A summary of the excursion in the younger group in the fall. Excursion to the younger group "Safe Walking down the street from kindergarten to stop" Excursion trip to the younger group

Purpose:clarify and systematize knowledge about the time of the year - Winter.


  • contribute to the deepening and generalization of children's knowledge about wild animals, birds, trees, fish;
  • expand the ideas about the forest and its inhabitants; continue to acquaint with the characteristic features of the season;
  • introduce the properties of ice and snow;
  • continue to learn to understand and use words denoting the ratio of items in size: Wide - narrow;
  • develop in children cognitive interest in forest life and its inhabitants; develop memory, connected speech, ability to analyze, draw conclusions; develop the ability to listen to each other;
  • educating love, careful attitude towards nature, to take care and attention to all living things, to form a concept about how to behave in the forest.

Preliminary work:

Considering visual-doedactic benefits with the image of wild animals, trees, birds, the viewing of the album "Seasons"; conversations about winter, reading poems about winter, puzzles about birds, animals; reading fairy tales about animals; Didactic games "Wild animals", "Birds", "The World of Animals"; Working with parents - along with children made feeders; On the walk fed birds.

Equipment, material:

2 cords of 2 meters long, river - ice with fish, feeders (by the number of children), food (sunflower seeds, cereals, frozen), Forest laboratory: table, ice, snow, 2 trays, tape recorder, red cardboard, phonogram: " Howl wind ", snoring sound

Wordwork:winter, winter birds, needles, wild animals, wide - narrow.

Bilingual component:Town - Winter, Kstar - Birds, Januarlar - Animals, Snow, Loda.

Travel course:

Children and educators go outside.

Children, guess the riddle.
Snow on the fields, ice on rivers
Blizzard walks when it happens?

Children: In winter.

Educator Why do you think so?

Children: Because only in the winter there is snow and ice.

Educator Guys, and you would like to learn more about winter, about how birds, animals, fish?

Children: Yes, we want.

Educator Then I suggest to go to the universal journey. And we will go with you here on this road. What is she in width?

Children: Wide. (Children pass on the road in pairs).

Educator She is really wide enough and we can pass by pairs. So, we go travel.

Educator See where this road led us?

Children: To the river.

Educator: That's right, we approached the river. In winter, the river freezes, is covered with ice. And who is the ice?

Children: A fish.

Educator Fish in winter does not freeze, she falls asleep. And when spring comes ice melts and turns into water, the fish begins to swim again. And what do you think, are it cold on the ice?

Children: Cold.

Educator The whole body of fish, and head, and fins, everything sleeps, cold does not feel.

Educator Now we will go through this river on the bridge. Bridge is the same wide as the road? Can we pass in pairs on the bridge?

Children: Bridge narrow. There are no couples on him.

Educator Let's get up one after each other. The bridge is narrow and not to lose the balance and do not fall. Pull your arms to the sides and look right in front of yourself. (Children pass on the bridge each other).

Educator Look, guys, we approached the forest. Admire what beautiful winter forest. He is bitten by white snow.

Charger in winter
Warred, the forest is worth
And under the snowy fridge,
Fixed, dumb,
Wonderful life he glitters.

Educator What is Ukutan the forest? What does snow consist of?

Children: The forest is biting snow. Snow consists of snowflakes.

Educator The snow went, everything was turned off. How many snowflakes. Guys, let's go to the clearing.

On the cleaner, on the meadow of hand up, down
Snow drops softly.
Snowflakes are circling, eat
White guns.
Flew, run running in a circle
And under the Christmas tree lay down. Sat
(Snoring a bear is distributed).

Educator: And who snores it? Listen.

Children: Bear.

Educator Right. And what makes the bear in winter?

Children: Sleeps in his Berorga.

Educator And what other animals who live in the forest, do you know?

Children: Hare, Fox, Squirrel, Wolf.

Educator Bear, hare, squirrel, wolf, fox live in the forest. And how can I call animals that live in the forest?

Children: Wild.

Educator In addition to wild animals, birds still live in the forest. In winter, when the forest becomes cold and hungry, these birds arrive to us in the village. And you can call them if you guess the riddles. Listen carefully.

Winter on branches apples!
Mostly collect them!
And suddenly apples suddenly felt
After all, this is ... (bullfinches).
Blue cake, a Dark back.
Small bird. Call her ... (cinema).

Educator That's right, Sinitsy, Snegiri fly to us.

(Wheel Wiel Wind, a loving appears.)

Lesowing: Hello guys!

Children: Hello.

Lesowing: My name is the mouse. I live in the forest. Heard someone's voices and came to see, who is noise here?

Educator The guys will behave quietly, will not make noise. Loving, my children and I brought gifts. These are bird feeders. They made children with their moms and dads. And we brought food with you to feed the birds in the forest. Now winter, there is nothing to eat birds. And the worst for them in winter is hunger. (Children give feeders and food woods.)

Lesowing: Thank you, well done guys. What beautiful feeders you did together with dads and moms. I rinse feeders on the trees and pour them the feed, our birds will not remain hungry. And now I want to remind you about the rules of behavior in the forest.

If the forest came to walk,
Fresh air breathe
Run, jump and play,
Only, chur, do not forget
That in the forest it is impossible to noise:
Even singing very loudly.
Scared animals,
Flew from the forest edge.
Oak branches do not break
Never forget.
Here you do not need to catch everyone,
Stroke, clap, beat a stick.
You are in the forest - just a guest.
Here the owner is oak and elk.
Their peace be down
After all, they are not enemies!

Educator Lesovka, we will definitely remember these rules.

Lesowing: Look how many trees around: ate, birch. My forest is called mixed, because different trees grow here. Trees are low and high. Do you know the names of the trees? This is a tree, what is called?

Children: Birch.

Lesowing: What is Birch?

Children: Barrel, branches.

Lesowing: Bereza is a high tree. And what is this tree standing, covered with white snow?

Children: Christmas tree ...

Lesowing: And what is the tree?

Children: Barrel, branches, needles.

Lesowing: So that the trees in the winter were warm, and in the spring when the snow melts there was a lot of water, let's catch the trunks of trees with snow. Snake snow under the very trunks.

(Children sneak snow with blades under the trees.)

Lesowing: Well done! Thank you, children. In my forest fresh air. Let's get up together. (Children make breathing exercise).

Breath exercise

1. Deep breathing nose. Exhalation mouth, lips with a tube. (3 times)
2. Hands behind the back, chest forward, back straight, raise my head. Inhale mouth. Exhalation nose. (3 times)

Lesowing: Well done, rested slightly. And now I invite you to my forest laboratory. We will put experience with you.

Experience in determining the transparency of snow and ice

The course of experience: Before children there is one tray with ice, and the other with snow. First consider with children snow.

Educator What is the snow in appearance and touch? Take it and consider it.

Children: Cold, wet, white.

Educator Well done. What is the ice? Touch it.

Children: Cold, wet.

Educator Okay. And now, under a piece of ice and a lump of snow, put a red sheet of paper. What did you see under the lump of snow?

Children: Nothing.

Educator So, the snow is opaque. What saw under a piece of ice?

Children: Red paper.

Educator So, ice is transparent.

Movable game "Snow and Loda"

Warmed, warmed, (the children are slowly running,
The snow is spinning, spin, flute like
Snow flies. Snowflakes. "Driving -" Frost ",
And takes off, and flies. Is on the side.)
And flies, flies, flies.
Frost runs out, ("Frost" runs out, runs
Ice, ice, frozen. Among the frozen ice floes.)

Educator Children, our journey approached the end. Today we learned about the properties of ice and snow. Now we know that ice is transparent, and the snow is opaque. We learned a lot of interesting things about the winter forest and its inhabitants. But, unfortunately, our journey approached the end. It is time for us to return.

Lesowing: Well, what, thank you, guys, for bird feeders, for the fact that the trees looked at the snow. I really liked me and I want to make you a gift. I give you this basket with cones.

Children: Thank you!

Educator Thank you, Lesovka. We will definitely make any interesting crafts from these cones on the design of the design. And now, help us, please return to our plot near the kindergarten!
Lescript: times, two, three - eyes all soon Somubny!

And now you have something
Calculate up to five: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!
On the plot you again!

Educator Open your eyes rather. So we returned.

Where did we go with you today?

What did you see on the road?

Who met in the forest?

Katya, what did you like best?

Did you give you?

Educator Well, now we have to go back to kindergarten. Become couples.


1 Journal "Preschool Education" No. 10 - 2005
2 Journal "Child in kindergarten" № 11 - 2007

Elena Sokolova
Summer Sightseery Excursion for Ecological Tropez (Junior Age)

Excursion for ecological trail in summer

(junior age)

purpose: Acquaintance with nature and natural phenomena in the summer.


Expand reports O. summer Changes in nature:

hot, bright sun, flower plants, butterflies fly,

Give basic knowledge about garden and forest trees.

Consolidate knowledge that many fruits ripen in summer.

Equipment: Gnome Ekosha.

Tour travel:

In the locker room in children or on the group of the group there appears.

Ekosha. Hello children! Look at how the sun shines brightly, it's hot on the street. What is the time of year now? (summer)Right i invite you to excursion by ecological trail. Do you agree to take a walk with me? (Yes) Then go on the road.

In the Spring Garden for a walk

I invite you to go.

Interesting adventure

We guys do not find.

Behind my friend become,

Hands are tight.

By tracks tropicks,

We will go for a walk.

Children become a snake and go beyond the educator and ecosh.

The educator leads children to flower garden:

Children, see what is growing so beautiful here? (children's responses). What beautiful flowers bloomed in our flower bed. Each of us has name: Light, Nikita, Stepa, Marina. And these colors have their name names. This is the velvets. What color are they? (children's responses, response adjustment as an educator) Let's repeat them together name: "Marigold".

The educator draws the attention of children to romashki.: - Look at what beautiful flowers. What color are the middle of them (yellow and petals (White). These colors are called daisy.


White daisies-sisters,

Chamomile has white cilia.

Dance among summer meadows.

How similar to each other! (Urbin F.)

Let's repeat their name together.

Now, children, we will come to other colors. They are called dahlia. Let's repeat this name together. (choral and individual repetitions). What color are they? (children's responses)

Georgina - Georgina

In a flower bed with women zina

Brightly brightly broke out

Even the sun was hot. (Anna Alferova)

What do you think why in summer there are so many colors?

(warm on the street, the sun shines brightly)

Ekosha. Here the flowers considered, loved, and now let's go further.

The teacher brings to ate.

Ekosha: Children, what is this tree? (Christmas tree) I learned her how you guessed that this is a tree? It is right at the branches instead of the leaves of the needle, but still a little green busty bias appeared. And what kind of bumps what? (big, brown)

Ate on the edge -

To the skies of the crown -

Listen, silent,

Watching the grandchildren.

And the grandchildren-Christmas trees -

Thin needles

Forest gate

Watch dance. (I. Tokmakova)

Tree in summer just a tree:

Try the branch - the fingers of the cracker,

The web barrel worship

Amanita is below. (Nataliafilimonova.)

Ekosha - Well, what a Christmas tree can be visited and then go. And go now to visit the apple tree. Look at what kind of beauty. What is it on her branches? (Apples). When did we come to her in the spring, what was on branches? (Flowers) What do you think you can eat them now? (No, they are still small) Of course, you need to wait for the apples to have grown up, wept juice and solar heat. Then they will become sweet juicy and large.

At the beauties

Fruits - summer gift.

At the beauties

The fruits are tastier.

Green and red

Useful, beautiful,

Exchange fragrance -

Enjoy every happy.

On a wonderland

Fruits of useful row

At the end of the evil summer

Come on the parade. (Iris Review)

And here is the birch.

Birch of white sundan put on

Kudri walled, braids braided.

How good is good

Like a maiden - soul!

Guys, how can birches be distinguished from other trees? (She has a white barrel). Right, see what large leaves have grown. In hot summer The day is very nice to visit the shadow of the birch, she quietly rushes leaves, as if he was calling.

Ekosha invites children to continue the journey.

Here is another plant, as it is called (lilac) Right, is it too a tree? (not) Why? (the tree has a trunk, and the bush has only many branches).

That's right, lilac sanguled in spring, and now I am happy with your lush greens.

And now I invite you to the pond, let's see what is happening there. Children are suitable for the pond, say that now there is a quiet frog quicken. Quietly blowing the wind accelerating the waves in the pond, drives into the water leaves.

So we walked on our environmental trail, watched what changes came with plants, and now I suggest play the game "Once, two, three to the tree, the bush run"

After the game, the Ekosha escorts children to the group of the group, says goodbye to them.

Publications on the topic:

Tasks: Expand the presentations of children about the winter birds, their characteristic behavioral features: fly, peck. Develop speech and activate.

Objective: To acquaint children with the holiday of the mother's day. Tasks: to educate love and respect for my mother, the desire to deliver joy to the close, native.

Abstract Node on ecology "Walk on the environmental trail" Software content: Continue to teach children to observe seasonal changes in nature (compare, analyze). Learn to do the simplest.

Abstract Node "Journey to Zoo" (Junior Preschool Age) The abstract of integrated NOD on the development of speech and modeling in the second youngest group "Journey to Zoo" tasks: 1. Developing: develop.

Abstract Node "Travel" (junior preschool age) Node junior preschool age. Journey. Educator: Galstyan L. E. Software content: - Fix the concepts: one, a lot, none,.

Perspective planning for targeted walks and excursions in the first youngest group.


  1. Target Walk "Let's show the doll to our group"

Purpose: Acquaintance with a new group, with new toys, game zones. Check out the skills of behavior in the group. Develop skill in the group.

  1. Target Walk "Show Mishke Our Bedroom".

Purpose: Acquaintance with the bedroom, with the name of the furniture and its appointment, instill a culture of behavior.

  1. Target Walk "Let's show the bunny of our site."

Purpose: familiarity of children with a plan plan: playground, garden, flower bed. Teach children navigate in space.

  1. Excursion "To the Music Hall".

Purpose: familiarity of children with a musical hall with his decoration, musicaltools. To form communication skills with adults.


  1. Target Walk "To the washing».

Objective: to introduce children with the difficulty assistant to the teacher, the instruments of her labor and actions. To form communication skills with adults.

2. Target Walk "To the Garden to Senior Children"

Purpose: Give ideas about vegetable crops that grow in the garden and the rules of care. Observation of older children when harvesting. To form communication skills with adults and older children.

3. Target Walk "To Bereza"

Purpose: clarify the presentation of children about the main parts of the tree (barrel, branches, leaves). Exercise in the difference in leaves in color, magnitude. Relieve careful attitude towards nature.

4. Excursion "To the Medical Cabinet"

Purpose: Acquaintance of children with a medical office, with difficulty nurses and its tools. To form communication skills with adults.


1. Meeting "We care about birds"

Purpose: Learning to distinguish a sparrow and crows on characteristic features (color, size, etc.). Educating love for birds, the desire to help them.

2. Target Walk "By the area of \u200b\u200bkindergarten"

Purpose: Acquaintance with natural changes in the fall. Sun Sveti, but does not warm. Gloomy sky, trees have become multi-colored. Forming the ability to admire the beauty of the autumn landscape.

3. Excursion for kindergarten corridors.

Objective: Fasten the ability of children to greet with employees. To form communication skills with adults, the ability to navigate in space.


  1. Target Walk "To the territory of the kindergarten".

Purpose: Acquaintance with the difficulty of the janitor, his tools and actions. Call a desire to help adults. To form communication skills with adults.

2. Target Walk "In Square Dow"

Purpose: give children a primary idea of \u200b\u200bwinter. Develop the cognitive interests of children. Educating the ability to admire the beauty of the winter landscape.

3. Target Walking "to the tree"

Purpose: Secure the main parts of the tree: trunk, branches. Reverse carefully that there are no leaves on the trees, they opted. Intensify the dictionary of children.

4. Excursion to the kitchen.

Objective: to acquaint children with difficulty chef, kitchen equipment and cooks. Secure the generalizing concept of "dishes". To form communication skills with adults.


  1. Target Walk "to the kindergarten section.

Purpose: to clarify the presentations of children about winter (on earth, on the roofs, the trees are snow, with snow you can play, skiing, sledding). Call aesthetic admiration from the beauty of the winter landscape. Adjective children's dictionary enrichment.

2. Target Walk "To the Winter Birds".

Purpose: consolidate the distinctive features of the sparrow and crows on characteristic features (color, size, habits). It should be noted that the birds are cold now. Cause in children sympathy to birds feed them. Brigade careful attitude and love for birds.

3. Target Walk "To the plot to the Senior Children"

Purpose: Acquaintance with new children and their toys, what they play. Consider winter buildings. To form communication skills by older children and adult people.

4. Excursion to laundry dow

Objective: to introduce children with difficulty barefoot (laundry laundry typisters) cause a desire to help adult laundry laundry with adults.


  1. Target Walk "To the next group"

Purpose: Acquaintance with new children, group room with new toys. To form communication skills with peers and adults.

2. Target Walk "To the kindergarten section."

Purpose: Fix the phenomenon taking place in nature: Cold wind blows, the snow lies everywhere. Teach children to make the simplest conclusions, answer questions.

3. Target Walk "To the Pool"

Purpose: Acquaintance of children with pool and sauna. Talk about the work instructor for swimming. To form communication skills with adults.

4. Excursion "To Ironing"

Objective: to acquaint children with the difficulty of Castelians, Ironing schools. Call a desire to help adults. To form communication skills with adults.


  1. Target Walk "to a plot to senior children."

Purpose: Acquaintance with the new children of their toys, what they play. To form communication skills with older children.

2. Target Walk "On the territory of kindergarten"

Purpose: Fasten with children, which is in the garden. (slides, swings, benches, etc.).

3. Target Walk "To Children's Square".

Purpose: Fasten the names of trees (poplar, birch) and their parts: trunk, branches. Exercise in the difference in 2 trees. Learning carefully, treat trees, do not break the branches, do not knock on the trunk. Cheer love for nature.

4. Excursion "To the Cabinet of the Psychologist."

Purpose: Acquaintance with the Relaxation Cabinet. Psychodstastics with children on emotional states.


  1. Target Walk "To the Group to Senior Children"

Purpose: Acquaintance with new children, with game zones in the group. To form communication skills with adults and older children.

2. Target Walk "To the territory of the kindergarten".

Objective: to introduce children with the first signs of spring: it became a lot of icicles, the snow black is cautious. Learn to notice and call changes in nature.

3. Target Walk "On Protalyanka".

Objective: Teach children to answer questions with simple proposals, develop a conversational speech. Fasten the knowledge of children about snow properties: snow melts, turns into water, puddles appear, streams.

4. Excursion "In the Winter Garden".

Purpose: Secure the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need of plants in light, warmth, moisture. To form ideas about the work of the gardener of his tools and actions. Rail a positive attitude towards adult labor. To form communication skills with adults.


  1. Target Walking "to the tree".

Purpose: Teach children to notice changes in the surrounding. Consider swelling kidney poplar and birch. Learning to distinguish on characteristic features (size, shape, smell of kidney). Relieve aesthetic perception.

2. Target Walk "Funny birds".

Objective: Learning to distinguish Sparrow and Pigeon on characteristic features (color, size, habits). Specify. Who sings which song. Enrichment of the dictionary.

3. Target Walk "To the kindergarten section."

Purpose: clarify signs of spring: it became much warmer, the sun shines and warms, the birds are fun singing, the first leaflets appear on the trees, which rose herba.

4. Excursion "To the neighboring group."

Purpose: Acquaintance with new children, with the profession of an educator, consolidate knowledge about the work of adults. To form communication skills with adults and peers.


Objective: Teach children to learn, call and compare for certain signs of the poplar and the willow (by the magnitude of the barrel, size, form). Develop the cognitive interests of children. Cause the joy of communication with nature.

2. Target Walk "Show your bunny your site."

Objective: To introduce children with signs of summer: Green grass grows everywhere in the street. On the trees leaves, the sun shines and warms. Learning to notice and call signs of summer. Educating love for nature.

3. Target Walk "On the section of the neighboring group".

Purpose: Acquaintance with new children and their toys, what they play. Rail a culture of behavior in games and communication with each other. To form communication skills with adults and children.

4. Excursion "In the Gym".

Objective: to acquaint children with the profession of Fizruk and his work. Acquaintance with sports equipment and equipment. To form communication skills with adults.


  1. Target Walk "To the Garden".

Objective: Teach children to observe and talk about seen (adults and older children: Locking the ground, polish the bed). Secure children's knowledge about the garden. Develop the ability to recognize and call some garden crops - which is growing.

2. Target Walk "To the Trees"

Purpose: Fasten the names of trees and their main parts: trunk, branches, leaves. Develop a coherent speech of children. Relieve aesthetic perception.

3. Target Walk "To visit the birds".

Purpose: expanding children's knowledge about birds. Secure the structure and habits of birds. Educate

Aesthetic perception.

4. Excursion "To the Methodology Cabinet".

Objective: to learn to call employees to Dow by name-patronymic. Acquaintance with the Cabinet. View children's exhibitions and cartoons.


  1. Target Walk "To Polyana".

Purpose: Acquaintance of children with beetle and butterfly. Learn to distinguish them according to characteristic features (butterfly - white, yellow, thin wings. Beetle - less, the wings are tough. Butterfly - flies, the beetle - crawling, flies). Easy careful attitude towards insect.

  1. Target Walk "To Square Children's Garden".

Purpose: learning to distinguish between characteristic features of 1-2 plants and call them (chamomile, dandelion). Distinguish between and paint. Fasten the plants. Intensify the dictionary of children. Relieve careful attitude towards the plant world.

  1. Target Walking "To Flowerba".

Purpose: Acquaintance of children with flowerumba. Learning to distinguish and call two blooming plants in flower color, height (peony, velvets). Educating the careful attitude to plants, the desire to admire them.

  1. Excursion "To the Cabinet of Head and Zagokhoz".

Purpose: Talk about the work of the head of the kindergarten. To form communication skills with adults.

Nadezhda Gabova
An abstract of occupation-excursions in the laundry garden in the second youngest group

Madou « Kindergarten number 3.» , City of Solikamsk

An abstract of occupation-excursions in the laundry garden in the second youngest group

purpose: To introduce children with difficulty boraka in kindergarten.


1. To form work on labor boraka in kindergarten.

2. Develop the ability of children to analyze, make generalizations, answer questions.

3. Intensify the attention of children.

4. Enrich the vocabulary; Promote the development of connected speech and logical thinking.

5. Relieve respect for the work of an adult.

Preliminary work: Game Situation "We write puppet clothes". Applique "Big washing".

Move classes - Excursions:

jr The educator carries the towels of children in laundry of kindergarten.


Where did our towels be treated? Where are they? We must search them.


I seem to know where our towels are! Guys, and you want to know where they are? We go to search for towels.

Children with the educator come in laundry of kindergarten.

Conversation with employee laundry:

Nadezhda Vasilyevna, have you seen our towels?

Of course I saw. I brought me a towel Elena Vasilyevna, so that I put them on, dried and stroked.


Guys, see how interesting here! These are washing machines, the linen is erased in them so that it is clean. This centrifuge in it linen is very much pressed. This is a laundry drying machine, lingerie is dried in it. Nadezhda Vasilyevna, what other cars help you in hard work? (Showing and Story Work priboraka) . What is the ironing board? (Children's responses). Right! To stroke the lingerie so that our towels are soft and smooth. Guys, you can touch hot iron? That's right, it is impossible - you can burn! See, and here are our towels! Nadezhda Vasilyevna hung them after washing to dry on the rope. Thank you, Nadezhda Vasilyevna, for work!

Nadezhda Vasilyevna:

Please come back!


So our towels were found. Now you know where our towels disappear. When they dried, the hope of Vasilyevna stroking them, and Elena Vasilyevna will bring them to us in group.


Guys, do you know how to wash? I invite everyone to dance - washing. Guys at the educator repeat movements:

1. "Wash the Towel". Pull your hands forward and begin to bend them - blend.

2. "Wash the towel". Waving your hands to the right - left.

3. "Press and hang the towels to dry on the rope". Climb on socks, hands up.

4. "Fixed - you can jump!" Jumping on the spot, hands on the belt.


Guys, where the linen is erased in children's garden? What machines are there any assistants there? It was interesting for you to find out where our towels erase?

Publications on the topic:

The purpose of our journey was to get acquainted with the work of the laundry laundry operator, clarifying knowledge that in the laundry was erased, dried, stroked.

I would like to show the photo report of the Node with the realization of the educational field "Physical Culture". It passed in our beloved sports.

An abstract of leisure in the second youngest group of kindergarten "Holiday of the first pigtail" An abstract of leisure in the second youngest group of kindergarten "Holiday of the first pigtail"

Node "Ambulance" in the second youngest group of kindergarten Madou "Kindergarten №88" Educator: Lipina Tatyana Sergeevna. Project type: Creative, informational. Project Type: According to the composition of the participants:.

Node abstract in the second youngest group of kindergarten. Treat of Russian folk tales "Kolobok" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 4 "Birch" Abstract Node in familiarization with artistic.

Abstract of organized educational activities in the second youngest group of kindergarten "Tale about a small droplet" "Tale about a small droplet" in the younger kindergarten group Objective: to introduce children with water properties: warm, cold, clean, transparent,.

The abstract of organized educational activity in the second youngest group of kindergarten "Match Children is not toys" "Match children are not toys" 1. Give children the concept of what danger is melted in themselves. 2. To introduce the properties of fire. 3. Call.

Excursion to the flower garden with children of the younger group "Day of Flowers"


Introduce children with flowering summer flower bed plants; help children remember how they are called; Secure the ability to determine the color.

Material for excursion:

Lake, scissors, multi-colored checkboxes.

Tour travel:

The teacher brings children to the flower bed:

Baby, see what it grow so beautiful here? (children's responses) But each of you have a name: Light, Nikita, Stepa, Marina. And these colors have their name names. This is phlox. What color are they? (Children's responses, adjustment of responses as an educator) Let's repeat their name together: "Flox".

The educator draws the attention of children to chamomile: - And these flowers are called daisies. Let's repeat their name together. (choral and individual repetitions) Tell me, kids, and what color are they? (children's responses)

Now, children, we will come to other colors. They are called dahlia. Let's repeat this name together. (choral and individual repetitions) And what color are they, who will say to us? (children's responses)

Kids, so you eat and grow. And the flowers also grow. And what do you think they grow? They eat? (Responses of children, adjusting responses as an educator. If someone from the kids will give the correct answer that the flowers "drink" water, be sure to praise this child).

Of course, guys, the colors need moisture - water. People watered them from hoses or from Lek.

"Watering can"
I have a watering can.
Oh, what a watering can!
If it is dry,
I fill it
And Flowers Poland.

What is this me? (Children's answers) You know, children, I am before pouring flowers, I will smash a few to make a bouquet that we put in a group in the water so that we have beautifully.

The tutor takes the scissors and cuts one flower: - Baby, let's look carefully on the flower and say that he has. The tutor shows on the stem, leaves, flowers (inflorescence), the middle, determines with the children of their colors, accompanying the show by choiroving all the names. Then the teacher asks children to remember and call the flower that she cut. If the children are thinking, help them. Sutting the second and third flower, the educator asks to call them.

Now, kids, I am Polly from my big leaves, all the colors so that they grow and please us with their beauty. And tomorrow you will help me water the flowers from your little slakes. At the end of the excursion, the educator invites children to play a moving game "Find your color"

Movable game "Find your color"

Description. The teacher distributes three-four-sized flags to children: red, blue, yellow, green. Children with flags of the same color stand in different places of the room, near the flags of certain colors. After the words of the educator, "go for a walk" children diverge on the court or on the room in different directions. When the educator says: "Find your color," children are going to the flag of the corresponding color.

Guidelines. Instead of the flags, each child can give squares, circles of different colors for which they will find their flag. The tutor follows that children go away from their flags, they would diverge throughout the playground, the hall. Note: The next day, spend the game exercise with children "Find a flower by name (in color)."