What is gratitude. Arguments for the Problem of Gratitude from Fiction and Cinematography

Many of us know for ourselves that resentment is a feeling of a poisonous existence, and they cannot get rid of it, they cannot forgive the offender, he himself is not interested in forgiveness, does not show repentance, rather, is indifferent. But, as we already know from the numerous conclusions of scientists and psychologists, all the problems are in ourselves. Our perception of the situation is a feeling of resentment, and often the person who is in the center of this situation and is its root cause does not at all reflect on the topic of what left pain in your soul. Often he is not capable of what we expect from him, and this lesson is about not expecting from people what they will not give. In this case, there will be no disappointments. We don't owe each other anything. And therefore, for what we receive, we must not forget to thank - this is a gift. Moreover, for bad lessons (in fact, they are much more useful than “good ones”), you also need to feel gratitude - from the bottom of your heart, feeling it and understanding why such a lesson was given.

Nobody can teach you to be grateful, no parents, no grandparents, no nanny, no teacher. To true gratitude, to that gratitude that comes from the depths of your soul, from the very center of your heart, you can only come. Everyone has their own process, their own path to themselves. And he is unique. Thank yourself if you made it to this point.

Yes, both parents and teachers can teach you to say “thank you”. They can teach you to be grateful. You can be a cultured and polite person. But true gratitude in you will be revealed in a completely different way. Not as a result of someone's teachings. At some point, you will come to her yourself. And then thank all those who brought you to this realization. And it will be compared to the discovery of the universe within you.

Gratitude is love. Being grateful means giving a place in your heart to the person you are thanking.

For gratitude to live permanently in your heart, regular practice is necessary. The path to true gratitude has several steps. And in order to pass them, you need to take twelve simple, but at the same time difficult steps.

The practice of "12 steps of gratitude" that a person needs to go through in order to gain integrity and inner harmony.

Some of these steps will be especially difficult for you, some easier, and maybe that's all. You can go through them sequentially. Master one first, then move on to the other. And you can "skip" all at once. Do not hurry. Do it not for anyone. Do it for yourself. Feel!

Each step is one step towards yourself, towards your true essence. Each step is a revelation of yourself, an expansion of your inner space. As you say the words of gratitude, feel how your inner space begins to expand. Feel your true inner universe.

There are no verbal formulas in the words of gratitude. Speak how you feel. You can do it in silence, you can do it out loud. Thank you from the bottom of your heart. It's not for anyone, it's for you.

1. Give thanks to the universe

Thank the Universe, God, Life, the Creator for all that they have given you. Everything you have, everything you have, is only because of the universe.

I thank the universe for the life given to me and my parents, and also to my child. I thank life for the fact that I can breathe deeply and see all the colors around. I thank the universe for its gifts, for its care, for the fact that every day it fills my life with something: emotions, gifts, things, events, colors, people, work. I thank the universe that I am not alone. There are many wonderful people around me, whom she sent me for study, for support, for pain, without which there will be no growth, for happiness.

I was offended by the Creator that I did not have boots,
Until I met a young man who was without legs.
Omar Khayyam

2. Thank your parents, your mom and your dad

Your mom and your dad gave you life. And this is the most important thing for which you should thank them. Yes, they may not have given you something more: health, education, a happy childhood, prosperity. You can be resentful of them and live in this constant resentment. But don't judge them. Take responsibility for your destiny into your own hands. And just thank your parents for the most important thing that they gave you - for life!

If you have foster parents, thank them too. Thank them for leading you through this life, accompanying, teaching, patronizing, caring for you.

I thank my mom and my dad for the life they gave me. They are no longer alive, but the life they gave me continues.

My parents always have a worthy place in my heart.

3. Thank your family

Thank your family. Your clan is an invisible support for you, your resource in matters of your health, well-being, relationships, and success.

I thank my family, my grandfathers and my grandmothers for the invisible support they give me. For safety, for health, for prosperity, for success.

4. Thank the kids

Thank your children and others. Children are the best educators. And most importantly, what they give you is the opportunity to feel like parents and creators. You should be grateful to the children and the universe that you participated in the process of creating and giving birth to a new life.

Thank children for their spontaneity and love of life, for their inner freedom and lack of boundaries. All this they teach adults. Children are little teachers. Children are your mirror. Learn to just look into it.

I thank my daughter for making me feel like a dad and for helping me understand my parents better. I thank my daughter for the fact that it was she who gave me the opportunity to feel what a full-fledged family is, what care and love are. Thank you for the lessons of patience that I am going through.

5. Thank the elderly

Thanks to old age, a person begins to see and understand that time exists. Old age is often personified with wisdom. Older people often try to show us what we usually do not want to look at. They are our mirror. Perhaps a distorting mirror while we are young. But the time will come and in this mirror we will see ourselves. We will see what we have become and realize that we could be different. Let everyone in this mirror see his own and understand what he will be given to understand.

Thank old age. What she is trying to show us through the prism of time is not yet clear to many of us, but is very valuable. Old age is an experience. Great experience of many generations. Appreciate it. And thank you for the opportunity to avoid mistakes. Those mistakes that all generations go through. Respect the elderly and all older people. It is difficult for us to understand them, because for many of us the journey is just beginning. We have not yet reached where they have reached.

If you want to know what awaits you and what you will become, look around. And you will see what you are destined to see. Yes, it's too early for you. But thank them for showing you a different reality. And what kind of reality do you want to create for yourself?

I thank my grandparents, those whom I still remember for those warm memories of my childhood that are associated with them. For their love, warmth and care. I thank all the older people that I meet on the street, in public transport for the life experience that they are trying to convey to me. I thank the old people for the fact that I still don’t understand much, but I see that there is a lot of meaning in their existence. And just thank you very much for being you, for being with us. Perhaps this is the most difficult step for me... But I let you into my heart and your life experience along with you. Thanks to!

6. Thank women

Thank women. And it doesn't matter what gender you are. Nature is so arranged that both male and female exist in it. And these two polar principles are in each of us. In every person there are male and female energies, there is an anima and an animus. A man, accepting the woman in himself, accepts the woman herself. Women who have a very strong masculine side often face the problem of accepting femininity in themselves. Thank the women who surround you and the feminine that is within you.

The universe created man as a paired being. A man becomes integral and completes his integrity only through a woman. The woman is through the man. Together they complement each other. Together they can become creators and make room for new life. Give thanks for this opportunity.

Only through a woman does a new human life come into this world and a child is born. Thank the woman as a mother, as the bearer of a new life.

I thank all the women who have been in my life and helped me feel like a man. Thanks to which, I was formed as a man. And the first woman is a mother. The second is the wife. The third is a daughter. I thank all the women for the lessons they taught me and for giving me the opportunity to take them. I thank them for the lessons of love, care, attention, self-sacrifice and generosity. Thanks to women, I learned to do things. I thank all women with strong masculine energies, with a strong animus for the lessons they taught me. For me, this is an invaluable experience. Thanks to you, I learned to accept my feminine side and develop my masculine side. I am grateful to women for the fact that only in a pair with them I went through the experience of creating a family, when instead of my I, much more appeared in my life - WE. I am grateful to women for opening their hearts to me. And only through a woman did I come to true gratitude.

7. Thank men

Thank the men. A woman accepting a man in herself accepts the man himself. Find in men those qualities that you would admire and you will see that the world would be different without them. Only through a man does a woman become a mother and give life to another person. Thank men for love and care, for support and protection.

I thank men for the fact that they carry strength and courage, care and protection, intelligence and aspiration, fearlessness and self-sacrifice, friendship and reliability. I am grateful to those men who supported me in difficult times, helped me out in difficult situations, helped me to get stronger and stand on my feet. I thank my brothers for their help and support.

8. Give thanks to your higher spiritual aspects, your guardian angels

Give thanks to your higher spiritual aspects: your Soul, your Higher Self, your Spirit, your Guardian Angel. Thank your heavenly parents. Give thanks to all that invisible that is support and support for you. They guide you through this life, give you the opportunity to learn the life lessons you need, and very often they are your protection for you. Even if you don't know anything about them, thank you anyway. Reach out to them for help and be grateful to them. God is within you. Your inner God is your universe. And everyone has their own, it is unique. Turn your gaze inward, perhaps you will see something there that you have not seen before.

I thank my Soul, my Higher Self, my Spirit, my Guardian Angel, my Heavenly parents for invisible support and help, for healing, for protection. For those life lessons that I go through with their help. I thank you for being you, for the fact that no matter what, you are always with me.

9. Give thanks to those who hurt you.

Thank those who hurt you, consciously or unconsciously, thank your enemies and enemies. They are the ones who help you get better. Thanks to them, you get the life lessons you need so much. Forgive them, no matter how difficult it may be for you, and thank them for the life experience and for helping you become different.

I thank all those who, willingly or unwittingly, hurt me. It was only through the pain that I was able to feel my heart. Through pain and suffering, I was able to feel and realize what life is and what love is.Thanks to you I have changed. I understand that your souls took on the most difficult and most ungrateful role - to be bad in order for me to become better. And no one will ever appreciate this role. And the hardest thing is to thank those who hurt you. And it is difficult to thank from the heart, to thank with the heart, without experiencing evil and resentment. But I step over it all and thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

10. Thank those who have done you good.

Give thanks to those who have done you good. They gave you what they could give. They helped you where they could help. And if someone didn’t give you something that you expected from him, then he couldn’t give it to you. Don't blame him for it. Thank him for helping you understand and for simply being in your life.

Thank everyone who does something for you. Even if they did something ordinary for you: they warmed up food or washed the dishes for you, put away your things, bought you medicine or helped you figure something out, just supported you or gave you wise advice. Thank you for everything. And even if you didn't ask for it, thank you anyway. They did it from the heart, they just took care of you.

Thank all those who give you work and those who give you the opportunity to rest. Thank everyone who is just there for you when you are having a hard time. Thank everyone who shares company with you when you are having fun.

I thank all those who did good to me. And there were a lot of them in my life. And I thank everyone. I thank all those who gave me work and the opportunity to earn a living. I thank all those who gave me their love and care, who worried about me and supported me in difficult times. I thank everyone who was with me in joy and in sorrow. I thank those who treated and healed me, sometimes doing the impossible, doing what I could not have done on my own.

11. Give thanks to your teachers

For some, his teacher is his mother or father, for someone his grandmother or grandfather, for someone it is a school teacher or closest friend. For some, a teacher is a spiritual guru or a teacher at an institute, a coach at a training. And for some, a teacher is just life. And it doesn't really matter who your teacher is, it's important to realize everything that these people have taught you. And to tell them for this not only a huge thank you, but also to show all the depth of gratitude that your heart is capable of.

I thank all my teachers who taught me life and wisdom, gave me their knowledge, on whose books and articles I grew up, on whose seminars and trainings I learned and developed. I am grateful to all those people and situations that taught me and changed me, and forced me to move forward. I thank all those in whom I saw myself as in a mirror, who reflected my shortcomings and showed me what needs to be changed. I am grateful to those who strengthened and helped to show my virtues. I thank life for knowledge and experience. Only thanks to my teachers I developed and grew.

12. Thank Yourself

Be the last to thank yourself. If you lack gratitude from someone, if you think that you have done a lot for someone, and he answered you with black ingratitude, thank yourself instead of him. And close this file. Don't go back to him again. And best of all, do not expect gratitude from people. If you deserve it, the universe will thank you. And she will find herself how to do it.

Self-acknowledgement is a small part of self-love. Thanks to yourself, you broadcast this gratitude to the world, to other people. This is perhaps one of the most difficult gratitude. And that is why this is the last step, the last step. Step towards you.

Thanks to others, we forgot about ourselves. Thanks to ourselves - we thank all those to whom we are really grateful. Because we let them into our hearts, we gave them a place in our hearts, in our souls.

All those previous 11 aspects of gratitude, if you have gone through them, now have their place in your heart. And thanks to yourself, you look into the very center of your soul, into the very depths of your heart and meet them there, all those to whom you are grateful.

I thank myself for what I have, for what I share with others and give. For the fact that step by step I win a small victory over myself. I thank all those who have taken their rightful place in my heart.

Gratitude is Acceptance. Without acceptance, there will be no gratitude. Accept, acknowledge, forgive, thank.

Gratitude is an opportunity to feel your wholeness, your unity with nature and with the universe, to feel harmony.

Do not skimp on the words of gratitude. Although a lot of them from you and is not required. There are only two of them: "thank you" and "thank you". Even though there is a difference between them. Very often, a mean “thank you” comes from the mind, and gratitude comes from the heart. And much more important is what is behind these words. Your state that you experience while doing this. Not everyone will hear your heart. But many will hear the words. And that's already a lot.

When you thank someone tell the person what you are thanking them for. It will never be redundant.

Don't expect gratitude from others. Of course, it's nice to be thanked too. But you don't have to dwell on it. No need to expect gratitude from someone who cannot be grateful, who cannot appreciate what you have done for him. Accept him for who he is. Thank him yourself for the experience he gives you. A holistic person does not expect gratitude, he gives it himself. Thank the universe and the universe will thank you.

Gratitude has one very important property - it can only be felt. There is little to say about her. It is important that it flow from the source. A person has only one source - the heart! Anything that comes from the mind is not bad. It's good in its own way. But you can only feel with your heart.

Thank the universe not to get something from it, but in order to feel something. And what you will feel at the same time is already a lot ...

The energy of gratitude is one of the few and one of the most powerful transformative energies. Passing it through yourself, you transform, you change, you become different, and you will soon begin to feel different.

Practicum "Circle of Gratitude"

Take 13 sheets of A4 paper. On twelve sheets of paper, write the names of the 12 steps of gratitude that you have to go through and number them. Lay these sheets out in a circle on the floor. Place the 13th sheet in the center of the circle and write "I" on it.

Stand in the center of the circle, on a piece of paper with the inscription "I". Slowly turn around on your axis and look at each leaf. It expresses a certain quality of gratitude. Try to see how it manifests itself in you. Listen to your feelings. What feelings does it evoke in you? To what extent is this gratitude manifested in you or, on the contrary, not manifested?! Turn around slowly, don't rush. Try to get in touch with each of the qualities of gratitude that is written on paper. To what extent is this gratitude expressed in you? Your feelings may change. In some specific sectors of the circle, you may feel a complete lack of gratitude, and in some you may experience an inner feeling of warmth. Remember these feelings.

After you mentally go around the full circle, wait, listen to what you are feeling right now, what is your body feeling?!

After that, stand on sheet number 1. It will be yours first stage. It should say "Thanks to the universe" written on it. This will be your first step. Say to yourself: “Now I am my Gratitude to the universe.” Listen to what happens to you. What feelings and emotions will you have? What thoughts will come to you? What images and pictures will you start to have? Maybe you will see some specific people whom you have not thanked or who need your gratitude. Maybe you will see some unpleasant situation that you do not accept. Thank them, thank these people and these situations. Stay where you are as long as energy and information flows through you. Give thanks for everything. And at the end, when you feel full, say: “I thank the universe for ...” List what exactly you thank her for. Give this gratitude its place in your heart.

After that, go in a circle to the next sheet number 2. It will be yours second step. Say to yourself: "Now I am my Gratitude to my parents." Imagine your mom and your dad. What feelings do they evoke in you? Maybe you remember some situations related to them for which you should thank and forgive them. Thank them. Do not hurry. Feel. This is one of the most important steps, because it is only through our parents that we come into this world. If you have tears, cry, don't hold them back. And thank you from the bottom of your heart. After you complete your work, move on to the next step. Take the next step.

You may find it difficult to complete all 12 steps at once. Do not hurry. You can go through only one stage and rest, and then move on to the next. Choose your own rhythm. The goal is to complete all 12 steps in the end. Don't let this take just one day.

After you have completed a full circle, all 12 steps, stand again in the center of the circle and again turn around your axis and look around the sheets. After you have gone around them all, feel how you feel now?! Remember how you felt for the first time, when you just stood in the center of this circle, and how is it now? What has changed in you? How have you changed?

If, going around the circle, you feel that some of the steps you have not fully worked out, you can step on it again and start working on yourself again.

You can come back in time and go through the 12 steps again and see the difference between how it was and how it is now.

You can not do this exercise with leaves, but just give yourself a few minutes a day to thank someone.

Start each new day with gratitude. Thank the universe and your parents. When you go outside, look around. Who will you see there? Men or women, children or old people, friends or enemies? The one on whom your eyes fall, thank in his face those whom he personifies for you. Whose mirror is he for you now?!

And remember gratitude is never enough. Don't hesitate to show it.

Gratitude is positive energy.

Gratitude is not only a feeling, but an emotional and logical phenomenon, when feelings arise on the basis of certain thoughts.

Therefore, if a person does not consider it necessary to feel gratitude for something to someone, then he will not experience it. And when you feel gratitude to the Creator, this will be the true transformation through the heart.

Gratitude is an inner wish for good, expressed in external actions.

Gratitude is a feeling and state of gratitude for the kindness received or rendered, care, attention, warm relations, it is gratitude for help and everything desired. The feeling of gratitude is the ability to see and recognize the good and good in the environment.

The ability to give thanks is the highest ability to notice and celebrate all the good that is around a person.

A grateful person is a happy person.

There is a law of gratitude, and if you want to get the results you expect, then you absolutely need to study this law.

What is the law of gratitude and how does it work?

This law is an application of the law of cause and effect.

The law of gratitude is a natural law that says that action is equal to reaction and opposite to it in direction.

If we put energy into something, we thereby demand that it come true. Therefore, it is very important to direct positive energy towards what we want.

Gratitude is very important because it is an extremely positive energy vibration of thought. She has a powerful attraction.

Thanks to her, we gain a connection with the Source. You cannot use significant energy without expressing gratitude, because it is thanks to it that you maintain your connection with the source of power.

The creative power within us transforms us into the image we give our attention to. A grateful mind constantly concentrates on the best, therefore, it acquires the best. When gratitude becomes a way of life, success, happiness, and health become the norm.

When we experience anger, fear, sadness, or depression, we have lost our sense of gratitude. Gratitude is the key to a happy, healthy, successful life. It sustains us and draws to us what we want.

We become the magnet of our happiness. When we give thanks to life, life rewards us. When we feel gratitude, people, like the wealth of the universe, are attracted to us.

Gratitude is the willingness to take help when needed and to give help when possible.

Gratitude is one of the best moral qualities of a person; without gratitude, neither respect, nor nobility, nor humanity is possible.

Gratitude is the ability to share a lot and enjoy a little.

Gratitude is the ability to find something positive in every person and in every situation; at least acquired life experience.

Gratitude is the only way to become a happy person here and now.

Gratitude provides opportunities – for an optimistic outlook on life.

Gratitude reveals talent - love and respect for people and the world.

Gratitude gives strength - even in the negative to find and appreciate the good.

Gratitude gives you the freedom to express better feelings and do better things.

Gratitude gives faith - that any event is filled with meaning.

Knowledgeable people say - "thank you."

This expression is also formed from two roots of different words: Blessing + GIVE. By pronouncing this phrase, we share a part of our good and thus we repay good for good personally, we mutually give good as a gift.

That is good for good, good for good.

Knowing the true meaning of words, you can thank a good person and protect yourself from an evil one. The sound code inherent in the words initially works even in an abbreviated version. Everyone needs gratitude, it brings good to the world. To give thanks is to give good, it is always pleasant for a person, it causes good and joyful feelings in the soul.

We must always be grateful for everything we have, and we will definitely receive more. It is necessary to express gratitude, then a cloud of positive will form around. It is necessary to teach children to see goodness around them, and to thank for it.

It is necessary to say THANK YOU to everything good in life, to everything good, and in return you will receive reciprocity from the Universe. How to Develop Thank You. Do not forget about this simple word in everyday life - and you will take a step towards gaining gratitude. Creativity. Find different ways to express your gratitude.

Be creative!

Refusal of selfishness. Narcissism and gratitude are incompatible; by doing the work of consciously giving up self-admiration, a person approaches the acquisition of gratitude. Interest in the environment. It is interest that helps a person to be grateful to life - for every day lived.

Family relationships.

Do not forget and do not hesitate to show gratitude towards loved ones - this is important for gaining the opportunity to be grateful.

It's hard to be grateful when there's a lack of something. Such beliefs lead to competitive thinking - its basic idea is this: in order to get what you want, you have to take it from someone else.

This belief system fuels fear and anxiety. How easy is it for each person to be grateful if they think the universe is designed to be a difficult place to live? Especially if his own thinking continues to generate situations in his life that confirm the validity of such an assumption.

When we give thanks for the circumstances and events in our lives that we must overcome, and in doing so realize that the grace of wisdom descends on us from this test, the very act of gratitude turns a negative experience into a positive one.

When we express gratitude, we attract people and circumstances for which we will be grateful. Gratitude fills our hearts with joy and allows us to see the truth, which empowers us to make the right decisions and take the appropriate steps.

With a grateful heart, we will be able to see the best in every situation and in everyone we meet, to bring out the best in them. If criticizing and condemning other people robs you of positive energy, then gratitude fills you with energy. Replace criticism and condemnation with gratitude.

Gratitude is the wealth of your soul. Gratitude is positive energy. How much gratitude you have for this world, people, yourself, your soul is so rich!

Try practicing gratitude in your life and you will see how your life will improve in a noticeable way. Gratitude is a warm feeling, don't confuse it with guilt and the desire to get rid of the person by hurriedly saying thanks and trying to give him something in return.

Gratitude is the ability to recognize the good in others.

Just accept all the good that comes to you with a sense of gratitude and love. Pearls of wisdom about gratitude. There is no quality I would like to possess to such an extent as the ability to be grateful. For it is not only the greatest virtue, but also the mother of all other virtues.

Cicero - Let the one who gave be silent; let him who has received speak.

Cervantes - All our lamentations about what we are deprived of stem from a lack of gratitude for what we have.

Daniel Defoe - The first step of ingratitude is an examination of the benefactor's motives.

“Gratitude is the magic potion for all ailments. It is the fastest way to dispel anxiety, get rid of disappointment and change a negative attitude into a positive one. When gratitude takes the place of value judgments, peace embraces your body, kindness embraces your soul, and wisdom fills your mind.

Neil Donald Walsh

Feeling gratitude is an easy way to switch from the victim consciousness, get out of the gap, expand your consciousness and raise your vibrations. This is help in forgiveness, acceptance of yourself and the situation.

How often do you experience this feeling, consciously apply the practice of gratitude?

With this article, I want to remind you that you always have this versatile and affordable tool at hand.

Activation of Unconditional Love through the chakras

These short meditations will help you activate Unconditional Self-Love in every chakra of your physical body.

Although they are neglected by many.

Do not look for complex solutions, at the right time remember gratitude. Read on for its benefits.

7 Benefits of Gratitude

1. Gratitude teaches you to appreciate what you have.

If a person lacks something, he often asks the higher powers to help him get it.

Thus increasing the scarcity in your life.

Try to act differently. When you catch yourself thinking that you are complaining that you don’t have something, you weren’t given enough, stop and think about how often YOU thank for what you receive.

Are you discounting the gifts that the universe is giving you?

Try to find what can you thank life for. Focus not on what you don't have, but on what you already have.

You have eyes and you can see - give thanks for that. After all, there are people who are not given this from birth.

You have housing, food. And thousands of people on the planet have no roof over their heads, they are starving.

You have life - you are alive. Isn't that a reason to be grateful?

Wallet stolen? Instead of regretting the last money, be grateful that you came out unscathed. Money can be earned, but health is much more difficult to restore.

The human mind is designed in such a way that people accept the benefits by default - as they should be, and focus on what is not.

Feel dissatisfied if something is taken away. As in the proverb: "Having - we do not store, having lost - we cry."

Train yourself to appreciate what you have. Use for this.

Play the game that the heroine of the movie "Polyanna" played. The meaning of the game was to find something good and useful for yourself in trouble.

2. Gratitude helps you get out of failure.

If you feel that you have failed, a quick and affordable way to return to a resourceful state is focus on gratitude.

When you choose gratitude at the moment of failure, it’s like a switch goes off inside of you. It's like you're transported to another reality.

Just a minute ago, you saw only black, white and gray, and with a sense of gratitude, a much larger spectrum of colors becomes available to your eyes.

It is more difficult at this moment to find something for which you can thank.

3. Gratitude promotes healing

By switching to the vibration of gratitude, you heal the body and soul. This emotion vibrates at a high frequency, second only to love and peace.

By radiating it, you gradually rewrite your personal vibration and heal your physical body.

Any illness is a signal that a person is doing something wrong in life. Thank your body for the pain, even if you can't figure out why. The answer will surely come.

Gratitude heals the heart chakra. This is useful for those who have it blocked. As you radiate gratitude, you gradually melt the ice in your heart and allow yourself to experience feelings.

4. Feeling Gratitude Helps You Forgive and Accept

Allowing yourself to thank the offenders, you are freed from the anger and resentment that has fettered you for a long time. Gratitude Helps feel true forgiveness acceptance of the situation and release from destructive emotions.

This needs to be decided. Because you become vulnerable. But the one who chooses gratitude never loses.

When you choose to see the true meaning of an unfavorable situation, you move from being a victim to being a creator.

In other words, you expand your consciousness, and what you have not seen before becomes available to you.

You gain the understanding that you have nothing to forgive for, because you have already found the answer. You can only thank and treat the situation and the people who participated in it with understanding and acceptance.

Read the article which details what true forgiveness is and how to achieve it.

5. Gratitude allows you to see the soul of a person, dissolves hatred

When you choose not to judge a person and open up to the true meaning and lesson they taught you, you become strong and able to radiate gratitude for the experience you have had.

Gratitude is the key to see the soul in another person to look at what happened from a different angle. You already see not the culprit and the offended, but the learning process in which each of you gains valuable experience.

When you are able to thank a person for a lesson, you enter a completely new path, and you can see new horizons that were not available to you without it.

Gratitude Disarms the Opponent. His manipulations against you stop working. You see his true essence, but look at him already without hatred, but with a sense of compassion.

6. Feeling grateful helps you love yourself.

Thank not only life, relatives and teachers, but also yourself. For mistakes - without them you would not have gained certain experience, you would not have learned something new.

For achievements - this is how you learn to value and respect yourself. Gratitude helps you accept yourself. You learn to forgive yourself and take good care of yourself.

7. Gratitude opens the way to unconditional love.

Not everyone is able to love unconditionally, but to experience gratitude is available to everyone.

If you really want to experience unconditional love with all your heart, but so far it doesn’t work out, practice thanksgiving as often as possible.

You will gradually rewrite your vibrations to higher ones and open your heart to love.

All the benefits of gratitude cannot be listed. I have given only a few arguments that show its power and transformative properties.

Gratitude in life

When a person is engaged in self-development, he pursues a completely correct goal - to become better and build a happy life. However, in the pursuit of better happiness, we absolutely do not make time to be grateful for what we have today.

Our habit of controlling every aspect of our lives eventually causes a lot of regrets and constant dissatisfaction. Our main illusion is that we are waiting for a certain situation, when something will happen and then suddenly we will become happy and contented. But it doesn't work. Even if you achieve your goal, the effect of joy will last a couple of hours, maybe days and disappear without a trace.

No matter how hard you try, you cannot reach a state of satisfaction with life for a long time.

Positive psychology emphasizes a completely natural state of gratitude in a person, which means being satisfied with one's life. Ask yourself what do you really need to be happy? Will a certain purchase make you happiest? Never expect happiness from a particular purchase. The desire to become better and have a certain level of comfort is good, but remember that true happiness is still within you.

Over the past decades, a lot of research has been done to explore the effect of gratitude on a person's level of happiness. The results of the experiments are simply amazing: the overall satisfaction with life and the level of happiness increased after a person thanked life, the world, fate, the Universe or God for what he has for a month.

The Power and Efficiency of Gratitude

Gratitude allows you to activate your attention to meaningful things. To enjoy life, to see the meaning of life, to feel happy and contented helps the direct impact of gratitude. The feeling of gratitude actively affects the human hormonal system.

Gratitude helps to avoid anxiety, stress and depression as a person begins to trust the world and his destiny for everything that happens in it. Gratitude allows you to see the whole palette of options that life has prepared for us.

The power of gratitude. How to learn to thank?

The most elementary thing you can do to practice gratitude tomorrow is to wake up to think and remember while lying in bed those things in your life for which you are grateful. They can be both very significant and very small. For example, you are grateful to be alive and well. Or you are grateful that you have a place to sleep, you are warm and you can afford coffee.

While the little things you're grateful for are unimportant, they're right in front of you and already affecting your happiness on a mundane level, which is also a good enough place to start.

In addition, there are a lot of little things in life, while there are a limited number of essential things in the life of any person. So notice the vital things, enjoy them, and be grateful for them.

Start a gratitude journal

It can be in any (electronic or paper) form. Choose the right mood and very briefly, but seriously enough, write down one hundred things for which you are grateful to the world. Curiously, at the end of this list, things will come to your mind that you could not even think about before, but they are important enough for you.

The power of gratitude and the feeling of gratitude to yourself

Choose from this list 10 items from those things that you have and others do not; For each item, thank yourself that you have it.

Feeling grateful for others

Do you agree that it is nice to receive gratitude? When we are sincerely told: “thank you very much”, we feel that we are valuable to society or a person and we enjoy and enjoy this gratitude. Don't skimp on good words of thanks.

After all, having thanked a person, the person himself will mutually want to thank you and others. And by generating more and more gratitude, we create a society that is focused on realizing our maximum potential and possibilities.

In your gratitude journal, list 10 things, events, services, information that other people have done for you that you feel grateful for.

Live this pleasant inner feeling of gratitude for these people and for what they have done for you. This is due to the biological processes that occur in our body. Every time we do a good deed and see gratitude in the eyes of other people, we realize the need for recognition and respect.

The ability to be attentive to situations that occur, the ability to be aware of what is happening around us, how we act and appreciate our actions, allows us to increase the value of past experience. Thus, we pay more attention to the value of life and the meaning of life. We just need to allow ourselves to take a little pause and feel gratitude for what we have done.

When you feel gratitude, you begin to realize the path that is most harmonious for you and this brings joy and satisfaction. And every time you focus on your path, when you are grateful for everything that is already in your life, then being in a better state, you begin to attract the best.

Experiencing anxiety, resistance of the surrounding world, disagreement with the world, we show distrust of it and our life. Thus, attracting more and more situations that entail stress and neurosis.

Without feeling gratitude for what we have experienced and not perceiving the past as life lessons that form our inner strength, we thereby launch processes that destroy our personal resources.

Gratitude to the Higher Powers

In addition to being grateful to ourselves and others, we can be grateful to life and the world in general.

“If we assume that the universe is friendly, then we will spend our whole lives building bridges. Well, if we consider it an enemy, then we will spend our whole lives building walls.” Einstein

When we are truly grateful to the Universe, we attract its help to us to accomplish new valuable things.

It is necessary to internally accept the installation that the Universe is friendly towards us. And you can call it some higher power, destiny, the universe, life, heaven or God.

But most importantly, you can learn to trust your life to this higher power. She's more friendly than you think. She knows how to take care of you in the most difficult times for you. But before you learn to thank the Universe, learn to trust it.

To do this, draw in your gratitude journal a line of your life from birth to the present moment. It can take any form. Divide the drawn life line into equal 5 intervals. In each interval, note what you are grateful to the Universe for. It can be gratitude for what you had then and others did not have, or what you acquired. Realize that it is the Universe that has built your life in such a way that you get what you have.

Curiously, you can finally realize that even such unpleasant moments as illness and other life difficulties have led you to something very important and valuable. As the saying goes: "There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped." How can you not trust the Universe? Only she knows what's best for you. Trust her and immerse yourself in a sense of gratitude.

The Power of Gratitude in the Here and Now

At the moment of completion of some business, hormones of satisfaction and pleasure from what has been done begin to be produced in our body. This moment should not be missed.

Take your time, take a break, relax and immerse yourself in the wonderful feeling of gratitude that nature gives us. Thank yourself, other people, and the Universe for all that you have or have not been able to do. The main thing is to be grateful for what you are, you are alive and enjoy life. Appreciate your life.

Not every person can express their thoughts beautifully and correctly. But sometimes you need to choose the right speech, convey your spiritual impulses to the interlocutor or society. Phrases of gratitude are the limit of politeness and good breeding. Sometimes a simple “thank you” is not enough. Everyone in life has situations when you need to thank a colleague, friend, and even a casual acquaintance. Do it beautifully, let the words bring a smile and joy!

From the heart and soul

Gratitude phrases must be chosen with great care. After all, the one to whom they are intended should feel your sincerity and cordiality. Let it not be a formal speech, color it with emotions, gestures, a smile. Try to explain in detail how the help, advice or action worked. Don't be ashamed of your feelings, say whatever you think. Be sure to come up with an appeal to someone who helped in a difficult situation. Let it be not just a name, but something gentle, affectionate, expressing gratitude:

  • kindest person;
  • savior, messenger from heaven, the best of all whom I know;
  • faithful comrade, good fairy, magician.

Such simple words will bring a smile to the face of the interlocutor and energize for other good deeds. After all, expressing gratitude for the help is not difficult at all, but it is so nice.

Key words

Having come up with an appeal, you can move on. The main part of the speech depends on you personally. How ready are you to open up to a person, how great is your gratitude? These phrases will help build the correct text that you will pronounce, looking into the eyes of someone who did not refuse help. Simple phrases of gratitude are touched to the core:

  • “It is impossible to express a warm attitude for help, because this is such a rarity in our world. Many people have forgotten the concept of “compassion”, and you have it in abundance. Share your kindness, irrepressible energy and cheerful disposition. And then the world will become much brighter. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your assistance."
  • "A low bow to the earth to you, the kindest person! These phrases of gratitude will not express all my feelings. You supported me in difficult times, extended a helping hand. Let this bright hand receive as much as it gives! After all, you are always ready to extend it to someone who is having a hard time" .
  • "Thank you - huge and sincere! Your help was needed like air! We received it, and free of charge and from all your kind heart! Thank you and remain your obedient servants and debtors! As soon as you need our support, immediately let us know, and we will arrive at that just a moment! Many human thanks and bow. "

Such gratitude in prose will be appropriate in many cases. Don't forget the power of the word. You need to say "thank you" even for every little thing, and if you have received real help, you should not skimp on gratitude.

The Wonder Years

School is the best time in everyone's life. It is a pity that we understand this after many years. Graduates and their parents should definitely say words of gratitude to the teacher. After all, he invested in them knowledge, soul and strength. This profession is usually chosen by kind and creative individuals. Dealing with dozens of children is very difficult. You need to find an approach to everyone, look into his soul and inspire confidence. Material gifts, of course, also do not interfere with teachers, but the most important thing is words of gratitude.


You can thank the teacher in a duet. Choose from the class the most artistic child with good diction and the same parent. Have them take turns saying the phrases, and then give the teacher a huge bouquet. Convey the words from the heart, sincerely and touchingly: “Dear and beloved cool fairy! We have loved you very much over the years. We would like to wish you success in your work, health and prosperity! But most importantly, we want to say thank you! For your patience and understanding, for love and sometimes necessary severity. After all, it is so difficult to find with children, to put light, eternal into their heads. You brought us up with dignity, instilled love for the world, nature, and your neighbor. This is a huge, titanic work! Continue in the same spirit, do not lose your charm and kindness. We will always remember you with a smile on our face! A low bow and gratitude to you from us for life!”

Such phrases of gratitude are sure to please the teacher. The speech will not be feigned, but sincere and sincere.

A simple "thank you"

Pride sometimes gets in the way of accepting help and support. But if it is necessary, there is no other way. But to say words of gratitude is usually obtained easily and in one breath. If you have been helped, be sure to express gratitude in prose, poetry, in writing - it does not matter. Saying "thank you" is very easy. Prepare a speech in advance or write it down in a beautiful postcard:

  • “Thank you for your help and support! You helped at the right time, most importantly, with all your heart, without excuses and delays. and kiss your hands!
  • “Your help has been invaluable. Thank you for your support, I will definitely answer the same in the near future!

Such simple blanks can be supplemented with specifics. Feel free to express what has accumulated inside.