If you do not want to communicate, do not impose. How to understand what you are imposing

Both sides in a dialogue suffer from obsession

Obsession as a personality trait is a predisposition to meticulously, obsessively impose the provision of services, one's society, the topic of conversation, while ignoring the desire (its absence) of others. An annoying person unceremoniously tries to invade your individual space without giving you the right to choose. A person who is a hooker is bored and dreary in his loneliness.

They are spiritually poor. They hold a grudge when they do not want to communicate with them. They ask why you did not respond to messages where you disappeared? Obsession is an attempt to completely enslave the will of another person. Such people are unhappy love relationships. Intrusiveness discourages the desire to communicate and destroys feelings. It is unbearable to stay with a person who completely devours your energy, manipulating your consciousness.

The difference between obsession and persistence

What does ? This is a trait that helps to achieve a goal, while showing respect for the opinions of others. It's like a long-term plan. It does not have speed and instant results.
What about obsession? Weakness of character, selfishness, egocentrism!

The obsessive demands subjugation from head to toe. Persecution and annoyance will not bring a positive outcome. The bottom line is that the boundary between obsession and perseverance in each person is determined purely individually. Therein lies the difficulty.

How to learn not to impose on people

In order not to be intrusive, you should not end the relationship. It is necessary to build communication, observing certain conditions:

  • Live your life respecting the opinions of others. What are you interested in? Do you have a hobby? Spend more time self-knowledge, something new, exciting. This is much more useful than pestering someone.
  • Knowing of limits. Manifest - you need to feel the line beyond which pleasant communication with you ends and the patience of your presence begins. Be wise and consider people's opinions.
  • Another method. Instead of begging and shaking out what you want, try to deserve it worthily. So that a person would not be a burden to give what you want.
  • Charge your battery. Obsession is akin energy vampirism. Replenish your strength on your own, not like a lousy leech. How to replenish energy? Get it from nature, your favorite things, but do not pull from people.

It is possible to learn not to impose on people.

Women admire persistent men who see the goal and confidently move towards it. Such brave, resourceful guys clearly understand how to behave, what to say. They know exactly what they want and strive to achieve it. But women do not like obsessive guys who do not give passage, revolve around them, keep up with their plans and want everything to be the way they need.

What an obsessive!

What does "bind" mean? On the one hand, persistence and obsession look the same and pursue the same goals - to achieve their goal. The guy needs a phone number, and the girl is slow to answer, flirting and in no hurry to answer the request. Without thinking twice, the young man takes her mobile and makes a call to his number. This is persistence.

In another case, the boy continues to moan and haunt the lady of the heart, constantly begging for her phone number. This is an obsession.

What does it mean to impose on a person? This expression can be interpreted as an unceremonious, frequent intrusion with your presence into the life of another person. Boys and girls in love, as well as neighbors and friends, can be imposed. It is difficult to build relationships with such a person: he does not allow you to breathe easy. Among obsessive partners there are both boys and girls. The result of such behavior is sad - gradually people begin to be avoided.

Signs of an obsessive person

What does "bind" mean? How to understand at what moments, human behavior becomes such?

These items reveal the signs of an obsessive personality:

  • Chaotic calls and messages for any reason and without, at any time of the day.
  • The habit of coming uninvited to visit on holidays, following the company, where his presence may not always be desirable.
  • Excessive curiosity, invasion of privacy.
  • In the event of a breakup, desperate attempts to return the soul mate by any means and persuasion.
  • Harassment with questions of a different nature to an employee, rector, acquaintance.

In relations between a man and a woman, the former are not always ready to take matters into their own hands. And then the woman has to take the initiative to direct the relationship in the right direction or help them get off the ground. Psychologists of the Secrets family and sexual education center tell us about how to take the initiative delicately and not look intrusive.

Rule one (it's golden): don't be afraid to write first!

Often women think that by taking the first step, they will scare a man away. In fact, in the patriarchal paradigm, the right to take the first step really belongs entirely to the representative of the stronger sex, because his sacred role is to be a conqueror. But the truth is that in this system, men can sometimes feel uncomfortable too. Some tend to be shy, some will never take the first step until they are sure that they are interesting to a woman. In general, you should not be afraid to take this very first step, no matter what it is (come up to meet at a party, invite you to a cup of coffee, write a message). But you should think about how to do it as delicately as possible, so as not to scare the man with pressure and not let him relax.

Rule two: after writing, but not getting an answer, do not impose

If you have already decided to write first (and this is almost always exciting, especially if you like a man), you should answer the question why you want to do this. For example, remind yourself after the first date or invite a colleague to drink a cup of coffee after work, find out why a guy you've been dating for a long time suddenly stopped texting or text a stranger with whom you exchanged numbers over the weekend. Whatever your goal is and whoever your object of sympathy is, you should not impose yourself. A man can have many reasons for not texting, and even more reasons for not responding to them. Therefore, by writing once, you can be almost one hundred percent sure that the addressee received the message. If he does not answer it, it is almost always his conscious choice, so sending ten more messages after the first one left unanswered is still not worth it.

Rule three: sincerity and simplicity is what everyone likes

No need to waste time and spend hours in front of the phone or laptop, hoping to come up with a witty message that a man will definitely answer. If he is not going to keep in touch with you anymore, no matter how witty your message is, it will still remain unanswered or blacklisted. You should not start communication with questions like “Why don’t you write to me?”, “Where have you gone?”. Such a claim will put a man on the defensive from the start. You can write what you thought about him the day before, for example: “I remembered our date this morning, it was great.” But often a simple “Hello. How are you?" more than enough to start a dialogue.

Rule four: if you constantly take the initiative, it is worth considering ...

About whether the man you are dating is generally capable of any actions in relation to you. If you always write first to start a conversation, if you are the one who initiates all the dialogues, dates, ideas for spending time together, perhaps the man just settled comfortably. Firstly, this may be an indicator of his disinterest in relationships, and secondly, it may demonstrate his lifestyle in which he is not able to make decisions and take steps towards himself. Despite the fact that a woman still has the right to take the initiative, you should not use it all the time - give the man room for action. Perhaps he was just gathering his courage to call you, and your SMS, which you decided on earlier, did not give him space for a beautiful gesture.

Call out, fill up, ask for, offer your services, pester. Committed to his services. There is no retreat from him. Stuck like resin (fly, bath leaf). Like a wasp climbs into the eyes. I don't hang out on guys. Necr. .. Wed. entrust, entrust... Synonym dictionary

OBSTRUCTION, yazheshsya, yazheshsya; owls, to whom (colloquial). Relentlessly stick with something, ask for it (in 1 meaning). N. help. N. with his advice. N. to acquaintances. N. on whose n. head, neck (to stick or ask for it; disapproved). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

1. IMPOSE see 1. Impose. 2. IMPOSE, see Impose ... encyclopedic Dictionary

I carry neperekh. unfold Intrusive to ask. II Nesov. neperekh. unfold suffering to ch. to impose I III nons. neperekh. unfold suffering to ch. impose II Explanatory Dictionary Ephraim ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Imposing, imposing, imposing, imposing, imposing, imposing, imposing, imposing, imposing, imposing, imposing, imposing, imposing, imposing, imposing, imposing, imposing, ... ... Forms of words

impose- to call, ayus, ayus ... Russian spelling dictionary

impose- (I), imposing / calling (singing), waving (singing), waving (singing) ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

impose- I see impose I II see impose; aye, aye; nsv ... Dictionary of many expressions

impose- ask Wed. Do not fight back from the service, do not stuff yourself into the service (proverb). Wed scrupulousness ... Culture of speech communication: Ethics. Pragmatics. Psychology

obsession, to impose- See asking for it. They impose their mediation, assistance, their society, topics for conversation. negative behavior. You need a modest and brief offer of yourself, your services, without perseverance. If your help, etc. is rejected, you should ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy


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