The result of working with parents in Dow. Consultation for educators "Modern forms of work with parents in Dow

Project on the topic: "Innovative forms of work on the interaction of Dow with parents"


Part 1. Theoretical. The interactions of the Dow and family.

  1. Features of the openness of the pre-school institution in new social conditions.
  2. Innovative forms of work on the interaction of Dow with parents.
  3. Innovative form of work with parents - family club.

Part 2. Practical. The content of innovation work on the interaction of DOW with parents in the club "Activists of our family" .


List of used literature.


From how childhood passed,
who led the child by hand in childhood,
what entered his mind and the heart from the surrounding world -
from this in a decisive degree depends
what person will be today's kid.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky


Socio-economic transformations that occurred in our country have led to a change in the usual lifestyle and moral and value orientations and could not but affect the education of children in the family.

Currently observed:

  • Deterioration of the health of children (physical, mental, social)
  • Stratification of the Company leading to an increase in the percentage of socially unprotected parents and children, an increase in socially psychological anxiety, fatigue
  • Redistribution of material and economic functions inside the family
  • Difficulties of construction family life Against the background of crisis
  • Personal problems of parents (fatigue, mental and physical overvoltage; anxiety due to a decrease in life safety; the growth of the sense of loneliness (especially in incomplete families), lack of understanding; Event crises)
  • Global problems that determine the development of adults and children (Environmental problems, epidemics, drug addiction, alcoholism, mental problems; scientific and technical progress leading to a rapid obsolescence of knowledge, etc.)

These trends require attention, including from specialists to Dow (psychologists, educators, speech therapists, medical worker). Family needs support and maintenance.

The interaction of parents and teachers in the education of preschoolers is considered as mutual activities of responsible adults aimed at introducing children to the space of culture, comprehending its values \u200b\u200band meaning. Interaction with parents allows you to jointly identify, realize and solve the problems of education of children, and also ensures the necessary depth bonds between raising adults in the context of personality development, positively reflecting on its physical, mental and social health. Therefore, the most effective form of work on interaction with parents I consider the creation in Dow family Club.

Thanks to the club form of work, it is possible to create an atmosphere of community of interests of the family and Dow, the provision of practical assistance to the family in removing difficulties in parental relations, the formation of partnerships with families of pupils, strengthening the authority of the family and the teacher will contribute to the activation and enrichment of educational skills of parents, awareness and implementation of parents They are fully among the parental functions aimed at understanding the needs of the child and creating conditions for their reasonable satisfaction.

Project Type: Innovative - Research, Open, Collective, Long.

The purpose of the project: to study innovative forms of work on the interaction of Dow with parents on the example of the club's activities "Activists of our family" .

Project tasks:

  1. Describe innovative forms of work with parents.
  2. Increase the level of professional competence of teachers for organizing work with family.
  3. Attract parents to actively participate in the educational process.
  4. Reveal the content of innovation with parents Dow in the Club "Activists of our family" .

Project participants: educators, parents, children 3-7 years old.

Project implementation period: 1 academic year.

Final event:

Presentation "Innovative forms of work on the interaction of Dow with parents" .

Part 1.Tores.

The interactions of the Dow and family.

The family is the leading factor in the development of the child's personality, from which the further fate of a person largely depends.

The first thing that characterizes the family as a factor of education is its educational environment in which the life and activity of the child is naturally organized. It is possible to talk with full right that the family educational environment defines the first contours of the folding image of the world, forms the appropriate lifestyle.

The quality of the educational process in a preschool institution can be provided with unified approaches to raising children from parents and teachers. Therefore, the issue of pedagogical competence of parents is today key. For more efficient interaction of the DOW with parents, a system of pedagogical support of the family from the first days of the child's stay in a preschool institution to its admission to school, taking into account the age periods of the development of children and the pedagogical competence of each

families. Kindergarten and family can create a single child development space, but only in a harmonious addition of each other.

In the process of working with parents, we encountered a number of problems:

  • pedagogical passivity of parents, i.e. misunderstanding by parents of their educational function, unwillingness to establish uniform child requirements in children's garden and family, ignoring parents of the fact that in determining the content, forms of the kindergarten with the family, a pre-school institution, namely, are social customers
  • nonformation from parents "Pedagogical reflection" , inability to self-critically appreciate yourself as an educator, put yourself in the place of the child, look at the situation with his eyes

The predominance of rationalism in communicating teachers with parents, the teacher acts as an informant of the family about the child's life in kindergarten, and often refers to parents as to educating objects.

In order to address the above problems, teachers and educators are looking for new forms of cooperation with parents.

1. 1. The very openness of the pre-school institution in new social conditions.

The basis of the interaction of the family and the preschool institution lies the idea that parents are responsible for the upbringing of children, and all other social institutions are called upon to support and supplement their educational activities. It goes into the past officially implemented in our country the policy of becoming upbringing from family in public.

The main purpose of this interaction and cooperation is to create a single space family - a kindergarten in which all participants in the pedagogical process (Children, parents, teachers) It will be cozy, it is interesting, useful, comfortable.

Cooperation is communication "equally" where nobody belongs to the privilege indicate, control, evaluate.

The interaction is a way to organize joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of social perception and by communication.

If the interaction is carried out under conditions of openness of both sides, when the draw is not infringed, it serves as a manifestation of true relations.

When the interaction proceeds in the conditions of suppressing one person to others, it is capable of masking the true relationship.

Implement openness DOW - it means to do educational process More free, flexible, humanize relations between children, teachers and parents.

For this you need to do the following conditions:

Personal readiness of the teacher to discover himself in some kind of activity, tell about his joys, anxiety, failures.

Involving parents to the educational process of kindergarten. These may be episodic events. (grandma knits dolls, dad makes crafts, mom talks about health).

In order for the kindergarten garden to become a real, and not declared open system, parents and teachers should build a relationship primarily on trust.

  1. Psychology of confidence. Parents must be confident in good attitude To your child educators.
  2. The teacher should demonstrate specific positive ways of interaction with parents.
  3. Information must be dynamic.
  4. Parents should be able to come into a group at a convenient time for them to come into a group, watch the child is busy.
  5. The line of interaction of teachers and parents does not remain unchanged. Parents and teachers should be able to express their considerations about certain issues of education.
  6. Differentiated approach (Interaction in the small group of parents who have similar home education problems).
  7. Line impact on family through the child.

Innovative forms of interaction of Dow with family.

The interaction of the kindergarten and family should peel all the educational and educational work in Dow. It is necessary to ensure that teachers use various forms of work, paying attention to the improvement of the practical educational skills of parents (conversations and other work should be confirmed by practical observations, joint activities of children and parents).

What are the tasks of parental education in Dow?

  • to form ideas about the phases of the child's identity

Identify the principles of interaction between parents and child, parents and teachers, teachers and children.

When analyzing plans to work with parents from year to year, it is necessary to ensure that parents take care of a kindergarten during the time until the child learned the maximum knowledge and skills so that in each age group the most touches actual questions Raising children early ageMore attention was paid to socialization issues. For example, in the second group of children of early age, much attention must be paid to the role of the family in adaptation to the preschool institution, medium group - Roles in the formation of cognitive interests, hard work in children, in senior groups - teaching children, education for their sense of responsibility for the performance of duties, preparing children to school, etc.

There are four forms of organization of work with parents:

  • information - analytical
  • leisure
  • cognitive
  • vividly informational.

Visual propaganda. Carrying out pedagogical propaganda, you can use a combination of various types of clarity. This allows not only to acquaint parents with educational issues through the materials of stands, thematic exhibitions, etc., but also to directly show them an educational process, advanced work methods, available and convincingly to give parents the necessary pedagogical information. You can constantly issue group stands such as "For you, parents" containing information on two sections: the daily life of the group - various kinds of ads, mode, menu, etc., and the current work on raising children in kindergarten and family.

At the beginning of the year, as a rule, the tricks discuss the annual work plan. The teachers then inform about the tasks of education on a specific section on the quarter, report program content of classes, give advice to parents, as a family can be continued in a kindergarten.

With great pleasure, parents consider the work of children exhibited on a special stand: drawings, modeling, appliqués, etc.

Parents show great interest in how children live in kindergarten than they do. To acquaint parents with this best way to spend the days of open doors. To their conduct, it is necessary to make great efforts and methodologists, and social teachers, and psychologists. Preparation for this day is worth starting long before the outlined period: to prepare a colorful announcement, consider the content of educational and educational work with children, organizational moments. Before viewing lessons, it is necessary to tell parents, what kind of occupation they will look, their goal, the need for carrying out.

Open views give a lot to parents: they get the opportunity to watch their children in a situation other than family, compare his behavior and ability to behave with the behavior and skills of other children, to adopt the training techniques and educational influences from the teacher.

Along with open days, the duty of parents and members of the parent committee are held. Wide observation opportunities are provided to parents while walking children on the site, on holidays, entertainment evenings. This form of pedagogical propaganda is very effective and helps the pedagogical team to overcome the superficial opinion about the role of a kindergarten in the life and raising children.

In working with parents, you can use such a dynamic form of pedagogical propaganda as folders-mobile. They help and with the individual approach in working with the family. In an annual plan, it is necessary to provide advanced topics themes in advance so that teachers can pick up illustrations, prepare the text material. The topics of the folders can be diverse: from material concerning labor education in the family, material for aesthetic education to the material to raise children in an incomplete family.

We should mention about folders moving on parent meetings, recommend familiarizing yourself with the folders, give them to familiarize themselves at home. When parents return folders, teachers or social educators, it is advisable to talk about read, listen to questions and suggestions.

It should be serious about this form of work as visual propaganda, to properly realize its role in pedagogical education of parents, carefully thinking the content, decoration of folders, striving for the unity of text and illustrative materials.

The combination of all forms of visual propaganda contributes to the increase in the pedagogical knowledge of the parents, encourages them to revise the wrong methods and receptions of home education.

An open door, being a fairly common form of work, makes it possible to introduce parents with a preschool institution, its traditions, rules, features of educational and educational work, to interest it and attract to participate. It is conducted as an excursion to a preschool institution with a visit to the group where children who came parents are brought up. You can show a fragment of the preschool institution (collective work of children, fees for a walk, etc.). After the excursion and viewing the head, the Methodist talks with his parents, find out their impressions, respond to the questions that arose.

Conversations are carried out both individual and group. And in that and in another case, the goal is clearly defined: what needs to be found out than we can help. The content of the conversation is concise, meaningful for parents, is presented in such a way as to encourage interlocutors to the statement. The teacher should be able to not only speak, but also listen to parents, express her interest, goodwill.

Consultation. The consultation system is usually compiled, which are carried out individually or for the subgroup of parents. For group consultations, you can invite parents of different groups that have the same problems or, on the contrary, the success in education (Capricious children; children with pronounced abilities for drawing, music). Consultations are assimilated by parents of certain knowledge, skills; Help them in resolving problematic issues. Consultation forms are different (qualified specialist message with subsequent discussion; discussion of the article in advance by all invited advice; practical occupation, for example, on topic "How to learn with the children a poem" ) .

Parents, especially young, need to acquire practical skills in raising children. It is advisable to invite them to workshops. This form of work makes it possible to tell about ways and receptions of learning and show them: how to read the book, consider illustrations, talk about read, how to prepare a child's hand to a letter, how to exercise the articulation apparatus, etc.

Parental meetings are held group and general (for parents of the whole institution). General meetings are organized 2-3 times a year. They are discussing the tasks of the new school year, the results of educational work, questions physical education And the problems of the summer recreation period, etc. The general meeting can be invited by a doctor, lawyer, children's writer. Provisies of parents.

Group meetings are held every 2-3 months. 2-3 questions take out the discussion (one question is preparing an educator, on others it is possible to propose to speak to parents or someone from specialists). Every year, one meeting is advisable to devote to the discussion of the family experience of raising children. The topic is chosen, topical for this group, for example, "Why do our children love to work?" , "How to educate children interest in children" , "TV is a friend or enemy in the raising of children?" .

Parent conferences. The main purpose of the conference is the exchange of experience family education. Parents prepare a message in advance, the teacher, if necessary, assists in choosing the topic, registration of the speech. A specialist can be made at the conference. His speech is given "For seed" To cause a discussion, and if it turns out, then the discussion. The conference can be held within one preschool institution, but the conferences of the urban, district scale are also practiced. It is important to determine the topical topic of the conference. ("Caring for children's health" , "The acquisition of children to national culture" , "The role of the family in the education of the child" ) . The conference is preparing an exhibition of children's works, pedagogical literature, materials reflecting the work of preschool institutions, etc. Complete the conference can be a joint concert of children, pre-school staff, family members.

Currently, in connection with the restructuring of the pre-school education system, Practical workers are looking for new, non-traditional forms Work with parents based on cooperation and interaction of teachers and parents. We give examples of some of them.

An unconventional form of interaction with family is the game library. Because games require the participation of an adult, it forces parents to communicate with the child. If the tradition of joint home games is given, new games invented by adults appear in the library together with children.

Grandmothers attracts a circle "Crazy hands" . Modern bustle and hurry, as well as closest or, on the contrary, excessive luxury of modern apartments almost excluded the opportunity to do the needlework, making crafts. Indoors where a circle works, children and adults can find everything you need for artistic creativity: paper, cardboard, throwing materials and etc.

The cooperation of educators and families helps not only to identify the problem, which caused the complex relationship between parents with the child, but also show the possibilities for its decision. At the same time, it is necessary to strive to establish equal relations between the educator and parents. They are characterized by the fact that parents have a contact for contact, a trusting relationship arise to those skilled in the art, who, however, do not mean complete agreement, leaving the right to their own point of view. The relationship proceeds in the spirit of partner equality. Parents do not passively listen to the recommendations of specialists, and they themselves participate in the preparation of a work plan with a child at home.

Evening questions and answers. They are concentrated pedagogical information on the most diverse issues that are often discussion, and the answers to them are often moving in a hot, concerned discussion. The role of evenings of questions and responses in armament of parents with pedagogical knowledge consists not only in the responses themselves, which in itself is very important, but also in the form of these evenings. They should pass as a relaxed, equal communication of parents and teachers, as the lessons of pedagogical pondays.

Parents no later than the month announced this evening. During this time, the Methodists, educators, social teachers should prepare to him: collect questions, group, distribute them in the pedagogical team to prepare the answers. At the evening of questions and answers, the presence of most members of the pedagogical team, as well as specialists - doctors, lawyers, social teachers, psychologists, etc., depending on the content of the issues.

How to organize the flow of questions from parents? Usually, the methods and educators use parental meetings for this, questionnaires, all kinds of questionnaires. The parent meetings report the time of the evening of questions and answers, provide the opportunity to think about the issues and fix from on paper, also the parents have the opportunity to consider questions at home and give the teacher later.

Meetings for "Round table" . Expand the educational horizon not only parents, but also the teachers themselves.

The design of the event is of great importance. The assembly hall should be especially decorated, specially arrange the furniture, pay attention to the musical design, which should have to meditate and frankness.

Meeting topics can be different. The conversation should begin to the parents activists, then a psychologist, a doctor, a defectologist, educators, social teacher, other parents should be engaged in it. It can be suggested for discussion various situations from family life, problems arising from raising children in various types of families, which further activates meetings participants. In this form of work it is noteworthy that almost no parent remains aside, almost everyone takes an active part, sharing interesting observations, expressing delivel tips. To summarize and finish the meeting can a psychologist or social teacher.

Family clubs. Unlike parental meetings, which is based on the instructive form of communication, the club is building relationships with family on the principles of voluntaryness, personal interest. In such a club, people unites the overall problem and joint searches for optimal forms of child assistance. The subjects of the meetings are formulated and requested by the parents. Family clubs are dynamic structures. They can merge into one large club or crushing into smaller, - it all depends on the subject of the meeting and the plan of the organizers.

Family clubs are the association of parents created to solve the practical tasks of education. Usually they are organized by a group of enthusiasts of teachers and parents.

1. 3. Innovative form of work with parents - Family Club.

Family Club is the association of parents created to solve practical tasks of upbringing. Usually they are organized by a group of enthusiasts of teachers and parents. The activities of family clubs are based on voluntary principles. In family clubs, not only the shortcomings, but also the advantages of their own children become critical parents. (compared to other people's), and enthusiastic parents are visible not only advantages, but also the disadvantages of their kids. Children acquire a valuable experience with people of different characters in family clubs, turn out to be in different role-playing positions.

Family clubs are useful for incomplete families in which children have a shortage of male samples. (or female) behavior. Such clubs are also necessary for the only children in the family who do not have experiences closely communicating with other children. Being members of a friendly family club, people feel more protected and confident.

The family club is one of the effective transmission channels, the preservation and development of the values \u200b\u200bof family culture, as well as interests and the effective form of the interaction of kindergarten with family. Association of different children and raising adults (parents and teachers) The club provides a living link of generations, the transfer of all the best, which is from the older generation. Being an informal source of enlightenment, the club presents the best samples of parenting preschool age In the family and in kindergarten.

When designing club meetings, it is important to ensure the unity of three interrelated moments: the message of certain information is its value information - the prompting of the participants in the meeting to practical action.

The family club is a promising form of work with parents, taking into account the current needs of families and contributing to the formation of the active life position of the participants in the process, strengthening the institution of the family, the transfer of experience in raising children. The use of such a form is important and necessary, as it brings significant results in terms of socialization and well-being of each child, forms in children social skills of behavior, self-confidence, understanding of their and other people, desires and opinions. The club organizes collaboration with family. Thanks to the family club is installed close connection "Family- kindergarten" .

Part 2. Practical. Content of innovation work with parents Dow in the Club "Activists of our family"

With the birth of the baby in each family, hassle is added and alarms. How to grow a healthy baby? When to start developing his abilities? Time goes fast…

And so the baby goes to kindergarten. What does the parent feel? Joy and relief: now not only he is responsible for the fate of his Chad, he will help him specialists. But at the same time, a feeling of anxiety is growing. No less anxiety and teachers. How to reduce stress in children and provide them with a comfortable stay in kindergarten from the first days? How to rally children and parents in a single team? How to convey to them that we wish good them and their kids. How to explain that in the bustle of everyday affairs it is impossible to forget that childhood is the most valuable period in the life of every child.

Collaboration with family is one of the most important conditions for organizing an effective educational process in the Dow. In order for the parents to become active teachers assistants, it is necessary to involve them in the life of a kindergarten. The club is the most suitable form of work for this, allowing you to establish effective and targeted interaction of kindergarten and parents.

To establish cooperation between kindergarten and family in matters of learning, education and development of children, the family club was organized by educators "Activists of our family" . This club is for loving parentsgiving a soul and heart raising children.

In the work of the Family Club, the educators paid special attention to the study of the family environment, the conditions for the education and development of children. For this, parental meetings were held, during which parents got acquainted with the requirements and rules of raising children in kindergarten.

General principles of interaction of club members

  1. The principle of voluntary and openness.
  2. The principle of equality.
  3. Principle of community.
  4. The principle of respect and understand each other.
  5. Principle of activity.
  6. Principle of confidentiality.
  7. The principle of accounting for the wishes and suggestions of each club member.
  8. The principle of benevolence, support and mutual assistance.
  9. The principle of the desire for a healthy lifestyle.

The main directions of the family club "Activists of our family" :

  1. Propaganda positive learning experience.
  2. Increasing the pedagogical knowledge of parents of preschool children.
  3. Development of new forms of social and family interaction;
  4. Rendering a family assistance in the implementation of the educational function.

Goals of the Family Club "Activists of our family" .

The main goal of creating a family club "Activists of our family" - Establishing cooperation of pre-family and family in matters of children, expanding forms of working with parents.

The main tasks of the family club "Activists of our family" :

  • increasing the pedagogical culture of parents and improving the conditions of child education in the family and in kindergarten
  • exchange of positive experience of family education

Initiation and implementation of new forms of work of educational work.

Club structure "Activists of our family"

Structure of the club "Activists of our family"

"Socio-Medical Block"

"Leisure block"

"Pedagogical block"

  1. The active participation of parents in the child's life is not only at home, but also in kindergarten.
  2. Assisting parents from teachers in order to:
  • To form a positive installation on parents and paternity
  • Achieve a positive dynamics of changing family microclimate
  • Take and implement a personal-oriented position in raising children
  • Form optimal child-parent relations

3. The activities of the club are carried out in accordance with the work plan of the DOU.

4. The work of the club is organized with the age of children.

5. Club meetings are held 1 time per month.

6. Club decisions for employees and parents are advisory.

Planning the work of the family club.

The work of the club is planned together with parents and an educator. When planning, we take into account the wishes of parents and the psychological and pedagogical necessity. We try to make the parents of children of each age be able to visit at least two meetings in the club. In addition, such children's and parental events, such as exhibitions, projects, contests are planned.

Forms of interaction in the family club.

We use open classes, leisure, holidays, very a large number of Games, and as practice shows, parents do not frighten if they have to become the position of the child. The main thing in the club work - the presentation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge should be inspiring! Modern technical means allow you to make meetings with parents with bright and memorable.

In each dow there is a group of parents who do not show interest in the life of a kindergarten. There is such a group of parents and we, fortunately, not too numerous. However, we noticed, increase the interest of parents to children's exhibitions, as well as the organization of exhibitions of children's and parental work. What we very actively use.

Club work, in our opinion should not be limited to enlightenment. Parental leisure and holidays are of great importance and holidays, on which cheerful communication helps to establish harmonious relations both between parents and children and between teachers and parents. Such meetings help parents to see teachers from the new side, and teachers make it possible to notice the features of the family.

Ultimately, such meetings contribute to the establishment of mutual understanding, trust, respect. We try to make the life of a kindergarten part of the family life. Parents are involved in project activities, in exhibitions, holidays. Doors kindergarten open. We are pleased with the presence of parents in our walls.

Family club, as our experience shows an extremely interesting and effective form of interaction with parents.

Of course, in addition to club work, we use traditional forms of interaction with family. It is impossible to do without individual advice of educators. It is only necessary to remember that the relevance of our work depends on our professionalism and our creative interest.


The work of the family club in kindergarten contributed:

  • Creating a positive emotional communication environment between children, parents and teachers
  • Activation and enrichment of pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents
  • Increase psychological and pedagogical and legal culture Parents
  • Development of creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities
  • Generalizing family education experience.

The organization of the interaction of the DOA and Family in the form of a family club is an interesting modern model of work on attracting parents to active participation in an educational process and contributes to strengthening the relationship between preschool institution and families of pupils. As a result of informal communication of children and adults, not only an intra-family, but also an intersmerous friendly atmosphere, which was the disclosure creative abilities Children and adults.

Forms of work with parents in kindergarten can be the most diverse, but they all must pursue the only goal - to help the child to reveal their abilities and talents.

Only in one case the process of upbringing and learning a child can be as efficient as possible - when the parents of the baby and the Dow cooperate the most closely. Collective discussions of all the events of the baby's life will help to form the right approach to the educational process.

This scheme was widespread. There are groups for children in which they come with their parents to discuss together with educators. Separate areas of training.

There are the following forms of work with the family:

  • conferences with parents' participation;
  • conversations;
  • open days;
  • construction of stands - placement of important information for parents;
  • joint leisure.

Form of work with parents in kindergarten by regions

It is necessary to inform parents on how to correctly influence their children in different areas. Some of them are especially important. After all, in the absence of bilateral interaction, all attempts of the educator influence the identity of the child will be attempts.

One of best ways Works by regions - conducting seminars. But today few parents will agree to spend their time on such events.

And therefore, the main form of work is conversations with parents at that moment visit Dow when they take their child.

Educational region "Health"

One of the most important educational areas is health. It should be explained in more detail as the lifestyle of the whole family affects the child. After all, it is from the family that the child copies the main behavioral mechanisms. Visual examples of how to behave are constantly present before your eyes.

It follows during the location of the child in an educational institution and at home to teach him to a zhozh (healthy lifestyle), and also try to develop his talents and intellectual abilities to develop its talents and intellectual abilities.

In addition to the health area, there are still many subject areas. They are called - subject areas:

  • physical education;
  • mathematics;
  • ecology;
  • work;
  • reading;
  • creation;
  • music.

In order for the child to achieve success in its development, it is necessary to apply interactive forms of filing information, as well as to work with parents in the most dense way, so that they helped the child to master the information.

In physical culture

It should be well aware of parents about how important that the child is engaged in physical culture. After all physical development It is just necessary for a non-informed children's body.

Parents The educator should, if possible, convey this thought, as well as persuade to instill her child. After all, very often precisely, physical education lessons cause negative emotions in many children.

And even interesting games are not able to make the child take an active part in the physical education lesson. Partly wine in this is the parents who did not attach the child habits for physical exertion.


Mathematics - at the same time the simplest, and most complex area for children. Those who are not very simple should be engaged in addition. And as a tutor is best in younger aged Parent suitable.

The educator only should be sent to the right channel mother or father of the child, point to the weaknesses of their children, to issue literature.

Some time ago, GEFs were introduced (federal state educational standards) in DOU. Following them, the educator is obliged to provide the opportunity to a child to develop all its abilities and talents.

By Obzh

A very important area that should be as high as possible in the senior group of children. Each child must know the main dangers that can tide it in the city and at home.

Be sure to familiarize children with traffic rules, as well as other rules following which, you can avoid trouble.

Parents must promote the activities of the teacher to attract the child a sense of responsibility in front of them and other people. They must be available in practice to show what the tutor tells in class.

By ecology

A child from childhood should know that nature and the environment should be preserved. That is why this area should be started to illuminate in the preparatory group.

During conversations with parents, the teacher must inspire them the importance of the fact that since childhood, teach the child to take care of the environment and comply with the following rules of behavior in nature:

  • it is impossible to break just like that plants, break them;
  • for a fire, only already dried plants apply;
  • it is impossible to destroy the anthills, so you can undermine the fragile natural ecosystem.

There are many other items, and all of them must be observed. It is necessary to give parents the entire list so that they explain their child all the importance of each of them.

By environmental education Seminars should be held for parents, where to explain how to properly convey to children information.

By labor

The educator must be confronted with parents and find out what traditions are present in the family of his pupil. The staff employee must necessarily acquaint parents with the possibilities and methods of labor education in the family and kindergarten.

Parents must introduce their children with difficulty in a home, household environment, and also to make them the right attitude towards their and someone else's work and teach the Azam of various work in the house.

To secure the result of the work of the educator and parents, joint master classes and exhibitions should be carried out.

Labor education pursues the following objectives:

  1. Rail a sense of pride for the result of your work.
  2. Teach the child correctly and constructively interact with adults.
  3. Cranulate craving for the fulfillment of various work.


If possible, it is necessary to show the value to parents that the child reads various fiction.

It is necessary to familiarize with the positive parties of reading, because it is:

  • develops thinking and memory;
  • increases vocabulary;
  • improves sleep;
  • develops in the child a creative start, etc.

It will not only help the child faster learn to read, but also create a more cohesive atmosphere in the family.


An employee working with children needs to explain to their parents all the importance of the development of the creative potential of the child. This is facilitated by joint trips to various exhibitions, excursions for art gallery, joint viewing of monuments and attractions.

It is important for the child to visit all sorts of creative circles, such as:

  • painting;
  • sculpture;
  • singing.

There are various innovative methods involving children in the creative process. Especially just manage to do with the participation of parents.


Parents need to become acquainted with the possibilities of a kindergarten for the implementation of this field of creativity, as well as other preschool institutions.

The presence of music in the life of the child is very important, she:

  • makes the child more calm, balanced;
  • develops creative thinking, non-standard approach to solving problems;
  • practices a sense of beautiful.

It is necessary to attract parents to all kinds of forms of musical activity, so you can "reach the child" much faster. And at the same time make relations inside the family closer and trust.

The role of psychologist

In ordinary pre-establishments, the work of the psychologist is the observation of children and drawing up recommendations for their parents.

The psychologist must offer the educator with new forms of work with parents in kindergarten. And also conduct permanent analytical work, conduct tests with children, attend seminars and meetings on which parents are present.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

kindergarten combined species number 32 of the municipality

Timashevsky district

"Working with parents in kindergarten"


Art. Educator Zhukova N.G.


Changes occurring today in the field preschool educationDirected primarily to improve its quality. It, in turn, largely depends on the consistency of the actions of the family and kindergarten.

In accordance with the law "On Education" and the "Typical Regulations on the DOA", one of the main tasks facing the kindergarten is "interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child." The problem of the interaction of kindergarten and family is currently one of the most relevant. The changed modern family (financial and social bundle, the abundance of the latest information technologies, wider opportunities for obtaining education, etc.) makes it look for new forms of interaction.

Therefore, a single course is necessary for the creation of a single educational space, both in the family and DW.

Kindergarten - First Social Institute, the first educational institution, with which parents come into contact, and where their systematic pedagogical education begins. And no matter how seriously the forms of education of children in kindergartens were not thought out, no matter how high the qualifications of the teacher, it is impossible to achieve the goal without constant support and the active participation of parents in the educational process.

All work with parents in kindergarten can be reduced to the following:

Study of the needs of parents in educational services,

Education of parents in order to increase their legal and pedagogical culture.

Main goal and task

The relationship between the family and kindergarten is one of the most important factors for increasing the education of the younger generation.

Often in practice there is such a picture: parents have theoretical knowledge of the education and development of children, but to apply their knowledge in practice, they do not always know how. Here is important to help the teacher who will help parents theoretical knowledge to transform joyful communication with the child. It is no secret that favorable conditions for the development, training and education of the child can be implemented only under the condition of the close interaction of the two components - families and DOU.

My work with the families of preschoolers is organized on the basis of the following principles:

Parallelism of the influence of kindergarten and family on children,

Completeness of the impact of kindergarten and family on children,

Organization of joint activities of adults and children in kindergarten and family.

Purpose of work: to uncover actual forms and methods of interaction with parents in the pre-school institution necessary to increase the activity of parents as participants in the educational process.

For coordinated work of kindergarten and parents, I set itself the need to solve the following tasks:

Intensify and enrich educational skills of parents.

Work in close contact with the families of their pupils

Establish trustworthy partnerships with the family of each pupil,

Develop interactive forms of work with parents,

Combine the efforts of teachers and parents for the development and raising of children.

Stages of work on this topic:

    Study of literature on this issue,

    Familiarity with modern approaches and forms of family interaction and dow,

    Development of new interactive forms of working with parents.

    Questioning of parents.

    Analysis of the results of work.

Features of interaction between teacher and family

"Interaction is a philosophical category, reflecting the processes of the impact of objects on each other, their mutual conditionality and the generation of another object. Interaction - universalthe form movement, development determinesexistence and the structural organization of any material system. "

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2000.

According to T.A. Kulikova, the interaction is a way to organize joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of social perception and by communication. The result of interaction is certain relationships, which, being an internal personal basis of interaction, depend on the relations of people, on the situation of interacting.

As noted by T.A. Kulikova, the main moment in the context of the "family - pre-school institution" is the personal interaction of the teacher and parents about the difficulties and joys, success and failures, doubts and reflections in the process of upbringing a particular child in this family. It is invaluable to help each other in understanding the child, in solving its individual problems, in optimizing its development.

Parents and teachers should build their relationship on trust psychology. The success of cooperation largely depends on the mutual installations of the family and the institution. The most optimal they add up if both sides are aware of the need for a focused impact on the child and trust each other. Parents must be confident in a good attitude of the teacher to the child. Therefore, the teacher must be developed at a "good look" for a child: to see in its development, personality, first of all positive features, create conditions for their manifestation, strengthening, attract their parents' attention.

According to the authors: Agavelyan M.G., Danilova E.Yu., Chechulina O.G., in everyday communication, the educator and parents often miss the positive features of the child and focus mainly on its negative manifestations.

T.A. Kulikova warns teachers from such a typical error, as a message to parents about the negative features of the pupil, which can provoke distrust of the teacher, against which further joint actions of adults will be impossible. Most likely, parents will begin to regret their child, forced to communicate with such a "bad" educator.

Therefore, the external goal of the first stage of the interaction of the teacher with parents is "rearrangement of accents", and internal - the establishment of trust relationships with parents.

The second and third stages of establishing confidence-business contacts with parents show how conditional is the allocation of interactive, communicative and perceptual parties to communicate. Entry into contact, establishing relationships, the establishment of interaction is impossible without information sharing, i.e. The interactive side is closely intertwined with communicative.

At the second stage of establishing confidence-business contacts, the teacher can transfer to parents those unexpected or interesting knowledge of the child who could not be obtained in the family (for example, data of a sociometric study on the situation of the child in a group of peers or features of educational elements that are formed in a child in class). At the same time, the teacher confidently reports to parents about their difficulties and is advised to do what to do. In addition to the external goal - dating parents with the peculiarities of the child, manifested in the social environment different from the family, there is an internal goal: to form an installation for cooperation from the parents.

The fourth stage of establishing confidence-business contacts with parents is to jointly research the identity of the child, developing a coordinated look at its upbringing, correction by all adults of its educational positions, on the basis of which a single pedagogical impact is implemented. At the same time, the external and internal objectives coincide and consist in studying and forming the identity of the child on the basis of revising the existing stereotypes of education and achieve the unity of all raising adults in it.

T.A. Kulikova notes that the confidence of parents to the teacher should be based on respect for the experience, knowledge, the competence of the teacher in matters of education, but, the main thing, on trust in the way of his personal qualities (caringness, attention to people, kindness, sensitivity ).

Thus, I concluded that the relationship of the teacher with parents should be carried out on the basis of cooperation and trust relationships to each other.

Let's see what conditions are needed to organize the interaction of the teacher with parents.

Conditions necessary for organizing the interaction of kindergarten and family

According to T.A. Kulikova, "Skip to new forms of relations between parents and teachers is impossible within the framework of a closed kindergarten: it should become an open system."

Describe, what is the openness of a preschool institution, which includes "openness inside" and "openness outward".

According to T.A. Kulikova, give the preschool institution "openness inside" means to make a pedagogical process with a more free, flexible, differentiated, humanize relationship between children, educators, parents. Create such conditions so that all participants in the educational process (children, teachers, parents) arose personal readiness to open themselves in some kind of activity, event, tell about their joys, anxieties, successes and failures, etc.

"Openness of the kindergarten inside" is the involvement of parents in the educational process of kindergarten. Parents, family members can significantly diversify the lives of children in a preschool institution, contribute to educational work. This may be an episodic event that forces each family. Some parents are happy to organize an excursion, "campaign" in the nearest forest, on the river, others will help in equipping the pedagogical process, the third - something will teach children.

Some parents and other family members are included in the systematically educational, recreational work with children. For example, there are mugs, studios, teach kids to some crafts, needlework, engaged in theatrical activities, etc.

"Openness of the kindergarten outside" means that the kindergarten is opened by the influence of microsocium, their neighborhood is ready to cooperate with social institutions located on its territory, somehow: a secondary school, music school, sports complex, library, etc.

The content of the work of the kindergarten in microsocyum can be very diverse, is largely determined by its specificity. Its undoubted value - in strengthening communicating with the family, expanding the social experience of children, initiating the activity and creativity of the Kindergarten employees, which in turn works on the authority of the preschool institution, public education as a whole.

In the conditions of an open kindergarten, parents have the opportunity to come to a group in a convenient time for them to come to the group, to watch the child, play with children, etc.

So, the relationship of preschool institution with family should be based on cooperationand interactionsubject to the openness of the kindergarten insideand outward

Consider what forms of communion of the teacher with parents exist.

Forms of communication of the teacher with parents in kindergarten

Today, all experts recognize the importance of attracting parents to participate in the work of the kindergarten, but there are defined disharmony in the real relationships of educators and parents. Prevent the development of these relationships can both personal and professional factors: Lack of time, the feeling of insolvency, ethnic stereotypes, a feeling of resentment - all this can lead to the formation of personal and professional prejudices that prevent families to become active participants in the upbringing of their children. Therefore, educators should show the initiative and understand how to interact with each individual family for the benefit of the child. Using the principle of an individual approach to the participation of parents, you can develop a variety of ways to engage in the work of most families.

Presentation of preschool institution

Objectives: to acquaint parents with preschool institution, its charter, development program and team of teachers; Show (fragmentary) All types of activities for the development of the personality of each child.

As a result of such a form of work, parents receive useful information On the content of working with children, paid and free services provided by specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, oculist, a swimming instructor and hardening, social teacher, a psychologist).

Open classes with children in Dow for parents

Objective: to acquaint parents with the structure and specificity of classification in Dow.

The educator during classes may include an element of conversation with parents (a child can tell something new guest, introduce it to the circle of his interests).

Pedagogical Council with parents

Objective: To attract parents to actively understand the problems of education of children in the family on the basis of accounting for their individual needs.

Stroke Pedsovet

Theoretical part that teachers prepare in accordance with the topic of the pedsovet.

Questioning of parents.

It is held in advance to identify the main tendencies in the opinions of parents on the problem under discussion.

Summing up the questionings.

Interview with parents. Helps teachers to establish an appropriate atmosphere in communicating with parents, establish feedback in the influence of the pre-school institution for a child and family.

Pedagogical situations. Discussion of situations activates parents and makes communication with teachers and specialists useful for both parties.

Helpline. IN gaming form Parents can ask any questions that interest them out loud and in writing. Notes are considered, and on the basis of the analysis it is planned to work with parents in the appropriate form.

A visit to the family

The educator of each age group should visit the families of their pupils. Each visit has its own goal.

The purpose of the first visit to the family is to find out general terms and Conditions Family education. Re-visits are planned as needed and provide for more private tasks, such as verifying the implementation of the recommendations that were previously given by the educator; familiarity with the positive experience of family education; Clarification of the conditions for training for school, etc.

There is another form of a family visiting - a survey conducted usually with the participation of the public (members of the asset of parents) in order to provide material assistance to the family, the protection of the rights of the child, the impact on one of the family members, etc. According to the results of such a survey, the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the family is issued (Appendix 5).

Pedagogical conversations with parents

It is the most affordable form of establishing a teaching teacher, it can be used both independently and in combination with other forms: conversation when visiting families, at the parent meeting, consultation.

Objective: to provide parents timely assistance on this or that issue of education, contribute to the achievement of a single point of view on these issues.

The leading role here is given to the educator, he plans to advance the theme and structure of the conversation.

Thematic consultations

Consultations are close to conversations, the main difference is that the teacher, holding a consultation, seeks to give parents a qualified council.

Consultations can be planned and default, individual and group.

Planned consultations are conducted in kindergarten systematically: 3-4 consultations per year in each age group and as many general counseling in kindergarten according to the annual plan. Consultation duration 30-40 minutes. Non-planned often occur during communication of teachers and parents at the initiative of both parties.

Consultation, like the conversation, requires preparation for the most informative responses of teachers to parents.

Group meetings of parents

At the parent meetings of parents, they introduce the content, tasks and methods of education of children of a certain age in a kindergarten and family.

The agenda of group parent meetings includes a pedagogical conversation (report) on the most important topic at the moment; Doctor's speech or medical sister, musical worker; messages of anyone from parents about family education experience; Discussion of current organizational issues.

At the end of the meeting, parents ask questions that are worried and were not covered at the meeting, they are advised to the educator and, maybe they express claims.

"Round table" with parents

Objective: In an unconventional situation with the obligatory participation of specialists to discuss actual problems of education with parents.

Parents are invited to the meeting of the "round table", in writing or verbally expressed the desire to participate in the discussion of a particular topic with specialists.

Conference with parents

At the conference in an entertaining form of teachers, specialists and parents simulate life situations, losing them. This makes it possible to parents not only to accumulate professional knowledge in the field of children's education, but also to establish confidence relations with teachers and specialists.

Example 1. Conference for Mom "Let's talk about mom."

Dialogue with parents after listening to the tape recorder of children's opinions.

Foaming situations - design and analysis of mother behavior in various situations.

Example 2. Conference for Dad "Most Dear My Man."

Invited dads are seeded by semicircle after opening words Leading for listening is offered a record of conversations with children of kindergartens about dads (children answer questions: What should Dad be able to? Why are you interested in the days a day and in the evenings?).

Opinions of the psychologist, speech therapist, teachers about the problems expressed by fathers in the questionnaires.

Designing and analysis of the behavior of the father in life situations. For example: "Friday, evening. The whole family gathered at the TV and watching the program" Good night, kids, "and suddenly the light goes out. .. Do not go to bed without a fairy tale?" Tell your child a fairy tale "Kolobok" or "Repka".

Practical task. Three minutes to make a toy or souvenir for your child.

Subject of conferences for parents

    Aesthetic education of preschoolers.

    Grow future moms and dads.

    Physical and psychological readiness of a child for school training.

    "School tomorrow" of our children.

General meetings of parents

General organizational issues are discussed at meetings. collaboration All preschool institution.

At each meeting, the chairman and secretary (from parents) are elected, the protocol is carried out, the decision is made; Committed personal registration of those present.

Plans and conducts a common parent meeting of the head of the orphanage together with the parent committee and educators. Meetings should be at least three per year.

Visual propaganda

Pre-school institutions are recommended to use different means of visual propaganda. One of these means is to attract parents to visiting a kindergarten with a formulation of concrete pedagogical tasks: monitoring the activities of the teacher of the group, relations between peers, as well as adults and children, for games, practicing preschool children, for the behavior of their own child; Acquaintance with living conditions in kindergarten.

Visual acquaintance of parents with the life of children in kindergarten is also carried out when organizing days of open doors, which are held 3-4 times a year in the appointed numbers. These days, parents can attend kindergarten in a particular age group without prior arrangement. Parents' activity includes watching classes, children's games, regime moments. After viewing there is a small collective conversation, parents ask questions, share their impressions.

In order to visit the preschool institution not only in specially designated days on duty are held. Parents' duty attract to participate in excursions and walks with children outside the kindergarten, in conducting leisure and entertainment.

The number of duty during the week, month, year can be established at the discretion of the leadership of the kindergarten and the parent committee, as well as depending on the possibilities of the parents themselves.

During duty, parents should not interfere in the pedagogical process. They can express their considerations or comments to the teacher, head, and later write down in a special notebook.

Traditional means of visual pedagogical propaganda are a variety of stands. In each age group, there must be a group booth (a corner for parents).

Along with traditional forms, there are modern forms of work with family.

First visits to kindergarten.

Before the child begins to attend kindergarten, parents must come to classes and introduce teachers, other children and in general with a kindergarten.

Introductory meetings.

After the child is recorded in kindergarten, introductory meetings for parents help them meet with educators and other parents, learn and a child, and his family at home.

When to bring and pick a child

The schedule can be drawn up so that the time when children lead to kindergarten and take home, used to communicate with families.

Phone calls.

Phone calls are made in special cases or once a month by all parents to maintain informal communication with them

Conferences of parents and educators.

The conference is formal assemblies designed to discuss the success of children and give the opportunity to share their ideas and challenges to parents. Conferences can be used to jointly plan individualized programs.

How to use written forms of communication?

When the lack of time or complexity with the schedule prevent you from meeting with your parents personally or if you do not have a phone, some forms of written communication will help you with your parents.


Brochures help parents learn about kindergarten. Brochures can describe the concept of kindergarten and give overall information about it.



The bulletin can be released once or two per month to constantly provide families with information on special events, changes in the program, etc.

Weekly notes.

Weekly note, addressed directly to parents, reports the family of health, mood, child behavior in kindergarten, about his favorite activities and other information.

Informal notes.

Educators can send short notes home with the child to inform the family about the new achievement of the child or about the mastered skill, thank the family for the assistance rendered; There may be recording of children's speech, interesting statements of a child, etc. Families can also send notes to a kindergarten, expressing gratitude or containing requests.

Personal notepads.

Such notebooks can run between a kindergarten and family every day to share information about what is happening at home and in kindergarten. Families can notify educators on special family events, such as birthdays, new work, trips, guests.

Bulletin board.

The bulletin board is a wall screen that informs parents about meetings for the day and others.

Box for suggestions.

This is a box in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions, which allows them to share their thoughts with a group of educators.


Written reports on the development of the child are one of the forms of communication with families, which can be useful, provided that it does not replace personal contacts.

There are techniques to create roles for parents.

Parents can play different formal and informal roles in the program. Below are some of them.

Guest group.

It is necessary to encourage the arrival of parents to the group to monitor children and games with them.


Parents and children may have common interests or skills. Adults can help educators in the classroom, to take part in performances, help in organizing events, provide transport, help clean, equip and decorate group premises, etc.

Member of the Parental Council.

Parental Council is a group of parents who are regularly going to make recommendations to educators about their theory and practice.

Cooperation of parents with each other.

This is the help of more experienced parents beginners. Group activities may include meetings for communication or support.

Information for parents and their training.

The kindergarten provides parents with information on the topic of interest about the development of the child.

Informal meetings of parents and educators.

These are thematic meetings, evenings, etc.

Use of communicative resources.

Communication of parents on issues related to employment, health, housing, childcare, education, and other families.

Exchange literature.

Kindergarten can create a library of interesting books, articles, booklets, video, audio cassettes that parents could use.

In the modern kindergarten, it is necessary to use new, interactive forms of cooperation with parents, teachers need to be involved in the learning, development and knowledge of their own child.

The word "interactive" came to us from the English language "Interact", where "Inter" is mutual, and "ACT" - to act.

Interactive -means the ability to actively interact with anything or anyone.

The use of interactive methods allows me to solve the following psychological and pedagogical tasks:

Interactive methods put parents in an active position:

In the usual situation, this is quite difficult: the appeals of the teacher "express your opinion", as a rule, remain unsuccessful. Many parents are difficult to express themselves in the situation of the traditional parental meeting, where the teacher plays the leading role. Interactive methods allow to make parents with active participants, as a result of which they begin to behave in principle differently.

Interactive methods break the traditional stereotypes of parental installations:

Kindergarten becomes not just a place where children are dismissed, and the place where you can always come with any problem and find ways to solve it.

The use of interactive methods increase the readiness of parents to interact with the teacher, psychologist and other specialists:

A specialist who organizes original, unusual events causes respect and success.


Kindergarten plays an important role in the development of the child. Here he receives knowledge, acquires the ability to interact with other children and adults, organize its own activities. However, how effective the child will master these skills, depends on the relationship of the family to the preschool institution. The harmonious development of preschoolers without the active participation of his parents in the educational process is unlikely possible.

The concept of "interaction with family" can not be confused with the concept of "work with parents". Although the second is an integral part of the first. The interaction necessarily implies not only the distribution of tasks between the participants of the process, but also feedback.

The meaning of working with parents using interactive methods is not only in establishing contacts with parents, but also in the fact that, thanks to the favorable emotional soil created in this way, the teachers' tips are better thanks to the perception of new information.

To date, we can say that I have a system in working with my parents. The use of a variety of forms of work gave certain results: parents from the "viewers" and "observers" have become active participants in the meetings and assistants of the educator, created an atmosphere of mutual respect.

Analysis of the effectiveness of my experience showed the following:

Parents have an interest in the content of the educational process with children,

Parents began to strive for individual contacts with educators,

There are discussions on the initiative of the parents, their activity increased in the analysis of pedagogical situations, also parents began to reflect on the correctness of the use of certain methods of education;

Parents began to show more participation in joint creative activities with children.

The effectiveness of the work done is confirmed in the manifestation of the further initiative of the parents in the life of the group and kindergarten.


1. Arnautova, E.P. Socio-pedagogical practice of family interaction and kindergarten in modern conditions / E.P. Arnautov / Kindergarten from A to Ya. - 2004. - №4. - from. 23-35.

2. Davydova O.I., Bogoslavts L.G., Meyer A.A. Work with parents in kindergarten: ethnopedagogical approach. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 144С. - (Appendix to the Journal of Dow Management).

3. Zvereva O.L. Parental meetings in Dow: Methodological manual / O.L. Zverev, T.V. Krotov. - M.: Iris - Press, 2006. - 128c. - ( Pre-school education and development)

4. Kozlova A.V., Decheulina R.P. Job Dow with family: diagnosis, planning, lectures, consultation, monitoring. - M.: TC Sphere, 2004. - 112c. (Series "Library leader DOU»).

5. Kulikova TA Family pedagogy and home education: textbook for stud. environments and high. Ped. studies. establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999. - 232 c)

5. Skilopova O.A. Thematic planning of the educational and educational process in DOU. Part II. - M.: LLC Publishing House "Scripture", 2008.

6. Solodyankina O.V. Planning system in preschool institution: method. Address. - 5th ed. Spread. and add. - M.: Arcta, 2004.

8. Osipova L.E. Parental meetings in kindergarten. Senior group. - M.: "Publishing Scripture 2003", 2008. - 64c.

9. Osipova L.E. Parental meetings in kindergarten. Preparatory Group. - M.: "Publishing Scripture 2003", 2008. - 56c.

10. Petrischenko N.A., Zenchenko N.E. Kindergarten and family - interaction and cooperation. // Educator DOU. 2009, № 9.

Smolyakova Svetlana Anatolyevna, educator
Kachurenko Svetlana Borisovna, educator
D / s №13, Alekseevka Belgorod region

The concept of pre-school education laid the beginning of the reform of pre-school education. It says that the family and dow have their own special functions and cannot replace each other. In the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" Art. 18 p. 1 is determined that parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual Development Personalities of the child B. childhood. Thus, the recognition by the state of the priority of family education, requires other relationships and educational institutions, namely cooperation, interaction and confidence. Kindergarten and family should strive to create a single room development space.

The problem of the interaction of the DoOU and family has recently got into the category of the most relevant. Changed modern family (Financial and social bundles, abundance of the latest social technologies, wider opportunities for obtaining education, etc.) Forced to look for new forms of interaction, while leaving the torque and boring patterns, not encouraging, accepting the parents of the consumer of educational services, and help them become a child in a true friend and authoritative mentor. Daddy and mothers need to remember that the children's sorcelaunted assistant in the education of the child, because they should not shift all the responsibility on teachers and eliminate the educational process.

Parents are the closest people who can always come to the rescue and we, teachers, need their help. The role of parents in the organization of educational activities of children, the importance of an example in education, measures to strengthen the health of children, education of conscious discipline, debt and liability, typical difficulties and disadvantages in family education and ways to eliminate them, the role of parents in self-education of children.

In our institution is developed annually, and then a plan for joint activities on parents of pupils is adjusted. The activities are drawn up in such a way that they meet the tasks of the Dow, the interests and needs of the parents' capabilities of teachers.

Our pre-school educational institution has been conducting a systematic targeted work with parents under one target: "Creating a single educational space" kindergarten - family. " In working with parents, the following, allocated by us as priority , tasks:

  1. Increasing the pedagogical culture of parents.
  2. Studying and summarizing the best experience of family education.
  3. The introduction of parents to participate in the life of a kindergarten through the search and introduction of the most effective forms of work.

To solve the tasks of the tasks at the beginning of each school year, a promising work plan is drawn up with parents, in which work is prescribed in several directions:

As part of the implementation of the program of education and training of the child in kindergarten;

As part of the implementation of the program for the conservation and strengthening of children's health;

At the beginning of the school year, there are group meetings in each age group, in which parents are familiar with the tasks of the upbringing and training of children for this academic year.

Propaganda of pedagogical knowledge is conducted through a visual agitation system. The groups decorated "corners for parents", where consultations are placed on all sections of the program, on the recovery and education of children. Special folders have a selection methodical recommendations For parents compiled by teachers and MDOU psychologist.

On the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, the senior nurse and physical education instructor according to the annual work plan are issued. Decorated special "corners of health", where parents can get all the information you are interested in on the recovery of children.

Each group has a notebook individual work with children who conduct specialists of the preschool branch: instructor in physical culture, educator fine activities, teacher of diplomas and mathematics. The educators daily draw up information stands for parents: "What we did", "fasten the house", "learn with the children."

During the year, the head medical workers, speaking copyright, psychologist, physical education instructor, individual consultations with parents are held.

Educators preschool groups When compiling calendar planning At the beginning of each month, work with parents, where the themes of individual and group consultations, the subject of visual information, work with the parent committee are indicated.

To ensure the greatest efficiency of working with parents for the new school year, surcharges in all groups in May month to identify the most acceptable and effective forms of working with parental publicity.

According to the data obtained, the most popular are: activities involving children and parents (90%) ; General parent meetings (35%) ; parent clubs, conferences (30%) .

With great success, the "Week of Open Doors" is always held in April. Parents actively attend classes and other events involving children, fill the questionnaires on the results of the visit. Very good feedback, wishes for educators. This form of work enjoys among the parents most popular, as it allows you to see the real achievements of each child.

It is purposefully working with parents prepared for school group. Individual conversations are held by all kindergarten specialists with each of the parents, meetings with teachers primary classes, systematically updates visual information, thematic exhibitions "How to prepare a child for school."

Forces of the educator in the pictorial activity during the year, exhibitions of joint creativity of children and parents are organized: "Draw together with dads", "draw along with moms", "Winter landscape", crafts from natural material Autumn Gift, etc. Parents are happy to participate in such forms of work, which are already becoming traditional and cause great interest in children, and the desire of parents to engage with their children with pictorial arts.

He became traditional physical culture and music holidays with parents: "Mom and I am a sports family", "Dad and I am a sports family," friendly meetings between parents of different age groupsBetween parents teachers MDOU.

The best experience of family education is regularly represented in the form of photo-gas. collective workPhotomontatory.

There are organized ski outputs on weekends. Parents are actively involved in the "Days of Health." Personal interest of parents in physical education classes has increased together with children, we have whole sports families - not only parents, but also grandparents, grandfathers, aunt, uncle, nephews, etc. come to competitions and physical education My teams, but also for the teams of rivals, and then friendly drink tea in the dining room and discusses the most interesting moments of the competition.

In order to moral to stimulate the most active parents, on the results of the year, wall newspapers are produced in groups, in the general parent meeting, thank you are awarded from the MDOU administration, the "most active" photographer is produced. Goals working with parents:

  1. Give the parent to "feel like a man."
  2. Increased parents feeling self-competence.
  3. Overcoming the state of the crisis of parents.
  4. Parents' integration by discussing "ordinary" parent-child problems of education, training, behavior. This gives parents of children with special needs the opportunity to feel, first of all, parents, and only in the second - parents of a special child.

Methods of work With parents can be different in form, but are aimed at solving the same tasks. These methods include:

  1. Discussion of topical problems of development and education of children.
  2. Playing situations. Training parents with elementary psychological ideas (small lecture course).
  3. Baby games with parents.

There are methods allowing to build relationships with parents.

The first - "Let's get acquainted!" At this stage, the acquaintance of parents with a kindergarten, with educational programs, with a pedagogical team and discloses the possibility of collaboration.

The second stage - "Let's get sake!". At this stage, parents are offered already active interaction methods: trainings, "round tables", game seminars.

The third stage is called "Let's find out together." At this stage, we can talk about the functioning of the parent - pedagogical community, which guides its activities on the development of the child.

Work forms can be individual, group and family. We are consulting, specialist conxylues; Groups of communication of parents (holds a psychologist); Children and parent groups "Mom, play with me!" (Psychologist and speech therapist hold); Folklore Games for Parents (training and game group, where psychologists conduct classes), Circle "Toy do it yourself" (Psychologist, musical therapist and arthertepete); Joint preparation and holding of costume children's holidays (spend all kindergarten employees), Consultations of specialists. Parental meetings for spiritual and moral topics, lectures for parents, open shows of educational process, evenings of questions and answers, conducting joint training events (exhibitions, contests, parents' interviews on a dialoguebook, visual work (information stands for parents, packers collaborators, exhibitions of children's works, literature), Excursions, visits home, joint holidays holidays, performances, names of children, joint visitors, phone trust, creative laboratories, pedagogical propaganda, school for parents, information baskets, workshop Workshop "make with children", daily notes, informal notes , Board-ads, box for suggestions.


  1. Parental groups of communication are small - from 3 to 10 people. Specific results for parents of special children is that they cease to feel their feature and isolation.
  2. The activity of all participants in the group increases. They are socially implemented: they sew the costumes for children's holidays, make scenery, participate in writing scenarios and hold holidays, are actively involved in the life of a kindergarten.
  3. Topics of conversations in groups change over time. From discussing specific problems of children visiting the kindergarten, we move to the discussion of the problems of senior or younger children, and then to the discussion of their own problems and the peculiarities of parents that prevent them from communicating with the child.
  4. Thus, parental communication groups in our kindergarten were transformed into personal growth groups. An interesting sequence was established: "Before I become a happy mom, I want to be a happy man, a happy woman." A happy person is the one who "stands on his own legs," is responsible for himself. In our opinion, this change is very symbolic and significantly. We can say that changed in this way, the mother changes his personal status.
  5. Even if the parent realizes what exactly the correct education of the child is, he in practice is experiencing difficulties that cannot overcome himself. It happens that theoretical explanatory work, conducted by psychologists and teachers from the best motives, suppresses, frustrate parents, really harm: parents find out that everyone does wrong, try to behave "correctly", do not cope with it, lose self-confidence, Accused, dropping their irritation on children. Practical communication groups are the valuable link that helps parents to "finalize" theoretical knowledge gained.
  6. As it turned out, many parents are much more prepared for changes in the style of communication in the family, which assumed psychologists and teachers.

Takes B. Solutions with parents are:

  1. Friendly style of communication of teachers with parents.

A positive attitudes for communication is the solid foundation on which all the work of the group's teachers with parents is being built. In the communication of the tutor with parents inappropriately categorical, demanding tone. After all, anyone beautifully built by the Children's Garden Administration The family of interaction with the family will remain a "model on paper" if the tutor does not work for itself specific forms of correct handling of parents. The teacher communicates with the parents daily, and it is from him that the family attitude towards the kindergarten in general will be. Daily friendly interaction of teachers with parents means much more than a separate well-carried out event.

  1. Individual approach.

It is necessary not only in working with children, but also in working with parents. The educator, communicating with his parents, should feel the situation, the mood of mom or dad. Here and the human and pedagogical ability of the teacher to calm the parent, to sympathize and think about how to help the child in one situation or another.

  1. Cooperation, not mentoring.

Modern mothers and dads for the most part of people are competent, knowledgeable and, of course, well know how they need to raise their own children. Therefore, the position of the instructions and simple propaganda of pedagogical knowledge today is unlikely to bring positive results. Much more efficient will be the creation of an atmosphere of mutual assistance and family support in complex pedagogical situations, demonstration of the interest of a kindergarten team to deal with family problems and sincere desire to help.

  1. Preparing seriously.

Anyone, even the most small event for working with parents, needs to be carefully and seriously prepared. The main thing in this work is quality, and not the number of separate activities separately, not interconnected. The weak, poorly prepared parental meeting or seminar can negatively affect the positive image of the institution as a whole.

  1. Dynamic.

A kindergarten today must be in developmental mode, rather than functioning, to represent a mobile system, quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents, their educational needs and educational queries. Depending on this, the forms of the kindergarten with the family should vary.

Thus, the use of a variety of forms of working with families of pupils of our kindergarten gave positive results: The nature of the interaction of teachers with parents has changed, many of them have become active participants of all kindergarten affairs and indispensable assistants of educators. For all his work, support staff prove to parents that their involvement in pedagogical activities, interested in educational and educational process is not important because the teacher wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of their own child.


  1. Arnautova E. P. Basics of the teacher's cooperation with the family of the preschooler. - M., 1994, -235 p.
  2. White K. Yu. Methodical work in preschool institution. - M., 1991, -179 p.
  3. Doronova T. N. Preschool institution and family - a single space children's Development. - M.: Link Press, 2001, - 240 s.
  4. Campbell R. How to actually love children. Per. From English. - M., 1992-154 p.
  5. Levinenin Yu. P. Child in an incomplete family. // pre-school education. 1984. №7.