A baby sling scarf is not worn in winter. Sling in winter

With the onset of cold weather, the babywearing period does not end, because many need to take older children to kindergarten or school, visit the clinic, go shopping, and just walk.

It is not very convenient to place a child in a warm overalls in a sling or an ergo backpack, in an autumn or winter overalls due to its density poorly divorced to the sides of the child's legs, it is difficult to observe the correct physiological fit of the baby with the letter "M" (it is also called the frog pose: the butt is dropped into the sling, the knees are higher than the butts).

A how to breastfeed if there is a bunch of outerwear between you and the child?

A how to enter the premises (shop, kindergarten), if a child in a warm overalls immediately begins to sweat and overheat? How to undress him if he is in or?

All these problems are easily solved by a special slingwear: , or . It replaces a warm overalls for the child, there are no extra clothes between the mother and the child, which makes it easy to breastfeed, and the child does not overheat indoors, since it is easy to unbutton a slingoncap, slingshot or slingokurtka without disturbing or waking up the baby.

The most budgetary option for autumn and warm winter is.

If you want to save on buying babywearing jackets, then a slingoncap is ideal for babywearing in cold weather.

How to dress a child in a sling under a slingon cap?

It is enough to put on a child and, and in cooler weather still on your feet... You do not need to wear a demi-season or winter overalls. The baby slingonakid warms the child from the back, and from the abdomen, the child warms up from the mother. The main thing is to warm the baby's head, legs and arms well.

The handles are hidden in the lapels of the fleece jumpsuit, puts on his head and a fleece jumpsuit hood on top. it autumn option, how to dress a baby in a sling.

In winter, instead of a knitted hat-helmet, he dresses on his feet and. It all depends on the weather.

How to breastfeed your baby outdoors?

Mom to easy to breastfeed in a sling, you need to wear. For autumn, this is either a turtleneck for nursing, they have a special feeding secret that allows you to easily feed your baby without lifting up the sweaters. And in winter it's special. A zipper or an incision under the breast on the jumper will open the breast just as much as needed to feed the baby, while the mother does not freeze.

It is desirable to close the throat.

If you are breastfeeding, the baby sling should be separate, for example, or put on a separate slingomanishka on yourself and.

If you are not breastfeeding on the street, then it will do.

Which slingon cap to buy?

For nursing mothers, the Mum's Era fleece slingoncap is suitable and . There is no tissue between mom and baby, the baby can easily lower his head to the chest. Long fleece straps are tied around the mother's throat and will replace a baby sling or a scarf. The slingon cape also has a hood for the child.

Made of 100% wool, they have a hood for the baby, there is no fabric between the mother and the baby, therefore they are suitable for breastfeeding, but are needed by mom and baby.

It has a hood and a removable warm lining, the top is made of jacket fabric, between the mother and the child a neck with Velcro. You can breastfeed your baby in the Guslenok slingonakid.

The set includes a removable insulated liner, so the Guslenok slingonakid can be worn not only in autumn, but also in warm winter.

AND a huge plus of slingon caps is that dads can wear it because there are no daddy sling jackets on sale.

What slingoncap to buy, you decide.

Every time you will be happy with a useful purchase, because it is a multifunctional item, it can be used when worn in a sling, as well as a blanket for a stroller or car seat.

Enjoy your walks with your baby!

Published: 18 August 2016

The options for carrying a baby in a sling in winter are different, and here one should proceed from the age of the baby. While the child cannot walk, it is more convenient to put on a sling under outerwear, with a toddler - on a jacket or coat.

There are winding variations and some wearing characteristics for each type of use. Also today there is an opportunity to purchase comfortable and warm baby coats and sling coats and various accessories.


Up to about a year, while the child still does not walk independently and does not need to be taken out of the carrier during walks, it is most convenient to wrap the SLING UNDER OVERCOAT, since you do not have to take it off.


The most convenient type of sling is a sling-scarf with a vertically placed baby in it or a may-sling. This type of carrying will evenly distribute the load on your shoulders and allow you to carry your baby for a long time and comfortably.

Clothes for mom and baby in the cold season: when there is still no frost outside, but the weather is already cool enough, you can wear a baby without any additional insulation, putting on a sling on a thin sweater under a spacious cardigan, jacket or coat, which are a little too large. or a poncho. It doesn't matter if the outerwear is buttoned or zipped, it will be comfortable in either case.


Another option for carrying a baby in the cool season is the USE OF SPECIAL COVERINGS and bibs to warm the baby in a sling. will help insulate the back and head. It is put on a child in a sling, on top. You just button your outerwear halfway down and the slingon cape keeps your baby warm. These capes are made from different fabrics, you can buy them ready-made in the store, or sew them yourself. In the absence of a collar on the slingon cape, you can put a scarf around the neck of the child and mother.


Also, for cool weather, it is convenient to use special SLINGOPONCHOs, which will well protect both mother and baby from wind and bad weather and do not restrict movement, because they have a free cut. There are different types of this slingwear, for example, some models can be worn with or without sleeves, and the child's legs can be insulated with special leggings, the variety of colors of which will allow you to choose them to match any color of your clothes.

In order to feel comfortable during the winter cold, you can use special and sling coat, which are additionally insulated. It should be remembered that if you wrap the sling under the outerwear, the child and the mother receive warmth from each other, so it will be quite hot in an overly insulated jacket or coat. It is very important not to overheat your child. With this method of wearing, it is enough to put on a fleece or a thin woolen jumpsuit on the baby and do not forget that the child is comfortable, the jumpsuit should not cut into the legs, it is better if it is without sewn-on feet or a larger size.

IMPORTANT: any SLING CLOTHING DOES NOT ALLOW CHILD CARRY IN CRADLE POSITION , since when the baby is placed horizontally, his head is completely covered with layers of mother's clothes, which can create breathing problems.

If it is very frosty outside, and you plan to wrap a sling under a coat or jacket, just insulate yourself and your baby with an additional layer of clothing.


With an older child, after a year who already walks independently, it is more comfortable to wind the OVER CLOTHING SLING. For this method of wearing, short scarves are suitable using single-layer windings behind the back or on the thigh, or a sling with rings, as well as a may-sling.

For long walks, it is preferable to put the child IN THE BACK SLING, because in this position the load is evenly distributed and you will not feel tired. If you plan to carry your child for a short distance, or take a short walk, then winding on the thigh and a sling with rings will be very useful.

SLING FOR WINTER: it is enough to use a tight sling under the outerwear, because mother and child will additionally warm each other. Still, for more warmth, you can use slings that contain wool. They are very warm, softly hug the baby and mother and do not inject at all.

Walking in the cold season often scares mothers of nursing babies. I would like to reliably hide the child from the wind, frost and snow, wrap up in a huge blanket, cover with a raincoat, fasten all the zippers ... Do not rush to deprive the baby of his mother's embrace in winter frosts. All the baby needs now is the warmth of his mother’s body, a feeling of safety in his mother’s arms and mother’s milk. And all this is possible regardless of the whims of nature.

Dress up the baby

Three months plus ...

If at the time of the onset of the winter cold your baby is already three or four months old, and he prefers to walk mainly in an upright position, then you cannot do without winter overalls. The main requirement is that the overalls must have legs. The envelope jumpsuit option for you is completely meaningless. The baby learns to sit on the mother's hip (an important measure for preventing hip dysplasia and preparing the legs for independent walking), which is impossible in a jumpsuit that deprives the legs of freedom of movement.

Two models of overalls deserve your attention: one-cut (jacket and pants are sewn together) and two-piece overalls: a jacket and semi-overalls (pants with high breasts on adjustable shoulder straps). The first option is very easy to use: it doesn't blow anywhere, you only need to put on one item, not two. But it also has its drawbacks. The kid grows very quickly, a jumpsuit bought in size can hardly be enough for one season. And taking such a thing "for growth" is also not very practical: there is a possibility that in the first winter the child will simply "be lost" in the wrong size, and for the second winter the suit will become too small.

Personally, I prefer the second option. Manufacturers offer to put on pants under the jacket, but for carrying the baby in your arms or in a sling, it is much more convenient to do the opposite. Pants with high breasts and adjustable shoulder straps keep the jacket tight against the wind and provide a comfortable fit. Taking the baby in your arms, you raise his armpits, while the pants remain in place (in a one-piece overalls, the whole structure "goes" up), the jacket rises slightly, providing the necessary freedom of movement.

The most unsuccessful is the set consisting of a jacket with pants without a breast. It is almost impossible to make such a suit windproof. You can correct the situation by purchasing pants with straps.


No less important is a careful examination of the material from which children's winter clothing is sewn. The top layer should be made of non-slip, waterproof material. The sliding upper surface of the overalls is very dangerous: there is a chance of dropping the child, just barely picking it up, not to mention how difficult it is to carry the constantly slipping 3-10 kg.

Take a close look at the lining of your winter suit. The least successful material is artificial fur: it interferes with normal thermoregulation, babies sweat very quickly in such clothes. The preferred lining is made of cotton-containing materials: flannel, calico, knitwear. Modern types of fleece (in particular Polartec) also meet hygiene requirements.

Any of the varieties of padding polyester (for example, holofiber) is quite suitable as a filler. In the middle lane, down as a filler for a children's jacket is less preferable for several reasons. If you carry your baby in a sling, then you are already warming him with your body. Down overalls are especially relevant at temperatures below -15 ° C, and at temperatures below -12-15 ° C, walks with babies are already undesirable (baby's nasal passages are not able to warm the air at such low temperatures). In addition, the down still has a specific smell, especially pronounced when wet. Are you sure your baby will like it?

Buying a natural sheepskin coat or fur coat for babies is also unjustified. These things are more bulky, it is more difficult for the baby to move in them (even to bend the handles), it will blow under them, and the fur coat also slips strongly.


There is no point in buying shoes for babies who cannot walk. When carrying a child in a sling, they will interfere - the sole clings to your clothes, and you don't need additional weight. If the size allows, then the holes for the legs of the overalls can simply be temporarily sewn up. Otherwise, you need to get special winter booties. Some jumpsuits come with them. But you can sew them separately or purchase booties made of natural fur. Be sure to put on woolen socks under any booties - after all, the baby almost does not move his legs. Valenochki are also a perfectly acceptable option. Make sure that the boots of the boots are not too high and allow the legs to bend freely at the knees. Elastic bands sewn to the bottom of the pants will help keep the shoes in place under all circumstances.

For 3-6 month old babies, the sleeves of the jumpsuit can also be simply sewn up; for older babies, mittens may be needed. Gloves are relevant in the off-season for babies older than 1-1.5 years old, when the child has already begun to walk independently.


After reading all of the above, you have already realized that a quilted envelope with a zipper is not the most practical walking option. It is relevant for walking in a stroller, but in a sling it will be somewhat uncomfortable with it.

If your baby was born in the second half of winter (February-March), then the purchase of overalls can be postponed. In winter, it is recommended to start walking with your baby no earlier than 40 days after birth. During this time, you will already learn how to carry the baby in your arms (if it is the firstborn), use a sling and breastfeed in almost any conditions.

Children of the first three months of life usually fall asleep, barely being in warm clothes and kissing their chest. Therefore, the most logical option is to swaddle in a warm blanket. Modern baby blankets made of natural wool are not bulky and are quite suitable for carrying babies in a sling. The blanket can be replaced with a classic downy shawl knitted from rabbit or goat wool. Please note that the knitting of the scarf is dense enough, the openwork cobweb will not work in any case. A downy shawl is lighter, softer and warmer than a duvet. Pick up a nice duvet cover for him, tie it with a ribbon and go outside.

A baby born at the beginning of winter will need a jumpsuit at 3-4 months, when he begins to actively get acquainted with the world around him. For a newborn, a one-piece jumpsuit with two zippers is more convenient. If in the first months you decide to do without it, then by 3-4 months you will already look for a suitable option.


Mom's clothes are no less important.

It is unnecessary to remind that mom's shoes should be comfortable, on a stable, non-slip rubberized sole. For the next couple of years, you'd better give up high heels and stilettos. Due to hormonal changes in the female body associated with carrying a baby and preparing for childbirth, your joints have become more mobile and elastic. Wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes can negatively affect their condition. And few people want to fall with a child either, it doesn't matter if the baby is in their arms or in a stroller. It is possible that your winter clothes will not remain the same either. Of course, it all depends a lot on personal preference, but there are some things worth considering.

You have become a mother, you have a creature whose interests you will have to take into account when choosing your own winter outfit. If you carry your baby in a sling (or a similar anatomical carrier), then it is least convenient to do this in long, heavy clothes (sheepskin coat, fur coat, coat on the floor). With a child under three years old, long things are generally uncomfortable. It is also worth abandoning things with rigid sleeves and sleeves with a thick edge - these are not the best helpers in dealing with an infant.

Now let's decide on the way of wearing the baby: under outerwear or on outerwear.

I must say right away that it is better to wear babies for the first 3-4 months under clothes... A baby of this age needs latching on to the breast on demand. Under clothes, you can quickly and imperceptibly attach the baby to the breast, and no matter how much he sucks, no one will have time to freeze.

If you have not yet acquired special clothing for feeding "with secrets", then it is quite possible to get by with several combined options. A short top jacket (so that it can be easily pulled out from under the baby in a sling) and a lower jacket, from which the chest is easily taken out (it can be closed, with buttons, it can be a vest with large armholes, the main thing is that the lower jacket protects against cold your back and stomach). A successful version of a jacket with a lock and a knitted shirt-front with a throat on top.

You are tormented by the question, will you freeze in an unbuttoned jacket in the cold? Yes, if you sit on the bench for an hour. If you go for a walk, then it is very difficult to freeze on your hands with a lump of down weighing at least 4-5 kg, even at -10 ° C.

When wearing a baby under clothes, the most comfortable length is approximately knee-deep: a jacket with any filling, a coat, a sheepskin coat and even a fur coat. Skinny and fitted jackets and coats are the least suitable for this type of wear. Loose items will be ideal, especially those that are too big for a couple of sizes, possibly bought "on the tummy" during pregnancy. Under the baby's clothes, it can be worn in any horizontal position in a sling with rings (all cradle options), in a sling-scarf, it can also be worn in vertical positions if the baby is on the mother's belly (a cross under / over a pocket, a simple cross on the stomach).

If you choose the option " on clothes”, Then narrow, non-bulky fitted things made of non-slip materials: jackets, coats (woolen short coats are especially good) will be more comfortable. If you have chosen a sheepskin coat, then a lightweight version is preferable, without thick edges on the sleeves and fasteners. A fur coat is the least successful option for a baby mother. The fur is very slippery, you can drop the baby just by picking it up. In addition, the fur under a sling, scarf or handbag will wear out very quickly.

Remember that before the age of 6 months, the baby needs latching to the breast on demand. You will either have to learn how to quickly remove the breast from under the clothes, or reduce the walking time by exactly as much as the child can spend without breastfeeding.

If you are an experienced mother and can attach a baby to the breast, regardless of the quantity and quality of outerwear, then the choice is yours.

Sling: with rings or scarf

If you have both, then you can experiment at home, in a relaxed environment, and choose the one that suits you best.

If you have so far decided to purchase only one sling, then I advise you to start with the usual ring sling... This is ideal for beginners. Calico slings are suitable for carrying children at home and outdoors at any time of the year. The most practical to use is a single-layer sling, as it is the least susceptible to wear and shrinks evenly after washing. Watch how heifers fuck in the club who are drunk and ready to spread their legs in front of everyone they meet.

Warm slings (gabardine, wool, jeans, etc.) with flannel lining look more solid, but keep in mind that such slings are exclusively a walking option, intended for outdoor use during the cold season. It will be hot at home in such a sling, and it dries after washing for a long time.

Sling scarf and may-sling most often used for vertical positions (although, it should be noted that horizontal positions in a scarf are just as reliable and comfortable as in a sling with rings). These slings are perfect for long walks when Mom needs both hands free. In a scarf and a may-sling, the baby can also be breastfed in winter. In this case, the sling is put on under the outerwear. The baby is either immediately placed just below the standard position (so that the baby's mouth is at the level of the mother's breast), or the position changes right on the street. To do this, you need to slightly loosen the knot, and lower the baby lower so that he can freely attach to the chest.

In winter time may-sling has one indisputable advantage - due to its design, it does not slip and does not get confused on children's overalls.

A scarf and a may-sling can be made from almost any material. If you decide to make a winter walking sling scarf yourself, then when choosing a fabric, pay attention to a few points. The fabric should not wrinkle much, it looks untidy. The fabric must be strong and non-slip, and the double knot must be able to support 10-16 kg. It is also better to refuse from too thin and too thick fabric: the first will stretch, the second is difficult to tie into a knot. Since the baby is in outerwear in a walking sling-scarf, the composition of the fabric is practically irrelevant. For home use and summer walks, scarves with a maximum cotton content are preferred.

Half a year bad weather

Very often mothers ask what to do if it is raining, snowing or strong wind outside. In bad weather, it is better not to walk with the baby, such a walk, alas, will not add health.

And if you really need it ... It is better to take a very small child out into the street already asleep, putting on a sling under the clothes. Additional protection for the face will be the corner of the blanket, the tail of the sling or scarf. In rainy weather, you can be helped out by a polyethylene cape-raincoat, a poncho made of waterproof raincoat fabric or a special slingoncap... It is ideal in cases when the child does not fall asleep on the street or there is simply no way to hide him under his clothes.

The ever-growing babywear market does not stop replenishing with babywear and babywearing accessories that make babywearing more pleasant for mom and her baby.

Walking with a baby in your arms is possible at any time of the year. The main thing is the desire to be close to the child and self-confidence.

Winter walks with a child are like a quest: one hundred clothes for yourself, the same for a child, a stroller, snowdrifts and mud. And what if you turn winter walks into a pleasure with the help of ... a sling.

Advantages of a sling in winter and autumn:

  • Mobility. Z This stroller will not go everywhere, but with a sling everything is very simple: a mother and baby can easily move around the city;
  • Saving money. A minimum of warm clothes for the mother and the child and one slingo jacket (slingo coat, slingoponcho) for two;
  • Comfort... In a sling, you can breastfeed outside without anyone noticing.
  • Save time... In a sling, it is convenient to walk with a baby and watch an older child, or at the same time walk the dog, or go shopping.
According to psychologists, babies grow up calmer and more harmonious, because from early childhood they are in constant contact with their mother.

The best "winter" slings

Before choosing a model, think about how you want to wear your baby: under a jacket or over it:

  • It is recommended to wear under clothing for newborns and children under one year old. And for this, it is most convenient to use a sling scarf or (for children from 6 months).
  • Grown up babies from a year and a half are worn over outerwear. Therefore, it is better to give preference to shorter scarves, backpacks, as well as slings with rings.
For wearing crumbs in a sling in autumn and winter, it is better to choose thick cotton, knitwear and wool.

How to wear?

The vertical windings are ideal when wearing the sling underneath a special jacket. Place the baby a little lower if he sleeps on a walk or needs to be fed. If your toddler needs an overview, wind up higher.

It is dangerous to carry a child under clothes in a horizontal “Cradle” winding! You will not be able to control the baby's breathing!

If the sling is wrapped around outerwear, it is better to prefer single-layer windings - for example, "Backpack" or "Cross on the thigh".

Mom's clothes

To keep you and your baby cool, do not wear warm sweaters. A thin blouse, turtleneck, sweaters made of natural fabrics (cotton, linen) will be enough.

Choose sling clothes for the season. Do not forget - in order for the child to comfortably fit under it, it must be elongated:

  • Baby sling caps and baby sling monkeys are suitable for warm autumn, as well as additional clothing under a jacket in cold winter;
  • Sling coat is the best autumn option;
  • Baby sling jackets are the warmest option (there are autumn and winter ones).

5 main rules of a baby sling mom

  1. Wear comfortable shoes (non-slippery, no heels and no laces).
  2. Wear ice shoes on ice.
  3. Make sure that the fabric of the sling does not pinch the baby's body.
  4. Carry your baby so that you can see his face and control his breathing.
  5. Apply cream to your baby's cheeks on frosty days.

Baby clothes

If the baby will be located under the mother's outerwear, then he does not need a warm overalls. Dress your baby depending on the temperature:

  • In freezing temperatures - in a cotton overalls;
  • Up to -5 - in thermal underwear;
  • From -5 to fleece clothing.

Legs can be additionally insulated with gaiters.

Hats and scarves

In the models of babywearing jackets and slingocoats, protection of the baby from rain and wind (hoods, collars) is provided. However, the throat of the crumbs often remains open anyway, so mothers prefer to wear a hat-helmet or a special shirt front on the child.

The sling scarf is a fabric baby carrier that is suitable for long walks. The "scarf" is made so that the load is evenly distributed on the shoulders and lower back of the mom (or dad). Thanks to the double diagonal weaving of the threads, the adjustment and support of the baby's neck and spine is provided. Depending on the length of the fabric, scarf slings come in different sizes.

What to look for when choosing a winter sling

A sling scarf is worn on two shoulders, although there are ways to wear it on one shoulder, like a ring sling. A sling scarf is a versatile option if parents plan to use it regularly for a long time. The model is a long cloth that is tied around the adult in a special way, forming a pocket for the child. A child in such a sling sits in a crosshair, supported by several layers of fabric.

When choosing a winter sling for newborns, follow a number of rules. Pay attention to the material from which the thing is made. Corduroy, gabardine, or wool with a flannel lining are good options. For the cold season, choose a scarf with cashmere, merino, alpaca. For insulation, artificial fur or lamb fur is used. As an option - a winter insulated sling with a top made of waterproof material.

For take a "scarf" made of not thick fabric, so that there are no unnecessary folds. Buy two or three slinges at once, you will need a replacement, as they dry for a long time after washing.

As for the length of the baby sling scarf, the short model is suitable for a quick walk (carry the baby to the playground or park bench), for long hikes, choose a long sling scarf.

When choosing the size of a sling scarf, be guided by the size of clothes worn by the parents: sizes 5, 6 and 7 of sling scarves are considered popular.

Correspondence of sizes of slings and clothes:

  • "5 size" (4.2 m) - 42-44 clothing size with a height of 155-165 cm.,
  • "6 size" (4.7 m) - 46-48 size with a height of 160-170 cm.,
  • "7 size" (5.2 m) - size 50-52 and height 165-175 cm.

If you carry your baby in a sling scarf in the cradle position (horizontal position), choose a woven sling scarf one size larger than usual.

Knitted scarf slings are made in a standard size. Due to the good stretch fabric, they are suitable for parents of all sizes (42 - 54), and the excess fabric is wrapped around the waist, which provides additional support for the back.

If you are a newbie mommy, choose the first sling with a double diagonal weave of the thread, visually it looks striped or "in a wide square". Such a sling scarf perfectly holds the winding and does not sag during a walk. In addition, slings with a double diagonal weave are cheaper than slings made of other materials.

A sling scarf is used up to 8-9 months, the fabric stretches under the weight of an older child. Consider the baby's weight when choosing a model. It is convenient to wear a sling scarf if the child's weight does not exceed 15 kilograms, then it will be problematic.

How to wear a winter sling scarf

Winter slings are worn both on top of a jacket and under outerwear. Carry newborn babies "close to the heart", in a horizontal position, open the collar and provide an influx of fresh air. In this position, the child in a sling will not freeze in winter, because it receives additional warmth from mom (or dad). To make it comfortable to walk with your baby in winter weather, wrap the sling under a spacious down jacket.

Consider the length of the jacket: the wind will blow under the short model, the long jacket is corny uncomfortable. A good option is a down jacket, knee-length or slightly higher. It is important that the jacket does not have rivets and jewelry traumatic for the baby.

For older children, wear a sling over a jacket, so they can see the space around them. In this case, take a sling one size larger than usual.

How to wear a sling in winter and dress properly for mom and baby.

Put your baby in a jumpsuit. An important point: the length of the pants of the jumpsuit should be slightly longer than that of a child without a sling. After all, when you "pack" the baby in a sling, the legs will stretch up and open the legs. If your baby is sweating, remove one layer of clothing to avoid overheating. Eliminate tight clothing with buttons and other bulges.

Take care of the warmth of the baby's legs, because they are outside the sling. For an older child, winter boots or boots are suitable, and for a baby who still does not know how to walk, put on woolen socks, and windproof booties on top.

When using a sling scarf in winter, pay close attention to the lower attachment so that the baby's weight is evenly distributed and the baby does not slip out. When carrying your child over clothing, wear a comfortable, non-slip jacket. Since the down jacket is fastened only to the level of the child's head, do not forget to tie a warm scarf. A good option is a special double slingo shirt front for mom and baby.

Advantages and disadvantages of a sling scarf

The speed and convenience of putting on (winding) a sling-scarf is not inferior to other models and depends solely on the experience and skill of the parents.

It is convenient to breastfeed your baby in the "scarf". However, the transition from vertical to horizontal position takes longer than other slings.

The sling scarf is suitable for carrying the baby behind the back, in an upright position and in a "cradle".

For quick and high-quality adjustment of the tension, the "scarves" have sliding knots that can be easily moved by changing the length of the sling.

Plus, a winter sling scarf is a convenience for parents. These are walks with the baby light, without heavy and bulky strollers... Slings are relevant for mothers who live in a house where there is no lift or it breaks down.

Comment on the article "How to choose a sling scarf for the winter"

I have a ring sling and a sling scarf. With rings somehow did not go. It is inconvenient for me to adjust it to the child. What to choose for a newborn: kangaroo or sling. Benefits of a baby sling. Are there any similarities between a sling and a kangaroo.

I have a Stokke carrier and Slings - dydimos and Diva Milano scarves. Stokke is a very comfortable thing, it is comfortable to dress, it is very easy to wear, the fit for a child is gorgeous in it according to all the rules (legs are divorced, knees are above the priests), the back is not in it How to choose a sling - a scarf for the winter.

How to choose the right sling? As a rule, novice slingomamy turns to a sling - a scarf from 5-9 months, when the child has already grown up and got heavier. I have a Manduca backpack and a Storhoevinge sling. How to choose a sling - a scarf for the winter.

How to choose a sling - a scarf for the winter. When choosing a sling - a scarf for the winter, adhere to a number of rules. Pay attention to the material from which the thing is made. [link-12] - sling rating, here they leave feedback on the sale and purchase of slings [link-13]. [link-14] - here ...

Slings. Strollers, car seats, kangaroos. A child from birth to one year. Buy a sling backpack. And then, maybe decide on a ring sling. How to choose a sling - a scarf for the winter.

How to choose a sling - a scarf for the winter. When choosing a sling - a scarf for the winter, adhere to a number of rules. Pay attention to the material from which the thing is made. [link-12] - sling rating, here they leave feedback on the sale and purchase of slings [link-13]. [link-14] - here ...

How to choose a sling - a scarf for the winter. When choosing a sling - a scarf for the winter, adhere to a number of rules. Pay attention to the material from which the thing is made. [link-12] - sling rating, here they leave feedback on the sale and purchase of slings [link-13]. [link-14] - here ...

At this age I began to use a sling - a scarf, it is very convenient. If it seems difficult to wind 4-5 meters of fabric around yourself, you can call a consultant or find a slingomama nearby. How to choose a sling - a scarf for the winter.

Sling - a scarf has already been advised to you, and knitted scarves are especially good for newborn babies. They are not cheap, but, they say, it has a very Sling - a scarf is the best that can be. As much as I do not like Slings with rings, but with my sick back, I could not wear it for a long time.

Check out other discussions: How to choose a sling scarf for the winter. Sling - a scarf is a fabric carrier for babies, which is suitable for me. I had experience with both Kangaroo and Flap :-) I tell you: I have a thin Kangaroo.

A question about a sling. Children's dowry. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness, development. I need a sling for home, I won't go outside in it (at least in winter). And another very stupid question (just don't laugh) child from ...

The lack of a sling - a scarf - I have not yet learned to feed in it in an upright position, only in the "cradle" position. The scarf in an upright position presses the child more tightly, better fixes the legs and back. It's easy to reel, you just need to practice ...

Sling - scarf - ordinary Omsk. Didimos and Hoppenditz, we note, are many times more expensive. Ergo is a backpack that has almost all the advantages of a sling and almost no disadvantages. The child sits there, as in a sling, the legs are divorced, the back rests. But you don't need to ...

another question about the sling. Questions of expectant mothers "experienced". A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness We did not like it - there are few poses, it is inconvenient to feed. We have been using ring slings from the earliest days. The first time we took here www. sling .ru ...

Sling - a scarf :) In winter I wore this: I am wearing a warm sweater with a throat, warm pants, a child in a winter suit and a sling - a scarf, on top I wore a sling - a scarf under a pregnant jacket in winter, I did not wear a suit for a child. Need advice: what to wear a newborn in winter?

A sling - a scarf, in my opinion, is more versatile, grown-up children are definitely worn in it, but is it possible for completely newborns? And how much space it takes up, weighs - in my opinion it is quite bulky, like a good sweater in volume ... Share your experience of use, pliz!

These are all SLINGS. Ring sling has advantages and disadvantages. It is now convenient for me to take a ring sling with me for a walk. What to choose for a newborn: a kangaroo or a sling. definitely worth buying! we wore a knitted sling from birth ...

How safe is the sling? Questions of expectant mothers are "experienced". A child from birth to one year. I have this question: I really want to buy a sling, I suspect that it is really convenient. But how safe is it for a child? can the baby slip out of the sling? and...

When choosing a sling - a scarf for the winter, adhere to a number of rules. Pay attention to the material from which the thing is made. In addition, slings with a double diagonal weave are cheaper than slings made of other materials.