Treatment of scars and scars on the face. Ointments for scars and scars: a review of drugs Treatment for scars on the face

A scar on the face is a defect that you always want to get rid of as soon as possible, especially for women. The question can be resolved, but much depends on the cause of the appearance of scars. In the publication, we will talk about how to remove a scar from the face, consider the most effective folk and medical ways to get rid of scars.

Causes of scarring

One of the most common causes of facial scars is considered to be the effects of acne. Both women and men suffer from both rashes and traces of healed acne. After acne scars remain, which can be hidden with makeup, but not in all cases and not completely. Therefore, if you do not start fighting acne scars in a timely manner, then it may be too late to do anything in the future.

Is it possible to completely eliminate the scar

This problem must be looked at objectively. And if you want to get rid of scars, then the complete removal of deep and old scars is hardly possible without the use of plastic surgery. Cosmetologists can only improve the appearance of the skin or make the defect less noticeable. If you contact a trusted and experienced specialist, then he must warn you that you should not expect "magic" results.

But traces of wounds and small scratches or acne scars can be completely eliminated even at home using folk remedies. But remember that in any situation, before starting to get rid of scars on the face, it is recommended to consider the following three factors:

  1. Timely scar removal. A fresh defect is easier to repair than old scarring.
  2. Patient attitude. It can be difficult to heal the skin of scars, so it will take time for the full effect of treatment procedures. It may take several years to get rid of a complex defect as much as possible.
  3. Cautious approach. Only a specialist should choose the method of treatment. To successfully combat the deficiency, you need to consult a trusted doctor.

Remember that if you see a doctor in a timely manner, then removing scars on the skin should not take long. In addition, there is another important factor to consider. Sometimes cosmetologists and dermatologists refuse to take on a specific case. However, in such a situation, there is no need to get upset and give up. This specialist may simply not have enough experience, so you should only see a doctor with extensive practical experience.

Varieties of scars

You need to choose a way to eliminate imperfections on the skin depending on their type. Taking into account the peculiarities of the damaged skin, the depth of the scar and the degree of its healing, several types of such defects can be distinguished:

  1. Atrophic appearance... This is a flabby scar that looks like a furrow in the skin.
  2. Normotrophic view... Such scars are visually noticeable on the skin, because their shade is uneven.
  3. Hypertrophic appearance... These are growths of connective tissue that protrude from the surface of the skin.
  4. Keloid type... This is an unpleasant type of scars that sometimes appears on the skin even several months after the wound has healed. In this case, the keloid scar grows on average up to six months. Sometimes such scars take a stable condition only a couple of years after the injury.

In most situations, the second type of scars does not need to be treated with the help of specialists. After the wound heals, such a scar turns red, becomes more sensitive and sometimes enlarges. However, it is likely that after a few months you will not notice a scar, and after 1-1.5 years you will not find any defects on the skin at all. With other types of scars, the situation is much more difficult.

So, scars are least noticeable in areas with wounds that are parallel to the lines of force on the skin. On the face, these are lines with a perpendicular direction to the natural wrinkles and folds of the skin, which are visible when the facial muscles contract.

Medical and cosmetic procedures

If you are looking for a way to effectively remove a scar from your face, you can immediately turn to the help of practicing specialists - cosmetologists, dermatologists and surgeons. In this case, the methods of treatment will be as follows:

For even more ways to remove a scar without surgery, see the video:

Folk ways

A small scar can be made less noticeable even with home treatments. Among the folk methods offered below, you can choose the option that suits you:

Remember that if you want to do the procedure using ingredients of natural origin, for example, apply a mask, you should not rush. First, test to see if any of the ingredients will cause you allergies. You can check this by lubricating the wrist with the composition for one hour. Then wash everything off and wait 2-3 hours. If during this time you do not notice signs of an allergic reaction, then such a mask can be safely applied and applied to the skin of the face.


So, the options for cosmetic and medical procedures are varied, in addition, many people choose sparing folk remedies to improve the effect. However, it is best to consult your doctor before taking any action. You should not immediately do surgery if there is an opportunity to use a harmless option that will not bring you harm and pain.

Not a single person has ever painted scars on their faces. They can appear for various reasons, the symptoms and appearance of which will not cause panic in males, but for girls and women they will become a reason for the development of complexes. They all want clear, smooth and matte skin. Therefore, the question of how to remove scars on the face remains open.

Types of scars and facial scars

Before understanding the types of scars, it is worth understanding what they are. Replacement of an injured and damaged skin area with connective tissue is called a scar. Which contains collagen, but the cells are arranged in a different order. In healthy skin, its cells line up sequentially, and in cicatricial skin - chaotically. What is the reason for the change in structure, color and elasticity.

Facial scars in men and women are divided into the following types:

  1. Keloid. They arise as a result of the onset of a malfunction and excessive production of collagen. The scar rises above the surface of the skin, often having a dark color. In medicine, they are considered benign neoplasms and are prone to overgrowth on healthy skin areas. The reasons for this pathology have not been identified.
  2. Atrophic. A scar appears from herpes on the face, acne, or multiple small wounds. The top layer of the skin or muscles is exfoliated, the skin becomes loose and depressions.
  3. Tied up. This category includes burn scars (boiling water, acid, fire). Usually large areas of skin are damaged, so the skin is pulled towards the center of the wound, and the scar looks wrinkled.
  4. Hypertrophic. They can be easily confused with keloids. They also rise above the skin, but do not tend to grow, and later discolor and smooth out.
  5. Stretch marks or stretch marks. They arise as a result of a sharp gain or loss of weight. For example, during pregnancy or sudden weight loss. The skin is not injured, the surface is not damaged. The damaged tissue sinks into the skin and is poorly visible.

In medicine and cosmetology, there are many effective remedies for scars and scars on the face and body. This could be:

  • resurfacing of scars on the face;
  • plastic surgery of scars;
  • removal of scars, scars with special creams;
  • medicines;
  • peels;
  • ethnoscience.

After surgery, the question of how to remove a scar on the face after surgery is especially relevant. Since scars are often large and with tension on adjacent tissues.

How to remove a scar on your face, the most effective ways

Depending on the type of scar, a different method of healing is used. Sometimes complex therapy is needed, with the simultaneous use of several procedures. But how to remove a scar on the face and body in the most effective way?

Laser resurfacing

Before starting laser removal of facial scars, it is worth preparing for the fact that it will not be possible to completely do this. But it will lighten and smoothen noticeably (by about 90%). The reason lies in the change from normal tissue to fibrous tissue in the process of wound healing. Depending on the type of scar, one of two types of resurfacing is chosen:

  • classic;
  • fractional.

The first type of laser scar correction evaporates moisture from the fibrous tissue without affecting the healthy layer of the skin. In their place, dried cells remain, which are then removed without difficulty. The main advantage of laser face resurfacing is considered to be high precision, stimulation of the skin to regenerate.

The second type is based on starting the process of renewing the skin. More precisely, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. As a result of fractional laser resurfacing of scars, the skin increases elasticity and looks more similar to nearby tissues. But the method has contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the skin and blood;
  • Tan;
  • oncology.

The laser effect on the face is noticeable after the first procedure. But to get the best result, it is recommended to undergo 6 to 10 procedures with an interval of 30-60 days.


The method is based on the use of the patient's own blood, from which the plasma is separated and injected into the scar tissue. This procedure stimulates regeneration. As a result, the damaged area brightens, smoothes, and the existing depressions are leveled. Several procedures are required to be effective.

Chemical peeling

The method is the effect of acid on the skin. Before starting the facial peeling procedure, all makeup is removed. A special preparation is applied to the skin, and after a few minutes it is neutralized. The entire surface is burned, which is replaced by the appearance of redness and crust. At this time, the active recovery process starts.

Among the contraindications:

  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergy;
  • Tan;
  • the presence of a large number of birthmarks;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • rosacea;
  • oncology;
  • the presence of wounds;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Chemical peeling helps to smooth the surface of the skin and scar, normalize color. The course is 2-3 sessions with an interval of 2 weeks.

Injection correction

The method is based on the injection of the hormonal preparation "Diprospan" into the scar tissue itself. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor based on the size and type of the scar. The drug relieves the inflammatory process in the tissues, reduces collagen production, thinns the scar and smoothes it with healthy skin. Several sessions of the corrector are required.


The second name of the procedure is mechanical peeling, as it is carried out with a special nozzle made of microcrystals, which remove the top layer and start cleansing, restoration and, as a result, leveling occurs. The method is effective against hypertrophic and atrophic scars, and the consequences of acne.


  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • epilepsy;
  • Tan;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • allergic reaction;
  • pathology and inflammatory process of the skin.


The procedure is carried out using the action of liquid nitrogen on the scar tissue. During freezing, damage to cells and capillaries occurs, the damaged area decreases in volume and smoothes out. The method is most effective in relation to keloid and hypertrophic types of scars. It is carried out in several stages with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

Surgical excision

For a wide scar, we use a surgical method. Excision of the scar is performed with a scalpel under anesthesia. After removal, the edges of the wound are connected and fixed with sutures. After recovery, the scar is much smaller and can be further reduced by cosmetic procedures.

Contour plastic

The procedure is based on the injection of hyaluronic acid into the damaged tissue, possibly with the addition of amino acids and vitamins. It is usually used for plastics of atrophic-type scars after acne. The injection activates collagen production, initiates recovery and fills existing voids. It has few contraindications, but the effect lasts from 6 months to 1 year.

How to get rid of a scar on a child's face

For children, the scar removal procedure allows laser resurfacing and microdermabrasion, other types of cosmetic procedures are contraindicated. Initially, it is necessary to determine the type of scar, which is why further treatment is prescribed, in the case of adults, the situation is similar.

  • (the most effective are "Kontraktubeks", "Dermatiks", "Kelofibraza");
  • ethnoscience;
  • peeling Jessner;
  • massage.

In especially severe cases, filling a deep scar with collagen is used. If you do not know if you have burned yourself, how to smear it so that there are no blisters and a scar? Suitable ointment "Rescuer", "Bepanten", and from traditional medicine, toothpaste, aloe juice.

How to avoid the consequences of scar healing

After undergoing the scar removal procedure, it is recommended that the following rules be followed:

  • you can not use alcohol-based products;
  • take a hot shower or go to saunas;
  • use cosmetics;
  • apply aggressive cosmetic procedures;
  • train actively;
  • remove the crust that appears.

In some cases, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

Additional therapeutic medications to remove the scar

If the main therapeutic therapy does not give the necessary results, then it is worth knowing how to remove scars on the face with the help of additional drugs.

Among them, high efficiency in the treatment of facial scars was shown by:

  1. "Ronidase". Helps with colloidal scars. The instructions say: apply the remedy for scars as a compress for 18 hours. The course is 15-30 days with a break every 2 weeks for 3 days.
  2. "Diprospan". It is prescribed for the treatment of the affected tissue. It is injected intramuscularly, therefore it is effective for hypertrophic scars, atrophic and tightened. The dosage and treatment regimen is set separately.
  3. "Bleomycin". It is prescribed for atrophic scar on the face. But due to the large number of serious side effects, it is prescribed only as prescribed by a doctor and only for small scars after removal of moles on the face.
  4. Kenalog. It is prescribed for the treatment of affected facial tissue and for the formation of keloid-type scars. The drug is injected directly under the skin or intramuscularly.
  5. "Lidaza". The main component of the drug is hyaluronidase, which violates the integrity of the connective tissue, normalizes outflow in the lymph nodes, rejuvenates and relieves puffiness. It is most effective to treat atrophic scars on the face with this medicine.
  6. "Fluorouracil". It is prescribed for malignant tumors, has many contraindications and side effects. Therefore, in order to remove atrophic scars, keloids and others, it is better to choose another medicine.

This is a short list of how to get rid of atrophic scars, keloid, hypertrophic, stretch marks and tight scars. But all organisms are different and only a doctor will select a suitable drug.

How to get rid of scars on the face with folk remedies at home

Possible treatments in: masks, compresses, ointments, ganache, lotion, tonic, face cream.

The most popular treatments are:

  • mask of honey, aloe juice and lemon;
  • essential oils;
  • wax;
  • medicinal herbs;
  • cabbage compress.

It is worth remembering that when choosing how to get rid of scars on the face with folk remedies, the treatment will be long and not always effective. And it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely get rid of the defect.

Lemon and aloe juice honey mask

For cooking, you need to mix all the ingredients in equal parts until smooth. It is better to make a mask from a freshly plucked aloe leaf, then all the beneficial substances are preserved in it. It is required to apply it on the scar for no more than 20 minutes, then gently rinse it off with non-hot water. The mask perfectly moisturizes, soothes, tones and cleanses the skin, helps to cope with minor scars and scars on the face.

Essential oil blend

For the treatment of facial scars, mix oil of neroli, mint and rosemary, 5 ml each. Lubricate the scar with the resulting mixture several times a day for 2 months. For strong pigmentation, use lemon, orange, grapefruit oil. They brighten scar tissue perfectly.

Cabbage compress

For cooking, you will need several large leaves of white cabbage, chopped with a blender to a mushy state. Then enter 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey, mix everything thoroughly. Take gauze and put on it with a not thick layer of gruel, apply to the scar tissue for 1.5-2 hours. Repeat the procedure until complete recovery.

Collection from medicinal plants

An especially effective herbal complex, which includes: calendula flowers, chamomile, nettle, highlander, St. John's wort and oregano. All ingredients will need 1 tsp. and pour 0.3 liters of boiling water. The resulting broth should be infused and cooled. Then moisten a cotton pad or a piece of gauze in the broth and apply to the scar on the face.

How to disguise a scar on your face

If it does not work out surgically or cosmetologically, then you need to know how to mask a scar on your face. For this, they are actively used:

  • tattoo;
  • makeup;
  • peeling;
  • grinding.

It is worth knowing that it is very easy to hide scars on your face with makeup. Today, special stickers are sold that will help hide any skin defect. For example: scars from abrasions, cuts, burns, operations and others.


Absolutely all types of scars can be “covered” with a tattoo, with the exception of keloid scars, as there is a risk of activating the growth of connective tissue. With the help of a tattoo machine, the master injects a special paint under the skin. The size, theme, color is chosen purely individually. After complete completion of the drawing, it is quite difficult to see the scar in its place. But this option is not suitable for facial scars.


This procedure is carried out with a laser, with the help of which the upper stratum corneum of the scar tissue is removed. Due to this, the thickness, density and size of the scar itself is reduced. Pregnant and lactating women are not allowed to the procedure. In addition, you should definitely consider:

  • the presence of wounds and inflammation of the skin;
  • type of scar;
  • age.

After the procedure, the person experiences swelling and pain at the site of grinding, which disappear on their own in 4-7 days.


If removing the scar does not work, then it is better to use disguise with cosmetics. The following rules are distinguished here:

  1. Cleanse and moisturize the skin before makeup.
  2. Apply a special concealer to the scar.
  3. On top of the concealer with a thin layer of foundation.
  4. Powder is applied on top.

To visually avert the eyes of others from the scar, it is necessary to paint other areas of the face more vividly.


This type of procedure is actively used to remove scars. There are several types of it:

  • microcrystalline;
  • retinoic;
  • laser;
  • phenolic.

The principle of action lies in the application of acid to the skin of the face, which promotes the breakdown of scar tissue. Further, the scar peels off and falls off. The acid also triggers the skin regeneration process, speeds up metabolism and stimulates the body's production of collagen, hyaluronic acid.

After peeling, the face becomes covered with a crust, which cannot be removed otherwise the scar can only increase in size. After the procedure, new tissue forms in about 2 weeks.

How to remove facial scars with plastic surgery

When none of the methods of drug, cosmetological therapy and even the use of traditional medicine gave the desired result, then plastic remains. But, how to remove scars from the face with another operation?

There are 2 options.

The first one consists in carefully removing the scar and joining the edges together, applying cosmetic sutures. Suitable for small scars with smooth edges. After the end of the restoration, an inconspicuous lightened strip remains in this place.

The second option involves the use of an expander. To do this, a small incision is made in the area around the scar, into which an expander is placed. Gradually it is filled with a special liquid to stretch the skin. As soon as it is stretched to the required size, the expander and the scar are removed. And the resulting bald spot is covered with new skin. This procedure is used exclusively for large sizes or with the prevailing strong tension after recovery.

Possible complications

If the removal technique was chosen incorrectly, then there is a risk of complications. Among them are possible:

    • getting an infection;
    • damage to healthy tissue;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • very long recovery period;
  • the formation of a tumor of a benign nature.

To avoid such consequences, the doctor must correctly determine the type of scar and the best method of treatment. If complications do occur, then it is necessary to introduce complex drug and cosmetological therapy.

Before starting therapy, you should definitely consult a dermatologist. An examination by a plastic surgeon and additionally a cosmetologist may be required. And take on board that:

  • all cosmetic procedures have a number of contraindications;
  • when choosing a procedure, based on the type of scar;
  • traditional medicine treatment is possible as a complex or auxiliary therapy.

The basic rule is to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Thus, medicine and cosmetology are able to restore the previous appearance of the skin. But you need to be careful and try not to get injured, then treatment will not be needed.

Many people have minor scars and large scars. They usually cause aesthetic discomfort, especially if they are located on visible areas of the body, for example, on the face. Modern cosmetology allows you to correct this deficiency.

It should be noted that, despite the high level of aesthetic medicine, the treatment of cicatricial skin lesions continues to be a challenge. It is impossible to completely get rid of cicatricial changes. But the quality of most of them can be significantly improved. The main thing is to contact a specialist in time. The sooner you start treating scars and scars, the more likely it is that they will be virtually invisible!

Indications for scar treatment

Causes of scarring

Scars appear at the site of damage to the integrity of the skin in response to inflammation, trauma, or after surgery. As a result of healing, normal skin is replaced by connective tissue in varying degrees of severity.

Treatment of skin scars is necessary in two cases:

  • The scar gives the patient aesthetic discomfort. This usually happens when it is on a visible part of the body or because of its large size or frightening appearance causes psychological discomfort.
  • For medical reasons, when the scar makes breathing difficult, movement, affects speech function, etc.

Special scar treatment program

The clinic has developed a special program that combines the use of the placental drug "Laennek" and a modern hardware technique - a needle radio wave on the INFINI apparatus. With the help of special microneedles and under the influence of radio wave energy, the old connective tissue in the scar area is destroyed. To form a qualitatively different, more elastic and smoothed connective tissue, the scar is injected with the drug "Laennek". This program provides clinically proven, good aesthetic results.

"Laennec" -therapy

The RHANA clinic has accumulated extensive experience in the use of placental therapy with the drug "Laennek" along with modern hardware technologies aimed at correcting cicatricial lesions. Due to its unique properties, the hydrolyzate of the human placenta "Laennek" not only accelerates the process of regeneration, restoration of the skin at the site of damage, but also increases the quality of the regeneration itself, controls the formation of connective tissue, which is of fundamental importance in the formation of a scar!

Our specialists are not limited only to the listed methods. Depending on the indications, the nature of the scars and the patient's skin condition, we also use other procedures: mesotherapy, plasma lifting, plasma therapy using the CURACEN drug, laser treatment using the Fraxel re: store DUAL device, peels, photorejuvenation, etc. If you are interested in scar treatment in Moscow, we are always happy to help you!

Preparing for scar treatment

Before the procedure, it is advisable to refuse to visit the bathhouse, swimming pool, solarium, sun exposure, taking antibiotics, and using alcohol-containing cosmetics. In some situations, your doctor may recommend postponing other cosmetic procedures.

It is important to clarify the presence of contraindications, which include oncological diseases, infectious and chronic diseases in the acute stage, inflammatory processes, pregnancy, etc. All contraindications at the reception are specified by the doctor.

Skin restoration after scar treatment

The skin after the procedure requires special care. It is not recommended to sunbathe, use scrubs, do peels, use alcohol-based cosmetics, be in the sun without sunscreen, visit the pool and bathhouse for 3-7 days after treatment. All recommendations in each case are given by the doctor. He can also choose cosmetics that will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

What is the beauty and attractiveness of a woman? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. But no one will deny that the cleanliness and smoothness of the skin is one of the main factors of attractiveness. This article will discuss how to get rid of such a cosmetic defect as facial scars.

What it is?

Scars are small or large areas of connective tissue on the skin that can be white or different in color. They do not hurt, do not remind of themselves. But their existence on the skin, especially on the face, is very unpleasant and undesirable. Moreover, many of the fair sex cannot accept such a defect and are constantly in search of a solution to the problem.

Why you need to know how to remove facial scars?

Probably, you cannot find a person in the world who would not have such marks on his body. Many people have scars on their face, legs and arms, and other areas of the body. This is because it is impossible to live through childhood and not get injured. But sometimes, even after a minor cut, a scar remains. Then they appear throughout life. After all, people very often find themselves in strange and unpleasant situations. And also quite often people lie down on the operating table, after which they have traces of surgical intervention.

Many people live with scars all their lives and do not even think about their existence. But it also happens that scars are painful. They remain on the face and visible parts of the body. Therefore, you should get rid of them in the hospital, or you can learn how to remove scars at home.

Of course, if you go to a hospital or a specialized institution, they can help you more professionally.

Several ways to remove a scar on your face

1. Surgical intervention. This method is especially used in the fight against scars. With this intervention, you can remove a section of the skin. Then it is replaced with a new flap transplanted from any other part of the body. You can also remove the scar and carefully suture the wound with surgical stitches.

2. Peeling. This is an expensive way to get rid of scars. It consists in deep cleansing of the face, which helps to remove a small surface layer of the skin. In this way, small defects can be removed.

3. Hormones are a multifunctional remedy that allows you to fight many diseases and ailments. They can also help fight scars. Before buying hormonal drugs, you should definitely visit a doctor. Self-treatment can lead to bad consequences. The hormones will need to be injected into the scar, namely injections. And after a couple of weeks, a defect of medium size and depth will disappear without a trace.

4. Cream for scars. Today, this remedy has become very popular because it is inexpensive, acts quickly and does not require any intervention. The duration of the cream depends only on the manufacturer and its components. Manufacturers promise that in 1-2 weeks the cream will definitely cope with the hated scars. Before buying a cosmetic product, you must also visit a doctor, because self-medication can be dangerous to your health. For example, you can purchase creams "Contractubex", "Dermatiks", "Skarguard", "Medgel", "Diprospan", "Cordran", "Aldara", "Mederma", etc.

5. Many people are worried about how to get rid of scars, which are very common after acne and blackheads. If the scar resembles a small fossa, then this will take longer to fight. Because the scar mark can be removed, but the hole cannot. That is why you need to contact a beautician to help smooth the skin surface. This requires the use of dermal fillers. Usually collagen or a special gel act in their role.

The right way

Laser therapy is another innovative method for treating skin scars. With this method, the laser removes some pieces of the epidermis, smoothing it and making it more beautiful. With this type of intervention, anesthesia can be used to make the procedure more comfortable for the patient.

But it so happens that a person has no money to visit clinics or beauty salons. After all, all these procedures require material costs. In this case, it is worth resorting to home medicine, to deal with scars on your own.

My own beautician

Consider several ways to remove scars at home:

1. Lemon juice is a very popular remedy that often helps us to fight bags under the eyes, skin imperfections, etc. And it can also help to cope with scars. It can be simply applied to the area of ​​concern, and can also be used as a mask. This product has a whitening property that can make the scar less visible and sometimes remove it.

2. Honey is another powerful remedy. This beekeeping product is very often present in various masks that help fight skin imperfections. This is because honey relieves inflammation and improves the appearance of the skin. If you apply it several times a day to a place that worries, then after a few days the scar will become smaller, or even disappear altogether. The skin becomes soft and pleasant. But honey can also be used as a mask ingredient to remove facial scars.

3. Aloe is a world famous folk remedy. This product is unsuitable for nutrition, but it does an excellent job of its medicinal purpose. Aloe vera juice can prevent scarring or scarring because it has antibacterial and healing ingredients. And if you apply it to a place that is inflamed and portends a scar, then most likely the scar will simply not appear.

Mask of honey, lemon juice and aloe

In order to remove scars on the face, prepare a mask from the proposed components. First you need to mix honey, lemon juice and aloe in equal proportions. Then gently apply the mass to the skin or a specific area of ​​the body. It is necessary to keep the mask for 15-20 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, rinse everything off with running warm water. This mask can remove small scars or scars, cleanse and moisturize the skin. And if you use it often, then you can forget about many defects forever.

Scars and scars on the face or body are a serious problem for most people. Moreover, for many, this is not just a cosmetic flaw, but a whole torment, expressed by unpleasant sensations: itching, burning, pain. To cope with them by virtue of special means, the range of which is quite wide nowadays.

The drugs differ in composition, spectrum of action and price range. Before you start choosing the right product, you need to remember the main rule: the purchase should be based, first of all, on the recommendations of a dermatologist. Having received the advice of a specialist, you can study the reviews of real consumers. Below are some criteria that will help you decide on the choice of an effective drug.

  1. The ointment, cream or gel should be appropriate for the type and age of the scar, as well as the reasons for its formation.
  2. Any product must contain moisturizers. And also to eliminate inflammation, promote rapid cell regeneration, cleanse the skin and restore its elasticity.
  3. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date and composition. The structure must include natural ingredients. Basically, such ointments are made on the basis of inert silicone.
  4. You need to buy the drug only at the pharmacy. Before purchasing, consult a doctor and study the opinions of users.

Unfortunately, no specific research studies have been conducted to determine the most effective medicines. But, thanks to the evaluations of dermatologists and their patients, we have been able to identify the best remedies for scars and scars. Their list is presented in the rating below.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

The best cream for scars and scars

The cream is a widely sought-after anti-scar treatment. Affordable and relatively safe for health. However, continuous use is required to achieve results.

5 Clearwin

Best price. Made on the basis of rare plants
Country Russia
Average price: 87 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The composition of the product includes plant extracts that have a wound-healing, nourishing effect on the structure of the skin. Regular application of the cream relieves pigmentation, acne, fresh scars and scars. Users note that the drug helps to eliminate dark circles, bags under the eyes, and smooth the skin. Changes on the face become noticeably noticeable due to the acceleration of metabolism, improvement of microcirculation in tissues.

The cream has a wound healing effect in cases where other remedies have not helped. Active hydration, softening, renewal of the epidermis are the main indicators of the high quality of Klirvin. The application of the cream does not require much effort and skill. It is enough to apply it 2-3 times a day, and the effect will appear in 5-6 weeks. The product does not react with other face care products. Recommended for use for women and men regardless of age.

4 Epitonex

Effectively removes skin imperfections
Country Russia
Average price: 409 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Refers to skin care cosmetics. Well removes the effects of acne, boils, scratches, cuts. Recommended for patients with increased pigmentation. The preparation is based on plant extracts, allantoin and beeswax. All components taken together effectively eliminate scars, stretch marks, and dissolve scars.

The cream has the perfect texture for application. It is recommended to apply to problem areas of the skin until completely absorbed. The effect becomes noticeable with daily application of the cream for 2-3 months. The best time to use the cream is morning and evening, if possible, a third application during the day on cleansed skin is recommended. The cream is well tolerated. Individual intolerance is considered a contraindication. You can buy the drug at the pharmacy.

3 Scar Esthetique

Effective skin regeneration
Country: USA
Average price: 1,170 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A good remedy for improving the condition of the skin. Suitable for the treatment of scars and scars caused by trauma, burns and surgery. It can also be used to combat stretch marks. The structure of the cream contains many active substances, including vitamins A and C, silicone, shea butter, onion extract, bisabolol, chitosan, arnica and others.

It has an active effect on scars of various origins. Softens and smoothes the skin, improves its appearance. Recommended for the treatment of adults. Sometimes it can cause side effects, expressed by rashes and redness. This is perhaps the only drawback. Otherwise, the reviews about the drug are positive. Many buyers trust him.

2 Kelofibraza

Anesthetic action
Country: Germany
Average price: 1 800 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The cream is suitable for both prevention and treatment of scars. The German development has sodium heparin, D camphor and urea in the structure. Thanks to these substances, the product perfectly moisturizes the skin, softens rough areas, gives elasticity and improves blood circulation. The beneficial effects also include the ability of the drug to have an anti-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect.

The patients noticed a significant improvement in the condition of the scars after applying the cream. The swelling decreased, the process of scars resorption accelerated, the protruding skin areas were smoothed. Kelofibraza rarely causes side effects and can be used in children over one year of age.

1 Scarguard

Best quality. Can be used under makeup
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 5 900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Compared to others, Scarguard has a liquid consistency. The peculiarity of the cream is that after drying, it forms a kind of bandage, on top of which you can apply a make-up or sunscreen. Thus, the drug is safe for the delicate skin of the face. However, it is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.

Created on the basis of vitamin E, silicone and hydrocortisone. Due to these components, the production of collagen is enhanced, which helps accelerate the resorption of scars and soften the surface layer. Consumers love the drug for its effective action and lack of side effects. It has no harmful substances in its composition. The price for a small bottle of Scarguard is certainly high, but it fully justifies itself.

The best gel for scars and scars

The most common remedy for cicatricial damage is gels. This format is very easy to use. Gel preparations accelerate the healing of scars and are an excellent method of preventing scar formation.

5 Kelo-Cat

Copes with the biggest defects
Country: USA
Average price: 2 313 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The target audience, where the use of the drug is most popular, are people who decide to undergo plastic or cosmetic surgery. This is especially important with changes in the face, because scars in this area of ​​the body are less desirable. The gel also works effectively in the area of ​​injury of various periods of limitation. It is equally effective in men and women. Due to the silicone base, the product has the properties of this matter - it reduces the severity of scars, stitches, deep cuts.

Dries instantly after application and forms a specific film on the skin surface. Rapid wound healing helps to restore youthfulness and blooming appearance to the skin. Copes well with traces of flattened tattoos. The gel is applied to cleansed skin and spreads evenly over its surface. Try not to use large amounts of gel. The duration of treatment is 2-3 months. Patients in the reviews note the high efficiency of the product, ease of use. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as people prone to allergies.

4 Mederma

The best gel for pregnant and lactating
Country: Germany
Average price: 650 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The gel was developed by a German company, has a variety of active ingredients in its structure, which have a beneficial effect on the healing of damaged skin areas. Among them are allantoin and zepalin. Mederma has a complex effect: it accelerates the process of cell renewal and prevents the development of fibroblasts, dissolves dead skin cells and promotes collagen production.

Patients choose the drug because it moisturizes the epidermis well and improves blood circulation, eliminates blood clots. It actively fights inflammation, has antibacterial properties. The disadvantage of the gel is its effectiveness only in the treatment of fresh scars. It is not suitable for the "old" ones. To get rid of a scar, the product must be used for at least six months.

3 Fermenkol

No contraindications
Country Russia
Average price: 1 650 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The tool of Russian production is widespread and in demand in the market. The peculiarity lies in the specific composition, which contains collagenases obtained from freshwater and marine organisms. They contribute to the rapid breakdown of amino acids that form the basis of cicatricial lesions. Due to this, the skin is smoothed, and itching stops.

Buyers note the analgesic and disinfecting effect of the drug. It can be used to treat both old and recent scars. After application, the face became noticeably brighter, the skin became more elastic, the defects were less pronounced. One thing is frustrating is the high cost of the gel. But compared to the effect that is achieved due to Fermenkol, you can close your eyes to this nuance.

2 Contractubex

High efficiency
Country: Germany
Average price: 595 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Contractubex is a widely demanded remedy. This is not to say that it has a quick effect. Its effectiveness directly depends on the regularity of its use. For example, systematic treatment of fresh scars with it can have a positive effect in just a month. Whereas old scars require longer regular care (healing occurs after six months).

Users recommend the gel for purchase. But they advise to use it correctly, strictly according to the instructions. Then Kontraktubex will give tangible results. It smoothes scars, moisturizes the skin, improves blood circulation and accelerates the formation of new cells. During treatment, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight, hypothermia and massage.

1 Zeraderm Ultra

Fastest Action
Country: Holland
Average price: 3,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The gel contains an improved formula compared to the previous version. In addition to the high molecular weight silicone compound, its composition includes an ultraviolet filter with SPF 15, coenzyme Q10 and vitamins E and K. It has the ability to create a special film that does not allow air to pass through. Thanks to it, the skin is saturated with moisture, the scars soften and dissolve, and become flatter.

Zeraderm Ultra is able to deal with most types of scars and scars in a short time. It prevents inflammation, relieves burning and other unpleasant sensations in the damaged area. Accelerates cell regeneration by saturating them with oxygen. The UV filter protects the skin from the harmful effects of the rays. The gel is indicated for use by both children and adults. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the drug is well tolerated by patients.

The best ointment for scars and scars

In most cases, scar ointments have a resorbing effect. Their main task is to reduce the size of scars and eliminate redness. A distinctive feature is a longer exposure (as opposed to a gel or cream) on the damaged area of ​​the body or face.

5 Methyluracil ointment

Excellent UV protection
Country Russia
Average price: 52 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Recommended for external and local use in order to activate the process of repairing damaged epidermis. The main advantages of the ointment include stabilization of nucleic acid metabolism, high regenerative capacity, and acceleration of the growth of new tissue cells. It is actively used in the recovery period after burns of various etiologies, ulcers, fractures, deep cuts. It is recommended by doctors in the presence of bedsores in bedridden patients, in recovery after irradiation of tumors of the genitals. It is used for vaginal fusion in girls.

An effective way to apply the ointment is 5-10 g daily to the affected area for 2-4 weeks. For the treatment of late radiation burns of the vaginal mucosa, the use of ointment in tampons is allowed. The course lasts until the most complete healing of the wound surface. It is allowed to carry out therapy for up to 4 months. The systematic use of the ointment guarantees the elimination of inflammation, an increase in the immune defense of the damaged tissue. The most effective is the application of the product under the bandage, which is changed 2 times a day. If there is pus in the wound, do it more often. The dressing is accompanied by the treatment of the injured area with an antiseptic.

4 Scar

Effectively relieves itching and pain in the damaged area
Country Russia
Average price: 309 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The ointment is used to increase the rate of tissue regeneration and its nutrition. Effectively fights postoperative scars, scars, eliminates stretch marks, traces of acne, chickenpox. It improves the condition in case of contracture, when flexion and extension of the limb is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. The use of the ointment smoothes the skin, nourishes it and makes it more elastic. The formations that rise above the surface are leveled out after a few weeks of application, they stop itching, the pain syndrome weakens.

It is allowed to restore the skin on any part of the human body. Apply the product every day 2-3 times for 30-90 days. The drug is well tolerated by patients, has no age restrictions. Convenient when spreading, does not spread, concentrates on the problem area. To get rid of deep long-standing defects, Rubtsevit must be combined with stronger means.

3 Solcoseryl

High quality at a reasonable price
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 315 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The ointment is in great demand among the Russian population. Sold only in pharmacy chains, available without a prescription. Suitable for the treatment of wet and dry injuries. It has an excellent effect on the restoration of the skin. It dissolves scars and scars well. Produced from the blood of healthy calves. This is its difference from analogues.

Users noticed that after using Solcoseryl, small scars were smoothed out. The skin lightened, acquired a more even color, became elastic. Consumers are strongly encouraged to seek medical advice before purchasing. The ointment is strong and may cause an allergic reaction. The price is quite affordable, which definitely gives it an advantage.

2 Dexpanthenol

The safest remedy
Country Russia
Average price: 136 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A specialized remedy that works well with scars left by, for example, a disease such as chickenpox. The structure of the ointment includes natural ingredients: sea buckthorn oil, petroleum jelly, B vitamins, lanolin, citric acid and other useful substances. Due to their complex action, there is a rapid restoration of the skin.

Dexpanthenol perfectly fulfills the tasks stated by the manufacturer. Heals scars, smoothes the epidermis. It is a potent drug, so it must be used strictly according to the instructions. It is not recommended to increase the dosage without consulting a doctor. The ointment is easily excreted from the body, it can rarely cause allergic reactions. No side effects were noticed.

1 Madecassol

Best Antimicrobial Ointment
Country: Turkey, Switzerland
Average price: 1,490 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The highly effective remedy Madecassol is recommended for the treatment of superficial injuries. It has a strong antibacterial effect and is used against scars caused by burns or surgery. It is of vegetable origin, therefore it is safe for children. The advantage is the presence of Asiatic Centella in the composition. Thanks to her, rapid cell regeneration occurs.

As users note, Madecassol is not just another advertised drug, but a really effective ointment. Eliminates burn scars completely. It is difficult to find it in Russia, it is better to order it via the Internet. The tool has a wide spectrum of action. In addition to removing scars, it actively fights varicose veins and dermatitis.