Probably, that is why his work turned out to be such useful for practice: he came to her from the side, not burdened by a pedagogical routine and not inclined to neglect the interests of children in the name of the "effective organization of the educational process". It was free from the hoodiness caused by the need to adapt to the schedule of classes and fit into the rigid framework of the school year. Its studies, both scientific and applied, are distinguished by a detailed and thorough check of each assumption extended.

In the sixties, Leonid Abramovich was also known in Russia, and abroad as one of the most serious researchers in the development of children's perception. The problems studied by them looked very academic and distant from life. Developing the concept of his teacher - the largest child psychologist Alexander Vladimirovich Zaporozhtsz, - he deepened to the debresses, little clear to the uninitiated. What is the difference between subject pre -talonov from sensory standards? What is the estimated basis of perceptual actions? How are simultaneous and suced perceptual systems formed? However, the book reflecting the results of this work is called very simple: "perception and training." In it, it is certainly proved that perception can and need to be learning. Then sensory abilities - such as the Eyemer, the ability to accurately perceive the proportions of objects, the possibility of visually "grab" complex forms, "cease to be the ease of individual gifted people (artists, architects, designers) and become available to every child.

In the mid-seventies one more book comes out: "Genesis of sensory abilities." It contains research conducted under the leadership of L.A. Hanger and providing in disposal to all common methods and specific methods for forming a variety of abilities. This is a sense of musical and visual rhythm, the ability to visual assessment of proportions, to the perception of promising changes in the shape and the size of the items, to the regulation of the hand movements during drawing.

The techniques have not remained the attribute of scientific monographs: they were included in the education program in children's garden And they went to their direct addresses - children. The sake of fairness must be said that their implementation in the work of the educators of the kindergarten rarely had at the height. One thing is the technique, another - its embodiment. It is necessary to learn this, and the preparation of educators to work on new programs was then delivered quite badly.

From the children's perception, Leonid Abramovich moved to another, although not very distant, problematics: to the study of mental development as a whole. Following A.V. He believed that for preschoolers, the figurative forms of thinking are the greatest importance. Their development and has become the subject of its further research.

Under the leadership of L.A. The Hungarian began to develop a system for the diagnosis of mental development of preschoolers. In those years, in the Soviet Union, it was a new and very fashionable area of \u200b\u200bresearch. Forbidden in 1936 by Decree of the Central Committee of the WCP (b), it was still not officially permitted. It was impossible to use the word "tests". Instead, it was used a more neutral expression "diagnostic techniques". And the need for them was very large: accelerated training load and school, and in kindergarten; Many children did not cope with her. We needed tools to clarify the reasons to prevent the child to master the program.

The easiest way would be translated (if necessary, a slightly recycling) tests developed in the West, where there was no notorious decree of the Central Committee of the CPP (b). However, they suffered so much disadvantages that this path seemed not too promising. Just in those years, massive criticism of existing tests unfolded in the United States and other Western countries. Their lowest consistency was proved in dozens, if not in hundreds of research. Why translate western tests that were unsuccessful? It is better to develop your own, more successful - and let them translate us. Such was the logic L.A. Hungarian and the laboratory headed by him.

To the one who ever came across the development, testing and standardization of tests, do not tell what is painstaking and labor-intensive work, and someone who has never been involved in this, you still do not explain. Therefore, I will only say that for several years under the leadership of Leonid Abramovich was made a huge work, which led to the creation of a thoroughly tested and standardized test system for preschoolers. The book "Diagnostics of mental development of preschoolers" has long become a bibliographic rarity, and the tests presented in it and today are widely used in many countries of the world. Methods developed in LA laboratory Hungarian is deprived of many shortcomings inherent in Western tests. Their main advantage is that they not only allow to identify existing deviations in development, but also clearly indicate ways to overcome them.

The next stage for Leonid Abramovich was the development of a holistic pre-school education system aimed at developing the child's abilities. Previously, only individual methods created by him and its employees were included in the massic garden mass program. Now the task is to create your own full program, built on a new understanding of the principles of mental development of the preschooler.

By this time, the main provisions of the concept of L.A. Hanger. According to his ideas, the basis of the formation of cognitive abilities is visual modeling. Several coarse, you can say: smart child It differs from a silly skill to imagine a variety of objects and phenomena in the form of models, i.e. in generalized and schematic form. Modeling The child is studying in pre-school activities: drawing, game, design from cubes. However, with such a spontaneous self-learning, only a few children achieve a high level of mental abilities. To form them in all children (or at least for the majority), it is necessary to build targeted and consistent training of children modeling. The material for this will serve the same types of activity, but enriched with special tasks and accompanied by wide use of models and schemes.

In 1986, he saw the light of the book "Development of cognitive abilities in the process of pre-school education." It presents a versatile education program for preschoolers, directed not just to provide them with knowledge, skills and skills, and on their true development, on the formation of abilities. The practical experiment conducted in a mass kindergarten with several "generations" of pupils proved: children are not born capable or unable. It all depends on the upbringing. If it is properly built, then all (or, in any case, almost all) become capable. LA advanced Wenger hypothesis about the nature of mental abilities was fully confirmed.

In recent years, Leonid Abramovich continued to expand the field of his research. The system of development of children's abilities created under his leadership gave excellent results, but also it was also an experimental program. It was held in just one kindergarten in the constant participation of the whole scientific laboratory. In the future, it was based on techniques available to any competent educator. So the program "Development" was born, which is now used in hundreds of kindergartens throughout the country.

Work began on the study of the formation of not only common cognitive abilities, but also so-called special (mathematical, artistic, musical, etc.). Leonid Abramovich was engaged in the study of gifted preschoolers. Do they have any qualitative differences from other children or simply the same abilities achieve a particularly high level of development? Is there a "recipe" of the upbringing of gifting? How do they relate to the development of a child shaped forms of knowledge with speech, with mastering language? Leonid Abramovich did not have time to find answers, but the questions raised to them are still relevant. Not only direct disciples LA work on them. Hungarian, but also many other psychologists who have adopted his concept.

Pedagogy abilities

Humanity needs talents 1
Pechs. By: Pedagogy abilities. - M.: Knowledge, 1973.

The age of the atom and nature of man. Our age is indicated in different ways: the "age of the atom", the "eyelid of electronics", "space age", the "century of television", etc. It all depends on who and what cause him a characteristic. And all this is true, because the undeniable riser of our time is the rapid and all accelerating scientific and technological progress ...

The last fifty years in the root changed the appearance of the globe, created new living conditions and labor for millions of people. But nuclear power plants, reactive aircraft, electronic computing machines are nothing without people with their knowledge, experience, abilities.

We will try to imagine that suddenly all cars, all productions of production exported from a highly developed country to the country, economically retarded, and the developed country received a primitive technique in exchange. What would happen in a few years? In all likelihood, beautiful modern machinery It would turn into a pile of scrap metal: there would be no one to apply it, care for her. As for the inhabitants of an advanced country, thanks to their knowledge and skills, they would have managed to create everything and, perhaps at a higher level.

A person with his knowledge and skills is the main productive power of society, the main driving force of scientific and technological progress. So, he himself changed during the story, acquired such qualities that did not have at the beginning of the road?

The answer to this question depends on what we mean - the knowledge of the knowledge created by them the material and spiritual culture or the biological nature of man accumulated by humanity. Without a doubt, a modern man who controls the jet plane is sharply different from his cave-ancestor, which walked on a mammoth with a stone ax in his hand. It is immeasurably formed, the mind of it is available for many secrets, incomprehensible for the people of the Stone Age. But all this is the gifts of civilization, the result of the historical development of mankind. As for the very "nature" of a person, she has not changed during history. Biologists, anthropologists, ethnographers are talking about this with full confidence. Since "NOMO SAPIENS" - "Reasonable man" appeared - as a special biological species, the laws of biological evolution, leading to a change in the structure of the body of animals and the emergence of new, transmitted forms of behavior, have lost their strength. Natural selection has ceased to act - the survival of the strongest, most adapted to the environment, because people have learned themselves to adapt the environment to their needs, transform it with the use of the guns of collective labor.

The human brain is the most advanced tool, the work of which provides the creation of spacecraft in our days, penetration into the mysteries of the atomic nucleus, the birth of poems and symphony, has not changed since the times of the Cromanon man who lived tens of thousands of years ago. Of course, no one studied in the laboratory of the brain Kromanonets, did not compare it with the brain of our contemporary, but the brain structure is closely associated with the structure of the skull, and the skulls of ancient people have been studied enough. Sometimes an accident came to the help of scientists, a rare game of nature forces. So, eight thousand years was kept in warm sources of Florida and remained suitable for studying the brain of one of the ancient inhabitants of America ...

But, in fact, there is no need to go every time the evidence of the unity of the nature of people standing at different steps of the cultural and historical staircase, in the depths of the centuries. And now on Earth, tribes, leading primitive lifestyles that do not know not only television, but also the use of metals producing food using a stone ax. The study of representatives of such tribes speaks at first glance about the exploration of their differences from modern man. The scarcity of the language numbering is sometimes the hundred words, strange for us, the inconsistent course of reasoning, in which the reality and naive fiction merge, the inability to understand seemingly the most simple things ... But all this is only the absence of modern culture, but not at all Manifestation of any natural features. If you take a child of such a backward tribe and raise in modern familyHe will not differ from any of us.

... The French ethnographer Villar went on an expedition to one of the hard-to-reach paraguay areas where the Guaikilov tribe lived. This tribe was known very little - which it leads a nomadic lifestyle, constantly moving from place to place in search of basic foods - honey of wild bees, has a primitive language, does not enter into contacts with other people. Willar, as well as many others before him, was not lucky enough to get acquainted with Guaikilah - they hurriedly leaving the approach of the expedition. But on one of the abandoned parkings was discovered, apparently forgotten, two-year-old girl. Villar took her to France and instructed to bring up his mother. In twenty years, a young woman was already a scholar-ethnographer.

So, a person arrived in the atomic age, retaining almost unchanged the possibilities of his brain, which established during the times, when a little began to break the mind of mankind. It means that these opportunities were already huge then, they gave a guarantee of the acquisition of almost endless power over the forces of the surrounding nature. But should they be from here that they are inexhaustible that they are enough for an even more rapid throw into the future?

There are reasonable grounds for assumptions that it will be a future ... When primitive and exhaustive types of human labor disappear, when smart cars take themselves not only a heavy physical work, but also the whole "technical" side of mental - calculations, monitoring the course production processes, and the share of a person will remain creativity in all its forms - in science and technology, literature and art.

Increasing the share of creativity in general human labor today finds thousands of manifestations. On the globe today lives 10 times more scientists than they were at all times and in all countries combined. If at the beginning of the century people who systematically led research workThere were about 15 thousand, now they are millions.<…>

So, creativity as the main occupation of a person is that the future brings with him. And create, it is impossible to create a new one without having learned what was created earlier. Otherwise, you risk completely and to invent "Wooden bicycles" - to open the open and not necessary society for a long time. Naturally, the increase in the requirements for the creative possibilities of a person is inevitably associated with an increase in its education requirements, to master knowledge. And the number of knowledge that needs to be seized is growing like avalanche, together with the development of science and technology.

Remember the ancient legend about the inventor of Chess, who asked the "modest" award in the form of wheat grain, laid on the first cell chessboard, Two - on the second, four - on the third, eight - on the fourth, etc. In order to fill the 64th cell, there was not enough grain dredging from the whole kingdom! Something similar happens now with an increase in scientific knowledge. Their volume is doubled every 10 years. No wonder this process is called a "informational explosion."

The power of this explosion feels not only people of science. Not in a smaller (if not more than), it concerns those whom we are preparing to participate in the lives of modern and future society - our children. The "informational explosion" shocked the basics of schooling system in all developed countries, raised the question of how to ensure that children could learn the basics of modern scientific knowledge ... It is impossible to allow the school to be rejoiced to the memory of children to memorize many diverse information. School It is necessary to give knowledge of general laws, of which the student himself must learn to draw conclusions, seriously and thoughtfully assess new facts, independently select, perceive, recycle and use newly obtained knowledge. In other words, it is possible to express it like this: to prepare a child for creativity at the level modern Development Knowledge, you need to assimilate the knowledge of the elements of children's creativity. The creative activity of everyone in the teaching and in labor is the requirement to which humanity is worth today.

And here we come back to the "nature" of a person, to the possibilities that melting in his brain. Are they sufficient to implement such a requirement? After all, it is now not about a person "generally", but about every single person, about any child who is born today.

But all that we know about the development of human culture in the past and present, tells us that people in their capabilities are different, and creativity - the lot of few, those who are called ingenious, talented or at least capable.

Can every child become a musician, writer, scientist? After all, even at school, it is found that some children literally "fallow" grabbing knowledge, others mined their hard work, stumbling at every step ...

What does this difference depend on? What exactly is it? Perhaps the limitations of the brain capabilities that was inherited from the ancestors, just and manifests itself in the fact that he creates an in-violent barrier for creative development Most people, for some reason, opening only before some way to the secrets of science and art? If so, then humanity approached the most difficult moment of its history: the requirement of time entered into a contradiction with human nature. And if this contradiction is not overcome, humanity must stop ...

Main question. The question of the development of abilities and their attitude towards the possibilities of the human brain was not at all.

Two hundred years ago, two famous French philosophers - Claude Adrian Gelving and Denis Didro detected a dispute. They both were atheists and materialists, both hated slavery and ignorance and the main force designed to transform the world considered education. At the same time, Gelving and Didro also evaluated the possibilities of the impact of education for a person's mind, on his ability. It was about this that their dispute was included in the history of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. Actually, the dispute was one-sided.

Helvetia wrote a book "On a man, his mental abilities and his upbringing", which expressed the striking views for that time. But the book was published after the death of her author. Didro responded with a special work "Systematic refutation of the book Gelvetia" man ", written in the form of dialogue. Unfortunately, Helvetia could no longer respond ...

What did Helvetia argue? In his book there is a section called: "All people with an ordinary normal organization have the same mental abilities." This is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book.

"Currently, among scientists there are two points of view on this issue. Some of them say: the mind is the result of the known genus of temperament and internal organization; But none of them has yet determined by a number of observations of the kind of organs, temperament or food that the mind produce. This, indefinite and sophisticated statement, is reduced, so the following is: the mind is the result of some unknown reason or some hidden quality that I call with temperament or organization. "

Helvetia denies innate foundations of mental abilities, believing that no one could ever find these foundations. Differences between people, he relates entirely due to differences in the upbringing. It should be borne in mind that under the upbringing of Helvetia understood not only the upbringing in the usual sense of the word, but the whole set of human living conditions.

Let's see now, what was the objections that the Gelving Deni Didro put forward against the view. Not denying the importance of the upbringing, Didro, at the same time, believed that it could develop only what was given in the embryo nature. "It is impossible to give a booster dog with a subtle little," he wrote, "it is impossible to put the speed that is inherent in the greyhound, I have done, whatever you do, the latter remains its finely developed sense of smell, and the first is the speed of her legs."