How to instill in a child a love of a healthy lifestyle? How to instill a healthy lifestyle Instill a healthy lifestyle.

Why is it important for future men to start leading a healthy lifestyle from an early age?

Men begin to get sick as they approach the turn of adulthood. Where do the roots of all these ailments that begin to get us come from? All these prostatitis and hemorrhoids, heart attacks and strokes, gastritis and colitis. As long as we are young, we can handle everything. Raise a weight, drink a bottle of vodka, smoke a pack of cigarettes. But we do not think what will happen to our health further. And how hard it can be to get rid of bad habits!

This will be a kind of overview of ways how to instill a healthy lifestyle in a future man. Then, in the future, such a guy will feel like a real man.

It is useless in such a small article to investigate the causes of each ailment. This is then usually done by doctors, as, for example, they recently revealed a chalazion in a child. And the conversation needs to be conducted on the following.

About healthy eating.

It all starts at a young age, when the first skills are taught. I have seen this picture more than once. A little boy is given a separate meal because he does not eat the food his parents eat themselves. Naturally, a baby moving into adulthood cannot eat what everyone eats. In the future, he will eat chips and Coca-Cola. What kind of male health can we talk about !?

In the old days, babies were fed food from their table. Little by little, bit by bit. Chewing food somewhere. But the food was the same that the parents eat. Then it was all washed down with mother's milk. Men grew up to be real heroes. Why invent something when nature itself came up with everything for us. And a normal healthy diet will definitely bear fruit.

How to accustom a future man to physical education?

Many will say: you need to do physical education yourself, and then the child will also do it. But believe me, my example is not enough.

According to my observations, in order to introduce a future man to physical education and sports, to a healthy lifestyle, you need to do the following:

1. Create an atmosphere around the boy, in which physical education and sports would be in authority. There should be a kind of cult of sports. But without much fanaticism, otherwise you will discourage the child from any desire to study.

If your friends come to you and you drink beer, do not expect that your son will enjoy going to some kind of sports section. Most likely, he will find the same cheerful company.

2. Very cool influence on the desire to engage in physical education environment. Especially as a teenager. Teens are already starting to try tobacco and alcohol. First, for the sake of interest, and then addictive, which by the ears cannot be dragged away. This is where the physical education sections will help. The boy shouldn't have time for this nonsense. Somewhere it is necessary to show parental, first of all, fatherly, authority. Make me go to classes through “I don’t want to”. But do it carefully so as not to completely discourage the hunt.

3. It is very difficult to teach boys to personal hygiene. Probably, many parents face this problem. And the way is simple. Going to wash, take your baby with you to the washbasin. My youngest son (1.5 years old) polishes his teeth with pleasure, looking at me. He likes it!

I will hope that with age, the desire to be clean - to wash, take a shower, brush your teeth - will not disappear.

There will definitely be a continuation of this interesting topic. If you are interested in any questions or you disagree with something, write in the comments.

It is necessary to instill a love of a healthy lifestyle from childhood. Clear and accessible rules will help parents to raise their child healthy and become the best prevention of bad habits in the future.

Proper nutrition can be delicious!

Many toddlers prefer to eat a slice of pizza or french fries instead of healthy vegetables. Perhaps the point is not that children are attracted to fast food, but in their love for baked cheese and tomatoes. Why not make a vegetable stew or French sauté for your little one instead of the usual boiled or stewed vegetables?

And if your baby is a real sweet tooth, replace cakes and pastries with healthy dried fruits and nuts.

Does homemade food seem too boring for a child? Cook together a dish of Italian and French cuisine - vegetable pasta, minestrone soup with noodles in the form of letters. Pay attention to pumpkin, red pepper, lemon - they contain vitamins A, E, PP, P and C.

Calcium is very important for teeth and bones; there is a lot of it in cottage cheese, cheese, sesame seeds. Many useful trace elements are found in nuts, seeds and legumes.

Morning work-out

How to instill love for? Only by personal example. Get up 20 minutes early and work out together. Preferably at the same time, before breakfast. The minimum program is arm swings, bends, squats, jumping in place, push-ups. And have an active weekend as often as possible!

Daily regime

A clear and well-thought-out routine not only disciplines, but also teaches you not to get into time trouble. Discuss his daily routine with your baby and post the schedule in the most prominent place. Remember to sleep at least 9-10 hours. And be sure - daily walks (at least 2-3 hours in warm weather).

Respiratory gymnastics and massage for the prevention of colds

1. Exercise "Scented Rose"

The palms are on the ribs on either side of the chest. You have to imagine that you are smelling a fragrant flower. Slowly inhale through the nose (the ribs of the chest are spread apart) and exhale. The abdomen and shoulders remain motionless, only the ribs and palms move. Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Exercise "Bird"

Starting position - standing, notes together, arms along the body. Raise your hands through the sides up, then inhale, hold your breath and slowly lower your hands through the sides - exhale in the drawn-out sound "p-f-f". Repeat 2 times.

3. Walking on massage mats perfectly stimulates the reflex zones of the feet.

4. Ear massage- A great way to wake up as soon as possible: grasp the lobes with your thumb and forefinger and pull several times.

Formation in children of ideas about a healthy lifestyle orhow to instill a habit of being healthy

Health is a great gift, without which it is difficult to make life happy, interesting and long. It is easy to lose health, but it is very difficult to regain it.

The child must grow up healthy. A healthy child is easier to raise, teach and educate. He develops the necessary skills and abilities faster. He adapts better to changing conditions and adequately perceives all the requirements imposed on him. Health is the most important prerequisite for the correct formation of a child's character, the development of will, natural abilities.

The definition givenWorld Health Organization: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects."

Human health is established in childhood and, according to scientific research, it is determined by 50% - lifestyle, 20% - heredity, 20% - the state of the environment and about 10% - the possibilities of medicine and health care. Physical culture and sports play an important role in maintaining health.

Human health largely depends on the value systems existing in society that determine the meaning of life. Health is a personal and social value. The formation of such an attitude towards one's own health is engaged in a new branch of knowledge, called "valeology" - the science of health.

You cannot buy health, you can only earn it by your own constant efforts. But in order to preserve the child's health, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all adults around him (parents, educators, doctors, etc.) in order to create an atmosphere around him filled with the needs, traditions and habits of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, from an early age, a certain culture of behavior and an appropriate lifestyle are formed. The knowledge, skills and abilities of a valeological nature, laid down in childhood, will become a solid foundation for creating a positive motivation for protecting your own health in adulthood.

Thus, the formed healthy lifestyle traditions become the property of the nation, the state, an integral part of people's lives.

A healthy lifestyle - integrates biological, social and environmental ideas about human health and his life, since physical well-being depends not only on heredity and the amount of attention to the child's health on the part of parents and doctors, but also on the influence of environmental factors, on the degree of harmonization of the child's relationship with the external social and ecological environment.

Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. It is in this age period that the foundations of health, correct physical development are laid, motor abilities are formed, interest in physical culture and sports is formed, personal, moral-volitional and behavioral qualities are brought up.

Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers will be most successful if:

· The content of the concept of "healthy lifestyle" has been determined, which includes both biological and social concepts, as well as ecological ones, and reveals the dependence of a healthy lifestyle on the state of the surrounding ecological environment;

· Designed pedagogical technology, including forms, methods, conditions, principles, stages of formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle: "health" and "human lifestyle", "dependence of health and lifestyle on the state of the surrounding social and ecological environment", "healthy lifestyle life is the basis for maintaining and strengthening health "

· A model of interaction between the subjects of the educational and educational process has been developed, which involves the preparation of teachers to solve the problems of forming a healthy lifestyle in children, to methodological and educational work with parents, and the direct impact of teachers and parents on children.

Adults themselves rarely adhere to these rules in everyday life, and children see this well. In addition, the implementation of the necessary rules of a healthy lifestyle requires significant volitional efforts from a person, which is extremely difficult for a preschooler who has an insufficiently formed emotional-volitional sphere.

In order to actively influence the position of a child in relation to his own health, it is necessary to know, first of all, that the state of health itself is formed as a result of the interaction of external (natural and social) and internal (heredity, gender, age) factors. Several health components stand out:

1. Somatic health - the current state of organs and systems of the human body, the basis of which is the biological program of individual development.

2. Physical health - the level of growth and development of organs and body systems.

3. Mental health - the state of the mental sphere, the basis of which is the state of general mental comfort.

4. Moral health, the basis of which is determined by the system of values, attitudes and motives of human behavior in society.Ideas about healthy lifestyle in children of different ages.

The child's attitude to their health is the foundation on which it will be possible to build the building of the need for a healthy lifestyle. It arises and develops in the process of a child's awareness of himself as a person and personality. A child's attitude to health directly depends on the formation of this concept in his mind.

Children of younger preschool age understand what a disease is, but they cannot yet give the most elementary characterization of health. As a result, little children practically do not have any relation to him.

In the middle preschool age, children form an idea of ​​health as “not a disease”. They talk about how they were sick, they show a negative attitude towards the disease based on their experience. But they still cannot explain what it means to be healthy and to feel healthy. Hence the attitude towards health as something abstract. In their understanding, being healthy means not getting sick. When asked what to do in order not to get sick, many children answer, you need not to catch a cold, not eat ice cream on the street, not get your feet wet, etc. From these answers, it follows that in the middle preschool age, children begin to realize the threats to their health from the external environment (cold, rain, draft), as well as their own actions (eating ice cream, wetting their feet, etc.).

In older preschool age, due to the increase in the experience of the individual, the attitude to health changes significantly. But there is a confusion of the concepts of “healthy”, how big, good (that's great!) And “healthy”, like not sick, children still relate health to illness, but more clearly define threats to health as from their own actions (“you can't eat dirty fruits "," you cannot take food with dirty hands ", etc.), and from the external environment. With certain educational work, children correlate the concept of "health" with the implementation of the rules of hygiene.

They begin to correlate physical education with health promotion and in its definition (as, in fact, adults) put the physical component in the first place. At this age, children (although still intuitively) begin to distinguish both mental and social components of health (“there everyone was shouting, cursing, and my head ached”). But, despite the existing ideas about health and ways to preserve it, in general, the attitude towards it in older preschool children remains rather passive. The reasons for this attitude lie in the children's lack of the necessary knowledge about it, as well as in the lack of awareness of the dangers of unhealthy human behavior for maintaining health.

In some cases, unhealthy behavior brings pleasure (how nice it is to eat cold ice cream, drink a whole bottle of chilled lemonade, run in a puddle, lie in bed a little longer, etc.), and the long-term negative consequences of such actions seem distant and unlikely to the child.

With purposeful upbringing, training, fixing the rules of hygiene in everyday life, corresponding to the motivation for physical education, the attitude of children to their health changes significantly. The attitude to health as the greatest value in life (at the level that children can understand) becomes the basis for the formation of a need for a healthy lifestyle in children.

In turn, the presence of this need helps to solve the most important psychological and social task of the child's formation of the position of a creator in relation to their health and the health of those around them.The main components of a healthy lifestyle for children include:

Rational mode.

Proper nutrition.

Rational physical activity.

Body hardening.

Maintaining a stable psycho-emotional state.

A healthy lifestyle is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in various situations, children may find themselves in unexpected situations on the street and at home, therefore the main task is to develop their independence and responsibility.Everything that we teach children, they must apply in real life.

Hygienically organized social environmentthe child's habitat in a preschool educational institution isfirst and foremost conditiondevelopment of his need for a healthy lifestyle.

The second most important condition for raising the need for a healthy lifestyle in children is the presence in a preschool institution of a special educational program, which would be aimed at the acquisition by children of a set of necessary skills and habits of caring for themselves, their bodies, respect for the people around them, the fact is that many needs are associated with habits.

For example , a person who is accustomed to brushing his teeth in the morning and in the evening feels very uncomfortable if, for some reason, is deprived of this opportunity. He has a need to cleanse his mouth. A person unfamiliar with a toothbrush has no need not only to brush his teeth, but even to rinse his mouth. It doesn't bother him.

Another example ... If a person is constantly engaged in gymnastics, jogging, etc., then at a certain time he has a feeling of "muscle languor". The body is used to receiving a load and as if asks its owner: "Come on, run!" The feeling of muscle languor is associated with positive changes in the hormonal sphere, and its appearance indicates that a person has a need for systematic movements. The examples given show that the need for a healthy lifestyle is caused by a special internal state of a person associated with a sense of pleasure, comfort, satisfaction.

Preschool teachers and parents need to make a list of habits(we emphasize habits, not skills and abilities!) a healthy lifestyle, which they are guaranteed to be able to bring up in children during their stay in preschool. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the existing habits, both useful and harmful. And first of all, to rid children of harmful ones.
When developing healthy lifestyle habits in children, the best family parenting experience should be taken into account. In preschool, a fashion for health among parents and employees must literally be introduced. Their best experience should become the property of a team of parents and educators.

And in this sense, the proposed healing technologies are not so important as the methods and means of quickly acquiring healthy lifestyle habits. From habit to need - from need to a healthy lifestyle - this should be the algorithm of the activity of a preschool educational institution.

The third condition for the formation of a need for a healthy lifestyle in children is mastering the system of concepts about their body, health and a healthy lifestyle.

We have a goal of work:

To form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers, to achieve a conscious implementation of the rules of health conservation and a responsible attitude towards both their own health and the health of those around them.

To achieve the set goals, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

· To form in children an adequate idea of ​​the person around him (about the structure of his own body);

Help the child create a holistic view of his body,

· Teach to "listen" and "hear" your body;

• to realize the intrinsic value of one’s own and the value of the life of another person;

· To form the need for physical and moral self-improvement, in a healthy lifestyle;

· Instill the skills of prevention and hygiene, first aid, develop the ability to anticipate possible life-threatening consequences of their actions for themselves and their peers;

· Develop protective self-awareness, foster respect for the life of another person, the ability to sympathize, empathize with someone else's pain;

· To familiarize with the rules of conduct on the street, in everyday life;

· Teach the child to handle substances hazardous to health;

· To familiarize children with traumatic situations, to give an idea of ​​the rules for caring for a patient (take care, not make noise, fulfill requests and instructions).

· To form the correct behavior of the child in the process of performing all types of activities;

Forms, means and methodological techniques in the formation of a healthy lifestyle:

Providing physical activity:

Morning exercises

Physical education

Music lessons

· Walks, outdoor games;

Finger gymnastics (daily during regime moments)

Visual, breathing exercises in the corresponding classes)

Wellness gymnastics after a nap

· Physical education and pauses (in sedentary classes, daily);

· Emotional release, relaxation;

· Walking on massage mats, sand, pebbles (walking barefoot);

Work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle is also carried out through classes, in the joint activities of a teacher, through regime moments; play, walk, individual work, independent activities of children.

The following methodological techniques are used:

• stories and conversations of the educator;

• memorizing poems;

· Modeling of various situations;

· Examination of illustrations, subject, subject pictures, posters;

· Role-playing games;

· Didactic games;

· Training games;

· Fun games;

· outdoor games;

· Psycho-gymnastics;

· Finger and breathing exercises;

· Self-massage;

· Physical education.

An artistic word, a children's book is an important means of influencing children. Therefore, in addition to conversations and viewing illustrations and pictures, we widely use fiction. A children's book affects children with the ideological content of its content, with its artistic form. Conversation after a book has been read deepens its educational impact. Through conversations, a connection is established between the story and the experience of the children, and simple generalizations are made.

Games, listening to audiotapes and watching videos are prominent.

Familiarizing preschoolers with the basics of a healthy lifestyle is an important pedagogical task. However, its solution is hampered by the insufficient development of the system of pedagogical influences, means and conditions under which the formation of ideas about the foundations of a healthy lifestyle is ensured in due measure. The question of the content of this interaction between an adult and a child in accordance with the age characteristics of preschoolers of different groups in the theory and practice of preschool education remains insufficiently studied.

Each age group has its own objectives:

Junior group:

1. Form an idea of ​​yourself as an individual person; talk about ways to take care of yourself and the world around you; show patterns of social behavior.

2. Introduce the rules of physical exercise (listen carefully to the signal, wait for each other, do not push, coordinate your actions with those of your partner, control and coordinate movements).

3. Talk about the rules of behavior on the streets of the city: cross the street to a green traffic light only by the hand with an adult, move along the right side of the sidewalk, do not bump into passers-by, carefully look at your feet and forward.

4. Talk about the sources of danger in the apartment and group room; clarify the "no" rule.

5. Talk about the rules of conduct at the table; to acquaint with objects and actions related to the implementation of hygienic processes: washing, bathing, body care, appearance, cleanliness of the home.

Middle group:

  1. Continue to identify your name with yourself; to acquaint with the external parts of the body; to give an idea of ​​the ways of expressing their states with the help of facial expressions and gestures (eyebrows are raised, lips are compressed, cheeks are puffed out); appreciate your body; know the basic rules of caring for him; establish connections between the structure of the organ and its purpose, between your condition and the ways of taking care of yourself and the world around you. Learn how to dress and undress yourself, button up buttons, lace up your shoes, carefully fold and put clothes back into place; Seek help from a peer or adult politely.
  2. Clarify the child's knowledge of the name, surname, age, home.
  3. Continue to form a stable habit to the regime of physical activity; to tell that a person is a living organism, in order to live, it is necessary to actively move, for this the human organs are intended: legs, arms, torso, head. Talk about health (how you can know and change yourself, how to find your path to health); to acquaint with the prevention of diseases: self-massage, hardening, proper breathing, alternation of active movement and rest.
  4. With the help of an adult, establish a connection between the actions performed, habits and the state of the body, mood, well-being. "I will run like my dad to get healthy and strong." “I brush my teeth correctly every day, so they won't hurt me.”
  5. Develop perseverance, determination in caring for your body, physical culture and health-improving activities ..
  6. Tell about the Rules of the road
  7. To tell about the rules of first aid for injuries and frostbite: the face is frozen in the cold - rub it lightly with a scarf, but not with snow; your feet are cold - jump, wiggle your toes; wet your feet - change to dry.
  8. Talk about the culture of food, the rules of behavior at the table, about the sequence of dressing, washing, hygiene rules; teach rational ways of self-service. Learn to wash your hands, face, neck on your own; after washing, wash off the soapy foam from the sink or tap.
  9. Tell how to sit down at the table, correctly use a fork, spoon, eat carefully, do not rush, do not be distracted, do not play with cutlery, do not fill your mouth, do not talk with your mouth full, do not slurp bread, cookies from a common plate, but do not change taken; not disturb other children; use a napkin, calmly leave the table, say "thank you".
  1. Talk about microbes, prove the need to use soap and water. To teach how to take care of the health of others: when sneezing and coughing, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief, if you get sick, do not go to the kindergarten.

Senior group:

  1. Expand the child's knowledge about himself, his name, surname, age, hereditary characteristics of the body, physique, gait, reactions to certain foods; tell what the heart is for, why it beats, what the ears and eyes are for, how we move, breathe, communicate with other people. outline human development; infant, preschooler, schoolchild, mom (dad), grandmother (grandfather), distinguish between gender by appearance (facial features, physique features)
  1. To take care of your body, to be aware of the purpose of individual organs, the conditions for their normal functioning. “I have a wonderful helper - a skeleton, it helps me to stand, sit and protect my internal organs: heart, liver, lungs from damage, so you need to take care of it, learn how to fall correctly on skis, on skates. Train, do gymnastics and exercise. "
  2. Responsibly treat the internal organs, follow the basic valeological rules: help your heart with the work of all muscles, do physical exercises daily; help your lungs breathe fresh air, do not be lazy to walk every day in the park, on the site, sleep with an open window; help the stomach and intestines work, chew every bite of food; help your brain to think, think, take care of your smart head from bruises, do good deeds.
  1. To acquaint with different types of hardening, breathing, corrective gymnastics. Using the examples of literary characters to show how to take care of your health and body. Talk about the mode of activity and rest, the need to plan your time, about health-improving gymnastics, walking in any weather conditions, eating, sleeping with an open window. Consciously perform physical exercise, understanding its significance for health.
  1. Tell that it is forbidden to throw stones and snowballs on the street, walk near houses when the snow is melting (icicles, layers of snow can break off); you can not tease animals, you need to beware of homeless dogs and cats. Do not eat unfamiliar berries, do not climb into bodies of water. Teach your child to anticipate the consequences of their actions based on different situations (if you are lost in the park, met a stranger).
  1. To talk about the rules of personal safety in everyday life and in different life situations. To know that if an apartment catches fire, you must immediately leave the room and call for help, and not hide; you cannot play with matches and fire, touch the gas taps near the stove, turn on electrical appliances. Know the phone number of the fire brigade - 01.
  2. To form a system of ideas about the culture of human life; to acquaint with the basic rules of etiquette, behavior, nutrition, communication at the table. Perform hygiene procedures, independently monitor the cleanliness of the body. Monitor the cleanliness and neatness of clothes, master cleaning techniques. Dress quickly, undress, keep order. Carry out instructions from adults and act on their own initiative: vacuum, wipe dust, toys, dry clothes and shoes, sit at the table combed, neat, with clean hands. Do not interfere with peers at the table, clean up your place after eating.

Preparatory group:

  1. Form a positive assessment and image of yourself; pay attention to your appearance; answer questions (Do you like your name, would you like to be called differently? How? What is your full name, patronymic, and mothers and fathers? What is your family, your household responsibilities?).
  2. To tell about the ways of a caring attitude of a person to his body, about the troubles that lie in wait for a person who does not follow the rules of life safety. To acquaint children with the feelings and moods of a person, to show how they are reflected on his face (fear, fatigue, resentment, joy, anxiety, surprise, cheerfulness, laughter, irritation, fear, tears, anxiety, despondency, complacency, friendliness, admiration, horror , interest). Talk about human health, about the preservation of the integrity of organs.
  3. Name the characteristic signs of health and ill health, talk about situations that have occurred or may occur in violation of the rules, due to laziness, inability.
  4. Talk about rational rest, develop a persistent habit of sports, physical education, exercise.
  5. Tell what health, beauty, harmony and perfection, strength, grace are; understand the features of the functioning of the human body, the structure of the human body; actively use physical exercise.
  6. Explain the basic rules of safety behavior on the street and indoors.
  7. To teach how to independently, based on a picture, a diagram, talk about security situations, how not to harm yourself and other people, why a person is growing, why you need to take care of your body, be in harmony with yourself.
  8. Talk about human qualities: accuracy, cleanliness, sociability, beauty, love, pugnaciousness, kindness, perseverance, politeness, good breeding, education, talent, strength.
  9. In the process of everyday, playful activities, clarify and systematize children's knowledge about wholesome and harmful food; learn to keep things in order. Form an understanding of the rules of table behavior, personal and public hygiene.
  10. To learn to serve oneself, to exercise control over the state of health after physical exertion; independently follow the rules of hygiene, control the quality of washing hands, feet, neck; be able to rest, relax; eat correctly and beautifully, sit comfortably at the table, do not lean back in a chair, do not spread your elbows, use cutlery, if necessary, have a conversation.

    The following methodological techniques are used: stories and conversations of the educator; memorizing poems; modeling of various situations; examination of illustrations, plot, subject pictures, posters; role-playing games; didactic games; training games; fun games; outdoor games; psycho-gymnastics; finger and breathing exercises; self-massage; physical education.

    An artistic word, a children's book is an important means of influencing children. Therefore, in addition to conversations and examining illustrations and pictures, educators widely use fiction. Conversation after a book has been read deepens its educational impact.

    Special attention is paid to working with parents. The family plays an important role, together with the preschool educational institution it is the main social structure that ensures the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, introducing them to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle. It is known that not a single even the best program and methodology can guarantee a full-fledged result if its tasks are not solved together with the family, if a child-adult community (children - parents - teachers) is not created, which is characterized by assistance to each other, taking into account the possibilities and the interests of everyone, his rights and obligations.

Therefore, it is very important to correctly design the content of the upbringing and educational process in all areas of the child's development, to select modern programs that ensure an introduction to the values, and above all, to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, the protection and promotion of health, education of the habit of a healthy lifestyle is a primary task for teachers and parents, who organize various activities aimed at preserving the health of children, the implementation of a complex of educational, recreational and therapeutic and prophylactic measures.

For several years I have been working on an urgent direction: the formation of a conscious attitude towards their own health in a preschooler. On the basis of the diagnostics, she developed a system of work with all participants in the educational process and drew up a long-term plan for working with children, which allows solving many urgent problems associated with the development of healthy lifestyle skills in children. When working with children, I actively involve the parents of the pupils.

She organized the family-run Club of Caring Parents, whose work promotes the rapprochement of children and parents, the formation of friendly relations, encourages them to be active and the desire to maintain health.

To work with children in this area, I have identified the following goals and objectives:

Target: pedagogical foundations of the formation of the child's position of the creator in the relationship of his health.


  • Form the need for a healthy lifestyle.
  • To form an idea of ​​children about the dependence of health, on physical activity and hardening.
  • Foster a conscious attitude towards your own health and use the available ways to strengthen it.
  • To inform children that physical activity is one of the sources of good health.
  • To expand children's ideas and knowledge about the variety of physical and sports exercises.
  • To acquaint children with the value of vitamins and minerals in human life, to consolidate the idea of ​​the spiritual and equal foundations of health.

Application. Thematic planning

One of the directions of physical education of a preschooler is the upbringing of a healthy lifestyle. The child's attitude to his health is the foundation on which the building of the need for a healthy lifestyle is built. It arises and develops in the process of a child's awareness of himself as a person and personality. (Exercises for every day: health lessons for children 5-8 years old).

The formation of an attitude towards health as the greatest value in life (at a level that children can understand) becomes the basis for the formation of a need for a healthy lifestyle in children. Considering that a child is in kindergarten for a significant part of his life, then, due to the specifics of our activities and capabilities, we bear more responsibility than parents for the emergence and development of this need. That determined the direction of activity.

With purposeful upbringing, training, corresponding to the motivation of physical education, the attitude of children to their health changes significantly. For working with older children, I identified the following tasks:

  • To cultivate a conscious attitude towards their own health and use the available ways to strengthen it; (morning exercises; medical rinsing of the throat, 1 time per day during the morning reception; exercise minutes, during classes; hardening, jogging, after sleep).
  • Be attentive to the formation of figurative - verbal associations in children, especially those related to attitudes towards health; (association is a connection between separate representations, in which one of the representations causes another).
  • Form the needs for a healthy lifestyle; (conversations on the topic of health: "Health and Disease", "Physical Education and Health", "Healthy Teeth", etc.; didactic games: "Exploring Your Body", "Five Senses", "Parts of the Body")
  • To bring to the attention of children that physical activity is one of the sources of good health; (morning and evening gymnastics; physical education, outdoor games on the veranda, in the fresh air)
  • To expand children's ideas and knowledge about the variety of physical and sports exercises, health jogging. (I prepared complexes of health-improving running from the middle group. Running has a balancing effect on the nervous system, promotes balance, even if the child was in a calm state). Alamovskaya

Considering that children are preparing to go to school, I set myself the tasks for the successful adaptation of children to school:

  • relieving anxiety about the upcoming transition to learning to school life; / vitamins, exercise, relaxation /
  • the basis and necessary condition for the upbringing of a culture of behavior is the correct organization of life in kindergarten, the general attitude of the educational process. The atmosphere of trust, friendliness, surrounding children, self-control, external and internal culture of the teacher is important.

All these tasks are aimed at meeting the needs of children in movement, preserving and strengthening the health of the future student. At the beginning of the year, she conducted a survey of children about the health culture of senior preschool children.

To the questions: "What is health?", "What needs to be done to be healthy?" Basically, children answer that they need to exercise, observe hygiene.

To the question: "Who can be called a healthy person?" Almost everyone answered that they were athletes, and when asked why? Then they replied that they go in for sports. There are also such answers, those who monitor their health.

And to the question: "Are you a healthy person?" The answers were different: 50% consider themselves absolutely healthy; and 34% that they are healthy, but sometimes get sick; 16% are sure that they are not healthy, although they cannot explain why they cannot think so.

For a comprehensive solution to the above tasks, I made up a "Model for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in older preschool children." It is divided into three blocks:

Block, fitness and wellness included here:

  • morning exercises;
  • wellness jogging after sleep,
  • three physical education classes,
  • sports entertainment, leisure, health days, walking.
  • big sports events 2 times a year,
  • sports society "Fidgets", which at the beginning of the year was attended by 12% of children, and now 21%,
  • section "Basketball" which is attended by 48% of children.

The next block is a block that forms a healthy lifestyle. It consists of minutes of health that have become a habit in our group. It:

  • medical rinsing of the throat, once a day during the morning intake;
  • gymnastics for the eyes, before classes.
  • physical education minutes during classes;
  • hand massage, before classes.
  • hardening, jogging, after sleep.
  • breathing exercises in a playful way, 3 times a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • visit to the relaxation center in the winter garden "Magic Forest".

Together with specialists, we conduct integrated classes / through different content and types of activities, one (main) didactic and educational goal is solved /.

Musical, physical culture, art, acquaintance with the world around and other activities, during which the tasks of a healthy lifestyle are solved in a complex: the formation of elementary ideas of children about the human body. Formation of ideas about safe behavior for health when crossing the street and in transport. Expand and reinforce children's ideas about the health benefits of vegetables, fruits, as well as trees and shrubs. We hold contests for connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers and schoolchildren (grade 1).

In the block, interaction with the families of pupils, I identified two lines of work: sanitary and educational, where I conducted consultations, we invite specialists from the center for a healthy lifestyle "Know thyself" , massage of hands and soles, gymnastics for the eyes.

At the beginning of the year, I also conducted a survey of parents to study the culture of family health. Sincerity of answers allows us to effectively carry out work on fostering a healthy lifestyle in families.

  • 36% - parents do exercises in the morning with their children at home;
  • 58% - children attend morning exercises at the dhow;
  • 65% - spend weekends outdoors / camp sites /;
  • 26% - visit sports complexes of the city with children;
  • Only 10% - believe that they lead a healthy lifestyle.

In order to form a healthy lifestyle in the family, I actively use such forms as parental training, exchange of family experiences, a round table "Beware, Microbes!" ...

The "Minimum Program" also continues to work, which was developed jointly and adopted unanimously with the parents in the middle group:

  • rinse your mouth after each meal, brush your teeth in the morning and at night;
  • run daily at a slow pace for a fairly long time;
  • warm up after waking up;
  • be able to relax, extinguish negative emotions;
  • be able to avoid dangers;
  • wash your hands after eating, after using the toilet;
  • change socks, panties, handkerchiefs daily.

Be able to wash them yourself;

  • takes care of the cleanliness of the environment / group, site, flower bed, in the winter garden /;
  • do not eat vegetables and fruits that are not washed;
  • monitor your posture. Be able to move beautifully.

Know how to behave properly in public places; / to deepen feelings and continue to strengthen the behavior habits of children, friendly relations with adults, and act accordingly with the norms and rules of behavior /.

  • respect each other. Be sensitive to those who have various deviations or deficiencies (speech impairment ...)
  • ability to communicate with other people.

As a means of solving these problems, I chose versatile interaction with first-graders of school № 45, which include former graduates of our kindergarten. At the beginning of the year, we held a joint sports entertainment "Primer of Sports" at the school. The children showed alertness: they were frightened by the large room, strangers' adults and teachers. It became necessary to conduct repeated excursions: the children visited the gym, library, assembly hall, dining room. The children got used to it, and began to navigate well at school, they made friends. Meetings in the gymnasiums of the school and kindergarten have become regular.

Recently, schoolchildren came to our kindergarten for the "Autumn Starts" sports festival. During the competition, schoolchildren were constrained, there was a sense of lack of confidence in their abilities, and the preschoolers' motives for victory, speed and quality, as it turned out, were stronger than those of schoolchildren, and the result of this was the 1st place for the preschool team.

The meeting showed that our pupils are physically stronger and more enduring, consciously relate to their own health and physical education and sports.

The task that I set myself was: strengthening the health of children, consciously treating their own health, this is evidenced by the dynamics of reducing the incidence by 2 times. Against the background of a high level of health, we note the stable assimilation of cognitive material, successful preparation for school.

Even if our children will not become great athletes, I am sure that the ongoing work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle allows us to hope that most of our children will go in for various sports, since sports have become one of their favorite activities.


  1. "Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers" I.М. Novikov.
  2. "Diagnostics of the health culture of preschoolers" V.А. Derkunskaya.
  3. "Exercises for every day: health lessons for children 5–8 years old" L.F. Tikhomirov.
  4. "Moral and ethical conversations and games with preschoolers" E.A. Alyabyeva
  5. "Be healthy" health-improving technology D / S No. 97 "Svetlitsa"
  6. "Health improvement of children in a kindergarten"
  7. "The system of organizing physical culture and health-improving work with preschoolers" Borisova E.N.
  8. "The main wonder of the world" G. Yudin

Immunity and vaccinations

In our country, less than 1% of healthy children are born! This catastrophe was arranged for us by doctors who earn money from vaccinations (infection) and the subsequent "treatment" of the sick. This is a real mass murder, a real genocide ...

Recently, the question of whether to get vaccinated or not has been very acute. Fortunately, there are doctors who have told people the truth about vaccines. Some of them were involved in the manufacture of vaccines or investigated the consequences of their action. Thanks to this, today we have expanded opportunities to obtain information on this topic, and we can familiarize ourselves with it with open eyes. To understand how to treat vaccination, you need to know how immunity works, what a vaccine is, and how it affects the body's immune system.

Immunity challenge

Immunity protects the body from everything foreign, harmful. How he does it? He has a program, given by genes, to maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the organism. It includes several lines of defense and many ways to defend. And a newborn child - everyone knows about it - has another protector: a mother. Provided that the postpartum period is carried out correctly, she transfers ready-made antibodies to her baby along with breast milk to fight “harmful” microbes (antigens). Thanks to this, a baby with natural birth and breastfeeding, in principle, should not be sick with anything until 1 year, that is, until breastfeeding stops.

Immunity has one feature: it does not produce a reaction if a foreign protein (microorganism) was introduced into the bloodstream intrauterinely or immediately after birth, during the period of imprinting (primary fixation of information). The logical conclusion: if a child is vaccinated in the first hours after birth (for example, against hepatitis B, as is customary, 3-5 hours after birth), he will not get sick because he takes an enemy microbe for his?!.

What is disease

Traditionally, we consider fever, inflammatory reactions, various pains, etc. to be a disease, and we try to get rid of these troubles as soon as possible. In fact, all these symptoms indicate the active inclusion of the initial lines of defense of the immune system - not a specific reaction. If the pathogenic "outsider" still manages to get into the bloodstream, bypassing all these boundaries, then, approximately, on the 10th day from the onset of the disease, specific immunity is triggered: special substances appear in the blood that destroy a specific pathogen of the disease (antibodies).

From life experience we know that doctors often do not wait for this period and prescribe pharmacological agents. And it turns out that the natural immune response breaks off... Our immunity remains inactive and weakens without stress. Children with weak immunity are not sufficiently stress-resistant and painful, since with this method of treatment, the immune system is constantly suppressed. This is one of the reasons for the fact that less than 1% of healthy children are born in our country.

About vaccinations

What is vaccination? This is the introduction into the blood of a vaccine containing weakened or killed pathogens, or their toxins. This process is called artificial immunization. Ideally, it is, as it were, conceived in order to induce a specific (targeted, against a specific pathogen) protective reaction of the immune system and thereby prepare the child's body for a meeting with a microorganism that causes a serious illness.

Vaccination is believed to provide long-term protection. This is judged by a blood test: they check if there are antibodies in the blood. But few parents know that the detection of antibodies against the pathogen in the blood speaks of the presence in the body of the pathogen itself... For example, lifelong immunity against measles indicates the presence of a measles pathogen somewhere hidden in the body.

We are presented with vaccination as a panacea and a necessary means to maintain health. We have become a vaccine-dependent nation. However, today it is already known that vaccinations do not always protect against diseases, they themselves often cause illness and even death. Moreover, such diseases that were not even previously associated with vaccinations: autism, diabetes, paralysis, etc. Where do all these consequences come from? To understand this, let's look at the composition of the vaccines.

How vaccines are made

Not all parents in our country are aware of how vaccines are produced. The causative agent of the disease is grown on a nutrient medium (monkey kidneys, aborted fruits, etc.), which itself contains various viruses (monkeys or others), microorganisms, toxins and other contaminants. Even when killed, this environment is dirty set of foreign substances, which, perhaps, the body would cope with if it got on the mucous membranes or in the gastrointestinal tract.

But the vaccine, not only does it contain dangerous carcinogens (mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum), it is also injected directly into the blood, bypassing natural barriers (the previous links of immunity). Therefore, with the subcutaneous administration of vaccines, literally sabotage against the body, otherwise you cannot say, since the child's immunity is forced to additionally fight against up to 20 foreign substances, and not against one, as we think.

Suffice it to say that mercury, even in such a small amount, which is contained in one portion of the vaccine, once it gets into the blood, has a detrimental effect on the central nervous system of a child, on the most valuable thing that makes us human: brain... And few specialists associate with this fact the hyperactivity of children, their inability to concentrate for a long time, to retain attention. But how angry we are when we see that it is getting harder and harder for our children to study at school! But they are not to blame for this, but we!

If, summing up all the facts of vaccination, we calculate how much substances that affect the central nervous system accumulate in a growing child's body, and realize that doctors know this ... There is an idea that the hype around the need for vaccination is not accidental, the persistence of which is similar to a war against one's own people.

Think about it: according to the national immunization schedule, in the first 6 months of life, an immature newborn baby is given 10 (!) Vaccinations against 6 pathogens, and only by 12 months of life - 13-14 vaccinations against 9 pathogens. At the same time, he receives harmful substances, almost 20 times more! As a result, artificial immunity leads to immunodeficiency by depleting the resources of the immune system. And this is all considered humane health care!

But that is not all

As studies carried out back in the 80s of the last century show, "thanks" to vaccinations, the body begins to fight against its own blood cells. This leads to an increased formation of blood clots, which, as it turned out, is the cause of various pulmonary diseases in children, as well as the early development of cancer, strokes, heart attacks. That is why the so-called diseases of the century have become "younger".

Studies have shown that vaccines cause allergies, diabetes, autism... At the same time, as if no one knows why the statistics of the incidence of diabetes is growing. How many cases of autism (disability of a child for life) are not associated with vaccinations, although it has long been known abroad that the reason for this is the administration of merthiolate (mercury salts) together with the DPT vaccine.

It is known that vaccinations lead to a decrease in fertility, an increase in aggressiveness, an early onset of sexual activity and infertility in the 5th vaccinated generation. Believe it or not, the Ministry of Health knew this more than 20 years ago. Why does nothing change? Think about it, maybe because it really goes sabotage against our people?

There are orders from the chief doctors of children's polyclinics (and we understand that this is not their initiative) to award doctors for the successful implementation of the vaccination plan. You can blame everything on poor material security, in which they put those who, by vocation, should guard our health. Ideally, doctors should be faithful to the oath "do no harm", but where is the strength of their spirit? .. It turns out that scanty cash donations lead to "fidelity" ... to the immoral idea of ​​universal vaccination of newborns and infants.

Our medicine is an army on orders. The question arises: by whose orders?

Now the facts of the creation of vaccines in the West are already known, into which substances intended to reduce the birth rate are specially injected (we are talking about a specific protein that is secreted by the body of a pregnant woman - with the help of a vaccine, our immunity is taught, as it were, "incited", to fight against it). Already WHO officially admits in the media that the panic around "swine flu" vaccination is artificially created. Abroad, in many countries, people refuse to be vaccinated without being blind to the apparent deterioration in the basic health of the children being vaccinated. And in our country, as before, the order continues, in fact, extermination of one's own people.

Why in children's consultations, contraindications and a list of possible complications after vaccination are not posted in conspicuous places?

Why, contrary to the "Law on Vaccinations", doctors of children's clinics and educational institutions do not explain to each mother individually about the possible consequences of vaccination?

What to do?

Dear Parents, take responsibility for your child's health into your own hands! This is the right choice for 2 reasons:

1) no one except you will take responsibility for your child,

2) the continuation of your kind will definitely be healthier, which means it will be stronger.

Be aware that a cough, runny nose, fever, etc., on the one hand, speaks of infection, and on the other hand, it indicates the work of the immune system. Our Russian genetics is strong. Believe in the perfection of the body and be brave!

Let the child stay at home longer for the duration of the illness - having recovered, he will catch up with his peers in learning. Be loving, be aware of the consequences of your actions!

If possible, return to natural remedies, do not spare your time and effort. Be reasonable, create conditions for the full functioning of the immune system!

"Take responsibility for yourself"- this is not an easy question, given that many generations of Russian people received distorted information, for example, about vaccinations. So build on your basic health knowledge and take action! Try to remove the imposed stereotypes and look at the situation from all sides.

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  • Interview with a former vaccine maker
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