Child at 2 months development. Second month of a newborn's life

We didn’t have time to look back, and your baby is already two years old. During this time he learned a lot, grew up and got stronger. Now this is no longer a helpless toddler, but a little helper and an independent (well, almost independent) person.

Your child already knows...


79-94 cm.
10.3-15.7 kg.
47.0-52.3 cm.
47.6-56.4 cm.
79.4-92.7 cm.
10.5-14.9 kg.
46.0-55.1 cm.
47.8-55.6 cm.

Physical development of a child at two years

At two years of age, the movements of the child become more coordinated,

The indicators of the physical development of a child at this age are very individual, since they depend on many factors (heredity, race, type of constitution, the presence or absence of concomitant pathology, the nature of nutrition, and others).

At the age of up to 10 years, the indicator of the required body weight is calculated on average by the formula:

10.5 kg (average body weight of a child at 1 year old) + 2 x n,

Where n is the actual age of the child (in years).

Average body weight of a two year old is:

for boys - 12 - 14.5 kg;

for girls - 11.5 - 13.5 kg.

Growth by 2 years is on average:

for boys - 83 - 88.5 cm;

for girls - 82.5 - 87.5 cm.

At two years old, a child should have 20 milk teeth.

Neuropsychic development of a child at 2 years old

The kid is already 2 years old, what should he be able to do and what skills should he have?

At 2 years old, the child boldly steps over obstacles, maintains balance when walking on a narrow board. Eat and drink independently.

Motor skills of a child at 2 years old

The kid runs well, jumps, crouches up and down the stairs, steps over obstacles. Very mobile and active.

Can hold a pencil, knead and pinch off plasticine.

Can make movements at the request of an adult.

Cognitive development of a child at 2 years old

Your baby should already be able to distinguish objects by shape, size and color. Thus, a 2-year-old child can correlate the configuration of a three-dimensional geometric figure with a planar image. Well oriented in at least three contrast values. Can collect nesting dolls, pyramids, caps after the show.

Oriented in 3-4 colors, finds them on request, some can name.

The drawing skill is being improved - the child can draw horizontal, vertical lines of different lengths (short, long) within the sheet. Can tell what he drew.

The kid is becoming more and more smart, substitutes a chair, if you need to get something, he can catch the toy he likes out of the water with a net. It can perform several consecutive game actions, use substitute items in the game.

At two years old, babies are very fond of imitating the actions and behavior of a close adult. Most often, these are ordinary everyday situations.

During the game, the child can build familiar buildings from cubes (a house, a fence, a garage, a chair, a table, and others).

Emotional development of a child at 2 years old

  • During the day, babies are usually active, active state.
  • The child likes (he rejoices) when he succeeds in the intended action, also when adults praise him.
  • Many kids at two years old become stubborn, vigorously insist on their own.
  • In case of unsuccessful attempts, they refuse to act, they may express dissatisfaction.
  • To attract attention, he can gesticulate, act up and even scream.
  • Reluctantly communicates with strangers, may generally refuse to communicate with them.
  • When the mother leaves, she can cry for a long time.
  • Knows how to be offended, loves praise.
  • Actively shows emotions when communicating with loved ones.
  • When communicating with children, he smiles, gesticulates, expresses emotions with facial expressions and speech.
  • Interested in music, singing, outdoor games, dancing.
  • I like to watch cartoons, children's programs.
  • At two years old, the baby becomes somewhat emotionally restrained. So, the child can wait a bit after the adult explains.
  • The kid is already able to understand such concepts as "good", "bad". Calmly treat the instructions and requests of an adult: “collect toys”, “come to me”, “this is not allowed”, and so on.

Speech development of a child of 2 years

Toddlers at two years old understand a short story about familiar events. Can answer questions about these events (for example, what the child did at a party or on a walk).

Can perform up to three simple tasks, regrets, helps at the request of an adult. Knows well the names of body parts, can show on request.

The vocabulary is significantly expanding (in the baby's arsenal from 100 to 300 words). The speech contains sentences of 2-3 words. Begins to use pronouns and adjectives, prepositions.

Can talk about himself in the third person.

Name and point to objects in a picture.

Starts asking questions.

Lightweight words are gradually replaced by correct ones.

Household skills of a child at 2 years old

  • The baby eats everything neater, without getting dirty and without pouring.
  • Can wash and wash hands. Dry off with the help of an adult.
  • Can independently put on simple wardrobe items (socks, hat, shoes, scarf). Partially undresses.
  • Knows what should be where.
  • Knows how to use a handkerchief.
  • Controls his physiological needs, ask for a potty.

Caring for a 2 year old

In order for the baby to feel good and have a good mood, try to observe the daily routine.

So, it is better if the baby always eats and sleeps at the same time. At two years old, the baby is already quite enough for one day's sleep lasting 2-2.5 hours.

Teach your child about personal hygiene. The kid should wash his face daily (morning and evening), brush his teeth, comb his hair, wash his hands before eating. If a child is kept clean, then he subconsciously develops a need for it.

The baby needs to rinse his feet before bed at night, in summer this should be done daily, and in winter it can be done every other day.

Bathe the child at least once a week in warm water and soap.

For harmonious development, the baby needs daily walks in the fresh air, gymnastics, tempering procedures.

By the age of two, many toddlers complete potty training. Children can ask for both words and signs (gestures).

Nutrition for a 2 year old

The nutrition of a 2-year-old baby differs from the diet of a one-year-old baby, but he is still far from an adult diet.

The feeding regimen at this age can be four or five times a day (depending on personal preferences and family values). It is desirable that meals should be regularly at the same time and approximately equal intervals of time passed between meals.

A two-year-old baby should already have 20 teeth, so try to teach him to chew food on his own. At two years old, a child is quite capable of coping with small and not very hard pieces of food.

In the diet, you can add various casseroles (cottage cheese, cereals, meat).

Be sure to include fresh fruits and vegetables in the child's diet, as they are a source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

You can gradually introduce simple spices and ferries (dill, parsley, celery).

Soup should be present in the child's diet at least 3 times a week. Borscht is considered the most useful, although it is recommended to cook it without tomato paste and pepper. Tomato paste is best replaced with fresh tomatoes.

Bread should be included in the child's diet every day.

From sweet babies, you can give cookies, vanilla crackers, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallow. Chocolate is not recommended as it is a strong allergen.

You can’t do without porridge, dairy and sour-milk products in the diet of a 2-year-old baby. Since they are necessary for the formation and growth of the bones of the child.

The child's menu should also include meat dishes. Lean beef, lamb, veal, rabbit, chicken, liver, fish are suitable for a two-year-old child.

At two years old, a child can be given some pickles (pickles, tomatoes, sauerkraut) for appetite.

Also, at two years old, you can expand the range of drinks, offer your baby cocoa, tea with milk, jelly.

When eating, teach your child to be careful, make sure that the baby uses cutlery correctly.

Required examinations at 2 years

At 2 years old, you need to visit a pediatrician. The doctor will measure the height, weight of the child, assess whether the neuropsychic development of the baby is age appropriate. Will give recommendations on nutrition, gymnastics, hardening.

At two years, you should visit the dentist. Control tests are also prescribed: a clinical blood test, a general urine test, feces for helminth eggs.

How to play with a child of two years?

The main thing to remember is that a two-year-old child is not yet able to perceive long monotonous activities. All learning processes that develop the lesson should take place in a playful way and should not be long. In this case, a constant change of activity is recommended.

At two years old, the child is interested in drawing and sculpting, excellent! Get for him a set of good pencils (can be wax), safe plasticine, finger paints, an album and whatman paper. Let the kid develop his creative abilities.

Explore new colors and shapes with your baby.

Learn to work and do household chores. Give your child simple tasks: lay out the washed spoons, wash the vegetables, put the pots in the cupboard, throw the garbage into the bucket and others. Don't forget to praise your baby.

At this age, children are very fond of playing hide and seek. Explain to the child what to do. Let the baby hide first, and you look for him, then vice versa. You can hide the toy and look for it with your child.

It is also useful to play story games with the child, games with imitation of everyday situations.

Suitable for speech development: reading fairy tales, nursery rhymes, singing songs.

What toys are suitable for this age

At this age, children are very fond of realistic toys that are suitable for story games (toy dishes, furniture, tools, sets of a doctor, a hairdresser, a shop, and others). The main thing is that there should not be too many toys, it is better from time to time to remove the toys that the baby is already tired of, and after a while give them to him again.

Sets of fruits, vegetables, animals are well suited for teaching a child.

For the development of a child, cubes, pyramids, elementary constructors, manuals on the correct ratio of geometric shapes are needed.

At this age, you can buy dynamic toys for your baby (rolling toys, spinning top, tumbler, rocking horse, and others).

For outdoor games, you may need balls, a hoop, a gymnastic stick.

During the game, teach your child to take into account two properties of an object at once - for example, color and shape. Let them put only red cubes in one box, and green balls in another.

At the age of two, the baby actively develops independence and creative abilities. Help him, encourage him. At this age, it is so easy to discourage the desire of the baby to do something, so do not scold him for minor mistakes and mistakes. He may not succeed yet, but he tries very hard. Praise and encourage your child more often.

Other related information

  • Child development at 2 years 9 months

  • Newborn baby development

When a child turns 2 years old, the parents of most children sigh with relief and some grief - yesterday's charming booty gradually turns into a completely independent, but very stubborn and already able to express his opinion individual. But it becomes easier to assess the physical and mental development of children at this age, usually by the age of 2 the physical development of children “evens out”, all kids can walk, run, confidently handle small objects and play ball.

But the neuropsychic development of a 2-year-old child depends entirely on how and how much time the parents spent on classes with him in the first years of life. At this age, it is necessary for all parents to know what a child should be able to do at 2 years old - this will help make the development of the baby more versatile and harmonious and “bring up” those skills that still leave much to be desired, compared to age norms.

Physical development of the child

At 2 years old, the physical indicators of boys and girls are already quite different.

  • Girls at this age weigh from 12 to 14 kg, and their height is 84-90 cm.
  • Boys at 2 years old grow to 86-92 cm and 13-16 kg, respectively.

By age 2, children should be confidently not only walk, but also run, be able to step over obstacles, walk up stairs and up and down an inclined plane. Most children at 2 years old are very fond of physical activity, but, unlike one and a half year old children, now they are no longer attracted to just moving without a goal - they tend to climb a vertical ladder, ride a swing or slide, play with a ball, shovel or run one after another in "catch-up".

The movements of the child become noticeably more confident and freer - he can already jump over low obstacles, walk on a beam and play football hitting the ball with their feet.

Particular attention at the age of 2 should be paid to the fine motor skills of the child - already at this age, you need to start preparing the baby for school, because in children, hand movements are directly related not only to visual coordination, but also to brain activity. At 2 years old, children should be able to use both hands well, most often by this age it becomes clear who your child is left-handed or right-handed, less often the baby continues to act with both hands alternately.

In order for the development of the child to be harmonious, about half of the time allotted for classes should be devoted to the development of fine motor skills. At this age, children are very fond of sculpting from plasticine, making simple applications, moreover, cutting out large figures on their own, and drawing. Do not be afraid to give your child scissors or brushes with paints, if you explain to a 2-year-old child how to handle and control them correctly during the first lessons, then very soon he will be able to do creative work himself. Many parents of 2 year olds make 2 major mistakes during these activities:

  • expect too much from the child and give him too difficult tasks or do everything themselves- A 2-year-old kid cannot yet cut paper exactly along the lines and hardly understands why cut even circles and squares. You need to give him the opportunity to first play with paints, plasticine or scissors, and only then, in a playful way, offer him to do something. For two-year-olds, it is considered a very good result if they learn how to properly hold scissors in their hands, make balls and “sausages” from plasticine and paint large pictures;
  • leave the kid to do it all on his own- at 2 years old, the child still does not understand what and how he can and should do with colored paper, glue or plasticine. If parents do not study with him, he will soon get tired of new toys and he will go in search of new adventures. In order to benefit from such activities, parents need to think over in advance or look at the program of developmental activities on the Internet, and then together with the child, giving him simple, consistent tasks, draw a simple picture, make a simple panel or application.

Neuropsychic development of a child 2 years old

At 2 years old, the behavior and habits of the baby change greatly - from an obedient, only sometimes stubborn child, he turns into a restless naughty who tries not only to defend his independence, but also to argue with his parents. By the age of 2, children not only understand and answer their parents' questions or express their desires, they learn to express their thoughts and can even carry on a conversation with parents and other adults, telling how they spent the day and what they did.

Psychologists call the period from 2 to 3 years sensitive, it is at this age that the child not only learns to speak, but learns several of the most important components of native speech: the ability to correctly build sentences, pronounce sounds and syllables and answer questions. At the same age, you can start teaching a child other languages ​​in a playful way, the only condition is that he must already understand and pronounce words in his native language well. Children at the age of 2 are very fond of learning and memorizing the meanings of new words and concepts, and already six months after their 2nd birthday, their favorite word becomes: “why”.

For the development of coherent speech and enrichment of the vocabulary of a child at 2 years old you need not only to constantly talk with the child, but also to read to him as much as possible and tell fairy tales. Child psychologists have long noticed that a TV, or, even more so, a computer, is categorically not suitable for the development of a child’s speech, children who spend a lot of time watching cartoons or using a tablet often cannot express themselves coherently even at school age, they have a very limited vocabulary and completely not developed imagination. For reading to children at 2 years old, it is best to choose bright, colorful books with a light and understandable text, and not just quickly read poems and fairy tales, but try to convey to the child the meaning of what was read, involving him in a discussion of a fairy tale story, forcing him to empathize or sympathize with the characters. At 2 years old, children love simple Russian folk tales, fairy tales about animals and simple poems by A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak and so on.

2 year old child games also become more complex and emotional. Children act out whole scenes from fairy tales, like to play “in the house”, cook and lay out food, “treat” toys, create entire “car parks” or home “hairdressing salons”. As before, cubes remain favorite toys, from which the baby can independently build a tower or a house, various insert frames and other similar toys. At 2 years old, for the development of the baby, it is recommended to purchase soft and large puzzles, board games like Find a Pair, magnetic toys, mosaics, wooden constructors and Lego-type constructors.

After reaching the age of 2, the emotional and social behavior of the child changes dramatically. Two-year-olds delight parents with their interest in the world around them, questions about everything that happens and the ability to get along with others. At this age, children already willingly participate in common games and can play together with their peers in the playground or in the sandbox. But, at the same time, the character of babies in the third year of life can be very “spoiled”, the craving for independence and the desire to defend their point of view on any issue irritates most parents. And if up to 2 years old, the stubbornness and whims of the baby were most often caused by fatigue or poor health, then after reaching 2 years old, children thus try to defend their opinion and even manipulate their parents.

It is very important not to interfere with the child's craving for independence and give the baby the opportunity to try to do everything he wants. Of course, at this age, children still cannot dress or eat on their own, but you need to give the child time and not rush him while he is trying to do something on his own.

No less important is the correct attitude of parents to the failures and negative consequences of such independent “experiments”. In no case should you scold the child if he fails to do what he wants or the results of his efforts are far from ideal, otherwise the baby will soon give up trying to do something himself.

Among the most important social skills of a 2-year-old child, psychologists pay attention not only to the baby's ability to communicate with peers and adults, but also to his hygiene and household skills. Since it is the ability to take care of yourself on your own that is considered the most important skill at this age. A two-year-old child should be able to use the potty or sit on it on his own, eat liquid and semi-liquid food with a spoon, drink from a cup, wash his hands and wash his face, put on some things and, most importantly, contact adults with a request to give him something or do the right thing. .

Among the most important skills of a child at 2 years old are:

  • the ability to independently walk, run, climb and descend stairs, climb chairs and sofas;
  • change the position of the body on the go and simultaneously perform several actions - carry a ball or a toy in your hands on the go;
  • play ball - throw and catch it from a short distance;
  • asks to go potty and control most of the time his physiological skills;
  • eat with a spoon and drink from a cup;
  • trying to wash and brush your teeth;
  • trying to dress and undress;
  • the ability in the game not only to imitate the actions of adults, but also to build storylines - after feeding the doll, putting it to bed, and so on;
  • the ability to add one picture from 2-3, build a house or a fence out of cubes;
  • the ability to color large pictures, hold a pencil or pen in hand and draw lines;
  • ability to communicate with adults, answer questions, perform simple tasks;
  • the ability to show the main characters in pictures, answer questions, ask questions about fairy tales.

Boys and girls at 2 years old

According to child psychologists, after reaching the age of 2, a child is firmly aware of his belonging to a certain gender and believes that he imposes certain “duties” on him. So by the age of two and a half, children most often know that girls wear dresses and that when they grow up they will be like moms, but boys can’t wear skirts and they look more like dads. Gender differences at 2 years old are manifested not only in the behavior of children - boys are more aggressive and independent, and girls are calmer and more verbally developed, but also in addiction to different games and activities, as well as in relation to others.

Little girls in most cases love it when they pay a lot of attention and evaluate adults precisely from the position of their attitude towards themselves - “this aunt is good, she talked to me and gave me a toy”, and two-year-old boys are more interested in the skills of others and their desire to play with the child in outdoor games.

A two-year-old child with many tasks already knows how to cope independently. He is keenly interested in toys, easily involved in educational games and quickly absorbs information. How can a child of this age be developed and what activities should be used for this?

With a child of 2 years old, you can play a lot of games!

Age Features

  • The child noticeably improves coordination of movements, so the baby becomes able to play with the designer, sorter, mosaic, puzzles and similar toys.
  • The logical thinking of the crumbs develops very quickly. The child is able to find solutions to various problems, to find out how an object works or how it works.
  • At the same time, a sense of space develops. The child tries to direct the ball with a kick, throw it into the ring. General coordination during movement becomes better - the child is able to control the direction in which he moves, stops, and also the speed of movement.
  • The independence and autonomy of a 2-year-old child also increases. Now the baby will try to learn new things without your help.

Most children go through a "no" crisis at age 2.

What should a child know?

Most children by the age of two already know how to:

  • Run and climb stairs.
  • Close and open the door.
  • Step over obstacles.
  • Build towers and houses from cubes and constructor.
  • Collect a pyramid from rings of different sizes.
  • Catch the ball with both hands.
  • Play multiple actions in a story game.
  • Eat with a spoon and also drink from a cup.
  • Help mom around the house.
  • Understand short stories about familiar events.
  • Answer simple questions.
  • Show parts of the body and face.
  • Speak about 100-300 words.
  • Associate 3-4 words in a sentence.
  • Name the objects in the picture.
  • Say goodbye and say hello.
  • Speak words in familiar rhymes and songs.
  • Imitate animal sounds.
  • Draw doodles on paper.
  • Distinguish 3-4 colors.

Work diligently with the child on "weak" areas

Height and weight

Compared to 1.5 years, by the age of two, children gain about 1300 grams and grow by about 5-6 cm. For girls, all indicators will usually be slightly less than for boys. To find out if the baby is physically developing normally, we offer you a table with the average values ​​​​of the main indicators, as well as the normal limits for children of different sexes:

Is it worth worrying about deviations from the given physical norms, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

By the age of two, many babies complete teething. On average, babies of this age have 16-20 milk teeth.

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Types of child development


This type of development helps the child become more resilient and dexterous. A two-year-old baby needs daily physical activity.

Classes for the physical development of 2-year-old children are as follows:

  • Alternate fast running with slow running.
  • We run on toes.
  • We teach the child to jump on two legs in place.
  • Ball games - throwing against the wall, catching, throwing to mom.
  • To maintain balance, we walk on a bench, a board on the floor.
  • We copy the movements of animals after the mother showed them - we jump like a hare, we walk like a bear, we crawl like a caterpillar, we stomp loudly like an elephant, we wave our hands like a bird.
  • We roll across the floor.
  • We jump like a frog from a half-crouched position.
  • We reach up to suspended objects.
  • We run around the room, avoiding obstacles (for example, pillows laid out on the floor).
  • We carry large items that are not heavy.
  • We walk on uneven ground.
  • Walking along the drawn line - straight and winding.
  • We crawl under the stretched rope.
  • Together with other children, we run a train, play catch-up, arrange a round dance.
  • We hang on rings or a horizontal bar.
  • We master climbing on a sports wall.
  • We jump on the "bumps" - pillows laid out on the floor.
  • We climb through the tunnel.
  • We jump on the fitball.
  • We play snail - crawl with a pillow on the back.
  • We walk on our hands.

Children of two years old love to play active games very much.


This type of development of the baby includes the study of the surrounding world, the properties of objects, the development of logical thinking, attention, memory, the study of elements of mathematics. Classes for the cognitive development of a two-year-old child can be as follows:

  • The study of geometric shapes.
  • The study of the colors of objects.
  • Find the named object indoors, outdoors, or in a picture.
  • Find a pair by choosing from similar items.
  • Find the same patterns on hats, mittens, saucers and similar images.
  • Learning the concepts of "little" and "many".
  • Determining the difference in the number of objects - the child learns to distinguish between 1 and 2.
  • Sort items by color and size.
  • Orientation in space with the study of the concept of "right", "bottom", "left", "above".
  • Folding puzzles and split pictures that have 2-4 parts.
  • Comparison of pictures, as well as objects in the games “Where is whose mother”, “Where is whose house”, “Who eats what” and the like.
  • Guessing simple riddles - who eats weed and says "moo", who is white and loves carrots.
  • Folding nesting dolls and glasses into each other.
  • Build a tower from different-sized glasses or cubes (sorted by size).
  • Comparison of geometric figures with projections in the figure.
  • Classification of cards with objects on a common basis, for example, products, animals, toys.
  • Find the whole in parts, for example, pick up a roof for a house or a tail for an animal.
  • Find a figure, given 2 features - find a small red among all circles, find a large green among all squares.
  • The study of the concepts of "low" and "high", "narrow" and "wide", "short" and "long".
  • Give the subject a shadow.
  • Find the missing part of the picture.
  • The game “what is missing” (hide one of the toys or pictures) or “what has appeared” (add a picture or toy).
  • Hide and seek games.
  • We remember together what we did in the morning, yesterday, on a walk.
  • Remember the plot of the picture.
  • Playing thimble with small toys.
  • We study wild as well as domestic animals. We show the child their cubs, tell simple facts about their life, name the parts of the body (hooves, horns, trunk).
  • We study birds and insects.
  • Acquaintance with the concept of day and night, as well as the division of the day into morning, lunch and evening.
  • Studying natural phenomena, for example, looking at a rainbow, snow or rain.
  • Getting to know 3-4 flowers that grow in your area.
  • The study of commonly found vegetables and berries, as well as fruits and mushrooms.
  • Getting to know the seasons.
  • Conversations on the topic of transport, professions, clinics, parts of the human body, shop, family, aquarium, sea, trains, materials, city, electrical appliances and others.
  • If the child is about to start going to kindergarten, it is important to pay attention to the discussion of the theme of the kindergarten.
  • On a walk, you can study the rules of the road, vegetation, transport, the sky and the sun, natural materials (stones, leaves, branches), houses.
  • Also, during walks, you can play with snow, with puddles, with sunbeams, with shadows and with sand.

First of all, games should be fun for both the baby and the parents.



This type of development is aimed at the child's hearing, musical perception, recognition of musical instruments. It also includes dancing and singing.

To develop a child musically, the following games and activities are suitable:

  • Listening to children's songs.
  • Listening to classical music.
  • We distinguish different music - slow from fast, sad from cheerful, quiet from loud.
  • We listen to a variety of sounds on a walk - the noise of cars, the singing of birds, the rustling of leaves and others.
  • We determine the source of sounds, for example, we look for a bird on a tree.
  • We play different children's musical instruments.
  • We listen to the sounds of different instruments.
  • Listening to mom singing.
  • We dance with mom slowly and quickly, slap and stomp, make “flashlights” with handles, put the foot on the heel, and then on the toe, we dance.

Conduct a lesson shown by M. L. Lazarev (an expert in musical development) with a child of 2 years old.


The development of the child's speech is aimed at increasing the vocabulary of the baby and stimulating the repetition of words after an adult. It is also important to perform exercises for articulation.

Classes for speech development with a 2-year-old baby can be as follows:

  • Replenishment of the passive vocabulary of the crumbs, constantly communicating with the baby and talking about everything that happens in his life.
  • Reading books (fairy tales, poems), as well as discussing what they read.
  • Ask the baby questions about the image in the picture or what is happening around the child.
  • Play simple fairy tales with the baby.
  • Listen and sing songs.
  • Describe the objects that the baby sees using adjectives.
  • The use of prepositions (for, before, about, in), pronouns (here, there), adverbs (near, low, far, right, high, left and others) in speech.
  • We learn to blow on a candle, leaves, cotton wool, and also play with soap bubbles. You can blow both smoothly and sharply.
  • We make faces to the mirror, showing our tongue, chattering our teeth, opening our mouths wide.
  • Learn to speak in a whisper and loudly.

Blowing out candles, blowing soap bubbles is a fun exercise for the speech development of crumbs.

Conduct articulation classes with your baby, which will help the baby speak sounds more clearly. One example is the Cup and Saucer exercise, which Tatyana Lazareva shows in the next video.

fine motor skills

Its development is important for the development of speech, since in the human brain the zone responsible for the movement of the hands is located in close proximity to the speech zone. Due to such a close location, classes during which the child's fingers are involved have a positive effect on the speech development of the crumbs. Here are some fine motor activities suitable for a two-year-old:

  • Finger gymnastics.
  • We are engaged in drawing, creating applications and modeling.
  • Games with insert frames, constructors, mosaics, laces, sorters, pyramids.
  • We pour the cereal from one container to another, using a spoon, funnel, hands, children's dishes.
  • We pour water from one container to another using children's dishes, a watering can, a jug, a funnel.
  • Sticker games.
  • Fastening and unfastening Velcro on toys, clothes and shoes.
  • Unfastening zippers, buttons, buttons.
  • We catch in the water (in a basin, bowl, glass) small floating objects with a sieve or spoon.
  • We collect water with a pipette or an enema, pour it into another container.
  • We collect water with a sponge.
  • We crumple and tear paper.
  • We create patterns using small pebbles, large beans, pasta, sticks.
  • Clothespin games.
  • We select a cover for jars and bottles. We twist and unscrew them.

From improvised means, you can come up with many activities for the development of crumbs

The development of motor skills is facilitated by games with cereals. Be sure to organize these activities. Garbage after games can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner.


This type of development stimulates the child's creativity and may include drawing, building, sculpting, appliqué making, and similar activities.

Creative activities with a 2-year-old toddler can be as follows:

  • We draw circles, lines (they can be long, short, horizontal, vertical), paths.
  • We finish drawing the strings for the balls, flower stems, needles for the hedgehog, grass, rain and other simple elements.
  • We draw patterns on a towel or rug.
  • Choose a color for the drawing.
  • We draw with a stick in the snow, semolina or sand.
  • We leave prints of paint on paper using a sponge and stamps.
  • Learning to draw with paints using a brush.
  • We draw with fingers.
  • We try to roll out plasticine or dough, making sausages and balls.
  • We break off part of the plasticine or dough to flatten these lumps in the fingers or palms.
  • We connect the rolled sausage with the ends.
  • We sculpt lumps of plasticine on cardboard, for example, to make decorations on a Christmas tree, grains for a chicken.
  • Learning to smear plasticine on paper.
  • We leave prints on plasticine or dough using different objects.
  • We cut the dough with a plastic knife and cut it out with cookie cutters.
  • We make applications from torn or crumpled paper, as well as from cotton wool.
  • We carry out the application of an object consisting of two or three parts, for example, a mushroom, a house.
  • We make plot applications from two or three objects, for example, a house, a cloud and the sun.
  • We use Gyenes blocks, Lego constructor, as well as Kuizener sticks in games. We build a house, a bridge, a fence, a mountain out of them.

Creative development of crumbs is fun!

Diversify the day with a lesson according to the "Little Leonardo" method, which is shown in the video with O. N. Teplyakova, an expert in intellectual development.


It is important for a two-year-old baby to communicate with peers. The baby reaches out to other children and copies their actions. In the social development of the baby, great importance is also given to the acquisition of household skills. Classes for the social development of a 2-year-old child will be as follows:

  • We draw the attention of the little one to other children, trying to arouse sympathy for them.
  • Acquaintance with other children during walks, an offer to play together. Since at this age children do not yet know how to interact in the game, it is very important for an adult to participate in a joint game. It is especially important to teach the baby to play with other kids if the child will soon start attending kindergarten.
  • We teach the child to change toys.
  • We explain when to feel sorry for other people, for example, if the boy fell.
  • We teach the child to wash their hands using soap, towels.
  • We clean the table with the baby after eating.
  • Collect spilled liquid with a sponge.
  • We teach the baby to take off clothes on their own, as well as put them on.
  • Watering flowers with the child.
  • Together we put the toys away, putting them in their place.

Teach your child to share toys, empathize with children

At the age of two years, a frequent problem is the reluctance of the child to share toys. How to understand the baby and what to do in this case, see the video of Larisa Sviridova.

If you see a child's aggression towards other children, watch the video of Lara's mother (Larisa Sviridova), where she talks in an accessible way about how to act in this case.

Many parents worry about the fact that toys are often taken away from a child, but he does not defend them. Is it worth worrying about this, see the next video by Larisa Sviridova.

On the other hand, there are children who by no means want to share their toys. In the next video by Larisa Sviridova, you will see how to properly talk with a child and teach him to share.

An extremely topical topic for many families is the tantrum of a child when they do not receive what they want. How to lead parents in this situation, see the fragment of Komarovsky's transfer.

Sample weekly exercise program

Drawing up a weekly plan of developmental activities for the crumbs helps to solve several problems at once:

  1. Do not overload the child with activities in general.
  2. Do not repeat the same activities.
  3. Don't miss any kind of development.
  4. Do not worry that the child is developing little and you are missing something.

We offer an example of a weekly schedule for the development of a two-year-old child:








Physical development

ball games

Running with obstacles

Walking on a drawn wavy line

Fitball exercise

Jumping on "bumps"

The snail game

Walking on hands

cognitive development

Assembling the puzzle

Finding the whole from the part

We select the object's shadow

Studying pets

Sort items by color

Learning the seasons

Looking for a missing toy

sensory development

Feeling cold and warm objects

We study materials by touch

Exploring Taste

Touching smooth and rough objects

fine motor skills

Playing with grits

Finger gymnastics

Lacing game

On a walk, we create patterns from small pebbles

Clothespin game

sand games

Sticker game

Musical development

Eat with mom

Listening to the sounds of musical instruments

Listening to classical music

Listening to children's songs

Speech development

Reading a fairy tale

We read poetry

Cursing in front of the mirror

Discussing the pictures in the book

Playing out a fairy tale

Blow out the candles

Shared reading and discussion

creative development

Drawing with paints

Modeling with salt dough

Torn paper applique

social development

Communication with other children

I'm going to visit

Walk in the sandbox

This is just an approximate plan for the development of a baby at the age of 2-2.5 years. To draw up your own plan, it is important to take into account the skills of the little one, and his temperament, and the interests of the child, and your goals.

The plan should include compulsory activities, for example, a visit to a massage therapist, attending circles, swimming in the pool. Identify the most important areas of your child's development and plan to work on them 5-7 times a week. Be sure to leave space in the plan for improvisation or independent games for the baby. After 1-2 weeks, you will be able to analyze the implementation of the plan, after which some classes can be removed or replaced.

  • Remember that a child's concentration on play at 2 years of age lasts only a few minutes, so the activity should not be long.
  • Be sure to praise the child if he succeeded. This will be an incentive for the further success of the crumbs.
  • You can not scold the child if he refuses to study, as well as in cases where something did not work out.
  • Try to make educational games interesting for the baby. They should bring joy to the baby, and not cause boredom.
  • Give the child the opportunity to complete the task on their own, even if it will be very long. The baby will not be able to learn anything while you are more active in the game than the child himself.

    Have fun playing with your baby

    Care and mode

    For the development of a two-year-old child, the health of the crumbs is of considerable importance, which is supported by the correct daily routine and care:

    1. It is important to ensure that the child has enough rest. Babies of this age sleep about 12-13 hours a day. Two-year-olds have one daytime sleep, which lasts 2-2.5 hours.
    2. The morning of the crumbs should begin with washing and brushing your teeth, as well as combing your hair. It is also important to teach the baby to hygiene, reminding him that after a walk and before eating, be sure to wash your hands.
    3. After a daytime sleep, procedures for hardening are often carried out, for example, rubbing or dousing the legs.
    4. Many children by the age of 2 have already mastered the pot and use it for its intended purpose. To ask for a potty, the child says words or makes a sign. Some kids go to the potty and take off their pants.
    5. Walking with a two-year-old child is advised 1-2 times daily, as the baby really needs fresh air. Dress your baby according to the weather to prevent overheating, but also to prevent the child from freezing.

    The baby has already reached the age of 2 months, and yet so recently he was still quite helpless. Now you notice that his arms and legs are getting stronger, he is learning to raise his head and feels more confident in this position, transferring weight to his forearms.

    The main feature of this age is that during the waking period, the toddler meets his beloved relatives (mom, dad, grandmother) actively and joyfully: he smiles, waves his arms and legs - this is called the revitalization complex. The kid starts to walk, this attracts adults to play together. How can a mother entertain and occupy her growing toddler at home? What can interest a child in 2 months? What games and activities does he need at this age?

    Communication with a two-month-old baby is a pleasure: he smiles at loved ones, gurgles happily, learns to demonstrate his emotions (more in the article:)

    Games for development. What are they?

    When choosing exercises for your baby at 2 months, take into account the abilities and skills that he has already acquired, and direct part of the tasks to the development of new skills and abilities. The baby knows how to make eye contact with the parent - this is the main skill of the child at 2 months. This ability can be developed helping the child focus on a particular subject in a playful way.

    During the waking period, the child is actively exploring the world around him, it gives him great pleasure to look at bright objects or drawings that he sees in front of him. An excellent option would be moving objects attractive to the baby in space: you can train the eyes by stimulating the baby's desire to follow objects that are either approaching or moving away. The child will express his approval with smiles and babble.

    Fine motor skills can also be exercised at 2 months, because the baby's palms are already partially open. It is also worth playing with the baby with the help of finger massage.

    During exercises with fingers, you can simultaneously improve hearing. To do this, accompany the game exercises with poems and nursery rhymes, the rhythmic coloring of which will definitely appeal to the baby.

    Sounds attract the child more and more, including sound toys. The interest of the crumbs is expressed by turning the head towards the sound and trying to find its source.

    Toys for baby 2 months

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    This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your particular problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

    The 2 to 4 month period is great for rattle fun. The kid happily studies new toys, and if you can squeeze, bite, listen to ringing sounds at the same time, then such little things will become your baby's favorite. You will notice a great desire of the baby to reach out to a tempting target and take the toy in his palm. During this period, do not forget to introduce the child to different surfaces and materials: fabric, plastic, rubber or wood.

    Bracelets made of soft materials, which can be worn not only on the arms, but also on the legs, will certainly please your baby. Bracelets or mittens with indented bells will help the child realize that his movements of the arms and legs make other objects sound. Observe the child's reaction to new sound objects: if you notice that the baby is afraid of a rattle, postpone acquaintance with it for a while. After a couple of weeks, you can try again to interest the child in a fun toy.

    Movement coordination

    • Refuse tight swaddling, do not constrain the movements of the child, let him move. To be comfortable, you can dress your baby in rompers or leave completely naked. The kid learns to coordinate his movements precisely with the free possession of arms and legs - do not slow down this development.
    • The vertical position of the child will rather teach him to control the muscles of the neck, so take the baby in your arms more often, raise and lower the little one, supporting him under the armpits, let his legs push off the support. Accompany such games with encouraging words, this will help stimulate his general motor activity.

    Strengthening the arms and hands

    Put your thumb in the closed palm of the child. Spread your palm with a smooth movement, massaging the handle from the center of the palm to the fingertips, be sure to massage each finger individually. Help to isolate the baby's thumb, making it a rotational movement. Lightly stroking the back of the hand will help relax the fingers and open the fist, then put the rattle in the open palm.

    Try to choose rattles with easy-to-grip handles, it can be in the shape of a ring or a dumbbell: the toy will arouse the interest of the baby, and he will try to take it, touch it, push or hit it. Initially, unconscious movements will become more purposeful with experience. Children whose parents did such exercises with them, faster than their peers, master the skill of holding an object and manipulating it.

    Soft toys with the ability to make sounds can be fixed on the crib with an elastic band. At first, the baby will be interested in just touching them, and later he will learn to bring his hands together to hug the soft pet to him. Such game techniques contribute to the development of fine and gross motor skills.

    Games for the development of attention

    visual attention

    The world around a child at the age of 2 months consists mainly of sounds and pictures. Thus, the main organs that are worth "training" are vision and hearing.

    • Help your baby focus on an object with a bright object (a rattle or a cube on a stick) that slides smoothly into the child's field of vision. The distance to the baby's eyes should be about 25-30 cm. First, drive along an arcuate path, then change direction to smooth movements up and down, while the pace may change.
    • On the walls of the crib, you can continue to hang drawings depicting various emotions of the human face. A tumbler doll received special love from babies at 2 months - if possible, place it near the baby.
    • A spiral made of multi-colored plastic, suspended above the child's head, will arouse great interest in the crumbs. The smooth movements of the spiral from children's touches will delight and amuse.

    Concentration of attention on a bright, noticeable object is not just a game, but a real training of the baby’s visual perception and his attention.

    auditory attention

    To develop auditory perception, you can use the following types of exercises:

    • Shake the sounding rattles from different directions, first at one ear, then at the other.
    • Another exercise is to play different sounds from two rattles. Rattle one from the right ear, then the other from the left. Arrange second pauses between sounds.
    • We fix soft bracelets with ringing bells sewn into their surface.
    • You can make a soft toy with bells yourself by sewing ringing bells into an ordinary soft bear. Hang this toy above the crib so that the baby can reach it with his hand.

    Formation of speech skill

    Dr. Komarovsky advises to accompany daily actions with speech dubbing:“Time to give my little one a bath. What warm water, bul-bul! Let's swim, koop-koop! Bought, wiped with a soft towel. Where are our creepers? Ah, here they are. Now you're clean, my baby." You need to speak in a soft voice, often call the baby affectionate words: my kitten, sweetheart, flower, etc. Gentle intonation, pleasant timbre - all this is very important for the child to develop fully.

    We teach cooing: try to attract the attention of a 2-month-old baby more often by bending over him and making various sounds: click, click, call him. Demonstrate throat sounds that can be reproduced: agu, wah, woo, agh-agh, aaaa. Change the intonation coloring of the voice, continuing to walk with a certain sound - after a while you will notice that the baby begins to answer you. Try to reproduce the sounds that the crumbs make - this is the first dialogue with the child. You will see for yourself that entertaining children of this age is a very interesting process.

    Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

    It's already behind my second birthday. How fast the baby is growing! By the age of two, he has become quite an adult and has acquired many new skills, which he happily demonstrates. During this period, raising a child will require even more patience, calmness and skill from parents.

    The crisis at 2 years is manifested by aggression and tantrums

    physical changes

    The growth development of a two-year-old child begins to slow down and averages about 10 cm per year. Weight increases by 2.5-3 kg.

    1. The proportions of the body change: the growth of the head stops, but the development and stretching of the lower limbs begins.
    2. The percentage of adipose tissue decreases, as a result of which the swelling of the cheeks and tummy disappears.
    3. The face at the age of two loses its roundness, the legs become long and slender.
    4. The “pads” on the inside of the foot disappear.
    5. Due to the increase in elasticity in the muscles, the child's body becomes similar to an adult.

    Skills and abilities

    Having reached, the child knows how to walk independently and gradually masters speech. These two skills are his main achievements. The development of new territories causes huge changes in the physical and mental state of a small person, in addition, his psychology is changing. The energy of moving forward haunts the baby. He needs to see and touch everything.

    A two-year-old child is already quite independent

    The development of mobility will be observed for several more years, and ensuring the possibility of movement is one of the first tasks for parents.

    Skills acquired at an early age will be remembered forever. At two years old, boys and girls are already able to:

    The formation of speech

    At the age of two years, the active development of the baby's speech is observed. In a year, his vocabulary increases 10 times. Now the child is able not only to ask questions using a single word, but also to build small sentences. During this period, it is very important to talk more with your fidget, tell stories and fairy tales. And in no case should you distort the words, believing that such a language is clearer and simpler.

    A child at two years of age cannot always clearly express his desires in words. We must be patient, try to listen to him to the end and understand what the baby wants.


    Games occupy one of the first places in education. At the age of two, many children develop skills in handling pencils, plasticine and watercolors.

    To speed up the development of fine motor skills of fingers in children, you can teach your child to draw with a brush or just with a finger, dipping it in paint and leaving prints of your small hands on a piece of drawing paper attached to the wall of the room.

    At two years old, you can play role-playing games with your baby.

    In the sandbox, girls and boys of two years are already capable of more than just digging a hole. They will be able to make Easter cakes if they are taught this, or pave the way for the typewriter. At home, you can try the game with the doll - bathe her, feed her, put her to bed. Girls especially love these games. In the course of the game, such qualities as love and care are brought up. Along the way, ordinary everyday items are studied: soap, washcloth, towel.

    At the age of two, both boys and girls are already able to independently find a way out of a difficult situation. For example, they like to pull a rolled ball out from under a chair, or play hide and seek. You can try to solve simple riddles together. In order to interest children in this useful activity and help them with the answer, it is good to make large drawings depicting an object or animal that you want to guess and show in case of difficulty. This is where the development of memory and ingenuity takes place.

    But when working with a child of two years old, you should always remember that at two years old children cannot perform the same actions for a long time. It is difficult for them to sit in one place for more than half an hour, so all classes should be limited in time.

    Crisis of two years of age

    Often, mothers of children who have reached the age of two notice that changes suddenly began to occur in the behavior of the child, and not for the better. If only three months ago he was obedient and fulfilled any requests, now the baby has been replaced. Whims that turn into tantrums arise completely unreasonably and several times a day. It is becoming more and more difficult to distract a screaming child, to switch his attention to another object, as it was before.

    Tantrums at age two are common.

    The psychology of such behavior of a child is defined as a crisis of two years of age.

    The nature of behavior during the transition period

    Hysteria can manifest itself in a wide variety of forms. Having decided to satisfy his desire, the child screams loudly, falls on the floor in sobs, or begins to beat everyone around, break and scatter toys. The situation is getting out of control. The reasons for this inappropriate behavior are varied. To parents, they seem absurd and unworthy of attention, and the requirements are sometimes simply impossible to fulfill.

    Tantrum in the toy store

    For example, entering the store, the baby begins to grab all the toys in a row. Any persuasion, to put everything in its place and take only a bear or a typewriter, ends in crying, turning into hysterics.

    Parents clutch at their heads, remember with horror when and where they behaved not as they should, what they missed in raising children. And they don't get an answer.

    Reasons for changing a child's behavior

    It is not difficult to explain such a psychology of the behavior of children in two years. At this age, the child begins to feel his independence and he needs to master new relationships with the outside world. If earlier he was one with adults, now it seems to the baby that he will cope with all the tasks himself, and parental upbringing infringes on his personality. Of course, the desire to be independent should be welcomed and encouraged, but only to the extent that there is no danger to the health of the baby. Tantrums and disobedience of children are the costs of the transition period.

    Checking the limits

    At the age of two, children begin to explore the boundaries of what will be allowed to them. Many parents have noticed that it is worth denying the kid some of his desires, for example, not turning on the cartoon, since it's time to go to bed, he starts to cry and fight in hysterics. It instantly disappears if you turn on the TV.

    Negativism at two years

    A baby at two years old begins to interact with the outside world and observes the result.

    If the reaction to his actions is the same every time, then the memory fixes it as normal. And the next time, trying to achieve what he wants, the child pulls on the usual strings in anticipation of the usual result.

    Hysteria is a demand for attention

    Over time, the baby should feel the resistance of the world around him. If there is no resistance and everything is permitted to him, then something is wrong, danger is lurking somewhere.

    By throwing a tantrum, the child does not expect to receive what is required. He waits for the resistance of those around him, which will assure him of safety.

    Crisis resolution

    Faced with this behavior of the child, parents begin to look for a solution to the problem. Some close the child in a separate room with instructions to reflect on their behavior, others make it clear that no one is going to console him, and this ends their upbringing.

    Tips for parents

    Many parents do not think of anything better than to give in to the child, if only he would calm down. This is the wrong and dangerous way. Having become accustomed to shouting, the child will become uncontrollable.

    Parents need to establish what is allowed and what, on the contrary, cannot be done, and always follow the accepted rules.

    If a crisis situation arose, and the baby does not want to fulfill the requests of the elders, you need to calm down and firmly explain why the requirements will not be met. If the tantrum does not stop, do not continue the argument, but simply leave the room. Left alone, the child will quickly calm down and begin communication again.