Cognitive-research activity of preschool children as a way of knowing the world around. Cognitive development of preschoolers Ways of knowing a child of preschool age

Tatyana Stanislavovna Kurtsaeva

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 11/10/2019

Cognitive activity is the process of searching for and mastering new knowledge and skills. The desire for cognitive and research activity appears already in early childhood, when the child interacts with diverse objects and phenomena, determines their properties and signs, begins to distinguish between sensations received from contact with various objects. For older preschoolers this type cognitive activity is dominant - children strive to understand how certain things are arranged, learn new things about familiar phenomena and try to streamline their knowledge.

Fundamentals of cognitive development

One of the most important tasks of teachers and educators is teaching children to navigate large information flows coming from different sources. At the same time, in addition to assimilating and structuring information, the child must have the ability to search for the necessary data.

Cognitive development includes:
  1. formation of motivation for knowledge;
  2. organization of cognitive activities;
  3. development of creative imagination and activity;
  4. the formation of self-consciousness;
  5. formation of initial ideas about oneself and other people.

Methods of cognitive development of preschoolers

In order for preschool children to fully develop, the educational process must include various cognitive activities and exercises, both joint and independent.

Organization of educational activities

The definition of the structure and content of classes takes place in accordance with the educational goals and their semantic content. All classes are recommended to take place in game form with active use of different game techniques.

Lesson structure:

  1. Introductory stage. Formulating a task for children, or creating a specific game situation.
  2. Main part. Search for means to solve the problem and achieve the goal. During the lesson, the child receives new experience and knowledge for himself, learns to apply them in various situations.
  3. The final stage. Children study the results obtained, draw conclusions.

In the process of classes, it is desirable to use interesting didactic material.

Organization of joint classes

Joint classes are held in the form of story-didactic games. The teacher or educator involves children in the game, showing their own interest and enthusiasm. In addition, the teacher can join the game already created by the children, directing its course from the inside, as a companion.

Organization of self-study for children

In the process of independent cognitive activity, children have the opportunity for self-realization and develop creative activity. The child's ability to work in a group, interact with other children, cooperate and compete is formed.

The main methods for developing the desire for knowledge and research in preschoolers are:

  • information and communication technologies;
  • search and research work;
  • project work;
  • gaming technologies.

Project work

A project is a specific set of actions organized by a teacher or educator and carried out by children. The educator creates conditions that give children the opportunity, on their own or with the help of adults, to gain new practical experience for themselves through search and experimentation. Project activity involves joint work all participants.

This is an effective learning technology that forms exploratory thinking, stimulates cognitive activity, and contributes to the development of the child's communication skills. Children learn to plan and complete progressively more complex tasks.

Younger preschoolers are actively interested in everything that happens around them. Every day they discover new objects and phenomena for themselves, establish the relationship between them, their similarities and differences. It is this age period that is characterized by observation, fairly stable attention, the development of analytical abilities and readiness for joint activities. The project method involves the use of various research technologies and is perfect for joint activities of a teacher with children.

One of the most important tasks of the educator in organizing design work is to maintain the child's initiative, which always contains a cognitive component.

The project method can be used in classes with children of both younger and older preschool age. However, the tasks and goals of research activities differ and depend on age.

For kids aged 3.5 to 5 years, the imitative-performing method of interaction is better suited when they take part in the project, following the instructions of an adult or imitating him. This method is well suited for young children, as they still have a need to imitate adults.

For children aged 5-6 years more suitable developing activity. At this age, children already know how to interact, coordinate actions and help each other, they are less likely to ask adults for help. Children can independently understand the problem and choose the most appropriate ways to solve it.

Creative activity is most typical for children of 6-7 years old. The task of adults in this case is to develop and encourage the creative activity of children. It is also very important to create the necessary conditions for an independent search for a task or problem, the content of an activity, search best ways for work.

Equally important for preschoolers are activities such as experiment and research. Here, preschoolers can satisfy their characteristic curiosity, practice in determining cause-and-effect relationships, broaden their horizons, and, accordingly, achieve high intellectual development.


This is a form of research activity, the purpose of which is the transformation of things and processes. Experimentation can be seen as one of the best practices cognitive activity of preschoolers. Experiments are exciting activities which develop curiosity, initiative, creative thinking and independence.

In the process of experimentation, all the senses of the child are involved, which ensures better assimilation, understanding, comprehension and memorization of information. Active participation child in educational process contributes to the faster and more intensive development of its cognitive activity and abilities.


The purpose of the study is to develop the child in various ways of implementing cognitive initiatives. Children carry out the definition and solution of the problem by searching.

Research activity is natural for a child - he strives for knowledge, performs actions and looks at the result, experiments with objects, studies the causes of phenomena. Search and research activity is the main source of information for the child about the objects around him, so the main task of parents, educators and teachers is to help in conducting such research. It is very important to help children choose the right object for research and how to study it, as well as to assist in collecting data and presenting results.

One of the types of experimental activities are experiments - they can be carried out together with the leader or independently. The experiment is carried out in several stages:

  1. Goal definition.
  2. The choice of means for solving the problem.
  3. Conducting an experiment.
  4. Recording observations.
  5. Formulation of conclusions.

Experiences form the ability to compare, contrast, identify cause-and-effect relationships. Children learn to draw conclusions, analyze and express inferences.

Gaming technologies

In stimulating the cognitive interest of preschoolers, gaming technologies are invaluable. The game is an emotional activity that can make even very boring information vivid and memorable. It activates many mental processes - interest, attention, thinking, perception and memorization, promotes the development of independence and initiative. During the game, children experience interest, joy and a sense of pleasure, which in turn facilitates the process of memorizing and assimilating new information. Games are the leading method of developing the cognitive activity of children, therefore educational program preschoolers should be built with this feature in mind.

Information and communication technologies

At present, information and communication technologies are an integral part of the educational process of preschoolers of younger and older age. The children's development program may include a variety of educational computer games and cartoons, simulator programs, logical and math games.

Computer games teach the child to plan the course of the game and predict the result of actions. This is the beginning of the development of theoretical thinking, the possession of which is necessary to prepare preschool children for schooling. Do not forget that in order to maintain the correct posture when working at a computer, a computer desk that matches the height of the child is important. Even dad can make it according to the instructions How to make a computer desk with your own hands.

Computer mathematical games contribute to the development of visual-effective and logical thinking, perseverance and concentration, teach the child to analyze, compare and generalize.

Information and communication technologies in working with preschool children contribute to:

  • easy assimilation of the concepts of the size of an object, its shape and color;
  • vocabulary enrichment;
  • the formation of visual-figurative, as well as theoretical thinking;
  • development of creative abilities, fantasy, imagination;
  • increase concentration, perseverance and purposefulness.

Children quickly master the skills of reading and writing, it is easier to learn the concepts of number and set, they develop the ability to orient themselves in space and on a plane.

The child learns the world around him through his own feelings, experiences and experience of interaction with different people, phenomena and objects. It is very important to form a positive attitude towards the environment in a child, since positive emotions contribute to high cognitive activity.

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Taking into account the ways of cognition of the surrounding world by children of preschool age as a condition for the use of modern technologies of education and training

Preschool age is a period when children begin to develop systemic ideas about the environment. They master the world of nature, things, human relations, begin to navigate in different spheres of reality.

The whole process of learning in a child takes place in an emotional and practical way. Every preschooler is a little explorer, discovering with joy and surprise the world. He constructs his own picture of the world by transferring initial impressions and sensations to unknown objects, that is, metaphorically. The knowledge of the world as a unity is reflected in speech, contributes to the development of linguistic flair, a sense of the richness and beauty of the Russian language, and awareness of the importance of the accurate and correct use of words in one's own speech.

In the process of cognition, the child uses all his senses, but at the same time unconsciously prefers one over the other.For this reason, we need to pay attention to individual characteristics perception of information by preschool children.Children can be conditionally divided into representatives of the auditory, visual and kinesthetic types, based on what individual characteristics the child relies on in his development.

Representatives of the auditory typewell perceive and remember information by ear. They love to sing, recite poems, ask a lot of questions, speak correctly and well. As a result, auditory learners do well in speech development and literacy classes. In working with auditory children, special attention is paid to the perception of information by ear (intonation, melody, voice timbre, etc.). It is advisable to use audio equipment; to practice "voicing" by children of oral explanations of the teacher; repetition of speech material aloud; writing, rhyming words; learning songs, recording and listening to your own voice on a tape recorder. To quickly acquire skills, you should invite the child to comment on what he is doing.

visual type childrenprocess and store information in the form of visual images, "pictures". Their attention naturally drawn to the visible signs of familiar objects, they quickly grasp and remember such visual characteristics as movement, color, shape and size. The strategy of pedagogical support for children in this category assumes the following: for children with a visual type of perception, it is more effective to use color illustrations, ready-made diagrams and a board in the classroom to reinforce new material with visual images. It is necessary to train instant memorization; coloring pictures; guessing objects by touch.

Kinesthetic childrenprocess and store information based on sensations. The main type of memory for kinesthetics is muscle memory. They learn the world around them in a tactile way, that is, by touch or movement, this method of obtaining information involves highly developed motor skills, active movement, and activity of large muscles (arms, shoulders, legs). When communicating, such children are constantly looking for tactile contact, their speech is replete with gestures, hugs, kisses. At preschool age, they prefer active games related to jumping, climbing, running, they love cubes and moving toys on wheels, kinesthetics are most successful when performing test tasks, where intuition helps them choose the right answer.

As you can see, children with different types of perception have significant differences in behavior, speech, ways of perceiving information, etc. It should be noted here that this division into types is, in a certain sense, conditional. Quite often we observe children with a mixed type of perception.

In connection with the foregoing, it must be borne in mind that for the successful development of preschool children, it is necessary to study and take into account the representative system of each child, and therefore my task is to choose the appropriate technology for education and training. Currently, there are didactic systems that allow for a differentiated approach to children with different type perception, for example, the technique of Maria Montesooria, whichis to create a special developmental environment (Montessori materials) around the child, who independently, but with tips and help from an adult, improves his physical skills, develops sensory memory and tactile sensations, choosing the type of perception that is closer to the child.

As a teacher, I am interested in the problem of cognitive and speech development of preschool children. Therefore, in my teaching practice, I drew attention to the idea of ​​studying the ways of cognition starting from the early preschool age.

An analysis of the methods of cognition (diagnostics of the representative system) of the children of my group allowed me to opt for the technology of education and training Zaitseva N.A.

Where when teaching children are offered cubes different color, size, weight, and different sounding, as well as visual tables.The methodological basis of Zaitsev's cubes is the natural need of children to play. Children move a lot: they move from tables to cubes, from cubes to a board, jump, clap their hands, stomp their feet. And all this is done with passion and enthusiasm. The child acquires knowledge by exploring objects in all possible ways: he smells them, tastes them, listens, looks at them, throws them, touches them.

Thus, I assume that the use of modern technologies of upbringing and education, taking into account individual ways of knowing the world around us, will significantly increase the level of cognitive-speech activity of children in my group.

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Skvortsova Galina Gennadievna

Senior educator MBDOU kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of cognitive speech development " gold fish» Tommot md. Sinegorye.

[email protected]

Article title: Children's experimentation as a means of understanding the world around

Annotation. The article defines the importance of children's experimentation as a type of activity, which is one of the methods of understanding the world around. It is shown how children's experimentation affects the mental processes of the child, his development.

Keywords. Children's experimentation, search activity, children's activity, mental processes, differentiation and integration. "Children's experimentation as a means of knowing the world around" A child is born as a discoverer, researcher of the world that surrounds him. Everything is a first for him: sun and rain, fear and joy. The age of five-year-old children is called "why". The child cannot find the answer to all his questions on his own - teachers help him. In preschool institutions, educators widely use the method of problem-based learning: questions that develop logical thinking, modeling of problem situations, experimentation, experimental research, solving crosswords, charades, puzzles, etc. We are currently witnessing how the system preschool education another is formed effective method knowledge of the patterns and phenomena of the surrounding world is a method of experimentation. Experimentation is one of the types of cognitive activity of children and adults. Since the patterns of conducting experiments by adults and children do not coincide in many respects, the phrase "children's experimentation" is used in relation to preschool institutions. Development theoretical foundations The method of children's experimentation in preschool institutions is carried out by a creative team of specialists under the guidance of Professor, Academician of the Academy of Creative Pedagogy and the Russian Academy of Education N.N. Poddyakova. Their long-term studies of this activity gave grounds for the formulation of the following main provisions.1. Children's experimentation is a special form of search activity, in which the processes of goal formation, the processes of the emergence and development of new personality motives underlying the self-movement, self-development of preschoolers are most clearly expressed. In children's experimentation, children's own activity is most powerfully manifested, aimed at obtaining new information, new knowledge (cognitive form of experimentation), to obtain products children's creativity-new buildings, drawings of fairy tales, etc. (a productive form of experimentation).3. Children's experimentation is the core of any process of children's creativity.4. In children's experimentation, the mental processes of differentiation and integration most organically interact with the overall dominance of integration processes.5. The activity of experimentation, taken in all its fullness and universality, is the universal mode of functioning of the psyche. The main advantage of using children's experimentation in kindergarten is that during the experiment:

Children get real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationship with other objects and with the environment.

There is mainly a development of the mental processes of the child, it is activated thought processes, since there is a constant need to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, generalization and extrapolation.

The child's speech develops and enriches, as he needs to give a report on what he saw, to formulate the discovered patterns and conclusions.

There is an accumulation of a fund of mental techniques and operations that are considered as mental skills.

Children's experimentation is also important for the formation of independence, goal-setting, the ability to transform any objects and phenomena in order to achieve a certain result.

In the process of experimental activity, it develops emotional sphere child, Creative skills, work skills are formed, health is strengthened by increasing the overall level of physical activity. Children love to experiment. This is explained by the fact that they are inherent in visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, and experimentation, like no other method, corresponds to these age-related features. At preschool age, it is the leading, and in the first three years, it is practically the only way to know the world. Experimentation has its roots in the manipulation of objects. When forming the foundations of natural science and environmental concepts, experimentation can be considered as a method close to ideal. Knowledge that is not drawn from books, but obtained independently, is always conscious and more durable. Such classics of pedagogy as Y.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, J.J. Rousseau, K.D. Poddyakov formulated the hypothesis that in childhood the leading activity is not play, as is commonly believed, but experimentation. To substantiate this conclusion, he provides evidence.1. Game activity requires stimulation and a certain organization on the part of adults; the game must be taught. In the activity of experimentation, the child independently acts in various ways on the objects and phenomena surrounding him (including other people) in order to better understand them. This activity is not assigned to an adult child, but is built by the children themselves.2. In experimentation

The moment of self-development is quite clearly presented: the transformations of the object made by the child reveal to him new aspects and properties of the object, and new knowledge about the object, in turn, allows you to make new, more complex and perfect transformations. Some children don't like to play; they prefer to do something; but their mental development proceeds normally. When deprived of the opportunity to get acquainted with the outside world through experimentation, the mental development of the child is inhibited.4. Finally, the fundamental evidence is the fact that the activity of experimentation permeates all spheres of children's life, including play. The latter arises much later than the activity of experimentation. Thus, one cannot deny the validity of the assertion that experiments form the basis of all knowledge, that without them any concepts turn into dry abstractions. In preschool education, experimentation is the teaching method that allows the child to model in his creation a picture of the world based on his own observations, experiences, establishing interdependencies, patterns, etc. The initial form of experimentation, from which all the others have developed, is the only form available to the child experimentation manipulation of objects that occurs at an early age. In the process of manipulating objects, both a natural history and a social experiment take place. In the next two or three years, the manipulation of objects and people becomes more complicated. The child increasingly performs exploratory actions, assimilating information about the objective properties of objects and people with whom he encounters. At this time, the formation of individual fragments of experimental activity takes place, which are not yet interconnected into any kind of system. After three years, their integration gradually begins. The child moves into the next period of curiosity, which, provided right upbringing child - goes into a period of curiosity (after 5 years). It was during this period that experimental activity acquires typical features, now experimentation becomes an independent activity. A child of senior preschool age acquires the ability to experiment, i.e. he acquires the following range of skills in this activity: to see and highlight a problem, to accept and set a goal, to solve problems, to analyze an object or phenomenon, to highlight essential features and connections, to compare various facts, to put forward hypotheses and assumptions, to select means and materials for independent activity, to carry out an experiment , draw conclusions, fix the stages of actions and results graphically. The acquisition of these skills requires a systematic, purposeful work of the teacher aimed at developing children's experimenting activities.

Experiments are classified according to different principles.

By the nature of the objects used in the experiment: experiments: with plants; with animals; with objects of inanimate nature; the object of which is a person.

At the place of the experiments: in the group room; Location on; in the forest, etc.

By the number of children: individual, group, collective.

Because of their conduct: random, planned, set in response to a child's question.

By the nature of inclusion in the pedagogical process: episodic (conducted from case to case), systematic.

By duration: short-term (515 minutes), long-term (over 15 minutes).

By the number of observations of the same object: single, multiple, or cyclic.

By place in the cycle: primary, repeated, final and final.

By the nature of mental operations: stating (allowing you to see some one state of an object or one phenomenon without connection with other objects and phenomena), comparative (allowing you to see the dynamics of the process or note changes in the state of the object), generalizing (experiments in which the general patterns of the process are traced, previously studied in separate stages).

By the nature of the cognitive activity of children: illustrative (children know everything, and the experiment only confirms familiar facts), search (children do not know in advance what the result will be), solving experimental problems.

According to the method of application in the audience: demonstration, frontal. Each type of experimentation has its own methodology, its pros and cons. In everyday life, children often experiment with various substances themselves, trying to learn something new. They dismantle toys, watch objects falling into the water (sinking does not sink), try metal objects with their tongues in severe frost, etc. But the danger of such "amateur activity" lies in the fact that the preschooler is not yet familiar with the laws of mixing substances, elementary safety rules. The experiment, specially organized by the teacher, is safe for the child and at the same time acquaints him with the various properties of the surrounding objects, with the laws of the life of nature and the need to take them into account in his own life. Initially, children learn to experiment in specially organized activities under the guidance of a teacher, then the necessary materials and equipment for the experiment are brought into the spatial and object environment of the group for independent reproduction by the child, if it is safe for his health. In this regard, in preschool educational institution the experiment must meet the following conditions: the maximum simplicity of the design of the devices and the rules for handling them, the failure-free operation of the devices and the unambiguity of the results obtained, the display of only the essential aspects of the phenomenon or process, the clear visibility of the phenomenon under study, the possibility of the child participating in the repetition of the experiment. Conclusions So, the most common and important tasks cognitive development the child is not just enriching his ideas about the environment, but the development of cognitive initiative (curiosity) and the development of cultural forms of streamlining experience (based on ideas about the world), as prerequisites for the formation of a person's readiness for continuous education. In the process of development of preschool children, cognitive interest plays a multi-valued role: both as a means of living, captivating the child's learning, and as a strong motive for the intellectual and long-term course of cognitive activity, and as prerequisites for the formation of a person's readiness for lifelong education. We can conclude the following features of children's experimentation:

experimentation is understood as a special way of spiritual and practical development of reality, aimed at creating such conditions in which objects most clearly reveal their essence;

experimentation contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world of a preschool child;

experimental work arouses the child's interest in the study of nature, develops mental operations, stimulates the cognitive activity and curiosity of the child, activates perception educational material familiarization with natural phenomena, with the basics mathematical knowledge, with the ethical rules of life in society, etc.;

children's experimentation consists of successive stages and has its own age-specific features of development. Experimental work on the formation of cognitive activity in children of older preschool age In the process of experimentation, the preschooler gets the opportunity to satisfy his inherent curiosity, to feel like a scientist, researcher, discoverer. Conducted experiments with various materials and objects (water, snow, sand, glass, air, etc.) provide the child with the opportunity to find answers to the questions "how?" and why?". Getting acquainted with the available phenomena of inanimate nature, preschoolers learn to independently consider various phenomena and make simple transformations with them. The ability to pay attention not only to visible and felt connections and relationships, but also to reasons hidden from direct perception will become the basis for the formation of full-fledged physical knowledge in children during further schooling. It is important that the child begins to approach the understanding of phenomena from the correct, scientific positions. In this case, albeit incomplete, but reliable ideas about the phenomena and principles of their flow will be formed. The process of cognition is a creative process and the task of the educator is to support and develop in the child an interest in research, discoveries, create the necessary conditions for this, help him in trying to establish the simplest patterns, pay attention to the objective causes, connections and relationships of the phenomena of the world around. In the process children's experimentation children learn to: see and isolate the problem; accept and set a goal; solve problems: analyze an object or phenomenon, highlight essential features and connections, compare various facts, put forward hypotheses, assumptions, select means and materials for independent activity, carry out an experiment; draw conclusions; record steps and results graphically. Any activity depends on the attitude of the subject to it. Thus, it is important to be able to assess the attitude of children to the activity of experimentation. Attitude we evaluate: preference for the type of activity and the degree of interest, active participation in the discussion and the process of activity. What becomes important is not so much the result as the process of the child's work in the course of experimentation; accordingly, what is evaluated is not what result the child has achieved, but how he thinks, reasons. In this case, we highlight such indicators as goal setting, activity planning and the process of its implementation. Of course, one of the indicators is also reflective skills, i.e. the ability of children to formulate conclusions, to argue their judgments. Consequently, the indicators of the formation of the activity of experimentation need to be investigated both at the external and at the internal levels, that is, qualitative changes in the structure of the personality and their manifestations. In the interaction of man with the environment.

List of cited literature:1. Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetina V.V. The unknown is near. M., 2004

2. Ivanova A.I. Children's experimentation as a teaching method. / Management of the preschool educational institution, N 4, 2004, p. 84 92

3. Korotkova N.A. Cognitive research activities of older preschoolers. / Child in kindergarten. N 3, 4, 5 2003, N 1, 2002

4. Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers. / Edited by L.N. Prokhorovy M., 2004

The most unforgettable and informative time is childhood. Time of searches, researches, questions, experiments. Everyone who has encountered little inquisitive kids knows that this is the time of "why": charming children, eagerly looking for answers to their questions that torment them. A small child explorer of the surrounding world of nature. He cognizes this world with the help of personal sensations, actions, experiences, through his, albeit small, but life experience.

Today, the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers is a topical problem of the modern world. An important stage is the development of the baby's thinking, attention, speech, the awakening of interest in the world around him, the formation of the ability to discover new things and be surprised at him.

preschooler development

If it came into being healthy baby, then he has an innate cognitive interest, thanks to which he adapts to new conditions of life. Over time, interest turns into cognitive activity, which is responsible for the path of knowing the previously unknown. Further growth and development lead to the formation of cognitive activity in a child, which is inherent in adults.

During childhood before the onset of the school period, cognitive activity allows you to form the first image of the world around you. The formation of the outlines of the world occurs due to the development of the following components:

  • cognitive processes;
  • information;
  • attitude towards the world.

All components of the field of knowledge have a strong relationship. We must not forget that the knowledge of a child and an adult have practically nothing in common. An adult perceives the environment with the mind, and a small person with emotions. If adults study information first, then attitude, then children are completely different: attitude comes first, information comes second. Accordingly, when starting work on the development of the cognitive aspect, one should not forget about the age characteristics of children.

Cognitive development of early childhood preschoolers

The cognitive process begins at birth and can be conditionally divided into the following stages:

  • First year of life- at this time, the baby, with the support of the mother or the one who replaces her, gets acquainted with the outside world. And her task is to provide both care and positive emotions for the crumbs. Good music, bright toys, a gentle voice, a pleasant aroma in the apartment will help to cope with this task.
  • One year to two years- At this age, children are able to distinguish between what they like and what they don't. At this time, it is worth consolidating previously learned and teaching new skills.
  • Up to three years- at this age, when the baby has the beginning of the formation of thinking and intellectual abilities, the child will be completely immersed in cognitive process. The cognitive development of this age category, as a rule, proceeds with the help of the game.

Cognitive development of preschoolers - the second younger group

Child's perception of the world three years of age based on the subject content of reality. The world consists of disparate concrete objects, objects, phenomena. The knowledge of the baby works on the principle: what I see and what I touch, I explore. Objects are considered by him from two angles: he is interested in how they appearance and internal parameters. But a three-year-old preschooler is incapable of understanding the hidden parameters of objects on his own.

Children whose age corresponds to the second younger group, begin to form the first bonds and dependencies- the relationship between the external and internal parameters of the object. They begin to realize the role and significance of various objects in their life.

Children of this age group are given a tour of the territory at least once a month kindergarten, where they get to know the aquarium and its inhabitants, interior items, birds and more. Since preschoolers love gifts, during this period they are interested in the gifts of nature - beautiful autumn leaves, rowan berries, snowflakes, frosty patterns on glass, the first spring flowers breaking through the snow and others.

A “we fix it - we help” scheme is being formed, if someone is upset, then he should be consoled, and when something has become faulty, it should be repaired. It is very important to understand that cognitive development is not only in the classroom, a significant role in the development of the cognitive activity of a preschooler is played by correctly planned and implemented activities. ordinary life: individual conversations and in groups, observations, studying the structure of one's own body, caring for indoor flowers.

middle group

When a baby is four years old, its development undergoes significant changes. This is due to a number of factors: changes in the structure of the brain, improvement of mental processes, a high level of speech mastery, the formation of some kind of stock of images about the immediate environment. Accordingly, there is a transition of cognitive development to the next and higher level, which is qualitatively different from the previous one.

For a four-year-old child, it becomes possible correctly perceive and assimilate the information that he received with the help of words. Such changes in cognitive development enable the child to cross the boundaries of the close environment. Ahead of him are a lot of knowledge and discoveries, before which preparatory work must go through in order to facilitate the perception of information at the verbal level. The process is divided into two stages:

  1. the preschooler is given verbal information about some object or phenomenon;
  2. an object or phenomenon is shown to the baby, while the display is accompanied by a repeated story.

This new cognitive technique enables children to both learn and realize a variety of information about the world. Each educator, parent has the right to independently choose the content offered to children for learning. However, a number of conditions regarding the proposed content should be taken into account:

  • it should be based on experience and those images about the world that children already have;
  • information should only be given that arouses interest and positive emotions in the adult himself, and in which he is very well versed;
  • priority should be given to objects and phenomena living in close proximity.

Preschool children in middle group, introduce and reinforce the concept of "sequence". Demonstrates the importance of consistency in life. This period is ideal for getting to know different types work activities and meeting interesting people. Acquaintance with appearance objects, and with the quality parameters of man-made materials - paper, fabric, glass and others. To this end, work is underway to create collages and layouts, including 3 stages:

  1. the repetition of such common features of a certain place as soil, mountains, water, snow and ice, combined with some significant dependencies - low temperature, ice;
  2. settlement of the repeated landscape by inhabitants typical for this environment, taking into account significant connections;
  3. the inclusion of a person in this scheme and the definition of his relationship with the outside world.

This age is characterized by the formation of electoral interests in children. Therefore, an important point is the participation of the child in the exhibition "My Collection", which presents the work of children in accordance with their personal interests - inserts, calendars and others.

Senior group

The world of a preschool child, consisting of the immediate environment, is strong and understandable. He had quite a lot in his mind. a large number of information that needs constant updating. This explains the craving of children of this age group to expand the cognitive horizons of reality, to comprehend the connections and relationships existing in the world, to assert their own attitude towards the world around them. They are interested in new information sources.

The following means and ways of knowing the world that are inherent in this age should be highlighted:

  • through actions and own practical experience;
  • through words - stories of adults;
  • with the help of books and television programs with educational content.

Parents and teachers during this period should pay attention to one of the main tasks, which is to organize a subject-developing environment for cognitive development. Some items are waiting for kids from the beginning school year, another appears during the process of getting to know them.

Children at the age of five have a mental and intellectual level that allows them to begin the primary elementary assimilation of such concepts as "sign", "symbol", "sign systems", "time". Knowledge of these terms begins with familiarization of preschoolers with a map, globe, various symbols and signs. And also further development of already comprehended concepts is carried out: climatic zones, landscape relief and others.

Among the serious topics, it is worth highlighting “time”, which is complex concept, which is still undefined. Children of this age need to be taught to fix the time by the clock and various calendars, make their own calendar of the daily routine, and introduce the past using the example of dinosaurs.

To deepen and expand children's ideas about animate and inanimate nature, the information stock should be classified into blocks. For example, living nature includes the kingdoms of plants and animals, which, in turn, also have their own sections: wild plants and cultivated plants, wild and domestic animals. Information from the field of knowledge about inanimate nature is also presented in a systematic way - atmospheric phenomena, solar system, seasons and others.

Adults, developing the knowledge of children of this age, should use the following techniques:

  • conversations with kids on cognitive topics;
  • detailed consideration of problem situations and riddles;
  • demonstration, discussion of paintings, television broadcasts, videos, films;
  • detailed, competent answers to children's questions related to cognitive topics.

preparatory group

When children pass the age of six, they have a large store of information about our world. The task of adults is to direct the cognitive process towards establishing the order of information by content, the formation of meaningful cause-and-effect relationships, and the formation of a positive attitude towards the world. At the same time, it should be understood that ordering by content is a division of the accumulated and received information about the world into areas of knowledge focused on a specific block of knowledge - historical, geographical, cultural and other areas.

So, the cognitive development of preschool children is a process not only very exciting, but also continuous. The knowledge of the world by a baby begins immediately after his birth. The very structure of the human brain involves the constant acceptance of any information, their processing, as a result of which complex processes of accumulation, ignoring and deleting information occur. But for the correct formation, parents must always be nearby in order to direct in the right direction.

Scientists have long been investigating how child's knowledge of the world, but this process is still not fully understood. For example, it has been noticed that little children have tremendous intuition: they immediately determine which of the adults truly loves them and is interested in them, and who pretends to be. Ask any actor what kind of audience is easier for him to work with - with an adult or a child? Of course, with an adult! And why? Because you can’t deceive children, they sense falsehood from afar, so you won’t be able to “cheat”, you need to live on the stage of the children's theater!

Cognition of the world around children of preschool age

To understand how children interact with the world and learn it, you can watch the kids. Primarily child's knowledge of the world starts at two years old. Everything that surrounds him becomes an object of study: toys, pets, people, furnishings, etc.

His experience cannot be called orderly, because kids do not systematize their knowledge, but only receive impressions, but this is very important for the subsequent perception of the world. The information imprinted in the mind at a tender age becomes the basis, the core, on which further knowledge about the environment is “strung”.

It is during this period that it is necessary to expand the horizons of the child, to acquaint him with different areas life. It is good if the parents give explanations, drawing the attention of the baby to the people who live nearby, calling things by their proper names. It is useful to tell the child: “You are Kolya. Where are Kolya's eyes, pens? etc." This is how the baby self-identifies in the world.

By the age of three, the knowledge of the world by a child leads him to the development of nature, the environment. In a familiar environment, he already orients himself well, but the world of the park, forest, public places becomes a true discovery for him! Adults should draw his attention to various natural phenomena: wind, snow, rain.

It is useful to observe the behavior of animals together with the child, for example, in a zoo. Show how animals take care of their babies, how they bathe, eat, etc. For kids, this is new and very interesting!

From the age of five or six, children of preschool age can learn about the world around them while traveling. They are already quite intelligent, curious, impressionable, capable of retaining information about sights for a long time. Traveling is a wonderful tool for developing the horizons, memory, speech of children, a source of new knowledge about the traditions and way of life of other peoples and countries.

Active knowledge of the world around the child

Best of all, children learn about the world around them by actively influencing it. It is important that from the very early age they developed a sense of responsibility for their actions. What actions are useful for child's knowledge of the world?

  • . Giving children feasible tasks for clearing paths from snow, creating spring dams for the purpose of snow removal, etc., adults show that a person can transform the world around him with his own work.
  • Care of living beings. The presence of animals in the house or in the garden is a great way to involve the child in caring for them and learning about their habits and habits. It is necessary to interest the child in observing the “smaller brothers”, to show how they are responsive to kindness and sweet Nothing how selflessly they serve a person
  • Work in the garden and garden, indoor floriculture. If from a young age to introduce a child to work on his own small bed in the garden, this will have a beneficial effect on his worldview. With what pleasure the kids water their carrots and cucumbers, with what pride they treat their moms and dads! And at home, caring for their own, “the best”, flower will bring them a lot of joy.

Try to do everything to turn it into an exciting process in which he himself can participate!