Depression during pregnancy the second trimester. Causes and features of depression during pregnancy

Depression during pregnancy is becoming more and more familiar ailment. How to cope with a pregnant woman with depression during the entire period, in the last weeks and in the postpartum state, a scheme of six actions and much more, waiting for you in this article ...

In the old Japanese cartoon "Tarot - Son of the Dragon", a poor pregnant woman made himself a feeling of guilt because he ate two little fish ("fell" the village, the inhabitants of which these fish would not have been enough for some), and turned into a dragon. It became worse ...

Hi friends! I will not really say that the lady of old centuries perceived their position, but in modern times the depression is practically normal. Why? There are many reasons, from bad ecology to the modern rhythm of life. But the expectation of the child should be one of the happiest moments in the life of any person. Let's figure it out that for the negative it is hired, and how to deal with him.

Does she rush imperceptibly?

That's not! Even if the surrounding it seems that a woman in the position "coarse", or "herself does not know what he wants," her syndrome has specific reasons that can be seen with the naked eye. If you want. And if you do not want - you will not even notice the inscription with the red letters of a meter value.

First of all, it is impossible to consider the depression of a pregnant woman one-sided. Personal character traits and predisposition are important, but not radical. It is clear that if the future mother has a tendency to panic for any reason - she will faster in the state of depression. Although, there are back examples when pregnancy makes the nervous and not confident woman calm down, come into balance, to realize its significance.

Nine months - a short time, less than a year, and during this time in one body should be formed and grow another body.

Sweight advisers tell how to help themselves - offer to find entertainment, start walking, visit to do business, for which you never had enough time, go to the hairdresser, buy a new dress.

Depression In the Late Dotions, the forum regulars consider the most explained, because additional goods and the approach of childbirth makes mom still vulnerable. But it is no less important to find ways to fight and in the second trimester, and in the early stages.

Positive emotions are very important for the entire period, but it is unlikely to cure if at home is waiting for a person, an inattentive environment that only one wants: so that you believe and did not bring them with your whims.

Could there be something more beautiful than the birth of a new life? The female organism is very thin, pregnant can subconsciously feel that those around her people are full of fears, for example, a financial nature, and do not rejoice, but think about themselves: "Suddenly this child will be a burden?"

Mother feels and what annoys all with their painful state. Baby tool - a serious psycho-physical condition. The most important thing is that everyone who is nearby is patience, tactfulness and attention.

Any female in nature instinctively protects its offspring. When she carries a cub - she becomes especially sensitive, reacts to the slightest signs of threat. Man is the same animal, and maybe, as they, perceive the danger at the level of the subconscious. If the spouse (daughter, daughter-in-law) is able to not notice someone's discontent - pregnant, she will definitely notice everything, or finally.

The surrounding should be remembered that the guy in the womb is a huge additional burden on the body: physical, hormonal and psychological. There is nothing more stupid than to say: "Take yourself in hand," or "Be patient, everything will cost." Through the problem can not be treated, it is necessary to solve it. Any deviation in psychological equilibrium requires help.

Scheme of action

If you still overtook depression during pregnancy, then we struggle with her - collectively. Better according to such a scheme:

  1. To reduce the spouse to the doctor, let him appreciate her condition, will calm down, will explain that there is no concern, the child develops normally, and for nerves will advise the sedative teas, or something else, the same safe.
  1. To try to understand that the child cannot be unwanted, even if he is the second, third or tenth. They did not want him - it was necessary to be better to be protected, and now there is no road road, love.
  1. To convince the spouse that the baby is desirable and beloved, like she herself.
  1. To teach yourself not to annoy himself, even if autotraining (it is only 9 months old, and maybe it is faster, if you behave correctly).
  1. To give pregnant more attention so that she does not feel abandoned.
  1. The mostst mommy really do something, for it is pleasant, more rest, drink vitamins and walk in the fresh air (sailing either does not hurt). And especially good - if these classes and walks to make together with your husband.

While for some women pregnancy - one of the happiest periods in life, for others is the time of confusion, fear and uncertainty. This behavior often does not give due value, written by one of the types of manifestation of hormonal imbalance, which is quite characteristic of the upcoming motherhood. Multipressed by some social problems, this state will develop into depression.

The oppression should be concerned about the relatives of a woman and observing her gynecologists, because the development of pathology affects not only its body - the baby suffers.

In order to protect yourself from a lot of trouble, it is important to know how to deal with depression during pregnancy.

Dorodal depression, namely, this pathology sounds like a scientifically, is something more than just a mood disorder. Such a clinical state, like all other diseases, needs timely identification and treatment.

The clinical picture of the disease is quite diverse: from harmless, at first glance, the lack of appetite is ready to endorse the life of suicide.

The biological process, which is characterized by depression during pregnancy, entails changes in brain chemistry. During pregnancy, hormonal changes affect the brain chemicals that provoke the development of depression and anxiety.

They are exacerbated by difficult life situations. This complicates the ability to derive a pregnant patient from a pathological condition.

The probability of the onset of depressive syndrome does not depend on the age: this problem is striking both young women and pregnant mid-years.

In addition, it arises in early time - it is important to recognize it in a timely manner and ask for help. Much depends on the personal awareness of the future mother and on the degree of concern for her relatives. It is important for them to remember that depression in the early periods of pregnancy is a frequent phenomenon.

From among all identified cases, it was found that the predisposition to the disorder increases if the following factors are present:

  • Intense relationships with the father of the child (interpersonal relations are played in a pair; the unpretentiousness of the man is responsible for the future family often violates the psychological state of pregnant women).
  • Family predisposition (the risk of mental disorder in pregnant women increases if the mother had such a problem).
  • Long (the state of despair, which is characterized by the restoration of the reproductive function, does not always quickly "switches" to the joy of the upcoming motherhood; when this period is delayed, the woman is susceptible to such a mental violation).
  • The presence of a history or other deploy outcomes of pregnancy. This event is painful. Depression after - distributed. The need for artificial labor causes an involuntary fear of the well-being of current pregnancy.
  • Stressive life events (misunderstanding of their further action, the feeling of hopelessness is able to cause hostility to the child and its position as a whole, which, undoubtedly, leaves a fingerprint on the psyche of the future mother; Often, one of these problems is lack of money, unemployment or even the absence of one's own housing).
  • Complications during pregnancy (such phenomena, as exhausting or no possibility to fully carry out the care procedures affect the attitude towards themselves, because due to pregnancy, the woman is forced to abandon many things, as a result of which unreasonably feels incomplete).
  • Inxication or injury. The presence of current bad habits, such as alcohol abuse, and previously transferred earliest brain injuries do not pass without a trace - in both cases there are changes in the structure and condition of the brain, provoking the development of depression.

How to recognize a pathological condition?

It is difficult to establish probably the beginning of a psychological disorder, but to suspect the formation of this is possible on the basis of some of the characteristic symptoms. One of them is the reluctance of a woman to care for themselves. Pregnant woman does not seek to look good, ignoring elementary hygiene rules.

Also, the woman in depression demonstrates indifference to the development of his child. Non-recognition, unwillingness of their own pregnancy - one of the reasons for such a relation to her relationship.

A psychologically healthy future mother with great and quite explained enthusiasm reread the child care literature, delivers the details of communication with the baby, consults with a specialist about what tactics to adhere to the child grow healthy, in every way the existing gaps in knowledge.

Floodiness is also one of the characteristic signs of depression during pregnancy. It has no reason, is not caused by some truly grated events, but lasts long, repeats often, it ends every time differently.

In the majority of women subject to psycho-emotional disorder during pregnancy, such a fortune begins with whims, the requirements to please its fleeting attacks, the negative response is not accepted or happens to be extremely negative. Such behavior ends with an attack of aggression, the desire of privacy.

A woman during depression is experiencing an oppressive sense of hopelessness. The perception of a child as a heavy burden, which prevents the career growth, takes time and becomes the reason for changing the figure not for the better - makes a woman feel depressed.

It is possible to determine the attitude to life in its statements, conversations or absences. Sometimes the future mother prefers to conduct a separate lifestyle, being pregnant unwanted, by her attitude, child. Isolation should be an alarming signal for relatives and medical personnel.

Unbearable depression can lead to such complications as:

  • deterioration of appetite;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • a tendency to suicidal behavior;
  • aggression, which often puts the beginning of the development of serious heart, vascular and neurological disorders;
  • offensive;
  • the birth of a malicious, sluggish child with low basic reflexes;
  • the emergence of problems in the physical and intellectual development of the child as they are growing.

There are two types of manifestation of depression in women:

  1. Woman dwells in the oppressed mood; She often lacks forces or desire to adequately take care of himself and his child.
  2. Overly active behavior of a pregnant woman complicates the doctor's task to provide medical care. The task is also complicated by the fact that the aggression of the mother is reflected in the state of the fetus. Seeing such a clinical picture, in most cases, obstetricians together with a psychiatrist or a neuropathologist, prescribe sedatives. Those who took antidepressants during pregnancy subsequently celebrate their children difficulty with the development of the school program, slow motion physical development, pain.

Differences from poor mood

Poor mood - a short period of reluctance to perceive the surrounding reality. It is expressed in negative reviews specifically about an irritant factor. Depending on the individual vulnerability, the spectrum of negative reviews of a pregnant woman can expand.

Under the influence of positively acting factors, the normalization of the lifestyle, achieving the desired - this state quickly passes.

Threats to commit suicide most often remain at the level of verbal warnings, not interpretable in something more. Appetite is not only present, but it is significantly intensified - the pregnant "walks" the problem, distracted by the pondering of the annoying factor and rejoicing itself with delicious dishes.

Depressive syndrome - deeper and protracted. It rarely can be confused with just a bad mood.

It is characterized by the following signs:

  • Pregnant limits communication.
  • Refuses food.
  • She has difficulties with a concentration of attention.
  • Drowsiness or, on the contrary, insomnia.
  • Loss of interest in activities that previously liked.
  • Repeating thoughts on death, suicide, or obsessive feeling of hopelessness.
  • Anxiety.
  • Feeling guilt or worthlessness.
  • Over time, headaches appear, problems with the stomach that do not pass.
  • Does not attend women's advice.
  • Do not recommend the recommendations of the gynecologist.
  • Consciously uses harmful substances, such as tobacco, alcohol or drugs.
  • Often, seeks to get rid of pregnancy, applying various ways.

How pregnant to overcome depression?

There are many effective methods of treatment. But often such patients are in no hurry to resort to medical care. Although, at the same time, do not know what to do with depression during pregnancy.

You need to change lifestyle. It is important to take care of yourself not only physically, but also emotionally.

When depressed is necessary:

  • Enlarge holiday time. Fatigue strengthens the mood swings.
  • Spending time outdoors. Walking in nature reduces stress and dulls the symptoms of depression.
  • Stick to a balanced diet. Regular snacks will help keep blood glucose levels while maintaining a good mood. Avoid caffeine, sugar and processed food. Instead, you should give preference to a diet with the predominance of omega-3 fatty acids (try to eat mostly walnuts, fish and eggs) - this reduces the risk of depression during pregnancy.
  • Sports allowed during pregnancy, such as swimming. Regular physical activity increases the level of hormone joy. Regular aerobic exercises are as effective in the treatment of depression, as well as the reception of antidepressants.
  • Dismoteled from unnecessary stresses - the key to managing a bad mood. Made with cardinal changes in life, such as moving or moving to a new job.

Do not try to independently confront a mental problem. Discuss your feelings. If you are worried about not to cope with the upbringing of the child, you are afraid of unknown or there are any other fears - do not hold it in yourself. Get support from partner, family, friends.

Many mistakenly believe that seeking help, suffering from this disorder - something shameful and unacceptable. In fact, recognition that the help of a specialist is needed is a big step towards recovery.

Useful video about the causes of depression during pregnancy and methods for its treatment

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The desired pregnancy is one of the happiest periods in the life of any woman, but sometimes it's time is overshadowed by the state of depression. How to distinguish this depression from whims and mood drops inherent in all pregnant women and how to treat it?

What is antenatal depression

Pregnancy is a natural physiological process, and if it proceeds without complications, hormonal changes occurring in the body protect future mom from various stressful states. However, if a woman, due to the characteristics of its nervous system, is prone to changeable mood, gloomy thoughts, constancy, then during pregnancy, depression may develop.

Nevertheless, in itself a bad mood, even if it happens quite often, is not yet depressed. Depressive disorder, in addition to low, is characterized by the negative perception of itself, his personality and the situation as a whole, self-denial, unbelief into the future and persistent inexplicable pessimism. Externally, this is manifested in the form of lethargy, indifference and affects of reactions.

According to statistics, women are exposed to depression 2-3 times more than men. This is explained by a closer link of their neuroendocrine system with an emotional state, which is most well manifested during hormonal drops.

According to general data, pregnant women, depression is worried much less often than in general women of childbearing age. The prenatal depression is found in 10-20% of cases, while among women as a whole this indicator reaches 25%.

In most cases, the symptoms of prenatal depression manifest themselves much softer than at the postpartum depression, but they also require a serious relationship, since the depressive state of a pregnant woman can adversely affect the health of the future child and cause the development of complications.

Causes of depression during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body of a woman is exposed to a global hormonal restructuring, which can cause a violation of neuroendocrine regulation. Factors leading to the emergence and development of prenatal depression can be divided into psychophysiological and socio-psychological. Psychophysiological factors include:

  • the presence of depression to pregnancy, conception of the child against the background of depression;
  • interruption due to pregnancy treatment with antidepressants, which dramatically increases the risk of exacerbation of the depressive state;
  • pronounced toxicosis;
  • prolonged reception of sedative (sedative and sleeping pills) drugs;
  • severe flow of real pregnancy or heavy past pregnancy with serious complications;
  • unsuccessful pregnancy in history (miscarriage, frozen pregnancy, etc.);
  • fear before the upcoming births;
  • depressive disorders and mental illness in loved ones: parents, grandparents, sister brothers;
  • features of character, emotional impassable;
  • negative changes associated with appearance (high weight gain, poor skin, etc.);
  • total weakness, a tendency to quick fatigue.

Among the socio-psychological factors, the following can be distinguished:

  • lack of mutual understanding and support in the family;
  • complex relationships or gap with the father of the child;
  • stressful situations that remain unresolved;
  • financial difficulties, housing and domestic problems;
  • fear before changes in the usual lifestyle: care from work, professional unrealizations, etc.;
  • unplanned and unwanted pregnancy.

Any depressive condition is caused by a combination of factors and therefore is always individual. It is clear if the depression is the consequence of some truly grated events: the death of a loved one, breaking with the father of the future child. It is much more complicated by the situation when everything seems to be fine: a woman is healthy, the pregnancy proceeds normally, the husband is attentive. In this case, it is harder to identify hidden factors and premises of depression.

The likelihood of depression increases, if the woman has increased demands on others and perfectionism in relation to itself, expressed in allegations like such:

  • "Everyone is obliged to protect me and respect";
  • "Everything should be the way I want";
  • "My child must have the best";
  • "I have to do everything and do perfectly."

Similar thoughts hold a pregnant woman in constant mental tension, killing her confidence.


A pregnant woman should be suspected if she has five or more of the following symptoms:

  • bad mood;
  • feeling of internal emptiness;
  • despondency;
  • apathy;
  • lack of interest in life;
  • high fatigue, constant fatigue and decay of forces;
  • slowness and inhibition;
  • loss of interest in classes that previously delivered pleasure;
  • scattered;
  • worsening memory;
  • inability to make decisions;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia or non-leaving drowsiness, too restless or long sleep);
  • reduction of sexual attraction;
  • increased irritability;
  • anxiety;
  • plasticity;
  • imperidity;
  • guilt;
  • low self-esteem;
  • feeling of selflessness;
  • reluctance to communicate with someone, the desire to isolate oneself from society;
  • fear of open space and exit to the street (agoraphobia);
  • feeling of hopelessness and hopelessness;
  • thoughts about death and suicide.

If these symptoms are observed over two weeks, we can talk about depressive disorder. It helps to distinguish it from temporarily reduced mood and reduce life tone.

When demersessia, the absence of the ability to rejoice, experience positive emotions, enjoy life varies in a wide range: from excessive planetization and disadvantage to aggression towards close people and unwillingness to live. With a serious depression, accompanied by thoughts on suicide, it should be immediately console to a psychotherapist.

Usually depression begins with alarming concerns about the flow and outcome of pregnancy, the health of the future kid. Gradually increasing longing and apathy lead to decay forces when even simple home affairs becomes difficult. As a result, sleep and appetite disorders arise, a sense of guilt and serious deterioration of well-being appear.

Features of manifestation at different times

First trimester

In psychology, the first trimester is called the "denial period". If pregnancy proceeds normally, no complications, there is no toxicosis, then the woman often forgets what is pregnant. It can plan a business trip or outdoor for future months, but immediately realizes that this plans are not destined to come true. In addition, she has to abandon the bad habits, such as smoking, or sports loads (if there are medical contraindications for this), as this is a very important time for the development of the baby: all fetal organ systems are laid in the first trimester.

It is interesting that even joyful events and associated positive emotions can provoke the development of depression in humans, as they often entail serious changes in life.

Woman does not immediately get used to his new state and takes it. At the same time, at this time in the female body there is a serious restructuring, affecting all its systems. This is accompanied by emotional instability, increased sensitivity, mood swings, drowsiness and faster fatigue than before. And all these signs are a variant of the physiological norm. The depression also indicates a protracted pessimistic attitude, constant anxiety and waiting for the worst who do not pass in two weeks, but on the contrary, only enhanced.

Second trimester

During this period, a woman is bothering with his special position, and after that, they come thinking that on the past life you can put a cross: you will have to abandon your favorite work, the usual rhythm and lifestyle, friends, entertainment. At the same time, according to the testimony of psychologists, at this time many women discover themselves from the new side: they begin to engage in creativity (singing, drawing), study foreign languages. But pregnant women with a pronounced tendency to depression have to experience strong emotional storms.

In the second trimester, the mass of the body increases, the dairy glands are grouped, periodically arises pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back, bother frequent urge to the toilet. And the more inconveniences deliver these physiological features, the stronger it affects the psychological state of the woman.

In order not to provoke the development of a depressive disorder, it is recommended that you quickly exemplary from negative information coming from outside: to carefully filter movies and TV programs for viewing, reading pleasant literature. It is necessary to try to create around yourself a cozy, calm and cheerful atmosphere.

Third trimester

In the late period of panic, even the most balanced women may appear, and it is possible to allow himself from time to time to be in a bad mood. The last weeks of pregnancy is a big belly and difficulty of movement, a huge burden on the spine, the lower back, the feeling of its own helplessness, clumsy and dependence on others. The depressive state at the end of pregnancy is caused by fear before the upcoming clans, physical and mental fatigue, the loss of attractiveness in the eyes of her husband.

According to experts, the prenatal depression in the last weeks of pregnancy does not cause significant harm to the future mother, but it can negatively affect the psyche of the child and his postnatal development (after birth). Although a slight excitement that does not turn into hysterics or neurosis is quite natural and normal.

It must be remembered that childbirth and subsequent adaptation flow rapidly and easier than calmly, a woman is balanced and morally prepared for them. Psychologists advise to enter the decree in a timely manner, not to work up to the safels. It is best to dedicate this time to yourself: a lot to walk, cook the child dowry, to arrange a photo session, to do what is pleasure, while listening to myself, your body and inner state.

How to cope

Often others, even the closest, underestimate the seriousness of the situation, advise a pregnant woman to "take themselves in hand." However, with this depression, such advice is meaningless.

Depression in pregnant women is diagnosed by various tests using evaluation scales. A blood test may be made to determine the markers of genetic predisposition to depressive states. It is best before the occurrence of pregnancy solve its psychological problems. But if the depression appeared during pregnancy, it is recommended to turn to a specialist as soon as possible and do not wait for everything that everything goes by itself. From a light or moderate form of depression, you can get rid of hypnosis, as well as individual or group psychotherapy.

Medicia treatment

Depressive disorders are treated with antidepressants pharmacological drugs. The effect of treatment with non-drugs (physiotherapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, etc.) is usually small.

Of course, during pregnancy, you need to try to do everything to do without acceptance of medicines, because there is no absolutely safe antidepressant for the child. All modern psychotropic drugs have a property to penetrate the placenta in amniotic fluid. The first trimester is especially dangerous in this regard, when the risk of teratogenic effect (the emergence of malformations of the fetus).

Medical drugs are prescribed in the following cases:

  • the woman suffered a heavy form of depression to conception, and after the occurrence of pregnancy, her mental state worsened;
  • depression proceeds with frequent relapses without persistent remissions.

To date, the leading preparations for the treatment of depression are selective inhibitors of serotonin reverse seizure (SSIRS): fluoxetine, gold (sertraline), Paksil (Paroxetine), cipramil (cytitalopram). Tricyclic antidepressants (TCCs) are also used: amitriptyline, Melipramine, Anafranil, etc. Almost all of these drugs on the fetus have a category C, which means that animal studies have revealed in some cases a negative effect of medication on the fetus, but similar studies Pregnant women did not have. At the same time, the potential benefits of the use of the drug can justify the risk associated with its use.

Possible consequences for the child from antidepressant reception during pregnancy

Newborn children whose mothers have taken antidepressants during pregnancy may be observed:

  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • tremor;
  • reduction of the contractile activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • adaptation violations (difficulty breathing, excitability);
  • urination delay, liquid stool.

When recepting the drugs in the first trimester, the development of heart defects, umbilical hernia, craniosinosis (premature conservation of the spring) is possible.

When using fluoxetine and paroxetin, an increase in the risk of premature labor is noted.

When using SIRES in the third trimester of pregnancy, newborn have such negative consequences as

  • unstable body temperature;
  • convulsive seizures;
  • cyanosis (skin sinusiness);
  • elevated or reduced pressure;
  • difficulties with feeding (vomiting);
  • drowsiness;
  • permanent crying.

Also, we should not forget that antidepressants have an extensive list of contraindications (in addition to pregnancy) and side effects, among which violations of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and work of the heart, the dysfunction of the CNS, allergic reactions, problems with respiratory organs (runny nose, cough, shortness of breath), frequent urination.

The question of the appointment of a pregnant woman of drugs to treat depression, the doctor in each particular case solves individually, carefully weighing and comparing the risk of potential harm from the reception of drugs and the risk of negative impact of depression as a child and his mother.

What else can help

An alternative treatment for the treatment of a heavy form of depression is electrosalproof therapy (EST), the principle of operation is based on the challenge of convulsions using electrical discharges. Under the influence of the electric shock, the production of stress hormones is suppressed, the growth of nerve cells is stimulated, intercellular communication is restored. EST is considered a safe technique that can be applied at any time of pregnancy. The treatment diagram is selected individually.

With lightly depressive symptoms, a good effect gives cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, which can be individual or group. In the process of treatment, the specialist explains the effect of thoughts on the emotional state, and the woman learns to displace negative thoughts, replacing them with positive and rational. This contributes to more adequate perception of the surrounding reality and his personal situation, helps to develop and strengthen a positive attitude. Participating in group classes, a pregnant woman understands that she is not alone in his depression, there are women with similar problems, and it also stimulates the process of her recovery.

Very helpful in therapy of the depressive state of physical exercises. Pregnant women show yoga, swimming, Pilates - these directions strengthen the muscles of the back and tone the whole body. As for the permissible intensity of training, you must consult with a gynecologist.

Among plant antidepressants leads by St. John's wort, but it is not recommended to take it during pregnancy, as it has a proven abortive effect. Therefore, the reception of the Hypericum inside into the first trimester of pregnancy is categorically forbidden. In the second and third trimester, Brother's decoction can be taken only in extreme cases and necessarily as agreed with the doctor. It is important to remember that the trouser is incompatible with medication antidepressants.

The natural assistants at depression are also cocoa, bananas, wild rhinery and fatty fish, as it is rich in unsaturated fatty acids of Omega-3.

The popularity and modern alternative method of treating the depression of light therapy with parallel reception of Omega-3 fatty acids are gaining.


During pregnancy, the support and attention of loved ones is very important, a calm atmosphere in the family. Depression is often developing in pregnant women who are constantly criticized.A woman certainly needs to be the surrounding understanding of her experiences, but at the same time they do not need to separate her alarm and pessimism.

Photo Gallery: Methods for maintaining a good emotional state for a pregnant woman

Eat physical exercise during pregnancy help maintain vital tone Walking outdoors are necessary not only for physical, but also for mental health. Hobbies will bring pleasure and moral satisfaction Try to go to bed and get up at the same time Courses for pregnant women will give the necessary information and prepare for childbirth Do not tighten with maternity leave From the proper nutrition of a woman directly dependent on the health of the future child

Prevention of prenatal depression includes:

  1. Full leisure: you should not extend yourself with household chores, some of the concerns are better to shift on the shoulders of others, otherwise the accumulating fatigue will turn into the depression and the first symptoms of depression.
  2. Healthy sleep: you need to go to bed and get up at the same time, be sure to get enough sleep, remove the TV and a computer from the bedroom.
  3. Proper, rational, balanced nutrition: This is a very important point, because the health of the future child directly depends on this; At the same time, you do not need to overeat, since the resulting excess weight will affect the appearance and besides, it will remain after delivery, which can also be a reason for depression.
  4. Motor activity, from daily walks to sports activities, depending on your preferences and medical recommendations.
  5. Mandatory care of appearance: Razdiness provokes the development of a depressive state, and a well-kept appearance always raises the mood.
  6. Goals and plans: It is recommended to plan your time and draw up a list of cases the next day. Yes, you should not overgo myself, but the fulfillment of daily duties gives the soil under the legs and a sense of accomplished debt. The desire to escape from ourselves, duties and responsibilities - the first sign of the impending depression.
  7. Fascinating activity, bringing pleasure and moral satisfaction: various creative classes, like those that have been before pregnancy and new (drawing, embroidery, knitting and others).
  8. The formation of positive thinking: you should follow my thoughts and in time to talk "stop" when negative thoughts begin to flow into negative emotions.
  9. Timely care for maternity leave.
  10. Communication with like-minded people, visiting courses for pregnant women.

Video: Depressive states during pregnancy

It is important for a pregnant woman to remember that the prenatal depression is a temporary phenomenon. No need to be afraid of the future and associated excitement. All problems are solvable. During pregnancy, it is best to listen to himself and receive from the pleasure of the expectation of the kid. With a protracted depressed state, feel free to contact a specialist, it will prescribe safe and effective treatment.

The question of how to go to the toilet with a tampon, worries many. It is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of this personal hygiene tool, as well as the features of visiting the bathroom during menstruation.

Is it possible to cope with a tampon

Tampons are used during menstruation for comfortable well-being and protection of linen. Unlike pads, they do not interfere with actively move and play sports. The hygiene is placed inside the vagina to absorb blood. At the same time, the tampon does not cover the urethra and anus.

How to go to the toilet with a tampon and not wipe it

The floor system is separated from excretory. Urine and natural feces do not fall on the tampon, located inside the vagina. It remains only menstrual discharge. Rare exceptions are subject to the presence of defects of the structure of the genitourinary system. In other cases, the tampon does not prevent walking to the toilet and it is not necessary to get it.

How to visit the bathroom with menstruation

To avoid unpleasant sensations and not harm health, you need to adhere to the rules of hygiene:

  • If in the process of urination, the tampon is still a wet - it means it was imposed wrong. It must be changed. If this is not done, the microbes will begin to multiply on it. Possible toxic shock.
  • Specially get the tampon is not necessary. But if the tampon fell, it can not be inserted back. It remains bacteria, which can cause inflammation of the genitals.
  • Before visiting the bathroom and after it you need to wash your hands thoroughly. Pollution on the palms - accumulation of malicious microbes.
  • With abundant discharge, the tampon is changed once every 3 hours. If menstruation is scarce, you can walk with one product up to 8 hours.
  • The replacement of the tampon is accompanied by microtrams of the mucous membrane of the vagina. There are invisible wounds, where bacteria fall. Therefore, a frequently unreasonable substitution is not needed and even harmful to female health.
  • To find out how filled with tampon, you need to pull the thread slightly. If he easily slips, it is time to replace it. Resistance speaks of incomplete soaping of the tampon, it means it is still too early to change.

How to write so as not to get a thread

For easy extraction, the tampons are equipped with a solid thread. She should stay outside. In no case do not need to stick the thread into the vagina. When visiting toilet, it is wrapped with a napkin or paper to protect against contamination. Before urination, the thread deflects back and stick with hand. When hiking "in large", on the contrary, raise in front. It is important to keep the thread to maintain dry and clean so that pollution, moisture and microbes do not penetrate further into the tampon. So that bacteria do not penetrate into the floor paths together with feces, toilet paper wipes in front of the front.

When a girl can not use tampon

Undesirable to insert tampons if available:

  • inflammatory processes in the sex paths;
  • allergic reaction to product components;
  • symptoms of severe intoxication;
  • deviations in the structure of the genitals.

Discomfort when visiting the toilet speaks about the improper introduction of a tampon. The same thing when the hygiene prevents walking or sitting. In such a situation, it is better to pull it out and temporarily change to the gasket. The incorrectly located product is annoying and damaging the mucous membrane that needs to be recovered. Among other reasons:

  • inappropriate tampon size;
  • drying the mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • chronic and sharp gynecological diseases.

If the use of tampons invariably causes pain and discomfort, you need to contact the gynecologist for the survey. The doctor will identify the cause of discomfort and prescribe treatment.

The toddler waiting time is usually associated with the feelings of joy and delight. Therefore, many women are completely discouraged when, contrary to expectations, they experience sadness and melancholy. Depression during pregnancy is quite common. Although she makes this difficult period of life of the future mother even more difficult, we hurry to calm you - with depression you can successfully fight. There are many ways to help cope with this problem. You can choose the one that suits you or try the combination of all these tips. Whatever you choose, it is better to start acting right now.


Part 1

Changing the routine of the day

    Plan and organize your day. Do not allow depression to influence your schedule. When this happens, you are starting to avoid working and communicating with people, and you are harder to get out of this vicious circle. Plan and organize a schedule for the day. Try to fill your day with useful and productive activities and perform tasks that will inspire you. Stay active and energetic - this is the best way to cope with depression

    • Casual affairs also help. Anyone wants to feel calm and know what will happen in the future, and everyday affairs help achieve this feeling. Create yourself the rules for which you can rely on, and be sure that these events will definitely happen, be it lunch with friends, yoga classes, cooking dinner or evening bath. You will know which events will occur at a certain time, so the brain will feel calmer.
  1. Take time for things that you bring joy. When you make plans for a day full of different cases, do not forget to allocate time for your favorite activities. It will strengthen your activity and raise the mood. Do not feel guilty that they watched your favorite movie again. Now you are more than ever yet, deserve to spend time to be happy.

    • If you caught yourself on the fact that you feel guilty for the cabin pedicure or an hour of time that you lacked in the bathroom, remind yourself that being a mom is a heavy round-the-clock work. Then you will not have time for yourself. So now you do all these pleasant things for yourself, while there is such an opportunity.
  2. Include on your day regular sports. Like a bright light, sports exercises and sex contribute to the development of two hormones - dopamine and endorphins - who cause a feeling of joy. These hormones are responsible for such emotions as happiness, energy and optimistic look into the future. That is why it is important that sports exercises are always in your life, and especially during pregnancy. Of course, you do not need to exhaust yourself with heavy workouts. Pilates, Yoga and other similar classes are very well suited to pregnant.

    • In addition, sports activity helps your body to produce "hormones of joy" and fight depression, exercises will help you remain in good physical form. Very often, pregnant women experience depression, because their body changes, and they no longer feel attractive. Training, even the simplest, help you feel slim and strong, and it reduces the feeling of depression.
    • However, before including regular workouts in your day, discuss it with your doctor who will advise sports exercises that are suitable for you.
  3. Rest for you now is the most important thing. Pregnancy is a very busy period of life in which there is a lot of excitement and anxiety. This immerses you depressed, especially if you think that they are simply obliged to be happiness, but you really do not feel anything like that. What do you think, what two things will help you fight stress? Meditation and daytime sleep.

    • Meditation will help lower the level of cortisol in your body, which will reduce the level of stress, helps you sleep better and feel much happier. If you do not have the opportunity to go with girlfriends in a cafe, spend your free time to meditate. There are enough fifteen-minute meditation exercises, and you will feel the difference.
    • Day sleep, on the other hand, helps you feel calmer and energetic. The main thing, sleep no more than an hour so that the daily sleep does not cause a violation of your usual sleep mode.
  4. Visit a group of psychological support. Many women suffer from depression during pregnancy; This is a rather common phenomenon. Most women familiar to you either themselves experienced the same feelings or know someone who suffered from such a problem. Of course, it is important that your friends and relatives support you, but at the same time, communication in a psychological group with women who themselves have a similar experience will give you understand that you are not alone.

    • Ask friends, relatives, colleagues and even your Doctor about centers and organizations in which psychological assistance can be obtained. In women's consultation, you may be invited to participate in their special program, or advise women's organizations that offer assistance to this kind. If you are currently working with a psychotherapist, he can tell you where these groups are carried out. In addition, you can search for information on the Internet.

    Part 2

    Take your emotions under control
      • Depression during pregnancy is often due to problems in relations, excitement about the future and anxiety associated with the emergence of the long-awaited kid. In addition, it is well known for the fact that due to changes in the level of hormones, pregnant women often take everything too close to the heart. Of course, support for loved ones is important to a person in any period of life, but it is especially necessary during pregnancy.
    1. Honestly, tell about what you feel. It is very important to know that there are people who you can rely on. However, it is even more important to be able to take their help. Very often depression makes you feel lonely. If you ask for help when you really need it, such support will help you feel better.

      • Baby tooling causes many changes in your body, and sometimes you feel that no one can understand you that you are scared and you are completely alone in this world. That is why support for loving people is a key factor that helps you cope with depression. When you ask for the help you need, then your favorite person will come to the rescue and feeling despair will leave you. Mom's support, sisters, cousins \u200b\u200bor girlfriends are also able to provide invaluable help.
      • Even if now you do not feel much support for loved ones, it is still very important to explain to them that you need it. Keep in mind that people do not know how to read thoughts, so they need to talk about what is happening with you, and what help you are required.
    2. Try to forgive and forget. Often during depression, we cannot forgive themselves or others even for minor errors. Sometimes we are cruel to yourself and others without any reason. Try to take things with an open heart. No one is perfect, and the constant thoughts of unpleasant to anyone will bring benefits. When you forget and forget, you get easier.

      • Often, pregnant women themselves believe that they are capricious and annoying without any reason. They think that in the eyes of others they look like capricious whins, and suffer because they cannot rule with the action of hormones. We assure you, people around perfectly know about the causes of mood drops in pregnant women, so do not blame yourself. And others too!
    3. Try to understand which negative thoughts are the source of the problem. Deep negative thoughts (also known as automatic negative thoughts) often elude our understanding. It is crucial because these thoughts often cause depression. Try to determine what kind of thought, and learn how to change them to positive.

      • If you caught yourself thinking: "There is nothing good in my life," stop for a moment. After that, tell me: "No, it's not true! Although now I am worried about a difficult period, in my life there are still a lot of pleasant and joyful events."
      • Try to avoid overestimated requirements and obligations. Do not require too much from yourself, loved ones and the surrounding environment. It will make your life a little easier.
    4. Make a set of cards that will help you cope with the problem. Make a set that consists of small cards on which the life-affirming statements are written. Here are some useful ideas:

      • You can make cards from colored paper, cardboard or any other material according to your taste. Cut the sheets into small cards and write on each positive and convincing statement that will help you cope with negative emotions. For example: "I always knew how to cope with troubles, I can't cope with them this time!"
      • Signal cards can be decomposed in different places of the apartment. Every time you start testing depression, or you overcome bad thoughts, these cards will help you to stay. They are very helpful when you need to stop or reduce the flow of negative thoughts.
      • Make a schedule of business you plan to do during the day. Write it on a sheet A4 or make up from individual cards. Attach the schedule on the closet or somewhere else. During the day, mark those cases that you have already done. It is very useful in your fight against depression. Such a schedule clearly shows you what progress you have achieved, and gives you additional motivation for further action.
    5. Do not forget that you need to live here. If you live memories, constantly re-surviving the unpleasant events that occurred in the past, then it is difficult for you to focus on the events of today. Rejoice all the good thing that is now in your life, pay more attention to everything that makes you happy, live here and now. Soon you will bring a new life in this world!

      • No need to be worn by thoughts into the future. Permanent experiences about how everything is over, and what mom you can become, you will not lead to anything good. The fact that you worry, means that you do not care - and this is the first step. Try to focus on what you can improve now, and this, in turn, will improve your future.

    Part 3.

    Changing sleep mode
    1. Change your sleep mode, make a detailed schedule. One of the most common symptoms of depression is a sleep disturbance - a person sleeps or too little, or too much. Good dream is one of the important factors of mental health when the sleep mode is broken, it causes a change in mood and often leads to depression. To avoid these negative consequences, develop sleep mode.

      • Start with the fact that determine how many hours of sleep you need to sleep for some people longer than usual. However, if you are concerned about depression during pregnancy, it is usually recommended to sleep at least 9 o'clock at night, and also to slip sleep twice a day (every day dream should be about an hour).
    2. Set a certain time to waste down and lift in the morning, and stick to this schedule. In order for your sleep schedule to benefit, you need to learn how to go to bed and wake up in the morning at a certain time. If you stick to your schedule, your body will get used to that at a certain time you go to bed, and you will fall asleep faster.

      • Of course, it will require certain efforts. If you decide to go to bed at 10 pm, you must adhere to this rule and on weekends. Of course, from any rule there are exceptions, and sometimes you can go to sleep later (or sleep in the morning), but in general, try to stick to your regime.
    3. Try to strictly stick your sleep mode. Of course, at first it will be difficult, and perhaps you will lie in bed and swing from the side on the side, trying to sleep. However, a few days will pass, the body will get used to the new schedule, and you will fall asleep almost immediately as the head will touch the pillow.

      • Depression can also affect your sleep. It is very difficult in this case to determine what is the cause, but what is the investigation. In order to avoid this trap, normalize sleep and feel better, try to convince yourself that the idea with sleep mode deserves attention, and stick to this mode. The calm atmosphere and stable day mode are your best assistants in the fight against depression.
    4. If you did not get enough sleep, sleep during the day. The correct dream is very important if you suffer depression during pregnancy, because the dream allows your brain to completely relax and recover. Since the brain is an organ that controls emotions, and, consequently, depression, the brain deprivation of the necessary amount of sleep causes the body a great harm. If you smoke all night with a side on the side, try to fill the lack of sleep during the day.

      • If you decide to sleep in the afternoon, then two time breaks for sleep will be enough to fill the lack of night sleep. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the daily dream does not prevent you from falling in the evening, and the next day in the morning you woke up at regular time.

    Part 4.

    Treatment of depression with psychotherapy
    1. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help you change the way of thinking. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that has a positive effect on such states as depression. However, if we are talking about pregnancy, then such psychotherapy will benefit you, even if you do not suffer from depression. Therapy will help you better understand and take your new condition and can prepare you for the emergence of a new joy in your life - baby.

      • This psychological approach is based on the theory that our thoughts affect our actions, and thus negative thoughts lead to improper actions.
      • However, this therapy is not just declareing "thoughts positive!", It is much deeper. Cognitive behavioral therapy explores your familiar thoughts and allows you to form an optimistic type of thinking.
      • Negative thoughts, such as: "Why is it always going with me?", Lead to what you expect from the life of only trouble and behave accordingly. The purpose of cognitive behavioral therapy is to turn negative thoughts into positive and more close to reality, for example: "Yes, now a difficult situation, but instead of surrender, what can I do to feel happy?"
    2. Psychotherapy will help you prepare for the birth of a baby. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be very useful, helping you prepare for the appearance of a baby. This event, no matter how joyful it is not, brings a lot of excitement and worries into life, and maybe in itself, to be the cause of depression. In this case, the psychotherapist will help you learn to see what is behind your disturbing thoughts, such as: "I am afraid I can't become a good mother," and transform them into more healthy reasoning, such as: "Everyone can be wrong, and I Probably, too, I can make mistakes in something that concerns my baby. But with him everything will be fine, because I will do everything in my power to be a good mother. "

      • As we have already mentioned, depression during pregnancy is often caused by problems in relations or inability to understand and take for themselves a new state of affairs. Cognitive behavioral therapy is very useful in this case, because it allows you to understand the deep reasons for problems and helps to find a way to change the position of things.
    3. Try light therapy. This is a relatively new way to combat depression, but its effectiveness is proved, and it is absolutely safe for pregnant women and nursing women. This method is especially useful in winter or at any other time when your condition does not allow for a long time outdoors.

      • Usually under the light therapy imply a long-term location under very bright light. Usually, special lamps are used for this (the conventional lamp that we use at home is not enough) with the brightness of 10,000 lux, under which the person is 30-40 minutes.
      • This therapy is based on the amazing quality of the human body - when we are on very bright light, the body begins to produce hormones, causing a feeling of happiness and even euphoria.
    4. As an alternative, spend more time in the fresh air. If there is an opportunity, you can choose a natural way - spend more time in the sun, and in general, in nature. Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that people are adapted to live in daylight and affects the solar heat. For this reason, the human brain is designed to look for the conditions in which the body is longer in the light. In order for a person more in the sun, the body evolved so that we feel joy at the sight of sunlight. Constant fatigue and lack of energy

    5. Flameness
    6. Weak affection for the future kid
    7. No feeling of joy
    8. Irritability
    9. Thoughts about suicide
    10. Sensation of own inferiority
  5. Determine the risk factors. There are factors that strengthen the risk of depression, and if they pay attention to them in time, then depression can be avoided. These factors include:

    • Dysfunctional thinking and inability to cope with everyday stress factors
    • Problems with family relationships
    • Heavy and Stressful Events in Life
    • Physical, sexual or emotional violence, experienced in the past.
    • Writes or the birth of a dead child who took place in the past.
    • Stress associated with childbirth.
    • Predisposition to depression or alarming states.
      • If these factors took place before the occurrence of pregnancy, then the likely the likelihood that the pregnant woman will experience depression, and it will be necessary for the help of a psychologist to cope with the problem.
  6. Know that you are not alone. Depression during pregnancy can be very strong and unbearable. Most women expect all the pregnancy they will simply be filled with happiness and delight, but, unfortunately, it happens very rarely. Remember that this is a difficult time, both for your body and for your psyche, and the best way to cope with problems is to seek help and support if you feel that depressive thoughts are overcome.

  • Your doctor can advise a good psychologist who practices cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • If you are experiencing an attack of depression, try to give your loved ones as soon as possible to know that you need their presence nearby. Tell us what you think now and what you feel. Sometimes, to feel better, enough, so that there was a man who hears the story about what worries you.