An abstract classes drawing road signs senior group. Abstract Node Drawing

(Formation of a holistic picture of the world and drawing)


1. Earn the skills of a conscious attitude to comply with the rules of safe movement. Secure the idea of \u200b\u200bvarious types of transport, about the concept of "transition", "pedestrian transition", "sidewalk" and on the appointment of road signs and traffic lights.

2. Learning to portray individual types of transport: transmit the form of basic parts, parts, their size and location. Beautifully placing image on a sheet, draw large. Picture drawings using the tip of the tassel; Get shades of color. Fasten the skill to draw with paints.

Material: Pictures depicting a part of the city, on which the passing part with cars and sidewalks are visible; "Pedestrian crossing", pictures with the image of paint situations, tassels, landscape sheet.

Structure occupation

Organizing time

Slide 1.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world

The teacher draws the attention of children to the screen.

What is shown on it? Slide 2, 3

Answers children: road (driving part), sidewalk, at home.

This is the street of our village, on which there is a road and sidewalk. Let's remember who the road is intended for, and for whom the sidewalk.

Children's answers: Machines ride on the way, and people walk along the sidewalk.

Can a person walk on the road?

Children's answers: Yes, only in a certain place.

How do you go the road in our village?

Responses of children: moving the road, see first to left, is there any vehicles, then give up to the middle of the road and see the right, do not go to cars; If the road is safe, then go on.

Guys, what roads in the village differ from roads in the city?

Answers children: There are no traffic lights, road signs and a pedestrian crossing on the sidework roads.

We all made it all.

Tell us where we installed the "Pedestrian Transition" sign and traffic lights? Slide 4.

Answers children: on the road near the sidewalk, before a pedestrian crossing. Before the crossroads.

And now remember, please, how to proceed the road in the city? Slide 5, 6

Children's responses: You can only go on the road pedestrian crossing, on the green light of the traffic light, when moving the road, you need to keep an adult by hand;

Name what transport can be found on the road?

Responses of children.

What helpers can be found on the road and what are they needed for?

The answers of children about the purpose of the vehicle are accompanied by a slide show.Slide 7 - 11


Children go on the car (Walking in pairs, holding the shoulders in front of standing).

Look at the road -

Left is worth it,

Right - Traffic light burns. (Turning the body to the left - right)


Knock on the door.

The guys came to you a car and he wants you to paint cars - assistants.

Teacher once again on Slide 12 shows them and shows how to draw it right. Reminds about the accuracy and about drawing rules: take paints with tip of tassels, the image is located in the middle of the sheet.


Slide 13.

For what you drew cars - assistants, a magic car came to visit to visit you, and she wants to treat you, for beautifully drawn drawings, and reminds you that you would not forget the rules road And they always observed them.

Elena Krasnopernova
SUMMARY Classes on drawing "Road signs - our friends"

Correctional educational tasks:

Create knowledge about the rules road;

Bring to the consciousness of children that in a big city all movement is subject to special rules- Regulations road.

Improve image execution skills using various visual funds;

Develop a pencil sketch skill before using color.

Correctional-developing tasks:

Develop logical thinking;

Form readiness adequately react to road situations and predict their consequences;

Develop a sense of composition, teach children to harmoniously positioned the conceived pattern on the sheet plane;

Develop creativity, learn to invent a drawing and embody your design on paper, choosing the visual means.

Correctional educational tasks:

Develop attention, concentration, self-preservation feeling;

Educating the ability to use the existing knowledge and previously extended visual skills.


Scene paintings, images of streets, various urban images;

Set road signs or their images;

Curl « signs» , for Game "Gather sign» ;

Sheets paper in the form road signs;

Colored I. simple pencils, markers;


Travel course:

Educator: Guys! We live in a big, beautiful city with wide streets. On the road part of the street, the highway moves a lot of passenger cars and trucks, trams and buses ride. And no one bothers anyone. What do you think helps keep order on the street? (Rules road.) Yes, this is the rules road. And for whom these rules? (For drivers and pedestrians.)

Of course, you have seen signs and signs along roads, on the streets, near the sidewalk. it road signs . They tell drivers where you can ride, and where it is impossible, where it is allowed to turn, and where it is not allowed, is it possible to stop and do not need to go hide.

The city in which we live with you,

You can rightly compare with the letter.

Alphabet of streets, prospectuses, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet - above head.:

Signs Wrapped along the bridge.

Alphabet of the city remember always

So as not to happen to you trouble.

Different road signs hang along the streets. Some you know. For example, what denotes these signs?

(Children are presented familiar signs them -"Crosswalk", "Underground pass", "Overhead passage", "Caution, children", "Road up".

Look, for some reason, all signs Different in form and color. There are round, triangular, square, on blue and on white backgrounds. You know why they are so different. (Children's responses.)

These ones signs In red circles - forbidding.

Sign"No entry":

Driver sign is terrible,

Entry cars prohibits!

Do not try to sneak

Riding a brick!

Sign"No Pedestrians"

In the rain and in clear weather

Pedestrians do not go here.

Says them single sign:

"You have been banned!"

Sign"Rotate is prohibited"

These signs on the way

Do not miss anything.

They have one concern -

Prohibit us turns.

These are the most stringent signs.

But these signs - In red triangles - warning. They warn the driver about some danger.

Sign"Intersection with tram line"

Hey, driver, do not yaw!

Goes ahead of the tram.

You are a little pristhereries,

Digid him road.

Sign"Slipping road"

He speaks this sign is strict:

"Very slippery road.

You S. dear not jealous,

The steering wheel does not turn in vain! "

Sign"Dangerous turn"

This anxiety sign beats -

Here is a dangerous turn!

Go here, of course, you can

Only very careful -

No one to overtake

Passengers do not change.

But these signs On blue circles - prescribing. What's on them drawn, the driver must fulfill.

Sign"Limit minimum speed"

He speaks sign: "Indeed,

What will weave barely?

Whether you are at least three-headed snakes,

Riding slowly no dare! "

Signs On square blue signs - informational or index.

Sign"Bus stop, trolley buses, tram and taxi"

In this place a pedestrian

Patient transport is waiting.

He was tired of walking

Wants to become a passenger.


If you want to call

Even home, even abroad,

Sign will help, he will say,

Where to look for you a phone!

Sign"Item First Medical Aid"

If anyone breaks his leg,

Here doctors will always help.

Help the first will be

(After displaying everything signs are cleaned.)

The game "Gather road sign» .

Educator: Kids, look, here drawn road signs. We must collect them all, and tell everything about them.

On the asphalt there are strips,

And on sign eating stripes,

Only here with green light,

Go through the street, children!


Bike on a red circle,

So it is dangerous to go here!

("Bicycle movement is prohibited")

In the blue circle pedestrian -

Do not rush, goes!

Track safe,

It's not scary here!

("Pedestrian track» )

This the sign is a big friend,

From trouble will save

And at the most bridge,

Drivers warn:

"Caution, children!"


Educator: Today I suggest you think draw your road sign. First come up with what it will be denoted. Then imagine what image it will be best to explain it. Maybe your sign It will be very serious and strict, and possibly comic.

I propose at first to make a pencil sketch and only then start working with color. All you need to stay on your tables.

(Children draw under a calm, soft music.)

Conclusion. Works are placed on the exhibition. The educator invites the authors of several interesting work. At first he offers children to guess what denotes drawn sign. Then the word is provided to the author. He explains the appointment signwhy exactly this image is best of all of others talk about appointment sign.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract Node "Road signs - faithful friends" "Road signs - faithful friends»Form of carrying out: Physical and educational leisure. Objectives: - form a conscious attitude.

"My friends - Road signs!" - entertainment in the preparatory school group Purpose: consolidate knowledge of traffic lights, signs of road signs, kids knowledge about road rules. Tasks: Secure Knowledge.

The abstract of integrated classes on the study of traffic rules with children of the preparatory group "Road signs" Administration of the urban district Podolsk Committee on Education Municipal Preschool educational institution Kindergarten Combined.

Abstract Node on traffic rules "Road signs" Objectives: 1. To acquaint children with some road signs, explain their meaning. 2. Form the skills of safe behavior on the street.

Abstract Node on traffic rules in the middle group "Road signs - our friends!" Integration of educational areas: "Socio-communicative development", " Physical development», « Cognitive development"," Speech Development ".

A summary of the clause on traffic rules for older children "For what road signs are needed" An abstract classes for children is 5-6 years old. The topic "For what you need road signs" goal. Introduce children with warning, indicable prohibiting.

A summary of traffic rules for the middle group "Our best friends - Road rules" Purpose: Formation of a conscious attitude to comply with the rules of the road as a pedestrian, consolidation and expansion of knowledge of safe.

The scenario of the performance according to the rules of the road and signs - our friends "(senior group) The scenario of the performance according to the rules of the road and signs - our friends. The older group "With the road movement for a long time, we are familiar, all.

Sports leisure script for children of the middle senior group "Road signs - our friends" together with parents Scenario of sports leisure "Road signs - our friends" (together with parents). Purpose: Creating conditions for the interaction of teachers.

An abstract of classes according to the rules of the road in the middle group "Road signs" Abstract Classes B. medium group According to the rules of the road. Purpose: To form knowledge of traffic rules, practically apply.

Image Library:

Name: Abstract Node "Road signs - our friends" (traffic rules), senior group
Nomination: Kindergarten, node abstract (traffic rules), senior group

Position: Educator of the First Qualification Category
Place of work: MDOU "Kindergarten number 1"
Location: Yaroslavl

Abstract Node "Road signs - our friends"

Educator: Andreeva N.N.

Purpose: Maxue children with types of road signs.

Software tasks:


1. Intensify the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children.

2. Wear visual and auditory memory.


To introduce children with prohibiting, prescribing and warning signs.


1. To bring up intelligence and resourcefulness.

2. To educate the need for children to be disciplined and attentive on the streets, careful and cautious.

Materials: Road signs cut, white circle with red border, white triangle with red border, blue circle, 3Book, sheets with road signs, red and blue marksters, group signs.

Travel course.


Guys, listen to the poem.

The city in which we live with you

You can rightly compare with the letter.

Here it is, the alphabet - above his head:

Signs are awesome along the bridge.

Alphabet of streets, prospectuses, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Alphabet of the city remember always

So as not to happen to you trouble.

Guys what kind of alphabet this is speech in poem?


About the alphabet of the road.


What helps us keep the rules of the road on the streets?


Road signs


Who guessed, what are we going to talk about?


About road signs.


Right. But since there are a lot of signs, we will talk about the types of road signs.

Why do road signs need?


Road signs help drivers and pedestrians

observe traffic rules.


What do they communicate drivers and pedestrians?


They report anything and what can not be done on the road.


We have already met some signs. And now I suggest you to collect 3 road signs. For this, everyone will take one part of the sign, will determine who has the same and four, collect a whole sign.

Children collect signs on a rug in groups.

1 Warning "Wild Animals"

3 prescribing "Pedestrian Track"

What does your sign mean?


Wild animals, the sound signal is prohibited, pedestrian walkway.


And now each group needs to try to construct one and the same prohibiting road sign. " Bicycle movement is prohibited" Each group on the table is a white triangle with a red border, a white circle with a red border, a blue circle and a bicycle that should be put either in a triangle, a circle or circle to be prohibited sign.

Children perform the task in groups behind the tables.

Compare how each group completed the task. Guys, see, the task was one thing, and did everything in different ways. Why it happened, you had to collect a prohibitive sign. So what do you do not know?


We do not know how the prohibitive sign is denoted (circle, triangle, or blue circle)


To figure out, I propose to return to the signs that you collected from parts. You told me that this sign (to show the "sound signal is prohibited") is called "Sound Signal forbidden»

Look carefully, what is different from neighboring signs?


It is round white with paint border.


So prohibiting signs, what form, color?

Repeat what the prohibitive sign looks like.

Prohibiting signs prohibit and tell us that it is impossible to do.

You collected a "bike movement forbidden".

What figure on which figure we put a bike to be prohibiting a sign?


On a white circle with red border.


And who knows how warning signs are indicated? What do you think that of the two characters warn the driver about a possible danger?


wild animals


So what form warning signs? And color?


The triangle is white with red border.


We have a blue circle. Look at the sign. What does this sign mean?



He says to us, prescribes the driver or pedestrian, what can be done (perform)


So what is the sign?




The game of attention "Cars and pedestrians":

On the word "car" ride and steer in a group without crap into each other. On the word "pedestrian" - marching.


And now we are practicing to draw prohibitive, warning and prescriptive signs.

Let's go beyond the tables. You have 2 feltwasters blue and red. I will call a sign, and you cut it into a red triangle, a circle or blue circle.

The educator calls the view of the sign of the sign and the sign itself.


1 Pedestrian movement is prohibited

2 overtaking is prohibited

3 Motorcycle Movement is prohibited


1 Road works

2 Slippery road

3 uneven road


1 Pedestrian walkway

2 movement right

3 Circular motion

Guys, but signs can be not only on the roads, but in our group. There are road signs on the road, and we have a group signs in the group. Let's look for them. What can sign the sign?


Prohibiting signs: "You can not break toys", "you can not fight"

Warning signs: "Caution hot water", "Careful dishes"

Prescribing signs: "Books", "Drawing"


So, let's repeat once again. As denotes prohibitive signs, warning signs prescribing signs.

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution
"Kindergarten №4" overall view
Abstract of directly educational activities
Drawing road sign
"Ahead of danger!" (from nature)
senior group

Performed: Educator of the senior group
Rybzova Tatyana Mikhailovna
Objectives: learning the ability to transfer the form and its part in the figure.
Objectives: to bring up a responsible attitude to the observance of traffic rules, accuracy and dedication;
develop the ability to compare your drawing with the item depicted;
Forming the ability to follow the sequence in operation.
Preliminary work: excursions to the intersection, in the village, road signs, reading poems, games. Meeting support: demonstration material, routing Building drawing, cards with road signs, pencils, paints, brushes, napkins, coasters for brushes, sheet of paper.
The course of directly educational activities:
1. Organizational moment.
You came to occupation,
Be whose children are attentive.
Now we do not have physical care,
And drawing from nature.
2. Conversation on the topic.
The educator reads the poem I. Gurine "Lights".
Again traffic light green
The path opens as always
Do not forget in winter and summer
Road signs never.
They will always help on the way
As if faithful friends
And safe road
We can not find without them ..
On the board card with the image of road signs.
- Guys, what road signs from those presented on the board do you know? Name them.
Today we will draw a road sign "Ahead Danger!" What group does it applies to? (To the group of information signs)
Sample analysis.
-What form this sign? (Triangular)
- What is shown in the center of the sign? (Exclamation point).
-What colors are used in the picture? (Red Black).
I.P. : O.S., hands on the belt.
Account1-8 - turn left; 2- I.P.; 3-4 Same right.
Account9-12 - IP; hands before breastfeed right forearm left; 1- left foot forward on the heel; 2-4 twist the sock left to right; 4-IP.
Account12-16 is the same with a removable leg.
Account 1-2 - two cotton on the left; 3-4 -to right.
3. Practical part.
The educator shows the procedure for performing work on the technological map.
1. We carry out a horizontal line and determine its center.
Left and right from the center lay the same distance, mark points.
2. The points received by the straight lines - it turned out a triangle.
3. We build a smaller triangle inside the resulting triangle and make the exclamation mark of the exclamation mark to the central axis of the track.
4. We finish the drawing "Ahead of the danger!". Coloring a road sign using gouashe colors.
Children independently perform work.
4. Outcome.
- Guys, drawings turned out clear, beautiful. And so what did we paint? What did you like and remember today?

Applied files