Causes of skin pigmentation. Enhanced pigmentation: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Each person has their own shade skin, which is genetically laid down. Normally, human skin pigmentation is determined by the following four main components:

  • epidermal;
  • carotenoids;
  • oxygenated hemoglobin;
  • deoxygenated hemoglobin.

It is the melanin located between the keratinocytes surrounding the melanocytes that is the main factor that determines the skin color. In fair-skinned people, the most characteristic content in the skin of a light brown type of melanin (pheomelanin) in small amounts. And in dark-skinned people - dark brown melanin (eumelanin) in large quantities. It is the ratio between pheomelanin and eumelanin that determines skin tone.

During life, most people experience pigmentation disorders. In most cases, they are benign, localized, and reversible. A prime example such temporary disorders can be hyper- or hypopigmentation of the skin with dermatoses of an inflammatory nature. They exist for several months, but then completely disappear. But some pigmentation disorders can be irreversible, only be removed by surgery, or be incurable.

In our article, we will acquaint you with the main types of skin pigmentation disorders and those diseases that are characteristic of a particular pathology.

The main types of skin pigmentation disorders

Dermatologists distinguish three main types of pigmentation disorders:

  1. Leucoderma. This disorder is accompanied by hypopigmentation and is caused by a decrease or complete absence of melanin.
  2. Melasma. This pigmentation is accompanied by hyperpigmentation and is caused by excess melanin deposition.
  3. Gray-blue dispigmentation. Such a violation occurs against the background of the presence of melanin in the skin and is accompanied by the deposition of melanin or non-melanin changes in the color of the skin.

Each of these pigmentation disorders is not a separate disease. These terms designate those characteristic signs that can be observed on the skin of patients with various diseases, accompanied by changes in the color of the skin, hair or eyes.


Depending on the reasons for development, there are several types of leukoderms.

Infectious leukoderma

Such pigmentation disorders are caused by various infectious diseases:

  • leprosy;
  • versicolor versicolor;
  • lichen white;
  • lichen planus.

Syphilitic leukoderma

At the secondary stage of syphilis, the patient develops skin symptoms of syphilitic leukoderma. White spots are more often localized in the form of a necklace around the neck (Venus necklace), less often on the arms and torso. Changes in skin pigmentation do not cause discomfort, but they may not disappear for several years.

There are the following types of syphilitic leukoderma:

  • lace (or mesh) - white spots appear on the skin, which merge with each other and form a mesh pattern that resembles lace;
  • marble - characterized by a weak severity of pigmentation around white spots;
  • spotty - characterized by the appearance on the background of hyperpigmentation of multiple round or oval white spots of the same size.

Leprosy leukoderma

Lepra is an infectious disease caused by the mycobacterium Mycobacterium leprae or lepromatosis and is accompanied by damage to the nervous system, skin and some other organs. Sharp outlined spots appear on the patient's skin white which may be surrounded by a reddish rim. In the area of ​​pigmentation disorders, there is a loss of sensitivity or its changes. Under the spots, areas of compaction appear, which lead to the formation of folds.

Leucoderma with pityriasis versicolor

Versicolor versicolor can be caused by the fungi Malassezia furfur or Pityriasis orbicularis. They affect the scalp or scalp. Pathogens produce special enzymes that act on melanocytes and cause the production of melanin to stop. Because of this, white spots appear on the skin, which are especially clearly visible after sunburn (these areas of the skin remain completely white). Most often, these symptoms are observed in the upper torso.

Leucoderma with white lichen

So far, scientists have not established the reasons for the development of white lichen. With this disease, which is more often observed in children from 3 to 16 years old (mainly in boys), white round areas of depigmentation appear on the skin of the cheeks, shoulders and lateral surfaces of the thighs. They rise slightly above its surface and peel off almost imperceptibly. White spots are especially noticeable after sunburn. Areas of dyspigmentation do not cause discomfort (sometimes they can itch and burn slightly). After a few months or a year, the white spots disappear on their own. In rare cases, with a chronic form of white lichen, they can persist into adulthood.

Leucoderma with lichen planus

The reasons for the development of lichen planus are still unknown. It is assumed that this disease, accompanied by damage to the skin and mucous membranes (sometimes nails), can be caused by viruses, nervous feelings or toxins. More often lichen planus occurs in adults. Small shiny nodules of thick red, brownish or bluish color appear on the patient's skin. They are sharply limited from the surrounding areas of the skin or mucous membranes, they can merge and form plaques with a peculiar mesh pattern.

On some nodules, an umbilical indentation may be determined. Rash with red lichen is accompanied by itching, pigmentation disorders and skin atrophy. Most often, these nodules appear on the inner thighs, wrist joints, popliteal fossa, elbows, or in the ankle area. Can be seen on the genitals and oral mucosa. The rash disappears on its own after a few weeks or months and recurs over the years.

Medicinal leukoderma

Such a pigmentation disorder develops with toxic poisoning with certain drugs (for example, steroids or furacilin).

Professional leucoderma

In people of certain professions, there is a violation of skin pigmentation, which is provoked by constant contact with certain toxic substances. Such toxic compounds can act directly on the skin or be ingested.

Congenital leucoderma

Such pigmentation disorders are caused by hereditary diseases (Ziprowski-Margolis, Wolf, Waardenburg syndromes). The congenital forms of leukoderma include such a disease as, but so far scientists have not identified the carrier gene of this disease, and this pathology is considered as immune leukoderma.


A group of these hereditary diseases of the melanin pigment system is accompanied by a decrease in the number of melanocytes and a low level of melanin. There are 10 forms of albinism. In some types of such pigmentation disorders, the skin, hair and eyes are involved in the pathological process, while in others, only the eyes. All forms of albinism are resistant to treatment, and symptoms remain localized throughout the patient's life.

The main symptoms of these diseases are the following manifestations:

  • hypo- or depigmentation of the skin, hair and eyes;
  • vulnerability of the skin to ultraviolet rays;
  • photophobia;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • nystagmus.

Tuberous sclerosis

This disease is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner and is accompanied by the formation of plaques and tumors on the skin and internal organs (including the brain). On the skin of such patients (usually in the buttocks and trunk) there are light spots, the shape of which resembles confetti or leaves. They can be observed already at the time of birth or appear up to a year (or up to 2-3 years). Their number increases with age.

Already in infancy or childhood, white strands of hair, eyebrows or eyelashes appear. Further, the patient develops tumors: angiofibromas, fibrous plaques, periungual fibromas "shagreen skin". When the brain is damaged, cortical tubers and subependymal nodes develop, and kidney cysts, kidney and liver hemateromas, retinal tumors and rhabdomyomas of the heart can be found in the internal organs. Tuberous sclerosis is associated with mental retardation and epilepsy.

Immune leukoderma

Such pigmentation disorders are caused in which the immune system, for unknown reasons, attacks an area of ​​the skin and destroys the melanocytes.


This disease can occur in people of any age and gender. Such patients develop milky white or light pink spots on the skin, which in most cases are localized on the hands, knees or face. They can grow in size and merge. Hair in the area of ​​spots becomes discolored. White spots do not cause any discomfort and do not flake off.


These nevi are more common in children or adolescents and are pinkish or brown, rounded patches that rise slightly above the skin and are surrounded by a white skin border. Their sizes reach 4-5 mm, and the size of the depigmented rim can be 2-3 times larger than the formation itself. Most often, Halo-nevi are located on the arms or trunk, less often on the face. Similar formations can be observed in patients with vitiligo. Spots can disappear on their own and in most cases do not require treatment.

Post-inflammatory leukoderma

Such a pigmentation disorder can develop after skin rashes, which are observed in some inflammatory skin diseases (burns, psoriasis, etc.). The appearance of white spots is explained by the fact that less melanin accumulates in the areas of the skin covered by crusts and scales, and more in the surrounding healthy tissues.


Depending on the causes of development, several varieties of melasma (melanoses) are distinguished.

Melasma in diseases of internal organs

Severe chronic diseases can lead to the development of such melasma:

  • uremic melanosis - develops when;
  • endocrine melanosis - develops with dysfunctions of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and other endocrine glands;
  • hepatic melanosis - develops in severe liver pathologies (cirrhosis, liver failure, etc.);
  • cachectic melanosis - develops in severe forms of tuberculosis.

Toxic reticular melanosis

This pathology develops with frequent contact with machine oil, resins, tar, coal, oil and lubricants. As a result of chronic poisoning, the following symptoms appear:

  • redness of the face, forearms and neck, accompanied by mild itching or fever;
  • the appearance of reticular hyperpigmentation of a red or cyanotic-slate color with clear boundaries;
  • the intensity of pigmentation increases, and they become diffuse;
  • in the area of ​​pigmentation, hyperkeratosis develops, and areas of skin folding, telangiectasia and areas of peeling appear.

In addition to skin manifestations, patients complain of a violation of general well-being: loss of appetite, weight loss, malaise, etc.

Precancerous melanosis of Dubreus

This hyperpigmentation is more common in women over 50. The patient develops the following symptoms:

  • an irregular pigment spot with a diameter of 2-6 cm appears on the face, chest or hands;
  • the spot is colored unevenly with areas of brown, gray, black and bluish color;
  • the skin in the area of ​​the spot is less elastic, and the skin pattern on it is coarser.

Melanosis Becker

This disease is more often observed in men 20-30 years old. A brown spot of irregular shape, 10-50 cm in size, appears on the patient's body. More often it is located on the body, less often in the area of ​​the face, neck or pelvis. In many patients, pronounced hair growth is noted on the spot. The skin becomes rough, thickened and wrinkled.

Papillary-pigmentary dystrophy of the skin (acanthosis black)

This hyperpigmentation is accompanied by the appearance of brown velvety patches in the underarms or other parts of the body. Acanthosis nigricans can accompany some cancers or be congenital and benign (with, pituitary adenoma, Addison's disease, etc.).

Mastocytosis (urticaria pigmentosa)

Such hyperpigmentation is accompanied by the appearance of multiple rounded papules and irregularly shaped spots of red or yellow-brown color. Their size reaches 3-8 mm. Stains can merge. The rash is sometimes itchy. When scratching or rubbing, they become swollen. This hereditary disease is benign in most cases and first manifests itself in early childhood... After a few years, it can disappear spontaneously.

Coffee stain (or Nevus spilus)

With such hyperpigmentation, brown single or multiple spots appear on the skin with clear boundaries and uniform color. Their shade can range from light to dark. Spots can be located anywhere on the skin, but never appear on mucous membranes. Nevus spilus is found immediately after birth or in early childhood and grows in size as the baby grows.


Such hyperpigmentation is more common in women and is caused by hormonal imbalances or changes during pregnancy and menopause. They often appear on the face as irregular yellowish-brown spots and may fade or disappear in winter.


Such pigmentation disorders are observed in some hereditary syndromes. Limited small and flat hyperpigmented elements form on the skin.

Moynahan Syndrome (LEOPARD)

This pigmentation disorder is observed in young people. It is accompanied by the rapid appearance of hundreds of lentigo spots on the skin of the face, trunk and limbs.


Such pigmentation disorders are more common in fair-haired people. They appear in childhood or adolescence and represent dark spots irregularly shaped, which do not rise above the skin and are located symmetrically. Freckles can range in color from yellowish to brown, and the color intensifies after exposure to ultraviolet rays.


Such pigmentation disorders are manifested in the form of dystrophic changes in the skin, manifested by reticular brown hyperpigmentation, which alternates with areas of telangiectasia and skin atrophy. The disease can be congenital or acquired.

Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome

With such a violation of pigmentation on the lips, mucous membranes of the mouth and eyelids, common lentigo appears. Polyps appear in the intestinal lumen (usually in the small intestine) and manifest as bleeding, diarrhea, intussusception, or obstruction. Over time, they can degenerate into cancerous tumors.

Recklinghausen's disease

With such pigmentation disorders, which are observed in neurophyromatosis, coffee spots and brown freckles appear in the axillary and groin areas. Their diameter can reach several millimeters or centimeters. The spots are present from birth or appear in the first year of life.

Gray-blue dispigmentation

Depending on the reasons for development, there are several varieties of gray-blue dispigmentation:

  1. Caused by an increase in the number of melanocytes. These pigmentation disorders include: Ota's nevus, Ito's nevus and Mongolian spot. Ota's nevus is located on the face and is a patch of rich brown, purple-brown or a blue-black color that often extends to the periorbital region and extends to the temples, forehead, structures of the eye, nose and periorbital regions of the cheeks. Nevus is more common in women and appears in childhood or young age. More typical for Asians. Ito's nevus differs from Ota's nevus only in its location. It is localized in the neck and shoulders. The Mongolian spot is observed from birth and manifests itself in the form of a gray-blue pigmentation of the skin in the region of the sacrum and lower back. By 4-5 years of age, the stain disappears on its own. This pathology is more common among people of the Mongoloid and Negroid races.
  2. Non-melanin dyspigmentation due to metabolic disorders. These pigmentation disorders include ochronosis. This rare hereditary pathology is accompanied by a deficiency and accumulation of homogentisic acid oxidase in the connective tissue. Such disorders lead to a change in skin color, and it becomes dark brown or bluish gray. Pigmentation disorders are more often observed in the area of ​​the auricles, nail plates of the fingers, the tip of the nose, sclera, and the back of the hands. The disease is accompanied by joint damage.
  3. Heat-related. These pigmentation disorders include heat erythema. The disease is usually triggered by the frequent use of heating mattresses, rugs and blankets. The affected areas of the skin acquire a gray-blue tint and subsequently scars and persistent areas of hyperpigmentation may appear on them. Patients have a burning sensation. Lesion may be accompanied by erythema and desquamation.
  4. With fixed drug eruptions. Such disorders are caused by taking medications and are accompanied by the appearance of spots of red-brown or gray-blue color, which appear with each intake of the drug and are localized in the same place. At first, the spot is swollen and inflamed. It flakes off and can form a bubble. After elimination of inflammation, a hyperpigmentation site appears on the skin. Fixed drug eruptions are more likely to be caused by salicylates, barbiturates, tetracyclines, or phenolphthalein. After discontinuation of drugs, the dyspigmentation disappears.
  5. Caused by the accumulation of heavy metals. Such pigmentation disorders are caused by deposits in the layers of the skin of gold, silver, arsenic, mercury or bismuth. With the toxic effects of silver, mercury or bismuth, the skin, nails and mucous membranes are painted in gray-blue shades. Chrysoderm develops with the introduction of gold-containing preparations and is accompanied by staining of the skin in brown shades... Such dyspigmentation can be caused by the use of the following drugs: chloroquine, clofazimine, amiadrone, busulfan, chlorpromazine, bleomycin, trifluoroperazine, zidovudine, minocycline, and thioridazine.

The manifestations of pigmentation disorders are extremely diverse and can be caused by various reasons. Make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment such skin pathologies can only be experienced by an experienced dermatologist. To eliminate them, therapeutic and surgical techniques can be used, and some of them do not need treatment or go away on their own.

Skin pigmentation is a change in its normal color. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the activity of melanocyte cells. The natural pigment of the skin is in direct relationship with genetics. Depending on the race, cells can have different amounts of melanin. In this case, it can be from light to dark brown. It is inherited.

Skin pigmentation is classified into different types. These include:

Atypical character;




Senile spots.

Pigmentation of the skin in the form of atypical spots appears, as a rule, in Neoplasms can occur both on clean areas of the skin and in the composition of moles. Sometimes their manifestation is possible in adulthood. Such birthmark differs from normal and may be the initial stage of skin melanoma.

The next type of pigmentation - freckles, can be observed in people of any age who have a predisposition to them. These are mainly people with red or blonde hair. Such pigmentation of the skin, the causes of which lie in the increased formation of melanin, can be eliminated by various means with a whitening effect, as well as using peeling. Preventive measures include the need to protect exposed parts of the body from direct exposure to the sun's rays or to use special protective creams.

The spots, called lentigo, are no different in appearance from moles. Pigmentation of this type of skin appears most often at a young age. These small spots can result from a large release of melanin. Lentigo has a light brown or yellow tint. can cause the appearance of some serious skin ailments. At a young age, they can cause melanoma. In addition, if sunburns occur quite often, they cause destructuring of the skin and provoke its early aging.

In the process of increasing pigmentation, chloasma may occur. It represents the appearance of spots of an uneven shape, colored brown. Most often, the spread of these neoplasms is observed in the face and in open areas of the body. Affected by this type of pigmentation are mainly people who have a dark skin tone.

The manifestation of chloasma can be a consequence of taking certain medications, for example, those related to contraceptives. Pigmentation during pregnancy and as a result of long exposure to direct sunlight also refers to this type of neoplasm. Depending on the cause of their occurrence, the spots disappear after drug withdrawal and after childbirth. Changes in the norm of the pigment composition of the skin can also be a consequence of the inclusion in the daily diet of products containing lipochromes (carrots and oranges). The natural color is returned when they are canceled.

After forty-five years old, senile spots often appear on open areas of the body and face. They are the result of an increase in the number of melanocytes.

Only a qualified specialist is able to identify the cause of this or that type of pigmentation. It is he who must prescribe a course of appropriate treatment. Mesotherapy is very popular. It is carried out using substances that have a whitening effect. Various types of peelings are also used. They are carried out on modern equipment using the latest achievements in the field of cosmetology. Modern scientific developments allow procedures to be carried out both in summer and in winter.

A pigmented spot is not just an annoying cosmetic defect, often the appearance of pigmentation is associated with a malfunction of the internal organs.

The article tells in detail about the types of spots and the reasons for their appearance. How to get rid of it yourself with the help of "home" recipes, and in what cases is it better to consult a specialist?

Not everyone knows that age spots are not just a cosmetic issue. The condition of the skin directly depends on the work of internal organs and systems, therefore, it makes no sense to deal with any cosmetic problems only with the help of a variety of creams and masks.

Such methods are a necessary and important addition to comprehensive treatment. The choice of the method of therapy should be based on the reason for the formation of pigmentation and requires a mandatory examination of the body.

The use of special products for external use gives the result - the spots can fade and decrease in size.

But such measures are usually not enough, since even the most expensive cream from a reputable manufacturer is not able to eliminate the cause of this cosmetic defect. After a while, the spots appear again and, often, they become even more pronounced.

What is pigmentation? Why are there age spots on the face?

Pigmentation occurs in young people as well as in middle-aged and old people. Most often, spots form between 40-50 years.

In some cases, spots disappear spontaneously, without treatment, but this is an extremely rare occurrence. Usually pigmentation tends to increase and getting rid of it takes tremendous effort.

Pigmented spot - what is it?

This is an accumulation of melanin substance.

Reference. Melanin is a special pigment localized on different layers of the epidermis.

In cases where melanin is concentrated closer to the top layer of the skin, they speak of moles or freckles. Moles and freckles can be pale, or light yellow or deep brown.

What is hyperpigmentation?

The deposition of melanin in the deep soybeans of the skin is hyperpigmentation.

External manifestation:

Spots on the skin, which can be of different sizes and shapes, and even rise above the surface. The shade is more intense - from medium brown to dark brown.

Types of pigmentation. Medical classification

  • freckles;
  • chloasma;
  • lentigo;
  • birthmarks (moles).

The reasons for the formation - increased synthesis of melanin

Why is melanin synthesis activated?

There are many reasons for this:

Hereditary (genetic) factor. It is the result of a genetic predisposition and is usually diagnosed at birth. Severe pigmentation can be treated with modern surgical techniques (eg laser resurfacing).

Hormonal disruption in the body. Such pigmentation can be quite noticeable and is a consequence of hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, postpartum period, hormonal imbalance due to any disease.

The pigmentation is called chloasma. Experts do not recommend self-treatment in this case, since it is important here to accurately establish the diagnosis and conduct a course of therapy for the underlying disease.

For example, with some endocrine pathologies, characteristic age spots appear, which are caused by a malfunction of the endocrine system. There are a number of factors that result in skin pigmentation that can be used by an experienced specialist to diagnose the disease.

These are some female problems, malignant tumors of the pituitary gland, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, etc. The course of therapy for the underlying disease leads to a gradual normalization of the hormonal background, so the spots decrease and become lighter.

Mechanical damage to the skin. Pigmented spots are formed as a result of attempts at illiterate treatment of acne, with chronic and severe furunculosis, due to exposure to chemical and thermal factors (burns), as well as peeling, etc. etc.

The intensity varies and directly depends on many components - the characteristics of the skin of a particular patient, the degree and depth of the injury. Often, local treatment with creams and other methods in such cases is not enough, therefore it is necessary to prescribe a complex complex therapy.

Aggressive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Sun rays - common reason formation of pigmentation in varying degrees of manifestation, including severe cases. This is not just an unpleasant cosmetic defect, but an alarming sign.

High dose of ultraviolet light is dangerous to health and even life and is the main reason for the formation malignant neoplasms, both skin and internal organs. The face is the area where this kind of pigmentation is most common, as the skin on the face is thin and delicate.

The substance melanin is necessary for the body; its main task is to provide reliable protection from adverse external factors. Therefore, with the active production of melanin, the skin becomes darker. Such a measure serves as a natural protection against burns. When a person abuses solarium procedures or sunbathing, pigmentation can be unevenly distributed, as a result, and this defect appears.

The rays of the sun are especially dangerous in the spring, when the heat is not yet felt. In addition, in spring, the skin is partially depigmented. The use of special protective equipment in the spring and summer period is a mandatory measure, but even such methods do not always give results. With a tendency to the formation of age spots, one should not even be under direct sun for a not too long period of time.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidney pathology (liver, gallbladder and intestines). The formation of pigment spots of a slightly reddish color is characteristic of indigestion, brown more often appear with the common diagnosis of cholecystitis and with various diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Problems with kidney function are signaled by the appearance of yellowish brown pigmentation. Monotherapy is not necessary for such diagnoses. After examinations and competent therapy, as well as following a special diet, the spots disappear by themselves as the state of health stabilizes.

Chronic stress and mental illness. The appearance of pigmentation is due to hormonal imbalance and a violation of the general metabolism. Such spots are different color, shapes and sizes.

Deficiency of essential vitamins or minerals. This is a fairly common reason, treatment consists in correcting nutrition, taking vitamin and mineral complexes, changing lifestyle and giving up bad habits. For example, when there is a lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) or an element such as copper, the appearance of age spots is common.

The use of certain medicines, especially uncontrolled or prolonged. Pigmentation may appear after treatment with certain types of antibiotics. If age spots appear, which were not previously present while taking such drugs, you should notify your doctor about it.

Allergic manifestations due to the use of substandard or unsuitable cosmetics and care products. Creams, lotions, decorative cosmetics are a provoking factor, which in many cases becomes the cause of the appearance of pigment, skin rashes, etc. Usually, such manifestations are visible immediately after using any means of such a purpose, therefore the question of diagnosis is not acute here.

Stains can cause:

  • Natural concentrated essential oils;
  • Cheap ingredients of poor quality (especially in decorative cosmetics);
  • Too aggressive cleaning of the skin with scrubs and other preparations intended for deep cleaning of the skin.

Aging skin

At a certain age (after 40-50 years and older), some people develop characteristic age spots, which are located on the face, neck, arms. This is the result of active synthesis of melanin and a consequence of its uneven distribution in the layers of the skin, as well as changes in hormonal balance and natural aging of the body and skin in particular.

In addition, pigmentation at this age can be a consequence of the appearance of various chronic diseases. Such a manifestation usually does not pose a danger to a person, but requires more careful monitoring of the state of health.

Treatment of pigmentation on the face

The basic principle of therapy is determination of the cause and treatment adapted to this factor.

You should consult a doctor:

  • therapist;
  • gynecologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • endocrinologist.

It will be useful to visit a cosmetologist.

After research, including laboratory tests and hardware examinations, treatment is selected.

There are such cosmetic treatment methods:

  • whitening;
  • special procedures;
  • the use of cosmetic preparations;
  • masks and lotions made according to "grandmother's" recipes.

For bleaching apply:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide 3% solution. It is used very carefully and only after consulting a specialist especially on problem areas. The solution can injure the skin and exacerbate the problem!
  2. Topical creams including mercury. Prescribed by a beautician and can be used for a short period of time. Has a large list of contraindications, including pregnancy and breastfeeding. Zinc creams. Softer products that not only whiten, but also, when used correctly, fight wrinkles and chronic acne.
  3. Special cosmetic treatments... They are performed only in specialized centers and only by experienced professionals, otherwise serious complications are possible. The choice of technique is the prerogative of a dermatologist, cosmetologist or other specialist with relevant experience and practice permission. When choosing a method, the severity of pigmentation, and the zone of location, and the nature of the spot, and its shape, and size, as well as indications and contraindications to a specific method in each patient are taken into account.
  4. Peeling (ultrasonic and chemical method). Each procedure has its own advantages, as well as disadvantages and contraindications for carrying out, as well as side effects, therefore the choice of the optimal method is a difficult task. Consultation of an experienced specialist is required. So, for the chemical method, various acids (glycolic, fruit, etc.) are used. The result of the action is the exfoliation of the skin layer and the regeneration of the epidermis. When using the ultrasound method, special equipment is required, with the help of which various drugs are injected into the skin. The result is skin renewal and whitening.
  5. Modern method - laser peeling... It is carried out on special equipment, with the help of a laser beam, a layer of the skin is removed, the mechanisms of its renewal and rejuvenation are triggered. The method is classified as one of the most progressive and gentle, after which the list of negative complications is limited, although the method is quite traumatic and painful. Usually, after the procedure, it is recommended to use special healing agents, and advice on skin care is given during the entire rehabilitation period and after it. Treatment should be planned in winter period, since in spring and summer the skin is exposed to the aggressive effects of solar radiation and this aggravates the rehabilitation period. A laser, if used correctly, gives an excellent result - skin rejuvenation, increasing its elasticity, acquiring a beautiful and even color. An important role is played not only by the professionalism of the master, but also by the choice of a laser device, therefore, you should contact only reputable centers with a good reputation.
  6. Phototherapy method. Light pulses are used, which act in a point only on problem areas. The result is the destruction of cells that contain a lot of melanin.

Whitening cosmetic creams

There are a huge number of different remedies for age spots on sale in the form of whitening creams for home use.

Attention! Such creams should not be used without the advice of a specialist and individual selection, since illiterate use can often give the opposite result - increased pigmentation. In addition, many creams contain components that are contraindicated in the presence of diseases of internal organs (kidneys, liver) and are prohibited during gestation and breastfeeding.

Popular skin whitening products

Provides not only high-quality skin care and removal of unaesthetic stains, but also protection of the skin from aggressive ultraviolet radiation.


The cream blocks the increased production of melanin in the body. It has an affordable price and has shown good results (clinically proven).

VC-IP preparation

VC-IP preparation (solution) based on highly purified ascorbic acid. Effectively combats the manifestation of hyperpigmentation of the upper layer of the epidermis, has a rejuvenating effect.

A complex approach. UV protection and pigmentation treatment

The solution to any problem should be approached comprehensively, not an exception and the treatment of hyperpigmentation.

The high efficiency of complex cosmetic preparations in the treatment of age spots has been clinically proven.

These drugs act in two ways:

  1. Provide protection against aggressive ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Provide therapeutic and cosmetic local results.

Complex remedy Neotone... Includes Neoton serum (using modern ingredients - alpha-arbutin, Lumiskin and licorice), which is intended for skin care before bed, as well as the morning preparation - Radiance (with a high degree of protection - SPF50 +).

This is a popular product with a high effect, time-tested; the manufacturer has provided a whole line of modern means that provides all stages of skin care.

It is effective against stains of various origins and is both a therapeutic and a cosmetic care product that can act as a safe prophylactic agent.

Folk recipes - top 7 "grandmother's" methods for stains on the skin

  1. A course of fresh cucumber masks. The grated vegetable in the form of a gruel is applied to cleansed skin for 30 minutes. The mass is not washed off, but is carefully cleaned with a cotton pad. Enough 10-15 masks per course, do it 2-3 times a week. The courses should be repeated several times a year.
  2. Yeast and lemon juice. For the mask, take 15 g of fresh yeast, add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, apply for 20 minutes on clean skin... Rinse your face with cool water. Course - 10 masks, 2 times a week. Repeat every 2-3 months.
  3. Lotion for rubbing the skin, made from parsley. Grind fresh herbs (2 tablespoons) and steam for one hour in 100 ml of water. Strain, wipe your face in the morning and in the evening before going to bed, adding 100 ml of fresh milk to the infusion. To preserve the lotion, it can be frozen in molds and placed in the freezer. The result is whitening, toning, tightening of enlarged pores.
  4. A mixture of rice flour, natural honey and vinegar(2: 1: 1 ratio in teaspoons). The mass is applied for 30 minutes on clean skin two to three times a week. Do not rinse, wipe the skin with a dry cotton pad, then gently rinse with cool water. Course - 15 masks. Repeat every 2 months.
  5. Almonds and lemon juice. An effective mask that successfully copes with age spots and also serves as an excellent cosmetic care product. About half a glass of almonds are passed through a meat grinder, a few drops of lemon juice and a spoon or two of water are added. It is applied for 20-30 minutes on cleansed skin, washed off with cool water. Course - 15 masks, 2-3 times a week, several times a year.
  6. Boiled potatoes and egg yolk. Budgetary, but effective mask which nourishes and whitens the skin. Mashed potatoes boiled in their skins are mixed with egg yolk and applied to clean skin in a pleasantly hot state. It lasts until it cools completely, washed off with warm water. Course - 10-20 masks, twice a week. Repeat as needed.
  7. Protein mixture. A mass is prepared from egg white, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. It is applied for no more than ten minutes, washed off with warm milk, a nourishing cream must be applied. Course - 10 masks 2-3 times a week.
  8. Washing with fresh milk and vodka. Ratio 3: 1. The skin is rinsed before going to bed. It can be used for a long time.

Granny's recipes are effective enough, but require discipline and regular use. However, with some types of masks and washes, allergies may develop. To prevent unwanted results, a preliminary skin test (on the bend of the elbow) can be done. If after 20-30 minutes there is no reaction, the mask can be used without fear.

Facial pigmentation, causes and treatment are issues that concern many women. Why does pigmentation appear on the face, and how to deal with it? Such a problem can darken a person's life at almost any age.

Brownish patches on the cheeks can be difficult to get rid of. In certain cases, the fight against them requires serious treatment, in others - they go away on their own. This is due to the reasons for their occurrence.

Face pigmentation, what is it?

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

If pigmentation appears, you should initially go to a dermatologist. It may be necessary to examine an endocrinologist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist. If the appearance of age spots is not associated with some kind of disease, then a beautician can help. Mesotherapy, chemical peeling, and fractional treatment are considered especially effective procedures. In the future, people who are prone to the formation of pigmentation should use sunscreens, and after a while they will need to go through a second cosmetic procedure again.

Remember that the problem can be prevented, than then deal with its elimination for a long time. If there is a tendency to the appearance of age spots, purchase good cosmetics for yourself, do not forget about folk methods.

Try to stay in the sun as little as possible, do not go to the solarium. It is very difficult to get rid of age spots, it is much easier to prevent their appearance.

A problem such as pigmentation can occur in a person at any age and cause severe psychological discomfort, especially if age spots appear on the face. Modern medicine and cosmetology have figured out quite well what pigmentation is and how to deal with it. There are many treatments available to help restore healthy looking skin and eliminate this cosmetic imperfection. It is enough just to establish the causes of the disease, and to determine what kind of age spots has formed on the skin.

Causes of the appearance of age spots

Skin pigmentation often occurs in humans due to excess accumulation of melanin pigment. This substance is brown, black or yellow.

In addition to melanin, it is responsible for the color of the skin:

  • carotene;
  • deoxyhemoglobin;
  • oxyhemoglobin.

The color of the skin of each person is determined depending on the amount of coloring pigment in the cells of melanocytes. The less it is, the lighter the skin will be and, conversely, in dark-skinned people, melanin is produced in greater quantities. Prolonged sun exposure can cause melanin pigmentation of the skin, which is more commonly known as sunburn. It appears after a long stay under active sunlight or visiting a solarium.

The main function of the melanin coloring pigment is to protect the skin from harmful action ultraviolet radiation. In most cases, age spots that appear on the face or on the body do not pose any danger to human health.

But there are other types of pigmentation that cause cancer and have a negative impact on overall well-being.

Various factors can affect the color of the skin:

  • the thickness of the epidermis;
  • the location of the blood vessels;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • menopause;
  • taking antibiotics or hormonal contraceptives;
  • metabolic disease;
  • improper skin care;
  • hereditary factor;
  • age-related changes.

In addition, there are other reasons for the appearance of age spots:

  • avitaminosis;
  • chronic diseases;
  • skin reaction to cosmetics.

All skin pigmentation, in turn, is conditionally divided into optional and constitutional. Constitutional pigmentation is considered irreversible and does not depend on the action of external factors. Optional pigmentation is reversible and usually disappears after the underlying cause is eliminated.

In medical practice, the following types of skin spots are distinguished:

  • lentigo;
  • chloasma;
  • vitiligo;
  • freckles;
  • birthmarks;
  • photosensitivity spots.

Lentigines usually appear after 50 years of age and appear as raised brown or dark brown spots on the skin. They have a round or elongated shape, are found on different parts of the body in single or multiple numbers.

Chloasma appears in women during pregnancy or while taking certain medications and are symmetrically located spots of yellow-brown or dark black color. They are usually localized in the face, on the abdomen or around the nipples and differ from others in their large size and clear boundaries.

Vitiligo is a common skin disorder that can affect people at any age and have different causes. Has the appearance of rounded spots with clear boundaries of white.

The most famous type of pigmentation is considered to be freckles or ephelids, which are small yellow-brown pigmentation spots. They are usually located in the face or on open areas of the body and are found mainly in fair-skinned people. Freckles appear most often in summer or spring, and disappear in winter.

Birthmarks, no doubt, are also known to everyone, since they are a well-known type of pigmentation that occurs in humans from birth. Nevi look like yellow-brown or black spots on the body that protrude above the surface of the skin and have a smooth or rough surface.

Photosensitivity spots appear as a result of high skin sensitivity to drugs, cosmetics or sunlight.

There is also abnormal pigmentation, which is a sign of a serious medical condition. Without the help of a medical specialist, you cannot get rid of such pigmentation on your own. Melanoma, which is a malignant skin tumor, is especially dangerous. In the absence of proper treatment and timely assistance, the disease can be fatal.

A dermatologist can determine the type of age spots on the skin, the reason for their formation and good quality after a thorough examination of the skin. When there is a suspicion of a malignant process, the patient will be prescribed a biopsy. The presence of atypical cells in the analysis is an indicator of cancer; in this case, a special course of treatment cannot be dispensed with.

Of the standard examinations, the following are usually assigned:

  • examination of the skin with a Wood lamp;
  • blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • biochemistry.

The following signs should serve as the reason for the patient's visit to the doctor:

  • severe itching of the skin in the area of ​​the spot;
  • burning;
  • lack of a clear border;
  • a sharp change in color;
  • bleeding;
  • rapid increase in size.

It is necessary to treat hyperpigmentation on the body or in the face area taking into account the main factor that contributed to the development of age spots.

If age spots appear on the body without a serious reason, you can choose the following method for treating pigmentation:

  • professional procedures in the salon;
  • bleaching agents;
  • ethnoscience.

Cosmetology procedures

The most famous and effective ways to eliminate age spots in a beauty salon or clinic include:

  • laser therapy;
  • chemical peeling;
  • cryotherapy;
  • phototherapy.

Under the action of laser therapy, the top layer of cells is burned, which are removed along with the stain. The laser beam is dosed and directed strictly to a specific area of ​​the skin and to a given depth. Immediately after the procedure, the stain begins to darken and peel off, and then disappears completely over time. If you have a slight cosmetic defect, you can get rid of pigmentation without problems in 2 sessions (sometimes in 5).

Each laser therapy procedure is performed at a time interval of two weeks and may be indicated for pigmentation or hyperpigmentation. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and clean, tone and relief are evened out.

Chemical peeling is considered an equally effective and safe way to treat age spots.

Various acids are used during peeling:

  • fruit;
  • glycolic;
  • almond;
  • phenolic;
  • trichloroacetic and others.

In order for such a procedure to take place without complications, the patient must properly prepare for the treatment of pigmentation. If the age spot is located in the deep layer of the skin, a deep or medium peeling is used.

During chemical peeling, dead cells are removed along with the age spot, as a result of which the process of tissue regeneration is started and the skin color is evened out. The number of sessions is chosen by a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Cryotherapy is also a fairly effective procedure in cosmetology, which takes place without serious consequences and is suitable for the treatment of pigmentation. During the session, liquid nitrogen is applied to the age spot, and this area of ​​the skin is frozen. After cryotherapy, a protective crust appears in place of the pigmented area, under which new cells are formed.

Phototherapy is another effective way to combat pigmentation. During this procedure, light radiation is used, which leads to darkening of the age spot and adhesion of proteins. As a result, the skin is renewed, and areas of pigmentation are easily removed. Phototherapy is characterized by a quick recovery period and painlessness.

Regardless of the choice of a professional procedure, there are certain rules for the patient's behavior during the rehabilitation period:

  1. You should not be under the sun without applying protective products to the skin if pigmentation has been recently treated and there is a risk of developing new spots.
  2. In addition, it is prohibited to visit the sauna, pool or bath for three days after the procedure.
  3. For the entire recovery period, do not go to the solarium or apply a scrub to the skin.

Contraindication to all cosmetic procedures is the presence of diabetes mellitus, pregnancy and allergies to the substances used.

Whitening cosmetics

A lightening cream can remove age spots, which contains:

  • hydroquinone;
  • melanozyme;
  • azelaic acid;
  • arbutin;
  • kojic acid.

With the help of such a tool, you can stop the production of melanin or get rid of existing pigmentation. Creams with ascorbic acid have a pronounced whitening effect, which has a stimulating and regenerating effect.

Before purchasing a cream with a brightening effect, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction to its components. It is advisable to give preference to products with a dual effect, which not only release the pigment melanin in the cells, but also prevent the development of new spots on the skin.

Best Whitening Creams:

  • Akhromin;
  • Evinal;
  • Melanativ;
  • Vichy;
  • Clotrimazole.

Apply the product to the age spot area once or twice a day, according to the instructions, with a thin layer. It is recommended to use brightening cosmetics in winter or autumn, when the sun is at its least active.

Folk remedies

Replace costly salon procedures or whitening creams will help traditional medicine:

  1. For the treatment of age spots for owners of dry skin, you can use ordinary yogurt. The fermented milk product is applied to the skin for 15 minutes and then washed off with water.
  2. It will help to remove pigmentation for people with oily skin lemon mask, clay mask or a mask with parsley.
  3. No less effective is a mask with starch, which is prepared from 1 tablespoon of starch and lemon juice... The mixture is applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes and washed off with water.
  4. It is recommended to wipe your face with herbal tea, cucumber juice, pomegranate juice or grapefruit juice every day.
  5. You can make ice cubes with green tea and wipe your skin with them in the morning. Sauerkraut juice and dandelion leaves help well against age spots.

Preventive actions

In order to prevent the appearance of hyperpigmentation in the future, the action of provoking factors should be excluded.

These include:

  • cigarettes;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • strong tea.

It is forbidden to get carried away with fatty, fried, spicy or too salty foods. Preference is given to useful products, rich in vitamin C and trace elements.

These include:

  • celery;
  • all citrus fruits;
  • kiwi;
  • currant;
  • cauliflower.

Fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and cereals will help to give your face a beautiful and healthy look.

To avoid the formation of ugly spots on the skin, it is recommended to do all procedures in the evening or at night before going to bed. Decorative cosmetics must have a high level of UV protection. When visiting the beach, you should avoid sunburn and do not be under the sun during periods of increased activity.

In order to timely detect a serious illness and not miss an oncological pathology, at the first appearance of spots on the skin, you should consult a doctor. Correctly selected treatment will help to avoid unwanted complications and restore healthy looking skin.