What to do for a guy to kiss. Inducing the desire to kiss: available tricks

Striking up a relationship with that very special guy, but you're not sure how to get that long-awaited first kiss? Follow our tips to hint your boyfriend that you are really looking forward to his kiss.


Mood creation

    Brush your teeth and tongue thoroughly before meeting. You can also floss your teeth, it doesn't hurt at all. There is nothing worse than a kiss with a person who bad smell from the mouth or food debris stuck between the teeth.

    Stay alone. The guy probably wants to kiss you, but is shy about kissing in front of other people. Only when he is alone will he feel an irresistible urge to kiss you. When hanging out with friends or at a party, find a suitable excuse to be alone. Walk up to the guy, touch his hand and say that you want to talk. Or grab his hand and lead him - he's your boyfriend, after all!

    • Stay close to the guy while being alone. If you are not close enough or there is some obstacle between you, he may think that you do not want to kiss.
  1. Create a romantic setting. You don't have to set a candlelit dinner to add a touch of romance. Anything that involves physical intimacy will do. It's even better to give the moment some sexual tension if you can.

    • Invite your boyfriend to watch a movie or show. Let him sit down first on the sofa. You can even leave the room for a short time under the pretext of making popcorn so that it will be the first to take a seat on the couch. When you return, sit closer to the guy, leaving him no opportunity to get cold feet and leave the room. Most likely, he will hug you, which will be an important stepping stone on the path to kissing.
    • Have a picnic in a secluded spot. While on a picnic, snuggle up to the guy, taking strawberries or grapes in your hand, and letting him know that you want to feed him. Move your gaze from his eyes to his lips and back. Lightly touch your fingers to the guy's lips when feeding him fruit.
  2. Come up with clever tricks to bond with your boyfriend. If he is shy, he will probably look for a subtle moment to get closer to your face, so give him that opportunity. Come up with a clever trick to get closer to each other. When he leans towards you, create an incredibly seductive image that lets you know how much you crave a kiss. Your cunning must create the moment he has been looking for to kiss you.

    • Tell the guy that you want to get a better look at the color of his eyes or it seems like a speck has got into your eye, and you will be grateful if he looks. In addition, you can pretend that the guy has a crumb on his face, bend over and, wiping it off, sensually look into his eyes.

    Give physical hints

    1. Break the touch barrier if you haven't already. Touch his elbow, hold his hands, or gently place your hand on his knee. Breaking down that barrier will help both of you overcome some of the experiences of physical contact.

      • Having overcome the barrier of touch, do not stop there. If you laugh, place your palm in his hand. While walking, take the guy's hand and don't let go. We hope he senses your intention and also starts holding your hand.
    2. Hug the guy. A hug will let him know that you enjoy physical intimacy and that you really feel comfortable around him. This is the most meaningful hint you can give him, and besides, hugs always lead to kisses.

      • Place your head on the guy's shoulder as you hug. Interlace your fingers with his and lean back with a sense of contentment. All these physical hints will tell the guy: “I love being in your arms so much, and now kiss me, silly boy!”
    3. Work on your facial expressions. Focus all of the guy's attention on your lips, and he will inevitably be tempted to kiss you. Do your best to keep his attention on your lips. The classic maneuver is to bite your lip while looking at the guy.

      • Apply lipstick to your lips (let the guy see you do it). Just keep in mind that lip gloss can be sticky and so will a kiss. Use lip balm or chapstick to avoid an embarrassing situation.
      • If it's hot outside, run an ice cube over your lips. Not only does it look very seductive, it also gives the lips a lip-like gloss.
      • Lick your lips as if you were eating something juicy. If you eat watermelon, ice cream, or anything that drips, leave the drop on your lips and then slowly lick it off. But be careful not to look sloppy. You want to seduce, not look like a girl in serious need of a tissue.
    4. Flirt with your eyes. Eye contact is a large part of hinting to a guy that you expect a kiss from him. Look into his eyes and smile tenderly. Let your eyes shine with a smile. Move your gaze a couple of times from his eyes to his lips, flapping your eyelashes slightly if possible.

      • Here's another way to flirt with gaze: Looking at each other, especially when your faces are very close, hold eye contact for a moment, and then look down in embarrassment. Look down for a while, and then turn your gaze back.
    5. Take some serious hints when you say goodbye to your boyfriend. This is especially important if you are looking forward to a good evening kiss. As you say goodbye, hug him harder and kiss him on the cheek. Then look into his eyes. Even if he doesn't kiss you at the same time, you show him that you feel great with kisses and physical contact.

      • When hugging a guy, tilt your head to his chest to be as close as possible. Use an irresistible perfume before applying this maneuver, and he can't help but notice how delicious you smell.

    Make verbal hints

    1. Flirt with words. Just because he's already your boyfriend doesn't mean you don't need to flirt anymore. Flirting keeps relationships vibrant and healthy, and also shows that you are still in love. Play shyness and tease him (but not too much). You can even tease him by not letting him kiss you (this is a sure sign that you are really looking forward to the kiss)

      • Send your boyfriend flirty text messages when you're not together. Flirty, funny messages are a great way to be nice without even being around them. But keep in mind that you don't need to overwhelm the guy with messages, otherwise it will have the opposite effect.
    2. Let the guy feel confident. Guys like to feel big strong men in the lives of girls, so let him feel that way. Even if you don't necessarily need him to open the tightly closed lid on the can, it's a good idea to cheer him up by complimenting his strong muscles. Of course, this is another form of flirting, but it definitely increases the guy's confidence and hopefully after that he dares and kisses you!

    3. Be straightforward and ask your boyfriend for a kiss. Straightforwardness has its pros and cons. The plus is that, most likely, you will achieve instant results and demonstrate your confidence to the guy, which is very sexy. The downside is that the immediate result may not be what you expected. It may still take a guy a while to get over his shyness, or he may not be as keen on kissing as you thought. Be that as it may, you will get a certain result and release the guy from the pressure by telling him exactly what you want from him.

      • You can state your desire sexually and still directly. Saying goodbye, bend over to the guy so that your lips caress his ear and whisper something like: "Kiss me" or "I want to kiss you so much." Most likely, your words and a gentle touch of the ear with your lips will be enough for the guy to part with any possible shyness and go straight to the kiss.
    • Don't force the guy! Nobody likes forced kissing.
    • By your wide smile and hugs after the kiss, the guy will understand that everything went well and you are very happy about this, which will make him happier too!
    • In order not to feel uncomfortable after a kiss, always look deeply into his eyes and smile meaningfully.
    • Don't be nervous so as not to make the guy nervous.
    • If the kiss isn't good at first, don't panic! Most likely, he was nervous. Don't show your boyfriend that something went wrong. Try kissing again if you want!
    • If a guy comes to visit you, and a brother or sister is at home, try not to bother you, otherwise the guy will not want to kiss.
    • If everything goes well the first time, try playing with his hair. It is fun and flirty, and also shows that you enjoy kissing.
    • Don't worry if you don't get a kiss the first time. Some guys are more shy than others when it comes to physical contact.
    • If a guy is known to be a master of kissing, don't worry, because chances are you will learn a lot by kissing him and he will enjoy kissing you!
    • If all attempts fail, take the first step! Kiss your guy and watch his reaction. He'll probably be grateful that you took the first step.
    • If a guy isn't kissing you, he is most likely just shy or feeling that you are in too much of a hurry. Give it some time.
    • If you want another kiss, give him a calm, pleasant smile and keep kissing.

What should you do for a man to kiss you first?

Dale Carnegie said: the only way to make a person do something is to make him want it. There is no other way.

Even if a man has a muzzle on his forehead, he gives the money because he wants: the muzzle has put him in the framework of a situation where it is preferable to keep the integrity of the head. Everything is very simple.

In a situation with a kiss, you are unlikely to resort to such drastic methods, but general rule remains unbreakable: he must want it.

How? Actually, this is what flirting comes down to. You look closely at each other and smoothly, stage by stage, demonstrate your interest.

The kiss is not something separate and very special, it is a natural stage of development.

First of all, you should feel good that the right moment has come - are you already close enough? So do you think not only you, but he too? If so, feel free to proceed.

Since we are already talking about courage ...

Why, in fact, do you need to make him kiss you? XXI century in the yard, gender equality in the Constitution - if you want and feel that the time has come, kiss it yourself.

Self-confidence is attractive; no one will judge you for passion. If you wait all the time by the sea for the weather, then the sails of the fleet will crash and the masts will buckle, and your chance will be snatched away by someone faster. Take action.

Caution with manipulation

It's important to remember: manipulation never works for the long term. If you play the cold one, he will simply (and quite naturally) decide that he is not interesting to you.

If this activates him, it means that your chosen one is focused not on making a woman happy, but on taming the obstinate.

In general, any attempts to “squeeze out” sympathy from a person are doomed to failure: by clinging to pride, possessiveness and other lower emotions, you will be with him just until the time when he stops experiencing them. That is, until the moment when he conquers you.

The wall will be destroyed, the rivals will be defeated, his ego will breathe a sigh of relief and will send you away when you are not needed.

Refocus your attention

If you want him to kiss you - perhaps for romantic reasons or just not ready to do it yourself - direct your efforts to become the woman that men like. Note, do not “try to please”, but “become the one that you like”.

Even if you are very in love, redirect your attention from him to yourself: do not concentrate on what he thinks about you, what he does, why he does it. You should only care about one thing - whoyouin relation to this.

Becoming a woman who attracts men is a whole art that requires a huge amount of time and effort. But having mastered it, the question"How to get a man to kiss you first"stop worrying you at all.

However, there are a few purely psychological things that will greatly increase your chances of him kissing you himself.

These are not gimmicks, but rather conducive conditions and conditions that have not “kicked in” due to excessive self-control or nervousness. Here is some of them.

1. Create comfort

No one should bother you, and try to make sure that there is not the slightest hypothetical possibility of the sudden appearance of someone superfluous.How to get a guy to kiss youif someone is about to come in? This is very distracting.

Joint trips, when it's warm around and everyone's great mood, and in general life plays with different colors, if you often insert guava, palm trees and vodka from duty free into it.

2. Flirt

Make it clear that. A man will not kiss you if he is not sure of your attitude towards himself - the prospect of surviving the shame of a girl who avoided kissing has not pushed anyone to courageous deeds.

Plus, if you get along well or even friends, he risks losing you as a friend. Be nice, friendly, praise him, but at the same time make it clear that he is interesting to you exactly as a man - turn on your feminine charm.

3. Provide tactile contact

Purely psychologically, a person does not like when someone else touches him, because touching is an invasion of personal space, where only trusted persons are allowed.

But here you can use the law of inverse correlation of cause and effect: that is, an effect can cause a cause. Frequent accidental touching (assuming the person is pleasant after all) will more quickly create a sense of closeness between you.

Of course, it is important not to overdo it: touch his hand, passing some object, sit closer - shoulder to shoulder, brush the eyelash from his cheek. Be observant: he may be a little embarrassed, but if it is unpleasant, then you either went too far, or it is not time yet.

4. Pay special attention to your lips

How to get a guy to kiss you on the lips?Make them attractive! Be sure to use a special lip scrub and hygienic lipstick, especially in the cold season - regardless of whether you are waiting for a kiss or not.

Order something light and fresh, salad, fruit, tea, because although pizza is great and focaccia goes well with ravioli, greasy food will not make your lips more attractive.

An important point about lipstick: it shouldn't be too bright. Men do not like kissing blood-red lips, because then all this will be on him. And your face with red lipstick smeared after a kiss will look, say, unromantic.

5. Ask to kiss you

If you are courageous, but in your ideal picture he kisses you first, just ask him about it. Yet again - modern people, we do not wrap the TV remote control in cellophane, why not express your desires directly.

Men are sometimes extremely not quick-witted, or he himself does not know whether it is already possible or not. In any case, his reaction will be the answer to all your questions.

Trust your intuition. With direct access to the subconscious, she is able to say much more reason. You yourself will feel the right moment, and your task is not to miss it.

Do not be afraid to make mistakes and never blame yourself for failures after brave deeds - believe me, for the very attempt you are worthy of respect and admiration!

This problem is faced by millions of girls around the world - how do you get the boy you like to kiss you? The good news is, if the two of you spend a lot of time together and you know you like him, chances are he's just worried, and all it takes is just to nudge him gently in the right direction. All you need to do is play your cards right and send the right signals. Before you have time to come to your senses, your lips will already merge in a kiss! Here's how to do it.


Prepare yourself

    Prepare your lips. The first step in getting a kiss from a guy is to make your lips as attractive as possible. No one wants to kiss dry chapped lips, so get good balm for lips and reapply it often enough to keep the lips well hydrated. Just before kissing, apply a little balm - now you have smooth lips with a pleasant scent. Do not use bright lipstick or sticky lip gloss: they can smudge ugly and even completely ruin the kiss.

    • Vaseline or balm will moisturize your lips well. You can give them extra smoothness by rubbing them gently with a damp washcloth or toothbrush. This will exfoliate the old skin particles.
    • If you've scheduled a date, start preparing your lips a few days before. If not, keep lip balm on hand.
  1. Dress as beautifully as possible. Always try to look irresistible around the boy you want to kiss. You will feel more confident if you style your hair nicely or wear your favorite skirt. Self-confidence is especially important when it comes to the kiss itself. Dress the top with something that matches the color of your eyes, or you can use a little mascara to highlight your long lashes.

    • When trying to look your best, don't go too far. You don't need a ton of makeup, and of course you shouldn't wear anything ultra-short or overly revealing. Boys reach out to girls who look natural and confident in who they are, so let your natural charm and beauty shine.
    • Smelling good is also important - if you have a date planned, be sure to wash your hair and put some of your favorite perfume on your wrists and behind your ears. Don't use harsh, heavy aromas.
  2. Take care of fresh breath. This goes without saying: you must make an effort to always have a fresh breath - after all, a kiss can happen at any time. Brush your teeth as often as possible, especially after meals. Keep a minty lozenge handy for fresh breath to use whenever you hope for a kiss. Do not be afraid to offer them to him, he may take it as a hint, but this is what you need!

    • Bring a travel kit with toothpaste and toothbrush with you if you plan on having a snack with the boy you like. This way, you can run to the bathroom and quickly freshen up after eating. If possible, carry a travel mouthwash with you.
    • You should avoid eating garlic-rich foods, anything that is too spicy, and anything that can cause burping (unattractive) before or during a date.
  3. Choose a suitable place for your date. You want your first kiss with this guy to be remembered as romantic, right? Make sure to choose a suitable location. Big noisy parties in front of all your friends - not too much good idea... You will feel pressured and embarrassed, and it will all look very embarrassing. Instead, look for a quieter, but not completely deserted place like a park, a promenade, a pier, or a cozy table in a corner of a cafe.

    • You need a place where you can talk to each other and maintain eye contact (so that he can read all of your kissing signals), so going to the movies is not the best option.
    • If you are already close enough with him, you can invite him to watch a movie, but make sure that parents or siblings do not break in at the most inopportune moment: it will be embarrassing!
  4. Keep calm . Don't be too stressful about the kiss. It's okay to be a little nervous, but if you get overly anxious, you will become twitchy and distracted, and this will send him the wrong signals. Kissing should be fun, enjoyable, and natural, but not difficult or intimidating. But if, after all, your butterflies in your stomach are more like a carnivorous moth, here are some relaxation techniques:

    • Take a deep breath. If you feel the panic is building up, take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Focus only on your breathing and you will immediately feel yourself calm down. Deep breathing reduces levels of anxiety-causing substances (such as adrenaline) and increases the production of relaxing, mood-boosting endorphins.
    • Ask yourself the question: what happens in the worst case? No, seriously: what can go wrong when it comes to a simple kiss? Are you afraid you don't know how to kiss well? Or what if the kiss is bad that he won't like you? Remember that kissing is an innate ability of each of us, so it is unlikely that you will do it badly, especially if you like him and you like him. But if a bad kiss is enough to make this boy turn his back on such a lovely girl, then he's not worth your time anyway.
    • Laugh. They say that laughter is the best medicine. For the nerves too. Laughing for a moment will make you feel more relaxed and enjoyable, and make the whole situation less awkward and tense. Make a joke (even a bad joke will do), put on a funny face, or do some silly dance moves to break the ice and laugh together. After that, things will go faster.

    Send the right signals

    1. Compliment him. Now that you've got yourself ready and decided that today is that very night, it's time to start sending kiss signals. Complimenting a boy is a great start. He will feel better and sympathize with you even more, making him more likely to kiss.

      • Say something nice and frank, like “I love your eyes,” or “You are one of the coolest people I’ve ever talked to!” that you like his lips.
    2. Smile and make eye contact. Guys love fun, confident girls, so showcase those qualities with a smile and a direct eye-to-eye relationship. Smiling will make you look happy and carefree, and laughing at his jokes will flatter his pride. An eye-to-eye look will let him know that you are interested in him and are not afraid to get what you want.

      • No need to clap your eyelashes, just look directly at him for a few seconds, then smile and look away - that's when he got caught!
    3. Draw attention to your lips. This will draw his attention to your lips and make him think about kissing you. Try to do it as if by accident, as if without any thought.

      • Put balm on your lips in front of his eyes, or bite your lip gently when you are sure he is watching. You will see, soon you will get the attention you want so much.
    4. Use physical contact. Sometimes boys are afraid to take the first step, but when they see that physical contact with them is pleasant to you, they seem to receive confirmation and permission to kiss you. You can playfully nudge him, ruffle his hair, take his hand, or unexpectedly hug him. He will immediately feel more confident and will read a message from you that you are not averse to taking the game to the next level.

      Use tricks. Take this opportunity to be closer to the guy. Remove an imaginary fluff from his hair, invite him to compete, who will look over whom, or tell him that you are cold and if you can not snuggle up to him. Close contact will let him know that you are interested in him, which will make kissing much easier.

    5. Give your boy a hint for a kiss. Sometimes boys don't notice the obvious, so if your signals were too subtle it might be time to hint more openly. You can look him straight in the eyes and lean in his direction, or you can playfully kiss him on the cheek, provoking him to take the next step.

      • If you are feeling more than confident, throw in the cocky phrase “You can kiss me” or “What are you waiting for? Kiss Me!" Surely he will feel like his birthday has come at the same time, New Year and the first day of vacation!

All over the world, traditionally a guy takes the first step. If your boyfriend is too shy, you should signal him to continue. Today we advise how to get a guy to kiss you first on a date... So, get your ears on top and ... let's go!

Invite him.
Out of respect for you (and fear of rejection), a guy won't try to kiss you at all if he's not exactly sure you want to. You should try to make him feel comfortable and confident. Flirt with him, laugh at his jokes, smile a lot. If you let him know that you enjoy being with him, then he will find the courage and force himself to kiss you.

Break the barrier between you with a touch.
Lightly touch his arm or shoulder as you speak. Just do it quickly, innocently and as if by accident. Holding hands will also easily overcome this barrier. The simple act of touching can heighten the intimacy between you and him. Sometimes a guy may be the first to touch you. If you feel comfortable with it, then touch it back.

Look at his lips. When you are alone with a guy and want him to kiss you, then apply this technique: look into his eyes, and then move your gaze a little down to your lips. Then look him in the eyes again, meet his gaze and smile modestly. If it doesn't work the first time, try again when you have the moment. This great trick has already got a lot of guys kissing their girls first, and it will make yours too!

Get closer. You have to be close to each other to kiss. The smaller the distance between you, the easier for a guy try to kiss you. So, get closer. When the moment feels right, turn your face towards him, lean forward slightly and look at him with hope. If you are brave, you can try to move towards him as if you are going to kiss him. I hope he takes the hint, but if he doesn't, you can laugh it off with a playful kiss on the cheek.

Talk about it. If the guy doesn't take your subtle hints, provoke him into the conversation. For example, if you are watching a movie together and the characters are kissing on screen, mark it as "so romantic" or something like that. If the guy is too shy, you can just tell him that you want him to kiss you. Make him do it, some are just waiting for it!

Kiss him yourself. There is no law that says that a guy should be the first to kiss a girl, and some guys, especially if they have never kissed a girl before, just won't get your hints. Then just take the initiative and do it yourself! He certainly won't be upset!

You fell in love with him and really want him to kiss you? What needs to be done to make him do it? After all, he is so important to you - next to him your heart beats more and more often, your palms are sweating and goosebumps run all over your body.

  1. First, give him hope that you have a joint future. Maybe that's why he is so afraid to confess his feelings and be the first to kiss you, because he is not sure that you like him madly.
  2. But to let him know that you are very much even indifferent to him, look into his eyes or accidentally touch him. Sit as close to each other as possible. Smile at him more often, be sincere and real. This will bring you closer and perhaps he will feel more confident.
  3. You can even imagine him kissing you. It is enough to remember that thoughts materialize. Perhaps he will guess your desires?
  4. Make your lips look more attractive. Your lips must beckon him so hard that he can no longer resist and kiss you first.
  5. Well, if your beloved is a very indecisive young man, then tell him directly: "Kiss me" or do it yourself. Better you kiss once than never, so as not to regret the missed moment later.
  6. Choose a suitable environment without strangers. Maybe he just can't decide to kiss you, because all the time something or someone is in the way? Therefore, often stay alone with him so that he decides to kiss you.
You should also know that a kiss is not only a desire of the soul and heart. Kissing, we fill ourselves with a sense of joy, delight and happiness. Here's what will be interesting to know about kissing.
  1. When kissing, 39 facial muscles are involved, which is an excellent prevention of wrinkles.
  2. When kissing, you transfer a complex of substances to each other, this increases immunity and is absolutely safe.
  3. A romantic kiss can burn about 2-3 kcal, while a French kiss can burn 5 or more.
  4. Studies have shown that men who kiss their wives before work live five years longer than those who don't.
  5. With a passionate kiss lasting 90 seconds, the pulse quickens and the pressure and hormone levels in the blood increase.
  6. The lips have a sensitivity 200 times that of the fingers.
  7. A kiss is simply necessary for peace of mind, during the kiss, endorphins are released, which have a narcotic effect and give a feeling of bliss and peace.