Ethics women clothing and accessories. Appearance and Image - Woman's Wardrobe

Business woman etiquette. And what is meant by this?

\\ Secretarial business. -2004. -№5. - S. 52-55.

Build your self-confident image

Four basic rules of a code of conduct

Greeting and Presentation Rules for Women

Business manners

Clothing selection criteria

Modern wardrobe business woman

Accessories, hairstyle, makeup

A few tips for the "chef in a skirt"

6) don't let fashion dictate your skirt length;

7) do not take off your jacket at work;

8) do not wear glasses with trendy frames;

9) Drink in moderation at cocktails and formal dinners;

10) do not buy clothes for work in the heat of the moment.

Eight rules to “always” when choosing business clothes:

1) wear a suit with a skirt during working hours;

2) sew new suit taking into account the specifics of the work;

3) wear simple shoes with medium heels (4-5 cm);

4) wear flesh-colored stockings;

5) wear a coat and shawl over a skirt or dress;

6) use a solid pen;

7) wear sportswear when traveling on weekends good quality;

8) Before getting dressed, think about who you will have to meet and what you will need to do.

A woman, of course, enjoys much more freedom in choosing the style of clothing, texture and color of the fabric than a man, whose clothes in most cases are of the same cut. This gives a woman more opportunities to choose such styles of clothing that best suit her individual tastes and fit the characteristics of her figure. It should be remembered that good cut clothing should emphasize the appropriate beauty of the forms and correct the existing figure flaws.

A conservative suit was and remains the main item of a business woman's wardrobe. Five types of suits can be distinguished:

The first type of suit is a traditional wardrobe attribute. It simulates colors and designs male suit, the jacket can be with or without lapels. A jacket with lapels is suitable for work in a firm, which is dominated by men, a jacket without lapels is good for all occasions. If you are going for an interview at a company whose business field is unfamiliar to you, the color of a suit with a jacket without lapels should be dark blue or gray;

A suit of the second type is distinguished by a bright color - red, purple, crimson, purple or a spectacular pattern. It can be made of fabric in a large herringbone or with a pattern in the form of a large cage;

The suit of the third type is a stylish, professional model. Various colors and cuts create an image that symbolizes the softness and femininity of a business woman. A suit jacket of the third type is usually worn without a blouse;

The fourth type includes exquisite suits of pastel colors (pale yellow, creamy white), the sophistication and femininity of which are emphasized by small velvet collars, the original decoration of the neckline or sleeves. It is believed that such costumes are appropriate only in the warm season;

The fifth type of conservative suit is preferred by successful business women. It can be dark plum, maroon, etc., its elegance and impeccability are indispensable when working with the most senior persons.

It should be noted that the division of costumes into five types is rather arbitrary and does not reflect their actual diversity. The type of clothing should be determined based on the current situation. Of course, it's good to have all five types of suits in your wardrobe, but this luxury is not available for many women. Those who want to do business for a long time and seriously should purchase at least two or three models that complement each other. For example, a stylish professional suit matches a suit for success, while skillfully selected accessories can make a conservative model look fashionable.

It should be borne in mind that men and women evaluate business suits differently. Studies show that men like a suit better for success, as women look more competent in it, men over 55 prefer traditional costume with lapels. The second type of suit has become almost a uniform, as it is always popular with women - office leaders. The Plaid Suit gives the illusion of increased height. Using saturated and bright colours, a small woman is able to attract attention and look confident. The wrong choice of shade or size of the pattern can emphasize a lack of taste or inconsistency. And although a woman wearing such a suit seems to be spectacular, a man may perceive her differently.

Loose skirts are recommended, rather than tight-fitting skirts that will not stretch as much when walking or sitting. A light suit is required for spring and summer. Recommended colors: ivory, greyish beige, greyish brown. The lighter the suit, the more quality tailoring it should be. Any woman, regardless of her natural data, can wear a grayish-beige or grayish-brown suit.

A red suit should be in every working woman's wardrobe (or at least a red jacket as an addition to skirts). A gorgeous neutral color - purple, with dark juicy shades, such as purple tones. Purple can also be worn by almost any woman.

The used accessories and additions to clothes have a great influence on the formation of the style. Let us dwell at least on the bag, which can say a lot about the hostess.

It is believed that the bag large sizes characteristic of an active nature with a broad outlook and increased efficiency. Usually such a bag is easy to open and has many compartments.

An elegant bag is worn by refined natures who devote a lot of time to their appearance and toilet. Although they go to work, they devote most of their time to extraneous conversations.

A miniature handbag without a handle (analogue of a cosmetic bag) is worn by discreet and organized persons. Keys, cosmetics, notebook, pen, change are put in it.

The diplomat is worn by women who seek to emphasize their seriousness and receive a certain moral satisfaction from it.

Shoes and gloves are matched to the bag, matching both color and material.

Business woman shouldn't wear expensive Jewelry at work, in the office, a few items of jewelry are enough. But jewelry must be used only of high quality.

A business woman's hairstyle should be relatively compact. In a work setting, intricate combinations are undesirable. It is not recommended to dye your hair in a bright, trendy color - it harms business authority. Hair color should be in harmony with skin and eye color. Hair is considered the most suitable for a business woman. middle length.

A business woman should always look vigorous, decisive, self-confident. It can help to make this impression cosmetical tools... Makeup should be inconspicuous and, of course, in harmony with hair color, cut, eye color, face shape. With perfume, just like with makeup, it's important not to overdo it. The scent of your perfume should not be felt at a distance of more than 45 cm. Business women are advised to use French perfumes from reputable companies. The owners of such perfumes are considered by male business partners to be smart and attractive.

A woman leader in general faces many ethical challenges, especially one who has just taken a leadership position.

How can a young woman leader build her relationship with the team? Swedish psychologists have conducted a special mass survey of a large number of "chefs in a skirt". As a result, a number of tips were formulated on how to be an “ideal boss”. Here is some of them.

Power - this is something that should not be trumped, and even more so abused. Use it at appropriate times, but very sparingly and in moderation, preferably in a positive direction, that is, in the interests of your subordinates.

Towards predecessor and to what he did, your tact is tested. Try, without attracting attention, to collect information about who this person was and how subordinates treated him. But the information received is for your personal use only. Do not criticize the previous owner of your chair in any way. On the contrary, if something of the "legacy" left by him is worthy of approval, do not hesitate to emphasize it on occasion.

Solution may be required from you on the first day of work in a leadership position. Don't panic if you don't know what to decide. Check with your closest assistant or firm veterans. It is impossible to know and recognize everything at once. It is not a shame to make the first decisions after consultations.

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Employees are not only subordinates and performers, but also partners. Don't be afraid to trust them independent work... Don't be ashamed to admit that you don't know something. Such confessions do not alienate subordinates, but, on the contrary, increase their role and trust in you.

Initiative - a very valuable quality for any chef. Don't expect too much from others. Demand more from yourself, and always treat the initiative of your subordinates with goodwill and sincere interest.

In your office there can be purely individual things. It is perfectly acceptable to feel female hand... Do not be afraid that you will be condemned for office feminine comfort. A vase of flowers or brightly colored curtains on a window are fine. The study, of course, is not a boudoir, but also not a monastery, and bright little things are always pleasing to the eye, tired of the monotony of the official setting. Your workplace may not resemble a man's workplace, but there is no place for typically female items.

What color should the walls be cabinet? The color of walls, furniture, office equipment (as well as your clothes) can evoke pleasant and unpleasant feelings, it can be used to determine your prevailing emotional state.

White color - perfect color, the color of dreams. He does not repulse anyone, but he does not carry information either.

Black is a symbol of uncertainty and a gloomy perception of life. If your clothes are constantly dark in color, they may think that you are unhappy, prone to depression, or doubt your abilities.

Gray is loved by judicious and distrustful natures who think for a long time before deciding on anything. This color is preferred by those who are afraid to "stick out".

The blue color “speaks” of modesty, melancholy. People prone to blue get tired quickly. It is extremely important for them to feel the confidence and benevolence of others. A person who does not like this color usually tries to give the impression that he can do everything, but in his soul he is not sure and closed.

Green is popular with people who are looking for a way to assert themselves and are afraid of falling under someone else's influence. Anyone who does not like this color is afraid of everyday problems, tries to get away from all difficulties, not to overcome them.

Red is the color of passion. He is loved by a brave, strong-willed, domineering person. However, sociable types also like him. People who are irritated by this color are very loyal and stable in their relationships, but they have an inferiority complex, they are afraid of quarrels, they are prone to solitude.

Brown is preferred by those who are firm and confident, appreciate tradition and love family. Those who dislike this color are prone to pride and selfishness, these people are secretive and hardly go to frank conversations.

Yellow color characterizes calmness, ease in relationships and intelligence. People who prefer this color are sociable, curious, brave, easily adapt to conditions, like to be liked and attract attention. To whom he is unpleasant - he is focused, pessimistic, with difficulty making new acquaintances.

Of course, this tonal rainbow does not exhaust real tones, best effect give halftones, a mixture of different colors. But it is important to emphasize once again that the color of your clothes, walls and all furnishings in the office can tell a lot about the hostess.

In your office host guests personally, of course, as far as possible. As a boss, you are more personable than a male deputy. Sometimes someone's visit to the firm may not start on time, when you are very busy - there is nothing you can do about it. Under ordinary conditions, remember: contacts with people enrich and develop, do not avoid them.

Be always friendly, welcoming, open and friendly. Without extreme need, do not emphasize your superiority in one area or another: this does not arouse the sympathy of others. Everyone already knows that you are a chef and somehow deserve your appointment.

There is no need to over-expose femininity for show, but there is no need to mask either. You are by nature different from the man, and therefore do not learn to manage from him. Do not adopt the dry, papery language of men, masculine gestures and manners. Be consistent in maintaining your femininity and success is assured.

It is unacceptable to pour out anger on subordinates. You can't have a conversation harshly, in a scandalous tone. But sincerity and truthfulness of emotions are highly desirable. Therefore, if you really have a reason for dissatisfaction, do not hide it. It is always better to express your displeasure to someone in the appropriate form than to suppress it in yourself and accumulate dislike.

Remember that it is impossible to please everyone. There is always at least one ill-wisher. Do not be upset about this. But also never use your superiority in office and do not take revenge. Vengefulness - repulsive character trait, it will only bring new enemies.

A new post requires a lot of effort at first, then it will become easier to work. At the same time, you should not give up your personal life and neglect the interests of the family. Do not sit in your office in the evenings. Subordinates do not like bosses who try to emphasize their hard work, measured in hours spent in the office.

Summarizing all of the above, it can be noted that compliance with the rules of etiquette allows a business woman to establish and maintain good relationship with subordinates, colleagues and business partners.

Nowadays, a lot of women around the world are doing well in business. We call such women business women. They are always elegant, discreet and neat. If a few decades ago no one could have imagined that there would be so many women in business, nowadays this is a common phenomenon. Business etiquette for women is not much different from business etiquette for men, since nowadays equality is observed, and there are a lot of women who occupy high positions. However, there are still a few points of business etiquette that are invented specifically for women. After reading this article, you will understand the secrets of creating the image of a successful woman.


The image of a business woman can always be recognized from the crowd. As a rule, it is a formal suit and pumps. Although recently in some companies it is possible to deviate from generally accepted rules, and the clothes of employees are becoming more diverse.

Strict business suit

The best choice for the office is still a formal suit, which consists of a jacket and a skirt or trousers or dress. Some girls now prefer to combine pencil pants with a white shirt and blazer. This combination looks very modern and stylish. Also excellent option for the office there will be a knee-length pencil dress.

The optimal skirt length is knee-length or slightly higher. Pants should not be tight, and the blouse should be sleeved.

Outfit color

The most common office clothing colors are white, black, gray. Beige is also sometimes allowed. However, you can dilute such a set of boring colors with bright accessories. For example, a bright scarf or an unusual bag.

Business lady shoes

The most suitable shoes for the office are pumps with not very high heels. The color of the shoes may vary, but many girls still prefer shoes in soothing shades.

Office accessories

An office bag can be any, the most important thing is that it is comfortable. Also, a plus for the bag will be its capacity: it is desirable that A4 papers fit into the bag. However, if this is not possible, and you prefer small bags, then get a special folder for papers.


Office makeup should be calm. Allowed to use foundation, mascara, blush, powder, eyeshadows of calm shades and lipsticks. It is also better to choose a dull color of lipstick. Eyelash extensions are also acceptable. However, you should not do large amounts of build-up. Office makeup should look calm and natural.


Any manicure can be. However, nails that are too bright attract undue attention. So experiment with more soothing shades. Many girls believe that the best option for a job is a French manicure.

Haircut and hairstyle

Long hair and hair of medium length are usually collected in a hairstyle. You can make a regular ponytail or style your hair in a bump. Some girls watch videos on the Internet and learn to do light hairstyles for every day.

Tights or stockings

This is an important rule for all girls who work in the office: you need to wear tights or stockings in a natural color at any time of the year. Now this rule is sometimes not observed, due to the fact that air conditioners are not installed in some offices, and in summer period wearing tights is very hot.

Rules of etiquette

The rules of etiquette for women and men are very similar.

  • At work, be confident, but not arrogant. If you are a manager, then treat your subordinates with respect and goodwill; if you are an employee of the company, then treat the leadership with respect, but be confident.

  • If you go into the office and sit down, then do not put the bag on your lap. It is advisable to put the bags behind your back or hang them on the back of a chair.

  • Restrain active gesticulation. Women tend to gesture more actively than men. Gesturing should not go out half a meter from you. Abrupt and sweeping hand movements are unacceptable in the office.

  • Speech should be calm and clear. Don't talk too much and too fast. Pause your speech and speak in an even tone.

  • Any relationship in the workplace is prohibited. Many successful people believe that you need to be able to distinguish between work and personal life.

  • Maintain a business relationship in the workplace. You do not need to discuss the details of your or someone else's personal life with employees during the working day. A business-like atmosphere at work improves productivity.

Thus, being a business woman is not difficult at all, but you still need to follow a number of certain rules. Business women always look well-groomed and attractive and value their image. Nowadays, a business woman can be found everywhere - this is a very common phenomenon. And these girls always attract attention.

Video on the topic of the article:

A woman's clothes in the service and in the business sphere should look not only clean, smoothed, neat, neat, but also professional. This is associated with special requirements for the aesthetics of the appearance of a business woman, which differs from the aesthetics of a woman's appearance in other situations (on a date, a party, a fashion show, at home, in the company of loved ones, at a holiday, etc.). Therefore, at work, considerations of professional expediency and the associated restrictions should primarily determine the appearance, while considerations related to fashion and the desire to experiment with their appearance should recede into the background. In a daily work environment, a business woman is advised to wear a suit or dress-suit made of wool, tweed or linen. Image makers consider the most appropriate colors: dark blue, reddish brown, beige, dark brown, gray, light blue. Dresses of pale yellow, beige, pink, dark blue, and also the color of rust are considered to be attractive for men. Red should be worn only for crowded events, holidays - such a dress will help the owner to stand out in the crowd. In the office, this color is not desirable, as it can irritate and fatigue employees and business partners during a conversation.

Etiquette experts believe that a high-ranking business woman should wear knitted items only if they are uniquely handcrafted and made to a very high standard.

Style. Business etiquette experts do not recommend using excessively sharp, catchy, "flashy" colors or extravagant style in their appearance. Clothes should not be too short, hinder movement, causing the need to constantly correct, tug or straighten something. In formal settings, it is not recommended to wear dresses with short sleeves or plunging necklines, mini-skirts, sweaters and tight-fitting trousers. Short skirts for women suggest slim figure, on women of dense build, not young age, they look ridiculous, or even defiant 124.

Tights (stockings). At formal events, it is also not recommended to wear decorative stockings or without stockings, in shoes with too high heels. Tights (or stockings) are a must, even if it's 40 degrees outside.

Costume. In the professional field, women are advised to refrain from blindly copying the current fashion demands, to avoid radically new ideas until they become widespread. Many etiquette experts consider the most optimal classic austere style, which testifies to taste, allows you to focus on work, and draws attention to a woman, and not to her outfit. You can wear a skirt with a jacket, but the trouser suit 125 looks more professional and strict.

Skirt. Length selection women's clothing purely individual and depends on height, weight, build, style, fashion. At the same time, it is believed that most women wear skirts 10-15 cm long below the knees. This length, according to image makers, has an undeniable advantage, since it never goes out of fashion and does not put a woman in an awkward position when she has to sit in a low chair, climb up the stairs or bend over for a fallen object.

According to modern etiquette, sitting cross-legged is no longer considered an exclusively masculine pose, however, experts advise avoiding this, allowing such a pose only in an informal setting; the skirt should be long enough and spacious 126.

Accessories... Accessories should accentuate your appearance, not draw attention to yourself. In a business setting, expensive family jewelry, which goes only to the evening dress, is inappropriate. It is not recommended to wear gold and silver jewelry 127 .

Hairstyle. The hairstyle of a business woman, according to experts, should also be relatively compact. In a work setting, too elaborate hairstyles are not desirable; it is not recommended to dye your hair too bright. Hair color should be in harmony with skin and eye color. Short haircuts are not for everyone, therefore, medium-length hair is considered the most suitable for a business woman 128.

Official receptions. At an official reception, a woman can appear in a woolen skirt with a blouse, in a dress of regular length, in a dress-suit or just a suit. Dress and accessories must be in the same color scheme. You should not combine more than two colors in an ensemble. Yellow and brown go well with green, red is in perfect harmony with black and white. The style should be strict, the sleeves should be long or "truacar", the neckline should be small. Gloves (silk, lace or kid) do not need to be removed before eating, for any form of greeting. The dress can be complemented with a leather or suede handbag, hat. At an official reception, a woman is allowed not to take off her hat, while the hostess must be without a headdress. TO evening dress do not wear a hat, shoes should be leather or suede (any heel), not bright (like all the details of the evening ensemble). You cannot appear at a gala event without stockings, even if it is very hot.

Selection of clothes, taking into account individual characteristics. It is believed that figure flaws are well masked by a bright, catchy pattern, since it does not allow you to see the proportions of the body, notice an excessively wide waist or stoop. Plump women, like men, are given slimness by vertical striped clothing, as well as by dark-colored clothing, while slender women are given diametrically opposed advice 129.

Etiquette experts and image makers strongly advise women who have achieved high status and become leaders not to lose their femininity, not to allow themselves dictatorial inclinations and bossy importance - this is extremely contraindicated for a woman, damaging her image. Femininity manifests itself in such image features as tenderness, flexibility, attentiveness, a friendly smile, pleasant manners, a beautiful gait, etc.

Questions for self-control

    What is image, what are its structural elements?

    How can the basic principles of "good manners" be formulated?

    What are the general etiquette norms for wearing clothes?

    What are the norms established in business etiquette regarding the appearance of a man?

    What are the requirements established in the tradition of business etiquette for a woman's appearance?

List of additional literature

    Yager J. Business etiquette. How to survive and succeed in the business world. M., 1994

    Voznesenskaya O., Marchuk N. Fundamentals of international business communication. - M., 1997

    Public service: Culture of behavior and business etiquette. - M., 1999

    Maksimovsky M. Business man's etiquette. - M., 1994

    Soloviev E. Ya. Modern etiquette and business protocol. - M., 1993

    Kholopova T., Lebedeva M. Protocol and etiquette for business people. - M., 1994

Control tasks for self-examination

Task 1. Image is:

    ethical qualities of a social individual or collective social subject

    external and conceivable image of a social subject (social group or personality) in the perception of others

Task 2. Charisma is:

    inner zest of personality, manifested in behavior and appearance

    compliance with generally accepted standards of attractiveness

Task 3. According to etiquette, when a man is wearing a suit by a jacket:

    all buttons must always be fastened

    the bottom button must always be unbuttoned

Task 4. In visual perception, the effect of harmony and leveling of fullness is achieved through the use of clothing:

    in "cage" or light colors

    striped or dark colored

Becoming university students, most of yesterday's schoolchildren, without regret, part with the disgusted school uniform... Universities do not require their students to follow a strict dress code, and young people are happy to use it. However, the situation often changes when, after receiving a diploma, a newly minted specialist in frayed jeans enters the service of a reputable company, where business etiquette in clothing is fundamentally different from the alternative student wardrobe.

Of course, different companies have a different attitude to the dress code, but any applicant for a particular position needs to know the basics of business etiquette in clothes.

The meaning of the dress code

Most companies pay special attention to the style of clothing of their employees; the way employees are dressed and how they behave in the office creates a certain impression of the company's image among potential clients and partners.

In addition, the dress code performs a number of important functions: clothing emphasizes the specifics of a particular situation, and also plays a decisive social role, to one degree or another reflecting gender, social status, profession, financial viability, as well as a person's attitude to style, fashion and traditions.

Dress code: basic mistakes

As a rule, when entering a position, a person who has common sense, understands what can be worn in the office and what is not worth wearing. However, cases of catastrophic non-compliance with the dress code are recorded from time to time in almost every company. This happens especially often in small and young companies with an unclear dress code system or no dress code at all.

So that your appearance does not cause perplexed looks and ambiguous smirks, remember a few basic dress code rules that work in any company, regardless of its size and financial power:

Business etiquette in clothing for men

There is a business dress code for special cases and the so-called standard office dress code. In the first case, we are talking about expensive suits, silk ties and cashmere coats, in the second - about more democratic clothes in a business style. A wardrobe with a standard office dress code is appropriate in the office, at a business meeting, and during a short business lunch with partners.



  • Pants made of light-colored fabrics distract attention from the shirt and the overall look. You should not wear light trousers for an interview or a business meeting, it is better to give preference to trousers in black, dark brown, dark blue or charcoal gray. The edge of the trousers should lie on the top of the shoe, but at the same time not gather at the bottom in ugly folds.
  • The official office dress code, as well as the standard one, does not favor checkered shirts, wide bright stripes, as well as things with prints and drawings. Clothing should not distract the attention of colleagues and partners, in some countries a certain combination of cells or stripes is associated with belonging to a particular national or political movement, therefore, in order to avoid misinterpretation of your image, it is better to withstand business wardrobe in a monochromatic key.
  • Shirts with short sleeve leave it to the missionary boys, in the office or in negotiations, they are not appropriate. A shirt in the color of the trousers creates an impression military uniform, a safe bet - dark trousers and a light shirt, but not vice versa.
  • Denim clothing is certainly very practical, but not appropriate in a business setting, especially when it comes to grated and light denim. In some companies, the dress code allows the presence of jeans, but for the most part, such clothes are allowed in small companies related to creativity, advertising or IT technology.

Finding the right type of clothing for work is often difficult, and thoughts of what to wear to work are far less pleasant than thoughts of what to wear. Do not neglect the correct look in the office. Often we work with people whom we do not know well and they do not know us, so the impression is created mainly by appearance.

What is the right clothing option depends on the type of work and company, the dress code adopted there, and what is generally expected of the newcomer. But there are always a few basic rules.
In this regard, it is easiest for a woman to work where she is expected to wear some kind of uniform. To the daily question "What should I wear today?" easy to answer if a woman is in the military or her job requires a civilian uniform. Women working in artistic or creative environments are on the opposite side of the spectrum. They go to meetings dressed in the latest fashions, ultra-modern designer clothes, or regular jeans and sweaters. But what should women who work in companies wear between these two opposite poles?

A business outfit should reflect the status and position of the one who wears it - the higher the position, the more elegant, serious and classic clothes should be. For a woman who wants to succeed in business, it is very important to remember her appearance, moreover, to put her at the service. A business woman cannot come to work just in trousers and a blouse. V trouser suit- maybe, but in an ordinary blouse and trousers - it cannot, since these are clothes for the house. A business woman will never come to work heavily low-necked, in a sleeveless dress or a T-shirt and no stockings. All over the world, the main form of women's work wear is a suit.

A business woman's wardrobe should contain two or three skirts, jackets, two or three blouses. It is advisable to change toilets often, because the same thing, put on every day, annoys and “dampens the mood”. Business clothes are distinguished by classic cut and functionality. But nevertheless, here the purpose of women's clothing has been and remains to emphasize personal originality and elegance. A woman always has the right to the originality of her clothes and to her style in wearing it.
Good taste is especially valuable, which is manifested in the ability to select fabrics for your clothes in structure and color.

The best colors business dress and suit are considered dark blue, beige (summer version), dark brown, gray, medium blue and light blue. In any case, the color of a business suit should not be perceived negatively.

In clothes business style preference is given not only to plain-dyed fabrics of the named colors, but also different options stripes and cells in gray and gray-blue tones. At the same time, geometric, floral or abstract designs are completely undesirable. The color combination in the outfit is also very important. For a more traditional look, start with the base colors in the main details of the outfit, accentuating them with brighter spots of color. Such an ensemble will look elegant and you will not be overshadowed.

There are other restrictions in the image of a business woman. In particular, you do not need to be the first to appear at work in sharply fashionable clothes, wear trousers , if you work among men, and generally dress in masculine style... Best Wear a Suit or Blouse with skirt. Moreover, excessively shortening the skirt, obeying fashion, should not be.

Also, do not wear things that overly emphasize your attractiveness (tight-fitting sweaters, jeans). It may happen that men, instead of listening to you in negotiations, will consider your merits. In addition, they may get the impression that you are offering to make sure of the beauty in the first place.
his figure, and not in business qualities.

It is advisable to wear simple shoes with medium heels, and flesh-colored stockings. The coat and raincoat should cover the skirt or dress. For women's business clothes, a dress with a jacket is suitable, a blouse or blazer should contrast with the dress, and a sweater at work, as noted above, is generally not accepted at all.

It is also important to adhere to the dress code in your team. So, if you work in a regular department of an insurance company, there is no need to wear a formal business suit to work. But even in a relaxed atmosphere, jeans, slippers, small T-shirts, etc. should be avoided. Well-tailored beige pants, a pair of smart pumps, and a sporty cotton shirt are perfect for these occasions.

Useful Tips for business style:

♦ Make sure your clothes are always clean and tidy.

♦ Make sure you yourself are clean and well-groomed from head to toe.

♦ Avoid too short skirts, necklines that are too low and clothes that are too tight.

♦ Your makeup should be as natural as possible.

♦ The scent of perfume should also be barely noticeable, but the perfume itself is expensive and delicate.

♦ Women are known to dye their hair to look younger and more beautiful. As for gray hair, as far as it adds solidity to a man, it also negatively affects the appearance of a woman.

Psychologically dark hair women are associated with imperiousness, while fair women contribute to her popularity. However, all sorts of experiments with hair, especially with color, reduce the authority of a business woman. It is especially undesirable to dye your hair in two tones (different strands) or more.

♦ Always wear tights or stockings at work. Sometimes women wear heels with sandals. This is not recommended. Underfoot shoes exist only to be worn with shoes without stockings, but as you know, a business woman cannot come to work without stockings.

♦ Shoes must be clean and polished. Heels that are too high should not be worn.

♦ A must-have accessory is a good quality bag that matches the rest of the outfit.

♦ Only wear your impressive jewelry outside the office. Long earrings or clinking ethnic bracelets can add exotic to your look, but may not be appreciated by your peers.

♦ If you need to carry with you for your work a large number of documents, avoid large clumsy leather suitcases and buy an elegant ladies' briefcase instead.

♦ Keep your business wardrobe as simple as possible; it is desirable that all of its parts are combined with each other.

♦ The type and weight of the fabric must be appropriate for the season. Warm tweed jacket looks out of place in summer, as does a linen suit at Christmas party.

♦ Every business woman should have a pen and pencil with her, and it is desirable that the pen was with a reliable gold or gilded nib. Never write with cheap pens and pencil stubs: this seemingly small detail can ruin your reputation forever.

Despite the fact that a modern business woman has more wide choose than its predecessors of the past generation, the principles underlying the traditional dress code are still valid in most areas of professional activity. Good taste never advertises itself. A smart business woman will firmly adhere to the traditional style and create her own individual image based on it.