How often can the vacuum massage of the face. Rules for the procedure

For a long time, women used vacuum bodies for massage. Practice has shown that regular conducting this procedure helped get rid of cellulite, make less noticeable stretch marks and scars, tighten the flabby savory skin (after childbirth or losing weight), eliminate swelling and form a beautiful silhouette.

Numerous facial massage reviews speak for themselves. Among all facial skin care procedures, which can be carried out at home, massage is the optimal method of maintaining beauty and youth. It does not only rejuvenates the skin, but also tones the muscles, adjusts the oval of the face, and also has a therapeutic effect manifested in lymphatic and eliminating fixation. Women gladly master all new and new massage techniques.

The benefits of vacuum massage

Especially pleasant is the fact that there is no special equipment for the face massage - there are enough two hands and a massage agent. However, some of the perfect gender representatives still use certain devices that can make a simpler, comfortable and efficient procedure. Among such devices are found both a variety of vibro-massagers with nozzles and simpler devices - rollers, brushes, and the like. And recently, vacuum massage jars began to use popularity.

The photo shows a kind of vacuum massage cans

For a person to use this simple adaptation for a long time was afraid. The fact is that the skin is very thin, gentle and vulnerable, it is easy to stretch or injured. BUT vacuum massage - The procedure is quite aggressive. During such a body massage, many women experience sufficiently severe pain, so no one decided to use jars to use jars.

But over time, it turned out that the banks are also suitable for vacuum massage faces, they should simply be somewhat different, as well as the procedure technique. With such a massage, negative pressure occurs, which can be hurt for vessels. The formation of a hematoma after massage is the usual thing, but few people would like to see the bruises on their face. Therefore, cosmetologists simply concluded that the impact should be more gentle and delicate, and for this you need smaller jars with the possibility of regulation of pressure.

All detailed information about the face massage vacuum banks, you can find out from this video:

With a competent approach to the procedure, massage jars have a rejuvenating, lymphatic drainage and toning effect. Under the influence of vacuum, blood begins to actively pour to the tissues of the epidermis, thereby accelerating all metabolic processes in cells. Thus, the synthesis of collagen is accelerated, cells are accelerated (i.e., the saturation of them with oxygen), toxins are derived, the face acquires a smooth tone and a healthy shining look.

Different massage treatments with the use of cans help smooth wrinkles, adjust the sulfur face and make it more clear its features, get rid of the pedestal and black points, eliminate the bags under the eyes and the second chin, give the face cheerful, fresh look.

Types of vacuum cans

Cosmetic jars for vacuum massage can be different. Of course, the principle of their action is the same, however, there are some nuances. Jars are made of out different materials, they can have different size, shape and specifications. In modern pharmacies and cosmetic stores can be found:

  • Vacuum massage cars for persons made according to the principle of pumps. Often they are made of durable plastic and have quite thin walls. At the end of such a jar is a soft rubber pear, with which air is removed from the cavity. This allows you to conveniently adjust the pressure inside the jar, varying the influence intensity depending on your sensations and needs. For example, for skin in the field of the second chin, which requires intensive impact, you can apply the maximum high pressure. And for fine, delicate skin around the eyes, it is better to use minimal pressure that minimizes the risk of traumatization. Such jars are often sold in the kit - it includes banks of various sizes for different skin sections;
  • Silicone cans for face and body. Such jars are often more expensive because of their material, but they are not so comfortable to use them. Of course, the touch of soft elastic silicone to the face is much more pleasant than the pressure of rigid plastic, but the functionality of such cans is significantly lower. The fact is that the pressure in them is regulated by squeezing the jar itself, which is much tougher than a soft pear from rubber. Therefore, to choose the desired power force is quite difficult. In addition, such massage jars often have a standard size that is not suitable for small faces. It is better to use them for body massage.

There are various massage techniques using vacuum jars. They are combined by one - caution. All movements carried out during the procedure must be slow and controlled. No sharp jerks, leather curves and intensive friction. Permissible only delicate effects.

Women at all times want to preserve the youth of his face. Modern methods allow you to look like young, but their diversity makes you think about which methods are simultaneously effective and safe? One of these procedures is the cans of the face massage.

Indications for massage

Massage using cans is carried out if the woman has visible problems with the skin of the face. Among such problems often allocate:

  • Wrinkles in large quantities;
  • "Double chin";
  • No elasticity skin cover.

This technique of rejuvenation is suitable for women over 30 years old. In addition, this type of massage is allowed to spend independently at home.

Important! It is important to remember that the rejuvenation session is better in the presence of knowledge about this procedure. This will help to avoid negative consequences, for example, side effects from massage in the form of bruises or damaged capillaries. It is impossible to call such side effects dangerous to health, but they do not aesthetically look on the face of any woman.

Roast massage is suitable, even if a woman has visible defects in the form of acne, acne rashes or noticeable pores. Before using this rejuvenating way, it is recommended to consult with specialists and make sure that there are no factors in which the face massage by banks will be strictly contraindicated.

Contraindications to the procedure

Although this technique Rejuvenation is considered one of the safe, it has a series of contraindications. First of all, according to contraindications:

  • The presence of warts or purulent acne on the face;
  • Close to the surface of the skin capillaries;
  • Elevated or reduced pressure;
  • Pathologies of the heart muscle or respiratory organs;
  • Chronic diseases at the time of exacerbation.

It is better to temporarily postpone the procedure if a woman has a wound, scratches or strong acne. This is not a strict contraindication, but they should not be neglected due to the risk of developing complications in the form of an enclosed infection. If a person is already sick infectious diseasesThe cannon massage is prohibited. The procedure is prohibited by herpes virus media.

You should not carry out such complex procedures without prior to visiting the dermatologist, since in some cases the skin problem is hidden much deeper. After getting rid of the disease, the condition of the skin is normalized. This concerns rashes on the face.

Massage benefits

The beneficial properties of vacuum massage are diverse. If you resort to regular procedure, it is possible to achieve visible and significant results. First of all, the skin returns the same elasticity, fat shine disappears, dryness and similar problems. The blood circulation is restored, it allows you to improve the shade of the cover. Traces of long fatigue disappear, for example, bruises under the eyes or sagging eyelids.

No less important results:

  • Wrinkles disappear;
  • Leveling surface, skin tone;
  • Pigmentation becomes less noticeable;
  • Pores are reduced.

It is possible to establish lymphotok, to achieve impact on the deeper seeding layers, relax muscles in voltage. This method is considered to be Recompicion technique. Revitonik is used even in difficult cases, but it is possible to attribute not only cans massage, but also the whole range of events to restore the youth of the skin.

How to prepare

Important! It is not necessary to break the skin too much, to be in hot water, sauna or bath for too long, as the massage will be fraught with a severe hematoma.

The following item is considered to be cleansing the surface with micellar water. It makes much better to eliminate pollution, even if they are deep in the pores.

The last phase of preparation is oil application. The oil is necessary in order for the bank to slide, did not cause discomfort. When choosing an oil, it is recommended to give preference to oils without different aromatic additives. Ideal is olive, linen or coconut oil. The unrefined cold spin oil is suitable. If there is a desire, it is allowed to add a few drops of essential oils in order to enhance the effect.

Equally important to produce disinfection of jars in advance.

Technique for holding

Two varieties of vacuum massage are known - static and dynamic.

  • The static massage involves the impact of one bank on a certain segment of the person for several or more seconds. Gradually pressing on the jar, thereby weakening the vacuum, you can remove it;
  • Dynamic technique is distinguished by the fact that when it is held with one bank, they act at once into several zones, moving it. The execution technique is to install the jar to the point, weakening the vacuum and slow gliding can be saved by oil, lubricated oil. It is required to closely monitor that the skin is not very tightened, the folds did not appear during the movement. If necessary, it is recommended to hold the skin with hand.

Differences in the techniques of launching procedures do not affect the degree of efficiency, but preference is recommended for the method that is suitable individually.

Application at home

When rejuvenated by banks at home, you should know which banks correspond to a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe person. Usually in pharmacies sold adaptations with a set or a vacuum massager for home is used. Person massage banks differ only in size, which varies from 5 mm to 5 centimeters in diameter. The large diameter is ideal for massaging the zones where deep exposure to strong tension is necessary. Such dimensions are used to study the forehead, chipping zone or cheeks area.

It is better to start from below towards upwards. That is, start working with the neck area. It is necessary to do it carefully, without applying special efforts, since the neck has a fairly thin skin sheath, on which bruises can remain.

Depending on the studied area, it is necessary to change the dimensions of the fixtures. The impact on the chore zone should be made by the average size of the cans. Small sizes are used to affect the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye or nasolabial folds.

It is impossible to do sharp movements, as they will damage the skin.

Important! When a strong discomfort occurs during the massage procedure, it is recommended to stop the session and spend it on another day. This will help to avoid the appearance of bruises or bruises. If the hematoma began to appear, the potato compress will help to get rid of it.

After massage actions were completed, you should relax a bit. It is not worth out of the house, since some period of time after massage the skin is vulnerable, which can be aggravated by frost, heat, wind.

Features of the procedure

Many are interested, how often are it allowed to resort to the cannut massage for rejuvenation? There are two answers to this question at once.

  • In the first version, the intensive course is referred. It implies a weekly course without interruptions with additional procedures. In the future, it will take a session once every 2 weeks to maintain effect;
  • The second option is considered no less efficient, but requires much more time. It is necessary to make procedures every other day. Then break from 2 to 4 weeks.

Perform a bed massage of the face at home is needed by observing caution measures, since only the one who does it will be responsible for the result.

Result and reviews

After the full course of the cannon massage, most women note that the contour of the face pulled up, skin problems became less noticeable or completely disappeared. The skin tone was leveled, the surface was smooth, pleasant to the touch. Many noted that after the first few sessions, the skin looks fresh. Wrinkles are smoothed, even if before that they were deep enough. The problem of leakage of the skin disappears, the appearance of the second chin in the absence of excess fat mass.

The main mass of comments about the procedure is constituted positive reviews Women who tried a complex of massage effects by banks. Among the reviews, admiring comments are often found that the sowing faces becomes clear, even, beautiful. Unlocked not only small mimic wrinkles, but also large, for example, in the area of \u200b\u200bnasolabial folds. The procedure is carried out quite quickly, is considered less costly than the use of Botox or surgical intervention.

No less important advantage of this method is the duration of holding, which takes no more than 10-15 minutes of time.

If a desire has appeared to independently do the procedure, then the person's massage theme should be studied, for example, for what massage lines should be moved. Since with incorrectly produced movements, the opposite effect appears during self-massage. In addition, abrasions and bruises may appear.

For many women, this method is a way out of the situation when you want to rejuvenate the skin of the face, but there is no desire or opportunity to go on the table to the surgeon. The same applies to various injections that do not always affect the organism or have a less long effect.


It is important to remember what to achieve visible resultswho will rejoice for a long time, will succeed when using an integrated approach. In order for the skin longer than the young, the drinking mode should be observed, stick to the full dietary nutrition. To secure the results, it is recommended to take vitamins and minerals. No less useful can be considered a refusal of bad habits, as smoking and abuse of alcohol products only add age.

It is important to correlate the time of work and rest, sleep at least 6 hours a day, play sports or make daily walks in the latest age. All these factors in aggregate allow a woman to stay young and beautiful for a long time.

For a woman, it is very important as long as possible to maintain their attractiveness and youth. Facial massage by banks - a unique and proven way of rejuvenation of the skin and reduce the number of wrinkles.

Moisturizing with special creams and the use of masks do not effectively cope with age-related changes. They do not contribute to the influx of blood, and cannot affect the muscle system. Increase the volume of oxygen entering the tissue will help vacuum massage.

Vacuum massage for face

The use of the jamming effect on the skin for its rejuvenation is recommended to apply women of mature age. Up to 40 years old, small skin problems can be corrected by serums, masks, scrubs and oils.

Massage perfectly copes with the problem of the second chin and various folds on the skin. Young girls with the help of it can remove early wrinkles on the forehead.

Cosmetologists advise to use this procedure at:

  • wrinkles and small scars;
  • the presence of a second chin;
  • sagging skin, lost its elasticity;
  • swelling and rash;
  • dry and fading skin.

Massage with caught women helps to return a healthy and shining look, eliminates black circles under the eyes. Song ducts can be cleaned, and the skin ceases to glisten.

Facial massage by banks

Types of Roast Face Massage

At first, self-massage procedure must be taken carefully and carefully. Incorrect use of cans can cause bruises and swelling. With increased skin sensitivity, it is better to resort to such an impact in the cosmetology salon.

There are two varieties of procedure:

  • static (spot);
  • dynamic (kinetic).

Static massage

Such a type is used for the point-to-study of specific problem areas: nasolabial folds, wrinkles, chin. You can influence several sections at once.

The main thing is not to put banks close to each other. This will help prevent excessive skin tension and the subsequent appearance of wrinkles in these places.

Stages of the procedure:

  • squeeze the rubber tip at the bank of the selected size and apply it to the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin;
  • hold a little at this place;
  • press the nozzle again and remove the jar, cautiously holding your fingers.

With the initial massage sessions, it is important to monitor the exposure time on the area being worked. It will be enough for 5 seconds. In the future, a gradual increase in duration up to 30 is possible.

Much attention should be paid to the pressure of the pressure within the bank. The skin should be drawn inside only a few millimeters.

Dynamic massage

This is a way of a softer impact on the face. The bank is sinking to the selected zone and, without letting the rubber nozzle move along massage lines. For convenient slip, the face is lubricated with oil. The second hand needs to keep the skin and prevent the appearance of folds during the procedure.

Dynamic massage by banks

When conducting a massage in any selected way, it is impossible to sharply finish the movement, taking off the bank. Pressure inside must first loosen. Otherwise, the sharp pain and damage to the vessels will cause a desire to finish the process.

The impact of the junny massage on the face

The vacuum method allows you to quickly reach the desired result, in contrast to the usual massage. Regular procedures are able to effectively eliminate skin debrity and clean it.

Relaxation of spashed muscles

Massage with banks forms a beautiful contour of the face. It is successfully used to get rid of unnecessary fatty sediments and double chin.

At the same time, the number of deep mimic wrinkles is reduced.

Stressful spasmed muscles relax. The goose paws around the eyes disappear.

Improving lymphobamment

Vacuum effect on the skin improves lymphotok. Eliminated wagges in intercellular fabrics. This process reduces the edema and eliminates bags under the eyes.

Blood microcirculation is faster. The rate of elevation of skin cells from toxins and decay products increases. Improve the color and relief of the face. It ceases to glisten and peel skin. It comes to normal the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands.


The process of tightening the skin under pressure in the bank causes microtraums. The face can blunt plates. Such an effect is given destroyed weak capillaries. This entails the emergence of additional sections of the capillary network.

Oxygen and useful nutrients are delivered to cells in more and faster. The synthesis of collagen and elastin accelerates.

Old brittle capillaries are replaced with healthy. At the cellular level, the process of regeneration and recovery is launched. Skin is updated. The face smoothes and acquires a blooming view.

How to choose a massage banks?

Acquire banks better in the pharmacy network. The treated edges of the narrow neck must be without chipping, irregularities and cracks. Otherwise, there is a risk of skin injury during massage.

Rubber facial massage jars

No need to buy goods in dubious stores offering big discounts. A big plus will be the presence of a quality certificate for products from the seller.

Best for massage faces such banks are suitable:

For sale banks with packages and there are different sizes: 11 mm, 22 mm, 33 mm, 5 cm.

Banks of the smallest size work the zones of nasolabial folds and sensitive skin around the eyes. Average is used for the dynamic study of stressful facial muscles and deep layers of the skin. Large size is rarely used. They affect large wrinkles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe brush, forehead and neckline.

Silicone massage jars

Oil selection criteria for jam massage

Light gliding cans with a face massage will provide carefully selected oil. Doctors recommend to use natural vegetable oils without fragrances for such a serious procedure. Refined and deodorized products should not be applied. Store the tool is necessary in the coolness and darkness.

You can take the usual cream, but it will not give the skin the necessary feeding with vitamins and minerals.

Helping nutritional properties have such cold spin oils:

Hypericum oil is suitable for skin prone to acne. Jojoba will help to cope with dryness and fading.

Several added drops of any essential oil Puck a spicy fragrance.

It is not necessary to apply the selected base to the skin. It is allowed to moisten the face with water, and into the oil to wrap the edge of the cans. After massage, the remnants are removed by a simple napkin.

Does special facial training need?

Before starting massage, skin should be cleaned. Make up with a cotton disk with foam, wipe face with lotion. You can wash the water using the scrub. The face is then needed to unpack hot compresses from the beam calendula, a turn or chamomile.

After the bath, the sauna or hot tub is not required. It is not necessary to expand the pores very much, otherwise the red spots will remain after the massage. With sensitive skin, this stage is better to completely.

In the process of preparation, it is important to pay attention not only to the face. Hands should be washed with soap. Banks carefully disinfected by means containing alcohol. It is convenient to use napkins.

You can also process them soapy solution And wipe it dry. In no case cannot be given to the temporary use of his banks familiar and relatives.

Massage technique for zones

Static massage of all areas on the face requires a lot of time. When conducting a house procedure, a dynamic impact is used. It is allowed to alternate.

The massage session should not last more than 10 minutes. More attention is paid to the zones of deep deformations: swelling, folds, wrinkles.

Face massage on zones with cans

Pressing power is controlled by each person individually. For tender and thin skin, it is necessary to choose the minimum degree of impact. The procedure should be discontinued when an unpleasant or painful sensation appears, otherwise hematomas and traces of hemorrhage will appear on the face.


The medium-sized bank is working on the nose of the nose to the temples, from the corners of the lips to the ears. Each time, reaching the edge of the face, it is removed and rearranged at the starting point. All massage lines must be developed 4 times.


The jaw line must be divided into half and put a finger at this point. The jar is slowly carried out towards the chin from the finger. Then the finger must be moved closer to the chin, put a jar on the other side and move it to the ear. Each action repeat 4 times.


The study of this zone begins with vertical movements from top to bottom and in the opposite direction. Then - from the middle of the forehead to the left and right temples in turn. Another hand should fix the skin from the opposite side of the movements.

First, the area is processed by a jar of 33 mm. Then you need to change it on a jar with a diameter of 22 mm and add spiral movements.

Vertical wrinkles in the center of the forehead massifice more time by any movements. Then the bank move along the lines from the bridges to the middle of the right and left abrasion arc.

Facial massage with cans

The chin

The medium-sized can work out the chin zone from its lower point to the lip 4 times. It is important to prevent the jaw tension to achieve the removal of the stress of the facial muscles.

Zone under the chin

To get rid of the second chin, this area is held from its central part to the stools to the right and left 5 times.

Zone around lip.

Circular motions produce a small-sized bank. The finger of the free hand needs to be put in the left corner of the lips.

Work lines from it to the central points of the upper and lower lip 3 times.

After, they rearrange the finger on the opposite edge and repeat the same. Instead of circular movements, the bank can be accurately carried out directly by the specified lines.

Nasolabial folds

Both sides of the zone hold fingers and massage her small can circular movements across the entire fold. Up and down 4-5 times. The mouth should be ajected, and the skin is stretched.

The nasogubal triangle area is very gentle. It is necessary to influence it carefully not to disfigure. It is enough to walk on it 2 times.

Vacuum facial massage by banks

Zone around the eyes

The study of this zone also requires care and accuracy. Before the start of the massage prepare areas around the eyes, rich in oil. Stretching the skin of the eyelid is unacceptable.

5 times the line of the upper eyelid is massaged: from the bridges to the edge of the eye. 5 times in reverse side Under the eye on the bone. Can not be allowed to touch the cans of the sections inside the orbit.

To work out these zones on the specified lines is better point.

"Goose paws"

The area of \u200b\u200bthe outer corner of the eye is massaged with small movements in a circle. It is important to fix this area with the fingers of a free hand on both sides of the zone. The skin is worked with a bone, without affecting the tender zone under the eyes. Pairs of movements on each side will be enough.

Massage technique

How often do you need to make a cans massage?

The first procedures should not last longer than 3 minutes. With regular massage sessions, time gradually increase, but strictly limited to the maximum 15 minutes.

The intensity of massage by banks at the very beginning should be the smallest.

For a trial procedure, low pressure is created and worked out only the skin of the face without affecting the adjacent muscles.

The frequency of such an impact is one or twice a week. This quantity is enough for the emergence of first nice changes. The result of the evening procedure will be noticeable for the next morning.

A month later, the massage can be done every day, while working on different problem zones, and not the same.

You should not use the cans for a person if an important meeting is scheduled soon or a date. Errors when choosing pressure or intensity will be shown in bruises and redness.

The guarantor of obtaining an effective result of such a massage can be the use of one of the following schemes:

  • Regular course with rest periods. Designed for 1 month. The same time and degree of impact procedures are carried out every other day. Then you need a monthly break.
  • Intensive course and one-time sessions. Massage spend daily for a week. On the next days it is repeated once a week. As needed again, you can return to intensive sessions after several months, and then maintain the condition of the skin of the face by temporary effect.

Too frequent and aggressive massage is not able to give an instant effect. Breaks are necessary. During recreation, microtraums are restored, the skin rests and pulls up.

Vacuum massage with banks

The work carried out in different schemes allows you to estimate the results of each. Experienced by a woman herself defines the optimal combination of massage and breaks.


Massage with caught by face, subject to the proper preparation and technique of manipulations, will change the appearance of the woman. Smooth skin will shine youth and health.

It is important to remember that any cosmetic procedure has a number of contraindications for its use.

Diseases prohibiting such a type of influence include:

  • severe acne rash;
  • open jets, abrasions and wounds;
  • herpes;
  • dermatitis;
  • heat bodies;
  • cold, runny nose;
  • tumors: malignant and benign;
  • elevated or reduced pressure;
  • skin fungus;
  • warts;
  • heart diseases;
  • tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • inflamed face nerves;
  • lymph nodes;
  • overwork and weakness;
  • the location of the capillaries is close to the surface of the skin.

Good health and positive attitude - the key to the success of the procedure. Sessions should be joy and bring only positive emotions.

Do not resort to facial massage immediately after chemical peels, tattoo, piercing and Botox Ukolov. Some time the sound needs to relax.

Benefits of the Roast Face Massage

The reason for the popularity of the use of massage cans is the rapid appearance of visible positive results when they are properly used. This procedure is not only cosmetology. It gives a healthy healing effect.

Benefits Facial Massage by Banks

The consequence of the massage spent markedly after the first session. After 12 hours, the tone of the skin of the face is aligned, the tone is observed, a natural blush appears on the cheeks.

The same effect has a manual lymphatic drainage massage. But the cannon is easier to use and does not require a long study of the impact technique. It can be applied at home, without resorting to the paid services of a cosmetology cabinet in beauty salons.

How to extend the result of massage?

The skin of the face is constantly being subjected to weather changes. The wind, hot sun rays and winter frosts actively affect it. Active Mimica provokes wrinkles. The skin aging and fades.

It is best to spend sessions in the evening. When it is used in the daytime, you should not go outside at least half an hour. Active blood circulation expands vessels. There may be a small edema. In a warm room without third-party exposure, the skin can relax.

To preserve the result obtained for a long time, it is necessary to combine it with other cosmetic procedures. We must not forget about an important cleansing and moisture for the skin, be sure to control the duration of sleep and the amount drunk during the fluid day.

Independent face massage by banks do not require large financial investments. And if there are no opportunities to visit the beauty salon or medical office, this procedure can be held at home. Set of jars, oil and a little time - everything you need.

The proper use of vacuum will return the face of beauty, taut and youth. The healing pressure created by banks will restore damaged layers, will strengthen the blood supply and will have a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system. Smooth and smooth skin will shine freshness and health.

Video about vacuum massagepersonsbanks at home:

The video about how the vacuum massage of the face:

Why did I decide to write about the vacuum massage of the face? Because our larch deserves himself better care - After all, we want to be young and beautiful at any age! But does it mean that you need to lay out a bunch of money in cosmetic salons? Or give yourself to the hands of plastic surgeons? Not at all! Face massage vacuum banks is a simple and natural means of rejuvenation at home. Moreover, the remedy is very effective!

Vacuum massage face

How does vacuum massage by banks affect the face?

Regular, properly performed face massage with vacuum banks gives the following effects:

  • smoothed deep wrinkles (for example, nasolabial folds),
  • smoothed fine wrinkles (for example, wrinkles around the eyes),
  • improves the complexion
  • the skin of the face becomes more fresh, elastic and dense (i.e. younger),
  • smoothed unevenness of the skin of the face,
  • pores decrease,
  • pale pigment spots,
  • scum and irritation disappear,
  • the state is improved both too dry and too oily skin face
  • swelling, bags under the eyes,
  • the second chin decreases,
  • the face pulls up, becomes more subtle (the face with vacuum massage can lose weight a little, it should be considered),
  • oval Faces becomes clearer.

Generally, thanks to the massage with vacuum banks, the face becomes younger. Moreover, it really becomes younger, and not only looks. It is the actual rejuvenation of the muscles and the skin of the face, and not a visual effect that is obtained after plastic Operations And when using makeup.

How are all these wonderful effects from vacuum massage of the face are achieved?

Vacuum massage has a triple impact on face:

relaxers spashed face muscles, improves lymphobra and creates microtraums in deep layers of skin.

Massage with vacuum banks relaxes spashed face muscles.


  • smoothed deep mimic wrinkles caused by muscle spasm;
  • the blood supply is improved, disturbed in the spashed muscles and adjacent areas of the skin of the face.

Massage with vacuum banks improves lymphobam.


  • constant phenomena (swelling) are eliminated;
  • toxic substances accumulated in the muscles, subcutaneous layer and face skin;
  • dead cells are removed;
  • the functions of the sebaceous and sweat glands are normalized, which solves the problem of both too dry and oily skin.

Massage vacuum banks leads to microtrams.

Microtraums should not be afraid - this is a positive effect! Microtrauma - invisible externally, microscopic damage to tissues - stimulate hypercompension (so, it is due to microtrams that muscles grow after power exercises). In our case, the face massage with vacuum banks creates microtraums in deep layers of the skin, which leads to the following results:

  • an additional capillary network is formed, due to which the blood flow is significantly increasing, i.e. the flow of oxygen and nutrients is improved;
  • the fibroblasts producing collagen and elastin proteins are activated - the skin of the face becomes more dense, smooth and tightened;
  • improves the natural humidification of the skin;
  • pores on the face decrease.

As you can see, the effect of the vacuum massage of the face is not so much cosmetic as heicing. With your own hands (and vacuum banks) you can return the face of natural youth and beauty.

How to perform a vacuum massage of the face?

First of all, for massage, we will need vacuum banks. You can buy a set of vacuum cans for massage a face in a pharmacy in your city and on the Internet. I order all sorts of things on the Chinese website The most simple version is silicone vacuum banks (as in the photo) - quite comfortable and easy to use. You can buy glass jars with rubber pear. But medical banks with a separate pump should not buy - too complicated for our purposes.

For the massage of the face we will need banks of different diameters (at least 2 options):

  1. Little vacuum bank for massage area around eyes, small wrinkles and nasolabial folds. A small bank affects the upper layers of the skin. Its diameter should be the minimum - diameter of about 1 cm.
  2. The average vacuum bank for a dynamic massage is a diameter of 2 to 3 cm. The average bank affects the deep layers of the skin and muscle.
  3. Large vacuum bank for static forehead massage and cheeks. The diameter of a large vacuum can - the diameter from 3 to 5 cm. Big bank is not necessary. Instead, you can use the middle jar. However, a large bank is suitable for vacuum massage of the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline and other parts of the body (see an article about body massage with vacuum banks), so it is also nice to have in stock.

Oil for vacuum massage face.

Massage vacuum banks is always carried out by abundantly lubricated oil leather. Without oil, such a massage cannot be carried out.

For massage you need to use clean vegetable cold spin oil, without any additives (preservatives, flavors). No deodorized, refined, hydrogenated and other treated oils! Store the oil in a dark cool place (if necessary - in the refrigerator) and do not use the oil after it rank.

How often do vacuum massage face?

What frequency should the vacuum can be carried out at home? There are two schemes:

The first scheme is regular vacuum massage courses, alternated with recreation periods.

  • Regular courses on 10-15 massage sessions are performed in a day (i.e., the course lasts 20-30 days).
  • Between courses should take breaks for 15-30 days.

The second scheme is an intensive course of vacuum massage, and then support sessions.

  • Intensive course - during the week massage sessions are performed every day (i.e. 7 days in a row).
  • At the end of the intensive massage course, support sessions once every 1-2 weeks should be performed.
  • If necessary, after a few months, the intensive course of massage can be repeated. And then, return to supporting sessions.

Do not attempt to achieve a quick result, making a vacuum massage too often. Remember that the effect is not manifested during the massage itself, but in breaks between massages - when the skin rests and is restored after microtrams applied by vacuum banks.

It looks like sports training: to get the result, a rest is needed between training. Also, both the muscles are restored and grow only during the rest between the training sessions and our skin is restored, pulls up and rejuvenates only during the rest between massage sessions.

Contraindications - when you can not make a vacuum massage.

  1. The presence of thrombus or tendency to the formation of thromboms.
  2. Blood blood clotting (as a result of a disease or drug intake).
  3. Third or hypotension hypertension. Before making a vacuum massage, it is necessary to get rid of this problem, which is easy to do with one simple exercise (see an article about the treatment of pressure \u003e\u003e\u003e), instead of constantly making harmful medicines.
  4. Diseases of the lymphatic system.
  5. Inflammation of facial nerve.
  6. Acute fungal, infectious and other inflammatory processes on the skin of the face. Vacuum massage can help penetrate infection in deeper skin layers.
  7. Skin damage (open wounds, cuts).
  8. Any inflammatory processes of the body in the acute stage.
  9. Any acute diseases (cold, elevated temperature, poisoning).
  10. Strong fatigue, overwork, bad mood - reason to postpone the vacuum massage for another day. All we do for your beauty and health should be done in the cheerful condition and in the good location of the Spirit.

Facial massage vacuum banks - video lessons.

Vacuum canine face massage - video lesson (author of video: Anna Aliyeva - Faceforming Specialist).

Wonders of a vacuum jam massage for face - video lesson.

Massage with vacuum banks at home has become popular as an effective lymphatic regulatory procedure working on improving skin elasticity and a common tone. The vacuum massage of the face reduces wrinkles, eliminates edema, bags and swelling under the eyes. Banks make from various materials, the most popular - glass, rubber and silicone products manufactured with a pump, pear or without additional devices.

The benefits of the procedure directly depends on the proper execution of equipment and recommendations. All movements during massage occur only on massage lines - from the center to the periphery. In the neck zone, the right movement is from the chin to the clavicle. For each area of \u200b\u200bthe face, neck and decollete there are banks of different diameters. The smallest is used for the zone around the eyes, nasolabial folds, choose more to study large areas - neck, neckline zones.

Use of procedure

The cannon massage relaxes the skin muscles, thereby improving lymphobra and microtraums of deep layers are created. As a result, deep mimic wrinkles are smoothed, the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands improves. Microtraumas have a positive effect on the tissue, stimulating the hypercompensation, due to which the pores, collagen and elastin are reduced better, tighten the skin. The processes described make the skin much more moistened, which significantly improves its quality and leads to a rejuvenating effect.


The incorrect use of massage cans leads to bruises, decrease in elasticity and does not give a positive anti-aging effect. Proper implementation of massage techniques consists of the following items:

  1. Clean the skin of the face. Be sure to spend a complete demacid with a micellar solution and wash foam.
  2. Preheat facial muscles. Do not sparking strongly skin, attach to the face of a hot towel for a couple of minutes or take a hot bath before carrying out the procedure.
  3. Apply oil. So that the banks gently slide, use high-quality vegetable oil. It is important to choose a tool without chemical additives, so pre-examine the composition and consult a cosmetologist. The following oils will be suitable for vacuum massage:
  • grape bone;
  • olive;
  • coconut;
  • sesame;
  • avocado;
  • jojoba;
  • walnut.
  1. Start a dynamic or static massage. The jar is tightly attached to the skin slightly drawn inside.
  2. To work out the skin area in the right direction, without taking the jar from the face. Hold your skin so that it is not frozen and stretched. With static massage, the jar is left for 5-7 seconds on the skin, without moving it along the face.
  3. Gently remove the jar, relaxing the negative pressure.


Vacuum massage is useful for health and beauty, but before starting the course, you should consult with a specialist and carefully examine the technique of the procedure. Facial massage by banks is contraindicated at:

  • hemophilia;
  • open wounds on the surface of the skin;
  • fresh postoperative scars;
  • purulent inflammation, acne;
  • thrombach and predisposition to their appearance;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • cold;
  • hypotension (reduced arterial pressure);
  • third degree hypertension (increased arterial pressure);
  • inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • herpes in exacerbation;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • inflammation of lymph nodes;
  • fungal diseases.

Cosmetic vacuum banks

You can buy massage vacuum banks in online stores, pharmacies or specialized medical stores. Their price depends on the popularity of the brand, the number of cans included and the quality of materials. Before buying, read the goods.

Price, rub


Alpina Plast

Four polymer-glass jars of different diameters (11, 22, 33, 50 mm).

Comfortable shape of a glass jar with a pear; the ability to regulate the degree of vacuum; High quality silicone and glass.

Not every size of banks can be used in a face massage; high price.

Three bamboo vacuum cans for the face of different diameters.

Made from a natural bamboo, known for useful properties.

The large size of the cans does not allow them to use point.