Separation stages for men and women. Stages of experiencing a breakup, how people experience a breakup Stages of separation in men and women

Romantic relationships are always great! They inspire, energize and give confidence to each of the partners. But, unfortunately, many couples, for one reason or another, have to leave. This period is usually experienced painfully. It takes a lot of effort to recover from a breakup and open a new page in life. Losing is always hard, especially the one with whom you had a serious and trusting relationship.

At first, after parting, it may seem that life was cut short, and nothing in it will bring the former joy and inspiration. But these thoughts and feelings can be dealt with. The main thing is to go through the stages of breaking up the relationship correctly. “Correctly” means “do not hang out” on each of them and take the necessary measures in time so as not to aggravate the situation.

6 separation stages

Stage #1 Loss Denial: "No, it couldn't happen!" or "No, it's not with me!"

At this stage, men and women have such feelings as fear, misunderstanding, severe anxiety. Denial is one of the main psychological defense mechanisms and manifests itself when an event causes a lot of stress in a person, and he refuses to accept it.

For consciousness, this is some delay in time to digest everything that happens. After a breakup, your brain doesn't want to accept that your loved one is no longer in your life. Shared goals, values, hopes and plans - losing all this turns out to be unbearable. Then we can find justification and reassurance for ourselves that everything that happened is temporary, that this is some kind of misunderstanding and the relationship will definitely resume. A clear understanding of the situation will come later.

An important task of passing through this stage is to come closer to understanding the reality of what is happening, no matter how painful it is. Any support would be helpful. Therefore, one should not be afraid to seek psychological help: it can be simple communication with relatives, friends, or consultation with a specialist.

Stage #2. Expression of feelings: “I hate him/her! I hate myself!"

After realizing the loss, most likely, strong negative emotions will flood: anger, anger, contempt, jealousy. We feel anger at the beloved (th) for leaving (-la), and at ourselves for not being able (could not) keep him (her) and not correcting (-l) the situation in time. There may be accusations and even threats against a loved one. Also, this stage is characterized by panic from the realization that he will no longer be around.

It is important, on the one hand, not to repress negative feelings, not to forbid oneself to be angry, and, on the other hand, not to go too far in the manifestation of aggression: not to threaten, not to use physical force against the former partner and not to try to take revenge. All negative emotions need to be thrown out in a way that is safe for yourself and others.

For example, express them on paper, cry or shout, start a diary, etc. You can tidy up things by throwing away or putting away everything that is connected with the previous relationship. Often this helps to get rid of oppressive memories and get rid of excessive negativity.

Stage number 3. Attempts to correct the situation and return everything: “Maybe we can try again?”

After the anger and contempt has dried up, the desire to renew the relationship often comes. This is some kind of attempt to deceive yourself and believe that you can return a loved one. It can manifest itself either only in a mental desire to return everything, or in actions: phone calls, messages to a former partner, appointments.

The temptation is great to linger at this stage, but this should not be allowed. Otherwise, an obsession can easily develop. It is important to occupy your thoughts with something else, switch to activities that will bring positive (dancing, sports, creativity, etc.). Any attempts to meet with a former lover (s), write SMS should be postponed until the desire to do this disappears.

Stage number 4. Indifference, depression: “There is no point in doing something. I want nothing"

Depends on the success of the passage of the previous stages and may not occur if the condition begins to return to normal. Otherwise, a person is threatened with emotional exhaustion, and he falls into depression. Most often this manifests itself in a state of apathy, unwillingness to do anything.

A very dangerous stage, so it is urgent to take measures to combat stress (not to be alone, but to communicate more and share experiences with loved ones, apply relaxation techniques, engage in physical exercises and creativity, seek help from a psychologist).

Stage number 5. Acceptance of the situation: "Yes, it's a pity, but such is life!"

There is a recognition of the loss and end of the relationship, the emotional state is gradually stabilizing. The fifth stage is characterized by the fact that a person resigns himself to the need to part, ceases to carry the burden of the past, “lets go” of the situation.

It is important to learn from previous relationships, to realize the mistakes in your behavior and what you were able to learn during this time.

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The 5 stages of separation are related to overcoming the stress that a woman or man experiences after parting with a loved one. Stage 6 involves readiness for a new relationship.

Stage No. 6. Return to life: "Starting to live with a clean slate"

Fresh forces appear, a person becomes more energetic and self-confident, he can begin to actively change something in the environment. This is the time when new ideas are born in thoughts and there is a desire not only to dream, but also to make plans. Moving on to the 6th stage of parting, we gain meaningful experience and restore our faith in the future.

Few people think about the fact that the process of parting goes through 6 stages. Sometimes they go fast, sometimes they drag on. But in the end, their cycle is aimed at the harmonious completion of relationships, maintaining the integrity of the individual, and for everyone who experiences loss to come to the conclusion: “Life goes on, and everything will definitely work out for me!”

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But there are several schematic patterns that can be divided into three groups. The first group - parting on your initiative, the second - parting by mutual agreement and the third - the man initiated the breakup. The psychology of men at parting in each of the cases is radically different. We propose to consider everything in order.

Psychology of men at parting. You are the initiator of the break

According to statistics, men fall into a depressed state in connection with the breakup of relationships three times more often than the fair sex. However, the algorithm of their behavior largely depends on the nature of the person. For example, if a young man has been told from childhood that he is a man and should not allow himself to cry, he will suffer in complete silence in the company of a bottle. After all, the period of hard drinking after a break with a girlfriend is an extremely common and even natural case.

Psychology of men at parting. Gap by mutual agreement

When both of you have come to a common denominator, having decided to run away, the man will not suffer as described in the first situation. Although the above types of behavior are not excluded. Usually, an amicable parting rarely leads to the end of the relationship. If a person is close to you in spirit, you can always keep in touch, be friends. Very often this is facilitated by common interests or joint children. However, it should be said that, unfortunately, this type of gap is extremely rare. There is always someone who feels uncomfortable after a breakup.

Psychology of men at parting. He initiated the break

If a man himself left you, then ninety-five percent out of a hundred he had another woman. What behavior is typical for a man after such a break? Most often none. His new passion will do everything to ensure that you meet less often, and if you meet, then under her control. In such situations, many women ask themselves the question: “Why doesn’t he want to discuss the reason for the breakup?”, “Why doesn’t he want to communicate after the breakup?”. The answer is very simple - he is banally ashamed.

Psychology of men at parting. belated reaction

Many psychologists notice that sometimes a man reacts to parting after a rather long time - a year or two. This phenomenon even has a medical term “delayed depression”. It can manifest itself even in those men who themselves initiated the breakup. Its behavior is similar to the behavior described in the first paragraph. The only difference is that the symptoms do not appear immediately, but after a certain period.

Depression that occurs after parting with a loved one

Statistics show that there are more divorces than marriages today. Breaking up a love relationship always causes a lot of stress for both men and women.

When people disperse, each of them completely changes their way of life, thinking, habits, social status. A person begins to look at his life in a new way, a different perception of reality is formed in him, stereotypes are broken, new attitudes are laid, which are far from always positive. The longer the union lasted, the stronger the feelings were, the more serious the subsequent depression after parting. Many people do not see a way out of this situation; it is extremely difficult for them to cope with their psycho-emotional problems on their own.

Why Breakup Causes Depression?

This begs the question: if the relationship has already exhausted itself, does not bring more pleasure to both, why does their termination cause so many negative experiences and suffering? The main cause of depression is related to the fact that a person completely collapses his expectations, plans for the future, which he associated with this union. Depression in women is more often associated with an emotional component. If men are able to quickly switch to other relationships, go headlong into work, live on, then an abandoned woman cannot get rid of emotional experiences associated with a former partner for a long time. Her whole world is collapsing, she dreamed of children, a settled life, joint plans with one person, she felt some certainty, but her hopes were not justified. Thoughts about their uselessness, fear of the future, depression, mental imbalance lead to a depressive disorder.

Depression covers men later, more often it is associated with a sense of guilt in front of children and with disappointment from a free life. Relations with other women do not bring great joy, do not live up to expectations, many are covered with chronic fatigue from loneliness. A third of men at this stage think about returning to their ex-wife, but the stereotypes imposed by society, the fear of seeming miserable, do not allow this.

How dangerous is depression after a breakup?

Most people endure parting with a loved one relatively easily, experiencing a short-term subdepressive disorder. This is accompanied by a decrease in efficiency, slight depression, a tearful mood, a feeling of devastation. Such a blues, as a rule, passes on its own, without causing serious consequences. However, some people, especially women who have been abandoned by the man they love, show signs of clinical depression.

A person stuck in past relationships is unable to adequately assess his situation, look at the future with optimism, draw conclusions, and start life anew.

Depression after a divorce often pushes women to suicide attempts, so a long-term depressed state requires immediate qualified help. Although female representatives are more likely to dramatize the situation and fall into a depressive state, for men, the consequences of a breakup can also be serious. Many of them experience anger, resentment, often drown out their feelings with alcoholic beverages, which can aggravate depression and lead to alcoholism.

Symptoms of depression after a breakup

Depression after a divorce or breakup of a love relationship is manifested by characteristic signs and the appearance of various addictions, for example, alcohol, drugs, drugs or gambling. Depression after a breakup has characteristic symptoms:

  • decreased ability to enjoy, loss of motivation for favorite activities, fatigue, low performance;
  • depressed, depressed mood, sleep disturbance, pessimistic outlook on life, suicidal mood;
  • for women who have been abandoned by their husband, a characteristic symptom is the appearance of an irrational fear of the future, especially if there are children;
  • in many men, depression is manifested by an inability to concentrate, make decisions, feel guilty, useless, low self-esteem;
  • most people have an eating disorder, mostly a tendency to stress-eating or not eating at all;
  • there is a desire for social isolation and loneliness, a person can become a hypochondriac.

The course of depression after a breakup

Despite the fact that for each individual, depression after a divorce or separation from a partner proceeds differently, it is possible to conditionally distinguish some stages in the development of the disorder that are characteristic of all men and women:

  • stage of denial. This period can last up to several months. The human brain launches protective anti-stress mechanisms, which are manifested by denial and repression of a negative event. For example, if a woman is abandoned by her husband, she can remain in the illusion for a long time that this is not the end, that he will come to his senses, will return to her sooner or later.
  • Denial is replaced by aggression and resentment. When a person finally realizes that the partner will never return, he begins to blame him for the breakup, creating in his mind an extremely negative image of his ex-husband or wife. This stage is characterized by mutual accusations, manifestation of aggression, showdown, speculation by common children.
  • Further, on the part of some people, there are attempts to fix everything, to make peace. The lack of mediators serotonin and dopamine leads to the fact that the brain works to increase them, resurrecting positive memories and emotions associated with a once loved one.
  • The last stage of apathy is the most dangerous, it causes depression and can last for some people for years. After unsuccessful attempts to return an ex-husband or wife, a person aggravates all the psychosomatic signs of a depressive disorder.

Depression Coping Strategy

Most men and women do not know how to get out of depression after a breakup on their own, do not understand how to overcome aggression, as well as negative emotions towards a former partner. This disease according to ICD-10 belongs to the category of affective disorders and is treated similarly to any depressive episode. If the disorder is severe, then an integrated approach is needed using antidepressants and psychotherapeutic techniques. After a person copes with the acute phase of depression, he can deal with the consequences on his own under the supervision of specialists. An experienced psychologist will help you fully understand what happened, accept the departure of your husband, boyfriend or girlfriend.

Since most men and women tend to blame their partner for everything, in the process of overcoming depression, it is important to form a neutral attitude towards an ex-husband or wife. Awareness and acceptance of one's new position helps a person find motivation to create his future, activates the energy and emotional reserves of the body. Severe depression after parting with a beloved husband or wife negatively affects the following relationships. Most men who have experienced major affective disorder rarely initiate a new union in the next few years. A woman who has suffered depression after her husband left her retains distrust and a negative attitude towards the opposite sex for a long time. That is why it is very important to work with a psychologist all your fears and negative consequences caused by a breakup.

Getting out of depression and a new life

A guy or a woman who was abandoned by her husband, rejected by her girlfriend, in search of an answer to the question: how to survive depression after a breakup, completely forgets about her personal life and interests. It is important to understand that romantic love feelings are nothing but a set of biochemical reactions of the body associated with the production of certain hormones. Therefore, you should not blame yourself or your partner for the fact that the relationship did not work out, just the love chemistry passed, and there were no stronger grounds for the union.

Excellent helps to overcome the difficulties of breaking off relations with close people, attending cultural events, holidays, new interesting acquaintances. To get rid of depression, go in for sports, relax in nature, invent a hobby for yourself, travel. Many women are helped by shopping, changing their wardrobe, working on their beauty. The main thing that a person who has overcome depression after a breakup gets is personal freedom. Freedom to choose a further path and qualitatively new relationships.

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Depression after breaking up with a man is familiar to many women. Only a few of them were able to quickly get rid of the oppressed state and restore peace of mind. Most women after a breakup lose their vitality and plunge into a depressive state. It can last for months. Sometimes a woman cannot finally get rid of the consequences of psychological trauma until the end of her life.

destructive action

Breaking up a relationship inevitably hurts a woman's self-esteem and hurts a woman's pride. Especially if it happened at the initiative of a loved one. The severity of the depressive state also depends on the tact of the beloved. Rude and mocking words can cause a severe painful condition in a woman. But even the most tactful and noble behavior of a loved one who offered to leave will deeply hurt his former lover.

The trauma is caused by the abrupt collapse of the plans and hopes associated with a broken relationship. Girls tend to dream about marriage, about the role of the mother of cute children and the mistress of a cozy home. They perceive parting with a guy as a betrayal, a stab in the back and the end of life.

Romantic persons idealize their lover, attributing qualities that are unusual for him. They dream of a happy long-term marriage until death, filled with trust, love and tenderness. Broken dreams destroy the foundation of their idea of ​​the world order. Frustrated girls begin to question all their beliefs.

A woman loses faith in her strength, becomes withdrawn, vulnerable and distrustful. She suffers from loneliness, not knowing what to do with her suddenly appeared free time. Vulnerable creatures can forever refuse relationships with men, considering them a source of pain and suffering. Those women who managed to create a new union may subconsciously expect betrayal from the chosen one, not trusting him.

When building relationships, psychological dependence is formed. A woman gets used to rely on a loved one physically, psychologically or financially. Parting with a man, she loses her support, feels confused, defenseless and useless.

Loneliness sometimes causes a kind of psychological breakdown. A woman is trying with all her might to regain her usual comfort. She loses touch with reality and only focuses on the means of getting her lover back by any means.

A woman can try to arouse pity in him, try to blackmail him, persecute, threaten, impose. Some women try to return a man with the help of otherworldly forces, turning to various magicians and sorcerers. They torture themselves physically and emotionally. On this basis, severe psychosis can develop.

Stages of development

First comes the stage of denial. At this stage, the body's defenses are triggered, trying to reduce the destructive effects of stress.

The lonely woman is under the illusion that this is not the end. That the man was joking or getting excited. That he would disappear without her, face insurmountable difficulties and return. This stage can last from one to several months.

Over time, denial is replaced by intense anger and annoyance. A woman wants to take revenge on the offender who caused her suffering. She may try to harm him in any way. Trying to manipulate children or start a lawsuit over property.

In the third stage, a woman dramatically changes her attitude towards her lover. She remembers all the good things that happened between them. Seeks reconciliation and asks for forgiveness. She hopes that the guy will forgive her and return.

When all efforts do not lead to the desired result, the stage of apathy begins. This is the most dangerous stage that causes depression.


Depressive disorder after a breakup has its own symptoms:

  1. A woman ceases to enjoy things that used to always cheer her up.
  2. The future causes inexplicable fear. A woman is tormented by bad forebodings.
  3. There is insomnia. If you manage to fall asleep, sleep does not restore strength. After waking up, the woman feels overwhelmed.
  4. Performance decreases, lethargy and weakness appear.
  5. It is difficult for a woman to concentrate, she becomes absent-minded and apathetic.
  6. Some ladies begin to torture themselves with ruthless self-criticism.
  7. Against the background of depression, a woman may completely lose her appetite, as a result of which she will begin to quickly lose weight. Another extreme is also possible, when in a stressful state the appetite becomes excessive. Weight gain can exacerbate a woman's frustration.
  8. In a depressed state, a person avoids people. He refuses meetings, does not answer calls. In case of a chance meeting, he tries in every way to avoid communication.

How to get out of depression?

A lonely woman revels in her grief. The more she avoids people, the longer her depression will last after parting with her beloved. You must try not to be alone. Communication with friends, neighbors or colleagues will distract the girl from unpleasant thoughts.

It is worth temporarily limiting communication with married and loving couples.

Their happiness will painfully squeeze the heart of a lonely woman, intensifying her suffering.

It is useful to temporarily completely change the situation. An interesting journey will not leave time for sad thoughts. Many people make the mistake of refusing to travel alone if they can't find the right company. During the trip, you will definitely have the opportunity to make new acquaintances. Perhaps it will be the beginning of a new relationship.

It is advisable to take time for your appearance. New outfits, cosmetics and hairstyle will lift your mood and self-confidence. It is useful to treat yourself to a massage or other relaxation treatments. They will help to relax and calm the excited nervous system. Parting will no longer seem like a tragedy.

A great way to disconnect from gloomy thoughts is to load yourself with work. You can plunge into production problems or start repairs in the house. You can enroll in a driving course or learn a new profession.

Well treats psychological disorders rest on the shore of a reservoir or in the forest. Landscapes, sounds and smells of wild nature have a calming effect, restore peace of mind and fill the body with energy.

During depression, you can not make fateful decisions. Under the influence of emotions, you can make an irreparable mistake. Do not give in to momentary impulses. It is advisable to postpone all planned important events to a later date.

Breaking up a relationship is a chance to take time for yourself and reflect on your true desires and goals. Being in a relationship with a man, women often forget about their interests, dissolving in the needs of the second half. Unexpectedly appeared freedom makes it possible to realize old dreams and desires. You shouldn't miss her.

Loneliness helps to rethink your life and realize that you are parting by mutual consent.

How can a woman cope with depression after breaking up with a man?

How to get out of depression after a breakup?

In the fate of every person, throughout his life, there is a large number of meetings and partings. New friends appear and disappear, work colleagues change, new, short-term acquaintances appear in your life. All these changes usually do not cause pain. But, if a person gets divorced, or there is a separation from his beloved (beloved), then there is a feeling that the whole world has collapsed, and the one you loved and considered the most important in your life, the one with whom you made plans for the future - suddenly disappears, taking all your dreams with it. Inevitably, after parting, a person develops mental pain, his mind becomes clouded, and as a result, a woman (man) cannot understand how to get rid of depression.

Stages of experiencing a breakup

According to the Argentine psychotherapist Jorge Bukay, the experience of separation from a loved one is psychologically similar to the healing of a physical wound. If we draw an analogy with the process of healing at the physical level, then he identified 7 stages of experiencing loss:

Confusion and distrust

A person who has received a psychological blow does not understand how to cope with depression after a divorce. At first, he cannot believe what is happening, he instinctively tries to fence himself off from everyone, since all the changes do not fit in his head. In men and women who are faced with the termination of relationships, all sensations are dulled, they fall into a state of stupor. Therefore, in order to get out of the stupor, a person needs to move forward. That is, it is impossible to do without recognizing the situation. If this is not done, then the constant denial of what happened can lead to a serious mental disorder.


When the numbness of the divorced passes, a period begins, characterized by the appearance of acute mental pain. In this phase of the development of stress, it is useless to appeal to the person's mind and ask him not to succumb to violent emotions. In order to overcome the pain of a spiritual wound, and not fall into depression, it will be better if a person allows himself to experience all emotions and can cry. Emotions driven inside and not splashed out will slow down the healing process.

The development of events, if you part, without the appearance of resentment, anger, hatred and anger is impossible. This fact must also be accepted. Since this stage is intermediate, you can get angry at the whole world and at the male or female object that caused you suffering. But, do not overdo it, because ahead you will meet with a phase of development of events called "Despair", and in order to overcome this state, you will also need a lot of strength. Anger should not be suppressed, just let it be. At the same time, you should not linger at this stage for a long time, and feel hatred for many years, blaming everyone, including the former lover, for all your failures. Accept and process your anger and move on.

Depression after divorce in women and men, when the stage of hatred and anger passes, continues with the realization of one's guilt. They begin to be exhausted by the thought that it was because of them that they had to get divorced, that they did not make every effort to save the relationship. Constant experience, about all the situations in which women (men) feel guilty about themselves, can turn into a chronic form. This process of self-flagellation, not infrequently, drags on for many years and brings nothing but harm to health. People need to accept the fact that they are not omnipotent, to recognize that both parties are always to blame for parting. After that, they need to realize their part of the guilt, and begin to move to the next phase of the development of events.


All of the above stages were preparation for this, the most difficult state. You begin to realize that everything has passed, and nothing can be fixed, you understand that you can’t cope with the situation, and admit your powerlessness. An irresistible longing for the departed person appears, the feeling of loneliness begins to frighten, I want the person to return, and everything was as before. At this stage, to come to terms with the loss, it is important to cry.


This is the stage of personal recovery, to start a new life. In order for recovery to begin faster, it is recommended to remember the last time about the person with whom you broke up: turn on music that reminds you of him, take a walk around the places where you did it together, etc. Thank your ex-lover or ex-lover for coming into your life and leave only good memories in your soul.


This stage can be called final if all the previous ones have been completed. Now you are able to understand how to get out of depression after a breakup. You should come to the realization of the fact that the girl (boyfriend) will no longer appear in your life. In addition, you must understand that life, no matter what, goes on. Treat what happened as an experience that you should have known. A mental wound, like a physical one, cannot go unnoticed. Of course, the scars will remain, but if all the stages are completed, they will not bother you, but will only remain as a reminder of the experience.

Time heals

First of all, you must understand that overcoming depression after a divorce will not work quickly. It will take time for you to be able to go through all the stages of experiencing loss. If you begin to become aware of which one you are currently on, you will be able to predict your future (possible) behavior, and will be ready to face the next phase fully armed.

How long depression lasts after a divorce, no one can answer you. To overcome longing, you will need to work on yourself. It is recommended to start a diary and write down all your thoughts in it, especially if they are negative. Throw out on paper all the accumulated anger and all the hatred, do not hesitate to write the most offensive words addressed to your former lover (lover). Don't stop until the emotions start to subside. This method can be used many times. He, along with a conscious attitude to the situation, will help you survive the breakup and relieve acute pain.

Be sure - the time will come when you can write a letter of gratitude to your former beloved (beloved) for all the good moments, and forgive the person for all the pain that he caused you. The letter should not be sent to the addressee. You only need it to feel free and start a new life.

How to survive depression

If you apply psychology in practice, then it makes life much easier. Do not neglect the help of a psychologist. A specialist can tell you how to cope with depression that has arisen after parting, advise various techniques for self-regulation. However, coping with depression is quite difficult without hard work on yourself, and without the support of relatives and friends. In addition, there are recommendations that will help not to become discouraged, and it is easier to survive a divorce (separation).

Activity comes first

It is no secret that the physical state of a person and the mental state are closely related. Physical activity brought into life can increase the production of serotonin (responsible for mood) and raise the overall tone. A difficult period in life will begin to seem less scary, and depression after parting with a loved one, with the regular implementation of the following steps, will gradually come to naught:

  • daily exercise (in the morning);
  • cold and hot shower;
  • start eating according to the principles of healthy eating;
  • engage in outdoor activities (dancing, cycling, hiking, swimming, etc.);
  • find a hobby for yourself (singing, playing musical instruments, knitting, traveling and other favorite activities).

Train yourself to get up early and do the exercises, regardless of the depressed mood. At the very beginning, it will be very difficult for you to force yourself to do anything, but in the end, oddly enough, you will catch the right rhythm. When this happens, you will realize that classes help you fight depression after a divorce, and you will need them. As a result, you, as a person who has coped with a depressive state, will be able to move forward in life and open up new perspectives for yourself, including on the personal front.


Depression is an insidious state that takes away all strength and devalues ​​all efforts. Therefore, it is very important that you keep track of your achievements and learn to appreciate them. For self-observation, start keeping a diary.

Every day, regardless of mood, fill in the cells of the table. After performing any action, put a mark on what satisfaction (Y) you received as a result, calculated on a ten-point scale. For example, I did exercises - Y=2, took a contrast shower - Y=10, overslept - Y=0, etc.

Analyzing your marks for the week, you can identify the reasons for your bad mood and make adjustments: what habits you need to get rid of, what useful things you need to add, what favorite thing you need to do longer to improve your general condition.

The main thing to remember is that if you are experiencing unbearable mental pain, this will not last forever. Time will pass, and this period in your life, even if it lasted several years, you will remember without emotion. A person who has overcome depression after parting very often refers to this experience with humor, and sometimes he is ashamed of himself for the inadequate behavior that was inherent in him at the time of parting with his beloved (beloved).

We are different: how men experience a breakup

There is a gender stereotype that men are cynical and do not acutely experience a breakup. Is it so? The myth of cynicism comes from society, the stronger sex is often not allowed to show their emotionality and pain. In fact, the male sex can be both weak, and romantic, and vulnerable. So how do men deal with a breakup?

Features of male psychology

  1. After divorce, women are more prone to depression, and men tend to abuse alcohol.
  2. Men find it harder to cope with stress after breaking up with a loved one. They experience stress longer and harder after separation, because they do not pronounce the experience verbally, but drive it inside.
  3. The stronger sex after a painful separation is less likely to go to friends or relatives for consolation than girls. Because of this, it is difficult for them to cope with the feeling of loneliness.

Other authors argue that it is difficult for men to leave because of the peculiarities of communication in their environment. The male sex rarely shares their problems; in a friendly male company, there is rather light competition than mutual assistance. Parting with a beloved woman, all the difficulties of divorce and the emotional aspects of relationships are an example of weakness, and men do not want to “lose face”.

How does a man who left a woman feel?

Life situations are different, sometimes there is annoyance, fatigue from conflicts at parting, joy at the fact that a “bored relationship” has ended, guilt, shame or relief.

After the betrayal

Do men get over their infidelity? Sex with another woman for many husbands does not equate to betrayal or the fact that his love has passed. What does the man experience in this case? It all depends on the environment, upbringing, values, moral principles. A break in relations with a mistress may indicate a change in priorities, a desire to save a family. A married man will think through different options so that his wife does not find out about his betrayal. But psychologists assure that emotions during infidelity depend on a particular person. Someone will be tormented by a strong sense of guilt, but for someone, betrayal is an excuse to diversify their lives.

How men experience a breakup if a woman cheated

For the most part, men rarely forgive a woman for infidelity. The main emotions are resentment, aggression, hatred. The deceived husbands suffer, besides there is an imposed competition.

Stages of separation in men

The male sex often experiences a painful breakup in silence. But researchers from the University of Königsberg have established seven stages and found out how men experience a breakup. Stages:

  1. "I do not believe". The stronger sex denies what is happening. He cannot believe that his beloved woman left him, there was a break.
  2. Manifestation of negative feelings. At this stage, a man experiences the whole range of negative emotions - from aggression to resentment towards women.
  3. Depression. At this stage comes the awareness of separation. How do men experience divorce at this time? Self-esteem decreases, longing is present, happy moments of life together are remembered.
  4. Awareness of the problem. After reflection, a feeling of guilt comes, for example, if you had to leave on your own initiative.
  5. Attempts to solve the problem. Some men drown out the pain with alcohol, someone goes headlong into work. Many try to start new relationships, but at this stage, novels are short-lived. Meeting girls can be to boost your self-esteem.
  6. After a painful period, the meaning of life appears, new desires appear, self-esteem returns.
  7. Acceptance of a breakup. The separated couple has already found or is looking for new partners. A man accepts the situation, he is ready to enter into a new relationship.

Psychological type and behavior at parting

Psychologists claim that people behave according to their psychotype when a relationship breaks up. They divide the strong sex into four types. What is the difference?


This type always fights for leadership, including in relationships. He is charismatic, self-confident, he has high self-esteem. During a divorce, the husband will put pressure on the lady; in such a marriage, a woman is rarely the initiator of a separation. He rarely cares about the feelings of his wife, he is authoritarian and cruel. If such a type will suffer, then only about missed opportunities.


Soft, kind, sensitive person. He rarely initiates a breakup, never puts pressure on a woman, makes sacrifices for the sake of the family. When a break falls into depression, long worries. He really needs the help of friends and relatives with a divorce.


This type is able to build mature relationships based on trust and understanding. When parting, he experiences a range of feelings, goes into violent activity. After a divorce, he can maintain friendly relations with his wife.


This type needs constant care. He perceives any gap as a situation of betrayal in relation to himself. He cannot live alone, often blackmails a woman, throws tantrums.

So how does a man deal with a breakup? The stronger sex may be silent, but this does not mean that they do not care. Usually their experiences are hidden, they are not used to sharing their pain, but they also need support.

Love breakup. How to get yourself out of depression after a breakup

After a hard break with a loved one, we always go through a difficult emotional period, fall into depression and hope that over time, mental wounds will heal.

How long can “mourning” last after parting with a soulmate and how to speed up the recovery process, says Elena Kuznetsova, a family psychologist, consultant on interpersonal relationships, director of the Me and You dating agency.

At least a year is given for recovery

According to the psychologist, depression after a breakup is a completely natural state of a person, but how long it can last depends on the emotionality of the person and the depth of feelings. Men, by the way, sometimes suffer no less, and maybe even more than women. This is explained physiologically: women can afford a surge of emotions, tears, screams, tantrums. Thus, they are released from their condition more quickly. Normal men consider such behavior unacceptable for themselves and keep emotions in themselves.

“A man, if he is effeminate, will suffer in the same way as a woman - cry and expose all emotions for show. Normal, real men, whom we love, will not allow themselves this. They still have an attitude that they do not have the right to voice their emotions and dismiss nurses like a woman. Even friends will be given very dosed information. They can say: “We broke up” or “She left.” But without this: “I don’t sleep at night, I sit on valerian” and so on, although at the same time they really can not sleep and take sedatives, ”says Elena Kuznetsova.

According to the psychologist, we suffer after parting, because during the time that we were together, we manage to become psychologically, emotionally and physically strongly attached to each other. Plus, common affairs, common leisure, one “chemistry” for two - after parting, there is a feeling that a piece of the body has been torn off from us.

Some people may suffer for years, and someone comes to their senses after three months, but this is too short a period, the psychologist believes. According to her, only superficial personalities, egocentrists and egoists, in whom love was more far-fetched, are restored so quickly. And deep people who had strong feelings suffer for at least a year.

Classics of the genre

A classic mistake that people make after breaking up and which prevents them from forgetting love is a constant return to the past. We review photos, track the life of a loved one on the Internet, call, watch at work. It is usually difficult for a person to cope with his emotions, so he follows their lead even when the mind says otherwise.

To quickly forget everything, the psychologist advises getting rid of everything that was connected with your loved one: deleting photos, phone number, throwing away clothes.

“Immediately after parting, we cry, and then this phase turns into a phase of suffering. And the slightest reminder of the past literally cuts to the quick. Get rid of things, so it will be psychologically easier. There will be no temptation to once again torment yourself and cry over joint photos. Of course, there are those who, in principle, love to suffer, they simply need this agony, but we are talking about people with a normal psyche, when a person understands that there is no return to the past, and that your person is gone, so you need to live on, ”comments situation of an interpersonal relationship consultant.

Try to return

Whether or not you need to return your beloved (beloved) after leaving is a difficult question. Elena Kuznetsova notes that this topic is vast and too multifaceted, and therefore it is difficult to give universal advice. But nevertheless, if there are many years of living together, there are children and there is a desire to stop the gap, then fight for your love. Or at least try to do so. Some of us need to hear “No” again in order to, firstly, realize, finally, that it is pointless to cling to relationships and we need to learn to live again. Secondly, do not reproach yourself later that you did nothing to keep your loved one.

The path to rebirth

The ideal option is to change the situation for a while and go outside the city. If possible, take a vacation and go to the mountains or to the sea. There, in the bosom of nature, the problems, of course, will not go away, but they will be slightly muffled. Upon returning, you still have to resolve the situation, but you are already a little, but breathed. And the wound, although it aches, is no longer open.

The second very important point is to switch your brains. You can go headlong into work, into creativity, play sports or read books up to the seventh sweat, while plunging into a completely different world. Displace heavy thoughts, leave no room for anxiety.

Choose a solid occupation. Shopping - so advertised "medicine" - will not work. It will distract you from sad thoughts only for a while, and then depression will pile on with renewed vigor. Shopping in this case has the same power as eating candy. You can eat them, but it won't make you feel any better.

The third step is to speak up. When you voice your feelings, you seem to “cleanse” yourself, get rid of negative emotions. Plus, when a person pronounces a problem, he hears it and he begins to relate to it more philosophically. To some extent, no matter how scary it sounds, you get used to it. The only point is to choose a worthy listener who will definitely support you, otherwise the situation can only get worse. You talk about how bad you feel, and in response you stumble upon an empty look, or a person shows with his whole appearance: “Well, when will you leave me behind. Perhaps it makes sense to contact a psychologist and tell him about your experiences.

Step four - understand the problem. This should be done only when the emotions subside. You should not blame the one who left, or yourself for what happened, but try to take a sober look at the situation. Maybe even someone from the outside will explain what happened to you, tell you that, for example, you “sawed” a man, and he just ran away from you. Or your man loves to eat, but you didn’t cook, and so on. When depressed, you will not be able to listen to a reasonable explanation of what happened, but in time you will be ready for a constructive conversation. This is necessary so as not to repeat the mistakes in the future.

Wedge wedge?

Some people think that the best way to forget a loved one is to immerse yourself in a new relationship - a wedge by a wedge. On the one hand, there is some truth in this: sex gives both physical activity and “frees” the head. On the other hand, this method of rebirth to life is fraught with some danger. If you are a very emotional person with a mobile psyche, then you will definitely “hang” on a new gentleman. At the same time, he may not yet be ready to bind himself in a relationship, so in the end - again a break. Do not cling to the first person you meet just because you are afraid to be alone. Such an approach to business will not lead to anything good.

Breaking up a relationship is a complex process that undermines self-confidence, lowers self-esteem, and leads to depression. The fear of the future settles in the soul. To restore peace of mind and return decisiveness, a person has to go through certain stages of parting, which are accompanied by the manifestation of various emotions.

A breakup is the end of any relationship between two people. Basically, it happens when a couple does not see further ways for their development. Relationships come to a standstill, their meaning is lost. If both partners understand this, then the gap is less tragic.

If one of the couple decided to leave everything and leave, then the process of parting is delayed, brings unbearable pain and devastation. The abandoned person begins to look for reasons for separation and at first tries to return the relationship. He can be cured of passion only by consistently going through all the stages of parting.

Yesterday you were a couple and could not imagine life without each other, and today each of you meets the dawn in an empty room with one single question: “How to live now?” You can measure the ceiling with an empty look, shed tears for the lost and run away from yourself for an infinitely long time, but time heals.

True, a cure occurs only if the process of parting with a loved one went correctly and in stages. Today, on the site, we’ll talk about what stages of separation women and men go through.

What's in the article:

What is a breakup?

From the point of view of psychology, parting is the loss of a relationship when they can no longer develop further for one reason or another. The gap can be unexpected or deliberate, when the relationship has reached an impasse and it simply does not make sense to continue it. One way or another, parting with a loved one borders on the concept of "life cut short", and this is due to the absence at this stage of any positive thoughts in your head.

Breaking up a relationship is a systematic process that has its own stages. Only after going through them all can you return to normal life again. If you get stuck at any stage partingor live it wrong, you can suffer for a very long time, because until the stage is passed, it is impossibleatstep to the next.

Let's list on the site the 6 main stages of parting through which men and women go through:

  1. Stage of denial of what is happening.
  2. The stage of expression or oppression of feelings.
  3. The stage of bargaining or attempts to "glue" the relationship.
  4. Stage of apathy to everything that happens.
  5. The stage of accepting the situation and humility.
  6. The stage of a second wind or a new page in life.

Depending on the complexity of the situation and the intensity of emotions, each of us is experiencing this difficult moment in life with its own speed and characteristics. The main thing is not to let yourself go in cycles at any particular stage and look for all the ways out of this situation.

Stage 1 - Denial of what is happening

The first phrase that spins in my head after the words: “I don’t love you anymore!” or “We need to break up”, “This is not happening to me.” Consciousness refuses to accept the circumstances and includes a defensive reaction, which is expressed in the denial of what is happening. It was as if a person had been doused with a bucket of ice water or hit hard on the head with something heavy. The soul screams “Nooo!”, and stress makes a person curl up. Joint plans for life, common interests, memories and dreams - all this collapsed! The bouquet of feelings after parting has not yet had time to open up and the only thing that lives in the heart at this stage is the unbearability of the very notion that this person will no longer be around. Fear, misunderstanding and severe anxiety are the main experiences of men and women after parting.

If everything was already going to break, and you had time to get used to the idea that sooner or later you will have to disperse, then the effect of devaluing the significance of the loss occurs. In this case, there is no strong shock and feelings, but the feelings seem to be frozen: the heart should scream in pain and grief, but it simply does not care.

At this stage, it is important not to go completely into yourself, but to ask for help and support from relatives, otherwise you can get out of this stage of parting, especially for women, from several months to several years.

Stage 2 - Expression or suppression of feelings

As soon as the realization of what is happening comes, a wave of real feelings will flood. Everything can mix here: pain, anger, hatred, guilt, jealousy. We get angry at our loved ones for making us go through a breakup, for not leaving a single chance to correct the situation. In a state of panic, we begin to look for the culprit: and often we find it in our own face. The woman is tormented with the question: “Why didn’t I keep him?”, And the man tries to take revenge or showers his former lover with threats.

Now it is important not to go too far: get angry, but in moderation and without the use of physical force. Not only your partner, but also the people around you can suffer from your emotions. Usually women in such a situation beat the dishes or tear paper, defiantly throw things out of the window of their beloved. A man can throw a phone or something heavier at the wall in anger.

Stage 3 - Bargaining or attempts to "glue" the relationship

The first two stages of parting in women and men simultaneously contain this stage - constant attempts to return everything back.

After the ardent passions have subsided, there is some calm and a more or less conscious analysis of the situation takes place. As soon as the reason for the gap is clarified, the stage of bidding and swings, tearful telephone conversations and SMS battles with pleas for forgiveness begins. We are looking for loopholes and any approaches to the heart of the beloved in order to somehow reduce the size of the wound in the heart. Hope at this stage is the only thing that allows us to continue to live on. After all, all the brightest and most wonderful things are left behind, and in front there is only darkness and hopelessness from the situation.

Sometimes attempts to get together really end in success, but these relationships are already new. If you don’t approach your beloved, you need to let go of the situation and start a new life without him.

Stage 4 - Apathy for everything that happens

This stage allows us to understand what it means to be a vegetable: insensitive and going with the flow of life. The brain and heart are tired of fighting and, finally, the realization has come that the past cannot be returned, and life still goes on. It is useless to look for the guilty if this does not return the loved one anyway.

There is a void in the heart. Someone lies all day, buried in the ceiling, someone sits for hours at the TV, and someone looks at joint photos with tears. Sometimes apathy reaches a point where there is no strength left for anything, and only a psychologist can help to cope with experiences. Usually by this time a person is already exhausted so much that a gradual normalization of the psyche occurs: resentment passes, the pain dulls, consciousness returns.

At this stage of parting, it is important to cry and remember all the good things - this is necessary for the transition to the next state.

Stage 5 - Acceptance and Humility

The time of "shaking and clouding" has passed, life begins to slowly return to its previous course. Memories are still alive in memory, but this no longer prevents us from going about our daily activities. What happened makes us draw conclusions, and fear of a new relationship settles in the heart for a long time.

Having gathered all the will into a fist, women begin to take care of themselves: again in the hands of a cosmetic bag, a schedule of affairs for two weeks in advance, a cup of coffee for breakfast, fitness on weekends, meetings with girlfriends in a cafe. Men silently try to find a balance and also take not a glass of cognac or vodka, but drive their favorite car and go to solve their daily male problems.

Stage 6 - Second wind or a new page in life

Life is gradually filled with new events and acquaintances, the sun again looks into an empty room, and food regains its taste. We understand that life has taught us a cruel lesson, but we are grateful to her for this shake-up.

A person after parting, as if after receiving an electric shock, learns to live again. Strength and self-confidence are gradually returning, new plans and prospects appear ahead. The last stage is characterized by complete acceptance of what happened: if we broke up, then we did not fit together.

How do women cope with a breakup?

The stages of parting in the female half of humanity are accompanied by pronounced emotionality and duration. A feature of female psychology is the duration of the depressive state in this situation. Sometimes a woman can be in a state of apathy for several years.

Having lost confidence in themselves and their beauty, women often try to survive the breakup of relationships under the guise of a successful and independent “woman”. From the point of view of psychology, this is the most successful move - so a woman can get used to the presented image and it is easier to go through all the stages of experiencing parting.

How do men cope with a breakup?

Oddly enough, but men perceive the process of parting much closer to their hearts than women. Outwardly, they will not show weakness, with a proudly raised head and dry eyes, they will accumulate rage and anger inside themselves until it all pours out in the form of:

  1. Drinking alcoholic beverages to numb mental pain.
  2. Doing sports to the point of complete exhaustion.
  3. Chaotic changes of partners in bed.

According to psychology, men are less resistant to this kind of negativity, and this is due to a higher susceptibility to what is happening.

Remember, men and women have different views on relationships between themselves. Only the pursuit of the same goal can save the union from parting: partners for the sake of a common goal will be ready for any compromises.

The article has been reviewed and approved by a psychologist. Gryzlova Olga Yurievna, special psychologist, 15 years of experience. .