Whitening the face with. How to effectively and quickly whiten facial skin at home

Every time before an important event, a girl thinks about how to guarantee her face whitening at home in one day. You shouldn't spend a lot of money on beauty products that promise stunning and instant skin whitening effects. After all, you can whiten your face no less effectively without investing a lot of money. Mixtures and lotions made from natural ingredients gently affect the pigmented areas, bringing youth and health.

Miracle solution

Hydrogen peroxide is the most effective and inexpensive means for whitening in one day. The face miraculously becomes lighter, and the skin becomes clear. To brighten the face, use 3% hydrogen peroxide. A strong concentration of the substance can dry out the skin or leave burns.

A popular way to quickly whiten your face at home using peroxide is to use the active ingredient in cosmetic masks.

A sensitivity test should be performed before the actual procedure. To do this, a few drops of the mixture are applied to the elbow bend. If irritation does not appear, then the composition can be safely applied.

Peroxide and yeast

Mix dry yeast and peroxide in equal proportions. Apply gruel for 10 minutes. Then rinse the mask with water, and spread the cream on the face. This formulation is ideal for normal to dry skin.

Sour milk savior

Mix in a container:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 2 teaspoons of high fat cottage cheese;
  • 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

Apply for 15 minutes. Thanks to the yolk content in the recipe, the face becomes soft and tender.

Fragrant citrus

If you need to whiten your face quickly, lemon will do it gently and effectively. All women who have blonde hair or annoying pigmentation. For the skin, lemon juice is useful in that it is not only able to whiten the face in one day, but also even out the color, and also reduce the likelihood of acne.

The easiest way to get rid of freckles is to rub your face with lemon

At home, you can use both lemon slices, rubbing the skin, and prepare excellent brightening masks.

Honey and lemon

Mix equal amounts of honey, lemon juice and olive oil. Dip a cotton pad in the resulting composition and massage your face with it for a while. Do not rinse for 10 minutes.

Tandem with protein

Beat 1 egg with a few teaspoons of lemon juice. Apply and wait until it dries completely. Rinse off residues with water.

Plain soda

Who would have known that the most affordable "bleach" in one day is baking soda. It is in every home, and its application is wide enough.

The easiest way

To instantly whiten your face at home, you need to do a simple procedure. To do this, a damp cotton pad is dipped in soda and begin to wipe the face with gentle movements. It should be remembered that the component is able to dry out the upper layers of the epidermis. Therefore, it is better to use soda for owners oily skin.

Double effect

An effective way to brighten your face in one day is a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. The following ingredients must be mixed:

  • 4 teaspoons sour cream;
  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda;
  • 2-3 drops of peroxide.

Apply for 5 minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse your face.

Speedy whitening

Sometimes girls not knowing how to bleach dark spots on the face before an important event in one day, rely on expensive cosmetics. Bringing only disappointment, magic jars usually end up in the far corner of the shelf. Boric acid, which you can buy at the pharmacy, will be a worthy and effective substitute at home.

Boric acid powder is not recommended to be used as an independent product due to its strong action. But to use it as a component of lightening masks is always “for”. Moreover, in addition to whitening properties, the powder is also an antiseptic, which allows you to get rid of skin rashes for a long time.

Cucumber power

The enhanced formula of this recipe is in the interaction of the strongest whitening products: boric acid and fresh cucumber. A vegetable of short length is finely rubbed and half a teaspoon of powder is added. The container in which the mixture is located must be heated in a water bath. Warm gruel is spread on cheesecloth, after which they cover her face. Stand for 15 minutes.

Not just porridge

Oatmeal is always at hand. It is not only cooked for breakfast, but also used as effective method how to whiten your face guaranteed at home in one day. The most popular whitening recipe is a face mask.

To prepare a brightening mask, you can take a regular tomato, after chopping it in mashed potatoes

Tomato and oatmeal

Mix natural tomato juice with oatmeal until pasty. Apply to face and rinse off after the mixture begins to dry.

The composition will not only whiten in one day, but also even out the tone. Oatmeal shows excellent results on tanned skin with uneven convergence of tan.

Lightening greens

Parsley was also used by our mothers when they wanted to whiten their face at home in one day. Useful green leaves are used to prepare gruel, decoctions, and even rub freckles with frozen cubes of parsley juice. The most effective method is rubbing your face with a tonic.

Homemade lotion

Pour 2 teaspoons of finely chopped parsley into a glass of hot water. Put the container with the composition on low heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Once the lotion has cooled, rub it over the face along the massage lines.

Whitening compress

An alternative option to what else you can whiten pigmented skin in a day is to apply a compress. If the face is covered with freckles, then you can achieve their lightening with the help of an interesting lotion.

50 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 2 ml of ammonia are mixed in a container. Cotton pads or a piece of gauze are soaked with the prepared solution, left on the face for 10 minutes. To achieve a good result, it is permissible to apply a similar compress twice a day.

Usage caveats

Choosing from many ways how to whiten your skin at home in one day, you should know some rules for their use. This will save the delicate covers from unwanted consequences.

Compliance with precautions is the key to an excellent result

  1. Brightening masks should not be used during high sunlight activity. The clarification procedure is best done in autumn or winter.
  2. In order not to dry the skin, it is necessary to combine "bleaches" with natural moisturizers: aloe juice, cucumber, hyaluronic acid.
  3. It is advisable to use special care products with sunscreen filter.
  4. Homemade products should not be stored for a long time or left for future use. So they are lost beneficial features and, accordingly, efficiency.
  5. When using any formulation, sensitive areas should be avoided.
  6. If you need to whiten your face from age spots for a long time, it is allowed to carry out a course of procedures, which consists in alternating masks of various compositions and lightening lotions.

Looking for another way to whiten your face at home, you should pay attention to a very available ingredients that are always at hand. Natural ingredients in the composition of brightening masks will help to gently and safely lighten pigmented skin in one day.

Despite the fact that tanning is now very fashionable in the beauty industry, the porcelain whiteness of the dermis looks much more aristocratic and neat. We propose to consider how to whiten the skin at home, how you can quickly act on the swarthy dermis, as well as healthy recipes beauty to relieve redness after sunburn.

How to whiten your face

At home, old recipes are often used, because folk remedies can very quickly and effectively affect any dermis, regardless of its color.

Video: whitening facial skin from age spots

Whitening of hands and feet

If it is not as difficult to achieve aristocratic whiteness on the face as it seems, then it is very difficult to whiten the inflamed skin on the elbows, knees, or even more so on the heels. It is necessary to act in a complex, more harsh way.

  • Make a paste by mixing banana puree, warm liquid flower honey, lemon juice and margarine. Apply the mixture, cover them with a breathable natural fabric bandage, say, cotton, bandage or gauze. Work cotton gloves or socks may be worn for use on the palms and feet. In the morning, remove the compress, remove the rest of the mass with a paper towel.
  • Korean women to whiten the heels after leather shoes often use cabbage broth. According to reviews, the active elements of this vegetable have a very positive effect on hardened skin. The layer of dead cells is removed, the upper part of the epidermis is softened. For a liter of water, you will need from 5 to 10 leaves, soaring for about 20 minutes. You can repeat it every day, if desired, mix citrus juice into the solution, which contains acid that can whiten any rough areas.
  • Blackened skin on your knees can be quickly bleached and exfoliated by rubbing these areas with mashed mango and potatoes. Potatoes contain starch, which is known for its bleaching and tightening properties. We grind one fruit and half a vegetable, mix, if desired, you can add a spoonful of milk. Apply in a thick layer overnight, leave until morning.
  • To remove frayed, brown skin on your heels, elbows, or palms, mix two tablespoons of sugar, lemon juice, and olive oil. This will create an oily abrasive mixture. Rub intensively over problem areas, after which you need to leave the mixture for another 20 minutes.

Photo - Whitening of hands before and after

Whitening of the body and armpits

To whiten your skin after sunburn intimate places and not only (underarms, bikini, abdomen) from an unnatural color, at home various improvised means are used that contain mild acids that act directly on the middle layers of the epidermis.

  1. To whiten darkened skin, use simple petroleum jelly. It adheres well to the dermis, is inexpensive and known for its high efficiency. But this option is not suitable for girls with oily skin, because the substance clogs the pores, prevents the sebaceous glands from working normally. Repeat no more than 2-3 times a month.
  2. To get rid of pigmentation on the body, you need to regularly scrub the dermis. A remedy made from corn flour has worked well. Mix corn flour with egg white, apply to décolleté, thighs, abdomen, buttocks. After an hour, the mixture will completely solidify, a dense layer will form, which will help you get rid of scars, wrinkles, moles, acne. Use no more than once a week.
  3. An excellent cream that whitens skin all over the body, even from self-tanning, can be prepared using lemon juice, baby moisturizer, glycerin and sugar. Dilute 1 spoon of sugar in lemon juice, stir until dissolved, then mix with three tablespoons of cream and an ampoule of glycerin (5 grams). Apply to the whole body after shower, do not rinse. This remedy will soothe the sensitive dermis, help dry it to saturate with moisture, and remove dark spots.

Photo - Lightening armpits

To lighten the body in certain areas, you can use citric acid... For a spoonful of powder, we need half a spoonful of mineral water, stir it. The result is a very acidic solution, and we call it dark spots. This method is not suitable for dry skin, but it will be a real boon for combination skin.

How to whiten between the legs

The whitening product for the inner thighs should be very gentle but powerful. Hydrogen peroxide helps a lot. It is necessary to dilute a spoonful of the drug with camphor oil, apply with a cotton swab, leave for 40 minutes.

If you suffer from pimples on the buttocks, then you can use a small amount of synthomycinic acid, it is known for its ability to remove red spots after acne on the neck, face, thighs, chest. This method can also effectively get rid of expression lines under the eyes, in the area of ​​the eyelids and mouth.

Photo - Light skin of the body

Many people advise to wipe the pigmented skin on the thighs with honey and warm milk. In a glass of milk, dilute two tablespoons of honey, dilute, wipe the desired areas twice a day. You can repeat it every day.

In order to wipe your dignity, it is recommended to use fatty kefir. This solution not only has an excellent effect on the female microflora, it also dries and brightens the skin. You can also add to it essential oils orange, grapefruit, lemon or thyme, provided that there is no allergy.

Japanese women used this recipe in a different way. To whiten your skin as effectively as possible, you need to add rice, rice extract or rice milk to the milk. Apply, do not rinse. According to representatives traditional medicine, this method will help not only to lighten special areas, but also to normalize the condition combination skin, eliminate the causes of acne, acne.

Special recipes

To cleanse the face of age spots and freckles, you can use a decoction with bay leaves. 10 leaves are taken for 200 grams. For pallor, you need to wash with broth 2 times a day. The product can be used even during pregnancy.

It will take a lot of time and patience to whiten a yellowed nail plate from nicotine. It is best to use salicylic acid. If your nails are brittle, you can buy an ointment. Apply the selected product to the yellow side.

Zinc ointment will help to whiten the skin around the nails from nicotine stains; it acts as if from the inside on the cells, displacing the tar from them. Lubricate your fingers once a day. Many of the advice of cosmetologists regarding the whitening of the dermis after smoking is based on this particular drug.

To get rid of burn marks, ordinary parsley will help. Rub one bunch in mashed potatoes. Apply to the damaged area, leave for 30 minutes, repeat every day. This mask will also get rid of red skin on the eyes, blackheads and blackheads on the lips.

Photo - Whitening against age spots

Many whitening products contain hydroquinone, which is extracted from pink salmon. This composition will be harmful for girls who are allergic to fish, so be careful. To prepare an ointment after injuries, mix pink salmon meat, honey and milk. Spread the paste on teeth and nails, leave for 20 minutes, use small doses (2-3 grams). It will not only relieve the yellowed dermis of the ugly color, but will also speed up the healing process.

Photo - Lemon for clarification

To whiten problem skin of the face, dissolved Apple vinegar... For a glass of mineral water, you need two tablespoons of vinegar. With this solution, wash once a day with oily dermis, once every three days with dry. If this method is not suitable due to personal intolerance, you can wipe the face of currants or radish juice.

With improvised means, you can whiten your skin after an allergy at any age, for example, with lemon. You will need sour cream, lemon and cosmetic essential oils (the forum claims that it is best to use almond or lemon). Mix everything in equal parts, leave for 20 minutes, repeat every three days.

Chamomile flowers have proven themselves well; they whiten not only the skin, but also the hair. Boil the broth: a glass of water + three tablespoons of dried flowers. To enhance the result, add blue clay into the solution. For one spoon of liquid, two tablespoons of the mineral. Leave to dry.

Professional remedies

If natural options do not suit you, then doctors can effectively whiten problem skin using iontophoresis. It is a little expensive (in Cheboksary up to 500 rubles per session, and in Moscow - up to 700), but there is a guarantee for a long-term effect. The validity period is about a month. Ask the cosmetologists in your city how much this procedure costs in their salon. When rinsing, avoid intense friction, it is better to wet the clay with a washcloth, and then carefully remove the remnants of the mask.

Often, age spots are removed using laser peeling, but here a lot depends on the cause of their appearance. Similarly, you can use chemical peeling fruit acids.

Also, whiten your face will help you professional cosmetics... The brands Mary Kay, CS2, Negru produce whole lines for lightening the epidermis. But, of course, in the shortest possible time to spend required action is possible only if an integrated approach is used.

Attention! The information on the site cannot be used as a basis for a diagnosis or initiation of self-medication! No site can replace a visit to a doctor. Do not self-medicate based on information on the Internet, it is dangerous!

Faced with the problem of age spots and redness, girls ask themselves the question: how to whiten their face effectively and quickly at home?

it complex issue, because each such situation will require an individual approach.

The problem of age spots can be caused by inflammation or residual effects after acne, someone wants to get rid of freckles, and someone from sunburn or sunburn.

In such cases, you can whiten age spots relatively quickly, or at least reduce their severity.

But if age spots have arisen as a result of diseases, then the problem must be eliminated at the root, and it may not be possible to correct the defect only with cosmetics. In this case, you need an integrated approach and a doctor's consultation.

Most often, skin pigmentation is inherited. Freckled or dark skin can be a gift from parents or grandparents.

But there are also acquired reasons for the appearance of age spots or a pronounced color of the skin.

It can be caused by hormonal changes, for example, women develop spots on their skin during pregnancy, and during puberty, many teenagers suffer from acne and pimples on their skin.

Elderly people are also prone to the formation of age spots on the skin due to age-related changes.

With diseases of the liver or biliary tract, the skin becomes yellow. The color of the skin and the appearance of acne can be affected by helminthic invasion, intoxication, vitamin deficiency, gastrointestinal diseases or the use of certain medications.

The most common problem is age spots on the skin after treatment of some skin diseases(eczema, pyoderma) or after wounds, burns or acne.

Such stains have long been effective in removing whitening products at home. Home treatments are more gentle than salon treatments, but at the same time, they require long-term and regular skin care. For this, masks and peels are used.

If a permanent effect is to be achieved, then all facial care (moisturizing, nourishing, cleansing and protecting) must be carried out taking into account the desired brightening effect.

You need to use special bleaching agents, many of which can be made by hand.

Lightening the face with lotions and peels

If you want to whiten your face and achieve a long-lasting effect, you should make it a habit to use whitening products every day.

Cleansing procedures should be carried out using a whitening lotion, which should be used every day, morning and evening.

You can make your own lotion using the recipes below.

Lotion with cucumber tincture has not only a whitening effect on age spots, but also helps with acne.

It effectively dries out the skin, reduces inflammation and makes pigmented areas of the skin less pronounced.

To prepare a lotion with cucumber tincture, you need to cut the vegetable into small pieces and fill it with vodka, after which the liquid should be kept in a dark place for 10 to 12 days.

The resulting infusion is filtered, freeing from pieces of cucumber.

It can be stored for a long time and is suitable for both cleansing the skin and whitening acne spots. If the skin of the face is dry, then you can gradually add lotion to the cream.

Milk-based whitening products are often used for the face. For example, to brighten the face, rub it with milk diluted in half with water, after which the milk lotion is not washed off.

Another lotion is based on sour milk. The face is wiped several times with a tampon moistened with milk, after which the skin is rinsed with a weak saline solution and moistened with cream

Regular care, in addition to the usual daily facial cleansing, includes peeling - deep cleansing of the face.

This treatment is designed to effectively remove dead skin cells, unclog pores and make skin pigmentation and blemishes (from acne or others) less pronounced. Peeling is carried out 1-2 times a week.

Homemade whitening products are quite gentle on the skin. For peeling, finely ground almond seeds, coffee, bran or oatmeal are used.

To obtain effective means for a brightening scrub, it is enough to mix the above ingredients with sour cream or natural yogurt.

Another option for homemade whitening scrub is made with salt (regular or sea salt).

For this, a small amount of it is mixed with olive oil... Lemon juice is added to the resulting salted oil mixture.

The use of such a peeling will not only whiten the skin, but also make it more elastic and nourish it with vitamins.

A similar scrub is applied to the face with gentle massage movements and kept on the skin for about 5 to 10 minutes.

You can wash it off with plain cool water, or you can use a cooled dandelion broth mixed with lemon juice, grapefruit or cucumber juice.

Skin whitening with masks

The most popular method of bleaching the skin from age spots is the use of masks.

Before using such products, the face should first be cleaned of dirt or makeup. To do this, you can apply the lotions described above.

Masks are used with the same frequency as scrubs - 1 or 2 times a week.

Natural masks can be used regularly or in courses of 3 months with interruptions, depending on the characteristics of the pigmentation of the facial skin.

The whitening mask is applied for 15 - 20 minutes, after which it can be removed with a swab or a special spatula.

There are many recipes for every skin type. To find the best options for yourself, how to whiten your skin, sometimes you need to try many masks with different compositions.

Often recipes based on fermented milk products are used to whiten stains. Masks based on cottage cheese are suitable for any skin.

In one embodiment, curd is mixed with milk to a creamy mass and diluted with salt. In another recipe, curd is mixed with parsley juice.

Another option involves using a mixture of cottage cheese with chopped dandelion - this mask is advised for lightening freckles.

Milk-based masks are also made. To prepare one such mask, you need to mix milk powder with honey and lemon juice.

In another "dairy" recipe, dry milk is replaced with regular milk, and salt and starch are added instead of lemon juice. The mask is applied in layers, but during aging, it should not be allowed to dry out.

You can also hide stains with a simple but mouth-watering banana and sour cream mask. Banana should be grated and mixed with sour cream.

For oily skin, a hydrogen peroxide mask is recommended. It is suitable for solving problems with hyperpigmented areas on the face, for example, after acne.

To make it, you need to dilute the yeast with a 3% peroxide solution. The mixture should acquire the consistency of sour cream.

To prepare another yeast whitening mask, they must be mixed with lemon juice or red currant juice.

After applying the mask, it is better to wipe the face with lotion or apply a herbal compress for a while and moisturize the skin with essential oil.

These masks are best used in the evening, as the skin becomes vulnerable to the sun's rays. It is recommended to conduct courses of 10 masks, periodically changing their composition.

Skin and ultraviolet

As mentioned above, ultraviolet light has a detrimental effect on the skin. It provokes premature aging and can cause changes in skin pigmentation.

CosNaturalness is the main trend of our time. Artificial tanning is no longer in vogue, and you will not see a lot of makeup on girls' faces so often. But to achieve natural beauty it takes a lot of effort. A healthy and even complexion is what many beauties dream of today. To accomplish this, you can contact a beautician, but it is quite possible to whiten your skin at home.

Who Needs Whitening Products?

There are many reasons to think about how you can lighten your face at home, but the most common ones are:

  • spots, freckles, lentigo on the face;
  • too strong tan;
  • dark skin from birth;
  • slightly gray or yellow complexion;
  • pigmentation that appears during pregnancy;
  • acne or acne scars;
  • scars after surgery.

To keep your skin fair, follow these simple guidelines:

  • Avoid strong natural tanning and tanning beds.
  • In the summer, avoid direct exposure to sunlight, wear hats with a visor or wide brim.
  • Use a cream with an SPF filter of at least 15 all year round. Although the sun does not warm in the cold season, ultraviolet light still has a negative effect.
  • Give up bad habits. It has long been proven that smoking produces a yellow skin tone.
  • Remember that even in the absence of problems in the form of, for example, unwanted pigmentation, you still need to deal with the prevention of their appearance, because it is easier to prevent the problem than to fix it later.

How to use whitening products

Lightening the skin of the face is a procedure that requires a special approach. If you are interested in how to whiten your face at home, then take note of some recommendations:

  • It is better to carry out whitening in the evening, when you are no longer going to leave the house, as the skin becomes sensitive and may slightly redden when you go outside. In addition, contact with the sun's rays immediately after the procedure can cause skin burns.
  • Before the procedure, you need to cleanse the skin of the face and remove dead skin cells with a scrub.
  • To obtain a good result, a course of procedures is required. As a rule, it stretches for a month or two (subject to a session 1-2 times a week).
  • There are contraindications that do not allow whitening: if there are injuries, inflammations, unhealed wounds or stitches on the face, if the skin of the face is very sensitive or severely dehydrated.
  • After the procedure, apply to the skin nutritious cream, in order to avoid overdrying, and with dry skin of the face, it is better to completely abandon the use of some products.

Lightening agents

There are several methods that can be used to whiten your face at home. These include:

  • applying masks;
  • the use of lotions;
  • rubbing with lotions and broths.

It will be useful to familiarize yourself with some recipes that can both lighten the skin of the face and prevent the appearance of pigmentation and other problems.

Lemon remedies

Lemon is perhaps the most well-known face skin whitener. How to brighten your face with this fruit? Funds made from this citrus fruit dry out, therefore they are more suitable for oily skin types, however, in combination with nutritious products, they can also be used for skin prone to dryness.

  • Mix half a lemon with liquid honey (1 tsp), add a little ground oatmeal for a thicker consistency. Apply the mask to the face for 15 minutes.
  • Mix lemon juice with sour cream (1: 1) and add potato starch... Keep on face for 20 minutes.
  • Beat the white of one egg, add lemon juice, 10 g of powdered sugar and a tablespoon of boiled water. Mix everything and apply on face for 10 minutes.
  • Lotion with lemon juice. Mix lemon juice, glycerin and vinegar in equal proportions, moisten gauze in the resulting composition and apply on face for 20 minutes.

Products with fermented milk products

If you are thinking about how to bleach sensitive skin, then fermented milk products are what you need.

  • The rubbed cottage cheese and honey will provide whitening of the skin, on which the first signs of aging have already appeared. It is enough to hold a mixture of these ingredients on your face for 15 minutes.
  • Kefir lotions are made without adding other products, this product alone is capable of providing a whitening effect. The procedure can be carried out twice a day for 20 minutes.

Berries for skin lightening

In the berry season, do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of the gifts of nature, since there is nothing easier and more useful than lightening your face at home using juicy berry products.

  • Mix viburnum, red currant or cranberry puree with honey in equal proportions. Apply for 15 minutes.
  • The mashed strawberry mask is also applied for a quarter of an hour.
  • Blackberry and milk powder puree should be applied to problem areas for 5 minutes daily until the desired result is obtained.
  • Gauze dipped in blackcurrant juice should be applied to age spots to lighten.

Cucumber remedies

Cucumber gives a lightening effect not so quickly, but it is guaranteed and beneficial for the skin.

  • Mix a teaspoon of cucumber puree, the same amount of lemon juice and half a tablespoon of sour cream and apply on your face for 15 minutes.
  • Freshly grated cucumber can be added to a regular face cream, you get a good nourishing and moisturizing mask that provides whitening of the skin of the face.
  • Cucumber lotion. Mix cucumber juice and milk in equal proportions and wipe dry and sensitive skin with fresh lotion every day.

Fruit remedies

Fruit is useful not only to eat, but also to use them externally. Here are the healthiest recipes:

Mask. Mash the melon pulp thoroughly and apply on face for 15 minutes.

  • Mix a tablespoon of grated orange zest and liquid honey and spread the mixture over the face, gently patting. Massage a little and leave for 3 minutes.
  • Lotion made from grapefruit juice.

Soda remedies

With the help of soda, you can both quickly whiten your face and get rid of scars and post-acne at home.

  • Mix baking soda with water until a slurry is obtained and apply to problem areas for 5 minutes. This mask can be done daily until the desired effect is achieved.
  • Mix soda with natural soap(made in oil). Apply the resulting foam to the face, massage gently and leave for 3 minutes. Wash off with cool water.
  • Mix baking soda with natural yogurt in a 1: 2 ratio. Apply the mixture for 5 minutes.
  • Pour a pinch of baking soda with four teaspoons of water and apply lotions for problem areas.

Parsley is one of the best and most affordable face lightening products:

Parsley mask. Mix a tablespoon of parsley and lemon juices with the same amount of liquid honey. The exposure time to the skin is a quarter of an hour.

Parsley broth. Pour boiling water over the parsley sprigs and leave for 12-15 hours. Wipe your face with a cotton pad daily.

Essential oils as bleach

Essential oils can be used for lightening if added to night cream or make compresses. The most popular whitening essential oils are:

  • mint;
  • oregano;
  • rosemary;
  • eucalyptus;
  • sandalwood.

Herbs for face whitening

Medicinal herbs can do a lot. They cleanse, moisturize, tone and whiten the face well.

  • You can wipe your face in the morning with an ice cube made from a decoction of mint or chamomile.
  • A decoction of mint with lemon juice will help lighten the skin. The first results will appear after a few washes.
  • It is useful to wash your face daily with celandine infusion. To prepare it, you need to brew the herb (1 tbsp. L.) In a glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. It is necessary to store the infusion in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Now you know how to whiten your face yourself without harming your wallet. Be irresistible and happy regardless of the season and weather outside the window. Then the reflection in the mirror will always smile at you, and the clean, even, porcelain skin of the face will look stunning without a gram of makeup.

Beautiful snow-white skin is every woman's dream. Acne and age spots often disfigure her. Only a few can effectively take care of the face. Sunburn is not for everyone, and the harm from it is often much more than good. It is possible to lighten the cover by applying cosmetics for sunburn, age spots, acne marks, using masks.

Snow-white skin does not tolerate ultraviolet rays. For a less intense tan, you can use professional products. It is better to get it at the pharmacy. The more the filter is indicated on the tube, the more effective the protection from ultraviolet rays, the lighter the skin after their application.

There are all kinds of sunscreens:

  • cream;
  • sprays;
  • milk from sunburn.

When choosing, in addition to the price, one should be guided by the composition, an indication of what type the product is intended for. It is quite possible to lighten the face only with correct, regular use.

1. The most inexpensive are brand creams sunlight... The sun protection factor or SPF (Sun Protection Factor) ranges from 2 to 100. Most high level provides SPF 100. The skin will not accept sunburn with this filter.

2. Nivea enjoys well-deserved popularity. To achieve the effect, the drugs must be repeatedly applied to the face.

3. Ambre Solaire (a French brand produced in France and Poland) produces a line of cosmetics with sunscreen action.

4. The drug manufacturer KRKA also launches the Vitaskin line of cosmetics, which undergoes rigorous testing and gains the well-deserved trust of customers.

Expensive cosmetics series are represented by brands:

  • Vichy;
  • Bioderma (has a healing effect);
  • Uriage (contains minerals);
  • Lierac (a well-known French company).

For optimal results, tanning preparations should be applied every time you go out in the sun, lubricating your face about 30 minutes before walking. On the beach, reapply after every swim.

Cosmetics for age spots

Whitening your face at home is not an easy task. Cosmetics for contains chemicals. Before using it, you need to study the composition. Under the influence of hydroquinone, the skin can be damaged. It is recommended to use products with its content no more than 2-3 months.

The most famous foreign brands:

  • Danne;
  • Lacrima;
  • Decleor.

Popular Russian brands:

  • Tekhkon (line Your Lordship);
  • Floresan (White flax series).

Biocon cream, cream and face mask are also in great demand. Grandmother Agafia's recipes, cream Before and after brand Twins Tek, Eveline products, Badyaga Forte cream mask. All of them are great for whitening age spots within a week of use.

Cosmetics for acne blemishes

To prevent the appearance of spots after acne, you never need to squeeze them out. The presence of acne is the result of endocrine disorders in the body or inadequate hygienic care. The skin is sensitive to temperature fluctuations, changes in air humidity, and atmospheric pollution. Treatment of acne should be carried out in stages, in a comprehensive manner. It is necessary to regulate nutrition, the work of the intestines, the endocrine system.

There is a mass cosmetics, which will help to quickly whiten the face after acne, lighten the skin at home.

They contain ingredients:

  • salicylic and glycolic acids;
  • ichthyol;
  • zinc.

Usually acne without marks disappears within a week of treatment.

Simple but very effective recipe to remove spots after acne - this is badyag and 3% hydrogen peroxide. To prepare a healing composition, it is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of badyaga with a few drops of peroxide until a mushy mixture is obtained. This product is applied to problem areas and kept for 15 minutes, after which the spots quickly peel off.

Gels Contratubex (which contains onion extract, allantoin and giperin) and Zenerit (erythromycin, zinc) have shown themselves well in the fight against hyperpigmentation after acne. This is what they say positive reviews women who used them.

A cheap and effective method of getting rid of traces of acne is the use of synthomycin ointment, which is a mixture castor oil and an antibiotic. It is great for treating the breakouts themselves and also helps to effectively whiten acne spots.

Folk remedies

At home, every housewife has products that will help brighten the face. Perfectly whitens dairy and lactic acid products. Remember the famous recipe for Cleopatra's bath when the queen bathed in milk and honey.

1. The skin of the face becomes lighter after a mask of sour cream or kefir.

2. Mask of dry yeast and grapefruit is easy to prepare at home. Composition:

  • 20 g dry yeast;
  • 2 tablespoons of grapefruit juice.

The resulting gruel is applied to the pigmented areas and kept for 15-20 minutes.

3. Recipe for cottage cheese-strawberry mask: add a few grated ripe strawberries to the cottage cheese. Apply the resulting mixture on the face for 30 minutes.

4. The skin of the face is brightened with regular use of the oatmeal mask. They are diluted in water and kept until swollen for 15-30 minutes. The finished mass is applied to the face. Acne also disappears under its influence.

5. If you grate 1 cucumber, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and sour cream, you get a wonderful recipe for whitening at home.

You can fantasize a lot to get new types of brightening masks. The main thing is that the components are well tolerated, do not cause irritation.

In addition to cosmetic and folk remedies that help lighten the skin, you need to follow a few simple rules:

1. Less exposure to the sun. Use sunscreens.

2. Make sure that the diet has a sufficient amount of acids (folic, ascorbic). It was found that they contribute to a decrease in the production of melanin, a pigment due to which the skin acquires a dark color. Folic acid is found in a large number in the green part of plants (onions, parsley, dill, lettuce, sorrel, spinach). Ascorbic acid is abundant in sauerkraut, currants, rose hips, apples, gooseberries, and other fresh fruits and berries.

3. For a more lasting effect, you can visit beauty salons which offer professional whitening.

4. From physiotherapy, microcurrent therapy helps to brighten the face. Thanks to the action of weak electrical impulses, the work of the lymphatic and blood vessels improves, and sunburn is reduced. The course of treatment is 6-7 procedures. Skin covering rejuvenates, shines after these procedures.

The main thing is to remember that universal recipe, to lighten the face, has not yet been invented. Snow-white skin is not so much a natural gift as the result of painstaking daily care.