Wedding tradition witnesses must sleep. Signs at a wedding for a witness, witness

Previously, having a witness at a wedding was a must. Today, the wedding is held without witnesses, but many brides still prefer to appoint someone to this role, because many signs are associated with it that promise happiness to the newlyweds. For example, she has to pin pins on the clothes of the bride and groom. In addition, on such an exciting day, any bride will need a good rear and support, as well as help in organizing a wedding. The portal has prepared an article on the signs and responsibilities of a wedding witness, which will help you understand all the nuances of choosing a suitable candidate.

Who can be a wedding witness?

According to ancient traditions and signs, a witness can be a girl who:

  • Single,
  • younger than the bride (at least a few days),
  • not divorced
  • not a widow
  • not the namesake of the bride,
  • not the bride's sister (even a cousin).

As to whether a sister can be a witness at a wedding, there is no specifics. Undesirable - this is not a categorical prohibition, so if this is the most suitable candidate, nominate her. With the widow and the divorced, everything is clear, but about the girl with the same name, it is believed that she can steal the happiness of the young.

It is also undesirable for a married couple to be witnesses at the wedding, according to the signs, this is bad, first of all, for themselves. Our ancestors were sure that after this the marriage of a married couple would fall apart. But according to the traditions of Orthodoxy, everything is just the opposite; husband and wife were considered the best candidates for the role of witnesses. So, if you are a deeply religious person, then signs about married wedding witnesses should not influence your decision.

Do not forget that the witness must have certain personality traits. She will have a great responsibility, and how the wedding will largely depend on her. Therefore, a girl for this role should be organized, responsible, sociable, positive and not shy, because she will always be in the spotlight. Also ask the prospective wedding witness if she has been in such a position before and how many times, since signs say that such a position can only be three times. Otherwise, she may not get married.

What should a witness do before the wedding?

First of all, a wedding witness should provide the bride with moral support. Organizing a wedding can be very stressful at times, especially if the bride is a perfectionist or overly emotional. Therefore, it is important that the witness can tell the bride to stop in time and send her to rest. She should also be involved in organizing weddings and pre-wedding events. The witness is entitled to:

  1. Help the bride to choose a dress and accessories... If a witness can give advice on fashion and style is great, but in general, she is still needed at these events for moral support. To calm the bride down and help her make her choice.
  2. Organize a bachelorette party - this event will completely fall on the shoulders of the witness. She should think about the theme, the venue, original surprise for the bride, you can follow Western tradition and give her gifts for the wedding night. The main thing is to be noisy and fun.
  3. Prepare a ransom - this is also part of the list of duties of a witness. You will need to think about how to redeem the bride from start to finish. The ransom, like the wedding itself, can be themed. There are no special rules and restrictions, the main thing is that again it should be fun.

What should a wedding witness do?

And finally, the X-day has come. The witness should come before everyone else and help the bride to get dressed, as well as take on all organizational issues so that nothing darkens this day for the young. It is best for the witness to prepare a list of responsibilities for the wedding so as not to miss anything.

During a photo shoot at a wedding, the duties of a witness include making sure that the bride's makeup is in order, and if something happens, have everything you need with you to touch it up. Also make sure that guests are provided with snacks and drinks and do not get bored. If they are not familiar with each other, you can organize a collective photo session on the phone.

At the banquet, the wedding witness should help with the seating of the guests, make sure that the tables have everything they need, and take over the negotiations with the kitchen on any issues that arise. At the banquet there is always

    we already had witnesses. from my side good friend, from the husband's side - his brother

    Obligations of witnesses
    Traditionally, a young unmarried girl from close friends or relatives is chosen as a witness. A witness is chosen from among unmarried young friends or relatives. It is desirable that the witness has organizational and oratorical skills, has a good sense of humor and can quickly navigate in any situation.

    Obligations of a witness
    Before the wedding, the witness:
    - helps the bride when choosing a wedding dress and accessories;
    - helps with organizing a bachelorette party;
    - thinks over and prepares the scenario of the ransom ritual in advance;
    - often the witness takes on the decoration of the hall and cars.

    On your wedding day:
    - one of the first to appear at the bride's house to help the young woman dress and put herself in proper shape before the arrival of the groom;
    - the first meets the arriving groom with friends and conducts the ransom ceremony;

    - when the guests begin to congratulate the young, the witness helps the bride to take the bouquets.

    At the banquet:
    - is next to the young;

    - if the wedding is celebrated on one day, then all duties are removed from the witness with the departure of the last guest.

    Obligations of a witness
    The witness starts his duties from the moment of preparing the bachelor party. The organization of the table is traditionally taken over by the groom, the witness can help in drawing up the script for this holiday of farewell to bachelorhood. If the bachelor party takes place on the eve of the wedding, it is better for the witness to protect both himself and the groom from heavy drinking.

    On your wedding day:
    - at the appointed time, the witness arrives at the groom's house to help with the last pre-wedding preparations and escort the groom to the bride's house;
    - prepares in advance for the ceremony of redemption. Since at the ransom the witness represents the interests of the groom, in addition to the ability to bargain, he must have with him a certain amount of money, several bottles of champagne, wine, vodka, it is also good to stock up on fruits and sweets. As a compensation, you can use some small cute souvenirs. A bouquet for the witness does not hurt, this way you can achieve her location;
    - after marriage, puts his signature in the registration book;
    - makes sure that in banquet hall Registry office none of the guests was deprived of champagne;
    - takes a few bottles of champagne on a wedding trip around the city;
    - thinks over the route of the walk.

    At the banquet:
    - is next to the young;
    - helps the host of the wedding celebration in organizing contests, games, dances;
    - does not lose vigilance throughout the holiday, because someone can take advantage of the opportunity and steal the bride;
    - looking for the missing bride and redeeming together with the groom;
    - if the wedding is celebrated on one day, then all duties are removed from the witness with the departure of the last guest.

    Refuse handing a bouquet of roses


    witness, as a mother chooses a godfather for her child

    Today at 18:08 I didn't like the answer

    and what did I say wrong? mine does not understand. and the fig is wrong, because in the registry office and in the church the witness stands behind the bride, and behind the groom the witness
  • If you are not tired, then for God's sake, I allow

  • Just a month and a half ago I was a witness! Responsibilities: starting with the purchase wedding dress and everything attached to it, the organization of the ransom, this must be done by a witness, including the bridesmaids, to protect the documents and rings of the young as "the apple of an eye", to help the bride to receive congratulatory flowers (bouquets), in a word: to be constantly with the bride and keep an eye on her.

One couple then marry each other?
The best men of one couple at the Wedding are considered spiritual relatives. If they are already spouses, then nothing changes. But if they were not married, then their relationship can only be religious and spiritual. This is the role of the best man-witnesses - they are in spiritual responsibility for the married couple.

What should wedding witnesses do?
If you have been chosen as a witness (witness), remember that your role at the wedding of YOUR FRIENDS is somewhat greater than sitting with the newlyweds at the same table and appearing in every frame. Being a good witness involves a lot of responsibility, and you must be aware that you can / want to take it upon yourself. You must be self-disciplined, and your main task is to make sure that the newlyweds are as little involved as possible with organizational issues, and enjoy YOUR wedding. Forget that this holiday is primarily for you, and an excuse to have a good time and relax.

Below we list the possible responsibilities of witnesses:

    Before the wedding day, the witness must:

    Sometimes bridesmaids organize a bachelorette party (and the groom's friends, respectively, a bachelor party)

Arriving at the bride's house before registration, the witness must:

    Help the bride get dressed, touch up her hair, dress.

    Remind the bride to take with her such things as spare stockings, lipstick, powder.

    Help collect handbag the bride. If you don't have a purse, make sure to bring your bride's cosmetics, perfume and other necessary supplies with you.

    Check if you forgot to take a photo and video camera (if necessary).

    Prepare sandwiches, champagne and glasses for a walk (in agreement with the bride).

    Calm down a distressed bride or her mother.

    To be in good mood encouraging the bride with compliments.

IN Registry office witnesses must

    Order photo and video filming (in agreement with the newlyweds).

    Help guests take their seats in the grand registration hall.

    Help the bride to hold bridal bouquet when painting and exchanging rings (if necessary).

    After congratulating the guests and presenting the bride with flowers, take all the bouquets from her, except for the wedding one.

    Check if you forgot your passports, rings and other personal belongings in the registry office.

    To cook rose petals, coins, etc. for the ceremony of sprinkling the newlyweds and organize guests for this ceremony

    After leaving the registry office, help to seat the guests in the cars.

On a walk, witnesses should:

    Help newlyweds carry their personal belongings

    "Feed" the guests with sandwiches taken with you

    The witness must watch appearance brides, help her touch up her dress, hairstyle, makeup

At the banquet, witnesses must:

    Monitor the timely serving of dishes

    Offer the photographer, operator or host a snack. Find a place for them at the wedding table.

    Tell guests where they can put gifts for the newlyweds.

    If necessary, help the presenter with organizational issues.

After the end of the banquet, witnesses must:

    Help young women collect and deliver gifts and flowers

    Save the newlyweds from solving money issues, for example, distributing tips.

Do witnesses have to sign any documents?
Not. Since 2000, the institution of witnesses has been abolished, and the presence of witnesses at a wedding (as well as at a wedding) is optional and depends only on the wishes of the newlyweds.

Can the witnesses be relatives of the young?
Since there can be no formal requirements for witnesses, and folk signs about witnesses contradict one another, we will assume that witnesses can be related to young people, and they can also be married, single, married to each other, divorced and whatever else - most importantly, they must be close and good friends of the bride and groom ...

Can married / married friends / girlfriends be chosen as witnesses? Or must they be married to each other?
See the answer to the previous question.

How to dress? Dark or light?
First of all, ask the bride and groom what they would like to see guests and, in particular, witnesses at their wedding. If they don’t express any specific wishes, follow these tips:

    Do not wear black for a wedding, especially if you have been warned about it. It would be better if the costumes of the male guests were also dark blue or dark gray, but not black.

    The bride's witness should not try to outweigh the bride with her attire. Don't wear lush evening dresses which are very conspicuous. Don't do sophisticated evening hairstyle if you assume that the bride, in comparison with you, will look more modest.

    Find out what color the bride's dress will be. If it is blue, do not wear, for example, green, if it is red - in no case will you also appear in red, if the dress is champagne (ivory), avoid light beige outfits so as not to "blend" with the bride in color ...

Is the witness tape a required attribute, or is it possible to do something else?
Nowadays, tapes on witnesses are increasingly associated with Soviet-era weddings. However, the question of whether witnesses should wear ribbons is a matter of your own taste.
There are other ways to distinguish witnesses from the crowd of invited guests: you can order a boutonniere for the witness (best man) in the same style as the boutonniere of the groom, and for the witness (bridesmaid) - a bouquet, bracelet or necklace made of flowers.

What should the witnesses do at the wedding?
Attending the wedding ceremony, witnesses hold crowns over the heads of the newlyweds. The wedding crown is supposed to be held with one hand, if the hand is tired, it is permissible to change hands without changing the position of the crown (i.e. you put your second hand to the crown and lower the first). The crowns will need to be kept for about 20 minutes.
However, it is known that in some churches a priest can put crowns directly on the heads of those who are to be married.
Wedding candles are held only by newlyweds, not bystanders.
Can unbaptized friends be witnesses at the wedding?
No, witnesses must be baptized and wear a pectoral cross.

If the wedding is without a toastmaster (host), can witnesses play his role?
"They can", but not "should"!
If you are a witness, and the newlyweds decided to entrust you with the duties of a host (toastmaster), be sure to discuss with them what is expected of you and what should / should not be done and said. Sometimes the newlyweds, refusing from a professional presenter, themselves make up the banquet program and involve witnesses in this process.
If you feel that the ability to perform in front of the audience, entertain guests and steer the ship called "wedding" in the right direction is not your strongest quality, honestly admit it to the newlyweds. It is better to give the reins of power to an experienced person, a born ringleader, for example, to one of the relatives, than just good friend, even if this friend is a witness.

The responsibilities and signs of a wedding witness, as a witness, are quite varied. It is believed that it depends on these people how the young people will live after marriage. There is also a belief that the role of a witness and witness can bring happiness to a person. To understand if this is true, let's analyze the signs associated with witnesses at the wedding.

The most important signs regarding witnesses are:

  • A friend and boyar were forbidden to look in the mirror in front of the bride or groom - so they could take away their happiness.
  • When agreeing to an honorable role, a person must take into account how many times he has already been a witness. If more than two, you should have refused - new wedding will bring bad luck to his life.
  • Witnesses must protect the young from negativity. One of them must have a white thread with him. If a engagement ring falls to the ground, you need to thread a thread through it and burn it. Then the bride and groom will not quarrel.
  • Friendship and friendship should always go ahead of the newlyweds. It is believed that a person who crosses the road to a wedding cortege to the registry office or to a restaurant takes away the happiness of the young. If witnesses pass in front of the newlyweds, the negative will be neutralized.
  • Witnesses guard the glasses of the young people, make sure that an outsider does not sit in their places of honor at the table, so that outsiders do not take the bride's bouquet, something from her outfit in the middle of the holiday. It is necessary to save part new family.

By tradition, the witness and the witness kiss at the wedding, so that the young are lucky in love. According to another sign, they should sleep.

How to choose wedding witnesses?

  1. Not in a long-term relationship. Previously, it was believed that witnesses should be a happy married couple. But now there is an opinion that married people will be forced to sacrifice their own happiness for the sake of the newlyweds, therefore they are not called as witnesses. It is also not good if there is a married witness and an unmarried witness in a couple - this can bring misfortune to the newlyweds, inequality in marriage.
  2. Not directly related to the groom, the bride. It is better to invite friends for this role.
  3. The witness must be younger than the bride. If there are two candidates for this position, choose the one that is younger.
  4. It is better that the namesakes of the young do not participate in the ceremony.

Widows, divorced people are not accepted for the role of witnesses, they are avoided. This denigrates the unhappy ending for the newlyweds. Young, cheerful friends and girlfriends of the couple are good candidates for the position of witness and witness.

It is advisable that the witness and the witness before the wedding were not familiar. But if there are no suitable candidates, it is allowed to invite a happy couple who wants to get married in the future.

Signs for a witness

The responsibilities and signs of a wedding witness are quite varied. The following are considered the main ones:

  • The boyar must keep a box of rings. After registration, he must pick up the empty box and make sure that the young do not touch it - for a new family this is a bad omen.
  • A witness cannot be the first to enter the registration hall; young people must be allowed to go ahead.
  • When the guests shout "Bitter", the witnesses need to shout "Sweet". So they will save a young family from quarrels and disagreements.
  • The witness must make sure that strangers do not steal the boutonniere, tie, other piece of clothing of the groom - this will take away his happiness.
  • Popular beliefs say: whoever agreed to become a boyar will not be ashamed in front of a lady on their wedding night.
  • If the witness wants to get married early, he needs to catch the bride's garter when the groom throws it to single men. Whoever succeeds in this will marry first.

The boyar needs to make sure that the wedding is good and fun. If he manages to create an atmosphere of a relaxed holiday, the young will have good luck in life, wealth, and mutual love. To do this, you need to prepare in advance for the wedding and make every effort to properly organize it. Fortunately, this is part of the boyar's duties.

Signs for a witness

Wedding omens for the witness promise the girl who agreed to this role, the happiness of her personal life. For this you need:

  1. DIY any decoration for the bride. This will attract your soul mate.
  2. Add any green detail to your own outfit - it will bring happiness.
  3. Pull the hem of the bride's dress. The girl who has done this will soon put on her wedding dress.
  4. After the ceremony, quietly steal a fork, a flower from the table. The omen portends a quick wedding.

The witness needs to be concerned about protecting the happiness of the young. Before the ceremony, she must pin a gold pin to their costumes. This should be done carefully - if a girl pierces her finger, she will lose her personal happiness.

Is it possible without witnesses at the wedding?

If the spouses are embarrassed by the signs about the witnesses at the wedding, or the newlyweds cannot find suitable candidates for this role, you can hold the ceremony without a friend and a boyar. Witnesses are not required to register at the registry office (the times when they had to sign the documents are over). In the church during the wedding, you can ask for help from random parishioners. This decision will not affect the future family life couples, but can leave them without vivid memories of the wedding.

So, you've already made (or accepted) the most important offer of your life. The next step is the first, timid steps in planning a future wedding. Quite naturally, even those things that at first glance seem very simple turn into, albeit pleasant, but complex and requiring attention. And this is not to mention the issues that directly affect the impression of the wedding among guests and newlyweds, such as choosing a restaurant, organizing a banquet, drawing up a list of invitees, and so on, and so on.

Against this background, many forget or do not pay enough attention to another important task - the choice of a witness and witness. This decision is postponed until last moment or, as is often the case, the person who looks like the most obvious candidate (usually an old friend or girlfriend) is chosen for the honorary role. And, maybe, even before the wedding, it is clear that he / she is not very suitable for this role, but everyone (including the future witnesses themselves) expects exactly such a choice from the bride and groom. "I don't care, but the person is pleased!" - think many of us in such a situation and ... are mistaken.

Practice shows just the opposite: "all the same" should not be, because a lot depends on the witness and the witness at the wedding. And that is why it is necessary to weigh in advance all the pros and cons of each candidate and choose the person who, with his presence, behavior and, finally, appearance will only decorate the celebration, as well as save the young from a number of problems and worries.

So that each of you can accept the only correct solution, let's talk about who can apply for the role of a witness at a wedding, consider the history of the issue, find out what tasks fall on the shoulders of witnesses and, finally, give some helpful advice concerning the nuances of their choice.

History of tradition

The custom of inviting a friend of the groom to a wedding as a so-called "friend" existed in Russia many centuries ago. Like other wedding roles traditional for weddings at the time, the boyfriend had a number of established responsibilities. First of all, he had to lead the matchmaking, the ceremony of the bride's redemption, as well as the festive feast. This required excellent organizational skills and deep knowledge of all traditions from a person. Over time, the role of the bride's friend appeared at weddings in Russia. It is interesting that later it was she who began to be called "friend", and the witness on the part of the groom - "boyar".

For many hundreds of years, there has been an analogue of the boyar / boyar in the west. In European culture, this role is called "best man" and involves approximately the same set of responsibilities as in Russia. At the beginning of the 20th century, and then at the end of it, after the collapse of the USSR, the word "best man" began to be actively used also in our country, like many other imported concepts and traditions. However, the most widespread use was found in another definition, which appeared in the Soviet era and took root in folk tradition, - "witness" and "witness".

There is nothing surprising in the fact that this very concept has become the most widely used and understandable to everyone, because the presence of two witnesses at the marriage in the registry office (on the part of the bride and groom) was mandatory: this was required by law. Even if the newlyweds did not plan a solemn ceremony, they simply could not get married without the presence of two more obligatory participants. Interestingly, in cases where marriages were contracted without preparation, sometimes complete strangers or, for example, the bride and groom, awaiting their registration, acted as witnesses.

Few know that in our time legislation no longer requires the presence of witnesses at the wedding ceremony in the registry office. Their participation in the painting is a tribute to traditions that has no legal basis. Moreover, in some registry offices, witnesses are still offered to put their signatures after the newlyweds on ... a white sheet. The further fate of this "document" is unenviable, but Mendelssohn's march continues to play, the solemnity of the moment has been observed, and the relatives still have a minute or two to feel the significance of the event and shed a tear of emotion.

Who can act as a witness and witness?

As we have already found out, the roles of witness and witness are not regulated by law in any way, which means that there are no official requirements or standards in this regard. In fact, anyone can play this role.

More stringent conditions for the selection of candidates for witnesses are established by wedding traditions... In accordance with them, in this capacity, the bride invites a young unmarried girl, and the groom, accordingly, an unmarried guy.

Finally, the most stringent requirements are not tradition or rules, but the usual practicality and foresight. Unfortunately, this is what many newlyweds forget, choosing witnesses, as they say, "by their clothes", or appointing old friends for this role, who are simply uncomfortable not to make such an offer. Of course, there is nothing reprehensible in the desire of the bride to be near beautiful girlfriend- another noticeable decoration of the entire wedding. Also understandable are the motives of the groom, who offers to become a witness good friend, which is associated with so many episodes of stormy, pre-wedding life. But against this background, one should not forget about the responsibilities that witnesses will perform: it is very important to think in advance about how well the prospective candidates for this role will cope with the tasks assigned.

In order to make it easier for you to assess the real possibilities of the future boyar and friends, let's talk about what they still have to do before and during the wedding, what are their main functions and privileges.

Obligations of witnesses before marriage

Few know that witness participation can and should begin long before the wedding ceremony itself. After all, who, if not a close friend or friend, can better help prepare for yourself important event in life so that the result exceeds the expectations of even the newlyweds themselves. So, let's consider the approximate duties of witnesses, which future newlyweds can count on to fulfill even before the wedding.


Preparation and distribution of invitations;
... assistance in choosing a dress, accessories and jewelry for the bride;
... organization of a pre-wedding party or, more simply, a bachelorette party;
... assistance in drafting the scenario of the celebration, planning rituals and ceremonies;
... participation in the decoration of the hall in which the wedding banquet will take place.


Organization and conduct of a bachelor party on the eve of the wedding;
... preparation of the bride ransom ceremony;
... planning the route of movement around the city after registration at the registry office, thinking over the procedure for the guests and the main participants in the wedding.

As it is easy to see, even before the wedding, the witnesses will have to show their delicate taste, resourcefulness, attentiveness and outstanding organizational skills. Already at this stage, you can think about whether the selected candidates can handle the role. However, the real test of the witnesses' abilities awaits them ahead - on the wedding day.

Duties of a witness on the wedding day

On the wedding day, the witness is not only the bride's friend, but also her main assistant, who can alleviate many difficult worries and warn whole line unforeseen situations. It is also important that, unlike parents, friends and organizers, she “helps and warns” from the very early morning until the young people leave the restaurant - to where her participation is certainly not required.

It all starts with the appearance of a witness in the bride's house. Ideally, she can spend the night there, but if this is impossible or inconvenient, then she should be the first to be at the forefront of preparation for the event, without discounts for lack of sleep after a bachelorette party and traffic jams. At the same time, it is important to note that the bride's friend should get dressed, do her hair and make-up before the main hero of the occasion does this. Already at this stage, unforeseen delays and small difficulties often arise, which can force the witness, who ignored our recommendation, to get ready in a hurry, pulling on stockings and shoes to the signals of the approaching motorcade with the groom.

Such a rush cannot be allowed also because it is the witness who usually meets this very cortege in front of the house. In the event that the bride is still not ready by the designated moment or the groom's impatience brought him to the meeting place earlier than the appointed time, it is the boyfriend who can "cause fire on himself." At these moments, you can once again pay attention to the decoration of the car or simply whip up the exciting expectation of young people with rave reviews about the bride's dress. Without going into details, of course.

During the ransom ceremony, the witness is inseparably with the bride, participating in the process as an active spectator as far as possible and willing. After the successful completion of the transaction (and it cannot be otherwise!), It is worth making sure that no one is left out during a short buffet table in parental home the bride. Maintaining constant business contact with mothers-aunts-grandmothers, our heroine makes sure that everyone has a glass of champagne in their hands and no one is forgotten somewhere in the hallway.

We have already touched on the duties of a witness at a wedding ceremony in the registry office above. She is always in the front row, puts her autograph on the papers and tries her best not to step on the bride's train. It is interesting that, for example, in Ukraine, the duties of witnesses additionally include beautiful ceremony unrolling a "towel" (a towel embroidered in the national style), which young people step on when registering a marriage.

After the official part of the event is over and the tension has subsided a little, the witness helps the bride to accept countless bouquets from the hands of those present. In order to snow white dress was not hurt, and the guests could see the newlyweds in a heap of flowers, witnesses need to take on the role of a stand for bouquets. It will not be superfluous to think in advance about where to put them after, without the risk of spoiling the delicate beauty of fresh flowers or simply forgetting the bouquets in someone's car.

While walking around the city and taking pictures, the witness must simultaneously pose in the frame on the necessary pictures and make sure that none of her friends gets bored. With long photosets of the newlyweds, it will be appropriate if the friends offer guests treats and champagne.

Despite the fact that at wedding banquets, seats are usually assigned to the invitees in advance, there may be some confusion at the entrance to the restaurant, in the resolution of which the witness may also participate. Perfectly grounded in theory (and we hope that she is), she knows exactly the seating plan for guests and can help others to sit comfortably before the start of the banquet.

The witness should understand that during this very banquet she will often have to solo, demonstrating all her charm, resourcefulness and sociability. The host of the celebration will surely make every effort to this. For this reason, a girl should not only be mentally prepared to be in the spotlight, but also think over her own wedding dress so that it withstands the test of mobility. We all understand the desire of some bridesmaids to make themselves a complex, multi-level hairstyle, to wear long dress with a train or, for example, a corset that has to be constantly corrected. But, unfortunately, such a desire is somewhat at odds with the requirements of practicality and threatens with annoying curiosities.

Finally, at every moment of this wonderful day, a witness - urgent help to the bride in any unforeseen situation. A friend's handbag contains a spare pair of stockings, a needle with white thread, a plaster, citramone, and other "emergency" accessories with which she is always ready to help if the hero of the occasion has any difficulties with the outfit or the bride is feeling unwell, quite natural for such an exciting day. The excellent preparation of the witness and her maximum attention is a guarantee that such troubles will remain unnoticed by the guests and will not prevent the newlyweds from enjoying the celebration in their honor.

Duties of a witness on the wedding day

Be that as it may, the groom at the wedding needs much less help than the bride. The outfit is more practical, there are fewer hairstyle problems and there are no questions at all about makeup, jewelry and accessories. And men's needs, as a rule, are much more modest: a man expects solemnity, a fun pastime, high marks from all guests, and even more often - its completion from a wedding. On the contrary, the desire to shine with your appearance and bathe in the rays of the delight of others is not the most characteristic of the groom. All this somewhat simplifies the tasks of the witness.

In general, his functions are mainly reduced to helping the witness in everything she would do, even if she does not receive requests for this very help. It is very important to closely monitor everything that is happening around in order to react in a timely manner and direct the holiday in the right, pre-planned direction.

To a large extent, the role of the witness is revealed during the bride ransom ritual. He should figure out in advance what is expected of him and prepare the props. Impromptu, of course, adorn the ransom (like any other rituals), but only if these impromptu is not caused by a lack of something or ignorance of tradition.

During trips around the city, the witness makes sure that the walk not only leaves behind beautiful memorable photographs, but also brings maximum pleasure to all participants. To do this, it is worth stocking up on the necessary products for buffets at stopping points: champagne, snacks, sweets and juice. With every pause that occurs during the next photoset, the witness knows where what lies, and effectively uses it to entertain guests. However, it is important not to overdo it here. Excessive zeal can lead to the fact that someone will consume the daily allowance of alcohol during the buffet tables, after which a real banquet in a restaurant will be superfluous.

It would seem that during the celebration for festive table the witness can already relax. But no. In most cases, it is at this moment that the most interesting thing just begins for him. In addition to the fact that the boyar is obliged to vigilantly monitor the spill of alcohol to the young and their parents, the young man will certainly become the object of increased attention for the host of the banquet. He participates in almost every competition, the first to rise to dance and generally sets an example for the rest of the guests in many ways. Here the witness will have the maximum opportunity to show his resourcefulness and ingenuity, a sense of humor and charm.

The duties of a witness end only at the end of the banquet, when the newlyweds have already left the restaurant, and the invitees begin to disperse. Along with his parents, the young man sees off the guests and, as necessary, calls a taxi to those who need it.

How to choose a witness and witness? Helpful hints

So, we have found out what responsibilities are assigned to the witness and witness. Now is the time to decide who will perform better: a personable and collected workmate, an old joker friend or a trusted childhood friend? An old student friend, an economic unmarried relative, or a proactive, energetic colleague? In order to right choice it was easier to make, here are some simple, but practice-proven recommendations:

As you might guess, after reading the impressive list of responsibilities of witnesses, they are required to be serious organization and self-discipline. The closest friends of the newlyweds should be aware of the importance of their mission and be ready for this role both theoretically and practically. It is the boyar who is simply obliged to remember to take passports and rings to the registry office, and the friend knows exactly where everything necessary for buffets lies during a walk. And this is just a particular example, of which there will be many.

Self-discipline will not be enough if the witnesses do not have enough time to prepare for the wedding. Unlike the rest of the guests, it is not enough for them to just show up at the set time on the right day. You need to prepare for the wedding, and already at the stage of choosing witnesses, you need to understand whether they will have the time and desire for this.

It is important that witnesses know well and have a subtle sense of their "wards", providing the necessary help even before they ask for it. So, for example, it is the friend who first notices the problem with the bride's hair, makeup or dress and helps to cope with the trouble so that it goes unnoticed by everyone around.

To make the best possible wedding experience for guests, the witnesses will need good communication skills, a sense of humor and tact. This is not surprising, because it is they who entertain and raise bored guests to dance, show all their ingenuity in numerous competitions and even set the tone for the celebration together with the toastmaster.

Needless to say that the witness, like the groom, is simply contraindicated to get carried away alcoholic beverages at the banquet and before? There is nothing sadder than a boyar who fell asleep on his face in a salad somewhere in the middle of a celebration. And if there is even the slightest likelihood of such a development of events, it is worth choosing another person for this honorable role.

It is always wise to discuss your choice of candidacy with your spouse-to-be. An outsider's perspective can be more objective than your own judgments, dictated by years of friendship.

It is quite natural that the first reaction to all of the above may be the thought: "Why, my witness / witness is not at all suitable for this role! What to do ?!" But do not rush to panic, because the most important criterion is spiritual closeness and trust between the witness / witness and the groom / bride. Even if a friend does not have a sparkling sense of humor and stunning charm, it will be comfortable to feel his support and feel confident that a friend or friend will not let you down at an important moment. And this is the most important thing. Perhaps you should just approach the issue with increased attention and devote another evening in the company of witnesses to thinking over and planning everything that they will have to do on the long-awaited wedding day. This will help to avoid annoying surprises and make the celebration really bright and memorable.