Perm what happens. Types of substances

How beautiful curly hair looks! They make a real coquette out of a woman. The curly locks frame her face neatly and create a rather striking look. But it is very difficult for lovely ladies to do this kind of styling every day. It takes about an hour. How to be? Leave your hair under the control of chemistry? But this procedure significantly spoils the hairline. However, the problem can be solved without such a harsh impact. Today, among hairdressing services, light perm - carving is in great demand.

What is hair carving

Long straight hair was in fashion for women for a long time. Today, you can find many representatives of the fair sex with beautiful curly curls. At the same time, women make curls on both long and short hair. The hairdressing service of hair carving helps them a lot in this.

The name of the procedure came to us from the English language. Carving is translated as follows: "curly carving" or "carved work". This interpretation is very similar in perception to the effect obtained after the procedure. Carving is also called light perm.

So, by carving we mean long-term styling in waves, which lasts about two months on straight hair. It is she who helps women to have beautiful curls without a lot of time.

Carving is suitable for different hair lengths

At its core, carving is a perm, which is done using special means that do not have a harsh effect on the hair. During the procedure, the scalp does not suffer either. This long-term perm helps many girls not only acquire curls, but also get rid of the lack of volume, naughty and tangled hair.

The procedure is carried out using especially high-quality formulations. They are sold only in specialized outlets or on the Internet. Remember, in order not to harm your hair, hair carving products must be bought in trusted stores.

Important! It must be remembered that hair after the carving procedure requires very gentle care. Be sure to choose only hair products that are free of sulfates, silicones and aggressive additives, so that the effect lasts as long as possible. The multiple winner of the ratings of natural cosmetics is Mulsan cosmetic. This brand produces extremely safe products without aggressive chemical components. All cosmetics are suitable both for use after the carving procedure and after the Botox and keratin straightening procedure. We strongly recommend the official online store

What is hair carving and how is it done - video

What is hair carving for and how often it can be done

In addition to the woman's desire to have curls, carving can be used in the following cases:

  • if the hair is oily. The procedure will dry them well. After it, the need to wash your hair will occur less often;
  • if the hair is coarse. After carving, the curls on the head will be much easier to fit;
  • if the hair is thin and unruly. After carving, the strands will look voluminous and wavy;
  • when there is not enough time for daily styling;
  • if desired, radically change the image.

Carving can be done every 2-3 months.

Hair carving looks impressive

Benefits and harms, advantages and disadvantages of carving

Carving, as a procedure, has its positive and negative sides.

Advantages of the procedure

The pluses of carving include:

  • gentle effect on hair;
  • the existence of several options for long-term curling (small curls, medium curls and large curls);
  • preservation of styling on hair after carving for much longer;
  • natural and very natural styling. If we compare it with chemistry, then when carving, the hair does not look burnt;
  • long-term preservation of the effect: on ordinary hair, beautiful curls last for 1-3 months, and on dyed ones - for six months;
  • no need to restore dry hair ends. Since the composition of the carving has a very mild effect on the hair structure. The wavy effect will go away on its own over time;
  • budget cost, so any woman can use the service.

Harmful effects and consequences of light perm

The disadvantages of carving include:

  • the need to create styling, hairstyle does not always look perfect. You still have to apply force to it and apply styling products to the hair before shaping;
  • lack of pronounced curls. This effect can be achieved only with the help of biowave;
  • possibly an unexpected end to the carving effect. Curls can straighten ahead of time or go away gradually;
  • possible change in the shade of colored hair after the procedure;
  • no effect on very thick and thick hair;
  • maintaining an unpleasant odor on the hair for some time.

Contraindications for long-term curling

There are situations when it is not recommended to do this modern procedure:

  • if a woman has brittle, damaged and, moreover, severely split ends;
  • if the head has just been dyed with hair dye. You can safely go to light chemistry if two weeks have already passed, and if not, it is better to wait;
  • if a woman has a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • when taking certain medications, in particular, when treating with hormonal therapy;
  • if the hair is dry and discolored. Women with other previously transferred perms are at risk.

The procedure can be performed on pregnant women and nursing mothers. However, it should be remembered that the chemical composition for curling has a rather pungent odor.

The difference between hair carving and biowaving, chemistry

Carving, bio and chemical curling help create long-lasting styling. Only from each other they differ in the following:

  • shorter time of preservation of the effect of carving in comparison with chemical or bio-curling;
  • a more gentle effect on curls with light curling than with chemistry, since the composition of carving does not penetrate into the very structure of the hair;
  • hair care during biowaving, since the composition of the agent used during this procedure includes the necessary biological protein, which is not in the means for carving and for chemistry.

The choice of procedure will completely depend on the woman's desire. Only she has to decide what she needs: long-term styling, hair improvement or a gentle effect.

Types of hair carving

Carving is done in several versions. Main types:

  • traditional perm. After it, the waves are distributed evenly along the entire length. To get curls, curlers are used, which are twisted on the hair;
  • vertical curling. Instead of ordinary curlers, vertical curlers are used (or in another way they are called spiral). Perms are equally suitable for both short and long hair. The styling effect is fascinating: pronounced curly curls with amazing volume;
  • texturing. This look is often used when a hairstyle needs to be refined. The result is always original. With the help of curlers, accents are made on the hair in the right places and thereby create a special style;
  • local perm. The method is used when you want to lift the hair at the roots. For these purposes, the master winds curlers not along the entire length of the hair, but only at their base. This method works in reverse as well. For example, when you only need to wind one ends.

Features of the procedure for short, medium, long hair and possible combinations with haircuts

Light chemistry has its own characteristics. Of course, it is better to have the procedure done in the salon. Experts in their field will be able to perform carving neat and beautiful. At home, getting the desired curls is not always possible.

Before the procedure, be sure to take into account the length of the hair. Carving works best for medium hair. Of course, it can be done on short and long ones, only you will need to choose the right curlers. For example, for very short hair, fine curls wrapped around small bobbins are best.

Fine curls are best for short hair.

The thickness and density of the hair is also of particular importance in this procedure. Strong hair may not give in to frizz, or the effect may not be as beautiful. Carving will suit the owners of thin and thin strands - the hair will become voluminous and obedient.

The bangs always make the styling unique. However, carving does not always go well with it. So, small curls do not fit bangs. But medium, soft waves will look good. Another look with bangs will be nicely decorated by curling only one ends.

For owners of bangs, light perm may not work.

Carving without bangs is popular. In this version, the curls frame the woman's face very beautifully, making the whole image much more interesting.

A bob cut and carving are very suitable for each other. At the same time, the curls themselves can be both voluminous and very small. The bangs may or may not.

Carving and cascade haircuts also look very good. This image will beautify a woman of any age.

Curls look spectacular in combination with a cascading haircut

Types of curlers and the size of curls

To create carving, curlers of different types are used:

  • voluminous. With their help, very large curls are created. The result is romantic waves with good root volume;
  • bobbins. The diameter of these devices is very small. Due to their size, they allow you to create African curls;
  • spiral. These special bobbins have a spiral shape. They are always used for vertical curling. Practice has shown that spiral curls last longer than ordinary curls. These curlers allow you to create many curly curls that visualize volume well;
  • boomerangs (rollers). They have different diameters and special material - soft foam rubber with wire. Well suited for both large and small curls.

Types of curlers - photo

Voluminous curlers allow you to create large soft curls
Thanks to the bobbins, small perky curls are obtained Spiral curlers create the effect of waves on the hair

Soft boomerang curlers are easy to use, they can be used to make curls of any size

Depending on the size of the curlers used, you can get different curls:

  • large. To create them, take large diameter curlers. The curls from them are quite large;
  • average. Here they take bobbins with an average diameter. The result will delight its owner with airiness and fluffiness;
  • small. For their creation, only bobbins of a very small diameter are suitable. The result is stunning volume.

What does carving look like for large, medium and small curlers - photo

Curling with large-diameter curlers allows you to get beautiful large curls The average size of the curlers can be used on hair of different lengths and creates pronounced curls Curling with bobbins allows you to create small and very lush curls

How is carving done and how long does the procedure take?

Carving technology is not very complicated. Its technology is the same as a perm. In time, the whole process takes about 2-3 hours, depending on the characteristics of the woman's hair. The whole procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Training. This stage, like others, will be carried out by the master in the salon. First, he selects the necessary curlers and prepares the drug. Then he washes the client's hair and dabs lightly with a towel. After that, the woman sits down in a chair. The master covers her shoulders with a protective cloth and brushes her hair well.
  2. Hair Styling. From the total mass of hair, the master selects only those strands that will need to be curled initially and winds them according to the hairdressing technique.
  3. Application of a special composition. The hair is moistened with it after the curling of the hair is completed. Reagents allow hair to keep curls long enough.
  4. Spin holding. To create the desired effect, the curled hair, moistened with the composition, is left alone for 10–20 minutes. The exact holding time depends on the brand of the product. The wizard periodically checks how the process of obtaining the curl is going. To do this, he spins one curler at a time.
  5. Flushing. When time has passed, the composition is washed off with warm water, while the curlers are not unwound. Excess water is simply blotted out.
  6. Application of a neutralizer. With its help, the curls are fixed in a given position.
  7. Removing the curlers. The master spins all the curlers backwards.
  8. Washing off the composition.
  9. Drying your hair with a hair dryer.

Composition of the preparation for carving

The main requirement for the composition is the absence of ammonia. The thioglycolate component is also prohibited. If these rules are followed, the carving product can be considered gentle.

The composition of the preparation for carving is different for all manufacturers. Especially appreciated are those products where there is more biological basis than chemical components. This combination allows a very gentle effect on the hair structure. Stylists recommend the following brands:

  • Londa;
  • L'Oreal;
  • Schwarzkopf;
  • Wella.

For example, a long-term curling product from Londa allows you to get a clear curl in just 10 minutes. This is because it contains special fast-acting ingredients that manufacturers have deliberately included.

Among the popular brands, the following compositions can also be distinguished: Trendline from Goldwell, GOLDWELL, Indola and others.

How to do carving at home: step by step instructions

You can make yourself carving at home. To complete it you will need:

  • two bowls:
  • curlers (shape and size optional);
  • two sponges, as for the kitchen;
  • gloves (pair);
  • two hairbrushes;
  • a plastic cap or a piece of this material;
  • cotton tourniquet;
  • towel;
  • a sheet or towel to cover your shoulders;
  • rubber bands;
  • chemical mixture for carving and fixer.

To create curls, follow the instructions below:

  1. Rinse your hair well and pat dry your clean hair with a towel.
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  3. Part your hair into sections.
  4. Roll the resulting strands into curlers.
  5. Take the product from the pre-purchased kit and blot the curlers with it.
  6. After all your hair is wet, put a plastic cap on top and cover your head with a warm scarf (you can use a towel).
  7. Look in the instructions for the duration of the composition and keep it.
  8. Wash your hair without shampoo, and do not remove the curlers.
  9. Apply the special fixative from the kit on top.
  10. Unwind your hair and rinse your hair again without shampoo.
  11. Dry the resulting curls.

To make the curls last longer after home carving, you can use the following remedy: mix water and 5% vinegar until it tastes sour and rinse your hair with it.

Hair curling step by step - video

How long does the effect last after the procedure

The effect of carving can last from one to six months (depending on the characteristics of the hair). But on average, brightly highlighted curls last 2-3 months. Over time, the hair grows back, so the shape of the curls themselves changes. They just start to fall off. However, carving can be repeated after 3-4 months.

To prolong the life of light chemicals, you need to properly care for your hair. Here are some tips:

  • after the procedure itself, it is necessary to enable the hair to remember the shape that it has just been given. For these purposes, it is undesirable to use a hair dryer when drying. You just need to dry the curls in a natural way, or in extreme cases, use a diffuser;
  • after the procedure, do not wash your hair for two days;
  • when combing, use only combs with sparse teeth;
  • Replace your shampoo with a special product for textured hair.
  • constantly use balms, nourishing masks and other effective care products. They will significantly improve the condition of the hair;
  • wipe your hair gently after washing, blot more, and not wring out;
  • dry your hair daily only in a natural way;
  • do not go to bed if your hair is wet or damp. They should be pre-dried;
  • do not use products containing alcohol. This component is harmful to both the perm and the hair itself.

After curling, it is best to dry your hair naturally; in extreme cases, you can use a hairdryer with a diffuser attachment

If a lady wants to create a natural styling on her head, then a light perm will need to apply a little hair foam and dry it with a diffuser. You can also style your head with large hair curlers.

If suddenly a woman has a desire to straighten her curls, then she can do it with an iron. Only before styling will you need to apply a protective agent to the hair. You can also blow dry your hair by pulling out curly hair with a brush.

For the image to be perfect, hair after carving needs to be able to style.

  1. Be sure to use the following tools: moisturizing lotion, comb, foam or mousse, hair dryer with a diffuser;
  2. Wash your hair first. Use a special shampoo and apply a nourishing mask every seven days;
  3. Dry your hair with a towel, or rather just blot it;
  4. Comb your hair gently;
  5. Apply the fixing agent, step back slightly from the hair roots.
  6. Start styling your curls with a hair dryer and a comb.
  7. If you need to straighten a little curls, then when styling, lightly pull the comb down or use an iron.
  8. You can also use styling for curly hair.

Indola Curl Remover is great for highlighting curls

How to style curly hair - video

How to care for your hair after curling

According to the reviews of many girls, hair after carving becomes a little harsh and naughty. Therefore, some ladies, after the wavy effect is over, simply cut them off. To mitigate the effects of carving, you must:

  • cut the ends periodically for full hair restoration;
  • use only special products for the care of curls;
  • use combs with natural bristles.

On this page you can see the types of curls in the photo, which illustrate the various options. All the proposed types of hair curling in the photo are simple and easy to implement at home. Almost all types of hair curls are considered in a short version, their pros and cons are proposed. From the article you can find out what types of curling for hair are, why you should give preference to one or another method. What types of perms are dangerous and are not recommended for use - this question is also answered on this page.

With the help of curling, you can create bouncy curls or light waves, add extra volume to your hairstyle. To achieve a short-term effect, you can use curlers or hot tongs; permanent curling using chemicals will help to make your hair curly for a long time.

What are the curls of hair: braiding and on curlers

To begin with, we will consider the simplest way and tell you what hair curls are by weaving braids. Dry clean hair with a towel and wait until it is half dry. Divide them into equal strands, gently comb each one, while distributing the styling agent (gel or mousse) along the entire length of the hair, and then braid it tightly. Fix the end with a tape or curl it on curlers. Leave hair braided until morning. Then, undo the braids, give the hair the desired shape with the help of your fingers and a hair dryer with cold air. Fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

Every woman has tried curling her hair with curlers at least once in her life. This is one of the easiest and most common ways to create stylish styling, add volume to your hair and change the look. The answer to the question of what kind of hair curls exist depends only on the arsenal of curlers that are in the arsenal of a fashionista.

If your hair is thin, do not use large curlers for curling. The effect of small and medium-sized curlers will be more noticeable on such hair.

On a note

Thermal and electric curlers do not differ from conventional ones in principle, however, they allow you to achieve the desired effect faster due to the additional thermal effect on the hair.

Hair washed with balm should be dried with a towel and wait until it is half dry. Then divide them into equal strands, gently comb each one, while distributing the styling agent (gel or mousse) along the entire length, and then wind each strand on curlers. After a few hours (to achieve the greatest effect, the curlers should be left overnight), remove them and gently comb your hair, while laying it with your fingers. Fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

Curling with hot tongs (curling iron). Before curling hair on hot tongs (curling iron), wash it with shampoo and conditioner, dry it without using a hair dryer and comb gently. Apply a styling gel or wax with protective properties to them, distribute the product along the entire length of the strands with a fine comb.

Curl strands 1-2 cm thick. Carefully wind each one on a hot curling iron, starting from the ends of the hair, evenly distributing them over the entire surface of the tongs at a slight angle. Hold for 20 seconds, then carefully remove the strand from the curling iron, if possible without untwisting it.

After curling, style the hair in the desired way, fix the hairstyle with varnish.

It is possible to style curls only after they have completely cooled down, otherwise the resistance of the curling is significantly reduced.

Hot tongs can also be used to add volume to short strands. To do this, each must be lifted at the roots with a thin wooden comb, screwed onto a curling iron, held for 5-10 seconds, then removed from it.

Finally, shape the hairstyle with your hands, highlighting and fixing the strands with a gel or styling wax.

What are the types of perm for hair (with photo)

Perm types of hair are deservedly popular. Indeed, depending on what kind of perm hair is, the result can last for several months. Further, you can read about what types of perm are and what their proposed methods are better to choose.

It is also suggested to see the types of perm hair in the photo, which illustrate the result:

Permanent wave. Permanent hair curling is carried out using chemicals, the composition of which determines how effective and gentle the procedure will be.

Acid perm. The acidic base of the curler keeps it long-lasting, but damages the hair quite a bit.

Alkaline perm. The alkaline base has a softer effect on the hair, but is less resistant (lasts no more than 3 months) and is not suitable for all hair types.

Neutral perm. Neutral foundation is suitable for all hair types and does not harm the hair, but does not provide a long-lasting effect.

Depending on the accessories that are used to create curls, the following types of permanent curling are distinguished:

Curling on horizontal curlers. Using curlers of various lengths and diameters for perm, you can create the effect of naturally curly hair.

Spiral curling. The result of such a curling is small elastic curls. Best for long hair.

Curling by braiding. With this method of curling, the hair is braided into thin tight pigtails, and their ends are wound on curlers of a small diameter, after which the hair is treated with a chemical composition.

To exclude contact of the chemical composition with the scalp in some salons, a so-called safe perm is carried out. With this procedure, a plastic cap is put on the head, the strands are pulled out through the holes in it, and only after that they are treated with a special chemical compound for curling.

Curling with hairpins. As a result of such curling, chaotically curly hair is obtained, forming a voluminous hairstyle. The effect is achieved by winding thin strands onto non-metallic hairpins.

Curling at the roots. It is used to add volume to the hair from the roots, as well as in cases where hair, previously subjected to permanent perm, has grown back. After a perm, the hair becomes more sensitive to the effects of various negative factors, so it needs special care. So, to wash them, you should choose a special hair shampoo with permanent curling or a mild detergent for weakened and damaged hair. After each shampooing, you must use a nourishing balm, at least 2 times a week, apply regenerating masks. Extra attention needs to be paid to preventing split ends.

Permed hair is the most popular type of long-term styling., which is carried out in a professional environment. Su several different styles of salon long-term curling of this process is simple: the curling of the strands is carried out by exposing them to special chemical compounds.

A couple of decades ago, such preparations were made on an acid basis, which significantly affected the condition of the hair.

Later, new and new products for chemical waving appeared (alkaline, amino acid, neutral). Most of these have proven to be safer than traditional acid chemistry.

Any type of perm usually results in beautiful waves or curls. The resulting effect allows you to reduce the time for everyday styling. and simplify the process of caring for your hair. The result of chemistry lasts (depending on the chosen technology and hair characteristics) from one to eight months.

What result can be achieved?

Today chemistry does not imply uniformity of hairstyles at all. Modern beauty salons offer their clients different ways of curling., which give different results and open up unlimited scope for the choice of styling.

Reference! Based on your personal preference, you can do almost any style of curling - from small Afro curls to Hollywood waves and beach curls. It all depends on what technology and installation method you choose.

Below we describe the most popular styles of perm today, as well as gentle types of chemistry that can be carried out without much harm to the hair.

Modern types of creating curls

Let's take a closer look at what types of perm are available:

All of these styles allow you to achieve different results - from small curls to luxurious curls. Choose the option that best suits your face shape and highlights your natural beauty.


And so various methods of perm look in the photo.

Variety of technologies

What technique is used today?

Important! For several years now, classical chemistry has not been fashionable and not relevant.

Hairdressing technologies now offer a host of new, safer, salon styling options. Here are some of the most common methods as an example:

  1. biowave.

    It is similar in its technology to classical chemistry, but it is produced with the use of more gentle compounds that are not so harmful and dangerous for the hair.

  2. What is biowave:

  3. Carving.

    The technology of processing strands with a special composition in order to give them a certain shape. Carving, as a rule, raises the strands at the roots, due to which the hairstyle takes on a special splendor. This method allows you to get light curls, give root volume, create a vertical chemistry effect, or slightly shape the ends of the hair. You will not get any cardinal changes (for example, elastic brooches). This is the easiest type of curling, which will not last long - up to one and a half to two months.

  4. What is hair carving and how is it done:

  5. Japanese perm.

    Developed by Japanese scientists who know a lot about high technology and value safety. Therefore, the curling obtained by this method will be completely harmless and will not damage the hair. It can be carried out even on damaged, weakened and colored hair.

  6. "Silk Wave".

    Another gentle method. Based on the use of special products containing natural silk components.

    Reference! Like the Japanese perm, this technology has practically no contraindications.

All of these techniques are considered the most harmless today. They definitely do not have such a detrimental effect on the hair as the acidic perm, which is familiar to many.

Which one is the safest to use?

By choosing one of the options listed above, focus on your personal goals and preferences as well as to your budget level. Among the methods described, there are both quite affordable procedures (for example, carving), and more expensive (for example, Japanese technology).

But in any case, regardless of what type of long-term styling you prefer, we strongly recommend that you abandon the classic acid chemistry in favor of more gentle methods.


Modern hairdressing technologies are gradually transforming chemical styling from a dangerous and risky procedure into a rather harmless and harmless process - you just need to choose a good salon and proven masters who work with modern gentle techniques and materials.

Thanks to which molecules of inorganic and organic substances are formed. The chemical bond appears in the interaction of electric fields that are created by the nuclei and electrons of atoms. Consequently, the formation of a covalent chemical bond is associated with an electrical nature.

What is bond

This term means the result of the action of two or more atoms, which lead to the formation of a strong polyatomic system. The main types of chemical bonds are formed when the energy of the reacting atoms decreases. In the process of forming a bond, atoms try to complete their electron shell.

Communication types

In chemistry, several types of bonds are distinguished: ionic, covalent, metallic. The covalent chemical bond has two types: polar, non-polar.

What is the mechanism of its creation? A covalent non-polar chemical bond is formed between atoms of the same non-metals that have the same electronegativity. In this case, common electron pairs are formed.

Non-polar communication

Examples of molecules that have a non-polar covalent chemical bond include halogens, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen.

This connection was first discovered in 1916 by the American chemist Lewis. At first, he put forward a hypothesis, and it was confirmed only after experimental confirmation.

The covalent chemical bond is associated with electronegativity. For non-metals, it has a high value. In the course of the chemical interaction of atoms, the transfer of electrons from one atom to another is not always possible; as a result, they are combined. A genuine covalent chemical bond appears between the atoms. Grade 8 of the regular school curriculum involves a detailed examination of several types of communication.

Substances with this type of bond, under normal conditions, are liquids, gases, as well as solids with a low melting point.

Types of covalent bonds

Let's dwell on this issue in more detail. What are the types of chemical bonds? A covalent bond exists in exchange, donor-acceptor variants.

The first type is characterized by the return of one unpaired electron by each atom to the formation of a common electronic bond.

Electrons combined into a common bond must have opposite spins. Hydrogen can be considered as an example of this type of covalent bond. With the approach of its atoms, the penetration of their electron clouds into each other is observed, which in science is called overlapping of electron clouds. As a result, the electron density between the nuclei increases, and the energy of the system decreases.

At the minimum distance, the hydrogen nuclei are repelled, as a result, a certain optimal distance is formed.

In the case of a donor-acceptor type of covalent bond, one particle has electrons, it is called a donor. The second particle has a free cell, which will house a pair of electrons.

Polar molecules

How are covalent polar chemical bonds formed? They arise in situations where the bonded atoms of non-metals have different electronegativity. In such cases, the shared electrons are located closer to the atom with the higher electronegativity. As an example of a covalent polar bond, one can consider the bonds that arise in the hydrogen bromide molecule. Here, the public electrons, which are responsible for forming a covalent bond, are closer to bromine than to hydrogen. The reason for this is that bromine has a higher electronegativity than hydrogen.

Methods for determining the covalent bond

How to identify covalent polar chemical bonds? To do this, you need to know the composition of the molecules. If atoms of different elements are present in it, a covalent polar bond exists in the molecule. Non-polar molecules contain atoms of one chemical element. Among the tasks that are offered as part of the school chemistry course, there are those that involve identifying the type of connection. Tasks of this type are included in the tasks of the final certification in chemistry in the 9th grade, as well as in the tests of the unified state examination in chemistry in the 11th grade.

Ionic bond

What is the difference between covalent and ionic chemical bonds? If a covalent bond is characteristic of non-metals, then an ionic bond is formed between atoms that have significant differences in electronegativity. For example, this is typical for compounds of elements of the first and second groups of the main subgroups of PS (alkali and alkaline earth metals) and elements of 6 and 7 groups of the main subgroups of the periodic table (chalcogenes and halogens).

It is formed as a result of the electrostatic attraction of ions with opposite charges.

Features of ionic bond

Since the force fields of oppositely charged ions are distributed evenly in all directions, each of them is able to attract particles of opposite sign to itself. This is what characterizes the non-directionality of the ionic bond.

The interaction of two ions with opposite signs does not imply a complete mutual compensation of individual force fields. This contributes to the preservation of the ability to attract ions in other directions, therefore, an unsaturation of the ionic bond is observed.

In an ionic compound, each ion has the ability to attract a certain number of others with opposite signs to itself in order to form a crystal lattice of an ionic nature. There are no molecules in such a crystal. Each ion is surrounded in a substance by a certain specific number of ions of a different sign.

Metal bond

This type of chemical bond has certain individual characteristics. Metals have an excessive number of valence orbitals with a lack of electrons.

When individual atoms approach each other, their valence orbitals overlap, which contributes to the free movement of electrons from one orbital to another, making a bond between all metal atoms. These free electrons are the main feature of the metal bond. It does not possess saturation and directionality, since the valence electrons are evenly distributed throughout the crystal. The presence of free electrons in metals explains some of their physical properties: metallic luster, plasticity, malleability, thermal conductivity, opacity.

A kind of covalent bond

It is formed between a hydrogen atom and an element that has high electronegativity. There are intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds. This type of covalent bond is the most fragile, it appears due to the action of electrostatic forces. The hydrogen atom has a small radius, and when this one electron is displaced or given up, hydrogen becomes a positive ion, acting on the atom with high electronegativity.

Among the characteristic properties of a covalent bond are: saturation, directionality, polarizability, polarity. Each of these indicators has a certain value for the formed connection. For example, directionality is determined by the geometric shape of the molecule.

Many different procedures are used to transform hair. Now there are various types of perm that can be used to achieve the desired hairstyle. For this, preparations are used that are gentle on the hair in comparison with their predecessors. Different curlers and bobbins are used, differing in material and shape. Read more about perm in the article.

Chemical composition

Modern products for all types of perm do not include:

  • ammonia;
  • glycol;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Their active ingredients are of a different nature. They only stretch the biological bonds of the hair structure, make them more flexible and elastic. As a result, a curl appears. The remedy may include protein and lanolins, which are considered caring agents.

Why are classic formulations used?

Although they are harmful, the classic formulations are used when biowave is powerless. This is observed if the curls:

  • Asian species;
  • thin and liquid;
  • difficult to curl;
  • fatty.

In these situations, it is necessary to perform a classic perm or a rigid type of biowave. The newest methods are not suitable if silicone shampoos and masks are used. Typically Syoss and Pantene products include water-insoluble silicones that accumulate in the hair and scalp.


This is one of the most popular and long-lasting types of perm.

Its features include:

  1. The result is saved for six months.
  2. The active substance is glyceryl monothioglycolate with an acidity of 6.9-7.2.
  3. The hair scales do not open, the agent gets inside the curls due to the osmotic method.
  4. During the procedure, exposure to high temperatures occurs.
  5. The agent used for the procedure does not cause swelling of the curls.
  6. This method should not be chosen for brittle hair and sensitive skin.

An acidic type of perm for long hair is ideal. According to women, many people prefer to perform this type of treatment. The result is a stylish hairstyle suitable for different occasions.


This type of perm is considered less durable than the previous type. Among its features are:

  1. The acidity is in the range of 8-9.5.
  2. The result is saved for 3 months.
  3. Can be used on unmanageable hair, if acid perm has an unstable effect.
  4. The curl will be tighter and tighter.
  5. No need for temperature exposure.
  6. Do not use the method for tight or heavy curls.
  7. You do not need to tighten the strands too much during winding.

With the use of thioglycolic acid

This type of perm is gentle due to a number of factors. This:

  1. Slight swelling of the hair.
  2. Perform on colored curls.
  3. The result lasts for a month.


To get beautiful curls, you can use the neutral method of the procedure.

Its features include the following nuances:

  1. Acidity - 7.4.
  2. The product balances the water-repellent effect of the curls.
  3. Hair almost does not swell.
  4. The result is a permanent curl.

Amino acid

Photos and names of types of perm allow you to understand the principle of the procedure. Whatever type of processing is used, you must follow the instructions. The amino acid treatment has a gentle effect. Its features include:

  1. The components that act on the hair are proteins and amino acids.
  2. Has a gentle effect and a minimum of harm.
  3. Not suitable for coarse to heavy medium to long hair.

For short strands, this type of perm is ideal. The photo of the result allows you to confirm this. In salons, this type of processing is considered to be quite in demand.

With silk proteins

The original choice will be this type of perm for hair. Large curls allow you to perfectly highlight your individual style. Modern processing methods have a gentle effect on the structure of the strands.

The method is in demand due to the following features:

  1. Silk proteins are essential ingredients for hair.
  2. The curls look much better after that.
  3. The procedure has a gentle effect, but because of this, there will be low durability.

This is the ideal type of perm for medium curls, as the method looks spectacular with them. It turns out an original hairstyle. Such curls are always in fashion.

Wrap techniques

Each master has his own methods of curling curls, no matter what types of hair perm are used. Photos of the processing results show an excellent effect. Wrap-up techniques are as follows:

  1. Circular. First, they wrap from the top of the head, then move along the head in a spiral.
  2. Partial. One area is wrapped, for example, bangs or ends.
  3. Chess. This is the classic method used most often.
  4. Ordinary equipment. Also considered a classic.
  5. Vertical. The rows of bobbins are in rows.

In addition to the classic plastic or wooden bobbins, there are many options. The most popular is the perm on the bicycle former. The originality of the execution in this case is in harmony with the remarkable result.

Features of the procedure

The more hair, the longer the curling procedure will take.

Perm is performed according to the following instructions:

  1. The strands are wound on bobbins.
  2. Then you need to apply the composition for curling. It is kept for no more than 25 minutes.
  3. Then you need to wash off the composition without removing the curlers.
  4. A fixing agent should be applied to the strands for 10 minutes.
  5. It is necessary to remove the curlers.
  6. The hair is treated with a stabilizer that stops chemical processes.
  7. Other care can be performed that has similar functions.

What do you need to know?

Women who regularly perm should take into account that:

  1. Between procedures should pass from six months. Hair needs rest.
  2. The result lasts for 3-6 months.
  3. After the first wash, when the procedure has already been completed, the curls may unwind somewhat.
  4. The volume at the roots disappears after a couple of months due to the regrowth of curls.
  5. The quality of the procedure depends on the structure of the strands. If it is tight, then the curls hold up perfectly. Curls are retained even better on colored hair.
  6. For washing, you must use a product designed for curly strands.
  7. Styling should be done with a diffuser, which produces a crisp curl.
  8. Shampoo for smooth hair should not be used.


Whichever type of curling you choose, the procedure should not be performed when:

  • stress;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • hormone therapy;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • critical days;
  • severe hair loss;
  • allergies to curling products;
  • staining curls with henna;
  • highlighting and strong lightening with cheap dyes.

Before a perm, it is necessary to perform the correct haircut, preferably a cascade shape. The curls must be dyed completely, but you can not use paint. Chemistry should be performed 5-10 days after staining. If the curls are weak, then salon care is performed first.


To get beautiful curls, you need to know the disadvantages of the procedure:

  1. After the treatment, the hair is dried. Thin strands will be difficult to comb, they get confused. First you need to take care of quality care.
  2. An unpleasant odor remains after curling. Weathering occurs after 1-2 weeks.
  3. Wet hair looks ugly at first. Recovery must be done with masks.
  4. Usually the scalp suffers, there may be dandruff.
  5. It is necessary to constantly style your hair, otherwise, instead of a luxurious hairstyle, there will be an ugly head.
  6. Any kind of curling is harmful.


But a perm also has advantages:

  1. Original curls of any size are obtained, and they look stylish.
  2. Hair becomes voluminous.
  3. Curls are much easier to fit.
  4. Modern formulations are soft, with appropriate care, the result will delight for a long time.

Care and recovery

After a perm, you need to properly care for your hair. This can be done with professional or folk remedies. The first is considered the most effective, but also costly. At home, trichologists advise:

  1. Perform masks with honey, aloe juice.
  2. Apply oils, for example, burdock, peach, castor, almond, palm.
  3. Use a special shampoo. Products designed for brittle, colored, damaged curls are also suitable.
  4. You can use products with silk proteins, collagen, panthenol, keratin.
  5. It is advisable to use products from one manufacturer, since they complement each other and give excellent results.
  6. After washing, it is necessary to rinse with infusion on bread, decoction of chamomile, nettle, hops.
  7. Fish should be present in the diet.
  8. Trim the ends regularly and use sprays, serums, mousses and oils to prevent splitting.
  9. The comb should be with sparse teeth.
  10. Hair should be protected from sun rays with hats and application of products with a UV filter.

Often, before curling, masters suggest performing hair restoration. This will improve their condition. If there is such an opportunity, then you should take advantage of it.

Saving the result

  1. After the procedure for 2 days, you cannot wash your hair, use hot air for drying, use curlers.
  2. You should not wear tight hairstyles. Better to walk with your hair down.
  3. After washing, the hair should not be twisted, it should only be blotted with a towel.
  4. With combing, you need to immediately form curls.
  5. Dry your hair before bed.

To make curls always look beautiful, you should style them correctly. For this, a diffuser and special cosmetics are used. Most women are sure that curling will permanently ruin their hair, but this is not entirely true. It is important to contact a professional who can perform the procedure with high quality. And with proper care, the level of harm to curls is reduced.

Thus, perm allows you to transform your hair by making an original hairstyle. The choice of treatment should be made by the master so that the method fits perfectly.