Non-traditional methods of activating fine motor skills and the development of speech in children means of "cryotherapy". Cryotherapy as a means of developing fine motor skills in children with disabilities Cryotherapy in working with children

Krupina Lyubov Yurievna
Position: defectologist
Educational institution: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 117"
Locality: city ​​of Petrozavodsk
Material name: Article
Topic:"Cryotherapy as a modern non-traditional health-saving method in working with children with handicapped health"
Publication date: 06.02.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Krupina L.Yu., defectologist, MDOU "Kindergarten No. 117" Ryabinka ", Petrozavodsk
Cryotherapy as a modern non-traditional health-saving technique in

working with children with disabilities
Today, more than ever, the efforts of teachers of preschool educational institutions are aimed at improving the health of a child - a preschooler, cultivating a healthy lifestyle. It is no coincidence that these tasks are the priorities in the program of modernization of Russian education. One of the means of solving the identified problems is health-saving technologies, without which the pedagogical process of a modern kindergarten is unthinkable. When educating children with disabilities, systematic work is required to preserve and promote health, prevent secondary disorders, and improve the social adaptation of children. In our preschool educational institution, much attention is paid to the optimal use of the intellectual, creative potential of each preschooler. The need for an integrated approach to the organization of a health-saving space in a preschool institution in groups for children with disabilities is beyond doubt. Children with disabilities differ from their peers in terms of physical and neuropsychic development. They are characterized by emotional excitability, motor restlessness, instability and exhaustion of nervous processes, mild excitability, lack of prolonged volitional efforts, and imperfection of the nervous regulation of movements. Realizing the need to work on the formation, strengthening and preservation of health, the prevention of secondary disorders, we purposefully work to create a favorable health-saving space, we are looking for methods and techniques that are adequate to the characteristics of the development of children with disabilities. One of effective methods, actively used in the practice of our work, is cryotherapy. Cryotherapy is one of the modern non-traditional methods of correctional pedagogy, which consists in the use of ice games. The dosed effect of cold on the nerve endings of the fingers has beneficial properties. The effect is based on a change in the activity of blood vessels. The initial spasm of small arteries is replaced by their pronounced expansion, which significantly increases blood flow to the site of exposure, resulting in
improves tissue nutrition. Cold causes muscle contraction, and heat causes relaxation. As a result, the contractility of the small muscles of the hand increases. Directed signals are sent to the cerebral cortex, contributing to the development of the motor zone. All this leads to the improvement of more subtle movements of the hand, to the implementation of clear movements, and as a result, improves the process of development of higher mental functions and speech. We included this technique in different kinds organized educational activities. So, in cognitive research activities, we introduce children to the basic properties of ice (ice is a solid substance that consists of water; it has the property of buoyancy, melts from heat; takes the form of a container in which it is located). During the familiarization classes fiction(when getting acquainted with the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"), based on the knowledge gained in the course of experimental activities, we were able to find explanations for why the fox's ice hut melted with the advent of spring. This allowed us to establish causal relationships between objects and phenomena. In correctional and developmental classes, we use the following types of exercises aimed at developing thinking, tactile and visual perception, fine motor skills: put your hands in an opaque plastic bag, filled with pieces of ice, and try to find a toy in it; determine by touch the shape of a piece of ice hidden in an opaque bag; group pieces of ice by color, shape, size; identify an extra colored ice floe (which may differ in color, shape, size); establish a pattern and continue the series; with closed eyes, guess which side is the bowl of ice, and which side is warm water; to feel cold and warm objects; string ice cubes on a string; find the same ice figure.
In the classroom for the formation of elementary mathematical representations colored pieces of ice allow us to: arrange them by color, by shape, by size; make a series; match the number of objects frozen in a piece of ice with the number. In speech development classes, we can shift an ice cube from one hand to another while reciting verses; lay out as many pieces of ice as there are syllables in a word or words in a sentence; look for and name letters hidden in an ice container, make syllables from letters frozen in pieces of ice, etc. In constructive activity, colored ice cubes allow us to create an ornament, build simple buildings. Which, in turn, contributes to the development of spatial orientation and the consolidation of design skills. V productive types activities can be drawn, painted over with colored ice cubes. In addition, we actively use cryotherapy as dynamic pauses. For example, “Warm-Cold”, when children, having passed a piece of ice to another, begin to rub their palms until they feel warm. The use of cryotherapy in correctional and developmental work allows not only to activate the activity of the cerebral cortex, but also to mobilize the body's defense mechanisms from environmental influences.

The use of aqua- and cryotherapy in correctional and developmental work

The problem of the development of a child with disabilities is familiar to both teachers and parents. Such children usually grow up weak, nervous, irritable. They are characterized by pathological inertia of the main nervous processes, lack of interest in the environment, a decrease in the level of the emotional-volitional sphere and therefore emotional contact with adults, the need to communicate with them often does not arise in the child. Children do not know how to communicate with their peers. The spontaneity of assimilation of social experience is sharply reduced in them. Children do not know how to act correctly either by verbal instructions, or even by imitation and model. These features of the development of such children create additional difficulties in the choice of corrective methods. Working with children in compensatory groups and faced with their difficulties in the speech and emotional-volitional sphere, we applied non-traditional methods in our practice, such as aquatherapy and cryotherapy.

One of the methods with great resources is aquatherapy. Aquatherapy - one of the most pleasant ways learning. This is a natural and accessible form of activity for every child. Aquatherapy is used in corrective work with children with various neurological abnormalities, intellectual disability, lesions of general motor activity, speech disorders, hearing and vision disorders.

Cognitive motivation during games with water is quite high due to the use of non-traditional teaching methods, game material and the ability to directly act with it.

By organizing water games for children, we set the following goals:

1. Stabilization of the emotional background.

2. Removal of psycho-emotional and physical stress.

3. Development and improvement of positive communication skills.

4. Replenishment and enrichment of the active and passive vocabulary.

5. Stimulation of the sensory-perceptual sphere.

6. Development of impressive and expressive speech skills.

At different stages of child development and depending on the tasks set, we use the following game options:

Games in volumetric space (bath, basin, toy pool);

Games in two containers of the same or different sizes (large and small, deep and shallow basins, etc.);

Games with water and various plastic figures that are attached to a tile or mirror wall to create planar compositions: numbers, letters, subject pictures, etc.;

Games with different vessels that are filled with water ( plastic bottles, bowls, glasses, jugs).

In the course of the games we use psycho-gymnastics, which helps to overcome the barrier in communication, better understand ourselves and others, relieves mental stress, and provides an opportunity for self-expression.

The use of aquatherapy is a fast-acting, soothing method of stabilizing the emotional state of young children. preschool age and therefore this technique good to use when adapting children to kindergarten.

Early childhood is the foundation of the overall development of the child, the starting period of all human beginnings. It is in the early years that the foundations of health and intelligence are laid, therefore, to stabilize the emotional state of babies in adaptation period We use warm hand baths as a playful and relaxing method.

You can take the following games:

"Where are our pens?" - dip your hands in warm water and remove;

“Catch a toy” - catch it out of the water with a strainer;

"Floats - sinks" - determination of the buoyancy of objects;

“Get pebbles from the bottom” - colored pebbles are taken out of the water;

"Fountains" - pour water into a glass in which many holes are made;

“Pour water into a bottle” - pour with the help of an adult;

“Warm - cold” - in one basin there is warm water, and in the other it is cold, alternately lowering the handles into the basins, the children determine where it is warm, where it is cold.

“Squeeze the sponge” - they scoop up water with a sponge and wring it out strongly

To dry the hands, we offer children to play with magic napkins, including elements of self-massage: stroking, rubbing, vibration - tapping with the index finger or fist on the other palm, stretching each finger.

The method of aquatherapy can be carried out both in the morning and in the evening, used as part of a direct educational activities, and in free activity.

Water games create a joyful mood in children, increase vitality, give children a lot of pleasant and useful impressions, experiences and knowledge.

Imperfect nervous regulation of movements, poor development of small muscles of the hand, low endurance in relation to static loads in preschool children determine the extreme difficulty in mastering the skill of writing. To eliminate these disorders, we use cryotherapy.

Cryotherapy - one of the modern non-traditional methods of correctional pedagogy, which consists in the use of ice games. The dosed effect of cold on the nerve endings has beneficial properties. The effect is based on a change in the activity of blood vessels - the initial spasm of small arteries is replaced by a pronounced expansion (cold causes muscle contraction, and heat causes relaxation), which significantly increases blood flow to the site of exposure, resulting in improved tissue nutrition, impulses, to the cerebral cortex directional signals are given, as a result of which the motor zone develops better. This affects both the general recovery of the body and the development of fine and, as a result, improves the process of mastering the graphics of writing, and in parallel, articulatory motor skills, which in turn affects the development of the child's speech.

Cryotherapy does not require special equipment, which is quite convenient and valuable in a preschool setting.

The method of carrying out cryotherapy.

To carry it out, pieces of ice are needed, which are prepared in advance in “checkers”, special silicone containers for freezing, or simply in chocolate candy stands.

To make it more interesting for children to manipulate ice cubes, you can give them color, varied form or just put the "secret" in a frozen piece of ice.

On a note! Ice prepared in advance can be stored for 10-12 hours without a refrigerator, in a regular thermos.

Children usually like ice games very much.

Classes using the method of cryotherapy are carried out in several stages:

Stage 1 - alternating warm and cold procedures.

This stage includes games that can be divided into 4 categories according to the degree of duration:

Immersion of fingers in the pool with ice balls (Get the toy game) for 5-8 seconds; "The ice is melting"; "Count the stones"

Laying out the color of multi-colored ice cubes "Lay out the pattern." The time of interaction with ice increases to 10-15 seconds.

Laying out a mosaic pattern of ice cubes. The time of interaction with ice and cold is up to 25-30 seconds.

Making castles out of ice cubes. The longest interaction and manipulation with ice from 30 to 60 seconds.

Stage 2 - stretching the fingers, followed by finger gymnastics.

After stretching, any finger gymnastics corresponding to a certain lexical topic or the sound that is being worked on remedial classes teacher.

Stage 3 - development of tactile sensitivity, including rubbing in the hands of cones, balls, traffic jams from plastic bottles; stroking cards covered with materials of different quality (silk, wool, chintz, booklet fabric, large emery); development of tactile sensitivity with a hard-bristled brush.

In order to improve the efficiency of correction of pronounced speech and movement disorders, we also use elements methods of artificial local hypothermia (cryotherapy).The method is as follows: we alternately apply ice applications to the muscles of the speech motor apparatus - along the contour of the lips at 6 points:

  1. at the wings of the nose - 2 points;
  2. upper lip - 1 point;
  3. lower lip - 1 point;
  4. corners of the lips - 2 points.

Simultaneous imposition of ice on one of the zones of cryotherapy from 5 to 30 sec. The total duration during one session is from 2 to 7 minutes. The course consists of 15-20 daily sessions. Artificial local hypothermia creates a functional base to ensure the transition to more high level motor activity of the articulatory muscles and the possibility for optimal targeted corrective work in the development of active speech. Immediately after the cryotherapy session, a lesson is held to develop new speech and motor skills.

Fig.1. Layout plan active points in the area of ​​the lips.

When using cryotherapy techniques, it is necessary to remember about contraindications. It is impossible to carry out cryotherapy with children with episyndrome, with myopathy; use cryotherapy with caution in long-term and frequently ill children; hyperexcitable children. Cryotherapy is contraindicatedwith increased individual sensitivity to the procedure (cold intolerance), if there is a febrile state (fever, elevated body temperature), with exacerbation of respiratory diseases, including viral ones (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, etc.).

Didactic games and exercises with water and ice:

  1. "Colorful pebbles"Purpose: To consolidate the concepts of "vowel-consonant", "hard-soft", and their color designations

Game progress: At the bottom of the aquarium (any container with water) are pebbles of three colors, red, blue, green. The speech therapist names the sound, the child gives a description of the sound and takes out a pebble of the desired color. Game options: Determine how many vowels (Hard consonants, soft consonants) are in the word and get the same number of stones of the desired color.

Purpose: Formation of phonemic analysis.

Game progress: At the bottom of the aquarium (any container with water) are pebbles of three colors: red, blue, green. The speech therapist shows a picture (says a word) and offers to make a sound analysis at the bottom of an aquarium of colored stones.

  1. "Fish". Purpose: To develop the ability to find the place of a given sound in a word

Game progress: At the bottom of the aquarium (any container with water) "fish" (dolphin, crab, etc.) and soundtrack(). The speech therapist calls the sound the location that needs to be determined in the named words. Then the speech therapist pronounces the word, the child listens to the words, determines the location of the given sound in the word (beginning, middle or end of the word) and puts the “fish” on the sound line at the bottom of the aquarium

  1. "Get a toy". Purpose: To develop the ability to determine the presence of a given sound in a word

Game progress: At the bottom of the aquarium (any container with water) are small toys from Kinder. The speech therapist names the sound and asks the child to find and get a toy whose name contains the given sound.

  1. "How many syllables?". Purpose: To develop the ability to determine the number of syllables in a given word.

Game progress: At the bottom of the water tank are shells (pebbles, “pearls”). The speech therapist calls the word, offers to determine the number of syllables in a given word and get the same number of shells (pebbles, "pearls")

  1. "Catch the letter" . Purpose: fixing the visual image of the letter

Game progress: Plastic letters of the alphabet float in the aquarium (any container with water).

> The child with a strainer (hand) catches and names the letter.

> The child with a strainer (hand) catches and names the letter. Composes and reads a syllable.

> The child with a strainer (hand) catches and names the letter. Compose and read the word.

7. "Guess the letter" . Purpose: To fix the visual image of the letter. Prevention of optical dysgraphia

Game progress: At the bottom of the aquarium (any container with water) plastic letters are partially buried in the ground. The child must recognize and name the letter. If the letter is named correctly, the child can get it. (complication - composing and reading syllables, words)

  1. "Make a letter, word, syllable". Purpose: To fix the visual image of the letter. Prevention of optical dysgraphia. At the bottom of the aquarium (any container with water) metal counting sticks. The child is invited to lay out and name a letter, or lay out a given letter (syllable, word)
  2. "Storm". Purpose: the development of a long strong air jet. The child blows through the straw into the water, creating bubbles.
  3. "Boat trip". Purpose: the development of a long strong air jet. With an air jet, a child moves a boat, a boat, a light turtle, a fish on the surface of the water.

10. "Collect the beads" . Purpose: development fine motor skills.

Game progress: collect the beads in the water.

11. "Lay out the letter." Purpose: To fix the visual image of the letter. Prevention of optical dysgraphia.

Game progress: put letters on the bottom of the container with metal sticks.

12. "Lay out the word." Purpose: To consolidate the ability to put syllables into words. Prevention of optical dysgraphia.

Equipment: water container, plastic letters.

Game progress: put a word on the bottom of the container from the letters that are at the bottom.

13. "Get a toy, tell me what it is"Purpose: the formation of a dictionary of adjectives

Game progress: get round, light, iron, large, narrow, etc. toy.

14. "Guess the object." Purpose: compilation descriptive story about the subject

Equipment: water container, toys, waterproof aprons.

Game progress: get an oval, yellow, plastic fruit (lemon).

15. "Fish" (orientation in space)

Equipment: a container of water, glass fish (marbles), a laminated template in a cage (5x5 squares are drawn on A4 format in equal numbers) or a manual"Sun", waterproof aprons.

Game progress: ask the child to go help the fish find the right square. We give instructions: two cells up; 1 cell to the left; 3 down and 4 right, etc.

16. "Pearls". Purpose: to exercise the ability to divide words into syllables.

Equipment: a container with water or ice, pearls (white marbles), waterproof aprons.

Game progress: How many syllables are there in a word? Get the same number of pearls. How many syllables in a word, so many pearls.

17. "Pebbles Marbles". Purpose: to develop fantasy, stabilization of the emotional-volitional sphere.

Equipment: water tank, marbles, waterproof aprons.

Game progress: lay out a picture of marbles pebbles.

18. Fishing Nets Purpose: fixing the mathematical account, color perception, size, agreement of the numeral with the noun.

Equipment: a container of water, marbles, a net (a regular net from any new plastic toy), waterproof aprons.

Game progress: Catch more fish in the net. Well done. Now let's count them. Complication: And now let's break them down by color: red to red, white to white. How many white fish do we have. Let's count them. Which fish do you catch more and which do you catch less?

19. "Finger Games". Purpose: development of fine motor skills.

Equipment: a container of water, waterproof aprons.

Game progress: play finger games in water.

20. Sponge. Purpose: development of tactile sensations.

Equipment: water container, sponge, waterproof aprons

Game progress: take out and squeeze the sponge

21. "Spillless" . Purpose: to exercise the ability to pour liquid from one vessel to another without spilling it on the table and without pouring it over yourself, the formation of a life skill.

Equipment: water, plastic cups, plastic jug, waterproof aprons.

Game progress: the child will arrange the cups and pour water from the jug into them.

22. "Self-massage of hands with massage balls". Purpose: development of fine motor skills, consolidation of sound pronunciation in words, sentences.

Equipment: water container, massage balls, waterproof aprons

Game progress: the child pronounces words, tongue twisters, tongue twisters to a fixed sound and massages his hands with massage balls.

23. Game allowance"Sun". Purpose: fixing sounds in words, an exercise in dividing words into syllables.

Equipment: a container with water, or with ice cubes; colored stones.

The course of the games: close with colored pebbles pictures in the name of which there is a given sound; close the pictures in the name of which 1, 2, 3.4 syllables;

24. "Two Lakes" Purpose: strengthening the ability to differentiate mixed sounds.

Equipment: a container with water, toys for given sounds.

Game progress: toys with the sound [C] must be lowered into one lake, and with the sound [Ш] into the other.

25. "Diver". Purpose: strengthening the ability to differentiate mixed sounds. Equipment container with water or ice.

Game progress: From the bottom of the pelvis, the child takes out, names and puts aside various toys, objects with differentiable sounds.

26. "Think of a word."Purpose: the formation of the syllabic structure of the word.

Equipment container with water or ice.

Game progress: The child throws a given number of pebbles into the water, and then, according to their number, comes up with a word.

27. "Fix the mistake."Purpose: to form simple forms of syllabic analysis. Equipment: a container of water, Marbles pebbles.

Game progress: The speech therapist throws the wrong number of pebbles into the water. The child analyzes the number of syllables in a word and corrects the mistake by adding or removing an extra stone.

28. "Journey of the Boat".Purpose: to exercise in the use of prepositions; prefixed verbs of adverbs;

Equipment: water tank, boat, travel items (stone house, shell, snail, etc.).

Game progress: the teacher offers to go on a trip with the boat. The child moves the boat from subject to subject and says where the boat is, if the child finds it difficult, the teacher asks leading questions. Why did the ship float? What is the ship sailing past? Etc.


Prefixed verbs: sailed, sailed, swam,


29. "What's happened?".Purpose: to develop coherent speech, to be able to establish a causal relationship

Game progress: in games with water, the child makes complex sentences (“The ship turned over because there was a strong storm”).

30. "Tell me a story".

Equipment: a container with water, toys of characters from familiar fairy tales.

Game progress: using floating images of fairy tale characters, the child retells familiar fairy tales.

31. "Make up a story."Purpose: to develop coherent speech.

Equipment: a container with water, various toys.

Game progress: using toys of choice, the child tells real case or make up a story.

32. "Happy tongue".Purpose: development of articulatory motor skills.

Equipment: container with water or ice

Game progress: the teacher invites the child to play with the tongue; perform articulation movements while simultaneously performing hand movements in water or in a container with ice.Articulation exercises:

* "Horse" - Click your tongue, at the same time with your fingers rhythmically, in time with the clicks, “jump” on the water.

* "Turkeys" - Quickly lick the upper lip with the tongue with the sound “bl-bl-bl”, move your fingers along the water in time with the movements of the tongue.

*"Swing" - Rhythmically move the tongue up and down, move the index finger of the leading hand in time with the movements of the tongue along the water in the same direction.

* "Watch" - Rhythmically move the tongue to the right and left, palms along the bottom of the pool in time with the movements of the tongue in the same direction through the water.

* "Punish the naughty tongue"- Rhythmically slap the lips on the protruding tongue with the sound “p-p-p”, with the palm of the leading hand it is easy to pat on the water.

33. "Walk on the Shells". Purpose: automation of sounds in a word; division of words into syllables.

Equipment: a container of water, shells.

Game progress: we offer the child to walk on shells and at the same time pronounce a tongue twister, tongue twisters; we divide words into syllables; come up with words for the given sound.

34. "Cocophony". Purpose: development of voice delivery.

Equipment: container with water.

Game progress: singing vowels while drawing with fingers on the water.

35. “Find by touch”, “Find and count”.Purpose: development of tactile sensations, recalculation of objects.

Equipment: a container with water or ice.

Game progress: invite the child with his eyes closed to recognize the toy

36. "Graphic dictation".Purpose: to teach to navigate on the plane. Prevention of optical-spatial disorders. The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Equipment: aquarium with water, laminated lined sheet on the cells.

Game progress: The teacher gives oral tasks such as:

Put a red stone in the center of the sheet. Blue - to the upper left corner, green - to the upper right corner, blue - to the lower right; green - to the lower left.

In conclusion, we can say that playing with water and ice evokes a joyful mood in our pupils, raises their vitality, and gives the children a lot of emotionally vivid impressions and experiences.All the knowledge that children receive during the game is absorbed much faster and easier,and contribute to positive dynamics in correctional work.


  1. Akimenko V.M. New logopedic technologies 2nd ed., Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2009, -105s
  2. Arkhipova E.F. Logopedic work with children early age. -M.: Astrel, 2006, -223s.
  3. Baranov A.Yu., Kidalov V.N. Cold treatment. - M.: April, 2000. - 160s.
  4. Dedyukhina G. V., Yanshina T. A., Moguchaya L. D. Speech therapy massage and exercise therapy with children aged 3-5 years with cerebral palsy. Educational and practical guide for speech therapists and honey. workers. - M .: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2000, -32s.
  5. Semenova K.A., Stepanchenko O.V., Vinogradova L.I., Panchenko I.I. The method of artificial local hypothermia in the correction of dysarthria in children with cerebral palsy // Defectology, 2000, No. 6

"Cryotherapy" is one of the modern non-traditional methods of correctional pedagogy, which consists in the use of ice games.

The dosed effect of cold on the nerve endings of the fingers has beneficial properties. The effect is based on a change in the activity of blood vessels - the initial spasm of small arteries is replaced by their pronounced expansion, which significantly increases the outflow of blood to the site of exposure, resulting in improved tissue nutrition.

Cryotherapy is carried out according to the following scheme:

One procedure in 1-2 days within a month.

The duration of ice games should be gradually increased from 5 seconds to 1 minute.



cryotherapy as one of the effective means development of graphomotor skills of senior preschool children with speech disorders”.

The relevance of the presented topic is due to the fact that the motor act of writing requires fine coordination of movements, long-term fixation of the joints, and, in addition, is associated with a significant static load due to a fixed posture when writing. Imperfect nervous regulation of movements, poor development of small muscles of the hand, low endurance in relation to static loads in children of this age determine the extreme difficulty in mastering the skill of writing.

Therefore, it is very important for teachers to constantly look for and find objectively existing points of contact between different areas of knowledge, on this basis to develop a single mechanism for the formation of knowledge, skills, abilities, development of abilities, to actively influence pupils by means specific to each discipline in order to create a broad and solid base , on which it is possible to solve educational problems.

Cryotherapy or contrast therapy is one such method that allows you to alternately apply cold and heat to the hands. Cold causes muscle contraction, and heat causes relaxation. The contractility of the small muscles of the hand increases. The movements of the fingers begin to form in a larger volume, impulsation improves, directional signals are sent to the cerebral cortex, as a result of which the motor zone develops better. All this contributes to the improvement of more subtle movements of the hand, leads to the activation of fine motor skills and, as a result, improves the process of mastering the graphics of writing, and at the same time contributes to the development of speech.

Speaking about the formation of graphomotor skills in older preschool children with speech disorders using the cryotherapy method, it should be noted that cryotherapy does not require special equipment, which is quite convenient and valuable in a preschool institution.

To carry it out, pieces of ice are needed, which are prepared in advance in “checkers”, special silicone containers for freezing, or simply in chocolate candy stands.

To make it more interesting for children to manipulate ice cubes, you can give them a color, a variety of shapes, or simply place the "secret" in a frozen piece of ice.

Classes using the method of cryotherapy are held in 1-2 days during the month. From time to time, the duration of interaction and manipulations with ice increases from 5-8 seconds in the first lesson and is brought up to 1 minute in the final stages, which allows you to increase the sensitivity of the fingertips, the speed of response and the speed of completing tasks from time to time.

Classes using the method of cryotherapy are carried out in several stages:

Stage 1 - alternating warm and cold procedures.

This stage includes games that can be divided into 4 categories according to the degree of duration:

Immersion of fingers in the pool with ice balls (the game "Get a toy") for 5-8 seconds.

Laying out the color of multi-colored ice cubes. The time of interaction with ice increases to 10-15 seconds.

Laying out a mosaic pattern of ice cubes. The time of interaction with ice and cold is up to 25-30 seconds.

Making castles out of ice cubes. The longest interaction and manipulation with ice from 30 to 60 seconds.

Stage 2 - stretching the fingers, followed by finger gymnastics.

After a three-time cryocontrast, stretching is performed with each finger of the right and left hands. At the same time, great attention is paid to the thumb of each of the hands, because. this element is associated with the thinking zone of the brain and its activation directly affects mental activity preschooler.

After stretching, any finger gymnastics follows, corresponding to a specific lexical topic or sound, with which work takes place in the teacher's correctional classes.

stage 3 - the development of tactile sensitivity, including rubbing cones, balls, corks from plastic bottles in the hands; stroking cards covered with materials of different quality (silk, wool, chintz, booklet fabric, large emery); development of tactile sensitivity with a hard-bristled brush.

After the correctional work, an experimental study was organized to analyze the effectiveness of the proposed system of measures for the development of graphomotor skills using the cryotherapy method, which showed that the use of this innovative and non-traditional method in correctional speech therapy activities contributes to the successful formation of graphomotor skills in this category of children and allows them to subsequently successfully master the graphics of the letter.

Therefore, if in corrective work with children with speech disorders, it is purposeful to use the method of cryotherapy in combination with special exercises and tasks, then this will contribute to the development of graphomotor skills in these children and will affect the success of their subsequent mastery of writing graphics.

The use of cryotherapy techniques in working with children with speech disorders

teacher-speech therapist MADOU "Kindergarten No. 000 combined type"

Oktyabrsky district of the city of Ufa, Republic of Belarus

Timely and complete speech development preschoolers has a huge impact on the formation of all mental processes and in particular on the overall development of the child's personality as a whole. Peculiarities speech activity are reflected in the formation of sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres.

A large number of authors (and others) indicate that children with speech disorders, in addition to specific disorders of speech activity, have insufficient stability of attention, features of its distribution and switching from one type of activity to another; with relatively intact speech and auditory perception, verbal memory is reduced, the volume decreases and memorization productivity suffers, which in turn affects mnestic activity: in children of this category, there is a lag in the development of visual-figurative and visual-effective thinking, at the stage of schooling - verbal-logical . Preschoolers with speech disorders have difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

E. M. Mastyukova. et al. noted a slow development of locomotor functions: insufficient mobility of articulatory motor skills, manipulative activity of fine motor skills, and discoordination of general motor skills.

Also, in children with various speech disorders, there are deviations in the emotional and volitional sphere: difficulties in the formation of self-regulation and self-control, instability and reduced ability to observe, decreased motivation for verbal communication and productive activity, negativism, increased irritability, sometimes aggressiveness and resentment, difficulties in communicating with others and peers.

At present, the problem of timely overcoming the above features of the development of preschool children with speech disorders is quite relevant, because the originality of the combination of primary and secondary disorders in overall structure speech defect of children determines the need to select more optimal and effective methods and methods of speech therapy. In this regard, it became necessary to use non-traditional techniques for the development of fine motor skills of the hands of children with speech disorders, which in turn, according to the data, will contribute to the improvement of fine motor skills and their speech development.

To date, cryotherapy is one of the most modern non-traditional technologies of correctional pedagogy, involving the use of games with ice in order to develop tactile sensitivity and excite the innervation of fine motor muscles. Thus, secondary compensation and development of the motor centers of the cerebral cortex indirectly occur. In this regard, articulatory motor skills, pronunciation skills of children and, in general, the state of their independent utterance are improving.

The dosed effect of cold on the nerve endings of the fingers has certain properties. The effect is based on a change in the activity of blood vessels - the initial spasm of small arteries is accompanied by their pronounced expansion, which significantly increases blood flow to the site of exposure, resulting in improved nutrition of nerve and muscle tissues. The impact on the hands of cold and heat alternately leads to alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles. All this contributes to the improvement of more subtle movements of the hand, leads to the implementation of clear movements in the process. visual activity and, as a result, improves the process of speech development.

During the examination of children, it was decided to conduct a study. Children attending senior speech therapy group were divided into 2 groups - experimental and control. The work used game methods and receptions with moderately low temperatures:

· games with ice (“Ice is melting”, “Ice figurines”, laying out ice in stencils, etc.);

Hand massage with ice cubes

Applying cold bandages to the hands

The duration of the hardening procedure has been worked out taking into account the age of the children and their reaction to cold and is justified by the fact that less than 7 seconds - there is no effect of exposure, and after 20 seconds undesirable reactions to cold are possible. Carrying out procedures every other day is necessary to adapt the body of children to cold exposure.

Cryotherapy does not require special equipment. For its implementation, pieces of ice are needed, which are prepared in advance.

Cryotherapy was carried out in three stages.

1. Ice is poured into a large bowl. Children stand around the table and touch the ice with their hands (start from 10-15 seconds). Then they warm up their hands on a hot heating pad (in a basin of warm water or holding plastic bottles of hot water). Dip your hands in the ice again. Cryocontrast is carried out three times. Then dry your hands with a towel.

2. After cryocontrast, stretching is carried out with each finger of the right and left hands. Then any finger gymnastics is carried out.

3. Development of tactile sensitivity: rubbing cones, balls, corks from plastic bottles in the hands, picking up cones in one dish, and balls in another, etc.

According to the developed technique, cryomassage of the plantar areas of the child's feet was carried out. The movements are carried out in a circle, clockwise. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every other day, the duration of each is from 7 to 20 seconds. The course includes 10-12 procedures during autumn, winter and spring. Cryomassage normalizes the child's nervous system, improves appetite, sleep, mood and general condition. The child's body becomes more resistant to diseases.

Cryotherapy was carried out both during group and individual sessions, and in free time.

In the end school year a repeated diagnosis of children in the experimental and control groups was carried out, containing the same tasks as in the first stage of the study.

Table 1

The ratio of the levels of development of fine motor skills of the hands of the experimental and control groups at the preparatory and final stages of the study:

When re-diagnosing the level of speech development of children, it was revealed that the speech of preschoolers improved - the vocabulary was enriched, sound pronunciation improved significantly, the ability to respond in class with a full sentence was formed, their stories became detailed and meaningful.

It follows from this that the use of experimental group techniques and methods of cryotherapy had a beneficial effect on the development of motor centers of the cerebral cortex. In this regard, both articulatory motor skills and pronunciation skills of children improved, and in general the state of their independent utterance.

When using cryotherapy techniques, it is necessary to remember about contraindications. It is impossible to carry out cryotherapy with children with episyndrome, with myopathy; use cryotherapy with caution in long-term and frequently ill children; hyperexcitable children. Cryotherapy is contraindicated in case of increased individual sensitivity to the procedure (cold intolerance), if there is a febrile state (fever, fever), with exacerbation of respiratory diseases, including viral ones (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, etc.).


1., Kidalov cold. - M.: April, 2000. - 160s.

2. Gvozdeva of the study of children's speech / - M .: Publishing House of the APN of the RSFSR, 1961. - T.1. - 472s.

3. Rudenkov. A practical guide for speech therapists, students and parents. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix Publishing House, 2006.

Parents often complain that preschool children get sick a lot colds. One of the main reasons for this is the imperfect mechanism of adaptation of the child's body. Frequent diseases adversely affect the health of children, can lead to chronic diseases, including bronchopulmonary pathology.


The role of hardening in the prevention of colds and infectious diseases is very important. When the feet are cooled in non-hardened people, the mucous membrane of the nose and other airways reflexively swells, the permeability of their integumentary epithelium increases. That is, in non-hardened people, the integumentary epithelium does not perform its function of protecting the respiratory tract from the penetration of viruses and their toxins.

It cannot be assumed that preventive vaccinations will sufficiently protect the child from the disease. It is known that vaccinations are not effective enough due to the presence of a large number of strains of viruses, their mutability, the susceptibility of the body of children to allergies and sensitization of the body.

Hardening is a complex process. Thanks to the activity of the central nervous system, the immune and endocrine systems of the body, adaptation to the changing external conditions of life occurs. Conditioned and unconditioned human reflexes play an important role in the hardening system, since the mechanism of thermoregulation itself is a complex reflex process.

Adaptation of the body to changes in the environment, to various changing climatic and heliogeophysical influences can occur if the body is regularly cooled. As a result, the body of hardened children is more resistant, such children get sick less often, and if they get sick, the disease proceeds more easily and recovery comes faster.

The issue of using cold for the purpose of hardening, as well as for therapeutic purposes, is hotly discussed both in our country and abroad. In particular, the issue of using temperatures down to -30°C, that is, moderately low, is being discussed.

The fact is that the use of cold (if it is methodically correct and dosed) can reduce the inflammatory process, relieve or reduce pain, promote muscle relaxation, oxygen saturation of the blood, increase immunity, and improve blood circulation. The result of this may be the training and restoration of the body's defenses in children and adults.

Cryomassage technique

The method of cryomassage (CMS) of the feet of a child is a new method of hardening and healing children of preschool age. This technique is economical, affordable, effective, and can be used in kindergartens. The peculiarity of this technique is that it involves the use of cold. A cryopackage is used, which consists of a frozen water-cooling salt mixture. This package is placed in a sealed elastic shell, the temperature of which is from -23.0 to -21.0°C. The volume of the cryopackage is 500.0 ml. The technique is patented, patent No. 2074680.

According to this technique, cryomassage of the plantar areas of the child's feet is carried out. The movements are carried out in a circle, clockwise. Procedures are recommended to be carried out every other day, the duration of each is 7-20 seconds. The course includes 10-12 procedures during autumn, winter and spring, that is, approximately within 7-8 months. Observations of children have shown that cryomassage normalizes the child's nervous system, improves appetite, sleep, mood and general condition. The child's body becomes more resistant to diseases.

Hardening by cryomassage of the feet is usually used for children whose hardening is just beginning, for convalescent children, for children with chronic diseases in remission. Also, this method can be applied to children who have already taken hardening courses.

But this method also has contraindications. Cryomassage of the feet cannot be used in case of individual intolerance to cold, during a cold or infectious disease, as well as with a negative attitude of the child or his parents to this procedure.

If the child has recently had an acute illness or has been vaccinated, then it is also recommended to wait with the procedure.

Also, do not use cryomassage if two weeks have not passed since the exacerbation of a child's chronic disease.

The specialists who develop this technique have specially chosen the area of ​​​​the feet for massage. It is known that this area is concentrated a large number of active zones that affect the vital activity of the whole organism, the work of all its organs. There are studies that indicate an improvement in bronchial patency, a change in ventilation-perfusion ratios towards the predominance of ventilation in the case of cooling of the feet. When the feet are warmed, these processes go in reverse side, that is, for example, warming the feet causes an increase in the frequency of breathing and impairs bronchial patency.

Control over the implementation of the technique showed that the temperature of the child's feet, which was on average 29.4 ° C before the cryomassage, after the procedure immediately dropped to 27.6 ° C. And after 2 hours the temperature of the child's feet was already 30.3 ° C and remained so for another 3-4 hours.

This proves that in response to a strong short-term exposure to cold, the internal (endogenous) heat of the child is stimulated. Apparently, cold is one of the mechanisms that helps to carry out the healing and hardening of the child, which occurs as a result of improving the mechanisms of thermal regulation.

In response to short-term exposure to low temperatures (from -15 to -23 ° C), a person develops a strong thermoregulatory reaction. At the same time, oxygen consumption increases, the release of catecholamines and the secretion of hormonal structures is activated, and venous, arterial and capillary blood flow increases. But these positive changes in the body occur only with short-term cold exposure. If exposure to low temperatures takes a long time, then this leads to negative changes in the human body.

Observation of a group of children to whom a course of cryomassage was applied

During the course of cryomassage, a group of children aged 3-5 years who went to kindergarten was monitored. The observation was carried out for 8 months, from autumn to spring. Some of the children were included in the control group, some - in the main group. Before cryomassage, there were no differences in the health of children. Then the children of the main group began to undergo cryomassage sessions, while the children of the control group did not receive such procedures.

After the course of cryomassage, it turned out that the rate of missing visiting days in children of the main group due to acute respiratory infections per child was 3.2, and in children of the control group the same indicator was 5.7. At the same time, during the last months of observation, there were no absences in children of the main group due to acute respiratory infections, and children in the control group missed kindergarten for this reason during the entire observation period.

Observations showed that during the period of the influenza epidemic, the children of the main group fell ill less (and if they fell ill, they had no complications) than the children of the control group. Obviously, the reason for this situation was the stimulation of the immune system during cryomassage of the feet of children.

Observations also showed that in the children of the main group, when hardening, sleep improved, irritability and excitability decreased, motor activity improved. There were no negative symptoms during the cryomassage. It should also be noted that the cryomassage procedures did not cause addiction in children and therefore there was no need to change the dose of procedures and their number.

The researchers compared the indicators of motor activity and children of both groups after cryomassage procedures for 8 months and obtained the following data. The running speed for 30 m (average) in children of the main group was 7.1 seconds, in children of the control group - 7.8 seconds. Medicine ball throwing figures: 255 cm in the main group and 209 cm in the control group. Long jump: 108 cm in the main group and 95 cm in the control group. Positive balance test: 100% in the main group and 50% in the control group. Positive test for coordination of movements: 87.5% in the main group and 62.5% in the control group. The results of tests for balance and coordination are the most revealing.

From these data, it can be concluded that physical development children in the main group, as a result of the measures for cryomassage, became better than in children who did not receive such treatment. Also, the children of the main group showed an increase in height without weight gain. Children in the control group also grew up, but this was accompanied by weight gain. Researchers believe that this result is associated with increased motor activity children of the main group.


It can be concluded that the described procedure of cryomassage of the feet, used to improve and harden children, improves the physical and neuropsychic state of children, reduces the likelihood of them getting respiratory diseases and the likelihood of complications after viral infections in the event of the onset of the disease.

This technique can be implemented in children's institutions, does not require large material costs, and is easy to implement.

Material prepared
physical education instructor
Velichkina O.S.