Competitions for children 4 5 years old at home. How to spend a homemade birthday fun

The article will help you prepare your child's holiday so that it's fun and interesting to everyone.

The birthday of a beloved child is always the excitement of mom not only relative to the covered table, but also relative to the fun. How to make a holiday cheerful not only for children, but also for guests?

Birthday contests 1 year

Since the kid in 1 year old can not understand all the meaning of what is happening, then almost all contests are aimed at participating in them guests.

Who knows the child better?

For guests, a number of birthday is asked. Who is the first answer correctly - gets, for example, one candy. Who will get more candy - he won. If there are many guests - you can divide them into several groups. At the end, respectively, one of the groups will won. Some questions are obvious, but are designed for speed. Approximate questions:

  • How many birthday women weighed at birth
  • What day of the week was born
  • What time was born
  • What is the middle name of the birthday
  • Favorite toy
  • When the first tooth got out
  • How many teeth are now
  • Favorite food
  • Zodiac sign
  • What is the name of the godmother and dad
  • What first word said?
  • Favorite cartoon
  • What is the weight now
  • When the first time I got on my feet

Important: There may be such questions. But do not overdo it in order not to take advantage of guests to the interrogation.

Who will be the birthday boy in the future?

This competition is personally for a birthday officer. But other little children can participate.

The table is laid out objects. The subject that the child will take and will mean his future profession. Example:

  • Keys - builder
  • Comb - hairdresser
  • Money - financier
  • Book - scientist
  • Soft toy - veterinarian
  • Vitamins - doctor
  • Flashlight - Policeman
  • Calculator - economist / accountant
  • Any technique (mouse, remote, tablet) - Programmer or technician
  • Puppet Outfit - Clothes Designer
  • Spoon - restaurant business
  • Beautiful Figurine - Interior Designer
  • Children's seal - lawyer
  • Handle - writer
  • Tassel - artist

IMPORTANT: You can think of another mass of our own options.

When the choice will make a birthday room, give this opportunity and other children.

Best gourmet.

  • From the guests you invite a few people to participate (it will be more fun if it is supporters of an early dust)
  • Pre-prepare jars baby food and remove the labels from them
  • Take turns give to try. Whoever guesses the taste - he won

Important: It will be more fun if you choose less delicious options for sample: broccoli, cauliflower.


For the competition you can take two or three children from 6 years. Everyone gives a pacifier or nipple (better - the same). Who is plot from two attempts - he won.


Competition is suitable for children who are not afraid to go to the hands of someone else's unlis.

At the contest attract men. Each let him raise the child and calls an approximate weight. Who will be closer to the truth - he won.

Laughter of the birthday man.

Call for the contest of those who want, regardless of age and gender.

The one who can laugh a birthday boy in 1 minute - he won.

After each competition, you can give guests a medal:

Baby Birthday Contests 2-3 years

In 2-3 years, the child will be actively involved in competitions.

Cheerful balls.

For this contest, attract small children and their moms or dads.

Distribute to each child an inflated ball and a marker. To the music of children with the help of parents draw funny face. At the end of music, the presenter estimates the drawing of everyone and, of course, we say that friendship won. Press the prizes to all participants.

Competition for the accuracy.

  • To participate in the birthday and his friends. Build children in a row
  • Opposite each at a distance of 2-3 meters put an adult with a bucket. Every kid give a little ball or crumpled paper
  • Give everyone 3 attempts to make a throw. Who will show the best result - he will win


  • Print 3 species of pictures with animals measuring about 10 to 15 cm in multiple copies
  • The number of copies depends on the number of participants. Cut each picture in half
  • Each participant gives 3 cut pictures. At the signal, everyone starts to collect a picture. Who is the first to collect 3 pictures - he will win

Important: You can attract moms to help

Show the beast.

  • On paper Write beasts, which kids love and know how to show: dog, cat, mouse, frog, monkey, bear, hedgehog, donkey, duck, bird, goose, chicken
  • Inflate air balloonsAfter throwing it in each piece of paper with the name of the animal. Ball tie to a bow (in case someone is afraid to burst the ball)
  • The child chooses the ball, you shove or unleash it, and call the animal that should sound or show a child. Merry and children, and adults will be, if mom and dad will make up their kid company
  • According to the results of the competition, all children win

Contests for the birthday of the child 4-5 years

Candy soup.

  • To participate invite two children
  • Give everyone to the midnight. On the contrary, after a meter 3, put a stool with pan. And near the child - a handful of candies
  • The task of participants is to put candy in the midnight, convey and pour out in a saucepan
  • Who made faster - he won

Attentive parrot.

  • The lead explains to children that they must repeat all the words behind him, except the word "parrot". Under the quiet music, the lead calls words, including the word "parrot". The one who repeats the "parrot" drops out of the game
  • With each retired presenter accelerates and accelerates to make it easier to confuse children
  • Wins the last remaining
  • To participate is attracted to the maximum of children. You can participate and adults for fun
  • One person sits on a chair, turning away from the rest. One participant from the rest comes from the back and says the sound of any animal: "Gav-Gav", "Meow", "Pi-Pi Pi"
  • Sitting in a chair must understand who approached. If guessing - the following child sits down
  • The winner as such is not. Award all for participation

Merry birthday competitions for children

In the footsteps of animals.

  • Children are involved with parents
  • Each team is issued two cards cut out in the form of a beast trace. At a distance of 3-4 meters improvise the finish
  • Adult task - to substitute the cardboard for each pitch of the child
  • The task of the child is to go through all distance exclusively by cardboard


  • Two teams of children participate. One team give 5 inflated balloons of the same color, another team - another color
  • Put commands opposite each other. Spend an improvised line between them (according to the principle of volleyball mesh)
  • When music begins, each team is trying to transfer their balls behind the hell, and, at the same time, knock out the opponent's balls from their territory
  • At the end of the music, the team defeats, in the territory of which there are fewer rival balls

Easy Birthday Contests for Children

Making a kebab.

Let each participant give a wand (from the balls) and put 10 drying on a plate. Who will quickly put on drying on a stick, he made the first kebab.

Collect candy.

On the floor you need to scatter candy. At the team, children begin to collect them in hand, pockets, sleeves. Who will collect more - he won. Of course, everyone takes her candy to themselves.

Music contests for children for birthday

Find color.

  • Children participate in the competition. The presenter says out loud to some color and music turns on for 10 seconds.
  • During this time, each participant is looking for something appropriate in the room and attach to this hand (guests of guests, toy). Who could not find for the last time - he drops out
  • Then another color is voiced, and so until one winner remains

Guess the song.

  • From adults or older children, the presenter is selected. He goes to another room. At this time, children are divided into two teams. Each team makes himself a song
  • When the presenter returns, the teams are simultaneously starting to sing their songs. In this noise, the presenter must guess who sings and what song
  • If not guessing - the desire of children

Movable birthday games

Relay "Find a pair."

  • 10-14 participants are invited to participate (even). You can attract adults. Participants are divided equal to 2 teams
  • Each participant removes shoes from one foot. All removal shoes put together in one bunch located at the same distance from both teams.
  • The relay is to reach the heap of shoes, to find his own, to shift it and return to the team
  • The team that goes first and will be declared the winner

Move the coil.

Two people participate. Each is the coil from the thread. For two, a thread is 5 m. The middle of the thread is marked with a node. Participants start to wind the thread each on their coil from two edges. One who first wins the knot wins.

Funny Birthday Contests for Children

Who said "Meow".

  • Choose one adult to the role of the host. Player children can be any
  • The master turns away, and someone from the children screams "meow". Will be better if the child says it is crying or changing voice
  • Then leading turns, and all children begin to shout "meow" and run-jump around the room
  • In such a noisy atmosphere, an adult is trying to guess who said "meow" first
  • To be more fun, the loser lead pulls out of the Phanta bag (for example, to portray some animal). Children will be very fun behind it


Competition will enjoy the children of videos. The presenter says it goes to the zoo and comes out of the room. Returning, he says he saw there, for example, a bear. After that, children all must show, how to make a bear.

Questions Contests for children's birthday

Expert of fairy tales.

The lead calls the beginning of the fairy tale, and the children guess the end. For the correct answer, everyone gets candy. Who scored more sweets - he won.

  • "Red ..."
  • "Wolf and ..."
  • Snow White and ... "
  • "Baba ..."
  • "Tom and ..."

Guess a riddle.

The presenter sets the riddles. For each correct answer gives candy. Who has more candy - he won.

  • Waited to mom with milk, and wolf let the house. Who were these little children? (Seven kids)
  • Bought samovar, and saved her mosquito. (fly Tsokotukha)
  • He is always in work when we speak. And resting when we are silent. (language)
  • There are many teeth, and nothing eats. (hairbrush)
  • daily at six in the morning he cracks "get up time" (alarm clock)

Contests for children for a birthday in the form of a fairy tale

  • The tales competition requires a good training of the organizer. Need props, script, musical accompaniment
  • Most. simple option There will be a fairy tale "Kolobok". All children know her, it is not very long and easy to remember
  • Participants: Grandfather, Grandma, Kolobok, Bear, Fox, Hare
  • For everyone should be prepared props, helping to see who executes the participant: a scaffolding for grandmother, a santa hat, a bear cap, foxes and a hare (or ears)
  • The presenter reads the fairy tale expressively and slowly. And participants depict their role with each mention of them

Baby Birthday Competitions

Guess yourself.

  • All sitting at the table are distributed stickers
  • In turn, everyone writes on his sticker known to the whole word: fruit, vegetable, animal and others. After stickers are transmitted in a circle
  • Having received a sticker, a member of the cakes himself on his forehead and asks all the questions to the lodging. So tries to guess who he is. Of course, the author of the word is not trying to guess and suggest
  • Examples of questions: I am fruit? am I red I'm round?

Broken phone.

The participant comes up with a phrase. Transmits her neighbor whisper at the ear. Neighbor is another neighbor. And so to the end. At the end, it was quite fun to hear the phrase, which the last participant will announce.

Prizes for children's birthday competitions

The choice of prizes depends on the budget to which you expect. It can be:

  • Egg Kinder Surprise
  • Chocolate
  • Candy
  • Chupa-Chupa
  • Small toys are soft
  • Pupae for girls
  • Machines for boys
  • Air bubbles
  • Puzzles

Economical, but at the same time the medals will be a memorable option. Print on thick paper, thread the rope. You can hand over after each contest.

Contests for adults at the birthday of the child

Unlock the tangle.

  • One adult and children participate in the competition
  • Adult goes beyond the door. Children become a circle, take hands
  • Then begin to be tangled, crossing the legs or hands through the hands and feet of others. Hands should not let go
  • Adult returns and trying to unravel the tangle, not extinguishing his hands. If disrupted - gets a prize. Does not raise - performs desire

Eat on health.

  • Adults are involved in the competition. Everyone sits down at the table
  • Before each placled plate with crumbly food - perfect rice or buckwheat porridge. Each participant gives Chinese sticks
  • On the team, everyone starts eating chopsticks. Who will eat more in a minute - he won
  • Portions should be equal

As you can see the children's birthday you can spend fun and for guests and for the birthday room. The main thing is to prepare.

Video: games and contests for birthday 2-3 years Part 2

Well, what is the same children's event Maybe do without noise and fun? Quiz, Competitions, Competitions - Small fidgets very love these entertainment and take part in them with great pleasure. Already from 3 years old, kids can be involved in the game of such a plan. Participation in contests contributes to the development of sociability, creative abilities, logical thinking, imagination, physical data. Taking part in such events, Kroch learns to take victories and defeats, rejoice in the success of comrades, sympathize and empathize the loser.

Selecting contests for the smallest, must be considered age peculiarities Children. The tasks should be simple, understandable and fast-filled. It is important that no child felt offended or losers. All participants in the event should receive prizes if not victorious, incentive.

To entertained the fun and interesting, you need to change the generation. Therefore B. competitive program It is recommended to include games of different directions: creative, logical, movable. We offer examples of similar entertainment:

Creative contests

  • "Color the drawing." Each kid is given a sheet with an image of the subject. The child should paint it. For three-year-old children sketches of drawings should be simple (sun, chamomile, boat, ball). The one who fulfilled the task quickly, neatly, at the same time, correctly picked up the color.
  • "Image Animal". The child shows a picture of an animal image. The kid must simulate his voice and movement. If other children found out who the participant shows, he receives a prize. For this contest, you need to pick up pictures with famous kids animals, and which are easy to portray (dog, cat, bear, frog).

Logic contests

  • "Boarding Sloves." The presenter is pronouncing a poetic riddle, children must guess and pronounce loud the last word. Example: "On the forest cleaner jumps long-legged, gray ..." (bunny). Wins the one who has the most correct answers.
  • "Collect the picture." Each participant is given a picture cut by 5-6 parts. The child must fold this puzzle. The one who fastest will fulfill the task is correct. For young children, images should be simple and bright, and the elements of the puzzle are large.

Movable contests

  • "Collect the harvest." Each participant has a basket or bucket. On the floor are scattered cones, chestnuts, apples. Children in the signal must start collecting them. The winner is the one who in the basket will be the most fruit.
  • "The sea is worried about" (based on the moving game of the same name). Task: The words "Figure of Zamri" children must measure and do not move. The one who passes the longest of all was in a fixed state.
  • "Hot Kolobok". Children become a circle and transmit each other a ball. It is necessary to do it very quickly. Who dropped the "hot bun" on the floor, coming out of the game. The winner is the one who will last until the end of the game.
  • "Get into the goal." The task of children get the ball into the hoop that lies on the floor (instead of the hoop, you can designate a circle with a bright ribbon).
  • Competition "Run the aircraft" - children launch paper airplanes, wins the one whose plane flew on (sign the aircraft if they do not differ in color - so as not to get confused where whose). Airplanes can be prepared in advance, but you can do with the children of colored paper right on holidays.

Does your baby coming soon for 5 years? Then for business! Let's organize a wonderful bright holiday.

A five-year-old child already has its own preferences, clearly knows what he likes, and what - no. The five-year plan is waiting for guests, counts the days before the holiday, confidently orders gifts. By the way, the guests of the future birthday party can invite themselves. Therefore, so that there is no confusion, agree with the child, how much is the person he invited to and festive table And the entire attribute corresponded to the number of guests. By the way, if earlier parents were together with young guests, then older children (from 4-5 years old) already lead to a holiday, and then take after the event.

Games for the birthday of 5 years are not so simple as before. Children in 5 years can already play in almost adult games ("The sea is worried about", "crocodile", etc.).

Baby Birthday Scenario 5 years old: Ideas

1. I wonder if the holiday will be thematic. This idea is always relevant. Pirates party was already last year? Then this will arrange an intergalactic "party", or the Wild West Cowboys, or ... Think, dear Parents! What is your child fond of? Invented! We recommend to spend a little time and prepare invitations for friends and relatives in advance.

2. Start immediately interesting. So while guests are collected, you can already distribute the first task. For example, draw a drawing on the topic of the holiday. And then award the best artist. Or arriving guests can fold the puzzle along with the birthday girl. In general, organize interesting leisure to those who have already come, while waiting for everyone else.

3. Consider the option of the quest. Children love to look for treasures on maps. There is nothing easier. Hide the apartment in advance (even better if the holiday will be in the country) surprises, make a map with interesting tasks and riddles. Do not tighten the game, let the search for treasure takes 30 minutes - and interesting, and not tiring. The birthday boy receives the "treasure" (the main gift), and the guests helped him - candy.

4. Also in the interruptions between the children's dressing, you can see an interesting cartoon.

5. Children's disco - Also an interesting time. Transfer to the birthday of a child is 5 years. It can be done at the end, collecting a festive table, or just in another room.

6. The prize contest for the best toast in honor of the birthday room will also diversify the holiday. Guests-children can also participate. Do not limit the toast recording only by adults.

7. If there is a place in the apartment, give children the opportunity to move. So, we play the prize overlap. Tasks consider themselves, for example: jump from start to finish on one leg, on all fours, etc.

8. Also arrange a drawing contest, guess the riddles, read poems and play games. For 5 years baby's birthday games for 5 years.

9. At the end of the holiday, of course, you need a festive cake with candles, and even under the control of parents you can freeze Bengal lights, arrange salute from the balls (release balls from the window).

To organize an unforgettable holiday, make up in advance birthday script child 5 years. Everything is not so difficult, as it seems. Just consider the preferences of your child and think that it can be so interesting in breaks between food so that the child and the guests are interested.

We bring to your attention the gaming program options. Choose those games and contests for the birthday of the child 5 yearsthat you like.

Creative games and contests for the birthday of the child 5 years:

  • Joint drawing. We divide guests into two teams, each I bet on Watman with markers / pencils. We ask the topic of the drawing. We specify the time limit (for example, 5 minutes). On your marks! Following the competition, we award the team, the drawing of which is better.
  • "Draw a birthday closed eyes" - enough 2 participants. They tie their eyes, you need to draw a portrait. Who is closer to the original.

Cheerful games and contests for the birthday of the child 5 years:

  • Phanti. We read in turn for each guest comic tasks. Guests perform them in turn.
  • Tower. For this game you will need wooden cubes, and more. Children in turn lay a cube on a cube. Thus, we get a high pyramid-turret. The player loses, after whose cube the tower still does not stand and falls.
  • Mice and cat. While the music of the mice is playing and dancing, as soon as the music subsides, the lead - the cat is on the hunt, and the mice should take the chair as soon as possible. Who did not have time to sit, becomes leading with the cat.
  • Traffic light. All children become near the wall. Leading - traffic light calls any color. Those children who have in clothes named color are calmly moving, those who do not have it, have to run on the road, and the lead is trying to get into them with the ball. The child in which the ball fell, becomes a traffic light.
  • Wave. Children should have time to run under the cloth, which is the leads the lead so that their tissue does not hurt.
  • Ruthless charging. The presenter shows movements and at the same time calls others. The task of children to repeat only what it shows. A more complex option is to repeat what he calls.
  • Heat cold. In the room, secret from the child, hides the toy. The child must find a toy. The remaining participants should guide the child, suggesting: "Heat", "cold".
  • The sea is worried about times. The master turns away from other participants who dance to music, portraying the waves, and loudly says:

"The sea worries times,
The sea is worried about two,
The sea is worried about three,
Sea figure on the spot Zerr! "

At this moment, players must measure in the position in which they were. The lead turns, bypassing all the players and inspects the resulting figures. Who is the first of them move, he drops out of the game and becomes a "warder" - helps leading to find a staggered.

  • Guess the word. Driving makes item on a revised topic (furniture, animals, festival, etc.), and players must guess what it is for the subject, asking questions to which the leading answers yes or not. Who gave the word - becomes the lead.
  • Volleyball with balloon. Two teams are required for the game. At a distance of one meter opposite each other, there are chairs for which players are sitting. Paul is divided by a rope in the middle between the teams. Children play volleyball. The ball should fly over the rope, players should not get up from the chairs or take the ball into the hands. You can only repel the ball. If the ball fell in the enemy, the team is counted the point. The game goes up to 15 points.

4. How to entertain children at birthday

The older your baby, the more diverse there may be games and contests at his birthday.

Your crumb 3-4 years.
Options for entertaining games and competitions for the birthday of the child 3-4 years.

Riddles and tricks. Entertainment for the birthday of a child in 3 years should not be difficult. To please children, you can cook a couple of uncomplicated focus. Also spend simple contests With prizes. For example, you can make it possible to make children riddles on animals or organize the search for treasure on the map (with the help of adults or older children).

Dancing and karaoke. The children-peers of your baby will dance and children's karaoke and children's karaoke, where everyone will be able to disappear and shook. You can prepare across a trampoline, games in the pool with inflatable balls. The kids will perfectly freeze, which can be involved and adults, such as "train with trays", entering balls into target, building houses from a large designer and its subsequent noisy destruction.

Quiz "Wonderful Bag". At the birthday of the child, 3 years old can be played in a fun game " Wonderful bag"Where the disguised adult wizard will ask questions, for the correct answers to which kids will be able to receive prizes and toys.

Puppet show. Your birthday and his guests will surely please puppet show, but this fun needs to be prepared in advance. Such entertainment will already be more interesting for children from 3-4 years. After the premiere of the fairy tale you have, you can invite all the guys with them a joint history in the puppet theater.

Quest home. If you have a large apartment, you can prepare an exciting game for the birthday of a child 3-4 years. Draw a card and hide the tips in different places. Children will be happy to participate in such an adventure with the help of parents.

Play with basins.

Yes, oddly enough, little children adore this occupation! It is necessary to prepare so many basins in advance how many kids will come to you for a birthday. Perhaps some parents will be able to bring a pelvis with themselves. Here are some games:

Seat in the pelvis. You can put toys in the basins so that there was a "fun seat." Some even manage to lie down in their pelvis.

Riding in basins. If in the room in which the holiday is held, carpet or carpet, adults can roll basins with children sitting on the floor sitting in them. And children, in turn, can roll their toys - dolls and animals.

Turtles. Children can be "turtles", crawling under their inverted basins.

Pedestal. Being an inverted pelvis, like a pedestal, children can sing songs, telling poems or just jump from it.

A little await. Of the inverted pelvis, a great musical instrument is a drum. If the conditions allow, let the children knock on it with their hands or spoons.

Your baby is 4-6 years old

Options for entertaining games and competitions for the birthday of the child 4-6 years.

When a child becomes older, the games are desirable to choose more importantly, they should also be developing, as the baby is full of energy and a positive that needs to be directed into the right track.

Here are some contests for example (for the birthday of the child 4-6 years old):

The game "Repeat".

Children sit in a circle, the first player shows a movement (for example, bounces), the next repeats, but adds his movement. Thus, the one who will betray comes out of the game;

Playing the airplane.
Teach children to make airplanes and arrange a contest for the most beautiful airplane (do not forget to prepare markers, pencils and colored paper);

Game "Gold Code": Show children an object resembling gold (for example, a golden piggy bank), hide it, and divide the children into groups. Let each group develop a "Treasure" search strategy plan;

Questions-riddles. Prepare a list of simple (take into account the age of children) of general education issues. Every correctly answering child give a small prize.

"Guess the Beast."

"In the bag". Children become a circle. Find a beautiful summer hat with fields, put her on your head one of the children. As soon as the music begins to play, the child turns around himself, takes off and transfers their neighbor. That dresses, turns around, repeats clockwise again. Music breaks off suddenly. The one who is in the hat is dropped and sits down to a sweet table, waiting for the rest.

Give a child an unforgettable and holy holiday Birthday is not only the direct task of parents, and his happy eyes and a radiant smile will become the biggest reward for you.


Dwarfs and giants

The sea is worried about

The sea worries times
The sea is worried about two,
The sea is worried about three,

Take a signal

If you have fun, do it.

If you have fun, do it.
A friendly slam in your hands three times.


Day - Night - Hunter

Play in Snowfort

Cheerful games for children 4-5 years old

Continuing the topic of celebration children's Day Birth, we picked up a variety of games that will help make a birthday for children 4-5 years unforgettable.


Each child who comes to visit, lead (dad, mom, grandmother or grandfather) announces that the entrance is only on the password. If there is time, come up with a "solemn gate" through which you need to go through. It may just be a doorway to a room decorated with balls or flowers from corrugated paper. And you can come up with a narrow and low LAZ between two chairs. They are also decorated with balls or soft toys.

Password can be written in the invitation. If you did not distribute them, just teach the guest at the entrance door: "Gav-Gav, meow-meow, happy birthday congratulations." Many, the end of the phrase sounds "Congratulations".

Salute in honor of the birthday man

Our birthday is 5 years old, so we will slap exactly five times. All children become in a circle. Inside the children's circle sketch a lot of multi-colored balloons. At the team of the leading, children clap into his hands 5 times, after that quickly bend over the balls, throw up with the word "salute!". Immediately bend over the next ball, screaming "Salute!" And so you can shout, throwing balls, a couple of minutes. Turn on a cheerful song, write for family chronicles. This is a fun greeting.


For the birthday of 5 years to remember the child for a long time, I propose to make a picture of a "magic tree" with finger paints. It is desirable, of course, that every guest has its own color. Finger on hand as much as our age celebration, so we will scat in paint every finger. I had an idea with wedding traditionYou can see how beautiful the tree looks like a finger leaf. Such a panel may well decorate a children's room for many more years.

Handle Sign guest names. Now is the time to wash your hands before treating! All go to the bathroom.


Immediately after eating, active games are not recommended, so we will deal with a giant applique. Spread on the floor rolled paper for drawing or unnecessary wallpaper (drawing down). Cut in advance from colored paper clouds, sun, trees, flowers, mountains, sea, fish, etc. And we need the types of transport where we will send a birthday party: a car, a plane, a balloon, a boat, an elephant. If you still print and cut the baby's round portrait, it will be great.

Together with the children, spread the application, come up with the journey together, glue the figures with a pencil glue.

Candy soup

This is a relay. Bring two saucers, put them on stools or just to the floor. Select two participants, give everyone to the midnight (by experience, five-year children with him to manage easier than with a spoon). Now at a distance of 2-3 meters from the saucepan. Fold 2 candy handfuls. You need to transfer one candy in mylvel. Try to help lagging in order to won friendship and children received the same prizes.

Read also:

  • Baby Birthday 5-6 years. Scenario for birthday celebration

  • Where to note and how much is the birthday of the child

Guess the beast

Tie a child's eyes. Let's give a soft toy. You need to guess who it is. I advise you to attach adults to this fun. Let them show that this is not a very serious task - you can joke, for a long time to make assumptions and in the end, call the hare Dragon. Children quickly adopt the manner of comic guessing, very laughing. Prizes all necessarily!


The most common game with a search for hidden toys. Children overlook the room, the host hides the bear, calls everyone back to the room. According to "cold-warmer-hot", children understand where to look. Children in 5 years this game seems very mysterious.

Flower-seven flowers

While the children eat a cake, telling them the Fairy Tale "Flower-Seven Sweets". Not everyone remembers the plot and morality of the work of Valentina Kataeva, listen with great pleasure. Now get your flower. It is not necessary for the leg, it is difficult. You can use the fastening for the ball. Your seven-family flowers should have multicolored petals. Before the farewell, we ask guests to tear off the petal and wish our birthday something really important. Connect adults, they already know what to say.


Suitable music from Barbarikov or Multoncert. If the kids are tired, at the end of the holiday, arrange the joint viewing of your favorite cartoons - it always passes with success.

Birthday 4 years - games and contests. Ideas for the organization of the holiday in 4 years

Today we are faced with the task of thinking about how to make interesting and bright holiday For the birthday of the child at 4 years old.
Parents should choose the topic of events (pirate party, planet of animals, search for treasures, cosmic adventures, princess ball, etc.), decide how to hold an event - independently or hire a lead with your contests, and also where to celebrate - at home, in the yard, on Dacha, B. kindergarten, in a children's club, playroom, etc.

Games and competition for birthday 4 years

How to introduce children Look in the scenario for the birthday of 3 years - Game-acquaintance of children with each other.

Interesting solution - Cards with tasks
In advance with the child draw animals. Or just print from the Internet. So, on the one hand, we have a drawing. But on the other hand, we write a variety of tasks by child's age. You can perform several tasks before the arrival of guests so that the baby has good mood. To do this, encourage the child (for example, a candy or a small gift) for the task completed (tell the poem, run on the first leg).
This idea can be used for children of any age, only tasks should be easier or more complicated.

Dwarfs and giants
Playing become in a circle. The host explains that if he tells the "dwarfs" everyone should sit down, and if the "giants" says everything should be stood. Who will be mistaken, coming out of the game.
At first, the presenter gives the right teams, and then the words "dwarfs" and "giants" replaces the similar. So he can intentionally serve the wrong commands, for example: "Car-Toshka! Ve-Revka! Car Mana! Ve-Derko!". One who is mistaken will be mistaken.

The sea is worried about
The master pronounces some words, and children are chaotic moving:

The sea worries times
The sea is worried about two,
The sea is worried about three,
Sea Figure

After these words, players freeze, depicting "sea" figures. The presenter comes to any player, touching his hand - the player depicts who he exactly shows. The task of the lead - to guess what kind of figure.
If a player is depicting unlikely, it becomes water to the next stage. Of course, sometimes the leading and specially "rises" some player himself, but then you can solve a controversial issue collectively. There was still complication to the rules: if any player moved or laughed during the "speech" of another, he became water.
Also, also: animal figure, bird figures, clown figure, etc.

Take a signal
Children walk in a circle with the lead and move in a circle. The presenter gives predetermined signals - sound (cotton palms). For example: when the lead slaves in your hands once, then the children get drunk when chlorides two times - the children run, when three are children. Who is mistaken - leaves. The game helps to develop attentiveness, coordination and thinking.

Dance game "If merrily lives, do so"
If you have fun, do it.
A friendly slam in your hands three times.

If you have fun, do it.

If you have fun, we smire each other.
Smile to your neighbors on the right and left.

If you have fun, do it.
A friendly slam in your hands three times.

The game continues, the cotton is replaced with topper, jumps, turns.

On the room, secret from the child, the toy is placed, which should be in sight. The child must find a toy. One selected participant comes out, the toy has somewhere in the room, a child is introduced blindfolded. The remaining participants should guide the child, suggesting: "Heat", "cold".

Day - Night - Hunter
If the presenter says the word "day", everyone runs around the room. If "night", sit down and close their eyes. Hearing the word "hunter", quickly climb on the chair, in the chair, that is, in the house, and who did not have time, becomes the lead and catches the gloa players.

Play in Snowfort
Snowballs can be made of sheets of paper, newspapers ... We give our snowballs to each of the children, put a bucket or a basin. Throw in turn. The winner is the one who has fallen in snowballs in bucket.

Do not forget that the kids love everything bright, beautiful, so it is advisable to spend games with an interesting props, arrange costume contests. For example, we prepare an unusual hat and put it on your head leading. This competition will lead Mom - wear a hat to her. Then dad? Fine, now a hat lead from him.
Of course, such preparations will require more time, but it is worth it. The birthday of the child at 4 years will be uncomfortable, and games and contests are fun and memorable.

Child birthday games

For children, 7-10 years old, you need to come up with an unusual plot (cross the events of different fairy tales or update "to modern way").

The fabric will perform the role of shirma (children or volunteers-parents hold it in two tops)

2. Teremok - comic game . Again you will need help parents. The fabric now needs to be pulled parallel to the floor at an altitude of 1 m, holding the corners.
Children, on the hands of which are dolls of gloves, are closed in the "house". Now the animator performs the role of a bear, who wants to crush the teremok. Artistically reconcile, with whatever side to fall on the roof, slightly attach, children with screams are scattered.


There are several options, it hurts successful props :-).

1. Limbo. Always runs fun in the group of any age categories. Two people stretch the rope parallel to the floor at the neck level, then 10-15 cm below, even lower. All participants in the holiday for mercury music must pass under the rope, flexing in the back.

2. From the rope (5-7 meters) you can lay out on the floor tracks for the relay. Children pass like a rope winding path to speed.

3. To the rope tie the prizes that children are cut with closed eyes.

4. One end of the rope is tied to the box with a gift, the second to the pencil. Who wins the whole rope on the pencil, receives a prize.

5. We divide children for 2 teams, each - on the same cutting of the rope. It is necessary for each member of the "Hang" command to the rope through the loop in the jacket, through the belt, a sweater or a shirt (from one sleeve in the other), through the laces in sneakers or even bows on the head. Those children who have done all this are faster and funnier.


Well, it is generally a win-win option. I use them at the time of the clip of the clip under the cheerful children's song. Beautiful, fun, very cool looks on the video. You can spend a competition for the biggest bubble.


In principle, it is possible to cucumber. Or in general something inedible. The essence is what. Remember the cartoon "38 parrots"? They measured the growth of boa in parrots. And we will be in the bananas! This is such a rhodger. From the floor to the top of the Banana Birthday, and if it turned out that height - 8 and a half bananas, defiantly clean and bite the extra part. You can bite off the birthday woman, his parents or some of the guests.

Kegli and Ball

Everything is clear here, playing bowling. When there are some children about the same age, the entertainment is very gambling. Let's give a few attempts, consider the downed kegli for each participant or team, award the winner. .

If it happens in a children's summer camp, factory kegli can be replaced with sand bottles or water (fill it on a third).

Magnetic darts

Boys like the boys. To be the most important in the children's holiday is a very important victory. It is convenient that such darts twists in a small tube(Soft target, only a strong carnation on the wall is needed).

Rhythmic music, such as Marsha Radetsky, must be in the record.

Box and clapper

Any box with a lid is suitable (shoe can be blocked with bright paper). Children become a circle, put the box in the center of the circle. Playing psychics. You need to name items that can be in this box. Suggest children to make movements with hands as extrasens, cover your eyes and shame :-). Let's give three attempts. Who is closer to the gifue - wins. You can put candy, prizes, toys ... or flap! Let the confetti fly out, shower all the participants. Girls like when in a clapboard - rose petals ...

Cards with comic tasks

Not only an animator is tired from constant noisy and moving games, but children :-). Here all sorts of pictures with pictures will be very useful. Children, as you know, task lovers with random answers, they are madly funny. Suitable for age 5-7 years.

Animator asks questions. For example: "What are you flying to the sea?" Children alternately pull cards with cartoons: "On the cloud!", "On the Bublik", "on the vacuum cleaner", "on soap bubble! " etc.

Or so: "What do you most like a gift for the next birthday?" Children: meat grinder, paper airplane, crocodile, stone, seed, etc.

Pictures I take from children's lotto.

Board Games

This is also a holiday from running. It is convenient to use if small guests are not more than 5-6 people.

Children who have known computer games, playing boring in the roots. But if with the animator - another thing. Some are keen on that they cannot stop. Recommend! The box does not occupy a lot of space, chips and cubes are included.

Discs with music for disco

It is best to make a selection of songs "Disco Children's Radio". We often listen to the children, there are excellent modern compositions. For children 3-7 years old, you can take "Barbarikov" discs.

Disco ball

If you have the ability to darken the room, turn on the disc. It is worth it at all inexpensive, and the disco gets much more spectacular, believe me!

Smalls for face and body, paints for aquagrim

For a person who has no special skills on aquagrim, chalks are just a find! You can draw simple patterns On the face and hands (entertainment, naturally, more for girls): Flowers, hearts, cats, mice, emoticons, etc. If experience is already there, buy the right paints for aquagrim.

Rolls of toilet paper

It is to you, dear animators, tired of playing mummy! And every year the children appear to the light that are first wrapped toilet paper! Give them enough to have fun!

Another option (can be at the table). Pass the roll in a circle, let the children tear as many squares as it wanted. This is such a test for greed (just do not warn in advance). Just come up with "punishment": to say so much wishes to the birthday man, how many squares tear off (spray from the floor, to contact, hug so many people and so on).

Large fireplace matches or countable sticks

There are some interesting tasks on logical thinking. Have in stock, sometimes even adults connect to soloing :-). Here are puzzles who will get involved in children, and their parents (copy the link):\u003d3

Rolled paper for drawing

A good idea even if there are a lot of children. Take a few meters of paper on the floor, give wax chalk or thick felt-tipers. You can draw a huge picture on the topic. For example, the "underwater world" or "heaven".

Materials for creative master class

They cost quite expensive, so discuss in advance with your parents, will you paint the glasses or cups with markers for ceramics, rumble, make gel candles, soap, to paint photo frames, etc. .

It is possible to take wedding idea "Wishes Tree" and use finger paints. .

Awards and prizes

If you choose prizes for the holiday yourself, take ideas from my article "100 ideas for 100 friends up to 100 rubles."

If not, some kind of stock stickers and comic medals (Although drying on the rope), you have to have.

Prizes for children: 100 ideas for 100 friends up to 100 rubles.

I absolutely know exactly what questions you need to find answers:

  • what better to choose prizes for children?
  • where to order them so that the courier brings everything in one box directly to school?
  • what to buy so that there is a lot and cheap, but at the same time from safe materials?
  • where to buy so that you can easily provide a report on spent money?

I will answer most questions right away. After long wardings, I stopped on online - Giant Ozone. Review that I gave a worthy answer for the last three questions. Always clearly, on time, politely, there are no problems with the documentation. Good prices.

What better to choose prizes for children?

I chose yourself interesting little things For children younger school age by price from 13 to 100 rubles. In some cases, the amount is slightly higher, but this means only that in one pack a lot of small prizes that can be given separately.

Banally, but always enjoys success:

Soap bubbles, wax crayons, stickers, stickers on clothes, in the form of tiny soft toys, kinder-surprises and chups, small toys for baths, jumper balls, carnival masks And glasses "with nose", colored whears, ears and horns.

Lanterns, kaleidoscopes, whistles, small magnifiers. Sold it everywhere :-).

Smart toys

Puzzles Children like,.

Rubik cube, many metal puzzles, "snakes".

Excellent prizes, developing logical thinking - puzzles from different materials.

Just funny things

There are no practical destinations for these things, apparently, so they so like children. Give as a prizes for the competitions of the Greopchka magnets (click in the air), lysunov and jumpers (several of them in the package, give one by one).

Unusual stationery

Here I was interested in the handles. I do not know whether the teacher will be allowed to write a grape handle at school, but for filling the notebook girls with secrets - it is quite suitable. There is a lot of such good in newspaper stalls.

Well, and, of course, eraser. Such a variety of us never dreamed! Most of all, samples combined with sharpeners are chocolates and cookies. This is not just a prize! This is the pleasure of all academic year. .

For boys

In sum up to 100 rubles You can choose a water gun, a constructor for 30 parts, a small game set with little men (Vikings, Orcs, special forces), Bakugan. I buy it all in large supermarkets, there is cheaper than all.

Excellent option - folding rooms made of paper (living room, kitchen, bedroom, children), which girls can cut and glue. Here is an example for 199 rubles. There are bathrooms, and bedrooms, and living rooms ... I like my daughter!

Inflatable suit

If you spend quite a lot of holidays, it makes sense to spend on an inflatable suit. Spend a few contests or disco in the image of a thick ballerina or personal trainer. Children love such an unexpected transformation. .

Throws, whiskers, falls

Here the intellect does not need, and entertaining guests from 3 to 103 people.

According to the experience, such competitions are sometimes very gambling. It is difficult to guess what you will like it with your guests, just list options, and you decide on the available props and remove the place to play.

  • if there is any option of darts (magnetic, balls with velcro), boldly appoint a prize to the most interested thing, interest in the competition will be required
  • kegley or plastic bottlesfilled with beans, peas, or water, having fun to knock down the rubber ball at any age. Prize for winning New Year's bowling!
  • throwing "Snezhkov" from the newspaper to the basket (and suddenly someone will have a result of 10 out of 10?). Distance - 2 meters!

Tie your eyes!

Standard set comic competitionsBut in the New Year is always successful.

Here are 3 options:

  • cut the prize from the ribbon (more fun, if the rope is not tied to the cabinets, and in hand two guests - let them change the height after the player stopped seeing the goal. A man with blindfolded eyes will need to work more, and the observers will be laundered!)
  • put the plasticine nose drawn the snowman is also not so simple (tie the eyes, we spin, let me let the participant to the poster with the pattern)
  • build a pyramid from plastic cups. Before tie the eyes, show the "drawing" of the towers - 4 inverted cups at the base, then from above three, two, one. Wins the fastest and neat builder

Comic concert!

We collect all the musical, circus and dance contests here.

Noise orchestra

Excellent entertainment for the mixed company of adults and children from 2 to 12 years. Here are my ideas for choosing tools and music.

Poetic horoscope!

We remember what symbols of the year there is in the horoscope, let the guests call their own. If there are 2 dogs or 3 snakes, a joint execution is allowed.

The task: Read the poem Mikhalkov

Say under the New Year
None wishes -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true

as… rat, pig, dragon, snake, cat, dog, bull, tiger, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster!

Neon Show

Honestly, it was unexpectedly effectively for me, although I came up with this idea and embodied. For seven children who encountered adults new YearI bought neon glowing accessories. Previously, it was only bracelets, now there are glasses, beads, decorations on the head, ears and wands. By the way, I bought earrings.

So ... I gathered children in a separate room dressed up everyone, from kids to teenagers, in these decorations (bracelets in arms and legs can be):

Then I turned on Jingle Bells in the fatal version, put the light in the room and launched all the glowing children. It was very cool, since the children began to jump and turn, neon decorations filled, seemed to be all the space. I'll tell you, light show It was no worse than those who pay huge money for the corporate parties :-). All these accessories are sold in almost all stores with a festive Mishur.

Dance "Varosovik" + family disco

This is a reason to distract all guests from eating salads. We invite adults and children, we build an increase and ask to put hands on the waist of the previous dancer. This picture goes me. Ahead can stand long-long teenager, behind him all grandparents, "the last trailer" is a two-year-old baby. The video is excellent, do not forget to remove.

I must say, the train is quickly crumpled enough, but for us it is also good, since guests are ready to dance a little. One long song at a family party is bored, so we turn on alternately such cuts from hits (copy the link):

Christmas karaoke (Battle of choirs)

As a rule, on the karaoke sites there is a selection of winter songs. If not, throw in advance in the folder "Favorites" to not look for new Year's Eve these songs:

  • "A Christmas tree was born in the forest, she grew up in the forest ..."
  • "Ice ceiling, creaking door"
  • "Three white horse"
  • "Little Christmas tree is cold in winter"
  • "Blue frost"
  • "Snow is falling"
  • "Five minutes":
  • "Song about bears"

Not everyone love to sing sololy, so you will have four nomination : Children's choir, female choir, male, mixed.

Dancing with obstacles

All guests are in right side Rooms. We need plastic cups again. We build from them a low fence (2 floors), which guests easily overcome, dancing, moving to the left side of the room.

We extend another "floor". Everyone is moving again, making dance movements, through the wall. So we build as long as the participants need to jump. The most agile gets a prize!

If there are no packs, stretch the rope (hold two people) at an altitude of 20, 30, 40, 50 cm from the floor, and so on.


Laugh will be twice. During the process itself and after a while, when you get ready pictures.

Using new Year accessories, do not miss the facial expressions and gestures!

Each guest invent casting with photographs for the role:

  • good Santa Claus
  • greedy Santa Claus
  • the most beautiful Snow Maiden
  • sleepy Snow Maiden
  • the most coming guest
  • merry guest
  • the herself of baba yagi itself
  • evil's very evil
  • the strongest heroist
  • the most capricious princess
  • the most huge snowflakes
  • etc…

Trivia from Santa Claus

In Europe, this entertainment is called "Secret Santa", but we are with you patriots, we have our own beautiful grandfath. I came up with such a legend ... Santa Claus walked with gifts through the forest, caught off for the bitches, and a slightly bag broke. Large gifts remained in the bag, but small - fell. We picked them up and now give all guests!

We purchase small and pleasant little things in advance and wrap them in an opaque packaging paper. Personally, for accelerating the process, simply put the souvenir in a square piece of paper, I give the shape of the bag and tie the ribbon. I am engaged in procurement for the whole December - 2-3 things with each shopping cart in the store. By the end of the month I have a whole bag of kinders, liquid soap In the form of figurines of animals, candles, frames, calendars, chocolate hares, key chains and lanterns.

Ask "Who is this gift?" You can pull the papers out of a hat, but my son loves to appoint a lucky man himself: "Uncle Wife!" We give a gift, we wait until he demonstrates a lost trifle from Santa Claus, then the next question "to whom this gift." I am surprised every time, with what a thrill guests are waiting for these gifts ... Even adults :-).

Let's laugh and think

If you have a lot of adults on the holiday, buy ready-made selections with jobs on cards.

Honestly, I accidentally opened these wonderful cards with tasks at a ridiculous price. We entertained the most real lead, but I remembered a box with the tasks ... Laugh to Icotes, some words from kindred languages \u200b\u200bare funny for the Russian ear. Actually, they had to guess (options are offered).

"Scrapbook" - 120 bilateral cards. Well, for example, "T-shirt" translated from Bulgarian who is who? Mom, cousin or grandmother? Or what should I imagine if the word in Czech sounds "hammer"? And there are still all sorts of inspections, bars and blood paintings (these are all decent words).

What else happens?

  • "Erunchopel" - Collection of rare words of the Russian language (so rare that, even from the proposed options, it is difficult to choose the right one to explain the value)
  • "SOMETTER" - 120 questions with answers, such as "Why a camel is depicted on the flag of the Chelyabinsk region?"
  • "Cytatomer" - 120 cards where you will be offered to finish the quotation of a great person
  • "Personnel" - 120 cards with names. Just need to remember and choose the right answer: Rabindranat Tagore is who?


Something looks like a game with chairs, when someone from the walking there is no place to sit down. Only no chairs needed - only a small table or a tray stool, on which carnival accessories are located - nose, glasses, wheels, caps. It drops out the one who did not get the decoration by the end of the sound of music. Naturally, the accessory needs not just to catch to grab, but also put on. For the second round, we all put on the stool again, we continue until 1 winner is revealed. Here is an example of funny points for such a competition.

Take a gift

Two participants. Two boxes (can be from shoes) with prizes wrapped in beautiful paper. Tie a ribbon (2 - 2.5 m) to each box, the second end is to the pencil.

We put the participants per line, give pencils. 1-2-3! We begin to turn the tape on the pencil. The one who gets faster, takes the prize.

You can joke. Let the child and adult compete. In the "Children's" box put something very light, and in the "adult" - dumbbell... let wind up!

Prediction of success

Everyone is nice to know that only success awaits in the future. Therefore, we put the name of all those present in the paper, written on sheets of paper, and voicate the questions like this:

Who will learn all in the new year? (pull a piece of paper ...)

Katya! (Well, or grandmother Tanya ...)

  • Who will make a great opening?
  • Who will find a treasure?
  • Who will win the lottery?
  • Who will get all the gifts?
  • Who in the new year will be the most good news?
  • Who will travel a lot?
  • Who is waiting for all big surprise In 2015?
  • Who will have the greatest successes at work (at school)?
  • Who will become the most sporty in the new year?
  • Who will be the most healthy?
  • Who will be famous?
  • Who will come true the biggest dream?

What in the black box ...

Now we will all be extrasens. Put on the chair in the center of the room box (you can from under the shoes), propose to guess what lies there. Allow guests to approach the box, make movements with hands, copying magicians.

We start taking one time an answer from each present. Children, of course, assume toys, adults - anything.

You can put a valuable thing in the box that will suit any sex and age (a cup with a symbol of the year, for example), and can cracker. Let everyone get confetti for their works :-). By the way, now there are crackers from which 100 dollar bills fly out.

How to arrange a birthday to a child in 3, 4, 5 years old. Scenario and Interesting Games for the Holiday House

To children's holiday It has fun, you need to come up with games and entertainment for kids. As a lead, an adult acts, other adult guests of the holiday can also participate in games or help when conducting them. If the holiday is held in the apartment, then you can choose games that are easy to organize in a limited space. For holiday on the street we offer mobile collective games.

We hold games and competitions at home

If we call some kind of entertainment with the word "competition", then we mean that we use this concept conditionally. After all, in this competition there are wins and losers, and we don't need such a competition at our celebration at our celebration. Our goal is to have fun and happily spend time. Therefore, all participants we have great, all come with applause and praise. Well, one who has fallen behind or was wrong, can perform any comic task.

Riddles in verse

Children love to guess riddles. We offer you several thematic series of mysteries in verse. The presenter reads a riddle, and the kids must add the last word-commercially.

Riddles in verses about human body parts. (Children respond to the choir, showing the mandated part of the body.)

I won't get sick in winter

I will start the scarf ... (neck)

Mom gave me a hat,

So as not a murcling ... (head)

We walked on the road for a long time

And we are tired ... (legs).

We will have breakfast with you!

I'll take a spoon ... (hand).

I do not want to compote now -

Manna porridge full ... (mouth).

I got to face the flower.

To sniff, need ... (nose).

They already got used to chat

After all, in the mouth lives ... (language).

They are hiding their lips from everyone.

Smile - you can see ... (teeth).

Riddles in verses about animals. (Children choir finish the lines of poems.)

Forest Polyanka jumps

Long-chime gray ... (bunny).

The sickness itself in the forest

They call everything ... (fox).

Among the Christmas tree, among the cones

Broke Kosolapiy ... (Bear).

It's scary with his teeth pinched.

Everyone is afraid in the forest ... (wolf).

Early in the morning at the window

Licks our paws ... (cat).

New Year's riddles in verse. (Children choir add words to rhyme.)

Winter holiday to us go!

We meet ... (New Year)

Green needles

In elegant ... (Christmas tree) \\

In the New Year's holiday bright

Under Christmas tree hidden ... (gifts)

Who brought the gifts to everyone?

Good grandfather ... (Frost)

Competitions for small artists

You can organize contests for small artists, after which you immediately do the exhibition of work.

Dorisui. This task will require lists for drawing, markers or color pencils. On all sheets you need to draw the beginning of the drawing in advance. It can be a simple geometric figure, and a tree trunk, and a flower stalk. Competition participants are given a task to finish the drawing in 5 minutes. For example, you give to children sheets, each of which is drawn a circle. The kids are drawing to the fact that the fantasy will tell them: flower, sunshine, typewriter or man.

Decorate Christmas tree. If you spend the New Year's holiday, then you can give the sheets with a tree pattern as a job. Children will have to draw festive decorations on it.

Color. For the smallest participants, you can give a task to paint ready pictures.

Tests for deft

Among children can be tested for clever. Such contests are held if the children express the desire to participate in them. You can exclude a competitive element if the children will perform the task alternately. But adult guests can survive, participating in the same contests. We offer you several tasks.

Exactly in target. For the competition, the ball will require the ball of any size and some item that will be the goal. You need to roll the ball so that he gets into target. The younger than children, the greater the size of the ball and the less distance to the target.

Do not prole. For the competition you will need wide bowls with water, tablespoons and identical glass banks, on which on the same height indicated by the trait, for example, at an altitude of 5 cm from the bottom. Participants need to pour water into the bank with the help of a spoon to the designated level.

Breeze. For the competition you need to make a small ball from the cotton. Participants must blow on the ball, thus promoting it to a flat surface from the start to the designated finish.

Games for attention

Ear - Nose. The lead explains to children that he will call parts of the body, and they must show them. He himself will also show on a part of the body, but perhaps not the one named, that is, children must follow the words of the lead, and not behind his gestures. Who is mistaken, he performs any task: says the poem, dancing, depicts some animal.

Sun - rain. The game is carried out as the previous one, only two movements are selected. If the host pronounces the word "sun", then all show the deployed palm trees up. If the lead pronounces the word "rain", then everyone is lowered with his fingers down and move them. The lead confronts playing with his gestures.

Comic entertainment for children

At the children's holiday, you can conduct comic entertainment, in which adults and children will take part. We offer some joke contests, and you can come up with others.

Grimyory. To carry out theatrical maker. Children paint face parents. Let them create images of animals with the help of the grima.

Unusual outfit. For the competition you will need to collect different things from the wardrobe, it is best to find clothes large sizes And accessories for it. You need to smash the company for couples: a child and one of the parents. Clothes are folded in boxes by the number of couples participating. The child becomes a trendy stylist and dresses an adult using the contents of the box. Then all adults demonstrate their outfits. Do not forget to make photos for memory.

Imitation games for children

Children will gladly take part in role-playing simulation games. We give some of them.

What? Who it? The most artistic adult is appointed leading in this game. With the help of movements and sounds, it shows the children of animated and inanimate objects. Who guessed, he raises his hand. After the shown is guessing, the lead offers children to portray the action associated with the subject shown. For example, the presenter showed a wolf. The children guess, and the presenter asks them: "And how the wolf clicks the teeth?" All simultaneously depict this action. Very young children are better to show the beasts that they are known. For older children, you can show and inanimate objects or phenomena that they are familiar well, for example: wind, mobile phone, water tap, machine. Senior preschoolers are already guessing people engaged in different species Sports and people different professions. Watching adults leading, perhaps some children themselves wish to act as artists.

Zoo. Each child in secret from others is given picture with animals. The presenter announces that each participant of the game should depict the animal from the picture that he got. The rest of the children guess animals. All speeches are supported by loud applause and praise.

Voices of animals. The roles of animals are distributed between children. These should be such animals that can be depicted in voice. After the distribution of roles, the presenter asks everyone in turn to voice his beast. The game is carried out in this way: the lead calls the animal, it should immediately respond. The game is carried out in an accommodating pace. Possible animals: cat, dog, cow, goat, mouse, bear, lion, etc.

Theatrical games for children

To carry out such a game, you need to write a small scenario for several characters (animals, fairy-tale heroes, plants, etc.). Here are some little plots for game-theatricalizations.

Curious ducklings. One of the adults is prescribed by mom duck. The presenter causes mom duck into the center of the room and asks to show duck movements: Hands on a belt, making wings-arms and crack. All children become ducklings and repeat the movements of Mom duck. Children say that they will have to hide from the mother's duck and go out when she says the word "dance".

Leading. Mom Duck brought ducklings for a walk.

All children are built into the column at Mom Udka and go to the Gusk.

Leading. But curious ducklings felt in different directions.

Children scatter and hide.

Mom duck. Quack quack! Where are you ducklings? Where are you guys?

He calls several times, but ducklings do not leave.

Mom Duck. I know how to collect them. My ducklings love to drive a dance!

All ducklings should be gathering near the duck mom.

Leading. We start dummy dance! Everyone is taken under the handles and go to the music in a circle. As soon as the music subsides, everyone is mashed with wings and loudly chambling.

The lead several times unexpectedly includes, then turns off the music.

Bunnies-jumps. The presenter builds children in the line and reports that they are now bunnies. You can give every mask bunny or ears. For convenience, each bunny saves his name.

Leading. What is best to make bunnies? Of course jump. But every bunny jumps in his own way. Each of you will need to remember your jumps.

The presenter causes children one by one, declaring how his bunny jumps.

Leading. Bunny Sasha is best jumping on one leg! Show us all! And you so know how?

Everyone is jumping like Sasha.

Then everyone is distributed by the ways of jumping: one jumps back, the other jumps on each leg alternately, the third jumps closer between his knees, the fourth jumps with a turn around him, etc. Then the bunnies jump to the music. As soon as the music stops, all bunnies must sit down and do not move. The lead several times unexpectedly includes, then turns off the music.

Wineware lottery

We offer to include a win-win lottery for guests.

There are a lot of ways to hold lottery. You can make lottery tickets of different colors and pack prizes in the appropriate box color. You can make cards with prizes, which guests pull out of the bag. You can spend prizes with numbers on the rope and offer holiday participants blindly pull out pieces of paper with numbers from the bag.

Children's disco

Be sure to organize a children's disco on the festival. To do this, you need to make a selection of children's songs in advance, which can be danced. Independently dancing children, of course, can, but not long. Therefore, we offer several collective dance fun.

Dancer in a hat. In the hands of the lead hat (any children's headdress is suitable). The presenter announces the rules: only the one is dancing to whom he will put on the hat, and all the others clap their hands. So alternately master puts on a hat then one, then on another child. And can put it on adults.

Mirror reflection. For this entertainment, the presenter must come up with a sequence of dance movements in advance. Everyone gets up in a circle and repeat movements for the lead. You can include any funny movements, not even completely dance.

Horticulture. The most popular round dance on new Year's holiday - "Christmas tree was born in the forest", during which the participants of the dance make moves on the lyrics. Music is not required for dance, but the song needs. If you do not hold a New Year's disco, then for a dance, any poem will suit, which can be felt and stable. Here is an example of such a dance.

Horovoode "Sunny". The song will be on any suitable motive, repeats several times.

Sun, sunshine

Heats all around!

(Children raise hands up, turning around them.)

Sun, sunshine!

(Children, holding hands, go in a circle.)

Going to a circle!

(Everything, holding hands, go to the center of the circle.)

Incendiary dancing. The presenter offers participants to dance in a special way, after a short time changing the task. He offers to dance like bunnies, like bears like a mosquito, like horses, like butterflies, like frogs like aliens, etc.

Interrupted dance. In this dance fun there is a condition for dancing: if the music is interrupted, then you need to do any action. For example, scream "Hurray!", Inflate the cheeks, sit on the floor, take from the box of candy or shut down your ears.

Fantasize, invent, and all guests on your holiday will be fun!

How not to turn the next children's holiday to banal gatherings for adults with the apartments associated with them by the bricks provided by their siblings themselves? In advance, think over the entertaining contests for children on the birthday of your hot chud. As a result, the pleasure will receive not only the older generation, having fallen behind the table boldly from culinary abundance, but also the perpetrator of the celebration and his companions.

All sorts of competitions There are a great set: intellectual, comic, musical, movable, association-based, command and others. And therefore, when drawing up entertainment program It is necessary to take into account the age of the participants, and the number of invited, and the size of the apartment (unless, of course, the festival is not taken out of its limits).

So, the smallest birthday birthdays and their guests to load games does not make sense - 2 -3-year-old karapuses (not speaking about one-year-old pups) quickly get tired, and from entertainment including, while energiles older and schoolchildren may well require "continuation banquet. " And if some contests are equally successfully and in limited space, and in nature, the other is required for others. Although the taste and color, as you know, no comrade, still try to please the following selection of all tastes.

Competitions for the smallest

  • "Catch the ball." The kids are built into the circle, in the center of which is leading. In his hands, he has a bunch of balloons. Lead calls someone's name and lets one ball. The one whose name was coming, should catch the ball before he touches the floor. I caught - along with a ball gets into a circle, no - it takes a place of water (or a place next to him, if it is too small to independently perform this role). Merry breaks lasts until the leading balls are run out.
  • "Best Builder."All participants receive an equal number of cubes (of course, the same in size). Their task is to build as a high tower as possible during a certain time.
  • "Hrew - Meow!"For this contest as an "inventory" any small soft toy will need. Standing in a circle, children hand over her to each other for fun music. When the music suddenly silences, the one who has a toy in his hands should pose loudly, fuck, hollow (condition is negotiated in advance).
  • "What changed?".There are several different items on the table. For example, a soft toy, a cube, a pencil, an apple, a book. Children should look at them attentively and close their eyes for a couple of seconds or turn away. At this time, items are changing in places, one thing is cleaned or added, after which the kids must determine what has changed.
  • "Tightening". On the floor fold out stuffed Toys (one less than the participants of the competition). The kids move around them to the music, and as soon as the music subsides, everyone tries to grab one toy. Who remained with anything - comes out of the circle and takes one toy with you. As a result, one winner remains.

Games for children 4 - 7 years

By preparing contests for children for a birthday, it is worth considering that many kids are still not able to lose and react to the slightest failure of tears. Therefore, just in case, think over the tactics of behavior in such a way. For example, you can meet the first out of the game and already ready to burst into the participant with the words: "Hurray! Our Vasya is the most first of those who lost! He can now relax from us! " Is it clear? Then moving on.

  • "Accurate shooter". Children are heated by balloons, and the task is set: the ball is as soon as possible and try to get into the target. It is quite possible to organize a team competition.
  • "Maider".A rope is tensioned in the middle of the room, various souvenirs, small toys, sweets are suspended with string or ribbons. Each participant with a screech or scarf tie his eyes, handed scissors and sent in the direction of prizes. "Fans" can encourage the child and prompt the direction. What will be able to cut the player, he will come as a prize.
  • "Find a toy." The task is simple - to find a toy hidden in the depths of the apartment. The head of "Detectives" tells them the direction of searches by comments "Heat", "warmer", "cold", "very cold", "hot".
  • "Guess-ka!"In a large opaque package to put a small toy. The kids in turn run hand into the package and, without removing the "prey" out, trying to determine what they got. If you guess right - take a toy toy.
  • "Racers." Each contestant gets the twine, to one end of which a pencil is tied to another - a small machine. Who will raise the twine on the pencil faster, thereby delivering its "car" from the start to the finish line, he is recognized as the best driver.
  • "Distributions". For 2 - 3 minutes, a child who participates in the competition should "open his own planet" - inflate the balloon and draw on it a felt-tip pen as many people (men, animals). It wins the one whose planet will be the most densely populated.
  • "Centipede". All the guys is divided into 2 teams and is built in 2 columns. Each worst ahead of the child with their hands for the belt. Need, not giving up hands, run to the conditional label (balls, spicy, toys installed ahead (balls, kolybia, toys), go back to its original position. The fastest team wins.

It is important that in the end, no one felt forgotten and offended, and therefore it should be rewarded for the participation of small presents.

Do not forget about the "senar"

Cheerful revival, both among the preschool, and among adolescents (and perhaps adults will not be promoted to take part in this fun), always cause contests for children for his birthday. Let alone, but noisy, cheerful and harmless. For example, a competition for blowing the largest soap bubble.

Or "tasty" competition for the title of the best tastorwhose essence is next. The participant tie the eyes and put the mouth of the berry, a small piece of one or another fruit or a well-recognizable product like cheese or corn sticks. He must define what it was him.

Or simple, but requiring the competition with which is detected best Collector ... Puzzles. It is clear that the puzzles should be either the same (for peers), or with the relevant age of a variety of companies, in order to initially not put the participants in unequal conditions.

Still does not lose the relevance far from a new game"Phanti". Each player gives some kind of item to the lead, which folds the trophies in the package or box. One of the players tie their eyes, now he is the "fate vertex". After all, when a leading pulls out of the box, one or another thing, it is he who comes up with the task for her owner (sing, dust, tell the fairy tale, climb under the table, to contact).

You can offer several unusual fun with chairs. Two chairs put in the middle of the room with the backs to each other. On the floor under them lies the rope. Music plays, 2 participants are circling around the chairs. Music styled? We must sit on the chair and stretch the rope from under it. Who succeeded, he won.

And what if you pose your need for a shorter time as possible to pour water from a full glass in empty with a teaspoon? Or play "Cats-Mouse", in hide and seek, organize a dance competition ...

In general, quite a bit of effort, and the children's birthday can be done unforgettable!

Elena Terentieva