For the development of fine motor skills. Non-traditional methods for the development of fine motor skills in preschool children

The early development of a child always implies, among other things, the development of fine motor skills, that is, teaching him to hold and operate with small objects. There are different ways of developing fine motor skills of hands: each parent is free to choose what suits both him and the child. Below are considered the main nuances associated with the development of fine motor skills, the answer to the question of why you need to develop it is given, and games that will surely captivate your baby are presented.

Why and when do you need to develop fine motor skills?

Scientists have long proven that the development of fine motor skills gives an impetus to the development of speech in a child. Those children with whom mothers regularly play games, who are given a large number of different textured subjects for study, begin to speak earlier than their peers who are denied these entertainments. In addition, such children assimilate information faster (tactile sensations are associated with brain activity), learn more easily, and begin to write faster. Quite often, the development of tactile sensations is used as preparation for school.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the development of fine motor skills in a child should be as early as possible. There are finger games that can be played almost from birth.

How to develop fine motor skills in children of different years?

Each age has its own games. You cannot argue with this statement, so it is important not to rush things and consistently offer the child those toys that correspond to his age.

From birth to six months

At this time, the baby is actively developing tactile skills on its own. Starting from 3-4 months, the child consciously pulls the hands to the toys, feels the rattles, the mother's hands, examines his fingers. You can offer your kid different games.

  • Handle massage - gently knead children's fingers, stroke them, twist gently. You can accompany the process with rhymes and jokes.
  • Give the baby your thumbs up and try to lift the baby up. The more often you do this exercise, the tighter the crumb will grab onto your hands.
  • Offer your baby paper books or plain sheets of paper. Show that they can be ripped, crumpled, twisted.
  • Rattles, balls and ribbed toys are great helpers in early childhood development.

From 7 months to a year

At this time, you can use the same materials and games as up to six months. Several others can be added.

  • Pyramids - they will introduce the child to the concept of size and develop the ability to quickly string rings on a rod.
  • Cereals, beans, pasta - whatever you find in the kitchen. It is important to supervise your child at all times to ensure that no foreign objects are swallowed.
  • Cloth and bags sewn from it with various fillings.
  • Constructor.
  • Cubes.

From one to two years

The number of toys for the development of fine motor skills should be gradually increased. Cereals and bags of grain remain interesting and useful for the game, but the baby is getting older and smarter, so with the existing toys you can come up with new games that require a logical and deliberate approach.

You can also add unusual attributes to the game piggy bank.

  • Water. Ask your child to pour water from one bowl to another, while spilling as little liquid as possible.
  • Laces and lacing.
  • Beads, buttons, clothespins and other household items.
  • Chopsticks.
  • Puzzles and mosaics.
  • Painting.

2 to 3 years old

A three-year-old child is already an integral personality. This is not a baby who pulls everything into his mouth, thus knowing the world. At 2-3 years old with a child, you can play quite serious games that require attentiveness, responsibility, a clear sequence of actions.

  • Working with the test.
  • Finger gymnastics.
  • Origami.
  • Working with scissors and colored paper.

The construction set for children is not only a fashionable toy, but also a wonderful material for learning simple everyday truths, as well as a way to develop intelligence and thinking while playing.

When choosing a constructor, be guided by the rule: the smaller the child, the more details. For the smallest, it is better to purchase a constructor consisting of large elements that will definitely not crawl down the throat of the baby if he wants to taste them.

Constructor games can be different. You can “build” buildings and objects of only certain colors with your child (learning colors), you can invite your child to count the details (learning how to count). One way or another, the designer will develop your child's fine motor skills and improve his intelligence.

Modeling for the development of tactile sensations

Plasticine is known to everyone. This is a universal remedy that is used in kindergartens and at home and allows you to keep your baby busy for a while. Almost all children love to sculpt from plasticine, but further we will not talk about him.

There is a safer, unconventional, but very interesting way to develop fine motor skills in crumbs by sculpting. This is a salty dough. It is prepared very simply and quickly from products that are in any home, and at the same time, salty dough is completely safe (although it is edible, the child is unlikely to eat it). In addition, dough crafts can be saved as a keepsake, since they freeze naturally (or they are baked in the oven), unlike plasticine masterpieces.

Salty dough recipe

You will need:

  • flour - 250 grams;
  • salt - 250 grams;
  • water - 125 ml.

Mix all ingredients and knead the dough. To make it more elastic and not stick to your hands, you can add a spoonful of vegetable oil to it. There are also recipes with the addition of glue, starch and even cream. However, unnecessary delights are useless. The simplest flour and salt dough is great for children's crafts.

Show your child several sculpting techniques: rolling, flattening, kneading, etc. Let the baby work with the whole handle, sculpt small details. This will perfectly develop the flexibility of his fingers and fine motor skills of his hands.

Drawing teaches the kid to hold the brush correctly, which later will help him to quickly and easily master spelling.

For drawing, you can use paints and brushes, pencils and felt-tip pens, crayons and pastels. Or you can invite your kid to draw with his hands! This exercise will also be very useful for developing fine motor skills. But keep in mind that it is better to paint with your fingers using edible paints or, in extreme cases, paints that do not contain harmful substances.

You can create edible paints yourself. Take baby puree or semolina as a basis, and use either food coloring or vegetable and fruit juices as a coloring pigment.

You can start playing finger games from birth. At first, the mother will make the movements with the baby's arms. But soon the baby himself will understand what's what, and will wiggle his fingers in time to the song or rhyme.

Finger games are an excellent exercise that can speed up the development of fine motor skills in the hands, stimulate the brain, and lay the foundation for teaching your child to write.

  1. Finger massage can be done for babies up to 6-7 months old. Mom rubs each finger, saying his name. For example, you can use a nursery rhyme: Get up, Bolshak! Get up, Pointer!

    Get up, Seredka!

    Get up, Orphan,

    And little Eroshka!

    Hello palm!

  2. By the age of one, the child can already understand what is required of him. At this age, my mother acts only as an instructor. She shows the child the basic movements that the child must repeat. As a rule, the baby's fingers represent animals or people. You can also read a rhyme to the baby and make basic movements under it. Clap your hands, pinch your fingers, squeeze your palm into a fist.
  3. A shadow show can be arranged with a child 3 years of age or older. It is better to select spectators from relatives, so that the child would be interested in "rehearsing" the performance. Also, for finger exercises, you can use various objects: nuts, beads, buttons, fabric.

Fine motor toys

For clarity, below is a general list of toys that help develop tactile sense of touch and "teach" the baby's fingers to move in accordance with the nerve impulses of the brain.

  1. The pyramid.
  2. Cubes.
  3. Ribbed rattles.
  4. Balls of different sizes.
  5. Sorter.
  6. Books with convex pictures.
  7. Constructor.
  8. Abacus.
  9. Puzzles.
  10. Labyrinths.
  11. Lace-up frame.
  12. Beads.
  13. Push-button toys.

The development of fine motor skills according to the Montessori method

In the methodology of Maria Montessori, much attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills of the hands. There are many games in her recordings that contribute to this. The most interesting of them are presented below.

"Like an adult"

Give your child a sponge and some dirty cups. Let the baby, imitating her mother, wash the dishes. Does this seem easy to you? It is quite difficult for inflexible children's fingers to keep the cup in the water and not drop it, and such an exercise will also be an excellent training for the flexibility of the fingers and the development of fine motor skills of the hands.


Give the child a sweater, jacket or other thing that has buttons, hooks and other fasteners. You can make a special simulator for your baby: combine several fasteners on one thing. This exercise is useful for fine motor skills and also trains self-care skills.


Take two bowls. Pour peas and buckwheat on the table (pasta and beans - choose any cereals). Have your child sort one from the other and place them in two bowls.

Too much like the task that your stepmother came up with for Cinderella? Perhaps. But such a task is an excellent workout for little children's fingers.

Just don't overdo it. You do not need to force the child to sort out cereals if he is tired of it or he is tired.

Drawing on flour

Pour flour (semolina, sand, sugar) on the table. Offer the baby to paint on a sprinkled surface. The advantage of this drawing is that the drawing can be easily erased and started over.


Take several pieces of fabric with different textures. Wool, chunky knitting, velvet, silk. Invite your child to touch each and describe how they feel.


Ordinary laces are very good at developing fine motor skills in babies. You can purchase a special frame with lacing, or you can teach the baby on the example of his own shoes.


Ask your baby to transfer water from one bowl to another using a regular dishwashing sponge. In this case, the baby should try to get as few drops as possible on the table. This is not only a good finger exercise, but also neatness training.


Scatter small items on the floor and have your child collect them in a bowl or bag. You can also ask your toddler for the color or "name" of each item.


Place multiple items in a hat or opaque bag. The child should feel by touch what is in the bag. Ask the baby to pull out this or that thing. Before doing this, the child will study things with his fingers for a long time.


These and many other exercises and games are designed to develop the child's ability to control their own hands, as well as enrich the list of his skills and abilities, and teach him to think logically.

It is very important to regularly engage with your baby, but not bother him. All lessons should be presented in a playful way.

Fine motor skills affect many important processes in the development of a child: speech abilities, attention, thinking, coordination in space, observation, memory (visual, motor), concentration and imagination.



Development of fine motor skills

at home

Perhaps every modern parent knows about the need to develop fine motor skills. But not everyone finds the time and desire to seriously engage in this funny and useful process. But each skill group needs to be developed at the right time. Children, going to school, often do not know how to hold a pen and tie their shoelaces. So what is the right way to prioritize the pedagogical process?

What is fine motor skills?This is a system of various movements in which the small muscles of the hand are involved. These movements do not develop by themselves; special training is required. If the child's brush is well developed, he will write beautifully, clearly, and easily. But, unfortunately, very often the fingers of the child's hands are weak.

Fine motor skills affect many important processes in the development of a child: speech abilities, attention, thinking, coordination in space, observation, memory (visual and motor), concentration and imagination. The centers of the brain responsible for these abilities are directly connected with the fingers and their nerve endings. This is why finger manipulation is so important.

It is especially important for parents to know how to develop accurate and strong enough finger movements, to activate the work of the hand muscles. There are a number of simple activities that can help develop fine motor skills:

Modeling from clay and plasticine.This is very useful and has a great effect on the development of fine motor skills of the hands, and you can sculpt not only from plasticine and clay. If it's winter in the yard, what could be better than a snow woman or snowball fights. And in the summer you can build a fairytale castle from sand or small stones. Use every opportunity to improve your child's fine motor skills.

Drawing or coloring pictures- a favorite pastime of preschoolers and a good exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands. You need to pay attention to the drawings of the children. Are they diverse? If a boy draws only cars and airplanes, and a girl draws similar dolls, then this is unlikely to have a positive effect on the development of the child's figurative thinking.

Making paper crafts... For example, cutting out geometric shapes with scissors yourself, drawing up patterns, making appliqués. Your child needs to be able to use scissors and glue. Based on the results of such work, you will be able to assess how developed the fine motor skills of the hands and movements of the baby's fingers are. Making crafts from natural materials: cones, acorns, straw and other available materials. In addition to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, these activities also develop the child's imagination and fantasy.

Construction.Develops imaginative thinking, imagination, fine motor skills of hands.

Fastening and unfastening buttons, buttons, hooks.A good workout for fingers, dexterity is improved and fine motor skills of the hands are developed.

Tying and undoing ribbons, laces, knots on the rope.Each such movement has a huge impact on the development of fine motor skills of the baby's hands.

Twisting and unscrewing the lids of cans, bubblesetc. also improves the development of fine motor skills and dexterity of the baby's fingers.

Suction with a pipette of water... Develops fine finger movements and improves general hand motor skills.

Stringing beads and buttons.In summer, you can make beads from mountain ash, nuts, pumpkin and cucumber seeds, small fruits, etc. An interesting activity for the development of imagination, imagination and fine motor skills of hands.

Weaving braids from threads, wreaths of flowers... All kinds of handicrafts: for girls - knitting, embroidery, etc., for boys - chasing, burning, art sawing, etc. Teach your children everything that you can do yourself!

Bulkhead croup. Place in a small saucer, for example, peas, buckwheat and rice and ask the child to sort out. Development of touch, small movements of the fingers.

Ball games, with cubes, mosaics.

Offer children these activities every day! Such a comprehensive training perfectly develops the fine motor skills of the child's hands, and the baby will be well prepared for school, his hand movements will be more confident, school activities will not be so tiring for the child. All of these exercises have threefold benefits for the child:

First, they develop the fine motor skills of his hands, preparing him for mastering writing,

Secondly, they form his artistic taste, which is useful at any age,

Thirdly, children's physiologists argue that a well-developed hand will "pull" the development of intelligence.

Most babies are big fans of grabbing, touching, crushing or tearing. Many parents try to rid their child of these habits, but in vain. Translate the desire of children to act with their hands for the good.

In the process of actions with the fingers, the active work of the speech centers of the child's brain begins. Don't limit your baby. Prepare items that you do not mind, let the child crumple and tear them with pleasure. The finer the pieces are, the better.

You can play with different items. Exercises with cereals, beads, coins perfectly contribute to the formation of fine motor skills. You can play such games with children over three years old and only under the supervision of adults. For babies, manufacturers have already come up with a lot of special soft toys that are filled with small balls inside.

Drawing and modeling

Children's plasticine is an excellent tool for the development of fine motor skills. Prefer a sculpting mass that is made from safe materials, kneads easily and does not dry out. Invite your child to mold a favorite toy, animal, fairytale character. Kids can simply knead the plasticine in their hands, any actions with their fingers with effort help to form speech.

Drawing should be unusual. Try to paint a picture together, not with an ordinary brush, but with your fingers. Even the smallest can do this. Surprisingly, the drawings are no worse. And the benefits of such drawing are much greater.

Toys with laces and buttons

Get ready-made toys equipped with threaded laces and large buttons. While practicing to fasten, unbutton, hit with a button in a loop or a lace in a hole, a child unnoticed for himself trains manual skills. In a playful way, the baby acquires the necessary skills, and the mother - some free time.

Natural material

Children love to collect cones, chestnuts, acorns. Going into nature in autumn, do not forget to collect a lot of forest gifts. At home, be sure to dry all the collected material, put it in an elegant box and put it in the nursery. You may think, but from simple things the kid can come up with many different crafts. Even simple shifting of forest "treasures" from place to place is of great importance.

To develop fine motor skills, it is not at all necessary to buy special benefits, which are not cheap. Scrap materials, used correctly, have the same effect. Turn on your imagination, show your baby how to interact with objects around. Your desire and his curiosity will guarantee the success of the child's future development.

It is widely known that it is very important to develop fine motor skills of the baby's hands. Accurate, coordinated movements of hands and fingers are necessary for a child to function fully: to write, draw, dress, and perform many everyday activities. In addition, scientists have long established that the development of fine motor skills of the hands has a beneficial effect on the child. This is due to the fact that in the brain the nerve centers responsible for the movements of the fingers and hands are in close proximity to the areas of the brain responsible for the development of speech. Therefore, when the motor center is stimulated, the speech center begins to be activated.

So how do you develop fine motor skills? For this, the following lesson options are used:

  • playing with small objects (with beads, laces, locks, etc.);
  • accompanied by funny rhymes or songs;
  • finger massage,

In today's article, I would like to bring to your attention several games with small objects to train the motor skills of your baby's fingers, most of them are easy to do with your own hands. Games are designed for toddlers from 1 year old. See the second part of the games here:

So let's get started

1. Peel a boiled egg

In my opinion, at the age of 1 year, this activity is one of the best for the development of fine motor skills. During this game, wonderful "tweezers" or "plucked" grip develops , the strength of the fingers is being trained. In addition, for the lesson you do not need to buy anything specially, you just need to boil an egg, which is always in the refrigerator.

When I offered my daughter to clean the testicle for the first time, to be honest, I was sure that nothing would work out for us, because she was only a year old! She really did not immediately understand what was required of her, and why peel an egg at all, but when I suggested that she put the shells in a small bowl (because at this age she had a real passion for folding and laying out something), the matter immediately began to argue, it took on meaning for my daughter. Tasia enthusiastically began to cleanse the testicle, but I had to hold it - at the same time, my daughter could not clean and hold the testicle at the same time. Sometimes the shells fell, she carefully lifted them from the table and put them in a bowl. And since the pieces of the shell turned out to be very small, she had to make incredible efforts to grab them. And it seems to me that she acted at the maximum of her motor skills. Such a long retention of attention and interest on very small objects at this age, I observed, perhaps, only in this game.

2. Tear off pieces of adhesive tape glued to the cube

Playing is somewhat similar to peeling an egg. For her, you need to prepare a little and glue strips of adhesive tape on a large cube so that their edges stick out in different directions, and the baby can grab them. It will be much more interesting for the child not only to tear off the tape, but then also stick it somewhere, so for this purpose, prepare a piece of paper or something similar in advance.

3. Unfold items wrapped in foil

Wrap a small toy in foil and invite your toddler to see who is hiding inside the shiny ball. At the same time, leave a small edge of the foil sticking out so that the crumb has something to grab onto.

4. Push coinsin the piggy bank

Pushing small coins into a narrow hole trains motor skills as well as possible. It is not as easy as it seems at first glance - to direct the coin so that it goes into a narrow hole.

5. Choose small items from cereals

I wrote more about this game in, so I will not dwell on it here.

6. To master the twist-off covers and various fasteners: zippers, Velcro, etc.

Important! All lessons with small objects must be carried out under the supervision of adults so that the baby does not put any small detail in his mouth or nose. After class, be sure to remove small items from the baby's reach.

That's all for now. You can subscribe to new blog posts here: Instagram, In contact with, Facebook... Also, be sure to look at the article where 8 more games for the development of fine motor skills for children from 1 year old are published:

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The system of work on the development of fine motor skills in preschool children through various activities



Otto Anna Valerievna

St. Petersburg


  1. Introduction
  2. Theoretical basis
  1. The relationship between the brain and fine motor skills
  2. The problem of the development of fine motor skills in general pedagogical special literature
  1. Conclusion
  2. Used Books
  1. Introduction

"It was not intellectual advantages that made man the master over all living things, but the fact that we alone own our hands is this organ of all organs."

Giordano Bruno

Now it is already known that at the initial stage of life, it is fine motor skills that reflect how a child develops, testifies to his intellectual abilities. Children with poorly developed hand motor skills awkwardly hold a spoon, pencil, cannot fasten buttons, lace up shoes. It can be difficult for them to collect the scattered parts of the constructor, to work with puzzles, counting sticks, mosaics. They refuse sculpting and applications that are loved by other children, do not keep up with the children in the classroom.

Thus, the possibilities for the development of the world by children turn out to be impoverished. Children often feel incapable of basic activities available to their peers. This affects the emotional well-being of the child, his self-esteem. Over time, the level of development of complexly coordinated hand movements in children with speech disorders, insufficient for mastering writing, forms school difficulties.

And, of course, in preschool age, work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part of the development of children's speech, the formation of self-service skills and preparation for writing. His further development depends on how cleverly the child is in learning to control his fingers. Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, and vocabulary develop.

Based on this, I determined the purpose of their work:

Development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements in preschool children through various activities.

In my work, I put the following tasks:

  1. Improve coordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements, hand flexibility, rhythm;
  2. Improve fine motor skills of fingers, hands;
  3. Improve general physical activity;
  4. Promote the normalization of speech function;
  5. Develop imagination, logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity;
  6. Create an emotionally comfortable environment in communication with peers and adults.

To achieve the desired result, it became necessary to make the work regular, using the following forms of work:

Joint activities of the educator with children;

Individual work with children;

Free independent activity of the children themselves.

To develop fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movements, I used different methods and techniques of work:

  1. Finger game training
  • hand massage
  • finger gymnastics, physical education
  • finger games with verses, with tongue twisters
  • finger theater
  • shadow play
  1. Use of TRIZ elements
  • modeling from plasticine and salt dough using natural materials (seeds, cereals, shells, etc.)
  • non-traditional painting techniques: brush, finger, toothbrush, candle, etc.
  • construction: from paper using origami technique, work with the LEGO constructor
  • various types of applications
  1. Development of graphic motor skills
  • stencil drawing
  • hatching
  • completion (according to the principle of symmetry)
  • mazes
  • graphic dictations
  1. Didactic games
  • lacing M. Montessori
  • games with small objects
  • puzzles, mosaics
  1. Theoretical basis
  1. What is fine motor skills and why is it so important for children

The term fine motor skills refers to the coordinated movements of the fingers and hands.

Why is the development of fine motor skills so important for children? The fact is that in the human brain there are centers responsible for speech and movement of the fingers, they are located very close. By stimulating fine motor skills and thus activating the corresponding parts of the brain, we also activate the neighboring areas responsible for speech.

It has been noticed that children making numerous brisk finger movements develop in speech terms clearly faster than others. If you specially train small movements of the hand, the development of speech can be significantly accelerated.

“The origins of children's abilities and talents are at their fingertips,” wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky. This means that the more a child knows how, wants and strives to do with his own hands, the smarter and more inventive he is. After all, at your fingertips there is an inexhaustible "source" of creative thought that "feeds" the child's brain.

Writing is called a basic skill, that is, a skill on which all further learning is practically built, which means that a child who does not master it in time will certainly lag behind in school. That is why the parameter of school maturity is the level of development of the motor skills of the leading hand, which determines the speed and ease of formation of the writing skill. Writing is a complex coordinated skill that requires well-coordinated work of the small muscles of the hand, the entire arm, and proper coordination of the whole body.

In order for a child to easily and successfully study at school, he must speak easily and without stress. And the training of the movements of the fingers, in turn, has a great influence on the development of active speech in the child.

2.2. The relationship between the brain and fine motor skills

The cerebral cortex consists of several parts, each of which is responsible for something. There is a part in the cerebral cortex that determines motor characteristics. The third lobe of this part of the cerebral cortex is occupied by the motor abilities of the hands and is located very close to the speech area of ​​the brain. That is why we can say that if a child's fingers are poorly developed, then his speech will suffer from this and vice versa. In this regard, a number of scientists call the hands "organs of speech", as well as the articulatory apparatus. Therefore, in order for a child to have a well-developed speech, one should train not only the organs of speech, but also fine motor skills.

2.3. The problem of the development of fine motor skills in general pedagogical special literature

The problem of the development of fine motor skills has been studied for a long time. Research by A.A. Sechenov, V.P. Pavlov, A.A. Ukhtomsky, V.P.Bekhterov and others showed the exceptional role of the movements of the motor-kinesthetic analyzer in the development of speech and thinking and proved that the first dominant congenital form of activity is motor ...

According to IP Pavlov: "Speech is, first of all, muscle sensations that go from the speech organs to the cerebral cortex."

V. V. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children are in their fingertips. From them, figuratively speaking, there are the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought. The more confidence and inventiveness in the movement of a child's hand with a tool of labor, the more complex the movements necessary for this interaction, the brighter the creative element of the child's mind. The more skill there is in a child's soul, the smarter the child is. "

Many modern researchers are also of the opinion about the importance of the development of fine motor skills of the hands for the speech development of a child, and they also offer a number of practical exercises for the development of digital motor skills, describe finger games, physical exercises, fairy tale games associated with the development of fine motor skills (M. Ya. Aksenova, O.S. Bot, L. S. Ruzina, V. Kudryavtseva, I. F. Markovskaya, T. A. Tkachenko and others).

T.A. Tkachenko concludes that the inclusion of exercises for the development of finger motor skills in physical education - allows you to stimulate the actions of the speech zones of the brain, which has a positive effect on correcting the speech of children.

V.V. Tsvyntarniy also adheres to the point of view that the development of speech of fine motor skills of hands is associated with the development of speech and contributes to its development, and also offers a number of exercises for working with fingers, with counting sticks, matches.

  1. Description of own work experience

Before starting work, I clearly worked out a plan of how to work, what material to use. She took the game as the basis of her work. For a child, playing in motion is a way of learning about the world. The more meaningful and clearer the children's play movements are, the deeper the acquaintance with the world.

At the beginning of my work, I used diagnostics, in which I determined the degree of dexterity of hands and fingers in children of middle preschool age (4-5 years old). During the diagnosis, I offered the children three types of exercises:

With the ball (hit the floor and catch it in your hands, throw it up and catch it, dribble the ball with one hand)

With a pencil (circle the subject and shade it)

Isolated finger movements

I set myself the following tasks: to improve the coordination of movements of the fingers, to carry out exercises to form self-service skills, to improve the general motor activity of the child.

To achieve the set tasks, I used various forms of work. In the joint activities of the educator with the children, I included goals, the implementation of which requires a systematic setting for the children of a strict sequence of tasks that meets the logic of the development of certain abilities.

In individual work with children, I included tasks for the development of social skills, the development of various types of activities. A microclimate was created, which was based on respect for the personality of a small person, a trusting relationship between a child and an adult.

Free independent activity of children provided an opportunity for self-development of a child who freely chooses an activity that meets his abilities and interests.

Finger games were one of the main methods of work. Finger training was carried out in joint and individual work. This was done in the form of massage (stroking the hands from the fingertips to the wrist) and exercises (flexing and extending each finger separately). Massage is a type of passive gymnastics. The massage has a general strengthening effect on the muscular system, increasing the tone, elasticity and contractility of the muscles.

Also, children were offered massage using natural material (cones, walnuts), hedgehog balls.

The effectiveness and interest in a particular activity increased if finger gymnastics exercises were accompanied by the reading of poetry and nursery rhymes. While listening, the children simultaneously "staged" the content of the material being listened to with the help of finger movements and images of characters, their actions, etc. As the plot material, I used the poems of S. Mikhalkov, S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky and others.

The poems accompanying the exercises are the basis on which the sense of rhythm is formed and improved, a favorable emotional background is created, thanks to which the child is fond of the game and performs movements with interest, which ensures good training of the fingers. The plot of poems and nursery rhymes develops the ability to listen and understand.

I have compiled a card index of games for the development of fine and general motor skills: "Finger gymnastics", "Walking along the paths", "Physical culture minutes".

During the joint and independent activities of the children, I used the finger theater. It gives the child a unique opportunity to be a screenwriter, stage director and actor at the same time. Theatrical performance contributes to the development of not only creativity, but also speech, since it is the fingers that are actively involved in them. Another positive aspect of finger theater is that the child learns in a playful way the spatial concept, as well as the concept of number.

I have made puppets for the finger theater for various Russian folk tales: Teremok, Hare and Fox, etc.

Sculpting activities are also important for strengthening the hands and developing fine and gross motor skills. Sculpting is necessary for the development of sensory and spatial sensations, perception in children. In my work, for modeling, I used plasticine, salted dough; drawing up patterns from seeds, shells. This is painstaking, interesting work that develops attention, improves sensorimotor skills - consistency in the work of the eye and hand, coordination of movements, and their accuracy.

Making paper crafts is also one of the tools for developing small muscles in the hands. This work captivates children, contributes to the development of imagination, constructive thinking. One of the types of paperwork was torn handicrafts. Tearing paper into very small pieces is a good exercise for developing finger strength and fine-motion control skills.

Also, children were attracted by the opportunity to make paper crafts (origami), which they used in games, dramatizations.

In joint activities, I used various non-traditional drawing techniques: padding, hand printing, etc. with a brush, candle, toothbrush. In the process of drawing, children develop not only general ideas, creativity, the emotional attitude to reality deepens, but also elementary graphic skills are formed.

Particular attention was paid to the coloring of the drawings. For this, albums for coloring or blanks were used. Coloring involved several types of shading, which ensure gradual development and strengthening of small muscles of the hand, in working out coordination of movement. To develop the accuracy and confidence in the movement of the hand, I assumed games in which the children needed to draw parallel lines in a certain direction.

In the preparatory group, work was carried out on the development of fine motor skills as preparation of children for writing.

In the senior and preparatory groups, exercises were conducted to develop graphic skills in notebooks in a large cell. Tasks of the following nature were given: orientation on a sheet of paper (graphic dictation); exercises for the development of the eye, adherence to a given interval between figures; correctly depict certain figures, observing the pattern.

There is still an equally fun way to develop a child's graphic skills - tracing a drawing in dots. Children were given blanks with drawings or exercises in the recipes (E. Bortnikova "My first recipes 4-5 years old, 5-6 years old", S. E. Gavrina, N. L. Kutyavin "Preparation for writing"). These exercises were aimed at teaching the child how to performsmooth lines, without tearing from the paper.

In joint activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and in the independent activities of children, I used the technique of plane modeling (drawings made up of a limited number of flat geometric figures), exercises with counting sticks. With these types of activity, observation, memory, thinking and imagination, and ingenuity are developed. Opportunities for creativity of children were offered here: he invented it himself, laid it out himself.

Construction (based on the LEGO constructor) was of great interest for children. Children built numerous and varied buildings. Working with the small details of the constructor, the small muscles of the fingers, imagination, and creative activity are developed. Another interesting activity was picking up a puzzle, stringing beads on a fishing line.

Another technique that I used in my work is playing with small objects (with buttons, peas, beans, chestnuts, etc.). For example, sorting out objects, self-massage with these objects, identifying an object by touch, counting objects by touch.

I have made didactic games for the development of fine motor skills. The game "Count" (correlating the number and the number of objects using a string), the game "Magic beads" (stringing flat geometric figures of various shapes, sizes, colors on a string; laying out figures on a plane, observing a pattern).

Exercises, games for the development of fine motor skills, I combined with various activities. In my work, I took into account the individual characteristics of each child, his psychophysiological development.

At the end of each year, I performed a final diagnosis of the development of hand and hand motor skills. The results showed a positive effect of systematic, complex work on the development of fine motor skills.

Working with parents is one of the most important areas of work. The main task at the initial stage of work with parents is the formation and stimulation of the motivational attitude of parents to work with their children. I used visual slide folders on the topics: "Finger gymnastics", "First steps in mastering writing." Consultations were prepared for teachers and parents, reflecting topical issues of the development of fine motor skills of a child in a preschool educational institution and in a family.

  1. Conclusion

Thus, in order for the result of the work to be effective, it is necessary to use a variety of techniques and methods of work to form fine movements of the fingers. I see the results of my work in the manifestation of children's interest in various types of activities.

The outstanding teacher Maria Montessori argued that finding a way to teach a child to do work before he started the work itself, that is, to prepare movements with the help of repeated exercises. She also wrote that "a child, taking on things that he does badly, dulls his sensitivity to his own mistakes, while one must remember that the child's first impression is the brightest and strongest."

Therefore, I try to provide children with the opportunity to experience the pleasure of the creative process, from the fact that he did something himself, I teach that any work and any action can be done with interest.

In the future, I will continue to look for new methodological techniques that will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of hands, general motor skills, independence, which will form interest in various types of activity.

Used Books

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