How to properly treat scars and scars at home? Facial Scar Removal Options Treating facial scars.

Scars are known to adorn only men. And even then, many of them will not agree with this statement. As for women, for them any cosmetic defect is always a disaster, especially if these are not minor consequences of acne, but real ones.

Is the result of natural replacement of damaged skin cells with connective tissue.

The treatment of the defect largely depends on the reasons for which it was caused and the neglect of the problem. Most often, dermatologists, cosmetologists or cosmetologists-surgeons are engaged in it. Fresh and shallow scars on the face can be treated at home as well.

What diseases can cause scarring on the face?

The appearance of scars on the face is most often a consequence of one of the following diseases:

  1. ... It damages skin cells due to over-activity of the sebaceous glands, which secrete excess sebum.
  2. skin on the face.
  3. Diseases caused by weakened immunity.
  4. Various infectious diseases, for example, lupus erythematosus, etc.

If we talk about other reasons due to which a skin defect appears, then it may be:

  • improper acne treatment;
  • squeezing blackheads;
  • large acne (with white abscesses);
  • mechanical impact (shock, injury, etc.).

Celebrities with facial scars

Celebrities are people too, no matter how they try to prove to us otherwise. Many of them were unlucky owners of facial scars and many coped with them.

  • Singer Seal (ex-husband of model Heidi Klum). His scars on his face will remain with him for life, they could not be corrected even by expensive cosmetic procedures. The scars were a consequence of the childhood experience.

  • Victoria Beckham, the trendsetter throughout England, also eradicated the consequences of chickenpox for a long time, which she had had in her youth, not in childhood.
  • Actress Cameron Diaz still carefully masks the especially noticeable effects of facial scars. Experts believe they were caused by improper acne treatment.
  • Sarah Jessica Parker proudly wears small scars on her cheekbones. For a long time she tried to eliminate and mask them, but when she realized that the marks from the scars could not be completely removed, she took it for granted.
  • Outrageous actress Miley Cyrus also spent a lot of effort and money on cosmetic surgery to get rid of scars, which, according to experts, were caused by the consequences of her turbulent youth with alcohol and psychotropic substances.

How to prevent the appearance of scars due to the above diseases? Preventive actions

Despite the fact that the appearance of scars on the skin of the face after the same chickenpox or smallpox is almost a normal phenomenon, its formation can be suppressed at the root. Check out our tips to help you prevent scarring or make them almost invisible:

  1. Strictly follow your diet. It includes a complete rejection of spicy, fatty, fried and peppery. Avoid fast food, carbonated drinks, and fatty sweets.
  2. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
  3. Make love regularly (this will trigger a powerful release of endorphins, which prevents the overactive sebaceous glands).
  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle and get into sports.
  5. Talk to a specialist and take dietary supplements.
  6. Consult a dermatologist for a specific cream for your skin.
  7. Drink at least two liters of clean water daily.

Can scars appear in an adult and why?

Scars on the face predominantly appear in adults. The sebaceous glands of an adult are more active and secrete more sebum.

For the same reason, children under 10 years old rarely have acne. Even if the disease that led to the formation of scars was transferred in childhood, the scars may appear much later.

Modern techniques for removing facial scars

Today, there are many methods and procedures for treating facial scars. The choice of one or another falls on the shoulders of the beautician and mainly depends on the nature and depth of the defect. We will look at the most common and effective ones.

  1. Chemical peeling

Is a procedure for the aggressive action of chemical acids (for example, fruit) on the skin of the face. Depending on the type of scars (atrophic or hypertrophic), a median or superficial chemical peel is prescribed.

In fact, chemical peeling is the removal of the keratinized layers of the skin. It evens out the skin and stimulates the skin regeneration process. The procedure is very powerful but effective. It should only be performed in a beauty salon under the supervision of a specialist.

  1. Laser peeling

By the method of action on the skin, it is akin to chemical peeling. The difference is that the procedure is carried out using a laser and only removes the superficial stratum corneum.

The procedure is completely painless and very effective for shallow scars. It also promotes the speedy regeneration of the affected skin cells of the face.

  1. Fractional photothermolysis

Fractional photothermolysis is performed using a laser with a thin beam, which penetrates the skin to a depth of 1.5 mm to the damaged area. It creates healthy tissue around it by producing collagen, which will repair the scar.

To achieve the best result, this procedure should be carried out systematically.

  1. Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion

Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion are the most gentle procedures for removing scars on the skin of the face. Its essence also consists in removing the dead skin layer with a special device.

It should be noted that these procedures are often performed not only to remove scars, but also for a rejuvenating effect. They even out the complexion, give it a natural fresh glow and fight acne.

  1. Injection techniques

Injection techniques are the solution for those who are faced with the appearance of deep scars on the face (especially on the cheeks). The bottom line is to fill damaged skin cells with a special collagen filler.

The procedure completely removes traces of deep scars, but the result is temporary. After a while, this procedure should be repeated again.

Video How to get rid of acne marks?

Better ointments and creams for treating facial scars

Below we present the top of the best ointments and creams that affect not only the epidermis, but also penetrate deeper into the tissues, healing damaged cells.

  1. Scar cream "Melt"

Its main active component is vitamin C, which is known to be responsible for replacing old cells with renewed ones.

  1. Gel "Contractubex"

It is based on the splitting of the scar tissue, which facilitates the resorption of the scars. It also relieves itching, swelling, and redness.

  1. Gel-cream "Zeraderm"

Gel cream is a very powerful treatment for even old and deep scars. The drug does not create a sticky and oily effect on the face, so it can be used after the main mission of the gel is completed. Women often use the cream as a makeup base.

The main active ingredients are coenzyme and Q10 UV filter.

  1. Dermatix gel

Gel "Dermatiks" based on silicone is the best remedy for the treatment of scars left after burns, injuries and operations.

Ointment is a powerful stimulator of scar tissue repair. It stimulates metabolic processes. It completely removes redness, inflammation, restores the cellular composition of the skin and heals tissues.

TOP 5 folk remedies for the treatment of facial scars

Scars on the face can be healed not only with the help of expensive cosmetic procedures. Traditional medicine has also succeeded in this matter. We present to you the best traditional medicine for facial scars:

  • essential oil masks... They activate metabolic processes in skin cells, soften scars, eliminate pigmentation and reduce inflammation. Apply masks soaked in essential oils systematically;
  • ... A fresh cabbage leaf is a good healing agent. It should be crushed, add a spoonful of honey and apply to the scar 3 times a day;
  • tomato mask... It not only eliminates any consequences of scars and helps to restore damaged skin, but also prevents premature aging of the skin;
  • ... Dissolve it with water (3 large tablespoons of water, 1 spoonful of vinegar), freeze in the form of ice cubes. Apply to scars or simply wipe your face with them;
  • ... The best remedy for acne scars.

How to mask scars with cosmetics?

Unfortunately, there are some types of old and deep scars on the face that no cosmetic procedure, or even all of them combined, will completely eliminate. But this does not mean that they should create complexes in you. Moreover, the modern beauty industry offers a rich selection of cosmetics that will completely mask defects.

  1. Soft wax... It is often used by make-up artists for actors. It will smooth out any uneven skin surface. We advise you to buy a high-quality, albeit possibly expensive, copy. A cheap product will keep your skin from breathing.
  2. Leveling agent, make-up base... You may have used it before. The best makeup base to use to hide scars comes in the form of a cream or gel. It has not only aesthetic, but also a healing effect.
  3. ... We advise you to choose a light and liquid copy to match your skin tone. Applies it only to the scar and preferably under a make-up base.
  4. Loose powder... Pearlescent tones will create an interesting overflow on your cheek, behind which there will be no scar. Emphasize your eyes and no one even thinks that you are hiding something.
  5. Corrector- This is the same foundation, but with a more targeted effect.

If you think that the constant application of cosmetics will negatively affect the damaged area of ​​the skin, then you are mistaken. None of the cosmetic products have such a strong effect as to penetrate deep into the epidermis and further damage the scar tissue.

Despite this, we recommend that you do not get carried away by applying thick layers of the same foundation or makeup base. You will block the pores, which is more likely to provoke. And they are often the cause of scarring. Mask only the scar.

Video on how to remove scars and scars without surgery? Laser resurfacing

The appearance of scars or scars on the body always upsets us, and almost everyone wants to get rid of them. For some people, they represent only a cosmetic problem, while for others they cause a lot of unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, burning and pain. How to get rid of scars and scars? What pharmacological drugs can help in such cases?

Scars on the skin can be atrophic, normotrophic, hypertrophic, or. This classification is important when choosing a method for removing cicatricial changes. Some of them can be eliminated with the help of various ointments, creams and gels, and to get rid of others, a combination of hardware cosmetological techniques with the use of external treatments may be required. In most cases, normotrophic scars respond well to therapy with anti-scar drugs, and hypertrophic, atrophic and keloid scars are more difficult. The age of the scar is also important: fresh scars are much easier to remove than old ones.

In this article, we will review popular drugs for the treatment of scars in children and adults, we will acquaint you with the main indications and contraindications for their use and the principles of their action. Remember that the choice of these topical products should be done by your doctor. By following all his recommendations, you can avoid mistakes and quickly get rid of ugly marks on your skin.

Indications for the appointment of ointments for scars and scars

Ointments for scars and scars can be prescribed in such clinical cases:

  • preventive measures to prevent the development of scars after surgery;
  • normotrophic scars, which are a cosmetic problem;
  • atrophic scars provoked by poorly healing or severe acne;
  • stretch marks after pregnancy or sudden weight loss;
  • hypertrophic scars;
  • keloid scars;
  • tendon contractures after injury;
  • ankylosis, causing limitations in joint mobility;
  • Dupuytren's contracture.

Side effects and main contraindications for the appointment of ointments for scars and scars

Each drug for the treatment of scars and scars may have its own contraindications, which depend on the components that make up its composition. That is why its appointment should only be carried out by a doctor. But all ointments for scars and scars have a number of general contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • the presence of an open wound surface in the area of ​​the scar;
  • the presence of ulcerative necrotic or purulent processes in the area of ​​the scar;
  • the presence of allergic reactions (rashes) in the scar area;
  • the presence of oncological neoplasms in the area of ​​the scar;
  • finding a scar near the eye area or mucous membranes;
  • applying other drugs to the scar area (to avoid adverse reactions caused by drug interactions).

Some of the scar and scar treatment drugs should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding and are age-restricted.

In most cases, ointments, creams and gels from scars and scars do not penetrate the bloodstream and do not have a systemic effect on the body. Their side effects are often expressed in the form of local reactions:

  • burning;
  • rashes (, bubbles);
  • redness;

Such side reactions are rare and often occur when the rules for use are not followed or because of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. They can be eliminated by following all the doctor's recommendations for applying the ointment or replacing it with another.

Review of popular drugs for scars and scars

To compare the effectiveness of various ointments, creams and gels for scars and scars, no large-scale scientific studies have been carried out. But there are several undisputed favorites among dermatologists and their patients. In this article, we will review just such drugs for scars and scars.


Gel Contractubex is produced by the German company "MerzPharma" in tubes of 10, 20 or 50 g. It is a gel-like mass of light brown color, which has a neutral odor.


The composition of the Kontraktubex gel includes the following active ingredients:

  • allantoin;
  • extract of gray onion;
  • heparin sodium.

Due to their complex effects, this drug contributes to:

  • dissolution of the upper stratum corneum on the scar;
  • accelerating the formation of healthy skin cells;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • water retention in tissues;
  • softening the tough scar tissue;
  • slowing down the growth of fibroblasts (connective tissue cells that make up the scar);
  • elimination of allergic and inflammatory reactions in the scar area.

Gel Contractubex can be prescribed for the treatment of fresh scars and the prevention of their formation (after complete healing of the wound surface). In such cases, it is applied to the scar area with light rubbing movements 2-3 times a day. These scars are usually treated for about 4 weeks.

To eliminate old scars, Contractubex gel is used for longer courses (from 3 to 6 months). The agent is applied to the scar area 2-3 times a day, and at the last application (before bedtime) an airtight bandage (for example, from a plastic bag) is applied to the scar area.

The effectiveness of this remedy for scars and scars largely depends on the regularity of its use: the drug should be applied to the damaged area daily and several times a day. To enhance the effect, the gel can be used after steaming the skin or in combination with physiotherapy. During treatment with this agent, exposure of the scar area to direct sunlight, cold and intense massage should be avoided.

Contractubex can be prescribed for children and adults (including pregnant and lactating women). The only contraindication to its appointment is intolerance to the components of the drug.

Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra (Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra)

Silicone gels Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra are produced by the Dutch company Rofil Medical Aesthetics in tubes of 15 g. After application to the skin, they form an air-tight silicone film, which promotes faster absorption of the scar.


Zeraderm Ultra is an improved version of Zeraderm gel. Zeraderm gel contains polysiloxane (a high molecular weight silicone compound), while Zeraderm Ultra is supplemented with coenzyme Q10, an ultraviolet filter with SPF 15 and vitamins K and E.

The active ingredients of Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra gels contribute to:

  • the creation of an airtight film of polysiloxane, which contributes to moisture saturation, softening, resorption and flattening of scar tissue and enhancement of local oxygen exchange;
  • elimination of inflammatory reactions in the capillaries;
  • elimination of itching or burning in the scar area;
  • acceleration of cell renewal in scar tissues;
  • elimination of persistent or postoperative erythema (vitamin K in Zeraderm Ultra);
  • protection of fabrics from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays (UV filter in Zeraderm Ultra).

Application of these gels can begin immediately after the wound has healed. The product is applied in a thin layer to the cleansed area of ​​the scar 2 times a day with gentle rubbing movements. The duration of treatment depends on the type of skin, age and structure of the scar and can range from 2-3 weeks to several months.

Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra gels can be administered to children and adults and are well tolerated by most patients. These scar remedies can be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.

Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra

Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra silicone gels are produced by the Dutch company ICN Pharmaceuticals Holland BV in tubes of 6 and 15 g. They are a transparent, odorless gel-like mass, which, after drying, forms an air-tight silicone film on the scar surface.


The Dermatix gel contains polysiloxane and silicon dioxide, and the Dermatix Ultra formula is supplemented with an ester of vitamin C. These substances provide:

  • the formation of an airtight film that saturates the scar tissue with moisture, softens them and accelerates their resorption;
  • elimination of discomfort in the area of ​​the scar (itching, burning);
  • reduction of redness and pigmentation.

These gels can be applied to the scar immediately after the wound has healed. The scar area is cleaned and dried thoroughly before use. A thin layer of gel is applied to the scar area with gentle massaging movements, which dries quickly (after 4-5 minutes). 2 applications are performed per day. The duration of treatment depends on the age of the scar, its structure and is usually at least 2 months. If necessary, the course of therapy is extended.

Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra gels are well tolerated by most patients and can be prescribed for children and adults. The drugs can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Adverse reactions are extremely rare.

Kelo-cote (Kelo-cat)

Kelo-cote gel and spray is produced by the American company Advanced Bio-Techologies in tubes of 6, 15 and 60 g or in aerosol bottles of 50 and 100 ml. They contain the same substances that form an airtight film on the skin.


The active ingredients of Kelo-cote gel and spray are polysiloxane and silicone dioxide. Due to their properties, this drug has the following effects on scars and scars:

  • maintains water balance in scar tissue and elasticity of the skin adjacent to the scar;
  • makes the scar flatter, softer and smoother;
  • eliminates itching and burning in the scar area;
  • activates collagen synthesis;
  • inhibits the growth of fibroblasts.

The gel or spray is applied to cleansed and dry skin 1 or 2 times a day. After the preparation has dried, sunscreen or makeup can be applied to the skin. The duration of use is about 2-3 months, and if necessary, the course of therapy can be extended.

Kelo-cote gel and spray are generally well tolerated by all patients and can be prescribed for both children and adults. Adverse reactions with this drug are very rare. If necessary, Kelo-cote can be administered to pregnant and lactating women.


Gel Mederma is produced by the German company Merz Pharma in tubes of 20 g. It is a transparent gel-like mass with a specific odor.


The composition of this remedy for scars and scars includes the following active ingredients:

  • zepalin (or gray onion extract);
  • allantoin.

Due to their complex effect, Mederma gel has the following actions:

  • stimulates collagen production;
  • accelerates the renewal of skin cells;
  • accelerates the dissolution of keratinized scar tissues;
  • inhibits the formation of fibroblasts;
  • retains moisture in the tissues of the scar and skin;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • helps to eliminate blood clots;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • has an antibacterial effect.

Mederma gel can only be used to treat "young" scars (no more than 1 year):

  • stretch marks;
  • cosmetic scars after acne, removal of neoplasms and tattoos;
  • scars after thermal or chemical burns;
  • postoperative scars;
  • scars left after aggressive cosmetic procedures (mechanical, chemical and laser peels).

The gel is applied to the cleaned and dried scar tissue 3-4 times a day and rubbed in with zigzag and pressing movements for 3-5 minutes until completely absorbed. The duration of treatment is determined individually and can be from 3 to 6 months or more.

The drug can be used to treat adults and is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. In the US, a milder Mesoderm gel for children is already being produced, but in Russia it has not yet appeared on sale.

In most cases, this drug is well tolerated by patients. Sometimes, allergic reactions can occur in the form of redness, itching, rashes, tingling and bloating.


Kelofibraz cream is produced by the German concern SandozPharmaceut GMBH in tubes of 25 and 50 g. It has a pleasant fresh aroma, is well absorbed, leaves no plaque on the scar and moisturizes the skin well.


The following active ingredients are included in this remedy for scars and scars:

  • urea;
  • sodium heparin;
  • D-camphor.
Treatment with this remedy is effective

Due to the action of the active components, Kelofibraza cream has the following effect:

  • regulates skin moisture;
  • increases elasticity, softens and moisturizes the hardened areas of the scar;
  • improves blood circulation in the scar area;
  • stimulates regeneration processes;
  • evens out and smoothes the protruding parts of the scar;
  • reduces tissue swelling;
  • eliminates blood clots;
  • accelerates the resorption of scar tissue;
  • has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Kelofibraz cream can be used both for treatment and for the prevention of scarring and stretch marks.

The drug is applied in a thin layer on cicatricial changes 2-4 times a day and rubbed in with light massaging movements until completely absorbed. On "young" scars, the agent is applied 2 times a day, and with more old or hardened scars, more frequent application of the drug (3-4 times) and compresses with cream at night are required.

Kelofibraza can be prescribed for adults and children over one year old. It is not recommended to prescribe the drug for the treatment of facial scars in young children, pregnant and lactating mothers. This scar and scar remedy rarely causes adverse reactions.


Fermenkol gel

Fermenkol gel is produced by OAO NPK Vysokie Tekhnologii (Russia) in tubes of 20 g. The same product is produced in the form of sets for electrophoresis (2 vials of dry powder, 4 g each).

The gel is a transparent mass consisting of an enzyme composition of 9 collagenolytic proteases obtained from the digestive organs of marine invertebrates (crabs, etc.). Due to their properties, the drug breaks down some amino acids included in keloid and hypertrophic scars and makes them more elastic, flat and less visible. Along the way, Fermenkol eliminates itching and pain in the scar area.

The gel is applied in a thin layer to the previously cleaned and dried area of ​​the scar 2 times a day. The product is not rubbed into the skin and is allowed to dry on its own. The duration of the course of treatment is 30 days. If necessary, no earlier than 15 days later, the course of therapy can be repeated.

Fermencol gel can be prescribed for adults and children of any age. Its use is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to collagenase and in hypotrophic and atrophic scars.

The drug rarely causes side reactions in the form of redness, burning or itching in the area of ​​the scar. They quickly disappear on their own immediately after Fermenkol is discontinued.


The product is applied to the skin

Scarguard Liquid Cream is a liquid consisting of silicone, hydrocortisone and vitamin E. The agent is applied to the scar area with a special brush and, after drying, forms a film on it that acts as a squeezing bandage.

The active components of the drug promote the activation of collagen synthesis and faster softening and resorption of the scar. Scarguard cream is applied to the cleansed and dried area of ​​the scar 1-2 times a day for 30 days. Once dry, you can apply sunscreen or makeup to your skin. If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended up to 6 months.

Scarguard Liquid Cream can be used to treat and prevent any type of scar and rarely has side effects. The drug can be administered to adults and children over 2 years of age. Its appointment during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended.

Scar Esthetique ®

Skin regeneration product

Scar Esthetique ® cream is produced by the American company ScarHeal in tubes of 4 and 10 g. It contains silicone and 23 active ingredients (onion extract, coenzyme Q10, arnica, bisabolol, shea butter, vitamins A and C, palmitoyl tetrapeptide, palmitoyl oligopeptide, beta-carotene, chitosan, etc.).

Thanks to the action of active components, the scar tissue is softened and smoothed, the appearance of the scar is improved and the production of collagen is activated. Scar Esthetique ® cream can be used to treat post-burn, post-operative and post-traumatic scars of various types and eliminate stretch marks.

The cream is applied to the cleansed and dry area of ​​the scar 3-4 times a day with gentle massaging movements. The duration of treatment is determined individually and can be 3-4 months.

Scar Esthetique ® cream can be prescribed for the treatment of adults. In rare cases, the drug causes side reactions in the form of rashes and redness, which are eliminated after its withdrawal.

RejuvaSil (Regivasil)

RejuvaSil gel is produced by the American company ScarHeal in tubes of 4, 10, 15 and 30 ml. This scar remedy contains not only silicone, but also additional active ingredients: Emu oil, squalene and vitamin C. These substances make this remedy for scars more effective than conventional silicone gels for scars.

RejuvaSil gel is applied in a thin layer to the cleansed and dried scar 2-3 times a day, the scar area is lightly massaged and left to dry completely. You can then apply sunscreen or makeup to your skin. The duration of the course of treatment is at least 2-3 months and may be extended depending on the age of the scar changes.

The drug can be administered to adults, pregnant and lactating mothers. If side reactions appear in the form of redness and rash, its use should be discontinued.

The choice of ointments for scars and scars should be performed by a dermatologist, who can take into account all indications and contraindications and assess the likely effectiveness of the drug.

In some cases, complex treatment with the help of cosmetic procedures and the use of external medicines may be recommended to eliminate scar tissue. This approach to the treatment of scars and scars will not only save you money, but also save you from wasting time and unwanted side effects of the drug. Remember this and be healthy!

Which doctor to contact

If a person has a scar or scar that he wants to get rid of, the first step is to see a dermatologist. The doctor will advise on medications indicated for different types of scars. In addition to drug treatment, it is possible to remove formations on the skin in a cosmetology office, and in some cases, surgically.

Many people have minor scars and large scars. They usually cause aesthetic discomfort, especially if they are located on visible areas of the body, for example, on the face. Modern cosmetology allows you to correct this deficiency.

It should be noted that, despite the high level of aesthetic medicine, the treatment of cicatricial skin lesions continues to be a challenge. It is impossible to completely get rid of cicatricial changes. But the quality of most of them can be significantly improved. The main thing is to contact a specialist in time. The sooner you start treating scars and scars, the more likely it is that they will be virtually invisible!

Indications for scar treatment

Causes of scarring

Scars appear at the site of damage to the integrity of the skin in response to inflammation, trauma, or after surgery. As a result of healing, normal skin is replaced by connective tissue in varying degrees of severity.

Treatment of skin scars is necessary in two cases:

  • The scar gives the patient aesthetic discomfort. This usually happens when it is on a visible part of the body or because of its large size or frightening appearance causes psychological discomfort.
  • For medical reasons, when the scar makes breathing difficult, movement, affects speech function, etc.

Special scar treatment program

The clinic has developed a special program that combines the use of the placental drug "Laennek" and a modern hardware technique - a needle radio wave on the INFINI apparatus. With the help of special microneedles and under the influence of radio wave energy, the old connective tissue in the scar area is destroyed. To form a qualitatively different, more elastic and smoothed connective tissue, the scar is injected with the drug "Laennek". This program provides clinically proven, good aesthetic results.

"Laennec" -therapy

The RHANA clinic has accumulated extensive experience in the use of placental therapy with the drug "Laennek" along with modern hardware technologies aimed at correcting cicatricial lesions. Due to its unique properties, the hydrolyzate of the human placenta "Laennek" not only accelerates the process of regeneration, restoration of the skin at the site of damage, but also increases the quality of the regeneration itself, controls the formation of connective tissue, which is of fundamental importance in the formation of a scar!

Our specialists are not limited only to the listed methods. Depending on the indications, the nature of the scars and the patient's skin condition, we also use other procedures: mesotherapy, plasma lifting, plasma therapy using the CURACEN drug, laser treatment using the Fraxel re: store DUAL device, peels, photorejuvenation, etc. If you are interested in scar treatment in Moscow, we are always happy to help you!

Preparing for scar treatment

Before the procedure, it is advisable to refuse to visit the bathhouse, swimming pool, solarium, sun exposure, taking antibiotics, and using alcohol-containing cosmetics. In some situations, your doctor may recommend postponing other cosmetic procedures.

It is important to clarify the presence of contraindications, which include oncological diseases, infectious and chronic diseases in the acute stage, inflammatory processes, pregnancy, etc. All contraindications at the reception are specified by the doctor.

Skin restoration after scar treatment

The skin after the procedure requires special care. It is not recommended to sunbathe, use scrubs, peelings, use alcohol-based cosmetics, be in the sun without sunscreen, visit the pool and bathhouse for 3-7 days after treatment. All recommendations in each case are given by the doctor. He can also choose cosmetics that will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Ointments for scars and scars cope only with superficial skin changes. With deep deformities, aesthetic surgery is indispensable. If scars have appeared recently, then regenerating preparations for external use will come in handy. With their help, it is possible to eliminate postoperative scars, residual traces of acne, the consequences of superficial burns. These drugs act locally, preventing the proliferation of connective tissue and improving tissue metabolism.

Indications for the use of ointments

Not all drugs are universal, so you should consult a dermatologist before using the ointment. If the ointment is used incorrectly, the skin condition may worsen. Common indications for the use of anti-scarring ointments are:

  • striae caused by gain or sudden weight loss;
  • post-traumatic tendon contractures;
  • prevention of scarring after surgery;
  • keloid (colloid) scars;
  • atrophic and normotrophic scars;
  • hyperpigmentation and post-acne;
  • fresh hypertrophic scars.

Ointments are used for processing any part of the body, including the face, where scars are most annoying. Treatment of cosmetic defects is complex. Peels, laser resurfacing, and the use of creams and ointments at home are often required. The full scope of procedures is determined by the nature of the origin and the age of the scars.

An overview of anti-scar drugs

It is safer to entrust the choice of a remedy to a doctor, especially after the appearance of surgical scars - with appendicitis, hernia, etc. Thus, it is effective for acne and post-acne, but in the case of traumatic scars, it is powerless. The drug "Strataderm" on the basis of silicones copes with scars and scars, eliminates stretch marks, but is expensive. Moreover, one tube will not be enough for a treatment course.

Consider a list of demanded remedies for scars and scars, which are effective and do not hit the family budget.

Name of the ointmentActionMode of application
Contractubex The German drug contains heparin and allantoin. These components contribute to the breakdown of scar tissue and improve regeneration. The drug has a positive effect on the structure of the skin, softens the pathological tissue and makes the epidermis elastic. The ointment contains onion extract. This ingredient has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood microcirculation and inhibits the growth of connective tissue.Contractubex is applied to the affected area three times a day for a month. The agent is prescribed at an early stage of scarring and for prophylaxis. The drug is ineffective against old scars.
Dermatix A Dutch-made preparation in the form of a gel-like mass. It is used immediately after the wound has healed to prevent scarring. The product removes pigmentation, improves blood supply to epidermal cells, saturates the connective tissue with moisture.Dermatix is ​​applied twice a day. The drug is quickly absorbed and leaves no residue. The duration of therapy is 2 months. In case of deep damage to the skin, the drug will not help. But it is safe and suitable for use by children and pregnant women.
Fermenkol An active collagen preparation made in Russia. Stimulates the resorption of existing scars and prevents new ones. Makes convex formations flat and elastic. It has an analgesic and antipruritic effect at the same time. Side effects on the ointment are rare, so the remedy is recommended for use in childhood.Use the remedy twice a day for a month. Fermenkol removes hypertrophic scars on the body. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, the agent is used in the composition of medicinal electrophoresis.
Solcoseryl The drug improves cell regeneration and nutrition. It is applied to the face for acne and acne. The ointment will be useful for dry wounds, frostbite, burns, cuts. Zinc ointment works similarly. It is cheaper and suitable for the treatment of dermatitis, pressure sores, dry and weeping wounds. Both drugs have no pronounced anti-cicatricial effect. But applying them early will prevent scarring.Use the ointment twice a day. At the stage of scar formation, the drug is applied under a bandage.
Clearwin This cream softens the skin, activates cell metabolism, and improves blood circulation. Contains natural ingredients, belongs to Ayurvedic preparations. Effective against comedones, stretch marks, age spots, micro-damage to the skin. Suitable for the treatment of acne, smoothes the skin, eliminates the signs of chronic fatigue.The skin is lubricated in the morning and evening for several weeks. Doctors consider the drug as a cosmetic product, but the natural base and safety of the cream distinguish it from other drugs. For minor violations and for their prevention, the remedy will be effective.
Imoferase The cream is intended directly for the removal of scars and scars. The hyaluronidase in the cream inhibits the growth of connective tissue and reduces swelling. During the course of treatment, convex formations decrease in volume, the level of pigmentation decreases, and elasticity increases. Imoferase cream works on old scars and scars, reducing their density.The effect of the treatment is noticeable after 3 weeks, the full course of therapy is 8 weeks. It is recommended to use the cream after operations, burns, caesarean section and in case of traumatic damage to the skin.
Heparin ointment The drug improves blood microcirculation, which allows it to be used for stretch marks, hematomas, localized infiltrates and ulcerative lesions. It will not work to get rid of scars with the help of heparin ointment, but the prophylactic use of the agent will prevent the pathological proliferation of connective tissue.Heparin ointment is applied up to 3 times a day for 2 weeks.
Methyluracilic Forces regenerative processes, improves the renewal of epidermal cells. The ointment tightens wounds by forcing epithelialization. Possesses protective properties, restores the integrity of the skin, prevents degenerative changes in the epidermis. Used after burns, including radiation. Cream "Bepanten" works in a similar way. The list of indications for drugs is comparable.The duration of therapy is 1-4 months. An analogue of the drug is called Levomekol ointment. This is a combined drug based on methyluracil.
Vishnevsky The ointment dissolves the seals, activates the recovery processes. The drug is distinguished by a dark color, a pungent odor, and an affordable price. The drug is not able to get rid of scars and rough scars. But it is used to eliminate the consequences of chickenpox, acne, dermatological diseases. Compresses with Vishnevsky ointment are effective.The drug is mixed with honey in equal proportions, applied to the skin, covered with a cabbage leaf, then with a film and left for an hour. Ichthyol ointment works in a similar way.
Hydrocortisone The ointment has anti-inflammatory properties and inhibits the growth of connective tissue. It is used after blepharoplasty and eyelid pathology. Hydrocortisone ointment belongs to glucocorticosteroids, which explains the impressive list of contraindications and side effects.The ointment is used within 2 weeks, treating the skin surface daily up to 4 times.

"Anti-scar" - promotes collagen production

The gel reduces cicatricial changes in the skin after wounds, burns, operations, acne, stretch marks on the body. The Mg-based Anti-Scar Ointment improves collagen synthesis and thus changes the structure of the scar, contributing to its disappearance. The drug has additional effects: softens the skin, increases its elasticity, reduces facial wrinkles and dissolves scars and stretch marks.

Kelo-cote - treatment of scars after surgery

The gel was released by the American company Advanced Bio-Techologies using a unique technology. Its main purpose is the prevention and treatment of scars after surgery. Fights with such types of scars: keloid, hypertrophic, atrophic and others. It is safe to use, therefore it is prescribed for both adults and children.

Apply Kelo-Cote on dry skin in the morning and evening for 60-90 days. After 2 months, the results will be noticeable: itching, pain, inflammation and induration on the skin will disappear. Also used to heal wounds and scratches.

"Rescuer" - helps with scars after burns

In case of household burns, it is recommended to apply the Rescuer with a thin layer on the affected area of ​​the skin. The ointment cleans the injured surface, disinfects it and promotes rapid wound healing, preventing the appearance of scars. Rescuer ointment is not hormonal, therefore it is not addictive.

Also, the drug can be used to treat sunburn. It soothes the skin, reduces redness and promotes faster healing.


The main contraindication to the use of the presented drugs is individual intolerance. Silicone preparations are hypoallergenic, and ointments based on plant extracts are used after an allergy test.

Contraindications and side effects vary depending on the type of drug. Glucocorticosteroids are prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. They remove pathological formations well, but are not used in childhood and kidney disease.

If it is not possible to cope with scars with the help of external drugs, then lidase injections are used. The procedures are carried out daily or every other day. One procedure requires an ampoule of lidase.

A dermatologist can choose an effective and safe drug based on the clinical picture. A positive result is obtained by complex treatment with the use of ointments and physiotherapy.

Veronika Herba - city beauty and health center

Atrophic scars on the face - the causes of formation and the main methods of treatment

In this article, you will learn:

    What are atrophic scars

    What is the reason for atrophic scars on the face?

    How effective is the treatment of atrophic scars?

    What methods of treatment of atrophic scars exist at the moment

    Which of the treatment methods to prefer

    Is it possible to cure atrophic scars with folk remedies at home

The face is our cover, something that cannot be hidden under clothes. Its beauty is, first of all, healthy and clean skin. Even minor defects on it cause a lot of anxiety, depriving us of the opportunity to enjoy pleasant events and communication with people. Skin imperfections resulting from trauma bring even more stress. One of these cosmetic problems is atrophic scars on the face. This defect is explained by the reaction of the skin to mechanical, chemical and other influences. In this article, we will tell you how to get rid of atrophic scars on the face.

4 degrees of atrophic scars

People with abnormal scarring tend to have soft, loose skin. Through its upper (connecting) layer, blood vessels can be seen. Scars / scars can be light or dark in color. It all depends on the degree of pigmentation in the dermis.

Atrophic scars- these are depressions in the skin. These formations can be different in size and shape, so they are often mistaken for enlarged pores. They usually appear in those places on the body where there is no subcutaneous fat, under the top layer of the skin. For example, on the face, front of the lower leg, upper chest, back of the feet and hands.

Treatment of atrophic scars begins with determining the stage of the problem. There are four conditions of the skin affected by such formations:

    The first stage is atrophic spots, mild stripes, red, pink or white scars. The length of one is no more than 1 cm. If there are many of them on the face, then the problem is accompanied by significant wrinkling.

    The second stage is a more noticeable, but not yet very pronounced atrophy of the skin. Problematic areas are easily masked with tonal means, they are not visible under the hairline (beard, mustache).

    The third stage is atrophic scars visible on the face. Scars become more pronounced with slight stretching of the skin. Damage can be masked with a thick layer of makeup.

    The fourth stage is severe scars. When the skin is stretched, the depth of the scar does not decrease.

Reasons for the formation of atrophic scars

In most cases, atrophic scars appear due to collagen deficiency. With a sufficient amount of it, any damage to the skin activates the natural regeneration processes. The production of active substances begins - cytokines and mediators. Collagen is formed in fibroblasts (cells of the body's connective tissue).

As a result of these processes, normal scarring of the skin occurs. Connective tissue and new collagen fibers form a healthy bundle of hair follicles. Atrophic scars on the face indicate that there are some problems that interfere with normal collagen production. Possible factors leading to scarring:

    sharp weight gain;


    some medical procedures;

    skin injuries;

    acne and purulent formations;

    inflammation of the skin;

  • chicken pox.

Stretch marks (stretch marks on the body)- these are also atrophic scars. The problem often occurs after pregnancy and with large fluctuations in weight. The cause of the defect in this case is rupture of collagen fibers.

Externally, atrophic scars manifest themselves in different ways. It depends on the cause of the skin defect. After chickenpox, small, round scars with sharp edges may remain on the face. Acne is characterized by depressions of various sizes and shapes. Sometimes microscopic lesions are formed on the skin, called "ice-pick scars". They are often mistaken for enlarged pores. If these areas are depigmented, it is worth consulting with a specialist if they are a sign of vitiligo or perifollicular elastosis.

Methods for the treatment of atrophic scars on the face

Atrophic scars on the face are a skin defect that does not go away on its own. If you neglect the necessary treatment, unpleasant scar marks will remain forever. Medical intervention through medications must necessarily take place under the supervision of a specialist. All means and preparations are selected depending on the type and stage of damage. Today, there are a lot of treatment options.

If atrophic scars are at the final stage of development, then drug therapy will be ineffective. In this case, you can resort to cosmetic scars correction. It includes skin smoothing, regulation of color and texture of damage.

So, the removal of atrophic scars on the face is performed by the following procedures:

    Filler injections;

    Hardware alignment;

    Surgical excision.

Physiotherapy should be individualized. To a greater extent, it will depend on how long ago atrophic scars formed on the face.

The sooner you start treatment, the easier it will be to get rid of the scar. But you shouldn't expect an instant result. Skin regeneration can take more than one year.

Injection methods

Small atrophic scars, located on the face in a linear fashion, can be easily removed with “beauty injections”. The most common correction techniques:



    face contouring.

Mesotherapy- this is the introduction of meso-cocktails under the scars, the composition of which contains vitamin complexes, homeopathic substances and various medications.

These solutions lift the scar layer of the skin and activate the natural production of collagen.

Biorevitalization- These are injections of hyaluronic acid into atrophic areas of the skin.

The procedure is done only in combination with laser resurfacing. Without laser intervention, the desired result cannot be achieved.

Removal of atrophic scars on the face with contour plastics- This is the filling of scars with gel preparations or fillers.

The most popular products are Juvederm, Restylane and Collost. A good result can only be obtained after three to four injections. The procedure itself is quite expensive and does not give a long-term result. After 10-12 months, you will need to resort to plastic again.

Hardware cosmetology

Atrophic scars can be corrected using special devices. These devices are more productive than injections, but they cannot completely remove traces of skin damage with their help.

To get the best effect from the treatment of atrophic scars on the face, you can resort to microcurrent therapy. This will improve the healing process, lymphatic drainage and metabolism in the scar layer. A good result can be obtained by attending 6-8 therapy sessions.

Atrophic scars of the last stages are removed using the following procedures:


    laser resurfacing;

    fractional photothermolysis.

Each technique has its own pros and cons. Microdermabrasion is an excellent treatment option for moderate to severe facial injuries. The procedure is aimed at leveling skin color and smoothing out scars. The effect is achieved after ten visits to a specialist.

Laser resurfacing helps in getting rid of post acne. Also, as a result of therapy, the natural production of collagen is activated, the bottom of the focus and the surface of the skin are brought closer together. However, for large areas of damage, this procedure will be very painful. The rehabilitation period will last at least a month, and full recovery can be expected in six months. Removing small scars will be less traumatic.

Best of all, atrophic scars on the face are removed by fractional photothermolysis. The basis of the procedure is laser resurfacing, but the difference from the previous method is that not all skin is damaged, but only 20-25%.

Photothermolysis is less painful than full laser treatment. Recovery takes 14–20 days.

Excision of scars

Deep atrophic scars on the face are subject only to surgery. The operation is based on the excision of connective tissue. This is a very painful process, so the procedure includes a long rehabilitation period. The operation takes place under general anesthesia for several hours. The full effect will be noticeable after 8-9 months.

Surgical excision of linear scars is a rather expensive procedure. Removing a scar up to 5 cm costs about 10 thousand rubles.

In the case of deeper injuries, the operation includes undercutting (subcutting) the skin tissue. With the help of a special needle, the bottom of the hearth is pushed on and lifted. Visually, the effect is very noticeable, but in the future, smoothing of the skin may be necessary.

Creams and ointments

Atrophic facial scars can be treated at home. The therapy is based on ointments containing silicones and plant extracts. They are applied to the affected areas.

The type of cream is selected by a dermatologist. They should consider factors such as the cause of the injury and the type and stage of scar formation.

Most often, a specialist prescribes agents that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. They help to liquefy wounds, improve blood circulation and increase local immunity.

Ointments can be used to enhance the effect of hardware therapy.

Traditional methods of treatment of atrophic scars


Let's start by making a decoction.

You can use chamomile, calendula, nettle, St. John's wort, yarrow, and other plants with anti-inflammatory properties.

For a decoction, you can take one thing or mix several different herbs.

Procedure: Apply a dressing soaked in decoction to the damaged area for three hours. Do the procedure twice a day for three months.

The broth is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than three days. Warm it up to room temperature before use.

Essential oils

Atrophic scars on the face can be reduced with essential oils.

They soften the scar layer of the skin, activate natural regeneration, and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

The following oils are most effective:

    tea tree;

  • carnations;


  • ginseng;



  • St. John's wort;

Any essential oil can only be used diluted. In their pure form, they can only worsen the condition of the skin, as irritation begins.

As a basis, you can use a choice of oil:

    wheat germ;

  • rose hips;

    sea ​​buckthorn.

Take a tablespoon of base oil and 3-5 drops of essential oil. Leave the solution to infuse for one to two hours. Apply to damaged skin, leave on for 20-30 minutes. Remove residues with water.

To prevent atrophic scars on the face from bringing even more discomfort, it is necessary to test the skin for sensitivity to oil. Lubricate your wrist with the solution and leave it on for 15–20 minutes. Irritation and allergic reactions indicate that this oil is not suitable for you.

Clay masks

Atrophic scars on the face can be reduced with clay masks. This method is quite effective and not expensive.

You can try different types of cosmetic clay as a mask.

Before applying the substance to atrophic scars, test the skin for sensitivity to its composition.

Take two teaspoons of white clay, mix them with water. Add two teaspoons of lemon juice and mix well. Apply to skin and keep it on for 20-25 minutes.

The next recipe to help soften atrophic scars on your face is to mix two teaspoons of green clay with water. Add three drops of rosemary oil. Apply to damaged skin and keep it on for 10 minutes. The procedure should be repeated every other day. You will need to make four masks in total. After two weeks, another course should be given.

Mix apple cider vinegar and water in 1: 3 proportions. Add green or blue clay. Apply the solution in a thick layer to the skin, keep it on for 25 minutes. Repeat the procedure two to three times a week. It is worth considering that the solution is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than three days. The mixture can also be used for wipes and compresses.

If you decide to reduce atrophic scars on your face using any of the proposed methods, it is worthwhile to study possible contraindications in advance.

It is not always possible to completely remove facial scars, but the listed techniques can make your skin healthier and more beautiful.

But these days, you no longer need to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to turn to real professionals for help - to the beauty and health center Veronika Herba, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

    This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and / or body will not be dealt with by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!

    You can get qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00 seven days a week. The main thing is to agree in advance with the doctor the date and hour of the appointment.