What is the best dress for traveling? What to wear on a long journey

Tell me what you can take with you in hand luggage and how best to dress on the plane?
Thanks, Olesya.

Any girl strives to look stylish and elegant in any situation. But sometimes comfort is of particular importance, for example, when traveling. After all, you have to move a lot, and even with a heavy suitcase. The most pressing problem is what to take with you if you are expected to fly. It is necessary to think over only e or business trips, but also what to wear on the plane in order to be able to relax.

When choosing a set of clothes for traveling, you should think about the airport. Shoes must allow for easy movement or waiting in line for check-in. The main requirement for her is to give up heels altogether or choose a model with a low, stable heel. You also need to take into account the fact that you will have to go through security checks before the flight. The best choice is moccasins, loafers, or flats.

Clothing should also be comfortable. It should not have any metal rivets, spikes or other decorations, as they make it difficult to pass through the metal detector.

How to choose clothes for a flight

After passing all the inspections, the next test is to be - the plane. What you can take with you in hand luggage is strictly regulated by the rules. Therefore, in order not to forget anything, you need to take care in advance. Remember, the plane is characterized by low humidity and temperature.

In order for a flight, especially a long one, to leave only pleasant impressions, it is worth taking care that the clothes are loose, do not restrict movement, do not press anywhere. Airplane pressure changes put more pressure on your veins, so tight, tight-fitting jeans won't be very comfortable. Due to tight clothing, the stomach may swell, so the top should also be free. It is recommended to choose a kit that does not provide for wearing a belt. You can pay attention to trousers and skirts with a loose elastic band, complementing them with a tunic or a loose shirt. Deep neckline, short length, thin straps falling from the shoulders - all these details will not let you relax in the chair. Of course, they need to be abandoned, and dress more practical.

We take a stole and choose shoes

Any plane is equipped with air conditioning, so it can be cool. To protect yourself from drafts and a lack of blankets, you should take a long sleeve or stole with you. You should not dress too warmly, because you can not guess with the internal temperature. It is necessary to think over the image so that at any time it is easy to take off or put on something.

It is recommended to choose a non-staining color of the kit for the aircraft. After all, a long journey will not give freshness to any clothes. In addition, any incident can happen, for example, some tea or coffee will break through. Another important point - the outfit should be made of wrinkle-resistant fabric. Otherwise, as a result of a long sitting, he will lose his shape. For flights, knitwear or cotton with elastane are suitable.

Shoes are better to choose time-tested. High unstable heels should be avoided. As well as from numerous laces and fasteners, it is good if the shoes are easily removed. It shouldn't be too tight. From a long stay in an uncomfortable position on an airplane, with little or no movement, from pressure drops, the legs may swell a little. If necessary, use compression stockings, they will reduce the load on the deep veins of the legs and will help with a long flight. It is good to bring clean cotton socks with you so that you can take off your shoes.

Image options

But how to dress for a trip, what clothes are suitable for an airplane? It is worth considering the images of celebrities and the proposed options.

Sports variant

The set can be put on the plane. It can be a cozy cotton suit, or a discreet polo and skirt, like golfers. On your feet - sneakers, slip-ons or moccasins. The main advantage of such a solution is absolute freedom of movement. The fabric fits nicely, in such a suit it is convenient to move and sit still for a long time. After sleep, there will be no unpleasant surprises in the form of crumpled folds and creases. Although, if after arrival there is an important event, you will have to take a change of clothes with you in your hand luggage. Still, a tracksuit is not appropriate everywhere.

Marine variations

You can combine comfort and a stylish look by paying attention to the marine style. No wonder they say that an airplane is an aircraft. Loose with, a T-shirt with joggers, or a spacious T-shirt with look boring, but at the same time they are very comfortable. Striped should be only one thing, pants or a skirt you need to choose plain. For example, a combination with dark blue looks very good. Of the shoes, they are best suited if you decide to lace up, or neutral-colored slip-ons.

Elegance on board

Many strive to look sophisticated and elegant even when boarding a plane. This is especially true for girls who are flying on a business trip, and at the airport they are met by a delegation, or a meeting has already been scheduled. In this case, you can turn to the classics. A discreet suit, preferably not very light, and shoes with medium or low heels will help you feel confident. It is only necessary to choose such clothes that will allow you to move freely and not wrinkle too much during the flight.

Useful little things

Not only clothes are important, you need to think about useful little things that will brighten up and make your flight more comfortable.

List of what to take with you in hand luggage on board:

  • Passport, currency of the country you are flying to, rubles, plastic cards, tickets.
  • Phone, tablet, camera, headphones, external battery, notepad or notebook and pen.
  • Headrest (preferably inflatable), earplugs, sleep mask, hair tie, comb.
  • Wet wipes, tissue paper, safety nail file, lip balm, face and hand moisturizer in a small package. After all, the air in the cabin is very dry, so the skin dries up. You can use them even before landing to provide protection. For girls who wear contact lenses, moisturizing eye drops may be relevant.
  • Do not forget to take motion sickness pills, lozenges, chewing gum with you on the plane, they will help you avoid discomfort during takeoff and landing of the plane associated with pressure drops. 2-3 small fitness bars for reinforcement will not be superfluous.
  • Be sure to take the dark ones on board, especially if the flight is going to be long. They will help hide tired eyes after getting off the plane.

Organize your essentials in cases and cosmetic bags for easy access in your hand luggage.

During the flight, it is worth giving up carbonated and alcoholic beverages- they increase dehydration of the body.

Pay special attention to the volume of liquids. A limited amount is allowed in hand luggage. Therefore, all the necessary cosmetical tools must be taken in miniature versions.

Do not do a complicated hairstyle and styling on the plane. It is most convenient to tie them in a bun or tail, braid a side braid.

The question of what to take with you to the airport and on a plane trip is always relevant. You need to dress practical, and keep the necessary little things at hand so as not to overshadow the trip.

Jan 17, 2017 22:00

Any woman wants to look fashionable not only in everyday life, but also on vacation. Ladies choose clothes for every day very carefully, and when some kind of long-term trip is on the agenda, this issue is approached with great concentration. Apart from fashion trends, women are guided primarily by weather conditions and the time of year - so the choice is significantly reduced.

Rules for choosing clothes for a trip:

  • Comfort. Regardless of where you are flying or driving, you need to take with you the clothes that you will be comfortable in. Whether it's a T-shirt or pants, they should not restrict movement.
  • Clothing made from natural fabrics. Today, almost all clothing is made of synthetic materials. On the road, it is best to take cotton or linen clothes with you - this will significantly reduce sweating. Things made from natural fabrics are no less comfortable than synthetics.
  • A win-win. For avid fashionistas who cannot choose what to take with them on vacation, there is the right solution - to put in a suitcase things that are combined with each other.
  • Old clothes. It is not recommended to take a newly purchased item with you on the road, as there is no guarantee that you will feel comfortable in it and will be able to relax during the trip.
  • independent option. On any trip, it is best to take sneakers or ballet flats with you. In comfortable shoes, you will not feel tired at the end of the day.
  • Disease risk. If you intend to relax in a warm country, do not rule out the option of acclimatization. Therefore, it is best to put a few warm clothes in your suitcase so as not to get sick upon arrival.

Dresses and skirts

Ladies want to look feminine always and everywhere. Therefore, you can not do without a dress even on vacation. Choosing a dress or skirt for a trip is not so difficult. Now in fashion boutiques and on the market, women are offered a wide selection of dresses, different colors and styles. On a trip, it is best to choose something light, from loose fabric, so that there is a feeling of lightness and freedom. Often choose Cocktail Dresses or sundresses.


To date, there are many styles for trousers: flared, sports, jeans, etc. Jeans have always been considered the best option, as they are comfortable and practical, and if you already have visa to uk, they are perfect for traveling to this country. Jeans are not difficult to wash from stains that cannot be avoided when traveling. In addition, designers offer women not only skinny jeans, but also flared, free-cut jeans. Denim pants can be worn by ladies with any type of figure. With their help, you will feel not only comfortable, but also look stylish.

Sports suit

This option today is considered not only budgetary, but also quite fashionable. Thanks to such brands trademarks like Puma, Nike, Adidas - a woman in a tracksuit looks very fashionable. In addition, a tracksuit is much more comfortable than trousers of their dense, airtight fabric.


In the summer holiday season, designers recommend taking two swimsuits with you on the road - separate and merged (closed). First of all, it's diversity. Plus, a merged swimsuit can protect you from unwanted tanning, and a separate one, on the contrary. Real fashionistas choose juicy swimsuits, bright colors in order to look cheerful and energetic. Often, women prefer bikini swimsuits and plunge (closed with a deep neckline) to emphasize all their advantages.

Everyone loves to travel in comfort. To stay on the road did not cause you discomfort, you need to carefully prepare for the trip. Many people are concerned about the question of what to wear on the train to be comfortable and convenient. The process of packing things into a suitcase usually takes a little time, but the main problem is choosing comfortable but not bulky clothes so that this burden does not burden you when you get off the train. All travelers have a standard set for the train: personal hygiene products, travel and sleep clothes, groceries, a book or a laptop.

Summer travel

Summer is a special time when it is very hot. The most ideal option would be a set of shorts and a T-shirt, or a light sundress for women. It is better to give preference to non-staining shades: gray, brown, cream. In addition to color variations, the emphasis should also be on the fabric: your travel outfit should not wrinkle on the road.

The fabric must be breathable and hygroscopic. In summer, trains are very stuffy, so the body can quickly sweat. Choose t-shirts made from cotton or viscose that are soft to the touch and breathable. But it is better not to wear tight jeans on the road, as they are very hot and uncomfortable. Sleep pajamas are not taken on the train, it is better to give preference to a long T-shirt.

Traveling in winter

If you decide to ride a train in winter, then remember that this time of year it can be cold on trains. The first thing you should do is take care of warm clothes. An ideal option would be a tracksuit, you can even with a hood. If in a compartment there will be a draft from the window, then the hood will protect the head from a draft.

Also, do not forget about slippers, as wearing winter shoes every time you need to get out of the compartment, it's not very convenient. If you have not yet decided what to wear on the train, you can review your clothes and choose the best option for yourself. It is better to opt for a wrinkle-resistant tracksuit in a neutral color. If you do not have one and you travel often, then you need to purchase it. It can be a set of clothes made of polyester or lycra. Be sure to take warm socks on the road if your feet are cold.

There should be a T-shirt under the jacket, because it is not uncommon for the compartment to get very warm at night and it becomes hot. In order not to sweat, it is better to take off warm clothes and stay in a T-shirt. Since vestibules are usually not heated, then, when you exit a heated compartment, you can immediately catch a cold.

All the things you need to travel on the train should be collected in one bag and immediately put under the seat. If necessary, you can quickly get them. Every modern person should have a special set of travel clothes that meets all the requirements of hygiene and seasonal climatic conditions. After all, modern life is movement! So if you have an emergency trip and you don't have time to pack, don't panic. The question of what to wear on a train is not the most important thing in life, it is important to get where you need to, and on time.

Many of you may want to leave town for a little road adventure which will enrich you with new emotions and help you relax. However, it is very important choose clothes that are best suited for travel. The ground rules and tricky tips we've listed will help you enjoy your long drive and look your best in all the shots you want to take on the road. With their help, you can look neat and flawless, regardless of the weather and other factors. Choose the most fashionable and comfortable pieces of clothing that will help you look really stylish throughout your trip. For memorable outings, have all the essential accessories on hand, not just the essentials.

Travel planning requires extra attention and long preparation to create outfits that will help you look stylish even on the road. In order to feel comfortable both on the bus and in the car, it is important to take into account two main conditions: the weather and your personal style of dress. Our fashion tips will provide you with lifesaving ideas on how to plan your outfit and include the hottest pieces of the season in your travel bag. Consider different trends and use the one that best suits your personality and preferences in terms of fabrics and colors. Don't be afraid to combine various comfortable and sophisticated pieces of clothing to create your own unique outfit.

Flirty fashion clothes

Those who don't want to leave the romance at home while on the go should consider pairing some of the key fashion pieces that work for both summer and fall as travel wear. Floral and ruffled dresses paired with stylish sandals are top picks, especially when the weather allows.

In addition to these romantic outfits, make sure you can personalize your look with cute details like a summer scarf or a stylish bandana. They will be the most popular accessories of this year and you can easily use them with a wide variety of outfits. Do not forget about a chic bag that will fit all the necessary items for restoring beauty. Backpacks in different colors will be a great addition to your outfit, because they are practical, look stylish and fit everything you need.

Urban sports style

Some might go for an urban sporty style because it's great for travelling, popular and will make you feel like a daytime sports queen. Urban sporty style is one of the most important trends of the moment, so the green light is on for all your ideas in this direction. Jeans with sports t-shirts with funny slogans and high boots so popular these days are the basic elements of a sporty urban chic outfit. Complete this outfit with a travel bag and jewelry in whatever size and color you want to wear. Sunglasses don't hurt either, because they protect your eyes perfectly and give your outfit an extra urban chic. Maintain a calm and tidy appearance to enjoy the journey.

Bohemian chic

Fans of bohemian fashion will be happy to take their favorite wardrobe items on a trip. They include floral crop tops, cropped shorts and other trendy items such as flat sandals, stunning backpacks, this season's must-have bandanas and fedoras.

All of these items will help create eye-catching travel outfits that will look great on hot summer days and cool days of the beginning of the rainy season. Play with colors, choose multi-colored or pastel colors that will enhance your mood and highlight your fashion sense. Pack all your must-have beauty items into a makeup bag and feel comfortable in this outfit whether you're on holiday or work.

Irina Vorontsova

A woman should always look attractive, no matter the situation. A day in a car, a long flight or hours on a train is no reason to be indifferent to your appearance. After all, a stylish image can easily be made from existing things.

Main rules:

Rule #1

Convenience. It doesn’t matter what you travel on, the main thing is to choose not only stylish clothes but also comfortable. For example, classic jeans and a cotton T-shirt. Do not forget that air conditioners often work in transport, and in order not to catch a cold, take an olympic shirt or a cardigan with you, depending on what is closer to you. Clothing must be loose, otherwise a long road can turn into real torture. Take natural fabrics that are pleasant to the body - linen, cotton or wool. Also, wear non-marking colors: delightful black, sophisticated ink, or elegant burgundy. Refuse things with open parts of the body and miniskirts. It will be inconvenient for you to “stick” to a chair that has been visited by hundreds of people. And do you want to catch ambiguous views on yourself all the way. Find out in advance the weather forecast for the area where you are going and prepare yourself warm clothes if necessary.

Rule #2

Zest. Even if your appearance while traveling is as simple as possible, this is not a reason to refuse accessories. Add a trendy hat to your look, beautiful scarf, bag, hairband, umbrella, gloves. They will help you out and look stylish.

Rule #3

We take care of our feet. Of course, shoes with a small stable heel or without it, such as ballet flats, are suitable for travel. In them, your legs will not swell and get tired. It is preferable that they are not made of synthetics, otherwise you will not avoid sweating and discomfort, and suede quickly gets dirty and loses its appearance. If you are traveling in cold weather, bring shoes that you can wear on a train or plane.

Well, if your journey is only a couple of hours, then you can safely wear your favorite stylish outfit, the main thing is that you feel comfortable and comfortable!

If you are going on a trip in the cold season, put on, if possible, the same clothes as if you were going to go on foot.

Do not be too complacent and self-confident, because even in the best and most reliable car a stove can break or, for example, a windshield can break from a random pebble. On the road, any seemingly harmless situation carries a potential danger to your health and even life.

Try to calculate the consequences of a situation when your car has completely broken down and you have to go for help in the cold; or the chances of surviving if, God forbid, an accident happened to you and you were trapped in a car body. In these and many other situations, your health and life will depend on how warmly you are dressed, which means how long you can hold out in the cold before help arrives. As a partial alternative, use multifunctional insulated down vests, preferably covering the lower back. They are especially useful for those who often have to leave the car for some business, leaving the heat for the cold and back.

For fire safety purposes, try to use clothing made from natural materials - cotton, linen or wool is better, as well as special fabrics (NOMEX) that resist fire well. The essence of the problem is that, in addition to its extreme flammability, synthetic materials melt under the influence of a flame, tightly adhering to the skin and thereby causing very severe deep burns. Most of those who died from a completely innocent short-term flash of fire (for example, when an ordinary gas lighter exploded) were dressed in tracksuits. If safety is not an argument for you, give up a tracksuit, if only because wearing them on the road today is a sign of bad taste and bad taste (of course, if you are not "from the Urals" or do not participate in competitions).

On a long journey, especially in cold weather, we recommend: use warm underwear made of natural wool. Due to the unique properties of wool, such underwear will equally effectively protect you from fire, and from heat, and from cold, even when wet. In addition, the proteins that make up wool chemically neutralize bad smell sweat. Until now, wool is the most versatile material for underwear, as only it resists both hypothermia and overheating and open fire equally well.

When traveling, use special, non-restrictive, "travel" clothes in the style of "safari":

    multifunctional vests with a large number of pockets in which you can put documents for a car, passport, money, mobile phone, etc. little things that we do not recommend leaving in the car for a single minute, never and under no circumstances, unless, of course , the hassle of obtaining new documents is not your favorite pastime in your free time;

    trousers with detachable legs, "...with one movement of the hand turn into elegant shorts ...", very comfortable, especially in summer, when it is quite cool in the morning and hot in the afternoon;

    Shirts - made of special high-tech materials that can, depending on the situation, protect you from the wind or literally cool you down in the heat. In addition, their wrinkle-resistant fabric is covered with a special compound that repels dirt and dust, which, you see, is very practical, even if there is an air purifier in the car, and next to you is a companion who “blows dust off you”;

    Baseball caps (or better hats) - protect your eyes from direct sunlight, as well as eliminate the formation of glare on the lenses of sunglasses. At the same time, the advantage of a hat is that its fields protect the entire field of view, regardless of which side of you the sun is. An additional argument is that no matter how you take care of your ordinary clothes, at the end of the trip it will in any case have an untidy crumpled look. But no matter what anyone says, they still meet a person "by clothes ...". To look worthy and at the same time still feel comfortable in such an extreme situation, which is essentially a long trip, is, believe me, not at all easy, and therefore we recommend trusting the experts who have developed special travel clothes - "safari style".

    Shoes - for short trips, any of your casual shoes will do, but for a long trip, it is better to choose special (breathable) shoes or sandals with low heels(or the so-called wedges). Under normal conditions, the human foot releases up to 60 g of moisture per day. The heat of the stove and the wrong shoes will increase this figure by 2-3 times, and in this case it is no longer about comfort and the corresponding “aroma”, but about health, since sweat is a breeding ground for microbes that cause unpleasant odors and fungal diseases. The solution to the problem is light breathable shoes for short outings from the car, plus woolen socks (precisely woolen and always worn on a bare foot), in winter with a knitting density of 400-600 g / m2; in summer - 200 g / m?. At the same time, a top Rubber Shoes worn directly over regular boots. Such modern galoshes will help out if you need to get out of a stuck car into the mud on a country road, or you decide to take a walk to the river during your trip.

    Gloves - a set of working cotton gloves will come in handy sooner or later, even if you "never opened the hood of the car yourself", because today not all gas stations (especially in Russia) have a "boy" - which is instead of you fill your car. The habit of using work gloves when doing anything from changing a wheel to lighting a barbecue grill is, in our opinion, the second in line that should be taught to your children after they have learned how to use a fork and knife.

Sunglasses are something without which you cannot go on a long journey. The topic of special discussion is the quality of the lenses and their coating (call the editorial office and we will tell you more about this). General principle: sunglasses are the last thing to save on. Cheap Chinese fakes not only distort the correct color reproduction, but also cause fatigue and even eye diseases. The best spectacle lenses are made of optical glass and are photochromic, that is, they change their transmittance depending on the illumination (the so-called chameleons) and polarized, that is, they extinguish sun glare on the surface of the water, wet road, snow, etc.

And finally, the very last tip, which, if you think about it, should have been the first. Be sure to buy yourself a bright vest with reflective stripes and be sure (hey - be sure!) put it on every time you have to stop on the side of the road for easy repairs in the dark. Such a vest is as important as the warning triangle (triangle). Imagine the situation: night, snow and rain, dazzling headlights of oncoming cars, working wipers, a narrow road, part of the driver’s attention is occupied by slalom between pits and potholes on the road, his reaction is slowed down due to fatigue, and he has been driving relatively recently ... You still want to try your luck by stepping out of your car onto the road in your black jacket?

Caution, prudence and the ability to calculate the further development of any situation - these are the qualities of a person who prefers not to rely on chance in life. (By the way, a small test: if you have "everything under control", then in the car, just in case of a "fire" case, a first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher, a shovel, an ax, a saw and a rope are already in stock!).

for the provided material

« What to wear on the train? This question is increasingly being asked by girls, and very correctly. Shtuchka.ru is sure that 50%, or maybe even 70%, your mood will depend on your clothes, because it is they who determine the comfort of the trip.

What can not be worn on the train?

For some reason, no one forgets to take very strong-smelling dishes with them, but this is so, a lyrical digression. And about the basic and necessary - it just slips out of my head. When you ride in a reserved seat, you can see so many options for clothes and shoes that you are simply amazed!

People sometimes feel at home in the car. Perhaps because the road is long. But feeling at home and dressing like at home are two different things. For example, when you come to visit and they say to you: "Feel like you are at home, make yourself comfortable." What does this mean, you need to put on a nightcap and pajamas, a dressing gown and wind curlers? No!

The same is true on the train. You can often meet people in bathrobes and slippers. How to be in such a case? For example, if you are going to the sea, then you probably bring slippers with you. Here, change into them. And let's talk about clothes a little lower.

Most importantly, remember the basic principle: the train does not imply “front-out” clothes, but this does not mean that you need to wear something stretched, dirty or “anyhow”.

What to wear on the train: check the selected items for compliance with the following criteria:

Dress up or not?

Many go to the train in the same clothes, then after landing they immediately change into what they decided to wear on the train at home and prepared a set in advance. Agree, sometimes it is extremely inconvenient. And so the suitcases, and here also the clothes "exclusively for the train." It’s easier to immediately wear what you will go in. By the way, this will help to avoid the temptation to put on what we talked about a little higher ...

It is also better to bring a simple cotton pajamas with you to sleep in. Although some sleep right in T-shirts and leggings. Here, everyone decides how it is more convenient for someone.

And if you still decide to change clothes, then put a set of these things on the very top of your suitcase. Then you do not have to spend a long "inspection" of your suitcase.

Clothes for the train

When choosing, be sure to look at the time of year. Although, for example, a tracksuit would be appropriate in both winter and summer. In summer, you can choose shorts with a T-shirt. Just keep in mind that if, for example, you notice yourself that sometimes you get cold even in warm weather, then provide socks, and even better - a small blanket. Of course, this is not clothing, but it will definitely save you from freezing. You can not carry so much with you, but just put on leggings instead of shorts. Plain black or grey.

It is very common to see people wearing jeans on trains. Of course, if you have worn but decent looking jeans that do not tighten your stomach, great. The material is non-staining and such clothes on the train will be quite comfortable. But jeans with a low waist, very tight - not the best option. You will feel uncomfortable in them.

Not everyone can wear a tracksuit on a train either. Just now this concept includes a variety of costumes - from "plush" materials - light, pale pink, yellow, light green. All this is branded clothes and can get dirty, then go all the way with stains on clothes - it doesn’t look very good, even if the clothes themselves are beautiful and cute.

If you like to walk in dresses more, then choose it especially carefully, taking into account the material. Knitted wool (when it's cold) or cotton (when it's hot) will be appropriate. Choose a non-staining color - in principle, this applies not only to the dress, but also to any other clothing for the train.

Of course, dresses and skirts, I must say frankly, train clothes are not quite comfortable. And if you need to climb onto the top shelf, then it’s completely indecent. Everyone will admire the "view" that will open from under the skirt. By the way, in this regard, you should not choose a nightgown to sleep in. Better - a set of T-shirts and shorts.

You can dress for the train in shorts and a T-shirt or shirt made of natural fabric

It is also worth adding a few words about shoes. So, you already know that house slippers won't fit. It is better to take rubber slippers to change shoes. Even if you initially ride in comfortable sneakers, sneakers or flat shoes, it will still be inconvenient at night (if your trip is long enough) to “find” your sneakers and tie your shoelaces in the dark.

And in some business class cars there are even special disposable slippers. They are very convenient to use also because after the trip you can immediately throw them away.

Now you know everything and can even advise your friends, !

Eva Raduga - especially for the Shtuchka.ru website!

Travel is becoming more accessible, distances between cities are being overcome faster and faster. A rare modern girl did not wonder how to dress for a trip: ladies go on vacation and on business trips, improve their cultural level and improve their health.

The choice of a fashionable image on the road will depend on the purpose of the trip, the duration of the journey, and, of course, the chosen mode of transport. We understand in this article how to take into account all the nuances of road life in your outfit without changing the style.

Basic rules for travel clothing

Regardless of how far you are going to cover and on what, initially be guided by a few important tips. So you weed out unsuitable wardrobe items.

  • Preference for plant materials

Cotton, linen, viscose, lyocell - these natural fabrics and their analogues will help you maintain optimal air exchange and temperature conditions. This is an important factor to consider when going on a tourist trip.

Let such clothes wrinkle more, yet in a polyester dress or trousers on the road it will be stuffy and uncomfortable. In some cases, even skin irritation is possible.

If it is critical for you that the clothes do not wrinkle too much, the content of synthetic threads is acceptable: nylon or elastane. Read the label carefully, the amount of synthetics should not exceed the threshold of three percent.

  • Shoes with low heels

It is easy to choose suitable low shoes for any set: at your disposal are all kinds of moccasins, loafers, sandals, ballet flats, espadrilles, sneakers.

Sneakers are best excluded from the list because of the laces. Shoes should be such that taking off and putting it on does not take much effort and time. Probably, on the way to a busy sightseeing trip, you will repeatedly want to quickly throw off your shoes from your tired feet, and put them on again as soon as you need to.

  • Backpack instead of handbag

As a maximum, a shoulder bag. Hands-free travel is essential.

It is not necessary to choose a voluminous travel backpack if you do not plan to fit all the luggage in it. Manufacturers provide fashionistas with a wide selection of compact and feminine urban backpacks.

To travel by rail

If you have to get to your destination by train , wear light cotton knee-length shorts in khaki. Combine with a bright opaque shirt.

A convenient option would be a shirt, the sleeves of which can be dissolved in full length, and, if necessary, shortened with a special fastener.

By air

If you plan to travel by plane, do not wear warm and tight-fitting clothes. Undressing and dressing in the limited space of the cabin is problematic. Better put on light dress or a sundress that does not drag anywhere and without decorative elements. Even if you get a little chilly during the flight, the flight attendant will be happy to offer you a blanket.

Intercity buses

If you have planned a long bus ride, opt for a cotton or linen maxi skirt. You won’t be able to change clothes on the way, and if the cabin is cool from the air conditioner, the skirt will cover your legs and warm you. If it is stuffy, linen and cotton will provide air exchange. In addition, the skirt can always be lifted, gently exposing the knees.

You can complement the skirt with a top with straps. Be sure to take a thin cardigan with you.

On a journey to holy places

If you plan to go on a pilgrimage trip, give preference to soft clothes that cover the body. Please note that, as in church, trousers are not worn to holy places, let alone shorts.

Stop for a thin dress with long sleeves, knee length. Don't use makeup.

In the cold season

The tips listed above are perfect when choosing how to dress for a summer trip. The winter months require special solutions.

The best thing to keep warm is wool fabric. But indoors in wool clothes can be stuffy. You can take off your wool sweater and put it next to it, but you get voluminous extra luggage.

Our advice is to use tech fabrics. Put on special thermal underwear under the main clothes. If necessary, you can undress in transport and stay only in it: modern thermal underwear is made in beautiful colors and interesting cuts.

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Europeans seem to be known for their exquisite taste in clothing, and for good reason! They tend to dress in upscale, stylish clothes that will make other simple styles look drab and boring. If you're going on a trip to Europe or you'd like to dress in European style, start with Step 1 to find out how!


Part 1

Choice of color and style

    Choose clean, simple styles. European fashion is very easy to recognize by its artful, simple lines. The cut of almost all clothing, from suits to dresses, is often even and almost geometric in appearance. You should look for clothes that are similarly simple in form, with the same clean, elegant lines.

    Wear clothes in your size. North Americans tend to wear clothes that are too small or comically large for them. Europeans tend to wear clothes that fit their bodies perfectly. Some women may choose clothes, especially in the summer, that drape over their bodies, but there is still a hint of their slim figure. You need to make sure that you also choose clothes that fit your size.

    • When Europeans buy clothes that don't fit their size, they usually sew them in. You must do the same! A tailor's services are not as expensive as they seem, often costing around $30 or less to fix a piece.
  1. Avoid bold patterns. Europeans are not so fond of bold patterns. When they do choose patterned clothing, the patterns tend to be more detailed. They like the texture of their clothes and therefore often see lace dresses or knitwear, but the patterns tend to detract from the straight lines they generally prefer.

    • In the summer, you can sometimes see exceptions to this rule, when floral, ethnic and island designs come into fashion (usually on dresses).
  2. Understand European color palette. Every season for most of the year, the color palette will change, and most items will contain shades of a group of these colors. The colors that are in fashion in North America can often be very different from the colors that are popular in Europe, as Europeans tend to prefer slightly different color palettes compared to Americans. As a rule, they prefer neutral tones with elements of bright, bold colors.

    • For example, black and emerald green, beige and hot pink, or sea and white.
    • You can browse European fashion websites to see what colors are in fashion right now.
  3. Choose these color combinations that differ in contrast. The color combinations that Europeans usually choose are characterized by high contrast: one dark color and one lighter color. Usually.

    Combine the colors of your clothes according to the season. North Americans wear casual clothes the same flowers throughout the year. Europeans are much more likely to choose color combinations depending on the season. This is a subtle hint, but if you want, you can ignore it.

    • Winter colors are more subtle and lean towards neutral tones.
    • Spring colors are a combination of bright and pastel colors.
    • Summer colors are bright and bold.
    • Autumn colors are earthy and warm.

    Part 2

    Definite "YES" in matters of style
    1. Make up an outfit. This is the best place to start. Americans don't dress well and in general tend to think a lot less about how they look. European fashion is playing up American style more and more, from Converse sneakers to logos and varsity t-shirts, so what really sets you apart as an American (these days) is just the sleazy look. Match your shoes to your purse, choose a color top that matches the color of your pants, and generally think about how you look in general.

      Dress up a little more than usual. This is another main indicator of the victory of European style over American (although the former has not changed much, even with the growing popularity of American styles). Europeans tend to dress nicely, and it's certainly hard to catch them wearing yoga pants or working out outside the home. Dress a little better than what you have in mind to wear and you will probably get closer to this style.

      Stay simple. Europeans wear simple clothes. They generally don't like a bunch of layers, unlike Americans. Limit the amount of your accessories and clothing and rely on simple outfits instead.

      Wear jeans. It's a myth that Europeans don't wear jeans. They wear them. They prefer medium-toned jeans, unlike us, but in general, any color is fine. Brightly colored skinny jeans are now very popular in Europe and are also easy to find in the US.

      • Skinny jeans are often paired with looser, longer tops and boots or flats.
      • Don't wear khaki pants. When Europeans want to buy light colored pants, they usually opt for white or beige jeans or trousers rather than the twill pants that Americans prefer. However, these are not clothes that will give you away, so don't worry if you really love your khaki pants.
    2. Choose the right kind of pants. In general, Europeans do not wear bell-bottoms. Trousers with holes or rips are also American style, although they are popular now in Europe.

      Wear more skirts and dresses. Women in Europe tend to wear skirts and dresses more than American women, so don't be afraid to show off those girly pieces. Leave at home maxi dresses(it's very American) in favor of more short dresses with tights.

      Buy sophisticated accessories. Refinement is the main factor. Under all circumstances, avoid anything that even remotely looks tasteless, large, counterfeit, or vulgar. Aim for discreet accessories that complement your outfits. Try to stick to sophistication in jewelry. In addition, scarves, delicate hats, necklaces and other jewelry are great for this style. If you are traveling, do not travel with a huge travel bag or backpack. Carry a shoulder bag, a small travel bag, a leather briefcase, or something similar.

      Prefer flat, smart shoes. While businesswomen and women over the age of 30 can be seen wearing high heels (especially French women), young girls prefer ballerinas. Regardless of height, the style is always elegant and simple. Low shoes with laces are the most common option for both men and women.

      • However, the most common shoe option for youngsters and those in their 20s is usually the Converse All Star. Don't think your favorite sneakers are out of style. In Europe, among teenagers, even “gangster” oversized sneakers are now in fashion.

    Part 3

    Definite "NO's" in matters of style
    1. Do not wear items with logos or the logo of the university. You know those shirts with text logos in vintage style Or drawings that make them look like they're from the sports department or a non-existent university? It's American style. Avoid it if you want to dress European.

      • However, such designs (along with many elements of American fashion) are very popular now.
    2. Don't wear traditional t-shirts. The traditional, basic cut of the T-shirt is a classic American style. Europeans do wear T-shirts, but they are, for the most part, a bit more sophisticated. Often they will be looser, fitted, sleeves shorter than usual and with a V-neck.

      Do not wear clothes with holes or cuts. Any garment with decorative cuts or holes is American fashion. Although they are beginning to come into fashion in Europe, especially among young people, they are generally regarded as low class and should not be worn.