Abstract of the lesson possessive adjectives. Synopsis of speech therapy classes on the development of speech "Possessive adjectives"

Lesson summary.

Possessive adjectives "Guess whose tails these are"

    Consolidation of ideas about wild and domestic animals.

    Formation and use of possessive adjectives with suffixes -y- (iy, ya, e, yi).

    Enrichment of vocabulary with synonyms and antonyms.

    Genitive matching.


The text of the Russian folk tale "Tails". Object pictures of animals with cubs: a badger with badgers ...

Tails: fox, squirrel, wolf, hare, cow, cat, dog, rabbit, badger, goat.

Magnetic board, mnemonic tables, contour pictures for tracing and coloring.

The course of the lesson.

I Recall and name wild and domestic animals.

II Staging of the Russian folk tale "Tails".

Action I Game "Who, where and with whom does he live?"- fixing information about

dwellings of animals and an exercise in word formation (on tables at

speech therapist and children (pictures depicting animals with cubs).

The speech therapist is the first to open the picture and start the game: I am a badger and I live in a badger hole with a badger and badgers.

Children take turns continuing the game according to the pattern given by the speech therapist.

Action II Game "Whose tail?"- exercise in word formation.

Speech therapist: Animals lived, they lived ... But no one in those days had tails. And without a tail, the beast has neither beauty nor joy!

Once a rumor spread through the forest: they would distribute tails! They brought many different tails: large and small, thick and thin, long and short, fluffy and smooth ...

And the animals ran from all sides, rushed, rushed at full speed after the tails (the tails of different animals are displayed on the flannelograph).

Children run with their pictures, each picks up the appropriate tail, verbalizing their actions after the speech therapist, and sit down.

Speech therapist (badger): I chose a thick fluffy and not very large, but very beautiful gray badger tail.

III Game "On the contrary"

IV Game "Say otherwise"

V Game "Whose tail is better?"

VI Physical culture minute.

Image of animals with verses:

The fox has a sharp nose (the child shows with his hands)

She has a fluffy tail

Red fox fur coat

Untold beauty!

Bunny galloped through the forest

Bunny was looking for food

Suddenly the bunny on top

They went up like arrows, ears (the child depicts ears with his hands)

The bear wanders through the forest

From oak to oak walks

Finds honey in hollows

And puts it in his mouth.

VII Conversation on the content of an excerpt from K. Chukovsky's poem "Toptygin and the Fox"

Why are you crying, you stupid bear?

How can I not cry and roar the bear?

Poor unfortunate orphan I am,

I was born without a tail.

Even among the curly ones, the foolish dogs

Furry tails stick out behind his back.

Even mischievous tattered cats

Torn tails are torn up.

I'm the only unfortunate orphan

I walk through the forest without a tail,

Doctor, good doctor, you have pity on me,

Sew the ponytail quickly to the poor!

The good doctor Aibolit laughed

To the stupid bear, the doctor says:

Okay, my dear, I'm ready.

I have as many tails as you want.

There are goats, there are horses.

I will serve you, an orphan:

I'll tie at least four tails ...

Speech therapist: Does the bear need a different tail?

The speech therapist briefly tells how sadly the story of the stupid bear ended: he tied himself a bright peacock's tail, and the hunters immediately caught him.

VIII Learning from the mnemonic table of the poem "Wild animals"

The fox in the deaf forest

There is a hole - a safe house.

Under the bushes prickly hedgehog

Rakes a bunch of leaves.

A clubfoot sleeps in a den,

It sucks its paw there until spring.

Everyone has their own home

Everyone is warmly comfortable in it.

IX Trace the outline of the drawing - the image of the animal.

X Lesson summary.

Reinforcement outside of class.

    Tell russian folk tale"Tails".

    Game "Animals play hide and seek".

    The game "Whose paw, whose tail, whose ear?"

    Game "Whose fur coat is more beautiful, warmer"

    Coloring the picture.

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  2. "Enrichment and activation of the vocabulary of senior preschool children through familiarization with the outside world"


    Curly feathers tails... Observation ... October. SPECIFICATIONS ACTIVITIES TOPIC: SPACE ... formation of relative and possessive adjectives, in the selection ..., mother's ... .. Points / whose? / - grandfathers, grandmothers ... this the same occupations didactic game "Parsley, guess ...

  3. Topic: "Philological analysis of the text as a path to the successful development of students' competencies in the field of Russian literature"


    ... Abstract ... adjectives, we call for help the hero of the western detective KOP (K - qualitative, O - relative, P - possessive ... occupations creative association "Russian Literature" № п / п Topic classes ... tail ... Whose ... it warning. You just need guess ...

  4. Abstract speech therapy classes with students in grade 2

    On this topic " Possessive adjectives»

    Teacher-speech therapist MBOU "ESH №1 named after M.V. Lomonosov "Zadirey O.V.


    To develop skills of word formation in children;

    To enrich the vocabulary of children through word formation;

    Learn to form possessive adjectives from nouns denoting the names of animals;

    Develop the language ability of children;

    Develop visual-spatial representations;

    Strengthen the skills of sound-letter synthesis.

    Equipment: notebooks, pens, ball, subject pictures, multimedia projector, computer.

    The course of the lesson.

    The one who changes the word according to the model will sit down: silence - quiet

    Depth -

    Length -

    Width -

    Height -

    Thickness -

    Before you. Draw a path to exit with a pencil.

    Did everyone find a way out?

    Slide number 1

    …, Take the card, go out to the board, underline the letters that you will meet along the way. If you mark the road correctly, then we can read the riddle. The rest of the guys write down what happened in a notebook.

    Children read a riddle: gray, shy, long-eared.

    Who is this? Hare.

    Which part of speech helped you guess? Adjectives.

    O how are we going to talk today? About adjectives.

    O lump are we going to talk today? About animals.

    Who guessed how we will form adjectives today? From what words?

    Yes, today we will form adjectives from the names of animals.

    So what is an adjective?

    Today we will go with you to the Eliza zoo, but not to the one that exists now, but we will dream a little and go to the future.

    There are no cages in this zoo, the animals live in freedom. Do you think they will be easy to see?

    See who is hiding in the bushes? How do you know?

    This is a hare because it is bunny ears.

    The speech therapist demonstrates with the image of the ears of various animals (fox, squirrel, deer, wolf, bear).

    Listen to the sentence again: These are bear ears. What is the adjective? Bearish. Ask him a question. Whose? So what other question can an adjective answer?

    How do we ask about the tail? The torso? Head? - Whose? Whose? Whose?

    Let's play the game "Whose? Whose?"

    Children take turns asking a question to the picture (. Whose tail? - the neighbor on the desk answers, then asks the first question: "Whose head?"

    Let's write down the last answer. So whose head? - trot. (on the board and in the notebook). Select the root, the ending.

    What about the suffix? Were we talking about the fact that adjectives are formed using a suffix? How many sounds do I mean in the ending? (2: [Y], [A]) So y will be the suffix. In such words, he is as timid as animals, hiding in the ending.

    In the corner on the board, write down the suffix -y-.


    Follow the pattern. The starling is starling.














    Parsing the word on the whale board.

    What suffix did we use to form words? -ov - (writing on the board)

    Well, here we come to the reservoir. Who will we see? Birds. Something and the birds are hiding today - only their heads are visible. Whose? (duck, swan, hawk, goose, sparrow).

    Listen to the words again. (Speech therapist pronounces words, highlighting -in-) What do they have in common? Suffix -in- (on the board)

    You know that in zoos it is customary to treat animals. Our zoo is no exception. But animals do not eat from their hands, what to do. Let's take food to their dwellings.

    Presentation. Slide number 2.

    What do you see in the picture? (fox hole) Complete the sentence. I will take it to the fox hole ... (meat).

    Have you forgotten that we have the zoo of the future? Not only earthly inhabitants live in it.

    Slide number 3

    This is Plim - an inhabitant of another planet. He can take on any guise, and therefore loves to grow tails, horns, muzzles, etc. animals of the earth. How to try them on.

    On the board you can see which body parts and which animals he would like to try on (camel - legs - camel legs). Writing phrases in a notebook. (draws the attention of children to the dividing b)

    Before you and the body parts of different animals (,). Collect your plim and write a story about it by inserting the missing words on the card.

    (This is a plim. His head is _________________. His ears are _______________. The legs are __________________, and the tail is ____________________.)

    Children "collect" plim, compose a story and read in turn.


    What did we learn in class today? What questions can adjectives answer? How did we form words? What are the suffixes?

    The one who continues the poetic line will say goodbye to me.

    The head of the fox is a fox,

    And the lynx, of course, …….,

    The head of a dog is a dog

    The cat's head is …… ...

    The bear's head is bearish

    The camel's head - …….,

    The head of the beluga beluga

    The head of the stellate sturgeon -… ...

    The eagle has an eagle's head,

    The owl's head is…. ...

    Synopsis of the frontal lesson “Possessive adjectives. Wild animals"

    Targets and goals:

    1. Consolidation of the ability to form possessive adjectives with suf. Ying, un. 2. Consolidation of the agreement between the adjective and the noun in gender and case. 3. Fixation to form diminutive nouns. 4. Development of verbal and logical thinking. Course of the lesson

    1. Organizational stage

    Children stand in a circle. A speech therapist approaches each child with a fan of pictures and offers to choose one picture. Further, the speech therapist gives the instruction that the children should name the animal or bird shown in the picture and remember the picture until the end of the lesson. The speech therapist names only a generalized word (pets, birds, wild animals). Children should pick up the appropriate picture and name it. For instance: I have a moose.

    Elk is a wild animal etc. Then the children give their pictures to the speech therapist and take their places at the tables.

    2. "Unseen beast"

    See what interesting pictures I brought you. Tell me whose body parts you recognize.

    (Bear torso, mouse tail, squirrel tail, fox paws, frog paws, hedgehog head, hare ears, cleft palate.)

    3. Guessing the riddle.

    If you guess the riddle, you will find out from which fairy tale these animals came.

    He is not low, not high.

    And not locked.

    All of the logs and planks Stands in the field. (teremok).

    Are all these animals from the fairy tale "Teremok"? Who is superfluous? (Squirrel.)

    Well, let her also stay with us.

    4. "Whose, Whose, Whose"

    Look closely at these animals and say:

    Whose paws are the greenest? - frog;

    Whose ears are the longest? - hare;

    Whose teeth are the sharpest? - wolf;

    Whose paws are the strongest? - bearish;

    Whose back is the most prickly? - hedgehog;

    Whose coat turns gray in winter? - squirrel.

    5. Physical education "Squirrels do exercises"

    Now we will become squirrels.

    6. Guys, I also brought you a lot of pictures of wild and domestic animals that we can color with you.

    7. Lesson summary.

    Well done! You did a good job today. What did you like the most?

    I have good mood... Here it is (shows the card).

    And what about you? (Children show flashcards depicting their emotional state.)

    Olga Viktorovna Goryachevskaya
    Abstract educational activities on speech development"Possessive adjectives"

    Summary of the lesson in the preparatory speech therapy group.

    Topic: Possessive adjectives.


    Correctional educational: improving the skills of word formation, consolidating the ability of children to form possessive adjectives from nouns;

    consolidation, clarification and expansion of knowledge about wild animals.

    Correctional and developmental: development of attention and memory;

    development of verbal and logical thinking

    Correctional educational: the formation of interest in wildlife;

    the formation of goodwill, initiative during educational activities.

    Equipment: subject pictures of wild animals, "delicacies", manuals for the games "Who lives where", "Feed the animals", "Whose footprints?", "Wonder animal".


    Organizing time.

    Finger speech play"Hello" (based on the poem by T. Sikacheva)

    Speech therapist: I say hello everywhere-

    At home and on the street

    I even say hello

    I'm a neighbor ...

    Speech therapist and children:... chicken (Children show "wings")

    Hello, golden sun! (Show the sun)

    Hello, the sky is blue! (Show the sky)

    Hello, free breeze! (Show "breeze")

    Hello little oak tree! (Show "oak")

    Hello Morning! (Gesture to the right)

    Hello Day! (Gesture to the left)

    We are not too lazy to say hello! (spread both arms to the sides)

    Guys, how wonderful we did it! Did you like greeting with poetry? (Answers of children). Who have we not said hello to yet? (Answers of children).

    1. Statement of the purpose of the lesson.

    Look carefully and name who is drawn in this picture? (Fox, bear)

    Name them in one or two words. (Beasts, wild animals)

    Why are these animals called wild? (They live in the forest, are afraid of man, get their own food and build dwellings)

    Today we will remember and learn a lot of interesting things about wild animals.

    And we will continue to correctly answer the questions: Whose? Whose? Whose?

    Listen carefully to questions

    And then the answer is great.

    Whose? Whose? Whose?

    Speak the answers in rhyme.

    Whose? - Fox. Whose? - Hare. You need to clearly pronounce the end of the named word.

    2. Didactic game"Zoo".

    And now we are going to play Zoo. In the zoo, all the animals are in cages. Whose cage is this? (Fox)

    By analogy, children call the cells of a wolf, a squirrel, a hare, a deer, a bear, a lynx, or an elk as possessive adjectives. - Between whose cages is the fox cage? - The fox cage stands between the squirrel and the wolf.

    3. Didactic game "Whose cell is empty?"

    Close your eyes, I will release one of the animals from the cage. Whose cage is empty?

    4. The game "Feed the animals".

    But then it was time for dinner, food was brought to all the animals.

    These are carrots, grass, nuts, meat, berries. Let's distribute the food correctly.

    Whose food is raspberry? - Bearish.

    Nuts are squirrel.

    Carrots are hare.

    Meat - wolf, fox, lynx.

    The grass is deer.

    5. - Now let's go to the forest.

    Physics "Bus"(E. Zheleznova's disc "Aerobics for Babies" track 1)

    6. Game "Whose footprints?"

    Here we are with you and got to the forest clearing. Take a closer look and listen. What do you hear? What do you see? (It's quiet here. There are green Christmas trees. In the snow, footprints lead somewhere.)

    The forest has its own life. In winter, it is cold and hungry in the forest. Moving around, the animals leave footprints in the snow. Whose tracks are these? - Hares. How did you guess? Let us follow with our eyes where these tracks lead. What's this? (Bush) What do you think, the bush is whose house? (Hare). Look, there is something here. What's this? (Bump) On the bump is a record. This forest shares its secrets with us. (Why is the hare called oblique? - His eyes are not in the center of the muzzle, but on the sides, and the animal can see what is being done from the side and even from behind. Neither the wolf nor the fox will sneak up on him unnoticed).

    Whose tracks are these? - Squirrel (wolf, fox, deer). Where do they lead? (This is a squirrel hollow, a wolf's den, a bear den, a fox's hole).

    Let's sit on stumps, rest, listen to the forest.

    Wolf (wolf howl recorded). A melancholy wolf howl is often heard in the forest. Each wolf has its own unique voice, and they recognize each other from afar. Wolves do not just howl at the moon, complaining of hunger and cold, no, with their howl they transmit important messages about prey to their relatives, they report that the forest area is already occupied by their flock. And the leader of the wolf pack has the strongest and loudest voice. Everyone must obey him!

    Squirrel (squirrel "claps" - record) The squirrel's main pride is its tail! Decorates, warms up on rainy days, helps her when jumping. Having fluffed up its tail, like a parachute, the squirrel easily and freely flies from branch to branch. She controls her tail like a rudder.

    Fox - Why is there white fur on the tip of the fox's tail? When at dusk, in a deep forest, the foxes run after their mother, the white tip of the tail serves as a guide for them, does not allow them to get lost, to go astray. That is why the chanterelle preserves its tail.

    Bear. He walks so quietly that not a single twig will crack under his feet. The bear is also popularly called a “barefoot man”. The bear's feet are bare, with them he feels every pebble, any tubercle and can sneak up silently and imperceptibly. Although the bear seems clumsy, it runs fast, can make big jumps, deftly climbs trees, swims well.

    Guys, why are there no bear tracks? (In winter, the bear sleeps.)

    7. - Let's take our places. We took the binoculars in our hands and look around. Who is this?

    Didactic game "Incomprehensible animal"

    I do not believe my eyes:

    What kind of bird, what kind of beast?

    Children: This animal has a fox tail, bunny ears, a bear torso, etc.

    8. - The forest will let us go if we can answer his questions.

    Ball game "Name body parts"

    Whoever receives the ball must correctly name any part of the body of the animal I will name. For example: fox - fox tail, hare - hare paws, etc.

    9. The result of the lesson, assessment of the activities of children.

    - Here we are in our own group. What new have you learned today? You made me happy with your answers. Each of you excelled in something. You knew how to listen to the answers of your friends, you were benevolent. Therefore, it is with pleasure that I present you with a present. What's this? Who gave you such a gift? (Children are given a basket of hazelnuts).

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    Topic: Possessive adjectives.

    Purpose: To teach children to use possessive adjectives in speech.


      Teach children to use possessive adjectives in speech.

      Strengthen the knowledge of animals and their babies in children.

      Consolidate knowledge of the body parts of various animals.

      Activate vocabulary of words.

      To educate children to love animals.

    Equipment: pictures of animals,

    pictures of baby animals,

    Pictures depicting body parts of animals,

    subject pictures

    The course of the lesson.

    Organizing time.

    Guests came to us. Guess who it is?

    I walk in a fluffy fur coat,

    I live in a dense forest

    In the woods on an old oak tree

    I gnaw nuts.


    He walks clubfoot in the summer,

    And in winter he sucks his paw.


    Red cheat

    Sly and clever.

    Fluffy tail

    The fur is golden.

    Lives in the forest

    And the village steals chickens.


    Guess who is our guest? Beasts.

    Each beast has cubs. Let's call them.

    1. Game "Find your mom".

    The children are given animal masks. Everyone puts on a mask and calls for their cub. For example: I am a fox. Where is my little fox? I'm a squirrel. Where is my squirrel? I'm a bear. Where is my teddy bear? The beasts find their young and build in pairs. Then you can change masks and repeat the game.

    2. Didactic game "Whose tail, whose ears?"

    Pictures with images of animals are displayed on the board.

    Children, let's see what you see in the pictures, what do these animals have in common? (Muzzle, tail, paws, ears, torso).

    Children, name the body parts of different animals. It's a fox. The fox has a muzzle. Hear what to call the face of the fox and other animals. Whose face? - Fox. This is a wolf. Whose face? - Wolf. Whose tail? - Wolf, fox.

    Children pronounce the combinations: fox, bear muzzle, etc.

    Children are given pictures of animals, where parts of their bodies are mixed up. Children must choose the right pictures. Those children who chose the right pictures and pronounced possessive adjectives correctly receive a counter.

    3. Didactic game "Whose, whose, whose?"

    Formation of possessive adjectives:

    Daddy - Daddy Tanya - Tanin

    Mom - ... Nina - ...

    Aunt - ... Vova - ...

    Uncle - ... Dima - ...

    Formation of phrases:

    Dad's sofa (ottoman, bench, boots, shoes, shirt)

    Mom's ... (slippers, skirt, dress, jacket, table, handbag, notebook, perfume, etc.)

    4. Didactic game "Find your house".

    To cope with this game we will be helped by pictures on which are drawn parts of the body of animals and houses where different animals live.

    All animals live in houses with different names. Let's remember what they are called? (kennel, den, hole, nest) For each animal you need to find your own house. Pictures showing body parts of these animals will help you to choose an animal. For example: This is a fox tail, My beast is a fox. She lives in a burrow. This is a squirrel tail. My beast is a squirrel. She lives in a hollow, etc.

    5. Didactic ball game.

    The speech therapist explains that children who receive the ball must correctly name any part of the body of the animal that the speech therapist will indicate. For example: goat -goat beard, cat - cat paws, dog - dog face. It is advisable to choose those animals that have not yet been named: giraffe, crocodile, cow, horse, monkey, rabbit, etc. Possible mistakes are corrected immediately, and the child repeats the correct answer.

    6.Result of the lesson ... Didactic game "The fourth extra".

    The speech therapist puts 4 subject pictures on the board. Children should name them and identify the excess, explaining why it is not suitable.

    For example: fox tail, hare tail, fox, bear tail;

    Squirrel face, bear paws, wolf, hare ears.