Advice for parents family and family values. Pisareva Ludmila Viktorovna

Advice for parents.
Family - how much this word means! Everyone has family values ​​and traditions
kind, they are created for centuries, passed down from generation to generation and unite
native people into a single whole. Let's look at the most interesting traditions
different peoples of the world. Why Family Traditions Are So Important Spiritual
experience is passed down from generation to generation. Happy family always different
richness of accumulated knowledge, customs, customs of ancestors. Children from a young age
teach to honor elders, keep and respect family heirlooms, talk about
the importance of family holidays. As a result, there is an awareness of the connection with
ancestors. Why is it so important to appreciate the customs and traditions that have developed in the family?
Joint pastime (lunches and dinners, tea parties, reading books, etc.), according to
according to psychologists, plays important role in creating harmonious family
relations. We must not forget about the importance of communication between children and grandmothers and
grandfathers, because they are the link that allows young
touch the history of the family, these are the people who will always listen, understand,
sympathize, because they are not limited in time. Experience and wisdom of the elder
generation avoids many mistakes, you just need to be able to listen to
what they said. Every family has its own customs for celebrating holidays. How
as a rule, the celebration takes place at home, and not in cafes or restaurants, but there are
exceptions. Foreigners during the holidays sometimes play small
performances, and also sing family songs. V different countries ah there are many in common
customs and traditions, but there are also significantly different ones, I would like to
talk in more detail. Russia Many customs of different countries went from the ancient
times, and Russian traditions are no exception. Common in our country
passing on family heirlooms from generation to generation. Behind these things carefully
care, protect from damage, then to pass them on to their son or
daughters. Previously, trips to the bathhouse with the whole family were held in high esteem. It wasn't just
hygiene procedure, but a great event for all members, which strengthened and
brought their relationship together. The main function of a simple Russian family was
the birth and upbringing of children. They were given all the accumulated knowledge, experience,
culture and morality. From a young age, they tried to instill in children a love for
labor, doing it gradually and combining it with games. Thanks to this, by 1516
the child possessed all the skills of labor activity that he could
needed in independent living. The role of men and women in the Russian family
The man was considered the head, since it was his work that brought income to the family and

subsistence. The father or grandfather took full responsibility for the family
well-being, represented the interests of the family before society, disposed of
property. Only the dowry of a wife or daughter-in-law was inviolable. Female
revered by all households, in order to drive away evil spirits from her, she was given
various necklaces and bracelets. The main duties of women were considered
housekeeping and raising children. It was from the mother that they asked for
misbehavior of daughters. Responsibility for the son who fulfilled
10 years, shifted to the shoulders of the father. Russian traditions included respect
to the elders and their unquestioning obedience to the younger members of the family. China Family
in China it is a kind of small state, where the father is at the head,
with virtually unlimited power. Huge impact on tradition
families had different cults and beliefs. considered the highest virtue
respect for ancestors. Even after the death of the head of the family for many centuries
new generations worshiped the cult of this man, sometimes there were
animal sacrifices as a gift to ancestors. Inheritance equally
was divided between the sons, usually there were many conflicts in this matter and
disagreements. The reputation of the family had a huge impact. For this man
went to war voluntarily and gave their lives. Many traditions in China
survived to our times, mainly among the ancient dynasties. India Many
family traditions in India were formed at a time when the Indian
society was divided into castes. Marriages were concluded only between representatives
one caste, and the husband had to stand above his wife in terms of social status.
Divorce and remarriage are prohibited in India. There was an opinion that all
Indian families have many children, but this is not so, except perhaps for those
who are expecting a boy. While abortion is not banned in India,
almost no one uses such services. The law forbids premature
know the gender of the baby. Parents spend most of their time educating
child. The younger generation grows up in complete obedience to their father, so more often
In total, parents choose a couple for their son or daughter. Contrary to the public
progress, many family traditions have been preserved and have come down to our times. USA
No country can boast of so many peoples and different
cultures like the United States of America. At first glance, it might seem
that there are no uniform customs, but every city, state, country
there are many unbreakable traditions. Family traditions in the family
American is a rather interesting phenomenon. Each spouse has their own
personal bank account, these funds can be used as you like. But
they also have a common family account, large purchases are made with this money

for the home and for children. At the age of majority, children begin to live
separate from parents. If there is not enough own funds, housing is purchased
in installments. Americans teach children to love their country, work and live for it,
respect your elders and love your parents. Often Americans cannot
reject traditions and stand up against parents, so in this country it is quite
strong families. Brazil Brazil is one of the countries where the difference is very large
between social strata of the population, but everyone understands that family
Traditions in the family are the main thing. As soon as the daughter has a young man,
parents immediately begin to establish contact with him, often invite him to family
dinners. Brazilian family ties are strong and for birthdays, weddings or
the funeral is going to almost all relatives, at least 50 people. in brazilian
The family has a clear division of roles. So, a man never
touches women's work, and a woman to a man, but in certain cases
there are exceptions. Girls are taught women's duties and care from childhood.
younger brothers and sisters. They begin to be evaluated as brides from the age of 13
years of age, as a rule, at 15 they get married. Boys are cooked like
future heads of the family, their parents try to give them the best education,
corresponding to the social status of the family. Sweden Formerly married
traditions in Sweden were patriarchal. First girl completely
obeyed her father, then her husband. Now, order reigns in the Swedish family and
equality, parents are very attentive and caring towards their
children. It is considered normal to share all expenses equally, even in a restaurant
spouses pay the bill in half. Swedish dads with great responsibility
treat their children. The question of forced withdrawal of alimony
almost never put, the father pays the child until the age of 18
financial assistance. Children are brought up as free individuals, bodily
penalties are prohibited by law. Any young Swede can call the police
and complain about the parents who spanked him. They could be threatened for it.
serious punishment. Australia In Australia, family and family values- concepts
not as important as in other countries. Often relatives in this country
live separately and meet only on holidays and significant dates.
Sometimes relatives may stop communicating for a very long time, as they
live where they offer work, and do not stay long in one place.
Marriages in this country are not particularly pompous, because the main thing is
legitimization of relations, so the cost of the wedding is not as high as
residents of other countries. If Australians go on vacation with the whole family, then everything can
limited to just a small picnic and spending the night in tents, but if on

rest go men themselves, without wives, here begins the real fun. They often
arrange survival races, where they rush in their cars with mad
speeds or choose another extreme vacation full of adventure and
dangers. Norway In Norway, it is believed that pregnancy is not a disease, but
proper condition of a woman. At this time, the support of the father is very necessary, he
accompanies his wife to appointments with the doctor and is present at childbirth. This country does not
it is customary to hide your pregnancy, and relatives can see
newborn immediately. Doesn't count bad omen give gifts before birth
child, so the mother begins to collect a dowry for the baby almost from
the first weeks of pregnancy. Raising children in different regions country
happens differently, but there are general rules. Parents quite often
show severity. Relationships in the family are based on mutual assistance - one of the
core family values. Parents take care of their children first, children in their own
turn, early start to take care of parents. Older siblings often
walk together, have common interests. Parents interact with their children as equals
kind of equality. In a conversation with a child can often be affected
sensitive topics, because it’s better to explain everything once than to go away from
response. There is gender equality in the country, there are no toys intended
only for boys and only for girls. The same is true with choice.
professions. There are no purely male and female occupations in the family; everyone can equally
doing chores, and this often leads to women taking over
hard work, which is sometimes impossible for them to cope with. For them not
there is such a thing as male help. Grandparents in Norway
work until the age of sixty-seven, so they have little time to
raise their grandchildren, and often they do not interfere in the families of their children.
Norwegians are not superstitious. They will not be embarrassed by the number of roses in the bouquet, they can
absolutely calmly give friends or family members "forbidden items"
like knives or wall clocks. Finland Finns are very calm and
balanced by nature people. Parents teach their children restraint and
decisiveness at the same time, they are taught to look at the conversation to the interlocutor directly in
eyes, when committing any act be guided common sense. Not
a clear difference in the rights of women and men, men press girls when they meet
hand, and if she withdraws from the handshake, then this can be perceived as
insult. Despite the rather warm relations between the Finns, parents
teach their children to avoid familiarity (slapping
shoulder, etc.). Finnish families spending time together looks like
quite attractive: they go on picnics together, spend their free

time for reading books or watching movies. Italy In Italy, family
relations are closer than in Russia. In an Italian family, boys and girls
brought up differently. The boys are constantly pampered, cherished and patronized,
therefore, men are strongly attached to their mothers throughout their lives. TO
girls have a different approach, there can be no talk of any pampering, because this
future keepers of the hearth and they must be able to soberly assess situations.
Acquaintance with parents is mostly friendly if the woman succeeded
to please the mother of the beloved - everything will turn out well. Italians are famous for their
strong family relations, and relatives are considered not only
people close by blood, but also all those who are connected with them at least by some kind of ties.
Important decisions are made by the whole family at the common negotiating table. On the
Such events can bring together about 30 people. It doesn't always work out
peacefully, but no matter what happens within the walls of the house, it will never go beyond it
limits. Modern family traditions: examples A family is small
state. It forms a variety of family traditions.
Examples of them may be different, but believe me, there are many of them. After all, you
celebrating birthdays, seeing off your husband and meeting him from work, on weekends
walking with children in the park. All this and more is your family tradition. Not
give in to routine, don't be afraid to introduce new habits into your family. draw
family tree, on each leaf of which mark the birthdays of relatives and
loved ones or others significant dates write to relatives good wishes on the
day and leave them in prominent places, keep a book of memory where you and your
family will write down the pleasant moments that happened to you during the day. All this
It will only make your relationship with your family stronger. Many customs gradually
are forgotten and disappear in time, the connection with the ancestors is lost. In Russia there is
a company called Dom family traditions”, where a group of professionals
can create family tree to find the long lost
relatives with the help of the archive and much more. Some similar services
may be very necessary. Keep your traditions, observe them and pass them on
next generations, because the family is the main thing!
Material used from the site:
The material was prepared by a teacher-psychologist - E. M. Bondar

“Counseling for parents “Family and family values” What is a family? A family is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by a common way of life, ... "

Advice for parents

"Family and Family Values"

What is family?

Family - a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, members

which are connected by a common life, mutual help, moral and

legal responsibility.

In the theory of family law, the family is defined as a circle of persons related

personal non-property and property rights and

obligations arising from marriage, kinship, adoption.

For a child, a family is an environment in which the conditions for his physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development are formed.

For an adult, the family is a source of satisfaction for a number of his needs and a small team that makes various and rather complex demands on him. At the stages of a person's life cycle, his functions and status in the family consistently change.

Family... On what should a family be built? Maybe on trust and love? Or maybe on mutual respect and understanding? Of course, all these are components of a strong foundation for the family, in a word, family values. That is, family values ​​are something that cannot be bought for any money, inherited or stolen. Family values ​​can be acquired and carried through life together. Of course, within the framework of one article, it is difficult to talk about all the stages of the formation of a family. Therefore, let's talk about how you can bring family values, such as, for example, family traditions.

About family traditions The real desire for family happiness and family well-being finds expression in the creation of family traditions.

Traditions were once a mandatory feature of the "united"

family, reflected the moral position of its members. Early involvement of children in the discussion of all issues family life- an old good tradition.

Family traditions are the spiritual atmosphere of the house, which is made up of the daily routine, customs, lifestyle and habits of its inhabitants. So, some families prefer to get up early, have a quick breakfast, go to work and meet in the evening without questioning or talking. In other families, joint meals are taken, discussion of plans, increased attention to each other's problems appears.

Each house, during its existence, develops its own ritual.

The house gets used to its tenants, begins to live in their rhythm. Its energy structure changes somewhat under the influence of traditions.

After all, by and large, traditions are not only family life but also the relationships that develop between family members. It is these relationships that capture the house. If the family fixes the traditions for themselves as obligatory, then they can do a good job. Often following traditions helps us live. And no matter how strange they may seem, one thing is important: family traditions and rituals should not be cumbersome and far-fetched. Let them come into life naturally.

It is extremely difficult to form a family tradition if the children have grown up and have already formed general attitude to the family. Another thing is young families, where parents are free to show the child all the beauty of the world, envelop him with love and form a reliable life position throughout life.

Small child perceives the world through the eyes of adults - his parents. Dad and mom form a children's picture of the world from the very first meeting with their baby. First, they build for him a world of touches, sounds and visual images, then they teach him the first words, then they convey their attitude to all this.

How the child will subsequently relate to himself, others and life in general - depends entirely on the parents. Life can be presented to him as an endless holiday or an exciting journey, or it can be seen as a frightening outing into the wilderness or as a boring, thankless and hard work that awaits everyone right outside the school gates.

If most of the usual family rituals do not bring restrictions, but only joy and pleasure, this strengthens in children a sense of family integrity, a sense of the uniqueness of their own home and confidence in the future. That charge of inner warmth and optimism that each of us carries within ourselves is acquired in childhood, and the more it is, the better. Of course, the character of a child is not formed in one day, but we can say with confidence: the more childhood was like a holiday, and the more joy it contains, the happier the little man will be in the future.

Start small - read at night. Even if your child is still too young to understand what you say to him, only the sound of your voice will be extremely useful for the baby. Each book should teach the child, educate him.

If necessary, you can compose evening fairy tales on your own. Firstly, it will not take you much time (20-30 minutes a day), since the fairy tale should not be long so that the child does not get tired. Secondly, you will be able to teach him what you consider good.

Family traditions and rituals:

allow the baby to feel the stability of the way of life: "in any weather";

what is instituted will take place in your family;

give him a sense of confidence in the world around him and security;

set up the crumbs for optimism and a positive perception of life, when every day is a holiday ";

create unique childhood memories that the baby will someday tell his children;

make you feel proud of yourself and your family.

You are quite capable of creating several family traditions, which, perhaps, children and grandchildren will adhere to! Remember only three main rules:

a recurring event should be bright, positive, memorable for the baby;

a tradition for that and a tradition to be observed always;

you can use smells, sounds, sights,

The main thing is that in this traditional action there is something that affects the feelings and perceptions of the child. What can be family holidays and rituals? Instead of the usual "hi-bye" friendly family can agree to greet each other with a special "code" word, understandable only to "their own"! For example: "Hey, hero!" or "Hello princess!" It's funny if, when greeting, someone says the first half of the word, and his interlocutor - the second. You can also come up with special forms of farewell - like funny wishes or advice to each other for the whole day. Great scope for creating family traditions is fraught with cuisine and culinary talents of one of the family members. It’s great if everyone gathers for a family lunch or dinner on weekends. The main thing is that it should not be a dull eating of delicacies, but be remembered by the clink of glasses, the appetizing smell of delicious dishes and the smiles of the household. It will be even more interesting if you give the kid the opportunity to master his "crown dish", which will take pride of place on the table. Or invite him to learn something new together every Sunday. Kitchen experiments are good for the crumbs because the result is always visible, tangible, and ... it smells very tasty! You can also organize holidays of "national" cuisine - one or the most different! So the baby will be able to learn a lot about the world around him, and master the exotic tricks of behavior at the table, for example, how to hold chopsticks or ... drink from a saucer. Here are some more ideas for enduring culinary traditions: a variety of preparations for the winter, a unique way of making tea or coffee, or a traditional picnic for the first weekend of summer. You may be surprised, but the best tradition associated with a child's birthday is ... really celebrate this day as the most the best holiday! Many adults sadly recall that in their family "it was not customary to celebrate birthdays." May your baby never say this sad phrase!

Birthday is noisy fun party precisely with those guests whom the hero of the occasion wants to invite, - best gift.

Let the baby feel its importance for loved ones from childhood, learn to receive guests and ... of course, get used to the tradition of celebrating birthdays without fail! And for adults, this holiday is an occasion to fantasize about special rituals. In many families, it is customary to mark the growth of a child on a special ruler. Every year, you can circle the baby’s arm and leg or create a photo gallery.

In a word, do something that will help him, then remember his childhood.

Together with the child, you can do the compilation family tree or start collecting some kind of collection, the scope for imagination is limitless! The main thing is to feel that it is really "yours" and brings joy to all family members. Great option- an annual trip with the whole family to the sea or out of town for a picnic. During such trips, the family gets even closer, settling internal conflicts.

Sunday joint viewing of films not at the cinema, but at home. Remember how before, when there were no computers and tablets, the whole family gathered at the TV and watched a movie, discussing the characters, sharing their impressions of what they saw. It is very unifying. Whether you are trying to keep old home traditions that are dear to you or your husband, or trying to invent and instill something new in the family, remember that childhood shapes a child for life. And the main thing in childhood is that the child has it. Try to know when to stop: overly strict rules by which the family lives, which do not leave children any "freedom of maneuver", overstrain the child's psyche. The absence of a stable household structure and predictable household rituals that soothe the baby with their indispensable obligation convey to the child a sense of insecurity at home and the precariousness of the universe.

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What is family?

A family is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.

In the theory of family law, a family is defined as a circle of persons bound by personal non-property and property rights and obligations arising from marriage, kinship, adoption.

For a child, a family is an environment in which the conditions for his physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development are formed.

For an adult, the family is a source of satisfaction for a number of his needs and a small team that makes various and rather complex demands on him. At the stages of a person's life cycle, his functions and status in the family consistently change.

Family... On what should a family be built? Maybe on trust and love? Or maybe on mutual respect and understanding? Of course, all these are components of a strong foundation for the family, in a word, family values. That is, family values ​​are something that cannot be bought for any money, inherited or stolen. Family values ​​can be acquired and carried through life together. Of course, within the framework of one article, it is difficult to talk about all the stages of the formation of a family. Therefore, let's talk about how you can bring family values, such as, for example, family traditions.

About family traditions

The real desire for family happiness and family well-being finds expression in the creation of family traditions. Once upon a time, traditions were an obligatory feature of a “united” family, reflecting the moral position of its members. Early involvement of children in the discussion of all issues of family life is a long-standing good tradition.

Family traditions are the spiritual atmosphere of the house, which is made up of the daily routine, customs, lifestyle and habits of its inhabitants. So, some families prefer to get up early, have a quick breakfast, go to work and meet in the evening without questioning or talking. In other families, joint meals are taken, discussion of plans, increased attention to each other's problems appears.

Each house, during its existence, develops its own ritual. The house gets used to its tenants, begins to live in their rhythm. Its energy structure changes somewhat under the influence of traditions. After all, by and large, traditions are not only a family way of life, but also relationships that develop between family members. It is these relationships that capture the house. If the family fixes the traditions for themselves as obligatory, then they can do a good job. Often following traditions helps us live. And no matter how strange they may seem, one thing is important: family traditions and rituals should not be cumbersome and far-fetched. Let them come into life naturally.

It is extremely difficult to form a family tradition if the children have grown up and have already formed a common attitude towards the family. Another thing is young families, where parents are free to show the child all the beauty of the world, envelop him with love and form a reliable life position throughout life.

A small child perceives the world through the eyes of adults - his parents. Dad and mom form a children's picture of the world from the very first meeting with their baby. First, they build for him a world of touches, sounds and visual images, then they teach him the first words, then they convey their attitude to all this.

How the child will subsequently relate to himself, others and life in general - depends entirely on the parents. Life can be presented to him as an endless holiday or an exciting journey, or it can be seen as a frightening outing into the wilderness or as a boring, thankless and hard work that awaits everyone right outside the school gates.

If most of the usual family rituals do not bring restrictions, but only joy and pleasure, this strengthens in children a sense of family integrity, a sense of the uniqueness of their own home and confidence in the future. That charge of inner warmth and optimism that each of us carries within ourselves is acquired in childhood, and the more it is, the better. Of course, the character of a child is not formed in one day, but we can say with confidence: the more childhood was like a holiday, and the more joy it contains, the happier the little man will be in the future.

Start small - read at night. Even if your child is still too young to understand what you say to him, only the sound of your voice will be extremely useful for the baby. Each book should teach the child, educate him.

If necessary, you can compose evening fairy tales on your own. First, it won't take you long. (20-30 minutes a day), since the tale should not be long so that the child does not get tired. Secondly, you will be able to teach him what you consider good.

Family traditions and rituals:

  • allow the baby to feel the stability of the way of life: "in any weather";
  • what is instituted will take place in your family;
  • give him a sense of confidence in the world around him and security;
  • set up the crumbs for optimism and a positive perception of life, when every day is a holiday ";
  • create unique childhood memories that the baby will someday tell his children;
  • make you feel proud of yourself and your family.
  • You are quite capable of creating several family traditions, which, perhaps, children and grandchildren will adhere to! Remember only three main rules:
  • a recurring event should be bright, positive, memorable for the baby;
  • a tradition for that and a tradition to be observed always;
  • you can use smells, sounds, sights,

The main thing is that in this traditional action there is something that affects the feelings and perceptions of the child. What can be family holidays and rituals? Instead of the usual “hello-bye”, a friendly family can agree to greet each other with a special “code” word, understandable only to “their own”! For example: "Hey, hero!" or "Hello princess!" It's funny if, when greeting, someone says the first half of the word, and his interlocutor - the second. You can also come up with special forms of farewell - like funny wishes or advice to each other for the whole day. Great scope for creating family traditions is fraught with cuisine and culinary talents of one of the family members. It’s great if everyone gathers for a family lunch or dinner on weekends. The main thing is that it should not be a dull eating of delicacies, but be remembered by the clink of glasses, the appetizing smell of delicious dishes and the smiles of the household. It will be even more interesting if you give the kid the opportunity to master his "crown dish", which will take pride of place on the table. Or invite him to learn something new together every Sunday. Kitchen experiments are good for the crumbs because the result is always visible, tangible, and ... it smells very tasty! You can also organize holidays of "national" cuisine - one or the most different! So the baby will be able to learn a lot about the world around him, and master the exotic tricks of behavior at the table, for example, how to hold chopsticks or ... drink from a saucer. Here are some more ideas for enduring culinary traditions: a variety of preparations for the winter, a unique way of making tea or coffee, or a traditional picnic for the first weekend of summer. You may be surprised, but the best tradition associated with a child's birthday is ... really celebrate this day as the best holiday! Many adults sadly recall that in their family "it was not customary to celebrate birthdays." May your baby never say this sad phrase!

Birthday as a noisy fun holiday with exactly those guests whom the hero of the occasion wants to invite is the best gift. Let the baby feel its importance for loved ones from childhood, learn to receive guests and ... of course, get used to the tradition of celebrating birthdays without fail! And for adults, this holiday is an occasion to fantasize about special rituals. In many families, it is customary to mark the growth of a child on a special ruler. Every year, you can circle the baby’s arm and leg or create a photo gallery. In a word, do something that will help him, then remember his childhood. Together with your child, you can start compiling a family tree or start collecting some kind of collection, the scope for imagination is limitless! The main thing is to feel that it is really "yours" and brings joy to all family members. A great option is an annual trip with the whole family to the sea or out of town for a picnic. During such trips, the family gets even closer, settling internal conflicts.

Sunday joint viewing of films not at the cinema, but at home. Remember how before, when there were no computers and tablets, the whole family gathered at the TV and watched a movie, discussing the characters, sharing their impressions of what they saw. It is very unifying. Whether you are trying to keep old home traditions that are dear to you or your husband, or trying to invent and instill something new in the family, remember that childhood shapes a child for life. And the main thing in childhood is that the child has it. Try to know when to stop: overly strict rules by which the family lives, which do not leave children any "freedom of maneuver", overstrain the child's psyche. The absence of a stable household structure and predictable household rituals that soothe the baby with their indispensable obligation convey to the child a sense of insecurity at home and the precariousness of the universe.

Let it be cozy and light in your house!

Consultation for parents "Family values".

Family values ​​are the main principles on which our life is based ... Each person adheres to his own personal scale of values.

For some, kindness is important,

Courage, courage and bravery...

For some, willpower is important

Politeness, honesty - a reward.

Respect for relics

morality source,

family values-

Spirituality spring!

The ideological family values ​​include memories, documents, letters... All this is evidence of the life and deeds of family members and relatives. Children are the main moral value of any family. Parental duty consists in a responsible attitude to ensure that a worthy person, educated, healthy physically and spiritually, grows up in their family! It is very important that children take Active participation in the life of the family on the basis of equality as members of the family team.

According to K. Ushinsky, "a truly educated person can become in an environment in which the traditions and customs of generations are honored, where there is continuity between the past, present and future." Family in the life of every person early age forms consciousness, feelings, will, affects the nature of the relationship between its members. Family values ​​must be brought up from childhood through stories about the past of the family, its history, captured in photographic materials, carefully stored in family archives and inherited. Introducing the child to family values ​​should be carried out gradually, with the manifestation of interest, and not under duress.

Working on this issue, you can consider the possibility of creating a project "MY FAMILY!", where the main goal is to develop ideas about family values ​​within spiritual and moral education. Here are some family poems created in joint activities children and parents:

1. I have a beloved family-

This is dad, mom, grandma, grandpa and me!

We are all very friendly

And important to each other!

2. We are a great family,

Everyone knows that, yes!

We keep in our memory


3.Family values-

These are our traditions

Memorable dates-


4. Customs of our family-

They are in good memory!

Our family traditions

Let's keep it in our hearts!

The development of ideas about values ​​can be carried out in three directions:

1. Work with children;

2. Work with parents;

3. Joint activities of adults and children.

The following methods were used in working with children moral education:

artistic, social, gaming. Conversations were held, stories were created from personal observational experience, reading and analysis of works of art were used, which were embodied in collective games - classes, games - dramatizations, games - fairy tales, role-playing games.

The most productive forms of work with parents were various consultations on the topic, conversations, presentations, and questionnaires. It is also possible to work through parental corners, which helps to convey any specific information, activate their activities, and allows you to increase psychological and pedagogical competence in matters of the formation and development of family values.

Working on the theme of the project, informational newspapers were created by the hands of the parents themselves. Conducted joint sessions master classes, where created family genealogical trees were demonstrated, works were presented: "My beloved home", "What we dream about together ..."," Family is the basis good", "A day off in my family!". The albums "Traditions of our family", "Pets", "House of my dreams" were created, poems and songs were composed about the family, family traditions.

The result of the project was an exhibition of joint crafts of children and parents from natural material, exhibition of children's drawings "My family". The work on the project contributed to the provision of conditions for children to study family traditions, the emergence of a desire to be like loved ones in deeds and actions, the manifestation of an emotionally positive attitude towards their family, pride in it, respect for family values, the emergence of a desire to know about the past of the family, to keep customs.

Family and kindergarten are two centers that each present social experience to the child in their own way, and only in combination with each other they contribute to the entry of a small person into the big world of adults.


Consultation for parents "Family and family values"

A family is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.

In the theory of family law, a family is defined as a circle of persons bound by personal non-property and property rights and obligations arising from marriage, kinship, adoption.

For a child, a family is an environment in which the conditions for his physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development are formed.

For an adult, the family is a source of satisfaction for a number of his needs and a small team that makes various and rather complex demands on him. At the stages of a person's life cycle, his functions and status in the family consistently change.

Family... On what should a family be built? Maybe on trust and love? Or maybe on mutual respect and understanding? Of course, all these are components of a strong foundation for the family, in a word, family values. That is, family values ​​are something that cannot be bought for any money, inherited or stolen. Family values ​​can be acquired and carried through life together. Of course, within the framework of one article, it is difficult to talk about all the stages of the formation of a family. Therefore, let's talk about how you can bring family values, such as, for example, family traditions.

About family traditions

The real desire for family happiness and family well-being finds expression in the creation of family traditions. Once upon a time, traditions were an obligatory feature of a “united” family, reflecting the moral position of its members. Early involvement of children in the discussion of all issues of family life is a long-standing good tradition.

Family traditions are the spiritual atmosphere of the house, which is made up of the daily routine, customs, lifestyle and habits of its inhabitants. So, some families prefer to get up early, have a quick breakfast, go to work and meet in the evening without questioning or talking. In other families, joint meals are taken, discussion of plans, increased attention to each other's problems appears.

Each house, during its existence, develops its own ritual. The house gets used to its tenants, begins to live in their rhythm. Its energy structure changes somewhat under the influence of traditions. After all, by and large, traditions are not only a family way of life, but also relationships that develop between family members. It is these relationships that capture the house. If the family fixes the traditions for themselves as obligatory, then they can do a good job. Often following traditions helps us live. And no matter how strange they may seem, one thing is important: family traditions and rituals should not be cumbersome and far-fetched. Let them come into life naturally.

It is extremely difficult to form a family tradition if the children have grown up and have already formed a common attitude towards the family. Another thing is young families, where parents are free to show the child all the beauty of the world, envelop him with love and form a reliable life position throughout life.

A small child perceives the world through the eyes of adults - his parents. Dad and mom form a children's picture of the world from the very first meeting with their baby. First, they build for him a world of touches, sounds and visual images, then they teach him the first words, then they convey their attitude to all this.

How the child will subsequently relate to himself, others and life in general - depends entirely on the parents. Life can be presented to him as an endless holiday or an exciting journey, or it can be seen as a frightening outing into the wilderness or as a boring, thankless and hard work that awaits everyone right outside the school gates.

If most of the usual family rituals do not bring restrictions, but only joy and pleasure, this strengthens in children a sense of family integrity, a sense of the uniqueness of their own home and confidence in the future. That charge of inner warmth and optimism that each of us carries within ourselves is acquired in childhood, and the more it is, the better. Of course, the character of a child is not formed in one day, but we can say with confidence: the more childhood was like a holiday, and the more joy it contains, the happier the little man will be in the future.

Start small - read at night. Even if your child is still too young to understand what you say to him, only the sound of your voice will be extremely useful for the baby. Each book should teach the child, educate him.

If necessary, you can compose evening fairy tales on your own. Firstly, it will not take you much time (20-30 minutes a day), since the fairy tale should not be long so that the child does not get tired. Secondly, you will be able to teach him what you consider good.

Family traditions and rituals:

allow the baby to feel the stability of the way of life: "in any weather";

what is instituted will take place in your family;

give him a sense of confidence in the world around him and security;

set up the crumbs for optimism and a positive perception of life, when every day is a holiday ";

create unique childhood memories that the baby will someday tell his children;

make you feel proud of yourself and your family.

You are quite capable of creating several family traditions, which, perhaps, children and grandchildren will adhere to! Remember only three main rules:

a recurring event should be bright, positive, memorable for the baby;

a tradition for that and a tradition to be observed always;

you can use smells, sounds, sights,

The main thing is that in this traditional action there is something that affects the feelings and perceptions of the child. What can be family holidays and rituals? Instead of the usual “hello-bye”, a friendly family can agree to greet each other with a special “code” word, understandable only to “their own”! For example: "Hey, hero!" or "Hello princess!" It's funny if, when greeting, someone says the first half of the word, and his interlocutor - the second. You can also come up with special forms of farewell - like funny wishes or advice to each other for the whole day. Great scope for creating family traditions is fraught with cuisine and culinary talents of one of the family members. It’s great if everyone gathers for a family lunch or dinner on weekends. The main thing is that it should not be a dull eating of delicacies, but be remembered by the clink of glasses, the appetizing smell of delicious dishes and the smiles of the household. It will be even more interesting if you give the kid the opportunity to master his "crown dish", which will take pride of place on the table. Or invite him to learn something new together every Sunday. Kitchen experiments are good for the crumbs because the result is always visible, tangible, and ... it smells very tasty! You can also organize holidays of "national" cuisine - one or the most different! So the baby will be able to learn a lot about the world around him, and master the exotic tricks of behavior at the table, for example, how to hold chopsticks or ... drink from a saucer. Here are some more ideas for enduring culinary traditions: a variety of preparations for the winter, a unique way of making tea or coffee, or a traditional picnic for the first weekend of summer. You may be surprised, but the best tradition associated with a child's birthday is ... really celebrate this day as the best holiday! Many adults sadly recall that in their family "it was not customary to celebrate birthdays." May your baby never say this sad phrase!

Birthday as a noisy fun holiday with exactly those guests whom the hero of the occasion wants to invite is the best gift. Let the baby feel its importance for loved ones from childhood, learn to receive guests and ... of course, get used to the tradition of celebrating birthdays without fail! And for adults, this holiday is an occasion to fantasize about special rituals. In many families, it is customary to mark the growth of a child on a special ruler. Every year, you can circle the baby’s arm and leg or create a photo gallery. In a word, do something that will help him, then remember his childhood. Together with your child, you can start compiling a family tree or start collecting some kind of collection, the scope for imagination is limitless! The main thing is to feel that it is really "yours" and brings joy to all family members. A great option is an annual trip with the whole family to the sea or out of town for a picnic. During such trips, the family gets even closer, settling internal conflicts.

Sunday joint viewing of films not at the cinema, but at home. Remember how before, when there were no computers and tablets, the whole family gathered at the TV and watched a movie, discussing the characters, sharing their impressions of what they saw. It is very unifying. Whether you are trying to keep old home traditions that are dear to you or your husband, or trying to invent and instill something new in the family, remember that childhood shapes a child for life. And the main thing in childhood is that the child has it. Try to know when to stop: overly strict rules by which the family lives, which do not leave children any "freedom of maneuver", overstrain the child's psyche. The absence of a stable household structure and predictable household rituals that soothe the baby with their indispensable obligation convey to the child a sense of insecurity at home and the precariousness of the universe.