Synopsis of logorhythm for kids seed. Speech therapy rhythm for kids Logo rhythm for children 2 3 years old classes

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of a combined type with groups for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system No. 87"


Head of MBDOU

"Kindergarten of a combined type

With groups for children with disabilities

Musculoskeletal apparatus No. 87 "

A.N. Safina

Accepted at the teachers' council No. 1 dated August 27, 2015

Enacted on the basis

Order No. 62 dated September 29, 2015

Additional educational service program


(for children 3-4 years old).

Implementation period 1 year.


Timergalieva Uliana Sergeevna

Musical director

Republic of Tatarstan



1. Explanatory note

2. List of children

3. The work schedule of the circle "Logorhythm"

4. Explanatory note

5. Educational and thematic plan

7. Diagnosis of non-verbal mental functions

8. Methodological support of additional educational program

9. References

Explanatory note

Perhaps the best, most joyful,

what is in life is a beautiful speech

And free movement to the music.

And a child can be taught this.

A. I. Burenina.

Speech is one of the important aspects of a child's development. Speech - a wonderful gift of nature - is not given to a person from birth. Adults must make a lot of efforts so that the child's speech develops correctly and in a timely manner.

The full development of a child's personality is impossible without educating him in correct speech. Often this is a very difficult and time-consuming job for a child.

Any shortcomings in speech limit the child's communication with peers and adults, negatively affect the formation of emotional intelligence.

The data of physiology and psychology prove the close relationship between auditory sensations and muscle sensations. It was noted that auditory and muscular perception is associated with temporal sensations ("Reflexes of the Brain", 1866). It was also proved by the Soviet scientist, neurologist and psychiatrist V.M. Bekhterev that, at first, rhythm has a noticeable effect on a small child, and only then the sound-pitch combinations and timbre of sounding music (“The Importance of Music in the Aesthetic Education of a Child from the First Days of His Childhood”). It is recommended to engage in the development of a sense of rhythm from a very early age and in a form accessible to preschoolers: rhythmic exercises and games. This is due to the fact that they primarily affect the emotional intelligence of the child, which helps children to absorb the material faster and better, learn to speak correctly.

Logorhythm classesare based on the close connection of words, movement and music. They include finger, speech, musical-motor and communicative games, exercises for the development of large and fine motor skills, songs and poems accompanied by movements, motor exercises, simple dances, didactic games that contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm. The work on creating the rhythmic structure of speech mainly belongs to games that are created on the basis of a poetic text. Such games teach children to coordinate movements with the word, which contributes, first of all, to the speech development of children.

The plot-thematic organization of classes allows each child to feel comfortable, confident, because. The game maximizes the potential of children.

The complex game method is most appropriate for the development of cognitive processes and corresponds to children's psychophysical data. Such a construction of classes allows you to achieve sustained attention throughout the lesson and, accordingly, increases the effectiveness in mastering knowledge.

All exercises are carried out by imitation. Speech material is not previously learned.

Program Focus: the thematic orientation and organizational variability of the program of the circle contribute to the formation of a sustainable interest in musical and speech activities, support a positive emotional attitude of children to logorhythmic exercises, and, therefore, help to achieve better results in training and education.

Novelty and relevance: the system for presenting program tasks, methods, and means for introducing children to logorhythmics has been worked out taking into account age characteristics and methodological requirements. The logarithmic classes include elements that have a health-improving orientation (general developmental exercises, exercises for the prevention of flat feet, simple massage techniques, gymnastics for the eyes). The lessons of the circle include finger musical and speech games, finger massages, relaxation to music, tongue twisters, speech or musical games, exercises to develop a sense of rhythm or attention.

Pedagogical expediencyThe program is explained by the fact that it is developed taking into account modern educational technologies, which are reflected in:

- principles of training: gradual acquisition of skills (complication of tasks performed); the feasibility of tasks for pupils; systematic conduct of classes; compliance of the content of education with the level of development of modern science and technology; unity of the processes of education and upbringing.

- forms and methods of teaching: verbal - explanation, conversation, advice, onomatopoeia; visual - a brief explanation, a show with an explanation, an indication during playback, a conversation, an explanation of the plot, questions about the sequence of movements, commands, a figurative plot story; display, game method; practical - doing the work.

– methods of control and management of the educational process: individual consultations of parents.

Program goals:

To develop musical and speech abilities in children 3-4 years old;

To overcome speech disorders through the development and correction of non-verbal and speech mental functions of the child through music and movement;

To educate the emotional and volitional qualities of the child's personality.



To form motor skills and abilities;

Develop spatial representations;

Develop coordination, switchability of movements;

Introduction to metrology.


To educate and develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to feel rhythmic expressiveness in music, movements;

To form the ability to perceive musical images and the ability to move rhythmically and expressively in accordance with this image;

To improve personal qualities, a sense of collectivism.


Develop speech breathing;

Develop the articulatory apparatus;

Develop phonemic perception;

Develop grammatical structure and coherent speech;

Form and develop auditory and visual attention and memory.

Distinctive featuresof this educational program from those already existing in this area lies in the fact that it allows already at an early stage of preschool childhood to begin the formation in children of a holistic view of music, speech development, physical development, rhythm, dance, health, and the development of communication skills.

Children's age participating in the implementation of this educational program: from 3 to 4 years.

Implementation periodeducational program - 1 year.

The form of classes - group. The form of conducting logorhythmic classes is a game. The exceptional value of using play activity as a means of correcting the personality of a child with general underdevelopment of speech lies in the fact that the ability of creative imagination develops in the game - the basis of various types of art, the child masters and realizes reality. When compiling classes in speech therapy rhythm, the following didactic principles are also taken into account: activity, consciousness, scientific character, visibility, accessibility, gradual increase in requirements, individual approach to each child.

Classes are held in the afternoon, once a week. The duration of the lesson is 15 - 20 minutes. The topic is taken for one or two lessons, depending on the complexity of the material and the psychophysiological characteristics of the children.

Regular logorhythmic classes contribute to the rapid development of speech and musicality, form a positive emotional mood, and teach communication with peers.

Expected results:

The student will be able to:

Rhythmically perform movements in accordance with the words, expressively conveying the given character, image;

Correct articulation of sounds;

Orientation in space, move in a given direction,sing long, movingly, conveying the nature of the music;

Take breath between short musical phrases;

Play along with simple melodies on spoons, rattles, drums.

The pupil is able to show respect for nature and animals; respect for the culture and traditions of the native land, the work of people; correct speech and physiological breathing will also be formed.

Ways to test the knowledge, skills and abilities of children:

1. Introductory diagnostics - October.

2. Final diagnostics - May.

Summing up form:1 time per quarter final lesson.

The structure of the logarithmic lesson

1. The introductory part lasts 3-5 minutes: introductory exercises are used, which give a setting for a varied pace of movement with the help of music, exercises aimed at training memory, attention, coordination of movements, and regulation of muscle tone.

2. The main part takes 10-15 minutes: includes listening to music to relieve emotional and muscle tension, singing, playing musical instruments, outdoor and sedentary games, exercises for the development of breathing, attention, voice, articulation, counting exercises, exercises for development of coordination of movement, coordination of speech with movement, coordination of singing with movement, exercises for the development of speech and facial movements, general motor skills, facial muscles, breathing, a sense of rhythm and tempo, exercises for the regulation of muscle tone.

3. The final part takes 2-5 minutes: exercises to restore breathing, relieve muscle and emotional stress, relaxation exercises, exercises to develop breathing.

Thematic plan

No. p / p

Topic of the lesson

Lesson duration (in minutes)

theoretical part

practical part

Sun and rain

Autumn leaves

Autumn in the forest

cheerful vegetable garden


Autumn gifts

Goodbye birds


Winter in the forest

Santa Claus hurries to the Christmas tree

We decorate the Christmas tree

New Year is coming


Cat and kittens

Kittens and puppy

Grandma's visit

How snowmen searched for the sun

army carousel

How chickens wake up the sun

New dining room

Matryoshka came to visit us

spring sunshine

spring drops

Come on birds

spring stream


morning rays

Rooster and his family


beaver pond

Methodological supportadditional educational program

Didactic material:didactic cards, musical works, songs, dances, audio recordings, illustrations, paintings, handouts.

Technical equipment of classes:music center, multimedia projector, musical instruments, scenery, costumes, etc.


Diagnosis of speech disorders in children and the organization of speech therapy work in a preschool educational institution. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2001;

Kartushina M. Yu. Logorhythm for kids: Scenarios for classes with children 3-4 years old. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005;

Kartushina M. Yu. Logorhythmic classes in kindergarten: Methodological guide. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004;

Konovalenko VV, Konovalenko SV Development of coherent speech. - M .: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2000;

Kuznetsova E.V. Logopedic rhythm in games and exercises for children with severe speech disorders. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2002;

Kuznetsova S. V., Kotova E. V., Romanova T. A. The system of working with narrow specialists of preschool educational institutions: a Methodological guide. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.

Nishcheva NV The system of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general underdevelopment of speech. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2001;

Radynova O.P. Musical education of preschool children: A manual for students of, students of ped. Teachers and colleges, musical directors and kindergarten teachers / O.P. Radynova, A.I. Katinene, M.L. Palavandishkili. - M.: Enlightenment Vlados, 1994;

Tkachenko T. A. We teach to speak correctly. - M .: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2003;

Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V. Education and training of preschool children with phonetic and phonemic development. - M .: School Press, 2002;

Reader for small / Comp. L.N.Eliseeva. - M.: Enlightenment, 1987;

Tsvyntary V.V. We play, listen, imitate - we get sounds. St. Petersburg: Lan Publishing House, 2002;

The task of adults is to help children master speech. For this, it is necessary to pay attention to speech therapy and logorhythmic classes. Thanks to them, the child replenishes vocabulary, learns to pronounce sounds correctly, choose intonation and form sentences.

From the article you will learn what logarithmics is, what exercises it includes, what is its age purpose. This technique is becoming popular, as it helps many children quickly learn speech.

What is logarithmics?

To ensure that the child does not have speech problems, teachers use different methods. One of them is logarithmics. Thanks to her, children replenish their vocabulary, develop both fine and large motor skills, learn correct pronunciation and much more.

Logorhythm is a set of exercises that a child performs with the help of music and poetry. This is a correctional pedagogy, thanks to which movements are accompanied by sound.

In fact, this technique is called "speech therapy rhythmics." Teachers do it with children to correct speech with the help of movements and sound accompaniment. These exercises are very useful for children. They develop breathing, speech, hearing, motor skills, and creativity.

Logistics is very necessary for children 5-6 years old. Exercises are designed to help the child cope with speech difficulties faster. At this age, children are being prepared for school, so they need to speak correctly and clearly, since progress also depends on speech skills.

The purpose of logarithmic exercises for preschoolers

To overcome the problems of speech development, it is necessary to conduct rhythmic classes. For each exercise, teachers set a specific goal. Children learn to speak, improve their speech, strengthen the muscular apparatus, form the correct posture, develop breathing and much more.

Thanks to rhythmic exercises, the child begins to feel the tempo of the music, move to the beat, sing, etc. Useful logarithmics are more complex, since before school you need to know much more than at the age of 3-4 years.

Logorhythmic exercises are needed not only for the development of speech. Thanks to them, you can calm an overly active child or cheer up a calm one. With the help of logorhythmics, children learn to transform and enter the image of a theatrical hero.


Today, this technique is in great demand. Exercises can be performed not only in a team, but also at home. Adults help children develop according to their age. For each child, logorhythmic exercises are very useful. They comprehensively develop children and improve their speech.

Logorhythmics teaches children to thoroughly master motor skills, navigate in space. The older the child, the more he understands the meaning of classes, and can express himself creatively.

Regular logarithmic exercises help to improve your health. The cardiovascular system, respiratory, motor, cognitive, etc. work better. Thanks to such activities, children's mood rises for the whole day.

Logarithmics is popular for children 5-6 years old. Exercises for them are created not only with music and movements, but also with more complex words to consolidate the development of speech. Before school, children should speak well and know a lot of words. Then they will easily learn to read and write.

What does logarithmic include?

As mentioned earlier, musical and motor exercises are necessary for every child. Logistics includes:

  • Walking forward, backward, left or right. Thanks to such exercises, the child learns to navigate in space.
  • Breathing, voice, articulation, intonation. This helps children to speak correctly, choose words, feel tact.
  • Regulation of muscle tone and attention.
  • both with and without musical accompaniment.
  • Development of fine and gross motor skills.
  • The development of musical tact.

The principle of all logarithmic exercises is the use of rhythm and music. Therefore, it is possible to diversify movements. Accordingly, children do not get bored with logarithmic exercises, because every child is ready to jump and run at least all day long.

Sometimes kids are given difficult tasks. Logarithmics is especially difficult for children 5-6 years old. Exercises are organized with musical accompaniment, movement and words. Not every child will learn this easily.

Classes always begin with walking or marching. Thanks to this, the coordination of hands and feet is clear. It is from walking that children learn to control their bodies and become more stable.

Development of attention, memory and musical feeling

Many children do not know how to concentrate on one thing. They are inattentive, forgetful, their memory is unstable, they cannot sing to music, because they do not have the appropriate hearing. For such babies, logarithmic exercises are needed, where attention, memory and hearing are required.

To develop a musical sense, children are first offered tasks with a slow rhythm. Kids need to feel every sound in the music.

Tempo is speed. In music, it is divided into slow, moderate and fast. So that the child can feel the music, do not rush. At first, with children, they stop at a slow pace. When it is mastered, you can move on to faster music.

Musical instruments are an essential attribute in logorhythmics

As a rule, children love it when it is noisy and fun. Therefore, musical instruments are of no small importance in logorhythmics.

Thanks to them, children learn they develop hearing, attention and memory. Plus, fine motor skills develop, with the help of which speech improves.

Musical instruments develop imagination and creativity. When the teacher or music director starts playing the piano, the children should repeat at least the tempo. It rarely works the first time. However, if a child strives to improve, sooner or later he will definitely succeed.

Logarithmics for children 4-5 years old

Many teachers pay attention to rhythmic education. Logarithmics for children 4-5 years old is very interesting. Exercises are held for a maximum of 30 minutes. It can be finger or outdoor games. Thanks to them, the speech of the child develops.

finger game

Educator: children, look at your fingers. How many are on the right hand? And on the left? That's right, 5 fingers. Let's play with them.

We shared a tangerine left fist is held by the right hand).
Many animals, and he - one.
This slice is for kittens ( unbend the first thumb),
This slice is for ducklings ( stretch index finger),
This slice is for piglets ( extend the middle finger),
This one will be eaten by chickens ( bend the ring finger),
The rest of the slices are for little guys ( unbend the little finger).

mobile game

We ran, we ran until our legs got tired.
Now let's rest a little, and we'll start running again.
Ouch! Children, look out the window, it's raining.
It's time for everyone to run home.
We put on beautiful rubber boots on the legs,
Let's go for a walk again, catch up with the cute rain.

These exercises for children 4-5 years old develop attention. These games need to be played regularly. Preferably with musical accompaniment.

Logarithmics for children 5-6 years old

At this age, the exercises are more difficult. Children need to master not only movements, but also rhythm, words, music.

motor exercise

Fly agaric mushroom grew under the hillock,
The children saw it and decided to dig.
They began to beat him down with a shovel.
Digging for one day
The second day they cut
The third - sawed.
Hooray! Mushroom fell on the ground!

In this exercise, the children themselves must guess what movements to do. However, adults the first time can help. When children learn the poem, they can retell it on their own.

One more exercise

The wind is blowing, the leaves are spinning
Slowly but surely they sank to the ground.
A strong wind blew, snowflakes flew in,
There will probably be blizzards soon.
Again a breeze suddenly blew, a snowball lies on the ground.
Snow is everywhere, and on a tree, in a hollow,
On the ground and on asphalt
After all, winter has come, imagine!

Logarithmics for children 5 years old is very entertaining. Children will be happy to come up with movements and show them.

Logarithmics for children 6-7 years old

Exercises for this age may no longer be 30, but 40 minutes. Children need to allocate more time for classes, as their complexity increases.

motor exercise

Let's go to the forest with the guys (marching in circles),
And we'll pick mushrooms
While we sing a song.
I will come to the forest with my friends ( walking),
And pick mushrooms forward bends).
The rain has passed,
And did not bypass the mushrooms,
Now they have grown
We will collect them.

For this rhyme, let the children come up with their own movements. After all, they develop not only memory, but also fantasy. Funny and exciting logorhythm for children 6-7 years old. Exercises are most often offered with musical accompaniment. Just what every child needs.

Home workouts

To overcome in a child, it is not necessary to study with a speech therapist. Can be carried out at home Many children speak too quickly. This negatively affects speech. Thanks to logarithmic exercises, you will teach your child to speak clearly.

With peers, kids are easier and more fun to do. However, it is not always possible to take your baby to the team. So practice at home. It's not as difficult as it seems.

There is a unique logarithm for children 5-7 years old. Classes and exercises are built only on fairy tales or songs. It is fun, interesting and entertaining for every child. Many children ask their parents to read another fairy tale. You can take advantage of the situation. When you tell a fairy tale, accompany it with movements, intonation, facial expressions. Children always copy adults, so after the first reading, the child will show you and tell you a different fairy tale. Sing songs with your child in the same way.


Exercises for children in logarithmics can be varied - both the easiest and the most difficult. In the younger group, Agnia Barto's poems are suitable. For children of the senior or preparatory groups, you can tell long tales by Korney Chukovsky or Sergey Mikhalkov.

When a piece of music is turned on, children should not only sing, but also dance. Try not to scold the kids if they do not succeed. Remember that children are still small, and many movements are difficult for them.

To make the children enjoy doing the exercises, turn on the “backing tracks” as often as possible. Even exercises need to be done with music. Then the children enjoy doing the exercises.

Dance movements help to relax, feel the rhythm, pause, silence or the end of a piece of music. Add your imagination, love for kids, and you can transform classes into rich, effective games, and children will be happy to wait for them.

The material was prepared by Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Samoilova, a speech therapist teacher at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School of the village of Khvorostyanka, a structural unit of the Kindergarten Kolosok

A set of exercises 1

Dynamic exercise "Holiday in the forest ..."

Children and parents join hands and follow the teacher in a round dance “snake” between the leaves laid out on the floor.

Autumn holiday in the forest - And light and fun.

These are the decorations Autumn has hung here.

Breathing exercise "Wind and leaves".

Massage of biologically active zones, preventing colds. Parents massage their child.

Tili-tili-tili-bom! He knocked down a pine Bunny with his forehead!

Put your palms with a visor to your forehead and vigorously spread them apart and bring them together.

I feel sorry for the Bunny, Bunny wears a bump.

Fists run along the wings of the nose from the bridge of the nose to the cheeks.

Run away to the forest as soon as possible, Make Zainka a compress.

Spread the index and middle fingers, clench the rest into a fist, massage the points in front of and behind the ear.

Mobile game "Catch-up"

Children stand in a circle, in the center - a "hedgehog". Children go in a round dance to the song "Little Hedgehog" in one direction, the "hedgehog" moves in the opposite direction. After the end of the song, the children clap their hands and say:

One, two, three - catch up with the kids!

The children scatter, the "hedgehog" tries to tarnish them.

Exercise for the development of motor skills "Vodichka"

Water, water, (make a cup with both hands)

Wash my face. (palms imitate washing)

To make the eyes shine, (touch the eye in turn)

To make cheeks blush, (rub cheeks)

Rotok smiled (smile)

And biting a tooth (knock teeth).

A set of exercises 2

Dynamic exercise to develop a sense of rhythm

Ti-ti-ti - where do we go?

Clapping hands, marking the metric pulse.

At-at-at - let's go for a walk in the forest.

Palm slaps on knees.

At-at-at - we will jump and jump.


Breathing exercise "Wind and leaves"

After inhaling, the guys hold their breath and while exhaling, swinging their raised arms, pronounce the sound “f” for a long time. Then, on one exhalation, they pronounce the sound “p” several times, making a stepped exhalation, and gradually lower their hands down (“leaves fall”).

Children tell a poem, accompanying it with movements

Clap, clap, clap! Three hand claps.

Top, top, top! Three floods.

And under the tree is a black cat. Alternately put your hands forward with smooth movements.

He crawled under the tree to sleep. Squat down with folded hands under your cheek.

It prevents us from dancing. Throw a finger.

Mobile game "Find a Pair"

To cheerful music, children and parents move in all directions. To more mobile music, children and parents pair up and spin around.

Massage of biologically active zones, preventing colds.

A set of exercises 3

Dynamic exercise "Walk"

One-two-three, one-two-three - We went along the path.

March step.

The path began to wind among the tall grasses,

We walk on it easily, Raising the little head.

Snake walking.

Here we saw bumps, We began to jump through them.

Jumping forward.

A stream flows ahead, come quickly.

Walking on toes, arms to the sides.

We will spread our hands to the sides, We will cross it.

They saw the autumn forest and everyone ran to it.

Running in a circle.

I looked at running. Who grazes in the meadow.

Breathing exercise "Blow on your fingers"

Children fold their fingers into a pinch, bring them to their mouths and, having taken an energetic breath with their nose, blow on their fingers with short active exhalations, energetically working with the abdominal muscles.

Finger game "Chicks in the nest"

The bird flaps its wings and flies to its nest.

Grasp all the fingers of the right hand with the left palm and move them.

She will tell her chicks Where she got the grain.

The chick opens its mouth - Mom, he calls mom.

Body massage "Frogs"

Parents help children in performing movements corresponding to the text:

The frogs stood up, stretched themselves And smiled at each other.

Bend the backs, Back-reeds.

They stamped their feet, they clapped their hands.

Let's tap with our palm On the handles we get back a little.

And then, then, then we'll beat Grudka a little bit.

Clap-clap here and there, And a little on the sides.

Clap hands We are already on the legs.

Stroked palms. Both arms and legs.

The frogs will say: “Qua!

Jump fun, friends!

A set of exercises 4

We go: ta-ta-ta.

Normal walking.

We sing: la-la-la.

Walking on toes.

We are going: tu-tu-tu.

Walking on the whole foot, arms bent at the elbows

(We shout: ay-ay. Standing still, they speak, putting their hands to their mouth with a mouthpiece. "locomotive").

Breathing exercise "Fragrance of flowers"

Children take a calm breath through the nose, hold their breath and exhale for a long time, saying “Ah!”.

Speech therapy gymnastics

1) Exercise "Elephant Trunk"

I imitate the elephant

I pull my lips with my trunk ...

Even if I get tired

I won't stop pulling them.

I'll keep it that way for a long time

Strengthen your lips.

2) Exercise "Shepherd"

You, like shepherdesses, will play the pipe so that the cow is not lost.

I play the pipe: "Whoo, woo!"

I collect all the cows: “Woo, woo!”

You all follow me: "Whoo, woo!"

Soon we will come home: "Whoo, woo!"

3) Exercise "Who will make the pipe better!"

When showing a picture of a pipe, children stretch out their sponges, when showing a picture of a drum, they “play” on the drum (with their fingers).

Massage of the hands "Mouse"

A small mouse in a mink Quietly gnawed at the crust of bread.

Scratch your knees with your nails.

"Hrum, hum!" - What's that noise?

Squeeze your fingers into fists and unclench them.

This is a mouse in a mink Bread eats crusts.

Rub your palms together.

Finger game "Autumn Bouquet"

One, two, three, four, five - Let's collect the leaves.

Clench and unclench your fists. birch leaves,

rowan leaves, poplar leaves,

Aspen leaves, Oak leaves.

Bend fingers alternately: thumb, index, middle, ring, little finger

We will collect, Mama will take the autumn bouquet.

Clench and unclench your fists. Extend your palms forward.

A set of exercises 5

Dynamic exercise "We go ta-ta-ta ..."

Chorus. We go: ta-ta-ta.

Normal walking.

We sing: la-la-la.

Walking on toes.

We are going: tu-tu-tu.

Walking on the whole foot, arms bent at the elbows ("locomotive").

We shout: ay-ay.

Standing still, they speak, putting their hands to their mouth with a mouthpiece.

Finger game "Cabbage"

We cut cabbage, cut,

Movements with straight palms up and down.

We three, three carrots,

Rub fist on fist.

We salt cabbage, salt,

Alternately stroking the pads of the fingers with the thumb.

We press cabbage, we press.

Clench and unclench your fists.

garden family,

To the dance, to the dance quickly.

Rhythmic exercise "Drops"

Drop - time! Drop - two!

Strikes with the palms of both hands on the knees in half durations, quarters, eighths.

Drops slowly at first. The drops began to hit

To catch up with a drop. And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run. Goodbye, dense forest!

Let's run home soon!

Back massage "Rain"

Children sit with their backs to their parents, who perform the movements:

Rain! Rain! We need

Disperse home.

Clap hands on the back.

Thunder! Thunder like cannons.

Today is a frog holiday.

Fist bumping.

Hail! Hail! Throwing hail!

Everyone is under the roof.

Finger tapping.

Only my brother in a puddle

Stroking the back with the palms.

She catches fish for dinner.

Mobile game "Walk and rain"

For the 1st part of the music, children freely walk around the hall, for the 2nd - they dance, including familiar dance movements in the dance, for the 3rd - they hide under a large umbrella held by the teacher.

A set of exercises 6

Dynamic exercise (for coordination of speech and movement)

One, two, three - flowers have grown.

Get up slowly from a sitting position.

Stretched high to the sun, high!

Raise your hands, stretch.

The flowers are warm and good!

Wrap your face with your hands.

Breathing exercise "Balloon"

Invite the child to spread his hands in front of him, depicting a "balloon". During exhalation, the child utters the sound "ffff" and crosses his arms over his shoulders.

Finger game "Cam"

How will I clench my fist, (clench my hands into fists)

Let me put it on the barrel. (put fists with thumbs up)

I open my palm, (straighten the brush)

I roll on my foot. (place hand on knee, palm up)

Knock-knock - Knock-knock-knock. (Three punches against each other)

Yes Yes Yes. (three hand claps) -

May I come to you? (Three punches against each other) -

Glad always! (three hand claps)

Speech therapy gymnastics

One, two, three, four, five

We will walk with Ryzhik!

One two three four

Let's open our mouth wide. open your mouth wide;

Chewed, chewing movements;

They knocked to knock their teeth;

And they ran with the kitten. moving the tongue back and forth;

The cat caught snowflakes with his mouth, catching imaginary snowflakes with his mouth;

Left, right he walked. movement of the tongue left and right;

Ryzhik is bored, guys,

Let's play hide and seek with him. close your eyes, hide.

Mobile game "Funny ball"

Children stand in a circle. They pass the ball around to each other.

You roll, funny ball,

Quick, quick hand

Who has a funny ball

He will now dance to us!

The child who has the ball left goes to the center of the circle and dances, the rest of the children clap their hands.

A set of exercises 7

Dynamic exercise "Boots"

(execution of movements in the text)

Dad in boots: Top-top-top!

Mommy in boots: Slap-slap.

And I, baby, baby, in little boots

Fast down the track: top-top-top-top!

Speech therapy gymnastics

1) Exercise "Elephant's Trunk"

“The elephant’s trunk is long and big, look, children, maybe like this?”

2) Exercise "Puff out your cheeks."

With your mouth closed, inflate both cheeks at the same time.

On a green fragile leg

Rhythmic exercise "Hedgehog and drum"

The Hedgehog walks with the drum. Boom Boom Boom!

To the words "Boom-boom-boom!" children evenly hit their knees with their palms.

The hedgehog plays all day: Boom-boom-boom!

With a drum behind him.. Boom-boom-boom!

The hedgehog wandered into the garden by accident. Boom Boom Boom!

He was very fond of apples. Boom Boom Boom!

He forgot the drum in the garden. Boom Boom Boom!

At night the apples fell, Boom-boom-boom!

And the blows were heard: Boom-boom-boom!

Oh, how the bunnies got scared! Boom Boom Boom!

They didn't close their eyes until dawn! Boom Boom Boom!

Facial massage

Parents massage their child.

Nose, nose!

Run fists along the wings of the nose (4 times).

Where are you, nose? Lobby, lobe! Where are you, forehead?

With all fingers, run along the forehead from the middle to the temples (4 times).

Puppy, puppet! Stroke your cheeks with your fingers from top to bottom (4 times).

Where are you, little one? There will be a clean daughter.

Stroke your neck with your hands. Will be a clean son

Rub your ears with your palms. And a baby kitten.

Rub the child's palms together.

The teacher asks, the children answer, showing:

Did you wash your paws? Washed!

Did you wash your ears? Washed!

Did you wash the tail? Washed! Everything was washed.

And now we are clean, fluffy cats.

Exercise for coordination of movement and speech

Hello, Vaska-goat, Bow down with your palm on your chest.

If you come to visit! Shake your head.

Eat some weed Stretch your palms forward.

Look, don't chew! (Y. Akim)

Throw a finger.

Mobile game "Cat and Mice"

Mice sit in holes, Mice look into slits.

"Cat" is sitting on a chair in the corner of the hall, "mice" cover their face with their palms and peep, looking out from behind them.

Oh, how many mice are here, Scraping the floor with their claws.

"Scrape" the floor with nails. Hush, mice, gray cat!

He will watch over you all! They threaten each other with their fingers.

The gray cat went for a walk, And he did not find mice.

The “cat” importantly walks around the hall, the “mice” sit without moving.

As soon as the cat falls asleep, the mice immediately run out.

« The cat "sits down in its place, the" mice "run on tiptoes throughout the hall. With the end of the music, the "cat" tries to catch them.

A set of exercises 8

dynamic exercise

Along the winding path To the blue river we went.

They follow each other, following the footprints sewn on the path.

Try to get through so that you don't get off the track.

Like chanterelles we will go, we will pass carefully.

Walking on toes, imitating the movements of a cunning fox.

Suddenly a fish jumped out of the water

Light running on toes, shaking in front of you with your joined palms.

And swam on the water quickly, quickly.

The fish swims in the water

We frolic on the grass.

Breathing exercise "Ball"

The cat inflated the balloon, And the kitten interfered with it:

Approached and paw - top! And the cat has a ball - lop!

Children put their hands on their stomachs and inhale through their nose, trying not to raise their shoulders. The tummy should become round, like a ball. After a short delay in breathing, a long exhalation occurs. Children should try to ensure that the air comes out evenly.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Sun and clouds"

The sun played hide and seek with the clouds. Look with your eyes to the right - to the left, up - down.

The sun of the flying clouds counted: Gray clouds, black clouds.

Light - two things, Heavy - three things. The clouds hid, the clouds were gone.

Close your eyes with your palms.

The sun shone brightly in the sky. Blink your eyes.

Sold the sun at a fun fairDresses are multi-colored, bright, bright.

Funny people came to the fair.I visited the whole garden at the fair.

Speech therapy gymnastics

1) Exercise "Fed up hamster"

Puff out both cheeks

2) Exercise "The bear wants to sleep."

(the child puts the Mishka down, says “Bye !!!)

Drink tea to the bear

And now we download it,

It's time to sleep, sleep.


3) Exercise "Okay"

Play patty by saying the rhyme while moving your arms at the same time. Sound A clearly and loudly.

Oh, patties, patties, baked pancakes,

They put it on the window (turn your hands palms up),

They forced to cool down (blow on your palms).

Rhythmic game "Hammers"

Tuki-talk, tuki-talk! - Hit fist on fist in quarters.

That's how the hammer hits. Tuki-tuki-tuki-points! -

Eighth to knock fists on the hips.

Hammers clattered.

Game-improvisation "Smooth circle"

Children, holding hands, walk in a circle to the song:

In an even circle, one behind the other We go for a number of rows.

Everything that the gnome will show us, Let's repeat together!"

One gnome child moves inside the circle in counter-movement.

With the end of singing, he shows any movements, and the children repeat.

A set of exercises 9

Dynamic coordination exercises

We sat on the carousel.

Children pair up with their parents. Hand in hand, spin around.

The carousels started spinning. Moved to the swing

They flew up Holding hands, one stands, the other crouches, then vice versa.

They flew down. And now with you together

We are sailing on a boat. The wind is blowing across the sea

Holding hands, sway left and right, back and forth.

The wind shakes the boat. We take the oars in our hands,

They depict, sitting on the floor, how they “row with oars”.

We row quickly to the shore. A boat has landed on the shore.

Get up with a jump. We will jump ashore deftly

And we'll jump across the lawn, Jump on two legs.

Speech therapy gymnastics

1) Exercise "Fence".

Teeth exactly we close

And we get a fence

And now let's part our lips -

Let's count our teeth.

2) Exercise "Horse".

The flow of exhaled air is easily and actively sent to the lips until they begin to vibrate. It makes a sound similar to the snorting of a horse.

3) Exercise "Birdyard"

Our geese by the pond - "Ha-ha-ha!", "Ha-ha-ha!",

Our gulenki at the top - "Gu-gu-gu!", "Gu-gu-gu!"

Our chickens in the window - “Ko-ko-ko!”, “Ko-ko-ko!”,

And our Petya-cockerel early in the morning

We will sing "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

Rhythmic game "Snowstorm"

Blizzard, blizzard, Snow spreads across the field.

Children scatter around the room, making smooth movements with their hands in front of them.

Who is spinning, spinning, spinning.

He will swoon. Squat on the last syllable.

Finger massage "Mittens" (Massage for children is performed by parents)

Grandma Fox knits mittens for all foxes:

Rub the rest of your fingers alternately with your thumb.

For the fox Sasha, For the fox Masha,

For the fox Kolya, For the fox Olya,

Alternate massage of the fingers of the left hand, starting with the big one (when repeated, massage the fingers of the right hand).

And small mittens For Natasha the fox.

In gloves - yes, yes, yes! - Rub your palms together.

We will never freeze! - And we have felt boots, -

Zainki answered. - What do we need a blizzard and a snowstorm? ..

If you want, Mishenka, try it on.

Mobile game "Mountain - tree - hummock"

Children run scattered around the hall, waving their arms like wings. When the teacher says: "Kochka!" - children squat (“the duck is tired, sat down to rest on a bump”); "Wood!" - freeze, raising their hands up; "Mountain!" - kneel down and raise their hands clasped into the castle up.

A set of exercises 10

Dynamic exercises "Frost and wind in the yard"

Children perform the movements indicated in the text of the song.

1.Good morning! arms out to the sides and slightly

Smile soon! bow to each other

And today all day "spring"

It will be more fun. lift the arms up

2. We stroke the forehead, perform movements in the text

Nose and cheeks.

We will be beautiful, head tilts to the right and left

Like flowers in a garden! shoulder alternately

3. Let's stretch the palms of the movement through the text

Stronger, stronger! Now let's clap Bolder, bolder!

4. We will now rub our ears And save your health.

Let's smile againBe healthy everyone! spread their arms to the sides

Speech therapy gymnastics

1) Exercise "Path". Children join hands and follow the leader with a “snake”.

2) Exercise "Puff out your cheeks." With your mouth closed, inflate both cheeks at the same time.

On a green fragile leg

The ball has grown by the track. (Dandelion)

3) Exercise to stimulate the movements of the lower jaw "Chick": tilting the jaw down with the maximum stretching of the tongue to the chin by whispering the sound "a" on a solid attack.

Rhythmic exercise "A train is coming"

Children stomp around the room, speeding up and slowing down in accordance with the tempo of the music. Hands bent at the elbows (fingers clenched into fists) make simultaneous circular movements.

Our train is returning.

The driver in it is Santa Claus.

He is a lot of different animals

He brought us to kindergarten.

Finger massage "Halnut".

Tilt the hazel branches -

Parents give massage to the child, stroking the palm of the hand.

Gives nuts to all animals.

Circular movements with the fingertips of the child's right hand gathered together along his left palm.

Here is a nut for the squirrel,Here is a nut for a mouse,

Alternately massaging each finger of the left hand, starting with the thumb.

Here is a nut for a hamster, Here is a nut for a chipmunk.

And he prepared a nut for me, friends!

Rubbing the child's hands together. When repeating, also massage the fingers of the right hand.

Mobile game "Chickens and a cat"

The cat is on the sidelines. Children - “chickens” follow the “hens” to the song:

Hens, chickens, chickens pockmarked

They walk around the yard Little, little, little chicks

They lead. - Don't run away!

Look for grains, ko-ko-ko!

D children disperse throughout the hall and "seek and peck for grains". Then mothers - "hens" say:

Suddenly, out of nowhere, an evil cat appears!

"Chickens" hide under the "wing" to their mothers, the "cat" tries to catch them.

Complex of exercises 11

Dynamic exercises "Guests"

We invite everyone to a housewarming party! The fun begins.

Doll Masha heard


She ran first. Here come the roosters

High knee walking.

Golden combs. And nesting dolls

Stomping step.

Baby dolls, They clapped their hands, They stomped their feet.

And the cheerful Petrushki took the rattles in their hands, the rattles raised up,

They danced very merrily.

Breathing exercise "Bubbles"

Hey little mouse, look

Call to yourself, waving brushes.

We blow bubbles

Blue, red, blue.

Before naming each color, puff out your cheeks strongly and exhale quickly.

Choose any one! -

Logo-rhythmic gymnastics

1) Exercise "Let's blow on jam." Pull your lips forward with a tube, as with the sound "y", and make a long exhalation.

2) Exercise "Delicious Jam" (to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop its mobility, develop a rise in the wide front of the tongue). The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue, moving the tongue from top to bottom, then pull the tongue into the mouth, towards the center of the palate. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, when retracting, its lateral edges slide over the molars, and the tip of the tongue is raised. The lips do not stretch over the teeth, the lower jaw does not “plant” the tongue up - it must be motionless.

Mobile game "Day - night"

At the signal "Day!" - children run scattered around the hall, imitating the movements of mice, birds, butterflies; to the word "Night!" - freeze.

Massage "On a colorful meadow"

Parents help the child to massage.

In a colorful meadow

Clap-clap, clap-clap. clap their hands

Our kids are dancing! clapping partner's hands

Clap-clap, clap-clap.

Our cheeks are good. rub cheeks in a circular motion

Good, good.

Kids are having fun. rub each other's cheeks

Babies, babies

We stroke your nose, stroke your nose,

Nose, your nose.

And a snub-nosed friend. stroke each other's noses

Snub nose.

Let's slap on the shoulders. slap their hands on their shoulders,

Slap-slap, slap-slap.

Let's pat on the back. hug each other, slap their hands on the back.

That's it!

Complex of exercises 12

Dynamic exercises

In a damp forest, a spruce tree,

Stand up straight, straight and hard hands at the bottom slightly spread to the sides.

Grass under the spruce tree.

Bending over and spreading your legs wider, “stroke the grass” from side to side.

On the grass path,

Katenka is walking along the path,

Hold hands, forming a circle, and move in a round dance.

Along the spruce forests, along the birch forests,

T falling step in a circle.

Often a fishing line, a hazel.

Finger game "Bird"

Bird, bird, you have some water on you

“Call” the bird, waving the brush of one hand towards you, fold the other palm into a cup.

Jump off the branch to me, I'll give you grains.

"Pour feed" with one hand on the palm of the other.


Tap your index fingers on your knees in different rhythms.

Game for the development of motor skills "Bunny"

On the edge of the forest. (raise your arms in front of you, describing a circle)

Once upon a time there were bunnies (show bunny ears on your head)

In a gray hut. (fold hands over head in the shape of a house)

We washed our ears, (run our hands over imaginary ears)

Washed their paws. (imitate wash

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 5"

Master Class

according to logarithmics

for children 2-3 years old

"Journey to the Spring Forest!"

Prepared and hosted:

Musical director

Tikhonova Olga Viktorovna


Goals and objectives:

Development of ideas about the world around;

Development of attention and memory (visual, auditory, spatial);

Development of auditory representations;

Development of imagination and emotionality;

Development of motor skills, fine and gross motor skills, the ability to navigate in space, coordination of movements;

Development of articulation and speech;

Developing a sense of rhythm and musicality.

Course progress.

Organizing time:

Children enter the hall and become in a circle. An exercise is being carried out to develop attention, communication skills.

We play, we play

We depict everything around!

This is how we wake up(stretched)

(moves through the text)

This is how we wash

This is how we brush our teeth

My body with a sponge.

All friends and all girlfriends

Wash your neck, wash your ears!

Here we are wiping

Here we are getting dressed and going to the kindergarten.

(walking in place)

Here we go, go, go (3 times)

Come to kindergarten!
Muses. supervisor:
Guys, today we are visiting, a lot of guests have come to us, let's say hello to the guests.

Greetings. " HELLO"-shifting attention, including changing movements.
Muses. supervisor:
Guys, the sun is shining outside, warming the earth, sunbeams are jumping, and let's turn into sunbeams.

Exercise for the development of attention, memory, coordination of movements, regulation of muscle tone.

Muses. supervisor:Guys, do you like to travel? I suggest going to the spring forest today. And to get there faster, let's go by bus. Take your seats on the bus (Children sit in a makeshift bus). The bus is leaving.

Exercise for the development of auditory attention, spatial orientation "BUS"
Guys, look around, how everything has changed in the spring.
The bright, radiant sun came out.
Light, airy, fluffy clouds float across the sky.
Migratory, noisy birds returned.

Who are the birds, little birds? Let's fly like birds.

Exercise for regulating muscle tone, facial movements. Exercise "Birds - small"
Muses. supervisor:Everything came to life around in the spring, the animals wake up from their winter sleep. Look, the bear lies in the den and does not want to wake up.

Mishka snores in the den,

He's not up to spring

Our lazy Toptyzhka,

Seeing dreams!

Let's wake him up with the orchestra, make some noise.

Exercise for the development of hand motor skills, the ability to correlate movements with the text, get acquainted with the musical instruments "Forest Orchestra!"

Muses. supervisor:Well done, guys, woke up this couch potato. He growls something, I don’t understand anything, let’s teach him how to pronounce syllables correctly. (Children sit on their knees in a circle)

Exercise for the development of attention, for chewing-articulatory muscles. Exercise in progress"Come on, repeat!"

Bear (music guide):Thanks guys for waking me upme, I want to dance with you.

Dance "Show your hands" music. Y. Stepanova-Pintus.

Muses. supervisor:Say goodbye to Mishka and hit the road.

" BUS!"

So we returned back to the garden. You enjoyed our trip.


For the harmonious development of a child from birth to school, many factors are important: regimen, nutrition, physical activity, games and activities that develop thinking, memory, attention, speech, emotions, coordination, creativity, self-service skills, reading, counting, writing ...
The task of any parent is to help the baby develop harmoniously and comprehensively. Logarithmics for children who have reached 2-3 years of age will come to the rescue, which will later develop into complicated classes with 4-6-year-old preschoolers. Such trainings are carried out in a playful way, so they are interesting for children and help to improve key skills.

Brief introduction to the term

Logorhythmics is a special technique aimed at solving a whole range of problems related to the speech, coordination and auditory skills of the baby. Regular classes will help to cope with the most common problems and save the child from many difficulties in later life.

Logorhythm for children is a game method of working with kids, which uses musical, motor and verbal elements. Of course, such remedial classes are conducted by specialists in kindergarten, but parents should not shift all responsibility to speech therapists - it is important to practice at home in order to consolidate the result. Moreover, the game form is interesting for kids.

Logorhythm classes are games or exercises to imitate an adult, accompanied by specially selected music.

That is, the child listens to the teacher or parent, sees what he is doing, repeats what he said and did after him. Young children respond best to rhyming speech, but this is not necessary: ​​any funny, interesting stories will do.
The main purpose of logorhythmics for children is the correction or development of speech skills. With its help, you can save the baby from speech problems such as stuttering, pronunciation problems, too slow or too fast speech. At the same time, any speech therapy game develops several processes at once.

Role and meanings

Logarithmics includes three main elements:

  • word (sound);
  • rhythm;
  • motion.

Therefore, classes will help develop a large number of skills at once. It has been proven that fine motor skills and speech are inextricably linked with each other, so a lag in one will invariably lead to a lag in the other. That is why the best training option is a complex lesson. And logarithmics helps to get such an effect.

Through logarithmic activities, you can help your child improve the following critical skills:

  • dexterity increases, large and fine motor skills are improved;
  • the child acquires the skill of correct exhalation when speaking;
  • facial expressions, intonation and rate of speech improve;
  • the mobility of the articulatory organs develops, due to which diction improves;
  • too active and mobile kids calm down somewhat, too slow - on the contrary, they become more nimble and cheerful;
  • improves the posture of babies;
  • creative abilities, the ability to imitate, depict different emotions are revealed;
  • children become stronger and more resilient.

From what has been said, it is clear that logarithmic games are especially indicated in the following cases:

  • at the age of 2.5 to 4 years, when there is an active formation of speech;
  • with general underdevelopment of speech;
  • with stuttering, as well as with a predisposition to it;
  • children with weakened immune systems, often ill;
  • with violations of sound pronunciation, as well as children with too fast, too slow or intermittent speech, with poor intonation;
  • children lagging behind in the development of motor skills and coordination of movements.

Regular practice develops musical ear and memory. Exercises are aimed at achieving age-appropriateness in the baby. Of course, do not forget that every child is an individual. What one mastered in two years without problems, another will become available only by 3.5 years. But there are certain basic skills, without which the normal development of a preschooler is out of the question.

In addition, the lesson develops attentiveness, the ability to think analytically and memory.

Features and Tools

This methodology includes the following aspects.

  • Different types of walking, marching, jumping, squatting. They form the coordination of movements of arms and legs in children, teach them to navigate in space, to understand where the right and left are, what it means in front, behind, above, below. Usually, classes begin with such exercises.
  • Breathing and articulatory exercises that develop strength, expressiveness, voice pitch, as well as the muscles of the articulatory organs.
  • Speech correction games (for example, for the development of phonemic hearing). Contribute to the elimination of existing disorders of perception and pronunciation. The child will have to repeat complex sounds, find and recognize them in words.
  • Singing. It improves intonation, helps to cope with stuttering, rapid speech, and simply gives the child pleasure.
  • Counting exercises. Allow the baby to remember the ordinal count of objects.
  • Finger gymnastics. This gives direct stimulation of the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for the development of speech.
  • Exercises for the development of motor skills: general and fine. Contribute to the development of speech and thought processes.
  • Games for attention, memory development. Develop skills to quickly switch between actions.
  • Exercises aimed at normalizing the tone of the muscles of the speech apparatus. Required for children with speech defects, in particular stuttering.
  • Dancing. They teach a sense of rhythm, improve the plasticity and posture of the baby, give an outlet for energy in too restless children.
  • Exercises for the development of facial expressions. Indispensable for children with speech disorders. Often their facial muscles are inactive. Inexpressive facial expressions make the pronunciation inexpressive, so correction is required.
  • Relaxation. Such exercises usually complete classes in logarithmics. They are needed, first of all, for children with hyperactivity and similar disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, when the accumulated energy splashes out with difficulty.

At the initial stage of the lesson, the child can simply repeat the movements after the adult, then individual words or the endings of phrases. And when he can remember the entire text, let him repeat it from beginning to end.

At the same time, a lesson in logarithmics may not look like it. For example, with the help of movements and facial expressions, you can beat almost any fairy tales, nursery rhymes that a mother reads to a child.
  • On a walk, you can imitate the sounds or movements of the natural world (birds, animals, weather phenomena).
  • In the bathroom, it is easy to play in a storm, in brave captains, depict swimming fish, play a story or a fairy tale on a sea or river theme.
  • While doing gymnastics, you can turn on suitable music and perform exercises that imitate some other actions (a frog jumping, a cat sipping, branches swinging from the wind).

There are many opportunities to involve the baby in logorhythmic activities, the fantasy of adults can suggest other options.

When organizing such classes at home, adjust them depending on the needs of your child: you can focus both on practicing sounds or recognizing them in speech, and on attention, developing hearing, coordination, if this is more required for your baby.

Tools that can be used for logarithmics include:

  • games;
  • exercises;
  • songs;
  • rhymes.

The training itself is carried out in a fun way for kids, so they not only spend time with benefit for themselves, but also enjoy it. In order for the child to be interested, dolls and toys should be included in logorhythmic classes. To develop hand skills, wooden spoons or sticks will be required; cubes, pyramid rings or similar items. And an adult can arm himself with mitten dolls, which will give the lesson a special mood.

If your baby is not yet successful in something, do not scold him. This will not only discourage the desire to study, but also inspire the child with a sense of his own inferiority. Try to break down a difficult task into simpler ones, or leave it alone for now. After a while, the child, encouraged by your praise, will be able to perform it correctly.

Rules for conducting logorhythmic classes

The main thing is to be guided by the problems that a particular baby has, so that the main emphasis in the classes is on exercises for their correction - you just need to find the right ones.

Each such activity is a fun game that will bring a lot of positive emotions to the baby. These games are based on imitation: during their conduct, the baby repeats what the adult does, and the adult imitates something (or someone).

When conducting classes, it is important to follow simple recommendations.

  • Children with stuttering should be engaged at least 4 times a week, with the main emphasis on exercises to develop the speech apparatus, normalize its tone, and work out the pace of speech. The rest of the kids should not arrange classes more than 2 times a week.
  • In order to notice the results, you will have to wait at least six months (in severe cases, a year) - subject to the regularity of training and a positive attitude during their implementation.
  • In order for the game to arouse interest in the child and the feeling of the game, you can use his favorite melodies, pictures, toys, books, clothes, as well as everything that can please and cheer him up.
  • Each exercise must be repeated many times (at first at a slow pace, and as the baby masters it, faster) until the child copes with it perfectly.
  • Music requires special attention. It should correspond to the textual and motor parts of the exercises: for slow, calm ones, minor motives are needed, for moving, lively ones, more dynamic ones. Music should reflect the emotions experienced, the mood and everything that is reproduced in the game. Music, movement and speech should create an indivisible unity.
  • You should not be upset, and even more so - show your child your disappointment with the result of the work. He can withdraw into himself and flatly refuse to play with such a “motivation”.

Classes with children 2-3 years old

So, after 2 years, children begin to actively develop speech. Therefore, the main goal of logorhythmic games is to stimulate speech activity, thought processes, and the formation of coherent speech. Although outdoor games, dancing can also be included in them.
A great way to develop the articulation apparatus of two- and three-year-old children is onomatopoeia. This can be an imitation of different sounds, feasible at this age: animals, birds, clattering, sounds of blows, natural phenomena (wind, rain, thunder), knocking, sounds of transport. After mastering the simplest imitations, you can add more and more complex and detailed ones.

Never replace words in such games with their symbols (“bibika” instead of “car”, “kiss-kiss” instead of “cat”). Children should always hear around them only competent, correct speech, so as not to assimilate simplified options, and then not to be relearned.

Let's get acquainted with several options for training in logarithmics with the smallest.

Musical logorhythm

To make classes more interesting for kids, you can use the video of Yekaterina Zheleznova, thanks to which parents will learn how to develop a sense of musical rhythm in children and improve speech skills. Each exercise contains exclamations for repetition, which will help the child learn to sing and speak, as well as a certain set of movements aimed at developing fine and gross motor skills.

Let's give examples of exercises.

  • "Our Pens" An adult sings a song, the baby, following the parent, begins to rub one palm against the other, as if trying to wash them. Then the arms are raised up, the fingers are spread apart and the hands are rotated. Further - hands are lowered, again rotate with brushes. And finally, they put their hands behind their backs.
  • "Steam locomotive". Toddlers 2-3 years old can perform this exercise with the help of their parents, who will “lead” the movements of their arms bent at the elbows, imitating the movement of the wheels of a steam locomotive. To make it more interesting for the child, you can include a toy train in the lesson. Be sure to sing a song and repeat the words "choo-choo-choo".
  • Cube exercises. The song is very simple: “The doll with the cube is coming, the red cube is bringing us. Dropped the cube, oh (adult drops the cube). Get another one now." The task of the child is to roll the dice at the moment when the corresponding words of the song sound.

At first, the parent can help the baby, tell him when it is necessary to roll the dice.

  • "Horse". For this exercise, you need to prepare wooden spoons with which the kids will knock against each other, imitating the clatter of a horse's hooves. Parents, holding the hands of the child, help him if necessary.
  • "Legs". Kids with the help of their parents make jumps and squats, singing a song about legs.

There are many similar exercises, so you can periodically update the training program, but you should not do this too often, otherwise the kids will not be able to remember the songs and exercises themselves.


Children at 2-3 years old love animals and are actively interested in them, so you can use this to develop speech and coordination of movements.

There are many options for tasks that are understandable and accessible to the smallest.

  • - the baby tries to repeat "meow", and also twirls a toy cat in his hands, developing a brush.
  • "Mu"- imitation of a cow. The task of the child is not only to make a sound, but also to repeat the movements of the animal.
  • "Donkey"- the children sing along with the exclamation “i-a” and imitate the movements of the donkey: they stamp their feet, wave their arms like a tail.

Toddlers are interested in repeating the movements of animals, while they develop their speech skills and motor skills.

For the development of fine motor skills, finger gymnastics is used, drawing with fingers on semolina, sand, flour.

Classes in 3-4 years

At this age, preschoolers improve motor skills, children learn to communicate, develop speech skills. This is what needs to be supported in the first place. Logorhythmic exercises can be a little more complicated, include verses that the child will repeat after an adult.

The main tasks for this age are:

  • walking with various forms of complication - in place, like a bear (clubfoot), like a fox (on tiptoe), on the heels, on the outer and inner side of the foot;
  • articulation and breathing exercises;
  • singing;
  • mindfulness exercises;
  • speech exercises without musical accompaniment.

Each of them performs several functions at once and helps to develop a number of skills.

  • Movements can be practiced, for example, with the help of such an exercise as "Earth-Water-Air". At the word "earth" the child actively stamps his feet (it is possible to the beat of the selected melody), at the word "water" he imitates swimming. And when he hears "air", he must show the flight of a bird.
  • For the development of diction, it is useful to imitate playing musical instruments (this is already more difficult than just howling wind or dripping rain): on a trumpet, balalaika, rattles, tambourine, drum. You can take children's tools to more accurately “remove imitation”.
  • Speech breathing is trained with the help of such fun games as blowing cotton wool from the palm of your hand, “volleyball” with a feather using breathing, blowing soap bubbles. It's fun for a child to blow on a paper boat in the bathroom, make a "storm" in a glass of water using a cocktail tube.

Features of the training

Having decided to do logarithmics with a child of 3-4 years old, it is important for parents to consider the following points.

  • Since the baby repeats all the movements after the parent, the adult must be sure that he shows them correctly, so each exercise should be done in front of a mirror or rehearsed.
  • No need to force the child to memorize words or movements. Regular repetition - and they will be remembered by themselves.
  • The frequency of training is twice a week. However, if the baby is behind in development, stutters or slurs most of the sounds, the number of workouts increases by one or two.

At the first stages, the help of a parent may be required, so you need to support the baby’s hands, help him complete the task, guide him. Patience is required from moms and dads, because a lot of things can not work out the first time. It is impossible to scold a child, otherwise he will develop a persistent aversion to training and skills useful for later life will remain unformed.

Positive influence

After a couple of months of regular classes, you can notice positive changes in a preschooler:

  • his movements will become more varied, smooth and accurate;
  • speech is clearer and more expressive, the pronunciation of many sounds will be better;
  • the child will gain dexterity, improve large and fine motor skills.

Therefore, parents should not underestimate the importance of such activities, especially during the formation of speech.

The exercises are quite numerous, here are a few examples.

Exercise examples

It is best to start training with breathing exercises. Children 3-4 years old do well with the following exercises:

  • blow on the palm on which an imaginary snowflake lies;
  • blow off the paper from the tip of the nose;
  • blow on an imaginary dandelion.

There are many such exercises in various file cabinets.

The following tasks will help improve overall coordination of movements.

  • Imitation of playing musical instruments. The child, following the adult, reproduces both the movement itself and the resulting sound.
  • "Earth, air, water". The parent pronounces the word "earth". The task of the baby is to repeat it and stomp his feet - he walks on the ground. Then the adult says “air”, the child repeats the word and raises his hands up - rises into the air. Now the word “water” sounds, the child, repeating it, swings his arms, imitating the movements of a swimmer. The exercise should be performed several times, you can start with 5-6 repetitions, gradually increasing their number. The baby must remember the movements quickly.
  • An adult pronounces a word familiar to the baby (for example, from the subject of vegetables) in syllables: o-gu-retz. The child repeats and claps on each syllable: o (clap) - gu (clap) - retz (clap). Then other vegetables are similarly “slammed”: cabbage, carrots, peppers. To make it interesting for the child, you can show him the products in question.
  • Exercise "Heel and toe": children put their hands on the belt (it is important for parents to help them with this). Now one leg is pushed forward, put on the toe, comes back, then repeats with the other leg. The next moment is to take turns putting both feet on the heel. Then the parent asks the child to turn around its axis, make a few claps.
  • It is imperative to include walking in place in your workout, this will help improve coordination in general.

If any exercise is not given to the child, it does not work out, then it can be temporarily deleted from the training structure and returned no earlier than a couple of months later.

A very good exercise for the development of general motor skills "Geese". It is performed as follows: an adult reads the text and shows the movements. The task of the child is to reproduce these actions:

Gray geese flew (babies, waving their arms like wings, stand on their toes and run).

They quietly sat down on the lawn (children squat).

Like (get up, walk on toes in a circle).

They pecked (standing, tilt their heads down).

Then they quickly ran (the kids run, sit on a chair prepared in advance).

"Geese" can be performed both in group classes and at home with one baby. If the parent is artistic, starts using toys, then the child will not get bored, but will do the exercise with pleasure.

You should not expect quick results, especially if classes are held with lagging babies. There are cases when a positive effect can be detected only after a year of regular classes. So that the child does not lose interest, it is important not to forget to prepare musical accompaniment for each workout (it can be funny children's songs).

After 4 years, children already speak quite well, they can repeat almost everything that adults show them. Therefore, it is useful to play plot scenes, pronounce the texts of each game with the baby (this trains speech and memory, teaches you to build complex sentences).

5-6 years: continuation of work

When the baby is 5-6 years old, logorhythm classes move to a new level. In the card index of logorhythmic activities for children of this age, there should be active, outdoor games, exercises that require great physical effort. Walking now occurs with a change of direction, complex rebuilding; it is useful to combine it with other activities (go and sing or count).
Now the logarithm performs the following tasks:

  • help to replenish the stock of known words;
  • improve fine motor skills;
  • stimulate the development of creative abilities;
  • improve speech and allow you to correct errors in the pronunciation of individual sounds;
  • help to form the correct posture.

At this age, children are actively preparing for school, so the exercises become more complex.

To prepare for writing, it is important to include exercises for the development of fine motor skills, as well as self-massage (stroking, rubbing the palms and fingers) in the lessons.

For example, you can beat a poem by F. Tyutchev:

Winter is not without reason angry (the child frowns and threatens with his index finger),

Her time has passed (rubs her palms contentedly),

Spring is knocking on the window (you need to tap your index finger on the other palm)

And he drives from the yard (the child actively waves his arms, gestures and facial expressions, driving away winter).

It is also important now to develop a sense of rhythm, correct intonation, fluency of speech, to teach the child speech emotionality, to continue working on breathing. To do this, it is useful to play children's musical instruments, sing sounds, syllables, tap the rhythm of poems with your feet, fingers or palms, depict various emotions and feelings.

When preparing for school, it is also necessary to develop attention and concentration. To do this, you can, for example, confuse the child in games where he must repeat the movements of an adult (who periodically calls one action and does another).


A 5-6 year old preschooler already has an idea about vegetables, so he can easily cope with the following exercises.

  • "We chopped the cabbage!" - the adult says, shows the child the movement: bend your arms at the elbows, move them up and down alternately, as if chopping cabbage. The kid repeats.
  • “We salted the cabbage!” - movement: bring your fingers into a handful and imitate the movement of pickling, fingering.
  • "We rubbed the cabbage!" - bend your elbows, press your fists one to the other and rub them against each other.
  • "We squeezed the cabbage!" - bending his arms at the elbows, the baby, following the adult, begins to alternately clench and unclench his fists.
  • "We did a great job!" - let's slap ourselves.

To make it easier for the child, you can first show him in the kitchen how to work with shredding cabbage.

Instead of cabbage, you can bake pancakes: say a cheerful poem, making movements with your hands and clapping to the beat.

The dough was kneaded cool, wow! Wow - wow! (the task of the baby is to unclench and clench the fists) The frying pans are hot, wow! Wow! (now circular motions are conferred with both hands: the palms move in a circle 2-3 times in each direction) Dee-dee, la-da, patties, let's bake pancakes (“oven pancakes” should be like this: clap your hands, holding them parallel to the floor, each time changing the "upper" hand) Clap-slap, clap-slap, clap-slap, clap-slap! Frets - frets, fritters, hot pancakes! (the palms are located in front of the face, it is necessary to “draw” with them an imaginary semicircle to the left and right, blow on them).


These exercises for preschoolers will not only help improve coordination, fine motor skills and speech skills, but will also help memorize the names of representatives of the animal world and their behavior.

The kids, following the adults, repeat simple rhymes about bugs, a bunny, a bear and make the necessary movements.

"How do bugs dance?"

Top-top with the right foot (children stomp one foot twice).

Top-top with the left leg (the same - the other).

Up, up our paws (children raise their hands up).

Who is above all? (stand on toes, try to stretch as high as possible without losing balance).

The kids, following the adult, repeat the words of the rhyme and perform the movements:

Little bunny sits (children squat)

Moves his ears (babies put their hands on their heads and make a movement that imitates the movement of long ears).

The white tail trembles,

He chatters his own teeth.

I sat up and froze (children rub their hands on their hands, as if trying to warm themselves),

Gotta warm up.

Let's clap our paws (babies clap their hands),

We stomp our feet (stomp in place).

That's good!

You can also use the well-known rhyme about the bear "A bear with a clubfoot is walking through the forest." Then the kids have to perform several exercises:

  • mimic the walk of a bear;
  • bend down, as if behind a bump;
  • grab an imaginary bump with your palm and place it in your pocket.

Gradually, the children will learn rhymes and will tell them without the help of a parent.

All sounds in the poem must be pronounced clearly so that the child has a positive example. Therefore, parents should practice.

The duration of the lesson is about 30 minutes twice a week. If there are problems, in agreement with the speech therapist, the number of training sessions can be increased.

New tasks

Gradually, you can complicate the tasks: read to the children a rhyme of simple content (for example, “Elephant” or “Goat” by Agniya Barto) and invite them to come up with movements that are appropriate in meaning. If difficulties arise, the parent can prompt, direct in the right direction.

Classes with logorhythmics should become a useful habit, because, in addition to their obvious usefulness, they are able to give the child real pleasure, help him have fun and usefully spend time. Parents should remember that there is no single training program that is suitable for everyone - the lesson is built individually, depending on the level of development of the baby. Logarithmic exercises give a positive result only after a long period, but the achieved effect can surprise even the most skeptical parents.