How to choose your type of beard. What beard is suitable for a round face? What form to choose men with an oval face

What do you need?

  1. Ability to grow hair on the face
  2. Hairdresser (and perhaps you will handle themselves)
  3. Patience!

Step 1

Examine the shape of your face. Of course, you know how you look. You looked at yourself in the mirror many times. But you did not look at yourself with an imaginary beard on the face. Does your face round? Do you have square cheekbones? Is your mouth too small? These are very important details, of which are characteristic features. We have already written about how you can pick up the type of beard under the form of a person, we recommend reading.

Ryan Gosling - Example triangular shape Persons.

Step 2.

Stop shave. This is the most obvious step, but it is often not enough. Some beard lovers prefer to wear a so-called goat beard and shave the beard on this principle after several days of hair growing. But…

Step 3.

After two weeks of abstinence from shaving, again study your face. You kept - an excellent result! During these 14 days, you passed 2 times through the condition of constant itching - the first time, about 4 days, the second time is approximately the 12th day. Some of your appearance can decide that you are homeless. Through it passes anyone who wants to subsequently carry a beautiful well-groomed beard. Nothing wrong! It's just inconvenient and does not always look good, and you feel in society ... as a teenager!

Photos from

Step 4.

Determine the nature of hair growth. Look where they grow and grow best. Some people have hair grow in close proximity to the nose. Some mustache do not reach the chin. Determine the growth and shape of the hair, respectively.

Step 5.

Mentally make an outline of your beard. If you understand that you can wear a wide beard, it can be a good hair shave idea on the top of the cheek and neck. Full beard will suit you if you have a good hair growth and if there is a bunch of mustache and beard. If you have a round face, then you need to make it visually thin. "Goat beard" can create such an effect. Also, if your hair is growing on your cheeks, choose a "goat beard" or a popular "Shinstrap" style. If you are poorly growing a mustache, try the beard in Lincoln style.

Step 6.

Now let's grow hair. After you chose yourself the style of the desired beard, let the hair grow unhindered. Even if the beard reached the required length, you may need a little more time to filled out nude spots on the face.

Step 7.

This is an uncertain step offering several options for what should be on the face. If you are not Mamienkin Son, or a Heavy Metal fan, you can choose for yourself a "full" beard. If you are a connoisseur jazz music, you will rather wear a short, carefully cropped beard. If you are a lover of nightclubs, dating women, then you most likely need a "goat" beard. If you are a resident of Texas or California, go to the mustache!

Some facts: beard grows better in spring and summer And for the year grows, approximately 14 cm, and the presence of beard and its "quality" depend mainly from genov and Gormonov.

And remember - the choice of beard is purely individual, do not limit your fantasy and experiment with different styles.

Fashion goes by a circulation and now it's time to come when the beard returned to the peak of popularity. Passing down the street, you noticed how much around young guys and older people with a beard? I think the answer is obvious. Girls glue in front of brutal guys, boys become more courageous and in female eyes are sexy.

Beards began to grow after the 2010s, when the wave of hipster boom and both sex lost their identity. Beard - Great way to remind everyone that you are a man. Nowadays there is a large number of Species beard and with the same nuances regarding the face form, style, degree of degree and shade. I warn you, this luxury is not a small effort.

The growing and beautiful beard is a fairly long process requiring patience. You need to pull out that step of the beard growth when you look like a "bum." And so drove:

Face Face Triangle

A narrow chin is so characteristic of this type worth a slightly soften. Square or rounded beard, as well as the classic type visually expand the lower part of the face, thereby removing the explicit contrast of narrow chin.

Round face type

Round face should be frowning slightly, highlighting the chin. At the time there will be a trapezoidal or beard from the temple to the temple. You can also add accurate, medium-sized mustache, which will visually help lengthen the round shape. In addition, the "goat beard" is suitable.


It would be nice to choose a beard for rounding the square shape. IN this case Benbard and chin will be very by the way. Do not overcover with the volume, because too voluminous beard will make the face even wider.

Rectangular face form

This form of the face prefers a more dense beard on Bengnebards, cheeks and mustache with shaved chin. Suitable round of horseshoe beard or ordinary "tanks". It is worth visually expanding the face.


And so congratulations. Owners oval form lucky most of all. Under it is suitable almost any beard style. So do not turn on the fantasy and experiment.


Often full, sometimes with shaving hair on the cheeks. With a full beard, only the top of the cheeks and mustache shave.


This wide and thick beard is well combined with neat mustes. The case when the beard may look a bit disheveled and negligent. Refill up to 10-15 centimeters, and after a slightly rounded its base.


Wide beard of type OLD DUTCH, but with a mustache.


The characteristic features of this laying are long swirling mustes, as well as a vertical strip of hairs that begin with the chin and stretch until the middle of the lower lip.


It is worn both separately and with elegant mustache. It is a neat thin beard along the chest without entering the neck. The main feature is the presence of the letter "T" under the bottom lip.


We all know the famous Jack Sparrow, in honor of which this style of beard is named. Mustache, descend down from the corners of the mouth in combination with a goat beard, divided into two woven pigtails.


Similar to a goat beard, but here the beard occupies the entire rounded chin, and the form in this case is a circular.

"The Zappa"

The style of American multi-instrumentalist - Frank Zappa. Thick, medium mustache with lowered downs, in combination with a small beard island.

"Hollywood beard"

Hollywood celebrities made this beard the favorite of women and many men. Of course, if you want to be similar to hollywood star.You will have to carefully follow the beard and attend the hairdresser in time.

"Wide tanks"

Style suitable for those who are delighted with long and dense bench. The chin always remains clean, and what to do with a mustache (shave or not shaving?) - Establish you. It is important here, so that the lower edge of the tanks clearly followed the lower line of the chin.


Starting from the temples, descends down, bordering the cheekbones to the corners of the mouth, and then bent up, smoothly moving to the mustache. The chin at the same time remains clean.


Thin weak up thin mustache, like all the famous artist El Salvador Dali.


Thick tanks covering not only the cheekbone, but also half of the face. Along the edge of the upper lip of the Bennebard join with the mustache. Plot under the bottom lip and around the chin remains bare.


This beard consists of very thin contours. Similar with Heinrich IV beard, it passes around the mouth. But it has the difference in the form of a thin strip from the chin to the lip.


Beard growing from the top of the face, walking along the cheekbone line, covering it completely. Mustache here is not needed.


The name speaks for itself. In this case, the beard line lies along the axis of the chin, passing under the bottom lip. Whiskey and cheeks at the same time sap.


Select only the chin and neck, and on the other places will grow the bundlebards. Such an image is not suitable for everyone, so make sure your character corresponds to this image.

How to choose a beard shape - video

A modern man wants to look stylish, while maintaining individuality. Many know that wearing a beard - it is quite impressive. But you need to take care of giving it the right form. After all, only in this case, the undertaking will be successful. Starting to engage in style formation is better as early as possible: after the appearance of the first noncuses.

Naturalness of appearance

Beard should look organically, combined with hairstyle. When looking at it, there should be no sensation of alienity. The correct form of the beard is achieved after familiarization with the simple rules. But always need to remember the individuality of a similar solution.

The choice of images is quite wide. Of all the variety, you need to prefer the most appropriate option. After all, the beard shape can be oval, wide, narrow, wedge-shaped. To take correct solution, It is necessary to take into account the features of appearance. An important meaning is hair color. At the same time there are a huge number of their shades. There are 2 rules here:

  1. Combination dark hair And light skin says that the beard shape should not be volumetric. And so that the cheeks do not stand out, they need to be thoroughly shaving.
  2. Holders of red and light hair can safely do their beard wide. This is due to the fact that on the background of the skin, such vegetation is distinguished slightly.

Advancement of appearance

With the help of a beard and mustache, you can give the facial to the desired expression, to make it more courageous, to express character. Therefore, some men choose this style to convert a small or bevelous chin, hide the completeness of the cheek, soften a very wide and long nose, reduce the lips. Thus, it turns out to be disguised of different kind Defects. Depending on the form of beard and mustache, external data can be significantly improved.

The hair mustache and beard are much harmful than the vegetation on the head. It also needs to be considered when choosing a style. If the hair above the upper lip is very rare, then it is simply impossible to grow beautiful mustache.

Growth - criterion when choosing a beard

The correct beard shape is chosen depending on the growth. Only at first glance this criterion does not seem important. If the growth is not high, then the beard should also be small. A man of medium height can choose absolutely any beard style. This is the most optimal option of manifestation.

But the high men must give preference to a large salary beard. The fact is that she greatly increases the face. At the same time, the proportions of the shape are improved. If you are supposed to wear a mustache, then growth should also be considered. But with the growing hair on the cheeks you can do the way you want. Shaven or leave - individual choice. If you can remove your hair on the cheeks, then you need to start a haircut of the beard from the base.

How to make a haircut

The formation of the beard is committed in accordance with such rules:

  1. First, it is necessary to comb well. To do this, under the beard you need to put my palm of the left hand.
  2. Remove hair on the cheeks and neck if the style involves the smooth sequence of these zones.
  3. Scissors should be kept so that their ends are directed up.
  4. Eliminate hair growing on the sides.
  5. Posted by a beard cone. To do this, correctly determine the location of its sharp end, which should be in the center of the chin.
  6. Carry out hair dryer located above the jaw and near the ears.
  7. Do grinding the whole surface.
  8. Thin stool oblique beard edges.

You can find an opinion: a beard can simply be, so a courageous man is not necessarily bothering her. In fact, everything is different, because such "well-groom" does not add sophistication. Thus look like people engaged in severe physical work. This image indicates the absence of time and desire to deal with itself.

Main species

If worries how to choose a beard shape, then you need to consider the main types. Examine quite a large number of interesting options is really worth. The article presents the most popular species.

The English (skipper) beard is the choice of men who love the sea. They may have a desire to inform others about their main activity.

Espanyolka is a lot courageous intellectuals. In this case, you need to make hair on the cheeks very short or completely remove them. Then the correct beard shape is achieved due to the resulting processing of the transition. The strict symmetry of the side lines has greater importance.

When choosing an oval beard, make hair on the neck and cheeks. After that, it is required to be right from the client. In this position, the corresponding side of the beard should be done, making a smooth transition to short hair in temks. The left part should be framed similarly. From the side of the sides, the hair must be removed on the oblique line passing from the uches of the ears to the mustache. After that, you need to carefully stuck and polish all the face.

Russian beard and kara

When mentioning a Russian beard in the head, an image of a non-dimensional man is arising. In fact, it also needs a special approach. The cheeks shave should not. The ends of the hair also leave in kind. But the base of the beard needs to be cut. The hair line on the cheeks should not be interrupted. It is necessary that with the hairs of the beard it amounted to a single whole. Beard can be trimmed on the sides. And its total length is chosen depending on

A long beard of Kare is performed by analogy with a Russian beard. Hair on the temples, which are located at the cheek, are removed and drummed. And the mustache and beard are separated by a sharp feature. To perform a short beard of Kare, you need to approach work with due share.

Triangular and round face

When choosing this style, you need to take into account the form of the face. The harmonicity of the image as a result of this depends on this. Owners need to be done to significantly expand its lower part. Thus, it is possible to achieve harmonious external view. Indeed, in this case, the form of a beard of software is created to increase the massiveness of the chin. And such an image gives confidence in your abilities. Great classic, balbo look great. The main thing here is to carefully consider the available options.

Wood holders of a rounded form need to choose a trapezoidal or stretched between whisms with a beard. The main task of this image consists in visual elongation of oval. Such a form of a beard in the type of face is perfectly combined with medium sized by a mustache, the ends of which are omitted down. In this case, all types of goat beard are perfectly looking. It may be the espanolka and van deke (differs from the first option to the absence of a joint with a mustache). It is also necessary to abandon the Bakenbard Mut and Ton Chops, increasing the oval faces in width.

Oblong and oval face

Employed remarkably adjusted by ordinary tanks or boroda-undercut, having a rounded form. In this case, you need to take care of the visual expansion of the face. Do not use the espanolka or goat beard. After all, they lengthen the face.

The owners of the face of oval shape can experiment indefinitely, choosing any such types. At the same time, it is quite possible to create a complete and volumetric beard.

Square and trapezoid face

Men with the best of all choose a weakly distinguished look of the beard. But it must be completed in such a way as to cover the whole face. In this case, it is easy to make it oval. A beard in the form of a face and successfully selected hairstyle creates an ideal image. The most suitable options are: Chin Curtain (skipper) and chinstrap.

For men with a trapezoidal face, a beard is suitable, visually making it already near the lower jaw. The optimal option here is a skipper beard.

Therefore, you need to create, considering all the features of the "source material". Thus it becomes possible to choose the beard correctly. You should choose a style that fully displays the inner state. The nuance of such concepts such as beard, haircut, form, are interested in many men who have chosen the corresponding image. Optionally stop on one solution. It can be changed, guided by the general recommendations.

It's no secret that many people use hairstyle or creative stacking as a means of self-expression. For men, there is another opportunity to confirm your charismatic and benefit from the rest - let go beard and / or mustache.

And if in ancient times the beard was worn only by the strong confident men who are capable of manifestation of character of character, today she can be decorating any man.

At the same time, taking such a decision, the man is important to realize that not any of the options likes can be a real decoration - exist various forms And you need to pick up the one that will suit your type of face, whose features must be taken into account.

The last seasons wearing vegetation on the face for men again entered the fashion - the beard is released not only the mature men, but also young young men.

No universal, which will suit any man. The choice of the optimal option depends on a number of factors and features of the person's person. Such factors are the age, style of clothing, activity and occupied position, etc.

Rightly picking up the beard, it is not only profitable to decorate your own face, but also disguise small disadvantages, such scars, scars, and even visually adjust the face of the face (head, cheeks, nose).

If it is casually decorated and not well-groomed, you can easily spoil the impression of a person, as it attracts a lot of attention to himself.

Consequently, it is necessary to approach the haircut with understanding and with full responsibility. Not having experience, it is better not to perform this process yourself, but to contact a specialist who has experience in this field as well creativityThanks to which all the existing advantages of man will be emphasized.

A haircut of beard should be carried out taking into account not only the face form, but also the structures of the hair, their type, colors. For example, if the hair on the face of the man is black and volumetric, but on the cheeks it is better to remove them at all, thanks to which the color contrast between the color of the skin and the color of the hair will be cleared.

If the vegetation on the face is bright or redhead, then the situation looks completely different - thanks to the magnificent and the thickness of the beard you can achieve incredible image transformations.

Not many know that when choosing, you should also focus on the growth of a man: if the growth is lower than the average, the vegetation should also be small. For men of medium growth, the choice is much extensive - they can afford to carry beard of various shapes.

In the event that a man has a growing higher average, then he should choose dense options, with which the face will be visually increasing, and the proportions of the body will become more harmonious. The length does not have the value - it should be selected taking into account the individual structure of the face.

What are the face forms and how to choose a beard?

In order to find the perfect option, you need to determine the form of a person.

Take into account the following features:

  • A triangular face - implies the narrowing of the head of the face of the book. At the same time, the upper part in the eye area is much wider. In this case, the main task is to align the proportions of the face, balancing its upper and lower parts. An ideal option in this case can be a classic option;
  • Kruglolitz gentlemen should be set to visually narrow the face by making it more elongated, oval. The trapezoidal form that connects the right and left temple is the most suitable option for them. It is possible to add it using a mustache, the corners of which should be lowered down;
  • A rectangular face with wide cheekbones is a common option among representatives of high sex. Correct the situation to them will help the beard in the shape of a horseshoe or simple bundlebards;
  • Oval face is the most ideal option. There is a wide scope for experiments. Tips and recommendations are practically no - the main thing is that the image is harmonious and completed;
  • A square face is perfectly adjusted by adjusting with a small vegetation onto the whole face or a short beard, thanks to which the pointed features will become softer, natural.

How can you cut?

Today you can meet wide assortment Beard, every man will definitely select for himself an option that is suitable for him and maybe even not alone. It is important to safely go to experiments by choosing depending on the face of the face and style of a person.

In order to give vegetation on the face of the right form, you should use professional tools that can be purchased in any specialized store.

The most common types of beard:

  • Complete (classical, Russian);
  • Canadian (round);
  • Hollywood;
  • Balbo;
  • Anchor;
  • "Wang Duck";
  • Goatee;
  • Islet (Mushka);
  • Skipper;
  • Suvorovskaya;
  • Duck tail;
  • French fork;
  • Imperial (sail);
  • Creative.

Correct care - the key to success

Whatever the choice of a man is, in any case with a beard, his appearance will become much more interesting, completed. At the same time, for those who cannot decide on the choice of independently, you can contact stylists.

Professionals of their affairs will select the most optimal option. Even if he does not like you, you should not worry too much - the vegetation on the face will grow very quickly.

Important! In the event that you managed to choose best optionwhich is ideal for your appearance, do not forget to cut the beard on time, give it the necessary shape.

There are special care products, the use of which should not be neglected to men who have decided to wear a beard constantly. With their help, it will look perfect, and the care of her will become much easier.

About the haircut of beard in video:

Selecting this peculiar "accessory", be sure to study all possible options for wearing beard, and then your appearance to change for the better in the most incredible way. Change of appearance always lead to changes in life, so it is necessary to experiment.

Illustrations: Alexander Kotlyarov

Square face

You will be perfectly looking at a small beard fragment (triangle or strip) under the bottom lip.

Triangular face

You will fit a wide beard, which grows not only at the bottom of the chin, but also on the sides.

Round face

The perfect option is the mustache, passing into the beard. In general, vegetation should form a figure similar to a square.

Pear-shaped face

Beard choose any or refuse her at all. Concentrate on Bengnebards. Better - long.

Oval face

Consider classic option. If you are a happy owner of an oval person, you can experiment and change the form of a beard how much will fit: you will go almost everything. The easiest option is not to bother on the beard, but to get a two-three-day bristle.

More about the beard

█ To cut the beard of a complex shape, use a special machine (sold in specialized hairdressing salons and on the Internet -, or an ordinary razor machine. "Since the most difficult thing is to achieve symmetry, before proceeding with the work, you can draw on the face of the outline of the future beard with a black pencil," the consultant advises.

█ "Remember that everyday care is needed by the beard," says the expert. Check if it is still on the mezzanine and whether the hair clip works. Each morning it needs to adjust the beard length. Do not forget to use the nozzle, which will ensure the uniformity of the length of the hair.

█ If you don't like the color of the beard, or she came at's time and started gray, you can paint it. "It is important to use not familiar paint, and men's hair dyes that do not paint, but give a shade. The effect is the same, and the hair will remain healthy, and the color will be the most natural possible, "the Hamlet advises.

█ Nor sadly, Bengnebards begin not in the ear shell. "From there, the hair just needs to be removed, everything is up to one," the expert subsides. If the hair is a bit, you can use tongs. Otherwise, a special typewriter that you will find on the aforementioned sites and hairdressing stores.