Exercises for the development of superposts. ExtrasenSorika: how to develop? Extrasensoric for beginners: lessons, courses, books, tests

The psychic is the mysterious and magical region of human abilities, allowing to go beyond the boundaries of the usual perception of the world. It is far from anyone thinking about what it turns out to own hidden extrasensory capabilities. It is quite just to learn to develop them - and truly will reveal the magical world.

What is an extrasensoric

The word "extrasens" comes from Latin Extra - "over" and Sensus - "feeling." In other words, shows a person who is able to feel much more than those surrounding, owns supernatural abilities.

Psychic is able to receive information right through the brain without using all this vision, hearing, flair and touch. These messages come to him as drawings, voices or other, familiar only to him, phenomena.

Extraceptor abilities usually appear telepathy, clairvoyance, clarification or telecision. Also these people are able to see the aura of people, animal or objects.

ExtrasenSorika can be called the voice of a person who gives him a true answer to him to solve a complex task, even if it contradicts logical thinking.

Most people believe that only the elected perceptions may have extrasensory perception. This is an incorrect judgment, therefore, the extrasensus can be at least some of us. Superposses are covered in any person from the moment of birth, but in most cases, and remain unexplored.

Sad, but most of the people, matured, loses its own potential, without finding the methods in the modern world to reveal their capabilities. But most of the Maja Todders are real psychics capable of creating and hearing much more adults.

But do not be upset. If you are disturbing about the sense of life and the universal laws of the Universe, it means that your time has come to comprehend the riddles of the extrasensory perception of the world and develop in itself superpowers.

Manifestation of extrasensory capabilities

Extraceptor capabilities can manifest as:

  • Claintion - the ability to receive information about what is happening regardless of time without the role of the organs of vision. This is an internal vision of what is beyond the framework of this world.
  • Cleaning is an internal voice, receiving knowledge of the universe at the level of auditory vibrations.
  • Clear infection - the ability to receive information really from the universe, awareness of the actions taking place in the universe. A person gets a faithful answer from nowhere and cannot clarify how this knowledge came to him.
  • Intuition - the ability to predict certain actions using tips that sends peace, dreams and premonitions.
  • Telekinosis is the ability to have an effect on items with the help of thought strength without any physical effort.

Extremely often extrasensory features open in those options when there is a threat to life or a person is in a critical situation and needs help. At such moments, some internal voice gives a hint how to act.

Also, a person may feel superpowers, being in a modified state of consciousness under the action of psychotropic or narcotic substances. About this perfectly knew the characteristics and shamans in different cultures, and used the characteristics of certain plants to enter the state of trance and communicating with otherworldly.

How to find presence of extrasensory capabilities

To appreciate your abilities to extrasensory perception, try to ask yourself a few questions:

  • How sensitive you sleep?
  • Do you have a developed intuition?
  • Do you feel someone's presence when you are alone in the room?
  • Is lucky for you in life?
  • Are you superstitious, are you listening to different signs and signs that the world sends for you?
  • Are there any people related to mysticism, witchcraft, healing?
  • Are you sensitive to the energy of the surrounding people?
  • Try to breed your palms around the distance about 20 cm. Do you feel warm, which comes from hand?
  • Do you think that "were born in a shirt"?
  • Have you experienced a feeling of discomfort and horror in places where some catastrophe happened, although before you did not know about it?
  • Do you communicate with non-fat subjects?
  • Can you just learn a person to certain actions?
  • Can you help unhealthy and soften his pain when communicating with him?

The greater the number of affirmative answers, the more stronger you have an extrasensory perception. If you answered "yes" the most than 10 questions, you will certainly need to develop your capabilities for you, because you are a real psychic.

But the presence of some opportunities is not enough to become a specialist in this area. It is also necessary to develop its sensitivity and intuition using classes and exercises.

Exercises developing extrasensory capabilities

For people who are cut to develop extrasensory capabilities, there are a number of exercises that expand the spectrum of perception. These techniques activate the dormant opportunities to psychic.

How to learn to feel aura hands

If you wish to learn how to take a man's aura, do this exercise:

  • Sit comfortably on the chair, keep your back straight.
  • Relax and stop the thoughts of thoughts, let the palms one about another.
  • Move the palm of one from another 30 cm, holding them with all this in parallel.
  • Start slowly to bring palms to their contact. Make an exercise again a couple of times.

After some time, you will begin to feel your own auger's limits. There will be a feeling of heat outgoing from the hands, the palms will become elastic. After a few classes, these feelings will not be simply challenged, but completely real and physical. In the upcoming you will also learn to feel the aura of others, feel her borders.

How to learn how to create aura

Exercise is made in two steps.

In the first step, for you you need a couple of days to try to see the small dashes, which are drawn in front of the eyes when you are peering into place between centuries. Create it better in the evening, lying in bed. For this exercise, quite 15 minutes in the day.

In the second step, act in this way:

  • Opposite yourself put a certain item - jug, Vazon or something else. It is better that the subject was one-color. Place it on the background of a snow-white sheet of paper to neutralize the background.
  • Start peering in the subject, but not straight, but casual. Over time, a light haze will begin to appear along the boundary of the subject. Further you will distinguish its color, depending on the coloring of the subject. For example, a greenish item has a reddish aura, and yellowish blue.

The ideal to do the exercise before bedtime.

How to learn how to create prophetic dreams

We all know about the paradox of prophetic dreams or the ability to predict the action of the coming dreams. In order to see the prophetic dream, you need to give yourself installation. Before bedtime, tune in to the fact that in a dream you must see how tomorrow day will be held. Do it any evening during the month. Uniformly you will learn how to create excerpts of events that should happen soon.

Try to understand your own sleep in small details and analyze it. Thus, over time, you can develop a dream interpretation system.

Beginner extrasens are recommended as possible to visit nature as possible, away from the city bustle. Try to spend more time in solitude and meditation, stay to hear the votes of nature and look at the night sky. Then, maybe the universe itself will talk to you.

Over the past decade, interest in psychic has increased significantly, so today there are many books on this topic, television shows, and regularly discusses the unusual possibilities of a person in periodicals and the Internet. All this creates an excitement around the topic, which concerns whether it is possible to develop. In fact, people who are engaged in magic for many years, say that all people have a similar gift from birth, but only units notice him and begin to develop, reaching certain vertices.

How to develop extrasensory abilities for 2 weeks?

To begin with, consider several tips that will help for a short time to see the first results.

How to disclose extrasensory abilities:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to clean your inner energy, getting rid of the negative. It is important to achieve harmony and pacification within itself. For this purpose you can use.
  2. Do not tell anyone about your workouts, as this is still some sacrament.
  3. The exercises below for the development of extrasensory abilities must be performed every day. Otherwise, you can not count on a quick result.
  4. Magic abilities must be applied only for the benefit of people or they may disappear.
  5. Read a lot of literature on psychic, as the theory is no less important than practice.

How to develop extrasensory abilities - Exercises

In this article:

There are beliefs that in antiquity almost all people have a gift of clairvoyance. They had powerful intuition and strongly opened "third-eye". To survive in difficult conditions, it was necessary to always feel and reflect the attack of the enemy - be something warrior of the enemy army or a dangerous beast. After all, the man was weaker than other animals, and to survive it was necessary to "keep the Ear Egor"

The development of extrasensory skills is conjugate with various negative phenomena. The main one is fear. When you start developing clairvoyance, you come to you various pictures come to you - not all of them are pleasant. See such that it does not invest in norms - this is not for the faint of heart. Experts say that fear is normal, so the highest strength check you into "stitching". Although most people are at this stage of development of extrasensory abilities, cease occupations. And in vain, the world has lost many talented psychics for this reason.

If you get screamed and decide that it is not yours, then deal with other types of predictions. If we decided to start the development of extraordinary abilities, then good luck in endeavors. Although independently develop extrasensory abilities is hard, it is better to find a teacher.

The development of extrasensory abilities is impossible without entering yoga. Even if you open some abilities, they will be short and can easily go. Opening of all Chakras - the full way to the world of clairvoyance. You can open certain chakras only with the permission of your teacher - Guru. This applies especially to Ajne and Sakhasrara. Ajna is responsible for intuition, clairvoyance, and Sakhasrara Chakra is world consciousness. Conduct any experiences with Sakhasrara - only with the permission of your teacher. The development of Chakras will lead to an understanding of peace, being and their life path.

How do you know if you have a gift?

Remember how you said it will be. It was so? And you had a situation that you know this place, although exactly the first time in an unfamiliar place?

There are many signs that determine the presence of abilities. These signs of the gift are easy to determine by Zenner cards, Luscher tests, Aizenka and Sondi. It is good to carry out such tests together or in a group, then the results will be much more efficient.

Dar can pass through the genus.

If your great-grandfather or great-grandmother treated people and predicted the future - definitely you have hereditary clairvoyance.

Abilities betrayed you, only they dorm. They need to awaken, remove to a certain level.

The gift can wake up after prolonged illness, catastrophe or clinical death. All these situations are activated by the unused portions of the brain. Science carefully studies the phenomenon of psychic, but does not give an unequivocal response. In the courtyard, a new millennium, which should clarify the situation around this mysterious theme. Suddenly you can help solve the secrets of clairvoyance?

Ajna Chakra: Meditation over the "mental sky"

Working with active helps to open the third eye that you need to manifest the abilities of psychics. This is how this simple, but effective meditation is carried out:

  • Sit into a mediative posture, calm your breath - relax. Read 3 times the AUM mantra;
  • Very slowly close the eyes and discard all the alarms, concerns and unpleasant;
  • Now we need to look closed eyes right "in darkness". Contemplate the world with calmness, which can be seen with closed eyes. Start with 3 minutes and increase to 5. Meditate for more than 7 minutes - there is no point;
  • Read the AUM mantra again 3 times, and then slowly open your eyes.

Such a simple meditation, but gives a striking result:

  • Mental relaxation. Removes stress, brings peace and deep calm. Leads to the imperturbability of the spirit. Strengthens the psyche of man, restores the strength;
  • If practicing regularly - opens the third eye. When working with active, phenomenal abilities will be shown - see through the eyelids, in the dark and through the walls. Imagine what opportunities to open before you? Psychic ability.

Notes to meditation:

  • Just look, do not try to see anything. This exercise does not require active image creation - they must come themselves;
  • At the very first time you will not see anything - only darkness. Then the white and blue color will appear - symbols of spirituality;
  • In the intermediate stage there will be unclear images, color spots or flashes from "nowhere". There will be entire series of visions. Your consciousness will enter the Astral Worlds - in various planes and projections. With these visions, fear will come to you. Experts say it is normal. Although many have abandoned classes because of these visions. Establish you - to be extrasensus or not to be. If you were afraid and do not want to continue training, then read the mantra hut - vision must pass;
  • If you want to practice psychic, then find yourself a guru - yoga, which has long been practicing and can give you advice in difficult situations.
  • Any meditation is not practiced at high-voltage stations. If a high-voltage cable is passed nearby or is a power station - you can not meditate! It is possible to get physically or mentally. Observe the diet and not drink alcohol.

Feel at

Any development of extrasensory abilities is impossible without feeling and visiting objects at a distance. You can establish bioenergy contact without touching the subject. Vanga, Edgar Casey and Messing could see and feel other people at a huge distance. Casey even raised diagnoses and treated people who were hundreds of kilometers from him. Edgar was a very religious person and believed that his gift was given by God to help people.

Here is a good exercise to develop energy emails. Throw your hands - imagine that you warm them from the cold. Twen palms, brushes bent so that you can put a small ball between them. Hold a little brushes in this position. Do you feel from the tips of your fingers proceeds heat? The air between the fingers is lightly vibrated.

Imagine that there is a ball between your hands. It is not material, but energy. Now extend and narrow the palms. Save this feeling. The ball should spring and vibrate. If you are all done as it should, then you should get.

Work with energy - base base

Reading information on photography

Maybe you saw in the "battle of psychics" or "the investigation are experiencing", how do participants read information on photography? We now work out these skills. This exercise is not from the lungs and requires a certain ability to work with the subconscious and an adhesive chakra. If you awakened your subconscious and opened the third eye, you can continue the development of your abilities in photos.

Training your extrasensory abilities is better in photos of relatives. Take a photo of a person's relatives. Hold it in your hands, spend her palms over it. You can even stroke. Imagine this person "live", remember your most recent meeting with him. His clothes and words he then spoke. Gestures, movements that emphasize the character of a person. Remembered?

Training in a relaxed atmosphere. Do not strain - everything should take place without visible efforts. Read information on the photo is the highest level of clairvoyance.

Fully deny all the impressions. Now ask the subject to any question. It is advisable to ask such a question to which you already know the answer. Ask a question for the question. What do you feel? All your feelings you must remember, but better to write down. It is necessary to control the development of extrasensory abilities.

Get yourself a diary where you will record all your workouts and your progress in them. There you can make and your predictions.

Ask this man, what does he think about you? The answer is already in the subconscious - "Catch" him. If you woke the subconscious, then you get. Maybe you will feel "outbreak in the brain" or warm in the chest. Everyone has its own.

This is an example of exercise that you can complicate. If it turns out well, work with photos of strangers. So it can even be trained by telepathy - read the thoughts of other people. Learn and everything will be released.

Clairvoyance is a divine gift that only applies to help people. The development of such a gift is happening from anyone. Some immediately begin to easily see what is hidden for reality. Others train for months - the result is zero. So not yours. Then use indirect predictions - divination and other types of indirect techniques. Develop and help yourself, relatives, as well as other people.

The development of extrasensory abilities in humans.

Many people dream of possessing those or other extrasensory abilities. Consequently, they think about how to find out - they have such abilities or not.

In any person laid certain knowledge and skills. Some try to develop them, and the abilities begin to manifest themselves at different periods of time. Other deposits are sleeping. But how to identify your own abilities? For this there are certain methods, special tests. About them and will be discussed in today's article.

Determine the extrasensory capabilities and intuition by date of birth?

Want to know exactly if you have extrasensory abilities or not, then this material will help you. Since here you can learn about the methods for finding such unusual possibilities.

We offer you a very simple test. With his help you determine if you are a tendency to conjure and use magic power:

  • In order to take the test, you will have to use only a date of your own birth, plus the calculator. This is only if you can't or do not want to consider yourself.
  • It is worth noting that the presence of otherworldly qualities can be judged only when there are 66 or 666 in the date of birth after the addition of numbers.
Gift Claims
  • Write your own birthday, for example, 08/30/1999.
  • Now fold the number of your own dates as follows: 31 + 08 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 8 \u003d 66. In order to get 666, you just need to look at the date when a person was born.

The meaning of this test, no doubt you will understand. If there is such a combination of numbers in the date of 06.06.2006, it means that this person has magical abilities, sensitive intuition. Consequently, he has the opportunity to develop his own gift of clairvoyance.

How the extrasensory abilities and intuition are manifested:

There are a lot of people in the world. And each has its own abilities: someone is superbly dancing, and someone perfectly draws pictures, and some have extrasensory abilities. However, the signs of such qualities in humans are manifested differently and may differ. Consider with you the brightest and pronounced signs.

  • Frequent colorful, conscious dreams.If you constantly see bright dreams, during which travel either they transmit pictures of the future, then you may undoubtedly count on the presence of magical forces.
  • In some cases, people thanks to such dreams can live more than one life. There is a huge number of technologies that allow not to be lost in such events. But the main thing that will allow developing the strength and manifestation of awareness is to record your own dreams.
  • Thus, you can check how exactly the dreams are accomplished, which were transferred to you.
  • Incoming treatment of people with palms.Such opportunities have many people with healing properties. In addition, it is possible to affect the whole body, to human energy, heal wounds, treat from diseases and clean chakras.

  • Fear in front of the door.The first sign of magical possibilities is anxiety that appears in the event that the door is open in the room. It was always assumed that the opening of windows and doors is a face that is located between our world and otherworldly. People who have strong energy sensitivity are not always delayed in the doorway and near the open window.
  • Another open door either window can lead to loss of its energy, therefore, most of the rituals are carried out in the room exclusively with a closed door and muted light.
  • The ability to materialize your own thoughts and desires.You have 100% special abilities when your dreams and thoughts are regularly carried out. Many have only positive desires, and there are also those who come true negative. In general, these individuals must follow their own desires. In the event that this happens sometimes sometimes, then try to develop more possibilities with special equipment.
  • Clear recognition of the feelings of other people.The next manifestation of magical forces is empathy. The person who owns it feels the emotions of others and their feelings, sometimes it seems to be his emotions. It is a pity, such an ability can be found not often. She has some magicians who actually help. Often the ability is found among psychologists or in psychotherapists.
  • The ability to predict what is happening in the near future.The ability to foresee the future is a complete guarantee of the presence of magical abilities. Images tend to occur during sleep, touching to certain things, with a mirror ball.
  • Acouted intuition.A person knows when he needs to stop either what to do at a certain point or the near future. He often finds himself in the desired place and meets those people who need. Also, such a person can predict the onset of danger.

Expressive tests and intuition tests

There is a huge number of tests, passing which you can learn about our own magical abilities, if they, of course, are. Just answer questions offered by us "Yes" or "no".

  1. Can you notice either to distinguish his energy in man?
  2. Do you feel danger? Can you leave any situation without special losses? Does your help always comes to the intuition of self-preservation before trouble?
  3. Do you impact other people's solutions, can you inspire your own thoughts so that your interlocutor moves to your side?
  4. Do you have the opportunity to foresee the moments of the future, do you prevent any events?
  5. Your friends began to notice that you are a good interlocutor and easily talk to you?
  6. Love spell, damage, Schalz - did you practice similar methods on com else?
  7. Are you interested in magic? Learning a lot of literature about magic and a variety of methods that concern it?
  8. Are you guessing any method available for you? The most important thing is that you predict people come true with time?
  9. Everyone is like an open book. You can see a person through, feel what he strives for and what do you feel?
  10. Do you constantly think about life, are you reading a large number of books? Do you have your own self-improvement in your first position?
  11. Loneliness for you the usual thing? After all, it is precisely it gives you the opportunity to open your potential, reveal your own inner world.
  12. Do you perfectly own certain magic elements?
  13. Finding on a cemetery or a wasteland, you are not afraid, do not lose?

In the event that you were able to answer positively on 8 questions and more, then the magical power is laid. Develop it. It all depends on your capabilities and desires.

What signs of the zodiac have extrasensory abilities and intuition?

Absolutely all people, any sign of the zodiac can have extrasensory forces. But only every sign has its own talents. Let's find out how all the signs are endowed.

  • Aries.Very strong sign. Its main ability - the ability to charge your own energy of the rest of the people. Aries like an ordinary light bulb - light comes from it. In addition, a man born under this sign can inflict energy clothes and other things. The most important thing is that this energy is good.
  • Calf.Lucky financial plan. This sign belongs to the world of money. Goes on money, uses cash conspiracies and rituals. To achieve your own desires, the Taurus often writes on a paper sheet its own cash fantasy.
  • Twins.Acute in tongue. It can smooth out and damage. Only from one glance and bad words, he can harm. However, this person also affects positively - it can sincerely wish for good and good luck.
  • Cancer.A person has acute intuition. He can guess the events taking place in the nearest and distant future. However, very often born under this sign does not speak about his own feelings, and when his prophecies come true, the phrase of the "I knew everything", "there will be a ridicule. Many astrologers advise racks more to describe their feelings and feelings close, since that way they can protect them from troubles.
  • A lion.Lion easily copes With love spells and conspiracies. Lions subject to what the topic concerns. And it is not strange that Lion often has a stormy love.
  • Virgo.People accurately have supernatural forces. They are they guess on the maps, they own chiromantia. If a person under this acquaintance wants seriously to study the cards and fortune telling on her palm, he will be able to quickly succeed.

  • Libra.Supernatural abilities of the scales are manifested by the internal energy. Scales control the elements. Libra can easily check out your own abilities. They should "order" nature from nature for a certain day and check how their assumptions will come true.
  • Scorpio.The man of this sign is considered magically strong. He owns almost all the varieties of magic. The main feature of the Scorpio person - he fights with poor energy, slogan and spill. Own presence scorpion protects close people from misfortunes and diseases.
  • Sagittarius.The main magical forces of Sagittarius is his intentions, thoughts and words. The main satellites of Sagittarius is an arrow and goal. This means that in order to realize your own desires, it clearly formulates its own intentions. And it does it best on paper.
  • Capricorn.Capricorns can be wonderful astrologers, numerologists or chirromates. They are subject to science, which will allow them to show their own mind, logical and mathematical capabilities.
  • Aquarius.Often see Prophetic dreams. They listens to their own dreams, because thanks to them they receive a large number of information that is useful to them.

  • Fish.Man of this sign is wonderful goes with coffee grounds, cards and runes. In addition, cancer can purify the space from energy pollution. Still fish has excellent intuition. This makes it possible to guess the future events.

How to open and develop extrasensory abilities: Exercises

Magical forces are the consequences that can manifest themselves through important factors and conditions. Some of them help to predict the future, set up energy, develop the brain ability. You can select the following exercises that help develop extrasensory capabilities.

Develop intuition:

  • Extraceptor capabilities depend on the mind. Most of the scientists claim that earlier people possessed a very powerful brain. It functioned completely differently, not like a modern person.
  • Almost 90% of all its capabilities, which allowed the ancient people between each other with a friend to communicate for a very long time. The brain works actively - more likely to predict the future. Open magic capabilities will help logic and abstract thinking.
  • Fix regularly your own thoughts and what you expect, in order to check them in the future and compare with real events.

Learning to feel your own aura:

  • Man surrounds the energy field. To guess the future or follow the mood of people, you need to understand your own aura. Almost anyone felt the negative energy energetic from another person.
  • If you want to feel the boundaries of your own field, inlet into it someone, feel changes, do this: Hands Take the sides - see your biological field. Pull your hands forward - you will become a magnet.
  • Use this exercise in the mind when a person will sit opposite you. So you can develop the magnet sensitivity.

Learning to meditate:

  • Breathe deeply and not often. Clean your own mind from extraneous thoughts to feel the energy of the world around you.
  • First do it at home, then you can go to other places

Learning to guess dreams:

  • Pruthera dreams are a gift that man is given from nature itself. This is the best method of prediction, since the human brain during sleep is distracted from problems and work, can efficiently interact with biopole.
  • Want to develop this gift? Before you go to bed, get rid of extra thoughts and think about what interests you. So you can see a meaning of a dream. However, before this follow yourself. If you notice positive results, then you are on the right track.

Learning to see future events:

  • It is said that those surfaces that reflect help keep track of what is closed from the eyes. In this regard, the perfect assistant is a mirror. Experts say the mirror is considered to be the border that shares the worlds.
  • The mirror shows the future only to chosen people. To learn about whether you are elected or no, will be able to help you exercise.
  • In order to check your own forces, take a couple of mirrors so that they show the endless tunnel. Sit between the mirrors, consider what you will see in this tunnel. Create a complete silence near yourself, darkness, do everything calmly.
  • However, be extremely careful. After all, the exercises in which mirrors participate are sometimes hazardous with a small biofield.

Development of extrasensory abilities according to the method of Silva

The famous parapsychologist from America offered an unusual method. Thanks to him, you can establish thinking, to control the functioning of intuition. Silva decided to offer some exercises developing "sixth senses". This allows a person to gain additional opportunities to improve and achieve the newest heights in his own life.

According to Silva, you can manage your consciousness at various levels:

  • Level 1. Man awakes can use 5 physical feelings
  • Level 2. This consciousness is suitable for meditation, using intuition
  • Level 3. A person is located in a deep dream, for example, during long-term meditation using various methods of psychic
  • Level 4. Man sleeping deeply. At this level, it is located in unconsciousness

Read more about the method of Silva in his book "Reason Management". You can buy a book.

How to disclose extrasensory abilities and develop them in 2 weeks?

Want to develop extrasensory capabilities in 14 days? Let's consider with you some recommendations that will be assistants in this business:

  • To begin with, spend the ritual of cleansing your own internal aura. Get rid of negative emotions and thoughts. Reach harmony inside yourself. You can remember
  • Never talk to anyone that you spend such training. As it should stay secret from extraneous thoughts
  • Perform special exercises every day. If you do not do this, you may not wait for a good result.
  • Use your own capabilities only for good purposes, otherwise your abilities will disappear
  • Learning a lot of information that concerns extrasensory. After all, the theory is also considered important as practice

Now consider the exercises yourself directly:

  • Learn for 2 weeks to feel human aura using hands. Do this way: Sit on the chair straight, relax at the maximum. Take your hands on the sides, put the palms in parallel with each other at a distance of 30 cm. Do not rush to twist the palms, and then diverge to have a feeling of heat and elasticity in the whole body.
  • Take 2 pictures that depict a deceased man and alive. Close your eyes, get rid of extra, distracting thoughts, focus. Put one hand on the snapshot and feel the energy comes from it. Repeat in the second picture.
  • To develop your own intuition, try to learn to write with the opposite hand during this time.

How to open and develop extrasensory abilities: Tips

How to open and develop extrasensory abilities independently? The most important thing is to strive for this and stubbornly go to the goal. If you want to find a good method that will help you, then to start listen to our simple recommendations.

  • Try to tune in to a positive way. Since doubts will distract you and suspend the whole process.
  • With special attention to attribute to their own feelings and feelings. Watch out for any trifle that happens near you, in order to catch a supernatural signal.

  • Fix on paper all your dreams and visions. You can start a special notepad. Thus, you will track - there is progress in your studies or there is no positive shifts at all.
  • A variety of events can be as often as possible. Use for such a goal any photo. Looking at one photo for a few seconds, close your eyes, reproduce what they saw in the picture.
  • Use the technique called an audio guide. This technique allows one to focus well, tune in to positive thoughts, thus throwing out of the head that prevents the receipt of a positive result.

We hope our small tips will help you become an excellent psychic! But remember that you do not need to use your gift for your own enrichment or harm to others.

Psychic books: List

  • Author - Elina Boltenko: "Packbook on extrasensory"
  • Roberts Jane, "extrasensory abilities."
  • Gennady Kybardin: "Secrets of clairvoyance: how to develop the ability to psychic."
  • Norin Rainier: " Practice psychic "
  • Yuri Ivanov: "How to become a psychic"
  • Nonna Hidiryan: " Psychic. Answers to questions here »
  • Sanders Jr. Pete: "You are extrasens!"
  • Alexey Poyhabov: "Vertical Will"

Books on psychic to your liking can choose this.

Stones reinforcing extrasensory abilities

Azurist - The strongest of all stones giving the strength of consciousness.

Sardonyx - It has the power of self-describing its owner, by harmonizing the work of all organism systems and the best work of the human mind.

Heliotrope - Stone for witchcraft in antiquity. It is used for bracelets, rings and rings, for stimulating the psychic person.

Video: Claim Claim. How to become clairvoyant and open the third eye?

In fact, unusual abilities are present in each of us. Only someone is more noticeable and improved, and some people have not yet revealed. Therefore, you can learn how to develop your hidden abilities and skills that will make your life much brighter and more interesting.

Hidden reserves of man

From a long time, it became known that people enjoy only 10 percent of their capabilities. The remaining resources are "dormant" and persistently waiting for you to "wake up." Such superconduances include even such a simple concept as intuition. Intuitive abilities can also be developed and improved. Only for a minute it is worth introducing as much easier to be your life if you can be able to determine what a person thinks about you, his attitude towards you and so on. There are a large number of rules and exercises that help develop your extraordinary features. The main thing to take the first step is to begin to believe in the presence of the supernatural.

hidden talents are absolutely each

What abilities are hidden from us?

There is a huge number of superconductors, which we do not even guess. But some of them are close and familiar to us, but not all of them are quite developed. The most basic will be described below.

Mental abilities

Many diverse specific literature has been released, which helps develop their mental or extrasensory abilities. But, for most of us, such books are written in a very serious scientific language, but classes applicable to improving such skills are quite simple and understandable. You will not need much time to perform these tasks. So, the most effective exercises for exercise superposts.

Telepathic message

Agree that many of us in life there were such unusual situations when we felt that some particular person would call us or write a message. After some short time it really happened. This happens on the subconscious level, since one person thinks about a friend. Due to thoughts, he calls another person to get off with him. Mind energy is quite strong. Therefore, people can feel each other at a distance. To train such an ability, you can use the methodology called "we encourage people to call us":

  • Initially, choose the person with whom we would like to contact the telepathic level. Exercise is important to carry out with a person close to you and with the fact that you have mutual understanding.
  • Make a short respiratory gymnastics: on 4 accounts-inhalation, delay your breath into 4 accounts and exhale 8. Repeat 3 times.
  • Close your eyes and imagine such a situation when you sit in a large green park on the lawn with flowers. In the hands you hold 7 balls of all rainbow colors. Then you alternately release balls into the sky and watch them disappear in the clouds. Visualization is very important for the development of this skill.
  • After you let go all the balls into the sky, imagine a small room in the middle of which stands stands with a phone. The room comes into the room who you migrated as the caller. You watch from the side like this man begins to call your number. After you have to see yourself, talking to this person.
  • Repeat such a practical lesson several times. Then your works will give the necessary result.

Guessing time

An exercise in which time should be guessing on the clock, perfectly develops extrasensory or mental abilities. If you want to know how much time at the moment, you need to close your eyes and ask yourself: "What time is it?" Try to instantly remember the first idea that has arisen in your mind. Since it is this answer that will be correct. There is also a process of visualization of the situation. The more practice, the better the result.

self-improvement no limit

Alarm clock inside you

A fairly interesting way to improve its hidden skills is considered to plant its own organism to wake up into a specific time section. Such an exercise is best to perform on weekends, when you do not need to go to work in order to accidentally not sleep.

  • Select the wrecking time. For example, let it be 8 am.
  • Next, we mentally turn to your own consciousness with a request to wake up at this time. To strengthen requests, motivate the goal of such an early awakening.
  • Do not install alarm clock.
  • After wake up, immediately check the clock and calculate how coincided your thoughts with reality.

Such skills can be manufactured only hardly training. Perform exercises several times a week and everything will turn out.

Intuitive qualities

Human intuition is a special gift that each of us is present. This skill must be developed, since it will help you in any incomprehensible situation, where standard knowledge will not help. With certain exercises, you can improve your intuitive qualities.

Traffic light

This exercise is considered one of the most efficient and useful. But, and as many other techniques, it requires regular training. Here it will be about mental installation at an intuitive level. With this method, you can identify the most favorable effect on you:

  • Green light - no obstacles.
  • Yellow light - be careful and prudent.
  • Red color - you are awaiting a dangerous situation.

On the sheet paper, draw a traffic light and hang on a noticeable place. Imagine that it is real. Sit down opposite it and breathe deeply, measured. Include in your imagination all colors alternately and compare each of them with some particular life situation. With each time you will perform this exercise is faster. And in the future, at the intuitive level, you will determine which event is joyful, and what misfortune promises.

Psychological Radar

This method is easy enough to execute, but it works fine. I pull out your hand and with the help of an index finger, we mark a specific object. Imagine an approximate distance of this thing from you and its energy field. Close your eyes and turn left first and then right. Having lost the orientation in space, you must determine at what distance and in what place there is a mysterious subject. If you mentally felt the location of things, then open your eyes and make sure your assumptions are accurate. Repeat several times this task.

Guess the event

This exercise should be performed daily to secure the result. It is built on guessing certain events occurring during the day. If you are going to get out of the house, try to guess who you will meet on the way. If you are standing at the bus stop, then try to determine what type of transport is suitable first and so on.

it is necessary to concentrate on self-development to open unexpected possibilities.

Memory development

Development memory is very helpful for both adults and children. Memory is an integral functional feature of the human brain. Due to it, we can read and memorize important information every day. But over time, this activity is a little fading and it must be trained. For the proper formation of a children's psyche, it is important to engage in the development of memory constantly. For all ages there are universal exercises:


In order to accomplish this exercise, you should resort to the help of another person. You must close your eyes, and your assistant, without hurrying, should describe certain images. After that, you in several stages must reproduce what they heard. Then take a sheet of paper and draw everything that you learned earlier. Exercise perfectly trains imagination. You can visualize anything, for example, an elephant with a log, hippopotamus on a water-tree, flying autumn foliage and so on.

Learn a poem

We begin to teach poems even in kindergarten, school, but then sharply throw this occupation. To train the memory, you can use such a simple technique as memorizing poems. You can use both short fragments of poems and long works. You can read poems and quatrains not only in Russian, but also on foreign. Such a reception is very useful for both visual and auditory memory.

Read aloud

Develop every type of memory alternately. This technique greatly strengthens the auditory memory. Every day, read your favorite books aloud. Clear 10-20 minutes reading. After reading, try to retell what you learned from the book.

We learn new words daily

Exercise is very simple. We write on paper, for example, 15 words. Within 30 seconds we look at them and try to remember. I turn over a sheet of paper and remember what was written. You can write not only words, but also numbers.

The ability of clairvoyance

Many wonder how the ability of clairvoyance is still working. Sometimes this skill is called the Third Eye. With it, you can foresee future events, read hidden from other information. Claintion needs to develop and do it is very difficult. But, try still stands. Suddenly, you will have the rarest gift to the predictiveness of the future, and you will be able to help people in difficult situations. For training you will use the following exercises.

Exercise "I see through the skin"

To perform this task, prepare 2 squares: white and black. Take a convenient posture, relax. Raise the right palm over squares at a distance of 8 centimeters. First over white, then over a black square. Slowly drive your hand from one figure to another. Listen to your feelings. Maybe you feel at this moment cold or heat, and maybe tingling in the palm of your hand. Remember to which color you have manifested here or another feeling. With each repetition of this task, you will quickly determine the color of the square, located under your palm.

Exercise "Border with Reality"

Most experienced psychics use a borderline state in which a person is on the verge of reality, and another mental part goes to the astral. That is, your body is in a two-phase state, namely between sleep and wakefulness. In this space you can fall and consciously, if you learn this. When you lie in bed in front of the night bed, try to catch the moment in which you begin to fall asleep slightly. Try to control two states at the same time. It will not be easy, but you will succeed. Do the exercise until in the end do not light up.

Learning to see a man of man

Close your eyes and look through the closed eyelids in the outlines standing in front of you. The occupation is held for 5 minutes daily within ten days. Next, you can go to the second stage. Slightly sticking eyelids, look at any item and try to see his glow. This is the light and will be his aura. Similarly, follow a person with aura, which has several shades, depending on the nature. For example, if a purple shade prevails in the man's biofield, then a person has a fairly strong spiritual development. And if in the outer circle aura is more gold color, then it tells us about the nature of a big thinker. Red shades suggest that a person is very busy by ordinary affairs.

If you decide to know something new for yourself, the development of unusual abilities is perfect for you. Train as often as possible and, then the result will not wait long for a long time. It is important to remember that each of us is unique and interesting in its own way.