Congratulations to the head of the kindergarten on important events. Happy birthday greetings to the head of the kindergarten Anniversary 50 years head of the script

Anniversary script kindergarten- 40 years

Scenario of the anniversary of the kindergarten 40 years without the participation of children

Introductory part(presentation)
Lead 1: good evening!
Lead 2 Hello dear friends!
We gathered in the hall today
To celebrate our anniversary
So that today they say again
That there is no more beautiful and no more fun,
No one is more beloved than our garden.
We are glad that we are with us now,
Those who know our kindergarten from the cradle.
We greet everyone today,
Our guests and kindergarten staff.
2: Today is a holiday in our house,
And the doors here are open to guests.
Well, but not for us best gift,
Than seeing the faces of all your friends!
Let the Wind of Changes change something,
Someone left, leaving a good mark.
But each of those present knows:
Here everyone is ours. We have no strangers here!
1: Not so long ago - 40 years ago
A wonderful kindergarten was built.
The kids from home are in a hurry here,
And in the evening - you will not take away in any way.
Here the educators are great specialists,
And the nannies are caring and affectionate.
It is cozy here, beautiful and light.
We were very lucky with this garden!
And on the anniversary we want to raise a glass
For our garden to grow and flourish !!!
(short pause to refill glasses)

2: Happy anniversary, children's island,
Kindergarten, the country of children!
You stayed in our past
In what is in my memory.
There were tears for no reason
After all, in truth,
As a child, ladies and men
They also cry sometimes.
For no reason and to the point -
Mom is not here, I suddenly got into a fight.
In childhood, problems -
This is not just a sound for you.
Ball games on the veranda
Resounding screams of commotion,
New Year's outfits -
Everything is so important to me!
Be, kindergarten, childish happiness,
So that in the morning the kids
Without tears shouting "Hello!"
We ate porridge from the heart!
And now, having measured the years,
We are in a hurry for the anniversary!
The doors are always open here
It's gotten even warmer here!
Happy anniversary! HURRAH!

Let's remember our childhood today
My friends, girlfriends, and the taste of that semolina, and the same quiet hour.
Probably today, after forty years
You would love to go to that crib.
Some grandchildren have preschool children today,
And the same teacher, and the same quiet hour.
And again this polka, and again Santa Claus
It's great to return to our childhood again for at least an hour.

You are welcomed by a graduate of the kindergarten "Fairy Tale" - _____________ (Song "Birthday") (the presenter gives a small present)
1: TOAST We want to wish from the bottom of our hearts
Do not know sorrows and troubles.
So that happiness comes to kindergarten,
And all the sorrow is gone
Many more years to live
And give only joy to the kids
I'm making a toast now
And I propose to fill the glasses!

We raise our toast to kindergarten,
Let spring always bloom in my soul
So that life for us was a blooming May
We will drink the glasses together to the bottom.

Leading 2 What date 40 is serious and important
And someone wants to tell us:
"It's time for you citizens to grow up!"
But we will seriously tell you
That who communicates with children,
You must be a "child" yourself,
Or does anyone doubt it?
0 and 4 are equal to 4 years, and at 4 it is assumed:
Joke, laugh and play
Or does anyone doubt it?
Today we will show you.
What's with the jokes and songs
It's easier for all of us to live in the world
And life is more interesting for everyone!

A smiling girl with a blanket and a grandfather with a pillow take to the stage. They join hands and bow.
Grandfather: It's dark outside, everyone has been snoring for a long time,
It's time, granddaughter, to go to bed!
Granddaughter: Che, grandfather, I can't sleep!
So I can sleep, read me something!
Grandfather: I'll read it! And what about?
Granddaughter: Yes, even Agniya Barto!
Grandfather: Well, let's creep! (laying a blanket, a pillow) At this time, the melody "Good night, kids" sounds. The granddaughter lies down on the blanket, sideways, facing the audience, hand under her cheek. Grandfather stands over his granddaughter.
Grandfather: It's time to sleep, the bull fell asleep, lay down to the cow under the barrel.
The sleepy bear went to bed, quietly began to suck his paw.
Dogs sleep until dawn, everyone ate pedigree!
Tired gazelles are sleeping and ate a pack of blendamed (granddaughter stops smiling)
Granddaughter: Grandfather!
Grandfather: Huh?
Granddaughter: You promised to tell a fairy tale! I really didn't want to sleep!
Grandfather: Close your eyes, rather ... Listen, granddaughter to my fairy tale ...
I want to talk about kindergarten, I'm stuck out of kindergarten!
Grandfather: I know a lot of fairy tales, only failures with memory!
What can I forget ...
Granddaughter: Don't be overwhelmed!
Grandfather: Well, so be it!
The granddaughter sits on the bed, the grandfather is next to him on a chair.
Grandfather: In general, so! In a certain kingdom, in a certain state
Somewhere on the edge of the village ... beyond the seas, beyond the forests
The girl lived alone ... with thirty heroes ...
It was before thirty-three, three died in love!
She looks as slender as a match ... but she laid a testicle!
Granddaughter: Grandfather! You are obviously overheated! Or ate viscos!
Come on about kindergarten! If you don’t remember - remember !!!
Grandfather: Calm down, dear! I know everything about kindergarten!
Well, ... just problems with memory ...
Granddaughter: Well, you, grandfather, give it!
Grandfather: I'm probably getting old! By the way, I got an idea!
Two neighbors live here, however, they drink a lot ...
But then, when they sober up, they know how to add fairy tales.
Hey! Neighbors, gentlemen, come here to us!

2 buffoons come out to the music
1. Did someone call us? Answer me!
2. Kohl called, pour!
Granddaughter: Who is this?
Grandfather: These are two from the casket, the same from the face
I want to ask you ... to put my granddaughter to sleep!
1. Oh-oh-oh! This is for you to the vet!
Grandfather: In general, as you want, but tell her a story,
So that she yawned once and fell asleep quietly.
2. We know about a hundred fairy tales, tell you about what?
Granddaughter: A thousand times I said that there was a kindergarten there!
1. Take a seat, the fairy tale will still be the same!
Sleep, my joy, sleep, the lights went out in the house,
Close your eyes, sleep my joy, sleep.
Sing along, bayu-bye, pour, bayu-bye,
Light it up, bayu-bye, come on, come on!
You are a grown girl, do what you want, BANZAI!
Granddaughter: (dancing to the song)
This is cool! I'm ready to listen to a fairy tale!
Grandfather: I did not understand one thing! Are you already quite that?
After all, she is still a baby, she is only 6 years old!
Granddaughter: Who is this baby here? Maybe I'm short
But I'm a cool girl, I read Cosmopolitan,
And I want to tell you - stop wagging your tongue!
It looks like I'm 6 years old, in my brains all thirty-five!
By the way, I watch TV from morning to night.
I've seen this, your jaw would have dropped.
In general, I know how to live, with whom to stir up, and with whom to be friends!
It's useless to argue with me - a woman is always right!
So, I will not sleep, I will play in kindergarten!
Start your story, brothers, I went to change! (goes off to the music)
Grandfather: Oh, yes, granddaughter, it’s okay! Her mother will kill me!
Mother brought her granddaughter to visit us of her own free will ...
Tomorrow morning, as I wake up, I'll take care of education!
I’ll raise the question with an edge, if I remember, after all, sclerosis!
All, all, guys, I'm leaving, leaving, but I'm not saying goodbye! (goes off to the music)
Buffoons: That's how we opened the holiday with humor,
And we wish that on this day you
They looked at us a little differently
After all, we respect and love all of you!
We want a little warmth and soul,
So that your and our dreams come true,
So that a kind word not only now
We could hear, relatives, from you.
For so many years we have all become relatives
We are with you and in joy, with you in sorrow
You and I are responsible for our children,
So we will be more tolerant of each other, warmer.
And on this day we want to raise a toast,
so that our garden grows and flourishes !!

Song "Wind"
Buffoons: 1-2-3-4-5, it's time to start the story!
(voice behind the scene)
The kindergarten celebrates its Anniversary!
Invites you to plunge into childhood.
From memories, everyone is warmer
We can't help but smile at them.

The first toy and pot,
The first kiss from Dima on the cheek,
The very first rhyme learned
And tears alone over the semolina ...

This is childhood! How can I forget it?
How can I forget the kindergarten? Hare, Snowflakes ...
We will keep the photos
Not hiding sincere laughs!
Presentation (history from the beginning)
Vedas:(behind the scenes) The word for congratulations is given to the head of our kindergarten - Georgieva Irina Valentinovna.
Congratulatory word from the manager:
Dear friends, distinguished guests, colleagues and employees. Today is our solemn day! We are celebrating the 40th anniversary of our kindergarten.
Kindergarten is cute, kind, smart, funny, noisy, wonderful children. Everything we do in our kindergarten - we do for them, so that they grow and develop.
Kindergarten is parents. They are the main assistants in our work and we are very grateful to them for this.
The kindergarten is the staff. The most hardworking, creative, all able, heartfelt, loving children.
A kindergarten is a family. And like any family, we have our own traditions.
Kindergarten is a unique system that provides care, supervision, nutrition, upbringing and health improvement of a child. No other system performs so many functions at the same time.
A kindergarten is a living organism that breathes, feels, rejoices, is upset. We try to penetrate into every heart, to plant joy, love and kindness in it.

Give knowledge, skills, love

And so now with all my heart
Presentation of grades by the committee
Our anniversaries are attended by distinguished guests and now I want to give the floor for congratulations ... ..
(congratulations, awards) Administration of the city, district, region.
Leading: I want to say a toast to the guests,
For family and friends.
Let me in your honor
A funny toast to read to you.
Wish good health -
This is the first thing. Second -
Wish you fulfillment
All your hopes, achievements!
Let's raise a cheerful toast today
Let's raise a toast today in verse.
So that every guest is so happy
That I could not tell in three words.
There will be happiness today - like a bird
The plumage is blue shine.
There will be joy spinning nearby
It's good that we have a lot
Both guests and friends today!
So let's raise a toast to this!
And fill the glasses with the jingle!
This holiday is fun and simple!

(teachers leave the room)
The grandfather and granddaughter appear on the stage.
Grandfather: Well, my joy, are you shedding tears? Tell grandfather what granddaughter wants?
Granddaughter: I don't want to sit at home, turn around at the mirror, try on outfits. I want to work!
Grandfather: Again for his own! Where have you seen it for children to work! Yes, the neighbors will laugh at me! Maybe you better see a doctor.
Granddaughter: I still want it!
I want ... I want ... I want to work in kindergarten!
Grandfather: Girl, change your mind, you can't do anything!
Granddaughter: And I'll go to work ... as a teacher! There is nothing complicated here.
Just think - bring up children! One or two - and everything worked out!
Grandfather: Hey, neighbors, here, now we will rehearse!
Two neighbors-buffoons carry out a table, an easel with a blank sheet of paper, pencils and sit down at the tables.
Granddaughter: Hello kids! (The buffoons exchange perplexed glances.)
Grandfather: Do you want to knock on the heads? (The buffoons pull their heads into their shoulders.)
Do not press: imagine that you are children again.
The buffoons exchange glances again, smile and begin to lightly shove each other.
Granddaughter: Quiet, children. We will learn tongue twisters. Repeat after me:
"Mom gave Romasha yogurt whey." (The buffoons fail.) What are you talking about? I can’t understand anything. Repeat after me: "The cap is not sewn in a Kolpakov style." (The buffoons hum something unintelligible.) How stupid you are! I'd better give a drawing lesson. Today we are going to draw my grandfather. (Draws a funny face, buffoons add funny details to the portrait.)
Grandfather: Oh, child, you better not be a teacher!
Leading: Dear girl, the profession of a teacher is very difficult and complicated.
An educator-teacher needs to know a lot himself, to master various "funny" professions in order to teach his pupils something. Look at the teachers and you will understand: on their fragile shoulders, they bear full responsibility for the younger generation. Surrounded by twenty "why" you need to find answers to all questions, write plans, prepare for classes! And the list goes on and on!
(The buffoons, having played out, run away.)
Granddaughter: Wait, children, it's too early to go for a walk! Grandpa, catch them! (run away from the hall)
Veda: Every child is a drop, a ray,
Gathered together - a bright spring.
What will they carry to the running river of life?
Just think for a moment.
Will be a crystal clear river,
Or like a pond of stagnant water
Will they become a lake with a mirror surface,
Maybe the sea with a steep wave ...
Everything that is pledged, everything will return to us,
Sowing good, we will reap good.
Let the heart smile with joy again
Having met a drop of my stream!
Presentation " Magic world childhood "part 3

We welcome the best teachers different categories, age and build (4 teams)
1 team is our pride - trainees! The numbers indicate their pedagogical work experience. (Emblem on the chest) Some of the numbers are shocking - they coincide with the anniversary date of the kindergarten!
Team 2 - the younger generation, who will continue what they started, frankly shocking us with their beauty and youth. This is our hope - the young specialists of our kindergarten.
3 team - work experience 30-20 years
4 team - enthusiasts - work experience 20-10 years
1 Lead: Who came up with the idea of ​​judging age
By the number of years lived?
Well, if you are full of cheerfulness,
If you love the whole world?
If your world is filled with colors
Where is black missing?
If you do not become scarce with caresses
And dreamy like a poet
If you're all striving for something new,
And you are not attracted by peace -
Then you are a specialist from God.
Always stay that way!
2 Host: All people need our profession,
It is undoubtedly important, but difficult.
Worries come one after another.
And sketch a plan, prepare classes,
So that children can learn it better ...
And there it's time to take a walk for a walk,
And something to entertain, and carry them along on the way.
And you often have to joke, smile,
Even though sometimes I am not inclined to laugh,
Our profession is difficult, but important.
She is undoubtedly needed by all people.

(An image of a person appears on the screen)
After numerous observations of homosapiens, a subspecies of "teachers", scientists have summarized some of their observations and published their works. It turns out that almost all teachers from time to time tear on themselves
hair (rips off a person's hair on the screen). They work tirelessly and in the absence of a result, they put them down (remove the hands from the picture). And if everything went well, they may lose their head (we remove the head). Arriving home after work, they stretch their legs (remove the legs). Many tear their backs (remove the body) And what is left after all this? That's right - heart!
And with this heart, every day they come to work, they are ready again and again: pulling their legs, straining their backs, pulling themselves together, styling their hair and raising their heads high to meet the new day and every child. And the main thing is to smile.
Teachers read poetry:
1 - A simple cozy town,
An ordinary kindergarten ...
Unremarkable for nothing
But only at first glance.

2 - Believe it or not,
Crossing the threshold
I open the door to a fairy tale
And so from year to year.

3 - I thank my fate,
Weaving a thread of life
I'm lucky to be happy
So, the fairy tale is to live!

4 - Years pass in succession
Under the shade of poplars.
To me my graduates
Lead their children.

5. Educator is our profession,
And, sometimes, without titles, awards.
We love our work anyway
And we are all in a hurry to go to kindergarten.

6. Year after year passes in worries.
Everything for them is for their own kids
We study, implement in work
Today's innovations.

7.And in the stream of current life
Do not forget about the peace of the soul,
To empathetic, kind, courageous
Babies came out.

8. From the sad and dull
And the work is of little use!
You don't know how to have fun-
So you are not a teacher!

9. Never forget
What Makarenko said:
“I would be gloomy teachers,
He did not let him close to the children! "

10 - I sincerely congratulate
All my colleagues and friends!
Prosperity, beloved garden!
We are celebrating the anniversary!

Song of teachers
Song about educators (Childhood does not end)
1. Let's sing this song about us about girls
How we started going to kindergarten again.
How we began to play with dolls again,
And read the fairy tale about the ryaba chicken.
Childhood returns to us
Though we are many years old.
And he will not part with us / 2 times /
Will not say goodbye, no! /2 times/

2. From now on, to be friends with kids all my life,
Laugh and sing, lead round dances.
We will open to them wonderful world
Aibolit and Moidodyr will come to visit us.

3. The years will pass, the kids will grow up
The ships will be taken on a space voyage.
And may be remembered by the stellar worlds
About us, kindergarten teachers.

Teachers go to their places
Leading: Today in our hall there are specialists who have worked in our kindergarten for many years. We are very glad that you are with us again today. And the word for congratulations is given ... ...

Ved .: You all need to ask for praise today,
Listen to the constellation of names:
Lyudmila, Nadezhda, Maria, Tatiana,
Nina, Elena, Oksana, Love!
For loyalty to the garden, bow down to you!
We wish everyone to be healthy,
And our kindergarten is to love more at home!
After all, this work is the 2nd family,
And let her husbands not be jealous of you!
So let's raise our glasses to the excellent specialists of the Skazka kindergarten and those who work and those who are now on a well-deserved rest!
Granddaughter: Agree, hard work. I'll go to work as a nanny. What's so hard about that? She fed the children, washed the dishes, waved a mop - and went home! (All words are followed by actions.)
Grandfather: Do what you want! Just let's practice first.
Music from cinderella sounds
The granddaughter puts on an apron, ruffles her hair, takes a mop.
Leading: It's not easy being a junior caregiver! After all, you need to do so much in a day: dress the children, undress, feed, wash the floors, wipe the dust, keep the tool in order. In general, our nannies are real Cinderella!
Granddaughter: What kind of life is my, there is no end, no edge.
I plow like a horse here - mine, I take out the garbage,
In the morning I went to the kitchen, I got a ton of porridge,
She took off her dirty linen, laid everything clean,
I didn't even fucking smoke ...
Here to tidy up, to wash there, my God, how terrible it is to live !!!
Sings: I clean from morning until evening, I do not unbend my tired shoulders,
Mine, wash and clean and iron, I run all day in the sweat of my brow,
The mulberry is spit, the mulberry is filthy, I rub it with a brush and smear it with homestom,
I glue wallpaper and skirting boards, there will be no end in sight!
Oh! If I were to become the manager, so that I would never clean up again!
I would immediately go to the sea, what kind of life would then begin!
But! Soon the boss will look into our group,
That is why, like a fool, I am a fool,
I need to wash, boil and soak
I'm in this house like a servant!
Iron, plow and weed and huddle,
How did you dogs torture me!
I already looked like a scarecrow!
I look worse than Baba Yaga!
How tired I am of cleaning!
And vacuum and sweep!
And wipe it off! And squeeze!
I want to run away !!! (leave)

Leading: We present to you the "golden mean" of the collective - junior educators. " - You are the glorious workers who give the children their disinterested love.
(junior educators take the stage)
Our dear nannies!
We wish you joy always.
We sincerely wish you well!
And so that you don't have sorrow
And so that the children do not upset you.
And so that you are always in a great mood.

1. I work as a junior assistant in the garden.
And only the people call me nanny.
But I would like to tell you, friends,
How important is my job to everyone!

2. And wipe the dust and wash the dishes,
and a lot to remember along the way.
I cover the tables, I spread the bed,
and children in everything and always help.

3. I keep the group and the bedroom clean,
and that the order was on top!
So that it is always clean, comfortable for the children,
so that it is fresh and beautiful around.
And the kids often help me!
And hardworking kids grow up!

4. All day I spin like a squirrel in a wheel,
But time flies - two minutes per second!
Who tried it, knows.
And everyone saw!
How difficult my work is
but I will not regret!

5. After all, beauty is so pleasant,
but it doesn’t happen without labor!
Here's a short story of mine,
about the one who is only called a nanny ...
I hope you will at least a little
my work and learned)
Leading: And we also know about you that you know how to have fun yourself and light up the rest with joyful enthusiasm.
Number from junior teachers - DANCE
Educator assistants walk to their places
Host: Thank you very much,
We value you very much.
In all matters, the merit is yours,
You are our beloved nannies!

Always take care of children
Give important advice.
You help without fail
And you understand perfectly.

For this we wish you happiness,
After all, the kindergarten has become your part too.
Let your days pass brightly
And every moment will be a gift!
And now I propose to raise a glass to the most best assistants educators of all times and peoples!
Host: A word for congratulations - Teremok kindergarten
Host: We would like to give the floor to those
Who work, at first glance, invisible leads,
To the fighters of the invisible front,
Without them, our kindergarten will be lost !!
To our laundresses, watchmen, workers,
Everyone who lives here with us gives his heart to children!
Song (singing by the watchmen and the laundry)
Presenter: You see, girl: it's not that simple!
Granddaughter: Well, is there easy work in kindergarten? In the kitchen, for example.
Why - won't I peel the potatoes? Or I won't mix some borscht ... not
will I mix ... will I not mix it? (To the music, puts on a dressing gown, a cap, takes a large saucepan, puts it in front of him, takes a ladle in his hands)
And today we will have…. There will be a new game:
All the girls are cooks, And the boys are cooks.

We put on robes, Caps on our heads.
And the saucepans with ladles were laid out on the tables.

Our cubes are potatoes, And carrots are a pencil.
Even the ball will become an onion - Our soup will be delicious.

Salt everything, stir, pour on the plates.
We'll put the dolls cheerfully And feed them before bed.

We are chefs today, We are chefs today!
Why did I cook an edible soup and could not?
Who will tell me the secret? What is the reason, what is the trouble?
I'll take the pot off the stove. Everything! Game over! (leaves and carries away the pan (drags) this blog without grandfather!)
Host: And our cooks feed the children very tasty, so our kids are rosy, pretty! Welcome to our wonderful kitchen workers! (take the stage)
The magic of cooking
They are proficient here.
Everything that was fried was boiled
It was delicious.
Induce appetite
Chef miracles
And looks enviously
Ronald from McDonald's.
So that they cook delicious lunch,
Both potatoes and cabbage
Someone has to buy
Don't forget about sausages.
The storekeeper knows it
All products are in time
Buy on time.
And what is there to say
You, Yulia Olegovna, have everything in the warehouse.
Praise and honor to you for that!
Number from the chefs (progress report + verse)
Host: Thank you, we will tell you again and again,
That the children were always full, healthy,
And they have rosy-cheeked smiles!
And I wish you in your working days
We wish good luck and joy to everyone!
So that the kindergarten in finance does not know the problems!
To cook pancakes for you, beshbarmak,
The whole kindergarten would be just a trifle!
And we wish you less adversity,
More smiles and joy to you,
Today bow to the ground to the cooks!
Word for Congratulations - School 1 and 2
Granddaughter: Yes, it’s difficult in the kitchen ... Perhaps, I’ll go to a nurse. Just think: he gave a pill, anointed with brilliant green, injected an ukolchik - and everyone is healthy!
Grandfather: Hey, bring the tools! The granddaughter will rehearse!
Presenter: No way! I won't even allow you to rehearse here! Health is the most precious thing we and our children have. This requires special knowledge and skills.
There is nothing more important in the world,
Than bring joy to people,
Treat and pity the patient
Not everyone can be!
Give vaccinations and injections,
Measure pressure, listen to the pulse!
Give a potion, drip drops,
The temperature rises suddenly
Everyone calls the nurse again!
Let me introduce you to our nurses - …………………………….
Word of Honey. Sisters

Leading: Thank you for your concern,
Thanks for your hard work,
For your humble work,
For your smiles, fruit.
Patience we give you the sea,
Fewer severely ill patients,
So that every kind word
It turned into flowers for you.

So that the matter always argues,
So that they wait for you at home with love,
And there was joy in the work,
So that sadness bypasses you!
Moderator: The word for congratulations is provided by the DC

Granddaughter comes out with glasses and a magazine, sings:
For the caretaker to the music of the song "Chauffeur's Song"
The wind blows through the village with dust,
But always in place in the heat and cold
A man who can do anything in the world
Our irreplaceable caretaker in the kindergarten!
Chorus: Rain and slush are not afraid of the caretaker,
Frost and ice are not scary,
She will never cry
Everything the kindergarten needs will find everything!
Kindergarten needs both balls and notebooks
Children love to play, draw ...
The caretaker will always have everything in order
Even the impossible can get it!
Everything! Resolved! I will play the deputy head of the economic department!

The nurse comes out unexpectedly
So! Attention! Today we have a lecture on the prevention of rheumatism in children according to the plan!
Host: Dear Ekaterina Yurievna! But we have an anniversary today! And we have just started talking about the administrative block of our kindergarten!
Honey. Sister: What to do? For non-compliance with the plan, my superiors will deprive me of the bonus!
Leading: Or maybe you can tell us a lecture, just not about children, but ... let's say ... about an accountant !!!
Nurse Sister: Well, good! I was told to give a lecture, I will give it, I will make the lecture accessible! I will throw out children and insert accountants!
Prevention of rheumatism in children ... excuse me for accountants ... Rheumatism, it is rheumatism, that in children, that in accountants ... Prevention of rheumatism in ... should begin in the period .... Intrauterine life ... .. Of particular importance, especially in the first year life ... has a catering organization ... since a child, oh, an accountant is not yet adapted to digest food ... .Accountant .... is born ... with not yet sufficiently developed .... central nervous system ... temperature ... leaving it for 1-2 minutes ... .naked! .... An accountant ... is much more sensitive to a lack of oxygen ... than other people ... .With a lack of oxygen, the accountant turns blue ... ... Regarding the liquid, it must be said ... that the younger the accountant, the more he consumes liquid .... On average, maaaaaa little ... .accountant .... Needs 150 grams ... ..hah .... 150 grams of liquid .... per kilogram of weight .... This is something a lot!?! .... even for an accountant ... ... And after that the accountant starts to hold his head very early! .... And the bigger the head ... the more difficult to hold her ... she leans to the sides ... more often to the left, so the accountant cannot sit for a long time in one place! ... And if he has not yet learned to walk ... then he usually sits until one year ... Here's what you need to know in order to protect your children … .Your maaaaa little accountant… ..from rheumatism, thank you for your attention! Thanks!
Leading: To thunderous applause, we present our esteemed administration:
So that the balance always comes together
The kindergarten has not gone bankrupt.
Accountants are working
In the accounting department in the morning.
For educators a salary,
And the parents are paid
An urgent need to count
And distribute receipts ...

Workers' day at the caretaker
It is very difficult to predict.
The flood hangs like a threat
Then plumbing again
Then the battery burst
There the audit is underway.
Did not have time to look back,
The garden was closed for renovations.
How to live without a caretaker?
We say thank you!

The word of the accounting department and the manager

Leading: The word for congratulations is given to the Novoladozhsky House Children's creativity
Grandfather: I was too late for something! And I will play as a senior educator !. Or a Methodist! There is definitely nothing to do here: hand out pieces of paper with assignments to the left and to the right. That's all the work. I even know this song.
Performed "A song about a methodologist" to the tune "Someone has come down from the hill."
Who did it appear?
Probably the Methodist is coming ...
And all the people were on their guard:
God forbid, it will carry you through today!
He will come up and quietly say:
“You have to do this and that,
Here's a piece of paper with an assignment,
I'll bring more tomorrow. "
But our garden is held in high esteem everywhere,
And our rating is so high!
Always at work, always at work
Our wonderful teacher!
Leading: Dear, you can't even imagine how difficult and responsible the work of a senior educator is! In order for educators to "survive" in modern reality, they must possess a huge store of knowledge. To draw up an annual plan and manage the work of a large teaching staff, it is necessary to be aware of the latest technologies, to know about new and long-tested methodological developments, "Shovel" mountains of literature. We present our deputy head for educational work - Svetlana Nikolaevna Kuvshinova.
The word of the methodologist and the presentation of certificates for the institution
Moderator: The word for congratulations is provided by the Library + Museum

Granddaughter comes out:
Well! So I will be the manager. Sit in your office and manage the team: you go there, you here!
Leading: Well! Try to sit in the manager's chair for at least five minutes.
The granddaughter sits down in a chair, takes a free pose.
Granddaughter: The phone rang at six in the morning.
Ah, why did you interrupt my sleep?
I say: "Hello! What do you want?"
And they say: "From kindergarten!"
The storekeeper didn't show up for work
His anniversary was on Saturday!

I drive to the garden with neighbors in their car,
Watching life through the window
Crush, almost broke a rib,
I was lucky this morning!

And then our farm manager called,
And with tears he asked:
"I have no more strength,
The rain was drizzling again
I couldn't stand the trash
I didn’t cut all the grass,
I've worn out my galoshes. "

My friend, don't you
last week
we gave a couple
excellent galoshes ???
-Ah, the ones from last week,
We only put on twice
What to do, Chinese quality,
Frivolous, like circus!

And then the kids called
-The books were not delivered to us yesterday.

And then there was a call from GORONO
-Find a window in the work
And come to our carpet,
We have a difficult conversation with you.

And then the mayor of the capital called,
He told me his stories
I called urgently for a meeting,
Took thirty-three promises from me.

I'm going by bus to Gorono again,
I found a window in my notebook
Having danced the Bolero on the go,
Singing a verse to himself Figaro.

And then the methodologist called,
-We need an artist on schedule,
Maybe even a famous soloist.
Yes, we got a swindler,
He's probably definitely an artist,
The stand has been ordered and the money has been paid,
Two nails are only nailed down.

Another nurse called
The kids got sick yesterday
Says the midges have bitten
I ran all the groups in a hurry,
I shredded all the bandages yesterday,
And she wrote again the application:
Well, when will iodine and cotton wool be sent?
What do you tell me am I to blame?

And again the mayor of the capital says,
You look so tired.
You need to rest a little,
Your problem is close to me.
Run like a centipede
Accept newbies a little more!
Let's move all the beds
There will be enough children for thirty in the group!

And such rubbish
All day, ding-di-laziness ...
ding-di-laziness, ding-di-laziness
Then the worker will call
Then the assistant will call
Then the watchman will call ...

And recently, two mamzelis
They called and sang:
Everybody broke

Ah, are you in your mind, mamzeli?
The carousels did not break
And the buildings survived!
Would you, mamzeli, do not make a noise,
And next week
We flew to the cleanup
And painted the swing!

But mamzeli did not listen
And they still rattled:
All swing

What stupid mumzels!

And yesterday a music worker
She refused to go to the clean-up day.
There's a hole in the piano that says
So two centimeters, one and a half.
We need costumes, performances,
We sing in a choir performance!

The cooks called, they said
Alas, we made a mistake today!
How to feed the children, we wonder
We call you, maybe we will find out something!

Educators and educators,
They call me on the way, on the way
Find a live beaver
The kids ask him very much.
To the drum-percussion sticks
The speech therapist asks for new cards!

The nanny asks the bucket to update,
The janitor asks him to inspire
In the city, everyone needs to sober up,
And the fence must be fenced
The mayor of the city cannot be angered!

At night there is no rest for me and during the day
Mobile phone ringing.
I'll plunge into a conversation with my head
One will call, then the other.

I have time to charge the phone,
I get a microphone for children,
I adore our kindergarten with all my heart!

I would take a nap, rest a little,
I would like to take a sip of hot tea.
But only I am beyond the threshold
A mobile call is ringing.

Who is speaking?
- Trouble! Trouble!
-To our school
Star rides!
A decent welcome is urgently needed
Help us all overtime ....
Take the kids rather
And run to the second school ...

OK OK. Run Run.
If I can, I will help,
I'll bake a cake, bring it,
I'll bring the guys along!

This is such an ambush, guys,
Be the head of the kindergarten!

Leading: Yes, it didn’t work even for five minutes in the manager’s chair! The head of a modern kindergarten has the most responsible and difficult job. You need to be able to manage a large team of employees, find a common language with parents, negotiate with plumbers and builders. And now the floor is again given to the head of our kindergarten - Georgieva Irina Valentinovna.
For the manager:
Today we will talk about the years ...
What do years mean? .. Let them rush forward ...
The word "live" is always beautiful for us,
Memories of those years will return to us ...
We like moving forward more -
With the winds of change for the purpose of rushing,
And if the hour strikes,
That is only to catch my breath.
Our work is interesting and difficult,
We will still raise children,
Indeed, in the life of a teacher, the goal is one -
Give knowledge, skills, love
So far small good people.
But, in general, it's not about the years,
And the fact that the garden celebrates the anniversary
And so now with all my heart
I congratulate my whole team on the holiday !!!
Presentation No. 4

Grandfather and Granddaughter + Leaders come out
Granddaughter: I could not even imagine that such difficulties could arise with work in a kindergarten!
Grandfather: Baby, you got into the "Fairy Tale"!
Granddaughter: Well, let us grow up.
We do not know how to get bored.
We wish you sun, friends.
Grandfather: On your special anniversary
We will repeat weightily,
That one cannot live without childhood.
Read in turn:
Granddaughter: We told you a story
We sang and danced a lot
1 Lead: And how did the grandfather and granddaughter live after the fairy tale?
We would not want to know!
2 Vedas... But I can only tell you to live like this for all of us!
1 Vedas: And so that life is like in a fairy tale,
You need to add paint in it,
But only bright colours- there will be BEAUTY at once!
Granddaughter: I would only like to know where to get these paints!
Grandfather: Don't be wise here, just live happily!
1 Vedas: Communicate with your friends and smile more often!
2 Vedas: After all, it is known that laughter from illness heals everyone!
Sing: And you know it will still be, the south wind will still blow
And he will conjure you happiness, and even deliver to the ball.
And it will make us meet, and it will make us meet
No troubles in the world will cool our hearts!
A fairy tale that she's everything like in life,
But in the fairy tale the ending is famous.
And in life, well, even if you crack it is useless to guess,
Granddaughter: But it's more interesting! (Bow, leave)
Do not celebrate forty years,
But it's easy to congratulate - can I?
It's hard to stay on the sidelines
If the garden is better - no!
There is no dearer and dearer!
Let another hundred years pass
But there is no substitute for you.
We wish you to go successfully,
Your deeds from year to year.
The decisions were not hasty.
There would be a ford at the crossing.
We want everything to be in order
To live in a happy strip.
And completing my short toast,
We wish you to be on top!

Children's ensemble "Snotty"

Dear friends! Attention! Sensation! Children from the kindergarten "Snotty" have just arrived for our holiday, claiming that they are the grandchildren of our hero of the day. ... (Acting hero of the day), do you admit it yourself, or will we take blood for analysis? Do you admit it?

Children arrived with a congratulatory program. We ask all guests to greet the little ones with a friendly and affectionate attitude. So, welcome! Vyskochkin's currency, Helen Tarakhgushkina, Esik Obormotov and Anya Zabubennaya!

("Children" enter the hall, holding hands, embarrassed, with toys in their hands. The role of "children" can be played by relatives or colleagues of the hero of the day. It is advisable to take men on the role of girls. and dance with the hero of the day. Costumes for children are not required, you can imitate - bows for girls, panama for boy.).

First, the "children stand" in a ruler facing the guests, and after the second quatrain, they begin to dance in a round dance.

(each quatrain is spoken by the next child):

  1. Cheerful holiday today,

To everyone's surprise.

Dedu Dima .... (surname)

Let's celebrate our birthday.

  1. And not just a birthday -

And today is the anniversary.

To hear congratulations -

Join the circle soon. (children become and begin to walk in a circle)

  1. Congratulations on your anniversary

And we wish, dear grandfather,

Good health to you

And attention for a hundred years.

  1. We want to wish grandpa.

To be afraid of boredom

So that physical work

Hands were engaged.

  1. Now you will retire, then do not be confused -

Buy rabbits and nutria, work with them.

  1. You, grandfather Vanya, do not be sick,

And forget where the pharmacy is.

Take a hundred grams on your chest -

You will live for two centuries.

  1. How do you get a pension, then do not be proud,

Remember the commandment of Christ - Share with your neighbors.

  1. All guests are dear here

They have fun, drink vodka.

Maybe for congratulations

Will they give you ice cream?

  1. For such ditties

Do not be stingy, dear grandfather,

Buy us from the first pension

One hundred gum and candy.

  1. Chorus: We are funny guys.

Of course, everyone is glad to us.

Happy birthday to grandfather Dima

Congratulations to the kindergarten.

(The kids bow and walk away)

Presenter: - Inspired by the creativity of "Little Snotty and I was born a ditty:

Stretch the fur, accordion,

Eh, play, play it!

Dima has a birthday,

Drink, don't talk!

(The music turns on, everyone sits down at the tables and the banquet continues)

Anniversary of the kindergarten - "For half a century, feet walk along the path to the kindergarten"

The recording contains the phonogram of the song "Little Country".
Voice behind the scene: There is one country in the world
Can't find another one like that
Not marked on the map
And the size is small.
But he lives in that glorious country
Wonderful people
And wherever you look -
A friend is walking next to you!
In that country, the order is:
Everything is in the power of the guys
And they all live together
As a family - one detachment.
1 child:
The sun's ray knocks on the window
Wakes up adults and children.
"Wake up, get up,
Get ready for kindergarten! "
2 reb:
The wind sings a song
And with a ringing breeze
We are on the merry street
We happily go to the kindergarten.
3 reb:
And in our garden today
Glorious holiday! Everyone is in a hurry
Happy birthday to us ...
Happy birthday, kindergarten!

The children leave, the presenter comes out

We celebrated the holiday in this hall many times,
But we didn’t know people like this yet!
Most best holiday- send all congratulations,
Because the kindergarten celebrates its birthday!

Anniversary is such a word!
This is a holiday, this is a celebration!
- This is the day when there are so many friends,
There is joy, happiness and warmth in the house.

Song "Good mood"
(performed by kindergarten staff)
Dear guests, we are very glad to see you.
We gathered in the hall on a festive day,
Smile amicably, no need to frown.
After all, today the garden is only 50!
And a smile, without a doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes.
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore!
With beautiful flowers, with the autumn holiday
Congratulations to all of you at this bright hour.
We believe that the mood will be excellent.
Dances and poems and songs are all for you!
We invite all of you to our program.
Look, there are so many kind eyes in the hall!
Smile, guests, rejoice - you are with us,
After all, today we are only 50!

Leading. And the evening, truly good, because the old ones gathered in this hall, good friends, which were united by kindergarten No. 24 of Verkhnetulomsky village .. For 50 years now, small children have been growing and developing in our kindergarten, like spikelets. And those who reach the pinnacle of mastery do not rip them off, but carefully transfer them to other friendly hands. More than 1000 children have grown up in our garden for 50 years.
Just think about this figure!
Truly creative people work in our kindergarten - our educators. We have kind and caring junior educators, chefs and kitchen workers who cook deliciously. Next to us is a senior nurse who monitors the health of the children.
We have a wonderful caretaker who supplies us with everything we need. And, most importantly, we have a wonderful manager who gave our kindergarten life and prosperity, became its main savior during the crisis and has been skillfully leading it for many years.
The first word for congratulations is given to the head of kindergarten № 24 Ilchenko Natalya Nikolaevna.

Today we really have a lot of dear guests. The word for congratulations is given….

Music sounds "Film, film, film"
There is noise outside the door, a film crew enters the hall (director with a horn, operator with a camera, assistant with a clapperboard)

So, we carefully bring in the equipment, the light is on the left, the operator is in the center. Clear out the center of the room. Make-up artist, where's the make-up artist? Are the artists ready?

What's the matter? Who invited you here?

How is who? Here I have (taking out papers ... Here is an order for filming a short film about the history of kindergarten (looking at papers) of kindergarten number 24.

How is filming? But we have here a solemn event dedicated to the anniversary of the kindergarten, we have a program, here, take a look.

I don't know anything, I have all the documents signed, and we start filming. Well, you ... you can be the announcers in our film. So, that's it, we don't wait for the time, we start. The working title of the film is “For half a century, feet are walking along the path to the kindergarten. »Episode one - opening of a kindergarten.

Clapperboard assistant:
"For half a century, feet walk along the path to the kindergarten.", The opening of the kindergarten, take one. (claps)

In 1963, a kindergarten for 40 children was opened in the department of the Verkhnetulomsky timber industry enterprise in the village of Padun. He was in a small wooden building with stove heating and imported water. The first head of the kindergarten was Anna Romanovna Karpova. In our hall there is Kostyanova Appolinaria Petrovna who has been working since the opening of the kindergarten.
Dear Appolinaria Petrovna, we give you the floor.

Performance of children Song "Guests have come to us"

Stop, filmed! Wonderful, wonderful! Moving on to the next episode!

Clapperboard assistant:
"For half a century, feet walk along the path to the kindergarten", New kindergarten, take one!

Ten years later, in 1974, a new 2-storey building with 280 seats was built. The reason for the emergence of a preschool institution is the high birth rate and 100% demand for kindergartens among the population. List of children in all age groups at that time there were 30 - 35 people in the group. Large windows, its own laundry, spacious groups, new furniture purchased, groups are completed, working days have begun. At the head of the institution is Antonina Yegorovna Gudkova. The territory was not landscaped, there were no green spaces. The staff of the kindergarten and parents were involved in the improvement. The workers of the preschool institution created conditions for the upbringing and teaching of children in groups.

Children's performances Musical instruments

Stop, filmed! (rubs his hands) We do not relax, we continue to work, our time is limited, and you must remove everything in one day. What's the next episode?

The next episode of "dynasty"

I don’t understand anything. What does a dynasty have to do with kindergarten? (to the presenters) Can you explain to me?

Everything is very simple. A new team was recruited, consisting mainly of young specialists. Their children went to our kindergarten, and now they are employees of our team, who now bring their children. In recent years, there have been great changes in the life of the kindergarten. Veterans of pedagogical work and talented youth successfully complement each other. In 1999, a compensatory group was opened for children with severe speech impairments. There is an art studio, a modern gym, in music hall the lessons of the dance circle "Okolitsa" are held.

Camera, attention, we are filming!

Assistant "For half a century they walk along the path to the kindergarten,"

Performance of children Dance "Pillows"

Director:(rubs his hands)
So, so far so good! Now there would be some live episode, energetic music.

The team of MDOU No. 24 in Verkhnetulomsky takes an active part in regional events and is a multiple winner.

"For half a century, feet walk along the path to the kindergarten", performance by children, take one

Dance "Fairies".

Something we have a painfully sweet film turns out, the sharpness is not enough. Everything is so good with you: the team is good, and the children are brought to you, and the graduates do not forget the way to you. Have you had any problems in 50 years?

"For half a century, feet walk along the path to the kindergarten", difficult time, take one.

We didn't have any problems? The 90s were very difficult years, as well as for the whole country. These were the years of survival, the birth rate plummeted and the number of groups in kindergarten was getting smaller and smaller. Downsizing was very painful, financially - technical base fell into decay. There is only one group left. Since 1998 there has been a revival children's institution... Ilchenko Natalya Nikolaevna was appointed to the post of head. Thanks to the active work and understanding of the parents, as well as the Department of Education, funds began to be allocated for cosmetic and major repairs, new children's furniture appeared in the groups.
Over the past 10 years, all the premises of the kindergarten have been repaired, groups, catering facilities, staircases have been repaired many times. The water supply system, the heating unit were repaired, 2 porches were repaired, the plumbing equipment was partially replaced. The roof was repaired, the entrance doors and windows were replaced.

Fine! Here it is, a poignant moment! Stop, filmed!

Children's performance Song

A kindergarten is a home where an organized environment creates best conditions for a healthy physical and mental development child. These are new methods and programs, the implementation of which makes it possible to achieve the fulfillment of program requirements for standards in terms of the parameters of the child's intellectual, moral, aesthetic and mental development.

Fine! All episodes were filmed from the first take. We turn off the equipment. Goodbye, watch the film in a week on the Verkhnetulomsky TV channel.

The film crew leaves.

Well, the film crew has finally finished work, and now we can give the floor to our guests.
There is good words: "Happiness is when you are understood." They fully relate to people from whom our entire team receives support and understanding. This is the Department of Education of the Kola District of the Murmansk Region. A word for congratulations is provided ……………………………………… ..

Many warm words I would like to say to those who now continue to raise and educate the younger generation - to all employees of the kindergarten.
And, of course, the most difficult, responsible, but at the same time pleasant burden falls on the shoulders of educators, because children's smiles, laughter, their successes, sincerity, love for their educators are the greatest gratitude for the teacher's work. .The word for congratulations is given to the Head of the Administration of the urban settlement of Verkhnetulomsky settlement ……………………………………………………………….

You - good fairies leading to knowledge,
Giving joy, bringing light.
I hope you happy, great recognition,
And new finds, and new victories!
The floor for congratulations is given to the acting director of the Verkhnetulomsk secondary school ……………… ...

Leading. Our dear parents: dads, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers! We would have had a difficult time without your support. Thank you very much for your cooperation with us in raising children! And today, of course, we are very pleased to receive gifts and congratulations. And I am happy to give the floor to the representatives of the parent committee of the kindergarten ……………… ..

The anniversary of the kindergarten is a serious and significant event not only for those who worked or works in it, who give their love to children, but sometimes for the whole city. Each childcare institution, of course, has its own destiny and history, and a wonderful occasion to remember this, and most importantly, to remember its employees. Moreover, the graduates, having once left their native walls, forget to visit their educators, the teachers of the school are somehow more remembered. Therefore, the best idea for holding a jubilee holiday would be some kind of retrospective, which will allow you to remember the people involved in this event and connect the history of the institution with the history of the country.

We hope that the scenario we offer will help to organize a sincere and bright holiday... Moreover, taking as a basis scenario of the 50th anniversary of the Kindergarten "Big Journey into the Past", organizers can easily make their own changes: replace concert numbers or add a celebration of employees different years, because each block of the program represents one of the decades of our history.

Such a holiday can be held in different ways, above: chamber - only for their own; in private - for adults only. And you can arrange big holiday for the entire region, because 50 years is more than a serious date. The proposed Big Scenario will require a lot of preparation, but the game is worth the candle, believe me.


Organization of a holiday this scenario It will take time, so it would be good to distribute training tasks not only among educators, but also to involve an initiative group of parents and employees of different years.

Must be done in advance:

1. Pick up and scan old and new photos for slide show

2. Find and prepare "Guests of Honor", among whom are the first pupils (Graduates) kindergarten, the first employees of your preschool institution, representatives of the administration. Texts (like names) for "Guests of Honor" in the script are conditional. The guest can say his own text, but it is advisable to adhere to the ideas given in the script of "speeches", because for the most part they are "leads" to the number following the guest's speech.

Important: in a big city it will be very difficult to find traces of the first pupils ( and maybe workers), even with such an assistant as the Internet. In this case, you can be a little deceitful by inviting "wedding generals" to the roles of Honorary guests - people from the outside, of the appropriate age. Or read a "letter" from the past.

3. If you have time (want) arrange a "Toy Museum", arrange a showcase with the first exhibits, or prepare pictures.

3. If you decide on a "Fashion Show" ask your parents to do needlework and sew (or maybe found in the "grandmother's chest") clothes for the right period of time. You can also make a slide show.

4. Musical director can replace the suggested musical numbers. The main thing is that the new ones correspond to the time.

5. Some units can be replaced. Substitution options in are given as ideas, but not fully spelled out.


1st Lead

2nd Lead

Kindergarten workers

Guests of honor

Children - singers, dancers, reciters

Introduction to the script for the 50th anniversary of the Kindergarten

1st Leading: Here is the house that RONO once built,

And we have been working here for a very long time.

2nd Leading: And let's tell you honestly, without any embellishment,

He became dear and beloved for all of us.

1st Leading: We meet guests here every morning,

2nd Leading: And the day is not complete without news.

Teacher middle group: Seryozha Petrov has mastered the letter "R"!

Educator of the preparatory group: Alina solved her first example!

Teacher senior group: Finally, Cyril has tied the laces!

Educator of the younger group: And Simka said our first word!

Leading: And so every day on the news, year after year.

And this is our Life,

In chorus: not just work!

Teacher's song

On the motive of the song "Aleshkina Lyubov" VIA "Merry Guys" ..

Performed by educators (you can solo, you can sing one verse at a time, you can chorus)

Sounds 1. Funny guys. Aleshkina love (minus)

(Hint for organizers: There is no chorus in this song, so it is worth considering how to change the background music).

1st Leading: Today our beloved kindergarten is celebrating its anniversary. 50 years is not a joke! 50 years in human life is a whole epoch. The life that was then (just imagine, half a century ago!) Is completely different from the modern one. It can be said without exaggeration that the past years have already become history. And, in relation to our Kindergarten, what a glorious story! Suffice it to say that over the past years we have released more than one and a half thousand children into the big (school) life, who during their stay within our walls have turned from inept, foolish children into solid preschool children!

Concert number "Quadrille"

Children of the preparatory group (possibly together with a teacher) perform a dance.

Sounds 2. Quadrille "Song about kindergarten".

1st Leading: Today is a great holiday. See how many guests! And, of course, there will be a lot of music today, a lot of surprises, a lot of congratulations. Representatives of the district administration were the first to ask for the floor. (maybe RONO).

Official Guest(sample text): The status of an official guest of a higher organization obliges me to build my speech very seriously, but looking at your cheerful, dear faces, I cannot help smiling. But the speech is thought out, prepared and justified. Kindergarten No. NN was opened in 19. year. In the first year of your existence preschool took mmm of children. That year - it was real holiday for residents of the microdistrict. The very next year, the first graduation took place. At 19 .. the kindergarten changed its serial number to the affectionate name "NNN". I will not bore you with the entire fifty-year history, I will only say that over the half-century history, Kindergarten No. NN or "NNN", which is more accurate and more correct, has produced ten generations of preschool children. But, if the "turnover" among the pupils was natural and constant, among the workers it was always kept at the lowest level. They were fired from your Kindergarten only as a last resort. It is not for nothing that your team has been repeatedly awarded with diplomas and (list of awards to the team), and two of your employees N and M have been awarded the title (or awarded ...). And, of course, today's event could not fail to be noted by our administration. Let me read the congratulatory address from the District Department of Public Education (order, order, resolution).

The document is read out.

Applause, congratulations, gifts

2nd Leading: In our hall today there are people of different generations, some of them are very young, who, perhaps, cannot even imagine that distant time when our Kindergarten hospitably opened its doors to the very first pupils. And it seems to me that the excursion into history that we want to bring to your attention will be interesting both for those who have something to remember and for those who can learn something new for themselves from the past.

1st Leading: Let's go to big Adventure into the past. We have something to remember. Do not you mind?

2nd Leading: Why not? I'm in favor, but how are our guests? Ready for the big trip?

(guests answer)

In chorus: Let's go then!

"A Great Journey into the Past".

Sounds 3. Locomotive horn

The presenters form a "locomotive", they are joined by other participants in the performance: employees of the Kindergarten, several children and parents.

Song-rework for the anniversary d / s

On the motive "We are going, we are going, we are eating .."

Sounds 4. Song of friends (minus)

Song lyrics

We're going, we're going, we're going to distant lands

Parents and children, and all of our friends.

We went on a hike for years,

There are a lot of surprises along the way.

Tra-ra-ra, tra-ra-ra!

The cooks are coming with us.

Nurse and nannies,

Everyone will come with us.

The whole large and friendly state,

The whole fun kindergarten!

Years, miles flashed by: half a century is a long way.

Well, how interesting it is to suddenly wave back to the past.

And outside the window for a long time already a completely different landscape.

Wait: stop. And our beloved garden!

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

Oh, what a beauty!

A familiar path

The kindergarten is like a picture.

Opens the doors wide

All of us are invited to visit.

Everyone is warmly invited.

1st Leading: The first stop is the station "Starting point". You say, there are no such names? But let me remind you that our route is measured not in kilometers, but in years.

2nd Leading: And since our first stop was in the 60s - 70s, this name is quite justified.

The first block is "Starting point". 60s - 70s.

Slide show "Our Kindergarten 50 years ago"

Building, playground, group, old toys, lunch, photos of the first pupils, etc. that you can find.

A slide show "Our Kindergarten 50 Years Ago" from old photographs of the Kindergarten is being demonstrated. Slides are accompanied by text. If you don't have enough photos by text, find the one you need on the Internet. You can change the text: add or write your own.

Text for the video "Our Kindergarten 50 Years Ago".

The text can be read "off-screen", but it is better if it is read Leading.

Just fifty years ago

This was our Kindergarten.

Playground: slide and swing,

Sandbox and carousel.

Everything is Spartan, ascetic,

But it is reliable and practical.

The upbringing was good

Healthy baby food.

There were enough toys and books for everyone.

There were no refinements, however ...

The country then lived steadily,

Although not abundant at all.

But all the boys and girls

As they laughed loudly now,

And they were just as curious

And everyone loved fairy tales.

And although they are not dressed richly,

Wonderful guys grew up!

1st Leading: Well, how, dear guests, did you remember?

2nd Leading: I don’t know about the guests, but I remembered my old toy monkey, with which, it seems, I never parted for a minute. She was worn and faded, but still my favorite!

1st Leading: And I remembered my very first dance that we danced in younger group... And I even remember the whole song: "A bear with a doll stomp smartly .."

2nd Leading: Wow, we also sang and danced this song in the kindergarten! I also remember ...

1st Leading: It seems to me, colleague, that we are carried away. Our kids from the sixties are already stuck behind the scenes.

Dance "Tumbler Dolls".

Girls in matryoshka costumes run out onto the stage and perform a dance.

5. The song "Tumbler Dolls" is played.

2nd Leading: Today is an unusual day. So we were preparing, rehearsing, and we all seem to know what else we will please the guests with, and the memories of that distant time awakened amazing feelings. And only now I felt the significance of today's date and felt the amazing atmosphere of a long-forgotten childhood.

1st Leading: The atmosphere is wonderful, but we still have a lot of ideas and surprises ahead.

2nd Leading: and gifts!

1st Leading: Yes Yes. It is about the gift that I want to tell you about. Preparing for this holiday, we suddenly discovered that for fifty years we have not only accompanied many children to the doorstep of school. We have lost a whole layer of history: the half-century history of toys.

2nd Leading: This sad discovery prompted us to take decisive action. Several months of search work, to which the parents of our today's pupils also joined, gave their results, and today we are pleased to present to your attention the exhibits of our new museum "My Favorite Toy".

There is a demonstration of a photo of the favorite toys of graduates and teachers of d / s

1st Leading: We have few exhibits so far, but we hope that the museum exposition will be replenished. And in the centenary of our Kindergarten, we can be proud of our museum.

2nd Leading: Now we have the opportunity to travel a lot, but new places are not only attractions and museums. New places are new acquaintances, people are very similar to us, but still a little different.

1st Leading: We promised many surprises and many guests today! Before introducing the first guest of honor (guest) I want to say a few words. Life is so arranged that people do not remember their first educators. More precisely, not so. I am sure they remember, but do not visit. After leaving the Kindergarten, children, as a rule, no longer come to visit us.

Guest of honor 1

2nd Leading: And it is extremely rare to follow their fate. But fortunately the world has changed beyond recognition, and His Majesty the Internet helped us find one of our very first pupils, who came to our Kindergarten in the distant mmm year as a three-year-old girl. Meet: Lenochka Petrova (conditional name)

1st Leading: Then. And now twice a mother, three times a grandmother - Elena Vladimirovna Pavlova. (name and number of descendants are conditional)

One of the Presenters conducts an interview with the first Guest of Honor. You can come up with questions yourself, or use our option.

Questions for an interview with the first guest of honor - a former pupil of the Kindergarten.

Please tell me how you remember our Kindergarten?

Which of the educators do you remember?

Did you have a favorite kindergarten toy or book?

Maybe you remember some song or poem that you learned then?

How are today's children different from those with whom you were friends in those early years?

Have you preserved any quality in your character that was brought up in the children of the 60s - 70s?

In the Kindergarten, they have always not only brought up, but also instilled certain skills and abilities.

Can you remember something from what the kindergarten taught you?

And the last thing: We know that you have raised two children, that now you have three grandchildren. Please tell me they attended (visit) Kindergarten?

After the interview, the Guest of Honor congratulates the employees of the Kindergarten on the anniversary.

Guest of honor 1: Long ago, when the trees were still large, and the grass

She could cover us with her head, but could hardly speak.

Then the Kindergarten came to the aid of working mothers.

He became family, he became loved. All of our people will confirm it.

There they will not offend, they will not condemn, they will take a sip and understand.

So I want to go back there! Well, at least for a few minutes ...

1st Leading: How touching! Thank you very much!

2nd Leading: And accept my gratitude. Now it's time for us to move on.

Sounds 6. Whistle and knock of wheels

1st Leading: What a wonderful atmosphere we have today! Soulful, warm ... They say it is true that nostalgia warms ...

2nd Leading: And yet something is missing. And the mood is festive, and the sound of wheels bewitches, lulls ...

1st Leading: No, no, not that! I know what is missing - a good song.

2nd Leading: Right, right! Now everyone behind the headphones is fenced off from the world, and earlier no holiday could do without a drinking song, and songs sounded on the way.

1st Leading: But we have not yet reached the era of gadgets. Let's hit the whole car with a good road song.

On the screen 7. Karaoke: the song "Blue Carriage".

(everyone is singing)

2nd Leading: Great! Look, we are already approaching the next station. How imperceptibly the time flew by with the song.

(The presenters pretend to be looking at the landscape outside the window)

1st Leading: Indeed, the first houses have already appeared. We are approaching the city of Stability.

2nd Leading: I'll tell you a secret, the locals call their city Stagnation. And in my opinion, quite a nice town.

1st Leading: It is not for us to judge. They say it's better where we are not. You better look, colleague, who meets us!

2nd Leading: I can't believe my eyes! It's Raisa Ivanovna!

The second block is "City of Stability". 70s-80s

Raisa Ivanovna enters the stage.

1st Leading: Dear friends, let me introduce you to one more guest: Raisa Ivanovna - music teacher (educator) from the first generation of our Kindergarten workers. It was she who, together with her colleagues, laid the foundations of our team: friendship, mutual assistance, as well as dedication and creativity to the point.

Guest of honor 2

2nd Leading: Raisa Ivanovna today is our (and yours) The kindergarten celebrates its fiftieth anniversary. Our holiday is not just an anniversary, it is an evening of memories. We will not torment you with questions, but maybe you will share your memories with us.

The guest of honor shares his memories, reflections.

Raisa Ivanovna: Hello, hello, hello! thanks for kind words to my address. I want to congratulate all the heroes of today's celebration, as well as children, parents, guests. With all my heart I wish prosperity and creative success to the entire team.

As for the memories ... There are many of them, but I will tell ... about the difficulties. For us, educators and music teachers, kindergarten holidays were a real test. Not because we didn't like them. But now it is difficult to imagine obligatory public holidays in kindergarten. May 1, November 7 are the red days of the calendar, which were repeated almost always according to the same scenario. Or constitution day in the middle group, can you imagine? And that was. And also the lack of literature. So educators, music workers, willy-nilly, all became scriptwriters. And, nevertheless, even in such "gray holidays" pearls happened, especially if the educators were not afraid to take risks. We will now show you one of these pearls of the old repertoire.

Sounds 8. Song "Grandma, teach the Charleston to dance"

Children are performing a dance. Applause.

1st Leading: Thank you very much, Raisa Ivanovna, for your memories and such a wonderful surprise. Let me invite you on our exciting journey through time.

1st Leading escorts the guest to the hall.

2nd Leading: And I, too, remembered the old funny song, which we both sang and played. Alas, I didn’t remember her earlier. The more interesting it will be to play it impromptu. Dear adult guests, are there those among you with whom the child still lives? Then I ask you to go to the stage.

Five come on stage. 2nd Leading quietly "explains" to the participants what they should do. In fact, it is better to rehearse this number in advance, but the beginning of the song should be prepared as if the whole action takes place impromptu.

You can play this "visible" song accompanied by a children's choir (backing track attached), or select one of the attached audio recordings of the song.

Sounds 9.Four cockroaches and a cricket (minus)

Sounds 9a. Four inseparable cockroaches and a cricket (plus)

Sounds 9b. Children's choir. Four Cockroaches And Cricket (plus)

1st Leading: All good fellows! The house was destroyed, it’s time to make our legs, that is, to go further.

Sounds 6. Whistle and knock of wheels

Game "Children's logic"

2nd Leading: It is not a long distance to the next station, but there is time, and we will play a little with you. Only this time will not be played by children, but by adults.

(two adult guests from the first row are invited: a man and a woman, they are asked questions in turn, after their version, the original version is read out - children's and adult logic is compared - which of the participants has more hits, he won)

Sometimes we ask children to answer a question and are indignant if we do not receive an intelligible answer, because what we ask about is elementary. But it only seems so to us. And can you, adults, serious and intelligent, trace the child's logic.

1st Leading: Let's keep it simple, colleague. I explain the conditions: we read the beginning of the child's phrase, and you will try to put yourself in the child's place and continue his thought.

2nd Leading: The baby puts on tights on her head and says: "Look what I have ..." (the participant proposes an option, the original version: braids)

1st Leading: What rhyme for the word "sofa" came up with a three-year-old poet? So, "sofa - ..." (bed)

2nd Leading:

Mommy, you are so smooth, as if ... (the skating rink drove over you)

1st Leading:

Mom, do you know how dad and I are alike? ... (we have the same last names)

2nd Leading: The girl is going south with her parents. "Glasses must be taken to ..." (eyes are not burnt out)

1st Leading:

Dear friend, you have to listen to adults! Are you a smart boy?

I'm not smart, I ... (to dad)

(Replacement idea: The game can be replaced with congratulations from parents, guests from the audience, or "congratulatory telegrams").

2nd Leading: Applause to our participants!

1st Leading: That's how it is! It turns out that children can also confuse adults!

2nd Leading: That's how it is! It turns out that we have already arrived!

1st Leading: Oh, what a small station. And it is called (is reading)"Quiet Corner".

2nd Leading: Dear passengers, please note that the parking space here will be short.

1st Leading: Why?

2nd Leading:"Quiet Corner" is a suburb of a big city with the telling name "To attack". And what else can the city of the dashing 90s be called? That is why we stopped here, and not in a city with a very difficult reputation.

The third block "Quiet Corner". 80s - 90s.

1st Leading: Yes, many remember that time with shudder. But in fairness, it should be noted that kindergartens were left out of the common trouble. Children still went to kindergarten, classes continued, holidays were held.

2nd Leading: True, there were fewer children, but mutual understanding between parents and educators was at its best. The stratification of society has not yet manifested (this will start later) and it seemed that we were all one family.

1st Leading: Against the background of the general bleak picture, kindergartens stood out like green oases in the desert. From this time there are no kindergarten memories left that could differ from previous years. And only one cool boy from the distant 90s will be able to introduce us to those years.

Sounds 10. The song "What a cool"

Sounds 10a. What a cool (minus)

1st Leading: Bravo! Such a tough guy is entitled to a gift!

2nd Leading: Well, it's time for us to go!

Sounds 6. Whistle and knock of wheels

1st Leading: Go! No matter how calm it is in the Kindergarten, it is still better to move away from these years, and it’s time to go home.


2nd Leading: It is not long left, now we will look into the 2000s, and we will return to the present. And while the wheels are knocking, we will play one more game. Have you noticed that time changes a lot? Perhaps not a single phenomenon in our Everyday life not immune to change. Here are the names, for example. Fifty years ago in each group one could meet a pair of Lenochek and Tanechek, or Seryozha and Sash. Twenty-five years later, they were replaced by Ksyusha and Nastya, Antosha and Kiryusha, but now? Artemy and Savely, and the girls are all Milena and Snezhana.

1st Leading: Well, you are exaggerating a little, colleague!

2nd Leading: Undoubtedly. Carried away. In any case, time dictates its own rules, and its names. And now we will talk about them. True, not about modern ones, but those that were once born in the land of Soviets, but still arouse constant interest.

1st Leading: Are you talking about Kukutsapol and Walterperzhenka?

2nd Leading: Yes, yes, about them dear ones (Addressing the guests): By the way, who can say how this gibberish stands?

Transcripts are shown on the screen:

Kukutsapol is a masculine name. CORN-Tsaritsa-FIELD

Walterperzhenka - female name... VALENTINA-TERESHKOVA-FIRST-WOMAN-Cosmonaut

1st Leading: I realized! Are we going to decipher such unique names?

2nd Leading: Yes, I name the word, you show it on the screen. Without explanation, of course, and the guests are trying to put forward a version close to the original. Well, how do you like the task?

1st Leading: Let's start, and then we'll see.

1st Leading captures active players


Possible comments are given next to the word in italics. Leading.

* DAZDRASMYGDA is a fairly feminine well-known name

YES HELLO City-Village Link

* URYURVKOS- another popular, but already male

male name - URA, YURA IN COSMOS

* ROBLEN - something French reminds

male name - BORN TO BE LENIN

* OYUSHMINALDA and here is Indian

female name Otto Yulievich Schmidt ON ICE

* LELUD - this is something from creepy fairy tales


* NISERKHA - and this is not otherwise from the animal world

female name - Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev

* TROLEBUS - if you think that this is about an accident involving a trolleybus, I warn you right away - no!

female name Trotsky, Lenin, Bukharin, ZINoviev

* PERSONNEL - No comments


* ANIMAL - with this male name we will end the competition. It is very reminiscent of what we are here for.

decryption: I - WITH LENIN and Krupskaya

1st Leading: Marvelous! Our guests did a very good job. Please stand up those who gave the correct (or close to correct) answers. You definitely deserve this round of applause!


2nd Leading: The absolute leader in this competition was Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov. Please tell me, did you do onomastics, or do you just have a well-developed logic?

(guest answers)

1st Leading: What are the names of your children?

(guest answers)

1st Leading: Well. thank God. And then these Trolebuzins somehow do not impress at all.

2nd Leading: But what is impressive is that we have already arrived in the 2000s.

(Replacement idea: The game can be replaced with a preliminary summary:

1st Presenter: I really want to go home. There is very little left until the end of our journey. And while there is time, we can summarize the preliminary results of the labor activity of our common home - the Kindergarten.

Preparing for the holiday, we spent a lot of time in a difficult search. And I must say that this almost overwhelming work was crowned with success. In the course of exploration work, we found out that many specialists have grown from our graduates of past years.

It is known that in medicine work - nn our former pupils

Raise our agriculture - ...

They build houses in different qualities - ....

The industry is being brought to mind - ...

They work for the good of the future, in scientific institutions - ...

They work in the field of education - ...

And what is especially pleasant nn our pupils returned to kindergarten, but in a different capacity)

1st Leading: Impressive!

2nd Leading: It is also impressive that we have already arrived in the 2000s.

Garden City block. 90s - zero.

1st Leading: We have almost reached the final destination of our journey. We drove into the outskirts of Garden City. But in essence we are already in the present. For a little person, 10 years is a lot. After all, it is in the first decade that the child learns more than in the rest of his life.

2nd Leading: From the point of view of history, 10 years is a moment. And we still can't tell the difference between 2007 and 2017. Although ... You can see the differences in such a small period of time, but only in one single phenomenon, which we have not yet talked about. It can be argued that variability is the main property of this mysterious phenomenon.

1st Leading: Nobody guessed? Then look!

Fashion Show "In the Spiral of History"

Sounds 11. "Fortune Teller" (minus)

Children in fashionable clothes from different times dance on the words of the verse and chorus. On the second verse, against the background of the "minus", the actual fashion show begins, which is accompanied by comments.

Rework text(1 verse and chorus)

Fashion changes daily

And as long as there is a white light

We dress according to income,

Only in charm is our main secret.

But you won't have enough for a new thing,

Feel free to take the scissors in your hands

Gently, calmly and dexterously

Create a new thing for yourself!

I can't afford it,

But still we

Wish to be

Dressed in fashion.

What can I say, what can I say

I can't afford it,

But can we

But can we

Dressed to be fashionable.

Fashion Show Text(read against the background of music, after the 1st verse and chorus, if necessary, turn on the track again).

Leading (speaking in turn).

Today, in honor of our anniversary, the famous couturier Valentin Yudashkin presents his collection of children's clothing "In the Spiral of History".

Clothes made from natural fabrics are still popular in children's fashion of the 60s.

Dresses for the smallest girls with high yokes.

Sailor suits for boys and girls are still in vogue.

An integral part of children's costumes are cotton stockings, socks and knee-highs.

For winter outdoor activities - comfortable wide trousers. Little fashionistas will gladly complement their winter clothes with muffs *.

The 70s brought new materials to children's fashion: knitwear, rayon, crimplen.

The stockings were replaced by very comfortable tights.

Fashion of the 90s is very democratic: they wear everything that older brothers and sisters did not wear, and therefore on the catwalk you can see both vintage models of the 50s and altered mother's dresses.

Irreplaceable sweatpants have not lost their relevance.

The absolute leader of the 90s is sneakers, rapidly replacing both boys 'rubber sneakers and girls' shoes - irons.

Children changed their famous summer sandals to flip flops.

Motto modern fashion- convenience and practicality. Following their mothers, girls wear dresses less and less, preferring light trousers and comfortable leggings.

Boys also prefer a sporty style.

All models take to the stage.

What will children's fashion offer us in the future? Let's see. Coquette fashion is changeable and unpredictable!

The final

1st Leading: Well, here we are back where we started our journey, to the present, where we are met by the hostess of our common house, our beloved Kindergarten - Olga Sergeevna Filippova.

2nd Leading: Olga Sergeevna, we know that your teaching experience is more than one decade. Tell me, how do modern children differ from children of the 70s - 80s?

Olga Sergeevna: Of course, the children have become different. It cannot be otherwise, because children are a mirror of the world, and the world has changed beyond recognition. Modern children are better dressed, they are multifacetedly informed. (unfortunately, not always in the right direction) and in some ways more developed. But compared to children of the Soviet era, they are less independent and less creative. And the last one I consider to be a real loss. In a world where you can buy everything, where each toy does everything by itself, you just have to press a button, the fantasy falls asleep, and the child is out of work, finding himself outside the usual environment. Therefore, I am sure that the work of educators is no less important now than in the past. Moreover, it is somewhat more complicated. But this does not mean at all that the grass was greener before. such a comparative assessment is nothing more than my personal opinion. But what I am absolutely sure of is that it is in ours, my dear colleagues, the power to do everything so that our pupils go out into the big world as knowledgeable, capable, creative personalities, worthy of the brightest and kindest future.

Our holiday is coming to an end, but there are new tasks ahead, new pupils and high horizons. Happy Holidays, dear!

The poem "This is the house that RONO built".

As the poem is read, the characters in question appear on the stage.

1st Leading: Here is the house that RONO built. And this is the hostess - very energetic,

2nd Leading: And her team is just great.

Head: And this is the caretaker who is in charge of the economy,

Manager: The accountant who is in charge of all expenses,

Accountant: And it's worth following any advice

To do everything without harming the budget.

Head: The kitchen is always clean and tidy.

The cooks are watching the food of the children.

Cook: And the nurse looks after the health,

And he does it with great love.

Nurse: Our muses. the teacher is a real talent.

Cheerful and bright, the inventor is brilliant!

Music teacher: Educators will always come to my aid,

and in life we ​​are great friends.

1st Educator: And here is our joy: girls, boys.

2nd Educator: Serious, quiet and playful.

Children run out with balloons

Child: Everyone else has forgotten about our nannies,

Under their persuasion, you can eat porridge!

Nanny: This is how we live as a large team

With cleaning and porridge,

Music teacher: but always positive.

3rd educator: And the kindergarten has long become a second family

Big and cheerful, beloved, dear!

4th educator: With the head of the classroom and energetic

Head: And with the team, well, just great!

In chorus: In the house built by RONO.

The concert participants sing the song "We wish you happiness!"

(Against the background of the song, you can show on the screen photos of different years from the history of the d / s-hero of the day)

Sounds 12. We wish you happiness

When the chorus begins, children run into the hall and distribute balloons to the guests of the party.

"Happy anniversary, kindergarten!"

(Fanfare sounds, the hall is entered from both sides
children with balloons-hearts
and presenters. Everyone stands in the center of the hall).
Good afternoon, dear guests!
Good afternoon, dear colleagues!
We are glad to welcome everyone
At the anniversary of the kindergarten!
Today in our house
And the doors are open here for
Well, there is no better for us
Than to see the faces of all yours
Today is a holiday at the kindergarten,
We are very glad to congratulate you!
Our nice kids
Mischievous and mischievous.
Let the smiles of children
The anniversary will sparkle!
After all, for them a kindergarten and
For them - goodness, fun, growth.
Each of the kids is happy
Congratulate your favorite garden.
Children read poetry:
Birthday is a holiday
He came to us today
We will give with all our hearts
You have a million smiles!
We are very happy to congratulate
All kindergarten workers:
Everyone who is here with us
The heart gives to children!
We will divide the joy and fun in half
And our heart is childish
today we give you!
(Children let the balls-hearts go up
under the phonogram)
We have this holiday for a long time
You are in the land of babies.
When you were little
And you lived in the same country.
Now you've grown big
Yes, all are beautiful
For a holiday visit us
And they brought congratulations.
We also tried very hard,
Learned songs and poems
In the morning they dressed up beautifully
And now we are on the stage.
All guys and girls
Amicably lined up in a row,
Congratulations on the round date
Our favorite kindergarten.
Met many times
Celebration in this hall
But people like this
We didn't know yet
The best holiday
Send all congratulations
All: Because notes
Birthday garden!
Song "Happy birthday kindergarten"
1. Adults have a birthday.
Of course, the guys have it.
And today is a birthday
Celebrates kindergarten.
Kindergarten, kindergarten,
Why do they say that?
Because day after day.
We grow like flowers here.
2.Happy birthday
Our favorite kindergarten.
Let the songs not stop here
For many, many years in a row.
(After the performance
children go to the chairs to the music and sit down to the songs).
remember a lot
events, bright days
history is a road
many have walked along it!
All in
the first time was
it seems that only yesterday
For kids
I opened it to little ones
wonderful country.
fun and discovery
Heat and
affection without boundaries
Adventure World
and events
hands and kind faces.
(Introductory sounds
songs "Little Country".
The presenters become
edges away from children. Teachers enter the stage from both sides, stand next to
presenters and perform the song "Little Country", on the screen is a presentation with
photo and video material).
Little country
1.There is
there is one village on earth from the hustle and bustle,
30 years ago, the kindergarten opened its doors to it.
for girls and boys in a small country
to her every day, gives comfort, peace.
country, small country
who will tell us
where is she
country, small country
where there is always a place for everyone
where it's always spring.
we didn’t dream about the country, it’s all in reality
Childhood settled in that country, and I am in a hurry there
everything sparkles and sparkles, there is no evil or sorrow.
inspires to work and gives light to children.
country, small country
who will tell us
where is she
country, small country
you will not find it on the map
she, here she is.
After singing a song (to a quiet
phonogram of the song "Little Country")
educators go to their places
The road to the anniversary is not easy
Sometimes it's harder
Sometimes it's easier, but in general

This is the path of discovery and victory.
And it happened. Here he burst out
Gave me flowers and greetings.
30 us today! Is there a lot
this is?
Or not enough years for a kindergarten?
1 Vedas:
It's a joy to host the concert today
And there are no empty seats in the hall
Let there be a holiday of our meeting
Warmed by warm friendship!
Ved: Today in this hall
gathered, our good friends, who were united by our kindergarten. Already 30
years old small children grow and develop in our kindergarten.
And those who reach the pinnacle of skill
gently handed over to friendly hands
teachers. And almost 2000 children have grown up in our kindergarten for 30 years.
Just think about this
Ved: In our kindergarten
really creative people work - our educators. Even in our nursery
the garden employs specialists who help our children to be versatile
developed people, instill a taste and love for music, artistic creativity, develop
strength and health, teach to pronounce the words correctly.
We have kind and
caring junior educators, cooks who cook deliciously. Next to us
there is a nurse who monitors the health of children. Cleaner of premises,
a washerwoman and a janitor keep the preschool clean.
Ved: We have
wonderful caretaker and castellan who supply us with everything we need. Watchman,
who guard our bright house, as well as a competent accountant.
Ved: And most importantly, we have
there is a young and energetic manager who recently came to this
position. But with its optimism and inexhaustible energy it inspires
creativity, on the search for new ideas.
And the first word is we
we provide Zhukova M.A.
Manager's speech
Dear friends, dear
guests, colleagues and employees. We have a solemn day today. Today our
the kindergarten is 30 years old. What is a kindergarten?
Our kindergarten is cute, kind, smart
children. Everything that we decide in our kindergarten we do for them, for the sake of
so that they grow and develop.
D / garden is the parents. They are the main assistants in
our work and we are very grateful to them for this.
D / garden is employees. The most hardworking
creative and all able, people who care for the souls of children.
D / garden is a family. And as in any friendly
family, we have our own traditions.
D / garden is unique
a system that provides care, supervision, nutrition, education and recovery.
No other system performs so many functions at the same time.
D / garden is a living organism that breathes,
feels, rejoices and upset.
From kindergarten begins
the path of the kids to our big and complex world. Good thing here
there are always people who will understand and support the little person
on this difficult road. On this anniversary date, I wish our children's
garden to develop and become better and better.
In kindergarten kids
All such rascals.
They both play and sing.
In general, they live happily.
(Children come out to the music and perform
Dance "Playful"
(After performing the dance, the children sit on
their places)
Ved: There are good words:
"Happiness is when you are understood." They fully relate to the people from whom our kindergarten receives support and
understanding…. This is the Head of the Administration of the Milyutinsky District Aleksey Korolev
Nikolaevich, head of department
education of the administration of the Milyutinsky district Anischenko Elena Ivanovna, head
Administration of the Milyutinsky rural settlement Larisa Vladimirovna Aleshkina.
Ved: We express today
all of them are grateful for their help and understanding. And we give the floor
Alexei Nikolaevich Korolev.
Head of the Milyutinsky District Administration Korolev A.N.
Speech by the head of the department
Milyutinsky district Anischenko Elena Ivanovna
Speech by the head of administration Milyutinsky
the settlements of Aleshkina Larisa Vladimirovna
1 Vedas:
Accept as a sign
thanks and in memory of our meeting these New Year's souvenirs.
(Children present guests with souvenirs)
(if there is snow)
Ved: Now
winter is on the street
covered with snow
again like 30 years ago
white snowfall.
Veda: Snowflake
we invited to visit,
What would
danced in our hall.
(if there is no snow)
Ved: Now
winter is on the street,
And the snow
let the snowflakes in this hall
Rather arrive.
Veda: Swirl
in a dance, they will fly
hall like fluffs
Will raise
mood for everyone
(They get up from the chairs
and children go out to dance)
Dance of Snowflakes with
(After the dance, the children
return to their places)
(After the children sat on
chairs come out leading. At that time
there is a knock and rustle behind the screen)
1 Veda: I hear knocking and rustling,
Someone to us
came, friends.
2 Vedas: Who are you our guest - show yourself,
Before us
Brownie Kuzya appears on the screen with cheerful music
(b-b-bo toy)
Brownie Kuzya:
sent out,
And they didn’t call me.
1 Veda: Hello dear
the guest! Introduce youreself!
Little brownie Kuzya (laughs):
Oh, I'm going to die of laughter now!
Here is fun so fun!
Am I a guest?
2 Vedas:
Please forgive me
Excuse everyone present too,
But hurry up to explain to us
So that we can quickly understand everything ...
Brownie Kuzya (assertively):
Yes, I, Kuzya
I am a brownie Kuzya!
In kindergarten from the cradle,
And you are all my family!
Kuzya performs ditties.)
Brownie Kuzya:
I live in kindergarten
From the very opening.
It didn't go here without me
Not a single event.
How you live, how you sing,
What's for breakfast and lunch,
I know everything, I hear everything.
After all, I have been living here for 30 years.
I know all your secrets
I can tell you a lot.
I can even give advice
What is the best way for you to proceed.
I celebrate the holidays with you,
I am having fun with all my heart.
Congratulations to everyone today
Adults and kids.
1 Veda: Dear, Little Brownie Kuzya, we
very glad to know that you live in our
kindergarten from the very opening, and today he even dared to appear at our anniversary.
Brownie Kuzya:
Yes, yes, we
Brownies are not supposed to appear in public. But today is such a holiday that
even I could not stand it!
2 Vedas: Well done, Kuzya! Please tell me
if you have been living in the kindergarten for so many years, can you tell us how it all began.
Brownie Kuzya:
Yes I do not
I'll just tell you
I'm better for you
I'll show you.
More convenient
sit down
watch carefully.
Film - presentation
"Happy anniversary, children's
accompanied by appropriate
Photo and video
Once upon a time
30 years ago
our favorite garden.
winter, frost crackled,
the swarm was spinning
And in
kindergarten people
Since morning
I was already having fun!
The first
the head of our kindergarten was L.M. Shulyakova ... It was she who took care and cherished him
for 16 years.
Since then
December day
life by key:
Of the year
changed here the years,
day after day.
change Shulyakova L.M. in 2002, a new head of the d / s Barannikova G.I. came, who
kept all the best traditions of the kindergarten. And I put a lot of effort into it
further prosperity. On her shoulders
a few years later, the kindergarten was also overhauled.
A little
repairs have been going on for over a year,
And so
the hour has come
renovated kindergarten
gathered all of us.
And again
filled with children's laughter
our kindergarten.
And again
flew by day after day
worries and deeds.
At the end
In 2015, MA Zhukova became the head of our kindergarten ... With new ideas and inexhaustible
with energy she began her career in kindergarten.
time without slowing down,
Is running,
hurrying forward.
weekdays are followed by holidays.
After them
we barely have time.
how many nice kids
For these
30 years
to our dear kindergarten,
Give it a try
- answer.
No matter,
how many were there
and funny
with dolls in hands,
And it is important
that - that every year
During the heat
and snowfall
with moms here
in a hurry.
And so
he is a glorious jubilee,
celebrating again.
wonderful full hall
I managed to
to collect the kindergarten.
age - 30 years
say, friends,
But you
object a little
Today I.
means 30?
Three yes
zero, and together it will be 3,
And this
means that he
yet, grow.
Let be
prettier and growing
He is many, many
Let be
never stops
sonorous children's laughter!
(after showing the presentation, the presenters
thank Brownie Kuzya)
Brownie Kuzya:
I am glad that
you liked my little presentation. And now it's time for me to leave, otherwise Nafanya
probably already looking for me.
I say goodbye to everyone,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Happy holiday to all,
I wish you all the best!
Well, I promise
Protect the kindergarten.
And now this day is wonderful
Never forget!
Kuzya says goodbye and leaves).
In the room
there are a lot of our guests
warm you give
the radiance of all eyes
that the garden is true.
2 Vedas: A team of working employees of the children's
Sada diligently preserves and continues the good traditions of its predecessors -
veterans who are now on a well-deserved rest.
Year in
year passes in worries,
see you in business,
But today
you are not at work,
And on
holiday came to this hall.
With you
are considered, you are respected
they call you veterans.
veterans of the kindergarten A.E. Baginskaya, T.V. Patenko are invited to the stage,
Prasolova N.S., Bondareva O.A., Shulyakova L.M.
(Enter the stage
2 Vedas:
You brought up
many children,
After all, 30
our kindergarten has been working for years.
today is also an anniversary.
today is also a bright holiday!
1 Veda: As a token of gratitude for the many years
conscientious work, professionalism and dedication please accept our sincere
(Veterans are awarded flowers and
2 Vedas: The floor is given to Alla Efimovna
One of
veterans-guests (Baginskaya A.E.) congratulates the kindergarten on the holiday.
After the performance
veterans are returning to their places.
Who's everyone
I gave my heart to children,
I dedicated my life to them,
forever young in soul,
always beautiful.
That's why
what's next to childhood
get old,
That's why
that into the distance without an edge
we always watch.
1 Vedas:
What would you raise
What would
cheer you up
children wanted
dance to give.
(They get up from the chairs
and children go out to dance)
Dance "The Stream Flows"
(After the dance, the children
return to their places)
1 Vedas: Our kindergarten has many friends and assistants who are
at a difficult moment ready to help. These are our sponsors: chairman
Milyutinsky RAIPO Deinekina Olga Fedorovna, individual entrepreneurs Dudareva Natalya Sergeevna and Mizyukaeva Natalya
Nikolaevna. We ask you to go on stage.
(Go out
Veda: Thank you
for the sponsorship provided to our kindergarten.
(For sponsors
souvenirs are awarded)
Sponsors' speeches.
Veda: For our
esteemed sponsors and all guests will perform children of the middle group "Yablonka"
dance "Sponges with a bow".
(To the music in the hall with right side the kids and
take their places).
Children read poetry.
1 child:
Is in
Milyutinskaya house,
lives in a little house,
lives in a 2-storey?
2 child:
to be a mouse?
All: No!
3 child:
frog frog?
All: No!
4 child:
bunny coward!
All: No!
5 child:
little cribs stand,
the kids are sleeping in their cribs.
Wake up
Wash their face
6 child:
Having fun
and make noise.
dance and sing
have fun!
Dance "Sponges
bow "
(After the performance

Ved: Our
your favorite kindergarten would not be so funny, fabulous and joyful if it were not for
constant work and diligence of our friendly team. But our kindergarten was not
would be so, even without our dear and respected parents, who entrusted us
raising your children.
2 Vedas: On behalf of all the parents of our pupils, we invite Elena to this hall to congratulate
Kurilin and Alexander and Natalia Sinitsin.
parents come out on stage and perform a song)
Parents song
(To the tune "It's great that we are all here
gathered today ")
in this hall
not intentionally,
After all
anniversary thirtieth
That's why
daughters and sons
bright this house
every day we bring
their kids
go to work yourself
let's go.
After all
we know under supervision
and little sons.
care and attention
will be day after day.
would like to wish
So that
did not stop for years
sonorous children's laughter.
to everyone who worked here,
working today
in all matters
and success!
thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
sit down)
Ved: Our kindergarten works closely with the children's library, music school, District
house of culture, museum of local lore,
Social Service Center, primary school, children's youth sports
Ved: Years go by, our little ones
grow up, become schoolchildren. Our graduates work as doctors, engineers, teachers,
drivers, sellers, and our kindergarten continues to raise little kids and light up new stars.
Meet, here they are!
(To the music, the kids from the group enter the hall on the left
and take their places).
Dance "One palm, two palms - I'm bye
what is not a star "
(After the performance
dance, children leave the hall to the music).
Veda: Dear
friends! So our festive concert dedicated to the day is coming to an end
birth of kindergarten.
Ved: Our kids with
every day they go to their favorite kindergarten with pleasure. Why did they make it so
love? Let's hear what the children themselves have to say.
(Children come out)
(Children recite poetry)
Our kindergarten is good
You can't find a better garden.
Go around the whole area
He will be the best.
We love the garden from the cradle
He's a big, cozy house
So much joy, smiles
Kindness and happiness in it
We know a song about the kindergarten
And we'll sing it for you.
Clap your hands
And support us.
The song "Kindergarten-house for children"
1.We get up early in the morning
Let's go to kindergarten soon
We are greeted with affection
A good new fairy tale
Kindergarten, kindergarten-
This is a house for the guys.
This is a house for the soul
Kids play here.
Kindergarten, kindergarten
Like chocolate for the guys.
Come here soon
Here you will find your friends!
2. Kindergarten one family
Let's be together you and me
Joyfully to work
and learn everything
We asked the guys:
“What is a kindergarten?
Children grow up there in the beds:
Tanya, Dasha, Vova, Petit?
Water them with water
From a fun watering can amicably? "
No! - the guys answered
-We don't grow for salad.
We grow here like flowers
Come to our garden and you.
3. Well, on holiday kindergarten
We will arrange a masquerade
In festive outfits
We are happy to spin!
(Sounds Russian
folk melody)
1 Vedas:
In Russia
there has long been a tradition: for the birthday man and his guests a festive
a loaf and a round dance song is performed.
2 Vedas: We adhere to ancient traditions, so let's
We will meet our loaf with friendly applause!
(To the music, a festive
loaf, children stand around him and
perform the round dance "Karavai")
Round dance "Karavai"
How on
kindergarten birthday
We accept
Here is such
heights, this is the bottom.
Here is such
dinners, that's that wide.
Do not be bored,
(After performing the round dance, the children
are rearranged in a semicircle)
1 Vedas:
- happy date.
holiday can not be compared with anything.
He is not in vain
was invented once,
to give joy.
(He points to the children beside him.)
2 Vedas:
We are glad about it
children's voices,
And we are glad
the radiance of children's eyes.
We are together with
we believe in miracles
And we know -
this will not be the last time.
1 Vedas:
hello kindergarten, many, many years!
Let them beat
restless hearts!
2 Vedas:
We wish you
light and victories!
you are in my heart forever!
1 Veda: This is our holiday concert
2 Vedas: Thank you for your attention and wish you
all the best!
(To the music
the children, following the presenter (with a loaf in their hands), leave the hall).