The ABC of the SDA traffic rules. App Store ABC HD

Consultation for parents.

"ABC road traffic».

Road traffic is the same for children and adults. And the rules of the road are the same for everyone, but they are written in an "adult" language, without any regard for children. Therefore, the task of adults is available to explain traffic rules to children. Often, in an effort to clearly convey to children the content of the Rules, some adults turn to children in the so-called "childish" language, consisting of nouns with diminutive suffixes. This not only does not make the Rules understandable, but also distorts the real picture of traffic. After all, cars are dangerous on the road, not cars! It is necessary to speak to children, even small ones, in a normal language, without "lisping". For the same reason, children's pictures in the style of funny and funny comics are also not acceptable as illustrations for teaching children the rules of the road. Such pictures entertain children and distract from the main task - to see and realize the real danger on the road and the ability to avoid it. Of course, this does not mean that children should be intimidated by road hazards. No, it is necessary to explain them in an accessible way.

Here are some mistakes adults make when teaching children the rules of the road:

Learn : when crossing the street, look to the left, and when you reach the middle, look to the right.

This rule is outdated and creates a dangerous situation.

It is necessary to teach!

Before crossing the road - stop, look in both directions and, making sure of safety, cross the road, constantly monitoring the situation.

Learn: red - stop, yellow - get ready, green - go.

By following this rule, children gain confidence in the safety of crossing on the green signal.

But this is not at all the case. Children often confuse the location of traffic lights: they do not understand that when green is on for pedestrians, on the other hand, red is on for the driver, and vice versa.

It is necessary to teach!A red traffic light is a prohibitive one, since on the other side the green one is lit for cars. Yellow - not only get ready, but also a warning about changing traffic signals. Green - allows movement, but before entering the carriageway, you must make sure that all cars have stopped.

Learn : do not play on the road, near the road, but play in the yard of the house.

But there are also roads in the courtyards where cars drive.

It is necessary to teach!Leaving the entrance, already be attentive and careful. Play away from the road where there are no cars

Learn : Introduce children to a large number of road signs. It should be remembered that road signs are mainly intended for drivers.

Children need to knowmeaning of signs intended for the safety of pedestrians: "Pedestrian crossing", "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited", "Walkway", "Children", etc.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Project "ABC of Road Traffic" for teaching senior preschool children the rules of the road.

We present to your attention a project for the education of older children preschool age traffic rules. This project provides an acquaintance with the basic rules of the road, ...

Abstract of educational activities on the rules of the road in the preparatory group Topic: "ABC of road traffic"

Topic: "ABC of road traffic" Objectives: To expand the knowledge of children about traffic lights, road signs. Continue to acquaint children with the rules of the road and behavior on the road. To foster a sense of responsibility ...


Program content: * to summarize the knowledge of children of the rules of the road, the rules of behavior on the street, obtained in the classroom through emotional perception; * to bring to the consciousness of children, what can ...

The city in which
We live with you
You can rightfully
Compare with the primer.

The alphabet of the streets
Avenues, roads
The city gives us
Lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet -
The signs are hung
Along the pavement.

ABC of the city
Remember always
So that it does not happen
Trouble is with you.
Y. Pishumov

Here at the post anytime
There is a familiar guard,
He controls everyone at once,
Who is in front of him on the pavement.

Nobody in the world can do this
With one movement of your hand
Stop the flow of passers-by
And skip the trucks.
S. Mikhalkov

If the light is on red
Hence, it is dangerous to move.
Light green says:
"Come on, the way is open!"
Yellow light - warning:
Wait for the signal to move.
S. Mikhalkov

The city is full of movement:
Cars run in a row.
Colored traffic lights
And day and night are burning.

Walking carefully
Watch the street -
And only where possible,
And only where possible,
And just cross it there!

And where there are trams in the daytime
Rushing from all sides
You can't walk yawning!
You can't count the crows!

Walking carefully
Watch the street -
And only where possible,
And only where possible,
And just cross it there!
S. Mikhalkov

Traffic lights have three colors.
They are understandable for the driver:
Red light - no way
Yellow - be ready for the journey
And the green light - roll!
S. Marshak

Stop, car!
Stop, motor!
Brake quickly
Red eye
Looks straight -
This is strict
Traffic lights.
He looks formidable
Continue to go
Doesn't let ...
Waited by the chauffeur
A little bit,
Looked out again
Through the window.
Traffic lights
This time
Green eye,
And he says:
“You can go,
The way is open! "
M. Plyatskovsky

* * *
He has three eyes,
Three on each side
And although not once
He did not look at all at once -
He needs all eyes.
It hangs here for a long time
And he looks at everyone at close range.
What is this?
(Traffic lights)
Z. Mostovoy

* * *
We make the guys
Learn urgently
Traffic rules,

So as not to worry
Every day parents
So that they rushed calmly
Street drivers!
Y. Yakovlev

* * *
Where there is a noisy intersection
Where you can't count the cars
It's not so easy to go
If you don't know the rules.

Let the children remember firmly:
The one who acts is right
Who is only in green light
Walking across the street!
N. Sorokin

Walking down the street alone
Quite a strange citizen.
They give him good advice:
- There is a red light at the traffic light.
There is no way to go.
There is no way to go now!

- I don't give a damn about the red light!
The citizen said in response.
He walks across the street
Not where the inscription "Transition" is,
Throwing rough on the go:
- Where I want, I’ll go there!

The driver looks with all eyes:
Razinya ahead!
Hit the brakes quickly -
I will open my eyes! ..

What if the driver would say:
"I don't give a damn about traffic lights!" -
And how did he start to ride?
Would the sentry leave his post?
Would the tram go as it wanted?
Would everyone walk as best he could?

Yes ... where the street was,
Where are you used to walking
Incredible deeds
Would happen in an instant!

Signals, screams then and know:
The car goes straight to the tram
The tram ran into the car,
The car crashed into a shop window ...

But no: standing on the pavement
Traffic controller,
A three-eyed traffic light hangs
And the chauffeur knows the rules.
O. Bedarev

Both avenues and boulevards -
The streets are noisy everywhere
Walk down the sidewalk
Right side only!

Here to be naughty, to interfere with the people
Be an exemplary pedestrian

If you ride a tram
And the people around you
Without pushing, without yawning,
Come on ahead.

Ride "hare", as you know,
Give way to the old woman

If you just walk
Look ahead anyway
Through a noisy intersection
Come on carefully.

Red light transition
Even children are green
V. Semernin

You need to explain easily
Whether you are young or old:
Pavement - for transport,
For you - the sidewalk!

Walk across the street there pedestrian,
Where the sign indicates "transition" to you!

There is a red light at the traffic light!
The path is dangerous - there is no passage!
And if the yellow light is on
He "get ready" says.

Green flashed ahead -
The way is free, cross over.

Where do you need to cross the street
Remember the simple rule:
With attention to the left, first look,
Look to the right then!

It is foolish to think: “Somehow
I'll pass the tram track! "
Never forget,
That the tram is faster than you!
V. Timofeev

To help you
The path is dangerous
We burn day and night
Green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light -
We are three siblings
We have been shining for a long time
All the guys on the road.

We are three wonderful colors
You often see us
But our advice
Sometimes you don't listen.

The strictest is the red light.
If it burns: Stop!
There is no further road
The path is closed for everyone.

So that you can calmly cross
Listen to our advice: Wait!
You will see yellow soon
There is light in the middle.

And behind it is the green light
Will flash ahead
He will say:
- There are no obstacles,
Go boldly on your way.

If you do it without a dispute
Traffic lights,
You will get home and school
Of course, very soon.
A. Severny

* * *
Take a look:
I got up on our pavement.
He quickly stretched out his hand,
Deftly waved his wand.
Have you seen
Have you seen? -
All the cars stopped at once,
Amicably stood in three rows
And they don't go anywhere.
The people are not worried
Walking across the street.
And stands on the pavement
Like a wizard, a sentry.
All cars to one
Submit to him.
Y. Pishumov

Traffic lights, traffic lights -
Red, yellow and green ...
Three merry lights are burning in all the streets
Red, yellow and green -
Ash and maple leaves
As if to help traffic lights
They also hang on fences.
Is that there ahead - the way is closed?
Or is it on the way - the leaf is on fire?
Red light or aspen?
Yellow light or willow?
All signals are light
Autumn confused!
I. Zagraevskaya

Collecting game

A person is drawn.
Man is digging the earth.
- Why is there no way?
Maybe they are looking for treasure here?
And old coins
Are they in a big chest?
Them here, probably old
Hid a very greedy king.
I was told:
- What are you, what are you!
There is road work here.
Pupil shows drawn on thick paper road sign"Road works".

- Why would it suddenly
Are the arrows in a circle together?
And cars one after another
They race merrily in a circle.
Like we're on a carousel!
- We are in the square with you,
There is no straight road here.
The student shows the road sign "Roundabout"

Wonderful Sign -
Exclamation point!
- So you can here
Make noise,
To be mischievous?
If you run -
If you go -
With the wind! -
People answer strictly:
- This is a dangerous road.
Highly asks for a road sign
Drive quietly, carefully.
Reading poetry, the student shows the road sign "Other hazards"

What is the bar in front ?!
Let's stand over the fast river.
What if weightlifters come to the bridge ?!
They will begin to lift the bar,
They will squeeze the barbell ...
- No,-
Laughing, my friend answered, -
We will not meet athletes here.
It's just a sign like this
For a truck.
- In this place, the ground is weak, -
He speaks sternly, -
Carry a heavy load -
Damage the road.
The load will press on the wheels -
It will leave a trace on the road.
There will be holes in the way -
Do not pass, do not pass!
The student shows the road sign "Axle load limit"

That's a sign!
I can't believe my eyes:
What's the battery here for?
Does movement help
Steam heating ?!
Maybe in a blizzard winter
Do the drivers need to warm up here?
Why, in the summer heat
The sign was not removed from the pavement?
It turned out this sign
He says to the chauffeur:
Here the barrier is a crossing.
Wait - the express will pass.
A student shows a road sign "Railway crossing with a barrier"
Y. Pishumov

Sections: Extracurricular work

Target: introduce students to some road signs


  • update students' knowledge of traffic rules;
  • to acquaint with the history, meaning, types of traffic lights;
  • to acquaint with road markings ("zebra");
  • to acquaint with the gestures of the traffic controller (introductory)
  • to form the ability to distinguish road signs, distribute them into groups (without terms) in shape and color;
  • to form the idea of ​​preschoolers and schoolchildren younger age about safe behavior on the road;
  • develop attention, thinking, imagination, memory, speech;
  • expand horizons;
  • to foster a sense of responsibility in students for personal safety, value attitude towards their health and life;
  • foster relationships in a team (group);
  • to form a stable cognitive interest among students in this topic.

Equipment: images of signs, traffic lights, disk with m / f "Smeshariki", tape recorder for physical minutes, handouts (coloring books, wands)
Children: colored pencils.


I. Organizational moment


Checking the readiness for the lesson.

II. Announcement of the topic, goals

ABC of the city

The city in which we live with you
It can rightfully be compared to a primer.
The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.
Here it is, the alphabet, - above your head:
Signs are posted along the pavement.
Always remember the ABC of the city
So that trouble does not happen to you. (Y. Pishumov)

- The topic of our lesson sounds like this: "Road alphabet" To read the book , you need to learn all the letters. On the road, there are "letters" ...
- What "letters" am I talking about? (Road signs)
But in the ABC there are not only letters, there are syllables, words, sentences ... and even whole stories. In addition, what do you need to know the letters, what do you need to know and be able to in order to learn to read? (How to do it, rules)
And in the road alphabet, what do you need to know? (Traffic Laws)
- Today in the lesson we will talk about the road alphabet, road signs, rules and assistants who help us.
Continue learning how to behave on the road.

III. Traffic Laws

- What do you think, if pedestrians and vehicle drivers have disorderly movement, what will happen? (Crash)
- And what helps road users not to get into an accident? (Knowledge of traffic rules.)

Historical reference

Once upon a time, people walked simply on foot, but it was slow and inconvenient. So they sat first on a horse, and then on horse-drawn carriages, carriages. Those who were driving were in a hurry, and passers-by interfered with them. The coachman shouted at the passers-by and scattered them with whips. And the one who could not dodge, fell under the hooves of horses. This is how the traffic accidents began. The Russian tsars John Alekseevich and Peter Alekseevich did not like this. They decided to issue a decree, which they began to consider as the first rules of the road.
And assistants help us out of difficult situations on the road ...

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson


Stripes in black and white
The man walks boldly.
Knows: where he goes -


M / f "Walking Zebra"

What rules for crossing the pedestrian "zebra" do you know? (+ right side, you must not cross the road diagonally!)

Let's talk about another "helper" ...

Traffic lights


- What do you think it is? (Traffic lights)
- Indeed, this is the first Russian traffic light.

Dictionary work ( Working with a dictionary)

Traffic light is a Greek word, in Russian it means “carrying light”.

Historical reference

The first traffic light in Russia was in the shape of a circle. The traffic controller turned the arrow to the desired color. There were also such traffic lights ... (he has a fire inside)
In the USSR, the first three-section traffic light (of three sections) was installed on January 15, 1930 in Leningrad, at the intersection of Nevsky and Liteiny avenues. And the first traffic light in Moscow appeared on December 30 of the same year at the corner of Petrovka and Kuznetsky Most streets.
The first traffic light in the city hung over the intersection and simultaneously shone in three colors - red, yellow, green. Simultaneously! No, it was not a broken traffic light at all, as the current townspeople would consider it, but perfectly serviceable. And in addition, an arrow ran along it. It wasn't a clock that hung over the intersection. It was a real traffic light, only ... eyeless. Each edge consisted of three colored glasses - red, yellow, green - and four hands ran along each side, just like a second hand runs in a watch. Everything is very simple: the driver sees that the arrow on the red field is standing still; she crawled to yellow - getting ready for the journey; found myself on green - we go further. These were the traffic lights - the hours.
But soon it was replaced by the current three-eyed without arrows. You can't go wrong here. All signals are clearly visible even from a distance.
And this is a Chinese traffic light ...
There is no international standard for traffic lights for route vehicles and they can vary greatly even in neighboring countries. As an example, the following are the signals of such traffic lights in Belgium and the Netherlands:
Traffic lights for route vehicles in the Netherlands (top row) and Belgium (bottom row)

Signal meaning(from left to right)

  • Direct movement is allowed
  • Left movement allowed
  • Movement to the right is allowed
  • Driving in all directions is allowed (similar to a green traffic light)
  • The movement is prohibited, except for those cases when emergency braking is required to stop (similar to the yellow signal of a traffic light)

No traffic (similar to a red traffic light)
Due to its specific appearance, the Dutch traffic light received the nickname negenoog, that is, "nine-eyes".


- These are modern traffic lights. Why are there so many of them and why are they so different? (Answers of children)

  • Transport
  • Bicycle
  • Pedestrian


M / f "Dancing Men"

- What rules do you remember?

The next assistant ...


Look what a strong man:
On the go with one hand
Used to stop
Five-ton truck.

Take a look:
I got up on our pavement.
He quickly stretched out his hand,
Deftly waved his wand.
Have you seen
Have you seen?
All the cars deftly stood up,
Amicably stood in three rows
And they don't go anywhere.

The people are not worried
Walking across the street.
And stands on the pavement
As a wizard - a sentry.
All cars to one
Submit to him. ( Y. Pishumov)


And confident and calm, he is in uniform,
Like a warrior.
Have a big
Worth the road
To order
He was strict here.
Well, and if a pedestrian
What if the red light goes?
The sentry will punish him,
And then
He will say with a smile:
- He does not get into trouble,
Who is order


- Why do you need such a profession as REGULATOR? (regulate movement)

Traffic controller gestures

- How does the traffic controller regulate the traffic? (...) With gestures.
- What gestures of the traffic controller do you know? Show!
- What subject helps traffic police? (Wand)

Physical culture minute "Regulators"

Repetition of the traffic controller's gestures with the use of wands (musical accompaniment)

Road signs

By the side of the road
How the soldiers are standing.
We all carry out
Everything they tell us.


This sign is of this kind -
He is on guard for the pedestrian.
Let's move with mom together
We make our way to this place.

Underground / elevated pedestrian crossing

M / f "Zebra in the city"

- What signs did you learn from the cartoon?

  • "Bus stop"
  • "No entry"
  • "Bicycles are prohibited"

Remember the sign, friends,
Both parents and children:
Where it hangs, you can't,
Ride a bike!

Remember that only those over the age of 14 are allowed to ride bicycles on the streets of the city.
Cyclists are prohibited from letting go of the steering wheel, as well as clinging to the driving cars.
Passengers cannot be transported on a bicycle that is not suitable for this.

"Road works"

Warns about road works nearby.

"Caution children"

I want to ask about the sign.
The sign is drawn like this:
In the triangle guys
Running as fast as they can?

- What is this sign? (Watch out, kids)

M / f "Non-childish sign"

The highway rustled with tires
Running cars
But turn down the gas near the school -
Hanging, drivers, for you
There is a special sign here: “Children!
We are all responsible for them! "
And you are with this sign too,
Guys, be careful.

V. Reinforcement (practical work in micro groups)

1. Groups of characters

- While we were collecting signs, they united into groups ...
Prohibiting, warning, informational, special instructions.
Common signs: color, shape.

2. Working in groups (coloring road signs)

- Let's check how you remember the features of the signs.

One member of the group should speak:

  • Which sign
  • What it means (what it allows, prohibits, what it informs about)

Vi. Lesson summary

- Throughout the lesson, we talked about the rules of the road, about who helps us to comply with them. At the end of the lesson, let's name all the pedestrian assistants again: (...)

Reviewing the illustration and identifying traffic violations

- Who must know the Rules of the Road - pedestrians or drivers? (Everything!)

Vii. End of class

- Did you like the lesson?
- What did you study?
- What seemed especially interesting?
- There are a lot of road signs. They are grouped together. Want to continue exploring road signs?
- We will devote our next lessons to this.

Remember that we are pleased
When we are respected
And a pedestrian with a driver
They let each other pass!

- Thank you all for the lesson!

Traffic rules quiz script for schoolchildren

"ABC of the Pedestrian"

Targets and goals:to consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs and traffic rules; to develop the ability to independently use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

Equipment:road signs; traffic lights; posters “On the street - not in the room, about that, guys, remember”, “Remember, traffic police rules are your rules”, m / m projector, laptop, glue, road signs puzzles.

Organizing time

Leading: Hello our dear friends!

Leading: Good afternoon, dear teachers and students!

Leading: We are delighted to welcome you to our traffic rules quiz. We hope the most resourceful, intelligent and savvy guys have gathered here.

Event progress

Every day more and more cars appear on our roads. High speeds and high traffic volumes require drivers and pedestrians to be very attentive.

Leading: Today we will try to find out what you know about the rules of the road. It's no secret that a large number of road accidents occur due to the fault of pedestrians and drivers who do not comply with these rules.

Leading: And the better we know the rules of the road, the safer our life will be.

Leading: Our quiz consists of several rounds and a captains competition. There will also be a game with the audience. But first, I would like to introduce our jury to you.

(The composition of the jury is announced)

Leading: Two teams take part in our quiz: the "Cyclists" team and the "Skateboarders" team (divided into teams)

So here we go!

Leading: First round - theoretical"Question answer". I will ask questions and name three possible answers to them. After you have conferred a little, at my signal you need to raise the plate with the number of the correct answer. The team that gave the correct answer gets 1 point.

(Asking questions)

I. What color of the traffic light means “Attention! Get ready to move! ”?;
3. green.

II. At what age are children allowed to sit next to the driver in a car
1. from 12 years old;
2. from 14 years old;
3. from 13 years old.

(If there is a special seat for a child - from any age, without a special seat (like a normal passenger) - from the age of 14.)

III. At what age is it allowed to drive a motorcycle?
1. from 14 years old;
2. from 15 years old;
3. from 16 years old.

IV. Which way should you first look when crossing the carriageway?
1. to the right;
2. to the left;
3. straight.

V. Where can you cross the street?
1. by "zebra";
2. wherever you want;
3. where the "pedestrian crossing" sign is installed.

The floor is given to the judges: the results of the 1st round

Leading: So, we move on to the second round."Restore road signs." Teams should rebuild the road sign from the cut pieces and name it. Which team does it faster, that team will receive 5 points.

The floor is given to the judges: the results of the 2nd round

Leading: The third round is called"Blitz survey on the road." Which team will give the most answers to questions within one minute, that team gets the most points. If the correct answer comes from another team, then the answer is read out to the team that answers. For each correct answer 1 point.

1. Self-propelled four-wheeled vehicle. (Automobile.)
2. Runs on the rails - rattles at bends. (Tram.)
3. Multi-seater vehicle for transporting passengers. (Bus.)
4 . The favorite vehicle of desperate boys, to ride on which you need to push off with your foot. (Kick scooter.)
5. A car that is not afraid of the worst roads. (All-terrain vehicle.)
6. Home for the car. (Garage.)
7. A man walking on the sidewalk. (A pedestrian.)
8. Tramway. (Rails.)
9. The part of the road on which pedestrians are walking. (Sidewalk.)
ten . Man driving a car. (Driver.)
11. A place on the road intended for pedestrians. (Transition.)
12. Striped transition markings. (Zebra.)
13. Place for embarkation and disembarkation of public transport passengers. (Stop.)

14. Loud sound signal of a special machine. (Siren.)
15. Place of intersection of streets. (Crossroads.)
16. Policeman regulating traffic at the intersection. (Adjuster.)
17. Strong wide shoulder strap to ensure the safety of the driver and passengers in a passenger car. (Safety belt.)
18. Protective headgear for motorcyclists. (Helmet.)
19. Stowaway passenger. (Hare.)
20. A person traveling in transport, but not driving. (Passenger.)
21. When using public transport, hold onto ... (handrail).
22. Who sells public transport tickets? (Conductor.)
23. Bicycle driver. (Cyclist.)
24. Intersection of railway lines with a motor road. (Moving.)
25. Rising and falling bar for opening and closing the level crossing. (Barrier.)
26. "Legs" of the car. (Wheels.)
27. "Eyes" of the car. (Lights.)
28. Underground structure for traffic. (Tunnel.)
29. Pedestrian or driver who does not comply with the Traffic Regulations. (Intruder.)
30. Punishment for violation of traffic rules. (Fine.)

31. What light do you need to cross the street to? (To green)

32. What kind of light can cars move? (To green)

33. What are the hazards for pedestrians on winter roads? (On a slippery road, the braking distance of cars increases, the roads are narrowed due to snow, snow drifts, ice interfere with the movement of cars.)

34. Does the cyclist have a braking path? (Yes. No transport can stop immediately while driving.)

The floor is given to the judges: the results of the 3rd round

Leading: Fourth round "Riddles". I begin to read the riddle - you continue. For each riddle solved, 1 point to the team.

It will oblige us to drive quietly,
A close turn will show
And remind you what and how,
You are on your way ... (Road sign).

What is this "zebra" on the road?
They all stand with their mouths open.
They are waiting for the green blinking
So this is ... ( Transition).

Got up from the edge of the street in long boot
Three-eyed stuffed animal on one leg.
Where the cars are moving
Where paths converged
Helps people cross the road. ( Traffic lights)

The house on the rails is right there,
He will whisk everyone away in five minutes.
You sit down and don't yawn
Heading off…( Tram).

Drinks gasoline like milk
Can run far.
Carries goods and people
You are familiar with her, of course.
Shoes are made of rubber, called ... ( A car).

The floor is given to the judges: the results of the 4th round

Leading: Game for teams "Cross the street"

The presenter holds in his hands - 2 mugs:
the first is green on the one hand, yellow on the other;
the second is red on one side and yellow on the other.

The players stand 7-10 steps apart from each other at parallel lines (this is the street). The leader makes a wave with a green circle - the players take a step forward, red - a step back, yellow - stand still. The presenter alternates colors. Those who make a mistake are eliminated from the game. The winner is the team whose player crosses the "street" first. (2 points)

The floor is given to the judges: the results of the 5th round

Leading: Moving on to the captains competition. I ask the captains to come out to us. Attention, captains! You will now be asked 5 questions. The one who first raises his hand and gives a complete answer will bring his team 1 point. Ready? Then go ahead.

1. What causes can lead to accidents on the road?
2. Why is a traffic policeman wearing a yellow vest?
3. What are the dangers of bushes and trees along the street or on the side of the road?
4. What pedestrian traffic signals do you know what they mean?
5. How should pedestrians cross the street at intersections where traffic is not regulated by traffic lights?

The floor is given to the judges: the results of the captains competition


Leading: We came to the finish line. Judging by your answers, you know the rules of the road well. And therefore, I can say with complete confidence that there are no losers in our quiz. And the names of the winners will be announced by our strict and impartial jury.

The floor is given by the jury: results of the game (presentation of certificates)

Leading: The purpose of the rules is clear to everyone

The whole country fulfills them.

And you remember them, friends,

And do it firmly.

You can't go through the streets without them

Walk in a huge city.

Leading: Our quiz "The ABC of a Pedestrian" has come to an end. I want to wish you all good health, and that you always, in any weather, different time of the day, at all seasons of the year, they observed the rules of the road, did not expose their lives and the lives of the people around them to danger. Thanks!

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children on the rules of the road and safe behavior on the roads.


1. To form knowledge about the basic rules and responsibilities of pedestrians on the streets.

  1. Teach children to behave safely on the road.

3. To consolidate the knowledge of children: - about types of transport;

  1. Teach children to participate in dialogue, express their point of view, listen and understand the answers of other children.

  2. To instill the skills of a cultural attitude towards road users and in public transport.

Preliminary work: poetry, repetition of traffic rules with children, conversations, familiarization with road signs and public transport.

Material for the lesson: Poems, Traffic signs, Attributes to the role-playing game "Traffic Light".

Course of the lesson:

Beginning (children enter the hall)

Host: Hello children! Today we devote our leisure time to Traffic Rules and Safety Rules on the road. Now we are going to see a story about the rules of the road.

VIDEO # 1: "ABC of Movement"

Host: Guys, you just watched a story about how to behave correctly on the road.

And now, a mystery to you.

What is this very strange

Wooden man?

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key

Everywhere he sticks his nose long ... Who is this? Children: (Pinocchio)


Host: Today Pinocchio came to visit us. But he came for a reason, he told me that he wants you to help him. Buratino ended up in our town, got lost in it and was frightened. He doesn't know how to behave on the streets of our city. Will we help Pinocchio?

Children: Yes.

Host: What city do we live in? Children: Vidnoe

Guys, let's help our guest, they are not afraid to walk the streets.

But for this we will go on a little journey. Get on our imaginary bus. And Pinocchio will be our driver.

The first stop on our street will be called “Journey into History”.

Music accompaniment-Bus "

Let's tell Buratino what people used to travel on a very long time ago, when they had not yet invented cars, there were no buses and trains.

What do you think? Children: on horseback, on carts.

Host: Right, guys!

S. Mikhalkov "From a carriage to a rocket". And you, Buratino, listen carefully.

VIDEO-ROLLER-2 "From a carriage to a rocket".

Host: It turns out how people lived in the distant past. But people got tired of depending only on horses, and they came up with…. What were they traveling on?

Children: trains, cars, planes, etc.

Host: Let's talk about public transport and traffic rules.

Slide - 1: (public transport)

In addition to cars, trams, trolleybuses, and buses move along the streets of cities.

Children, what do you think Trams, trolleybuses, buses - what kind of transport is this? Children: Public.

Host: I’ll ask you riddles now, if you answer correctly, the answer will appear on the screen. Listen carefully.


The house goes down the street, everyone is lucky to work

Someone sitting, someone standing,

What kind of place is this?

Not on chicken thin legs,

And in rubber boots. (Bus)

Amazing wagon

Judge for yourself:

The rails are in the air

He holds them in his hands (Trolleybus)

Home is a wonderful runner

On his eight legs.

Day-day on the road.

Runs along the alley

Along two steel snakes. (Tram)

Host: Let us be both passengers and vehicle drivers today.

Who are the passengers? (those who travel in transport)

Who are the drivers? (those people who drive the vehicle).

Our game is called "Buses"

“Buses” are the teams of children “driver” and “passengers”. Flags are placed 6-7 m from each team. At the command "March!" the first players with a brisk step (running is prohibited) go to their flags, go around them and return to the columns, where the second players join them, and together they make the same path again, etc. the players are holding each other's elbows. When the bus (front player "driver") returns to the seat with a full complement of passengers, it must blow the whistle. The first team to arrive at the final stop wins.(after the game, the children sit down)

Host: And what are the road signs for on the streets?

Children: Answers of children.

Now the children of the 1st group will tell us poems about the Rules of the Road, and about Road signs.




Helps for a long time
Children, our friend, traffic light
Explain without stress
Traffic rules for children.

2.SIGN - It is prohibited to play with the ball

Will you remember, friends,

On the road, we cannot:

Run, jump and jump.

And play football with the ball.

SIGN - Underground passage

For those who live in the city,

The underground needs a passage.

The road is easier to cross

We are on the underground path.

There are no cars going there,

There are only pedestrians.


This is a very important sign
It hangs for a reason.
Be careful, chauffeur!
Near kindergarten, school yard.


And cars passing by

Immediately slow down the course,

Because they respect



There is a pedestrian in this place
The transport is patiently waiting.
He's tired of walking on foot
Wants to become a passenger.


Bicycle lane,
Overtake Maxim Seryozha.
No one will bother you -
All children know this sign


This sign is for those who are sick
Those who are not happy with their health.
Roadside Aibolit
Heal and cheer you up.


I walk in a blue circle

And it is clear to the whole district.

If you think about it a little,

Only legs walk here.


Host: Now we will go further with you.

Our next Stop is "Riddles about road signs".

MUSIC.BUS (we go by bus, then everyone sits down)

Host: Let's now check if you know the road signs or not.

Here on my table there are road signs, and your task is not only to guess the riddle, but also to find the road sign about which this riddle speaks. And so, let's begin.

First riddle.

1.All familiar stripes,

Children know, an adult knows,

On the other side leads ... ("Pedestrian crossing".)

2.By cars here, friends,

Nobody can go,

You can go, you know, children,

Just on…. ("Bicycle lane".)

3.And here, guys, it's no laughing matter

You can not ride on anything here,

You can only on your own,

Only for pedestrians. (Walkway - Sidewalk.)

4. You will notice this sign right away:

Three huge colored eyes.

The color of the eyes is certain:

Red, yellow and green. (Traffic lights)

5.What kind of road sign:

Red cross on white?

Day and night you can

Feel free to contact!

The doctor will tie your head

White kerchief

And he will provide first aid, medical. (Medical aid point).

6. In this place, oddly enough,

They are waiting for something all the time.

Someone is sitting, someone is standing ...

What kind of place is this? (Stop)

7 hey driver be careful

It is not possible to go fast

People know everything in the world

In this place go ... (Children)

Host: What a fine fellow you guys are, observant. But let's go further with you.

The Third Stop is called "Traffic Light".


Host: Stop "Traffic Light" (all children sit down)

Now the children of the 5th group will show us the "Tale of sick traffic lights"


Beginning of the fairy tale (exit of children)

Host: Well, since now our traffic lights have recovered, we will play the traffic light game with you

MUZ. GAME "Svetofor"

Host: Pinocchio, tell us, did we help you figure out how to behave correctly on the road?

Pinocchio: Thank you guys. I now know the rules of the road.

Host: And now the solemn promise of a pedestrian!

- Cross the street on a pedestrian crossing ...

- Promise!

- Cross the road only at the green traffic light ...

- Promise!

- Crossing the street in a group of people ...

- Promise!

- Walk only on the sidewalk and never walk on the road ...

- Promise!

- Do not play near the roadway ...

- Promise!

- Do not ride a bicycle, rollerblades, ice skates and sledges on the roadway ...

- Promise!

- Strictly follow these rules ...

- Promise!

Host: Well done, now let's all dance together!

Dance: "Bibika"