How to wean a child to suck his thumb? We look for reasons and find alternatives. The child sucks his thumb: what to do

Hello everyone, dear readers. Many parents wonder: why does the child suck his thumb? Is there any reason for concern? How to wean a child to suck his thumb? How to respond to such a habit of a child? Maybe it's just pampering or is it still a signal for action? Let's find out in today's article. Read on and find out ways to wean a child from sucking his thumb.

Who among us does not or has not previously had any bad or strange habits? These people are probably one in a million. Such habits can develop in a person over many years or a lifetime. And someone can "infect" them from the people around them. Small children are also no exception in this all-consuming "virus". They also reward themselves with such bad habits as a result of some constant actions, which in the understanding of an adult and sane person are deviations.

Most parents observed in their crumbs such unacceptable behavior in society as thumb sucking. It can appear in children of all ages. And some moms and dads, for some reason, have a strange uncomprehending feeling about what to do about it, and how to deal with this problem. If some parents prefer to close their eyes to this, thinking that everything will pass by itself, then others urgently undertake to wean their children in all possible ways.

According to many experts, if a child is not yet five years old, then such behavior will be the norm for him, and parents should not be afraid for anything. As a rule, thumb sucking disappears after the age of five, when the baby has already grown physically and mentally. Therefore, until the age of five, the crumbs, parents should not sound the alarm and worry about this. The situation is much more dangerous with children who have reached the milestone of five years and continue to keep their fingers out of their mouths. In these cases, parents should think about methods and measures for weaning. And how to do this, we will tell you further.

If the habit of sucking fingers has crossed the allowable age norm, parents need to resort to the following measures to rid the crumbs of his bad habit.

What to do if the child sucks his thumb:

  1. Screaming, swearing, blaming and forcibly pulling fingers out of the mouth will not give positive results in an attempt to wean the baby from a bad habit. Such behavior on the part of the parents will only provoke the crumbs to continue their actions.
  2. Often, thumb sucking does not occur in a vacuum. As a rule, this is preceded by some circumstances in the life of the baby. The task of parents is to follow the behavior of their child in order to understand why, and under what circumstances, he pulls his hands in his mouth. Perhaps, with such actions, the baby is hinting to parents about something. For example, thumb sucking may indicate a child is tired and bored, or hungry. If this is true, then parents need to take on teaching the baby to talk. So that he can express his feelings and wishes through words.
  3. Parents should talk to the kid about his bad habit, explaining its cessation by the fact that his friends and peers will laugh at him when he goes to kindergarten or school. They should also mention that such actions of the baby can spoil him, and this is very bad for health.
  4. A very good way to rid the baby of bad habits is to draw up a special calendar in which mother and child can mark all the days that have passed without sucking their fingers. To do this, the mother and child must talk, and set an estimated date for the complete elimination of the habit. For example, they chose a period of deliverance of one week. That is, after a week, the baby should stop sucking his fingers. To do this, starting from today, it is necessary to mark all subsequent days on the calendar, up to the agreed date, when the baby does not put his fingers in his mouth. The child must make these notes on their own. Thus, he will master the technique of self-control and planning. He will surely like it.
  5. Effective in this problem is the well-known "grandfather" method, which consists in smearing nails or fingertips with mustard, a drop of perfume or vinegar. Thus, when the baby once again puts his fingers in his mouth, he will feel an unpleasant taste or bitterness. Several such repetitions can develop in the child an aversion to this activity.
  6. Various rewards in exchange for giving up a bad habit can also help. For example, the baby should be offered something that will stimulate him. It could be a toy or candy.
  7. Since the habit of sucking fingers is extremely attractive, getting rid of it can develop in the baby a certain emptiness and lack of action. To prevent this, parents are obliged to compensate for the loss with all kinds of approving and affectionate words addressed to the crumbs. This is very supportive and encouraging for the child.

Bad habits - the child sucks his finger, how to wean

In conclusion, I suggest watching a video in which Dr. Komarovsky tells how to deal with a child's thumb-sucking habit.

One day, all young parents are faced with the fact that the child constantly sucks his thumb. If this is done by a baby who is only a few months old, then this is not scary. Another thing is when the baby is already 2-3 years old, and he does not pull his finger out of his mouth. And parents have only one thing left - to wean him from a bad habit.

Why is the sucking reflex so important for babies? Babies suck not only from hunger, but also for full development. At the same time, the child's brain develops, digestion improves, and all nutrients are fully absorbed. And for the normal development of this reflex, the baby needs the mother's breast. Often, especially when a child is bottle-fed, he replaces the breast with his own finger.

This is confirmed even by an experiment conducted by scientists in the 70s. Then for the study were taken 50 children who constantly sucked their fingers. Their age did not exceed 7 years. This group was compared with another group of babies who did not have this habit. And it turned out that the mothers did not breastfeed the children sucking their fingers, unlike the second group of children. And in this way they replaced the breast with a finger to satisfy their need.


Most of the actions of young children are due to reflexes, including thumb sucking. But often a child sucks his thumb because:

  1. He is hungry. It doesn't matter if the mother is breastfeeding or the baby is breastfeeding. Most often, thumb sucking means that the baby wants to eat.
  2. He is concerned. Children very well feel the emotional atmosphere in the house. And in the first months of life, children are generally very sensitive to any manifestations of emotions. They may be afraid of the appearance of strangers in the house and much more. The only protection of the child during this period is the mother. And they try to suck their thumb, replacing them with their mother's breasts.
  3. He doesn't get enough contact with his mother. If mothers wean the baby early, etc., he feels a lack of love and communication with his mother.
  4. He's already teething. And he begins to pull into his mouth not only fingers, but also any objects.

When to sound the alarm

If a child sucks his thumb before 1 year, rarely any parents pay attention to it. Anxiety begins at 1 year of age. It would seem that the baby should already stop sucking his thumb. But pediatricians assure that even at this age there is nothing wrong with the fact that the baby continues to put his finger in his mouth. Most likely, this happens reflexively and over time the child stops doing this.

And if the baby sucks his thumb at 2 years old? In this case, parents should pay attention to the emotional and psychological state of the child. Thumb sucking at this age may indicate hidden fears and anxieties. If you miss this moment and do not help him, in the future the condition can only worsen.

How to wean a small child

Don't wait for your child to stop sucking his thumb on his own. After all, it is very difficult to break a habit without additional help. Therefore, parents should help the baby quietly stop sucking his thumb. For this you need:

  1. In no case do not deprive the baby of breastfeeding. Of course, if there are no very serious reasons for this. The child should receive as much mother's love and affection as possible, and the most effective way is breastfeeding.
  2. Stop using nipples and pacifiers. As practice shows, they only interfere.
  3. Make your baby's life calm and serene. Mom is able to convey her mood to the child, so she must leave all the stress and troubles outside the house. For a newborn, a mother is his whole world, so you don’t need to immediately put pressure on him with a lot of emotions.
  4. If the baby is teething, it is better to stock up on special toys in advance. With their help, the baby will be able to relieve itching in the gums and will not put his fingers in his mouth.

How to wean a child in 2-3 years

Children at this age most often begin to suck their fingers when they are trying to calm down, because of boredom, etc. However, if a child has started to suck his thumb, then he constantly did it in infancy. Just parents could not wean him from his favorite pastime. And he remembers this, as this action always calmed him.

It is necessary to wean a child at this age when his habit becomes permanent. If almost all the time the baby is cheerful and cheerful, and sucks his finger only, for example, before going to bed, then this will pass with time. In the case when the child does not remove his finger all the time, it means that something is very bothering him. Perhaps this is a tense situation in the family.

It is important to find out the reason for this behavior of the child in order to understand how to act. Some children are too shy to play with other children. Such babies can be seen next to other playing children. They simply watch what is happening and suck their thumb out of habit.

So, it is necessary to wean the baby. No need to scold the child for putting his finger in his mouth reflexively. Also, you can not sharply pull him up or immediately give a toy or sweets. In the first case, the child can start doing the opposite, and in the second, he will quickly figure out the trick and start using this method.

With children at this age, you can try to negotiate. Or explain to the kid that he will soon become an adult, and adults do not do this, etc. It is also necessary to ensure that the child's hands are always busy with something. To do this, there are a lot of toys that will not only distract the baby, but also contribute to its development.

Most parents make the same mistake - they change their finger for a pacifier. And the problem isn't going anywhere. In order for the baby to stop sucking on the pacifier, you must:

  1. Make an exchange. This is possible if the child is already 3-4 years old. You can exchange a pacifier for a toy. Let the baby himself choose a toy in the store and give his pacifier to the seller for it.
  2. Allow your child to use the pacifier only in a specific area. That is to put any restriction. For example, let him use it only in his room. Sooner or later, the child will get bored, and he will throw the pacifier.
  3. If this does not help, you need to distract the baby. As soon as he puts a pacifier in his mouth, you need to start singing his favorite songs, inflate balloons or read with him. He will not resist and will keep the company, forgetting about the nipple.
  4. You can talk to the child, explaining to him that using a pacifier, he will not become big and strong. This is especially true for boys. And a girl can be told that she will become more beautiful if she stops sucking on a pacifier. But these should be little tricks, not deceit, which children recognize very well.

What Not to Do

Some parents who are too busy often resort to various methods that not only do not help stop the child from sucking their thumb, but also harm. For example, don't smear your baby's fingers with garlic or mustard, hoping that he will stop putting them in his mouth. It can burn the mucous membrane of the stomach and mouth with such bitter substances.

Also, do not yell or scold the child if he does not listen and continues to suck his thumb. In public places, the baby's finger can simply be removed from the mouth. And at home try to distract him and retrain him. But to drive a baby into stress, which is already in nervous tension, is not an option at all. Not suitable as assistants and various special children's gloves. The child simply will not understand what his fault is and why he is constantly shouted at or punished. And very young children up to 3-4 years old, due to their development, can simply forget the instructions of their parents. Therefore, you need to gently remind from time to time and, of course, be patient.

Thumb sucking and tooth growth

This is of great concern to many parents whose children continue to habitually suck their thumbs. Any dentist will tell you that this habit leads to improper growth of teeth. The upper teeth protrude most often, while the lower teeth begin to grow a little further. And the longer he sucks his fingers, the more visible the difference between the upper and lower teeth. But since children's teeth change at the age of 6-7 years, they may not suffer. Of course, if by that age the child already stops sucking his thumb.

Children usually stop sucking their thumb when they are 5 or 6 years old. But you can prevent the development of this habit. It is enough to breastfeed the baby, and at the same time do it for as long as the baby needs. Then the sucking reflex of the child will be satisfied, and he will not suck his thumb.

Video: how to wean a child to suck his thumb

Seeing your baby on the screen using an ultrasound machine is happiness for every mother. And if the baby sucks her tiny finger, then there is no limit to tenderness. What to do if this habit migrates from mother's tummy to conscious life? Should I be worried? How to wean a child to suck his thumb? Or wait until it all goes away? About this - in our today's article.

From this article you will learn

Reasons for thumb sucking

With the birth of a baby, his reflexes and instincts are born. Many of them are quite understandable to mom: crying - wants to eat or it's time to change a diaper, rubs her eyes - it's time to sleep. Why does a baby suck his thumb? There are several reasons for this:

And in this short video pediatrician Yulia Rogozina will tell you about the main causes of thumb sucking and how to get rid of this habit.

Age features

Babies under 1 year old

If the baby sucks his finger, then this is the influence of a still strong sucking reflex. It manifests itself more significantly than usual, with tension and stressful situations. This habit can occur during weaning.

Poor or disturbed sleep gives rise to fatigue that does not go away in order to somehow help himself - the child calms himself by sucking. Take a closer look at your baby, check if he is sleeping for the hours he is supposed to. It is worth adjusting the daily routine, as this habit will disappear by itself.

From 1 year to 3 years

At this age, if the child still puts his finger in his mouth, then we can talk about psychological reasons. Catalysts can be: a tense situation in the house, strict upbringing, lack of tactile contact with parents.

Getting used to the garden is a moment that rarely passes without tears and fears, help your baby to adapt gently and painlessly. Before weaning a child at this age from an already bad habit, it is worth getting to the bottom of the origins of its appearance.

Children 3-5 years old

The first fears appear - the darkness, dogs, cartoon characters. A large amount of incoming information can cause emotional overload. Often, babies are either afraid to tell adults about their experiences, or suffer from something unconsciously.

In these cases, it is worth talking about obsessive behavior, which is expressed in thumb sucking. Weaning from a bad habit will be difficult, you need to choose gentle methods of struggle.

Over 5 years old

If a five-year-old child is seen sucking his thumb, then this is a reason to be wary and seek help from professionals. Often in such situations, one can observe winding hair around a finger, biting nails, scratching the skin, and even an obsessive cough.

All this indicates the presence of neurological or psychological problems (for example, hidden aggression, suppressed emotions of resentment or guilt), which need to be addressed as quickly as possible, otherwise they can lead to the emergence of psychosomatic diseases.

At what age does your child suck his thumb?

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Harmful or not

  • Entering the body of pathogenic viruses, microbes and worms, dangerous for the work of the gastrointestinal tract in particular and health in general.
  • Due to the constant exposure of the teeth, gums and saliva to the skin of the hands cracks, blisters, abrasions may appear. The infection introduced into them can provoke inflammation of the tissues. There is a possibility of deformation of the nails.
  • Problems with socialization. Giggles and mockery in the direction of a child sucking a finger are provided, and new stress will only add a reason for a bad habit.
  • The formation of a malocclusion will entail impaired pronunciation of sounds.

What absolutely cannot be done

  • Fix hands. Many parents go so far as to put special bracelets on their child's hands or, even worse, use mittens. Is it worth talking about the psychological consequences of binding? Psychosomatics and treatment of neuroses in the future are guaranteed.
  • Hit on the hands. Assault, even in a mild form, will not bring any benefit, but will only add new problems: removal from parents → fear of punishment → immersion in oneself → isolation.
  • Smear your hands with something tasteless. In no case should you smear mustard, hot pepper, soap on your hands. All these products, once on the delicate mucous membrane, will cause a burn.
  • Pull your hand out of your mouth on your own. If you yourself pull the baby's hand out of the mouth, then the child may perceive this as a fun game and attract your attention in this way even more often.

Weaning from a bad habit

Watch the video in which child psychologist, perinatal psychologist Natalya Movchan talks in great detail about how to overcome the habit of thumb sucking in children of different ages.

From the previous paragraph it is clear that if you adopt "grandmother's" methods, then you can easily harm both psychological and moral. To get rid of the “habit of putting everything in your mouth”, you must, firstly, find the reason why this finger strives to find a secluded place. And secondly, you need to act according to the age of the child.

Children under 2 years old

The age at which the sucking reflex gradually fades. The method of struggle will depend on the feeding option.

If it's breastfeeding, then it is necessary to provide the child with access to the breast on demand. You should not follow the opinion that it is enough to spend 10 minutes at the chest to saturate. Extend the feeding time as much as your baby wishes.

Important! If you offer two breasts for one feeding, then give the second only after half an hour. So you will be sure that the baby is full, got to the rear fat milk and satisfied his sucking reflex. Let him fall asleep at your chest.

Weaning should take place delicately, preferably not less than six months in advance, otherwise tantrums and whims cannot be avoided. During this time, you gradually cancel one daytime feeding, then move on to nighttime. Remember that WHO recommends breastfeeding until the child is 2 years old.

Artificial feeding milk mixture occurs according to an average schedule. You have the right to focus not on the norms, but on the behavior of your baby. If necessary, the intervals between feedings should be reduced.

Choose a bottle with a hard nipple and fewer holes. This trick will increase the time of eating, which means that the sucking reflex will be satisfied. Artificial children can be offered a nipple made of good material, corresponding to orthodontic ideas.

Children from 2 to 5 years old

As already mentioned, thumb sucking at this age is psychological in nature. It is better to seek help from a specialist, if this is not possible, use the general recommendations:

The habit of holding a finger in the mouth, preserved after 5 years, should alert parents. Most often, this is a signal about the presence of psychological problems of a different nature: neurosis and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Here you can't do it on your own. Only a good psychologist is able to get to the origins of this habit and help get out.

Parents who are faced with such manifestations need to carefully monitor the child, notice all the little things in behavior. There are frequent cases when thumb sucking was subsequently aggravated by anxiety, apathy, and depression.

A psychiatrist or neurologist will be able to choose drugs and techniques that will once again make the baby cheerful, active and cheerful. But only thanks to the relationship between doctors and parents can a good result be expected. You, in turn, must maintain a favorable environment at home, make sure that there is no emotional and physical overstrain.

Important! Remember that focusing on a bad habit and punishing it will only aggravate the situation. Be more patient and attentive, surround your baby with love and attention, spend more time with each other, and all adversity will be on your shoulder.

Find an alternative

Dr. Komarovsky says that the fight against instincts and reflexes cannot end in victory. If you already take a finger from a child, then it is worth offering an alternative option.


  • breast feeding on demand The best prevention for thumb sucking. It satisfies not only the sucking reflex, but also contributes to the rapprochement of mother and child, the establishment of close bodily contact, and prevents the appearance of fears and anxiety.
  • With artificial feeding choose a good quality pacifier for your baby. Remember that the size of the pacifier depends on the age of the child. An incorrectly fitted pacifier can lead to a malocclusion.
  • Give the baby beautiful teethers, then the process of teething will be easier.
  • Development of fine motor skills has a beneficial effect on mental abilities, harmonious physical development, the formation of speech. And most importantly, it occupies hands with useful and interesting things: assembling a designer, folding puzzles, playing in the sandbox.

If nothing helps

More recently, an unusual device has appeared on the children's goods market - a nozzle from the habit of children sucking their thumbs. It looks like this.

We agree that not everyone will like the aesthetic appearance of the invention and the presence of something superfluous on the child’s hand, but agree that this is better than seeing the baby’s finger constantly sucked to meat and blood.

Nozzles are produced by different manufacturers and different modifications, but the principle of using them is approximately the same.

In this video you can learn a little more about this device.

More detailed information is available on the manufacturer's website:

You can read real reviews about using this device on the Otzovik website.

We wish you and your child the absence of all kinds of bad habits, health and always good mood.

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Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 7 minutes


Article last updated: 03/29/2019

All that a newborn has is innate instincts and reflexes, the main of which is sucking. The infant satisfies this reflex with the mother's breast, pacifier, toys, and fingers. The child sucks his finger while still in the mother's tummy, which can be seen on an ultrasound. After birth, the baby learns to bring the pen to his mouth on his own at the age of three months, then he begins to know himself. Therefore, thumb sucking by a child up to a year is a normal phenomenon, and after two years it is already a cause for alarm. At the same time, many parents have the question “How to wean a child to suck his thumb?”.

Negative effects of thumb sucking

According to many experts (speech therapists, pediatricians, dentists), due to thumb sucking, a malocclusion can form, the palate is deformed, and milk teeth will not close tightly. Often the teeth grow specifically - the upper ones protrude forward, and the lower ones back.

When a child puts a finger in their mouth, pathogenic bacteria from the environment enter their body, which can cause indigestion or a more serious illness. Of course, when the baby is still in the crib, this is not dangerous, but if he is already crawling or walking, touching various objects, then millions of harmful microorganisms accumulate on his hands. Mom cannot control everything and constantly wash his hands.

If a child has not forgotten how to suck his thumb, and he has already gone to kindergarten or school, then he will have a hard time among children who do not have this bad habit. He can be teased and ridiculed.

The fingers that the baby prefers to suck on are exposed to hard teeth and a wet tongue, the skin on them coarsens, cracks, calluses, and bleeding appear.

Why do children suck their fingers?

Before solving this problem, you should first identify the prerequisites for its occurrence. The main reasons why a child sucks his thumb can be:

  1. Hunger. A small child satisfies the need for food by sucking, regardless of whether he is fed breast milk or an adapted formula from a bottle. By sucking on his finger, the baby makes it clear that he is hungry. An unsatisfied sucking reflex that occurs with infrequent breastfeeding or formula feeding can also cause thumb sucking.
  2. Emotional discomfort. Children are very sensitive to any tension around. Stress for them can be conflicting relatives (quarrels, swearing), the appearance of a stranger, especially if he takes the baby in his arms. Mother's breast gives not only food, but also a sense of security, comfort, therefore, in uncomfortable conditions for himself, he sucks his finger as a substitute for mother's breast.
  3. Lack of emotional and physical closeness with mother. It is important for a child to feel love and care all the time. If the breast is applied at long intervals, the baby sucks his thumb to compensate for the lack of contact with the mother.
  4. Teething. During the period when the child is teething, he sucks and gnaws everything - fingers, toys and everything that can scratch the gums.

If the baby falls asleep with a finger in his mouth, then you should devote more time to him before bedtime. Mom should remove her finger from her mouth, stroke the baby, hold his hand, read him a book or sing a lullaby. You can put his favorite toy next to him, in an embrace with which he will then learn to go to bed.

What can I do to prevent my child from sucking his thumb?

Despite the fact that thumb sucking in children under one year old is the norm, it is better not to leave this problem unattended and make sure that the sucking reflex does not become a habit over the years. Over the years, other bad habits can be added to this bad habit: biting your nails, licking your hair. Getting rid of them is not so easy.

How to wean a child to suck his thumb?

This requires the following conditions to be met:

  1. Complete breastfeeding. You should try to breastfeed your baby, except in cases of serious illness of the mother or taking medications that are contraindicated during feeding. Breast milk is not just food for the baby. It contains many useful vitamins and minerals that favorably affect the growing body. Breastfeeding gives the child a sense of security, security, he understands that he is loved.
  2. Refusal of empty space. If a child is breastfed at his first request, and not by the hour, then there is simply no need for breast substitutes, which, in fact, are nipples. Babies who breastfeed regularly have no problem sucking their fingers. If the child is on artificial feeding, then you can’t do without a pacifier. The formula from the bottle flows out faster than the milk from the breast, so the baby is full before the sucking reflex can be satisfied. You can choose a nipple for the bottle, from which it would be more difficult to suck. Such a nipple is more rigid and with a smaller hole than others.
  3. Stress protection. At home, among the inner circle of the child, peace, love and mutual understanding should always reign. The calmness of the mother provides the calmness of the child, so the mother needs to avoid conflicts. Fighting a bad habit will be very difficult if his parents often scream and swear. The baby will hide in the corner, and soothe himself by sucking his thumb.
  4. Increasing attention. A grown-up baby, weaned, requires more affection and care. You need to pick him up, play with him, leaf through books together so that he does not feel lonely, but realizes that he is loved.
  5. Use of cutters. At the stage of teething for the baby, several teethers are purchased. They come in different colors, materials, shapes. It is necessary to show the baby that it is much more fun to gnaw on these bright funny teethers than a finger.

Subtle moments of this bad habit

It is necessary to tell the baby that the habit of sucking fingers is harmful to health, that only small children do this, and he is already an adult and must unlearn this. You can even come up with an interesting and instructive tale about the dangers of thumb sucking. It would also be useful to go to a pediatric dentist, who will arouse authority in the child and also talk about the dangers of this habit. Most children wean themselves from sucking their fingers between the ages of 2 and 4. If the child continues to suck his thumb after 4-5 years, then you should consult a doctor.

If the baby is fully breastfed, but sucks a finger, then it is worth offering the breast to him as often as possible, then the need for thumb sucking will completely disappear. Do not worry that the baby will overeat, when breastfeeding, he receives exactly as much milk as he needs.

If the baby is used to sucking on a pacifier, and the parents abruptly took away the soothing nipple from him, then he may begin to suck his thumb.

Sometimes a child may suck his thumb during the day just out of boredom. It is necessary to develop fine motor skills of the hands all the time by collecting puzzles, designers from a large number of parts, modeling from plasticine or clay. So he will be distracted, and gradually this habit will disappear. You can offer him something healthy and tasty instead of a finger - a piece of an apple or a banana.

The life of a child should be exciting, varied, but active games and various activities should be combined with more relaxed activities. Parents should take long walks with their child in the fresh air, not interfere with his communication with peers, so that he does not have problems with social adaptation.

Babies begin to suck their thumb from the third month of life. Up to 6 months, this is completely normal, but when switching to regular food, this behavior can be worrisome. Starting from the age of six months, the baby must be weaned from this habit so that in the future he will not have problems with his teeth or with communication with peers.

The sucking reflex is present in infants from birth. So nature took care that the baby did not die of hunger and from the first hours of his life he began to eat mother's milk. And since the lack of food is an important factor in the struggle for survival, babies eat very often.

So during sleep, his body can give signals of hunger, so the newborn pulls something closer into his mouth. Otherwise, he may wake up and demand to eat for real.

Many adults eat stress food.

This is also partly due to this very innate reflex. When the baby takes the breast, he calms down. "Fed" is compared with the word "protected".

As children grow older, they stop eating only milk, but food is still soothing. Therefore, children who suck their thumbs are often stressed and, on a subconscious level, try to calm themselves in this way.

The third reason is simple boredom. The little peanut cannot always occupy himself, so he begins to suck his hand.

Sometimes a mother can leave to cook dinner and cannot play with her child, in other cases the baby woke up and waits for him to come to pick him up from the crib ... There can be many reasons for this, but there is one fact - an unoccupied child will pull a finger or even his entire hand into his mouth straightaway.

Why is that bad

Weaning thumb sucking is even harder than weaning pacifiers. Because of this, many children continue to do this even when they are already in school.

At the age of 7 years and older, such a habit can provoke ridicule from peers, which will develop self-doubt in the child. Boys are especially hard hit by this.

For almost all children who continue to suck their thumb by the age of five, this habit can cause dental problems. Because of the finger, the upper teeth do not grow straight down, but slightly at an angle. As a result, only braces or special plates will fix this problem over time.

The third reason is that the baby's hands are not always clean, and the habit of thumb sucking can lead to stomach problems and undesirable consequences.

It is for these reasons that it is necessary to wean the baby from sucking as early as possible, because then the help of a psychologist may be required. In the early stages, with proper attention, this habit goes away pretty quickly.

Tips Teach your baby to drink. The sucking reflex goes away when the baby learns to take real food. This includes even liquids. Already at the age of 3-4 months, the child can be given water and fresh juices. When the baby learns to drink and then chew, the desire to suck his thumb will decrease over time. Don't let your baby sit idle. As soon as the baby gets bored, he puts his finger in his mouth. To prevent this from happening, you need to constantly play with him. If the child does not need company, and he plays well on his own, then he should always have a large selection of toys in front of him so that the baby does not get bored. This also includes watching cartoons: while the child is keen on viewing bright pictures, and the body is motionless, the sucking reflex may wake up again. For this reason, cartoons are best limited. Soap your finger. The method, proven over the years, takes a long time, but almost always works flawlessly. The baby's fingers, which he constantly strives to put in his mouth, are smeared with dry soap. This must be done every day for at least a month. After 2-3 days, the child will understand that he does not like the bitter finger, but because of the subconsciousness of this habit, it will take time for the baby to finally stop sucking his thumb. In no case should you use mustard or other things for this purpose: the baby can pull his hands into his eyes. Pay attention to your baby's favorite toy. Children are comforted by things that they really enjoy. A favorite blanket, doll or plush toy can help you calm down during times of stress and feel more confident. This psychological trick will reduce the urge to suck your thumb when something happens to your child. That is why it is better for children not to forbid carrying their favorite things with them when they are collected for a walk or put to bed. The baby should be breastfed at the first request. With this approach, the sucking reflex will be completely satisfied, and in the absence of external stimuli, the child will no longer suck his fingers. If the mother feeds the baby once every 4 hours, but he still has this habit, then the feeding interval should be reduced to 3 hours.


To get rid of the habit of thumb sucking, you must first find out the reason. The help of a doctor in this matter is absolutely not required, it is only important to be observant. And in no case should you scold the child, put special cuffs on him and cause any stress regarding this issue. If parents calmly and playfully wean the baby from doing this, the effect will be much better.

A baby sucking his thumb is not a rare sight. For the first time, future parents can see her on an ultrasound scan: many kids “entertain” themselves in this way in their mother’s stomach. True, over time, the fact that a child sucks a finger causes more a little anxiety than tenderness. Let's figure it out together when this cute prank develops into a bad habit, what is behind this behavior of the child and what parents should do so that the child stops putting his fingers in his mouth.

The whole life of a newborn child is governed by instincts and reflexes. These are such programs of behavior laid down by nature that help an immature creature survive in the big world. Any action performed by the child is a signal for the mother. The needs of the baby are not so many. The child wants to be: dry and warm, full, safe, to be loved, accepted and glad to see him.

Children most often report problems of physical comfort with loud crying (how to understand the reasons for crying?), but if the baby constantly sucks his thumb, mom should “go through” the remaining points.

Causes of thumb sucking

The child is hungry. Regardless of whether a baby is receiving breast milk or an adapted formula, suckling is the only way to obtain food. By smacking his finger, the child can tell his mother that he wants to eat. The child experiences emotional discomfort. Children very subtly feel any tension and, like a mirror, reflect what is happening around. In the first months of life, the calmness and sense of security of the child are literally in the mother's hands. Anxieties and fears in a baby may not necessarily appear if open conflicts occur at home. The appearance of a stranger or unfamiliar person is also a big blow to a sense of security, and if this person also picks up, stress cannot be avoided. The guarantor of safety for the child is the mother's breast, because sucking is not only a way of feeding. This is an opportunity to calm down, to feel that he is protected and not under threat. That is why, in stress, babies begin to suck their thumb as a substitute for their mother's breasts. The child feels a lack of emotional and physical contact with the mother. It is very important for a kid to feel with every cell of his body that he is desired, loved, that everyone in this world is happy for him. Parental love is the resource through which development and maturation occur. At an early age, the best way to show your love and acceptance is through physical contact, including breast suckling. If the baby is not often at the breast, he sucks his thumb to compensate for this. Another reason why a child sucks his thumb has nothing to do with a congenital reflex. Everything can be much more prosaic: the child has entered the active stage of teething. During this period, children not only suck and gnaw their fists, they pull everything into their mouths that can “scratch” their gums.

Where do reflexes end and problems begin?

1 year

Thumb-sucking babies are rarely alarming in adults. Much more problematic is the situation when the child is a year old, and he sucks his thumb. Parents of one-year-old children, too, can still relate to a similar problem without much fear. At this age, sucking continues to be a reflex, and an unwanted habit can be eliminated if the cause is correctly understood and an attempt is made to eliminate it.

2 years

With two-year-olds, the situation is somewhat more serious. If a child at 2 years old continues to suck his thumb, parents should think about the psychological well-being of the baby. Behind such behavior can be fears, anxieties, insecurity in oneself and in one's loved ones, attachment trauma, and many other reasons that have psychological roots.

Weaning the baby to suck his thumb: do "one", do "two"

The older the child, the deeper are the causes of his "sucking" problem. This means that parents will have to make more efforts to eliminate bad habits.

In order not to aggravate the situation, it is better to respond to the very first “symptoms”. Even for those who are still faced with this problem, it is useful to know how to wean a child from sucking his thumb. This knowledge will help to take preventive measures and save the whole family from worries.

Do not deprive the child of breastfeeding if there are no serious obstacles for this (maternal illness, taking medications that are not compatible with feeding). Breast for a child is not only mother's milk, but also safety, security, mother's affection and love. Give up pacifiers and other "mom-substitutes" (how to wean a child from a pacifier?). Offer your baby a breast for literally every squeak. It is well known that infants who are breastfed on demand have no problem sucking their fingers as their sucking reflex is fully satisfied. Protect your baby from unnecessary stress. The rule "calm mother - calm child" works flawlessly. Remember that for a newborn child, the mother is his whole world, so you should not overload the baby with new impressions, acquaintances, information. Just be always there, be responsive to his needs. All tensions and conflicts should remain outside the house where there is a child. With an older baby who hasn't suckled for a long time, increase the amount of physical contact. Gentle hugs, kisses, invitations to “handle”, joint wallowing in bed, reading a fairy tale on mom’s lap - all this brings the child very close and fills the child with a sense of his own importance for an adult. Stock up on rubber "rodent teeth" for teething. It is better to anticipate the child's desire to suck his thumb by showing that there are more interesting objects for this purpose. Let these useful toys be always at hand. Restrain negative reactions to a child who sucks his thumb. In public, you can safely remove the pen from your mouth, distract. At home, it is best to actively deal with the causes. Just imagine: the child is already bad, he is trying to cope with his stress as best he can, and his beloved mother scolds him for this, driving him into even more stress.

Here, see another way:

What to refrain from while weaning crumbs from sucking fingers?

Do not smear the child's fingers with mustard, garlic and other special bitter creams. The child can burn the mucous membrane of the mouth and the walls of the stomach; No need to yell at the child. Why injure a fragile psyche; Do not use special fingertips and other gloves and mittens.

Using these methods will only lead to the whims of the baby.

The main secret

If you're twirling and falling into despair in search of a "recipe" for how to wean a child from sucking his thumb, stop. Yes, this is a wake up call. Yes, this needs to be worked on. But this is not a catastrophe that has irreversible consequences. Weaning a child from sucking fingers can only be done gradually. Be patient, and consistently, with love, give the child what he really needs, create a favorable environment for his life and development. The well-being of children is always in the hands of parents. Let this thought give you strength, and then the chances of success will certainly become higher.

How to wean a baby off the bottle How to wean a baby from biting his nails

The question of how to wean a child to suck a finger worries many newly-made parents. The situation when the baby pulls one, two fingers or even a whole fist into the mouth is familiar to almost half of the mothers.

Their concern can be understood, because such a picture touches only in the first months of a child’s life, then adults begin to understand that this little useful habit is not only ugly, but also unhygienic.

The first desire of parents is to forbid the baby to bring fingers to his mouth. However, such restrictions in most cases will not have a pronounced positive effect. After all, the main goal is to find the cause of the pathological condition: compensatory or psychological.

Reflex, which is laid down by nature

The vast majority of newborns suck their fingers, and, as you can see in the pictures obtained using ultrasound, even babies in the womb do this.

Such an action is laid down by nature, because the sucking reflex is necessary so that a barely born child can survive and get food - mother's milk.

Thumb sucking for unborn babies means training. That's why a skilled baby with a trained reflex grabs with his lips everything that touches them.

The sucking reflex is so strong that often a newborn sucks his fingers, not only because of hunger, but also in order not to lose an important skill.

The interaction of the facial muscles, trigeminal, vagus and nasopharyngeal nerve trunks during sucking contributes to the stabilization of the central nervous system and the activation of the brain.

An important result of this “action” is not only an improvement in the functioning of the central nervous system of a small child, but also the evoking of such important emotions for him as a sense of security, calmness and psychological satisfaction.

Why does an older baby suck his thumb?

And if the behavior of the baby who appeared to us can be explained by basic instincts, then why does the child suck his thumb at an older age? Scientists have identified several main reasons for this behavior.

Fist sucking after 6 months can be explained by the fact that the tongue and oral cavity of the child turns into a means of studying the world around and obtaining information important for development. Everything that gets into the hands, the baby sends into the mouth. This applies to toys, blankets, pet tails and, naturally, their own fingers. The obvious reason that the baby sucks his thumb is the feeling of hunger. Whether the baby is breastfed or fed formula, suckling is the only way to get food. That is, a baby who has dragged his fist into his mouth signals to his mother that he is hungry. Excessively early weaning often leads to a situation where the child sucks his thumb. Moreover, a certain pattern is visible - the shorter the period of breastfeeding, the higher the likelihood that the baby will begin to pull the fist into his mouth. Another reason for sucking fingers is teething, which is accompanied by pain. To relieve discomfort, “scratch” irritated gums, the child drags not only fingers and a fist into his mouth, but also any other objects that are nearby. Mom’s breast for a baby is a guarantee of security, so he perceives sucking as a way to calm down, feel safe. That is why, with any emotional discomfort, an alarming situation, the appearance of a stranger in the house, the child reaches for the finger, as a substitute for the mother's breast. A baby at 2 years old (a little younger or a little older) can suck his finger due to lack of parental attention. When a child misses his mother, he subconsciously puts his finger in his mouth to compensate for the warmth of the mother's body.

There is an opinion that children who receive their mother's breasts on demand, without any restrictions, very rarely suck their fingers. This is explained simply: babies satisfy all the basic instincts and the desire to be close to their mother.

Is thumb sucking bad?

Pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky is convinced that thumb sucking is not a child's problem, but a mother's problem. It is the parents who are worried about this, especially if they hear negative comments from others.

Most often, this habit disappears on its own, unless, of course, it is fixed due to the wrong actions of mom or dad. . However, stereotypical behavior can lead to a number of negative consequences.

When sucking fingers, various harmful microorganisms and worm larvae may enter the digestive tract. Of course, this does not happen at 2 months or a little later, when the child spends all the time in the crib. But with the onset of an active period, the baby begins to explore the world around him, along the way pushing not always clean fingers into his mouth. According to many orthodontists, such childhood weakness is fraught with the formation of malocclusion (the front upper teeth protrude) and even problems with the development of speech skills. This is possible if finger sucking continues after the age of five, when milk teeth begin to fall out. If the habit has passed into senior preschool and even primary school age, then the child will have a hard time because of the ridicule of peers. And this is already fraught with serious psychological problems and difficulties with adaptation. Fingers also suffer from sucking. The impact of teeth, gum pressure, constant contact with saliva leads to the appearance of cracks, calluses, abrasions and deformation of the nails. Through damaged skin, pathogenic bacteria can enter the bloodstream, resulting in tissue infection and inflammation.

Thus, the ingrained habit of sucking fingers is potentially harmful to the child: both from a hygienic and psychological point of view.

How to wean the baby from this useless addiction? The choice of method will depend on the reason why the baby reaches for his fingers, his age and personality traits.

How to wean a child from thumb sucking?

More recently, there were, one might say, “old-fashioned” methods of getting rid of this negative habit. And still some well-wishers may advise an anxious mother in such very ambiguous ways as:

lubricating fingers with mustard, an extract from aloe leaves, applying bitter varnish on nails or sprinkling pepper on fists (the main thing is that the product should taste unpleasant); limiting movements by bandaging fingers, putting on mittens on hands, tight swaddling (if it comes to babies) or tying handles to the body in older children; constant shouts that sound every time the child pulls a finger to his mouth; a threat of punishment for trying to suck a finger or direct punishment.

Some parents consider such methods quite effective, while others point out their cruelty. For example, mustard can harm the oral mucosa.

Such restrictive measures often end in a relapse of a bad habit. As soon as the parents stop tying their hands or smearing their fingers with something bitter, the baby begins to suck even more intensely in order to calm down and return a positive psychological attitude.

Parents should choose the most painless method of exterminating negative addictions. The most reasonable and obvious step is to find and eliminate the root cause for which the baby sucks his fingers.

Up to 2 years

Usually, by the beginning of the second year of life, the sucking reflex fades on its own. However, due to the dissatisfaction of the basic instinct in infancy, thumb sucking can become a habit. The rules for getting rid of addiction will depend on the way the child is fed.


If a baby feeding on mother's milk additionally sucks a finger, the mother, first of all, should make sure how correctly she has adjusted the feeding of the baby. Most likely, the reason is very simple - the child is hungry and requires his mother's breast. What to do?

Try to increase the duration of feeding. Let the baby be at the breast for more than half an hour. In this case, the suckling baby will eat and satisfy the basic instincts. If you give the baby both breasts during one meal, try offering them at a certain interval. That is, the second breast is given only after the baby sucks the first one for 25 minutes. There is no need to worry that the baby will overeat. No matter how much he is near the mother's breast, he will take the amount of milk that is necessary for complete saturation. If the baby is distracted by something during feeding, you do not need to turn off the meal. Wait a little, and the child will return to his mother's breast.

If possible, minimize the feeding process gradually. At first, you need to reduce the number of daytime feedings, and only then move on to nighttime ones. This will allow the child to calmly survive weaning.

Artificial feeding

If the child is an artificial person, then weaning from a bad habit will be carried out in several other ways. In the case of IV, children are fed according to a certain schedule, and a portion of the mixture is dosed. How to act in such a situation?

Reduce the intervals between meals if the baby begins to pull his fingers to his mouth. This is a signal that he is feeling hungry. To fully satisfy the sucking reflex, you should purchase a nipple that allows you to lengthen the feeding process. The device should be rigid and with a smaller hole. Instead of a finger, offer the child a pacifier, however, to avoid harmful effects on the teeth, it is better to take an orthodontic model. It ensures the correct position of the tongue in the oral cavity, contributes to the optimal structure of the incisors.

If the baby is teething, you need to purchase a high-quality teether with an additional cooling element. This device will help the child to give up fingers.

In general, the advice of experts regarding the habit of sucking fingers at this age boils down to satisfying the sucking reflex. A mother's breast, a bottle of formula, or an orthodontic pacifier can come to the rescue.

2 to 5 years

When a baby is 2 or 3 years old, the factors that make him suck his thumb are no longer associated with reflexive behavior. At the forefront are the psychological causes of obsessive behavior.

Among the main reasons for the formation of a bad habit or its return, experts identify the following "catalysts":

dysfunctional family environment; strict methods of education; lack of mother's attention; problems with getting used to kindergarten; psycho-emotional overload; fears.

Before proceeding to solve the problem, you need to establish its true cause. This can be done on your own by analyzing your own and children's behavior, or you can contact a specialist who will at the same time tell you how to wean the baby from sucking a finger. The general recommendations are as follows.

Pay more attention to your child. Read books, communicate, engage in outdoor games, play a small ball more often to keep children's fingers busy. In general, give the child warmth and a sense of security. Reduce emotional or intellectual stress. This is especially true for those mothers who are passionate about the idea of ​​early childhood education. Another rule is to give up the load in the evening, instead of games, enter the ritual of bathing in the bath. Closer to the age of five, children develop various fears and phobias: fear of the dark, monsters, fairy-tale characters. An impressionable child tends to suck his thumb and calm down. It is better to deal with this cause with the help of psychologists. Refuse punishment, especially corporal punishment. Three-year-old children are already able to explain the reason for their behavior, in turn, they can also be told why thumb-sucking is ugly and unhygienic.

Important! If you have spent a lot of effort, but have not achieved a positive result, you should contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. A specialist will help you deal with an intractable problem.

From 5 years and older

If a child sucks his thumb even after the age of five, parents should be wary. In most cases, such a habit indicates serious psychological problems that require the intervention of professionals.

Thus, some cases of finger-sucking in schoolchildren and adolescents are a manifestation of obsessive-compulsive disorder arising for physiological and psychological reasons (for example, due to severe stress).

To make sure that a bad habit is a symptom of this disorder, you need to pay attention to other signs. For example, a thumb sucking child may demonstrate:

winding hair around a finger or pulling out curls; biting nails or, for example, pencils; scratching or pinching the skin; obsessive cough.

Older students often demonstrate obsessive thoughts, various ritual actions, high anxiety, various fears, and a depressive mood.

Naturally, to make or exclude such a diagnosis, you need to contact a neurologist or psychiatrist. The specialist will prescribe the necessary medicines and psychotherapeutic procedures - play, cognitive or art therapy.

Parents in such a situation should follow the following recommendations of specialists:

provide a comfortable home environment; prevent emotional and intellectual overstrain, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease; refuse to focus children's attention on sucking fingers and other obsessive actions; monitor every change in children's behavior.

To scold the baby for such addictions, of course, should not be. Punishment will only increase the manifestation of negative symptoms and lengthen the recovery period.

As a conclusion

You need to unlearn this bad habit, but if nothing works, then you should stop and take a breath. Thumb sucking is, of course, a disturbing sign that requires an adult response. However, it cannot be considered a disaster.

The choice of the preferred method will depend on several factors, including the age of the child, the causes of the negative addiction. It is better to avoid harsh methods like smearing fingers with mustard or tying hands.

Thus, the process of weaning the habit of thumb sucking can take a long time. And yet you should not despair. Mom needs to gain strength and patience, and the baby will definitely give up the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpulling the fist into her mouth very soon.