Children's folk calendar Palm Sunday. Introducing kids to spring holidays

Palm Sunday is a holiday that is enjoyed not only by adults, but also by children. It is also very interesting and joyful for them to go to the river or to the lake on the eve of the holiday, to pluck twigs from the willow, and in the morning to go to church to consecrate them.

So that the child's knowledge is not limited only to this, you can tell him about the holiday in more detail. After all, this celebration has its own educational history, interesting traditions and customs.

It will also be useful for the children to know that the celebration has a second name - "The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem." And how to tell children about the history of Palm Sunday, so that they would be interested, we will find out further.

To make the history of the Palm Sunday holiday interesting for children, it should first be explained that this celebration is closely related to one of the biblical legends, where Jesus Christ is at the heart, as well as in most others. Therefore, the holiday has one more name - the church name - "The Lord's Entry into Jerusalem."

When Jesus walked the earth, he preached the name of God, healed incurable diseases and raised people from the dead. During this time, many people have joined him. Jesus became even more supporters when he performed another miracle.

On the eve of Palm Sunday, he was in the city of Bethany. Walking through the streets, he met Martha - the same woman who anointed with myrrh (sacred oil) and wiped the feet of Jesus with her hair. She was in despair and cried, since her brother died of an illness 4 days ago.

Jesus, learning about this, wept, and then went to the cave, pushed aside the stone and cried out: "Lazarus, go." He immediately got up and went. Many who watched this miracle believed in the existence of God and converted to Christianity.

The next day, Jesus Christ went to Jerusalem with the apostles. Death awaited Him in this city. But Jesus knew his fate in advance. He came to his death voluntarily in order to die for all human sins on a large wooden cross on Mount Calvary.

Jesus' disciples dissuaded Him, asked Him not to go there. But Christ was unshakable. On the way to Jerusalem, he asked one of the apostles to find and untie a young donkey, which no one had ever sat on.

On it the Son of God went to the gates of the city. When people saw Jesus sitting on a donkey, they began to shout "Long live the Son of God."

The people laid down their clothes and threw branches of palm trees under His feet. It is precisely this event that became the main reason for the formation of the holiday of Palm Sunday, or the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

But why are palm branches blessed in Russia, and not palm branches? Because it is in our country that the willow begins to bloom during the holiday season, covering itself with beautiful fluffy balls. Here is such Short story holiday Palm Sunday for children.

When the holiday is celebrated

Palm Sunday comes a week before Easter - the feast of the Bright Resurrection of Jesus. Passion Week follows him.

It was during this period that Christ was taken into custody, stripped and made to carry a heavy wooden cross to Mount Golgotha. Then He was scourged and crucified on the cross, with his hands and feet nailed to a tree.

Since Easter this year falls on April 28, it is easy to calculate when Palm Sunday will be - April 21. It is on this day that people go to church with willow twigs, pray, and then consecrate them.

Traditions and signs

If you tell the children briefly about the history of Palm Sunday, then you should definitely mention the customs, traditions and signs observed on this day.

After the consecration of the willow twig in the church, it must be taken home and placed in a vase in a place where dust and dirt will not get on it. A good shelf for this is where all the icons are stored.

When one of the family members has a headache, or any illness, it is enough to attach the willow to this place. After a while, everything will pass.

The Slavs especially believed in the healing power of the palm buds. They prepared various medicines from them, which were used to treat diseases.

Also in Russia they believed that before walking the cows it was necessary to feed them with pussy buds. Then they will definitely not be poisoned. The cattle were also lashed with willow twigs before going to the pasture. This boded health and fertility.

The hostesses prepared delicious pies on Palm Sunday.

Inside, they laid several fluffy pussy willow buds, and then treated their loved ones to pastries. It was believed that whoever ate a piece of cake would definitely be cured of any disease and would be under the protection of God.

Young people in the old days believed that the willow gives strength and courage.

To do this, they made amulets and talismans from the buds of the plant, so that they would help them in difficult situations. It was also customary to stick a willow twig into the roof and wall to gain more strength and confidence.

Elderly people did this to drive away evil spirits from the house. Willow twigs were also stuck into the ground during sowing. People believed that this would give a good harvest.

It was customary for our ancestors to organize fairs on Palm Sunday. On them one could not only enjoy delicious pastries and hot drinks, but also buy a toy or candy.

Festivities were also organized on this day. One of the most fun entertainment it was considered quilting each other with willow branches. The losing player was the one whose branch was left without a single bud.

Our ancestors believed that on Palm Sunday one can predict whether the harvest will be good or not. For example, if it rained on a holiday, then people expected a rich harvest, if it was dry and sunny, then a poor one.

The wind could tell about the weather. If it was strong, then windy weather was expected for the rest of the year. If he was weak, or absent altogether, then people hoped for the sun and warmth.

Many customs were associated with the willow twigs in our ancestors. On a holiday, they went to the river and lowered them to the surface. If they were sailing, it was a good sign. Well-being and happiness awaited the family in the coming year. But if the branch remained in place, then nothing good had to wait.

By the number of buds on the plucked branch, one could judge the wealth. The more of them, the better for the well-being of the family.

Young girls wondered on Palm Sunday. The most popular was the call of the groom. In the morning you had to get out of bed and not talk to anyone, then go outside and call your betrothed several times loudly in all directions.

The girls believed that this predicted marriage in the near future.

Palm Sunday is celebrated in the sixth week of Lent, the last Sunday before Easter. On this day, the Orthodox Church celebrates the twelve ( one of the twelve most important holidays after Easter in Orthodoxy) holiday - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

Jesus Christ moved with his disciples from Bethany, where he resurrected Lazarus, to Jerusalem, to celebrate Passover. The people greeted Jesus Christ with a joyful feeling, and greeted him with such solemnity with which in ancient times only kings were greeted in the East. People covered the road with their clothes and palm branches and sang a song of praise: “Hosanna ( the rescue)! Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord, King of Israel! "

Having believed in a powerful and good Teacher, the people with a simple heart were ready to recognize in him the King, who had come to free him. Jesus Christ moved on a donkey, thereby showing that he appeared in Jerusalem with good intentions, for in the East, riding on a donkey is a sign (symbol) of peace.

« And Jesus entered the temple of God, and drove out all those who sold and bought in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those who sold doves. And he said to them: "It is written: My house will be called a house of prayer, and you have made it a den of robbers." All the people listened with admiration to the teachings of the Lord. Then the blind and the lame came to Jesus, whom he healed. Then, leaving Jerusalem, he returned to Bethany».

« The feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem symbolizes, on the one hand, the recognition of the mission of Jesus Christ, and on the other, the prototype of the entry of the Son of Man into Paradise».

V Ancient Rus instead of a palm branch, a willow was used (a willow branch is the northern analogue of a palm branch - an attribute with which the kings were greeted), which gave the name to the holiday and the week before it: "Palm Sunday", "Palm ( or Flowering, Variegated) week ”,“ Verbnitsa ”,“ Verbich ”.

According to tradition, the willow, consecrated on this holiday, was considered sacred and endowed magical properties... The children were whipped with willow twigs, saying: "The willow is red, beat them to tears, be healthy!" The consecrated twigs were kept all year round or until Yegoriev day, when they drove the cattle with them.

“The Feast of the Entry into Jerusalem from the use of frond (palm branches and pussy willows) on this day is also called the Week of Vai and Palm Sunday. The Church recalls this solemn Entry into Jerusalem on the last Sunday of Great Lent and sings. "

Approximately to Palm Sunday, they also timed the meeting of spring, they clicked spring. The girls danced around singing spring songs, walked around the birches, swung on a swing. Calls for spring can be viewed

Palm Sunday for children.

Boys and girls
Candles and willows
They brought it home.
The lights are glowing
Passers-by are baptized
And it smells like spring.
The breeze is distant,
Rain, little rain
Don't blow out the fire!
Sunday Palm
I'll get up first tomorrow
For the saint of the day.
(A. Blok)

Hello, dear mothers, daddies and all visitors to our blog about creative development

A little more than a week is left before the Great Holiday - Easter!

And today we begin our Easter Expectation, we begin to prepare for Easter together with our kids.

And if you have not had time to join us, you can do

I propose to start our Waiting for Easter with a story about what Palm Sunday is. The text below will help you with this. I prepared it for a festive activity with my daughters.

But text alone will not be enough. If possible, go to church with the baby and consecrate the willow branches, do it, you can offer your child coloring pages on this topic.

Be sure to watch the video about Palm Sunday on YouTube, listen to music. On the Internet, I found this song performed by Elena Frolova "Palm Sunday", you can use it.

So let's start - Palm Sunday for kids.

Dear children, tomorrow we will celebrate one of the great and happy holidays- Palm Sunday, or in another way - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

On this day, Jesus Christ, our God (Lord) entered Jerusalem. The inhabitants of this city greeted Jesus with joy and solemnity. They held palm branches in their hands and threw them at his feet. All people heard that Jesus healed the sick and performed miracles. Therefore, he was greeted on this day as a king.

Here, in Russia, this holiday is very revered, but since we do not grow palm trees, and there are no palm branches, we take willow branches.

After all, the willow is the first to wake up from a winter sleep, and Palm Sunday comes to us in early spring when the buds have not yet blossomed on the trees.

Therefore, our holiday in Russia is called Palm Sunday. It is celebrated a week before another great holiday - Easter.

On this day, it is customary to go to church for a festive service and consecrate willow branches there, in memory of the fact that Jesus entered Jerusalem as a king.

Since ancient times, the pussy willow has been revered by our people and is considered a wonderful plant. Illuminated in the church, it protected the house from fire, livestock from disease, and crops from hail, promoted harvest, endowed health.

And also, according to legend, on Palm Sunday with a sprig of willow brought from the church, you need to touch all your loved ones - for health. At the same time, say: "Be as strong as the willow, as healthy as its roots, and as rich as the earth."

Here are some more signs associated with Palm Sunday.

If Palm Sunday is sunny, the harvest will be rich.

If you stick a willow twig into the ground, it will save crops. If a consecrated willow is thrown into a flame, it will stop the fire.

In the old days, on Palm Sunday, willow bazaars were opened, where they sold pussy willow branches decorated with paper angels, and they were called palm cherubs. Children's toys, books, sweets were also sold at the bazaar.

The willow twigs, which are consecrated in the temple, are kept at home for a whole year, until the next holiday. It is believed that they protect the house from evil forces.

And the old twigs of willow, a year later, are taken to the church.

On Palm Sunday, it is customary to give each other twigs of pussy willow and congratulate loved ones, friends and just acquaintances on this holiday.

Sunday Palm, people celebrate.

This means that the summer will be bread this year.

On this day, as usual, they honor Christ,

Thoughts are gracious, and the soul is pure.

And for greater convenience and clarity for my daughter, I have prepared a bright and colorful presentation "Palm Sunday", which I will share with you with great pleasure!

Elena Medvedeva.

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Palm Sunday: holiday history, traditions, signs

If you saw people on the street with willow branches in their hands, it means that a holiday called Palm Sunday will soon come. The history of the holiday is extremely interesting and shrouded in legends. In this article, we will open the veil of secrecy and tell you where this day came to us and the traditions associated with it.

Steps to the past

So, Palm Sunday ... The history of the holiday has two versions of its origin. One of them is Christian. It says that it was on this day that Jesus Christ, riding on a donkey, first entered the city of Jerusalem. How it all began?

In 30 AD, the far and near surroundings of the city of Jerusalem stirred up a rumor about a certain wanderer, performing such miracles as healing the terminally ill and even raising the dead!

It was said that the blind began to see again, and the lepers regain healthy skin. And the most discussed incredible event is the resurrection of a certain Lazarus, who died four days ago, but came out of the crypt safe and sound. Of course, all these miracles were performed by Jesus, called among the people the Savior and Messiah.

In the shortest possible time, the Son of God has a huge number of followers and disciples who carry a good word about their Teacher. Ordinary people see in Jesus their bright future, and most importantly - freedom from the Roman enslavers.

However, the power of Jerusalem, for obvious reasons, did not share the anticipation of happiness and joyful expectations - and no wonder. The emergence of the Messiah would shake, if not completely destroy, the order they are comfortable with.

Riding a donkey

And then came the day that the rulers of Jerusalem were so afraid of - Jesus decided to visit the capital of Judea. At the same time, the Savior, who usually traveled on foot, suddenly asked his followers to bring him a young donkey from the nearest settlement, on which not a single person sat. When Jesus' request was fulfilled, his clothes were laid on the donkey, replacing the saddle with them, and the Savior went to the main gate of Jerusalem.

For those times and traditions, the entrance on a donkey through the gates of the city spoke of peace and the exceptionally good intentions of the newcomer, while the guest who arrived on horseback symbolized the beginning of the war. That is why the Son of God chose a donkey - in this way he wanted to show that he came in peace and without malice.

It was a triumphant entry! Jubilant people, not hiding their joy, covered the path of the Savior with palm leaves and their clothes, thus showing their boundless love and highest respect for the Son of God. Children, girls and women ran after the donkey carrying the Messiah on its back, waving palm branches, symbolizing the highest honors. Therefore, Palm Sunday (the history of the holiday is connected not only with religion, but also (indirectly) with the geographical location and climate of Israel, which is why it is also called Palm Sunday) means the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, for God himself was in his Son in the city - Father. The holiday itself is a symbol of the fact that the Israeli people believed in Jesus and recognized him as the Messiah, the Savior, whose vocation is to make the world a better, kinder and more harmonious place.

Alas, after only four days, the same jubilant people will frantically demand from Pontius Pilate to cruelly crucify the one whom they themselves called the Messiah and the Savior of the human race.

Palms and willows

Most likely, the reader will have a question: if the path of the Son of God was covered with palm leaves, why is this holiday called Palm Sunday in Russia? The history of the holiday says that this is due to the fact that palm trees have never grown in Russia, while the Palestinian climate is unsuitable for the willow, dear to the Russian people. So Orthodox Church decided to change the plant that symbolizes Palm Sunday. The history of the holiday, the Orthodox version of which is relevant today, suggests using willow branches from another, pagan rite, which existed in Russia in pre-Christian times, instead of palm leaves.

Pagan holiday

As already mentioned, the history of Palm Sunday has two versions of its origin. The second of them goes back to the days of paganism. To be more precise, it originates in the ancient Slavic holiday called Verbochlast. What is the connection between Palm Sunday, the history of the holiday, paganism?

The fact is that Verbohlast is a feast of fertilization. In paganism, a close relationship between a man and a woman was not considered a sin, but quite the opposite - was perceived as a manifestation of the Divine act, as a result of which children were born. From children grew up strong warriors, hardworking plowmen, future mothers and keepers of the hearth, healers and teachers. In short, the more children there were, the more chances the people had for a prosperous life.

Cheerful custom

There was an interesting custom in the Verbohlast holiday - young men whipped pussy willow branches at the girls' legs, and they, in turn, laughed wildly and deliberately squealed. This rite symbolized the act of fertilization. The same was done with livestock - because the more livestock, the more satisfying life will be.

Why exactly a willow, and not a plum or, for example, an apple tree? The fact is that for our ancestors, the willow was a symbol of rapid growth, mighty strength, will to live and, of course, fertility. And no wonder - it is the willow that throws out the buds and blooms first among all plants.

When Christianity appeared in Russia, pagan idols were rejected and eventually forgotten. And nevertheless, the history of Palm Sunday inevitably brings us back to those distant times.

The fact that the history of Palm Sunday began with Verbochlast is indicated by the fact that in other countries, for example, in Slovakia, where the traditions of ancestors are honored, this custom is still alive. There and today, guys without any religious background recklessly whip the young ladies with willow twigs and even douse them with water!

Holiday without date

When exactly is Palm Sunday celebrated? The history of the holiday is directly related to the Easter holiday, and is celebrated a week before its onset, immediately after Holy Week. Since Easter also comes every time on a different day, Palm Sunday falls on different dates.

Pussy willow

On the Saturday before Palm Sunday, an all-night vigil is held in all Orthodox churches, during which the priests sprinkle them with holy water, consecrating the willow and giving it magical properties.

For example, she protects the house from thunderstorms and fires, all its inhabitants - from evil spirits and pussy willow buds cure many diseases. That is why the willow brought from the church is placed at the head of the bed, on which the sick person lies, and they also lightly whip the children with shoots so that they grow up healthy and strong. In addition, it is customary to bathe the little ones in the broth of the consecrated willow branches, so that they are healthy. It is also believed that willow buds help to overcome infertility, so many desperate women who dream of a child eat them and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Palm Diet

All Orthodox Christians strictly observe Great Lent before Easter. The days of Holy Week are especially harsh in this regard, when true believers severely limit themselves to food. And nevertheless, on Palm Sunday everyone can indulge themselves and pamper their bodies with fish, washed down with wine.

And a long time ago in Russia, buckwheat pancakes were baked, brewed and fish pies were made to celebrate Palm Sunday. In addition, there was an interesting custom to bake holiday bread - as many pieces as there are people in the family. A coin was hidden in one of the loaves, and the one who got this surprise treat was literally doomed to happiness, health and good luck for 12 months.

Fairy tales for children

Try teaching the children about Palm Sunday. The history of the holiday for children, of course, must be adapted to their perception and understandable for little Orthodox Christians. Show the children beautiful willow twigs, let them touch, smell, hold in their hands. Share how the willow blossoms as the very first of all trees and brings spring into the world. After that, you can tell the guys about Palm Sunday. The history of the holiday (photos, drawings and pictures are also desirable to use) will be perceived by young listeners as a fairy tale. You can even act out scenes. Do not forget to mention why we have willow instead of palm leaves, along the way, talk about the climate of Palestine.

The Lord's entrance is vintage holiday of all believers, which is celebrated on Sunday one week before. The solemn entry of Jesus into the capital of the Kingdom of Israel marked his entry on the path of suffering on the Cross. This holiday is called Palm Sunday or Palm Sunday. The name is associated with some historical traditions of those times.

Why is Sunday Palm?

To understand the reasons for such an unusual name, it is necessary to study the history of the Palm Sunday holiday. The Jews had a custom to solemnly greet kings and victors with joyful exclamations, with palm branches in their hands. According to the exposition of the Old Testament, Jesus entered Jerusalem in this way, but his glory was not in victory in war or reign in the state, but in victory over death and sin. The Jews voluntarily glorified Christ before death, thanks to him for free suffering, dedicated to the entire human race.

In Russia, this celebration is traditionally called Palm Sunday. The reason for this name is that the Slavs replace palm branches with pussy willows, since they are the first to bloom in the spring. The willow branches symbolize the branches that the Jews held in their hands when they met Jesus in the ancient city. In southern countries, branches and flowers of other plants, usually palm, are used instead of pussy willow.

Orthodox Palm Sunday - traditions

On this day, the worshipers seem to meet the invisibly walking Jesus and greet him as the conqueror of death and hell. People read a special prayer for the blessing "wai", during which they hold lighted candles, flowers and willow twigs. It is customary to carefully store a verb sprinkled with holy water throughout the year and decorate an icon in an apartment with it. In some families there is an interesting custom to put the willow in the coffin of the deceased as a sign that he is, according to the faith of the Son of the Lord. conquer death, rise again and meet Jesus with a consecrated willow.

On the day when Palm Sunday is celebrated, it is customary to lightly hit relatives and friends with a willow. After the morning prayer, which little children are not taken to, the parents lift the children out of bed with light blows with willow twigs, wishing health "like a willow." It is also believed that if you eat a bud of willow sprinkled with holy water, then important matters will be resolved and cherished desires will be fulfilled.

On this holiday, willow bazaars are traditionally held, where children's toys, sweets, books and, of course, bundled willow are sold.