Original ideas for dr 30 in the club. Themed birthday parties at home

Themed holiday can be on a different scale. For someone, it is enough to put napkins with a pinned rose on the plates - and now there is a pink party. And someone wants to subordinate everything to a chosen theme: pick up music, decorate a hall, come up with a program, create a photo zone and buy themed souvenirs for guests.

The hardest part is figuring out where to start. Then the ideas themselves will fall as if from a cornucopia, you just need to think carefully about what exactly for an anniversary or an ordinary birthday will be a highlight this year.

I have collected 10 ideas to wake up your imagination:

Exploring the calendar of unusual holidays

I think everyone is used to the fact that almost every day of the year there is some kind of holiday. All sorts of Days of Emoticons, Smiles, Hugs, PI Day, Cats Day and Pirate Imitation Day. We just look at what day you were born and combine your holiday with some World Beauty Day.

I remember celebrating my brother's birthday on Cosmonautics Day. Well, what an endless flight! Of course, there was a starry sky made of foil balloons-stars, a comic menu "for astronauts", a selection of songs and space music, a photo zone with a rocket and tasks to check the vestibular apparatus.

We do not miss interesting dates

This is for the case if the date is not anniversary, but interesting. Remember the slang of the Barrel Lotto game? 22 - geese-swans, 44 - chairs, 55 - gloves, 66 - felt boots, 77 - hatchets, 88 - nesting dolls.

Well? And how can you please an 88-year-old grandmother by throwing a Matryoshka-themed party for her! Nice, bright, fun.

We dedicate the holiday to the main hobby of the hero of the day

One such anniversary made an indelible impression on me. It was a men's holiday for a chess fan. Black and white design, real chess pieces on the tables, all the vocabulary in the toasts and speeches of the presenter - from the chess terminology. The guests came in black and white. Nice, elegant.

We interview the hero of the occasion about a hobby. Embroidery, modeling, scrapbooking, stamp collecting or toy soldiers?

Using the zodiac sign

I can't say that you can come up with a cool party for all zodiac signs. Personally, my Cancer does not inspire me in any way. Even boiled.

But all sorts of Volodya, Gemini and Libra can become the basis of the holiday. We fill the program with comic horoscopes and predictions, light candles and turn on the mystical ball. By the way, we have a cool one for such a party.

We remember important dates and associate with the best hits from "Song of the Year"

The bottom line is this. In the biography of every person there is important dates: when he was born, went to school, got married, the firstborn was born, etc. It is necessary to find a list of songs from the programs "Song of the Year" in order to remember which song was popular that year and sounded from each iron. ...

All guests will receive a warm wave of pleasant memories, believe me! You can have a karaoke party or just dance to the original recordings. We are on such holidays.

Horse surname

My maiden name is Krotova. Not horse, but animal)). Naturally, from kindergarten to the very marriage, I was Mole. All my notebooks were decorated with the character of the Czech cartoon, and I called the elegant velvet jacket "Mole Skin". So that's it. Surnames, good nicknames and even nicknames on social networks can be a hit with a theme party.

There are such bright surnames that are associated with some objects, animals, plants, substances and phenomena. In my memory was the cherry anniversary of Vishnevskaya and the golden holiday of Zolotov.

Beautiful dream

Favorite movie or book

Young people actively choose the quests "The Lord of the Rings", "Harry Potter" or " star Wars". For the generation "over 40", a party "in the style of the USSR" with the heroes of Gaidaev's comedies is a success.

Of course, the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed" remains popular. There are ready-made restaurants in Moscow with black cats and posters with Sharapov. And the music ... Well, as without Rio-Rita!


Each person may have talents that have nothing to do with their profession. You can think of comic script"Reincarnation", in which we will honor the hero of the day in images from past lives. Yes, he's a military man. But how coolly he sings songs with a guitar, paints pictures, is fond of history and at the same time makes amazingly cool repairs in the apartment and grows amazing vegetables in the country.

The most interesting thing is that on such holidays, guests will learn so much new about the hero of the occasion that there is no limit to surprise. Try it!

Another hero of the day may outwardly resemble some famous person in the past: a king, a writer, an artist, an actor, etc.

For 80 years around the world

If a person has traveled a lot and visited many countries, you can come up with a cool themed holiday with a demonstration of the best shots, decoration, treats and a program so that pleasant memories of these trips become the main emotional accent of the whole holiday.

We offer a banquet quest "Around the World" and any party like Hawaiian, Mexican, French, Italian. Food, music, show numbers, costume photo shoots - everything will be for real!

I would be glad to see additions in the comments! What themed holidays did you spend (were guests) for people of different ages? What creative discoveries do you remember the most?

How to organize an original birthday

If you are young (at heart, first of all), full of strength and desire to celebrate your birthday or the birthday of your friend (girlfriend) in an unusual and interesting way, then our tips for preparing the celebration may seem useful and timely to you.

We will allow ourselves to give some advice to enthusiasts who have embarked on the path of organizing holiday events (including birthday parties). It doesn't matter how many people will take part in the holiday - half the city or ten people. There is only one rule - if you want the event to turn out the way you intended it, then it must be carefully prepared and thought out. Remember the pattern: the more detailed each stage of the upcoming celebration will be at the preliminary stage, the more successful it will be.

So: where to start and what factors to consider when starting to implement your plan?

Decide where your birthday is going to be. The choice of the idea and form of the celebration will depend on the venue. If the idea is a sports birthday, and the venue is an apartment, then this significantly narrows the choice of forms for the implementation of the chosen idea. You will no longer be able to organize funny mini-relay races, or use elements of orientation on the ground (for example, to find a gift).

Define your birthday idea... It can be any, based on the interests of the hero of the occasion or the interests of his guests. This could be: "Exercise for the intellect" or "Culinary flare", "Beach mood" or "Home joys". It doesn't matter what name you give - the main thing is that it is associated with the main idea, because all stages of the holiday should be subordinated to it.

Based on the idea, determine the form of the event. Moreover, one idea can be implemented in different forms. For example, the idea - "Charging for the intellect" can be embodied in the form of a meeting of the club of the intellectual elite or, as one of the options, a marathon of crossword lovers, and so on.

That is the form of the event will depend on your preferences: it can be a ball, a bachelor party, a convention of goddesses or a beer lovers' symposium. The list of shapes is as limitless as your imagination.

Having decided on the form, you can proceed to filling the form with content. In doing so, make sure that the content does not conflict with the form. For example, if you have chosen a ball as a form, then the appearance of a daring company of pirates on it will clearly contradict the idea of ​​your holiday. Only after deciding on the content, you can proceed to the development of the next stage. For example: idea - "Culinary Trouble", form - "Tasting Workshop for Dummies", content - a master class on cooking some simple dish, creating your own salad, tasting the dish in order to determine the ingredients, drawing up culinary ditties, and so on.

Now you can start writing the script that embodies your idea. The birthday script should be fun and entertaining for this particular audience. The more guests will be involved in the implementation of your idea, the more successful the holiday will be.

Don't forget about the decoration! All design details should also work on the main idea. For example, if the idea is “Culinary Trouble,” then decorate the walls with funny food-themed drawings with funny captions. When holding contests, use aprons, caps, large mittens. By the way, one of the competitions may be dressing the contestants in the clothes of a cook for a while.

Use surprises! They can be entered at any stage. The more unexpected the surprise, the better. The main thing is that he be cheerful and harmless.

Unleash your imagination! The main thing is that there is a possibility of implementing the plan. And then your birthday will become a bright and memorable event for you and your friends.

Ideas for celebrating a birthday in the country

Were you born in summer or early fall? You are lucky! Do you have a summer residence? You are doubly lucky - there is nothing better than celebrating a birthday at the dacha: space for communication with nature and space for finding and implementing holiday ideas.

What should be considered when choosing this or that idea?

First of all, the following factors must be considered:

1. Desire and readiness of the birthday person (s) to make efforts to prepare such a holiday;

2. Gender and age of the hero of the occasion;

3. Estimated composition and number of guests;

4. Summer cottage opportunities - the availability of a place for a feast, the number of sleeping places (in case of an overnight stay), the presence of a bath, a reservoir, etc .;

5. Way of departure and arrival of guests.

Where to get ideas? The generator of ideas can be you, or your family and friends.... You can even host a competition for best idea... Do not immediately dismiss even the most incredible and crazy ideas: as a rule, it is from them that wonderful scenarios for the holidays are born. Do not be afraid to fantasize, because ideas are around you, or rather, around your summer cottage. Well, for example, these:

Country sufferingfestivities- for those who gravitate towards folk art... The script can also include the performance of ditties and folk songs, folk amusements, tasting of native Russian dishes and drinks, etc.;

Shish kebab epic birthday for real men- you can use Caucasian paraphernalia - mustaches, hats, something else of this kind, you can arrange a tasting of barbecue, marinated different ways, dry wines or sauces for kebabs, arrange competitions in agility, Caucasian dances, possibly songs with a guitar;

Country dance in the style of "disco» – for such a young company: a lot of music, dances, youth jokes, practical jokes. Motto: "Summer time is in full swing, we are all here, and we are on fire!"

Strawberry season - baba berry again: an atmosphere of gallantry is required, a lot of compliments for the birthday girl, the presence of strawberries on the table and in the design;

Men's country feastbeer expanse. Motto: "Beer belly abhors emptiness"... If men are going, then they are unlikely to follow any other scenario, except for this: a feast where there is a lot of beer, fish, shrimp and other delicacies to it, intimate conversations. But if you want, then this scenario can be filled with various interesting notions;

Vegetable bouquet- if the hostess loves and is engaged in gardening, and the guests respect and appreciate her skills: a lot of vegetable dishes on the table, in decoration, the use of vegetable themes in entertainment;

Bath joys or a riot of brooms. The whole celebration is built around the bath - a visit to the steam room, the use of different brooms (a master class for men), for women - face and body masks, drinks: kvass, herbal teas, pouring cold water or swimming in a pool or pond. Feast - after all bath procedures. Gifts and greetings should also match the theme.

Beach battles for the young and energetic- if there is a reservoir with a beach next to the cottage. Entertainment may include swimming, beach games, contests. The feast with alcoholic drinks begins after the beach activities.

The idea of ​​a holiday is not so difficult to come up with. It is much more difficult to implement it, and for this need a team of like-minded people... Each member of this team should be focused on solving one problem, and there are many of them: writing a script, preparing materials for registration, purchasing products, organizing the delivery of guests, etc. And don't forget assign people responsible for video or photography so that many years later this significant event will continue to bring joy to you and your friends.

Scenario of an original birthday party for a girlfriend

Let us once again remind you of a simple truth: the more thorough the preparation, the more relaxed and brighter your birthday will be (this rule applies to any festive events). At the same time, when holding such a holiday, there is always a place for good improvisation.

As an example, we offer you a scenario for a friend's birthday - “Careless birthday”.

Initial data: a friend who is depressed about parting with a loved one. All attempts to bring her out of this state are ineffective. A friend prefers to spend all evenings at home alone, believing that her life has collapsed.

Task: to show a friend that the world is not so bad, and that there is always a place for a feat of joy in life.

Ways to solve the problem:

Cooking for a friend birthday surprise.

The venue is a friend's apartment.

Since the landing of guests will happen completely unexpectedly for the hero of the occasion, and she, most likely, will be in a dressing gown, we declare a dressing gown obligatory clothing for all guests(a robe is easy to take with you and put on over any clothes)

We define the idea of ​​the celebration- "Careless birthday", that is, everything should be simple, but at the same time, fun and interesting.

Having weighed our capabilities, we choose the form of holding - "Picnic at the Palace"... This will greatly simplify the preparation of food and table setting - a picnic is a picnic! We decide to replace the table with a "glade" by spreading the oilcloth directly on the carpet, and throwing pillows around it.

· We replace the dishes disposable tableware for picnics by choosing the option for children's parties with cartoon characters.

· Cooking will take place in the form of a culinary competition between the teams... There may be several teams depending on the number of guests. The main thing is that everyone has enough space for creativity.

Required in advance think over a set of products (semi-finished products) for preparing simple dishes, for example different salads.

Our the script included several stages:

Breaking into a friend's apartment to prepare a surprise greeting. To do this, we developed a plan to lure her out of the apartment. The reason should be unexpected, maybe even absurd, but definitely requiring the immediate participation of a friend. For example: “Hurry, grab a mop, run to the first floor - a mouse, a rat, a raging cockroach attacks me (but not a bully, otherwise a vigilant friend can call the police on the run). More horror in her voice to make her rush to help without hesitation.

As soon as the hostess leaves the apartment (you need to take care of the key in advance), other participants of the event(they will be on the floor above) enter the apartment and in a hurry prepare a surprise - arrange flowers, hang posters, funny pictures, balloons, line up for congratulations.

Surprise - congratulations sound after the birthday girl returns from the rescue expedition: it could be assembly from poetic congratulations, song, flowers delivery, etc.

Acquaintance with the creativity of the guests - the photos on the poster are examined and funny captions are read out to them.

Culinary duel - preparation of treats by teams. While the teams are preparing, one or two people arrange a "clearing". Determination of the winner - the jury shoots the test blindfolded. Friendship generally wins.

Feast with cheerful toasts, presentation of gifts.

- compilation of ensembles from the available presence of bathrobes.
- negligent fashion show
- negligent photo session.
- dressing gown disco
- viewing photos on your computer.

Traditional tea party with cake

Expected Result: removal of the depressive syndrome in a friend, the return of her interest in life.

What to gift?

Video: What to give for your birthday

I was completely exhausted, and the result was zero! For two days I go shopping to buy a present for a friend. I want something like that, well, I don't know what it is. We have been friends since childhood, and our birthday is every year. I have already given everything that was possible, my imagination was simply exhausted. Desperate, I went into a cafe and ordered coffee and a "death to figure" cake.

While waiting for the order, I stared at the TV screen, where they were showing some kind of master class. With growing interest, I began to observe how, in the hands of a craftswoman, an ordinary beet turns into a delightful flower, and a dish decorated with her products - into a work of art. "My God! How does is called? Yeah, carving! That's what you need to give - a ticket to such a master class, ”I thought. Apparently, I “thought” loudly enough, because the woman sitting next to me asked with a smile: “Eternal gift problem

Quite unexpectedly for myself, I complained: “I have a streak of birthdays. Continuous headache - I want to find original giftfor girlfriend but I don’t know which one! ” “I have already solved this problem for myself, - said my interlocutor, - Would you like to share it?”

We take into account the personality of the birthday girl - what she enjoys, what she does, what she dreams of:

· Inveteratetheater-goer - books about the theater, discs with a recording of an interesting production, a ticket to a performance of your favorite theater, etc.

LoverCook - if you have exhausted all the options, starting with cookbooks and ending with all sorts of bells and whistles for the kitchen, then you can please your friend with an invitation to some master class, for example, on the same carving. As a rule, you can purchase and Gift Baskets tools for it, and instructions for their use.

Needlewoman- to expand your creative possibilities, give your friend a disc with a master class on: decoupage technique, stained glass making or soap making. It's good if they come with a set of tools and materials.

Fan healthy lifestyle will appreciate your gift in the form of a subscription in a sauna or a fitness center, a certificate for visiting the SPA salon, etc.

We take into account information about significant events in the life of a friend:

bought a car - everything that will make driving the car even more comfortable will be perceived with gratitude - starting from seat covers and a set “ autolady", Ending with various electronic gadgets, such as a navigator or a video recorder. For especially advanced drivers - extreme driving courses.

made a trip abroad - everything connected with the storage of photographic materials will come in handy: a photo album, an electronic photo frame. A cool gift could be a presentation on the topic of travel.

bought a fur coat - storage case, fur care product, scarf, gloves, etc.

We take into account professional ambitions - the desire to climb the career ladder, to improve:

§ the simplest solution is present stylish things for work(depending on the type of activity) - a stand for a cell phone with rhinestones, a holder for documents, etc.

§ Professional development materials - books, DVD courses, etc.

§ Professional development training - preferably in the direction that the birthday girl is interested in.

Of course, this is not an instruction - this is just an attempt to explain a principle that can become fundamental when choosing a gift for both a friend and any woman. If, of course, you want to bring true joy to the birthday girl.

Gift for Girlfriend

DIY gift for a friend

What to give a friend for her birthday- this question worries many! We have reflected a general and very competent approach to choosing a gift for a friend in the article What to give a friend for her birthday.

But if you want your gift to be remembered forever to a loved one then do it yourself. The perfume will run out, the flowers will wither, and the candies will disappear altogether on the very first day, if you decide to give formal gifts. A handmade gift is always original, keeps your warmth and love, it will stay with your girlfriend for a long time. Every time she sees him, she will definitely remember you.
How to make an original gift for a friend with your own hands quickly and easily? We have a solution!

Original collar

Each girl is a fashionista by her nature, therefore, having made original collar you will definitely not go wrong. Such a cute accessory will add zest to any woman and dilute the gray look of everyday life.
So, you will need:

- dense fabric base (for example, jacquard fabric)
- pearls, satin ribbon
- glue, hole punch, sheet of paper, scissors, pen

Your action plan:

1. On a piece of paper, draw a collar base, cut it out (make sure the base is perfectly symmetrical).

2. Place the backing paper on the fabric and trace, cut out the two fabric backings.

3. To keep your collar from drooping, sew together the two resulting fabric bases.

4. Glue pearls over the entire area of ​​the collar.

5. Use a hole punch to punch two holes on both sides of the narrowest part of the collar.

6. Pass the ribbon through the holes to secure the collar.

A gift for a friend is ready, original and priceless, because it was you who made it. You can also make a beautiful, original and exclusive addition to the gift that will remind your friend of your feelings.

Melted crayon hearts

This is a beautiful and original addition to a gift for your girlfriend, which will become an integral part of the decor of the future owner.

We will need:

- Wax crayons
- Heart shaped bakeware
- Sequins

It is very easy to make this miracle. To do this, you need to do:

· Chop up the crayons so that they are about 2 cm long.

· Fill the molds one third full with colored crayons.

· Place the molds in an oven preheated to 300 degrees for 15 minutes.

· Refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Well, what a gift without a postcard? Buying postcards in a store means using other people's pseudo-money words in relation to your loved ones. Words printed in circulation can never convey all the tenderness that you put into a gift.

I am

The original postcard is a butterfly.

1. Cut the shape according to the template.

2. Cut out the wings and fold them along the lines.

3. Decorate the postcard according to your taste: color the template; glue sequins, sequins, pebbles, etc.

4. Be sure to write down the most touching words for your girlfriend. Remember all the interesting moments of your friendship, remind her of some of your stories. She will read this with great pleasure.

Please your girlfriend with the most the best gift, which will symbolize the purity and sincerity of your relationship and warm the soul of your friend. You will not only make your loved one pleasant, but also strengthen your friendship.

DIY gift box

Maybe you still opt for jewelry, linen or something else that requires a careful attitude, so we propose to arrange with your own hands a box for a gift. Get the box you have at home or buy it from the store. Buy a nice postcard or two. Use scissors to shape the bottom and lids of your box, glue one card to the bottom of the box, the other to the lid of the box. The sides can also be pasted over with something original. That's it, the original packaging of your gift is ready!

You can also turn on your imagination and completely update the box. To do this, buy beautiful paper... Paper flowers add originality to the new composition.

Photo album, photo frame or notebook decorated in style

scrapbooking with your hands

Scrapbooking album is an unusually decorated photo album, consisting of sheets, each of which represents a complete theme and tells what is shown in the photo.

Well, for example, did you travel together in Europe? This means that when making out an album, you can add tickets for any sights, programs, hotel souvenirs, maps and everything that will complement the idea of ​​your trip.

Photo frame in scrapbooking style

To design a photo frame, you can make blanks for a future masterpiece yourself, cutting them out of thick cardboard, in the form of silhouettes of a heart, lock, flower, etc., coloring them in the desired tone and adding decorative elements purchased in stores: buttons, beads, beads, etc.

But you can go in a more interesting way and make a photo frame completely with your own hands.

Gifts decorated with coffee beans

A coffee tree, a picture of coffee beans, a mug, a coffee heart, etc., made with your own hands, is not just an original gift that is very easy to make, but also a good flavoring agent for the room in which it will be located. For more information on the many ideas for decorating original gifts made from coffee beans, read our article “Oh, this is coffee”.

Video: Birthday Gift Ideas

Birthday greetings texts

Congratulations to your girlfriend or friend

Let everything be as you want:
Love, successes and flowers,
May there be happiness in this world
And YOU will be happy in it.
May there be joy and good luck
May there be happiness and success
And there will be someone who appreciates you next,
And he loves - more than anyone!

Dear friend! Let the years run by!
In life there will be happiness always with you!
So that your beloved is near, joy in your soul,
And good friends - there are already!

Happy birthday to a colleague friend

To my beloved friend - colleague, I give my congratulations!
I wish you happiness, love and good luck on your birthday!
Working days are with you, somehow they pass more joyfully,
And if you are not there, and the minutes of the workers go away more slowly!

Congratulations to a friend

My dear friend, my congratulations to you!
May there be good luck and happiness in work, love and destiny!
Let life take care of you and undead, work - bring income,
And your beloved sings a song of love, a song of passion!

Congratulations to our friend
And we wish you boundless happiness in life,
Love - immense, success - exemplary,
Friends - very kind, reliable and loyal,
Children - beloved and best in the world,
After all, mom is happy if the children are happy!


How to make a surprise birthday gift: interesting ideas

Everybody loves to receive gifts, but unfortunately not every gift and not every birthday remains in memory over time. This situation must be corrected, and it is not at all difficult to do it.

For this, even the simplest inexpensive gift, need to turn into big, original surprise, which would be remembered for many years. For this, the gift must be:

· Nicely packaged.

· The presentation of the gift must be accompanied by a beautiful legend.

Here are some examples of how you can make a surprise for your birthday. So you can give a gift to almost any and beloved husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, girlfriend, friend.

Birthday Surprise Ideas and Options.

1. Video congratulation

Give the task to friends and relatives of the birthday person to shoot a short video with congratulations, you can hold a sign with a wish in your hands. Then collect congratulations from all the videos and make a small film. Putting all the videos together will help the Windows Movie Maker program, which everyone has on their computer. Only the preparation of the film needs to be started in advance.

· Another option, a video, is to ask strangers on the street to congratulate the birthday man.

· Slowly shoot the hero of the occasion on video in various situations, the main thing is that he does not guess why you are doing this. Then edit, adding interesting inscriptions and congratulations.

How to give?

On the birthday of the birthday person in the morning to the post office or social network send the resulting touching video congratulation. The surprise will be just super.

2. An ocean of emotions.

The idea of ​​a surprise is that every hour the birthday person receives congratulations from you in a variety of ways that only you can think of. For example,

· Telephone greetings,

SMS with a beautiful rhyme,

Audio greetings on the phone

· Flowers with wishes, the courier can bring.

· Message by e-mail,

Video congratulation,

· Electronic postcard,

· Congratulations on the pavement, which can be seen through the window.

· Poster or newspaper wall.

· Originally send a telegram by mail.

· Beautiful card on windshield cars.

The last congratulations and a gift, personally present to the dear Birthday boy. Such a congratulation will definitely never be forgotten.

3. SMS boom.

Ask all your friends, the more the better, to send different SMS greetings, but they should all be signed by your name. Imagine the person's reaction, definitely an unexpected surprise.

4. Exciting quest (game).

Come up with a scenario for how the gift will be presented.

· If you give a gift at home, you can organize a festive dinner, and decorate the room with balloons filled with helium. Hide the gift and play the game "Hot - Cold" or prepare special tasks in an envelope.

· Invite the birthday person to the street by throwing a letter under the door or just send an SMS. On the street, for example, a grandiose fireworks display or a musical orchestra performing a song and of course the gift itself that needs to be presented with touching words, for example "Beloved (s) ... ... for the main role in my life", " Best friend(to a friend) ".

· Invitation to the restaurant. Warn the birthday person in advance that a festive exit is expected, but do not say where. At the appointed time, a stranger knocks on the door and gives a letter "Waiting on the street." On the street, you can draw arrows in the direction of the car, and maybe to the carriage. Further along the way, you can come up with a few more tasks and the final chord arrival at a restaurant, where a noisy, cheerful company of friends awaits.

Here, for example, a video, although the guy makes an offer to his beloved in this way. We look.

5. Congratulations box

Ask all your acquaintances, friends and family to buy and write sincere congratulations, touching stories and just good words from yourself on postcards, then collect them and put them in a beautiful box.

How to give?

It is given together with the main gift, with approximately the following words "Let your life be bright, fabulous, and successful in everything, but if you ever feel sad, read the card from the box and understand that you are very important and valuable and loved in this life ".

6. A bag of health.

An original and creative idea, to present a "Health Bag" for your birthday. The birthday boy with a sense of humor will definitely be glad to receive such a gift. We buy a large bag (preferably a beautiful one), make the inscription “Health Bag” on it and put a bucket of apples or oranges there.

10 ideas to give your mom for her birthday

In the life of each of us there is the most dear person. This is our mom. it only person who loves us for who we are and forgives us all our foolishness. As adults, we leave, run away, succumb to the hustle and bustle of days and pay little attention to the dearest person. How to please mom, grandmother, mother-in-law?

What to give mom for her birthday?

So, gift ideas for mom.

Great things for the home.

So, cute pillows of different shapes and colors can become a cozy gift. A warm soft blanket for giving will come in handy. Great gift for significant date there will be a beautiful tablecloth with a set of embroidered napkins or a chic set bed linen... For any other reason, mothers will rejoice at any sign of attention on your part.


Not just a useful book, but a gorgeous edition with great photos. Such a gift is every woman's dream. By the way, books on the interior of the home may also be suitable.

Flowers and a flower plant in a pot.

If your mother is a lover of indoor plants, then this is your option. Also, various decorative garden figures for summer cottages can be a very original gift.

A set of coffee or tea.

In this case, it is advisable to choose expensive varieties in beautiful packaging... Let your mother enjoy the aromatic drink and recharge her energy. An original option, to give mom a handmade knitted tea.

Vacation package.

Why not give mom the opportunity to improve her health in a boarding house or see interesting places.


The gift is good because it makes housework easier and the mother has time to relax. Moreover, now the choice of home appliances is wide enough. For example, I saw in one store a marinator for speeding up homework. And there are also auto dryers for fruits and mushrooms, air grills, dishwashers. Many women love the multicooker as it is very convenient for cooking and saves valuable time. The list is endless.

Beautiful dishes.

It could be tea-set, tureen, glasses or a set for bulk products. Or there may be small cute things for table setting.


In this case, only expensive or exclusive items made of gold, silver, semi-precious stones, pearls.


A box of your favorite chocolates will be greatly appreciated. An alternative to candy is a box of biscuits or expensive chocolate.

Gift Impression.

And finally good gift can be a session with a beautician or masseur. After such procedures, youth and good mood return.

And most importantly - give love and attention!

11 ideas of what to give to someone who has everything

Today you will not surprise anyone with anything, and it is even more difficult to surprise a person who has everything. Here are some gift ideas that can be gifted to just about anyone and for any reason.

Specific ideas and examples of what to give

When choosing a gift, pay attention to:

1. Useful things that are necessary in everyday life and everyday life.

It can be a variety of gadgets and technology to make life easier. For example, a multicooker for a housewife, a navigator or a video recorder for a driver. You can also donate a tablet, a new smartphone, a robot vacuum cleaner. Today, the electronic industry does not stand still, so you can always find something that a person does not have.

2. Health related products.

3. Original, interesting and creative gifts.

Such gifts are interesting for their uniqueness and have a share of humor. For example, a "navel brush".

or original alarm clocks.

4. Gift impression.

Such a gift can be bought in specialized firms; they can be found in almost every city. The impressions will be remembered for a long time. It can be a hot air balloon flight, or a master class on flying an airplane or helicopter, a parachute jump, or a relaxing day at the spa complex, swimming with dolphins.

5. Gift certificates.

We buy a certificate from a well-known store and the issue is resolved. The person himself will choose what he likes.

6. Travel to an exotic or European country.

Everyone will be happy with such a gift, just agree on the time and date of the trip.

7. DIY gifts.

Such gifts are very soulful and very cute, they usually take pride of place. These gifts take time to make, so find an idea ahead of time. Look at the ideas that are on the site

8. Sweet gifts.

You can buy or bake a delicious cake or pie for tea, choose handmade chocolate.

9. Organize a themed party with costumes + a fun photo session or an exciting quest around the city.

The theme can be anything from a retro party to a military gathering. It is necessary to prepare costumes and interesting games and contests. By the way, costumes can be rented, and photo booths can be made for a photo shoot.

10. Record a song in a recording studio or shoot a congratulatory video.

11. Gift coins.

An original gift idea, such a present can be presented to a boss, leader or a rich person. The design of the coins is varied; such coins are sold in banks. They are made of precious metals (silver, gold, platinum), there are coins with precious stones.

If you didn't manage to come up with and buy anything, then a good option would be cash gift with a bouquet of flowers or balloons. A man can be presented with a bottle of good wine. You can always combine several ideas and find your best gift option for a person who has everything.

Regardless of age, everyone is looking forward to their birthday. After all, this is the only holiday of the year when all the attention belongs to only one person. Children love this day for gifts, teenagers - for the opportunity to have fun with friends, and older people - because on such a holiday almost the whole family gathers at the same table.

Do you need a script?

How does it go in an ordinary family? Most often, according to the standard plan: congratulations to the birthday person by family and friends, presenting gifts, and, of course, a small holiday with many goodies. Standard and uninteresting. Therefore, most people try to find such ideas for birthdays so that they can make their holiday fun and unforgettable.

The least expensive option for how to celebrate your birthday would be a party thrown within the walls of your own home. So at least you don't have to pay for the rented area. In such a situation, you can diversify the holiday in all sorts of ways. It is worth starting with food. So, you can try to make your party exotic and serve sushi on the table (you can even make them yourself), giving your holiday an oriental flavor. You can make it even more interesting: cook one dish at a time from the cuisines of several countries. Let the guests taste the world's goodies. Having dealt with food, you can consider the following ideas and other entertainment. It is worth considering this side of the holiday, because the mood of all guests depends on its atmosphere. When choosing contests, it is important to consider age category guests. But karaoke will appeal to many people, so you can diversify the fun anyway. Creative ideas for birthdays, they even provide for the organization of a masquerade. Such a celebration will definitely be unforgettable. Along the way, you can arrange a competition for the best fancy dress, in which, of course, the hero of the occasion will win.

On the road

You can also celebrate your birthday outside your home. The most simple option in such a situation it will become banal. But there are others. So, you can rent an apartment and have an unforgettable party there. If money allows, you can arrange a holiday on wheels by renting a limousine. You can also celebrate your holiday with fun company arranging kart races in the go-kart club, playing paintball, skydiving. And, of course, a trip to night club- many will like this development of events.

Most parents try to arrange unforgettable holidays for their kids. Therefore, it is so important to carefully think over the conduct of children's birthdays in order to take into account everything that they need so much on this momentous day. There are three main rules to keep in mind: delicious food, lots of fun, and surprise. If everything is clear with food, then fun implies the presence of a huge amount interesting contests with prizes and gifts, perhaps the presence of clowns or favorite cartoon characters. Well, it is imperative to think about giving a surprise not only to the birthday boy, but also to all children. It could be holiday fireworks, launching sky lanterns or balls, etc. There can be many options. One has only to think about what the baby wants so much on this day, and then organize a holiday.

Every year people are faced with a serious problem - how to celebrate their birthday. This holiday accompanies us from the first day of life, but first it is organized by parents, and then this responsibility is shifted onto our shoulders.

How do you spend your one day of the year? Of course, sometimes you just want to sit with your family with a cake and candles, without noise and loud feasts. But there are years when the soul asks for a real holiday, and it is foolish to deny yourself this!

InPlanet has prepared a list of 15 original birthday ideas!

1 Costume party

Classic version birthday celebrations - party in costumes. The beauty of this option is that you can pick up a variety of ideas that will appeal to any guest. For example, you can have a Hawaiian, pirate, or rainbow party. You can use your favorite TV show, such as Game of Thrones, for the theme of the evening, or throw a party.

2 Quest

Another exciting option for a holiday is to arrange a real quest for yourself and your guests. You don't have to bother with the preparation, but simply choose one of the quests that are currently running in your city. Or create something unique and conduct a quest right at home or in a restaurant. Then you have to write a script and prepare a real adventure!


You can turn your holiday into a theater stage using role play! The birthday boy will have to try a little, but then the evening will only become unforgettable. You need to agree on a list of guests, choose a scenario and assign roles. And it is better to let it be a surprise for the guests! For example, you can act out a scene from your favorite book or find a ready-made script on the Internet.

4 Picnic in nature

Real extremists can spend this day in nature, and the options for celebration will depend on the time of year. Those who were born in the summer are more fortunate - you can have a picnic in the forest, a trip to the river or lake, or a hike into the mountains. Winter birthday people are less fortunate, but they can rent a house in the forest and go skiing. And in the evening, sit by the fire or fireplace with a cozy conversation with loved ones.

5 A dream come true

Once a year, you can arrange a real holiday for yourself and do what you could only dream of. For example, skydive, go to the dolphinarium, visit, have a day of shopping or go horseback riding! In general, everyone has their own dreams, so the birthday man should know better what to do on this day in order to fulfill his dream!

6 Sports party

For those who love an active lifestyle, you can choose a sports party. The most popular birthday ideas are paintball, rope park or climbing wall. A large and noisy company will have great fun and spend this day with health benefits. And only pleasant memories will remain in the memory of this day! The main thing is to warn guests about the venue of the party in advance so that they dress in sportswear.

7 Birthday alone

No, no, it's not sad at all, but on the contrary, fun and interesting! If the birthday person is tired of everything and everyone, you can have a great rest and devote your birthday only to yourself. You can do whatever your heart desires - but at least go to Paris for a day to walk the ornate streets and enjoy the romantic atmosphere. Or arrange a day at the spa, shopping, beauty salon, or go to your favorite show or concert.

8 Photoshoot

A great way to combine business with pleasure to celebrate a birthday with a photo session. Business is all - agree with the photographer for the whole day and invite guests. You can prepare a bunch of outfits and arrange a thematic photo session, shooting outdoors or in daring looks. This day will remain not only in memories, but also in hundreds of funny photos with friends and family!

9 Party at the amusement park

How long have you been to an amusement park? You can fill the gap for your birthday - arrange yourself a real trip to childhood. You can enjoy plenty of attractions, carousels and swings in any amusement park. Another creative option is a joint trip to the water park. Then this day will definitely be remembered for a long time, because it will be spent not only fun, but also with benefit!

10 Restaurant

A classic option for celebrating a birthday with your family is going to a restaurant or cafe. Such a holiday will help you enjoy the company of loved ones and sincere conversation. And if you are already tired of going to ordinary restaurants, you can choose such an institution that you have never been to. For example, having dinner at a restaurant on the roof of a high-rise building - what could be more exciting?

11 Club

For real party-goers, birthday can be celebrated in a nightclub. This is a great way to get all your friends together and remember the carefree years! You can safely dance all night long under the light of strobe lights and the sounds of your favorite music. True, in the morning it is better to sleep a little longer, otherwise the state of health may not please!

12 Party at the spa

For girls, a great option for celebrating a birthday would be a whole day at the spa or beauty salon. You can get your friends together and spend your holiday in a relaxing atmosphere, enjoying the procedures. The spas have a special option to rent a room for the whole day. Such a birthday will not only be memorable, but also healthy!

For young people, any event is a reason for a bright, unforgettable holiday. Whether it is getting a license or successfully ending a session, completing a renovation or a friendship anniversary, paratrooper day or March 8th ... Every joyful moment is celebrated as if it were the greatest celebration in life.

When the time comes celebrate the anniversary, excruciating doubts arise. Any idea starts to seem insufficiently bright and creative, because this is not just an event, but an anniversary! Birthday after all. Round date, after all. Well, not to celebrate it the way the city day was recently celebrated. You need something like this ... such ... such ... In general, something amazingly uncommon!

How to celebrate your eighteenth birthday? What kind of twentieth birthday party to throw? Where to celebrate the 25th anniversary? The questions are not easy - especially for those who are used to stunning holidays for any more or less significant occasion.

Do not torment yourself with doubts. It must be remembered that there will be many anniversaries in life! On the eve of the eighteenth birthday, we say: "It should be noted so that it will be remembered forever, because 18 years happen once in a lifetime!" Will it be repeated twenty years, twenty-five or thirty? Of course not. Any anniversary is equally significant. This is what you need to keep in mind as you struggle to find an incredibly creative way to celebrate your birthday.

The main thing is not how memorable the holiday will be. The most important thing is that the birthday event is a pleasure for the birthday man and his friends. If, for example, you don't like loud music and smoky rooms, is it worth planning an anniversary party at a prestigious nightclub? Yes, the event may turn out to be interesting, but will it leave an extremely pleasant experience in your memory?

So, the main rule of a good anniversary: ​​the event should give pleasure to the hero of the occasion and his guests. This means that the place of celebration and the environment should be, above all, comfortable. Of course, the most comfortable and peaceful place is home. But is it worth arranging youth holiday at home?

If the birthday person lives in his own apartment separately from his parents, then celebrating at home is a good option... But hanging on to mom all the responsibility for the preparation of the treat and the post-holiday cleaning is hardly worth it. At the parents' house, you can arrange a festive dinner, as they say, for your own - that is, for family members, relatives and closest friends. Celebrating with friends is preferable outside the walls of the parental home. If we are talking about an anniversary (for example, about the eighteenth birthday), it is better to hold two festive events: one is at home, and the other is friendly. In this case, the sheep will be safe and the wolves will be fed.

Considering the numerous possibilities of conducting friendly party outside the home, you need to remember that the environment should be comfortable. For example, you should not invite young girls, far from extreme, to the winter forest for barbecue. They will probably agree and go, but they will get very cold and, God forbid, they will get sick. As a result, the feeling of guilt will poison the birthday man all the post-holiday days.

Choosing a place for an anniversary party should be wisely. The desire to surprise friends is not the best guide on the way to organizing a holiday. Carried away, you can indulge in all serious and creative devil knows what. It may not be too original, but interesting and fun.

We will give just a few hints. These are not ready-made recipes, but just ingredients. To make a dish (that is, a party) excellent, you need to make it branded - that is, unique, prepared according to your own recipe.

Often, it is enough just to decide on the venue for the festive event, and the idea and theme of the party will be born by themselves. Therefore, we will look for answers to the question "Where?", And even with the questions "What?", "How?" and most importantly "How much?" you will figure it out for yourself.

Party in a rented space

Fantasy immediately drew a picture of a cheap, shabby Khrushchev, rented out by the day? But we meant at all other! The anniversary does not happen every day and not even every year, so for the sake of such an occasion you can spend money on a good apartment - a large, stylish, well-furnished one.

If the list of invitees has occupied two notebook pages, it is worth aiming at a country cottage with a fireplace, a cozy courtyard, and maybe even a swimming pool. Provided, of course, that finances do not sing romances. By the way, it is advisable to rent a living space for a holiday not for one evening, but at least for a day. Because no one will clean up immediately after the party. In addition, having rented a room for several hours, you will have to resolve the issue of transporting the guests who have played for a while. And if the whole night and the next day is completely at your disposal, then you can not worry about anything.

Another option is to rent a hotel suite for just a few hours and arrange a festive dinner there. Culturally, decently and not without chic. Meals can be ordered at the hotel restaurant or you can bring your own food and drinks. The nice thing is that you don't have to clean up yourself. But there are also disadvantages - you can't make a lot of noise. A country cottage wins in this respect - there you can turn on loud music, play the guitar, arrange noisy games, and let off fireworks. And at the same time do not bother anyone!

If there is no money to rent decent square meters, you can rent a cheap apartment, but not for a day, but for two or three. So that in stock there was time, first for the holiday decoration, and then for the post-holiday cleaning. If you try well with the decor, then the flaws of the apartment will not be conspicuous. Lots of balloons, several paper and electric garlands, festive posters, interesting collages using photographs of the birthday boy and his friends - all this will create the necessary entourage in a rented apartment and hide its "shabby".

Party on wheels

Not the most budgetary, but quite a worthy option - note birthday in limousine... In many large cities there are firms that provide such a service as. Party car interiors are usually festively decorated. There is a bar in the limousine, which is filled either by the company providing the service or by the client himself. Another plus is a good audio system and color music. The limousine turns into a nightclub on wheels. For a party, you need to order a limousine for at least 2-3 hours, because an hour will only take you to get a taste of it.

If there is no company in the city that provides such a service, do not despair. A party on wheels can be arranged without a limousine. Of course, a party, for example, on a bus is not so chic, but on the other hand it is original. Bus rental can be carried out in almost any city where it operates public transport... The bus, of course, will also need to be dressed up and go on a trip around the city with songs and toasts. Better, of course, to have a bus party in the evening, because street lighting creates a festive mood.

In the warm season, it costs celebrate birthday by river or sea transport. It is desirable, of course, to rent a motor ship, boat or yacht, but this is expensive. However, you can just buy tickets for the night water disco and have a lot of fun!