Why should a cat go first to the house?

The essence lies in the fact that cats are believed in their essence - the custodians of the hearth. In addition, they act as if on a hair dryer. Where did these age-old rules become known to cats?

This gift presented to them the Mother Nature itself. Another confusion, which lived 1500 years ago in China, wrote about the amazing strength, which connects man with the outside world. He called this power "Energy Qi". For the means of this force, the whole world is a single whole. Energy proceeds streams that crossed in space and pass through the human body. But not where it fell, but through special acupuncture points. These points are widely used in Chinese medicine - during massage and when acupuncture.

Energy flows freely if a person is in full harmony with nature. Otherwise, streams face and intersect in the wrong places. This may be a sign of various diseases, depression, problems and failures. Since our house is the main source of universal harmony of our organism, the harmony in the house is the most important part of it. In the house without harmony, obstacles are created for the free flow of life energy and life also begins to go awry.

Since ancient times, people knew about the magical nature of cats. It is said that cats are the only creatures in nature, which are capable of at the same time in two worlds: in the world of living and the dead, by the way, this current quantum physics, it would seem unclear the fact that it is capable of explaining mathematically. But our ancestors were brought to the absurd because of their wildness this fact about cats. To protect against demons, the cat was lit in the wall. Fortunately, cats, people wondered and this wild custom survived themselves and the cat just began to let in a new home.

In ancient times, when a person chose a place to build the dwelling, he first monitored the reaction of animals. Animals instinctively avoid unfavorable places. If, for example, Forty chose some tree, it was believed that it was necessary to pull the well under it. If the sheep chooses a place to relax on the pasture, then the house should be built at this place. But the cat was introduced first completely with the opposite target. When Murlyka chose himself a place and smalleled there - people understood that this place was unfavorable for sleep. Much later, physics advanced in the field of studying geopathogenic zones and areas with negative energy and it turned out that cats choose places with negative energy and find them better than any appliances. Many psychics argue that their strength is able to neutralize these adverse zones, but it is only words and nothing happens. Geopathogenic zones are the result of the intersection of the fields of the Earth, which arise through the means of processes occurring in the earth's crust. Many natural factors are involved here. From here it turns out that the most faithful way to avoid contact with negative energies is to get around them. And you can find them with the help of cats.

Biopole cats has a negative charge and it can easily find the energy of its polarity. Interestingly, the cat can also neutralize this energy and turn it into a positive, according to the principle of substitution with its own, because we still know from school that "minus" on "minus" - gives a "plus". Cat is our guard. The teachings of Feng Shui says that the cats accelerate the energy of Qi in the corners of the houses. And the more the cat feels our love, the more efficiently the role of the living overag. You can spend observation, and watch your pets and you will notice that those people who have pets feel good, healthy and happy themselves. Jumping and running cats around the apartment cleans the atmosphere in the house. On Feng Shui, the whole thing in vibration, which is invisible to our eye. All is well, when these oscillations coincide with the oscillations of our body. And if there is a disharmony, we experience irritation and discomfort. That is why it is not desirable to keep those things in the house that you do not like. And here the cat can help, you only need to post for her, whose things she is most often climbing, to whom of the households it is placed on the knees - all these movements of the cat are made in order to pick up negative energy, cure Handra. The case is known when the cat half a year slept on the belly of a woman with a sick of stomach cancer. The woman won this disease, but her favorite after that became Hray and soon died. The hostess was sure that the cat saved her life.

Sometimes health becomes better when we get rid of things that the cat pointed us. It should be alert if your pet is dissatisfied, hits the tail, goes from the room to the room. Sometimes for the change of common background you need to make a permutation of furniture. You can not put a sofa or bed where the cat is constantly cut. But this place should be remembered: it acts on the principle of "alive" and "dead" water. If the head hurts, then you need to stay for about 20 minutes in the "bad" corner of the room and 20 in "good", and everything will pass.

Many cats love to look at themselves in the mirror, admire themselves. But, if the cat does not want to see himself, then the mirror is probably in an inappropriate place and it needs to be outweigh. It is usually not recommended to hang mirrors over the bed. The ancient Chinese considered a mirror not just a piece of glass, but the entrance to the other world. In a dream, a person is practically not protected and keep a hole next to him in other worlds is dangerous. In addition, physiologists say that it is possible to get very frightened if the asked to see their flashed reflection.

What cats are actually preventing them from fulfilling their duty to nature: to protect us from negative. And the negative carry the symbols of aggression. Sources of evil energy, on Feng Shui, horns, African and Asian masks, stuffed animals are considered. Different toys depicting monsters are also capable of carrying negative energy. If the cat sniffs this thing and deletes, it is a harmless thing, but it happens that she is attacked on her as a tiger, then such a thing is better to get somewhere.

Cats love and television and often stacked sleeping near him. This behavior is not accidental, since the TV is a source of negative radiation. If the TV is in the right place, then the cats show a lot of interest to him: look at the screen, jump on it. They come into contact with electrons and redistribute them already in the form of energy favorable for us. The better the image and the sound, the beneficial effect. The same can be said about audio devices.

The influence of the cat on you is the more positive, the better she feels like. Therefore, it is worth loved by our pets and they will repay you the same.