DIY hare ears. DIY step-by-step workshop on sewing a bunny costume for a boy

It is easiest to put loops on a hare in winter than in summer, because in summer it is difficult to find hare paths, when, as in winter, they are immediately clearly visible, due to the snow cover. And besides, the tracks of a hare are very difficult to confuse with someone else's, due to the unusualness of the hare pattern. It is on these well-trodden paths that it is necessary to put loops on the hare, since if the hare constantly uses its highways, then the probability that he will run along them again is great. It should be noted here that hare paths are different. Either it is a single trail in the snow, or it is a well-trodden path, where the direction of the hare's movement is located, both back and forth. It is better to put loops on such paths, and you can not touch single tracks, because it is unlikely that the hare will follow them.

The best period, during the whole winter, is the period of cold weather. In times of severe frost, in order to keep warm, a hare must move a lot (well, like you and me), and eat a lot. Jumps in the ass, in front of its paths, looking for new places where you can eat. It is during this period that the hare is the easiest and fastest to catch. The likelihood that he will run along his path, where you recently put the loop, is high.

pay attention to characteristic feature rabbit run. The hind legs, while running, jump forward, they are simply brought forward. From here the following is obtained:

The photo shows that the hare fled, in this case way down. The prints of the front and hind paws are clearly visible. The pads are visible - they should also be paid attention to by the pathfinder.

And here you can see the products of his vital activity, in other words, the droppings of a white hare.

A great place to put stitches on the hare. Here our hero arranges a feast. As evidenced by the huge amount of trampled snow cover, and hare droppings. Broken branches of aspen are scattered everywhere, which the hare loves so much. The snow crust all around falls through badly, even in places where it is covered with fresh snow - therefore, the hare loves to be in this place, and has trodden well here. So our first hare loop will be right here!

Now about the hinges. The loop for the hare must satisfy following condition: it should be thin and strong. Those. Nichrome wire is ideal for hinges, but steel is also fine. For example, from a loose cable. You can use copper, nylon thread, fishing line, but the best option for the loops there will be just ordinary steel wire, for example, from a cable - because it is easier for us to get it.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, hunting a hare with loops is allowed in some cases

“The limited use of loop fishing to regulate wolf numbers and hare prey will not harm other species.

Hunting hare using loops also allowed only in certain regions: the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Tomsk Region, Tyumen Region, Nenets autonomous region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

For the extraction of a white hare it is allowed use only loops made of single-core wire with a thickness of no more than 0.8 mm with a total wire length of no more than 80 cm, which does not allow the loop to open more than 24 cm in diameter. If any large animal falls into such a loop, the single-core wire will not be able to detain or injure it. "- Press service of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

We take the cable, dissolve it, but in the form in which it is now, the wire is not suitable for loops, since it is hardened, and has shock-absorbing properties (springy, in other words) So the wire needs to be released. This can be done very simply - our hinges need to be burned in a fire, brought to red, then the steel will be released and no longer spring. The loop will tighten well, bend, just the way we need it.

The wire should be approximately 0.6 to 0.8 mm in diameter, and here it is not so much important that the loop is not thick, but how much so that it is not thin, since our hare can break a thin loop. All the same, he has some kind of strength, and therefore it is recommended that the wire withstand about 20-25 kg per break. Before strangling itself, a hare caught in a loop will twist, twirl, try to break it in every possible way, and, as a result, a thin wire may break. Therefore, if your wire is thick, then it does not matter, since the hare's eyesight is poor, and he simply will not see it. Hares, like other animals in the taiga, navigate mainly through smell and hearing. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of any extraneous smell, even the smallest, otherwise, otherwise, the hare will simply not be lazy, and will bypass this suspicious place!

After firing, the loops should not be touched with bare hands, but use gloves specially prepared for this. It is better to boil the gloves (together with the loops you can) in a coniferous broth, or at least rub them with needles. It is also better to rub the loops with needles, or various taiga plants (bark of aspen, birch, pine, cedar, fir).

Loops must be made of one wire, i.e. it means that you should not use a cable, as such, consisting of thin wires, it is better to take a thick single-core wire, because the combined cable will poorly take the shape that we will give it on the trail, when, like a solid, thick wire, it will Hurrah. Burn the wire in the coals themselves, not on fire, because the temperature in the coals is higher, and it is necessary to bring it to red. But do not cool the hinges in the snow, let them cool down slowly (and quickly in the cold). After that, touch them only with special gloves, and in general, once again it is better not to touch them.

It is necessary to put loops on the hare as discreetly as possible, using the helpers, natural materials, as supporting, fixing devices, and for masking. As a rule, these are various sticks, twigs.

You need to put loops in the following steps. First, we find (or install ourselves) the support to which our hinge will be attached. As a rule, these are already growing small trees. We tie the loop to this tree. It is best to tie a piece of some kind of fabric, or leather, to the end of the loop, then the loop will be tied, at the same time, the hare, will not be able to break it off by constant tugging. But, if the wire is thick, then you can tie the loop directly to the tree, just wrap it once around it, and then twist the free end with the wire.

The loop for the hare should be about 20 cm, with this diameter, the hare caught in the loop will either strangle itself or grab the carcass and then freeze.

In order to form a loop, you just need to wrap the free end of the wire around yourself, you get a small loop, thread the other end into this loop, and you get a loop. After installing the loop in its place, it is better to throw snow and branches over the tracks. The hare is suspicious of other people's tracks. However, it is best to put the loops on skis. The hare responds well to the ski track and is not at all afraid of it.

In the photo, in the lower right corner, is the place where my tracks were. Threw snow at them.

Abandoned hare trail, after a snowfall

Hunting for a hare with snares is considered poaching if it is not carried out for commercial purposes or hunting within the framework of the traditional economic activities of indigenous peoples. Therefore, use it only during a survival situation in the wild to get food and not starve to death. Those. for legal and ethical reasons, if you are an ordinary city dweller, then it is better not to hunt a hare in this way, but if a white hare caught in this way is included in your diet, then such hunting is not ethically and legally condemned. In short, for a taiga hermit, hunting for a hare with noose is a necessary means of survival, and not a simple pampering, as for a well-fed city dweller.

No matter how sophisticated modern designers fashion world to hook the interests of women. Many of their inventions remain unclaimed, many never left the podium on the sinful earth, remaining in the world of haute couture. But, oddly enough, some carnival elements of clothing and accessories have come into use. For example, our women of fashion buy and craft with great pleasure do it yourself hare ears decorating their cute heads with such touching decor.

The girls are most delighted with lace ears. We will tell and show you how to make them.

DIY hare ears

It all started with the fact that the fashionable stylist Allezye, for the meeting of the coming new year, wore the symbol white rabbit, invited everyone to dress up in bunny ears. They are quite simple to perform at home. You will need: a simple plastic headband, a meter of soft wire (in a flexible braid), a small piece of white lace and guipure, a flap of tulle, nets, a meter of beautiful braid one centimeter wide. The order of the ears is also simple:

  • Bunny ears are formed from the wire. In this case, the ends of the wire must be such that they can be connected to the tip of the rim.
  • In the form of hare ears, 4 lace details are cut out: two for each ear. Parts fit neatly with seamy side among themselves, turned out and ironed.
  • The lug frame is inserted into the finished fabric parts and fixed.
  • The blanks of the ears are connected with the rim and fastened with a beautiful ribbon, the edges of which must be carefully glued.
  • The headband is decorated with a net or tulle in the style of a veil, fixed with beautiful beads or large beads. The outfit is ready.

The whole structure is based on a wire frame

The most beloved and most common among other New Year's outfits is the hare costume. But what kind of a hare can be without ears? Out of stock? We make it ourselves! You can make them on an elementary rim. But if you have very little time, and the baby wants to transform into a bunny only in a home "carnival", then you can make a simple mask-hat of a bunny with paper ears. But as we get closer New Year's party in the garden or at school, it is more logical to sew fabric ears for a bunny boy.

Felt, glue, scissors, headband and eyeshadow - all this is in every home

Add colors with eyeshadow

DIY hare ears can be made from beautiful silver fabric, foam rubber and headband. First, a cardboard bunny ears template is cut out in real sizes. After that, two foam blanks for the ears are made according to the template, and then, according to the same drawings, but with seam allowances, four fabric blanks are made. Do not forget during the pattern that the details of the future ears must be symmetrical with each other. Then two fabric blanks are sewn along the edges, turned inside out and a pre-cut foam base is placed inside them. The foam rubber inside the fabric covers must be properly straightened. Then a strip of fabric is cut off, 3 millimeters wide more than the width of the rim, with which the rim-base is sheathed for fastening the ears. All that remains is to sew the ears themselves to the rim. This must be done very accurately and carefully so that the seams are not visible. After that, touching ears for christmas costume can be considered ready. A bunny boy can wear a bow tie around his neck. But mothers of bunny girls can additionally decorate their ears beautiful bows or a couple of flowers. A tiny tail will complete the image of a bunny. You can just make a fluffy pompom that you need to attach with threads to shorts or a skirt.

Add a tulle or lace ponytail, lace mitts to the "ears" - and the party outfit is ready

You can attach a veil - it will turn out even nicer

There are many more ways how to make bunny ears at home with a minimum of cost and time. This most popular costume for boys is quite simple to make and does not require significant investment. The main thing is that there is one main element: hare ears, which will help transform the baby into a little bunny. And do-it-yourself hare ears must be done in the company with the baby. To begin with, you should prepare the following tools and materials: white thick cardboard, white fluffy fabric, hair band, stapler, pencil, scissors, ruler and wire. The order of work is as follows:

  • A strip of 3 centimeters wide and a length corresponding to the size of the child's head circumference is cut out of the cardboard. The ends of this strips are fastened with a staple.
  • Again, two oblong parts are cut out of the cardboard, which will become the ears of a hare. Their location is determined on the strip, after which the ears are attached to the strip with a stapler.
  • The middle part of the ears can be tinted with a light pinkish tint and outlined in black.

Small, purely symbolic ears for those who do not really like to dress up 🙂

And this is an option with an elastic band - you can collect your hair in a high ponytail or bun, and you will have "ears on the top of your head"

An easy way to decorate the bezel

In order for the appearance of the ears to look the most natural, you need to make these parts from shaggy fabric or even fur. According to the template, two pieces are made to each ear, sewn together and turned inside out. A pink contrasting fabric is sewn in the middle of the front side of the ear. A hard wire is inserted inside each lug.

But the easiest way to make this element is baby costume- make a banal bunny ears headband... "Rabbit ears" made of any material are attached to the rim with a wire. The attachment points and the headband itself are trimmed with one fabric or wide braid. The rest of the fabric is converted into a small ponytail for a bunny.

Another option for fabric ears for a child

With such a decoration, your baby will be happy to rush around the whole apartment. And during the preparation for the holiday, this "headdress" will help to quickly turn any company, both children and adults, into real "bunnies". You need to look for ears in children's stores or at the New Year's bazaar. However, it is better to make them yourself. This will be especially useful in a company with a child. After all, there is nothing more touching than the whole family working on a "serious task" - making a children's toy or carnival costume... After all, at the same time you will not only make a costume, not only teach the kid the basic basics manual labor, but also strengthen your warm relationship with him. Watching how you masterfully cope with a work incomprehensible to the child, he will become even more respectful of these parents. And it's worth a lot, believe me!

A serious hunter will not deliberately kill his own time and legs in order to get hare. loops often accompany the main fishery. For example, I went to set traps on a sable, and at the same time grabbed a dozen loops. I noticed a suitable place in a birch forest - I set a loop over the hare path. The carcass of the animal will fit for the bait, and the skin will count towards the fulfillment of the plan.

Time matters

A loop is put on the hare when winter has already accelerated and gained strength. There was enough precipitation, the hare paths cut deeply in the snow. These little animals do not like to run on virgin soil, they make real "sidewalks" for themselves. Putting loops on a hare in winter is also, you know, art! It is not suicides who are oblique, so that they can go into the noose of their own free will! An experienced hunter finds a place where the hare cannot dodge fate. For example, where the trail passes between two closely standing trees. It is also necessary to get to such a site wisely. It is strictly not recommended to step on the trail. The hare will notice and reproach: he did not, they say, paved a path, so by what right do you trample? He may even be offended and stop walking here. Will lay on the sidelines another path, out of harm's way!

How to properly alert the loop?

A loop for a hare with its free end is tied to a tree trunk, and a ring of wire with a diameter of 15-20 centimeters should be located perpendicular to the movement of the animal and hang 10 centimeters above the path. An experienced hunter also disguises the noose with bushes, grass blades, which are knocked out from under the snow nearby. Poor scythe! How many times he squeezed between these same trees, and the grass gently tickled his fur. And then suddenly - once! Grabbed by the throat and did not let me. How more hare eager to run away, the more the stranglehold squeezes his neck.

Little tricks

Anyone who is interested in how to put loops on a hare should take note of one more subtlety. So that the scythe does not suspect anything, it is necessary to repel the smell of a person from the stranglehold. For this, some boil the loops in the same pot with a coniferous or birch broom. Maybe the hare is not as fastidious as we painted it here, it will not disdain to choke in an unboiled loop with needles, but it is clearly not worth straightening the loop over the path with smoky fingers.

What wire is the catch loop made of?

Now let's tell you about the hare. Popular literature recommends using a 0.7 mm cross section for these purposes. It can withstand up to 30 kilograms of weight. Such a loop, believe me, will stop not only the hare, but also the fox! And the hunters said that the loop for a hare sometimes hunted a larger animal than a fox, for example, a lynx. A little more than a meter of wire will go to the stranglehold. At one end of it, a small ring with a diameter of five millimeters is made, the free end of the wire is threaded into it - the loop is ready.

Nowadays, you can buy anything you want, including high-quality hinge material. Previously, they did not really think about what kind of wire the loop was made of. And they didn't force hares to test a new product for strength. If it was not possible to get a good thin one from a familiar beekeeper (a material of suitable quality is pulled over the frames), they burned old tires from trucks. Or unwinding coils from old transformers. Any one that turned up, even a thin one, went into action.

Repetition is the mother of learning

The most important thing to do to catch the animal quickly is to set the loop correctly. Make a knee, bending the wire at the base of the ring, so that for the time being the loop for the hare is in standby mode and works only from contact with its potential victim. With practice comes an understanding of how large the diameter of the ring should be. Pay attention to how the animals fall into the loop: if the body is in the trap, the trap is too large. Tightened and left - it means that it is small or not at that level. The hare will bypass such a loop. He will bury himself in it, feel that something is wrong and - run away!


The hare must fit into the loop with its head so that it is thoroughly tightened around his neck. This animal is yours. Otherwise, there are times when the hunter finds only a clearing compacted in a circle at the place where the rings are installed. This means that, most likely, the loop was large, so the hare got into it with its torso. And since no one was choking him by the throat, and he really wanted to live, he ran in a circle until he twisted and broke the wire. So that the loop from twisting does not break off, you can supplement it with a nylon rope at the end, and then tie the rope to the tree. It happens that a place gets such that not a bush grows next to the path. In such cases, they use a "potask", that is, a peg, having pulled out which, the animal will carry it until it gets entangled in the thickets. And he will definitely go into the thickets, because the peg rustles from behind, and the hare begins to overwhelm From fear, he clogs himself into the thickets and, naturally, gets entangled there. They also use a pole, which is buried in the snow at an angle to the path. The hare cannot carry a long pole, and then the scythe remains in place and surrenders to the mercy of the winner.

Preliminary results

Here we are, without haste, in the most detailed way disassembled how to put loops on a hare (or on hares). But an experienced hunter will only laugh at our naivety. He will tell you that loops should be set only on "fresh" trails. That is, before setting the traps, you should make sure that the scythe has not left the trail and is still using it, going to feed and back. If it’s freezing all week and it doesn’t snow, then you’ll hardly tell the old track from the new one, which means you won’t be able to properly install your hinges. Snowstorm, blizzard and other similar "delights" of winter also do not contribute to normal hunting. By the way, when examining the loops, it is advisable to walk, as they say, "trail in trail." In this case, there is hope that the blizzard will not sweep your tracks, and you will not step on the hare path anywhere. You can re-read a lot of hunting literature, but still not try the hare obtained with your own hands. No wonder the classic said that experience is the son of difficult mistakes ... As the Marxists argued, only practice confirms or refutes a theory. Armed with knowledge, you need to test it in practice, that is, to hunt. Now you know how to loop a hare. But all the same, it is still desirable to go hunting for the first time not alone, but in the company with a more experienced friend, since there is always something to learn from him.

Live example

There are such aces - Mama, do not cry! And many, most likely, have met such. For example, one person can regularly go after hares and bring up to three dozen at a time. And the other company, although it trades in three, the result is much more modest. And this one is alone, and you are wearing a sleigh full of hares! It turns out that he skis early in the morning and moves along the track, literally a hundred meters from it. It goes about five kilometers in one direction and the same amount - in the opposite direction, approaching the house. And he does not climb into the jungle, and there are plenty of hares. And what's the trick? The fact is that hares huddle closer to human habitation in winter. Foxes, wolves, sables and lynx are afraid of people.

Yes, there are wise hunters, they can think of a lot of things for effective catching of hares ... And what wise hares are!

Stopping at the kiosk, my daughter and I saw a hare costume on sale - and Dasha immediately decided that in New Year she wants to be a bunny. After looking at the quality of the ears, I offered to sew a suit at home. We bought a plastic headband artificial fur for and white knitwear for the skirt. We also needed two colors of fleece: white and pink. We found both at home - and work began to boil.

To begin with, I measured the headband and cut out a strip of white fleece fabric twice the width of the headband plus seam allowances. I put the strip on the dublerin. I folded it along face to face and sewed the edges of the halves in such a way that they took the form of a tube with closed ends - I left the middle unstitched. Using the handle of the comb (a thick knitting needle), I twisted the ends and pulled the fabric tightly over the headband. Sewed up the middle by hand.

I got a rim covered with white fabric, to which I now had to sew my ears. I received the ear pattern by circling one of the ears of the printed mask:

On it, I cut out four parts with seam allowances - at the bottom I left a larger allowance (2-3 cm). I put all the details on the dublerin, on two of them I manually sewed pink areas. I put the front parts of the ears on a thick synthetic winterizer and stitched on all sides, except for the bottom, at a distance of 1 mm from the edge.

I folded the finished parts of the ears in pairs face to face, stitched them together on three sides and turned them on front side. Bottom sections I wrapped the finished parts inside the ears and manually sewed them onto the rim.

With a three-layer padding polyester inside, the ears hold well on the top of the head - the dense glue pad, which I bought specifically for this purpose, was not useful to me.

This is an accessory for my first homemade fancy dress. I have not sewn anything like this yet - but I happened to make others, which you can see on my blog.

P.S. My second fancy dress became .

Matinees in kindergartens invariably force parents to look for a suitable suit to rent, or to take up a needle and call for inspiration! In the first place in popularity among costumes for boys was and remains a bunny costume. Fortunately, it is extremely simple to implement and does not require significant financial investments. So, if you prefer to make the main element of the costume, namely, bunny ears with your own hands, and not run around the New Year's markets, then you have a chance to make sure that this is not at all difficult.

We need the following materials and tools:

  • White cardboard,
  • A piece of faux white fur or just a fleecy cloth,
  • Hair hoop,
  • Wire,
  • Scissors, stapler, pencil and ruler.

Manufacturing instruction:

  1. Cut out a strip of cardboard corresponding to the length of the baby's head circumference. The strip is about three centimeters wide.
  2. We cut out two blanks for our oblong ears from the same sheet. We place them symmetrically on our strip of cardboard and fix them with a stapler.
  3. We outline the middle part of each ear with a black marker and paint the middle with a pale pink color.
  4. To make the ears look like real ones, we will use a fluffy cloth. According to the existing template, we cut out two blanks for each ear, sew them along the edges and turn them out. Insert a long loop of hard wire into the middle of each ear.
  5. We fix the free edges of the wire on the hoop. To hide the attachment points, we sew the rim with the same fabric.
  6. The remnants of the fleecy fabric will come in handy to make a little fluffy ponytail for our bunny.