Kalmyk customs and traditions - the lifestyle of the Buddhist Republic. Traditional wedding in Kalmykia and its sequence of the rite of walling bride in Kalmykia

Kalmytskaya wedding. Marriage and Kalmyk wedding rituals.

Kalmyks are categorically forbidden marriages between relatives of any generation on the paternal line. I. A. Zhiettsky reports that "According to Bakshi Iki-Bagutov, Hurula Erkenenevsky Ulus is impossible to marriage up to the 10th of the knee, and, according to the statement of the clergy, Iika Hurula in small derbets (Bakshi, Zurhachi) - until the 49th of the knee. In the 80s XIX century Zaiseang Yandikovsky Ulus Keksin Orgichkeev wanted to marry his son on the girl of the Keretian family of Erkenenev ulus, but the bride's parents refused, motivating the fact that they were close relatives and made up one bodies before the removal of part of Kalmyks from Russia, that is, until 1771. "

Until the October Revolution, Kalmykov met separate facts of the Levirat Institute, Corious Marriages. In the life of Kalmykov, there were separate facts of suitimity.

The conclusion of marriage by kidnapping the bride, although it was encountered, but was extremely rare. Marriages with a washness were severely condemned by public opinion.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, wedding in Kalmykov was associated with the payback paid for the bride (Calma) on the one hand and the request of the dowry - on the other. As soon as the young families gave mutual consent to marriage, they immediately agreed on the sizes of Kalima, who was appointed by his native brides arbitrarily. They usually took a redemption by nature: for example, they asked a costly fur coat of fur fur and Merlushka's father's father, her brother - a horse with a saddle.

The right to choose the bride for the Son, the groom for her daughter belonged to parents and close influential relatives. After the choice was made and agreed on the opinions of everyone who had a voice in this advice, the parents of the groom turned to their relatives, to her father, brother or an influential relative.

In case of consent to the marriage of young, the fulfillment of wedding rites, mandatory for all social sections of society. The native groom made a threefold trip to her parents with inexpensive gifts (one lithho, two sidehho and three Bortho Araki and gifts for children).

After the completion of the walling of Kalmyk, the three main rites of wedding celebrations (Hüryum) were observed, which were given great social importance. During these celebrations, youth learned the moral and legal norms. It was an important event not only in the life of the young, but also all relatives, hoton in general. The wedding for both families was associated with great economic training. The time interval between the hoop and the wedding was up to the year, and even to three years. During this period, the native groom was preparing for a new family of cobeth with all cats. Three-fold, established by custom, wedding trips of the groom with a large group of people to their native bride took place; The ceremonies associated with these trips were conjugate with significant business expenditures. Family of the girl prepared all home furnishings: chests (abdar), izhug (locker for products), dishes, part of kibita accessories (Hoshling - wide woven tape), hair and woolen ropes, a set of clothes of a married woman for several years, bedding, gifts for native groom.

The girl was held in hoton the groom only in the third trip. Guests usually came in the afternoon, stayed overnight. With all the circumstances, the wedding participants did not go to bed, continued to have fun until early in the morning. At the dawn there was a comic battle (Kyuk Bulaha): the groom and his relatives who were awarded by the blows of young women, girls, and sometimes guys - relatives and loved ones, tried to break into a kibitu to make the dowry and bring the bride.

In hoton the groom, the girl was accompanied by her relatives. The number of acclaimed sometimes reached 20-25 people, including the mother of the bride and the youngest Snow (Bergen) - his brother's wife or relative to his father. If the mother was not alive, she replaced her the most eldest Snow - the wife of a relative or her older brother. After the arrival of the wedding train, mutual greetings began and treats, and then rest.

In the afternoon, the rite of reception of the bride in the genus of her husband (Bere Mergulgn) was fulfilled - the worship of the young hearth and the family of relatives, i.e. the ancestors of her husband. All his natives were preparing for the execution of this rite. Young sat down at the threshold, from the outside, in front of her they kept the curtain, closing her face from the kibits sitting. A man who was the first to touch the girl on the eve of the withdrawal of her from the parent kibita, forced the young three times to bow through the Burkhanam and with the cry of "Burkhand Morgmu", throw a bow of the yellow sun on three times (Bowl of Mergmu) - Salted light, warmth, life. Three times bowed to the young and in the direction of the big bone of the sheep (Step Chimgende Mergmu), laid inside the kibita; These bows symbolized the prayer about the gift of her son, who will play alchiki. Then the young was forced to bow the hearth (Gal Gulmathan Mergmu) - a symbol of the family and a family hearth, happiness, without which the family's existence did not think. The same was repeated in honor of the perfumes of the ancestors (Eki-Eckin Siakand Mergmu) and, finally, followed by the father and mother of her husband, at the same time the men accompanying the girl threw slices in them from the full bowl in advance at the threshold. After all ritual bowls, those who were near the young loudly asked if the parents of the groom would like their bride.

Crossing the threshold of his new home, the young took the pieces of Sala and Kizyak, threw them into the fire. All those present told young prosperity: wanted happiness, many children, many years of life, expressed various teachings. Here, the maiden name is the young replaced at the request of the native groom (Nar Solch) with some other name. Her relatives gave parents of the groom expensive dresses and wide pants from simple material - Mother, this symbolic gift was made in the sign - thanks to the womb of the mother who gave birth to his son. This rite was performed in the kibits of uncle on his father, senior brothers and other close relatives of the groom.

On the day of the arrival of the wedding cortex late in the evening, special dedicated married women broke the maiden's young, divided the hair into two halves, swam them into two women's braids And they laid in the chullig (Cases for Kos). Young dressed in a full costume of a married woman.

The young woman was forever parted with the Great Freedom, what she used in the house of parents. She imposed on the law and tradition with his parents, fully lost the right to overstead the threshold of relatives both by the Father and the mother, entered into his mother's relatives, in his anemi, Anmak and Ulus (if she is from another aimak or ulus).

Many customs and rites that existed from Kalmykov at the end of the XIX-early XX centuries. were far from neutral. It should be indicated that over time, individual harmful remnants gradually went into the past, but in general, the system of customs and rites who degraded the human dignity of the woman remained.

For the history of the family, as a social institution, the study of the terminology of kinship is of great importance. Until now, scientists have paid very little attention to the terms of kinship that are among Kalmykov. Meanwhile, individual terms of kinship reflect the social structure that really existed in the era of the matriarchial-generic system. In the terminology of kinship, Kalmykov traced a classification system of kinship. A number of terms indicate only a strictly defined category of relatives. All the relatives of the mother, independently of age, wears the common name "Nakhznaar", while relatives on father are called the common name "Terlmyud" (from the word "terh" - "Give"). Children of their sisters call each other "Bel", "Belner", regardless of the degree of kinship and gender, while the children of the brothers refer to themselves to each other "Uya", Uyner ("Knee"), regardless of age and degree kinship. The presence of the Kalmyks of the remnants of the classification system of kinship is confirmed by the fact that Kalmyk is not the usual, it is not forbidden to marry the young man on the far relative of the mother. Moreover, according to Kalmykov's stories, the young man's marriage with a relative of the mother was considered happy and durable. That this was exactly the way, the individual facts of Levirat and Cores say. It is possible that all the senior relatives of her husband and their wife for daughter-in-law are "Hadma", it is "Bere" for them, and the younger brothers and sisters are called her "Bergen".

For the presence of individual remnants of the matriarchate indicates the fact that all relatives and relatives of the mother in relation to its children are considered senior, regardless of age, gender and degree of kinship. The wives of sons do not have the right to pronounce the names of their husband along the line of his mother, to shoot hats, to appear neither. This rule of the daughter-in-law was observed not only in relation to adults, but also to children - relatives of mother husband. The liberty and rudeness in circulation with the elders were not allowed, even if the daughter-in-law reached the revered age. This is our observation is confirmed by the rules that had existed from Kalmykov in the past times - in the difficult moments of life, the mother's relatives were the first to help their nephews (Sayner) were the first to their advocates. Nolegantes and niece native their mothers have a great attention. For any celebrations and festive trapes, they ended up with an honorary share of meat - the legs of the sheep (Henya wider), and if they lived far and did not arrive, they even sent it meat. There are many cases when the widow left with his children to both natives, with the support and everyday assistance she lived and raised children.

Terms that refer to relatives both from the father and from the mother, well allocated.

Grandfather - Hovka (Evka), Ava; Grandfather by Mother - Nakhts Etzke, Nakhts Ava; Grandma on Father - Emge Ek, Zhloh; Grandma then Mothers of Nakhts EKE, NTC EJCE; Father - Etzke, Bava; mother - ek, aka; Brother Senior - Aha; Brother Jr. du; sister elder - ECCE; Sister younger - du Küken; Uncle on Father - Avga; Uncle for Mother - Nutsha; cousin (senior) on the father - Uy Aha; cousin (younger and senior) for mother - Nutsha (Bichkin Nutsha, Iki Nutsha); The cousin for the Father - Uy Küken; Mother's cousin - Nakhts Ekco; grandson by father-accha; Grandson by Mother - Ze Kevyun; Granddaughter for Festha - Acha Küken; Granddaughter for Mother Kyuken; The nephew on Father - Acha Kevun; Senior Brother's wife - Bergen; wife younger brother - Bere; Wife Uncle for Mother - Nakhz Bergen; daughter-in-law in relation to the father and mother of her husband - Bere; Parents of her husband - Hadma, Beetor Hadma Ezke; mother-in-law - Hadma ek; son-in-law, the groom - Curgen: the father-in-law - Hadma Ezke; mother-in-law - Hadma EKE; Husband of the older sister - Curgen Aha; The younger brother of his wife - Cure du; wife's wife's wife's wife - Hadma Bergen; The wife of the younger brother of his wife - Cur Du Bere; Soblya by wives - Baznar; Pullies on husbands - Baz-Nar; Rodin on father - grall; Mother's relatives - Nakhznaar; male kyun; husband - hall; Woman - Kyucsed Kyun; Wife - Hergen.

Of great interest is the fact that very few terms emphasize the sexual belonging: for example, AVCH, AVA, AHA, ETSK denote male representatives, whereas Gaga, Egege, Bergen, Bere - only female representatives. www.kalmykiatour.com.

Hello, inquisitive readers! Today we will have to look into the southeastern corner of the European part of Russia, where Kalmykia spread out in the interfold of Done and Volga. it single country In Europe, where they are confess. This religion has greatly influenced Kalmyk customs and traditions.

We will talk about them.

Historic past

Kalmyks, descendants of Wesnerongol Ohiratov, moved to the lower house of the Volga in the middle of the XVII century, when they had disagreements with other inhabitants of the Jungan Khanate.

In a new place, Kalmyk Khanate was formed. Later, it was abolished by Russian states.

Kalmytsky people had to survive the hardest misfortunes during the existence of the USSR. They lost autonomy, were deported, resulting in more than half of their population.

Only by the 60s of the last century Kalmykov rehabilitated. Now their state is part of Russian Federation Under the name of the Republic of Kalmykia.

There are two state languages \u200b\u200bin it - Russian and Kalmyk.

Kalmyki and Lotos.

Despite the experienced difficulties, Kalmyks do not lose optimism. Perhaps it helps them in this following an ancient Buddhist teaching.

Kalmykia is the only state in the world from whom on the coat of arms, and the flag depicts a lotus. In Kalmyk, is "Badm". And on Sanskrit - "Padma", in Tibetan - "Pad Ma".

The Kalmyk people honors the Bodhisattva of the compassion of Avalokiteshwaru, which is depicted by carrying this flower. It is to him that they pay their prayer "Om Mani Padme Hum", which means "Oh, treasure, in the core of the lotus!"

Of the three types of lotus, one, Indian, grows on the banks of the Volga. Further, north of this place, you will not meet it, and in all of Europe it is only here. Kalmyks are proud to be enjoying his bloom in natural conditions.

They believe that their people awarded the special right to live near the place of growing this miracle and have it on their state symbols. It is a bad Kalmyk name to Badma, there are many surnames formed from this root: Badmakhaleaev, Badmayev, Badminov, etc.

Everyday life

Since Kalmyki was nomads, then the housing had a mobile, called "Kibitka" - like, insulated felt. In the summer it was cool, in winter - warmth.

In kibits, more prosperous nomads lived, as she was covered with a cat from sheep woolAnd for this it was necessary to have livestock.

Poor Kalmyks could not allow themselves to be in everyday life. Their dwellings were called Joolum and built from reed sheaves installed in a circle and tied up tightly tightly.

They were without windows, and inside it was dark. For insulation, clay was used, which Jolum was cooked from the inside and outside. It was very cold in it, which sometimes even served as the cause of the death of residents.

By the way, before, before Kalmykov, it was not accepted to bury the dead. They were left in the steppe to eat predators. Now the funeral is invited to Lama, who "indicates" the path of the one who deplorable into the world is different.

Symbolic dish

The most beloved delicacy of local residents are Burzoki. Previously, they could afford only rich, because of the high cost and inaccessibility of wheat flour.

There are over ten varieties of these cakes, and each view has a deep meaning and purpose.

  • the sun is required for the holidays;
  • in the form of a bubble symbolizes the infinity of the living wheel - Sansary, they certainly fall at the table during the celebration of the zul;
  • as Rogoli resembles the upper part of the cow and are presented with a problem with an increase in the livestock of large livestock;
  • the shape resembling a part or a whole lamb, giving the owner to have more sheep, symbolically represent an ancient curse of animals;
  • similar to the horse's inside - whale - symbolize the abundance of food;
  • small size - chores - are presented so that there are more children or livestock;
  • shore Belg, like bayonets, show determination to defend themselves from enemies;
  • sovun, in the form of birds, announce the arrival of spring.

This is not a complete list of such flour products, which, according to Kalmykov, indicate the relationship of all living in the world, its cause-dependent origin in accordance with one of the Buddhist provisions.

Main celebrations

Among the main holidays in Kalmyk culture, it is necessary to note the ace, which means "Lampad". Initially, he was devoted to the birth of the Universe, and then it was a national birthday, which every Kalmyk becomes older for a year. The same day symbolizes the offensive of the beginning of the next year.

In the local calendar there is a month of cow, here in his 25th day and celebrate this holiday. Since the universe arose due to an explosion, during the celebration there should be a lot of fire. This significant day is also associated with Parumby Tsongkapa, which founded the Buddhist school.

Another famous holiday is Tsagan Sar. During it, the arrival of spring is celebrated. It lasts a whole month, during which it goes to visit each other, gifted with gifts, delicious treat.

Both in Zul, and in Tsagan Sar, it was supposed to put off the Buchanam (sculptural figures of Buddha) - a hemp, and to light the lamp in front of them.

Folk ethics

Kalmykov has a distinctive system of moral and ethical rules transmitted from generation to generation and strictly observed.

Senior is respect and honor. They are missed first and support at the entrance, help prepare a horse on the road, offer better food and tea before others.

After the mile on a new pasture, the elderly people treat them to bless a new place. When the elders talk, they will not be switched, they do not interrupt, listen to their advice, never increase the voice in their presence.

During the holidays, Johli - prosperity - also provided those who are older. They also use strong drinks, it is not allowed.

The entire age-old wisdom of the Kalmyk people is collected in his heroic epic called "Dzhangar". He describes the feats of the heroes who live in a non-existent country of Bumba.

Epos is about a thousand years old, and it has been preserved to our days thanks to the residents who knew all his songs and passed them to orally the next generations.

Kalmykov, it is not customary to praise his wives, but to strengthen the spirit and raising authority everywhere praise men. There is even a proverb "No praise no boys."

Family ties

In the former times, Kalmyki lived clans - hotons. Each hoton was called by the name of the main thing in the family.

It was considered very important to know his relatives to the seventh knee. The father's line has always dominated the house, since the mother came to the family from another kind.

Around the fourth knee, relatives were close, and from the fifth to the seventh - they were considered long. Relatives for the father's line did not allow them to marry among themselves, since the offspring was born in this case with the patient, and the genus weakened.

Wedding sacrament

At a timely time, the walling in Kalmykia took place in three stages:

  • familiarized families in the house of the bride;
  • woven with the discussion at the table menu of the future wedding, gifts and composition of the wedding train;
  • again the bottom of the ceremony.

Nowadays everything happens faster. GERUING (Buddhist Monk) defines one more favorable day for matchmaking and second - for the ceremony itself.

The preparation for the wedding includes interesting rituals. The bride cuts off strands of the hair, nails so that she does not take away the happiness of her family from the house. The groom prepares a wedding train, which was supposed to consist of an odd quantity, 9 or 11 married men.

Before the celebration, it is supposed to damage the hands and rinsing the mouth and pray before Burkhan. It lasts long, since the bride should be delivered to the groom's house.

After the feast of the bride puts on a handkerchief, praises to Burkhanam, drinks milk and leaves why at home. Her dowry will be shipped into the wedding train, and the young leave.


Kalmyki is an amazing people who have a rich cultural and spiritual heritage. Its representatives are distinguished by high morality, wisdom and simplicity.

To the appointed time, guests are collected in the lobby. The car with young drives up to the front entrance. Signal to the beginning - fanfare. Leading.

Leading: Mendvt, Kundty Uurmud! Good evening, dear guests and invited! Today, the Ozaev family welcoming all of you to Konstantin and Julia's wedding, so that at the current good tradition in the warm and friendly circle of loved ones and relatives to them, note this unforgettable event! Dear guests! We offer everyone to climb and meet the applause of the bride and groom!

Next sounds "Wedding March" F. Mendelssohn.
Spouses accompanied by the responsible go to the entrance. Doors have relatives of young, guests, support group. They form a solemn corridor for young. At the entrance, two people are shooting from clapboards, showering the confetti of the young, and before the passage of young people there are children who carry baskets or bags with rose petals and squeeze the floor. The participants of the corridor shower rice and coins of young (symbolizes wealth and well-being). At this time, the presenter begins to read poems.

Leading(on the pass) :

By tradition, throwing grain under the feet,

to health, happiness sprouted it.

Throw copper coins under the feet

so that never be the poor you.

Throw the petals of the most beautiful roses

in order not to know you are neither grief and neither tears!

Leading:Dear friends! Let's get together the birth of a new family, family zezaev, and it happy instant You need to capture on the video and photos for the family archive!

Applause. A group of support and newlyweds are photographed. After photographing, young people pass and occupy their places at the festive table.

Leading: Here they are the culprits of the celebration: Konstantin and Julia! Even their names mean very poetic. There are many coincidences in their horoscopes: it's both spiritual heat, compassion, respect for people around them and special attachment to their loved ones. Konstantin is a bright person with a mysterious force. Confident, reliable Family Lumps. For Julia, a sharp mind is characterized, the creative beginning, a wonderful sense of humor, observation and resourcefulness. Very good, welcome mistress. So that the bride with such a symbolic name, entering the house, will contribute new family Your special atmosphere of kindness, heat and reliability of home rear! And will decorate your relationship and makes them even stronger the magic melody of love! Let's greet our young people - Constantine and Julia!

Leading: According to the current good tradition, the right to be the first to congratulate the newly created family, the first to say a young parting word, is provided by the oldest and respected representatives of the family. The word for congratulations is provided by Uncle Groom Zhaev Valery Mrigentievich and his wife hope Vasilyevna!

Congratulations to young.

Leading: Friends! This is the older generation of close and relatives of Konstantin and for their wise farewell, we propose to raise your glasses! The presenter invites all those present and guests to raise glasses for V. Ozayev's toast.

Leading: And we,
guests are expensive, continue to congratulate the young, we continue to make newlyweds, give them good words, Hand gifts, and screaming them the traditional "һhashun - bitter!".

Leading: The older generation in each family is care, comfort and security! And the love, life experience and wisdom of the elder in the family is another, the most important best support for a young family. The word is provided to the family of senior sister Konstantin - Baire and her wife Vladimir !

Congratulations to young. At the end, the presenter should start the candle transmission ceremony - the symbol of a family hearth.

Leading: Baira and Vladimir, for your words of a good farewell, it is worth raising glasses!

Leading: Dear guests! Unfortunately, today, we do not have a number of closest and most relatives of Konstantin, His parents of Polina Konstantinovna and Pavel Smeniestievich, who lived together in love and harmony for more than 30 years. But the family focus continues to support his older sister Baira and therefore it's time for it, today, to convey the young relay from his kind family hearth. Konstantin and Julia, burn this candle and boldly make a desire. Try to keep the fire in your family, protect it and never forget about him!

Under the melody of Arkady Mandzhiev "Green Tara" Bair with a Volodya transmit a candle. Young lit candles.
It is desirable that the candle is fat, capable of burning for many hours, and next to it you need to put spare candles so that the fire on the table in front of the young does not go throughout the wedding.

Leading: So another family hearth was lit. Dear newlyweds! So it was long ago that the keeper of a homely focus was always a woman. Note that young that the fire candle is alive and beautiful, like love itself, but it is easy to go out. And to maintain it for many years, you need to protect the light from the drafts of the offense and rain from the tears! Saving a fire, you save your love! So let the fire of your love burn forever!

Leading: Friends! Let's raise glasses for parents.

The presenter offers all guests and invited, standing in support, toast for parents.

Leading: We suggest raising the cozy char

for those who have grown this glorious pair.

Who in life did not behave any sleep or peace.

for those who saved for them the happiness is big!

And I will implement the favorite song Polina Konstantinovna "Gurvn Almann".

Concert number.

Guest performance plan:

Leading: And now we provide a word from the older generation of the Family of Valnets, the native mom's groom. Uncle Moms are invited to congratulations Vasiliy Vasiliych with his wife and his sister Elizabeth Schirovna Manjieva.

Congratulations to young.

Leading: The word is provided with his native uncle Mom Vyacheslav Operolovich Mandzhiev and his wife Svetlana Timofeevna, the family of Vasilyev.

Congratulations to young.

Leading:Gagashki Zamaev family are invited to our improvised scene: Goryavoya, Charging, Manzhiev (p. Tsagan Aman).

Congratulations to young

Leading: The reserves of festive congratulations are taken by the Nagznr Constantine, family: Valtov, Samtanov, Logaev.

Congratulations to young

Leading:Dear friends, I would like to stand up the following congratulations to a small departure - wedding events today began, as you understand, from the very early morning, you can say from dawn. In pleasant troubles, they met this wonderful day relatives and close to our bride in Julia in the distant, but became such a close village of Achiners.

Leading: Let's greet the honorary guests of our celebration - Sudron, whom the most respected person is headed in the genus of the bride ________________!

You Word, Sudron!

Leading: Konstantin and Julia, take greetings and wishes of love and peace, consent and well-being in your family on behalf of relatives and loved ones! And now a gift for the matchmaker "Hood Ovgny Dong" will sound.

Concert number.

Leading: As they say, the tree is very branches, and the man is rooted. Our groom Konstantin is rich not only roots, their ancestors, but also relatives and loved ones. We invite the relatives of Pope: Family of the Mandgiyev, Utnasunovy, Guchinovy.

Congratulations to young

Leading: And now the word is provided with a large group representing the closest circle of their relatives, whom we broke in subgroups, cousins \u200b\u200band sisters Mom Groom. For congratulations, I invite families: the bobbins, Bobricks, Dordzhiev, Ubushaev.

Congratulations to young

Leading: The word is provided with cousins \u200b\u200band sisters Mom Groom, families: Manzhiev, Sanji-Goryhodov, Basangov from the village of Krasinskoye.

Congratulations to young

Leading: The word is provided with cousins \u200b\u200band sisters of Mom Groom, families: Erderni-Goryhodov, Nijiyev, Manziev, Kaibaldiev, Sarsengaliyev, Badnaev, Shovgorov.

Congratulations to young

Leading: And we continue our festive celebration! The word is provided by the matchmakers of the Zamaev family. I invite the aunt Tayu Ubushaev, aunt Polina Mandzhiev.

Congratulations to young

Leading: I invite you to our scene of the matchmaker - Family Ubosheyev, Basangov

Congratulations to young

Leading: Friends! Join Congratulations! Happiness and love you, young! Consent and family well-being! Let your home failure and problems be afraid! Always stay together, go through life together and happily, on the joy of native and friends!

Leading: We continue congratulations: "Golden youth" is invited to the microphone - cousins \u200b\u200band sisters of Constantine.

Congratulations to young

Leading: And now the word is granted to colleagues Mom - a meat market team

Congratulations to young

Leading: And we continue our festive celebration! The word for congratulations is provided to colleagues of sisters - a team of interdistrict IFTS No. 3 in the Republic of Kalmykia (Tax Inspectorate).

Congratulations to young

Leading: Who is still closer to relatives next to us, to whom we can contact, without going beyond the limits of the Street Council. Of course, these are our favorite neighbors! The word neighbors of the Ozaev.

Congratulations to young

Leading: Support our guests! Their congratulations are very similar to real astrological forecasts! It remains to add that a new family was born today! And the location of the stars promise her wisdom, artistry, equilibrium and high razorostability! Let's drink for the success of the newborn family! ( Toast).

Leading: And I am overlooking our improvised scene of friends of the Ozaev family. Meet the stormy applause of the boshy.

Congratulations to young

Leading: Family friend "- such a title, still need to earn.

You gave us reasons with a dozen of this friendship to go.

Leading: And our relay of congratulations hand over Mom's classmates.

Congratulations to young

Leading: The word for congratulations is provided to teachers and parents of classmates Konstantin.

Congratulations to young

Leading: Dear guests, sit and hello,

See and participate -

You do not have to lose heart

We will prevent class!

Our wedding marathon continues classmates and friends of Constantine!

The presenter declares the dance marathon. Dance melodies and songs sound.

Take a look, dear guests, in what color clothes you came to the wedding celebration. Who came in clothes of red color? These are joyful, beautiful, independent, appreciate the completeness of life. Always ready for love, in the sense, to a big feeling. Prefer vacation and holidays to spend in the south. Who is in clothes white color?Often naive, honest people, with an unreplicated reputation, good and decent. Prefer to relax among the snow plains and polar bears. ( Regarding the snow-white dress of the bride!).
Black color Clothes suggests that we have talented people who are able to get absolutely all. Love black caviar and black coffee. Sexually attractive, fruitful in everything! Resting love in the country with countless people in love with people. clothing of blue color It guarantees their owners noble origin, romance. These are faithful, glorious people, are worried literally for everything and for everyone. Resting love everywhere, just to fly by plane or sail on the ship. Green color The outfit says that these are people who are hoping and dream. Always fresh and attractive. Prepared to rest prefer steppe spaces. Who came in clothes yellow color? These are pleasant people, warm, romantic, but ... not easy. Gold prefers from decorations. Resting love to "Golden Sands". Listen love " Golden ring"Love so that they are called" gold " (This is against guests!).

Dear guests, all this joke, but as they say in every joke share ... jokes !! And on the results of the joke, we became a little closer and clearer to each other, at least in the color scheme!

April 7, 2016, 15:20

I wanted to write a post about customs and culture, and make an emphasis on the wedding, since now this topic is now especially relevant. But I think I'm talking about a little about the republic itself, maybe I am mistaken, but I haven't noticed posts about her, and I think that there are a lot of readers are not familiar with my little homeland.

I am from the solar, steppe republic of Kalmykia, which is located in the extreme southeast of the European part of Russia. This republic is very interesting and possibly capricious, summer is roast and dry, the winter is a little snow with piercing steppe, and large cold. Our people are kind and simple. Perhaps you consider me to Luta Patriotka, but is it bad? I do not hide what I love my republic.

The nature of us is harmonious, the steppe in the spring is covered with red tulips, the long River Volga flows, there are small lakes and is washed in the east by the Caspian Sea, where the magic beautiful lotuses bloom. The people in Kalmykia are the easiest, but proud. Moved war and genocide. If you have never been with us, we will be glad to visit your visit. I am sure you will enjoy our colorful and hospitable town, with its simplicity and beauty, our steppe pearl is the city of Elista. Arriving to us, you will plunge into an exotic city, with no less exotic people for Russia. In which there are many attractions, a chess town, interesting monuments.

It is worth noting that Kalmyki is the only people in Europe, traditionally confessing Buddhism, and we also have one of the largest Buddhist temples in Europe - called "Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni". The Hurula building has 63 meters in height and accommodates the largest meter statue of the Buddha in Russia and Europe.

So, let's go to the weddings.

In Kalmykia, Arrival to prepare for the wedding celebration was approaching responsible, it should have looked festively and beautiful. Family, family and hotons ringed at the wedding. Everyone tried to show themselves in all its glory, therefore they arranged two sides for each other various tests.

Two days before the wedding begin with wedding rituals. Relatives come to the house of the bride and everyone should add something to the dodged. The bride is cooked together: the natives cut off the nails, the curl, the threads cut off from the dowry. All this needs to be burned. This means that the girl leaving married, leaves this home, former life forever. No wonder in her husband's house, she will give a new name, symbolizing the beginning of a new life stage.

And at that time in the house of the groom equipped a wedding train. The delegation should be headed by a man (Uncle on Father, Brother or Senior Rod). The number of delegates must be odd. But among them there should be no young unmarried relatives who, according to believe, can "delay" the happiness of the young on themselves. The wedding delegation should go early to have time to go to the woven house to lunch. And one more important item: go and enter the house only - right side (By the Sun), in this case, it is considered, the case will be successful.

The arrival of guests to the bride's house is also associated with numerous rituals. First of all, a gift to women, the so-called "Berdychudin Hot" ("Gift Morazham"). Then make tea, butter, boiled lamb (if they persuaded the living sheep, they are also injected into the house), sweets. Lastly, the house has alcohol: vodka, wine. It is believed that if the matchmakers do not bring the promised promised, then the happiness of the bride will be incomplete, and the faithfulness of the match is also checked.

And only after all ceremonies, the guests go to the house, however, before sitting on festive table, they must wash their hands, rinse your mouth and pray. The table begins the wedding meal, which is accompanied by many interesting and fun rites.

Previously, guests who came for the bride had to spend the night in the House of Shatov. Pier, according to custom, lasts all night. In the midst of the celebration, usually for midnight, the broth party secretly holds the Council on which a clever and fast guy is chosen. He is entrusted with an important mission: touch the bride.

At dawn, when the dawn is just beginning to do, and the music still rattles on the entire district, the guy in the dance process must imperceptibly slip into the tent, where the bride is sitting and touched up to her shoulder. But it is necessary to do this so inconspicuous that in any case this maneuver does not notice the unbelief of the girlfriend, otherwise the courier does not avoid ridicule, shame. That is why it is important to stop the choice on a clever and a milk young man. The messenger touched the bride's shoulder is a sign that it is time to gather on the road.

The bride is derived to the bridegroom. At this time, girls and married women are divided. Women bring a bride by arms, and young girls prevent the whole look showing that they don't want to give their girlfriend, relative. After the release, the mother orders the daughter's daughter to make it to the parent Burkhanam (Buddhist altar) and make a farewell sip of milk of native focus, forever left .

The bride's head when leaving the house, one of the matchmakers covers a scarf brought from the house of the groom. The meaning of this rite is that, firstly, this is a sign of a new status of a woman, because Previously, Kalmykov did not have to appear in humans with a uncoated head. It will have to wear this handkerchief. To give it to someone can not. Secondly, so that she could not find the road back. This path is close for it. Under the universal noise, gams, jokes, laughter, tears and the future hostess are derived to the bridegroom. He puts the bride to his horse and takes away.

And in the house proceed to the removal of the dowry. This honorary mission is assigned to guests who came for the bride. Finally, when everything is loaded, the wedding train goes home. The riders are, however, it remains to buy the part of the dowry that they managed to hide under general noise. The messengers offer hotels: a box of sweets, cookies, in addition, we give up their scarves. As soon as the treats and gifts will be accepted, the remnants of things are given. In addition, representatives of the groom should pick up a canopy with them, behind which the bride was sitting during a wedding pyr. Women spread the cloth on the ground, and the guys arrange racing. The canopy should be raised from the ground to the race. In this competition participates and fiance. According to the unlawful rule, the canopy was supposed to pick it up. At this wedding festivities continue at the groom.

P.S: Thank you all for your attention, I was very glad to dip you all in hope I know the knowledge of you. And I hope this post will like it, I will be glad to read the comments and answer the questions. Once again, I apologize for any mistakes. All love, good and well-being in your home, and excellent weekends!

Watching as part of the wedding ritual is found in a variety of cultures. Traditions and signs associated with this rite are transferred from century.

Through this custom, the young families agreed on the upcoming wedding, discussed the relying dowry.

Parents blessed their children for the upcoming marriage.

Russian traditions

Watching in Russian traditions is a mandatory, complicated, with many of its customs of the ritual. First of all, you had to get parental approval.

When the son expressed his intention to marry a concrete girl or when the parents themselves choose his son to his wife - they had definitely asked advice from relatives.

At the unfamiliar girl collected information, tried as much as possible to learn about it. The parent blessing of the young was an integral part for a happy family life.

The older generation, mostly, was focused on the material and thesis interests of the future spouseSo, if other options for marriage existed, they tried to dissuade the Son from a less profitable union and to arrange his fate as more as possible.

When the bride was approved by the groom, there was a turn of the match. In most cases, there was a father in this role. young man, less likely - the groom himself or his older brother.

Professional Swaha played a special role in Russia - People specially invited to matchmakers. Only such a person, sometimes better than newlyweds, could determine what is needed for their future life.

The folk wisdom "Choose is not a bride, and Swhah" reflects how serious the attitude of the people to this custom is. Professional welcomes shared in two categories:

  • the first category did not have the benefits of marriage, their attitude was completely conscientious and disinterested, as the people they said: "People get married, and they have eyes glow";
  • the second category in order to achieve a profitable marriage could well and listen: "People boast - we will not pass, the matchmaker boasted - you will not jump on the horse."

During the rite, the conversation first started from the wedding affairs completely cunning, and only then, when such formalities were observed, they asked if the bride agreed on the marriage.

In the event that the bride was favorable - she began to revenge the broom in the direction of the furnace, if her answer was negative, then from the furnace, as if distinguishing the guests who came.

If the parents of the girl considered the young inappropriate candidate, then the rite was held as follows: the groom thanked the honor of them, but then they said that they were forced to answer to the refusal, since their daughter is still too young for marriage.

When the time of preparation for marriage was coming, the bride with his close friends should have been preparing gifts.

The groom, in turn, was interested in what a gift to present the bride on their wedding day. At that time, the most common gifts were expensive fabrics, boots, shoes.


The rite associated with a set of adopted, which were respected by the ancestors.

In order not to smooth out young, the matchmaker came after sunset.

When the matchmakers drove to a meeting with their future relatives, a meeting with a young girl with water served as a good messenger for them, a bad sign was considered a cat's cat.

All the well-known signs "In May marry - all his life to be launched" takes off their roots since more times, when this month was tightly engaged in sowing work, so it was said that in April woved until the last day.

Also, attention was paid to the day of the week - so, on Wednesday and Friday - very few days, about such things as marriage, it was not necessary to think.

Numbers also had a value. The number 13 was considered unfortunate, but 3, 5, 7 and 9, on the contrary, extremely successful.

Guests on the way to the bride did not have to make conversations with anyone, and arriving before knocking, imperceptibly touching the door jamb shoulder or hand.

As soon as the guests crossed the threshold, the door for them was necessarily closed on the hook - it was done so that the outsider did not go and unlocked the upcoming sacrament.

It was bad admissionIf you sat down in the house of the bride sat down - it was thought that the cases would not immediately be bred. Even the same sign was related to the fact that children in young people can be born scedrans - that is, it is too late to start walking.

She also did not have to drink neither to drink. If there is, it was believed that the children would suffer from the gluttony, and if he would drink, then the children would grow drunkards.

Swachy, behaving, in order for the meeting to be resolved in their favor and "happiness did not convince," tried unnoticed from the rest to touch the table's legs.

Bride Traditions

The girl during the ceremony did not speak. She was located back to the guests who came to the guests and bred ash from the oven.

There was a ritual of the test of the bride. In the center of the room, the girl demonstrated their skills and talents.

For example, if she was a lace, then showed his dexterity, throwing coughs out of hand in hand, and after demonstrated made by her lace towel for wedding.

The father of the bride joined the hands of children as a sign of blessing their family life.

Tradition from the groom

The groom very rarely participated in rituals, more often it was only his matchmaker. The groom was present, but in order not to spoil the ceremonies, did not enter the conversation.

When the ceremony was completed, the groom with their parents had to be discussed by the bride.

In order for their conversations not to hear from the bride, they went to the porch or in Songi. It was done even if the girl was long and familiar to them.

When they returned, the mother of the girl brought a glass of drink with a young man. If the glass was completely drank, then this meant that the wedding would take place.

If he refused or returned a glass of heaven - he said that the bride did not occur along the moral and weddings between them will not take place.

Modern rite in Russia

Nowadays, of course, the matchmaker does not carry such a sign ritual nature. Most often, the young man first coordinates the girl, and only after that comes to get acquainted with her relatives.

During his visit to future relatives, the fiance should not come with empty hands - Bouquets for the girl and her mother will become excellent gifts. The match can play a father of a young man or a close friend.

The parents of the bride can express their consent to marriage, connecting the hands of future newlyweds.

Bride also need to visit the home of the parents of the groomAnd it will also not be superfluous to make future mother-in-law some gift, such as a bouquet of flowers.

Previously it was believed that all wedding expenses relatives of the groom take on themselves. Now the costs and efforts are distributed over the overall agreement, and most often the future newlyweds themselves take all the costs of themselves.

Customs from different nations

Tatar customs

The matchmaker (kudlar) attend the bride's house to hold a rite, during which asking about the bride and exchange gifts.

In case the groom like the girl, she transmits him as a sign of its consent to him in his agreement. The bride of Kudlar also necessarily present gifts - very beautifully packed and decorated sweets or decorations.

Chuvash customs

In the Chuvash, this ritual traditionally organized in the spring, it is mandatory in odd quantities. This is done in order to leave the house of the bride in even quantity - that is, to form a couple. Hotels are also served in odd quantities.

However, a specially roasted fresh dough, striking in the form of balls - Yavacha - is filed without an account as a symbol of the desire of great offspring.

Armenian customs

Before you go to visit the bride, the parents of the groom are asked the intermediary Midgejord Keen, also familiar with the bride's family, persuade those to give their daughter to marry. After that, the intermediary and close men's relatives are departed to the meeting on the head of the bridegroom.

According to the tradition of the Armenians, even if the parents of the bride and agree to issue her married, then they do not speak directly about itThey are expressed allegorically (for example, "this scarf has now become yours"), after that, they are covered on the table and celebrate.

Kazakh customs

In Kazakhstan, this custom is called where Tusu. Relatives of the groom go to the house of the bride, where the parents of the girl treat them with traditional dishes, and they exchange prepared gifts.

During the celebrations where the Tus is discussed and all the upcoming costs associated with the wedding are discussed, and also that the Kazakh people are of particular importance - the size of Calma. Young during where the Tusu is not present.

Korean customs

Svati (aginction) departs in the first half of the day in the house of the bride on the appointed day in odd quantities. The mother of the groom should not be present in this rite, so it remains at home.

If the side of the bride agrees to the marriage, then young declare the bride and groomBut everything passes in a rather modest and quiet setting - lush celebrations do not assume.

Kalmyk customs

Bridegroom, elder and friend with treats and vodka come to the bride on horseback. Elder must make a ritual - for this, he lays out glue, white and yellow coins on the divine, after opening vodka and says wishes.

After all, the preparation for the celebration begins. Later, the groom with parents and other relatives are sent to the house of the bride with treats and gifts in order to discuss the details of the upcoming wedding.

The next meeting of the parties allows you to finally agree and assign a wedding date.

Many modern couples try to hold a walling rite before the wedding, of course, not in such a form and rather symbolically, in contrast to our ancestors. But, of course, such regular, centuries-old traditions will be kept in history and marked with the following generations.

From the following video you will learn how to spend one of the scenarios of the matchmaker:

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