Environmental lesson in the second junior group in winter. Features of environmental education in younger groups

Software content:
Educational tasks: to contribute to the deepening and generalization of children's knowledge about wild animals, birds, trees, fish; to expand the understanding of the forest and its inhabitants; continue to acquaint with characteristic features seasons of the year; to acquaint with the properties of ice and snow; continue to learn to understand and use words that indicate the ratio of objects in size: wide - narrow, high - low.
Developing tasks: to develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the forest and its inhabitants; develop memory, coherent speech, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions; develop the ability to listen to each other.
Educational tasks: to foster children's interest in the life of the forest, the ability to behave in the forest; to cultivate love, respect for nature, to show care and attention to all living things, to form benevolence.

Preliminary work:
Consideration of visual and didactic aids depicting wild animals, trees, birds, viewing the Seasons album; conversations about winter, reading poems about winter, riddles about birds, animals; reading fairy tales about animals; didactic games "Wild Animals", "Birds", "Animal World"; work with parents - together with the children we made feeders; during the walk, they fed the birds.

Equipment, material:
Path (2 cords = 2 meters), river (cloth of fabric white, cloth fabric blue, plastic fish 5 pieces), artificial Christmas tree, birch branch, cotton wool, bear den (white fabric, chairs, bear-toy), snowdrift (white cloth cloth), feeders (according to the number of children), food (sunflower seeds, groats millet), forest laboratory (2 tables, sand-colored cloth, white cloth), ice, snow, 7 trays, cloth napkins according to the number of children, tape recorder, red cardboard, soundtrack "Howl of the wind".

Course of the lesson:

Guys, do you want to go to the winter forest?

Yes, we do.

Please tell me what time of year is it?


But how did you guess that it is winter?

It's cold outside, a lot of snow, the sun is shining, but not warm, the trees are bare, there are no leaves, they are dressed in warm clothes(fur coat, felt boots, warm hat, mittens, warm pants), you can go sledding, skiing, ice skating.

Well done boys. To get into the forest, we need to follow the road. The road lies before us. How wide is it?

Wide. (Children in pairs walk along the road)

So we walked along the road together. See where this road has taken us?

To the river.

That's right, we approached the river. In winter, the river freezes and becomes covered with ice. And who is it under the ice?

A fish.

The fish does not freeze in winter, it falls asleep. And when spring comes, the ice melts and turns into water, the fish starts swimming again. Do you think they are cold under the ice?


The whole body of the fish, and the head, and the fins, everything is asleep,

Shaltina Elena Viktorovna. G. Menzelinsk. MBDOU number 9 "Teremok" .

Purpose: To form the knowledge of children about snow and its properties.


Educational: - to clarify and expand children's knowledge about snow, its properties; - to acquaint with winter phenomena in nature; - to give children an idea why the snow changes its properties when the temperature changes; - may change color.

Developing: - development of visual attention and perception; - develop cognitive interests; - steady attention, observation; - to develop the speech activity of children; - develop the ability to analyze and express their conclusions with a complete answer; - develop thinking; - the ability to combine text and movement to music.

Upbringing: - formation of skills of cooperation, benevolence;

Raising love for nature; - to cause joy from the discoveries obtained from the experiments.

Integration: speech development reading fiction, socialization, cognition, health, music.

Dictionary activation: snowflake, snowy, snowy.

Preliminary work: watching the snow, reading fiction on the topic, looking at snowflakes, playing with the snow.

Equipment: tape recorder, ICT, a bucket of snow, two glasses of hot and cold water, paints, pipette, trays with snow, presentation, guest - Lesovichek.

GCD move:

1. Organizing time... The recording sounds "Crunch of snow and steps"

Guys, what's that sound?

This is someone hurrying to visit us.

I'll take a look. (going to the door)

Look, Lesovichek came to visit us, and not empty-handed.

2. He brought us an envelope. Let's see what's in it?


Falling from the sky in winter

And circling above the ground

Light fuzz

White ... (snowflakes)

That's right, well done, you guessed the riddle.

3. Today we will take a closer look at snow and its properties.

Lesovichek brought us another bucket, look there is snow in it.

Touch it with your hand, and tell me, what kind of snow? (children's answers)

Well done.

4. Tell me please, what can we make of snow? (children's answers)

We can make anything out of the snow. But!? Look, there is dry, crumbly snow on one tray and wet snow on the other. What kind of snow is it best for us to sculpt from? (children's answers)

Now I will try to mold a lump of dry snow. It turns out? (children's answers)

Then we sculpt from wet snow.

Conclusion: it is impossible to sculpt from dry, loose snow, we need wet, wet snow.

5. Now I suggest you look at the snow that I brought in early in the morning. What happened to him? What did it melt from? (children's answers)

Well done. In our group it is warm, hot, and from this warmth the snow melted and turned into water.

Conclusion: snow is affected by high temperatures.

6. It's time to take a break.

Physical education. Music.

  • We are snowflakes, we are fluffs
  • We are not averse to spinning
  • We are snowflakes - balirinki
  • We whitewashed the trees
  • Roofs covered in fluff
  • The earth was covered with velvet

And saved from the cold.

7. It's time to observe what can happen if we put snow in plates with different water temperatures. (in cold water, snow melts slowly, in hot water it melts quickly).

Conclusion: The hotter the water, the faster the snow melts. The effect of high temperature occurs.

8. Look - kA, Lesovichek prepared more plates with snow and paints for us. We will try to paint our snow with you now. (experiment is being carried out).

Guys, what happened to the snow? (children's answers).

9. Viewing the presentation "Winter phenomena in nature" . (snow, snowfall, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard)

10. The bottom line. Today we learned that snow can be dry and wet. You can sculpt from wet, but not from dry. When warm, snow melts and turns into water. Snow melts most quickly in hot water and can take on a variety of colors.

Date of publication: 01/30/18

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution"Sineglazka"

Municipal formation city of Noyabrsk

NOOC studies on (OO " Cognitive development") .. the second junior group


Vasilieva Galina Vasilievna

Topic: "Journey to the Winter Forest"

Purpose: to know and name wild animals, their habitat and what they eat in winter period... development of the activity and curiosity of younger children preschool age in progress cognitive activities.

Strengthen children's ideas about forest animals; to enrich and activate the children's vocabulary on the topic "Winter".

Educate neatness; foster a sense of friendship.

Preliminary work: examining winter illustrations, playing with cereals "Find what is hidden", making riddles; viewing animal illustrations; reading fiction on the topic "Winter".

Equipment: multimedia equipment, presentation "In the winter forest", small toys "Forest animals", a snowflake with a task, wet wipes, strips of blue paper, plates with gouache, a letter from the Snowman.

Course of the lesson

Children are included in the group.

Educator: Guys, guests came to us today, let's say hello to them.

Children: Hello.

A knock on the door.

Educator: Oh, what is it? knock on the door.

Educator: Children, we received a letter. (From whom is this, this letter)

Educator: Right! Guys, the Snowman sent us this letter, he wants to play with us, hid in the forest and can't wait for us to find him. With play the game .......

“The Snowman Gone” is a poem with movements.

The snowman disappeared in the forest - (raise your hands up, depicting trees).

He ran away somewhere - (we pretend to run).

Maybe he was frightened by a wolf - (we hug ourselves, pretending to be fear).

Maybe the bunny was knocked off the road - (showing ears).

And the legs are drowning in the snowdrifts - (alternately we raise our legs high).

How can we save him? We need to go to the forest for him.

Educator: are we going to look for the Snowman?

Educator: And to make it easier for us to look for him, the Snowman left us snowflakes-tips (The teacher takes out a snowflake from the envelope, draws the attention of the children).

Educator: Look, magic snowflake, it says on it, in order to get into the winter forest, you and I need to turn into little fluffy snowflakes ... and you and I will find ourselves in the winter forest. We will say magic words and fly to the winter forest.


Turn around yourself

And turn into a snowflake.

Snowflakes flew over the fields, over the forests, over tall buildings... (Children repeat the words and depict the flight of snowflakes, moving around the group).

Educator: Here we are in the forest (Slide winter forest)

Educator: What forest did we get into?

Children: In the winter.

Educator: Why do you think that this is a winter forest?

Children: Season is winter

Children: A lot of snow.

Children: All the trees are in the snow

Educator: What snow?

Children: White, cold, fluffy, soft.

V. - Look how many footprints there are in the snow. Whose are they?

D. - (Look at the footprints). These are animal tracks.

V. - It means that not only trees live in the forest. But also animals (beasts). Let's look for our snowman in the footsteps.

Q. - Guys, who do you think we can meet in the forest?

Educator: Look, another snowflake. The snowman left us with riddles about forest animals. If you guess them correctly, you will see the answer on the screen (Children are asked riddles).


Long ear, lump of fluff,

He jumps dexterously, loves carrots.

Children: Hare (Slide show).

Educator: Julia what color hare, what does the hare eat?

Educator: Is Emil the bunny building a house for herself?

Educator: “The bird gallops along the branches, but not a bird. Red but not a fox. "

Children: Squirrel (Slide show).

How did you guess?

What does a squirrel eat?

Where is the squirrel's home?

What helps her to deftly jump from branch to branch?

Is she stocking up for the winter? What is storing? Who are her cubs?

Educator: Who is cold in winter

Is he walking angry, hungry?

Children: Wolf (Slide show).

Educator: She is more cunning of all animals,

Red fur coat on her.
Bushy tail her beauty
This is a redhead ...

Children: Fox (Slide show).

D. - How did you recognize her?

D. - Red, and the tip of the tail is white.

Educator: The fox has a house as it is called; what does the fox eat

Educator: In the summer he walks in the forest, in the winter he rests in a den.

Children: Bear. (Slide bear den).

Educator: But the bear is not visible. Why?

Children: He sleeps in a den under the snow. (Slide the bear in the den).

And what does he eat when he sleeps? (sucks paw) What does the bear like to eat? (honey, raspberries, fish, ...) Guys, can you make noise near the den? (...) Why? (...) And when you sleep, can you make noise? (…) You need to take care of everyone who wants to sleep. Let the bear sleep in the den until spring, gain strength, wake up strong and rested.

D. - Who else sleeps in winter?

V. - We will not wake them up, let them sleep until spring, and we will go further.

Do you think it is easy for animals in the forest in winter? (no, why? (cold, hungry, ...) Well done! You said everything correctly.

Educator: What, you are great! You guessed all the riddles correctly, but the snowman is not invisible anywhere?

Educator: Oh guys, look, who walked in the forest and left such interesting traces?

Our Snowman, look, he stands far away. (Slide - Snowman is standing in the distance).

Educator: But how do we get there, because there is so much snow in the forest? Let's trample the path.

Raise your legs higher, you walk through the snowdrifts.

Top-top, top-top and the snowdrift ended.

(Children imitate movement as they walk through deep snow, we approach the tables on which there are jars of white paint and strips of blue paper)

Educator: Guys, let's draw a path to our Snowman.

Children's answer.

Educator: And our fingers will help us draw the path.

(Explaining and showing the way of drawing with fingers).

Educator: Look how we will draw with you. I will put my finger in a jar of paint, and then I will put a footprint on my path and draw many, many more footprints. When I finish drawing, wipe my finger with a damp cloth to keep my hands clean.

Educator: Get to work.

Children are doing work. (I help those who find it difficult)

Educator: What wonderful tracks we have with you. Let's arrange the paths side by side to create a long path.

Educator: Look, guys, so we got to the Snowman. (Slide - Snowman waves to children).

Educator: Well done! guys, you played together today, you guessed all the riddles, found the Snowman, we did it! If you do something together and amicably, then everything will work out, and you will cope with everything. Well done, clap your hands and each other. (Children clap their hands) I am very pleased with you. It's time for us to return to our beloved Kindergarten we say the magic words:

Turned around themselves

And turned into children


Where did we go with you? Whom have you seen? What did you do?

Say goodbye to our guests.

Target: to consolidate ideas about the characteristic signs of winter, about the state of living and inanimate nature, broaden the horizons of children, stimulate cognitive interest.


  • Develop communication skills, dialogical speech.
  • Do not harm nature, form the basis for the safety of your own life.
  • Arouse positive emotions in children using artistic words, music, folklore.

Pedagogical technologies used in the course of GCD

  • Technologies of personality-oriented interaction between a teacher and children:

Pedagogical support, provision of operational assistance by the teacher in solving problem situations;

Self-expression by a child of his inherent qualities and abilities;

  • Health-saving technologies:

Changeability of poses;

Finger gymnastics.

  • Problematic gaming technology:

Problematic issues as a means of motivation, stimulation, activation mental activity baby

- Didactic game"Beasts".

Material and equipment: : illustrations of winter landscapes, reference schemes of winter signs, models for generalizing external signs, conditions for the existence of a hare, didactic game "Animals", snowflakes, hoop (trimmed with tinsel), snowballs, tape recorder, musical compositions.

Course of the lesson:

  1. Organizing time.

The teacher brings the Snow Maiden doll into the group (establishing emotional contact).

Hello, golden sun!

Hello the sky is blue

Hello, free breeze

Hello, little white snow!

Hello kids: girls and boys,

Hello, I'll tell you and tell you a riddle!

Colds set in.

The water turned into ice.

Long-eared bunny gray

He turned into a white hare.

The bear stopped roaring:

A bear fell into hibernation.

Who's to say, who knows when it happens?

D: (children's answers) (

That's right, in winter. Here I am, Snegurochka, have come to visit you. And I brought snow with me.

2. Psychological training "Winter - winter".

Now I will share with you the particles of snow (I distribute snowflakes).

Let's stand in a circle and turn into snowflakes. And we will circle, as if we are light, fluffy, weightless (audio recording "Silver Snowflakes" sounds).

Guys, have you heard what a beautiful, magical, wonderful melody sounded now, but how else can you say about it? What is she like?

D: (children's answers).
The teacher complements: light, winter, joyful, fluffy, snowy.

Guys, sit down in your seats. What joys does winter bring you? What do you like to do in winter?

D: (children's answers).

And now I invite you to the winter forest. And this magic cloud will help us to be there. Let's all stand together on our cloud and go to the winter forest, and help us to be transported to forest clearing this magic wand. Let's fly! (the teacher waves magic wand, music sounds).

Here we are in a forest clearing.

3. Conversation "Signs of winter in inanimate and living nature."

Sit down in your seats. Guys, tell me what happens in nature in winter? What changed? I have these magic pictures who will help you (reference pictures appear on the easel).

Does snow fall in winter? What do we see in this picture? What happens in nature? (snowing).

The rivers are covered with ice. What happened to the river in this picture?

The sun is shining, but it does not warm. What kind of sun do we have in winter? The sun is shining, but the snow does not melt, why?

Trees without leaves. There are fewer birds (the teacher gives snowflakes for correct answers).

What good fellows you are! You know so much about winter. Now put the snowflakes in the magic box and see what happens to them. One, two, three - look, our snowflakes have turned into snowballs (the teacher imperceptibly changes boxes).

4. Play exercise- the game "Snowballs".

Let's play snowballs with you in our meadow. I have such a winter snow hoop, you will need to hit the hoop with a snowball. And I’ll see how clever and well-aimed you are, only the guys don’t have to push, we’ll be careful not to hit each other with a snowball.
(to the music, children throw snowballs into the hoop, the music ends, the snowballs are collected in a box).

5. Drawing up a scheme-model "Signs and habitat of a hare".

Let's sit down in our seats. Guess the riddle, who is hiding under the tree?

In the summer the fur coat is gray, and in the winter it is white

Wears a fearful hopper ... .... (bunny).

(The teacher shows a toy - a hare).

Now let's tell you about the bunny, and the pictures will help us.

Where does the bunny live? And Matvey will choose the desired picture and show it to the children.

What does a bunny look like?

What does it eat?

How does it adapt to winter? (Children answer questions and put pictures on the easel).

6. Didactic game "Beasts".

Now we are going to play a game with you. What animals of the forest do you know?

D: (children's answers).

Take in your hands only the animals of the forest (you must select the animals of the forest and take them to the clearing).

Checking the completed task, finding an extra animal that does not live in the forest. Consolidation of the concepts of "wild animals", "domestic animals".

7. Lesson summary.

It's time for us to go back, get up on the cloud and we will be transported to kindergarten.

Today, we visited the winter forest, remembered what happens in winter, talked about the bunny and helped the forest dwellers.

And it's time for the Snow Maiden to leave. At parting, she gives us snowflakes. So that you do not forget winter and remember its signs.

Winter-winter theme

Target: Expand ideas about the characteristic features of winter nature, reflect the impressions received in speech and productive activities.



    Continue to expand and activate the children's vocabulary on the topic "Winter".

    Continue to learn to form adjectives from nouns, to select action words.

    Train to listen and understand the question asked.

    Form the skills of coordination of speech with movement.

    Form the ability to draw a snowflake using an unconventional method (colored sand).


    Develop visual-figurative thinking and imagination.

    Develop voluntary attention, the ability to act according to the verbal instructions of an adult.


    Foster a love of nature.To form the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, benevolence, independence, initiative, responsibility.

    Create conditions for stimulating creative imagination, accumulating positive emotional experience.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal: problem-search questions; dialogue, artistic word - a poem.

Visual: viewing a multimedia presentation, didactic game "Pick up a mitten".

Practical: immersion in game situation, practical actions ( creative task on creating snowflakes from colored sand), physical education, independent creative activity of children, a surprise moment.

Materials: multimedia (pictures depicting winter). Music for the background. Multi-colored paper mittens. Magic snowball. Trays, colored sand, a sheet of paper with a snowflake glued to each child. Gift of a book about winter.

Vocabulary work : Cold, snowy, frosty.

Execution technique: painting with colored sand (unconventional painting method), wet wipes.

Individual work: to consolidate the ability to evenly scatter sand on a sheet of paper.

Preliminary work: observing seasonal changes in nature in winter, talking about the characteristic signs of winter, reading poetry about winter, guessing winter mysteries, considering winter illustrations, learning physical exercises, breathing exercises.

Equipment and materials:

    A paper circle with a glued snowflake according to the number of children.

    Trays, colored sand.

    Multimedia equipment, cut out snowflakes for breathing exercises.


    Multi-colored paper mittens.

OOD progress.

    Introductory part

The audio recording "Visiting the Fairy Tale" is played (slide 1 "Fairy forest")

Winter: Hello kids - girls and boys. Hello, I'll tell you, I greet you all. I invite you to a fairy tale.

Winter makes a riddle:

I have quite a few things to do:

I am a white veil

I cover the whole earth

I whiten the fields, at home

My name is ...... (winter).

Winter: I am Zimushka-winter!

I come every year

I bring a lot of snow

I bring a lot of laughter

Many fabulous undertakings

Fun games for children.

    Main part.

Winter: tell meabout winter? Ifit is cold in winter, which means we can say that winter ...

Children: (cold).

Winter: There is a lot of snow in the winter. So, we can say that winter ...


Winter: If there are severe frosts in winter, then we can say that winter ...


Didactic game "Pick up a mitten".

Winter: I know that children often lose their mittens in winter. You have a mitten on your table. Consider it. Can we help find a friend for our mitten? She lies in the tray. Find the second mitten.

Winter: What color is your mitten?

Children : Yellow, red ...

Winter: Pattern, from which geometric shapes?

Children: Circle, square, triangle ...

Winter: Well done, guys, found a friend's mitten!


Winter: Guys, let's play with me.

Get up in a circle together, we need to play.

It's frosty in the yard in the morning

You can freeze your nose (rubbing your nose)

Hat, jacket and boots (imitate the movements of dressing)

Our legs will not freeze.

Let's jump and jump (jump)

Warm our legs (2 times).

We had fun with you.


I have a magic ball of snow in my hands. Feel it and remember. Listen to what he whispers to you.

Children: Creaks.


You, roll the snow in a circle.

Tell you each other.

Than on the street sometimes

doing in winter.

The magic snowball whispered its tale to you, and now you tell us aboutwhat can you do outside in winter?(sledding, making a snowman, skiing, playing snowballs, skating, drawing in the snow, walking, feeding the birds, wallowing in the snow)

The child reads a poem:

We play snowballs boldly

Oh, what a deal!

We love everything on a frosty day

We are not too lazy to play snowballs.

Winter : Our magic ball now knows how you play fun outside in winter

Winter : (slide number 2 "Falling snowflakes", a winter melody sounds)

They fly straight from the sky to us

Light fluffs.

Silver and shine

White snowflakes.

Winter: Repeat movements after me. Move to music.

Winter: And now I will turn you into a cold breeze, and you will help me blow on the snowflakes. Take my magic snowflakes(children take snowflakes) and blow on them (children blow on snowflakes) (audio recording of the wind).

Winter: To prevent our snowflakes from melting, put them on a snowdrift.

Winter: Guys, look how many trees there are in my fairy tale. And all are beautiful and smart. Only one Christmas tree became sad. Why do you think the Christmas tree is sad?

Children: there are no toys on it.

Winter: And in order to cheer her up, you need to decorate her. Let's make the tree happy.

Winter: I have prepared a magic circle and magic colored sand for you on trays. Do not touch the magic circle with your hands. Take the magic sand in your hands. What color is the sand?

Children: blue.


Take some sand in your hand and sprinkle it on the paper. Now shake offexcess sand.See what you got?

Children: Snowflake

Winter: What color is the snowflake?

Children: blue.

Winter: Let's dress up our Christmas tree. How smart, beautiful, cheerful she has become(lights on the tree light up ). (Slide number 3) The Christmas tree liked the way we dressed it up, and it lit up with lights.


Winter: Clap, stomp (Slide number 4)

Turn around yourself

find yourself in kindergarten!

So you are back in kindergarten!

It's time to say goodbye.I give you books about winter... Goodbye guys, see you soon! (Music "Visiting a Fairy Tale").