The days are getting shorter and the nights. Winter solstice

Day of friendship and unity of the Slavs.

This holiday was established in the 90s of the 20th century and was created so that different branches of the Slavic peoples remember their historical roots, strive to preserve their culture and centuries-old connection with each other.

The holiday appeared as a consequence of the collapse of the USSR, when more independent Slavic states were formed, and it became necessary to establish friendly and partner relations in new conditions. Slavs - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Czechs - make up the bulk of the population of Europe.

Day of the sailor or, in other words, the Day of the sailor.

The decision to celebrate was made in 2010. The UN member states of the International Maritime Organization signed Resolution 19 at the conference in Manila, which served as the basis for the establishment of this professional holiday.

The resolution stressed that a special day for people of all maritime professions is necessary, because the contribution of seafarers to international trade, the world economy and the development of civil society as a whole is invaluable. These words were addressed to 1.5 million professionals who have linked their lives with the water element.

The holiday is dedicated specifically to the seamen of the merchant fleet, who, unlike naval sailors, have not yet had their holiday - the days of the workers of the sea and river fleet were celebrated mainly by people not directly related to work at sea. Statistics report that 80% of all world trade activities are carried out by seafarers in the merchant marine.

141 years ago, the American fisherman Alfred Jensen sailed across the Atlantic Ocean solo for the first time in history.

At sea he was guided by a simple lifeboat compass and with the help of his fishing intuition. Jensen determined the geographical latitude by the duration of dawn and the onset of evening twilight.

After 13 days of sailing, a squall that hit the boat deprived Jensen of some of the supplies. Later, the sailor was noticed by a Turkish sailing ship, the captain of which offered him a free move in exchange for some work services. However, Jensen refused. On the south coast of Ireland, the Centenniel was caught in a storm that deprived her of nearly all her supplies. Five days later he met the Alfredon brig. The sailor again refused help, asking only to tell him the coordinates of his whereabouts and some bread and water. On August 10, Jensen arrived at the Welsh port of Abercastle, having sailed the Atlantic alone in 46 days.

67 years ago, the Korean War broke out, as a result of which a demilitarized zone was created between North and South Korea.

In August 1945, Korea was liberated from Japanese colonial rule. In the northern part of the peninsula, which the Red Army entered, a communist regime was established led by Kim Il Sung. In the South, where American troops landed, Rhee Seung Man, one of the leaders of the anti-communist nationalist movement, came to power.

This is how the two Korean states were formed. However, North and South Korea did not abandon the idea of ​​uniting the country. Having enlisted the support of their main allies - the USSR and the USA - they were preparing for an armed conflict.

In the folk calendar today is Peter Solstice.

In Russia, Peter was nicknamed the Solstice: from his day the sun shortens its course, the days are getting shorter, and the nights are longer. “The solstice makes a turn,” the people said and added that the sun turns for winter, and summer for heat. Indeed, the middle of summer was approaching - the hottest time.

Peter's day was also called a belated skit. On this day, the gardeners planted the last seedlings and sowed the last seeds. It was customary to sow white grain (for example, wheat or oats) before lunch, and black (buckwheat) after lunch. For buckwheat, the day was generally considered successful.

Andrey, Anna, Ivan, Maria, Peter, Stepan, Timofey, Julian have birthday on this day.


On the day of the winter solstice, the sun rises to its lowest height above the horizon. Each year, the winter solstice falls between December 21 and 22. The winter solstice is the shortest day and longest night of the year. Now the nights are getting shorter and the days are getting longer.

December 22, 2011 at 09:30 Moscow time, the Sun will descend as much as possible in the southern hemisphere of the sky, that is, moving along the ecliptic, it will reach its lowest declination - 23 degrees 26.457 minutes (in the constellation Sagittarius) and astronomical winter will come. December 22, the Sun begins to rise up the ecliptic, starting a path to vernal equinox when it crosses the celestial equator.

Solstice - Birthday of the Sun

Solstice- the old Russian name for the day of the solstice. Corresponded to the moment when the Sun turned to profit or to decrease of the day. In Russia and in many European countries, the day of the winter solstice was celebrated as a holiday of the birth of the sun.

Almost all European peoples held sacred mysteries on this day: a symbolic performance of the death and rebirth of the Sun was played. Light conquers Darkness. Let the miracle be invisible for now, but we know that it happened, and this is the harbinger of that great miracle, the miracle of the Transfiguration, which awaits our world: the final victory of good over evil, the complete triumph of Light.

And among the Slavs and other peoples of Europe, the winter solstice marked the beginning of a new life and the renewal of nature. Children and adults jumped over the fire, danced in circles, boys competed in strength and ingenuity. Daylight hours are increasing, which means that spring is just around the corner.

At this time, the ancient Slavs celebrated a many-day winter holiday - Christmastide. It began in the last days of December and ended in early January (approximately from December 25 to January 6). Christmastide was accompanied by magic rituals, on the eve of Christmas carols were sung, mummers walked around the villages, festive feasts were held in every house, the girls wondered at their betrothed.

In the 16th century in Russia, a special rite was associated with the winter solstice. The bell-ringing headman of the Moscow Cathedral, who was responsible for the striking of the clock, came to bow to the tsar. He reported that from now on the sun had turned for summer, the day was increasing, and the night was shortening. For this good news, the king gave the elder money.

In Europe, the days of Christmas celebrations coincided with a twelve-day cycle of pagan festivities dedicated to the winter solstice, which marked the beginning of new life and the renewal of nature. That is why in different countries the holiday of Christmas was filled with ancient rituals and folk beliefs... These include carols - costumed processions with a star and chants, which are still held in the countryside, an evening meal on Christmas Eve, consisting of 12 lenten dishes. In the ritual meal of this day, it was customary to leave food for deceased family members. And if on Christmas a happy person enters the house first, then the whole year happiness will not leave its walls.

On the winter solstice, it was customary in Scotland to launch the Christmas solar wheel - the "Solstice" - the barrel was coated with burning resin and launched down the street. The wheel is a symbol of the Sun, the spokes of the wheel resembled the rays of the sun, the rotation of the spokes while moving made the wheel alive and similar to its solar prototype.

Over the past millennia, other prophets have replaced the spirits and gods, and the now considered pagan religions have been replaced by Christianity and Islam, who have tried to adapt their holidays to the beliefs of the newly converted flock. However, the deep meaning of the holidays has not changed: the gods are still born in winter and resurrect in the spring, so that after the summer solstice they can slowly go into darkness and then be reborn again.

Kolyada - Sunny Christmas

On December 25, our ancestors celebrated the Christmas of God Kolyada. The nascent Sun appears as a child. The baby is the disk of the Sun, which has been called Kolo since ancient times. Baby Kolyada is captured by the witch Zima and turns him into a wolf cub. When the wolf's skin is removed from Kolyada and burned over the spring fire, Kolyada will appear in all its glory. And the Sun is sent in a cart to the south, to meet the spring.

“Once Kolyada was not perceived as a mummer. Kolyada was a deity, and one of the most influential. They called Kolyada, called me. New Year's days were dedicated to Kolyada, games were organized in her honor, which were later perpetrated on Christmastide. The last patriarchal ban on the worship of Kolyada was issued on December 24, 1684. It is believed that Kolyada was recognized by the Slavs as a deity of fun, that is why they called him, merry gangs of youth called him on New Year's festivities "(A. Strizhev " Folk calendar»)

The day "on a passerine gallop" has arrived and the winter sun begins to flare up, the Slavs celebrate Kolyada. On New Year's Eve, the children were going to carol under the windows of rich peasants, dignified the owner in songs, repeated the name of Kolyada and asked for money. Holy games and fortune-telling are the remnants of this festival of the ancients. The rituals have survived among the people, and have recently become more and more popular. "Carols" dress up in clothes, depict animals, devils, with music, with sacks in which they collect food, walk the streets, sing carols. Kolyada is a cheerful, welcome deity.

At the feast, Tura is remembered by eating ceremonial cookies in the form of cows (loaf, bagels). Instead of a sacrificial lamb, cookies are eaten in the form of a ram's head (bagels, pretzels). You should definitely try uzvar and kutya. The holiday ends with merrymaking. It is imperative to roll a burning wheel uphill with the words: "Roll up the hill, return with the spring".

Shoryk Yol

Shoryk Yol- traditional New Year's celebration of the Mari people. He ends the old and starts the new year. In the past, the people associated with him the future well-being of their economy and family, changes in life.

The name Shoryk Yol - "sheep's leg" comes from what is done in holidays magical action - pulling sheep by the legs in order to "evoke" a large offspring of sheep in the new year. ... In the past, early in the morning, householders built piles of snow in the form of stacks on the winter field in order to get the required amount of bread in the new year. Branches of fruit trees and bushes were shaking in the garden, hoping to gather a rich harvest of fruits and berries. Pulling the legs of the sheep was supposed to ensure the fertility of the sheep. Fortune-telling was associated with fortune telling, the well-being of the economy. The weather was used to judge what the spring and summer would be like. Family prayers were held in every house in honor of the holiday of Shorykyol and the "owner" of the house of Kudort.

On the first day, children and girls walked around the courtyards, they congratulated the householders on the arrival of the New Year and wished a prosperous family and economic life, the offspring of sheep. In the evening, a group of mummers, led by the old man Vasily and his old woman, Vasli kuva-kugyza, the harbingers of the future, went out to their homes. The mummers checked the economic activities, the negligent owners were scolded.


Surkhiri is a Chuvash holiday in the middle of winter. The word surkhuri itself also means "sheep's leg".

This is a holiday of youth, a holiday of boys and girls, it consists of continuous amusements, pranks and jokes. The very name of the holiday comes from a comic divination rite.

In connection with surkhuri, there is whole line customs - various fortune-telling among the young, which are still carried out on the first evening of the holiday. The most significant of the rituals, from which the holiday got its name, is "catching a sheep's leg" (surkhuri tytma). Boys and girls leave the house one by one and go to the barn. There, in the dark, they touch the first sheep that they come across, hold it by the leg with one hand, and pluck a clump of wool from it with the other and bring it to the hut. And then they wonder. Whoever has caught the leg of a white sheep will have a fair-haired husband or wife. And whoever caught the leg of a black sheep - with dark hair.


Dongzhijie- Chinese Winter Solstice Festival. V ancient China believed that from that time the "masculine power" of nature rose, and a new cycle began. Therefore, the day of the winter solstice was considered a lucky day. Dongzhijie is a celebration of optimism and faith in spring.

On this day, the emperors went out of town to perform solemn rituals of sacrifice to Heaven, and the common people sacrificed to their ancestors.

In some regions of Northern China, soup with ears is eaten on the day of the Winter Solstice, in other regions - dumplings, because there is such a belief: having tasted dumplings that day, a person may not be afraid of frost. Rice flour is used to knead the dough, mold it into figures of turtles, pigs, cows, sheep and other animals symbolizing happiness.


Ancient Scandinavians also celebrated New Year on the day of the winter solstice on December 22. Yule- Celtic Sun Revival Festival. The word Yule means spinning, twisting, wheeling, turning.

Yule marks the point in the year when the sun returns, so sorcerers burn candles and bonfires, inviting sunlight return. On this day, it is customary to leave the lights on in the house, or at least the candle on the altar, on.

The house is always decorated with branches of evergreen trees. This symbolizes the eternity of life, and this tradition is also credited with protecting the inhabitants of the house. Yule's indispensable attribute is the sacred Yule Log. The log is intertwined with scarlet and green ribbons. The sacred log is lit first, and part of the festive dinner is prepared either on it or after it has burned down. Now the Yule Log is an attribute of the altar, it is decorated with candles and Yule is celebrated in their light. But even if the Wood burns in the hearth, a small piece of it will always be preserved: this is the best amulet and protection of the whole house for the next year. The main attribute of the holiday is the Yule wreath. It is made from spruce branches in the shape of a circle. This is a symbol of the fact that everything in the world is cyclical: death and birth. A wreath means that everything in the world replaces each other, something dies, and something is born.

Yule is the days of a great feast and holiday, in which all members of the clan gathered together in order to meet the Sun, which has risen from the darkness, and to see the revived world. The celebration of Yule reminds people that each of us in one way or another participates in all, without exception, the processes taking place in the universe.

Christmas tree

Even the Romans began to bring evergreen trees into the house at the winter solstice and decorate them. There is a version that a tree decorated with apples and nuts symbolizes the "tree of paradise" (although in early Christianity, the custom of introducing and decorating a tree, to put it mildly, was not encouraged, and even prohibited in Europe, but was later adopted).

Such a tree also symbolizes life and survival, especially in cold climates, when all other trees are naked and sleepy, it symbolizes fertility and immortality. Other symbols winter holidays- mistletoe, which not only preserves green leaves in winter, but also grows without touching the ground, and holly (holly), ivy. Holly is decorated with red berries in winter, and mistletoe with white ones.

You can decorate the Yolochka with cinnamon sticks and dried flowers (for example, roses), cranberries and dried corn cobs, bags with aromatic herbs, apples, nuts, oranges, lemons. Old Soviet ones will come in handy here. Christmas decorations in the form of fruits, fruits and vegetables, nuts and acorns. Wiccans hang letters with their desires on Yolochka.

Tinsel and toys can also be associated with the images of the moon, sun and stars of heaven. "Rain" - as a symbol of rain - will be a symbol of fertility. Cones and acorns (oak symbols) will also be appropriate. The shiny glass balls during the Winter Solstice capture the light of the newborn sun and direct it back, acting as a magical tool to boost the sun's energy. This idea was fully developed when, in simple glass ball they began to make a geometrically correct depression, allowing them to catch and reflect light, whether it be the soft, warm light of candles or the pure white light of the revived winter sun.

The night of the day is longer, the day of the night is trashy.

Make it colder.

Heated steering wheel and climate control,
In the glove compartment of a white parcel post.
And if you wanted to share happiness with us,
Know, we divide happiness by zero.
The trumpet is ringing, the trumpet is calling.
Nobody is waiting for me in the program "Wait for Me".
I know my ending in advance:
The dog breeder will find me early in the morning.
At passport control in paradise
They will ask the purpose of the trip, I will say: "Business".
They will ask who I flew to, I will answer indistinctly.
They will ask: for a long time, I will say: "There and back."
I have lived my life without intravenous.
At the end of the tunnel, the traffic light is green.
And if god is the center of the universe
Thanks to the center for that.
And while he doesn't fuck himself in the back,
I wanted a son from life.
But requests are growing and now
I want a son and a Dodge. Dodge Challenger.

I changed the dog to a cat, youth - for years.
I dropped my bald ones, put on my shoes on thorns
And whatever they sew to me there, they will fucking be mistaken.
Dripping on the right from Patek Philippe.
From the old dad on the cheeks unshaven.
From a restless life, undisguised rear,
My wife asked me where and with whom I was.
And we are just here without any conditions.
We hide a wound or a bullet under the ribs.
And I'm so used to breaking my fucking blood
That along the way it is love.
And my life will be taken from the lists
When the pathologist hangs over me.
I think: you need to pray,
When the shovel touches the ground.
The thick kurtyasha warms both shoulders.
Well, where are you going again at night? If only I could drink some tea.
With God's help, will you be back in an hour?
I don’t know, I didn’t see any help, I didn’t meet God.

The night of the day is longer, the day of the night is trashy.
The day is shorter than the night. Morning, in short, is wiser.
Make it colder. Make it colder.
In the cold we turn pink - at the dose we turn pale.
Make it colder.

From Lamborghini we hear the voice of Ivan Kuchin.
We have a huge twisted one in the jeep.
And the way their employees are specially trained there,
But for some reason they confuse this smoke with clouds.
It's for the best. And why is the ambulance downstairs?
Bracho, could you explain it to you? Kidding.
While I'm here just flickering something,
I torture you, but nobody gets bored with us.
Tell someone else that Alyosha has lost weight.
You know me well, there were a couple of cases.
Walked away. Things are going huevasto.
It happens that in different places you have to run around.
Where the local boys don't care who you are by nationality.
Nobody has any idea what Rasta means.
No one will look for a reason to fuck.
Overturned on everything. One, two, epta, hello.
This is my addiction - obstacle course.
It is extremely dangerous, but I have to put it on it.
The square is slowly rolling somewhere along the highway,
Behind the wheel, the owner is in meat, we are rocked by the classics.

I would probably write down hits for you here
For boys with weights and girls in shorts
Under the fashionable sound, but picked up the wrong words.
Like an owl in the dark, the night drills its eyes.
This mood is the same, even in winter there is a sauna.
From Tajikistan he sweeps over with a white shroud.
I said on the case, as for living with a guitar.
The dark forest is our train station, life is the leap of the cheetah.
I would like to sing, but I blew my throat out.
Someone on the lid in the lavatory drew a couple of formulas
Under Ivan Dorn, the employee was an obstinate.
There are people in uniform, often in the form of a condom.
Beha pleases with a contour, bunny in underwear with a pattern.
We leave with comfort, our team is on the field.
Here they love Zadornov's jokes, they believe in icons.
The smell of a light pon, the city will drown in the lights.

For those who pull cannabis, my name is one peace.
Like Idris and Denis, only one peace.
For young, domestic and old thieves, my surname is one love.
Like Petrov and Ivanov, only one love.
One peace, one love